=I ME New '3bmitionneuts. :, QT . Olt,E, ROOM .FOA RENT. The kj store Rhona now oeciiplad by the aubscrlber, snit ated on %Vest nigh st: t and near the Railroad Depot, 1s offered Mr Rent. Terms modoreite anjpossessloii given on the Ist day of April next. Apply to Jan. 9,185 U. LENORA FAUST MARION BALL DAGUERREAN itoon?- t >oit PALE. —Thu.st.zbscribur desirous of changing hi' usiness, offers the above large and com modious rooms and apparatus for sale, on the most re:t am:table terms. These rooms have a commanding situ' ation in the most busipess and central part of the Town, with an excellent Northern light, and areatindrably adapted to the taking of Ambrot) pe Picturt;s! jann GEO. M. llOFFElt,, , Carllsle; Pa. - - _ VALUABLE HOUSE & LOT VI AT PUBLIC SALE. • • On Tuesday Jan. loth, .18:16, at 1;4 o'clock P. Di. will be exposeed to Public sale at the Court !louse in the borough or Carlisle. the large Brick !louse it; Lot occupiterby the subscriber. .a situated on Loather street, one door west of the Gorman Reformed. Church. l'he house contains nine large rooms kitchen and sum mer kitchen. The lot has 30 feet on Loather street by *lO to Locust alley. There are also on the premises a good stable & out house. Terms made known on the day of sale. For further particulars inquire on the pre noises. Jan. 9, C. E. BLUMENTHAL, 4,2 V, ',LING OFF 'AT.COST. The subscriber ,has this day' commenced to sell oil his largo, and eittenSivii 'stock of DRY GOODS_' At cost, for cash. A largl, portion of the stork has been purchased quite resentAy, and at reduced prices. The assortment Is full and complete, consisting of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Flannels,French Merinoes, limnbazines, Cashmeres, Coburg Cloths. Alpacas, De- Lathes. Silks, De Beiges, Calicoes, liroeha and Blanket Shawls, Cloth Mantles, Wool Shirts and Slips, Stocld ugs, Glows, Blankets. Furs, Scarfs, Comforts, Muslins, Ch.cks, Ticklngs, Needle-worked Collars, Edgings and Insertings, Laces, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Linens, Looking Masses, Carpets, Bonnets, and in short, ever , article embraced in a dry goods store. Also, a full ae sortment of IF)OTS'& SHOES. All persons in want of ,--Aheap goods are earnestly requested to call early, whilst the assortment is good, and secure the best bargains over had iii Carlisle. Recollect a large proportion of the stork Is .‘f the newest and .most ftshionahle styles. Como therefore, one and all a NI save money, Pur chasing your goods at the old stand, East Main street. Jon. 'MI. CILAS. 0011,11 V. I" AR MERS 111 GH sclioot I'ENNSICLI'ANIA. undersigned re'reive proposals ar the erect ion of A COLLI.G E EDIFICE in Centre County, Pa. um.id Till!fiSPAY. the 7th. n;. lielom try, ls:,0, nt I° o'clock, A. M. Also t'ie' the ere, Gm of aBA lIN, at the smite plate. The college „ , ,t l / 4 0,.% 104 will Mt constructed of limestone. a Run! .111:111 ily 14 which is found on the premises, and will he oomposed ..f It in tin huildi tut with two wings. ;our shrine high. pre sent tig a front of gfili feet. Thu Earn will be 72 by .."." fee' t Pi, Ntlini ,PP high, ...iii!pi feet wove the hasemeet ...i thy; sin ire. I. he of frame. The thither for the ii/1".1. H•td the Z 4 tollo..aro now twin.; got out and will be • lic id shed DP the contractor at cost prices. The institnion Di Im he located at the junotion of .4Nlidtany and "eon's Vitilies. between the mouth of Spruce Creek a n ti Ilelles tont, twenty miles from the former raid nine miles Crum the latter place. Plans and specifications for the buildings tito.y be seed acct our thou afte- the 20th of January. at uhe Mitre t f TSroderick Watts. Esq. Car'ble : and at t tie attire of the L'en n...lvanla Agricultural Society, on and after the 4111 of February until nu day of letting fly order of the . ;Huard of Trustees. , _ .. ..... .7 , tn. 9, T i - I j STATE OF SAMUEL MATE ER, toed.—Sotice• Is hereby given thnt letters of Ad :qou,,t ration on the Estate of Satnuel Matter. I t.O if t•I Spring township, euntherl.tud county, de , -cased. 'Piave been granted by the Ite,ister of said eon:ay, h. the .obtoriher. rt,iding in leeltanieslturg. It'irtt , tth indebted to said eStnte are required to Illtsko tut odhtte ,payment and those having vial toe to present them for 'settlement to .7n). 9-6 t pd _ 10.A.N WA.NTE D.—52;,000 or $3,0 00 A wanted, for which the bent Real Estate or sonai necurity will I.le given. Apply to per t ' A. I. SPONSLER, Heal Estate Ag'i. and Scrivener. Tan. 1, 56 • theS. P. Z LEG f and Residence Emit Main Street, third thew claw the Market "louse. Calls in town and county promptly attended. Carlisle, Jnn. 2, 1866. yALUABLE TOWN PO PE RTY AT PUBLIC SAL!.—That. desirable lionise and Lut, situated on East Main street, in the Borough of Carlisle. late the prcpert;i of Andrew Esq. The Improvements are a commodious two story Weather- b7r - ; hoarded !louse, with a large and con- ~.,,11, 1 • vonient flack-building, office, neces sary out-buildings, and a large and sul,slan dal Log Table. The garden contains a number . ..of fruit trees. • Possession will be given on the first day of April next. It will be sold on Saturday, the 10th of February next, at the Court douse, at 10 o'clock, A. M. For terms and further particulars inquire of the un dersigned. Jan. 2, '5O .. itNOTIIER IN VO IC E OF Elegani - Numlle Workod Collars. M1111111;4, In•ertlnge: and , 1.1,40m4N. just, rucked from New Vorii. at vory rmlueetl prl,os. ell A 111, ES 01.111,1117. dee- 19,'.',5. . , ......_______l 1 1 0 11, R. E NT.—TI .ie corner flit - -- 1 1 Store Room And mu t ,. u „,,, „ Nip i„,i Jaii :.' by N. WW& . OO as a lire tiood , v... f 45% 1;74.1 . r.,..... 1. Store. It is 0110 of I. 110 ill, i Mantis - • - 7 ' 7 ' - - -Lii thol.m.lrough._ _ . _ Abo, thvellinK !louse 'on %Vest Louther street. nye, occupied by Mrs. Elizahoth : 4 tou.fli. Terms made known on application to due.'l9, '55 EsTA.TE OF 13 A: It 13 A. It A. 11( ) NV (l6,m.—Notie. Is hereby given that Lotter: Of A talinistratlou on tile, I , Ntato of. li . arltara ard, 1: 1 ••,'” of Ilarmelen tow:14111p, CuMberiand county, de eo;‘,,l, It tvo been granted by the Register 4 said e,unts, t r the' hubserlhor, residing . in Silver Spring Own:l)in. All porsunft ltninvltt4 thent , elves in lebte.l to Kahl v:state aro required I. 'make iintinfillatis payment nd th ea: having. present theta for settlement • •) JACOB IIGIIIIA, Adiu'r. ;IsTAIE OF E()114 14] SN AV E I.l', lwrohy glA 7 i.•ll that LAIN: 1'0,, , ta- L3 ry on limn Esiato Iloorgy. Snavely. late ml p. l'ltinhorland t•••unty. doreased, have Leen by lhm , 11 , •41stor of said t• nutty 1,. VII, hulim•ribors .; in tilt , sauna II iIrS , ItIA 111:101ti'd td) !Clia are roquirod td , uiako td Sato p Ly !neut. and tlio oluavingchuitnyto presont ft.r sottlemunt to• •, JIEN SN.I ELI% V.xecutnrs. )F I S A.A C .14(.)N EN glvt•n that I,lllt , try Olt 'OW k:11, 1,111S1`111...1“q . , hal! tmvn•d , ip. Clllllberlll l, l I . IIIIIIIY. by 111,11)...r 1 . 114411!( hi. Pl,ll , Nirei kni,•1111(iln.11$1.1v14, to KAiti ,tin •1 t., ira iyoft•ilt :0 ) 4 t ,1 010 1 ,, t t! , , • .1.1(%)1: , !11,ENI AN. • 1 , ,„! ") now ...rry. Itt ' 41.'1 I it. \ To\ F ItED'K. WATTS, 11, C. ALIA:, ER, J OIES MILES, Building Eulllllllo eu M UHL coovem, Adm'r JANE ANN liiihMES, WILLIAM I. HOLMES, By his Attorney in fact, .101 IN IRVINE. A. I= NLw ahmtiseintnt. fIHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. Tlio store of the subscriber is in receipt, and the shelves are now supplied with a handsome Selection of fine and rich FRENCH CHINA, and decorated fancy ware, such as Inkstands, Baskets, Vases, Coffee cups, Jewell boxes, Toy Tea and Dinner "its? China dolls in variety, and a variety of other articles all well suited for the coming Holliday& (IItOCERIES AND SPICES in every variety, flesh and of best quality have just been added to our former stork. NEW BETHLEHEM BUCKWHEAT, of very• fine quality in small sacks also on hand, CRANBERRIES, RAISINS, Currants 4 Citron and other goods adtipted to the season in variety, constantly In store and fur sale by Carlisle, Dec. 19, '6.5. J. W. EBY. / DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, jv With a Splundid variety of CONFECTIONARY AND FANCY GOODS. The undersigned has just replenished Vs stock of goods; and as his Drugs and Chemicals, have been se lected with great care, he is prepared to fill all orders promptly Ills friends may rely upon the genuineness and marity of very article, Ills stock of CONFECTIONARY is large and selected with special rethreuce to the Holiday's. It will afford any variety persons may desire in that line. Ile has large assortment of French,Gorman and do;nestle Fancy Candies. Jill fresh and of the very best iu.ility. Ills as• sortment of FANCY I.IOODS is large and embraces al most every thing necessary for the Toilet and Family. Ile invites special attention to his Fancy Work Boxes, Ladies' Bags, Oologhe bottles, Watch and Card Trays, Port Folios, Portmouies, &c., be. Quick sales, sunfit 4 profits and strict consistency in trade, shall characterise our business. dcc. 19, '55 G 001) . FOR 1101,111AYS! FANCY GOODS, GIFT BOOK.S, &c. S. W. HAY DRSTICK has •just received from the city and is now opening a splendid display of G 1 )01)S, suitable far the approaching Holiday Season, to which he desires to call the attention of his friends and the publle. Ills assortment in thk line cannot he surpassed in novelty and elegance, and kith in quality and price of the'articles. cannot fall t. . please purchasers. It would be Impossible to unumerate his HOLIDAY FANCY GOODS, which comprise every variety of fancy article of the most exquisite shape such as Paiptir Vag he Elegant ;dab:l...ter and porcelain ink-stands and trays, iAncy ivory, pearl :111.1 stint card cases, Ladies' Fancy lit•-isek. Fancy Wore It lies, with sewing instruments, fort M,pt nate., lif every nariet , ' Gobi pens and penctik. Fancy paper weights, Papet,ries, and a „arge. Variety of ladies' Fanicy station ary. Muttn seal , and svatu.s. Sills and bead purses, 14 . r!.. I i riding hip, elegantly lini.lted, I,:nliete tine Ottlery, Perfonie htskets Its, TiruThe, , levery Mud 6,r the toilet, lintisser , i.f the V1111”11, hinds lusitail instruments, et all kinds and at all prices, tiogether with an innumerable variety of articles elegant ly 1111,11,1 and .ititable for holliiito presents, to which he invites special attention. Alai, an extensive and 'eleinuit collection of 1:11.7 BOOKS, comprising the various Englishand American ANNUALS for la,iri, richly ilusouted POETICAL WORKS, with Ci PfrfoRIAL BOOKS for children C.f r lI aghs, than which nothing ran be more appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. Ins assortruynt If School Books Ind School Stationry hr also complete, and comprises every thing used in College and the Schools. Ile also desires to call the particular attention of Families to iris elegant • • LAMPS, OIRANDOLES. &c., from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor. Chamber and Study Lamps, for burning either lard sporm-or ethereal oil, together with FL Oyer Vases, Fancy Screens. ,Ye. Ills assortment in Oils line Is un equaled in the borough. Also, FRUITS, FANCY CON FECTIONAR YLNUTS—PRE SER VED FR U ITS, &v., In every variety alit] at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh. such as can he confidently recommended to his friends and the little folks. Ills .stoCk embraces every thing in the line of Fancy thlOtiti, with many other articles useful to housekeepers which the public are especially invited to call and see during the holidays.— Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Brink on North Hanover stree dec 13 1855 )O(.)KS FOR THE HOLIDAYS.- A. M. PIPER., Main Street, Ilas just received and is now opening a splendid as sortment of NEW PUBLICATIONS, OTFT BOOKS, Miscellaneous Books, Fancy Articles, Pictorial Papers, Albums, Port Folios, Port Monnitis, Diaries, ke. which having. Ic.en purchased at advantageous tt ill be sold at the LoWIIST ttSII PRICES. He invites particular attention to his splendid stock of Annual., (lift ,k s, I I u..tratud Poets, Standard NVorlts, Itlblos, all nizes, Prayer nooks, Ilyni wit • Sunda) Trtrt Ik, ks. .1u AU of which are NEW WI( >K S. fresh from t he splendidly I, oliol 111111 einlieli,he4 ant t rot up expressly for the riiristinass A 'cry sTA Ti t iN ity ;Ina Raney ar6icles generally. In great ,:triety. The pul.. li , arc ins' it o,Pto call and examine 7saluplos now ready for iospe , tl. , n. tt ir itoinotuben,' the pith . , to buy booke , , 41m1p, Is at PIPERS. Maio .trect. Urcr 1 . 2., 1 X 5.5 THE TEMPLE OF FANCY! Now - twEN. KRISS . . And will he at Ilk 01.1 Ito.el Quarters hit Nrjrlh Ilanovor, root. Burin z the Cltri,taite , and NeW rvSZlVith!ti. W h fine the 131'41,4 ii,stirt:llolltN of ill , 7 (1 % r';ll' . .t . ll l o. d 1111.:S Ever efforel in tlni, 104,, e , tiej,thig in part of Fine Candy 'l'o). :oil Fruit, Jolly lon 'lnns, slum l'lloodla to and rrni I Itrop'.., i n.. \;ttlill:t, and Burnt. A linniad,; Fettaelt and oNitttelitig - Soorot, ao. Also ell thu elllltlll.ll :triotios. FltrITS AND NUTS of the latest int') alations such as Oranges, Lemons. Itait•ins, Fits, l'rtions. Currants, Itron, soft and intrey sliel od .I,lknoints. Fillierts, I`l , ntn, Cocoa, Nuts. I n connection with the :dove an extansive tia: ,orttnon I of Toys AND FANCY (li?)DS., every quality and prix‘..ronsi,tiug n" pare - -"of 'Fine Wax. lad, fthina, Mg.slut other - Ualls. i4olllllg And Card Ilanketx, Fanoy Vluwor Vas(l4, :Itu.l.to 'tea Setts. NLtskx. tins, Air llartnoill(•ans. Trunlinqs, Clio... Anon of butte and weed. Dolnin.ws, L i nt. and miler g,anips. Fanvy Snaps. 11311 tills 371 d rOl.l. )1011311•S, A l' . I\o have :ONO 11110 1,17. ui (Moe Kit slid) as inalverkeil. crushed and brown SlIt4lll.N, or I,ol'y erode, rollr,o, MOkisSer, Star vii. (I.r.a.n and Itlaelc Spurs, But tor, soda, Sugar, Watt.. and .41utr sult4orllwr return, Ills sineoro thanks to a genet (111 S 11111 , 11 , for p1it1 , 113,1 , 11,1.1.01f011. lil.!4loWeli 011111111 and l ior , s , by a de;.ir., t.o merit it eirnllnuance of the xann., Carlisle, 11ee'r 12. 1A:-.5 .EKES, Pit I.T ITS Tol' ;- Foit ( . I.IIT D mAs AN NEW \l:.ll;. • —Thu ubs:111o. jii , t tweivt.,lll•••ll 411 . 1killidelpIti.), and is unw opouinx. euklresti variety 4,1 `;11 ItTiCLES suit al 1.. Ittr t appi ,,, !tollitit: 110110 tyn. 'Also. al 11.001 variPty tA 1;1 ti.t, Fruit ra!tto , l o l I• 1 ory .41wr vririots. r. it , „ li. , ft and 0:11 , 1 si octal r.t. , ,01, of 11; 111'1' and P.O, I'iN"11 , IN IP. I wt.] •.01 1. , fruit at small 1 , ' , 1 t‘t five , 11..; a 0.. darn:• t I I .11,1 .11t Pit f.it fort 0110 .1!).,r III" • ; V), exe it, 8..1. KIEFFER )Oslo, NN'OOD PIANOS Flit: SALE. 11 ; Two 110 W and 0101:/111/ 1 . 0., and 7 octaves, front the eelel , .ratial 1111t1111fietury of ll:dirt. 0: 1, 1' A CO., Itoi-ton. These liirtruiornts hair I,on carrnill s i soiert.al rr.ti, k a I,irgo stock, and are o arrant...l to gist. on tl rr satkfartton. They will be svid at CITY PRICE S and liri•t, in order by a competent person, f r enr y ear Irian date of sale. Those who :nay irkb examins. to pur•liase a gm..l /It:Aro:neut. are invited to call uis the soiswrber at his residence in Carlisle. Ab.o TO KENT, two second-liana Piano Frt. at lwr giktor. JO!! N K. STAY MA N. S. W. 11AVERSTICK fIREAT EXCITEMENT. kLA PIANOI 4 AND MELODEONS OIVEN AWAY!— .11111 N MA1t811„ MASONIC TEMPLE, CIIESNET ahove Seventh. Philadelphia. rehpectfully Informs the public that he le prepared to teake. the following 'I'WENTY Itoootrdtaron, G ray e odelorated PIANOS. and 'III'ENTY C. IV. Visit A. )11...1.0- lo El WS ;II C. pineed In (.110 hands of nonalnit Lee of gentlemen, to Iso by them dloold touted lonoot.; the holders of Ito certificates. .. eaeliapurehoser of toy Nfusle. a ciertifieate ill I presented. entitling the holder to an Interest in ONE lII.k Xn and iIN E N 1 1:1,11111•:()S, to be i•fl.y the Committee for the benefit of those holding rertifi rot , . w hen Tit,)l SAN If worth of kl shall hut e been sold. so that each person investing One „ill not onit noire iu, awl the lulu,. of money paid out, lost will 10., e secured to hint an illt.cr..st. tit ,111111.11 111111 other certificate holders. in the shove dis trilitatimi. The sureeeding distributions will he con tinual. subj....l to the saute tegulation, until the ::11 Ph tt pt S tu na .11 :llfilloteimis are distributed. Partiallor attention i< lot ited to that feature of this plan w huh calls fur a disposal of the oslrlunents wfmo but loon airtifieates hate 1.4.11 Issued, thus avoiding the exotious delay and prObable disappointment attend ing efirtain schemes now before the public 7flusie may hmseleeted front sty entire stock, which comprises y catalogue in the United `tat.... Orders ferwnrded by mail kslil bo faithfully and promptly attended to. 8.--.o.,Ntwttiv on hale! freill 3110141 - 1‘ , 1 , 1 - 111e11 Illanilfarleries of K.-11%1111 mi. Jareli .1. %V. lad.' A: Co., i:h 1. klaitger. awl Bennett .v of New Voris. Aim, C. IV . . Fisk .k Cif's Premium Mel,- le ins, to be hail tit the lowest inanufacitturei'flirives j Ito s4l :I. 6.110,4 m: from usieal ltouitim kV. Ifil kr ,t L'4. t s reit i• :lie so well pleasi.l will, the lust - raiment. wade by fills fret lila( , 11. , 11.11111i1.1 ittSll.lllll4llatt.i,..mt.:‘,lVit, ti ut t. I+. 01 1111.111,11 . 11 P.: stir. 1,11!..4.1•Ilit`1, niol others ttllit :w triirle that we ran reeommend and warrant. There is iilways a difficulty attiooling the purehase of pituwn. I,,Jeati.e persons runnel rely filth' upon the tleus they remise frolll stiallllliienirell, who are Intel , .•,i,si, iiiiinufactitre. Noe'. 11'0111a, net Interested 111 the Matter in nor tt'nt, except 5.4 fir as to t ..ee Chat the... Wha lia(rtifilZi! our 'l3-4, - 01,01 be w .creed with the pin , ,,. 'FM. a 11,1 of prices see eeyer, at which 1111vii1111 , 1 we will solid Manus, warranted for one V 1,11., the fil'ight 1e la! by the po i ae,i,, er,1,9-1111:. wive,. 11 letter e- Area from a getitleitufn in irginla, tl,tvlioin we sent one of these l'ianoF:— IS CCIIIINC! L. A. (hints. Sir , I have ploastire in itektiowleilitlinr the 1 . 0, , ipt of the Pinto, forte ohtrh ;on wore 11 , to ardor for ray wife Rion Itiitirittirtia ts 1;1-ay's. It %vas Ilelay . 4l for ramie tilnittlit . 11 inelnistiir: tit 1 inn happy to ii,a) that It ratan to qiiellent i ion. We are 111 , 1,10.11 y 111,.:1,(0 kith thy inet 111111011 T. lint /II is ilia beautiful the rase hi plain ire lila , it tint better for it r. the tollt.ll is very easy for nett iii•trunient, and tho tone 1H ti11110 . 11 4 .1r and stviirt. II til l ., hate I it anoh.rio: in the Itigheia I'. )11)N VI:It , 'I 7,‘; Vittlgg Misceffancous. . DENNAYLVANIA TELEGRAPH 4NLAI UED FORM AND REDUCED THE CASII SYSTEM ADOPTED On and after the Ist of January next, the PENNNYI, VANIA TELEGRAM will bo owned and conducted by the uudersizned, Who will give their best energies to make it worthy of its friends and its cause. The weekly will signalize tts entrance on the nhw year by appearing lu ENT:aci.Y NEW TYPE and in it GREATLY ENLARGED FoRSI. 'the TELEGRAPH wilt he issued SE:kII-WHI , ,KLY during the sessions of the Legislature on a single sheet of twon ty-finir cot. Inns, and WEEKLY during the remainder of the year on a noulltE SHEET ur quarto form of roan - - 01011 T COLUMNS; and the new proprietors will spare no Ecthls or expense to make it a first class Political and Enmity new spaper. The very best talent that can be commanded w.itklie employed at every point where in formation ofigenhral letarest is Presented. Tne Txtcu [(Aril 7111,4voratea liberal political policy, and aim to unite all those who, tqough animated by the same coninion purposes and lookliel.to the same benefi dont results, seem distracted by tfie conflict of dish MC tive organizations. It will sustain the highest standard of American Nationality, and. while Yielding a sacred (Mettle are to the compromises of the Constitution, will determinedly resist the extension of Human Slavery. It will give a cordial, earliest but Independent support to the administration of (toy. PoLtooa,, The TELNORAPH will contain a comprehensive summa ry of the proceeding of the Legislature; and all impor tant general laws passed will be published in full in its columns. The TELEGBAPn will be conducted STRICTLY ON THE CASH SYSTEM. In no other way can a first class jour nal be conducted successfully in Harrisburg, without charging enormous subscription rates and making cash p ttrons pay heavily to make up for dubious credits. The Tr.f.enft sell will be furnished much cheaper than any other paper ever printed at the Capital of the State, and It can be sustained only by advance payments. The proprietors will bring abundant capital to the enterprke to establish it on a firm and. they trust, an en during basis; and they confidently appeal to an intelli gent public to give success to their efforts. By a little effort - Hubs can be formed in every district of the State, and subscriptions should be f,rwarded before the let of January. as but n limited number beyond that actually demanded will lie printed. The following, are the terms for the Semi,reeldy I Flugle sheet,f during the :..esslon .c the Legklature, and the Weekly (double sheet.) du ring the remainder of the year—Vott -MONEY INVARIABLY 5C1 , 1111.AN Y THE ORDER. Single Subsiiript (OTIS • - - - $2,00 Five Copies (SI,SO per ropy) - - 0.00 Ten Copies 151.70 per py I . 17,00 - Twenty $1 JAI per ropy) - 30,00 And at the same price i $1,511 per ropy) Orr any num her over I wrnty. AII orders stemld he addressed to McClure St Sellers Harrisburg, Pa. Itarrishurg, Der. 5 7 , 1 1 -A‘ c . fk lP fl ee .'T7 9 • , • " SPLENDID OFFER ..1 . 110. Of it, 1111i1frilviienS :11111 1,V14.1.11e5, of 11 1 111.. \Ve b , 1 .1 } • rettrot that , wo did nut order thu • Attaelkalent.:' 1, 10 I/ St h. 1 1 . 1. It loot. " NVo 4 toolo iii•lolool to you bo• p.or ill 0 " -1 111, ,1 ' , I :111 111%triitliont_ lio plea , cti t‘. .!,• 4 6 ,1 1111' at•Limk110 , Irt,1110111s. Ylll.ll' 0 1 .1• !a•rvt.. • .1. It. W." 11 11 r 1) I , ', It 1 . I , ', ; 4 ' Th , ! clionp, t 0.113t,z, wi,61 , 101.r4. , . A( t , .. hauie, jil,t n•eeiv...l :it the elh•np ~• •t 1.111,1 01111.11 V. ;),\ RN 1)0()!: ncw , 111 ,1 1 . ,1 111 1111 . 1141101,11.1.4f. ' 11 , 1 1).311'5. •'ll • .•%•••i 31111 l'••1' 31 STON Printilp . :,. promptly e'.ecittol. ,filebitilleg. MARVELLOUS REMEDY, FOR A .111tVEI.LoUS AGE! /41. By the aid of a miernseope, we see mullions of little openings on the surface of our bodies. Through these this ointment. wizen rubbed on the skin, is carried to any organ or Inward part. Diseases of the Kidneys, disorders of the Liver, affections of the heart, Inflame: tion of the Lungs, Asthmas, Coughs and Colds, are by its means effectually cured. Fiery housewife knows that salt passes freely through bone or meat of any thickness. • This healing Ointment far more readily penetrates through any bone or fleshy part of the living testy, curing the most dangerous inward complaints, that cannot be reached by other• means. KRYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM AND SCORBUTIC No remedy 1138 ever done so much fir the cure of dis eases of the Shin whatever form they luny assume, as the (Hutment. No case of Salt, Rheum, Scurvy. Sore Heads. Scrofula or Erysipelas, ran long withstand Its jai manure. The Inventor has travelled over many parts the globe. t isiting the principal hospitals. dispensing this Ointment, giving ads its to its application, and has this beet the means of restoring countless numbers to health. BORE LEOS, SORE BREASTS, WOUNDS AND ULCERS Some of the most scientilie surgeons now rely solely en the use of this wonderful Ointment, whon having to voile with the worst cases of sores, mvonuda, ulcots, Glandular and tlllllOrS. Profe.sor Holloway has, by command of the Allied tiovern men tm. dispatch ed to the hospitals of the East, large shipments of this Ointment, to he used under the directions of the Me di cal staff. in the eorst eases of wonwls. It e ill cure any ulcer, glandular swelling. stiffness or contraction of the joints, es en of l!ti t ears standing. Them and other similurttistres4intt e , mpinints enn be , 'll . . , •ttn:l l ) , tire , l if t hollintinent be ,voll rubbed in river the part,. 3lT...•ted 311,1 lty ~t ll.•rS, lye the print. eddirertiens around each ptt. A. K. MeCIXICE, J kS. M. SELI.ERS I: :Tll THY. oINTMIINT I:11011.0 RE 1 , 1".0 IN TIIB Ittntl .11h Bur!. ~ li ,ppn.l hands roll 1:11,1111 5.,,•11inF7 (Hands C 110113111:: : 4 6in Ili-eases :.: t or .1. Int , F I..tkilas S.,rg, 1.,e2, Ulvers . , S.,ru Itri•a•ts eliel iit S. , ri's iientlS 131 1:rul, =I ^ • mold nt the I:ttL lir...tortes: of Profess. llut.t.esV V, 8i %Uiilet Lane. New \.ul. 744 :strand. I.ntidno, and - by all i-esTeenthle lhanzge•Tht and Dealers of Sledf eines thrnitchnill the Unit...l :-tittes. and the civilized world. in at .25 6'2 , 2 ',tits. 1111 , 1 $1 14101. . - E'cl - There 14 a corn:icier:Ode baying I.y taking larkz.•r N. IL itireettons for the vuidanee of patients in every lisorier ItrP utn x t" each Pot. =II • t I': s I P: It A T JAnm s, N „ 3si, Poplar Street, Philadelphia, ov manufacturing a M Rai iii PEN, composed of meta! , which not being li Ode to corrosion will i.e fmil..l a. dura'de an •or to steel pens. Resembling the quill .n ore than the gold pin in elanticity_thej w ill he pre leered a• uol Injuring the color of Red ink or collecting -inj if that sediment shout them with h steel pens in s Ari'll%l they will Ine found an Inv alualde e- Meta. I In,• trial will prove the fact that they are more eeonotnical that. and superior to any putilli use. Ice 111, PI and '2;.. exults lair dozen. or St $1,511 . nml V 2,00 p•r gr o ss. For sale in M...disohnburg by J. !MUSH -111 NI ElI. and in Carlisle onlj lo oct. 17, '5 5. • PIPER, Main street, LLl'ST.a.vrvi) HisToRY OF A 1 . YEAR'S EVENT IS TIIE EA.—Cmnplete up to the present dote. Emluacing a Journal of the siege if Sevastopol—Rattles, Sne,t Stornis., M reeks, Killed. Wounded, with the latent reference. Maps of the Crimvri and Mack Sea. Also, three views of Se vastopol. N, 7th descriptions of each, and a splendid En. graN int: of Cronstadt, showing and describing its fortifi estions. • mze Map, 211 by :12. Inches. Price cents, beaut oily adored. Sent by mail to any part of the country for one eent postitge. Map, Itot.l, and Print wanted for ever) State in 11,. 1., sell from n popular lbws. Let ters of inquiry prompt!) nosivia ed. l'atttl.VlCS 11111 i specimen sheet free to the trade. A. 11. JOCELYN, nov. hi, 's:i, No. CAI Folton st.. N. Y. IRON ill()N.-T he subscriber has satlO'actifpn to :1111,1111C0 to thi . I:u 4o and i•AtinO ari• ve W litin,” in ,•, , i „„phstv, „ nand I. hued with the 111111 Lent 11,,0 , 11111011t uI ‘11:1:1 . .1) A:NOV.III,I.ED IlooS 01 of offero.l. in tlik place. Th sue in want W.. 111,1 do (.. ~nn and l',31O!O 1.,i1 elsenlit•re. Fr incinher i•tanit, Rut Main st.tin.t. lIENIiY SA XTON . i UST It El 'EI \*El).—A. I,lt ()I' Fluent e \l,,t,•,ritolerh. L 1 111. 0 31tItle Jro I . arltiers. t,r . :suill. llISe. f,.T . sale at .1. I' 1,1 . NE'S nnii,,er St., t tirli,le. t ' E IS 11E11E11Y 4; I\' EN-that. \sill Inr made to the next ledslainre f. C., to.) Is ail la. to :titer the tit:tiler of Tim, C 112.1,11 1)11 .,,, 1r 11 , h. ti, 1,.”,11,11 Imr 11111' byrl:l.l.l y.. 11111). :Y. In It , Co.111•r 111.11 11:111I. ILr lA, .tll , l 1.1" i% t f it- 11,111 , t tit LISLE RANK. Also to litert•n. ~11, 1 tA intil raid, 11111011 i• 1Tpr...., N. I% 111.11- 1. it 11 finer 1111.1., cliartor to hulitir,i I It , t ~,--ittlitth'ed . Ity order of t Board of Ifireeti.r.. NVNI,, M. BEETE)I, Cashier. l'arlisle. June .2r l ,l!•iss,iint • y.()T IS 11 ETtEIiY (;11' I':\. that Made tot II( LW \ . 4 utte of l'onnsyl%•ania. for Ila• 1.1 1 " 11 SP la inv. rilr,l,ll,- a Bank of 111.1 k site, x Itl a eapltal et 1 , 11-TA DOl.l. IVitil atitlwrlty to Increase he. Ilttielred 'l'llloiv:and 1)011nra. Ird the AN It's.-111'111i 1)61'0$1 . 1'1•: BANK. and Io i li th e borough 01 )lechttele,l , tirg. Pe. 't he Ii,111:1111: 1 , 4 to Inoroase the veneral I•llSiness ko•ilities of t ho public in the tlritilty a Its looalon. Daniel Prlelt. , Jacob l'ooror. John Mash. sr. Benjamin 1•1•erly, 114.1•11•1. .1•• Ii Brandt. 11. Itupp, • (10rg.,. s„invizer, 1•:11as .1..1111 ;I>av M ti.lroxv I. S“loultlik I'. Goriliu4, 1`,5!,-I'lll fl.\ 111,15141 , ', 1)E1'()S1 1 1' 1i AN' K- u. will lw rthTiTva ut tills 11;w1; f r iwo hVer phi I it' n.4l'l:lt avit:ittu. ATi.l the till itho lit 10 PI id.. Itl cure:ee itner litit pint' I tie I ilov • 1..` oft in thr 1.1 1011 , 01,1 \ 1" . 111.0 m W16,111'0 ,0 thr iIAVITA, t Ito rt.rifivoil. lOank(lotlr.al.!tu • clavk.A. it 2 I;ellid., I'. M. t. E.\ TI I , Story. •''' 4.11. . ' ... :1“,1•1;,•;u•, I T I ; ••-• • • i; A I l. LIU Tn RAND EXTERNAL REM EDI, HUMORS PILES AND FISTULAS SpriillN It it1•1111131.i , 111 Sraid. Fin t, d all k inds ~. ~ litulft 3totices . NEW COO — DB.-44he "stibscrilier has just returned from the. city and is opening a general assortment of Fancy and Maple Heeds, consjst ing of French Mammies, CIA urge, A Ipaccas, Printed np:lnnures and 11 nut de Laines Dress Silks In great varivt), 1;111g, Dream Shawls from 1;11) to $l4O. 'French Inank,t NIL% wk. Cambric and Swihs Edgings' and in sertioes and Cambric and Sivitdi Collars. 3lerino and Sins :•hi,l4 and Draws. Dress Trimmings in grout rdrirty with other Fancy and staple ()odds. OMU. W. HITNER. ENV GOODS AGAIN! BARGAINS, BARGAINS. rim subscriber has just returned, from Philadelphia, and 14 li,"C opening a splendid assortment of W N tl cheaper than over brought to Carlisle. Freueh Merimes. It, hal us, Silks, Alpaehas, Shawls, Bombazeen, Cat:id:neves, Vestings, Calicoes, 'Muslittes d.e., In groat variety. iinuiensr stock of BOWS AND SLOES, all kinds and [wires at the very lowest notch. Also, A new stook of ies' Fora ory r heap. New style Winter Bonnets nlost Mshionable shape. Gone one and all hi want of chcapgouds, and you will be sure to be suited at the Old Stand, East Sfain street. dee. 19,'33. CUARLES GUI LILY. - - - • . _ GREAT ATTRACTION!- NEW GOOD& NEW GOODS!! The subscriber having just returned from the cities Of New York . and Philadelphia is now opening a very extensive assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting of elegant Winter Shawls, splendid Silks, Cashmears and De Laths, French Merinoes' and Para mettas. elegant Needle Worked Collets and hufliet; ibbons and Trimmings in - great variety. Cloths. P. se, sinieres, Cassinetts, Vestings, Flannels, Jeans and Ho siery. Ac., a lot of new Carpettings. Also a full and complete assortment of BOOTS AND SIIOES. All per,Olui Itt want of handsome and cheap goods are e,tfully Invited to call and examin this stuck before ir,diasing else. here. At the 1)1,1 Stand Enst Mafia tt rot. CHARLES OW LBY. N. It. A stork of well made clothing on hand—which ;11l be sold at cost. oct. 17, •55. 1 1 RUE ECONO IY consihts in buying such goods as one really needs, Id buying them where they are sold . at the lowest ices. We have received and are now opening an Qt .kNTITY new. Olen!, splendid wools. such as the genuine ‘ledal Hits. Frenell Nlerlnoes. of nil the deslrehltr . I Thi opt Cloths, Alpaehaa, plain and printed Mott • I.ain,Calo•oes in abundanee,and nil the other hinds rat are now worn of . Ilandkervhiefs.,finsierY t 1,111 wan., Gum les, etll , o (1 ,, t11 ertilffi, 80n .1..111et It{ifix , lll., nu extousive supply ul N) 0 . 1) a• Cloths. Satlnettii. l'a,lneres. Kentucky Jeans, 'fiekings, liinithains. Flannels, A ageneral supply of Good, in our line, we In ile everybody to examine and satisfy themselves, that •I. ,{l . l. selling we'd!. at such prices 111 satisfy tho buyers. BENTZ iiet. 17, 3. E \ (; ()0 I IS.—The subscriber has Just rrceir eel and is now opening a large assort- EMI GOODS suited to the season—please call and Get hargaiin+. Carlisle, N0v.14, 'ks, 11.1 i ELA.SI'I(7 n BELTS.—,Justppen k,l e,t .1”t of Silk and ~rsted Elastic ltelNu all .rs. t. ,v. 31. .55. (1 EI). , W. 111 Tat. EE ,ftintift) ..roceries 0 GROCER' ES! GROCERIES: COME AND SEE. • - If pw %%RYA prime Groeerieti If you Ni7 . lllt. boautiful Quornfiware, 1f ) uu vi tint tiplendltl Lamps If ppu want the best Fish If you wrult Tubs or Baskets if you want auythlng else Iti 1d !Ine The suhseriher has just returned In!dii thr. city u MIA huge and ciln•ice aSs ,, r tlll , llt ~f Gruverle,. clan. :Lint Ch ITM XV:tre, Fish, tali. Bashers. Tubs, and ec , •ry thing in his Hue of business, u hint, he r. flirt, for Nile nt the lowest pri , es. Call and examine thr yoursi Tres . tut‘. '2l, 6. ,i. 11A1.1111, , r IF 1, N 'rho undersigned has Just replenish e.l his Stuck of l; not - TRIES AND Q1 1 1:ENS1S"All E. prepared to supply his friends and customers with aluna :tiny thing rislhirld in dunirstir use, nt prices which lie It pes iv ill u,"% , tint istnu tort. Ills stock con t • of every variety of cm' town and conntr) usu. lie has also on hands ,t - eneraLassortment of II Aft I/W A 11E. such as nia) 10 lit-O.IIA by farmers and Mechanics in every day use.' Ht . stock of NI INES. iII:ANN Es AND trUEli LIQUORS is hula:, and einl.r.v•es nu ..,c,11,111 i.f ,Juice qualites. All for sAle anti Retain. South East suer ~ 1 er 310 t. , t‘i leer Teets. l'a. ore •Cotint h 011 iu t 411:11 re for Wll,lls. %IL e. IENI'INE HONEY IA 04.nn,,y's Palm tzonp.—C.pimay's Im prosetl Chemical tills.. So.ap. A full supply of tliPse trtilv just ree.•isetl and Palo nt 15'11.1,1.01z, FAMILY Mail! Stto , t. Carlisle. •,tt "l 4- 4 , it . )ll;Elt I.:1N I) \'.11,1,E1:" H. 11.— ititrits! nt and :Iftor \!.'..ls tl,l et- _!d. Itiss, Passenger Train, 11!11 11111 G•11l n.' 1:S111111113 S axn•p4ed: FOll 11:11tlid:•••111 101: - INt Tt lin. 2d Trat6 :i . I.evi• elll: i1•44,1A , t'.,,: z4 4 .45. A. M 1.40, P. M, " Shipi.,,.istairi„ , 4•l•Ji - 2.12 •• Ns‘s , Me, '''''' % '7'' 1. 4 4 46, " 2.42, " " r:krit,l,.. 111••, ~ 11.17, - ',ll•••lkaill—dur.z. ..'.ti, •• 3.4 1 , At Ilarrl , tir,.". l3l '25 " 4.15, " Fiat 4.11.151111:11S111.1111. 1.1.0 1,4 Tralit. 2tl Tniln: 1+...10, A. 51 •1.14), I'. M 3.03, •, 1.32, ~.g.,,t1•43, r :111 " 2 . 47 , " 10,1 3 " 3.11, " 11.15, '. • 3.45, " I, , ave Met•ll . 3lll..siturg, •• Nor •• cluunberhburg, ~,• iv Tlttrrit ; ltttrtr Col.lattelphl Ant 1.112 And 5 . 1 .10 :11.0 Al 7.:dt P. 51. and 1 2.3;, Nunn,'.ill 1.03% e t,ltttrtr nt. 3.20 A. 51.; 12.35 noon, mill 4.-P. M. IlarWliiir;.; for Baltimore, at 3, and 5.30 A. M.; :I; 1 P. M. C31,1.1'1)31101111 and i"11S.131 , 116111111 hall HMO lenVls Itar -11,1,1111! A. M. a .1 2.1 n, P. :\!. for, Auburn, Potts .l We, Newlinv. 1 , 4 in. a here Tlekets are sold. Faros Eire l'i:N CENTS Nt paid ill till. f ors, A F. SNIFFII. Superintendent. snit Poet t 1 )1111:1 STRYKI.:II .1 EYING.% \110 , 1.1::AI I: I.lllll^ll i ui.:\ cii :ma A M EIZIC.IN THY (MODSI- 7 - rr. rACIA.: 4 1VELY AT A rovoN: ... I ":„11, tween Elas iLADurill A ..44 , 1,•4. I it 4 40441.1i:1. =1 NEES 11 0 D S' LI I) I; ESS f;0 i; D S M. SNOIXIItASS Go to Halbert's Go to livllx•rt's Go to Ilithert's Go to Italt,ert's tito to I taltoe'rt's Co to littl:rt*9 11:%1\ , , • • o,• 11 ' nt lil