Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 21, 1855, Image 6

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How seldom. save for the purpose of
securing a premium, is the utmost capaci
ty Of an acre" , as, to productiveness put
to the test! The prevailing ambition
with the majority of farmers is to go over
as much ground as possible or to put in )
every year, as many acres of wheat, corn,
oats, and other things as they possibly
-can. This prevailing ambition and prac
tice is kept up, not oni the ground of any
rational theory or any practical, demons
tration of its superiority, but mainly in
virtue of the common custom, in agricul
tural ao in other matters, of doing as other
people do. •:';o far as it,elainis any justi
fication or support whatever, that claim
rests, in the last result, in the position
that it is easier or inure profitable to skim
'over a good many acres than to cultivate
a few in a superior manner. This, we
think will turn out, when examined and
reflected on, not a jact or a truth, but a
baseless or false assumption. A few sta
tistical facts will help to determine this
According to the Statistical View of
the rnited States, or Conipendium of the
Seventh Census, for 1850, the average
product of wheat throughout the whole
of the States does nut exceed twelve bush
els per acre. 'Twelve bushels per acre is,
according to the same authority, the aver
age of the wheat crop of the States of
New ~.urk and Ohio. These estimated
averages are probably rather umler the
actual•products of the several States than
otherwise; but the true averages of either
of the States specified did not probably
exceed fifteen bushels par acre. No,-
withstanding, then, that in the best wheat
districts, and by extra-cultivation ;averft
ges have been obtained over twenty five
bushels, and individual crops of forty
bushels or even more, still the ' evidence
,of the statistical returns is sufficient to
prove that the average or ordinary pro
duct of' wheat in those States, where the
Mode of culture has been only average or
ordiiiary—at least not at all extra—is
only at most about fifteen bushels per
Now at what may the cost of the ordi
nary mode of putting in, harvesting,
tlu•eshing and marketing a crop of wheat
be estimated? After several estimate
in different years, and after comparing a
number of estimates by others, both pub•
fished and unpublished, we,have arrived
at the conclusion that the cost of raising
'a crop of wheat may be estimated at ten
dollars ($10) per acre. In the estimates
by which the above average has been ar
rived at the straw has usually been taken
as a set-off against the interest on the
value of the laud.
According to these estimates the cost
or raising and getting all ready for mar
ket a bushel of wheat may be averaged
at 7t) cents. This is a confirmation of
those rough guesses, without accuracy of
calculation, which place the exp,enses of
raising an ordinary wheat crop at 75 as.
per bushel. .
Now, in order' to determine whether
the ordinary mode of cultivation, or that
in which extra pains a e taken, and by
which every acre is urged forward to its
Iv Heist capacity, proves the most profit:L
ine all that is necessary is to take any num
of certified specifications as presented to
county or State Societies which have of
fered premiums for the best crops, and
compare them with the foregoing aver
ae'es Let the cost of cultivating an acre
be divided by the number of bushels
raised on each acre, and the result will
show the expense of raising each bushel,
which will always be found less than the
average by ordinary cultivation. The
difference between expense and the mar
ket value, of
_course is profit, and the a
ntount by the number of acres which
each reader usually puts into wheat each
year, will give him the amount of profit
which he would make each year by urg
ingottoli acre to its utmost capacity of
Or, let him take any price as an aver
age;'say ono dollar, Ad. all the value of
thecrop at, this rate, over
~the exfiense4
of cultivation, will be net profit. While
at this price only fi've . dollars..per acre
could be obtained by ordfnaq cultiva
tion", several prentitint crops may Ito
found on record which gave -a net profit
of thirty' five dollars and upwards, over
all expense:J. With the price of "wheat
above one dollar the difference in favor
of high culture Would be still greater,...
Hanover street, next door to 7.41. 6 .7 1 .1":.`^f.",,
iass H ,tel.
Ito would respectfully inform the
ti 4011 S Or Ca rlislo and the public generally, that he
is now on hand a large and elegant assortment of FUR
II It E. ennslsti lig I a l o ut of Wardrobes, Card and eth
• rabies, Sofas. Bureaus, Bedsteads. plain and Bliley
Sce., manulhet ured of the best material
id quality warranted.
Also a general assortment of 011.11118 at the lowest
does. 0510'us7 BLINDS made to order, and repairing
(` made at tilt, sluaiest antive: :Lad hay
al a spluniill hearse he will :ittond,runerals In town or
11ernonther the stand—next door to It:''(7l.•iss's
Hotel. It. 11. S1111)1.1%
kNI Es R. IV VEI{ would ....soecfenily call
the attention House-keepers :Intl toc public
to his ex tousi re stuck of lit Ft: ITI: it F.,
ncl „dint( Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre:col Tables,
iressing and Plain Bureaus. and overy other
article .0 his branch Also now on hand,
lac lar4ost, assortment of CHAIRS in l!artisle. at -,
L .
the lowest prices. At/FFINS made at the short
est notice and a ileartiepros kiwi, for funerals. Ito
s elicits a call at his est:Odd:tumult, on North Han
over street, near if lasso's
tlB'i a r tlturu hired out by the Ja , mtli or year.
. .
- "a ()IL\ ER of Ilan
Jr and Louther sts
Wi l ‘ w rtikg) , "L
.1 It ,
he tuttlersign
ell has always 011 1131111 a lartte st Kok of superior Cabinet
Wart., In all the different styles which he is prepared to
...AI at Oy lowest prices. Ito L, rites attention particu
larly t-. the PST !...NT SPRING II BEI/riTEAD, n III(ISt
useful article, which entirely obviates :01 oljectious.—
Che can lie attached to old Bedsteads. They hate
4i rim entire satlsnietlon to all who liare them in use,
Atir C IFFI NS made tci order at t h e shortest naive.
• JA',
. N t \ VFACruTER OF porurs' LAPS,
ns. Tie Carpet Chain. Cotton Yarns.
LAMP. C.k 111.1.; .1NI) P1,17d1) IVIPKs.
he offers t sell at the LOIVOSt t eeh tile at No.
dirket 4 treet .v.• North Philadelphia 5
- 0 0 A Lit
. 4000 TONS 1, KEN
11? o. l\ "
- alley, Dauphin and Pine dlrove
ut or Lime t:oal.
,'lttNton and Sham .1.111 stove
.I• do.; 1 .1 Lilt
1Isr: IX \ld tof all kind.: and be,t rypresc Shinedes.
LI of will be sdd unu,ually low. Friends rail
od ill t .r yourselves
:lug '2.111
V . 1)1 7 11, OLD MET.IL—. Cash
t="7 paid fur Old/ METAL. mull as Cipper. Brass and
Iran, at the Carlisle Foundry a n d Maehipe Ship.
lORN 11. LERS !
V. 2 e:)RN stn.:m.lms
rho - toOtseriher haring in the laNt few pairs framed
tap ,, :trd.‘ LA' hundred am( f.rty Corn t 4 hoilers for li•nt
y3 wishes to inf.rin the Farmers of( that ho i.4.lttatßitttl,t.:,t_fixtfue them now. 1
tale t' , n or 11 - ”,.,1 in pay thr Frantituz. and will In
an, the utarhines to run well. My tthop Ivit the
North end of West .street.
att..; 29.-2.11. JOSEVIIIVEAVER.
(four )jorhs.
the Try vorton Coal Conlpany are now prepared to fur-
Meh dm citizens of Carlisle and vicinity with an abun
dant supply of the tie,. Moo Trevorton Coal,through their
dealers WM. 11. MURRAY and JACOB SIIItOM, where
consumers can procure tho varloue sizes viz: Lump,
*team lb tat, Broken. Egg, titove and Limo Burner:, e
reconu•ud it to all, as superior to any other coal l'or
steam. domestic purposes, and limo burning. Fort ho
information of the citizens of Carlisle we, would
t;,rm tlp•m, this Is that superior coal, a sample of
which woo sou t by E. lielfenstine, Esq'r, of Trevorton,
:throat the winter of 18,1:: and gave su touch satisfac
Trevorturi foal Company Port Tri• ,orton, UlllOll noun
, l'a. Aug. '22, Pish.
I li. subscriber would respectfully inthriii the citizens
of Carlisle :it'd N Trinity that he IN new prepared to fur
nish the GENUINE '11 . 1: I 7i1.‘1„ of sachets
sizes. a saiiiiiie of which Was furnished to a number of
citit.mis throe nears since by Mr. E. Ilelfenstein, and
hich gave such perfect sAlstliction.
.11so hest qualities of Lykens Valley and Shalaokiti
of the different kinds. constantly on hand, at the new
C•nl I Yard near the gas works.
;qv' '55
The subscriber would respect fully inform his friends
and the public, that he Is now receiving 10)10 tons of
that very superior RED ASII COAL, from the Luke
Fidler. mines of Boyd. & Co., the only Hod Ash
Coal beinght from the Shamokin Basin. introduced and
known in Carlisle afte lielfonstinelloal. It is entirely
free frtm slate and all ocher impurities, and is ptefectly
adopted to all mechanical and domestia purposes. Its
ruddiness to ignite, renders- lel„ 4trdieuktely desirable fur
small stoves. while its intensity of heat and great dura
bility in burning makes It equally so fur large IMPS. Ile
would also call the attention of thrillers and others, to a
superior article of ell ESNrratlOAL, from the same
11,••, for steam and line purposes.
,For sale only in Carlisle by.
July 2:t, G. W. HILTON'.
I,AM I LI." ('UAL.-500 Tuns Lvken's
1-1 \' alloy „
1,011.1, b ro kena and Screened, prepared ex•
r use, receiving and tier mle by
gd Gin W. Id M UUIt A l', Agt.
1114 . BURN E RS' COAL. 2,000
_L A . (Ins Lykon's Valley Nut f:dal, a superior article
recelN g and tbr Kale by y.
.1 t id Gin : lirLL'll. MURRAY, Agt.
)1.1.'"IK8311.111'S COAL. 5,000
ji) Rua 'hi Blacksmith's Coal, a first rate ttrticlo re
coloing ant or sale by
.Jove, 20 t W. IL MURRAY, Agt.
FA Lb STYLE OF HAI, • : 1855.
EORG E KELLER respectfußy announces to his
old Plitrom and the public generally that hehas , just re
/ relved the FALL STYLE OF Kish , LUMEN 8
HATS, manufactured at ono of the hest establish
oients in Philadelphia, to which ho Incites special
Ile line also constantly on hand a large and varied as
sortment of hla (AV II 111:11)VIVCV11:0 - 711T - Wililitylailld
liats and Caps, suitable for the se son, comprising every
Variety of Russia, Deaver, Moleskin and Silk • Hats, fin
ished in the latest style, together with a full assortment
of CAPS of every shape and description, and at if Very
price. Ile particularly invites the ptiblic to call and ex
amine Lis exoonsivo assortment, which in style, mate
rill and finish, cannot be surpassed by any in market,
and which he is able to put 41, prices lower than over.
Remember his old,stand on North Hanover Arcot, ho
wean limner's and.Soner's atoms.
1(l e ? sprin g stock of PAPER HANGINGS
which t largest and moat 'varledassortment ever
opened In eitrlislo;to which I invite thu oarly attention
of the ',chile, no I intend selling at prices which cannot
tail to please . the closest purchasor.
march: PI SOWN P. INNP,. •
Printing cheaply done
S. M. 110()VElt
1 , 111. N lIDN ER
inidersighed would Jaime the.
'" ..i4uns of Carlisle—that ho MO made arrange
taunts FITTING 'and PLUMBING at short nie
tiro, and on reasonable terms. lie has engaged the ser
vices of a first rate band from Philadelpliia. and hits sup
plied himself with :In extensive assortment of
which will enable him to 1111 all orders promptly.
All work will be warranted. Me stock of Gas Fixtures
win be Mund hi the room exactly opposite his Tinning
establishment on North Hanover street, where Ile invites
a call. ✓
TINNING, SPOUTI... • • —lle is also prepared to
furnish, or make to -der, every • TIN NN ARE
used by housekeepicrs and others. Ile will : ..) attend
Thankful for the patronage with - which lie has already
been favored, he respectfully solicits a continuance of
the same. ='•
Carlisle, June 14, '54
111 It 0 31 CATAFORNIA.-C. VON
11l ILEN respectfully informs the citizens of Car
. lisle and vicinity, that he has just return
-1.1 ~/,„;.i. ed from California, and is prepared toese cute all kinds of work connected e ith his
...: ',...... line of business. He has always on hand
•' ' a large assortment of ready-made Mlles,
Guns, Pistols, Locks, Keys, Gun Trimmings, &c., all of
which lie will soil wholesale or retail. Ile also attendS
to repairing Huns, clocks, locks, &c;
engraves on brass,
copper and iron. lie hopes that by strict atteutbm to
business, and a desire to please, ho will merit and'recel v a
public patronage.
2Siy- All kinds of Fire Arms trade to'order.
Carlisle, April 26, lliZel-ly '
INC, The subscriber continues to (tarry on the
above business, in all Its various-branches , in Ndrtit I laM,
over strWet,. Carlisle. two doors North of Ustitard's :strum'
where he Intends keeping on hand a general assortment
in his line, consisting of all kinds a ra0,10,,,,bie. •:_k
Tilartingales: liirtlts,
Ch.:tingles and Halters, ulso TRU N I
\\l \I, traveling and saddle "47)
y 1.q gs. lie also man-
art tires the most .
111 l 11l approsed SPANISH
t S tto l t P u ii : t I r " ;:. t l4 : d "i tt E o N se e ‘ N:l l ;:l7t4r d a i t i t i t i i ' s
t same, Burn ble end plens; noddle
• Will 111.0.V1.11 to call turd soC 't hem. lie I
. olio mantiraetnrfa;
Calhus and Whipsi....ol their 111 . -
ties, anti. e - onfident ly Lelieves from the getibral purla
ti••tt of his et:sit:titers.that he makes the twat,' and
best gears. in :ill their:nl,•tv of bretith. that in made in
(ht. e..untry . IL, als•• mak.; all kinds of Mat
order. St 1 . .1, hick. furled Melt :11111 'print \la
meet's. -111 he a1t..1 e artittles will Ito made of the best
rimt , rittl and workmanship. and , with the utmost des
H M. ()Siti lit N.
A N FE FEED ('UTFERS,-,manum.,dfor
11.1)R1C11 k SAlCiit:V'l•, No. 410 Market street, l'hilada
This cutter Is superb.). to any now inimse, for strength
luraffility, and slinphoity of congthlction ; it cuts last
;LlM Is-the only s, u u•pening Ittly, Strew and Corti
stalk Cutter ever made. ft - has but ONE STRAW Iry
KNIFE, which any person can grind and set ssltlu ease.
hut in ordinary ruse. is ground In the 111111011110. Thou
-0111,114 base already been sold. and the demand is daily
increasing, in most' cases an exaMinatbm is sufficient
to'convinre one of Its superiority. No one ;after a short
trial would pert with It tier any other. All sizes of the
IbCON 13 constantly on hand and for sale by
Sole Agint for Cumberland county.
„, 00 a supply Shemananguer,” an admi
rable NN ash for the hair, manufactured by himself. The
excellence of this Tonic is testified to by ail of his cus
tomers who heve used it to be one of the hest articles
known for cleansing the hair of dandruff. Ilu also man
ufactures a flair Restorative. known as the "Corashee
nunt." for giving new growth to the hair on bald heads.
Ample testimony exists of the efficacy of thin excellent
Restorative. While the Shemansagner cleats the hair
of dandruff and prevents It front coming out, the Co
rasheenum supplies a new growth to those who hate
had the misfortune to lose their hair. The public 18 Im
sited to call, examine and purchase these invaluable
articles, as he Is confident they will render satisfaction.
SIIIV1N(1. lIAIR DRESSISai, and curn SO, an
SIIAMPOONINO attended to In tbu beet stylo as mom
at his old rooms on West Main Streetoitior Marion Hal
Carlisle, Itec. Ci, 1851. WM. BURGESS
St - RANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, Inecrpo
rated by an act of Assembly, Is now fully organired, and
in operation under the management of the following
Dankl Halley, 'William It.,
Icholr Brenneman, Christian 6taytaan t John C. But
lap, Jacob 11. Coover, Lowlx Ilyer, Henry Loan, Ilenjt
min 11. Musser, Jacob Mamma, Jobeph IVlckerNhan
Alexander Cathcart.
Thu rates of insurance aro as low and favorable as any
Company of the kind in the State, Persons wishing to
become members are Invited to wake application t
,agents of the company, who aro willing t t upo
them at any time
BENJ. Ti. MOSSER, President.
HENRY LOOAN, Vice President.
LEWIS lIYEIt, Socretary
CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—Rudolph Martin, N. Cum
holland; C. B. Herman, !Motown; ?floury %oaring.
Shiremanstown ;
Charles 8011, Carlisle ; Dr. J.
Churchtown ; Samuel Graham, West Vonnstsirrauth ;
dames Mc Dowel, Frankford; Mode Griffith, South Mid
dloton; Samuel Coovor, Benjamin Havorstick, Mochan
lesbura ; John ° Shorrick, Lisburn; David Coiner, Shilp
YORK COUNTY.—John Bowman, Dillsburg; Potor
W.oltini, Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Waihiugtoit; W.
S. Picking, Dover; J. W. Craft. Paratilse.
Moinberm of the cotupony having polities about to ex-
Mr° can have them rimmed by making application to
ny of the twotnts.
4 945,1-• Nes. J. O. TIUTT,
40. c..iE Ts prepared to .MAKE DRESSES, MAN
TILES, & the litiortest notice and on tho
most reasontible terms. Bever:flab:ls wanted
tolearn tho business. Apply at No. 3, Alesanders Row
Smith Pitt street. Sept. 20,
• --------
1 - 4 1 MB,ROIDI) : AJES.
The cheapest Ilinieesleoves, lhufllings , &e
Ay.; In Von osylvonla,jt4t reeelved at the elieap store of
oft. 17,'d5. • CHARLES
—The subscriber re.peetful
ly informs the ladies and
tentlemen of Carlisle and
Acinity that he has non ml
land at his Hair Dressing
and Shaving Room on it test
dreet. au elegant ttssortmet
e tiemen's 1h WS, and aim
urnish to order at shortest
adieu every kind of fair
Work of the best quality.
Ile also hogs leave to in
.an his friends and curd.•
rata that he keeps censtate
PI)iIUD Lip I;ia
E.LitY l
W . 1:18' jNV.E
a 4 :IdI'ANOI I.IOIMS. A hue assort
umot of the Idlest quality, fur stile at the lowest caul
prices, at 11 in. C:f.I.IuNIIEAJWS, Iso. 154 South beehlud"
strum between Pine and Intuit, west side, Philadelphia
assortment embraces a arge and select stuck
F'luu 11 litchi's, Jewelry c ilt er 11 are, Al huh' %lure, plate!
with fine silver, in Nsitplis, forks, Ladles, &c.—.let goods,
fans and limey articles of a superior quality, desen tug
the examination oi those wile desire to proem° the best
goods at the lowest Clthil prices.,
llaving it practical know letlife of
• the business, ind all availabletaci lt
Lies far importing aml Mnittihirtur
Ing e the iitilfseribor eelibitleial) iur ites purelumers,
Mg that he ran supply them en , terms as lavoralde
us ;my ether esial.lishment in either 01 the Allautie
All kinds of Diamond,' and Pearl .leweiry and Silver
Mare manelitet tired to snit r. within a reasnua Lie thee,
atehejewelry and siDer ante taithfully re
paned: N.M. Di D,
o. 284 South 2d St. a lew doers abut e the
art side.
101_111 the south whitlow of the Store. may le retro
the lantouiPftird (lock. tt hich commands the admiration
of the scientine and curious. (Sept. 25,
„,:P. - I.I.N ' S 1 OSPII.I,IiIC EIN S
Ly —A full supply of the above celebrated !turn, noW
tan Mind Of !di hilt , different sines, !ruin 4 gallons to 10.
It reed% ed the hrst premium ut the late' Penns) lambi
state Fair, the tins! prenililin at the F ranhlin Ii stet tile
and Delaw are and Mary land Slate Fair'', and %minus
others it different places. It w fit Make I. or, and Lamer
butter from a Fit ru 11111111th t of cream, anti in less time
than any churn in the market. 4or sale wholesale a n d
retail by PAM HALL
Agricultural Warehouse and feed attire, currier Oi 7th
dud Market, Philadelphia. Dee. (1, 1554-ti
_ ......
I) EE V.E L.' K.N I.GIIT, (successor to
' 111) Hart & -ley littittlit,) 111...DD1.Nt: A:ND CAlt•Pl..l
t• ...1,1101.•:!4• Nu. Lib te:.tith isecua:ll :street; live tittors
altuve Ntruce street, Philadelphia, It here lit:1:: ups con
stantly ou halal a lull assertetteitt of ::‘ et) article In his
line et business. heathers. }rather lied,. Patent `,:ring
Ai attresset, % els vt.•'l apestry , 'l:illestry , hrussels, '1 lit et:
l'ly, lograttl, %ellen:tit, List, hug and !letup Leila:nags,
iii Cloths, thinott Alattintts.lectentittl :vanish .Itattimo:
k low :Md. :Stair DrUgttets, Ilearth hugs:Peer 1a L s..l111•11,
mid Piano Liners. 'lu a filch he turtles the attentiett ot
purchasers. 14:tet • fc1
lIUL LA .1(1), l'reiniuni Artiste in Bair
I Inveatmr tit tileeviel•rut,i thssamer V I.lltilatiii
and 1'.11tntll• Band 'toupee s. hintijig•tions to vilabit.
I.4mius and Urutivtuun to measure their Leads mall at
, orile).
NValar,, inches.—No I. The mood .1 the head; Na.a.
2. a nalla t1a11111....1 er the head LI , ueeh ; ;1.
Pr. att ear t,i tat I/L or tire o. 4. 1.114 H eat to ea
I,llllii ISi ri/teiltad.
inclirs.—No. 1. Fruw I,z eLund to
Ism 1. 10. Inr :t Pi rr forelierithi,llll as reqUir
i•J; Ili or I.lli. ri . to‘ii of 1.11.• lluad.•
It. has ah% s ready sale a splendid
st..,k•i, to (wilts 1.414111.5 . %% IW, 111111 %1 161,
I. s, l 1...Mp1111.111 111111illItletUrell.L111./
111.,y1 as 1111) 1,1.:11.11,41111elli. w 1.11.! 1. 111011.
l,,•llard, iltrhatrium Extractor Lustrous Hair Tonic,
prepared truer tsouth American Herbs arid hoots, the
must suet esslui article 0, UK l'wori aced tor preseoing tII
hair Irma falling out or ehauging color, restoring and
presuming it iii a health) :tad luxuriant state. Among
other reasons aby Dollard s hair rutting salmin main
tains Its immense popularity is the tart that Ills Tonic Is
applied to et cry head of hair cut at his estahlishnielit,
IL is kept ill Letter presemation than un
der any knot, a application. It beillg thus practically
tested by thuuuutde, idlers the greatest glotrantee 01 Its
clavacy .
:Sold wholesale and retail at his Old Establishment li
Chestnut street opposite the :state House, l'hiludelplitn.
It. Dollard has at least discovered the lie plus ultra oi
lIAIII Dl' E. and announces it fur sale with perleet
faience in its surpassing every thing of the kind nom in
use. It colors the hair either l•htck air brow u, (,as may
Ye desired, and is used wttlarut injury to the hair or
skin either by Ptain or otherV, Ise. can be tiashed all in
tell main rites after :npplication, without detracting from
its eflicaey. Persons visiking the city are invited to give
him a call.
Letters addressed to It: DOLLARD, 177 Chestnut st
Philadelphia, trill reeeive.attentiun. Jan. 1:b"-ly
North bird tttreet, Philadelphia,
MitROCCO MAN Lk. TUREititi, l'urriers and import
ers id Fit F.Nril tiKiNzi, and Dealers in lied and
Oak :Nile Leather and Kip. Feh2 —ly
,stt ELLints.—A large assortment of Ito
m-,ed - Ilay, Straw and Fodder Cutters, now on hand.—
d i s .. double and single corn shelters ter either hand or
lwree pOS, or. oh the very latest nomulacture. including
the premium shelter at the lute rennsylvaniaSate Fait.
For bale In• C-.,
Agricultural Warehouse and :..ectl store, corner co 7th
tut Market, Phlledelphin. Dec. 6, 1h54-1.1.
to n
81 .
d 4 1 i
a{- p re ll
street, sixth titoro Market. B. C.
• EV 111tharz , Patent firaduating Pressure TR LSS, for the
cure of Rupture; Shoulder Braces. Supporters, Elastic
stockings. suspensary, llumurrhuldnl, and handagt s to
deti.rmhtes. Jan. 11-Iy.
T,, uil persont, afflicted with Sexual diM•:IFPF, SU
, SLAIL\ AL 111.:A10, Ls; IMPVTh:\CI•:, tiuNultl,lll_,
til.,Er.T, SYPHILIS, &e., tie.
The HOWARD At"SoCIATION of Philadelphia, t n
viaw of the awful destruction of human life and hettitl
eallhed Sexual diseases, anti the deceptions a sirs at.
practised upon the unfortunnewviethns sit such disease!
by Quacks. have directed their consulting mirgeon. as t.
tIIAILITAIILE ACT worthy of their name; to give
MEDICAL ADVICE ORATIS, to till persons thin, pi
ilicted,(Male or Female.lwho apply by letter, ipostlaid,)
with a description of their condition, gage, occupation,
habits of we. ,Ve.,) and in extreme poverty and sullering
The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution,
established by slit., lel elidoWlllollt, fir the relief of the
sick and distressed. alnieted with Virulent and
'donde diseases" and its funds van be mused fur no ether
dpurpose. It has HOW a of means, a loch the
irectors have voted to advertise the ithove notice. It
is needless to add that the Association committals the
highest Nledlcal skill of the age.
Address, (pest-ratio Dr. lI Lt). R. CA LI lOUN, Consult
ing t•taro . ' con, Howard Association Philadelphia, Pa.
By order of the Directors,
aril 11. U Et/. FARECHI SecretarV• -
Adapted also for smv„ing.olltS. grass seeds and
guano. Kr.tuser's Portable Cider Mill—the best
in the market. Halliday's patent Windmill.—
Horse Power's and Thresher's, Limo and Guano
Spreader's. Hanlon; Hay, Straw and rudder tAitter.
Little Giant Corn and Cob 51111, Spain's Atmospheric
Churn. Thoatewe Superior Implements with all other's,
for the use of the fanner or gardner, for sale Wholesale
and Retail by
Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, corner 7th
and Market streets, Philadelphia. July' 5, 'LS.
TIIIR Bank, doing business in the name of KEIL
BRENNEMAN A; CU. In nouv filly prepared to do a gen
eral Baukitaßusiness with promptness and fidelity.
Money received on Deposit and paid back on demand
without notice. Interest paid on Special Deposits.—
Varticular attention paid to OVA collection of Notes,
Drafts, Checks, do. In any part of the United States or
Itemithinces made to England, Ireland or the Conti.
vent. The faithful mud confidential execution of all or
ders entrusted to thole, may be relied upon. They will
et all times be pleased to give any information desired
in regard to money matters in general.
itu.llanking ilbuSe In Trout's Duckling: Main Street,.
a few doors oast of the Ball Road Depot. Open fin. bust.'
ROSH from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock in
he ore ning. IL A. STURGEON, Cashier. •
Oarllsto, Sept: 19, 1555. ' .
EMY, near l'a. The 1 8 th - tiessivu will IA ra
iuunce on TUESDAY, ley lst, 1b55. Number 01 l-tu
dents Ihnited,and coustant elk.its used for their
and intellectual Improvouvi,t. 'leans, .s,:ts per sei , sion.
Circulars with relerenees and full inlla thatitaa furbish.
ed, by H. K. 1.1,;1.1\
Principal tilld Propriethr,
Ciunl;erland co. l'a.
rem: ed to the new and spat+ On
loi I:A Uri:KOLE KELT, Laltimcre, Md.
U. K. t AMIIERLIN, Prim ipal and Lecturer upon Mercan
tile Nienee.
E. K. Losimt, in charge of W riling Department.
U. IN. inatinetor in 3lercanthe Calculations and
Assmiate iii lath Ke, ping Department.
.1. M. et., 'I ember lii hods 'Keeping.
rri. T. N 1 nt.ii:ms, Lecturer on ( cnitnerehil Law.
Three years have not yet elapsed since the establish- -
meal of this institution, during it hich time up:aids of
eight ilithdred 1 111111191tfi e been in Mit:nuance.Rep
resenting nearly et ery Nate iu the I. niono among
il.llll sure ❑umbers in Ealtimore and eiseNt Lute LA, up) -
log prominent positions tin Lusiness men and account
Cot ESE OF S'fi: D Y.
1100K—,LtA ‘11.1.11.“. Lot. the lit 111 St rem
f il•iLl 1. ,14 ,io•Eija
55, L./ lAA,. )‘...51.1 ALA t,LIk.AI) ) 441.6 ILI sat lAA-
Mg, he, Is. Is
ttl.i.l 5515
511 e sseqUail,Lal.ue 1 , 1134 the 11,1 0 , 1%1.11A:1AL 51 .I.IIbILCS2I
la 01 try tieheripllsols, kse ,,, lhtell 555 Le in 1.1. tlso Set
elltll, 111.14111.11 a Use 551.51 he 5.1 Lit,ll,lllg Its this., Us. -
)111.1110.1. IA 1•11.11.51.LIY ni.o Neu AWL/p.A*l 1.0
1:l115.1.1s 1. ill bllllt‘ 1,5 5.‘ 11.L.1.1 ul.U ' l
illue, naluulLg
1 551111 111 Isis I, 1 /11 I Lei niltp, .N. 12y Mash., asill,tslilet,lllll4.,
utisll,lsnit , ls, 1.55 halsge. Nt a 1,11.1.11,1„ L-Lehli.l.,List,-
Illg, 1., lispoulikl 1•1•4:11alka,h,
i• .N. - 1111.. I lit exeleltu, WAIVE t/SIS head are
true, tut) euts,L•ll,ll, us eXeklithril
1 . 1555511 Lillis L. LL. Ln el.taLlshg the htlAllellt,
LU ente Ills 1:112811.11t trltSll/V1,1% 1.1155.,./ bl, 44al.pieti(44 t.,1 thu
tt 15155.
A N 111.1.: 1.A . 1 lON iu till tLrir NaliGUB
I tr;,lli.gls lilt Latight I,) iLu n.a NI LU Witte "1.(1
ail) itt lulus nit• deliiert.d tiptat the :deb, v 01 AC
etptli.ts, 111 llnUtuo I Lg. ILI,. Au., tl.i - bu it. a t.t. (.0.11..EL
th It befit,. 01 leet.ul l 1.1) ll.tleall Lalt, Lie 01 the
b it;ll,,t 111,1 , oltaLte 1011111.1 , 1111,g ( It til.)
litonlliolo, u. tlie
‘ l , ta,iliveN tru.n.tibit).
ILo uuu• utvL-u.l) h r ihul,tris or 1 41.1delst to
'l ullrleLt• tilt• 1 , 411 be. al ltr 11 , ii 6t. LI Nl , lvh. ' , I I, I U
tCILti ISO, ill plhas.l, call ehter Ist. /all)
a 154.1 attol,ol Irl LL tlll.l 1.),11,11,10.1c I 0 Li
at ntatl•U pl.l tilpital.LlS al, hl ucil It- lA.:,
!• , .1' Iv! IhS. vlo., %11 - Ito -1114U ball is vitt .
or, al dolt 1.3 1111111. Piet. 3,
ijtug „Wore 6-
• Lit( Üb, /+II , A)I(_,I.L\ tle.
htt 11..1 tA tql 111,u1 klatulluljltia :tint
0%, I t/i dr) 0/It fun , tut.llLl,l, Lit Lity
,t ' fititliter L1.,L1 at 1.‘,11 /,) u 1 :u 11. of
I t UIL liat. 111 a tii lint., It
‘.lt,, tti 1,1,41 es, 1 kit it. t. I
litttl), Z..:14/...11L11) //.11-
1 ...1 111 / tol :tilt, ale 1 ut s,
Li ,:$i t t•u,. I/AL L
delt.llllllti lilt. 11.1.1 Lttll I.a.
, j.l rtes.
Alland cth•
ern. are renia4•l4lLll) fuqUentett lAA Lt. , }don the OLD
STAND. an the 3 Ugh., rent aPnUred that eNt I) al tick, Mil
1.. e bold 01 a good qualat,), uud Upoi. I eunk,L.ll,lt
I Ili IL laR L L : esti
et. I. )..t$ jubt revel% et.A of
- .
.-‘11q1.1‘.11..1., l'll/11LN, tailLSh, ldll, -4C., V. hit la, haling
lir. - L,A.,...,„,,u„,.,„:„.. %,,L,, 6,.,.., caia- al. thu Lust city
ilollbc,, 1 alliCtail.“ll/.1.1.) 1'CC1.H.1141...1111 I 1.• f 11/Isl/It. 6,
VII) bit:MlA', Ct,Ullia) J.wahat. to 11/.(ll , Cti/Uth, as 1e
..., ...,l. /41.1.11,141 e.
1./1. LUZ —I'L./ula, 31vditlms, Mut, Ci nil a!,,, 1 Lbtru
pure I,Notitittl 111.0, aim .c.xtlacts, st,mcb,
gauttnu situ N Lulu. /.1.1u./../.., s, 1 et munier), .o.
1,4.1 lit ur uu.tiU beLualie.
1111,1.111 I litllgut )auldt is, Sumac, Alum, Log
1111 d //lan \t to (it, 1 , \AtI, I. Lug.
1'.% I —\t...the' Ili .t i.r,411, t)l - )r) ,, rat.c — L-t), 1 ).1, l limme,
U real, aim 1 dm, , 1 al I. t ill I.irl. 1.,
)% I IltiONl 110, Litint t tap, it
\ :1111is11, MAI het.l 1,10. t.l hid/ N 1./ +.e ha& al Um
cur) lust ust market - 1/11C,
Also. a fresh and splendid assttuient ol FANCY
teety,, F ruits, eddy, tienitr), tii,u luta:nal able e
articles calculated !Ur use and nrin i n.ei,r, ail ,4 isluilt
are leered :It the 11,1 eat CA al/ priees, at the t neap Tang,
Book and tam) ,tote ci the sol,criice ou Noi
over street. tt , . V 11 Al biltl , 3
-‘ i..U . .N.12 Y.
fhe unite' signed has jult retui tied teem 1 !lila.
et tin a tresh suppe) ul DIU teisattell itNk 1-A 1 ittNAltl
The former ill connection ait ii his steels on band N 1 ill
make his assortment of brugs, Medicines and t hymnals
complete. 11 is assortment tit COME( 'll teN Al,l La also
line; consisting 01 pure sugar ullite and . transparent
Candy To) ; an eldllllloll, asserted , lend hue
to es er) sariety ; iifs, Fruits, Nuts, and es cry thing
belonging to that department tif trade. Ile at old call
speenei attention to his 501111) of FANCY ALI ICI.F.S
ter the I 1 oi idajs, and getielite use, among It luch may to
found the good, the ltatit.'llll, and the useful. Ail ale
incited to call whether they wish to puselmse tr• not.
13..1. KIEFFER.
Carlisle, Dec,r .54
JAM ES 31 ' C N O(K ,M. 1) •, •
—I ate
Professor of Anatomy and mirbery in the Philadel
phia Collegt of Medicine, and Acting Professor a Mid
ifory ; one of the Consulting Phy tn. inns id the Phil
adelphia Itotpital,lflockley ; late maul or of the Nit
tionaiNedicai Atsociation; member of the Philadel
phia Medical society; mend•or id the 31edico-t hirurgi
cal of Philadelphia; formerly Plesident lid
Peetsor of A Dat,,M) Mud Soigt , r ( attleton Medi
cal-7 wont ; and alt., late Pi idestor of An
atomy and l'hy tiology in berkshire Medical Inttitu
thm, Pittsfield, Mats., Au.
Has lately introduced in a popular form. several of his
write prescriptions Mr- the principal diseases of this
climate, Ihe name of oath article will haply the ills
ease h,r which it it intended to It. 'USA
Coughs, ite., Price ;45 as.
Da. MeCidsroex's AST/IMA AND 110 OPING Couoii REME
DY. Price SO eta.
rifying the Mood. Price $l.
DR.'MtCLINTuCK'S Dyspeptic Elixir—For giving tone
to the stomach, relieving pains after eating, heartburn,
and all disagreeable symptoms arising from Indigestion.
Price $l.
getable Remedy fur internal use. Price 150 as.
Win, Swine, Swellings, Price SO eta. - •
ache, Iltiadache, Neuralgia, etc. Price 50 ctii.
cum for all Intermittents. Prim ill.
Da. McellaTootes DiAnanula CORDIAL AND CHOLERA PEE
Costiveness, Headache, &c., Price 25 ets.
In the punctions of the Liver and Dowels—the best Lir.
or Pill made. Price 211 as. a box.
For sale by Dr..l. McCLINTOCK, at his Medical Depot,
N. W. Corner NINTH and F/111E111` Streets,
Vita, and all Druggists. L.•nggists and Dealers in ➢led•
clues who wish to be Agen:..s, will please address Dr.
McClintock, furnishing reference, name or Post Office,
county and State.
viu_For sale ley W. A. {else, :34tonel Elliott, Carlisle;
J. 11. Crlawtli , kihippensburg; Entininger Et Co.. L. Ml
mutt], Mechanicsburg; Joseph, Herron. Neaville• J. B.
Zimmerman,' A miersoubuyg; 11/tines Fertig,A inert
town ; Klink, Near Bloomfield; Harriet )I..`Stiimer,
Newport; B. F. Gin duct. Yt rk Suringe-; A. J. 111111er and.,
Nixon, Chittithersimrg; it.lontzor, Way tiesk:re.;
George Bergner and D. B. Jonoi & Co.. liarrisburg.
BR. IIeCLINTOCK can cmlattlfed, without charge
doily, from 10 to 111 o'clock, A 141.,,,at , h1s Depot.
December 0,1054-1 y:
Mail! nls vet, 1..:t1 IlsTes