Eii El 174 nt r u [From the Now York Spirit of the Times WINNING A WIDOW----WIT A "SPRING" HAT. After` riding twenty nines I reached Donald sonville, La., just at dark. The Natchez packet sometimes arrived about ten o'clock at night, and as I was bound up the Mississippi, and did not want to miss her, determined to wait in the wharf office. Shortened the time by paying a few visits to a coffeehouse and billiard room in the town..--Eiving one of these, noticed the arrival of a party of French creolos, who talked and swore over a dozen "mallard ducks" loud enough to have made you believe they'd been on the war-trail after Comanches, and brought in as many scalps. At last walked over to wharf-office, settled down and found comfort in a segar, and as much of a newspaper as the rather misty light of a bull-eyed . lantern would give me. The fire in the stove roared bravely and sent out plenty of warmth I had dropped the paper and only held on the segar, when I suddenly woke up on hearing the door open and a couple of mon enter. They found chairs, and draw ing up to the• stove continued a conversation, evidently just commenced, us they entered. 'Ant so Buffer is going to be married?' :pal he is! and a good match he's made of Wit. 3 tell you what, she's a ,rearer. If he don't have .to pill s a kicking breech on her afore he's niiarried a week you may call me a fool. She's-got eyes like a panther; on' if he only lets her got the bit atween her teeth— just fur once—she'll curry him further nor he wants to go!' 'What makes Lim want to marry her then?' 'Daggers, mules 4 awl as neat a plantatitin as that Li on th.e Bayou. Two hundred and fifty hogsheads clean sugar, last crop, it they'd only out the cane airlier, fifty more ~atop of it. She had a now s i tetun inginemp laA season, and Um' that cussed boy zsse burner'sva rousing htimbug, yet I reckon it's nll paid for: an' all Butl'er's got to do, is step in, hang up his hat, an' set right down to live like h fighting-cock.' •Why didn't you go 'in there? The last time I came down the river I heard you were bucking up to the widow?' 'Wel, now, Jipa, to be honest, did think afore that BSc stepped in, that 1 just had it all my own way, and that I was goin' to get her—sdre! As these here French say, 'I made eyes at her'—savage! But, somehow or 'no ther, she olways went dead agin old Nas-issip. A man fiom our State had nu kintl6fTit Show, and though I put the 'tentions to her like an uncle, it didn't seem to be no use tryin'. 'Bout one time she did kind o' lean my way. You see nare 'bout the end of grinding season Old Farabole giv' a dance down - in his sugar house, and 'vited me and the widder, and a raft more; en' down we went, mind the widder kind a felt her oats, and we reeled it off in the early part of thoivening fit to kill; but by'm by that Buffer ho' tame on an' just knocked me cold! • 'Ye see he'd been down to the city (New Orleans), and only 'rived on the Bayou that night, on' hearin' that titer was gain's on down to Old Farah°le's sugar-house, 'down he emu. Wal, sir, he was dress. to death in the hand slimmest kind of store•clothes, an' the women war right up on eend soon as ho came in. 'I see the winder a lixin' her panther eyes on him, and I jest said to myself—Tick Tare out, you mout us well clear; that 'ere Buffer's too much for you in the close line!' I felt it at onset. Wel, sir, in about a minit up comes Buffer, smiles at the widdi.4 in a fashinatin' manner, au' ensists on dancin' with her. Sez she, 'Yes, Mister Buffer, it will 'ford me the gratest pleshure!' Grathest pleshure! wal, the way he squeezed her, when they danced, I rather think it did. I kept an eye c u Buffer. Now, you see, he'd been stayin' at the Sarin! Chariest's, an' puttin' it through like forty, au , he'd la rut all the last agonies in the way of bowpi' and serapin', an' sayin' leetle nothin's; and, sir, he curried NJ hat round in his hand all over the sugar-house,. down among the biters, and up round back of the ingino—whar tit/ licker was—every whar he toted that ar' hat. 'Now the Widder didn't jilt. ezactly know what to make of it i —coz it was a new wrinkle —so tWicet she said to him he'd better let big Jake, one of the house niggers, hold it for him; but 'tyrant no use; he held on to 't tight as a wrench: at last, jest as they war' in the middle of a dance, sez Buffer, 'With sea R sez ho—'Mrs. Noiryoux, for yuro bake I'll do most ennything!' An' he :PAMy held that hat in one hand, an' hit it a lick with to' i ther, and fetched top and rim right into a pt(ucake; knocked it right down flat. 'I tell you:wet, when the wilder see hint do that, she was jest ready to drop—she was sO come over with his intentions.. Sacryfiziug pt bran new hat, and all to gratify her little whim ! t see at once bow he, was goin' it, an' I aetormined, sir to head him, off. St; 1 step. pea up round back of the ingine—whar the ticker w,ts --an' 1 took . a most cou sin' big horn of Old. ntrabole's ruin. and huntin' round found my hat. I t was a right new one—none 'of your Kosshoot or wool-hats, but a reglar heaver, stiff as a stoy4ipe, and shown like a pair of new blacked boots ; so I lays hold of that are hat, an' goes round back of ingine fill' tokes nnotker -swingin' pull at the rum-- an' then I felt fist ready for action. The dance was through, and as cheers was scarce, the women were all seated on a few seats in front of the bilers, an' Buffer was Olin' on the soft things, and wilder was lookin' tinkled to pie ces—when I made my appearance on the stage ! 'I works u•p to'rds the widder, and when I'd got atweelf her and Buffer, sez I, 'A-low me pleshure of your hand for the next set !' 'Oh,' sez she, with a loetle sigh, am so Come over that I hardly feel abul to dance agin !' 'Now sez I to myself spread yourself or die I and I jest swingy my hat round forward, and lest as I said you had better say 'yes !' you'll get over it a, dancin', I held that ar' hat in one hand (jest as BUlfer did his,) and with rotliVand I druv the crown down with sech anotheNick, that the linin jumped right throng,h, and bust the eend eIP/111 out, `Raidy.' said she, you skeered me !' an' 1 think I moat have done it. Thar was my hat all knocked into infernal pieces no bigger than bits, the rim all hanging lool l e, the sides smashed in, and the linining r iming out, and the top off. 'Bout then I tun ed my eye, and than stood Buffer a holdite his hat—jest as good as new, and all iryshape sir. I looked at it twicet—no nistake it was whole.' 'Sez he, '1•ou ought t' get a Spring' Hat—a Monad. Mechanic, as the French call ern. I've one here!' Au' then ups and shows the whole insides of it and bow it works, sun' the hull lot of women looked at him, like he'd had a stove pipe chock full of diamonds; the wilder specially patternized him, tuck him under her wing, sun' give me the cold shoulder—straight. Buffer's. pit her, I'm tired of La Fooshe, an' am goin' back to the hills, whar thar Mu more,widders that fellers can cotton down to with •Spring Hats.' Coffee and Coffee Pots ' My dear friend,' said the doctor, hulling m i lli in his loft hand thumb and forefinger, with the other three finger# stretched out over the rest of the table, 'I never it the fra grance of coffee without thinking of the old fashioned coffee-pot, or, 'Madame Follet,' us dent Miss Bremer used to call it. Do you know, sir—and I suppose you know every thing—do you know, sir, there are a groat many old-fashioned people in the world ?' We replied the fact was not-tObe-dispnted„: 'Old-fashioned people, sir; old-fashioned iu dress, in speech, in politeness, in ideas, in everything. And, sir, not long since I had occasion to visit two old ladies, sir: I went down stairs to the basement dining-room, sir, without cerimony, sir; and there I found the antiquated virgins over their coffee,'sir; and in the middle of the table there was the old fashioned tin coffee-pot, sir, scoured as bright as sand could make it, with a great big 30'3er :innate(' spout, and a great, broad-hacked handle, sir, and a great big, broad bottom, sir, as broad, sir, as the top of the great hell crowned hat I used to wear when I went to visit them as a spruce young buck, in the year eighteen hundred and twenty, sir,' Here the Doctor's spectacles fairly glistened again. Well, Doctor ?' .Sir,' replied Doctor Bushwhacher, 'there was plenty of silver in the cupboard, plenty; great pots and coffee urns of solid metal, sir, with massive handles to match; but they were so old fashioned as to prefer the,old, scoured, broad bottothed tin pot, sir, and with reason, too, sir.' 'Give us the reason thereof, Doctor, if you please ' 'Well, sir, one of the sisters apologized for the coffee pot in a still, small sort of a voice, a little cracked and chirred by constant use, and said the reason why they. drank their coffee out of that, pot wits bee use it never stun• al to taste ,to well out gfriiiiiithing else. . 'Why nut? Easily enough explained, sir; we never make coffee in a silver urn, and when we pour it from the vessel in which it is made into another, we lose half the aroma:. sir. Coffee is of most delicate and choice fla vor, sir; very few know how to make it or to use it. The proper way to make good coffee, sir, is to roast it carefully in a cylinder over a charcoal fire, until it is light brown color; then the cylinder should be taken off the fire and turned gently until th berries are thor oughly cooled. The best part of the aroma is dissipated, sir, by the abominable practice of turning out the coffee into an opon,dish so soon as it is roasted. Why, sir, anybody can see that the finest part of it escapes; you can smell it sir in every crack and corner of the house. When cooled, it should he put in a mortar and beat - to powder. A coffee .mill only cracks the grains, but a mortar pounds out the essential oil. Then, sir, put it in an old-fashioned tin coffee pot, pour on the lot water, stand it over the lire, not too hot; let it viininier gently. if your fire is too hot dt will burp tne 'coffee awl spoil it, Then, sir, take Madame gullet fresh from the lire, 8001(1 her on the table, and if you want an appreci ative friend, send for me!' 1 . 3 . 4q'01t1ti: .- T;g901,1 - #O.; PICTURES OF' U. S. SENATORS The corre.vondont of the CipoinnAti Commer cial, writing from Wagliington the 4th inst., ME I looked in upon the Senate to-day. Gen. Cass is a ponderous old fellow, with a massive head, which he covers with a rusty old brown wig, and keeps opening and shutting his mouth and sucking his breath between his teeth, a, if he constantly tastetesomething disagreea ble. JOhn Chyton iii more enormous than Gen. Cass, and his face, though fat, is mignifi cent. lie is. the best looking man in the Sen ate, and laughs heartily at intervals of from two to five minutes. His bait is white its snow, mid his big eyes glistened ;all the time with intelligence and humor. Seward is a• bout as stalwart in appearance as a pair of tongs. lie does not weigh over a hundred pounds. His hair is short and looks dead, and his eyes are hidden behind a pair of slen der gthl spectacles. His face is thin, pale and Wrinkled, but its lines are firm, and he ap pears to he what lie is—a man of restless and intriguing intellect. Senator Butler, of South Carolina, is the thickest at the wasteband, though not uncomfortably heavy. liis fac3 is bright and bin hair, which he wears long and in singular confusion, is white as newly washed lamb's wool. appearance indi : eaten that he had been fed liberally on fat pork and butter, milk. Pugh lo•iks younger when among the old bald, or white headed ;Ind big-bellied Senators than 1 ever before saw him. A majority of the senators have naked patches on the top of their heads, and quite half of them are the opposite of slender. They chew tobacco very much as other folks, lit) far as I couid discover, 11:1,1 immediately lifter adjournment, several of them lit cig‘rs, and leaning buck tippeared to'. feel comforta ble. 13119111059 I; KII.:1.1 Otlfte in \ortli 111 ill r street tlll our ‘‘ tt.t tit unt.l4 II sttu c. tll 1i e hour,. uunr I trth lAN Ilion 7to it I A .1 an ,I I. out • 1 to 711 P Dit LOMI Mt )1 111 Ae r stri t lit at r Ln the Po t n_%1.11 be thqout from Ca rlisle the I pa, ten dais of et, ti tun 'nth \ LIA I, \V. \1.11)1('{1 ttt \ lull% attends to :tll Lintsupara aeon t It.• tooth tot' lit Parto.tl It 111 t. 1111.1 onto It Illlrl ail! also insert 'l'ns'til of r st•Hirai II 15 I'l .a 'High i 3 Oi Itlorß teeth • mil it LIR ant o to, Onus ill t .1 , 4. tot tint 1111 t' to, it te'L., I,‘ tolotau,. Pio and ever• flppil tilt, 1/i•lit II lOM at the , Itli II Of Dr. ` 1 Lututl LIU ,tt, th street, Car lisle. R. E 0 Z gited , / 1 ".19 . 1 DI.N 11 , 4 oi.f.tct at the rt soh 11C3 of ••• • Ibrotlit ron Not tit Pitt t, Sa ila m lisle I ( 1 P. 1111AIR1(111, Attorney at Law. ‘_) a( 4 Roo All Int.lnt Ls. ontrue :- ed L him still he prompth utten4ntl to. NIT C. 11.11EE.NI, Attorney Olice In 'Alain Street. Carlisle, I'it.- 12.9"Ilitsines. mitrustuil to him a ill lie promptly M- O 1 I N. GI{I.:EN, attorney' at law, has lianieshurx. for the primtieeol his prot.ssion. All Ittl. of ritimx. Court business. ,tr.. pretop.l, attended to. Odle, .- siLr reSitbiltec, :•t • III EYING hi all its Wile rout branches promptly attended to. 13. COLE :Itti)rney at Law, will at te•..l pr nnptic t., ail I .u.iitess....t.rt..ted 1....1. °flb, in the %Villiatu let In e, E. 1.. \ ortli Ilattorer street, b . ...1i51e. April 20,1.852. Illanufacturer of Af k.l - 0 Ml•leral IVaters ; t led Ale. Porter anti ("blur, `o7'll I.;a:l 4 treet. ir the I: ill Rand Bridge), Carlisle Q(II.I.I‘'ENI4:IL, ANL) CON\rEVAN . LS, ,!/.:11..-t. 1,. Itoglster of Cuniloo oitrefoll, attend to tho transaction of :ill ',wet business es may br ,oltrnsted to Win, selell the serit,in.t of Deeds. 11ortge.ies Cl/Iltntets, Ale. Ile w ill ,letelte his atoll ion , o the procuring of Lend NVer ran 4:1!. 11 , well :IN the lovelies,' end sale of Reel Estate, negotiations.ofloAlks, c. %)...011je, NVest 11Lh Street. Ibrittorly oce tpiod . ~.)• \V. SI. Peuros, Esq. neer the Mot Inolist u.rh. ROSENSTEEL, llonse, Sign Fano. and Ornamental fainter, (formerh Il:u•per'sl Row. near II it nor's Dry-hoods Store. —lle wil4 attend promptly to all the abovoilleserlptions of paint. - reasonable priers. 'rho various kinds of gralnine atteMhst to, such its mahogany, oak, walnut, .te., in an Improved stylus. rill II It ASHING MACHINES . of the best nutho constantly on hand and for sale at tin. Carlisk Foundry and Maohlne ;lop. FRANK OARDNER. 1 4 1 A LI, ST I'Lli: OF ILA'', , :18 5': . 57- 11 i;D)I{4,IE Kmr,i,Ent 11 , Apertfully nnnonneos to Ills old Patrons 111111 LIM public gonorallr that ho has Just re olverl tho NAIL sTymi—:(4l: (I ENTIA:)IEN'S attont i :::::. ' S. monufnetnred of. ono of the best ostoHlsh monts In IthlladolphlaAo which ho IIITItm; si.rlal Ile has also constantly on hand a largo and varled as 'sortment of his own manufacture no well Ili city made flats and Paps. suitable for the season, wenprising every variety of nussia, Heaver, Moleskin acid Silk Hats. nl'- 18110 , 1111 the latest style, together with n full assortment of CAPS of every•shnpe and description, and nt ovary prlee. lie particularly invites the public to call and ac amine his i , X0(1161V0 assortment, which in style, mate t•Itl and finish. cannot be surpaSsed by any In market. and which he Is able to put at prices lower than over. ltenoMiller his old stand on, North Hanover street, be twee.. Hinner's and Server's stores. JUST It 14:C PAVED, a large assortment I', of FLOOR OIL CLOTII of different widths aim' terns—for sale at SA XTON'S; •-• . ' - QPATN'S 10—A full supply of the above celebrated Churn, nee on hand of all the different sizes, from /4 gallons to fiO, It reeelved the first premium at the late l'ennsyh aide State Ka, the first premim,at the Vratildlic hist it ate and lbdaware and Maryland State Fairs, and verloo s others ardifferent places. It will undo , more and b e tt er butler from a tri %VII annelid of cream, and in lens time than ally Anvil in the marloot, , let stile wh o h. sa h. nud retail Iy PA:VH.IIA, :nit all neat Warehowe anti deed Etnre, (;erner of 7th and Marked, Philadelfhia. Doe. 6, 1',51--tf Eitorcs club Z1)0pt.... WATCHES : CLOC.K 6 ! .„," • FANCY JEWELRY, kr. have new on hand and too 1.1110 Illy Old Muhl Street, opp.adte Marion Hall, no entirely now and elegant stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, AI EllA I.IIINS. kr. (old Le, et. Watches, hunting and open enso, SilVer dn. till er ',opine and Quarter Watches. a large I,ariety. (told Anchor:4 tor Ladies and Ilientlemen. . . Medallions. a splendid assortment foniladies and gents. Breast Pins of et ery pattern. and all fprlees, Gold Chains for vest and flit, gold ewl, ; •h a i ns. Finger flings, Cuff pins, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Crosses; Drop and Hoop Ear-Rings, a large variety, Silver and Plated Forks, Table and Tea Spoons. Butter Knives, He, of various styles and prices, tiold and Silver Thimbles. Gold. Sliver and COIIIIIIOII Speet.lleft.i.:', a largo lISSOIIIIIPIIt to stilt al . ges, and to which We invite particular attention. Port )lotinaios. a large assortment at every price, Bold Pens, of the hest snake at various prices,, Fancy Boxes,•Port. I nl los, Accordeonr, Spectacle eases, Ladies Card Cases. silver and pearl, at tarions prices, Bracelets, cold and consinon; IL itch Chains ditto. , Also a large variety of articles in the Jewelry lino, which I will sell at the lowest prices. All articles ivar rantvd to la what they are sold for. Particular attention paid. to the REPAIRING OF WATCHES and all work warranted. Iteturnititt thanks to my old friends and customers for former patronage, I respe,tfully solicit a continuance of their fat its. junco TitomAs coN IS N. ii.,..„ , „,.NG! CLOTHING I N. II A NTCII & Co. have op e ned ~,., new or ter lor sale at their Store on Nest I ligh Street, oue door a Cot or the lintel formerly kept I , y C. Stough, an entire num stork of Heady Made 'lothing =I Also. Cloths. Cassimored and Vestings, s Web will be mad.. up in the best style mid on reasonable terms.— Shirts, Shirt Collars. es, Hosiery. Suspenders, Satin and Summer Stocks, Ilandkerchiefs. Av. of the newest styles and best man Whet ure kept constantly on hand. Confident of then ability to please, they respectfully so felt the public patronage. FALL S'l'Y I, I.; OF & ('Al's iv m. it. TRIIUT, desires to inform his 1 •1,1 frieods that he ha, removed to his istA. ostallishinent On High street. neat the Ilaihoad Depot, Maul is . 11 ,, W hi I:u• 1111'14 of the F.II,LI , TI' uF i lir I ti I • rls1•1`.1•••1_ .roin • ..o.e.p La. 4, .1.1 .1 `.3 t , •:111 . 11:1 j 11.•II of Carlisle art , req oast's! to 101 l and PX3111iII.•. livillSll ft largo its,lortment or sil k . I, ' and ;- , I,o1.•11 flats ~o his own tilantilaeture. gad lip in the best st) le and lit various 111•11 . ,.. the verellrnre and Imish nt whuh he w ill warrant. Ilis stoek he Is taoltillent on ly examined to /,,, n pproN (pl. Also, a large 'supply of Ilea's. Ito) 's and Children'aft.% P;s, of Cloth and Fur. and ~ f every iarioty of style and mice just re eaivod 1,•111 Philadelphia. Let all rho Unlit n Hat or I Sty ire hint A call. as they may be SUN] of tieing ed to their own satisfaction. S' Ili )11. 'cur. .M11,11()N vPAPEC\t--...-_,-- -, -. . Pti i tun ,iii•l receii illg lIIV Fall difiCANCINCS '."----''''-;" st , el: •-x l'Al'Elt II A Sill NI IS, (1, a 111..1) surpass in /It. le, quality . !. .1 and prime any that have en or been exhibeted lit Carlisle I rospectfully s ,, licit a call from j1111,1,11N n 1 Want 1/1 l ' lll ll, iinnVin''' of a n Y Ile,',ElP tiOrl. as I ain A . •nliilent by as , ealinent . far surpasses any In the Borough; and In style and prlees has lint I'.w ri vats in the city. I /oily ask of the public 01 call and et amine my a, , sortaitatit bvfort• Turrila,ing. as I :nn mull dent iny elniste designs ealin , t fail to j111 1 :l14 . the mist I . W/till/MI, _ i.. .. . 1111 IN I'. LYN E., i , .... Westl,l4le of N“rth er Street RIE: I AS , _I, ANDV 1 It [ETV STORE. nw auhseriber would respect full) inform his friendsand the public generallj, that he has just returned from tho City with it litri.to and varied assortment of I l 10 U :NU I ES, (11.A5: 4 and QUEENS-WARE. I * 4S. ii FISII, de.. ,(z.. which he offers for sale on the 1 "m;:b most reasonadle terms, at his New Store. 114 corner of N orth llaover street and the rule. i 1 ,,, 40 A , lie Square, directly opposite the Carlisle De. posit Bank. Ilis • stock einlwases overythhig usually to n Il rooor. 111.1 Vurioty store. The public are invited to call and examine his stock )iefrire elsvwtore, frets confident he can sell the best gu s ts at the lowest privy:, REEN 1. R(WERY SToRE. lIA It I: NESS MULLI N 1.), , ,,ir0 to Infirm the ,Vixens of Carlisle anti ,virinity Lilt they have just rerei ed Irmo the city and are now opening in the r... 1111 adjoining Bente & Brother's Store. a very complete assortment .ri;rtweries. SllOl As corvEE. SUILA it, TEAS. MI tI,ASSES, and all tha varlaus kinds of SPICES and o such a. 11:11111:. Dried Beef, Ilnlegtat Sausages. :h.. by the er pettnd. Alse herrings. ` 110 0 111)1 . 1 shlo. vod Flo) n great varlets et :lid ',le , . led 111.1.4,,11y ei,ninernle. 11l nddit 101 l t , the :11,•VV, P O Win ru rein 411 . .• , nl,llll, of 13=1 as snore they appear in the Its niartoks. to all I svliteli sit in% ite the attention of the pulli,, la We in tell') 1 ,, .ell :It thi ter) lostsit prii•l•S her Cant) or rook try I'r. , 4uee. ,11.\ Iti:NESS .t 1.1.1 N. . lit( )1 )TS AND SI I )ES. r!• A) or has noir on hand a sirs e•tei ~•• eet,l stock of It ti s $ whirls lie *lll sell at tmuvually low pet froin uholevtle Irate rate. hr Vail rifler su,j, —OTT in, , ntg to pur.•ha , ....rs :ts gill 111:Lkt it tilt• . , It:, it his e , tni.lisitut ,, Ta. uve.r) ti. 1.• :1., I • t and Shoo lino—l'.‘r (km 1. • thia:of tre 111.1.111 c it untnaat,,,ary to pa t ••• ttzr lottr.atns tittqiring poll and eln•alt t• •• t• : I I. I'll to •! - Ivl. hiw n Van. :)71 ,$r BEN(iiiA)i, OA Frt-L co., 276 stroot. .I(;ENTS lOn .IACOII 01E1..711, CA and I'hi?,nl,•lphin. Cars leave 1..d1t plans East and Wrst, 0 , 1,. 'Faradays and Fridays. All I.ltsliirss r•utt mist e d La hum is A Co., Aral I r attrmid••d o ith 1 , 11.111 rt 110 , 5, Whether I❑ 1,11,4, 1.E11111 . 1. ur rt . ..i;:ht A. 11. BA It N ITZ, North street, alsr , , aloaal into NI , arningainera.ltllkt Si 111 at t,•tid all httsitie,s entrusted lo - EA S, CI 11. , E ESLI ' Tho rm.ss, ntmr tui. Just added to his ti wilier st.•l: ,olt.ction ciiiiif (littwEßl Es. Its well as all the other variety ni art kips 1:1,11 . t. in n 4lr irp St.re. en;lpnn•lnit - 11. .!•1('01114.--nnteited and areell—at 1:2 1 , and 14 itrleatts. rrushisl Vtilverivetl W-' 2,, ;.ittgars. .4. flue ;pedalos; Choi-A:oes. Spires. Dairy Salt. and a variety of Fancy artleles. ;ill of whi; li are o. fer;l at the I;.west rash prices. flu are I liatilifti I for the former rapport given us. and invite it further call ti II our friends and etistorners. .1. %V. En. Nlarion Ilull, carllsle. pil ES 14311 V INC' S.U(i Alt —A general asbortinent of Crushed. Sifted and l'ulverise4l l' , ll.,.rnts of best quality, AS ILISA Snit croA l oa. and other I tialitlys constantly on hand, suitablo preserving tiid all other purposes—generally nt 01.0 Also a constant supply of Um Spkos and other articles In varloty always on lownl.— attention Is invited to our stork before buying' olson lwre. lily '55, .1. W. I (1.11.1N:k , GLASS AN]) QUEENS k IVIRE—OId housekeepers and yoling, with this also who are expecting to become housekeepers.nro Inuit tai to call at II ALBEIRWS FAMILY liltoeliltY and en MOM , his elegantassortment Illiina,Olassallilgthms. WAIT uud Other articles in the honsakeflping Has, snrb as French and English ten sets, heavy bandedand plain, White linuiile. gilded and Hite plain, Milner sots of l's• ery ariety :Ind price, boo Is and pitell , rS. i111•011S. Vs, OISS-ware-7(3.11t11` table nodllinitial Candelabra,s and other hunps.grest varlty. tilde and 1,11 tumble s,goblets. Au. Vrpit, and 1,1.4.•e0v,• di , lo•s. lit rioty, 'edar-ware—ttil , s, Buckets. clan ns. Lee It. but 1. , •1 p r int ni14.4:1011 , 5. WWI :,...WY6 , 11, srtubl , iue, hand 11111 i :110.4' 111 , t!, - 1.1, , .1t iiin^ I 'I,) .11s, It m.... rtitivot of 110 1 , 11 ,1 I:1'0 -101111 1 , 1 . 111`. ti :•od oth. i c l ,l n ,„; i t . / find them of tatlimp,o.lial I...iii.ility. Also L'ounitou with choice sHulfaild 11 . E. GOULD, [Successor to A. Fiot. Q N. flit Chestnut r.t., Swaim's Building. Phllrdii• milli, extensive 31iisic Publisher. and beakr in In Insii A • instruments of et cry' description. Bxeliviice agent for the sale of Millet, Pay Is if: Co. Patent r;itspension Bridge .1-d.linn and idler PIA st E.— ililbert's Boudoir }guilds. Melodeons, Mac (lII'S I. uitars Harps. Violins. Sheet Music.. Nusir flied, s. Ai% Residents of the rountrt will be supplied by mail or otherwise with musie they may wish. ns low ns if fitir • Phased in person. flaying one ~f the Inrgest'sti Ckh is the United dales. I reel confident of satisfying ill tt Ise may fat or Me with a rtill'or ortli•r-. Dealers itt Music supplied on the most Ildorni tennis Pianos to let. .mood-hand Pianos for stile. e1lEA1) WA'I'CILES AND JEIVEL• RI, W1101.1.3. , A1 i E and RETAIL. at the •• I Iii!o delphia St :itch Mill JCIN 4 , 1 t y Stet (t. ... 1 5) .4. 4 kt 1: Number 06 North Second Street z. i , i i r d ii_i '5 i i : Recur o r w (2 a l t ia r I r i r ie 3 g .' , 1 uIl Philadelph ia. jo.le d . 1 0 to r . :,. ( ) at rates, . . . 4t20 U 0 A • • ... Cold Lephle. 1S esrat eases, 1.4 (II • ' •k::: .. •,•:,.... •"' ,II Par •• jeNlelS, II 00 ;:. 4 . :4171i4Di •' Silt or Lever, full jou tiled, 12 00 Superior Quartlers, ' - - - - 700 tkild Spertaele,. - • 7en Fine Site or Spectotles, - '1 in hold Brneelets. - - - 3 in Unite,' hold Pencils. - - • - 1i s Silver Tea Slee , llS, Set, - - - r 00 1511 Pens. With Pencil and :,:iher Holder, - 1 tin Hold Finger Rims :l7 1 ., i ”Itls to SS: Wm, li (11,,,,, , ,,, rillin, 12 1 .; rent.. patent 10 i. 1.1111• t 2r,: t tl4.r nt I ich • in proportion. All good, \Sall ant NI 1. Is, I, lift I h.•y aro sold for. STAUFFER A II 11114 S. On hand. some (loud and Siker Losers and Lopine. still lower than the al•eeve• priors. 1 AMES 1'1,..1,1.V1()('1, l'rof,sher of Al:Mont3 and Stirvcry in the l'hilade:- ef l ledi, ine. and .1. ling: I'ndasenr•t Said tt it-re ent...t the C t-tilting I IQ Co lan, of the 111)1 adelphin : late tnetnl.t.) It the Na tieottl It•. 1 1, ineihi et r the I hiladet phin tio•inler of the 3ledi.“-: t.:11 College .4 Philadelph,nl; forinerl3 I:::sitiont and of Anatol:o and Bergen u, 1 ,silt Vt•rnient and alp... late l'refe,..nr of Au nt:any and , l•llt 5i01..g3 in Iterkshil e Medi. /t 1 11.m:tn. Lin : c•., =Ell • ti,ritr fi.r the grin, pal dtinat, 'l'lll. 110111 e of va,lt arti Iti x ill imp]) Ole din Ili, li it it , ii Condi il tit 1.0 usi•l. Da '3it . I . LINT , ” SNEVT, $l. DR. it'CLINTI/1 ii 0.4.10 C 041,1 C.11.01t, 41.5, I)R. l'l.lNTneli'S ASTHMA. AND 11001q: , 11 Corns I{EMI UT. Prim .)(1 rt, Mo isvorm•s Two(' ALTItitNATIVIt r 1 [-it) itig dint Itl.' d. Price $l. int. Nit Ctivlituit'tt 1 1 ) sio•utie Ellxlr—For giving ft no to the F.ttanat h, relieving iiatzis after eating. heart) um, and ail disagrovaldo t.t) nipttans arising fiv Is l'rh, Itl .Mt CAI •itt(lS III: ()IATA(' MI XTURF—A Purely Vet getable Pooliedy t, t internal use. Pi ets. De. 111'1.1,,T0t Pak:ll.lAl It Liminiem— For I:lieutua ' tbanr.prain, Is. Denier:ANT, I A'S A NOUTN XT( RE— Fitt' Pairs. Toitth• fl(•adaelle..NeUralgia. Are. Pike Lu ete,. Du. )I , CLINTOcitt FLA !II AND AIM i. Ltt —A certain curt. for all Intermit touts. Peke ill. !tleFLINDt,'N'a Ili 11:ItlICLA CORDIAL AND CIIOI.EItA PRL ALNIIAL--.1 zoile Remedy. MCCLINToCI . B VEGETABLY, PIA:G...7ITE I . II.IF—F. r Costiveness, Ileaductio, P*e• rts. Mccurstocit', ANTI-1111JtJ6 rite In the yupivtiont. thu Liveruud Bowels—lw Loh!. - er made. • PrSee 25 ets. a box. . . For mile by Dr. J. 31cl'I.INTOC li. :it his lileairtil Dup. t, N. W. Corner NINT II and FILBERT mrtuts. I hi'. tir! phia. and till bruguists. b •iittgtstN Illili Deall , C2, ill 14,1- c cI CkS who uip.ll to he .ktrysn'....s, ii ill pli.iiAe midi i•ss Dr. Ills. liiitiirli. fiirtil•Eillig reterctire. 11111110 IA . I . ( tit. t 11. y. . COI Ilt) (U. State, I. 1). nALnEnT salel.i IV. A. lief:,,. Samuel Elliott. Vat • J. IL Ctisu Shipioniskirgi Eintniiiiier,li Co.. L. Estill tamp. .11,01,111 Nru‘illv: .1, li A itilorsetilmog Haines It tort ie.. IIII:erys Low; A. C. Klink, New ltieegitiolil: Harriet York Springs; A. •I. J. S. .N 11. Mentzer, II resh lii.erue lierge Cr 11114 1.). It. JODI'S & 1 0.. IlArrlA.nag. cal) Le consulted. roan Ii) In 12,1,10(.1i, A. at his Depot.. DeeeiziLer e. 111147-Iy. 11:1:11 ES ! 3111:1'(' [LEAS ! !—J 011 .N A' I IniNNl.l , l,l',liiiiiitilactortr /Mil inventor of SA li' i. i 1. c.% rEN'V st;, 4.1 ILL I.' Plitt; ll'l'M tnill DON Yr ATt - 1:1: , 106 ~ ..rt 4 Hit 11T11 z•Litiiit (aim% ti lItiot.)1`1111,Alt}11. I'lll.l. Vial, hes tat lug liVe,lllll all indispensable ai tic 4 lit hotonel.eopitiJ, Ilse sal nerd er alter a print merit i rot tititt• and inking. ) . is i•itubletl to tiller It/ the l'ulilit nit /in , tide iti ‘111:1: Cial.l.illilig l tility and t heapness. 1 ht. 111 Venter Is unto l eg the Ilititgt r ititurelit. stied On hi, tint ti: the iliiti.tiy mutinyr lit m Lich Ilitilliii are g e ,,,,11 7 packed 111 to ~ • r. hen by the aid id Now Strain :llarbillerT ni l . ),j, 41, II 11,1,•titiAhtt“.“.dept in gt Like up a t... 11. El i PATE:\ T at;l AII I, I Pli !Girl \Vot,l) LOA; this i s x t. far preferable, in as flint h that it 't' , obits no m ote r,, to bail the tilt! tiiitilid Nwitid 1 , 1 x, ithtl it ittailit. tit hest . Civil Iltiitiltuti per Cent more .11tIttittis• m hit It to ;:bilii era I, consideraid, :oh:native : II in tiitirrly la.W.2lrai en I eta agaill,l 1111 , i , 1111, and ,10111Jialllaaa eolatu,tion, dispels all ti314:.,'1.1.11 t riiii,liiirtalliiii by tittizAtt,tifltailioltil,:qvittli liont or any other iii.,.1., or ow \ e,,,,, , ,.. Then, 11:, tr0p..;,,, r...t"..1 5,, tha t one grubs or mono ma( he •Ilippal 10 :la) pall of the 111 rid ii ith pewit , afett . They are the most desirable %aide ft i. lii lat. Crt,,itilipti.m, and the . 4 i.iitherzi and western tom kel tlmt hate ever b ee n int .•nteti. IP.:ALEitS :Ind .7'll i PPERS, Hill do well to call an 1.X31111110 for llieinseit es. it %L.Thene iiiiitchen, err WAtilt.k NTED to be superbi to any thing inicrtollwe offered to Lie' railli, 1_ JOHN DONN E 1.1.1% 1 . _ on North FOURTH St. Philittl'a. Phila. Dee'r 4, 1(.54. 0 lilE E N (.' II Tlt USS EB, IV ciall i n ~, les3,. ~ ,..., thou '..!! 2 iioneee, limn the mire of Herni a o r i( t ip i nr acknowledged by the highest intaii, al authorities m phit adelphia, ineemparably superior to ally other In usr.- 0 l 4 ttlferers trill be gratified to learn that do occasit n now altars to !mama' not only the highest and ble,st easy, ,IMi He durable a Tl'll,S Ile any other. in lieu of the email la !lad LlllVOllliilrtabili article usually sold. There is no till lenity attending the titling. and when the pad is beat ed It ti ill retain its position ti if hout change. Persons at a dist:tumuli:dile to call on the subscrib er , ran have the 'fruss sent to any aildrt sin. by remitting live dollars for the single Truss, or ten fir the double.-- a itll 1111.11allia' round the hillti, and stating side affected. _LI twill be exclianged to Nita If not fitting, lip let urnitag 1 .. ' at one , l. unsoiled. For stile only by the Importer, ' CA 1.1..11 11. NE4:1)1,1'8, Corner l'irelftli and Place streets. Philadelphia* 1 0)- Ltimis, requiring the benefit of :%lei hat teal Sup porter,. owing to the deraiwenient of theloterind tip mans. inducing Ildling of the \l', nib. Vocal. l'ulmoitr?, lirspeptie. Nen nos and Spinal NVeak !less, 'ere inforineu that a competent and experienced LADY It 11l be in air tend:titre at the Homes. (set apart fir their exeltadtpir use) NO. 114 TIVEIST4 St., ISt door 'aglow Rare. July,2ll, '54. ,4 I'vENTION T)A'Sl)l.ll"l'TCS—Tlioso of you who huvvlwoh ttfll.ll4l for years ith this lq..therstult,) disea , e, and who have been using altnotit ery No , trunt wq. the public %without rellet; NI II say to yott try loifor's A utillyspept and you ‘,•111 bleed of its great superiority' quer every othor In'‘'Paration. .AVe could tci \o pal utaby curt itirat• s tut otatitto,' , our assertions. but a siogle trial Is worth tours ill 111 lilt. Tiik remedy Is prepared Hod sold at the lirut St qre of 11..1. K E1141;11, llapower street II for' loot % south of the • t,,r 1 YI"I"S 1, Tri' 1.1•.; N'l' !IN (-)it CIHISHP.IL. —Abs. val;b.us 1' taut ,f Neat audStuffers—for sal. by H. SAXTON. uov. '55. ~~I)il~1t~C~~i~in. May 20. 185n-1 VI
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