V! 28rintltufal. Front the Now England Farmer. Increased Attention to Agriculture Agriculture, for a long time, was al most wholly abandoned, and continued to be neglected, till the introduction of. the feudal system in the fifteenth cen tury. ''This gave every man a distinction and rank according to the quantity of land he occupied. Nothing contributed more to give an importance to agricultu ral pursuits, than the introduction of this system, which gave the tenant who cul tivated the soil, as well as the landlord who owned it, political privileges which were enjoyed by no other members of the comMunity. .otwithstanding England has done more for the advancement ot•agri culture, during the .laffifty years, "'than during - double the amount of years in any preceding period, .of her history. She has always been engaged in war. Her history is made up of little else but ac counts of sieges, of battles, and of con quests. While she has been so umeli engaged in foreign and aggressive wars, =while, in the language of her own statesman, "she has been carrying her arts and her arms to the four quarters of the globe," she has left her own soil at home, uncultivated and unproductive. Within the last fifty years, she has-given more attention to agriculture; and her efforts have been crowned , with success. She has more than doubled the amount of her agricultural productions. The same remarks apply as well to the French; Hay, they apply with more force to the French than they do to t'he fish. For the French have had an equal amount of wars to carry on, while they have suffered more from the effects of. bad government. Since the revolution, they .have made some advancement in agriculture, but are still far behind Great Britain, notwithstanding theylitivea cli mate and soil adapted to every variety of vegetable growth. In all parts q the , continent of Europe, increasing' ttention . is paid to this subject. In Lombardy and Flanders, it , is carried to the highest state of improvement. lit all parts' of the world, increased at tention has been paid to the cultivation of the'soil. 4n the old and new world, and in both hemispheres, men are begin ning'to see, that an all-wise Creator has decreed that plants and animals should derive their subsistence chiefly from the soil, and that all the elements of vegeta 'ble and animal matter are to be found in the soil. What these elements and in gredients are, it is the province of the chemist to inform us. The chemist has given us all the knowledge he has on the subject; the air and the water, the_ soil and the subsoil, have each a part in their possession, and should each be made to contribute a share. Nature, in the' pro duction of a perfect plant, does not re strict herself to the animal, vegetable or mineral world. It' is highly probable that the new world was, at first, entire ly a mineral mass of matter, from which vegetables soon grew abundantly enough ti support all animated nature.. Geolo „gists generally suppose the action of, the elements for an indefinite length of time, was necessary to fit it for the abode of plants and animals; but it is believed that the action of the frost, with the winter's rain and snow, is a powerful fer •tilizer in this climate; and that faftplow and, occasionally, deep plowing, should go together.' Farmers are beginning to see, that the ,continual, cropping and carrying, off the products of the soil, year after year, with out Making any*returns by manuring and enrichinvt. tends to exhaust the soil. Plowing and harrowing, stirring and pul • `vorizhig the soil are not alone Sufficient to restore the properties which have been taken away by the , crops, t In' addition to these, lime, potash, phosphate of lime or bOues,',common wood ashes; soot, salt, plaster'ofparis, and human ex erements, should be Mixed with the soil' , different propdirtions, according to the • nature of the'soil..'Besides l the farmer „ can find, SoilietiMei by the rOad-side,.and • taWay . s in"swamps, a rich deposit for the supply of fo4 for 4,is . plants, The busi ness of composting manure - by the use; And °Chef', hog : ref:Bents, such as green vegetable : -matter mixed with' mineral substances, is of the highest importance to, the farmer. chemists have analyzed . almost _air , the •'USefill'vegetables and fruits, and ascot.- tained the exact proportion of all the ele ments which ento l into the. composition of each. Their method of analysis is, ,irst to dry, tlietild then to burn and weigh the ashes; and then to analyze the ashes.' The .ashes‘ are supposed to contain all the mineral substances which vegetables draw froxt the earth; and these substances-must be restored to the earth in some way or manner; in order to secure a' good crop afterwards, especially if it be of the same kind. For if this abstraction from the soil of certain prop erties goes on year aftqr year, for consid erable time, the soil will become exhaus ted and unproductive. The mineral substances found in plants must first ex ist in the earth, and 'Mist conic from the earth; other-wise the plants cannot grow them Chemists have not only analyzed al- , I most every article used as the food of animals and of man, but, also. every part of the animal body,"—the bone, the mus cle, the fat, the milk, the skin, the horns, the hoofs and the hair. These- are all formed front the food which animals con ' sumo, and are consequently all drawn from the earth. And when we . consider the numbers of cattle, sheep, horses; hogs, poultry, &c., which have been driven or carried away from the country to some distant market, no part of whose bodies has been returned to the same soil to preserve its fertility, we are surprised, that the soil from which so much has al, ready been subtracted, should continue to produce so much as it clues. • The con tinual skiinming of the soil and carrying oti the crops. is the reason why the once rich and proliiie soil of Virginia is now in many par's no longer able to raise its former stdple productions, wheat and to bacco; while. on the other hand, Chioa, which has existed ninny thousand years, continues to be as populous and produc tive as ever, because she exports trothin , , and wastes nothing that is - derived from the earth. G RAFTING FRUIT TREES.—An inter !sting discovery has been made in France regard to engrafting fruit trees. In lead of making use of a graft, a slip is :aken from an apple tree, for example, Ind planted In a potato°, so that a couple ,f inches of the slip remain visible. It :oon takes root, developer itself, and final y becomes a handsome tree bearing fine 'mit. This method is due to a Bohe mian gardener. Sttruiturc. _ROBERT B. SMILEY, CABINET MAKER and UNDERTAKER ALAI UMIOVOr street, next door to ' 4 ' 1474 glass's MAO. 110 would respectfully Inform the eltihens oP Carlisle and the public generally, that he has now on hand a large and Meg-ant assortment of FUR lTUltE,consisting in part of It ardrobes, Card and oth er Tables, SIAM, Bureaus, Bedsteads. plain and fancy Sewing Stands. ,kc., manuthctured of the hest material and quality warranted. Also a gunural assortment of CHAIRS at thu lowest prices. Vt.:N . l'lllN MINDS made to order, and repairing promptly attended to. tiOFFENS inade at the shortest notice; and hay ing a splendid hearse he will attend funerals In town or .11U11 try. • Remember the stand—next door to FL Glass's loted. It. B. SMILEY. XTENSIVE FURNITURE ROOM. —.TAMES R. WEAVER would resnucfmqv call the attention of Ilouse-keepers tuft tdie public • to his extensive stock of clegaut FURNITURE, including Sofas. Wardrobes.t'entre and Tables, ••5 tiressing and Plain Bureaus, and every other irtieM to his branch of buodness- Also now on hand, die largest :t•sortment, of CI IAI ItS In -Carlisle, at -he lowest prices. AOFFINS made at thiCshort ,st, notice and.a Hearse provided for funerals. Hu mlielts a call at his establishment, on North Han. over streq, near Wasse's Hotel, harqurniture hired out by the month or year. 40. CORNER of Han o ,t over and 'bonnier sts C W kit , CA it LIS hE:—The undersign ed has always on hand a large stock of superior Cabinet Ware. In all the different styles. which he is prepared to sell nt the lowest prices. Ho invites attentlouparticu larly to the PATEN T. SPRINO 11OTToNt BEISTEID, a IMMO useful article, which entirely obviates all objections.— The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have given entire satisfaction to all who have them In use. .02,- COFFINS made to order at the shortest nritice. JACOB FETTER. • f et , I . Nos.. 21 and 28 South Sixth Street, ruiLIDELPIITA. AORICIILTERAL IMPLEMENT ummaikuoity, Bristol, Pa. SEE 3) (inoexDs (370 A 6 .6) Bloothsdnlo,iienr RDIE RITTA. RAGA, AND OTHER 4 TUnNIP szEns. , -:-Algo superior seed Buckwheat, taprovett Turnip Dalin. ke., For sale by , PASQUALIO IDBltli te`CO. Agricultural Marchease and Btwta.Store,•-coriaer 7th andnArket streets, Phllada, , IS. '65 Fancy' Printing well'oxecuted tulttlzaol)ttirsitO, 'cc icons; C!AS FITTING AND . PLUMB , underslgited would inform the ei,ons of Carlisle that he has made arrango-,, Meats to ..m6AS FFIVING and PLUMBING at short no tice, and on reasonable terms.. Ito has engaged the ser vices of a first rate baud from Philadelphia, and has sup plied nimself with an extenei*e assortment of FIAT- Ult.rs, which will unable him to till all orders promptly. All work will be warranted. Ills stock of tins Fixtures will be foundln the room exactly opposite his Tinning eetablinhumuton North Hanover btreot, where he invites a call. TINNING, SPOUTING, dc.—lle Is also prepared to furnish, or make to order, every article of TIN WARE acid by housekeepers and others. Ile will also attend to SPGUTI NU, HOUSE-ROOFING, BELL HANGING, and PLU MBI Thankful fur the patronage with which he lids already been . faro - red; he respectfully' solicits a Continuance of the same. Carlisle:June 14, '54 1 - , It 0 :NI CALIFORNIA.-C. VON respoctfully informs the citizens of Car , -„ lisle and vicinity,that he has just return ed from Calitbrnis, and is prepared Leese cute all kinds of work connected with his ; line of business. lle-has always on hand ' large assortment of ready-outdo Guns, Pistols, Locks, Keys, Gen Trimmings, &c.. all of whinli he will sell wholesale or retail. lie also attends to repairing Guns, clocks. locks, A:c; engraves nit brass, copper inn! Iron. Ile hopes that by strict attention to business, tend It desire to please, he will merit and receive public pal - Mingo. AZ- All kinds of Fire Arms tondo to order. Carlisle, April 26, 185.1-ly SADDLE AND - HARNESS MA K -INti: The subscriber continues to carry On the above business. in all its various branches...in North thin' over street. Carlisle. two doors North dr Leonard's corner where ho intends keeping on hand a general assortment In his line, consisting of all kinds of thshionable SAD DLES, Bridles. blartingaler.:-Vrths, Circingles and Halters, also Titq% KS, traveling and saddle Th - T), bags. lie also man ufactures the most c ta tma ~. wprovell SI. ANIS SPRING StDDLEA - used in this country. Aug tlpiotti iviglilinc sonic, durable niidlileasaiit will (lo wlill to,pan 4eo them. Jle also mandfact ti/eq . llitvness. Bridles, Collars !mil -31111pir lim.lll their varlm t Ma, and confidently believes 'fro/ti tliti general approb tion cnstomers, that he neate.t and I.ost gears. in all their variety of Ibi . ollo. that made in the country. 110 aba, makes all ki)iils Matrasses to order. viz: Straw, Busk. Curled Hair Ni4l Spring: Mat ra,sos. A le. the above artiel, will he flaile of the best material nd workmanship, and witit the utmost. des i nit WIII,OSIIOIIN. DATENT SELF-tiABDENING YANK EE FEED CUTTERS, manual, tu—xl for A LDRICII St, SA ItO ENT. No. 410 Market street, Vhilada This eater is 'superior to any now in use, for strength durability, and simpli,dty of construction ; it cuts fast er. and is-the only self•sharpening Hay, Straw and Corn Stalk Cutter ever made. It has but ONE STRAIGIIT KNIFE, which any person can grind and setivith ease, but in ordinary mite, is ground in the machine. Thou sands have already been sold, and the demand Is daily increasing. In most cases an examination is sufficient to CousinCe one of its superbwity. No Ono after a short trial would part With it for itny other. Ali sizes of the Love constantly on hand and for sale by J. P. LYNII, Sole Agent for Cutuberland county. HERE IS WHAT YOU NEED AT PRESENT —The subscriber respeatful ly informs the Indies and gentlemen of Carlisle and vicinity that he has now on band at his Hair . Dressing. anti Shaving Room un West street. an elegant assortmet of LADIES BRAIDS and. Gentlemen's WlGS,and can furnish to order at shortest notice every kind of Hair. Work of the best quality. I Ile also begs leave to in !.brux his friends and custo _more that he keeps constan tly on hand a supply of Cue" Shemansagner," an admi rable Wash for the hair. manufactured by himself. The excellence of this Tonic to testiged to by all of his ens turners who hove used it to be one of the best articles known for cleansing the hair of dandruff. Ile also man -0 factures a Hair Restorative, known .as the "Corashee: num." for giving new gtotvth to the hair on bald heads, Amide testimony exists of the efficacy of this excellent Restorative. \Vials the .Shemansagner clears the hair of dandruff and prevents It from coming out, the Co rasheonum supplies a new growth to those who have had the misfortune to lose their hair. 'The public is in vited to call, examine and purchase those invaluable articles, as he is confident they will render satisfaction. SHAVING, HAIR DRESSING, and CUTTING; and SIIAMPOONING attended to in the best style as usual, at his old rooms on West Main Street ,noar Marion Hall. Carlisle, Dec.ll7, 18114.. WM.-IIUItGESS oct 11 - - FfltE -1 INSURANCE. -TuE'ALtEN. AND EAST PENNSBORO MUTUAL FLAB 'IN sUItANCE COMPANY of Cumberland. county, Incorpo rated by an act of Assombly, Is now fully organized, and In Qpuration under the nutuagumont of, the following commissioners, viz: . . . _ Daniel Bailey, William R. Gorgas, 311cbaol Cot:kiln, Meichoir Brenneman, Christian Stayeaau, John C. Dun lop, Jacob 11. Coover, Lewis llyer, Henry Logan, Benja min 11. Musser, Jacob Mumma, Joseph Wickersham, Altlander Cathcart., The rates of insurance aro as low and favorable as at ay Company of the kind In the State, , kersons wishing to become members are Invited to make application to the agents of the company, , who aro willing to wait npOn' them tif any tithe. ' ' " '—t ' i ' • ~-.• BENJ. 0.. ,Mo‘9Bflll, President. 1 " MINIM LOGAN, Nice Proakktnt. LEIVIB.IIICEIt o Secrottry, ' MICHAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer, . , At:II:NTS CUNIDERLAND COUNTY..—Rudolph Martin, N. Cum= berland; C. D. 11.0rMan, .gingstown; floury Zcaring, Shiremanstown ;. Cluu ;. Dr., J. Ahl, Churchtown ; Sanwa' Graltrunl}Vnst,.PennshOrough ; James I.kic Dowel,,FrankforC 3Jo o Griffith, South Mid. dieton; ,Samuel 600vor, IHSn anjla Harem:tick, 11.1echtin icsburg ; John Slierikii, Coover, klhbp COUNTY.—John4ownutn,:olllshurg; Peter Wolford, Franklin; Jahn Sinith.,Esq t , Washitigton; S. Picking, "MN -0m J. IV. Craft, Para4lsq. 7.' • 11AltitISDDIDI—Ilouser Jr. Lockman. :1 tombers of the company having poltdee about to oi. ptro pap havo thoug ronolvop.; by, lughtus 'appitostlow to uy of the 'agotne. SAVE YOUR OL' META - :Oast paid for OLD 1510.CA.14; sped_4l- , Coppor, Dram aod f.ron, at the Carib& Fouudryrd dlubjno §hop. • ritION.K, 0 ARDNEit , bl IS .1, A.M 1 N INV REOEIVI Gr • ray spring stock of "'APE* ItANIIINGS' Nl* kit ot io largest aud mold varied tissertinent ever opened in Carlisle, to which I invite theearly attentrn of tha,publie, as I,intendaelling, at priqes *high cou let fall tophiase the clotest purchaser. mareho^s - - • ' : / .JOIIN .P.t.latin. '. I . W , • ATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE and FANCY UOODS.—A tine assort ment of the 'finest quality, for sale at the lowest Cahill prices, at Wm..C: ELTON 1 I.lAD'ti, No. 104 south Second , Strout between Pine and Union, west side, Philadelphia The assortment embraces n large and select stock !Fine It atehes, Jewelry Silver ti are, AlLata St lino, plater ; with tine silver, ltt tvoons,Forks, Ladies,&e.—.Jet goods, Fans and fancy articles of a superior quality, deserving the examination of those who desire to procure the best goods at the lowest cash prices. .••; Having it practical knowledge of the business, and all available twill tics tar importing and INlanufhetur lug, the subscriber confildently invites purchasers, be lieving that he can supply them on terms us favorable as ammo other establishment ilk either of the Atlantic All kinds of Diamonds and Pearl Jewelry and Silver Ware 1112IIIV hot ured to order, within a reasonable time. ii,,Watehes,jewelry and silver ware Mithfully re paired: W Al. F. 1.1.T0N1.11..AD, \u. 254 South 2tt St, a few doors above the 2.1 S.A. Mar ket, West Side. u_s_ln the south window of the Store, may be seen the animus Bird Clock,, which minima nds the adlll irldi(111 of the scienti fi c and curions—___ (Sept. 25, '54-Iyr. , ` \ t PAIN'S ATMOSPEEMC CHURNS ki —A full supply of the above celebrated (hum, now on nand, of all the different sizes, from 4 gallons to :W. It received the hrst premium at the late Pennsylvania Slate Fair, the first prenunin at the Franklin lmtitute and Delaware and Maryland State Inns, and various others at difiereut places. It will make a or.: and b e ll e r butter from a given amount of cream. aim In less time titan any chum lu the market. For rule wholesale and retail by I'A:4IIA ALL unlith A; Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, corner of 7th and Mitrket, Philadelphia., Due. 6, IsJJ—l l' MON ROE MORRIS I{l: ll l . 4. : ' , l ) l . , .; ,t la x . lii .l. l, sl l, N ,) lG ur l. p l. l l ) :, ,,c S k u \ e ft ees t ..s A u i r eL t , o t 0.,....v.ntiuzql \o. 148 south second Street, live doors above spruce street, Philadelphia, w hero he keeps ion ,tautly sill hand a full assortifient of every article in his line of business. Feathers, Feather Beds, Patent S',.ring Mattresses, %civet. tapestry, 'I apestry, initlitaltni. three Ply, Ingrain. % enetiab, Lim, hag and Ilemp t arpet logs, Oil Cloths, Canton Mattings. Cool:land ; - ,l,ltolsh .at Emirs Floor al l Stair Druggets. Hearth hugs, los.or: 1 11LES,1111,111 and i'la'ntUilynkt \ t. , ti Lich he lu% ites the atter, tion Id I dind,'s4 IIOLLARD, I.)rennuin Artistd in Hair / 1 nventor of the Celehrattal hossamer lets Witting and hlastie ' hand toupees. lustructlon s to tillable Latin, and titilt ill:num to tnear.ure their holds with an. runic% . iho: - 11 ors, inehea.—No. 1. The yOllllll of the head; No. 2. HAIL) lorehead user the heed to the nerd:; 74. ht . olll Par to ear over WV lop; O. 4. Irvin cur to ear round toe torellead. Toupees alai scalps, Inches.—\'u. 1. From 11,11thelld to back as I au' us bald; IJVOr b reheat' its rib reqllll , ed; No. 11. Ovur the crown iit the head. It. DOLLAiii, has ale sty s ready Sr sale a splendid stock of tents' ll igs, Toupees, Lames' ll ms. Invit rizots, Maud, , Curls, ax., beautifully man utactured atm tie cheap as Lilly ill the Luton. Dullards Ilerhanium Extrartbr Lustrous flair Tonic, prepared limn South American Ilet hs and limits, the most successtul article ever produced for pre . serving sue hair front falling out or changing color, restoring and preserving It in a healthy and luxuriant state. Among °Clair rensons why Dullard's hair cutting saloon main tains Its Immense popularity is the fact that his Toide is applied to eve•)• heati of hair cut at his esta consequently it is kept in better preservation thamun der any known application. It hying thus practically tested by thousands, offers the greatest guarantee of its efficacy. 010 wholesale and retail at his Old Establishment 177 Chestnut street opposite the State House, Philadelpins. it. Dollardlas at least discovered the ne plus ultra of HAM 111 . E, mid announces it for sale with perfect con lidence in its surpassing every thing of the kind now in ova. It colors the hair either black or brown, lax may Ive desired) anti-is used without injury to the hair or skin either by stain or others Ise, can be 'trashed Win ten minutes after application, without detracting from its efficacy. rersous visiting the city are invited to give him n Letters addressed' to H. DOLLARD, 177 Ch tout st , 111.1ndulphitt, will recolvo attention. Jan. 26-ly LEATILER ! LEATHER ! FRITZ, HENDRY & No. North Third Street, Philadelphia, MOROCCO 31iN t; FACT UItERS, Currier% and import ers of FRENCH CALF bKIN S, alatiliealurs in Red and Oak Solo Leather and Kip. Feb2B—ly HAY AN 1) .STRAW CUTTERS, CORN SHELLERS.—Aiurge assortment of int 110,%ed Hay, tAntw nud Fodder Cutters now uu hand.— Also, double and single corn shelters for either hand or horse power. of the very latest manufacture, including the premium Sheller at the late Pennsylvanlatztateltab. For Sale by PASCHALL MultitiS k C^.. Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, corner 01 7th ud Market, Philadelphia. Dec. 6, LSlel—tf Surgeons' Bandage j_ INSTITUTE RE MO ED to N0..4 with s.reut, sixth Store above Market.' B. C. EVERETT'S Patent Graduating Pressure TRUSS, for the cure of Rupture; Shoulder Braces, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, suspensory, Ilumorrholdal, and Bandages fo deformities. Jan. 11-Iy. ITOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. _ - To all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases, sue. IrEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE,' GONtkltlff,„ OLEET, SYYIIILIB, Sc,, Am. The 1101VARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia, in view of the awful destruction of human life and bealtl caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which at practised upon the unfortunate victims of such discasef by Quacks have directed their consulting Surgeon, as a CUARITARLE ACT worthy of,•their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS., to all persons thus .af fficted,(3lale or LeonialeOwlio apply by letter, fpost , paid,) with, a description of Aheir condition, tag°, occupation, habits of litb, Ac.,)and in extreme poverty and suffering ton:1011M MEDICINES PREE 01 , CUARGE. Thu lloward Association le a benevolent institution, established by special endowment, tbr the relief of the sick and distressed, lifilicted with " Virulent a n d Ept. &ink diseases," and its funds can be used•lbr nu other purpose. it has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to adyertisu the above notice. it is newness to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the ago. • Address, (post•pnid,) Dr. GEO. H. CALHOUN, Consult ing Surgeon, llowahl Association Philinlelphiu, By order of. ttte Directors, • EZRA D. HEARiIVELL, april 11. GEO. FARECHILD, Secretary; JP_4 RENCH -, TRUSSES.—llordia or ' Rupture successfully treated; and comfort Insured, y use of the elegant .French Trusses; Imported by the subscriber, and made to order expressly fio. his sales. All Suffering with Rupturo will be gratified to learn that the occasiemnow offers to procure a Truss combin ing extreme lightness, with ease, dundellty and correct construction, In lieu of the cumbrous and uncomforta ble article usually sold. An extensive assortmon always enitand, adapted to every Variety of Rupture in adult': and children, and for Salo at a range of ' price to suit an. Cost of Single , Trusses, s'?, $3, $4 and $5; Double, $ 4,. 'ss,-$6, s'l3 and $lO. - . . . Persons nt a distance can haven Truss sent to any rtd. dross by remitting the funciunt, sending measure !wound the hips, land etatingsido effected: - ... . -For Sale Wholesale and Retell by the importer. • : f'. i ,' :•! '. CAt.l . Ol 11. in DBEs, i ' . , • , &W. coma Twelfth & Race Stn., Philadelphid. • ' Detrit for Dr. &inning's Improved Patent Body Brace; Chen Expanders and *miter:Braces; Patent Shotildett ,Braces; Suspensory Bandages; Spinal' Props and sup ports. Ladles' Itoonis t wltheompetent lady attendants,- . • april 11. SUMMER HATS .- -Just received at tbe :3tora of itonEwt . DICK, a largo assortntotit 01 Men's, 'Youth's and Chlblren'aiSMOlLEß HATS, don stating Of Panatna,,Legborn, 'French Straw ' Canton and ottior tarlettes, part of wblch 'aro colored and black— out° dull° low In prlco: : NteY4W. GOODS. 7I -The subscriber has twit reeelvad largo assortment Of. Dry 'Goods, 110 tO the approaching Seasoaorbleh • be sold !airy cheap. . SNODGRASS. 11)tlaae~~l)tn• IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT IMill ebucation. LAINEIELD VICASSICAL -ACAD J. EMT, near Carlisle, The 18th Session will rum thence on TUESDAY, May let. 1855. Number of Stu dents limited,and constant efforts used for their moral and intellectual improvement. Terms, $65 per session. circulars with references and full Informal...if furnish ed, by , it. K. BURNS, Principal and Proprietor, Plainfield, Cumberland co. Pa. April 18-48rj C , OMMERCIAL COLLEGE, removed to the new and spacious MIL No. DO and 101 BALTIMORE STREET, Baltimore, Md. 0. K. CHAMBERLIN, Principal and Lecturer upon Mercan tile Science. E. K. LostEm in charge of Writing Department. O. W. litate, Instructor In Mercantile Calculations and Associate in Book Keeping Lepartment. J. M. l'int.ties, Teacher in took Keeping. S. T. WILLIAMS. Lecturer on Commercial LOW. . . Three years have not yet elapsed hinee the establish. meat of this institution, during which' time upwards of eight hundred students have Leen in attendance, kiep. rer.enting nearly every Mute to the atooLg hom are numbers in Ilaltiniore and elsewhere oe..up)_ tog prominent positions us business men and account ants., CUUES - E OF STUDY 11061 i KELVIN 4.—'lLo I l u cipul Lb!. the tilii.c,st can the Flail. lab Llttl lf lob! y tat 1 1 14101/, 11, LL.Lt, L.la IIA 11110111 ahki.otlier statibllS, a id uu elatell- Mle aCqtlailitalite PIWI the hatungett.eilt 01 i laqLeeli 1..0104 111 el Cly deSerlptlulL luhelbtcu PP he I.AIU 6(1- els Lille aCCUUL La lb,) tile CUlll,e W trailing; il. Linn ut.- partmeirt Is eteiliehtly przieurtii yt,u we'll adapted 10 the 'arietts put salts of Le mai 11 Ude, Ilmlutlihg l'arthership, 31e.litaueturit4., ho,chaugc, ballk/Lg, 21411111aLg, tug, t..l.4upeuild tou,puhy he emfreises LiA.ler this land pie free, eatiy. :MU pact:it/1, cuu.lat,lug isouit) ei eNlltall.l/ ll il.ll 4rauly ul eunstruttlun, thus ebbing tie . 1 ,1 tweht to wt itu tth elegatit L14..1,10.114/ ti Lie ,it.hCANTII:E CALCULATION:: la all their carious beat tugs are taught ly the thr . ht tic elirate at.o t . XI La dohs method. bail) lecture, are delivered Upon the Sciette t I Ai:- cuunts, 3leicati tile Lustouis, 3e., these 10 tuni.vite %%1111 a series VI lett ul 1.!..1.41 t • ol;1//1VI'LlIll 1.1111, 111 e v/ the highest' witiortance to all utiotriug to ec5.1.0 pltmtueLi pt.sitiol3s lit the Lustness ctuahunity. I he thee to iliplete the cnUi se. lullca 11.11. b cent. P I 111.10 l I -log tin lat allt.i,, applicants tali enter lit any tin., and attend both day atal I....xiitall.aten., .41 hcul at statril perinus. I.llOulazi9 till ended in thi se 11 hu I alall:11.V. I . tin tetiliS, etc., Ural: anti hale a tire 3 lae hoist arded by mail. }Oct.:,, °rug, ,Woric . 1 / 11tES1). DELU6, 11.1.1:WICEN 1:6 ; &c. hgtre just fetetred (Lunt klialatlell•nia and Not 1011, eel) si;lattliSllll add iCIta.S to .u.y • I • forther Stuck, coo brat ing nearly o'e(') w ladle ltlettleine 'null 11l - 1.151., together tt 11 l'alitts, oils, arlittlleS, urpontinu, Perm , Leery, matiut,aty, sill; 1 ael.ic. 1.1 usher, ul aintust Cl el) uemt,ip. ~n el.uless taut t) ul tithel al Lis it e, 1 , 14 th I an, 111, llama ed Cu sell at. Lite I eat Lott ccl pi It es. All l'hysloans. tonal.) „ttertliants, Pethsts and oth ers' are respeettulrespectful!)rettuesteu ntt to lass tbe_OLD 'el.ll's 11, as they may rest assured.that et to artn le It ill bo sold of a good qualay , anti upon menet/m.le al ms. J. i.1.1.1til Matti street. Lar,l,lo May 30 1)1i 1 li 8 ! lilt 1..: li 6 ! liii li Gb: ! I lez-11 .itil'l'LY : 1 lime just reeeil ed a 'rush 6tnt. kcf Aieuicines, 1 al ut,,, Liars, Vii, &t., n Welt, lan. lug .., . een purdiased with great care at the Leet city' houses, I caw:on:an:nu) recoil/mewl to I , andlies, Phj sic:inns, country Alercilabte and Dealetb, :la he -1..,., .teeh and pure. Dl.Luz.—l'utent 31edhlut s, Fine Chenticals, .Instra talents. pure Esbeutiat alts, herbs and Listiactb, apices, ground and n hole, Lbsouces, I. et flattery, ac. Cud Liver 01.—m ',wanted guanine. udigoes, uidders, Sumac, Alunt,,Log and lam Moods, l,il t ttl LI, plants, Die bye. I'AINTS--M utile] ill Lretinr's Pure Lead, Chrome C. reen and Yellow, faint and lart, ish blushes, .lei bey 11 indo.w Glass, Linseed Oh, lurpentilie, Copal and coat h Varnish, and lied Lead. All of which will lie sod at the Very lowest market pries. Also, a fresh ,autt splendid assortment of F C Y GotnnS, Fruits, Confectionary, and innumerable other articles calculated fur use find emollient, all of which are uttered tit the low est cash prices, at the elienp brug, book anti Fancy :Store of ,thu subscriber on I\ erth oVer struet. S. IRUGS.A.N.D CONFECTIONARY. jj The und4idgtied has just riidurned from lute a fresh supply of Ohl andCON FECTIDNARY. The former in CuIILICCUOLI olth his stock on hand will make his assortment of Drugs, Medicines and t. ponds als complete. Ills assortment of 4 !oNFECTION Ala is alto tine; consisting of pure sugar white and transparent Candy Toys ; tantly, CULLUM'', assorted, and tum lands, s of every variety; also Fruits, :Nuts, and every thing helunging tmthat department of trade. lie would c: 11 special attention to his supply of FANCY AkTICI :ES for the Ilulidajs, and gemtrat use, tunoug winch may le found the good, the tasteful, and the useful. All ere invited to call whether they wish to puschise or net: D. J. Hain:R. Carlisle, Dee,r ,54 ,itirdicilC9, JAMES M'CLINTOOK, DI. D.;,-Late Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in• the Philadel phia College or Medicine, and Acting Professor of Mid.' wifery; One of the Consulting Physicians of the Phil adelphia Hospital, Blockley; late member of the :Na tional Medical Association; member of the P111111(10. phis Medical Society; member of the MedteoAhlrurgi cal of Philadelphia; o , rmerly President and Prolessm of Anatomy and surgery hi Castleton College, -Vermont; and also, late Professor of Az.- iitorny and Physiology in Berkshire Medical institu tion' ' Pittsfield, bless. Ac. lias lately introduced in a popular form, several of his vorite prescriptions for the principal diseases of thls climate. The name of each article will imply the els ease for Which It ts intended to bo Sited. MCCLINTOcK'S I'ICTORAL SYKES, $l. MCCLINTOCK'S Cot D AND Connie MIXTURE*-For Colds, Coughs, ke., Price 25 cts. . DR. MCCLINTOCK'S AISTIIMA 'AND lioernm Coven REDIE DV. Price 50 cis. .. McCtiaTocx's Toxic AtrEartenvx Pu rifying the Blood. Price $l. MeCusioca's Dyspeptic Elixir—For giving tone to the stomach, relieving pains after eating, heartburn, and all disagreeable symptoms arising from - indigestion. Price el. , • .• • • . • , Ilte. 51CCLIFTOCK'S RITEMIATIC MIXTURE—A purely T e ,.. getable n emedy for Internal use. Price 50 cis. McCustocx's ItriErsixtio LINIAIENT—For Itheuum• tism, Sprains, Swellings, etc. }',rite 00 co t . . 4 , Ds. MCCLINTOCK'S ANODYNE illpiruin.:—VerValus,tooth• nate, lleadtiche, Neuralgia, Ac. Price' 50 cts. ••• Thi..3lcChlscrocit's neat AND AoM.:SPEctrio—A 4rialn cure for all intermiticrits. Price $ . 1., Dm MCCLINTOCK'S MIATIIIIIIEA CORDIAL AND CIIOIXI‘PRE. VENTIVIi- , 4 Safe Remedy. I ' • Dn. MCCLINTOCK'S YEOETAIILE PERGATVE Pius-For CostirenesSOlCadaChe, &e. Price 25 cts. ' Da. McCusTMIiSIANTI-ntilol.lB I'ILLF—VOT irregidirlty in the Functions of the Liver and Dowels—the best-Liv er Pill made.' Price 25, ets. a boa. For sale by Dr..l. MeCLINTOCK, at Sits Medical 14pot, N. W. corner NINTH. and FILIIEItT Streets, Philadel pida, and all Druggists. Ir;uggists and Dealers in clues who wish to be Ageti;;s, will please addresS Dr. McClintock, furnishing reference, name of Pest Office, County and State. ne!x_Por ixtle by \V. A. Kelso ' Salami Elliott, Carlisle; J. 11. Criswell, Shipponsburg.,;Emmingo &Co., D. Mlti man, Mechanicsburg; Joseph - Herron, B. Zimmorutan; Andorsonbtirg ;. liana ,C• Fertig t 31111ci • town; A. C.-Klink, New Bloomfield; Harriet M. Singe, Newport; B. F. Gardner, York Springs; AA S, Nixon, Chambersburg; 11, Mentzer, Waynstbero; George Bergner and 1), It. Jones .k e()., liairlsburg., DA. liIeOLINTOCK can bq consulted, without charp daily,frone 10 to 12 o'clock, A. Mott his Depot.. ? December 0, ,