Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 09, 1856, Image 8

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(I I) e arlicts.°l/4
Carlisle, Wednesday Morning, Jan. 9 •
Exoutt Superfine, per bbl. - • - $ 8,25
do Extra, do L - - 8,75
RYE do - - 5,12
WHITE WuEar per bushel - - 1,95
RED _ do do - - 1,85
RYE --."
do - - 1,06
CORN do - . - . - 58
OATS do - - 35
,- 8,50
TIMOTHYSEED. iio - - 2,75
WINTFR BARLEY. do - - 1,10
SPRING BARLEY. do - - 1,05
FLOUR AND MEAL.—The Flour Market to
day was very much depressed in consequence
of erroneous quotations of the Liverpool
market per telegraph, and 500 bbls City Mills
were sold at $B, and some 1500 bbls more at
the same 'price, under certain, contingencies,
showing 50 cents per Uhl 'recline There were
also sellers of Howard street and Ohio at
$8 37. No buyers. When correct despatches
came to hand of \the Liverpool market holders
were firmer, but no sales reported. A sale
since 'change of 200 bids Howard street at
8,50. There were buyirS of City Mills at
$8,25, but' no sellers. The New York dis
patch shows a decline to-day Family and
Extra Flour—Patapsco Family is selling nt
$ll, extra do. at *10,25; Ifov ard street and
Ohio Family at 10.50a510,75, extra do. at
9,12a59,37 per bid. Rye Flour—We quote
nominally nt $6 per hbl. Corn Meal—Wo
quote country at $3,87, City Mills at .j)4,23
per bid.
GPAm—Wheat—The market to day was
very much unsettled. About 2500 bushels
Itheyoffered, no sales and prices nomi
nal. We quote choice white at 2,0842,10,
good to primo do. at 1,931V:42,2,05. Red, good
to prime at 1,90a52 per bushel. Corn—Only"
about 1200 bushels offered. Small sales of
godil to prime white and yellow at 75a78 cents
per bushel. Oats—About 600 bushels offered
and, sales of good to prime at 401141 cents per
bushel. Rya—About 150 bushels were offered,
and small sales of Pennsylvania at *1,20
Maryland is nominal at 1,08,11;1,10 per bushel.
fur Safe ant) Neat.
TIMBER LAND Foil SALE.—'l'he sub-
Scriber offers At private sale a :TEA t
IriaLiziajz SAW MILL situated iii South 'Middle
tilt township, Cumberland vounty.
with which is connected about NINE Ill:Mita:I/ .t\ lr
THIRTY-I'll !LEE ACRES of good Pine. Oak, Chesnut
sod Poplar timber. The Mill anal Engine are in the
best running ardor and can be stindeil at a ,1:9 mob,.
There is a good double two-story DM' ELLINi
on the Pr.iperty • suitable Ism tato families, jib an (Md.,.
and ;row! Stabling. About fifty sores the land eould
hu aliantageousiy eultiiiited and converted lido a pro
fitable Farm. 'rile prmerty presents .treat
to pwrhusors. Terms e ill Is' made easy. For other
particulars apply to the subscriber at Parli.di. Pa.
dee. it M. D. 51.111,011 i.
r 1O I,E'l'.—.l large arid commodious
sToltE stieet, inquiry at 111.
Pl' 131,1(1 11()VSE 1"O11
li I.- Ill! Is% ern 110,
1141 Ai r .. 1.1 , 1 1 . 11.111aS tat, t t
t the head ot 11°1,1111g Sprinw, :south
to, 11.14. Cum herlaiol
4L.. Miles EaSt. 1,1 Ciirlisle. is eilerksl thr rent filen the
Ist of April next.
nov. 7,'55. PETER r.
1)4)1)1..111 I.()TOl'Ell'l'N'
pal SALE. That woo, "(ground
situate in South Hanover street, in the hiwinhill of
Carlisle, known as the
Said lot contains about one acre and a 1111111 for iFt"
ground and from 11. desirable and advantazisitis loca
tion is admirably adapted for 6itilitin4 purpo s es. :
The lot will be tsild entire, or in lots to stilt, pur
ehasurs. For terms and further particulars enquire of
'teal Estate Atzetit and Scrivener.
ort. 31, '55
I/110LS )1t 5.11.1: olt lt
.11,•rs for sah• tilt licit is rg
and ..,nisonient BUICK lit
bUildin :it.11:1t1•Ii till the ....rnernt 11.•.11 i t:utd L., u t 1,,• r
aroma, in l'arlb.l,•. Tito lion., s. ni•sv :knd 0,,n
-diti,n, with a ri4torn, Ilskr ut , u,Sistl . 11.11 , 1 t. A V , ..51
and sow, rltnirr fruit trot,. I... , cirn tt nlar,
nn .11 : 4 1 . :1,1,1:ii:•‘.
wt. 17,
That very valuable and bell known,,
STA ND situate on the corner or North Hanover and
Louther Streets, in the borough of Carlislo now owned
and occupied by Jacob Fetter, containing :tit Ina front
on Hannover street and 211) feet en L e ather street.--
'rho Improvement, on Ilantinver st,•eet are a tu•ge
STtlitl' II lI7AIs, a ith a large brick bark build-
Ingdlitishetrin the la ,St elegant manner. ttottlaitting 11
ilmoms lneludin•g the store room , besides pall HO; 43
and ColliVlaliPlll CIOS , I1 1 .1111111:011W1111a. The.
Wilti Is XI ti', in depth. fitted up in the host 4
uosslble manner and one et the most desk:dile:tint long
stablislimdbusines,, locations in mar town.
There two st.ry• bidet, building fronting on
Lotithor street, with it shop ;tttaoluk, now .ceitpied as
ezt ia ti ,,t inalej,sbnp. Aka a stable on the (brit, of tllO
sot, slid other nerestary slit buildings. Thu• property
is In excellent order baying boon roomilly tit tod up by
Igo prosont,oecupant For turns dr. onquiro
sopt 5
Real Estate Agent and Serironer
VA 1.1.T.A.11141 , 1 TOl \TN I tA) I' IN'
FOIL LE.—The lerire Shirk Muse and Let
situated on Leutlier Street one door east of the llerinan
Reform Church. The honso e..ntains
/...4 • , 211110 largo nrcnuo, ) 1 4i , 11 1 1 , two 111117411 qt
tir attic eltainltertt. Ingo kitchen 111111 smo
lt.. • "'Pr
"IP has CU feet front
nit Louther street h 240 fort bank to
it withe alley, and tent on North
Street by 2111 Bert to the 1,11111• alley. containing 111 all
about ;11 a 1. 1 . 11 ol al , llllll. acre It 1111• 1 1 1 ki.ritilti
a hi a staldr 101 had, lnmt on the prentkes • The.
, • , admit. tl•Ilt• tor either a gent elittaWn
p.jt.•t . • . • • • ,
1,•••• ••. • • j.I •10, , . I..tarding 1011t1.11 or tlict.ry emabllslal
111 Mt. terms •t . e. atoolre of
A.. 1.. SPONSI.EIt.
RAM Estate Agent. Carllsl•
Abm. Pennington vs. Samuel W. Powell
Laird's executors vs. Moore's admr.
John'Mumper vs. W. M. Watts.
Joseph Merkle vs. Dr. J. Zitzer.
J. S. Martin vs. David Martin.
J. G. Carmony vs. Jacob Rheem.
Elizabeth Pague vs. Michael Ziegler.
Win. Graham vs. P. Wolford.
Jos. Wambaugh vs. Rev. %V. Gwinn.
Win. Proctor vs. Peter Spahr.
C. G. Stough vs. Robert Greason.
A. C. Roush vs. Daniel Beelman.
G. G. Stough vs. James Lindsey.
Same vs. Samuel Greason,
Abm. D. Klin'e vs. Dr. Ira Day.
John P. Lync vs. Ain S. Alexander
lt. lieberlig vs. S. Kennedy, et ril
Same vs. S. & J. Kennedy.
Joshua Lee vs. J. S. Haldeman.
B. J. Kieller vs. Christian lithoII:,
Else J. 111.'lilwaine vs. A. M'Elwain s ex.
Carlisle—John Shade, Henry :•thrum, Wil-
Ham Ski les, David Hhoads.
Dickenson—Hi chard Woods, A.,raharn Clau-
(lv, Gto. Lee, John S.
Frankfurd—John I)itMouser', Dan'l Mon nee.
Ilopewell—RObert Laughlin.
/lamp/len—Frederick Iftun ma.
Lower —lt en—John Shell wm. Stephen.
ilerlioniesburg—.John Campbell.
Monroe —.l Min Paul.
A - Nylon—Andrew Davidson, Thomas 7Afe,-
Culluch, IV i!Ham Davidson.
Newrille—William l' ink.
.VOrth Mb/41(AM— ) i l Butz.
Sunlit ,Thddieion- 7 Sittu'l. Zug, Ulrich Strick
West Pennsborww'i —Mathew BA. ,
TR.dVERSE J RO ES— First Week
('arliele-11' Alt:tillen, Thomas .1. Had:-
IV, ,1:1y, A. lloluieN Blair, James
Guthrie. (: ,, tleib
Dirkinswi—Williant Galbreath, \Vivi. filen!),
John I,v62ver, Emmluel Line.
East Pcioisburuugh—D.Lval May, Michael .
Freeze. .
Fru rily;)rd —Thompson kynnedy.
ilupeu•cll—Hwiulph Gunt(le, Jacob Crea-
Hayden-,James Orr, Joseph Eberly.
Lower Henry Draw
MU/lin—lsaac (Thristleib, William Scouller,
John Jacobs.
Mechanicsburg—David Emg, David lligley.
Monroe use', hSt ruck.
.Vurth Midd/etan—David Nfiller,,jr., Samuel
Hoffer, Robert Moore. Peter Harman.
Newrille—flenry Best, David Dunlap.
Newton—Jacob IKuller.
Sifrer sprinLr—Jacob Mumma, Saml. Ifus
ton, Juni} Cluuduniu, George IL Buchor,
John M. Martin, Samuel Cocklin.
South MoNlelon—Benjam in G u ttman, Dan-
lel Spotty, Wm. S. Mullen.
Southamptoil—.laeol) Ferree.
West Pennsboruugh—Satiel McCulloch, Sam
uel Diller, Samuel Davidson, %Yin. Glenn
TR. , / ' ERSE JUR6RS—Second 11Peck.
CarliBle—Julio Irvine!, Jacob Shrom, Win
Vhckillson—John Fisllburn,,jr., David Line,
John 'Liston, Wildiam Hockey, Stephen
East l'emichoronah—David llyster, Ceorge
Oyster, Fredei kik likiorge Bowman,
DiLvid Deux, Samuel li,lielnian:
ilik/ori/--James L. Alel/..)‘‘ ell, William
//opeu.,//—.l,Leol, Stunlliir.
.11wiroc—II.Lrinan lielttbnuccr, Joiu, Enck.
.11..chanicqi rg —IV ( 7 .
—.I acob Waggoner, seri., Sent t Coyle,
Gee. Asper, John Sulenberger, Samuel
Norlh .11i,1,11elon—(ico. Brindle, John Me-
New Camberland—Valentimi Feeman,
ry If uthnuu,.
Newiuts—.l3c,,ll Kreider, David lirandt, Jo
seph Ilehorlig, Jaen!, Tritt.
Suuthampton—Jaines • Uoilec, Ge,,rgc Allen,
Ge, Clever.
sil i •er Spri ng - 113VCrStlek, scu. , Ja-
Lel Dust.
South Alt , / , //etua—W:i.sliiiigton Wulf.
Upper .111e11—David Deviancy, David Cony
er, .Icahn Floyd.
l'enktv!,urougli —Simnel Diller, David
S. I(cri.„Jolin I.4awbatigli, Benjamin C.
) )I t It'l n li. .\ I '\ I; I N
L I ) 1 1 tlx 1•: It and 1)Elt It
tit \S d1 , 1 , 1*
S 11.44•1.
lit• ns , pvt•thills iuPmn the
carle.h..iii.l the pulai.• ..tialertlly. that hi,
oil haw! a 1111 . 4, •11/11 ..i.`,...1111.3,,r0rt..1,0,r1,1'1;-
,1 . 1:RE, , ,,,,,,,th,g jut 11.11 . t 1,1 11.tiali,he,. Cal tl and 0111-
T:tidos, Iltua•ata., piA T ,
malittliteturod ”I the best material
qii.tllty warranted.
11s. it tztineral ItsKrtrldintnt id' ('U A I Its at the Imrost
I,s. , t lit IS lliiN 11111dt, to urd r,;u;d
!elided tti,
,Id' t s ; (Fit \ made AL the shortest. tndien ; and Intv•
splendid Intarse he it 111 :tttend Ittnerak lu tmt it tor
~. o' nottleniLer trot, stood-oext door to 11. Itlass's
, tel. It. ll S)I [LEY.
x T I , : N
~,,..,,, t v 1 , , , Ft it NI , fLI it 1 , , , ti( )( ). , 11.
--.I 1.‘II.: 1 It. AV EA VER wont,' re.i.,,1,,, L t1y „Ai
Gnu atlootion or iloo , o•itooloo,,,to,i the pull!'
co his o.too,ivoSt.lll•li of eh...vita 1,11 0:I'll:It I%
Idieholitig S.fas..lVardr, aws, rout!, mid Talde,,
.. Oro's' tig and I'llin Iltiromis, mid ce,.ry ”tlior
•LiCii, 111 hie brati , .ll , if Inislii,:ori- AI,o now ton hand,
to' largest a•otortniont or CILA I ItS in nirlklo, jut ••
111 11 sent prices. Aol.'ll NS !tool., at tlio short
, notke alta
n , l a Ilrel. provided for fn nerdy. Ile 'kit, a call atlile ost3l.lWiniont., on North Ilan
vor , tr , o), hio•tr ill:is:Wm 110t.0.1. ..
ni)-Vuriiittire Itirwlout by the ;;) , etli ..r vette
\VA -1414 Jeceived
splendid sloe]: of hilwr lIHTI4'IIIgS,
: 4 11'1,11'S And Fit...hoard Prints, iiinbrioltor,
and StylOti. Tili. :111.1
And tllO Illtiltot tall to
litethin.- W, inyito eur rriends and the Lpoieral•
ly Lo roll and examlno our ass /anoint roliire purelinging
elsewhere. ' 11. 5.% Xil'ON,
miurleJl East Main St reset, Carlisle
rtgA=Cheap Jo}i Printing at this office
MeivAioll4 . ' e)ltiits N)'c
titNE.its AND DRAUUILTSUEN supplied-with
m.".tioniatioal Drawing Instruments, separate and in
cases, such as Dividers, Parallel Rules, Ivory, Box-wood
and Paper Scales, T squares, '/Tiangles, Bow Pens,
Drawing L'ens, Protractors, (Jun ter's Scales, Tape )ees
ores. Met:die Tapes, Surveyors Chains, 2 and 4 Pole, be
and leo Met, Surveyor's Compasses, Engineer's Levels
and Transits, Target Rods dx., he. Magic biuton"
the bel.i *must' uction, Scriptural Diagrams, Astronnezd,
Natural History, It on re" Chroinatrope or A
Fhe works, Dissolving Views, Magnets, Polormnas, A ir-
Pumps, Electrical apparatus,
Dal canto apparatus and a
large collection Of Philosophical Instruments, suitable
i..r colleges and sellouts. Also, Spectacles, Spy (passes
dien)scopes, Thermometers, Barometers Reading (Has
Sc,t &c.
Haring recolvell the agency for the sale of
SOHOOL APIA RATUS, 1 am prepared to
furnish Teachers a ,Lll Orrery, a Tel lurian, a A umeral
Finnic, a 5 Inch Moho, a Hemisphere Olobe, a set of
ieometrical :Solids, a Magnet and text "look, all packed
In a box with lock and key for .$2O. Illustrated and
priced catalogues forwarded tiratis.
-264 Chesnut St. Philadelphia, East of 10th St.
has received his Fall Assortment of
forming a greater variety than ever before offered slid
at lower rates than CV MI the low rives of last season.
Fatty Baskets, '2OO patterns. plain and embroidered.—
Crying' hulls, China Colt, KM Melia, ‘Sax flans, Aecer
deons, Violins. liarL on tica frutupets, Sc. Toys of I 1 mod,
China. Wass, 'l'lll, he.. over Woo patterns, by the down
or e'rMss in lots to suit. Also C toes of Toy at
and 20 per eiist., tt ith an endless variety of newest styles
of FANCY lulu DS, per latest packets. and tie sale nt the
lowest rates in the eq. 11. TILLER, Importer.
No. 1, Commerce st.
FAN() V La (.1 () IIS
In endless rnrlety, new upon i 11“; and rofff.rol
I. suit nutl nt lowe.t prices urk
and 11111111 31111
.klaltster Pultetniatt ttittss Bottles.
tuts. I nkstatut , . Tea `sets. 1ti..11 Paper Pe.x es. Ile-hattl-
Tu,3%, Puppets. & ‘'‘`. Ti LLEIt. I tut, trier.
Oct.](., So. 1. C.,lllthert-e,,..1.
QAVIN.G PUN]) TII f: 1 7 . S
TIII Sl' (Nimioy.
S. E. ( . ..rti,r Thin) ett...:lllt St revts, Phil a..
ti %)_ C.% PIT.% 1,.i..'.1.i',11.11(10. ^4ll
rovoiN 4,1 .at am.wiL
out, ..1 in a llep,mit II v 1,1•11 L. 1.11,
ir prvlerroll n cell !tient!. will ho
• 611 -am, and ...mall, are re , •••.‘ 11 , 1. :111.1 the
ilIl , 11111 peal I i i on ,1111 , 111.
I lit ore•t pal.' at Ow rat.. ,p 1 lnL 1•Ell i.N T., C l ll 1-
111 0 1.1112' ~t te u l,
dal, provi,.a.: It. the 1, It 11,1ra,a1 111, mney,
11 111 11 fir , l ‘tt.latlaar. in va.•ll var. th.• In I oaa“.t
'II 1111P' It 1 4 pill t.. t t., the
p ite•ip 11, it he in:l3 prefer.
The C...npany hale ti l e upwarris 4 3.f.tio
in the 'ltv of Philadelphia 31.111 v.
inform 111 I e given b: 3.l.lressing
the '1)11.1:W111R.
DI It 1.:CTO:;$
Stephen It eratet.r.l. PreFet. Win. 51;:limlnin,
- Lan . reitre Johnqnn, Vire It. Paul It. I ; ,, tititt rd.
A In hi , se 0. Thomp , rn, 00 0 , \lellenNy,
Itenjantin W. Tingley, , ./.(11,1, PoNerettx.,
,Inert,. 1.
ae. F '
I.,ennee, 'lnst. Faigligh,
4 PLINY FISK. Seeretar3 Rini Trea%urer
,I l'ln'ill.N , lll.lllFlL Teller and interpeter
.eM;1 4 4.4 . ,.
. •';:f:14 ,,,0-4 cS4 : ?„,,? i
1114,ipyft...,.. m .,,,
, t,...1, 3 5pit,
„,4 ,
i :,,...,„• ; t. t . j,* 4 !,3
• `.. 4 . 4" 'i. t 0i..,t,"*.- -,
, ;-1 '; , V r: , -,.'": , 44•5T1 ~,,
,;•.• t.,; - .,k. : .gic.,47-,:,
• ~..•:' ~ ~t,.t,',:i. ; - ,-;,•.•y.A.,,!, - -=.7. - - --__—_____-----
, 1.:, ; ...- ir ••., 41 . •••' .6, r . • rniroV
,),1,,.. 1 . - k; 1 4 ; 4 ,
~'•••!.7? ''-',-,,,_ :, : -_,,- ----
•.,;..i , ::04 , 3g,?lkeP:Tis:r-•: 7 31
1-, . r:1 - -t r l, 't.
, t , i,...,-•:!L.- -1, , •rz • :ti. - ..:.
..,,..ri..,,,...,...., ...„.......,__._____, ...‘____,....,--...„-.
rivi., p,.,„ „ENT.A SN'ING• FITNI)
111 nil: N kilo\ kl. :...If. On 1:11‘11q:\ Y N% :ti
nut .r,•• t —nth ,•,•••4 o pt ~. r ~f Iliirtl ,t1.•••t, l'hil.k.l(.l
- t Illi•Po p“rziie,l by the State lit - l'otiti” I i aid% In
1 ii
Fire hit t lit. Dewey iq
s keel, It is called ft.r, ii ithetit the
, 14 . ~ Ivll le.tice For it le,f,preltatl.
'Ol larle , lllllS pull. theft unmet' In thi•+
I p fi• ) CCM
it affords. but :my sum, lardy ur .mall. Is E.,
Thi• 11:,e a very large 3111 , 1.11 AL cif ‘I
Ground Itenta .11,.1 "[h.•r tlret via., lu vestaiept.
I o' th" roles prevent and
Illreetor or fr uu ur horrea trig the money.
The u 111.••• i 4 op., to receive awl pay up err
its. fr..m U ,611. wit In the mirrninr till 7 Weloolt In the
evening. nrtd Air Monit.iy Lind 'Thursday evening. till 11
People a h. Ilave sinewy to put in, are invited ti , 'sill
sit the,lllce for liirtlier it.fortaatit.ti.
it \ I. HENN ElI. Pre..l.lent.
Mit:, Vie Prenident.
\t' 11..1. NEED. Terre bury.
)05 ,)1,,r
( 1( ffiN S111:1.1,EIZS :
The sul,oriher ha', In./ in the 11,t fanned
i1ipk , 11 , 1...1 a bundled :intl I,,t•t) I. rn 11,11-
r 1:11hi• , h. int , srln the 1•arine1441',1,,,i 49 .1,,,,,{
e,int) that he I. pn , parea t , i frame them all,•1%. I Bill
I 11,1! e.rn 11 , ••,.1 iu pay r,r and sill ill
• 01 1 .1. 1111011111's hn roll ‘r,,11. My chop is nt the
Niwth cud ‘4 %Vest strict
14 1 1 NC Y F 111 S F()11 I,_II)IE'S :-
.1111 IN FA REI
lidporter, Manufitettarer and Dvalur in nll kindF uI Flin
1' . 111 . A, No. T.l Market :thovo Eighth Street,
Ilirving now completed ray very large and beautiful
t , •ort Meta ofull tit, different kinds or F.Twy Furs. and
frsh hosed into all the different ktyles alit V 100111.111: that
1%111 be worn 1011114 f the present season by lilt's and
Childrint. and being' ,it.terinillott to sell ray Vt.& at
Ma I. It will be to the advantage of Ladles and
other.: to give tile It VA
1:%)..5t. , r,1:0. 4 1,1 , 1 . 4 and the trade will do well to call, as
they will find inie or th. , largest and hest variety of sled:
to select front lit the city
11. Fl
11"attdite4., Tie I::trn. C:opet Cotton Yarns,
‘g 111 , 1 i h...,lrera to Nell at the 'Amos( Cash Prives at No
1:u• ot alcove Second. North silo, Philadelphia .
I( 70. , /e cny sprhil: stook of PAPER
which l• lawest titont variiat as , ort wont i.‘er
olionial in 1'ar11,14., to is !dill I lava. thy early at totalon
of f lit. :Di 1 jiaollll SOMII!.; at 111 . 14,'S hid' cannot
foil In flit. i•lnsysl pureliabor
‘10( 141'174; 1 I COUN •
/.:7 and COB eItIJAIER.-- , ..A150 various Patant of !ilvat
Cutters i nd StAitorm 7 for s.tio by IL SAXTON.
r),.'111, Charter pr o%isle> t hat no 111.111 ager. f4ll4a•r ur
atzmit indirectly. :Illy mm mmm'
Item thr : 4 ociety. thttl7.ll.sf.—ly
( 1,91iN Sit ELLF,IIB,
.1 STRAW 11"1"TERS.
.1 large assortment of Superior Corn Spellers, induct
ing ItendlntexPatent• eapable of i-In•lling 1000 bushels
of Corn per day. Also Pennools's 111110 and power SIIIII
-14.11, With V:1110111:1111101. patents of s arimas pri..s. Huy,
Straw and Fodder Cutters of the mot approved rot.-
striirtion and in great variety. Sal114:1.1-. (11..P1 , 01'S and
Stllibirs. lloubk Nilehignii, i"till,,,{l; Eallle, and liar
Share Ploa s. Stiper'or Ox }'ekes and Rows, (:rail. Fans,
Flintier, Boilers, I'loll and rob ‘IIIIA, 1.11111 , nllll (Immo
.Spreaders. A i• , for side Wholesale nii,l ii,.t. : ,ii Lit
pAsiiill.k LI. 3liiiil2 IS ,t Co,,
.%4Vetiltnral Walt tags° nnil Sort Store, N, E. Cor.
7th and Market Mt, Phila. Oct 10, '55
, -
FA 1214 STY 1,F, 03 I I A . L , : 1855.-
it t OW K K ELLER respi•••tfully niiinittnees to his
old l'at roils and thi• iiiililie generally that he has just re•
I'„i wed the FA 1,1. STV LE OP GENTI,EII EN'S
11.1 TS, inanufaet tired at rite of the best vettililish
molts In Plilholelphla, to ‘villeli he Invites special
attention. x •
10:4E111 Iv EA VEIT
Ile has also eonhtalitly 011 Liind a large and varied as
sortment of Mn liwli aumelfart aro as well ns city made
list-, aiel r t'aps. suitable for the season, v..1111,11..41.1; o‘ cry
variety of Bens or. .11oloskIti and Sill; lists. tin
-1.1110.1 in the latout kyle, together with It fUll jtn.olllllellt
of CA I'S .4 every , hope test iption. and at, every
prier. Ile particularly iiivltos the public to roll
amine his 0,011 , i1"(1 ItSSO.IIII I / I , llt, asbirh ht style, mate
OH and.•:lllnot be %arpas:a4l by at4y htmarket , ll.! IN able to put at prices honor that) aver.
ItrumnMa• his old stand on lurtli IlannYer street. Le
ween Iltilaer's and Setler's steren.
u sT„ EGiq v E I), a large amortment
11 of F L UOR OIL CLUTII of widths and
turps—fur mtle at SAXTON'tI.
' 150iftthebtjta.
VI purity, fragrance mild Whereas the llonotabk JAMES 11. GRABAII, PresM
emollient properties of this .
, ~, ...a.. iiiy,,,a dent Judge of the several Courts of Common Plena of
Soati, renders it especially ~ AXV:;. 'e a ' a.. the counties of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata, and
deserving a place on every ' ..rte;
,:- i,;•,...,:t' 1..* i ilive Pennsylvania, and Justice of the several Comte of Oyer.
toilet For chapped hands, 4.6 : e ~.,.„, s z:::a - t'e." . and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in said coon
and various diseases of no :
~.,'...,-, • ~,. —. • ties, and Dom JOll3 ]turn and SAMUEL WOODBURIC .1 udge6
skin, it is unequaled. Each - .1=727- - •••• • ;;;I:;,4?-. of the Court of Oyer and Toro and Oenenai Jail
cake In stamped WM. CON- . :li d lia, ,'„-v t -_ Delivery for the trial of all Nil al and otlier'offenderi .
WAY, lea South Second - - ip;.... ... --' \it the said county of Cumborl d, by their precepts to
V s. i
street, Philadelphia. No .
tne directed, bearing date the 12 h day of November, 1556,
other in tionuine. have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Wine.
IMPROVED C II EMICA I. OLIVE SOAP, warranted to cal Jail lielia ery to be holden at CA It LISLE on M ,E
-wadi, in hard, soft, or salt water. This Soap has power- DAY, the 14th of January, IRA at 10 o'clock In the
ful cleansing properties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, forenoon, to continue two weeks.
Dirt, &c., from every description of goods without Injury NOTICE IS lIEREBY OIVEN to the Coroner, Jtis
to them. For all domestic purposes it Is superior to tires of the Peace and Constables of the said county of
any other soap in use, and 2U percent. cheaper than. the Cumberland, that they aro by the said precept cum.
Common rosin soap. Each bar is's tam ped. mended to be then and there in theft proper persons,
W MIA ANI CON WAY. . with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examitiatknis
If 9 South Seel mil street, Ph ilailerphia, and all ether remembrances, to do times things which
Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soaps, sperm. !dear- to their office appertain to be done, and all those that
Ilse and tallow candles, importer and dealer In sal soda, are bound by recognizances, to prosecute against the
a .,aa ash, roski, &c. Orders by mall promptly attended prisoners that are or then shall be in tits jail of said
to' Sept. 12th Sin county, are to be there to prosecute them as !ball be
___... _. . just. JACOB BOWMAN, •
Nov. 28, 18th.
Winn ufacturer, N.W. corner 4th and Chesnut streets
ways ou Lanett large and varied assortment of
fort Mon 118 ICS, Work Boxes.
Pocket Books,
Bankers Travelling Bags,
Notgllolders, Ilaekgamhurtl Boards,
Port Folios, Chess Men,
P.wtalde IteskN, P t Memorandum Books
Dressing Cases. ('igar Cases. Ae. '
Also a general assortment of English. French' andller
man 'Valle V Orlf F.. line pocket Cutlery, Itarmrs, Razor
Strops :tud tiold Pens.
-Wholesale scroll and third Floors.
aprlS F. it, SMITH.
N.W. cornz.r 4th arid l'jtebout st reels.
N. the receipt of $1 n superior Gold Pen will
be sent to Any part of the country by until—alescribing
pen thus, medium, hunt or sort.
I )
wholesale and ratitil LUHiR I NO ti LASS AND 19 (`-
I, r: Ph ANI F. )1 A strvid.,
lipp.Aitr. the ThPater, Philadelphia.
hi. N. .t to. recnive,l the Medal, awarded nt
t I) , Cry '4Bl ht 11 1 ,1• \ 111)tit N. V., in thr United
St.ite,. for lint, Itvrorateti. Mntitel and i'ler
-jlt 4 U ."I'USSES:
I'. it. NElilliLES.
11.1.. S AND 1111.11'1; I.sTAIILISSI3IENT.
S. 11. C iti/ sr Tw Past. Street.. Pluhura•
and durability wilh correct comitrue-
I lernlal or ruptured patient, ran be suited by remit-
MIII.,1111t• --Sending number of inches round the
hip.. and •tittiniz •lile
..! single $.12, s•f, $l, $5l. Double—V. $6.
li is tru s ti o ns g "ear, and how to effect a cure.
when pi•F•iiilii. stint with iLe truss.
11..1 for S:11I•. In great sari. ty,
II.INNI Nli•S }.lll'.l'l'6\T 110 DY
rtir the elire I.fl . r•dttr.llS Uteri : Spinal Prop. and Sup
ports. Patent Shoulder !truces. Chent Expanders and
lirestor Itraces, adapted to all wjth :"t..,11 Shoulder,. and
nod Weak Lung.: Engll,iti Elactle Al,l.'ll l l[ lll l Belt.,
Su.pensiiries. ringlig—iiiale and Female.
with Lad) attendant..
Pll oS 11-1 ATE OF LIME.
The Fubscrila•r hifrins ve:ikrs and Farmers that be has
yfreatly Unproved the quality of his SUPER I'IIOS
NI tTI oF LIME. and now confidently recynunends
the article manufactured Lc hits , as suemos to any In
the market. You are Doffed to call, examine :old try
it. %Is'. PEIWVI \ .IND MEXICAN OUANO, ttll.r,
CANDLES, SOAP. dc. At the lowest market.
.I\ 0. L. POMEROY.
Successor to Thos. W. Morgan,'
9 and In ..•.z. , ut 11 Wharves, Philadelphia.
t*TFnnners can lf and on two private alleys. and avoid
the en,wded wart. .July sig..
,-,.., ,
N',r-."- f ...;ff,
';',li - '-;.
i' .. 51
1 1 n
' dzi•; ' ,/ tel
.111 •••"•.- V.
- -
1 EA3IE, \' S SAVIN(3- FUND,
Chartered I.‘ the State of Penni.% It ;mitt itt 1..!•53
OFFIC . E. t 1 .11.NU1'
•ttite door ;100. t• Brand :••treet. Philadelphia,
P•••••••is• • Poposii. it. ••11111 , of Inv Ih , llar aml npnarda,
from all Mitst••• I he ..rummy ity, and allot,, interest
at the rat" ti‘e per rout per ,ttinum. lone)s paid
hark on donottni. 41; • „poll Willy front until
and on )Itoolay :Ind :mturday until II v'elook
In the e‘enitn.r.
Tliht inkt Pinion will he final a ennamn l e nt. and wife
10,0••• t• r Farmers and "titer, (Min t ; tot•iness
In Philadelphia. Itepo,it. are paid on demand a It111`11)
an) pre% lams Wilk•• being rnquired.
et! S.
.I.ttne. Perot.
Jelin Nlet,triles.
NI. .I.lm Eke.
E,1,‘3,-,1 IF.'lt PP,•r, n. jr.
1f.„.P0 I t it.
Prt•-11, i)t \ FEU,
Trea-urei--( .
S , •orettit . t— .I.111•:S PRINIMF
KEN6V ALLEY COAL. Broken and re-sereened,
prepared expressly f v kindly use and kept tNDLR cvViji x
so that 1 can furnish it tifir' and CLEAN during the
winter seasim. have also 00 hand anti for "ante the
LUKE Fthl,Elt COAL from the mines of Boyd, Rosser
C 0... amt WAI. Trout the mines by 4.:rich.
ran, Peal A I'n,. all 01 which I will sell at small profits
for cash, and deliver to any part of the borough.
hot. 14, 11'. 11. .M,UltitAV, Ag't.
TREv oitToN
'FRE% OlttoN COAL.
The subscHbor Ni.oultl respectfully inform tbe rit I zena
of t as ish• find vi. init.% that h,• Ill.W palatial' to fur
nish the ENI'IN E 'AL of carious
sire, a sample 01 r, bids ea, lurninlied to a uutolwr of
•iti; ens three t eon , since by Mr. E. Ilelfenstt 111, and
tt filch pt ,e nurL perlevt szttistitßti.7t.
1..•,t, qualities of 1,3 kens l alley and
(OM I.
Also ItI.Md:SNIITII:6 and LI:III:Ill:WM Ct/AL
ufthe difiereut hindh.staLtl) on hand, nt the Lew
Coal lard near the gas m , rks.
Feet. 5 [l5
Ilan. Joh R.. Tyson,
11 ,, h,•rt Ml'nig,
Edward L. (lark
I V 0 'l' I C TO C(I Sll 31 S
k co.A 1.1 C03 4 .1.'1 COAL!!!
~,,le,eriLer would respect full 3 infsrin Ills friends
and the puLlir. that 111. is 1111 M rPel'iVillg Woo es of
that sr) stipsiisr CURL. !rem tlis Loh"
I.bilsr. mines sl it .yd, & Co., the only bsd Ash
Cool brunglit fri in Ike :.1111111Ilkill 140411. illtrOtilltell 111111
101,, /I 1110 - 11P111.11F41111'l'4• 1 11. I t is mit hely
firs fr, ni slats :ind all stiles impurities, and is psi issily
adopted to all iiiselidnisal and in ntestio purposes. Its
sadimss to ignite. renders it rartisularly desiral Is for
stows, while its intensity of heat and meat dura
bilit V in 1 , 41111illl!Illakel• It equally so fur large ones,. lie
would also call the zdteid lon of tanners Mill otheis to a
superiur article of CHESNUT COAL, from the same
mines, to steam and liar purposes ,
Fur sale only Ll Carlisle by
lAA MI LY COAL.-500 Tons Lyken's
1 -1
Vzd ey Cod, lunken and Screened. preparedd
ssly,fo Ihndly use, receiN lug Ad for 4,
, 2ti Gut Wen. MI:MIA V, A gt.
ons Lyken's Valley Nut'Coal, a superior artirle x
reeei% anti for sale by
J !au tim
1)1.4 COAL. 5,000
) lsni.assinitic Coal, a firt•t, rate article re
cmrinF 'or sale by.
June. v
---oiri - i - e. As ti 4000 TONS I,I7I(E'NS
f ill
i. ‘':k11• y. Dauphin and Pine Grove
3 11". 33 Nut.or Unie Coal,
I.ykons VAlley. Pit tst,,n and Shaninkin Stove CO3l,
Also, hest quality Illttehsmith Ccitl,
A 1,,, 1.1 . )110.:1: of all kinds and host ('ypre,s Shingles
131 ~f whleli will h,• ~3, 1 ,1 unuhuully low.- Fri.:lids cal
and judge tier ), , ursel yes
:mg 1.'.`,1 11
t k
t"*, Plitt 11.ENT for one or more wean.
Om! fr,4,, th,• ; iNt Of .Ipril next. lire eiivil.ll..,
;' l ./.: :` . 1 . (11:1.: Ni %W. 1.!, ortv ,,, lte the M•tri , ion lious•
11t+,11.,11 Nbilo street, lI.NV 1 ,. ..11pitql by Ilen.. l'etcrs.—
Al,l the IllaAvinitjt :!..11(,), on the renr.of f-31,1 , 14'... Ai
ply to . • itothavr miiirE.
noe. 28, 'titi. ,
deed.—Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministnition on the Estate of Ann Kennega, late of
Silver Spring township, Cumberland county, deceased,
hare granted by the Kegister of said aunty M the
sole.crlber reAlding in Carlisle. All persons !mowing
tionnhel‘ee ihdel , tvd to mild Estate tire required to makes
immediate payment end those having claims, to present,
them for F,Ltleumit to
otke is hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tratin on the Estate of John Coyle, late of Hogue,-
ton u, Cumberland county, deceased, lutve been duly
granted by the Register Of said county to the subscri
ber, residing in New vine, in said county. All parsons
ttnintwed to sold I.state rt hJI make payment and those
baring claims against it will present them Ihr seitTg
moot to is:COTT COYLE,
21, 1855—avr Administrator.
Under the .:S .l t h 'll , o t O iot .L S i. ,
th e . e
~ kc i h - t Lk I L Sl, E
aws f..
I'ennF\l. onto the 'Teachers are required to make a.
monthly Reyort of the pupils altemilug during the
month dettigtatting the nunther of days each tittenth.d t
the Leeks R . ,usett. and branches taught: these reports
•tt nig forth the eorttinet and proficiency of "goy
pupil are received. and On hie, and Sul fret It, th 9 1n
.:p...1M0 of any citizetta of the Inst l ict , especially e n,
the first it , ditt , .ltty Of each month at 9P. M.,
at Educatiou hall, when the tielec.t Schou' is held.
J. HAMILTON, rlect.y.
nov. 7,
—Notice I. he;ehy gis en that letters of adminis
t.:"l“ll 011 the I . .state of Jane Ewing, late of Dickenson
tell umborland county. deceased, have been
esrahted Lt. the n( said county to the subserlLer
residin,: in the same township. All persons indebted
I. out estate*re required to make payment and thooe
liar nitt claims to present them for settlement to
dec. 12. p .1011 N FA% I NO, Adner.‘,
LLB, dee'd.—Notice i• hereby. givtm that Letters
oi Administration uu the Li,tate ut Rudolph Hertzler,
late ~r Munn, tow nEhip, Cumberland county, deceased,
hare been granted by the Register of said county to tho
subscriber, residing in the Male township. All persuns
knowing themselres indebted to eiaid estate are requir
ed to make initueliste payntent,aud those hat lug claims
to pr. sent them for settlement to
sepl.lupd clutwriAN IIEItTZLER, Atfmr.
(four Maras
t hr Trot 'art.'s) Coal Company are jut prepared to fur•
vii-h the lac n of Carlisle and vlOulty to ith an 111.1111-
I t .upplt to 1114.1) till 11i lie Tres ilrtigi their
!111 II NA 1 and .I.ltlllt v. here
Cali the Narious sizes Niz: Lump,
:. , tvani float.. Ittohem 'tote )111i) Lithe \(
rectittielld it It, all. ax superior Vi 14111) Other vial for
alid Hine Lurulug. ker this
iul „ nuxtb , n of tine entrees f)I Carlisle tie tit ul,l in-
M HO thell)• this is that superim. coal, u sample of
a hith :is not:t I.: IlelMostilie. Le'l'r, of'tread tell,
about the a inter of 1t.,52 aml gave so wueh Satisiite-
'ft VV011..11 Coal Company Port Trei orlon, 1:111 , 111 roun
ty, Aug.
.1 A('l~lt Flil;u\l
W. 11. MURRAY, Agt
S. M. 1100VER