M kitje illatlicts. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET REPORTBD FOR TUB HERALD C Wednesday Morning, 11e0,12 FLoutt Sept:lune, per bbl. - - : 1.4 875 de Extra, do ,:9,00 do 2,10 :2;00 Er i• IV rrE IV ILEAT per I) usliek It El) do do BYE do OLD COlO , l do E 61N do 0 0 vrs do CIAICERSI:ED TiloTinsEgD. do W NV , R BAR t.r.Y. do SPICING BA LEY. do PHILADELPHIA MARKET. MONDAY EVE:kNNO. DCO 10 FLOV 11.':A NO 111 EA 11., —The Pour market tO• day continues. unsettled and dull, and prices favor the buyer. 100 bbls retry family was 801 , 1 at. 411 0, and 301) hbla of a selt;eted brand at $9,121. Standard brands were freely of fered on 'change at VA, without buyers, arkti »ale of 1000 hhls Western was afterwards mitle nt*,:f',7:3 per Id 1., which establishes a doeline roe home use the transactions are limited within the range of *9,110 per hhl a.cording to brand. 01• ("or() Meld a further Nile of 2(11) 1(hls Pennsylvania Meal was tnade at ti I lo•r . 1(1d. Rye Flour is inactive and hell at :z.:11,51) per 111.1 There is net much wheat offering, ; but the ,litierenee in view's or buyers and sel ler:, limits operations, and only rime 3a4000 totinfl boyers, mostly nt 2000 for good reds, :•overal tonoll late of priine*ot 201a2.02e; awl 500 bushels white it 212 c Rye is in steady demand, and about 3000 bushels Western brought 125 c. Corn is about stationary, with Wilber sales of ri.Booo bushels new yellow at 75e for damp, 770 for fair, and Sic for prime. Dry lots, including a small lot of old at 07c, the latter in store.- o:as remain dull, 2000 bushels Pennsylvania sold :lit 42e, and 1000 bushels goOd Delaware at shunt the same rate,' ScNoAy Wonii.—ht Mil3lin county, Pi , re re illy, a justice of the pence summarily coo victed a number of persons for am infraction at the Sunday law, in doing the work nece,s eery to keep in blast the anthracite furnabe of Etting, Graff & Co. The case was remanded to the court of common pleas of the county by writ of certiorari, which tribunal. after a careful review of the facts, reversed the de (fission of the justice of the peace Judge Wilson, in delivering the opinion of the Court, Bilid that he was satisfied that the injuries consequent on the stoppage of the blast of such furnaces for twenty-four hours out of every seven days would be so great and general as essentially to be fatal to the manufacture of iron in This country, and that the act of As sent ly prolibiting worldly employment on the Sabbath does not impose a fine for the work necessary to keep Q furnace in blast. .7—EXECUTION OF MURDERERS IS CALIEORNIA. —A man of the name of Crane, a printer, who seven or eight years ago published a news paper at Richmond, Virginia, was on the 26th of October legally executed upon the gallows at Coloma, California, for the murder of 'a young woman named Susan M. Newman, whom he shut with one of Colt's revolver, near Zinggold, El Dorado county, on the 10th of Angust last, ifnd who died on the 15th. ^ He had a wife and four children in the Atlantic States, but regerded himself as married to this young woman. 'By Gad and himsejf,7 for full fifteen months, and shot her because her pa rents preferred another who was addressing her. Ile went to the gallows gaily (tressed, behaved with groat levity, delivered a long written address, sang it hymn of his own cum position, an died explaining, 'Susan receive me; I'll soon he with you.' Ile was a' man of some talent, but not of well-balanced m i n d, and of late gave Ititaself tip to what are called spiritWilinffiletiCes , .1110IlicT murderer named Fee wits executed at his side. lle behaved with great levity, and when called upon by the crowd fur a speech attempted to sing a facetious song. •-• LAND WA Itt.4TH. —Thompson's (New Yarli) Reporter quotes Land Warrants as follows:' "Land IVitrrants are still falling, find in the present state of the market it is useless to attempt to quote to a point, for helore our paper reaches subscribers, prices will have es sentially changed. We may say the two ex tremes are 00 cents to $1 ,per acre ; 4 0's Sire and 160's being worth from 5 to 6 cents per acl•e more than 120'5." TIIREENOUNG LADIES DROWSED.-WO ICIIII3 from the Wheeling Argus that on Tuesday evening three, young ladies, Misses Knight, Hubbard and Mason were drowned in the Ohio at Sistersville, by the swamping of skiff in the swell of•the steamer Hornet. • The holieF were in the skiff by themselves, .cross frthn the Ohio bide, wliere they resided fo the purpose of atteuding'elturch in Sisters idle" • . 11E.tri - t)AuituEs.—The Delaware County (Pa.) flop btates that the trial of Judge Kane for I'Jl).tio ithprisoutner.t. will probably t ttso place In February next. Fassrnore WII . Names $50,000 damages. This is at the rate of $1:;,&;33 per nitlnth, or $3,000 per Irk elt.. 31tisceffuncous. , .. .7.? 1 •, ~..\ „i 4 ( 4 v (i • ~,...),:ii_._,:,( , vti,,1.,.: ..,,,,, _.,4.,',7.1 7 • .‘,)•('' k_ , ',, C 02.) \", ~''li , , . . . „ J' ,,',6-,,k . ~ ,.lx,i \i , lso ' , 1 2 : 1 , i , .. ~., ~, wT . t,it i ,' l -II , :,:.,'. •'' - Lit'', - •:, ‘`. - i ''• :? 1 , , ,1,N rO',:1 5 ~.f, . ) il lf .',' . .. : I ' `!:, ''' . ',ll 2 I " . ''''''i d'l'i ' I'll ,-..i0 0, .tof k,, 1 • , ,.;.,,1 1 -ki , i' 1. 4:11. -... 3 im .,, , ,,efa; ~ . 4 ,,, t . 1 i ; 4 ,-,..77 --70,- - ,c-,. „..- 1 ,,;. ~,„...;,,:i ..r.„):, ~ ...., . ~i . ..., I 4 ET US RE AS()N It)(; ETILEIt. 1101,1.(AvA) - %A. piLi.s. WIIV ARE WE SICK? It ha. 1,1,11 the 1.. i if the human race L. he ivld.'livd .1 twit 1.. it.ease;end stideriit4. 11. 1 1.1,ii1V.k1" S are .zpi.ei.illy—ailapted the relict of the \G. ine NEIIVO*. the DELICATE. and the INFIRM. all climes. We, SexeS, I.l,lllStittifit,llB, 1'r1,11,5.11. WAV 1 , 31 ,,, 11:111y 31111 1. 1 . 111L011,11,11111 . ut:tltuf:e•turt• .d • his medicines in the United States. 1111(1 11111,1!, 111,11 I. a rae 111111 enlightened people. as the best rtf.uvdy the world ever saw ror the removal of dihease. BIEB 2.75 1.10 1,00 THESE PILLS PURIFY TIIE BD) , )1) These Pit S nru ii•presisly Ann hi, opeinte on the htonutcli, LIT livor. the rim tunes. the .1,111. :Ind the IitAVOIS. rtirl'itOt itAlz nuy tt . .. , 11"..11 , 111t in their fituctinii.i. purif,ing the 1,1(uld. tW Srr) pnwrain of WO, and thu.. curing till'lllS. ItYSl'El'i-1.1 A NI) 1,1 V Elt N., :t rly hall the huvrtn rave ".16,11 II 11 , 011 1,1 , IVi•A 111 all IP:II t= .;1 Vll , l WlTH.,thnt no- 111 , 114 ha , . 1. , 011 1111.111 rqu rl t , . 1•1 the 11, ill% ily•11011A.3. A `4 , 111.4 • I 0 , 1111.1:W10: •41..1111- Illy.• A t 1 , 1%1',1T15. Il•.‘s over Inurll d. 1 .2111 fed. and Si .ill II Drtur-41... „r h t . ' di` ; 11111010 S luive opeilud th k'it,tmu t. , t 1.,,..r.“1tp•it,i1 t 1.11r\• ittly iii it this viii inr is the I,st P1.•1. lot rir is., • bort. that • . horn itivigiiratitir. I'3o tcall ii.l t.: , 1 Al.. 1111•1,.\ I \ No Foin.ll, 001enrnted inodkine. t...rf.,1Q 3 ,1,1 ee,ii•it o s t 01 :tl. 111 po"i."(,. ;iv( ing in nil li,e n 01) teln. It IQ And n e ,ll..me I 1:11. oto he , :1111 , 11 . 011 .1 :111311.1 fur :Illy 0 en pill lA. 0-11.0 :11 •1111 . % 11.. I . lllllly •11 .111.1 1.0 - %11111- , .11 it. It 4.1,1 W WI , • 111, 1'i , 111.1 N IN TI'I 1(11: 1/' I 1.1 *1 • ,111111:1 I; .10.1 t t• linl Ito =MEM 1 II 11, IME 11.. Qt iJos .1 roliotts 111 ts:trlt NVl.:ll:ttpst: I ti:lttitliz Lit ,r 110:11,1111:1 1 1. 1 11 I, ,e ii • SS I tcot.y ettitrital A Ift.clitms S ,, hl at the ‘lantittotori , .. Profe,..sor II i.2111e, New Y.br6. mei 114 Strand. Lorulen: re,peet Itrit.zt.t. llenlor , ut lue t. , tr •114tr.ut the fulled States. awl the ellllll.t.li .xe , . nt 'J.S rrut,. 0212 vents, and each. it el - 'rltere Is it 04,11Sillt,rthie Sax 114, 7 hthlth; the for the i;uidnt u •e of patients in every aster are. nth sod to eaell boa. lIMENIE L) I.: S I I) I.: It A T. I") 1 ! m. .lA. 'Oll 4 . N0..151. P.,piar street. Philadelphia. is 11.0, Ma II Ufar.tllli I I t!, it NN 111 ris.(4 pr:s...oiopo.r.i of r,..1 os whivil lit I,i lig liablo to corrosion will Ito limit .. .i 111,1 1 ,11. :IN 'l or to steel pens. Resembling the quill tiore than the gold pen in elasticity. they will be pre. icrioel as not illind:i.2 the color of lied Itikew collecting .111 V I,t that Pediment abut them which steel pens In variably do; they will be found an invaluable improve ment., Ono trial will prove the Net that they are more econornicai thou and superior to any pen In use. Prii'o 12, 18 and 2.5 cents per dozen. or $1,•26, $1,50 amid 52.00 per gross. For sale hi Thichanlesburg by .1. I,OIISII - NI Ell. and In Carlisle only by ~et.. 17,'x5. A. M. PIPER, Main street, ILLITSTR.I:II'I) lIIS'f()RY OF A V F.A.lt'ci KVENT IN Till.: ritiNi FU.—Complete up to the present ditto. Embraeing a Joel cal of the Siege of Seva•b.pol —Battles, Sorties: Storms, IN'rechs, Billed, NVourolisl. ‘lisitl.,:,,,tr., m Ith the Int,,t refei race. ?laps 1.1 the Crialwl and Slick sea. .11,0, I lire. , I Clinicr :••••• s .Vit. , lPil. with 11.,oripti..ns of earl, awl 3 Splendid En• ,:r k , log or croo.t.ou, ,11,11Vill g arid doser s 4ll4 Its 1 . .1141- cell ins. . lice Map, ..2n by :12 invites. Priceeents, bennti• r full) .•elost. Sent by moil to any port of the reentry I one rent p , state. [melt mot Print A2ents wanted for every State ill the Union to sell from a list el popular Maps. Lot trs of Inquiry promptly answered. ,Cittalegurs and sp winten sheet free to the trade. A. 11. JOCELYN, NO. III) Fulton St., N. V. 1 It)` ! IRON.—The subscriber has tho .ausnwtion to an4unee to the piddle that Ills !liege and inttensive Ware !louse to riluydutod, a till is tilled with of the largest and hint a s sortment of 11.1\111tiltED 1\ I/ MILLED lIION tiyAr nlinroll In this piny°. Th... 1. In Wallt would do we (71 call and examine hef ire porehasing elsen herr. Ite metnber the I.ld stand, Last Nlttln street. Sept. " HENRY SAXTON - - TusT Itu,(EIVEI).—A Icpt of pattent eNlont Grliolurs, n nwoartivle for Fannon:, or family use, ibr sale q 6 .1, I'. LYNE'S Ilanot er St., Carlisle. linitft 3intires. - vol'lcE IS HEREBY GIA'I4',N that appa,:aiull will be wade tofhe next legislature of Pennsylvania, to alter the CI arter of the CARLISLE r lksr. located In 01..04.r - in:lt of Carlisle, Cum s.rlant county, :is to votifer upon the nail.' hank the his and iwivilezes of a Roil. 4111 e to elmth4e c!.1:1.1;-1,1 . : \ Also snid is nt ['resod sixty tlinn il•didainrs. ellh lito• pi iViI e .if 111,11.114411 g thr, Sil 11 tin• to one hundred Omits:mil iddlars' to Orli hundred and fifty Ilimaxand dollars. Ity urdor of the Iloartt of Diroct.rs. \VM, M. 111 ETEM; Cashier 2.5, 1 r;fi.-tltik XT OT C E 15 GIVEN, that au a pplieatiou will inr neadu to the next Leg ore of the State of l'eluesylveyfila. for the• passage o law to incurp erntr et llwtfk of in , posito, with a capital e•f FIFTY Ttiorax.xte Iba.lllol, with authority to lucre ami tlpe SAIIIIII to peoe Hundred Thousatol Dollars. To be cal b•d thee M ECll.l.xtr: 4 llt , itti itl•ll'tlSlTE ItANK, a n d to Le located.in'thee borough of Mechanicsburg, l'a. 1111 V •t, ~f said Dank Is tee increase the general business facilities of the public in the vicinity elf Its location. Daniel Uric'', Jaesele Coover, .101 in !furs'', sr. Benjamin Eberly, John Itolgtel, John Brandt, Ilenry U. Rupp, tieorge Sitettiraer, John Houser, " Elias tirabill, .leeleee COOVPr i llovhi Miller, A Tadrom-1. Kan!Mum. Solomon P. Gorgaß .111111nlesIntrg, June •L'O, C ARLISLE DEPOSIT 13 A N K SPITIkI. DEPOSITS wit be received at till! Milk fur any length of time over four months. and interest paid at the rate of PIER PER CENT. per annum. and the principal paid hack at any time after maturity without notice. Interest ceases after tho expiration of the time specified In the certificate, unless renewed for another given tierind, - in which race . th e Interest is paid up on • til the time of the renewal. ' Bank opens at 9 o'clock, A. M. and closo:k at. 2 o'clock, P. M. It. PARKER, President. IV. M. BEETEIf, CIIIHIIIpr. 11p1.1:5 , PHARCOlL.—eltarcoal corwtafitly o hand and for salt, I. * .y nov. 21.'55. • 11.111JURAY, AO. n(a...Fipley hinting, cheaply dune add. .4,11141 thj4 mt.t tlra‘l.l .I.llllr, =I 1 4.3r5 . , 1 ,i014 lifAnberpljta. r~'EAUiJ.I.ItS, S lilt E US, EN - ANt) )1& tkillT63l.l;tN supplied with, Drawing litstriaments, separate and in canes, sin a :LS vidurs, Parallel Utiles, ivory. Bus-wood and Para* T squares, Triangles, ilow Pens, , 01:1114. Protrinitors, Ii miter's Seines. Tape 31cas urt•s. oetitlie 'rapes, t.Mrvoyers Chains, 2 and I Vole, au and feet, Surveyor's Compasses, Vingineer's Levels and 1 ronsits, hods &a., e. Maglit Lanterns of Liit• 1,1/11•Liliaillil. Z4V1 . 11.t.111:1i Astromical. Nat Ural l llshnq • .11111 11 1 . touS, CILLllllliltl,lllll or Artificial F t , oche. 1,11,,5,11 tag l tows, -Mht tits , i'odirmitas, tops. Eleetrival apparatus. tiah :our apparltll:-. and a odleetion al I nstritionnts. suitable ~Jr....lleges and t-pcetaclec, IcriJNet pas, Thertrionteters, Ila I...meters Reading It is tws a.e. Ihring received the agency for the mu:, f iti 11, 1110101,'s St'llth)L APPARATUS, I am prepared ,to turutdi "fea.dier, a lilt ait 'lrreg . ). a 'Fell urn°, a 11 inch lobo. it Set it A111,4,1et :stilt lest Haut, all pacltett box With hWii 'and key Illustrated and pileed vatilli%ueti t , raarded Oratis. .1.1%1ES W. QUEEN, 2134 Chesnut. St. Philittl,,lphitt, Eitvt of inch St. rrOYS! '1()I'S! TOYS!! \V. TI ER. 1 M PORTER, 11.0. ree4;ivtid his Fall Assort mein t ut ToYS AND I+.l iDItS, farming a greater %inlet) . than eVer betfirt• otterett uTItl at imler rate, : than oven to• I.IV prices of hint season. Fancy Itashets, patterns. plain And Crying Poll.. l'hina Uull., ISitl Dolls; 11as Dolls. .keeor demo:, Violins. Harmonica Trumpets. ti. 'l'u%nut Need. t na. tilass, Tin, he.. over patterns, Ly the „ atozen vros. lot, to .nit. Also ('e.t',. ui 'foy at $5. lu nod '2O per ease. with all undies variety of 11('‘` P•t, St l's ti; luUn, per latest intekets, auni for sale at the lowed rate• in the City. W. TILLEII, Importer. to. No. 1. Commerce st. Phila. A N (; 0 (1 I) N F.S;T STl' : • variety. now :Ind of .i•okF •In L , t. I. ' , till alia at 11., •t nri, tt linx.es and liasisets. China :mil Iti.e , 121,4,1 , . T.:. rot., Kt, h ;,r. IV, '111.1.1:I:. No. I. U.,[littiorce 4hj 1 N(; N I) ()r, THE I\.-I . ItAN , k Nun.) . n 1•0 ST (11\11'Y. E. I ~ r l,l atia eliesunt. :-Iroct.,, Phil a . l' I TA 1, Lot - „ Wows ee.eised du deleedt the ath,liint dt 1. -Ito i• and :!ived t. , K oteeted. a eortilie•tte w ill lie p.riveit. ‘ll 'nun 11.1 ',mall. an I.ltoitii 11. 111111 111. 1:11 , hut 11.114 1 .1 tt't 40.1111111.1. us 1111 till Mll,. I lit et 0,1.0 3411.1 •11 the e11t• tti . 1111. 1.5.51 .rvl Pll,llllll • f.. nu 11...1•1.‘ nn :1 1.1 1 , . 1110 us it 11.1ra, al nt I In. 111111, 1 1. 160111.1 ~ 1 .1 3 11 UM . ) • 1 1,1. Car. Hitt iltLeo•mt •Ii dOl, 11011 h. 111...1..t.nuit t.. ilt;• 1.. i n. i p Ina) prefer. Th.• eninp•ltt 11:11 .• n..lv opus ink , f in hi n o e it v silos., .'sits .1 litionalittlttritillt..n 11 111 1.0 sit on I. 11.1.111•,111:4 1110 \+rlll'll. 1)1 It I:CT.);z:4 St. pllOll It. CraWrPirtl. I'r.•v't l A 2lWl'..ffiV.l.ollls.,ll. Vice ilt. A in bros., 0. 'Thompson, Benjamin W. 'Tingley, Jar.li L. Ylmatneii, PLINY FISK. .1 42 UEni.9rnLkiaat. Sept. 12 -'A"~.. , .~ 16 "_1".....„ . ...ta ti...,:-••• Ts.!, 1 ,.. , ' 1iA11..47 . 7-,.... 'Vl s tZti ,-- ! *. ty ; 1..! A .. • 1 t,. „ i •„,,, T1 ,,, 1 af . -' ' • Aug FIVE 4 te, :.t - _•_, A ,-,-.,-, - tt.:-.• , L: - = „-_;••.--..-----..-- FIVE i PER CENT. SAVINU FUND iti"l'lTh: NITION.II, SAFETY COMPANY. Wal nut street. south-west corner of Third street, Philadel phia. Incorporated by the *State of Pennsylvania In 1841. Five per cent. interest is given, and the money Is al ways paid back - whenever It is called for, without the necessity of giving notice for it beforehand. People who have large stints put their money in this Savingyund, on ace tut the superior safety and con venience it affords, but any stun, largo or small. Is re vel% ed. This Saving Fund has a very large amount of Mort gages, iiround Rents and other first class investments for the security of Depositors. The rules prevent any Director or inlicer from using or borrowing the money, - --- Th o office is open to receive and pay money every :ty, from U o'cloek in the morning till 7 In the veiling, and on Ml,nday and Thursday oven log, till U aeook. People v.ho have money to put In. are invited to call at the Mike for further inthrtmltion. II I RV L. 11E\NEft. President. 11011 T. SELFItII/0 K. Vivo Preshivnt. • r, NVM. .1. HEED, Secretary. 41.•toher 3,1 S 1 - ()S. 13. 13 ( ISS111:11, 27 S. Wharves, f helms- Chestnut street, Philadelphia, "t holes. le liealor in, Fotimos AND DOM Ellll.' FIR IT, N UTS. or.. would esti tho attention of C,l unt ry ,Nleroliants and others, to the following list of floods, kept constantly on hand. all of which lie offers for sale at th,3 lowest tuarhet prlees.'in lots to suit purchasers, viz: Vl:ClT.—Raisins, Currants, Figs. Dates, Citron, Tam arinds. Prunes, Oranges. LVIIIOng. PreHtfl % (IS. . N U . N.— A i itilllidS, Filberts, Walnuts, Cream Nuts. - Pecan Nuts. Ground Nuts, Shelled Alumna,. Cocoa Nuts. Shelled Ilround Nuts, French Chestnuts. SU N1)111 ES.—Chooolate, Sardines, Split Peas, Pito, Apples Cheese, Syrups. Rose Witter, Peach Water, As sorted Extracts, Liquorice, Rook Candy, limn Drops, Mace:md, Vermicelli, Beans, Green flinger. Salad 141. Calmat y Seed. Hemp Seed. Pearl Barley. Preserved Gin ger, Fig Paste, Jujube Paste, Ketchups and Settees. relives and Capers. Assorted Plolzols, Jollies and .louts. Fire Work!: and Fire Crackers, Spiced Oysters , and Lob sters, S:c., Sic. Country Merchants are requested to call and pur chase their goods at first hands and musks a greet saving tliorehy. . [Oct. 3, lbtoti F ANCY FURS FOR LADIES !- JOHN FAltElltA, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Fan cy Furs, No. 284 NfirkOt above Eighth Street, Having now completed toy very largo and beautiful assortment oral' the different kinds o f paiwy Furs, and fashioned Into all the different styles and fashions that will be worn during the pres i ot 8087101111 Ladles and Children, and being determned to sell my goods at 3',! 1I PROFITB it will be to the advantage of Ladles and others to glee mu a call heron+ purchasing. 13ti Storekeepers anti the trade will do well to call, as they will find one of the largest and bust variety of stock to select front In the city. Sept klll/WAIIK !—The Inrg rsl and most varrleila , :soriniont of I lard Egt•:,,t l awaro In the county, mid . !Wiling thi "lowest il;lecti, at .1. N 0 ,411 Ilinorsr Nt. , Carlisle I.loifandpfita. ENUINE HONEY 'SOAP.—The VVff purity, fragrance mild emollient properties of this Soap,' renders it especially 6 , 4 "• 4 1 ,04 deserving a place nu every ,/,;40 „As toilet For chopped hands, VII 1.1(41$ diseases of the ' skin. it Is 11111`1111alvd. lladi cake is stamped '. CON-' WA Y. l • z 4 econd street. Philadelphia. No • -- - other is hien nine. 1M PDM hit CHEMICAL WAVE SOAP, warranted to wash In hard, soft, salt water. Yids Soap hits power ful cleansing properties, whieit resdily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt. ,te., fn nit of ern ileseriptiou of .g,iods without injury to them. 1 r all domestic purposes It Is superior to her soap in use ' anti tin per vent. cheaper thouu thu ilifflifil,lll :t11:1‘11. Earl! 11:1' is St:111111Pd. W I LI. .111 CON 11 . A V., I Ik SI,IIOI , S0( . 0111.1 St • Philaderphi(t, Nlanufacttger of Vainly and Staple Snaps, !Term. stear- Ile and till lOW candles. Importer and dealer in sal soda, S' 43 ash, rosio. ke. Orders by mall promptly attended to' Kept. 12th pin 1 11. 8311TEI, PORT MONNAIE, porKET BOOK and DRESSIMI CA`i.E J oldnufacturor, NAV. corner 4th and Uheynut streets &a-Always on Mind a large and varied assortment nf Sioniodet:, Rork iit,XVB. l'oeket Hooks, erthls, NI Ilki•l'S'Clows, Travelling Baits, .- Note llohlers, Itavtgaminon Boards, Port Folios, Chess .MO[l, P.rtabl , Desks, l'oeket letnorainluin Books Dressing ( . ages. I rim's. Ate. A 1.., a general :ISSOIIIIII,IIt. of EllgliSll, Fll.lllCh atlllijur man h . :111Q Hoods. flue 11,51•1,14 rUtIVEY, Havtrs, Bilzor Strops:ilia livid l'ells. .. Atij•%Viltllo,lll.. t , eVllllll 111111. third Floors. aril s F. H. S)11'f11. N. 8 .. eornio . -itii and Clie,nut stria:is. N. R —ll.l the receipt it ; I ,uperlrr t1..1d Pen will Lr sont to any part of the country by mail—desurildhp pen thn,, medium. hard ..r s, I)} , ; ) 1 ( ED.-E. Nl O , IV - LAN]) ('()'S Whial , ll:l . :111 , e t it IA )1 IN INI; I.I,ASS AND Pie- TEEE HiA(ll.: (IA \ r ti II ,trret, Tlientor. E. N. roceis rd t he of it Nle.bil.iiwariled at th..Cry.l.ll Pah. , 11. V.. 1 ii. the l'ilitt•il States. li.rl;ilt. Ikroritnd. )1....tel .111.1 Ploir 'l' I' S : TIit ' SSES! NI:I:I~LF:r. BIZ \i I: I S 111.11:3,.• Pr.•,•11 extrem. rurrimt vonstrilc I rtipt wed Fit lent,. 11111 be .uit.e.l by reinit• thez .1•11 ;tint , - 'endue,: butel.er et' in; he. round tilt ;tip, and , 1111 . alected. t';;;.t te.., Unable—;J ,iz's anti ;111. . • uhti ..11•Ins• ‘N Var. and how to effect a cure when „fent II th the 'l'r.,l—• !f n . IN cr„.„ imi.jo,‘ Lt I , A •rENT ivoDy Act: . h.l' the rare of : `Thud and Stip p .rte, Patent t 'bust Expantli.rs and Ert.‘dttr :ttlapted I all wit It Step Sll , llld , r, and :111.6‘Vvak dint:lll,li Elagt it. AI thoitintil Sti,pett,trit•-. erodes--inale and Icinalv. %vitt, I.:uly attendants. \Vin. (1.,' w i n . l'Aul It. ti-.1 , 1:11,1. 11(.11,•tiNv. .I,llfle. i(•% 1;114, Ell.:11•11. Seen tare tund '111.1,111"Pr Toller haterrotot k,,„ I ,UPEIt I'lll/SI'II.ITE OF 1,1)IF,. IA Ell mcncLE. 1).•:o., and Fitrine.. tbot In ht.> gredt.l the quality of his SUPER Plitt:— PILSTE OF LIME. and now etottidently rreetontends the ur Del. , tuditufdrt tired by him. as ~1:19:111.1: to any in the tnart.et. lou are his Doti LO van, examine and try It. .%!, PPM - VI.AN AND AII.:XIC'AN t.l' :\u, I.ILS, c.ISDLEtt, 4:r. At thin Inwe , t tee: ket rotes. .1511. h. PDAIEIWY, Sureessor to Thos. NV. 31orgtin, No. and lu South IVharves, Philadelphia. (;'if—rarmers eat. lead on two private Mk) ti. rind avoid the erowdoti wart'. .Inly 2A, rjtj.. JOHN FARIETHA 1 , 1111.%1.E1.1 , 111.t, for sale. in stunt inrinty QEAME Ni' SAVINC, FUND, Chartered by tho State of Pennsylvinia In 1853 oFFICE, sfi WALNUT ~'l'ltEß'l• One door above Seodid Street, Philadelphia, Receives Deposits in suins of Ono Dollar. and upwtvtle, from all chis.es of the rowmunitc, :11111 allows intorekt at the rate of th o per c•ont per annum. Moneys paid beet ,011111.111alld. At - Office open icily from 9 until gl'el(wk. and MI Monday and Saturday until 9 o'clock in the evening. 'This ingthutlon will he found a omvonlent a n d safe pier, of deposit for Farmers and others doing business In Philadelphia. Deposits are paid on duncaud without any previous nutlee helm: ronitilred. =I Edmund A. Solider, Hon. :lob R. Tyson, Stilo ell S. Bishop, George Roblin, Jai., P. Perot. Robert )lorry, :John NleCanles; Edward L. Clark, .1:0-01. Sheet Gallagher, Cosi ell, John Me, .1 , ,,e1.11 B. Mier , . Richard I:dii.n II 11. 'riot ter, Al Milani Franklin Ilaeon, Al . m. P. ell , lli,S, TillolllaS Cool u e,Fti..;:ir E. Pettit., President-- FRANKLIN FELL. Trea , nrer—Cll AS. .‘l. N 111111,15. Seerelar)--.1.1)1E:i S. PRINGLE 11:0_The Charter provide , that do managor, ,Ilieer or agent shall, direvtly or indirectlY, borro%v any money front the Soelot). 0ct17,1855-ly ,()OK AGENTS WANTED. , ) Agents - wanted In every Town and t 4 'nunty In tl t United States . to canvass for the most popular Ms tortes' and other valuable and saleable tasks published- Til.• works art' part ictilarly adapted to the wants of the peeple. being beautitnily illustrated with fine Steel and %Vocal engravings. and hound in the most substantial . manner. Agents now canvassing for us, find It a pleasant and prollitalde employineni. our list nbiu imi tides t,w uoit. works of 'l'. S. ARTHUR. Over 100,000 volutues tiase.bern sold the past year, and their sale It still increasidg. We have just added sever al sa:w 110005 tOl , lll . MM. by this most Palmier author, and shall add others the ensuing WI and .winter. We think VII , iltIVII!th0 best list for agents In the country. Send for It. and judge for yourselves. For full particulars and list, Address J. W. BRADLEY. Publisher. 48 North Fourth, Street Philndelphla, PA. CESIEI CORN SHELLER'S ! CORN SITELLERS. Tito subscriber having hi thu last few years framed upwards 14 n hundred and forty Corn Shelters for Hen ry Rhoads, wishes to hilbrin the Farmers ofCumberland county that he Is prepared to'fiatne them anew. 1 will take Own Or Wood in pay for.Framlug, and wlll.ln !um the uniehlnes to run well. My shop is at the North end of West street :Lug •29.—'_'tn t 11. FItANCISCIJS, a. • , lIIAN EACTUT BE OF COTTON LAIN, Tie Yarn. Carpet C.hnln. Cot ton Yarns, „, LAMP, CANDLE AND FLU Dr. %VICES, %Olio)) Ito o ffers to FOII nt tho Low eNt t`tt,lt 114 rives at No, Market Btrerl attove Second, North sidit, frialittlelphitt COURT PROCL A' 31 A T 10N.— Whereus the Itontawhie .lAns.a 11. GRAHAM, A'refil ck,it, Judge of the several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Cumberland, l'erry and Juniata, and. Pennsylvania, and Justice 61 the several Courts of Oyer and 1 eyeliner and (Icorral .Jail . Delivery ill 511411 MUM tIeS:HH,J HAM. Jon N Rum , and 1.1. 'll oonnuiS Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Delivery thr the trial of all capital nod Other Mb:micro, in the Plaid moray of Cumberland. by their precept!, to me directed. hearing date the ILltia stay of November, 1555,. hat e ordered the Court of I and Terminer soli Gone r:ll.lo3 tHlit% er3 to 1.0 6.14.101 at C.41.1,1,t., UM NI , *fi • DA 1 . tba aatbt I . 1 / 1 1111111%), Lat. Ili 0 . 04,A, is. tiler foreocoo r to rootinne t wo wtelts. NOTICE 15 IlrAt 6.IVEN to the Coroner, Jus tires of the Pence and Constables of the said county of Comb,' land. that they are by the said precept MM.. 1111111dOliIli be then ;ind there in . then proper persons,, ith their' rolls. records, inquisitions. examination* and all other remembrances, to do those things a filch td' their I,llive appertain to be done, and nil ',lathe that are fecund by recognizances. to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be In the jail of said county, are to be there to prosecute them no shall be just. JACOB DOW VI AN, SHERIFF . H OPFM•1:. CAP,LIBI.F... } Sheriff. , 28, 1856. IM=l;= FSTATE OF ANN KENNEGA, de:eq.—Native Is hereby given that Letters of A d mhastruthin on the Estate of Ann Helium& late ut Silver Spring township, Cumberland Cohn ty. deneeie ti, ha v o beep granted by the Register of saki rounty to the subs,rlbee ',siding in Carlisle. All persobe I.uot uug themsel, es II dobted to said Estate are requilia d tumadie immediate moht and thus° hat ing chums to mount them Pd. settmnent to dee. O. 'Oh. JAMES WIDNEIL, Adm'r. 11 1 STAT HN E OF JO COYLE I deo d. 4 - —Notiee is hereby givon thud Letters of Adminin i.ation on the Eytate 1.1 John t'oyle, late of 'fugues town. runii.yrland Younty, devensed. him been duly grunted by the Register of wild county to the subsert lwr, residing in Nye, c tile. ill said ruuutc. All persons Indebeyd,to said limtaty will poymeof end those hat tint:Huhu, against it will present them fur eettle went to st W. 17 IY flet 1555-11 w A Untie iitnit or. . )11111,1( Coder the 271.1 i Wutl of the School taws of the Teachers are required to make a nowthly Report of the pupils attending. :luring the design: l t Lug tie uumher it dil)1, each attended, the hoot, used. alf.l lir:inches tallit: these rep..rts avtting forth al,. the 091111145 t and proticieucy of cull ',lilt :ire Irt,i it tsil.',ll-111 uu tile. and ...object to the in :Tv. [ion at any citi/ens of the District. especially on Im. hest It lit cart) IMMO& at 2 odoi.k I'. M., :mt 11:01. w hen the t , ....1ect Shiteol Is held. )I (.) 1.(1)N ( ip 1 4 , 1)A llTNF . , its b lii ( p. — Then under the firm of JLnnkell K t•eynutur, in the ••temn :•.'n and Lumber h1.4111,..5. has this klay Not. I beau disto.lved by mutual vousent.— POT' , us ha will preSe•llt 11112111 fur settlement and these in.l..l.ted are rvque%tett to make immedlato pa) tovlit. E. F. 11.1t•liELL, Li v. 7, • W. D. SEYMOUR. `STATE (if' 11171)()LPII I-IERTZ A lA. lt. dee'd.—Notiee i hereby given that Letters Amnin ',dr:aim! on the Estate of Ittidelph Ilertzler, hie et Meru... , tom imhip. Cumberland eeunty, deceased, bun het.,l2 gr:l.l.ted IP) the ]register of said ectinty to the subseriber. residing in the ,Inle perilous 1.'101,111¢ t hem set es indebted to paid estate ale requirry ed to matte mime !kite mentaind those having elaiuut t present them nix seti lenient t" CHRISTIAN LIERTZLEIt, Arum. FAMILY COAL.-500 IiENSVALLEY COAL. Broken and re-screened, prepared expressly Mr family use and kept tnxein, coven, se that I can furnish It DIU and t:LLAN during the winter season. 1 hate also on hand and for sale the Ll EA , . FID1.1:11 COAL iron the mince of 1103 d, Rosser .x Co.. road r•II A7dOK IN Cl AI. from the mines of Coelr. 'ran. Peal e Co., all of which I will sell at small profits tor cash. and doll our Wally part of the borough. not. 14. . W. AY, Ig't. rI l flF ) ETON COAL. • T4EvoliTuN coAL. hi, 'frmertoti Coal Cutoff:illy are 1111 W prepared to fur- Midi the eitt.i.m.s oft al mile mid t irinity with an idiom idiot suppl thetiell Trevormn Cial.thrtamli their dealers ‘1 It. NiI:NU:IN amt where comuon•os to,, pr i ore the tail or AZl's ix: Steam limit. BrolsiM. i.rg, Stove alit Lime Bunters. 11 n rsn revonomil it as superior to,,,mfy other void for steam. dtaile,dir pllrp. , Seti, and ohig. For the intormation of the Vitizens of Carlisle we would in form them. this is that superior coal, a• sample of hiliti was Feat by 11. liellenstitte. I.sifr, of Trovorton, about the whiter of and gave eo much satielaci thou. trevurton Coal Cumpany fort Trolortuu, 'Union coon• ty, l'a. Aug. .I)EsST FAJIILY COALS! AT T NEW (lIAL AIM The subscriber would respectfully inform the Mingle. 111 Carlisle and vicinity that he is 11(oW prepared to tur ta.th thp.o EN 1.11 NE IT EN pitTON COAL. of various sizes; a sample of Is hich mas furnished to a sunder Of cil i•rens threo years since by -Mr. E. llelfenstelm and v. Will gave such perfect satisfaction. Also best qualities of byli p ellS Valley. and Shamokin Coal, Also BLACK SMITII•S and I,IIEIII . IINIII'S COAL of the different kinds, constantly on hand, ut the new Coal Ynrd nenr the gas works, Sept. 5 '55 CONSIJ3IEItS. COAL! CO.11.!! COAL!:! respe,t fully 111111.111 his friends :111 , i ill(' pulln. that he is non roveir.ing rnm (cm: of Ahat tort supoti.r Inan the huhu Tidier, mine , : of Ito} (1r4:. , 50r tho only inqi .IFh JOSEPH WEAVER Notices. lIIWZMIII Q..onf ljarhs. 0.a.1 brought from Basin, introlitteed and known in Carlisle nn the ItylfenstineCoal. It it:entirely free from into anil(all idher impurities, and is perlectly adopted to all nweloinical avid tionie,sti. , purposes. Its readiness to Ignite. renders it partieularly desirable Inc small stoves, us Idle its Intensity of hem and great dura bilitv in burning makes it : cull:Illy so ler large cues. Ile would also call the attenthin of thrillers and others to a superior article of I'iIt.:SNUT COAL, from the same mines, for SWBIIIBIIII line purposes. For wile only ill l'arlisle by July 25, '55.-3t • ANILY COAL.-500 Tons Lyken's voky Coal, broken and Screened, pm-Tared ox• r 7 ssly to. family use, receiving and 11. r soh 1 , , ino. 20 sin W. 11. 314111 RY, Agt. 'MEI3IS.IINERS' COAL..- 2 ) 000 ons Lyken's Valley. Nut Coal, a superior article receit g and for sale by JUL. luo nu) 14112._ IKSMITH'S COAL:- 5,000 A) Hutt Jilacksinith'g Coal, a first, rate article rr raising m. or sale by June. 20 't I GOAL u . - 4000 TONS LIKENS Valley, Dauphin and Pine Grove ,t ara n Nut or Limo Cool, by hens Valley, Pittston end Shamokin Stove Coal, Also, best quality illitekstnith Cis"), LUMBER of all kinds sad best Cypress Shingles, Jai of which will he sold unusually low. Friends call and judge for yourselves mug '29 If T)ATENT. SKIRTS, &c. 7 --Just open ,,illinothor luvoiro of White and Colorcd l'attot MOMillet.o unto, With tt Altrkty of other 50u.,.0n.. ldo goods. July IS. 01%). W. lIITNEII. J. 11ANIIL;ro:sz, Suct'y •JACOB Slll{o3l 11.'W. HILTON 'i4 7 IL 511.TR1tAY, Agt W. B. MURRAY, Agt S. M. HOOVER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers