lIM New '3buatiocitteuts. ------ T OODS FOR THIL' TIOLID A.YB I 1 ‘.._.11 . FA.. 1 11 CY GOODS, Girt' BOOKS, 4le S. W. 11A1'ERSTICli has Just reeeivxul from the My a lit Is now opening asplendid 11)1,11:'FANCY 410)/h , , suitable Mr the approachitig , tioliday . Season, to which he desires to call the attention of his friends and the public, Ills assortment in this line cattuot he surpassed in novelty and elegame, and hoth in quality and privy or the iirtiules, cannot-tail topic:lse purchasers. It would be impossible to enumerate his HOLIDAY FANOY (00DS, which comprise every viriety of fancy article of t he me t exquisite shape such 3s Paiper ylacba Goods. Elegant alabaster and imrce/aln ink-stands and. trays, Yancy Ivory, pear/ and shell vitae:mos, Ladies' Fancy Haskels- . Fancy Work Ilexes. with seeing instruments, Port Moutiaies, ore , cry rallel.f, (I..dd pens ,iinl p „,,,,q, p,,,,,,-s paper weights. Papeteries, and It arge variellof ladies' Fancy elation ery, Motto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses, Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished, Ladies' flue cutlery, Perfume baskets and bogs. Brushes or every kind for the toilet, lions:ors Perfumes of the various kinds. 31u s i, 2 m iustrinuentS. of. all kinds Bad at all price,. together with an innumerable variety olartlieseleganl • Iv finished :Ifni suitable Mr holt/day presents, to which he invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of Ii ILIDAY GIFT HOOKS, comprising the various English:tint American ANNUALS - for lifer. richly enibelisheil and ilustrated PoETICAL W. MKS, with Cli I LHCEN'S I'lCl'oll.l AL BOOKS, for children of till ages. than which nothing ran lie more uppropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. If is assortment of School Basks and School SlAtinitry is also complete, and comprises every thing used in College and the Schools. Ile also desires to •.I'. the particularattention of Fatnitlei to his elegant .1"-- , - v c' Itir LAMPS. I/MANHOLES, .V.c., from the atensive establishments of Itoruclius. Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, for burning either lard sperm or ethereal oil. together with Fl o wer lases, Fancy Screens. ,to. Ills :issortment In this iillo is un e.lualed in the borough, Ms., FRUITS, FANCY C /NFEC'rIoNAIIY—NUTS—PIIE• :-4.:11 1 EH FRUITS, &e.. In t•wery variety and at all prices, all of which an paid fresh. stab 11$ ran be r,iutidrntly ret,11111111M1:041 lu his friends and the little f,11,. Ilia .tuck enibram-s every thing in the line of valivy • it h mans' of 111 . 1' articles useful to housekeeper!, which the paid(e are ',especially invited to rail lid Set' during the holiday's.— licillomber the 111 d • , ,tarol, pearl) opposite the Bank 4in North dianov , ,,r atree derrl3 1553 1:POOKS FOIL TUC. HO I:1 ft\ _l4 A. M. Pi VER. MAI U TI o.l't 0.11.1 ILI, .111.4 1 . 0C4 4 1Ve4 and t. 11111 V .1 '1. 10 . 1 id a I rlit• of ENV I'l 111.:CATIo.‘.. 11 ‘lisaollaiiiions 11 Fano, . 1 I . ' irios. Victoria! Vapors. Alotrais. t Folios; Port loiluals. Diarins. Leon p1it . ..11:1.,1 at, :id, a tita.;vou,... Hill he itl sit tho /NV SU I'll itivites port irp':ir ataollti iu tJ hi; 1111:11,11,1 lA, wk. a outials. It.ok•, 1111o+trato4 • Standard W..rk , . Bibles. si IPS, Pr.v. or II ks. Itooh, • Sir School Books. Traot 11.1•mkg. votilk , kr.. 1/2 All of tt•hirlt are N )K S. fro,la splendidly bannd and ,au' , . and e - ,4 p f .r the l'hri,ttuaqs Alsu F INl . l' ST IT in) \ and Fancy articles ea•ae...oily. erear %allot s • The poi,- lie aia' invited to ("Ai and tiaatititi,, saatilles iii,w ieatty . fur inapeetion. her. the plane to bay }amt. •, rherp, M at Pi S, sheub. lieu... T E EP E' FA \'C' NOW m'Es. KRIS KINULP And will bo at his Old , 111.3:1'Quartedi in North 11i i IVor street, during the Christina:, and New Years foiti ities, with out• of the l:u•gest assortdients of CON FIX'fIONARIES E ver ~tiered this pisteo, consisting .11 pall of Fine C in I ) and Fruits. delly Cakes. Bon Gnus, Gum bate and F•rrull, Drops, Rose, Vanilla, and Burnt Alai olds, Froindi and exploding Secrets Aire. Also till the eouuuou N = of the lutost sort its Oritivtos. Ixtnon 5, ItaNins. rigs, Prue'is, Currant.,, soft mid parwr 10 I .11ni .nds. FAlhorts. and 1;roUllii Is: ',V.A. la cuituortioti ttith thu ahoy° nu uxtunsiru TOYS AND FANCY DOlD'.+ (of (Ivory litrility turd price. ronsistiug iii part of Pine china, out other Dona. Se‘vitig nqd Curl ittAitots, Fancy Dote, FIOWOI. )1 ,, ti11( . 111,, MiSkS, Di.lllllg. (111110. Air P.lols, Ai•eiirdeons. Ches.:wed of hone awl irou,i, Iminittieis, Lotto and oilier game:. Pansy' „rips. Hair thin awl Port )lolutio , . ne. 11'e hire :11 , n n flue lot of F.A I sueli as pnlcerlsrd . crushed anti brown Sug,trg, of 0 et . j, Sture.i. 301 're z t, Spleen, 'tut ter. s. 1113 Sugar. AVater "t her Cru e ker,,,.1,,,,, Elie ,uthseriber ieturn , hi, g0r,,,, roll , illlhnt` tie' pal n,.tacr Ilert•:.Llfrll.l , 111 , 0,,V0,1 On 111111, ;lad lic.i/VS, by a. ao,ire to pluo.o, to moril, a 1.0T1L1.1111t114.0 cf t Dori 11. 1555 U:l ak a K ES, Fitt; l'l'S & To VS FOR ANI) NEW YEAII: , . 5. 1 46 4 sul,Poriber jut "eel elfrom Philadelphia :Hid is iww opi.nir~ 9n endless sariety of TOY'S AND FANCY ARTICLES Pn• I,lto :ippr tn.ltinl 11 , .11,1a . N5. Also, n 1 way.. , n lucid 1....ery va,.leLv t'.\ Fruit uvery 31' V ariety I; ...01,1dIly I'l'l' and F •s i'tti. all of ,r111.•li, will 1,, t.,1 at sin tll pn4its. rriurl; particularly iut ited tl/ , jVil US IL rall Janie, t 11,11 , taY SgiUS.U. 01/ PiLL strcrL one d , o- from 'Ow rnrner of 3111111 12, '55 01111.1;414E AGENCY, IL/ FUR INDEMNITY MI IN ST lARiS BY FIRE. TIIE FRANKLIN FIRE INSITRANCE Cbaidnr Capital paid In. Officii 1G:Oi; Chesnut Btrent. Mllo'. iNAIIIIANCE either 'Kiln:motif. or limited. :1 , 431n5 - I boss or damage by firm on mono:nil' /1111 r.FreeT i 1)f every dcwripzi nn, in town or e"1111t. 1110 cum,t, ronsorable ttc. :ins. A pplieitions made oitlior porsoually or by lol,tm, kill Mc promptly attended to. C. N. BANCIt ER, Prefet.. • Tim. tg the nboro company G rr nmi ttg vie alts. All omillvaiillS tn. lohninn, oliher by mail or peranrr:•ly will i n , 1, ,, ,,mpt1y att,mtivd INE EN= = ISTA'PE OF JANE EWING, dcc'd. i„ ~„.oby given that letters et' adtnink- V.ttion on Ow I:4ate of Jam) Ewing. late of biokenson ow»ship, Cnniborlamt rou»ty. deesased, hare Leen granted by the itiOster nf !wilt county to the subsetiher ro t htlng In the game township. All persons indebted tP 83111 est• Ate are required to take o:mew 111111 the e "'OO4 taboo to present them for se:tlument to, deg. '4s'.—"t"* JOHN EWING, AtluCP. Li 0 01"1"S 1,1911,111' GIANT CORN 0 mitt cf ill (11:13P.111:11.-11m various l'ittala nf Meat ClitterA allit hAttliers-1”r maim 1 y IL SA XTON. ) y:* ';,5, manilmoth assortment of To,IIJA thole HOTS 01)0100g Ilt • CA PIId q1:13 tLcw. .1. P,' LYN VS, _ . -rtisT 14:1.1)4: V ED, It largo ft , st»litiont ; Fl , cr,,yrti 'S. W. 11.1VF.US9'iCli. - not.ives, f..nin the velebrated tivintifact n'y Dal is .1. ro.. Boston. 'flies° Instrument: ha; e c irefully selected a largo snick, ..nd alai warrant(' to give entire satisf let ion. They will hi sold at. CITY Pit ICES and it opt In tinier Ity a etonpetent per.ttii, ft r env year from date of sale. Tinee tr lto may aisle to exami nO. or to punting.. a Ltood I nstroment. are i 'toil to call 11 iton the t.tubserber at his residence In Carlisle. Also, Tl It Esrr. two good sorond-ll❑ tot Plano Forts a iS per qua rtor. .MIIN K. Yl'Al')l IN. Illy. '2S, '55. CoMINti! (;I r REAT EXCITEMEN'r. PIANos .tNE) NitiohEoNs VEN NI.ISiNIC TENIPI.E. CHESNUT, : ale,‘ e Sevelith. Philadelphia, respeetfully informs the put lie that lie ,i, prepared to make the foliowing ENT V 11,ariltnall. 1; sity lid TWENTY C W. A: •-• P1(10111 . 11 I Ei INS n;11 be placed iu the halal, iif a vennainee o p•tit lumen. to I o he theta ilishibuted aiming the molder. nr no ~-tinent.,. em•ll porehaser of my l'optilar ‘111 , 1,.. eert will be pre.el,le4. ro Lilin,c the All interest in tN I'l ANO mot IIN I ElAil)Et .N. tq , disl , se.l ,, f the l'ontinittee for the benefit It' tlne.e hohilior \ I. 1 . 1101:: , AN I , POLL \ ~orth it i•• .1„11 1141 it Nil that 1•III•11 lion, ill 11,1,4111 j ituo I ltllly rep uile iu, and 1111.• 1 , %VIII 111101' secured to hint all ill , Will of her eertilieato holder.. in the above di , rikut l'he slieceeditrz dill ri L,tl i,mv ‘N ill bit to the sante ratulali no until the Pianos 2,l:%leheleons. are distributed. ' ivit ler attention is 111,1111.41 to !hat feature .)1 . tilt plan it hieh calls for a ilispoNil of the in•lrtinonitn 1A hen but "loon yet tifietiter, base been ksinel. thus avoiding t he I , e.,3toets at•las :lind probable kli.appointinent attend ing vet Lain ',hew, now before the P. Mu \ Li; 111:13 I 1•• h111 , (1.111 . 1 . 1 , 111 uu 1 , 111.111 rmiyni•v, 1.1%1.'1) 'lltllltlglll.l in the l idled States. Irwarilett h)• 'nail it ill be inithlailly an I intwlptly attimit,,l to. .nstanll, tirt hand a irtineilt of fhini tint celebilthid 1111111111,11111 je h of 11,111,1111111 i. 1 11'.1, A Cot., tit . Al l / 1 111y1 ill1.0111111t•111111114 A A. \V. Ladd Nbinzer, 1'..„ of \,•w York. Ako, IS. Fisk A f'i..'s Vrianlant to ht , had at tim e lii tt,t 11111.1111141111111V1' . N 1/1'11,:S. • ito%I:I.NItN.IIRAY P.'ar'."—We are S. We l l 111,151 , 1 iiith the ho-trineents malc by this firm th,t, we Iritu determined to he insireinental ours , ' that forekliing our suhserlbors and ut I,r; trick :ni article that we can recommend and warrant. There is always a ditlieulty :Mending the purchase of Maxim, because persons It loofa, rely fully upon the riwOWlllll3lWia- UM , they receive from mantifact orie, who ere Inter ested. of course, in the sale of their own menniacture• Now, we ore not interested lii the mit ter in any except so for as to Stle that thOSi• Who patronize our "Book" shall be well served with the hest. Mau s wade. Fur it lit of prices twe cover, at which amounts we will send Pious, warranted for ono year, the freight to be paid by the persons ordering. We annex a letter re , colved front a Ifentleman in Virginia, to whom ire VIII one of these4ffitues: — • " F. l'ffialilt "L. A. umn,',l....iti.—Doar Sir--1 hay.. great pluas fu arknutrludziu;;, the receipt of the l'ia no Vertu %Odell you were so good as - to girder for ley wife from Boardman' St. Gray's. It was delayt4l for some time at tVitichester: but J am h tppy to say that it came in excg;llent eondb Lion. We are decidedly pleased pith 11 e 'lngrument. The rOheWilUil is of a beautiftil quality: the cane is plain site like it the better for it); the teundi Is very easy-for a 111!WillgrIlinelll. and thl , 10110 is firlll,oll,:tr a n d sweet, All who have tried It. admire It mut speilt iu thushigho,rt terms of its Inellonq10: , 4 turd sweettwst , of tone. Wu deeply regrot that we did nut order the 'Attachment . : we must have It yet. "We two deeply indebted to• you for your agency in p r ocurio.r for us soitoal au Instrument.. Be pleased revolve our aichnewledgmentN. YOttr obi. :wilt, (We.J.W." B.R I P, It I E ;•I . 4 7 Tho 'V ' ITIllifT610(NO•.:1:11111i1IV, in l'ennsylentda. just received nt the dwelt store of net. 17.'65. • ell ARLES OkllysY. A. L. SVON.:4LEIZ it) A 13N . DOO a. ROLLERS.-1 now 11 a. I' superior foriuoo - ing Mira llu we, ukt, received nd for Nilo at • 2 • , 11..'A F'• 01) Prilitin t f iconiptly 31eto Athuertisements. DENNS YLVA IA TEL IfkatAP FORM ANID REDUCED PRICES. TRE (2!.. , 1T Sv'' E:11. ADOPTED On and after the let of January next, the PeNNs•vt.• exatX Tmsnmum will be owned and conducted by t'm undersigned, who will give their best energies to make it worthy of its friends and its cause. The weekly Will shin:ol7e fts en , rance on the now year by :inner hug ill ENTIRELY NLIV TYPE and in a GREATCY' ENLARPEr/ "OEM. The TELEORAPII will be issued SEMI-WM:LIN dm =l)g Ow sessions of the Legis l ature on a sirele , art col-inns. and WEEKLY doritm t s te • emainder of the year on a nom am EE , ' or now 0 il - sm of Por. , V- ItiGiiT coLUNI See and the new p• 1 1 ,1 ;(40,, will 'spare no pains or ex omise to make it a 'ti se class and Family newspaper. The 'very 1,, t ialcet •it iii, br commanded will bemtupinyed at ere y ,o'itt where in retaliation of general leumest is presentee. Tim 'JELLAIR UM will advocate:l lib,' eniii•e3l and RAM to unhe all these who, tbeuot animated by the saute cowmen mire..., a n d the same hem• 11:: elan results soma dist cdoted by the rennin of distinc tive 011.6 ions. It will sustain the highest staudecd or A nUi• lean Ni Pint, while r hotline' a sawed 0111 , 11 , 11 We to the e111111W0111;SOS it tha Constitute m, will determinedly re - Jot the exte m ;el of Iluaol u ev=il 'ol give • a eOrtt'r l . ea• tr ..0111, inoletieutent sui.port to the inn of Coy. Pommel:. The Tanriq 011 iclo contain 3 e , oninelion Suintol.- ry nfthe proceeuinir (.1" the Leg'i.iat it:, ; s I t all 'mime t:ait gene :1 laws passed will be ptilllsilea In ...111 in its coh» The TELE. - al , l 11 tll Lr rogdneteu sTrICT fiN TII F. CA SII SYSTKNI. In no o. her o ,n a first el Jour. ita` be ennutieted sture - :s all v 1n Harrill - nu without ehat ging 01101 1110 11 0 su hse. 'D. 7 011 r • tet.. nail irattlint• east' plt-on. - ; pay Ite:l.N;ly to re un f.r tiL'ons erodits. The Tur.qr. tpli ti ill Ile 1 , 'l . qhl'll ne't rho :nor than any other paper ever at Ale C-mit 11 of the State, and it Inn be sus. linen onl ,v bg adv,we pit 1001.1. . . The propeietto - s wilt bring, t to 1 Ito enterpeoo to evtablish it on a firm n 0.... they ;rest. an en during bads: and they ronthletb ly iat on intelli gent potato to :rive success to their el a I:y a little atiart dubs van be f n moil in every di•.t. •trt of the State. and vol script kns oh idu be f (led oefore the lot or January. is but a limited number oeyond .bat tust nally demanded will be toile-ed. 'Chu following tut , the terms fort he Semi-weekly (single slos durine the session of the Legislature. 411141 the W,ekly I.lntible sina.t.) du ring the roinainiter of the 1 vAr-110: IoNI.I INVARIABLY TO 11 , 1/111.1NY Tllt, 0111.511. Sintzle Stilts,-1 tptittits - - - • $ 2 , 00) Five Collie , : (it I,so per eopyl - 14,00 Ton Cold,: (401.70 per copy I - - 17.010 I .7.0 per pr 1 - 20.110 And nt thy qllllll. • (111,ro) ,‘ T ly \ for ally nun her over Ca eoi.c. All m•dot, allare.setl to \lrC'lu,e fi SOilf 114 ; • Iln,1.;S11r P:I. K. 1I• RE, .IAS. I. ` 4 EI.I..FIKS. -, P us EWOOD PIANOS F 01; SALE. nvw Ite,wwor,d Pianos 0., and __..,...._-....,...-.::-.7 :,: v--• •:„,,. 1-.. : 175):67 . -, 1',..i - -..-,, f ;, ; ,. i- , -. , - • . ,v§,..11 -,el - ,zz-,i.a'-'..21.)1.7,r - , - 1 ----- ,„,.. , ,fr -, .;.' .. - !7 .-- .. * _.;---47.:-,1;. 1,, inL_ , 4. '',.% v ..t 2.,,•-"..#7.:.; -;_-- - - ---:.4'4,..7---;. ..(n-, ~....,,,- ~F;zr . , c , , -.).% :, Tr ... ___ 0 _.= ; _...„--, '.}- t'. --- - SPLENDID I)FrER Ito,bl Ilu , lollo‘ring from I;mlt...i's )lu.ical gISII , L %-0 3 430" Rem Fdifications. I\lN ENSE S\lJ C SS! !- RILE (*DEADEST MAOAZINE IN TOE WORLD. 11 A L b 0 „Alt ;U 0 N T /I LY. Ll' MEItICAN 110:11E. Run ttritged '3 ssolonted success w ith this popmar mot 13' . .ith: unit the rapidity with wlti.di hp. I nortiaseiVits circular ion. the proprintor has roso4d to make it still more worthy of thin patronage of ttle,ptild le. That this admirable work is A NiI.II.XCLE OF CHEAPNESS, is' admitted Lc ovary ono. containing, ns it ..101.S ('us 111 udrrtl istwis ul reading niaLtfir [a iiinahrr, being wort. than any (PI the 11118!::141 hes, alai fOrllliilg too rOlutnes a y ear or six liitadrvil ['Ages cavil, or Twelve ❑a ad: lig :natter per :Llll.llllll, 11/1. I= Itnta.ou~ l:fltt~u Host 11 1 % Is Hilted now type t upon tine a lilt papio. and its inatlinr is carefully voin• pilot and arrantiiol by t Ito lianas of ilio editor and pr... prictor. who bas been known to the public as colt 01,11,1 tel the Itost,,11.1111.S!: Tn Si LOVII years. Its rigos con tain NEWS, TALES. POEMS, ETOT. lES Or Tilt: sr.k, sKrl elu . s , 11 18- CELIANT, %DTI:NIUE ES, Moir. trill ES, WIT ANN, fr nn the best awl most popular writtirE of the country. IL Is als o spiced a ith a record of the 1114111,1 e events of Olehues. of pram and oar. of disvoyeriA, and improve ments oreurring In either lulu isphore, funning an agrees. bit eaaillauhu, for a leisure moment or hour, anywhere, at home or abroad, osch uuelber tieing celeriac in Itself. No seeretarlan sulijeks are admitted into its pages t here are etionzdt cont nuersial publications, each de voted to its peculiar sect ur This work Ilan tended tid. I= north or south. east or. west. :Mil is tilled to the brim e a ch month with chaste. p pular find graphic utiseel• la just such as any father. brother or blend would place lii the hands or a land!) rirele. IL is in all it, de partmots. fresh 'and original. and, ii hat, it purports to Ile. the cheapest. magazine in the world. Any 'Jerson enclosing to the proprietor. as below. shall receive the )lazazilie for one 3 car, or any per,on sending us Stout subs.lbers 41111 1.1(.11T AL one time. shall receive a copi gratis. )1. Publisher and Proprietor, C'orner of Tremont and Bromfield Streets, Boston. Nov. 2S, Niri. COSMOPOLITAN Ah T yEAp„ • .\ .111111131 t !die. LG , u ~f till, new and ivptilar lostit till,' 6,r tho didt, I,f Literature nod Alt. hasp berm made ex tonsivi• Nr,l A11 , ..11.1.; till, works already encacra. is the fur-finned whi.•ll I'xll'l 11.q,...f Ilonars. In forming :he 11x1. t' AIL, ti ~,rls, of .tmElt: , 31,11 Ihx MI , .k Ilit gt•lii•as. hlve • ‘1111111'.i ., 11 , Itato 1114,1 LII iki• Ili • , f tiki111,111 , 1,.•.1 \ t ,;.1011.-11l • .•.1‘..• .1 th,i, .1.,111 lire •I I'.ll-1, Utea h% :•••• 11'1.1 •I'. tiEt WASIIIINtiTtiN, The F3ther of his coulltr I11;\.1.\\11 . FRANN.LIN. Tho 1.. 10 \ 11.1 111:11` 7d1., The Stzitestiiae. N Ilaq v Isitrd Ellt,pl. at,gi Itut•lf. i,• n s I I I. ht.! it %1:11 . 1)1u; Slut Iltr, and I it I u 1•.tlilt111.;,. 111.• VIII I 1.• ~f and rqatuary. Lu 1..• 111 tllla7f od Ik'.) .‘1.1..112 the for tile :Secutt , t Yo,r. TERM: , 01 , Al E)lll.ElUilt I 'I he imyirima of three dullnrn etitistitute, ~no 1111- t,soela.tiou,llllll hill, 0 , eillwr nnr 4.f Lite I .1110, lug 1;1:•.1w I var. autol ;11,..i ticket ill the di:4l.ll.l.tif 41 - 1 of thv :1411. nary initi Paint- Litortture issue 4 to subscribers voilf•iStS .1 tilt. Cvill)Whitz l'utlmm's. Knickerboelier. itiP•km pod s. tirabrun's.lkhley's s Bonk. and lion.,hold tOkilVd: fil o memberstliia:tm Plait Tod to an) lit'( ,ff the 11agazint, for• 3 ear and to ,tx nctt LT, In tin. dint ributitio. I'll.. het la,aaaal, derived from the kale of MhillA. ar, devoted to thi. 1111 011:Isv iir Art ler the eahu to year. TIII: A MIES Si:CURED, Lt lake,.oline .Is.”clation, aye— 1.1. An 111 . 1,0T11, 14 . Llt It. ntt r 1 , 1 'their sulp the mtart, In 1 I ,• Sil3llo blNterliug Literal nre. 2tl. I.'telk member is nmtiihuti lie towards port hosing cLolcc ‘V.rii 11 or .%rt, wit 'nye to be distrl buts d among thantholves. and at, itt th, that° oncourittitiix thy Artists or llly COIIIII ry., di:4,11,1;111g thousands ot ii liar. through its agency. l'ormifis in rendLthur funds fur 11110illberNhip, "111 giro their pust-allive ntiodresNi in full, stain': flu mouth tli"y wh4.l the .Nlazazini, to vormiaenee, find liar Lim If•ttor re....istered at: tit,• pruront uu titu rect•ipt (.1 h ich. a evrtitleate of uteniberkhip! 1,.- Iwr iv it 11 tl:3 :NI a UllA desired, Will fOrWardt'd I any part of the vowito Thom. a he puvelitse :Nlay.azines at lluokstores, a ill ~I, sees e hat tQ joilia Chia ‘ssoilation, the. eetelve the NI Ali 1/.1 \ I mei Fait. h is the an tt uni .1 istritettioe. all et the eAtue priet, tle.y 110 W pay r.r the liagazhe :dee, lionutiftilly ill u•41.8i.A l' .'..t10:u0 , ., ing lull ilestjj. Lim, .ont I H 1,1,011 ZliTlit . .l t 101 l . For )lomborr.l.ii..lo.lru,, • ` , --t I:. 1.. 1/1 . 11:11V.,At1u.tr3.. C. A. A. At either of Liu• prio,ijoil 01u.,-- ;; I‘‘ N.l Or, 11 11,t1v1 111=•=1 EV EN iNf; • Es'!' (;( . :•T 4th. 1,21. Y 1 1111, , 111', I.' 1, 1 1 , 111111 1 I/ V 1 1,1011; 1 . 11 .1111 11 , 111/it 1 1 0'r , ol the Vest tat, ii tor el . :third, that the put it, at, al toleral.l) ts ell actitutihted tt ith the eltaractrt Id a paper 111:11. 1111 1 , gt'„ttJl sit.tutt dthitig the stortus anti sunshine of Till IVIN•Ft tt t: I'l.\l:x. Their 't.ltjeet al. htt• broil. at , it remains Itt Le. tt pithit,l l a it,titt•r f t 1,1,1: 1.11:11I 111.1 1 1 111 :111111 , ,. hut alsn tustnict 411(1 tit, se \t r io, iorty 1,.1.111 it 'I 1 , 4, 11110 i• II 1. 1111. 1 ,, N1 :111 II ll' , :1, 1, 11 i• , 114.•1.1 , froth frrolpt and thauttstie atoi ta.i.,in4 at th.des ~; Lana , : :tie utest harr. stint, 1 , tote ' , of the 'lt ~4.1,1 y Not, tt tho II rah!. :-Isetel, of Life. Ad \ I.llf Ilte :11111 (11111',11 . 11•1 . :11111 11 111:11181 .11.11,1,.. 1111,11 .k 4111'1111111 , A,•,1.11411 oil tit,. 19' „ dart 1111,1 'tl'''l3 )'st Ls: aml a hank N.,to Lint are ',whl e d atiotua the sttlid itlf trouttion to he ernsiaut 1 , 11 1 / 1 1 111 1110 11111 (111 1 11111,1 113111111 1 1. 1 , 1 1 / 1. 1 1 1 . 111 1 r , ---11 , tuts faehh cies which thdlght in the httator.tits 31./ Illrly, the fin- Thit,te Ith:tildes also must Ihtvo their :Ippriplitae ford, else) hero enittehlethan t h .1,111,1 , 1111.11Ve. 1110 1110'11..C1 1r1 1 1.,111,,s fin d 4 , 1 „,_ sitiod. and is n o t:title in tah k ) all tutlanted and gettevius t tif :11111 11, 1111 1 1111. V. 1 41Isry these I,,,av ett :11 11111, 1./1 1 4.11 . 1111.411:111 heilld , we the oh: I• 3 ttrop wt.( di. tf; the Post to FICTIth,i, mot 111:131011. utl,ol . cu II l'ilMt ,, rs in tho first Iwo oft ha :dor,. Pip:a t inant 4. as sa%Cral of ilia mot.t gilt tat Ivrtters in tlio NVa alt. draw fro, ly tr ou t Ca. Flrtiuu , t 1 ry upon tisa parl t .aliaals in this vatiotry nail thlat Itrit tin. %la aoitiotrairing :1 Naw 5t... 0 i ti%% ii, author of lii I),,arted hi our first paper t .1a ti tin ry mutt. „, NoTret 8 cr:: '1'111.; PILESS. , . Tltie k one oftte AtAV hirg' 1/ 3 1 4• 1'S IUI d u ith life and thought, instead of ltnnbering trash. Its management Is nutri:ed by libt r &.ttrtesy, ability--auti teL It eutploys . the best literary talent, and spares nu pains or expense: A.s.a family pappr, oltworliterary awl Intelligence. Wo cur tially reConuttend IL—Cayuga Clik,r, Auburn, N. Y. , . iVo have heretofire switch 11),10g,11 tnts of the ble rFiS lost. ns 0nt...ef,tb0;,.)f...,d. papers on our e!:- change list , wo reg•tr.l ft Its t ,tithe best literar,k Taper. to bo founds ni:v,itor,e. Its editorials aro written . with ability, and tall. a ut and cont. prehonglry %dew en . nten and Chit g , .—Star and .Adverti s(,r, AVrivlits, illy, l'a. . It 1-; dos. , rveitly of T a Iv n:iort Dipulnr , publie jou, wits In tlin" United Stati ..k , o0,111)1 tig am' it. drys. in"s lit Point [if 11 . 0,11'4A: of llro belt inubnt• Ano , :, with It vagt general 'lvo - 11)110:m. Lit, 111 I. et, TERMS (0.t.511 in all Villlen),- Single copy, "a year, 4 copies, - - . , • • .?..i.4111 R euples, and, one to gottor-pp of Club, -1, 13 copluo. anl. one to gott••r.upof Clunb, - 20 conics. and of fete ,/ott i,olp 4 CIuL , - SA.NtII,I: N17311$ CRS toga gral JF: to any on,. iviann thiceqs, ;thvayfi I • 1 , 1 A(7ON 7' 1.7 t• 1,1242.1( GOODS _ woDs I~IE G 0 01)S.—T he ,s tt bseri bor has just returned from the city and is opening a assortment of Fancy and staple i,. ing of Freneli Merhines. Cillnirgs, A iltac:v.: I Cashmeres and Mous de Laines DreNs pu 6a iu groat variety. bong Meech: Shawls from Z,lti to ::.•..!irz to Illatfliet Shawls. Camb Swiss ric' aud Sss Edliiiiiit'and sertings and Cambric and Swiss Collars. Merino and Shirts and Draws. Dress Trimmings hi great variety with other Fancy and Staple hoods. nov. 21, *;0,- 01'0. \V. MTN 1:11. _ . GREAT AI."PRAC'HONI NEW 00011 S: NEW 0001.n.4:1 Ihe su.beeriber \lug just return.] h , lll the ell.les of New Voris and Philahlelpltift Is he \V oieeting n very tot toosho uns.ottnent, 1 , .‘ LI, AND NWINTEIt /01‘S, tlen,irding Inter htlrnvie. ,pletidttl awl Lains, Vreliell Me 110... nod p n i" nod la , . elezaot Needle \\ urkrd ( . 011:11 . S and hlitilet. TrininiiiigH in great variety. tI. (14.. I riF, siineres, CA.l,sioetts, Vta.ting.s. Flannels, Jean, nod Ito. siery. &e., of new Carpettings. Als., a Inn nntl c0m1.100.1 at ,, s. , rtnient of 111 o'l6 AND S I lAtt,S. All 101,011 S IO Wald. Of illtiollioMO and chrnp go.ds nro res Invited to cull and examin tlds stnek before Pureliasing elsuw here. At the Old stand Lust Nlaln Street. N, IL A tole of well made clothing oil %%111,1w sold at Cont. . RU.E' EI;tiNUM (..,lisi,t, in huh ho g surly guod'a , • one really 111101/ 4 . HMI htlyillg three where they ;In s.lii at the loweil prices. 11'e• hate 1 . t.1 . 4.{ t e nt anti are now opening ;ill I NINIENSE t/15.% NTITY or hew. cheap and pot“ds. t•dd , h the gruOh, Medal t•ilks. Fret•lt td all the t l e .dr n l le ettldrs. l'lllhet AliwhaN, plain and printed dr I.ttirts,Callettett In ttlittitttanee,and all the e tiler kinds that are tih%s warn of D It IiSS Also. EmbrAllerit.,% small wail, thittl l'at-pet U , .1.11 net , , supply ut I=l sorb ns ( • liLths. Stitinett.s. Cussitiere , , Kentitvliy .I.•nns. Nail", Ay. 'rich 111111 Z 141.1101111 i-1111111' of 1311iiIIS in nnr line, whit-11 we in vitt., et nn 1,,,,t) to examine and natisl) I Of glints ta soot) prier. /1, jwly 111., ,•1 4 ,,,t, buy t•rs. Bit(rt HEIL I'll, 17, ENV (;001):7' , .—The sitbseriher has tsl And Is :I Li i::: 4 • rl. I. it i , .;sl I lit lilt's. 'mit. 1 I.; I C ri rli.,ll.. Not .14, 'l' 1)R FI) It S A L . E The store and lilt ores of .1. de. d, io I loresteis comity , a ill I, itrixiit.. sale by the .I.liiiini,lrator ...; ra.i teldos The st... 1. is in ,111011 order it ill amount it. z i.4.00, and alert, lot a., Win In. reot t il to the They tire Insult ttw •tory and nearly hal ilia a garden. rivet Stun of fruit and grape. stall and ‘titter (.11 tile kt :11111 1 , 5 ) (141- , complete. Pr.s•esaioil Enka immediately. ; the ...• will 1... till "Ch lost.. alter allich timoitlw it ill In. lh.aca tea N, w, Oct. COVI./..:, Mmes. 4,„ LA ust open- I'd a lilt 'f Silk and \Vorstvd Llastie Betts in all tt.o. 21, NV lIITN ifontift) firoceries. c a vGßocEitiEs! (m)cERtEs!: COME AND SEE. I you want prim.. Grflepric, I f you Nt ant beautiful Quorot.ii arc, If •',u %rant splendid Lamps, If rill vnnt the tit Fish, If you, want 'fiifnr linsketst, If you want anything else in his line The sule.erilter has just intutne( ert•nt the r 11) st Uhl large• and elvArt• (q• 6rpoefies. citiss and China 11 tare, ti„h. Itast;etti i , PA ery thing far sale at the I t• , t. 1111,•01.. C:111 vminuriv J. 1)..!1.1.1 ... 18..., ."2° 1..* .1 1,1, N()T'l C 1: . - (;)') Thu undursigued 1111,? , ,,,,„1.1 ' t.t repleuie•li ed hi , ,I:vis :id. . 111(1111:ItIES AND QUEFX.TiVr„‘,I RE, i (i ti .111 , 14 pr e . 1 ,,,,i t,,,miply 111.+1 . 11.01:41,tipc1 I,t.PI'S with .11111i ,1 t 111 . 101'11V ft . llll[ll.ll in .1 , 111, 1 :11: II , . • al price:” 1, hi •11 he I, l'eS %VIII 111:c[Ve S:l[[-11. 1.01% is ,:e.t•li ( . 1 II 4. 1, ..r ..‘ ory vztriet r f If,.is Stilt:dile 1".. 1,,w1i :Rid ..“lII , Irt 11 , , II.• lz:i% :11 , .. 111 h;11 fin veil1 1 111111 1 ,:r . .11111ellf , f I i \ 111.1 t APE...W[I `1:- muy 1.4. ,14•1410,1 he fzirtiti•r, :nal :,•••.1,1t•I -f..! l'N ..1 . . .::. 11'w Il kr:l...k ..f 1% INES. 11;,INI)IES AND 4 itilLi; LIQVoItS • I 3,1. , t1111.•11( f I•ll ,, ive r -. .111 it., Nth. ‘111,1t,.11.• .1 IA Yrtail. S. , tali Last. 4i... Go:lit') Product. Lawn iI, 1,01A1,,,, 1t.,. g... 11-. (10,...... „.„).4 ) . ::I, ...:). t...1N1L EL C. II 1:1"1 . :1 F. lON 1 'ik V'S IiENI:INF,'„ 11()NI , ,'Y 5.1.1 I .---I',lllV:l\''t MIN' P:11111 t'.."01.--01i1W11 . \ . 1111. f ~ ,S, ' .l (: 11.11:W.11 lIIIN t` S , lll. A dul. • t ..I th ~,k t . " I ' ..• ..' 114. " S ".l • ' jo , t I , " i" .. 1 • al.I i..r :latt.• al \\ 11. \\ I. F. 11111.1: I; I:t .4 ILE 1 . ..,,,it, :L.A. . I I , ll'. 21. '55. rtr "N i p. p"p_ CUL\IBEII,LANI.) VALLEY 11. E.- (31AN(tr: ift• 111/I'NS: On and after )10:\ 1)A Y. 0ct.,1-ur ad. 11 Trains will run its follows: (Sunda ekeurd, FUR 11.111111S111 1:(, : 1.4 Train. Lean e Chainla•rsburg h. 46. A, 31 •• Slitpurnsbur,i, •• 10.2:i, •• '' '• Maaluitiiesl urg, •• At Harrisburg, Ist Train. S.:10. A. M 30.10, 1 1 1.4 9" 0 TWA LS 1.0;,r, I larrlithunz, , itiv,burg, S1111111•11 , b11M At 1111.1111,1MAIUrg, == 7.:K1 anti 12...15 via Lea% o I iiirrkbuirg for l'ittslAtrg trt 3.1 a/ A. 111,; I no, I. M. Lrav ll:trrisburg for' Baltimore, at A. '.I: . . :it 1 I'. NI. • . I).tuphill and ;410 , 0101:madltnh 14 ad leave IT: at. A.„)1. a it 2.10, I. \I. 4,11 burn, 1., tr.. .li,4•.At :01 — Stations when 'rickets hiv TEN CIA Is LESS than S\ hen paid. itt I hi. tars, A, I'. ;'1.,j4 . 1int0.e.u4, . Road (MT, Cltatabersburg, 1 () t 41.17.1t4.:,. I )1111,11 3 S; STRYK lin Ih, :IEN CAN •,;, 11 I ntr.l.A DL11.1.11t; IN tllk 1114411 I 1,1:Nell and A3l/:1110.1S' 114:1` NMtltc 110 n: lIT ENt Ar(ilox. 1 , ;.5.1 and 3, hank reCd;,l4.dinv )1'6 . 14 hq and add Thli kllendr Store ym. To '4lOll (.1 , 0, , 1;11 , • c will se'! :0 y ~ . 7 cep V nn A • J sl.. 11,11,1,4phi:1. 51tuirofitet tit Philoolellibl:•0 : epl. t:11":'!9• I mpnt tote,lnman ,slim and General hooill / ' r lott,;;t•••.:. ql\'ll i',l".*l 1, E AN'l) I.—Manufactory 15 M 5,i,, 7-1:i. I I,s ! MIMI 5N(11)411C.1; ,, 5 lit. to I1::11tertt, (1,) to INMort' iin to Halbert's Co tr. ilanert's Go to 'Halbert s VA LI 7 A 131JE TOWN l'il(.11).Ell'I'Y I'm: Sl. 1.E.--'rlm 1.,r..z0 Itri , k It•tuse and Let situated Ent lenutilk.r Street, one door east of th ((it anut Itell,rni i hurob The hotwo contalts. 4,1% . " . .n rain,. lar.:c r-ans, besides twofinished b 4 -- ' 11414,Z•z:_ -) attic. cl iw ena.s. tale kitehen and .4111 b. L . rI. IL i awe kit, hen. Tito lot h as on f ee t, f r o nt, l - ~ it I.oUttivt• grevt by 2.10 feet bark to -- • a ieblo alloy. situ 120 feet 00 North :4tr,er I.v 210 foot to Om •,,,,oto :1110 . containing in all abmit an acre of :rrooml. There is than 11 gist) ii•hlllit (Pub, Mid a St. i 1 :,• Co toot long i.ii the ' , remises. lie m- , ,p.•rt v w-011 ~,it a.llairal.l) r..r eii her a gi.lit4.llltalli private resi,loriel a i..triiil“! School or lit,-tor e , mblisrli tliont. tot terai Sc, eta,tthe of r.o to 11311,ett'F 7()()j)'S ()IN.\ 1111()N IV(11:":' -16 Ano:nuo, I . IIILAIP' Too itront,trot of Ito., pit dlr it 111V11011 lilt M 1 1 , P 1k),1 lit At 11, I !i c \ );.‘ll ,, ! pin \ ‘I.O)N-, 11-s. 14 it: • , ,T k I HS. .01LT-0111m:11:L14;1 of :a tt rrui;tti•v • t.•r, all hurl' i. t \ oolted itith tho ciao: Ott ple whilo they ecnohii,o ),11 the 1.1.1i141.11111.11. 11% ill,' all Arl fully thniir yl:u•o of said , n•iit. inn 111,' SI 101 tO in.tko rt ,•Ivet Iltl.UT 11'010). I;itt,;t .I%eutti. bolw.; Ourjot tlt, (lot -s -106N till ELIJEltti, gt,sltrti'iont i C.ll,lllit. 1 11,5111•1111111: 1111111 41t . C1,1 . 11 1 1. 1' tht. .(I.p. livid arid lil/ Vl' :Ale'. 1111 1.1 ile v r 1/Vlll'lllN loi. V l l l. l l /111 1 1 1 1 . 11'1 . 5 1 . I ~ 1 1:1W 'l.lll 21 1 ,1k11 . 1' of the ktrip•ti nod in great %,(rivt.y. ( borp,r, awl St ttil.q . s. I)uthiti „,„i liar su i „,„ sm.,. tor 11/.. 111/11 11+1\\ 11, I.i l':1111 FllllB. 1 . 1 1 11/ :1 1 / 1 1 31111 ,, , /Atmo kind i; wino Spreatlern. ac t fi,r ,all.l N 11101,200 nllll Itrtnii by '2l 'Train. 1./1. 1 ..N1 •• .111, l'.lSlll.\ 1(11;ILI:4, Atzr'vultntral NV:trel ottgo and tired St,tri., N. E. l'or ith and .Thar;.et. t)' 10, '65 .1 1 rain: 1 I , i I. M 1x I I v! illw 11A . 1 1855 -1 i llb -q I . .... . : ~ Ii El)lttiE 1i.E1,1,1:1t rearectfully announces to Ilia old l'ati,o, and the pul.lic!zenerally that lie has; just re 4, eigc-ive.t the VA LI, STYLE OP' ii ESTI, 1,31 EN , 8 , IL% US, manufactured 01111114 Or the be,t establish . urn la in I ittiltajoie Ile hat. :as° conr,tantly,a 4 !rand a Intl:mind iiirica tta 1,14 min mann...act ore a:: hell as city made ate' rap, >uitnLlo fl a. the season. elimprisillc. rr orl 11 variety i f Beaver, Vlel,litit and 1 4 11 k lints, fln ' \Willed In the Int e , t style. teLrether ( tall n full nhsortnient ill CAPS uf every. Nhupe turd de , rrintloll, and at every partleulatly itit its the public to can and \ (1111111N rty l e, mate tr, r id ;ma' rawmt Ir 5111141,',..1..1.1 I.Y lily In market, hurl ~yhlcl; ho I< al let , pat at pl'it‘e4 1 , W1.1' than over. ItetnoinLer lIIK el , " stain' on Ncrtli ',knower street, he ' us eI.II 111thit•I'`. 8111 :'61‘..C5 stores. • („2.7-\7"l Y I AM )Nv , 70 .my -drimtv , st ,, ..k 44' PAPE!: lIANOFN 7n •which r 3 thr lnnrnt ana.“l ,, pl, ~ ; •.")0,1 1, 1 ' I.; 111,11 I.ii it" the wiriy attention, or the ptt' riC. 1, 1 prices w hich esanut I p l, l-4.• ,r(ll'.."i ME 1)0W (for Safe ono Rent. rt • • 'STEAM SAW M 1.1,1, AND LAN,p FOR SALE.—The sub r" ackilier offers at private sale oult'YagFC .BAIV MILL situated In Sow') ' ton township. Cunkl iirland cmity, ki.eitit, NINE MIN DR I• 11/ A \ :I'lll , 'VICTIM Aelt g el. JUR,' Oak. nanl Poplar timber. 'Plitt :11 . 111 and -Liteine n u the hes.. running order and civil lie started at a dit.os - voi There is A 14410t1 doulile two-st•iry 9 .•LLI S. i ll lI'S,. nn he , veolierty, suitahle for two families. with tau I'liloo !kir I About fifty acres of the I aid , •oold lae a it,n, hvtunusiy cultivated and con! , r I t pro ta 'Ale property presents gru tic ime,liagerfi. Terms %%ill ens'. P.a . other virtleolars apply to tier subscriber at Carlisle. hi. NV \I D. :".I'.‘Thlt/1 I', 1.1.."1.%—.1 largo and einnwodious ;:roan ”a )iniu stieet, inquire at this nov. _S:'5.) VOlt RENT for ono or Ilion. yours from the isi of April next. tho elhOhle c n nor itty)Nl, oppoiite the II uru Hotel on 31tito street, now oectipiol lc Ileiiry Petv,:,— Als , ” the Illimksndth Shop on the rear of salt! lot. Ap ply to ROBERT 'in,. ^A. 5. HOUSE. FOlt ENT.—The 'ln ru Stand now oven ?; il~iiijli trill plod 'flaunt: co.t.amagl o ,, I, ld • y at the head of 'tolling Sprit'. SO ltth 1(11114q t/111 t ou.hl p. Ci 111111 1 . 1 .1,11411 Cp., 4 1 4 miles East of Carlisle, ix oliored for root frt•in the laf of April next. 1101 . . 7. '55:, F-WP FI.,,): r . ,•:,;,•:. p • opLA it -IA )T PI i 01' I.: I i tV., ; AT Pit Iv A T. 1.: SALE. That valxinblo rice° i,f 01 , Und !;i111.0.0 hi South liattovor sheet, in the horough of 42ariisle. known us Ow , - I'UI'I.AIt LilT rolitiahls lib , lit "rie 31.1 w unit n quarter of e'rentl and from Its desirable and nd,,n ‘ t,,., to Inra liou Is admirably adapted 9'h, Lit., uill be add entire. or In I •I, t null lunr For terms and further trartleulars enquire of A. Iteal rstete Ammt and Serivener. 1118111 BEE 4 II OUSE FOR SA LI: Olt RENT. ~,15.,11,e, , rs f r sale eat and oellt enient le n !MICK HOUSE with Lack 1 , 1111.1111:f. •ntlintell 011 111 ,, , I Iledierti and I. o littier ,L 11•41% ill • !muse :It'll ill geed ith a 0 / . 4,1•11. na/st• IPten. 11. garden :tint etiolor it nit ON,. e reirtl.l,l”, rail - 0 ,, JOHN SELLIA.S. IMES A , 4: _.-.,--, TowN Pn()PERTy Hrit ' 41,,z i -4-4 . SA I.E. —The vat sorilom titian. ot , pri- II! 11 lnt ., s , 11 al4 la I till to . 11, nivi 1.:11: It c ....i&A.- or R ns,l.l sitti,t,a 1, \, rat liaiirer si mot. 1 111. itnprio amen ts a tii •, nl.nic a out i na ..1„.„„1, ~I lloio,, waslilimiso. I.3l:alaiiise, o ristarora k.... A.... 11 a lot is to foot in front. Ivoli24ti in iii.p , sll, and ,o,.tair a a variat,., •.i . ,xceneßt fruit treas. Terms iros,.', .1 piii) to .1 AO ill lVtila• June PI Avon t I;yr S., 'TA LIL\1;1.1.: CORNEI{ l'1101'"TY , 1.1:), ATE S.l LE. That rery valuable and n till hums 11 Bl_ iNI IS STAND situate nn the porner of North ..11anriTer find Lnut her St iliets, in the in.riough of ctaliNle nett 1.1.0 d „„, 1 „.,.„ 1 4, 1 Toler. eimtaining feet frimi on liantinver stmt. , illid ado reVt. on 1.00 her street Ito' imprirveninti: on 11311111)1 Sr short tun it hirtc Tit itiiiE ith a large Mich bark 1...fi11/- Mg finished in the most ulegant uutunor. e.intalliing 2 . r,,4.ffis ll...hiding the store rimm, liesidei. pantries inn. , and son% enient chisel arrangements. The E ' Al ""•ItOONI dent in depth. fitted up In the hilt teissi lily manner and one of the mnst desirably. 01111 lout{ innditess Moat ion. In nor town. There is a larje tin stern inch building fronting un Lout her street, n ith a •It ,, p att.:o lied, 1:0 , 1 1111 a ,al.iat•t. Alio stable Oil illo ri,ot tifo but. and iitlier nut buildings. 'I he pri.perty IN in eweellent. miler haring: been reemitly fitted up by the present inampi.iit turnin eininire of A . L. Ihrti }:,tate Acent mi fr andvenor ME A. 1,. SPONSLER. EKtato A mmt. CarlIALO EMI NS licit he Invart; specinl El .t 4 'll: A W (11"I'LlIS .1011 N P. Li" .a.