MI gni ME it in aralls. ANOTHER MULROONET STORY How Mulrooney Became a Widdy. `And so Peter, you ate no looker the hus band of Mrs. Mulrooney.' 'Deed, sir, but that'd true the day, an it's plazed lam to, be rid uv her. Will I tell yer honor the sthory. 'Oh, by all means, if you can spare the time.' 'Sure, sir, 'tis o widdy I am, an' . me own masther, Will I begin at the beginning ?' 'Any where tie that you commence at once.' yer honor, wuust upon a tine—' Stop, stop\that in the dd story, book style.' .Can't you strike out something a little more original ?' 'l'll thry,sir., 'Twer one night, maybe a "i week after I were unfortunately, married to Biddy Conuolley, as I wore slain' in the little back room thinkin' about nothin' at all au' both erin' my bead with all manner av strange things, in waddles the fat owld desitiver, au' eez she to me, sez she— 'Tether avich, thinkin's dhry—will I mix a trifle o' spirits?' 'Thankee, niem,' sez I, 'but maybe 'tis tbroublin' ye I'll be.' 'Oeit! sure 'tis the delight of my heart to be plasing' ye, Pethen astore,' sez she, lookin' as rosy as a May morn ; au' wid that, out she goes, an' brings me in a noggin av the potheen. After fillip my dtdeeir wid bacco, sez , 'There Pecker dear, me to ree ye enjoy yerself in yer Own house.' 'ltrah sez I, wid the flavor of the Potheen streaming up my nostrils. Arrah Biddy, sez 1, 'tis my serious opinion that. ye tire a decent woman either all.' toh, but 'tis you thtit's the captivatin man,' sez ohe,lenderly, and sure I ought to be a blissid woman the day. I does be wonderin, Tether, dar:in, how 3e kern to love me, wid all the purty girls ready and williu to marry ye for the asiu.' That does be puzzlin myself, Biddy, sez Such a &went and a well behaved man, too. 'Tis proud lam of ye, sez she, put OH her grate big arms about my neck, and mur deriu me wid kisses. •Will it be plasiu to ye, Alistresslrommy, not to be wither disthurbin my meditar bun ?' 101. I, reluyin myself from her howld with the gravity of a coort judge. 'Why, Pother,' sez she, 'what ye mane by that 1' sez I, 'Aisey !" ris a questhun in jominethry, and aljebrayical fluketsbuns that bolvin." •1 beg yer ,pardon, - Pettier, dear,' sez she dhroppin' me a curchy till Ler clothes made a circle'as wide as th'e mouth of a brewer's vat; 1 beg yer pardon,' Her. she, 'but its a lovin and a wake woman I am.' 'Jlusha)' thought I 'all the lose she iver had is blue mouldy by this time, and as' for the wakeuess, Och! but 'ti she could knock down an oz wid it. Sure I'd be thankful my self far a little o' the same. •Take another dhriuk of potheen, Pother, dear,' SCZ she. 'Thankee Inen•' sez I, 'but tis'ut aisy to quench the thirst from nn-empty-bottle.' 'But it's ale} , to fill it again, sez shu wid a laugh,—und-out-she—goes,-and-brings—me the full av another noggin, and after she had put it safely on the table, she sits herself down by the windy, and looks out into the.coort, where there wer hopei of little tathery children mak in dirt pies, and pitddlin, in the water. Vrineutly, as I am Uteri the cup to my lips 1 heerd a deep sigh. 'What's the matther Biddy ?' sez I. 'Tie a foolish woman I am, Pother, dear, sez ghe, dhrawiu the back uv her Sat band across her eyes. I was thinhin of the childre' and the people that has them ; and we so lonesome like, Tether dear.' That's the truth,' sez 1. Sure, but a fami- ly's a plisant thing.' ''Pis glad I aui to hear. yo say so, l'ether avich,' sez she; and then her Noe turned red as a biled lobster: .31isthress Mulrooney,' sez I, sariously. •Mistbress Mulrooney' sez I, tun sorry to parsave that ye hare been paintin yer cheeks wid the whiskey bottle. 'Tis ashamed I am of ye Mistbress Mulrooney.' .Trotli, Pettier,' sez she, 'I would'ut de. mane' myself by sick thricks. "'Pens the thoughts of pfirty children that quite upset 11113, /1101 US so lonesome.' miilia niurtheri Biddy, sez I, would you have me burglariously stale another man's family.' • ' e . •Where 'ell be the necessity of that, Pother jewel,' sez shey in,a tuft, eosin way. Th ere , H a tine broth s►v a boy, and °ran Shannaus by name, for sure father, Hennessy christened him that seine. You'd be plezed to have him us, wouldn't yo Pother ?' 4'ttix, -I donne,' sez 1, fain mighty (pare under the combined effort, of the &hoop, 'tis• mate and dhrink to i'l'ether,' 4ez Biddy, 'this 5s Briau. Why donot,}e spako•to him?' .oeh, Murtha!' sez I. 'How-willl be tallier spakiu, when 'tis a (iamb baste I am, and my voioe is choked iuthirely wid the ehildeiiit me 80/. slie. auto I will, aoz I, for tho wahoneso wor cumin oVor Middy, and I thought it pest to Bafteu her.' and the soothing spache of Misthres Mulroo tiny. •Talte anolherillukip of4tifil.Petiter dear,' sez site, and thin Biddy :let dolt -aside me, and poured me out first one glass and thin another, and all the while the potheen kep disappearinlin n sthrange znysierious sort uv way until my sinces got confused and two Mhithress Mulrooncy"s kern up tot enud kiss ed me wid two mouths, and she toe, candles in her hands and led me out of two rooms. and nit a square sot of double steps, where I laid imwld av fourballisters. and across two passages and through two more doors. and thin I 11)(11111)10d somehow or other into two . beds while two Biddy Mulrooneys tucked in two hopes av clothes with two sets av Minds. 'Well, Misther Urbin, when I woke next morn with the misery in my head, who should I see Intt Biddy, sittin nt the bed foot, wid au ugly lump av a boy by - her side. ''Tis dhrnmin' I ant sez I to myself. 'lint there Biddy sat . sthrokin down the course thatch pn,,the ugly gascoon's head, and sez she to me— 'Peter, avick,' sez she, this is Shamus,' 'Oh !' sez 1 luokin bothered intirely Indeed and truth I was,:•that's Shamus, is it ' 'Shamus, my sez she, afther spakin to your father.' 'The top of the 'amain to' ye, old daddy, sez the ugly little rapscallion. 'Tare and ages !' sez I. ''Tie chalk) me ye have been Mistbress Mulrooney; and I to take ye for a lone widdy.' :Get up, Tether, and take a cup of toy, 'tin di.ry ye are the morn, sez she, lookin me in the taceas bow id as Joolyun 6nyer. 'Thinks I, 'tis better to howid my tongue, may be there's no more of um, but 't wasn't aisey in my mind I was, and that's no lie .We,ll, sinudtheriti my feelings, I behaved nieself all that Jay like a decent and a seusi 'hle man: and the hope of desalt that had coorted and married me onheknown.t, ered me up with the beSt of the atiu and .he dlirinkin, as if it were a show pig she wore fatienin for the fair. Och, werra, wirra.— BLit 'twos two bad intirely. •Well, 'twas the next day, while I was thry in to make out the poethry of family life, she conies into the room, ladin another little gas coon. • by the hand, and sex Oho to me, sea she— Tattier, aeusille, this is DirmiS.' •Aud who's vinuis, Mitaliress Alulrootiey,' sez 1. Our Diunis,' sez s he Augli,' sez I Sure, Pettier,' soz !Elbe; tisn't a weeihee little, slip av a thing, the likes of that, ye'll be complitinin av?' ‘33' the powers! Mistbess Mulrooney,' Bez I, 'what the gossoon wants in size, he makes up in ugliness, 1 does be thinkil ' • , 'Tis broken my hea'rt to hear you talk so Tether,' sez the old crockydilo. •Trotb, Biddy, thought I, 'ids a oobler's lap stone the softer of the two. • •liuwld up your head, Mullis,' said she.— , Look at him, Tether dear, is'nt he the very picture av his father?' .Sorra bit of the likeness do I see, sez I, and its littlel care to look for it. 'Tis sorry I am, that Michael Connelly was lost at say.' 'Petherl' sez she. 'lt's the truth I am spakin Biddy Alv)r•Don- ey,' ecz I .Arrah, bad 'cess to ye, thin,' sez she, ye ungrateful, good for naught. But sue it carves me right to be treated so. After I took ye from the guther, without a rug to yer back, yo vugabone. Atiglf! blaok was the day and bitter was the hour that I stooped to • marry ye, Pettier Mulrooney; for your father wes a washerwoman, and yor mo ther was hanged for horse— 'Aisey, aisey, Biddy Multooney,' tiez 'Sure tis'nt duceut nor proper to blisther my Aortic:tiler with the trifling failtus of auoestbral progenitors. "xis ashamed I am of yo for doin' that same, Biddy Mulrooney.' 'l'd scorn to Jo it, if ye did'nt-provoke me,' sez sho. , Och! but 'twos a sore day I passed the same, and one us quiet as a mouse in a pan thry. if I opened mu mouth at all, at all, up jumps Misthress Mu'roomy wid--•Bchuve yer self, 1 say.' Shure I dunno how I keep my temper; but 'twos through four of her weak nes, I does be thinkin.' The next day wor Wiusdy. Oh! but I have reason to remember it. Well, sir, afore I wor out av me bed the panthering of feet across the floor, and when I looked, there was an other dirty little brat uv 'a boy, a howldin . Slisthress Mu!money by thegownd: Tether, 80Z ,be, 'this is 'Aught.' sez I, sure, 'tie a foundlin hospital I'me married to.' throat?' .•laix: but 'oil spal.•o to Mau for all that,' slilit VUtaili.,l3ll 'lsn't he a party boy,' sez she. I'd be sorry for the tnan that 'ud call him ugly, mem, fin' you a siandiu by,' sez I. `Tro.h, yo may say that, sez she, con ideriu the burin he'd get.' \ -So. ra bit of that bad name passed my lips that day, but I dresSed myself without snyin a word, und•wint out for the benefit av my tut. It on. 'When I kern back, Biddy eallS me in at the door av the little room, and pointin to the wo shee thing in peticuis among other childre sez to me, Tether, that's Nellyr 'lt is a girleen sez I, for 'here were a touch of the kettle about her face, and I said to my- Self, •maybe she's a haythen, or a naygur.' sez Biddy, 'can't ye see wid yer eyes 'tis my Nelly, the darlin? Sure ye'll kiss her and bid her welooro, Pother.' sez -I. 'Go and kiss her this '2Am:it,' sex she. 'Would it be plazeu to ye to sweep the little colleens face first,' sez'l •Why would I'do that, says she makin an arch av her bank ye could (thrive a coach and foor over. 'Why would I do? sez she, 'tie chine dirt!!' ,Sure, 'tis the thrue word ye are spakin diress Mulro ney,' sez I, as saft as bather but twos thinkin I was that a touch av a broom ['bout the region of the cheeks would improve girleee's wad•complexshun.' „Oh! by this and by that, Misther Urbin, its a wondher tin a liven man td-day. The fat ould deceiver dhrowned me in the turrant av words, and thin dhryed me in a hurricane av bl i utvs. An to see then childre, too! Oh but they fell upon me: Shamus tore my coat ,into sthrips, while Biddy rkratehed my shirt entirely, and Melly s;uct pins into the calves my—ahem extremities ; and Brian med beautiful stove peipe of my hat. After eneu-, tin this course of mane treatment fur some time like a gintleman, a philosuier. I rerouted out murdher ! And the nayburs hem rushin iuto my rescue. e I wint up stairs Mistier Cr ban, and picked up my duds, with the in tintiou of lavin the boas forever; when just Its I was crapin out av‘tue door who should come up to me but a sayfarin w tn. I give him one look, and thins sez 1, wad my heart in my mouth— 'Michael Connolly, phazed I ant to see ye after being de dbrowned so long. Ye ll find Misheress Connelly . and the children i t e room beynu.' I waited till I heard one long sckreecb, d thin I tuk to my beets until I got into lie counthry, wain I tossed my but iu the air a d rowled over . liky a crazy man. Oh, good luck to the salt sea that brought . Michael'Connelly black to his ould, wife and ortln childre and good luck to the day that med .me a widely? Wouldn't I like any body to tread ou the tail av me coat just now?' 'why don't ye be HOOPED SKIRTS Tito raging fashion in New York of hooped skirts, is touched off in the following inimita .ble style by one of tho Newt York papers This fabhion has not reached this i•eg ion, and we hope it never will. Our boys' always like to be close to the 'gals,' but they won't go to the singing school, or any other place where the gals do congregate, if they imbibe the hooped skirt fever—cause they don't like to 'stand off.' 'Oh ! Venus do Medicis ! such skirts and waists! How- can we embrace them at all positivecy, there is no such thing us getting around them _in ane swot ' en to that extent of fashion, hat no - door is wide enough for them to pass through without considerable squeezing. Real 'belles' of the fashion now seen. like moovinetells, literally, so that mullets and Men have to steer well in the streets, else they will run against ropes, hoops, bag-matting, crinoline, and the duce knows what, which now inhabit the ladies' dress, and compleetly take up the sidewalks. The other day, we happened to see two of the "thimpy" kind of moving belles of fash ion, sailing along the street a la "pointer': style—hands close and skirts out. A 4 forty paces distant they seemed like miniature pyra mids of silk ; at twenty paces a strong smell of cologne water and ; other essences ; at ten paces a little lamp like . a bonnet was discer nible at the top of the skirt pyramid ; at three paces distant the imbedded voice of a female in the dress could be heard; at two paces, four ringlets of slim appearance resembling out-tails dipped in molasses were discovered —iwo eyes of weak one consumptive express ion resendming boiled onions—lips like unto. sandwiches with a bit of discolored beefsteak sticking out—and cheeks 'roughed' with mien fuiL (Chinese coloring ) This was- all that could create in us the impression or im- Agitttion, that the above thinzs, dry go ale, etc.,. formed a woman ! We moved aside to allow canvas, ropes and hoops to pass, and went an our Way rejoicing that such was not our share of what happy husbands like to term, •Qh toy honey!' • Effi•All women nue in some degreo.itipiqs imagination, angles in beartomd diplomatists in ,mind. L.storcc. - 1, au 1)131,3.5. ,k %; ; 1 4P6/,,,, -, ` WATCHES !- CLOCKS ! A FANCY JEWlil.ltY, &c. I have now on In:nd and for halo al aLanitt :Arcot, umousito Marlou hill, an entirely new and elegant stork of WATUIIES..IEWELItY, neo LIONS, de. i ; Gold Lever Watehmi, hunting and Oen Cabe, Silver d Silver Lennie and Quarter IN ;ache's, a large variety: Gold A11( . 110114 fin' Ladies and Gentlemen. Medallions, a splendid assortment for ladles and gents Breast Pins of overt' pattern, and all prices, ' tiold,Outins for vest rynd lb, gold curl. (ddos, Flogor II figs. Cuff-plus, Studs. Sleeve huttons 'rossys. Broil UM! IlonpEar-Ii Tugs, n large variety. Silver and Plated`Forks. Table and Tea l!lpoons, Butter Knives, it:e. of various styles and pi lees; C(10111, and Silver Thimbles, Gold, silver aod Common Spectacles, a largo assortment to salt all gas, and , to which a e invite particular attention. Port %ninnies, it large aat.ortment at every price, Gold Pens. of the best make at various padres, Faney Bon en. Port Folios, Accordeons, Spectacle Cases, Ladles Caul Cason. silver and pearl. at various pritms, Braeelets, gold Intl common: Match Chains ditto. Also a large variety of articles In the Jewelry line, which I will sell at the lowest prices. All articles war ranted to be what they are sold for. It.l , ...Particular attention paid to the REPAIRING OF W ATcil ES and all work warranted. Returning thanks to toy old friends and distortions for former patronage, I respectfully sot lilt iCiattnunnee of their favors. j n '1(.20 TIBIM As COS LYN. •.! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING N. II A NTCII & Co. have opened and now of t, for for sale at their Store on West High Street. oue door west of the Ilotel formerly kept 442. Stough. an entire new stock of Ready :10thing Poi{ MEN AN I) NVEAR Also, Cloths. Ca , sitnered and Vestings. which will be 'nada up In the Lest style and on reasonable terinu.— i•hlrt.s. Shirt Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders. Satin and Summer Stocks. Handkerchiefs. &e. of the newest styles :nt best manufacture kept constantly on hand. Confident of then ability to please, they respectfully so irit no public patronage. FALL STYLE OF HATS & CAPS. 1431. 11. Tltt UT, desires to inform his idd friends that ho has rIPIP.VIA to his ncw establishment on iligh street, near the Railroad Depot. and Is now open ng large and elegant assortment of the PALL STYLI II AI'S, Just received from Philadelphin. w hirl the gentlemen of Carlisle are requested to aril an. examine. Ile has also a large assnrtment 14 Silk. F u 411 , 1 Slouch I latS or his 111111 1111111111211 lure. got up in th• best stole and at various prices. flit eXeeiktlei• Itlal finis) ‘,l which ho will warrant. Ills stock he is contideut of ly needs to be examined to he approved. Also, a larg. supply of Men's. Boy's and Children's CA and Fur. anti of every variety of style and price just eeived front Philadelphia. Let all who it want 11 Cap give hint a call, ns they may be sure of being suit ed to their own satisfaction. . . "OR 'FITE NI MAW\ ;ci PA PEW, - /- - -- , -:-. 14 I 4ttu just reel: ing. my FA sosMCINCS,...-.,.. c -, 5t ,, ,1, of PAPER lIANIIING, .' • 1 Sl a b a . -,-, _. which surpass In style, qualit) j and price any that have eVel been I•Xhilleted in Carlisle. I respectfully solicit a cid, rfnslll perSOIIS In want of Paper Hangings of any de scrip tiun. as I am confident by assortment tier surpasses any in the Boringly !rid In sty Ir and priCes has hut few ri yids In the city. I only ask of the piddle to call and ex amine his assortinant before purchasing. ns I am conli• dent my clinste designs cannot fall R tn please the most N P. LYME.. West ',Woof North Hawn or Street. GA 0 - e r ' XI YEW GROCERY r E 11 AND VA RI ETY STORE. The imbseriber would respectfully inform his friend, and the publir generally, that he has just returned from the •ity with a large mot varied assortment of ....,_. . IlltOCEit 1 lES, ()LASS and QUEENS-1V ARP. A.:- - I I 1..1ti11, &v., et., which he offers fur sale on the i "lir 1 moat reasonable terms, at his New Store. % i ll Ake • •rner Of North llnnover street and the Iml • ~, A l , 4- , Ile Square, directly opposite the Carlisle 1/e. po..it Bank. Ills stock embrascs everything usually in n Grocery and Variety store. The public are invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confident he can sell the best goods at the lowest prices. G ItEEN GROC S 'l' olt E. HARKNESS .4: MULLIN .02aire to inform the citizens of ('arlisle a nd vid u it 3 '..baL they have just received from the city and are novr opening In the room adjoining, Bentz A. Brother's Stoic. very complete assortment of lirocerles ) sue), as PRIME COFFEE, SUIdAlt, TEAS. Min...ASSES, And all the various kinds of SI'lChS and DlllEld MEAI such as lams. Dried Beef. Bologna Sausages. fir. by di, piece or pound. Also Herrings. 7.11r.ci erel.Shad. Cod Fifli and a great m arieo oiarticies 1111 t nes,ssar to enumerate. In addition t. ..he above, We Will receive our rcgular supplies et FRESH VE ETit ISLES soon ns they appear in the city marMits, to all of which N, e ill rile the attention of t h e public. ns we in tend to Fell at tilt very lowest prices for 01811 or faun. try Prilmie. HARK-Xt.:SS it MULLIN. 1 ROOTS AND SHOES. The subscrib ii) or has now on hand,a very extensive and well ye. ected.stoek of It 0 T and S which he will Fell at unusually low pric es. 'PurchaFed front wholesale dealers, at low rates. he can offer stilt induce ments to plleelltthelY , as will make it their 1 tit erest It his establishment. Ile has every article in the Boot and Shoe line—for Ladles' or Cientlemens' wear—he therefore dooms It unnecessary to particularize. - good and etwap glonis-nro Invlt (4.1 to Ova him a can. cm el ,l 44lv lNGHAm,i)Avis& co., 27., Market `trust, Plillsate ENTS FOR .1 ACOD Ell NI. CA 1:I.1 SLE ^tnl l'hiladelphia. Cars loin e I oth places East nllll W 1 ,3. f Wive every Week. Tueadays nod Fridays. All busine,4, entrusted to Bingham. burls & CO.. Wilt be attended to with 111'0111W lII,S. whether in ,ales, produce or frekld. A. IL. IIARNITZ, North street. Baltimore. has ids.. entered into tide arrangement. rani %%ill attend prompt- I . • to all lousiness entrusted to him. May:al,—Van. , . utRI ESJ , 1 Th,sul.scrilwr has Just added to his former stool: f:Zeti,•rill selection of Clioirt (11:0C.EllIkS, as well as all the other variett of art 'clef 1:, • - , - -usually kept in a Grocery .More. embracing I , I. IfXl 'elf's— roasted and green—at 1'....!,!; and 1-1 cent, . v.. 2 ( LT-- ' , ...g per lb., crleans. Clarified. Crushed and l'ulveri , ed tl. • '. , l.lgarg• of 11111 , qualities: Chocolates, Spices. Ifairy Salt, and a variety of Fancy artielt:s. all , if SS bleb are o fored at' tin lowest cash prices. We are thankful forth) former support given us, and Inv Ito a further rail he II our friends and customers. .1. W. Ell V. Nlarion liall, Carlisle. .. 131 t ES Ell \TING SUG genetvl A.. assortment cif Crushed, Sifted and Pulverised au; of Lea Wally, :IS Sidt Crushed. Clarit , ed amt other tittalitie,; ronstnittly !Irvin, suitable ILt tit and all other purpose:.--.genet'idly at OH, A I 1 , . 3 - ctuuttitnt. sitnnly of nu choicek. Col Tees. Tuns Fliers and 01 her :.rtieles in ruiloty klunys on hand.-- 'alum ion 1= i•lvit,a to our stock before, buying . elsowlku: r. Cv211,10. u 26, 'bit. • . J. W, E (1111 NA, GLASS AND QUEENS AvARE—Old housekeepers mid 'yomig, with tli,s also who aril exporting to beromp housekeepers. Arelllvil ua FANI I !Arlin(lt'EliV and tt anti oe 11114 a (MIMI. Moss and QIICCIIS. w. 1.„ 111111, Other art teleA In the housekeeping line. slid, a. , French and English Zra t.ots, heavy banded and White tlranito. gilded non blue ph;ln. ret3 of i•t ery variety and prim, howla and pi. II us, fr, (11as:,wurt—evitt.w. t...(1,(t. (.11(1 nwntel I: 'at. Candelabras and ether lampl. rarlty. table net, hat tumblers. goblets. A'a. Fruit 4 , 114 p i re tithes. 1 . 1 ra , !lay. Cedar-ware—tole , , beel;e..r,, burns, 1 Jr, is.'oGiie, nriitsaudladles,meal baehei,usln,,—aweer I eg. while wash,-srrabbin:;. hand hoe lo br.hotis, &e. Maeket, rinthet vod te,o .VI,) 3 1.1101,11'11!,tArt1111`111t. lIcc:0; he val.. are loud or „,, „„, I , :lilt y(9l will find them 01' onimptn,hnlde qu „iit y. a raw :ipao,h and Cote naln Sego with choke MI tiff witl E. GOULD; [Successor to A. jot,. ity No. 111 Chestnut fit.. Swaina's Philadel putt, extensive Musk Publisher. and Dealer In 31110. A.l Instruments of every description. Exclusive agent l the sale of Ballet, Davis.& Co. Patent :••uspension isridge :}lolian and ~ i ber PI AIVOI!l.-- liiibart's Boudoir Pianosf' Melodeon?, 31artin's uilars • ltarps. Violins. 1-hect M usie. Music Bool s s. kc. Residents of the country a ill be supplied by mall of otherwise with music they may Wlsh. as low as if pur- CillSed in persmi. !laving one of the largest sta chs lu the United States, I feel corifideht of satisfying all who may favor nit with a call or order. Dealers In Music supplied on the most 111 oral terms Pianos to let. second-hand Pianos for sale. May 20,1853-12 CHEAP WATCHES AND JEW EL• It y, WHOLESALE and RETAIL, nt the " I hila• ii dolphin Watch and Jew dry r tot e, Number 96 Korth Second Street. • or nor of Quarry. Philadelphia. Gold \ Lever Watches, full jewelled, 111 car )#. at cases, - - $2O 00 A%., • ,2, Oold Lepine, 1R carat cases, 24 (0 1 4:-..4.'' . 44,-;,:t4''' Silver - jem els ' to 00 • . 1 : °N nAll'' Silver Lover, full jewelled, 12 00 7 00 7 0 0 1 .0 3 PO 1 00 I 00 tiold Pens. N;ith Pencil and Silver Holder. - 1 00 Superior Quartiers, Gold Sports,.lem, Fine Silver Spectaeles, Id Bracelets, 1.11 , 1114e1d Pencils, Sliver 'fen Spoons. set, tiold Finger Rings 37 1 ,4 . .; rents to ;di: Wateh Glassesplain. Tdain. rents . Patent Lunet 26: other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they aro sold tor. STAUFFER k. HARLEM. On hand.'snme Gold and Silver Levers and Leplnes cf.!!l lower than the above prices. "'ERRING'S PATENT, CHAMPI ON FIRE PROOF SAFES. with Hairs Intent Ponder Proof Locks, which title ' , yarded separate Melialh at the orl d's Fair, London, IFSI and iso at the World's Fair, .sew uric, 185'3 and '64. The ~ r s are the sole manufactutere proprietors in this state of to above _unequalled Safes and The reptitation of the 1111111 P Herring's Safe" is wit le ide. and fur the last this teen qtrs the mercantile e , nununity Ivo WitlleFßed and horn," testi mony to their NEVER Flcux. lire proof qunliths. }11•I than 12.0110 of these Sales have been actually sold, and over Tao lIUNDREI, hate pftf.Sefi triumphant)) thr o ugh accidental firer. The pnl,lie are assured that all t , tirt.s manufactured by the subscribers are not only guaran teed to i.e fixity equal, but in ninny respects el ell supo rior have been so severely tried b) fire New will forget their t‘ery ireF In the tainting of the ••Tri bunt , k`St a hlistment." New V. and at the Gteat Fire In Strawberry street, at the large fire last July, opluisite the Girard llout4e; and still more ree, htly in the Fire at Fifth and Chesnut stn., In the city iii 1%11401,111a, in which these Safes came for.L the ac knowledged Cu tH HON, hen Miry other seem it failed. FARR} k CO_ Chilled Imn Safes, With Powder Proof Locks, mann fact 'used expressly for Banks, Brokers, Jew. Hers. and others requiring. seeurity from rogues. Dank \ cult s, 11 ,,, r5. e. ~ n hand and made t,, order. Ali the must celebrated Dicks Tor sale at . man ufact u rers' la ices. Wrong hand Stiles," , —:Salstanroitos'' toad •' fro Chests" of ether tankers. have been tal.en In pant pa meat for Herring's for sale at half prier. VFAICItES M:k.TCIIKS ! :—J 011 N DUN :CELL I, man ufact urer anti it Ven for of t•AIE s. I ..AIIINT:q/1. Ala; U rEIG In WiR,I) It(J No. 100 North FullitTli ;street ialane hacerl'lllLAl/k..1.- I.IIIA. Matches having beet me an indispensable article liviniuvekeeping, the suliserilicr atter a peat sarritee of time iind money, Ia enabled to otter to the Public an ar id, le at once combining anti I !limpness, he In• veil tor knowing the danger apprehended on in, wit ot the !Halsey manner to Whirl). Matelleb are gimeially paelsed in paper, has by the aid of :New Meant Mat blurry of his o wn invontinn, succeeded in getting up a (SA I'ATEN"I' SQUARE UPRIGIIT 01.1)11.0X: this i i 6 far preferable, in AS mueli that it oreupies no more room hum the old route mot d Nok, and fanitail, at leilf•t !Andre,' per Cent More IlttclieS. Wilirb to Is oosisidornbio advantage; it is entirely new, and oil ate again a t moisture and spoiltallelltis eatabUl4loll, dlspele all da tiger On t ransportatioti by Means frf ltailroad, Mt. ittu boat or any other mode of Conveyance. .1. D. HALBERT TheNe 1131411 es are parked that one gross or more may he ,Mlpped to any part cd the World NVith reffert sat'ety. 'lll4y are the most desirable article for 11, no. t'..osumptlom and the Southern and western market Chat ha% e ever l) , :kl,EltS and SIIIVI'EIts, will do well to call an OX3lllllll' tnr thernkels is. _Those matches. are NI'AIIHANTI.III to 1.0 superior to ;toy thing heretofore offered to the Publio. I= 11 -1 11.E.N(II TRUSSES, less than „ Et., (WIWI,. Mr the cure of llendaor I. uptnro aennowledged by the highest 1110,11,,i1 avtliorities of Phil adelphia, inemnparably superior to ally other in use.— tillerers 1, Ili be gratified to learn that the occasion n o w °tiers to procure Lot ally the highest and most vany,•l ut 8.4 durable it Truss any other, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable artkle usually sold. There In no dit* lenity attending the fitting. and N lien the pad in Imut ud it will retain its position minima change. Persons 31 3 tiiSt3l3 . 1/1131/le to call uu t h e subscriber, can have the Truss sent to any address, by remitting five dollars for the single Truss, or ten fur the double-- with measure round the hips, and stating side allectud. It Weill be exchanged to 'mit. If not,litting. by returning at (owe, unsoiled. For sale only b) the Importer. IV. Corner Twelfth and Ilitee streets. l'hlhidelibla. gra- I.knirs, requiring the lanietlt of Meeluttihal Sup portem owing to the olerntigenient of the Interdul Or- Irmo:. Inducing fidllng of the Womb, Pulmonnry, Drspeptte, Nervinn; nnd Splint! Weakness, are halo toed that nfonipetent and experienced LAM' will 1,. In et [violative at the Rooms. (set nl;:trt for their exelusi%ti ton.) No. 114 T]VEI.I7II St. , Ist door dolow Mee. .Inly _11,'54. Gll AT I S !—Just, islied—A DISCOVERY IN 3I CIN F..— A few words of the Rational Tre.ttment. without llydlrinu. Speriontor hem or Ural weak urns, nervous low spirit s: Kroft wnalittess Of the limbs and hark. hilst4edt 1.1, and kn . !Ludt), for study and labor. dullne,s of apprehension, loss of memory. aversion to society, love of sent middy,self distrust. dizziness. head:trim. invelnuf nry discharges. pains 111 the side. II ireet loit of the eyes, pink._ ides on the hire. sexual and other Infirmities In men. Front the French of Dr. It. Del.nneey: , The important fart that those alnrming , comp]: Into May oledly he removed iviammy stromixr, I. in thi s s n is n tra-t, ,illearly demonstrated. and the entirely new nr d itlirjily successful treatment. ns ndepted ley the Author, fttlil, plaint.). by 111 elt DS of which every (Ale IN 011:it144 to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible rt of, avoiding thereby all the advertised nostrums of ti day. Sent to any fuldre , o+. vrnt In 'and post Tree. In n sentod ttnvelop,t, hy rt.mi t in; most pal& two postnyte stamps to hr. It. DelAtters,l7 llspo rd stlt. 6 et, York. Mardi 1-13, 1."1' NTTONDY SI 711, 1 S —Th ose 11t who h.- vi.l,oea ror years with tilts 3. "th" , '"". 10 .';end trho have been 111411g111111 , '1. acct \od; P." ' 4 ' l .° I . IIe ahllr without rellef. we say to yo.l Iry •I; A wtiDysperale"lll , ll yl.ll Will MOilb he 0 , 110 of 4.. , uperliirlty over every otlll' i•p tea ;•tl. We.1.1.N1 .•'ve A.ll CI rt Itleati•s • orob l'1":11 opr a: r 1.1.1 vial Is Wrltill 11 , 0PC.- .111'1 Cll. 4111' I'llllolh' I, n ePated nail Koh l at the. Drug St.. 0 of 8..1. Ilatiover stied a few d'oo , v emUih ,of Cl ll'. Carlicle. Pl)ilabelpipa, IRON Skil.: ANT ROM I.oem 31AKIPS, 33 WALNUT Street. l'hiludelphin DoN N ELLA% 106 North FOURTH St. Phllad'a I'AI.En 11. NEEDLEs I il