Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 23, 1856, Image 6

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Wanted—More Labor or'Less Land
"in the sweat of ay/ face shalt thou
eat bread,"—was the sentence pro
nounced upon Father ADAM, (when,
having nothing to do, he got into mis
chief,) and his descendants may never es
cape from it But there is no need of
their worrying the earth, "cursed for
their sake," so remorselessly and to co
little purpose, to get the bread they gath
er., least, they might bestow their
labors more,, wisely did they consider a
few "fixed facts in agriculture," as old
as the Expulsion, and as true as sacred
Writ. Could they be less covetous of
sue/ ere—of lane l . arius and hroa I .plan
tations, and more anxious for productive
ness, asking for better ermiN rather than
for “one acre more!" Whv, when our,
title dci - •ds reaoh With gravitation to the!
Nadir, should we not be anxiou , to see;
what underlies our farms, as well :is what
joins them to the horizon Y Why cry,
—more land, more land," when ste. :
, .
rile acre.: are a slimily to nilr ,)WllOl , llll1 1
and 1 . 11161'11(11M, they give such meagre;
The sorrel of successful farming. ha ,
lieu said to ii , LAniot I.N LIT
TLE LAND," and the ilkore WV learn,
pr letioally and theoretically of Agricul
ture, the firmer becomes our _conviction
that if is s(). A. few farmer, art! I,llC
vAsful because they possess a soil natur
ally rich in every element of fertility and
suited i character and situation to the
growtlrOf large crops, but these farms
form - but a small propoition of the whole
surface of country under cultivation.
Most sits need some amendment in or
der to their highest produetiveness; and
all need careful cultivation, at least to
keep out noxious weeds, the "thorns and
thistl e s" of our lot.
Ilen;•e it follows (our premises admit
ted) that those farmers will be most suc
cessful, who by a wise expenditure of l
labor and capital, give to the lands they
cultivate a like character with those most 1
productive—not forgetting, also, to coo
cent/wit , the whole energy of the soil on e
the crop, and not on growing "bread-
stealers — for their own and the world's
impoverishment. Artificial means must
be employed to give depth and fineness
in hard and shall o w soils, and a course;
of maturing and culture adapted to add
the elements of fertility to sterile and im
poverished ones. A l / 4 itoyment outer, that
enemy to all vegetation of a profitable
character must be drained off, and reten
tive , thus ameliorated. Light sands
ask fur an addition of a calcareous and
aluininous character to give it proper
consistency for cultivation. The hill
sides and knollit have long contributed
from their soluble and floating elements
of vegetable matter to fill the , adjacent
marshes; let these retury their viol] de
posits of muck, and trpartial
of soils would be tcinjitry.
These things, it may be
said, he!wp,.. :
to an advanced era in Agrieult:l:e -
be carried out Only in the "good time—
always,ahead. IVell, be it so; shall we
not strive to approximate to our ideal?
shall we not strive to plant, other steps
up the hill of Progress—our motto "F:x
celsiur ?"
Rhetorical flourish aside, as a nation
d > likc'to "spread oarselves" beyond
the due medium either of comfort or
profit. To lie the owner of a larg,er farm
than welian begin to improve and culti
vate is the passion of the' American far
mer. In our most favored soils, if we
•intend to make our work tell in any way,
we must concentrate it—intensity it and
at least do so much as to keep the weeds
rrom overtopping Our corn-lields, and our
wheat from "turning to cheer." Nac tire
is bountiful—but bountiful in weeds a,
well as in corn and Potatoes. Where
the land cannot produce fair crops of
each at the same time, it is the province
of the farmer to help his planting ahead,
and he can of to give the proper
preparation of soil and culture.
While one farmer raises eighty or ono
hundred bushel's of corn on an acre,
another raises from ten to thirty, (and so
With other crops,) and yet the soil may
have been originally the same. But the
one has put, his labor into proper shape*
—he has sought to keep up and add to
the fertility of his soil—he has done eve
rything in the right time andin+ the
right wanner=-and eery year has had
h's pay for if. The 'other has, farmed
more acres, perhaps, but on the ►hake-do
principle—he has hurried over theprepa-
ration and culture of the soil, and with
all his ambition has been more ready to
makera show of acres, than of full cribs
and crowded granaries. Ile, too, has
had his reward, and, if noe "sold out,"
is anxious to go to the West where "Otte
lahor on much bind," is the watchword.
--Noorc's Nurd/ Sctr- _Yorker.
SPAM N(; rs PLOW! N 1; .—" Wonders
cover cease, — has often been said, and
still holds true. To the astonishment of
the farming community, ' ' and the,rest of
mankind," spading machines are now
being produced which are capable of do
ing. the work of live plows in width, ::J u l
eight in depth, with the power exerted
by one or two yoke of oxen. It has
more, the soil is left as free and light as
after being thrown up by the i':;pert
hand of a ;quinine soli of Erin with an
ordinary spade.
1..) Lit6i.uarc,
- . .
J , )IIN 1 ). Lysi.]—Nl" „ale and 114 ,
e t.:01 lt,,it., in Amerieatt, En ~edi and German
II kItl.Ql AitE. i hit, Paints. ay.. A. deeltattie,l,,iiid, , ,
and thel-LC , lii• -zenerally. , lin are in , ant of I lardware
, ,1:111V kind. are 1111 'lt'd 1.1)..:111 111 31111
o.` .c). : ,':li , !
„ 1.X:1111111V lIIV II 111.11/lIIN lIII' • .tuck 1.1
I ,
.....kllr '' 7,......Z1J11,1, IVIII:Il I 11111 ' St•11 . 111g ;tl, " logy 11111
pin. .1,1, ,t ..p tit: it. will , iiily detain pat a %t.)
fe, initial-, t, he e,litvineed t n it ,dtat every 1.04) sari
--that Lyn' , is. de, i,lmily Ow i .l.ii•il t , o.t ...:• , .I j.c..,ils at
lap, mares—tith , t be true. i.VN E'S I lards,are Stan,.
11,•.1 -We N,rtli Ilait,her ,treet,.
- - - - ---- - .
____..,c_:., , ,. t 'IJ I IZES II AIIIIIVA I, !
tOAFC b W A R E'Ll 1 . 4 1i E
.____.... . N l'lt SA XTON. The
~ ,, - .,,-ini...l. llnVillt:ll.ttli 411,1 tr,in the city ‘‘,ltlll ,M the
at 'eut iat ,d hi , friend-- and the 'midi,. ,teherall tot he
I.t •1.• and welt ..ele •t... 1 1-..--, .rtment. til ll:int:Nal , us lllill II.•
II f1i ,. 111 , 1 1•.• I, e I. , ...1.111 , V. in !tart of lii 11,111 \tt NI 1-
'l'4lll \I,• nail... , •.- .--,hith:e.. ',wk.. hi Its. _1:1.. imt',.,.
p n n t. tit 1.. ae 'I , d.S -ed.n. t ~ 1 ,- . .:sue and plane. ~.
, er . , deti,-ript I .II s• II II 111 , ... ra,v, hammer,. Mil ii.. n.
k „,,,,,,,i , i ..... i ; ~,,,L .1 :`I 1• p:.: \I %is I.,I;:-. I\ I/ :-...‘1..
Itl.Elt: , 'l' I 11,. i ~ ;et her mill nu n..,,•ed. Untie, anti
!az. -.Oh, n h , e ; hi el. wax. pe,....-5, 1a.,;.,, harm... heat, t -
in 4. ,a,i,11,•t re, .% .•.
1 . 1: I NI I 011.111,1i1.11.
~•••1.1 :11,1 4.11:1•n..11 , 41 i.•
huh.. .p. 6,
‘l,er , 1,111 hid :1 Lm-go •.? rani
111 111•1 ‘‘alittlt - , et I e-
It Ti, - .11i, r 11 1 .10•1 4..
I 1,, , st Ir ~, woll solo, led. oompris
it,: ail It , 1,i,1s in izeileral usr. as liaiwiloreil m 1 ,1 1 , 1 , 0 ,1
it . ,11 of all sip,. lilts: bar and lucid iron.
:1•1•1 oval lo iron Itud nail rods. Is itb a
I , 1 07 . C. 151 and sitri - tig. stool, English 1111,1 Alllerll,ll
II itisokoopers and thnso about etutuntwirinit will ticil it
to tlioir it iN:l111:1ZO ,•all and 1,.:OOltlf. our t•ntli , ni
t uiia anti Witted wart. paw:. kettle... .tre.
In additien to the alio% have received a
ass wt. t N 1 ALI, tlialsiaz the -1.•• I, c
and at vu eitilied te •
ti rte. itull friiied. it se dl
rl a Remember the Oil stand. fia-t
Ili clt Street. P.i.
: ... A) , ,• ! • ; .• : -,t•-••*. •1 I A I)\' A R. 1.: !—The t•
r 1 ,, l I a n t.L i trt s tl , :f i T i l u t fay
lowest Prices, at
garicitflurai .
1 C 111.1.1 S E F(,)( N I)RV
AND )1 E
+lll,,,iher l n•r it .11 q.l in
-FT 117 t ft-v.11.1...111d I hal
II to 3.11 , t.
1 . .1 11. lltl, ha. 13 k- 1
IL • g• • 1 . 31, tirt• 3111.1 ° pill ill ,1111 pl ,
•tt• ,r.l,r. 11nlor., art , Jr,. r,-.1,,•,•itu11y
yit•• I In lug 11110. W 11 Will W ltii
pr ill dm
E'llt IN 1 ,. .S ill' I hi' ro onnEtt •
an I rep tired. All kind,. of )133,11'111m . y Papor Mills,
rep.ured at ~hart uutlro. 11111
tiressetl 11.11110 d.
II litSE I. l‘V C.ILS and 1 . 1IILI .. ...;11IN(1
till 11 as ltrl. it 1.l air Four II 3rse 11.3rizontal G.:3r
Pear II n-.,,. anti Ts,,. I'm., Powers, 1 . 1,3334135, C.lrn
and Crushers. made h, orlier. I r ut I
It-tss r At:s not is hurl. nt
~s .ss 'ls' ac Crallkti All.l Mill I klarill,X.
;1 11. 304 Breit(Rlii4o , lllti fur Saw Mills.
C~t~liu:;e. Point Shears, 11 . 3t40il and C..ach Mts . .
Spin Iles ('as %%lee's. Car Chairs, A.e. 11.• has al s r,
an h 1.114 a 1at.433 supply Si Philadelphia and Tr
IN•i Sl' 11 and is emishintly
ur various ialprAvol p.itterlis or \Vilna. It'll platy
it ,',.ti.1..11.*ti. Ittlilllllll4 11/ all 1.1 .15 Irt 11.3.
Ali 1,111,1..0' old Iron, Brass amt C.11,1101' L.1.k1.11
i *, 'I 1 , 1-113 ills. Work.
Elt ;1, LOOK II E !
nytivitNu.M \ Es!
• • l'•-• 1, ant nan I . valet, and pill•lic
• • ;11, ti, it they te•wita - venrr hand , anit 31 . e eOll.l/111t
-1, ut guilt t Itrla rhrt,llleZ WWI 4 •llt ! - 11 witi,•ll art': ifenerally aulnr iv:led:et' t o 1,,,
1••••,t, art, 1— now in use. Ala, a vart, , ty
II alters, Corn Shelters and Straw Cutters.
at: ',Hi to the repairing of :ricialtural )(welt net y in
t best mariner and 4111 1 . 1!00 maid() terms. Man titac
t. rry nu North Hannover Street, directly nppnrsito Like
r. , i4ie nee •of khan' ul..- -
11taal•t'S A111:1 IS A: Pl. k N IC,
c.!...? ' c .,:,C,,,..,:, ~,, , o us, , if I , I)INV, It of 11 011
t:\Il 1 ( 21 1 s n i r . and
n i i , ,?, , , ,t n i ,i , , ..r t5,
i ,..; ::
.. 1 h.,,: 0,, , ,..: bn 1,, , .1 A la r.,,, , L cd: ”I soi,crbir Cabinet
Ware. In all the diderant styles. Wllll.ll he is prepared to
sc.l at tio• I,,acst prices. Ile in% Res atteliti,in partieu.
Ludy to the I'vre.NT SPIIINO II )Tl'4lll 100).1 r tp, ii lien
ii ,tl . lll 11ai..10, wi11..11 entirely obviates all objections.—
Tn., let bon can lie 11a:0'1111 t..,) Oill Bedsteads. They have
given entire satistiwtion to all who hare them in use.
2ltr E IFFINS untie to order at the shortest notice.
. - .
(yricN r i ven
is hereby
tiro I hare, this day, assoelitted with me in the
pr I. a.ire "flay profession. Wm. M. Pourose and Thos. al.
Ili bile. Es irs. .111 busbies., in future will be attended
t 'by the all ive under the firm of ••11inatit & 1'00008E."
F,,b, 11th ts,',a. W. al. 1111)1)1.1', At'ty at Law
) 13 1, la B. SINIELEY, CA B 11-N ET
>LtiiKitand UNDERTAK Elt -• •
tatalt' .
Nortm Hanover treat, next door to ,•
[Bass's Hotel,
lie wohld respect fully inform the
citizens of Carlisle and the Raffle generally, that he
ha, now on hand a largo and elegantiissm•tment.d FUR
NI UllltE,cunsistin,t in part of IVardrobes, Card and oth
er Tables, 50144, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain. and fancy
Sewing Stands, ke., manufactured of the best material
and quality warranted.
Also II general assortment of CHAIRS at the lowest.
prices. VEN rri tN Ih.lsus made to order, and repairing
promptly attended to.
Aitir• COFFINS made at the shortest notice; and hay
ing a splendid hearse he will attend funerals in town or
41- Roolomber tho stand—noxt door to 11. 11 hiss's
notot. It. 11. 4M
NAILS !„ NAILS !—I am now pre
l rir(ltn s pply country. Alorellants ~tv it h !au:: a
uuunil:u•hircrs pricus. 11. SAXTON.
11',:NRY S.kX*l")N
J. I'. LYNE'S,
N%th Hanover St., Carlisle
481ritt . irotht 'itpttalll,to.3
I'ItOPRI rams.
WILLI Ken, 31 iil.ollolll. BRENNEMAN,
Ilt:NnY A. STunaiioN.
Rank, doing' business In till) 11311113 of K Ell.
BR r;)I AN CO. to now fully prop:trod h 11,, a gun•
cral ti 1.14 d in; Isu,im , ss with pn.hiptilt.,s,mti
ritt'y 1 . 001,1V011 ou Ihptl it and on tivlll.lllti
tiottrtt. I ittorr.t '‘tit t , perial
ticular tatenti. , l. paid the t.l \
A:c. in ally part,. if the '1;
ileout tanees made to En4lnn.l, ire hnnl nr the l'“nt
nen I. rho Ctithfitl anti eonlidentinl execul inn nt all ur
.ler> entrusted to them. may he 1,11.,1 1111011. M 111
At 311 11111113 13 , 11011,3411 V. give tiny in furnilitioli desired
In to inn ley matter, in ceneral.
1...+%.11.1.111:ing I 41.4 u-Lt 'l'runt*:. Building, Main Street,
It 104 Y .ist or tai. 011191 for
nos,: from 9 n'tinek 11l the: inurnher until 4 (6:14..1. in
he evening. 11. A. : 4 rultu EkiN. CaNhier.
Sept. 855.
ld I AS I , llllNli- AN!) 1)1. IjM 13-
• ‘3l - I\(l.—Thee iinderAgnool would illrOrtit the
••itt.11•11 , 4 14 Cal lisle that he 'hag made arrano--
nienti , to doti.l:3 Firr I NII and I'Ll')IISINI: at short iv,
tine. and on red,,,nal , le tel . lllS. tie IlaS ellitatielt the S.•l* -
`‘ lies of a first mite hand front Philadelphia. and has sup
plied illlll,itif ‘N WI :ill eXteli , ill! :ISSyttillellt of Fl NT
l' It ES. which will enable hint ti, till all orders prompt')
.\ll work will he warranted. Ills :Awl: of i lax VI xtin ~,,
will be found in the rota,' exit. tly 11prsite his Tillinin=
establhdinient on N , ,rth Ilanovrt street, where he Invite,
a ,•:111.
. .
NN I N(l. Ile is also prepared to
furoMM or make Lo order. every :Irtiele of TF.
IN NI .11:
used lmoseke k liers and ethers. Ile will al.e. atteml
Lo Trci;. Ilious4E.BooriNG. BELL irLvsmN6.
(.4 BLi NIL
rliankfill f.i 1 Ito. it r..wore ai t,h v, hi. hhr has •Ibon.1)
boon b•vorod. ho rospe:Littll2.
.c.L% 3 rnitunuuu ..I
rttrlislo..lllllC 14, ':4
A I.) L.) I,E AN I) lI.A liN ESS MA K -
lk [NIL The ,to,,,,•iher thr
ah.,ve hnsh,,,in all its vart,ll , l,l3ll , l , '•iii N'o . th II"'
horo lit. iliti•t , ..l , lo.4.liiir,s 11:11,1 a :retleral
In Ili,
1,1.1.5. t;i:111,
t re. rl rlt: 11-'l-1.")
h• "'"".
ttla , t Hi., the Itt
^ 1 . 1( . 1' ll'. 41 itl I hi.
c-__, ?,
- 740 '
131 1 1, ,
!i l ' i ih•
:it .t• a 11.1,1
1.1-41 , atit
gill till Il•
trier II 11
2111 ii 1•11•• fnn lit
ir• Ail Ihrir ‘311..1t ILAI I. wmlvn
Ile al.ti 611/4,14
Ilusk. 0111,1 11 di Met t'l,l inc Nttlt.
ra ,, ,s. All t I. art H. made et t tte 4 t.est
III:aortal stud work Horn ship , rand with the lit 'West 111,-
pal.• 11. 11 NI.I):4ItORN.
1 , ,r,-....,
~,,,,,_• _..,-- i
- f — c4P.l';'-r,
)', . '
' .;"....: 1 • ,•1
ra - v,':,-„,=- ,
4- - , ..:1: - ' - . ..
I.) A 'l' i N SELF-77)tiAj'. 1 'ENIN(,
I . INREN FEED I' 3:TTEIts. 111101111 M •
SA Kit ENT. N0..11 ti Markit
ratter is superior to sissy now Itlku r, for stint
durability. .implioity of : it cuts ta•t
er. and Is the only self sharpening. I lay, St rats rind r,irti
l'utt , ir amide. It has list ONE SIT.%
ii N I FE, whorls an) person 1.1111 IZritid stud cet stills Oils•.
but iu ,iiiillnary ca•ii. i. crouuJ ui the Th. 11-
,111-, line. already !wen mild, 311.1 till' 110111:1111 iS
I most tins., tint lan is cntllrietit
t , , sit ivre tine of its stiptiri,rity. Xo f 111 4 , sifter a shirt
trial would part with it fiir ally other. .111 ti,es
n Loy. c, sit stoutly' OTI 11111111 and f,r sale tit.
.1. I'.l.l'NK.
Sole Agent for Cumberlntal county
tarter Perliettitil.--ptoirdriti Capital paid hi. UOirc
Chesnut street. fp
k!: ‘: I NCE. i•itilt.r 11,1'111110111 I 1111 i
hy fire. 011 we m ain 1111i1 IA-Fa•f•l
• 1 i 'll .hi t Pli it rY Ih, orilm
\ oit Mir prrsiimilly or by letter.
ill t e promptly attended to.
C. N. BA NCR Prelct.
The Fu ribor Is ttgont fur tlte above , rump:illy fur
tr11.1....3:1.1 its vi:ruity. 111 appliratiutts bur itr•uratt,.,
['tor by 111:Lii ur Iwrsottally will be prtutti.tly attun.ted
A, L. SitoNS.I.P.It.
tie . ... 12, 'It:). ltral I:stato .I;re:A and Sorivebrr.
1 1 Llt I NSti 1t.1.N -'THE A.l, I, EN
AND I.;.‘ST DES.NzqI(IIO) '‘11:17.11, FIRE IN
SUR INCE COMPANY of Cdtliberland
rated lo nu art 1,1 fUIIy Lit gAilitoti. :11141
iu ” wider the mawt.zement of the lidlol‘irtv
It abet It tiley, NVilliam It. (tor t :as. 111-Imel Coedlim
11,1,11 11,-eriiivolati. Christian St.i
•Imsdi 11. Coover, Lewis Ids or. Henry I,mm ti, Itenja
min II 'Musser, Jacob Sltolllll/I, Jireiellil 51 Miter:thaw,
Altontoder Cathcart.
Thc rates of insuratteo are as low and favoraltlc as any
Company attic , kind in the State. Persons wishing to
beemne tomalleys are invited to maim application to the
agents of the company, who are it Wing to trait upon
them at any time,.
"VIEN.T. H. MOSS Elt, President.
HENRY LOGAN, Vice President.
lIYEIt, I•lecintary.
MICHAEL COCK LIN, l`reasurt•r.
CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—Rnii.lph )tart In, N. Cilia
herland; C. B. normal), lilngplown; Henry Zearinir,
Shlromaristown ; Charles 8011, Carlisle ; Jr. .1. Ahl.
Churehtown ; Samuel Gralimn, {Vest l'entishonmtili ;
damps B.,Nvel. Frankford; Vudo Griffith. South Mid
dleton: Samuel Caner. Boidatnin )Ivoluin
losburg ; John Sherri,:lc, Lisburn; David, Coover, Shop
YOlt K COUNTY.--,161in Bowman; Dillsburg; Peter
IVolf .rd, Franklin; John Rndth, Esq., Wiu+Tiltigt.iii; \V.
I .LI. Melting. Dover; ,T. W: Craft, Paradise.
Members of the company having policies about to ex
plre can halm them renewed by making application to
any of the agetus.
1 1 ; A
Thd'attention of the public is invited to the eXICTISIVO
manufactory and ware•room of the subscriber, olio is
prepared to furnish. at the shortest notice, IRON RAIL
-INt I of every description fir CEmETEnt ES, PUBLIC &
IES, FOUNTAINS, sErnms, cum us, moss, DOGS,
&e., and other Ormunental .Iron Work of n dernrativo
character, all Of which is excented with the express
view of pleasing the taste, whileAhey combine all the
requisites of beauty and flba:tuna! construction.
Purchasers may rely on having all articles carefully
boxed and shlpled'to their place of destination.
A book of designs will be sent to tiMse who wish to
make a selection• ltonEwr woozw,
Ridge Avenue below ,Spring Gardent, Phila.
Oct, 10,''5.
....... • ._
'co nit persons otiterod wtoi Frx out diheases. su , .
Al, WEAIiN IMPOTENCE, lioNolthil,
'1 he MINN Alin ( f Philadelphia. in
iev. ~f the !milli 11,5) ruction 4,1' Inithati silo stud heal(
~111,1.11 by 411 , 1,1,04. 411111
1111424 1111' wirer! su, 1: Ili,. 21,,
h) 4 :11. 11:111..ilreCIPti their eensultiiiiii n. t.
t 11.11,1 I . .11 I' onrt hy et thew 111 I`
\ll'.llll .11. .1 li) ll' r. T I to all pers,.es 16114 ai.
lii te,l., \IA, 11l 1 enutili, , wite'tipply I y let ter.
of their
11:1111) , 11, :1!... &1'.. , :11111 ill ,Xll,llle 14,4'11) 111111 41d11.1
t,, l'ltN INI titi; id" t 1 1A 1,1,1i 1 k
The Ilea aril Assert:Ohm is a benevolent .1 nit utien.
estithlished spe, Gtr tile refit? If the
sinil atilicteit with \ i 1 silent and
nod its I . IIIIIIS euu I e 11 4 111 firr 11., 1,l her
11‘1114151.. It 11,1 S IV 11 4urpltta r , f means. which lite
Nye, r,,ted G 1 nolt ert Ise the 111.1,41. 11 , I1.1•. It
to 11,111 that the Asseehatien v 1 intntintis the
of the age.
Allire.s. 'pest paid.) lir. 1! t. It, 1,1 it ii•N, 'unsult
is,irve,,n, 'instant A F, , ,eintien
liv eviler 1,1 the Ili] iirters.
april 11
I(11.1,11t1), 1
2 - reiniutit Artiste in Hair
fl II voot.,r the Celel.rated
1% iv Itll.l l In• lit 11:1/al Tt.lipeeS. I liFtructit , m , 14. enable
:imi I,etitlemen to measure their heads eiUs :lo•
ittrhe..—No. 1. 'l'ho ruvud of the brad: Sr,
I,,relkewl (IN Cr. the head to the ileels: \u.:,
rll,t,r.trti 1!:Lf. ..ver the t.•p; \u. d. From car Or ear
1,1111 , 1 the
T , oiwo , alp , . in. NO. 1. F - to folslivad to
ock :IS tar as ha 1.1 ; .2. liver 1.., chew! as tar as tiir
:; ,‘N rr I Ile e1 . ..A, II (.f the ileZ:4l.
. .
R. 1)( )1.1. 11:1) has al,a! s 1 . ..at1V sak.n sph.thlid
..f \5 upe,•., Igs. hall NN
maimlactutred and
a! , OW:III:IN any I , labliSlllllolll to till' VIIIOII.
)10.',1;(11: oithlS
ileshaniut I. , :tinon.r Lustrous liair
preparett front South A merle:in' lierl S and Itoots. the
, tleoes•ful :trt e% to pr,,lttood for preserving
hair tr , lll okr II:11161112 rni , r. re•h,rhier
/411,r roa./.11 , th 1111.• d•.. Bail .uttint.r Nalw:tt 11:n1k
t:till, it , Itittlielt,• plptilrtrit'a* lent that
appli , •.l 4•%el 11.•:t.1 , 1 hair at at hi. •••tahlishatt It.
In Leiter 111 POI till". on.
di, ,tl,lOl 1.4 . 111 , Z (111, tan , tlo.lll
t11 , 11Q:111 , 1,..rt . , tin Ltreatt,t vattrautee it ,
t•la , n•
hi I‘ll , iles.,lo at 1;7
II 1 II: I)N I'. .1 • it r t ‘,lO, p• t t,•,l
I'VerN ill
11 , 0 . th.• Pith, 1.1..1...1 11. I , 111.1
ale ill% ilvd t. 41%i
Lrdtr•rr , ndln:«r•dt. It. DI )1.1.A Et , . 17 7 ( . 111. , t Mit ,
P l:i;udrlpliin. 'S ill re , t•lvi. :011.11ti , 13
1/N FINE 1.1:1114 , with Ts Patent
I'oll , lll 1'1304 Low 101. ,11 1 1 11 ~ 1 •111
,:j t atfilT.r , ,,:.:;4,. „, 11 ‘ , l 11 , 11,1 1 1 , 31 31 1. )i.3131...
r at ti
rfr `Lk-:', , 111 , , tit.i' , ,) \V nrld , I atr, 1,11,1,, ii..„l, a ,,,i
ri ~.- ~Vii- i 'Z '1) ~', 4. .i ' all - . at the W odd . . Fair. Neu
. york. 1" , : , .. am! •:,1 1 i n: .., 1 1,,, i.
I, l tiii i p or , in ,
~, .q . 1 13, :11, 1 111' , I. 1113 11 11 131 1 1:: • 1 •
~ , ,, ,,V., i , ! / ,','d 1 .1 1,'..- r 1 and pr.totet , i. in Oil. State if
.1 '''' -' - ‘,. ,: i l';1 4 .1 - the al.tii e unequalled Sall, 311 11
!;c7- L
-1-,- . --- ; ~.,,,,.:.; ~.„•,,,. 'rho rornh,th n ~f the
t- ,
~ i., 0f , , ,, 1 „ g „ . ..., —ll.,rrlit:f• Stith - is ti.orh'
.- t 0...
___ u ,- 1 yi 51 „.-‘, I ,le aml hir the laNt thith et,
. " -` ... - 1' , ..44 i ivits the mercantile community
lilt,. wittiessil and biome test i
ninny to their rit.vrit r‘iftsi. lire 1, 1 ,4 , utilities. Mire
Is,ollll of 1 1 1 ,111. Silk, have been 111 . 31:1 Ily 1.0111. 3 1 / 1 1
es er•14,0 11 1'7,1111 111 have passed trinnip ilititly thr, mill
ncidental tires. The public are at:surveil that all I , llies
manuflytured I.Y 1 110 subscribers are not only gnotan
too.l to La 11.111 Y 1 , 1 11/1 1. but ill many respect , . even supti
rlor to tl t o<e Which has e Leen sit selerel Ii hid it) lite
F e w will forget their FI`I.VIOIII , in the, burning iit the
"Triliune establishment." :Neu York, and at the Croat
Fire in •:4tray.l...rey street at the large lire 1,114 Jnly.
I,i , site (Ile 11 i 131r11 '1
1 131se: 111111 `4l 1 1 111013 1 tecently
in the Fire at Filth and Chesnut sit. In the ,-it) ,d
Phildelphitt. in u hieli the , ..e '.ll 11., (311 111 1 f or th the al ..
Ivio,, 1,1,...,1 ril l , ', I 1. , , M lien 111111 l ~I her •eeurities
&ed. FA lilt LI, & Cll.,
e 1 1 1 1,1 SkrY 1514 hit% t, Li. 1, NI 1, 1.1 113.
:14 W .1 I.N Vl' Street. Philadelphia.
11 , 11 ith Proof I,ta.l:s, 111111111-
f111•1111,,1 es, pr, Brkers. 111111
141111 r, 1.11,(1111111,: 1 . 11411 riaz - mlec. Haul,
1.11 11111111 1111,1 1111111.• I order. -VII time inost
cele.brate.l 1,4,0, for sale at tunnistimettim,rs' prices.
I 4 (iviititt hand 4 . Siti•-•. - -Nll:inlanders - Iro
Chests" •,f olhrr mn6rri. have Leen I:11:1.11 hi part pa
rnelit for Herring: , for sale at half ',riot.. • apt.
E:1:1' 11Elt LE .1T I I E It I
F1:1'17.. 11E:N111(1' A.
N 0.29. North 'nth 1 Street.. Philailelphin.
MANI"' \ Cerriers atitl Iteteirt,
\ INS, Anil litetlei. , iti Red nu,l
oat. Sole I.e•it her turd Kip. ly
LAY A N I) S'I'ItAIV currEizs,
cioRN t•111.:1.1.1.:Iti , —A farce it:4 , 4,11110ft of int
11:1)". ratv and Fielder Cutters. 11011 Oil 11:1Ilti
A 1.1. lulls and siteth. slielleri• for either lintel lir
I, vt.vor of the v,•ry !titling
the premium chiller et the late l'enes;t It iiitia:•tilte Fah.
l'er side by Hilt I AC
.l.fri. ell tiral arelionse end decd ?here. miner et 7th
nil \larket. D ee r, I
-11,1 NC 11 'l.' It . —ll e ia or
anpturigmic,ossfully treat...l. and ....nifert 111,tired.
by use tit the eledalit Pnatrh Truces. iwpurled i.y the
suLsrriior, ;tint Iliad 0 to uoler
All swierit, o : tt,th 11upt are .111 10 , a.rat111...1 h, learn.
1 hat the e. .dler, to plvenr.. a Tilts,: et/Whit*.
lug est,llll. 11,111 with to e, dinal.lllll and c.irri`i.t.
e,ltt't Valet hi•• 11 t !IP rntnhr , uy it ud
Ml' Art is le u.unllt sold. An e.% tetislve w....rt men ult,at
tin h barinte of litiptute in rillti , t.
:tin at a ea ii-.• s ti lt AL
TI 11•seS. t.ands'.:l; 1101111 e,
l'er,otts at a .11 , tnnee Van have a 'fru!, sent to any ad-
It remit tin_ the amount, !Wilding BleaSUell aeOlth‘l
the hip.. ;110 •tlatiMt side mrommt,
• F.,. Nnle %Vh.desalt. and Retail by the Importer.
1'A1,1 , 111 11. NI.:1:111,1 , ,S',
S. W. cur. of Twelfth A: have Sts.. Philadelphia.
11epat fir 1)r. Banning's Improved Patent ltody untie:
elta.t.t pantier4 rang liriii•tm•
Sitsponsnry lianthat..: Spinal Props and Stip
ports. Ladies' 'Vans, with competent lady attendants.
I april 11.
Mlnptell also roe sowing oats, g.rass seeds and
guano. KratHer's Portable Chler Mill—lbe best
In the market. lialliday's patent IVitioltnlll.—. AYj
orb,' Pl 4 ,i er's Thresher's. Lime and beano
Spreader's, Danid's limy. Straw and Fodder
Little Want (‘'. Ire and Coll Mill, Spain's Atillllllllol.lC
'flie:ihove Superior Implements with all others,
p, r ow use of the farmer or gardnor, for sale Wholesale
and Retail by
A crieultural Icarehout.e and Seed Store. corner 7th
Ind Market streohi, Phihule july ^_5, '55.
Nos. 21 and 23 South Sixth Street
ADEi A .
AGRIC . II.7IIII.a IM 1.1.1 NII.ST 7%1 t NU!' teTolll*, Bristol,
Slum (310 Acres) BlutimsitileAleitr Brlbtol, prit
1: . /.1:21 1). lIVAI;TW ELL Piesi.lent
17E1). FANECIIII.I), :•cretat.).
‘•T ,
Three miles west of Harrisburg.
'the tenth Session of this Institution hill com
mence on Monday, the, &th of November• next. Parents
and gurdians are requested to Inquire inti, its merits
Instruction is given in the ordinary' and higher branches.
1111 Eng-110i I.,lneation, and also In the Latin, ({reek,
retielitint iierimin Language:: and real lil! ustru
Boarding. \ Vai.hing and Tuition in the English llranch•
I'B. n?1(1 \ ,111 Muni, per rcr,.l„u, (.1 months, 7 ti1.1.(10
11,1 t ticti,ll n, eat h ~ 1 the 1 anruag., . 5,10
I, , tltinlental - - 10.011
Far eireuhu•n anti lurthei iniormation address
1.). 11 EN UN lilt, Principal.
Harrisburg, Pa.
sep. 2.11, 11+55
CA 11.1; 1 1,E, I.e.—The i ineteenth Fensh n (five
months ) will commence November nth. ben build
ing bas been erected conteining G innustum, Music
It. nt. Ac.
NN ith increased facilities fi.r In elxltetirm and amplo
arettoinedit lions. Mitt Institution presents peat In
ducements to parents nho desire the ph) sit al trild
mental hoplovetuent of their sons.
'I ernis per 'essloti, $t 1 Up. For eireulni % ith full
information, addletis It. li. la;
Priuelinil dint Proprietor,
Quinherlaffli ro.. Pn..
0111.1 ett to Ihe Del% and briotollei :Ma
Ii BA 1,'11,)1:1.
O. ( . 11.011WICIAN, Pr111,11 , 41i and Lecturer UpOD 3:erean
E. h. in rlitirgy (111% riting
U. 11. Ise env, lusts tia,or in al( uL. tir.i.s und
A tult•lA.
.1. 11. I'llll l iv,. I..tirlivi in 1.,.(4.
Li katalleit inl I.:kw
ILI flt• I.IIIS 11/Ito
11,111 of this flan iti nl it tltu.u.duru.g arils 01
Loon ill :11.11•1,1h1 Ce.
11,1111) oleiV rtuty 111 the t 11/I II.• UlDo)q,r
%lilt 111 in tur d eLrw'
'it I
lit pi nitioun Its 1111:11
'fhe 11.1 Itn , the Wu. , et rl,n
a. , ,.111,g1ii 1.111 , 114 ILnl 111(1,.tu. h I.luuv4
tr \ .111.2 , 11l tuq, lull, 1.1 Li I
lit.. I tlall , .1.,.111.(1 al.
ill t• la Th.. ti.t 4 1 I I kilit,S
3,11 if,. ) the3ll,e 11 1.11i11111..e. 11,11 ,
Ldltll.ll L ie .1:11 e1.t..1 13;.• Iltal 31,1 11311 tu.t.i till to
11.1 11110 11. I t.i•Ldt , .itin :IA :to nittt lull]. :uthog
.; tiolt 'doh] 1 Ili I ovi•hip. 41.11811111,.. 3,11.1:1,1111 H.
t•11.111.1••••I. F.. ZI/111 , 1.II•1;. :At/L1...1. aL
. • 1,, ul.ll it
:•1:1r I I}11••
La1..1141.v col. .111.11.1.• 1..14.111 I v , ..1.I1••••
•• 111. t.tUI I•I U. u , II.11.14••
1.. M.ll, :111 ph 1,31.1. I 11/.1n...1,11111.d •II in I. I
)i1 I,CA N ' lll.l , CA IA I ' LAIIIINS In nll thoil tarione
are taught, I.) the uyi,i,t ntcurate ht. t 1 a1.4..1i
' (I. tan
1411;y le, the 111.1,. e of Ae
ct.t. an, ),a I..hiA ill . I unli A . then(' n. n .
I , lt 11 lln l 9l t . II 11.11, IN I ay.. ,Ar . It 11,
lup h, nt anipt ILO lA,a au 11,11111.1, tl, 4.1 ll;•) 1 . 1. II I I
U. sill , I I 11,1, I n I, II 111 ,
111• tllll.l. 111 1 •••ar . , Ir r at/ t"
1111 . 11 (11,e. 5111 15.111 n tk, is Nst 111 4'
1./•11,5 LI/ 11.011'1., 11111.1.111.{1. 1111/ 0111(1 115 01 1101•.
til d MI , 11 1 1 111 1./11 al 11 4.,‘ I i I - a,e
IlVid at }.1.111 , 110. III:11 liipil.ll:Bs ttrttril 11 L tl.l
MIIO 1.1111.1111 a, . Flr tarun, ILI., unto .1,1 Lax
ir.r dad [1 zaail. lot
11{ES11 .1)111:US, E1)1('INE,
just recefl I ft from Philadelphia at d
11.11. dew very eXtelslle 41k.hilt11,11. to ,iv
emir:l,ll.g neatly every artielo
Sr MI lii , illlo MIN% ill 11M., togettli r e•ltta
tfrhishes, Vertu
/ f-eaps. f•latiena.,). u t,,., 3
. 1 64 . .
• lug liruslf, ut ulna t t•N }•r -
11, ~ }l. :511 eudlena 15.1 lety 1.1 of tic!' tll 2lt 1, , 1 , 1.1. 11 1
nm Bete, 111111 ed ti , sell at 4 1 / 4 11, - 1 5.151 1.. \ll,l ps It en,
All steiaifs Country PS - 1115515 ul,d 1.11,
o respectfully requested tilt I. p 1 1 ,!.. the $l,ll
1' \D. n , they linty rest 1/2.,t1r4-11 ;uti, le 1 , 111
Le held of a geed quality, 'taut upon reas,eill le lilies.
May u
11:6S : : Fresh
f:•:t Ll' 1 ha%e just retelvvd s Leah st 4
. .
\llllciiir, Pallas, Clat.s, oil, A:c., I%lo,llA:tying
u .,
,•,•11 pIII, IlltSrd %, it 11 greet care at the 14,1. city
li , tv , •••• I caitc.ill.tit.litl) rectliimi•l4,l t.. I ;,I. di..,
1•11 . ,n lulls, rt.tilitry Meta/mitt. iti,tl 1.i.111.1, Y.:. Lt_
I/11l iiS—Patent \leiMines. Fine (Mende:kis I nstrit
tiiiiiits., pore Essential Ohs, Herbs. awl Extraetn. siari s.,
wound and iii,,le. Lsseneeti. Vet funt,ry, Ay.
Coil Lii or (Ill—warranted genuine.
1)1h-sit 1.1.5-11,11,z. ~ ' Alacidt rs, Samar, Alma. Lo;
ai “i t nut \N.,. Is. l , ii \ its! , I. Copperas. Lai I , 0.
l'.\ INT,— \I etherill A: hrothi Ca lure Le.-,d, Chrome
tireris and 1 ellow , faint anti \ :insists 1:i ne•lit.,, .I..t.ey
\ i,
11 toilii, tilas . Linseed OIL Turpentine. Copal and , oael l
Varnish. :soil Roil Lead. Al! ofH Well will I, sold at the
try lowest market pile...
Also. a tresl nod •iillinillil assortment of V .1 N l' Y
ill ales, YrUit..ollltol.til.ll:trY, Mill iiintiii.'l:ll It' other
artiel, caletiliiteil for use and iii 'lament. all .1 Is lii. li
sire Illit•rell at the hits rat rash prkes, at the elteili, Its t:,
Rook and, Lane) Store or the stiliFerilier on North Han
over street. S. I .'" 41A VEllS'l It li.
_IL); SAN U) CON FE( "I (IN A v.
Th.. just returned tr , tu I
ith a flesh supplj 1 , 1:1,“zs and CUM; I CTItiNAL
The 1 , .11..1 iu ~..nuret wit Is it Is his 24 4 ek ou hand m
hi, ~, ,,d dulent Drittl,, :%le(M lugs :iott 1 Ili
votni.loto. II li4 :I ,, ortoiont I'ONFE( 'fll , \ .11:1 also
floc: consisting of plire ‘l, bite Mid
; tutwd?, as , “lt , :d. zin.ll;l. , ( s
I I r t•Q sdrietv tdso IA nits. Nuts. y ; 1,1,
1,11,1101 g t I hat 111 Nlllllll'l.l Or trade. lie Wl.lllii
speeild te StllipiS of FANCY AI:1 . 11'1d s.
for the 11 , lidtty s, ;not general use, tiniong 1, hu h may
foot the ito‘ the Fit-tend, :1101 the itstfill, All we
invited to 1%11 whether they wish to puss st. or r , d.
B. .1. lii I.IF f. It.
C'arll.,lo, Doe,r
NER Y 001)S-1Stifi-
STONE A SONS. No, 4L. South Second
Street, I'hildelphih.
}lave just opened their Fall Impoitati o p,,
Including a general assortment of MILIAN ELY A R TI-
Cl. ES. of the most fashionahle styles. The at o l l • t:oodo
have been imported ex,ites,ly lii our ' , AAA, N o es and
comprise the largest and best asst..' talent in our line to
he t*outtd in the market. septl.9
_E - r) Agents Wanted In every TOM II and County in
the . United States, to rant ass for the most popular Ills.
nod other VIIIIIIIIIII, and saleable Looks published.
The works are particularly adapted to the aunts of Om
penple, being heautifully illustrated alth tine ;Teel nod
Wood engravings, and hound In the most sal stantitt I
Agents now canvassing for us, find It a pleasant and
proffitable eniplo3inent.
Our list also Includes the best works of T. S. ARTHUR.
Over loomon volumes have been sold the past year. and
their sale is still inetensing. We have just added sever
al NLW 111 , 0KH to Our list by. this most :popular author,
and Mud) add others the ensiling talPatul isinter.
We think we have the best list for agents in the
country. Send for it, and judge tOr youtselves. For
full partieulars and list,
AddressBRADLEY. Publisher.
4S North Ft:tath Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
T 11()( 11,S.—A mammoth ,assortnit nt of
Tot of nll hinds now oi elliq at
af.4l:;eu theth. J. P. UNE' S.
'lO IS I.M 0 ~/1
1.I.L11:1 .
31Ain struvt. lto lt,de3