S (11)e 12/inflicts. ,Ew GOODS.—The subscriber has , N just returned front the city and is opening a „enema assortment of Fancy and Staple (Mods. consist : log of French Mortimer+, Coburgs, Alpacens, Printed Cashmeres and Mous de Iraines Dross Silks in great variety. hang Brocha Shawls front $l5 to $2O. • French Blanket Shawls. Cambric and Su toe Edgings and In sortings and Cambric and SWits Collars. Merino and Silk shirts and Draws. Dress Trimmings In great variety with other Fancy and Staple Goods. nov. '2l, '53. • i Etr. 11115 _ • I E MARKET. RRPORTRO FOR Tun HERALD Girlisle, Wednesday Morning, Jan. 23 FLOUR Superfine, per bbl do gstrn, IMI WHITE 'WHEAT per bushel IME MI EMI do I",LOVERSEED do • TIMOTIITSEED. do if WINTFIt BARLEY., do MEI SPRINU BARLEY. do PHILADELPHIA MARKET. MONDAY EVENING, Jan 21 FLOUR AND MEAL.—The 110111* market is decidedly better for the low grades of State and NVestern Flour, especially for the latter; these arrive slowly, and nre in request for ex• port. The better grades are also sought after for export at improving prices. The local demand is more active. The sales of Western Canal are 14,500 bids at $8,06,111*8.19 for common to good State and Michigan; liS.2sa $8,62 for superfine Indiana and Upper Lake; $8,137148,811 for fair superfine to extra Ohio, arid 410.50,411,50 for extra Oenesee. GRAIN —Wheat—A good demand for Wheat for export and for Milling, and, with light ar rivals, prices are sindained; sales of 8000 bus. fair to good red Southern at *1,110a1,05; and 8000 bus ordinary to good white Canadian at $1.98a2,05. Rye is firm: sales of 4800 bus. at 1,20a1,81. Oats—antes of 5000 bus choice state at Clic; we quite 421i43c for Jersey,. 03461 for State, and 40a5 c for Western.— Corn—We quote sales of 30,000 bus. at 82a851 for Jersey yellow; 86:1811c for Southern yellow; Stiao2c for do white, and 911194 c for Western mixed, in store and delivered. THE BRITISH PERIODICALS. Pumn MS 10 N w SIII3CRIIIMS. 1.. 6C017 k Co.. New York, continue to publish the following leading British Periodlrals, THE LONDoN QUARTERLY (('onserlative.) S, THE EDINILEItti II REV JEW LNVIUL;) TILE NOlL'l'll lIEITISII REVIEW 'Free Church.) 4, THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACK M MIPS El)!NBCGC11 M Ali AZI N E (Tory.) The groat and imp rtant even ts-t—lieligiOU.S, Political and Military—now agitating the nations of the Old World, gis e to these Publications an interest and val no they never bolero possessed. They occupy a middle ground bet wee,, the hastily written news-itemn, crude speculations, and hying rumors of the newspapers, and the ponderous Tome of the historian, written longaiter the living interest' in the facts ho records shall have passed away. Thu progress of the War in the East or , cupie, a large space in their pages. Every movement is closely criticised, whether of friend or Me, and all short-comings fearlessly pointed out. The letters from the Crimea and the Baltic in Blackwood's Magazine, trout two of its must popular contributorg. give a mole intelligible and reliable account of the movements of the great belligervaite ti 11 iii elsewhere be foll Dd. These Periodicals epresent the three gi eat po litical parties of 1l real Britain—M hig. Tory, and Radl cal,—but politics ((WHIN only u,,e feature ui their dom.. ter. As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, Literature, Morality and Religion, they slam!, as they have ever stunt, UUrivalled in the world of letters, be ing considered indispensable to the scholar and the pro less/opal man, while to the inielligent reader of every (..lass they furnish a more correct and equisfactory record of the current literature of the day, throughout the world. than en.. possibly be obtalood filen any other RLY CoPI Es Tho receipt of Any , 1,1121/ SII Iron, the British pule lisherF give additional la] tie to these reprints, during the present exeited ~tare of 1010 rs. 11111S1111111b as tAllfy clam 110 W ho pinged in the hands 01' subscribers about us soon as the original editions. TERMS AND 1•liEN111:-.=.:S. (See List of Proinium Volumes below.) For any one of the 4 Reviews and one Prem. vol. $5 to For any two of tho 4 Reviews and 0110 "I, nu For all three of th..v4 Reviews 1111,1 two " Fur all four of the Reviews and two For Black wind H Magazine lind no For Illnek wood and three Reviews and 2 " For Blackwood and the tour Reviiiws mot :1" Payments in all tI1:1•1. ti be 111/tllO iu current in the'rdato where homed us 1,1 i e 111. 0 1,, .t 1 Ear. ,The Preiniunas monslst of the follow I t..; V. .IUIIIOB Of WiliCh will be given to ucll ;Ili 111 .-ording to the number of poriodicalh ordoied, now, ex,pletined : PItMI I UM VOLl: M ES. Foreign Quart !Hy Ii ev ire 10110 ) oar.) Blitrkuoud • s Nla,utziorotx munths.) buntun Qbarterly Iteriast. (une yrar.) Hilfulairgh Itetiaw. (ant. year.) mouths.) IVratmlukter ltelx x 101111 C'o.,,,,titive premium volumi,.,:tirit“rin all funi7.llo,l, ~xvi•pt of Ow l ni•i lluart. ris Rol It•N% . is prvvrill li4ll al,/111. • , :t ill. s .111 :in 11111 . 0,1.11( pi e 1115115.1, a. H.q. AEA' 51.1101 i., tilvy nay 1.. rut LI 11. I ! IrM II A discount of twenty•ns e por Vent. from HIV prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering tour or more c , ) pics „r Bny o u i , o r m.,r,,,0f the above works. Thus: Four copies of !Hack v, ,r of one Review, will be soot to one address for p; four 1,11)if,J4 of the four Itevium and Blackwood for pit; and so on. . * *No premiums will ho given where the above allow ance is made to Clubs. nor will erend ulna in any case be furnished, unless the subscription money Is paid in full W the Publishers without recourse to an agent. MEM In all the principal Cities and Towns, thew, works will lei delivered. treo of postage. When sent by wail, the Postage to any part of the United States will I.e but Tiventy•four Cents a year for "Blackwood," and but Fourteen Cents a year for each of the I{llVie%lN. 'lteinittaneei for any of the above publications stet m(4.1 alwayabe addretiood, post paid, to the publishem LEONARD SCOTT & hold Street, New 'York. Aan.l6 • 7 ! FOR RENT fio .onae or more years lii front theist of April next, the eligible corner •" 01 STORE ROOM, oppo'Site the Mansion Illoitso •on Mein street, mot occupied by Henry Peters.— xi gate JlLitlisoulth Shop on the rear Of mid lot. Ap ts. ROBERT NOIII,II. OEM "ALL PAPER.—Just Twiaived a kplondkl eitoek of raper Hangings, Window - n4i Fireboard Prints, embracing all the newest approved 64,y4ea. The designs are heat and d . ttlie prima inch an cannot fall to give tat's- Ye tnNite eur friends and the public general "- td..a:14101110 our, acaortment before purchaaing 11. SAXTON, • Haat Main Street, Carilgto C~at~. —Charcoal constantly on (MrJgail by W. 8.1411).R.RAY, Ag't. $ 8,25 8,60 5,00 N - EW GOODS AGAIN! 1 BARGAINS, BARGAINS. has just returned ICOIII Philadelphia, and is now openinz a splendid assortment Of WENThIt 00I11)5 cheaper than ever brought to Carlisle. French %whines. De tc iOs..sitits,.Alpschas.Shawls, Boinbaheeb. .Cloths, Cassimeres, Y estings. Calicoes. Musilnes ke., la great variety. An immense stork of DWI'S AND SGOES, all kinds and prices at the vary lowest notch. ids I. A new stock of Ladies' Furs very cheap. New style Winter Wo.,iiits most fashionable shape. Come one and all In want of cheap goods. and you will he sure to be suited at the Ohl Stand, East )ion street. dec. 19;55. Cli A IMES 0 1 I 1.13 Y. . . •--- GREAT ATTRACTION: - NEW GOODS! NEW GO!)Ds: NH, subscriber having just returned Jr In the cities of New York rind Philadelphia is now , l ,ouiug a.„v.ery oSteiesit C ribSoll.lllUnt of 1,:i5 1,86 1,10 58 85 B,°o 2,75 1,05 1,00 F.U.I. AbuvrEit (4) )US, Consisting of elegant \\ - Infer 'li:n‘... splendid Silks, Cashtnears and Ur lains. Freiteh Slid Vara inett:ts, elegant Need.e Worked Coll:on and 11nIlles :111.1 Trimmings in great s....ety. l loths.ras, scuttles. l'assiaetts. Vestings. Fl.tooels, Jeans and 11, suers, Ice., a lot of new l'arpetti•tz.s. Also a full and um plete assortment of BOOTS .\'s 1: SII.IES. All pestle in want of handsome and cheap goods are res eel fully invited to call and rsainin this stock beforn purehasing elsewhere. Al. th" Old Stand East \lain Street.Al:LES 11.111.111.". It. A stook of well made clothing on 1/Ird—which will le 5 , 1.1 :it cost. rlllt I J ECt/N 0M tl buying wealqne 1,111" really needs. mid. Int) lug them where they are sidll at the I,.WeSt prime. WI, have reevi ed and are now , tpen lug, an I)I‘II...NSE QUAVITI'Y ~r -heap : ,„,i giaata. such as the genuine t;,dd Vi . ••lkeh Nlerinoes. ,d all the di-airahle linnet :mil printed Moo de li, ahlloddliee,nief al) Ow ,Cher hinds that are. nen W... of Also. i 1 , 911 , 5, 61,,vek. Ilattakerelll , 4s. 11. , sipry .mall warts. tiara Sht , t,, Carpet Cl. , t tt ral,• It u Ittmtiet ..101,,t15. SIC i'ItI•IISIVC of 111:VS NV It. quell RP 111411,, SAtilliqt., t•nssinerep, Kerittl-ky Jenks. 1 esti:lee. :-:itilis, 'fieldiign. Uin,6auw, Vlanlieis, 31111 A.:1111101..11 (keels ill ~111' 11110, which we lie vit t . 'ser) Lady to examine nuJ satisfy ttu•uisi'lvec, we are Funds lit such rives tts will ,atisty the closest buyers. ItENN"Z oet. 17, WI. VENN' GOO IN.—The subscriber has Just reeeired Sod Is now opening a large assort moot of KltEttli GOODS suited to the season—please eall nod get bargains. Carlisle. Nor. 14,'.5. SNODGRASS. L ILK ELASTIC BELTS.—Just open ed a lot of Ailk and Woratod Elastic Belts in all 110 V. 21. •55 eatnift) 6roceries 4 GROC ERIES ! GROCERIES! ! COME AND SEE. If you want prime Groceries, Oo to Halbert's If you runt beautiful Queensware, Go to Halbert's. If you want splendid Lamps, go to Halbert tt If you want tho host Fish, If you want Tubs or Baskets, If you want anything else in his lino Go to ilalhores The subscriber has just returned from the city with n large and choice assertmont of i; eriec. class and China Ware, Fish, salt, Basket, Tut,. and cry thing in his lino of business, which he offers for sgle at the lowest prices. Call and examine for yoursel Yes. nos. 21, J. U. HALBERT. N()Tlep.;.- 1( - )ejej. The undersigned has just reotenish el his slu.•k ur iiltOrEltlES AND IICISI•:\S11' A ItE. and is prepared to supply his fritiniiS and elisiwilierq w I th iiinSt itily !ling raqulrod in di/not:Ito USO. at prireS which he hopes IA ill prove sMistartdory. Ills stock n‘stS neevery variety of goods suitable for town And o try 11.0. lie has also oil hand a general assert meat k It I)%r A1:1•:, sushi as 'nay be needed by farmers and meolianirs for every da4 st•irk 7 lio h 00 3 110 ii ( ii lii u. M 1, N NV I N BRA N I/I ES AND (ri'llElt LIQI' II{ is larvii and nn of , 1113 lit ...Z. All iiir sale Wlioli•salii S•iittti East of I laniiviir and Pa. try l'rodUel , tnkuu In. t. rim ttge fir /NW AY'S 13 EN INN I.', HONEY s ,Al , .—noionty's pure Palm Soap.--Conway's lm pr oed Cluouiral Olhe Sop, A toll supply of those truly excelleul Soaps just reeeivrd And rOr vile at W lAA A NIS' FA MI IN GitOCElll', Main Street. Carlisle. NOV. 21, '55. r m};r f (:)113Elt LAND VALLEY IL. IL- 7 I 2ulll later V. 0,•tolovt. l'a , :etzer T1 . 3/11, %Sill run in, : 0 4 tisidays exevplea: FOIL 111.11:1(1: 4 1:111W : int Train. 2d Train. I.ll‘tiVe elialubergiurr 8.45, A. M 1.161, 1 6 . M. " Still,llow:burg, 10.17 " 2.12, " " Newville, 11:16, " 2..12, " " 1`8.16116:16.6, 111.25, 61 3.17, ' - Mt•elittiii.6...lirg, 10.53, 6 , . 3;18, At Illtrrlhhur,;, , 11.25. " 4.15, 6, VOlt Cll.lNlllRltSliUlta. 14 TI-dill. 261 Traln: 1,663v0 11x.rrishurg, 8.:161. A. M •1.0(1,1'. M " M.666113111. 6 :41)urg, 0.03, " , 1,32. " " 1`;11.11sle, 16.43, " 111, 66 `. Now v Ille, " Shipponsburg, A t thamborsburx, . 1;oaro Ifarrisburg for Phlbolelphia la 1.1'2 and 8.10 A.M. also at 7.50 P. M. and 12.35 Noon,. Via Colutalda. LaavioHarrisburg for Pittsburg at 3.20 A.M.; 12.33 soon, and 4. P. M. I,envo IlarrlAburg for linitinkore, at 2. and 8.30 A. M.; at I P. NI. ears of lbtta &lin and Susquehanna hall Hood kayo Har risburg at 6, A. M. a .d'2.10, P. M. for Auburn, Potts. itsadlng, ie. -,46lrAt all Stationa whore Tickets are sold. Fares; are T I.ESS than when paid in tha Cars. A. F. 8N1.17214 Superintendant. Hill Road OOlre, Cltattbersburg,) Otolter 17,1.855. P IIIL EPS, ST ItYK NW& JENINGS, WHOLE:MK DEALERS IV FItENCII and AMERICAN DRY BOOT/SI— DOMINI' EXCLUSIVELY AT AUCTION. . Nos. 1 and 3, Bank Street, below Market, between Seo end and MIMI, IFIL.To Cash or short thee Buyers we tvlll cell at very small advance on Auction cost. VlAlataglpitta, Sept. IV . IDRY CooDS__; It ES S UI) I) GE(. W. lIITNV.It 01, Halbert's. Go to IlulLarCn ILL/9, ‘‘ 19.4,9 .“ : 1 13 4?, 11.15, 4, TRAINS Tl.Lizaft FfjifabefpOin. GItEAT EXCITEMENT. PIANO? AND mimi.n.woNs I.IIVEN A WAY:— JoIIN MARSH, MASONIC TEMPLE. CHESNUT :jr., above Seventh. Philndelphia, lespectfully Ititbrms the public that he in prepared to make the following S DI D IFF•EI TWENTY lioardnian.tiray it Co.'s celebrated PIANOS, and TWENTY U. W. Fisk k Co.s NUN' UM MELO DEONS is .11 In , placed in the hands of a committee of gentlemen. to be by thorn dialributed among the holders of my certificates. To each purrhaser of my Popular Muslr, a certificate will he presented. entitling the holder to an interest in ONE PIANO and ONE MED iDEON. to be disp o sed of by the Committee for the benefit of those holding certifi cates when ONE THOUSAND IniLLAILS' worth of* I mie shall have been sold. so that each person in One Dollar will not only receive in. and the value of mono) paid out, but will lute secured to him an interest. in miturrom with other Cooldifielite holders. in the above dis• tribution. 'fire suceeeding distributions w ill be vino tinned, subject to the same ronilation. until 1111. 2' Pi:tiles and 20 Melodeons are distributed. . . Particular attentl i m is invited to that feature thlt; !Mtn ,•alls Pea lUSIN .Sal or I 1r hist runimi ts whet' but Rum rertificates have bt•••11 6:MO, 11l ua :IN .31ifing toy tovatiunv delay and imMahle disappointment 'Men, ind certain schemes now beMre the puhlie. m us t, n , ; , ) hr ,10,ted from my maim stock, tyhhh comprises enel y Catalogue in the Uniteii States. Orders forwarded I,y mail will he faithitilly and promptl . i attended to. N. 11.—ColiStalitly on hand n splendid-assortfuelit of l'ian,,s, (nun Ow eelebratod n lifactoi i 1.5 14 - Boardmn. Gray A Co.. of Albany; .lacol, Chicliering A. A. W. ball A Cp., of Boston: Ely Ntanger. and Bennett A Co.. of N,''' York. Also. C. W. Fisk A Co.'s Premium \lel, aeons, to lie had at Lim lowest ma Millie ut Urer's { Read the I.lh.wing from ho.ley's >l uslerd E.litpr. I ii(”upy, yy,liu tt A: co.'s PIANO FIRTS..----‘t I' are S .I'll 1111,1.1.11 with Ole ill.tnilllolltY madr by this line Lh•tt we have to be invinuntvt tsl otir.elsps. Ilrit is, in itiroishin4 our sitio.•sihors AWL of burs well. arti.9e chat wo I • 311 and ‘varriiit There is alwas a itillienity att,o,litig the purchase of pianos• lus•attFP t to• r.. 0 lions they ris•eivi• to an matittfarlitrers, wllo are toter. este,list 1,1. H.• salt' or thpir nwn matittlactitti No‘‘. ;i,:••• not lotorost,..l In the :Ili', way, ey,cept so far as io ?we that those who ii.itroothil .scat "11..01i - shall he well sorveit with tio• 1,,0t l'•.r a list of Klein..., vover, at whi,jll ..111 send Pianos, ‘varratiteci tor oto2 pear. the froh,iit to 1,, paid by tritv porsoris antr‘ a I et' er re. rot viii from a cootit•mati in % , irginia. to whom w.• split till.' of threw Pianos:— A. ti , :nsv, E. .—Dear have great plea.tlire a , lint.tedging the receipt of the Piano Forte rhirh you were so good as to or wife from if eirilmall k Gray's. It was delay-II for some . titne at At inch, .tter: but i inn happy to say that It rams• in er.relleOt dot). WO are deeldedly pleased with the instrument. The rosewood is of a 14,00:11 quality: the ease is plain we like it the better ibr the twiimb is very easy for a new instrument. and the tone is firm. clear and sweet. An Who have tried it. admire it and speak in the hitino4 terms of its mellowness and sweetness of tone. We deeply regret that we did not order the •Attachment:' we must have it yet. ••We are deeply indebted to you for your agency in procuring for us so good sin instrument. Ile pleased to revolve our aeknowledgments. Your :ilk. Ik•nt., doe. 5. 'fji. J. D. W." SAVING FUND or THE U.S. INSURANCE, ANNUITY A: TRUST CUMP'Y. F. E. Corner Third and Chesnut Streets, l'hiTa. 'kik. CA VITA h Vrm,ooo. -Eat Money Is received rm deposit daily. the amount de posited Is entered' in a Deposit Book and given to the Depositor, or, if preferred. a certificate will ho given. All sums large and small. are received, and the amount paid hack on demand., without notice. Interest is paid at the rat of rive PEll CF.NT., eor menritic from the .lay of deposit, arid ceasing, fourteen days previous to the withdrawal of the money. Cu the first day °Glatt wiry. in each year, the interest deposit is paid to the depositor, or added to the p.lllllll mi. as hi` may prefer. The CmgpAtty have now upwards of 3.:010 depositors in the 'lts' of l'hilsofelphia nitme. Any mlitional informatien will br , given it: addressing the Tay temita. =I Stephen IL Crairrirl I.l‘vrenee.hlinKF.n. Vice I'L Attlitrose u. 'l'ii 11111,..31, %V, Tingley, 1 4 Florntice i PLINY .1 Sow. l „", \„, ;,,. „ ~i,4t..,,,„ ~i , . p« [£r. , . 1,4.i.,":-.J . , , :•.;•, ikr i r - : ... 15 .. ~,, ~ i . tir, t.. 4,o 4C a 'i e eN 'i' ' 1 e f 1i.„14 . 41:1. 4 1 5'A , t6,13.-- , ) ls w q - ,i , \ '+ . 4A.t !' i' '%, i ,, ,. PeOri . '4•l-1 -, I ' . ' :4A , , ts .i-.. , . ht:'-- ,, ,i...^ .v: 0 _..... 1 4.. • -. ' '7l 4 4 z;c 7 ; l '%:fleA ":' -- rsi '3';:: -',., ~ i• , 01 *i:” 44 t 4.t.'<; it 1 , o'LL,- • . ".....ii: •••••yI.QA4 I:' , `'-'... 55, . „ 4, ) f!'4'.Llits, t l tiA , ;#. 4 Sair l ' o , i' 4:41%, X ... /" .l * lie . , t,,,7V. IV _ N.-_-,,,. _ 1 1 ,::,,, L., r, ,p, f i l 1 i„.t, , V . ~ 1 ir.„ r $ 4 . 0 , ' ' £ 4 '' j 4erziv,,,, r,. . - 1 ' ci - .:-...... - .Z !'"' N '''' — .--- -.2! .r~~t= FIVE PER CENT. BAVINC FUND OF THE NATIONAL SAFETY COMPANY. %Val. not street, south-west corner of Third Edroot, Philadel phia. Incorporated by the State of Ponnsylvahla lu Five per cent. Interest is given, and the money Is al. ways paid back whenever it Is called for. without the ne , essity of giving notice for It beforehand. People who have large sums put their money In this saving Fund, on account of the superior safety and con venience it affords, but any sum, large or small, is re eel v ed. 'llllB Saving_Fund has a Yery large amount of Mort gages, Ground Rents and other first class investment,. for the security of Depositors. The' rules prevent any Director or Officer frotu using or borrowing the money. The Oflice is open to reettive and pay money every day, front U o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock In the eveidatg, and on Monday;and Thursday evening, till U o'clock. . People who hove money to put In, itro Invited to call fat the (taco for further Information. HENRY L. BENNER, Prosident. ROUT. SELFRIDDE, Vico Prosithnit. WM. J. REED, Secretnry. October 3, 1855 ... 1741 . 111` X — r ri ;A i l n 7::S S :l t t: s l i ti l :::A g 4 , ; ll : l l: 4 t N r. %:::) , ( e l i H lCll j e r l i a t i s t i n r 4 e t c a l f:7:i 7 1 ( }:m i , : . l , 4Zl''4 - t tt h i I ll i l t .s t e t ;i% ° :lV - st il o ' rT 7 f -l e c r . „ " Ta " n rs t I V/U t i l tl P 'l'3 l :;) ..- Dressing and Plain Bureaus. and every othi 'Adele In his bran& of business- Alsd idpv on Tian the largest*sortment of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at the lowest prima , . AOFFINS made nt `tire short est notice and ll Hean3o provided fur funerals. Ile solicitan call at his establishment, on North Han over streel, near Giasse's Hotel. Aro- r urutture hired out by the moat or yetar. 4 TEACIIERS, SURVEYORS, EN GINEERS AND DRAIJUIITSMEN supplied, With !nattlumiatical Drawing Instruments. separate mid iu cases, such as Dividers, Parallel Rules. Ivory. Mix-wood and Paper Settles, T squares. Triangles, Bow Pens, Drawing Pens, Protractors, Seaies. Tape Meas ures, 51etalic Tap,., Surveyors Chains, 2 and 1 Pole. 50 anti 100 feet, Surveyor's Compasses, Engineer's Levels and Transits, Target Rods 4c., tie. Singh , Lanterns of the hest construction. Srlipt4rid Diagrams, Astromical. Natural History. Humorous, Chrinuatrope or Artificial Fire works, Dissolving Views, Magnets. Doleranias. Air. Pumps, Electrical apparatus, Galvitnie apparatus and a large collection of Pliilostiphical Instruments. suitalde for colt s and schools. Also, Spl,rtniles, Spy Classes h•roseolieS, ItaI . OIIICIMI'S 1t0341111g MRS, Fes Ac. 'laving received the teteney for the vale of 110L II1400K'S ltd. A PP/CR.III'S, 1 alb prifared to furniell Teachers with amOrrery. a Tel I u Han, a Numeral Frame, a 5 inch idlobe, n 1101116111101 , 1 Globe, n vet of eolnel Heal Solids. a Magnet :11111 'Tort Book. all parked In a box with lock and key for $2O. Illustrated nod priced catalogues forwarded tire tin. 1 - I()NEY SOAP.—The purity. fragrance mild taunturnt properties of this •. • , Soap, renders it espeeially . • du t Hiir v lug u lolllin on eVOry• LS , toilet F. .11:11.11,1 4, - and various diseases of the , • skin, it is VIT11111:Liell. 1.:111.11 ,81, IS stamped Yl. 11 AY. los :south :Second - if . . I ,‘ - ; St.l , et . . No 4 iithei is Genuine. I 'i I F:\IIC.t I, 01.1 SilA P. warranted to wash in hard. s rt. or salt water. This Soap has p4wer lul eleausing propertitei.ullivh reedit) e Utl. Paint, Dirt. Sc., fr o m et ery description of 400ds without injury to thew. Fair all 1101110,4 n: purpos e s it . 15 superior to any other soap ill use. :mil 20 percent. thau the (.01/11W111 rosin soap. Laell tear is stamped. MallUfartltretof F 11.1 1 ,) 111111 St ti 1111. spOrtn. Atear candlcs. iinp ,, rter and d.•at i in Kul .443. tte. e)nder, Imy ma I) prnnptly estli•nd..d 1:!th t.. FII. SMITH, POI MI)NN AIE, • It( )1 Ili allll I; ,A%lal.til:trt heel. et , rtwr 4tll and l'in”.nut Mreeig 011- A !way. na hand a lame :tort varied aqs rtwent of IN.rt 111 , 1111.11e5, 111.1 . k 11.X0, P.it 31,1, TraclUi g lla4s, Note II pltlor,. It.o hi:amnion I:ozirdp, Pert F' •II"s, I liknoa %I en. i'vrtab,e rooket Cigar Cases, ,(,• ava,ral ru.,arttnent nl Envlirat, hunch lintilier -111111 Ito rd.., 2111.• Ititztlrs, and I i•Ild Pet , 4;tr , 11 , 1 and t 1,1 . 1 F It. SNIT'f Ir. N. . earn . ..r 4th and ("man tit ht.ri-vis. N n.—On the re,otpt of $1 a ,tipertor Gold Pen will be sent t. an pat t ~t the ontnt ry by mail—d-scribiug pen Om,. in.huin, hard (11- I), E E D.-E. NEWANI) L& ('O'S whelesale and retail I,OIIIUNU GLASS AND TURF: FRAME NI AN C1 , 1("I'(11;1', No. I 2( A !all s t ree t,. opposite the 'Meat or. Philadelphia. E. N. A reeeit etl the unly Prize Medal. awarded the Crystal Palace exhibition, N. Y., 1g:41, in the United States, for (Mt, Doeerated, Mantel and Pier Glasse. --r ; TRUSSES! TRUSSES! r. IL NEEm.Es. S. W. ('or, er Twelfth suit hace :streets. Phil :ea. Importer of line French TrUFSeN, combining' extreme lightneps, ease and durability with correct construc tion. Hernial or rnytured patients can be suited by remit ting amounts :—Sending number of inches round the hips, and stating side affected. rest of Single-Truss ; $2, $3, $4, 15. Double---$.3 $11: fS and $lO. Instructi•ms as to wear, and how to effect a cure. when ple.e,dhle. sent Ith the Truss. 1 Also for sale. in tzreat variety, • DR. DA_NN'ING•S 'WIWI' ED PATENT BODY BRACE.; For the rare of Prolapaus rterl ; Spinal Pr,ps and Sup ports' Patent Shoulder Braces, Expanders, and Erect,,r Braces. adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and, and tVeak Lungs English Elastic Abdominal lteltsJ Suspensories, Syringes—nude and hanale. 4 if -. Ladles' lEoonis. with Lady attendants. CUTER I'HOSPLIATFI OF LICE. AN IMPROVED ARTICLE. 'rho .uharriber infenas Dealer.: 31111 Fanners that lie lute greatly Improved the quality or bin SUPER PIII/S- Pll ATE OF LIME. :mil une r.urtidrutly reeemmeeda the artlele manufacturea by lan', a. SUPERIOR to any in the market:. Yvu are invite.' to roll, examine and try It. Al., PERUVIAN AND MEXICAN NUANO. CANDLES, SOAP, &c. At the len eat market rates. M, Goa n Pan' 11. 1:0.1 , 1.trd Geo. \h'lfenny,, Jaznef, liesereua (inst. English. Seerethry and Th•a.'user Teller and Intez peter L. POMEROY, Succomoir. to 'rhos. W. .Morran. No. 9 and 19 South Wharves, Philadelphia. 8,0-Farreers ran lend on t woprivate alleyn.and mold the erowded July 'Jo, .r _..., t... _ . y, E,.• ,„ ,:// - 7- 2:l—roc,i.ki C, 411 ,t 4 V, ...e , '- . , r.' ,-,, i '4'4 • ~ ;h , ;4 . .N.,4 •.,„ 7. , \ ,111 f \ . ' '-'?' C ' Pe• .- ,4. , .;f? , ;' ~,,.___: 3, , t", :=4 1 1 / 4 . • , 1 ~---, 1.1 ,e x.t______ ...-• H e1 . 5.. " r2154 - r,.. - ,.. :,..- -e:- . --, --- - 1 , 7 - . -- • 4':^it p. ,<• ,- 4` ' : , ---- • c,l EA3IE N' S SAVING FI7NI), ~,.27 Chartered by the St 3te of . I`etillsylvtitibt In ISM, • Receives Deposits in NIIIIII4 111 into Dollar and upwards, from all clat,es of the community, and allou a interest at the rate of five per cent per annum. Moneys paid Lank on demand. 6' (Mice open daily front 9 until 5 o'clock, and all Monday and Saturday until 9 o'clock in the evening. 'Phis institution will be found a convenient and safe put ,,,, f deposit for Farmers anti !alien; doing bosiness in Philadelphia. Deposits are paid on demand without any previous notice being roquired. • .__ Joseph 11. 'Myers,. Richard (1. , Stotesbury, Edward 11. Trotter, • • ; lVillinra Shlppati,jr. Franklin Macon, 1 IV ni. - P..lan km, Thomas Cooper, .;;::i ' Edgar E. Pettit, P6'isident—FlLA NK LIN FELTS. Treasurer—CHAS. M.: 1 11011R IS. Seeretary—,lAMEß S. PRINGLF. • it n_Tlio Charter provldem that no manager, °Meer or agent,nliall, directly or Indirectly; borrow any mmiey from the Society.Octl7,lBss-ly F.l/F )111ROIDIRIES. The cheapest Collura, Untlersiverca, Ruffling', &c In ,:ennsylvaula, just received at the cheap store of oct. '65. CHARLES OHILBY. 'PARN DOOR ROLLERS.—A new 1) and nuporlor Article for hanging' Jlnrn Doom dust rei:elycdl and for ratio . 1 H. SA.XTON'S. no,. 28 ; '55 ilf)iftiticApQta. ,I.AMES' W. QUEEN. 264 Chesnut St. Philadelphia, East of Inth St L ,M I I, IA A M NA A Y. Usti G uth seediiid n•,•t, 11.1.84 AND BRACE Et,I'AIII,IBIIMENT OFFICE, 4 11 - Al.:\I'l! sTicEEr Ono lour LI Sormid Strout. Philadelphia =I EtiIII II tul A. solider, - Hon. Job IL Tyson, Stilwell S. Bishop, litiori:u Midi T i p James li. Perot, Robert Morris, John MeCa tiles, • Edward L, Clark, Jacob Shoats. . '. • Capt. John Uallaghor, Joseph M. Cowen, John litre,. Notices.. :E. I OAN NV ANTE D.—52,000 or $3,000 wanted, for which the twnb lleal Estate' or per- Ronal security ivill be given. Apply to SPONSI,EIt, Real Evrinte Ag't. and Scrivener. Jan. 2, ":0) F STATE OF SAMUEL 31ATn t EE deed.—Notimi i 9 hereby gin to that letters of Ad- In tustration on the Estate of Samuel Msteer, late of Silver Spring township, Ctimberhutd county, deceased, hate been granted by the Register of said county, to the subscriber. residing in Meeharsiesburg. All pm stun; Indebted to said eta:, te nee required to DIU h.' illititr4illte pnyllll . lil. Will LIU It MIN tug ebtuns Lt, Intsuttt them tot set tlemen t to 9—ft pct FSTATE OF ANDREW ['ULM ES, dec , d.—belters of Administration with the wilt annexed, on the estate of Andrew Holmem, late of Cumberland dee'd., have been issued by the IttlfdStrr I.f mid emsnly, to the subscriber rd 6 iiiing in the woo ixirough. All persons indebted to Said emate are requested to make immediate paymenti and those having elsimg will prelim( them for settle.. went to JOHN IhNINH, AdMr. Jan. 2. 'Sib hs A. TE OF ZA 13 111T11. I‘l A It -11 N.—Notice it, hereby glean that Lefferx Ad• oilointrution ovl the Et•tateof Elizabeth 31drein, lato or Cumberlitud ,onoty. hat e 1,011 I":.7lllitti by the I:egtht.in of paid cotton', tp tiO• , 111... Filing.. ill the Nunr Lie I.Filii/. MI per en h thcui.cit, . MOO tvti tit nail 1 4 tate two , roquirr.l make. thoo., Luting claims to pi ,setit thorn to de,.. 'fs,_—ct. JACOB MARTIN, Adui'L I 4 I STATE OF B:11Z11,AIIA 140 \V fj A RI). doe'd.—Notice , Is heTed+.oV(.ll that Letterir t d dtliiiiiiistratii.n mi ttiii lis.tate ot Barbara Ilemird. Lite a iiamph, township, Cumberlrthil nduity, do: ....:ted, hitce beep greiged by'the Legiiiter of said. ....mite. It. the subscriber, reshling In :titer Spring b.wits . litp. All polrsons linnwing thernselymt indebted tt. , aid Estate ale requirid to. make immediate payment and these having I.lnitnii to present them fur set element sl..q:011 31UMAI A, Ada) r. dee. 19. 'ss.—C.t* ISTATE A 'l'E OF GEORGE SN AVEI, Y, i A , lee'd.—N °Lire is hereby given that. Let tore T,,ta ns.•,Jtary on the Esinte of lieor::e Suns el). Iffte rti !lump. den t. , v.11.11ip. CUIIII•VIdand roust)'. tle:elSed. I:a% 4• Leon ;rants d Ls the Itedster ..f said ssaiiits t,, the sill , ser it t•rs re , i,ling in the Alm, tAivisstilp. All persons litesing th e m... e l i e, minted LI, Said estate are revlired ti , 11 , 0,0 Illilliedialt• juts izlemi , t, and t 11.,e, lIIIVII,g di:minis :0 presort them for set Lietnent I.i. .11'1IN RUPP, 11P,N RV SNAVELY, Faccutor 1 1 ; 4 1' A T 1.: ()F 1 :•:A AC .1,0:\'0 I', N Er K -4 j Ell. dry b.— Notice Is hereby gh . en that Letters I es,itilientar) I,H the 1.141111,V 111 1141Ite Longeheel,er, into of Hampden Intl ushil, I 'Ulubt - Itind county. demised, Lave been 1•r:ITII4.1i by the Register of said l'untity to the subseritor residing lii East Pentisboro t,is,i, s t ‘ ip, All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate are required to not kli immediate payment and thuse having chitin, tit present them Mr settlement to de,. 19, 'fiM—ert. JACOB ESIILEMAN,Exerutot. 1 )1:131,IC SCHOOLS, CARLI S LE. utter the Section of the Sehnr.l I.nrr s Of Tenor, ivnnitt the Teachers ore required to niche no mthly of tin. pupils attending dotiog the month designating the cumber of days each attended, the 1„ohs UNed. and branches taught: these rep, its sitting forth also the conduct and proficiency of each pupil are received. and on tile , and subject to the in spection iif any citizens of the District, especially e o the first Wednesday of each month at 2 o'clock p. 31" at Education Hall, when the Select School is held. J. lIAMIL'POS, tiert'y. nal.. 7, '65, at.,lvnt 1 I STATE OF JANE EWING, deed. °tie!, is !web): given that letters of /114Thinir tuition on the Estate of Jane Ewing. late or likke ns p n township. Cumberland enmity. drernmed, have hem grroited by the Register of Mid 001.1lIty to the soliveriber residing in the seine tom iishir. All petvons hide) ted to said eiititte are required to !Linke payment and those hay elltitos ticilresent tiliqn for settlement to deg. 12. p 3011 N tEanf Nubs. 1 4 1 k 'VIM.' COAL.-500 .i'ONS Ll ' ' ,Ii.EN,SN' A LLEY CuAL Broken and re.sereened, prepared expressly for family use and kept t'Nnus corm, so that I can furnish It Wit and l LIAN during the 5s titer Feas , •ll. I have a1i. ,0 711/11111 31:d for sale 04 LICE V! Ill.lilt CoAL Irvin th "Mines of Boyd, !tosser ,i; co.. and :- , 11 A M(il% I N COAL from the mines of Coch ran, Peal .t Co.. all , ii which I will sell al small prolite lor cash and delis rr Li any part of the borough. Illy‘ . 14, '55. " W. It. :SI II IIIZA l'. Ag't. 7 - --- 7 TREVOIITON COAL. TREVORTON OM L. 1 he Trevortuo Coal ColllpULly are now preTured to fur- HO. tile , •itiZellS of l'arl isle and l‘ lib :LII alnta dant supply of thetiounipieTrevorton coal,through their dealers MM. 13. P. 11.1,1 and dAt't Ht Fllhu.ll, e hero eonsuniers ran procure tin• viz: 1.111/111, Stealll Bout, Broke u, mot o turd Lime Burners. Me van recnineild it In all, to , superior to any other 4, al for Sti.3lll, 111 , 111,tit' purposes. nod limo hurtling. for tho inihrmation of the citizen, 01 Carlisle we eoul,l in ihnu this In that sumo for coal, a sample of ei !doh nOn sent by E. Heltenstint, I.lstr, n 1 'I retoutvn, about the Hinter of 1`,;,:.! and gave t•o touch ratlisf:ao- 0.01. 'r rel w.t4a, Coal Comintny Pert TroOrtOn. ty. l'a..k tr.:. 22, 1 555. 1)E ST FAILLY COALS! _ff) AT THE EIS" (I).1 I, VAN). The ,ul.seril.or would rehpeet fully Inforra the vitizem; ..1 t al 11.-.lc , it iuiu that .ill• 1$ linparial fur -1 I II the ' Tit EV! lIITitS (`!).11.. of ‘arir.tig aims. a sample I.! 1.,11i.11 Srlt.a fur!!!!..lied t.. a of - 71 - 1Ny,•,,, !ht.... 55th.1. ‘lr. E. Ilelfensti.it.,, ga , e perii.ct .lit Il rrtl. u. 1.51,111.1. 1 ally) and Sisalllekill (`oal. Also tool WILLI:ENFIt'S COAL of the Itilli•rent ~ n stal:ll. l en hand. at the LOT Oa) lard near the gas %sot hs. I= ()TICE c 0 N S E lt • COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! 'lira subscriber would respectfully Inihrm his friends and the public. that ho is now receiving WOO tons of that very superior ASH COAL, from the Luke Fidler, mines or lloyd, Rosser ,t Co.. thel only Red Ash Coal brought from the natnek in Resin, introduced and loom nin Carlisle as the lielfenstineConl. It is entirely free from state and all ,ither impurities, and Is perfectly adopted to all mechanical and dernesto purya~ses. Its teadiness renders It particularly desirable for small stoxes, while its intensity of heat and great dura bility In bltrnitut makes it equally so Mr large Ones. lie would also call the attention of farmers and others:to a superMr article of (It cs:s UT COAL, from the same Mines, for steam and line purposes. For sale only in Carlisle by duly 25, '55.-Bt. VA3111.4Y COAL.-500 Tons Lyken's. Valley coal, broken and Screened, prepared ex• r asly ro fiunily use, receiving. and Ihr tmle by rue. 20 Um . W. 11. 111111111AY, Agt. 'I%II4IBURNERB' • COAL. - 2,000 0118 bykeu's Valley Nut Coal, a superior artlel• reeelt t and fur sale by th. riao ''KSIIIITIT'S , COAL. 5,000. ) mud •)F ishwiisinttiegCoal, a first rato artielo re. coking la 'or sale by June. '2O FRANCISCUS I MANUFACTUTER 'OF COTTON 1,/ adding, Tie Yarn, Carpet Chain, Cotton Ynrn? LAM/r, CANDLE AND FLUID WICK) whb.h he offers to sell at tho Lowest Cash 1' Market Stivet above Second, North ship, 114 0 El SAMUELCOUV EH, A ank'r JACOB:11,10,M 0. W. HILTON W. 11. MIIIIIIAY,Agt W. 11. .1111111{AY, Agt
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