S idllarkets. U:prfirife protiuce 31iarftet rei) FOR 'l'll6 11 E 11A 1.1) C IVedtlegidny Aluruing, Nov. 21 Fiero Soperfthe, per bbl, du Extra, do RYE do WHITE WHEAT per bushel E ED do do Y E do do do V ()Lii Cifici NEw Coax ONE "CM/VERSE:EI) Ti3nanysEno. do WINTrIt BARLEY. do BAULEY. do BALTIMORE MARI.E T. MONDAY EVENING, Nov. 20 Fr.nrtt AND MEAL.The Floor market to diy was firm and active. Shippers bouilit freely on European aectunt. Sales of 6'oo bids lloward street at $O,OO. Also, 3500 Mils Ohio ami 700 bids City Mills at the same price, closing firm and rather active. Stock and re- cellos comparatively light. At the close some // Innders 'were not willing ttr take *.;9. Nothing Wow since 'cliang . The New York dispatch exhihi;ed a sli t; t improvement, and holders were not /111X011' 10 operate at the above price. I.t‘e F,our—Stock I noderate and a fair dentaud. 1 1 .. r q uote at 7,121 per bbl. Corn Meal—We quote countfy at : . :i1,23, and city manufactured at . ..;t1,..,in per bbl—small sales. Buckwheat Meal--\V” quote at :2,17 , 71_t_t53 per 100 Ibs, with, - Who4,- T -The receipts to day were ugsui 1 1 11110 lark, with good demand, ()spec:l aity sliipmen and pricies advancing about .. 4 cent , per bushel. Millers also bought ircteryt About 29,000 bushels offered and mostly sold (iII vIN —chwee white it 14a$2 11, good to prime do. at 2 08.iti2 12, ordinary to good do. at 1 95a5 . 2 03. Bed, good to prime at 11/81$2 03, ordinary to good do. at 1 80,t‘it I OS. per bushel, closing firm. About 10,000 bushels - of the above offerings were left over from Saturday. Cern—A fair demand, .and prices steady. About 7000 bushels offered, and sales of good to prime old white and yellow at 90a95 cents. cut du. at 7,11580 cents; new white and yellow at 70a73 cents ; choice new white Corn for hominy dt 80 cents per bushel. Oats—Sales of good to prime Maryland, Virginia, Penn sylvania and Ohio at 38a41 cents, interior to good qualities at 38a30 cents per bushel. Rye —Supply very light, a steady demand and prices upward. Only 500 bushels offered to day, and sales of Maryland atiq 08a$1 10; Pennsylvania, Ohio and Western Virginia at 1 1310 18 per bushel. $lOOO ! $1000! ! A F1 , 111"IED A. UNFORTUNATE, Cut out and pre•eri o the fol lowing card. It is particularly important to STR NGERS NJ. TRA VELLERS, to prevent their being misled and deceived by the lying boasts, false promises, and spurious recom memiations (from the dead and unknown) of Forel-rn aul N:ILIVO Quacks. of whom there are more in l'hfla del phia than elsewhere, because of the clemency td the laws of the State. CI ti/ens know and avoid them. ing tried one to twenty dollars worth of quack Mivto.-es, Extracts, Invigorating Elixirs, Cordials. hit ter,. ,t).)., without i,)lfect—hav lug been deceived by mis repre,oted and exaggerated accounts of Self-Al) . use, Se -rat Diseases and their consequences. published In vertiseinents. Books, ,tc., and misled by .faise ceipts and wrong advice contained therein. purposely t) increase sufferings, and alarm and frighten the un thinking. the more easily to extort large fees. (which Is ae evident. bring salt for loss than cost of printing and vert isingi—having paid live to one hundred del lad a to Foreign and Native quacks IVITILOU'r 'WINO (AIRED, hiving suffered much and long—tiiiitigh the time I.st cAnnot be recalled, nor the money reeoyered you paid a nd were defrauded ~f, yet you van be cured, however b•ng standing or niiiieting your east, by Dr. I.l;inv, •• Ma wise, betimes; Delays aro daugevous." '•Tinto Is Money ; Time saved Is Money earned." YOU:sill WIN OTIIERS, . . Single, married, or contemplating marriage, suffering from elf-Abuse or its ennsegitonces, or Suffering from v other causes. defects, or viesesse. and LAP I LS, whatever their diseases or situations. may honorably rely and confide In Ur. Leidy's skill and sue,•ess. At , comniodatlons, if required.,w Ith kind 1111111 efficient at tendance. at lull. I,Elli1"S PRIVATE It IS t.ITA TRUTH Is AND WILL PREVAIL! ONE TIIOUgAN 11c11,1,11t8 Is waged the knowing cannot ho e.ntradleted, namely: that DR. N. D. LEIDY, No. 114 North Foliar!' Street, above Dace, Ts the only regular Physician rushing in Philadel• phis. Graduate of the liniversity of Pennsylvania. if 1533, (twenty-two. years) cxelusirnly engaged lit the treatment. of Seeret or Delleitteiphen.os of both MIXeS; Self-Abuse and its consequences; Weakness and Inability; Nervousness; Irregularities anti other diseases or situations of Females; and which he will cure in, less time anti less restraint, more elfertually,. thou any other, under forfeit of 0 N THOUSA ND JOLLA lIS, Dr. LEIDY has more patients. a n d cures them too, than all advertising Doctors, so called or ot herw Ise., in 'Philadelphia combined an . . proudly refers to Prefes stirs'and respectable ic tys till of Wil01111:011Stlit him ite. critical -cases,' and '43 4 ' t u Cithiens, 31er chants and Hotel Pmpriotors, as et' his known skill, re potation and unparalleled success. • DIS.TANT PATIENTS can have necessary* advice and Inedicino sent them by , mail or otherwise, to any part of the United State plxlar r -4.4loseciptimr-of—thoir - raszirfiling a reason. able feu) by letter to wt. N. it. LinDY. \o. 114 North FOURTf4Street, abevo IttMe, N. B.—Letters of Inquiry or Information ONLY, (ex! coot from pationts) to receive attention, must pontain ON ii, 001.1,A1t,111 consideration of thee and trouable an wering'and infermation'given in.t mit 15, Ut.'(. JUST RECEIVED AT THE FAl‘li Icx ROCERN STORE of tho muhecriber, 31 Ma. • iiiur supply of fresh Water Crackers, soda„fiutter, Pic Nic nod Sugar Buiscult, Parillll, Corn Starch, Tapioca, Sago. Pearl Barley, • .1....,“ 3 0,..f,C0itce, Rice Flour, Halting Powtier,'ke., A nary It's of superior Table 011, piolties,.Toitiato Ketchup, French Mustard, B 11: Rum. co. J. W. EBY. $ 8,75 9,00 6,23 2,00 1,1)4 1,10 80 53 WIfY ARE WE SICK? It has been the lot of the human rare to be weighed down by disease and sufferin. 1101.1di1l'AY'S PILLS are sperially adapted to the relief of the W EAK• thq Noll VOUS, the DELICATE. and the INFIRM. of all climes, ages. sexes, and ecinstitilt ions. Professor Iloilo w.tv personally superintends the inanufart are I.f his .ilieines in the Fnited Slates. and niters them to too and enlightened people, as the best reinody the world ever saw for the removal ot 'disease. 85 7,25 3,25 1,10 1,00 TLIESS PILLS PtTIOVY flIOH) Those :ainous are expresqly combin operate on the stonimM, the liver, the .kidneys, tie , longs, the and the bowels, rarrecting lily dm tow-mina in their flinetians. purifying the Wont, the ..iry fountain of 111:e. mill thus curing disease in ;ill Its terms. DV:I'EI.4IA AND I,IVER (10.11,D,AINTS. Nearly hall the human race have these Nils, It has been preve.l in all part , of the world, that nri thing his Intuit ( e , 11131 Lo thaw i disorders idt tilt liver, dyspepsia, and ,Lont.t :1 camplaints gene rally. TIIOI 5..011 '..C1V13 tt 110:11t11 t .11e . I tlll,O organs, flowerer deranged, and idle!' all other means have failed. Ii ER AL DEIIII,ITY. 11,1, 11. '.ltally of the timsi, demi ;tie ii I; eriitnerits !MVO opened; their Custom Ilouses to the it; ii , wrii - etion 111 . 111,4 , Pills. 1.11.1 t they may law.hine the of the mas , ,,is.- I,e.iroe.l t . dleges admit that this inedieine is the Lest reine;ly over Known for per, , its id dditeatd.,,r, . Ult. w i th itnpairt,l as its invigorating properties never fail to alTord Fi.:ll I`,l\l PLAINTS. \n F'etnalr!'4nnm~ el,.idd . Sh,1111(1 lirt tt'itltnut this vvlerw.tted lioino. It t•••rri.i.ts and rogulates mt lily t• at all 1,1111..1,, n,iing in nniny nags like a rharut. It .11s tilt looqt and 5.11, , t trit..lll.inf• tll It i•au It. zl% 1 . 11 t Ciii/drelt 14 * a./ :1.4, 4 , and fltr any i • I 11111,ti /It 1 . ./il,1• lu •ntly un funily >h ,uld In %with nut it. 11 . .9 PILL- 1111.4 T I:`: , .‘%S TII l‘olil.l , r• , 1: I lit; 1 l/1.1.t.',5 IN6 I , lnl:AS:,$: ISLIIIII3 , Debilit) i5.• , ,,i cmusattintq Fe. , , ul , l Aizuu kind , t'“ktgia.. Fovial.• i'mn- tit.my, and Gravel I',,tds 101.., tit 1,. tt rildary Symp -111...t I /i.:•••• ,t•s 110,1~Aire ' otit, t'o,tis runs 1 ttai.tost i0n,,,. lo o d o t Weak nOSC, . 111 tp,`li..ill 11111W:11 /.3 "kl ”j 4 •r CI Wild/lila,: 1 /131 . 1141 . :1 I 1111:L1nm:a ion I,OoN n'ss of, .. , piri is Dropsy t Vollocomol Alits•tioons l'iltos is,,s sold at' the Mantifaetories of Professor HOLLOW VC sO ~ 1 31.11•11 Lime. New I',4.:4init 2-41 Ntrtnni). London, hy all resioietahle Dridrzists and Dealers of >]odielne throughout the Culled States, 310 the civilized tvorld, boxes, at 23 cents, Cal,' vents. and 44 4 )- - There is a considerable saving hy taking the larger sizes. lt. Direetions for the guidaliee of patients in every disorder are affixed to earl! Lis. ord. 21, '35. GG I.NC ON '"—Fver 'where the ,ry is, XN , Read IronNt.,l" : The w .; rm y p„ : _ t uh,s t , has just ~id en4u h .th to have the people find It out. Wm. Crt).,k. lay.. of the house of Win. Chard... , Crook, larin , Inanuf.seturers of New Whiten us: OCT 011::11. 20, IS:lrr. Prof. r. De I & Philadelphla—Gents: We ule tallied from our P. 11., SOIIIII- Eleetrif. Oil" made by Prof. C. De tlroth. of Philadelphia. its effects on 1110 and my 'ollillY hove been HllOll. that I am constrained t•. write you. it cured the worst Headache anti Neu ralgia In twenty minutes; Inflammatory Itheumatism in six hours. Every hunily ought to have it. Samuel Stockton, of this place, hail a trial of it on condition that If it cared him he-was to pay for it, if not, lie was not to pay. The next day he called at the P. O. and paid up; said he knew nothing in the world like De tirath's Electric Oil." We use it for everything. I would not hesitate to warrant it all the time. The people will hang ou to it. Yours, truly, Wit. Corm. Nothing' ran surpass the enthusiasm anti tenacity of those who use this Oil. Mrs. E. Jones. 46 . 2 North See mot street, s tys it relieved her of an injury received by e fall from a wagon, and her son is using ft for 1111011111- Itti.lll. More than 5000 have now recommended it. It will often cure in a few minutes. pains of the severest kiwi, and is the only medicine• In the world that will I, o ,rin t.n 411 this. it cores the worst Rum 1n one day. Item:kre of ell pretended KleCtrie (lit. unless coming di rect from the Central 41111,a., Sit South Eighth street.— The name of —De tiratlilk • Co.," must be written with a pen. t i countMd r eit which 1s Sorgery ! This Oil is net peldled, ;ill offered, therel,qll, is known to he IntßatiOn and worthless. Ds tilt ATI( k Sit South Eighth street. xlvi_For sale in Carlisle. wholesale and retail, at S. W. 111vErt4TicK. and K mrran's Drug St:ores. Octolwr 24. 1055. p RIME RUTA. 13A( ; _l, AND OTHER SEEDS.- , -.Abo superior seed Buckwheat, eat, Turnip ~ 4 c. For We Ivy PASCII :V10100 . 1 , 1 S: Co. Agrimiltural Warelonse and :?tore, corner ith and Nitiri:el !.treots, jnly 4 ° - k7l ?1 ? .N 4 -N4 cl ,lZ•.>-- • • ' Nos. 21 and 23 South Sixth Street, • PIIIIADELPIIIA. AIIitICULTURAL bITI,KAIHNT MINUFI , `IVIRY,StOI, Pa. SEED (inaum).4 (370 A erem) In9olln,dale, near Bristol, Pa, 17'R E N T II RlJSSES.—lfornia or Rupture successfully trotted, and comfort Insured, iy use of the elegant French 'Presses, imported by the subserlber, and ninde to order expressly fur his sales. All suffering with Rupture will be uratltlelLtulearti... .illat-alo-w 4 'estolk - nolr - InfetrlTTO - froeure a it russ combin ing extreme lightness. with wise, durability end correct construction. in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomforta ble article usually sold. An extensive aiwortmen nlmtys on band, adapted to every variety of Rupture in adults and children, and for:isle at at range of price to suit all. Cost of Single Trusses, $2, $3, $4 and-$1%,0 Double, $4, $O, $ and $lO. Persons at a distance can hare a Truss sent to nny ad drop: by.rounitting the amount, sending mennuro around the Hips, and stating side nffoctod. Nor Sale Wholetede and Detail by the Importer. CALDII 11. NEEDLES, • S. W. cor. of Twelfth Pb.,e Depot for Dr. Ilannimes Improved Patent Body Brace.; Chest Expanders and Erector Dretve; Patent Shoulder Drorelii Suspensory „Bandages: Spinal Props and Sup ports. Ladles' Rooms, with competent Indy attendants. ;writ 11. fl .Fancy Priiiting cheaply done. 'HOLLOWAY'S PILLS 4s' Su.! 710 110iftthefpIjia. SAVING UND or •!"'IIE U.S. IN.-WHANCE, ANNUITY A TRUST CQMP'Y. S. ki. Verner Third and Chesnut Streets, Plant. tlt), CAPITAL $250,000. — iktt Money is received on deposit daily. the amouni, de posited Is entered in a Deposit nook and Arm to the Depos,itqr, or, if preferred, n certificate will be given. All sOOlO large and small, are received, and the am,nut paid bark or demand, without, notice. a tereHt is paid at the rate of rive PER CIiNT., C9lll , unclog from the day of deposit, and ceasing fonrteVii days previous to the withdrawal of the monoy. On the first day of.lanuary, In each year, the Interest of each deposit is paid to the depositor, or added to the p.iucip.tl, aShe limy prefer. The Company Have now upwards of 3,500 depositors in the city of Philadelphia alone. Any aditional Intbrmation will be given b: addees.d.rx the TREASURER. DIRECTC/SS kephon it. Crew fora. I'r.s't Law itra, Johnson, Vice Pt. A tii twos,. O. Tllottipsoll l 111 , 10:m11n IV, Tingley, Jamb 1.. Florence, PLINY C Ocni.gein,lnr.n Sept. 12 • -- - :•• ,, x, ••'.'" 1 1" - ii'lSi .:E? : .= ...( t i' 1 .1, " 7 i. a j i :.:1.`:4;1%:,. # ~:f c ,••,1 , 0 1 4 , 4 .- X'&141V ,0 294 i;11.,r ' , 11103,9 ' 1 36 t. f::, , ' , . 1... 5,:.7.,. i* -.i1:.,. ) ,.. v ... :.; ~..,..•,7.,. ,' ---u - : A ____ , ‘1,• , : 7 ,14:, ,f„x;',;_ ? :".4 .. ----- ;i'T4ivr - icir• 7 ~I tif , 1 1:111,414r '' ~ Ik .: ',, , 7 , .• ,..,' 3 .,P,1 .::1 , l; At A:i.t l / 4 -p.i ~ 4 ...,„. • : i t .- 1 -„,-.. •, iir .L.. • .--w...1,1.3,,,,... , _____ _. ,-...-.:-.--._ ....., __...... t ._ ~, ri, - E PER CENT. SAVING FUNI) 1 ur"rliE N kTION.U. :...trEry comvANy. Ival• nut 4tr...t...otit.ii-wt,t curlier of Third qtrot , t, Piiiimiel !dila. Ineorp,ntted by the ;tote of i'OIIII*IViIIIIII ill 1.,41. , • VIA +;.. __ fl li. .•..„,,..... 1 ..,,, ..i. t 9 -- -4--- Fi%e per rent. Interest Is Rivet), and the money is al %says pii i luek wh,ne,er It k called for, without the ne,...ity of aivinti notice f o r It hi,forehand. I'llllll. Hhn kit larp. SUMS put t heir money In this Satins Fund. ou a,ltint of the superior safety and Cllll - It allut•dn, but any soul, largo or sioull. is re. 11•* siivlnz Fund has a very lame amount of 3lorts iir must Rent, and other first class investments I'«r the ...vitrify of Depositors. The rules iwiss oat any firer tar or tuld—r (roil 1.1.111:„! or ti.irroWillg, the Moue). 'rho mike is ~p vt to reevire and pay 1,1 .ney every (lay, from 11 is . .(l..isk in tilts 11101'011W (till i o'rinek in this es ening% and (.11 Monday and Thursday evening. till 9 People 'V 0 have money to pat In, are Invited to cull ut the mike for further inform:olml. II C Ity 1,. 110. N X F.lt, President. II: Ma. SEI,FILLIUi l'resMout. WM. 4. linEn, Re, rotary. o,tolair 3. Ifs:Wl. , % - tf 0 MiEOPATII IC MEDICAL COL- L - LKOE OF PtiNNSYLVANIA A 1.4.;-oted in Filbert At, above i•U' venth, Philadelphia. The I.E , Tuitiis of the Regular eililtso will colnineare ou the socond Monday of October, and enutlnue until the first of March ensuing. Amount of Fees for n full Course of Lectures 'i'ln vari.tblv cash.' iiloo 00 Students olio have attended two MI courses in ' other 31. Meal Colleges, $1) (10 Graduates of other 31edical Colleges, 30 00 3hOrleulation Foe, paid only once, 5 00 P-aetleal Anatomy, • 10 00 tlrad out f i n Fee, 30 00 F r T Y Vij k I n 1.1 t NisoN, 1-:nivrit us Professor of Clin )I,lll.•ine. I'. I) Protsssor vi niter's Nledlca and Tinnnpontles. AIN \ E. : 4 111L1.. M. D., ProfessoroCtlonneopathle Instl- t Path 'levy. 311.1 the Practice of Tholirihe %% \HD. H, D.' ,f ,