Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 12, 1855, Image 3

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Shutting Doors
"Dou't look so cross, Edward, when
I, call 1 01). back to shut the doors; grand
pa's old bones feel the cold wind; and
besides, you have got to spend your life
d; ) urs, and might as well begin
to leave new.,,
"Do rorgive me, grandpa, I ought to
be asli:,o/ed to be cross to you. But
what do. you mean. I ain't be
a sexton. I am. going to college, .and
theu.l :Lin going to be a lawyer."
"Well admitting all that; I imagine
"Squire Edward C—" will have a good
many doors to shut, if ever he makes
muck of a man."
"What kind of doors! Do tell me
"Sit down a minutc.,-and I'll give you
a list."
"In the first place, the door of your
ears must be closed against the bad lan
guage and evil counsel of the boys and
young melt who will be . at school or col
lege with' or you will be undone. Let
them once get possession of that door,
and I would not give much for Edward
C 's future prospects.
"Th. (boar of your eyes, too, must be
shut against bad books, - idle novels, and
low wieked newspapers, or your studies
will be neglected, and you will grow up
a useless, ignorant man. You 'will have
to clusv them sometimes against the fine
things exposed to sale, in the store win
dows, or you will never learn to lay up
money, or have any left to.give away. '
"2'he door of your lips will need espe
cial care, for they guard an unruly mem
ber, which makes great use of the bad
company let in at the doors )f the 'eyes
and ears. That door is very apt to blow
open ; and if not constantly watched, will
let out angry, trifling, or vulgar words.
It will backbite sometimes worse than a
March wind, if it is ieft open too long.
I would advise you to keep it shut much
of the tinie, till you have laid up a store
of knowledge, or at least till you have
something valuable to say.
"The inner door of your heart must
be well shut against temptation, for con
science, the door-keeper, grows very in
different if you disregard his call; and
sometimes drops asleep at his post, and
when you may think you are doing very
well, you are fast going down to ruin.
If you carefully guard the outside doors
of the eyes, and ears, and lips, you will
keep out many cold blasts of sin, which I
get in before you think.
"This shutting doors, you see, Eddy,
willfie a serious business; one on which
your well-doing in this life and the next
depends."—Ant. Mess.
A LONDON Foa.—Few persons can form any
idea of the density of it London fog from what
they can occasionally see in this country. On
the 16th and 16th November a dense fog pre
veiled iu Louthui and its vicinity, during which
steamboats arid omnibuses ceased to run, hacks
aad cabs got on the side walks, nuts bers of
persons walked over the wharves into the
Thames and were drowned ; similar accidents
took place in, ai r locks and basins of the sov
oral doeks; w ‘ ith many fatal results ; persons
wore stopried and robbed in the streets with
impunity, and several shops were plundered
in'daytini7 without a possibility of efficient in
terferende by the police, so dense was the
misty pallythat overspread the monster city.
or.o lianovtir street, next door to '
Glass's 'iota
Ito would 'respectfully inform the
citizens of Carlisle and the, public generally, that he
Ras now on baud a largo and elegant assortment of FUR
NITURE, cousisting In part of Wardrobes,Card and oth
er Tables, Sofas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy
Sewing Stands, &c., manufactured of the best material
and quality wakauted.
Also a general assortment of Cl/AlltS at the lowest
prices. VENIZIAN BLINDS made to order, and repairing
promptly attended-to.
Jprif- eaneiNs made at the shortest notice; and hav
ing a splendid hearse ho will attend funerals In town or
Itoutember the etaud—next door to 11. Manes
Uotol. IL. It. SMILEY.
--JAMES It. WEAVER would resnocfoully call
:• , the attention of House-hearers and the public
to his ostensive stock of elegant FURNITURE,
vmantling Solliti;Warclmbos,CA' natro and Tables,
Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and ovary other
srticlo to his branch of business- Also now on hand,
tho largest assortinont of CRAMS in Carlisle, at
tholowest prices. AOFFINS made at, the short
eat notice and a Hearse provided for funerals. Ito
solicits a'rital at his establish moot, on North Han
over street, near Glass alla llotol.
44-Furult ure hired Out by the month or year,
“Reason's whole pl astfro, all the joys of sumo,
Lie in three words loaith, Peace, and Competence.
V Li opo.)
But when we have pains, affliction or angul of dis
eases,' Is not our pleasure, our joy,,and our h pplooss
thereld destroyed'( Why let our sick fellow-tg suf.
for /AM: Christ say : '•With the cone 19U . tillre ye
mote, It shall be measured to you molar' —Mat. i, 2 - -
"Who is a wise man and endowed with knowledge a
mong you, lot him snow out (lt a good convorSation his
works with meekness and wisdom "—.tulles t, Id.
SUltlißlt AND MEDWINE.—Doctor. P. U. CARD
DER, Surgoon and Physician, who is Botanist and
Physiologist, and is lir:Wu:au of our hest MediCal Cone
gus, and Was made himself acquainted with all the varl
'ous systems of Modica/ &WILCO, and with the recent
discoveries and Improvements in the various depart
ments of the Healing Arts, faithfully attends,to orders
for Surgical and Medical Aid. and whose medicines are
all made or composed strictly in accord:lMM with the
Sciences of Pathology, Botany, llydropathy and Physi
ology; and whose medicines are all composod of wholo
some roots, plants, and hydropathy, good in all Ilkenstis,
and to whom the afflicted are Invited to apply timely.
His 'haractur by Respectable Neighbors, &c.
Copy of letter from the Rev. C. 11. Leinbach to Mr ,
11.1/. lat e, of the Warm Springs. Respected Sir:—Al
low metwintroduce to your friendly notice, Dr. CARL/
DIM Of irOW York. I have known Dr. C. tor sixteen
years, ltb has done business fur ins with sobriety, hon
esty and with accuracy; thoretbro I do believe. him to
be perfeetly sober, honest and trustworthy. Any favors
you may see proper to coO for in him, will be highly ap
preciated by his numerous friends, and by 1.101/0 more
highly than your sincere friend and II out Mu servant.
Laudisburg, Pa., July 15th, 1851
Copy of a letter from Ucorgo Spahr, Esq., County.
Treasurer.-1 do certify that the medical ads ire of 1)r.
P. C. Uarddor has surpassed any other which 1 Lave
hitherto had in the cure of secure fever in my nuttily.—
would therefore recommend him to such persons who
may be afflicted with aforesaid disease or otherwise.
BluumiWitt, August 20th, 18.51.
tilt. 1:.10/Whi. ' being Well aoiliaintad with the re
'tint French discoveries, With Luger now :laid sale mules
11 LraaLuicilL, and Lila Speed) and eartalli remedies and
•uras tin . spopma, La% or uoinioati Is Ls, 0) son Ler) Thal
ra Moran:, !tau 111 l Ontlinain Is in Lae Ala Weis anti z•rtunt-
Lc,/ , zNuileritir "weeklies 11l the pre, 000011 turd cure Id
.tblatic a.ealetllua tor ail the dect•els nun aih
e;laua of Line vooluralAso orgalls auJ reprodllet/n e
111 . ) iu 111011 and e omen; lo.eitiethe,.. nu• ; cortaiu
ttud tinnily cores itor all Coarillalialullei, 1 alpulo uO, , :Mar-
Z.o.‘ ual .11JUheh, 11ldere.11 Oinui.NON Ulan/ their /erne.;
:mippresm one anti of,aor aellaate Icelulu e 1.111111141 111. S.
theca 1 . 011/0/ials Ot11:111.1LO Lae 111,M1 bciunee ut
ki,,tahy der! il)tiropathy Nentatied, Linn. he
"Deal all manner In sicwiless and ail ((Limier 11l olisense.
dostanicood "1L a fur aoune,,o, tol,(1( lam( coommoo
delli Ileorsotaidoitnid—imo(oo, 10, , %, ith ..111-
allOl/111.1.11.. - Prove all tmogs, hold flint t nat It men is
good. —ist. Thessaloinatm. 0, -11. "filen:tore let us be
ware of laying up w oat wa sou old hay out tor nea/lli
for there is MAL scaLtereLli and p./i a art easetlimon suer,
is that with h 'Meth uteri, than is meet, LoUL at toodetta"
Croverbs, LI, .1..
The di.ferent medicines and their directions will be
sent to Lae nllll...Led 11l nay direction by mail or express.
Address Dr. I. a.l itllUt.lL, Carlisle, tint...rimed coon a-
Cy, Pa., post paid, and tne fee .51 always accompan)ing
tile letter, onto Wilt order, togetuer wan a deseriptioil o.
the feelings cud tun synuitoms of the „compiaints of the
afflicted inclosed. It is ruin system of Medmal zscienee
tau neuan nad the Modes of cure Wily, (+Meld Or. tmrd
der unipmys that aIIOW of medicines entirety land ec
composed of 11 uolesoine !toots, PIaIILS, mid Ilydropatily,
good in all diseases, kno polSinq, uud which caul wane
speedy and certain remedies and curds tor sill manner
of stemless and all Man tier of disease, IL 11(1 w Won our
pass all nth or medical MOANs fa polla uI good muss, be
yond till bounds of comparison. kik Elt..:E South Hanover
street, East side emir :Loa belo(' the l'resbyterian Church
Carlisle, Pa. festimontals limn nutherells persons of
the 111 ghost respectability in this and the adjoiiiing
counties, give nUtnentic eyidence of the goodness of
Dr. eardder s character, and can be semi at his °Mem
N. D. Eno afflicted caa receive superior inedicilleS and
the directions for their use by the hest return of mall or
express. If interviews be desired, or visits roluested,
Dr. 12. will elideaVoUr to accommodate niiplicnol to as far
as he ram The Doctor speaks the Englisu and the I/m.-
1113 n LinglingeS, etc. 1 . -- .ltm. 17, ISrM
due combination of ingredients in these Pills Is the re
sult of a long and extensive practice; they are mild in
.their operation, and curtain of restoring nature to its
proper unturned In every instant; have these Pills pro
ved successful. They invariably' open those obstructions
to which Females are liable, and bring nature into Its
Kuper channel, whereby health is restored cud thy pale
and deathly countenance changed to a healthy one. No
female earth enjoy good health unless she Is regular; and
whenever au obstruction takes place, whether from ex
posure, cold or any other cause, the general health im
mediately begins to decline, and the want of such a rem
edy has been the cause of so many consumptions tlinong
young females. To ladies whose health will not remit
of an iiicrease of their family, these pills will prove a val
uable ac q uisition, as they will prevent pregininey.—
Headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart. loa
thing of food, and di Curbed sleep do most always arise
from she interruption of nature; and whenever that
the case, the pills will Invariably remedy all thurt evils.
Nor are the less efficacious in the cure of Leucorrlnca,
commonly called the "Whites." These pills should 1100-
or be taken during pregnancy, as they would leo sure Cu
0:111x0 a miscarriage. ‘Varranted purely Vegetable, and
free front any thing luiurious to hid or health. Pulland
explicit directions accompany each box.
'flies. pills arc put up in square Opt boxes. Persons
residing where there is no agency established, by onich
sing One Dollar in a letturflore-paid, to Dr. C. 1,. Cutd;sl.-
711 05, N.J. 21;7, Illeecker strum, New York, tau have them
sent to their respective add ressive by 1...111.
9tour & chin—watc.
The subscriber at his old stand on North Hanover at.,
Carlisle, the sign of the' Mammoth lied Coffin, Pot," So
fres to call the attention of the public to his large as
ort ment of sToVHS, of the newest and most fashiona
ble styles, from the best manufactories in the
country. andrat all prices from $3 to $l5,
Among his 1'AI:hull ('(IA MUER STOVES
are the Mirror the Arctic, Beer re, Star,
”ersian. ((sins aim,! Ila Air TOIL tihwther
,With other pattern• o hich ho has of all sites
for Pal-nors or chambers, and calculated Mrburnine either
wood or coal. Also, the ;Etna ; iilula,, Astor, Albany,
Flattop and Bandbox or Poor Ma ICS, kith other COOK
-1 Nil STOVES, comprising the latest improvements In
kitchen stoves, and intund , d for either wood or coal.—
Also, the Pining, Room CooVng , StOve—a new and ele
gant article, to Which he int 'ter; the particular atten
tion of families. Ills cooking stoves range lii price from
$lO to 25, with the fixtures complete. Also, Nino Plato
Stoves of various patterns and different prices. •
ing Stoves, Brass Kettles, kc. Also, every article In the
line of Tin anti Copper Ware. The public are respect
fully invited to call its lie is confident with his large
stock, variety and rhenium-vs, of being able tb give on
tire satisfaction to every purchaser. 001 and see.
Oct. 25, 1854. M. tiOII.IUS
JOHN I). GORGAS would Inform the phblic that
he has now on hand at his establishment, on Main St.,
next door to Marion. hall, the largest and must com
plete assortment. of COOK, OFFICE & PAR
LOU STOVES to be found in this county,
4 tclt which will be sold at the lowest prices for
V. 16.
cash or approved credit, Ills stock consists of
a large assortment of new Anil - highly rep
proved PATENT COOKING STOVES, finished
in the most complete manner, and calculated for either
wood or coal, or both. All the old standard patterns
which have stood the test of experience, may ho found
at his establishment. Also, a groat variety of the moat
approved and beautiful PAItLOR OFFIRE STOVES, In
cluding a number of new styles, possessing very supe
rior advantages over those heretofore In use. Families
and housekeepers aro respectfully Invited to give him n
call before purchasing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to
any part of the country and put up at the shortest no
tice. Ito continuos to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET
IRON WARE, and Copper Work, and has constantly on
hand or will make to order every article required by
housekeepers or others In this line. Ills stock of Tin
and Copper Ware embraces overt' kind of household and
'kitchen utensil, warranted equal to the best, maim fi n ,
tured. Persons in want of articles In his line may al
ways be sure of being accommodated to their satlslart inn
by givirig him a pH. frrovl-18b
40 . 3114 - zU 4jitlaitm4
JOHN P. LYNE—Wholesale and Re
tall dealer in American, English and German
iIARLIWANN, 01Is, Paints, &c., &. Mechanics, builders
and the public generally, who are in want of Hardware
of any kind, are invited to call in and
4examine my unusually larg stock or
• 'js7';4 . ..==- goods which yam very low
prices. usL stop in; it will only detain you a very
few minutes to be convinced that what everybody says
—that Lyn's Is decidedly the place to got good goods at
law prices—must be true. LYNN'S Ilardware Store,
West Side North ilanover street.
F RESH Amu vAL !
RIASCEI ber having returned from the eitiAvould call the
attention of his friends anti the public generally to the
large and well selected assortnient of Hardware which he
hits just received. consisting in part of BUILDING MA
TE It I A LS, nails, screws, hinges, locks, bolts. glass, putty,
paints, oils, &e. TOOLS,--edge tools; saws and planes o.
every description, with files, rasps, hammers, anvils, Ac.
A general assortment of SHOEMAKERS AND SAD
DLERS TOOLS, together with morocco, lining and bind
ing skins. shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mount
ing. saddletrees, dm.
COACH Tit IMMI WINS (plain, enamelled, fig
urod and embossed,) patent and enamelled leather
axles, springs, hubs, spokes. felloes, shaits, kc., to.
Cabinot Makers will find a large assortment of yarn
ishes, wallop" ny and walnut veneers, moulding, rosettes
hair cloth, curled hair, &c..
The stock of iron is large and Well selected, compris
ing all the kinds In general use, as hammered and rolled
iron of all sires, ❑at, bar and band iron, round, square
and oval Iron, horse-shoe Iron and nail rods, with a large
lot of east and spring steel, English and American blis
ter steel, Ac.
C. H.
Housekeepers and those about com i y(enelng will fled It
to their advantage to call and I•Xan le our cutlery, brit
tania and plated ware pans, kettle , cedar ware, baskets,
In addition to the above we has received a splendid
assortment Of WA 1.1. 1 0 A PER, ma 'ng "the stock com
plete, and at such prices as cannot II to give Fatishic
tion. We invite all friends to call, k lowing it will be to
their own advantage. Remember the old stand. East
High Street. Carlisle, Pa. '
On. 32, 053. lIENRY SAXTON.
IV A R E.—The sulnieribi,r haring returned from
thy city has just opened for the Fall trade a large and
well selected stack of foreign and denim:tie ilard ware.
oml:raving everything usually naiad i n that li n o of I,o_
110,, The attention of friends and the puldie generally
is respectfully directed to the assortment on hand, as
suring them that goods Of all kinds will lie sold for rash
at e. verysinall advance on mantifieturers privy.. He
menilwr the old .stand, -Fast lain Street, l'arlisle. l'a.
Aug :to, I.S i 4. 11. SAXTON.
111 EL M BOLD'S G (1.1 NE Pit E
i_ PAIIATIONS.-111.:0111oLlYti 111O111.1' CON-
A...., • ICA v.l)
For di•on.t. of the bladder and kidneys, Sorrel Diseases,
Strict tares, 11 ea k nesses, and all ,11,ases of the Sex tin!
Organs, Il nether in Alido or Female, from whatever
cause they may have origlimted,and no matter of how
It you have contractoll the terrible disease which,
once seated in the ss stem, will surely go down from tills,
generation to another, undermining the constitution
and sapping the very vital fluids it life, do not trust
ymursoll 11l the hands of quacks, who start up es cry day
an a city like this, and till the papers with glaring Misi
hoods, Lou well calculated to ilueeise the y oung, and
these not acquainted with their tricks. 101 l cannot be
too careful in the selection tit a remedy in those eases.
Th. Fluid Extract iluchu has been pronounced by
eminent physicians the greatest remedy over Known.—
it Is a wudirl tie perlia . L4 pleasant ill its taste, and very
innocent in 11,1 avllon, and yet so thorough that it /UM
!Watt's every particle of the rank and poisonous virus of
this dreadful disease; and, uuliko other nunedies, does
not dry up the disease ill the blood.
Constitutional Debility. Wrought on by self-abuse, a
most terrible diSUSSO, tc bleb has brought thausands of
the human race to untimely graves, thus Wasting. the
brilliant hopes of parents, and blig,hting in the bud thu
glorious :unbition of many a noble youth, can be cured
by this 1 nfai li We Remedy. And as a medicine a filch
must benefit everybody, from the simply delicate to the
confined and despairing invalid, HO Witlai Is to be found
acting both as a Curs and preventive.
For Purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising
from , excess of Mercury, exposure and imprudence in
life, chronic constitutional disease, arising from an
impure state of the Blood, and the only reliable and
effectual known remedy for the cure of :Scrofula, Salt
Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcerations of the Throat and
Legs, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Tatter,
Pimples on the Face, and all Scaly Eruptions of the
!his article is now prescribed by some of the most
distinguished physicians in the country ;and has proi ed
more effirient in practice than any preparation of Sarsa
parilla yet offered to the public. Several cases ,if ceron
dary Syphilis, Mercurial and Scrofulous diseases bane
entirely recovered in the Incurable wards of our Public
Institutions which had for many years resisted every
mode of treatment that could be devised. These rases
furnish striking examples of tho'salutary effects of this
medicines in arresting Collie of the most inveterate
diseases, after the glands wore dustroyld, and the hones
already affected.
Nance.—Cutters front responsible Physicians and Pro
fessors of several Medical Colleges, and certificates m
cures from patients will be found accompanying both
Palms, Fluid Extract of liurhu, $1 per bottle, or Ii for $5.
•• Sarsaparilla, '•
equal in strength to one gallon of Syruy of Sarsaparilla.
Prepared null sold by 11. T. lIELMOLD, Chemist, 2(D
Chestnut Street, pear the Girard House, Philadelphia.
To be had, of Druggists and Dettlers every w hero.
All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive
immediate attention.
July 25,'55.
Fp 0 0 'l' II WASH. —Beautiful NV hit
Teeth ❑oalthyllulus and a Sweet Breath—All wh
are desirous of obtaining these benefits should Wsu ZEIt
-31 A N'S 143.1:111tATED TOOTH WASH. This delicious
article combines so vitally meritorious qualities that it
ha nevw lsu•nma,n standard ion mite with the citizens u.
\4lw York. Philadelphia and Baltimore. Dentists prvs
it in their proeti, 011,st and trim
every source the most Ilatteriog laudations are awarded
Inflamed and bleeding gums are immediately benefit.
ted by its'use; Its action upon them is mild. soothing
and ußw•tire. It demises flue teeth so thoroughly, that
they nreinade to rival pearl in whiteness, and diffuses
through the mouth serif a delightful freshness that the
breath is rendered exquisitely Sweet. It disinfects those
impurities which tend to produce demy, and. as a con
sequence, when these are 'removed the teeth must al
ways renutin sound. Head the following from Dr. J. A.
Mr F. Turman—Sir: having used And recommended
your Tooth Wash in my maim for some time, I find it
the most effectual Dentrilice in use, and therefore memo
mend It to the public.
Dr. J. A. CARMAN, Dentist,
Harrisburg, Pa.
Read the following testimony:
Mn. ZERMAN—Dear Sir: I have fully tested the merits
of your valuable Tooth Wash, and can, without hesita
tion, recommend it as the boot that has come under my
notice during an experience as Dentist of more than six
teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and hardens
irritated (hums, and Imparts a delicious fragrance to the
Breath. From the mouths of,thoso who make use of it,
however/ it µdll certainly speak for itself.
°co. P. SCIIIVELY, Surgeon Dentist, •
. -- 279, South Tenth st - Philadelphia:. - -
It is used and recommended by all, the eminent Dent
ists In New' York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other
cities whore It has been introduced. All should give it
a trial.
Dir Prepared only by Francis Zerman, Druggist and
Chemist, Philadelphia, and sold wholmde and retail by
&mud Elliott, Carlisle, J. Dorsheimer, slechanicsburg,
3. Herron, Newville, J. C. Williams, Shipponsburg, and
by all Druggists at only 25 cents per bottle. • '
11.1 GROCERY STORE of tho subscriber, n 51a-
Om Will,
A neut ecupply of fresh Water Crackers,
Soda, Lotter, Pic. Mc and Stittar
Patina, Corn Starch ' Tapioca,, Pearl Parl e y,
Extract of Collbe, Rice Flour, Baking powder, ,te.,
A now lot of superior Table Oil,
Pickles, Tomato Ketchup,- Fionch Hay
Ruin. he. J. W. EBY.
4attw are,
LAD.II!IB.—Dr. Gelsimer's celebrated 'MEMITIML
ims have been lung and widely known as invariably
certain In removing any stoppage, irregulalrit,y, or sup
pression of the uitises.
• In the Female hospitals in Vienna, Paris,and
they have entirely superseded the use of all other reme
dies; because, where a cure Is attainable by niedieinal
agencies, they are curtain of success. Their astonishing
efficacy would be almost incredible, if not vouched fur
by indubitable testimony, in numerous instances pr,
during returns of the monthly period after all hope had!
been abandoned.
In every ease, from whatever cause the obstruction
may arise, as also to prevent pregnancy where the
health will not admit of increase of family, they ale
always efficient; for which reason they must not he used
during pregnancy, though al way mild, healthy, sale
and certain In their effects.
Married ladies will thud particular inStructions In the
directions, in which are stated in various symptoms by
which the causes of the suppression may he determined.
Price, One Dollar per Box, containing explicit diree.
Each box will be signed by Dr. R. 0. GEMMEL
Principal Office, 12734 . ; Liberty Street, New-York Clt
Responsible agents will be appointed for their sale as
FOOll as practicable. In the mean time, all orders are to
be addressed to Dr. R. 0. thassxmi, 1273/ 2 Liberty Street,
New-York CitY; or to box '2456 N. Y. Post Office, and a
box will be sent by return mail, as they are put mini
sealed envelopes, and can be sent with the sttletcst pri
vacy to any part of the United States.
. As various not only ineffective but injurious com
pounds purporting to be "Fmtnu: lqu.s" under all kinds
PILLS." "PERIODICAL PILLS," Sc. are attempted to he
palmed off upon the credulous or unwary, it Is only
necessary for ladles to ho on their guard against the at•
tempted imposition, and in all rases where there is no
authorized agent for the sale of "DR. liEISSNER'S
STRUAL PILLS." to order direct from him by mall, by re
turn of which a box will be sent.
July 25,'55.
Messrs. George 'Ross, Lebanon; E. T. Stiller. York; S.
Alleman, Harrisburg,: I). 1t. , •.1»nc5..& Co.. Harrisburg;
Burt, , bi & Herron, Erie; Stewart & Sinclair, Erie;
It stands pre-eminentfu• its
curative poei•rc all the dis•
eases for whieh Is recom
mended, usually called FE
these are ProlapsuF Uteri, of
Falling of the Womb; Fluor
Mimi:, or Whites; Chronic I n
tiammatioll and Ulceration of
the Womb; Incidental 1ii.U14 , 1 ,
Hinge, or, Flooding; Painful
Suppressed, A: Irregular Men
struation. ke., with all their
areiimpanying 'evils. (Cancer
exeepted,l no matter how ; , e-
Tery or of how long'slanding.
This medicine has mei er
been Introduced by empty putts, and misrepresentations,
nor is it intended that its present popularity shall Le
sustained by any medium but its merits and the appro•
Iwtim of the public . . .
I feel It a duty incumbent upli-rulyself to declare
publicly the great hosting Dr. Marchisrs Uterine Ca
tholicon has proved to me. Firr two years my health
was miserable; I was almost unable to walk. Physi
cians pronounced my case falling of the womb, exten
sive nivel:llo,ns, commencing with fluor allies. The
pains. irritation; m-estratinn. Ac., rendered Wen burden.
ill this miserable condition, Dr. F. P. Newland recoil
mended Dr. March ISI . F Uterine Catlinlkon_ After tak
ing four bottles I find myself in perfect health. Grati
tude for my restoration makes me aril - 011.1y desire that
all 'my sex, alike unfortunate. may find sure relief from
this Inestimable medicine.
No. 1U West-st., Utica, N. Y.
The above statement I know to be true.
F. I'. NEW LAND, M. lb. Utica, N. Y.
I have no hesitation in Raying, Dr. Marehisni Uterine
Catholicon Is invaluable in uterine diseases generally
I have used it in Fluor Albus, Amenorrhoea. Prolniums
Uteri. and In eases of extensile ulceration of the vagina
nil us uteri. It Is worthy of the notice of the Faculty.
JOHN C. ORRICK, M. D.. Baltimore, Md.
Let all interested call and bbtain a pamphlet (free
containing ample proof, from the most respectabl
sources, of the. beneficial results of its use: tom.lhoe
with letters from highly experienced Physicians, wh ,
have used it in their practice, and speak from their own
Ark-lt. .1. KIEFFER. Druggist, South Hanover strset.
sole Agent for Carlisle. Pa.
J. It. MARCIITSI.k Cel.. Proprietors.
Central Depot, 304 Broadway, N. Y.
January 24, 1555-titu
a particle of 3lercury In It. An Infallible remedy for
Scrofula. King's Evil, Ithemnatism.Ohstioate Cutaneous
Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Fare. Illoteln4,
Chronic : 4 4,re Eyes. Ring Worm or Totter. Scald
'Jena. Enlargement and Pain Of the Bones and J o it s ,
Stuborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders. lemnlereezre,
Complaint, and all elisereses arising fool iut inhelielito
use of Mercury, Imprudence In Idle, or Impurity of the
eILTION great alternt Ivo medicine and Purifier of tin
Blood, Is now used by thousands of grateful patients
all parts of the United States who teatity daily to thr'
remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all-tnedi
ernes. -CARTER'S SPANISH mixTuRE." Neuralgia
Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Liverlds
ease, Fevers. Ulcers, Old Sores, Affections of the Kidneys
Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and
Achim of the Bones and Joints, are very speedily put
to flight by using this great and inestimable, remedy.
For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been
found to compare to it. It cleanses the system of till Im
purities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liverand Kid
neys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stom.
sell. makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the
Constitution, enfeebled by disease or broken clown by the
excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength.
For the Ladies it is incomparably better than all the
cosmetics ever used. A few doses Of CAMP - VS SPAN'S"
3IikTVII6 will remove all sallowness of complexion, bring
the roses mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the
step, and improve the general health In a remarkable de- -
grey beyond all the medicines over heard of.
The large number of certificates which we Lave receiv
ed from from persons from all parts of the United States,
it the best evidence that there- is no Humbug about it.
The pretts, Liotel-keepers, magistrates, physicians, and
vidbluf r lderi' well known to the community, all add their
testimony to the wonderful effects of Ode BEAT BLOOD
Call on the, Matte, and get a Cirpolar and Almanac.
anti read the wonderful cures this 'truly greatest of all
Medicines has performed.
Fyne genuine unless slimed BENNEW & DEERS, Pre.
prietors. No. 3, rearl , street, Richmond, Va. to whom al
orders for supplies end „agencies must be addressed.
And for sale by S. Elliott, S. W. llaverstick,
Ira Day. Mechanicsburg; J. 11. Herron, Newville; J. (
Attic, iffilppeusburg, and by dealers In medicines ever.,
111 opened by the subscriber a curlety of Moba'
Bead Dreases, Wavelet:, lb untet Foathera, Bono:
Ruches, Whil:ker•lllonds, 4:e
Nov. 28, 'LI
4 1. V „II: .11 CO M P 1.4 AIN T, Dyspeps
m Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous debility, tiles. sod
tue &Jitneys, and nil diseases arising from a dis..rdi so
Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, inward plu
fulness of blood. to the_ head, acidity of , the Ntoill+ll/
haulm, heartburn, disgust for food, fulness or weight I.
the lturnach, sour eructations, sinking or fluttering a
the pit df the stomach, swimming et the head, hurrie
and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, chokin
or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, din
ness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fever an,
dull pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration, y elms,
ness of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, hack, chest
limbs, dc., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the fiert
constant huagf ul ago of evil, and great depression of spb
its, can be effectually cured by La. Iluut LAN Y 5 Cbi
IMAM.> GERMAN IllrfEliS, prepared by Da. C. 1
JACKNON, No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Their power over the above diseases is not excelled,
equalled, by any other preparation in the United Stater
as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful phyw
clans had (idled.
These bitters are worthy the attention of invalids.-
Possessing great virtues in the rectification of disease
of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the MOE
searching powers In weakness and affections of the d
gestive organs, they aro withal safe, certain and pleas
J. D. Spring, Laceyville, Pa., April ti, 1854, says,
can get you some good certificates fur, your 'Simmer] Bit
tors in this vicinity if youwish them: - A-lady purchns
Ing some of it this week, says that it is by far the best
medicine she ever knew, having done her and her
daughter much good, &c.
S. 11. Lawson, Benfard's Store, Somerset co, Pa., nug.
15, 1858, says, "1 sin much attached to your Getman
Bitters, having used two bottles of it, which I procure
from S. Kurtz, your agent at Somerset, and found greet
1 relief front It in disease of the Liver. 1 find it his
great effect on my'lungs, strengthening and invigoratir ;
them; which, as I am a public speaker, is a great help to
Dr. Giles, Newton Ilandlion, Pa., May, 1951, said: "
have used myself half a dozen bottles of your German
hitter° for Liver Complaint and diseases of a nen,
character. resulting from the abuse of mercury. I
poisoned and afflicted with spasms from the use of th
latter article. The German Bitter, is the first artlel
faom which I obtained any relief. I have also given tt
article to many dyspeptics, with the nel..t salotary n
sults. I think as many more bottles will cure me."
J. C. Young. Es 1.. of Dauphin. in., a rites May 5. '5
"I was afflicted with General Debility, lutestinal Weal
ness and Ct.stivenesg. Mr which I used many difTeret
remedies without relief. lat last used your llootland
Morton,, hitters. I took a few bottles according to d
ructions, and was completely cured. I have not been e
healthy ler tell years as I have been Since I took yet
Ditters;Whieh is about one year ago."
TileSe Bitters are ENTIRELY CEO STAIII.E. always strengil
ening the system and never prostrating it.
Sold by dealers In Medial - le and storekeepers ever
whore, and by Samuel Elliott. S. W. Ifaverstick and I
rauffmati. Carlisle; fi Co.. Mechanics! tin,
Snyder ,t Diehl, Newburg. and by Dealers in Medici.,
Nov. 22. 1 554-ly
cents, by nuiens ul the POCI
ET :EWE LA I'S. or Eve!
Thu thirty-sixth Edition. wit
one h undred engravings, silos
lug Private Diseases and Ma
formations of the Generatl
System, in every shape au
form: to w hirh is added
Treatise on the Diseases ot
males, intended fin' the use
females only, (ace page 190)
ing of the highest Importan
to married people. Or c o
temple,— marriage. Ivy. Wm. YoliNo. M. D., O rad us
of time University 01 PounsylvSuin, Member of the Ito
nl College of Surgeons, Loudon, and Honorary Metnb.
of the Philadelphia Medical society. The various tam
of Secret diseases, Seminal ‘Veakness, llisruse of tl
Prostrate (Aland. mpotenry, solitary habits of
faithfully described, and all the receipts given in plal
language. The chapters on sell abuse and Setnitu
Weakness is worthy of particular attention, and shout
be read by every one. Young men who have been ui
fortunate iu contracting disease, previous to plturim
yourselves under the care of any doctor, no matter
his pretensions may bo,got a copy of this truly valttab
Sea Captains and parsons going to sea should posse
Dr. Vo'ting's treatise on Marriage, the Pocket :EscuJai
us, or Every one His own Physician.
AU- Let no father be ashamed to present it copy of tl
Alsculapius to his child. It may save hint from en ear.
grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the e
cret obligations of married life without reading the poc
et ..Escu'spins. Let no one suffering from a hark nit
cough, pain in the side, restless nights, nervous feelin
and the wholti tniiivut Dyspeptic . sensations, and gill
up by their physician, be another moment without eo
milting the :Escuiapius. Have the married or tbo
about to be married any Impediment, read this tru
useful Book, as it has been the means of saving tho
sands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws
death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of thiscelebrat.
work Imeilanin sold in this country and Europe since 1
3S, when the first edition was issued. .
Ail- Any parson sending,TWENTY-PIVE cents et
dosed iu n letter, will receive ono copy of this Look 1
mail; or five copies will be sent for $l. Addross
1V11,161 A M YOUNG, No. 152 spruce street, Philadelphi
Post paid.
Twenty years practice In the city of Philadelphia c r
tainly entitles Dr. Young to the confidence of the trf
ticted, and, ho may bo consulted on any of the disease
described'in his different publications, at his office, 15;
Spruce street, every day between 9 and 3o'clock. Suu
lays excepted) and persons at any distance can consult
Dr. Young by letter, POST PAID.
'ciao adapted to general use, greatly superior to other.
and within themleana of every individual.
100 PILLS for twenty-five cents' No extortion It
price—no Calomel—no mineral poison whatever.
Da. TewNsasu's lIKALTII PILLS fully merit the grea
reputation they havericquired. They are called for frmi
all parts of the land, because rust AUL AU VIA? MEN
WILY!' THEY WILL DO—Thev purify tho blood, the:.
dense tho System of Himont, they cure Hyspopea awe
ildiguStioll, they create au Appetite, they cure Sict
Ileaditelni. Ns:Amiss and Low Spirits. they arrest Severs
they prow t' a healthy action of the Liver; they are
sure cure ior Costiveness raid Ilehitnal Constipation
they me highly mile:whim, In Female Complaints, the,
trengthen rind give time to the System. They are 11:.
best Family liledieine knee-n.
it is an obvious inquiry, how one medicine can cures.
many different complaints. These Pills, however, are Fr
compounded of curative materials that persons have oc
ly to TICY TIIIOI and the answer will lx3 found in a e•
stored body and an invigorated constitution.
Each Doi contains 100 tho astoniphingly lov
price of 25 cents. Evory individual atiould have theta
For ealo by tho Drupe 'Sts and Storokeepeia gonerally
F., A. PALMISN, general Agert, Stonington, Et..
C. h. KePing, of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland
county; Pa., announces to those nfllirted with 'Pewee
:Nen& Cancers, Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks. Ser ...1
ale...J[lllles Evil and all diseases that have been usualls
. treatedmith Caustic or Knife, he can remove them with
out cutting, burning or pain; neither Chloroform or
Ether is adeelnistered to the patient. no mattes
on what part of the body they may be, he can renter.
them with perfect safety, am! In a remarkably stow'
time. go Mineral of Vegetable poison is applied, and re
. money required until a cure la perfected.
..... Prolapses 'Cteri,-.Ftsmalo Complaints, Chronic, Verne
real and all other. dlicases-treatod-with-positlversuecetri
Full particulars can be obtained by addressing in either '''''
English or dermas,post paid. Patients can Detect:mu
modoted with lloarl on reasonable terms.
Mechanicsburg is one, c!' the prettiest and health;
towns in this or awe °the. eltate. It is 8 miles from
Harrisburg, on the Oumberkind Valley Hall Woad, ant
accessible from all parts of the Union. The Doctor wit
visit. cases In any part of the State when dashed. .
DS-Kind reader Wynn know any afflicted fellow eras
t. lure, delay not to toU them or this treatment.
..11 Kermir ill now Opening a. large and general assort
mont of LA DIESOBBSS 0000 S., ouncistlng of Black an
Cotarot Silks, Chan' Baregve, Munn du tallies, French
and English Lawu.S also a genural variety of rcon,t, r,
keys wear, a full nasurtruent of Ladles and Children
[Velure, Gloves liandkorebtent, also Euglirb and abr.
STRAW BONNETS, Bonnet Ribbons, 11 nnet Lawn,
with the usual variety of Spring Goods at moderato pr
sers. . (18011011 W. lIITNBIL