Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 07, 1855, Image 3

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ao the Teachers of Cumberland County.
- The office of. County Superintendent was
~ c reated for the purpose of aiding the teach
,er in his arduous duties, to elevate the I re
ofession and to give directions in the art of
At this season of the year, when all of r
schools arc going into operation, it may
;: amiss to suggest some ideas fokyour
:penside ration.
, . He who" enters upon the profession of
-teacher, should not consider himself mere
ly a person placed there, to teach a certain
number of hours each day, but while he is
engaged,in imparting a knowledge of. the
_studies now :required, should remember that
our common schools are progressing and
ere long more advanced studies will be re
The teacher should not only employ his
, leisure hours in the stu* ot the different
branches, but more par icularly should he
" prepare himself for the daily exercise of the
• school-Morn:
To know the nature and disposition of
,pupils;is indispensable for the progress of
a school, 'and by close observation, with
'sonic reflection on the part of the teacher,
lie will arrive at that form of schoolgovern
, =out which will secure to him the respect
of his pupils.
That there is more interest manifested in
the cause of education than formerly, needs
, no proof; and if so, no one should appre
ciate it more than the teacher: if parents,
guardians, nd Citizens generally manifest
increased iaterest,+itc—teacher who would
refuse to exert himself, should not be con
sidered worthy of a place in a school-room.
There is a want of uniformity in . teaching
and to remedy this evil, teachers should
form institutes in every district at as early
a day as possible ; to du this, they must di- ,
vest themselves of all selfishness, and with
the sole aim to assist each other, enter into
the matter in good faith; inviting the di
reetors and other citizens to join with them,
assuring them that their ohjcct is to dual
ify themselves more fully for a faithful
discharge of the duties of teacher. t
A teacher to be successful must be c , one
of the people" and he who feels himself
above this, can never succeed ; visit as fre
quently as you can those who send children
to you ; but remember that noble hearts
. and bright intellects dwell in log cabins as
well as in brick mansions. :
Many of our teachers keep a record of
the daily progress and conduct of their pu
pils, which is always open to the inspec
tion of the directors and patrons of the
school ; this seems to have a salutary in
fluence and should be universally adopted.
In submitting your monthly reports be
_very candid in giving the deportment of
your pupils; if they are gdOd, say so, a 0
if they are bad be not afraid U.> report thelu
as such. The disposition to report flivora
bly of every scholar appears to be preva
lent; in some schools the teacher's are con
stantly complaining of the bad conduct of
their scholars, and yet when the reports are
submitted, they aro all good- 7 -such conduct
if known, will not pass unnoticed.
I purpose visiting each district twice this
session, (if possible,) and would suggest to
you the propriety of holding a meeting of
teachers, directors and patrons every night
while I remain in a district, for the purpose
of discussing" and demonstrating the hest
method of teaching the' several branches
taught in our schools. I will cheerfully
Spend my evenings with you in 'this man
ner, and have'no doubt much good will re
sult therefrom ; it would afford me an op
portunity of giving the idea of the
workings of the system, and you might pos
sibly be benefltted by'it.
I do not wish' to be considered as a dicta
tor, but as a co-worker with you, and while
my term of office continues, it shall be my 1
constant aim to join with you in everything
that may tend to elevate our schools, and
bring the teacher a j ust recompense for his
services. . •
I think I may safely say that the schools
of our county aro not a whit behind those
of other counties in the State, and yet there
'is considerable, room for improiement in
many of them and a little in the best of
' In"conclusion, permit me to thank you
' most sincerely for your becoming , conduct
at the several examinations, and for the
many acts of kindness shown to mud since
my election to office.
Very respectfully, your.ob?t serv't, .:
. , County Superintendent.
N. D. In a short time I will publish a
county report, in which 1 will try to exhibit
our educational condition more minutely.
.1), S.
• 1141:. : • AND MACILINE 13110 P,
ig li tk:. Cho subscriber has the satisfaction of in
• • forming his old frionds and patrons that
••• ' his establishmont is again In active opo
'et titiw buildings having boon erected slam) the bait
dueetrous tiro and the whole elitablishreout put In cow-
plate working ordo'r. Orders • era therefore respectfully
enlielted , Tor work in his linoi which will be dons with
j promptitess and lathe boat maunan • •
and repaired. All kinds of Machinery In Paper Mills,
(irist Mils and Factories repaired at short notico. Milt
;.'s,ldnalee dressed and turned.
POWERS and .TincEstriNa 31A0I1INES
h: •
sucas Devil agar Four Norse I.'lrar, Notizotatal Clear
,' Four 'Goren and TwtilLorso Powera, PICAighS, Corti Shot,
lore and Crushers; km Patterns lambi to order. Iron and
Brassy cAsT,INus e x pcutoct to order, net on Lama, at
";the lihurtotit notice,'suCh as Cranks and Mill' Clearing,
'Spur ana,licyll 'Wheels, (Waggons foi'Saw Mills,
' Plow
10.‘Stings, Clatters, Pollat,Shears; Wagon and easel Bol
os, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car Cludra, te, has also
nn band ti largo !Apply or Philadelphia and Trny
IN(4 'STOVRS, and lacoonstantly 'flaking Oooking,Stoves
of various improved Phtteins fat 'coal txr wood, ten.plate
Stores, Orates, he. _Repairing dono to all kinds of Ma
chine 7. 'All.kinas Of Old Troll, Lhasa and Copper taken
. oat: Purge
ntaytl. •
EtT,ATIC 33,1,1111`8:—Just received..a'
lot 4:,ltitt'S}ystitt'Colo,Tekt Silk and Worstn•4 'Mastic
s, . GEO.W.O42:NE/1...„:
.•littason's whole pleasure, all tho joys of solos,
Lie hi three words—Health, Peaco, and Competence.
But when we havo pains, affliction or anguish of dis
oases, Is not our pleasure, our joy, and our happiness
thereby destroyed? Why let our sick fellow-Wog suf
fer? Does not Christ say : “Wlth the same mason) ye
meta), It shall bo measured' to you agaiur —Mat. 7, 2,
"11 - ho Is a witil) Man and endowed with knowledge a
mong you, lot him show out of u good couvorsation his
works whl\ l tneekness and wisdunC—Jautes 3,13.
- SUltObn ' AND AEDICINE—Doctor. P. C. CARD
DER, Sur„ eonand Physician, who is Botanist and
Physlulogn4, and is tiraduate of our hest 3ledical Odly
gos, and lots made himself acquainted with all the V:Lri•
oils systems of Medical Science, and with the recent
discoveries and improvements' in the various depart
lUOiltS of the Healing Arts, faithfully attends to orders
Mr Surgical and Medical Aid. and whose medicines are
all made or composed strictly In accordance with the
Sciences of Pathology, Botany, Itydropathy and Physi
ology; and whoso medicines are all composed of whole
sumo routs, plants, and hydropathy, good in all diseases,
and to whom the afflicted are invited to apply timely.
Ills Character by Respectable 'Neighbors, to.
Copy of a letter from the 11ev. C. 11. Leinbach to 30 -
IL It. Etter, of the Warm dprings. Respected Sir:—Al
low me to introduce to your friendly notice, Dr. CA:AD—
M:lt of AISW fort:. 1 hare known C. for sixteup
years, ho hits dot° businoss for Inc with sobriety, hon
sty•aud with accuracy; thorelbro 1 du believe Wm to
be perfectly sober, honest and trustworthy. Any favors
you may see proper to confer on him, will be highly ap
preciated by his numerous friends, and by none more
bighly than your sincere Mend and humble servant.
' C. 11. 1.110.11AC11.
Landiffburg, Pa., July 15th, ISbl..
Copy of a letter from lieorge Spahr Esq., County
Treasurer.-1 do certify that the medic:id advice of lir.
I'. C. Cardder has surpassed any oilier whicli I have
hitherto had in the cure of severe fever iu my family.—
I would therefore recommend him to such persons who
may be afflicted with aforeszild disease or otherwise.
Bloomfield, August 20th,
lin. CA laillzidlbeing well acquainted with the ru
cent French thscol uries, watt/ their new and safe modes
ul lreatuaeut., :and the speedy and certain roilledieb anti
cures tar lkt spepsia, Liver tAninailltS, Dyad: usury, Chad
era alorbus and ali Cuinplaidits of the Boa, els and :40/11-
; huttledlue cur Lilo prevention and cure
Asiatic tmotera. nowadays lin all the defects and tiler
Cam, of LliU ttetiorlO/IU Orgalts and reproductive econaar.
my in mull and woine a; itemedlus Mr a USaillty acertain
crud Lnunly CUIOS Itr all eurioutuplionS, Ittlp.tturtro, Zater
[My. . i‘ex ual Alatu.ea., 1 etlatreal Doniuses In uu their forms,
.I•Upproosiono und °ldler delicate femme eocupiainta. Alt
reanedica eanauate Lou .1 otAtie science ill
ifotaity anal Ilydropa thy a:011101:10d, LIO littiOul...)-
- //0.1.1 All Loa hoer ul tics less and .til ot.tilltur
etr I oot.i aro L. '•IL is for hesludG that t mast emninen.
deal Cue Natuaratau.—Luse, lu, Jd LO J, , ;ltd with CUM
-111.111110:au, "rrove all ttilligaa, hold hue that AIW/ Is
ood. TlleoSalOiliattel, 6, "There titre lot us he-
Jug up what /mould La:, um for health,
far LlJure Jo teat. ocattore It, and yutinecoaneth, and there
Is Lh:u o I 41111.'1,10th UlO/11 WWI JS nium, but it tuudetta."
. •
l'rot eraw l I, 14.
the lnadiVllE medicines and their directions will be
'OIIE. to I.lJuJittli2Led ill any direction by mail or expren.h.
.101reos Or. U. C. unitiberland coun
ty, 1'a.,1.16L paid, and the too $1 always accunapauying
tiab letter, Watt& the order, tege,ner wan a description o.
the feelings and tho'syniptenis of the I:mo)h:tints of the
SalicLuti Ittelo.oll. IL IS LUIS sputum of Medical :reliance
we nooks mid the moth% of wire only, WIJIOU Dr. card.
der employs that iillow or 41yd/eines untarc.,y made or
cainia..neal of 11 holea,atita i'lauts, and ilydropatti . t,
good w all discasea. 100 putt:toll). and which eUti make
npeudy and rellal it reeled/tut, cures for wanner
of Stetitiess anti alt manner or disease, Land which sur
pass all other medical moans 1t point of goodness, be
y mid till bounds or comparison. Or r'at'a So util Manua Or
street, BaSt Side hear 11.11(11s.dUsr the Presbyterian t..hurcu
Carlisle, Pa, TeStaillotattlS from tiunieroun persans of
toe highest respectability In this and the autianialia,,- .
couutiau, give authentic otadeuce to the goodness M
Or. Cardtlur S character, and eau be Seen LO inn °etre.
2 1 11. B. Tile alll it:Lod cats rueuh e superior
the directions-for 11/olr use by the turd return of Mai/ or,.s. Lf int..rViows be desired, or visits requested,
Lir, U. will endeavour to aeuomulodate mil/taints as bar
us he can. The Doetor speaks the English and the Uttar
utau Languages, ale. IL Jilt!. 17, 1.2,65
01/11ii HAIM of ingredients in these t Ills is the re
sult of a lung and extent:tire practice; they - are Mild-in
their operation, and certain of restoring nature to Its
proper ellannol.. In every instance have these Pills pro.
ved successful. They invariably open those obstructions
to -which Females ere liable, -and , bring nature into its
proper channel, whereby health Is restored and ilufrllo
Mill deathly countenance changed kilt healthy one. No
female eau enjoy good health unless she IN regular; And
whenever an obstruction takes place, whether front ex
posure', cold or any other cause , the general health lei
mediate:ly begins to dyable, and the want of such a rtm
vely has been the cause of so many commuiptions among
young females.. To ladles whose health will not remelt
of an Increase of their Dually, these pills will prove a vul
liable acquisitin, as they will prevent pregnancy.—
Ifeadache, pale in the *lido; Toilpithtion of the heart, Ina-.
thing of food, and dl turbod .1100 du most , always arise
from she Interruption of nature; and whenever that is
the case. the pills will Invariably remedy all then evils.
\or are the less alficaelous In the core of Leueorrhuoa,
commonly called the "Whites." These pills should nev
or be taken during pregnancy, as they would be sure to
cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely Vegetable, and
free from anything lulurious to litd or health. l'ulland
explicit directions accompany each box.
These pills arc put up in square tint Notes. Persona
residing where there is no agency established. by curio
slog One Dollar in a letter, pro-paid, to Dr. C. L. CIFTEESrr
MAN, N. 2(17, 131COCker street, hew York, ran haVe.them
sent to their respective addressive by call.
stour clin-war.
-k J JOUN D. VOROAS .14.111.1 Inform the public, that
he has now on hand atilis establishment, on Main St.,
next dotir ti) Marion , flail, the, largest and most cow
photo assortment of COOK, OFFICE & PAR-
A." I,olt STOVES to be found In this county,
••;:- which will be sold at tie loWest prices for
•• cash or approved credit. Ills stork consists of
largo assortment of now and :highly ap••
• • proved PATENT COOEINO STOVES, finished
In the complete manner, and calculated for either
wood or coal, or both. All the old standard pattords
which have stood the test of exporionco, may be found
at his itstabilsinnent, ALko, a groat variety of the most
approved and beautiful l'Alt Loll OFFICE STOVES, in
cluding; a number of nowystyles, possossing.vory sope
rior over thosu heretofore in use. Fernlike
and housekeepers are respectfully Invited 'to give hint a
'call before purchasing efsewhere. , Stoves delivered to
any. part of the country and put upat the shortest 'no
tice. Ho condi - MIMI te'dtiall• kinds of TIN AND WHET
,IttqN ,;tyAnn, and Copper Work, t‘nd has constantly on
hand or wlll make 'to order every article required by
housakeePurs or othots In Ltda . :Sue, MR • 40,c1i. of Tin
and Copper Ware embraces every kind of household and
kitchen utensil, warranted equal to the best manna*.
tuned,; Persons inwant of,articlee in, his lino may al
'waye surd'of boluk accommodated to Oar eatisfaction .
.by giving him a. call. ; novl-184
. :1 , ...&81.0R,A15D COOKING sw . qyr.'s,
The subscriber at his old stand on Noah itanorer
Carlisle, the sign of the "Mammoth Red Cafes rot,' de
„,ircs to , call the attention of the public to his largo es
ortnient of : STOVES, Of the newest and 'Most thshlona
, 1•;;; • hie stylesarom.the best, manufactories In the
Je- country, akdsat all prices front to` .V 5.
'Aiiiong his 1,.111.01t CIIAISIDEIt STOVES
;WM ,arc flotblirrer tovo, the Aretic,,llevore, Star,
Version, Union and /Etna Aim Tight,' together
with other,patterna ;which he, hail of all sires
for parlors or oinambersand calculated fbr burning either
wood M.' eOel‘e Alto, t ime 1Etyla,:0101w; Astor, Albany,
Flat-top and Dandhoxer Poor with other COOK/
ING ;STOVES, coreprising the isteat” linproveinents In,
kitchen stoves, and intended for either mooed or
Also,tbeDlnlng ; Room Cooking Stove-=a now and eta
'Anlit article,' to which' he itnltar•the'partienlar Were.
tion of families. ills, cooking stovra range in price von,
pcp to 25, with the fixtures complete; Also, Nine plate
Steven of crtrbmapatterrig 'and different prime..
Inglituree, Masa l(ating, Am. Algo,,everkarticie iq tho
Dnepr:Tin and Copper Ware.,, Tim public are respect,
'NW ft) as' he Is Confident with his large
.sfecli l yariety itud. cheapness, of bang, able to give on ,
tiro satisfitction to every pursser. Call and see.
; , bet. 24} 1854. , h i , 'MORRIS
iJOHN P. LYNE'—Wholesele and Re
tail dealer in American, English and' German
IIAIILWAILE, Oils, Paints, Ac., A. Mechanics. builders
and the public generally, who are in want Of Hardware
• .r i t t,, , , ,
.of any kind, are invited to call lu and
~, .. examine my unusually larg,stock of
.1. '3 - goods. which lam selling at very low
prices. Just stop in; it will only detain you a very
few minutes to be convinced that what everybody says
--that Lyn's is decidedly the place to gut good goods at
law prices—must be true. LYNE'S Hardware Store,
‘Vest Side North Hanover street.
A R U WA H A n wry A L
" . SA X TON . The
subscriber having returned from the city would call the
:ittontion of his Oen& and the public generally to the
large and well Olbetedassortment of Hardware which be
has Just received, mishit ing in part of RIO LDINU MA
TERIALS. nails. screws, hinges. locks, laths, glass, put ty,
paints. oils. &c. TOOLS,—edge tools; saws and planes o.
every description, with files, rapp ,s. hammers. anvils. &C.
A general assortment of SIDIEMAKEItS, AND SAD
_DLERS POOLS. together with morocco, lining and bind
ing skins, sln.e thread, wax, pegs, haste. harness mount
ing. saddletrees, ke.
COACH TRl.lMlMl—canvass (plain. enamelled, fig
ured and ouiui sued,) plant and enamelled leather,
Axles, springs, hubs. spokes. felines. slunts. &e., kr.
Cabinet Makers Ncill find a lingo assortment of wart -
ishes.mahognnv and walnut veneers, moulding; rosette
hair Ac. •
The stock of Iron Is large and well
. rlelected, cnmpris
log all the kinds In general hammered and 1,11.4
iron of all sizes. flat bar rind band iron. round, square
and oval iron, horse-shoe iron and nail rods, with a largo
lot ,d• cast and spring steel, English and American :Ills
tor steel, Ac.
llnuselieepers and those about commencing will tied it
to their advantage to call and examine our cutlery. brit-
tania and plated ware pans, kettles, cedar ware. baskets,
In addition to the above wo have received a splendid
assortment of WALL PAPER, making the stock com
plete, and at such prices its citmuit, WI to give satisfae
tint,. We Invite all friends to call, knowing it will be to
their own ad vs llt itgO. Remember the old stand, East
High Street, Carlisle, In,
Oct. 12. • HENRY SAXTON.
R' A It E.—The subscriber having returned from
the city ha , just opened fur the Fall trade a large and
seleeted stoeli of foreign and domestie Ilardivare.
umbra dug' everything usually found in that line of bu
siness. The it tention of triends and the puidie generally
is respectfully directed to the assortment on hand, as
suring them that meals of all kinds will, be F. 1 ,1 f,,r ,ash
at a very small advance on manutlieturers prices. Re
member the old staml, East Main Str. 4 et. Carlisle, Pa.
Aug 48.14. 11. SAXTON%
PAI(ATION:,..-11E1,311501,D'S 111(1111.Y CON
t.I rt.l),
For disease 01 tau Bladder anti toldneys, teeter ingetiSeS.
es, %I talk La•Mstal, alai all tllSeattel, ul tile
Organs, wnetuer iu Yiale or keinale, Iron, w liaLever
culls,: they may have oligliulleti o nlid Ito matter oh hoe
long standing.
If you hare contraeted the terrible disease uhleh,
once seated lit the *stem, wl.i surely go down trout one
generation to atwitter, undernisuibg: the constitntion
and sapping the very Vital liUltis Of lime, do not trust
yours°. ut the hands oh knacks, who stun t up every day
:t city eke this, ,ltd hi/ the viper, a ith parilq;
hoods, L s, w vii Caleithltett e, the )lung. awl
111000 not :tc.lualtited with their tricks. You can h.•t his
too careful nt the seleetion el a reitiodrit, these
l'hu Fluid -I,xtraLt lluOhtt has been promitnnwoi
ehltilthtt 1,11 . , Skin]. the gttettent reined) ON el' known.—
it Is n Med/vitae perfectly pleasant in its tame. and very
ililioe.Mt ilk its a;lioi,, and yet so thoi . l..tih that it 311111-
Whiter' every particle of the rank and ihUsOlioUs virUt. Ot
this dreaditil disease; and, Ilhllke other remedies,
not dry up the disease iu the blood.
Constitutional Debility, brought on by selflibusu, a
most tun•+ too disease, which has brought thousands of
tato 1111111311 Meet 0 11.111tiely graces, thus tilasti . ht; the
brilliant hopes of parents. unit idiglitini.; ill the bud Lilo
.glOrl' , Us Lit/kW/OM 1,1 110111,‘ a while youth, 1111% I.c enrol
by this Intallible Remedy. And its a unglirine which
must benutat every bouy, front the simply admit., Lu thu
coninied and deSpairlifg iirrniid. no equal Is to Le found
acting both as a Cure and preventive. • - •
For Purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising
from excess of Mercury, exposure and impr • udence In
life, chronic constitutional disease, arising front an
impure fittitu of the lliuod, and the only reliable and
effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Mit
.Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcerations. of the Throat and
Legs, Palus and Sweliings of the Hones, Tetter,
• Pimples ou the Face, and all Scaly Eruptions of the
Skin. •
This article is now prescribed by some of the must
distinguished physicians In thu country,and has proved
inure efficient In practice than any preparation et Same
parilla yet offered to the public. Several cases of C eaor i -
Wiry Syphilis, Mercurial and Scrofulous diseases have
entirely recovered In the incurable wards of our Pul•lic
Institutions which had fur many years resisted every
mode of treatment that could be devised. These cases
furnish striking examples of the salutary effects of this
medicines In arresting some of the most inveterate
diseases, after the glands were de.struy Id, and the bones
already affected.
NotlcE.—Lett ors from responsible Physicians and Pro
fessors of several Medical colleges, and certificates u.
cures from patients will be Mond accompanying both
Meta, Fluid Extradt of Duchu, $1 per bottle, or 6 for $5.
•• Stamtparilla,
equal in strength to one gallon of Syruy of Sarsaparilla,
Prepared and sold by 11. T. IiELMOLD, Chemist, 21K1
Chestnut Street, near the Oirard House,Philadolphia.
To be had of Druggists and Dealers everywhere.
All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive
Immediate attention.
July 2,'55.
10 0 T WASH.-13ea' utiful IV hit
j_ Teeth Ifealthy Gums and a Sweet Britath—All ivh
tiro desirous of obtaining these benefits should use %BR
MAN'S CELEBRATED 9.'00T11 WASII. This delicious
article cutubines 190 many meritotious qualities that it
has, now liecome n standard hivorite with the citizens u.
Nei' York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Dentists pro
scribe it In their pr:Utice most 7111 d
every source the most flattering laudations are awarded
Inflamed and bleeding gums are immediately benefit
ted by its use; itsltetion upon them Is mild, soothing
and effective. It cleanses the teeth ti" thorough/Yr that
they are made in rival pfjarl in Whiteness, find diffuses
through the mouth quell a delightful freshness that the
breath is rendered exquisitely Sweet. It dlsi feets those
impurities which tend to produce decay, and. as a con
sequence, when those are removed the teeth mast al
ways remain sound. head the following from Dr. J. A.
_ .
Mr le, Zertnan--Ellr: Thtving used and recommended
your Tooth Irash. In my practice for some time, 1 find ft
the most effectual lieldrilleo In use,titul therefore/I/com
mend It f to the publlc,
Dr. J. A. CARMAN, Dentist,'
Head the follotalinc toktinwiny: • • ' • •
11111..ZERSIAN—Dear Sir: I have fully tested the merits
hf y6lll. valuable Tooth Wash, and 'can,' without hoslty
reeettunend it an theliest that has Goine,iivider my
notice during, an 'exporliinee ns Dentist' or more thintslx
'teen yearn. elannses,ihe Teeth,nnutlies and hardens
Irrltatedilunis ' and Imp:tits adellclons trent-ince to the
Vfentli. From thaAannsths of those whaluakehso or it,
however, it'wlll certainly apieik for Welt
liesurgiT,'Surgeon Dnutist,
:170, South `Nall ct., Phllidolphla.
It fa used anitteocapinohiltid the endnent Dent
ists In New York, Phibul,elphla, Daltlniore, inn! other
.cities whore It has boon ineroduced. All should gik'o It
a trial.
. .
4:ry' Prepared only by Francis Zerman, Druggist and
Chemist; Philadelphia;:inel FOht wholemle and retail by
Samuel Elliott, OtrlWe,, J..l)orsbeituur, Meehanieslung,
J. Irerron, Newirille, J. C: Williams; Shlppatisburg, and
by All Druggists At, only 2b cents per bottle. , „ .7.
TLY GR,OOI.3tY STUiII9 of the sallsCrlbe4 n Ma
rion Hall,
A lunw.atipplydf 66.1 h Watitr eriiikers,.. • • •
Eode, Luttor Plo Ntc mt.thugur Balacult,
Varian; CmrliStnrall: TAM'S* Figo.ol'icit)
Extratt of Coffoe, Aire Flour, !Inking .yowtler,
!iutierhir Tabld 011, • •,/'
pckles, Vomittp, 1i,(402 \IN Fl', O PCh o ;OV` ltn il l ' a Y
• Ram; • • • • •
f) arbwarc,
Itar;laburg, Pa.
LADIES.=—Dr. bleissner's celebrated MENkrrat
Pills have boon long and widely known as invariably
certain in removing any stoppage, Irregularity, or sup
pression of the menses.
_ .
In the Female Hospitals In Vienna, Paris, and Berlin,
they have entirely superseded the use of allabor I-snu
ffles; because, where. a cure is attainable by medicinal
agencies, they are ceitaln of success. Their astonishing
efficacy would be almost incredible, If not vouched for
Indubitable testimony, in 11111110iIIS I netnneee pro
ducing returns of the monthly period alter all hope had
Lawn abandoned.
In every ease, from whatever cause - the obstrurtiiiii
may arise, as also to present_ pregllanvy a her. the
health will not admit of increase of filthily, they are
always efficient: for which reason they must not be used
during pregnancy. though lawny mild, healthy, safe
and certain in their effects.
Married ladies will find particular instructions In the
which are Anted in Varthlth Syloptthith by
which f 6u muses of the suppression may be determined.
Price, One Dollar per Box, containing explicit direc
Each box will be signed by Dr. It. G. oEissmat.
Principal (Mee, 127?,,f,' Liberty Street, New-York City.
Responsible agents w ill be appointed fur their sale' as
soon as practicable.,‘ In the mean time, all orders are to
be addressed to 1)r.'11. G. 11E18,NER, 127344.1berty Street,
New-York City, ur to box 2450 N. Y. Post tlflire. and a
box will be sent by return mail, as they are put up in
sealed envelopes. and eon be sent with the sttictest pri
lacy to any part of the.linited States.
various not onlY ineffective hitt Injurious com
p.unds purpofting to be -FEMALE Puts" under all binds
of names no "IRON P 11.114." .•rt.ven hum," “GourEN
Pity.s," -PEruomcni. Pitts." Ac. an? attempted to be
palmed MT upon the credulous or unwary, it is only
necessary for ladles to be on their guard against the al:
tempted imposition. and in all rarer where there is no
authorized agent for the sale of -Da. fitisstcrit's MEN
oran.u. Pats." to order direct from him by mail, by re
turn of w hich a lox will bo sent.
July ^5,'55.
1 - 111 . J. 13. iNIAIICHISTB CEI,E
It stands pre-eminent for its
. A I
eu five powers in all the ills.
ei for Iiii14•11 it is recolii
iii ed, usually rolled FE
those aro Prolapsus Uteri, or
Falling of the 11"..rob: Fluor
Albin:, or Whites: I lironie I le
tlanintat ion and Uleeration ..1
the Womb; Incidental Iletnor
rhago, or F1...a110g : Painful
SllPPressiol. I Irrognlar Mon
strulition, ,te., it ith all their
nreornpanylng evils. t Canvey
excepted.). no matter how se.
Pore or of how long standing.
This medicine has never
boon int roduood IT empty puffs. and misrepresentations,
nor is it intended that its present popularity shall be
!.ustallual by any medium but Its merits and the appro.
Withal the public
I feel It a duty incumbent upon myself to declare
milady the great blessing Dr. :tlarchisfs Uterine Ca•
tholicon has proved to trio. For two years my health
was tnisvrablo; I ;vas unable to walk. Physi
111111 s pronounced my case falling of the womb, exten -
sire ulcerations, commencing a ith fluor :ohms. Th,
palm., irritation, I.restration. &c., rendered llfe'n burden
lu this miserabil. condition, Dr. F. P. Newland recoil.
mended Dr. Marchisi's Uterine Catholicon. After tap:
in:: four bottles 1 lind myself in perfect health. (Iraq
tilde for my restoration tanker me ardently do,irt• that
all roy sex, alike unfortunate, may find sure relief fron
this Inestimable medicine.
NIA. 1!• West-st., Utica, N. Y
The above statement I know to be true.
F. P. NI LAND, M. D., iltlea. N. Y
I have no hesitation in saying. Dr. Marchisi's Uterine
CantoHenn Ic invaluable ita uterine diseases generally
I hate used it in Fluor Albus, Amenorriara, Prolapsus
Uteri. and in cases of extensive ulretation'of the vagina
nd os uteri. It Is worthy of the notice of the Faculty.
JOHN C. OintlCK, M. D., Balthnore,3ld.
Let all interested call and ; obtain a:pataphiet (free
containing ample Kopf, from the most respe,•tati)
Sodrces, - "of the ihenefichd • results of its use; togetheo
with letters front highly experienced Physh•lans. uhr
hare used ft in their practice, and speak from their own
Kattrit, Druggist, South Ilanover street,
solo Agent fur Carlisle. Pa.
J. D. INIARCIIISI & CO., Proprietors,
, Central Depot, 304 ]]roadway, N. Y.
" January 24, 18f4i-tira
a particle of Mercury in. it. An infallible remedy for
Scrofula, Miley/ Evil, Itheumatism.Obstinatoeuteneous
Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules tom the Face, Blotches,
Bolls, Chronic goo Eyes, Ring Il'orm or 'Putter, Scald
Head, Enlargement nod Pain of the Bones anti Joints,
Stuborn Ulcers. Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal
Complaints and all diseases arising from an injudicious
use of Mercury, Imprudence in life, or Impurity et the
110,,„This great alterative medicine and Purifier of the
Blood, is now used by thousands of grateful patients In
all parts of the United States, who testify daily to the
remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all Medi
cines. "CARTER'S SPANISH' MIXTUItII." Neurnigin,
Rheumatism, I , eroftlia, Eruptions on the Shin. LiverLis
ease, l'evers, Ulcers, Old Sores, Affections of the Kidneys
Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints. PAM and
Aching of the thews and Joints, are very speedily put
to flight by using this great and inestimable remedy.
For all diseases of the Blood, nothing }MX yet been
found to compare to it. It cleanses the system of all Im
purities, acts gently anti efficiently on the Livexand Kid-
!toys, strengthens rise Digestion, gives tone to the Stow-
nett, Makes the Blanc - leer and healthy, nail restores the
Constitution, enfeebled by disease or ',rotten down by the
excesses of youth. to its pristine vigor and strength,
For the Unites it Is Incomparably better than all the
cosmetics o'er rased. A few doses of CAttrgres Skaten
Mirror/a win remove all sallowness Of winp)cnion, bring '
the roses Mantling to the' Cheek, give eltuitielty to the
OOP, and improvethe Ineeral health in a teniarhable
Foe beyond nil thh Inedicines ever heard '" "
large uumbecgiortificates which wo.have rose v
ed from from persenk:hvan iJI parts of the United Snit s,'
Pattie:best mildew)* that them ta. no Alumbug, about t.
The press, hotel-keepers, magistrates, Physichnis: a
public rnoni Kell known to the conmiunity,.lll add tkpti
testhrionv ta the wettderhileffeets of this GREAT 1111 D
PI3 • .'
Call on the Main, and get Circular and Alma r.,
and read the wonderful ;cure:A , tbiut truly fireatcest oral!
Medleines has performed. , f
Yutuc nlcts signed. BENNETT 411111311S,Rri
.. _
Tone genuine untexa
prietors, Isio. 3, I.vai ,stroot, litchniond, Va, to whom ai
ordon; for suividlett and neended must be. addrefised.
And for sale by 8, Elliott, S. W. Ilaverstirlc, Carnal.;
In VeiY.l 4, ifailittnitsbtulc; 3: tferraii, Nevvvlllei
Attie, i3lalppeosbuyis? and by dealers In inedldnes cyan
IRON ! IRON:---The subblij)er
tlio satighetlon to anorince , to the put 1e that'll
large and extensive Ware /lons° Is completed, end
filled with ono -of the largest and hest tu,t-rortment
; 11h6p1E11141) "AND, npi..LED. aup:x ,
Deer offered in thli place, Thom in 'wept would do It t
to 11 and examine lx.cere purchasing elsewhere. ,
member the old stand, East Ilainistrcet.
Sept, 1% -' • iiENRY SAXTON;
LI V E It UUM.fIiALIN 1, LT,pet,..
Jahndiee,.Chroule or P,orvous tfobility, Dhoit sod
toe rildneys,,and all discuses arising from a dis, 10*
• Liver or Stomach, such us Constipation, inward plu
fulness of blood to the head, acidity of the stoma( I
nausea, heartburn, disgust fur food, fulness or weight it
the stomach, sour eructations, sinkingmr Butte! ing a
the pit of the stomach, swimming of the head, hurrie
and difficult breathing, fluttering nt the heart, vliok ill
or !innovating sensations when in a lying postuttc, stn
ness of vision, dots or webs. bolero the sight. lever an.
dull Vain in the head, deficiency of persph at Mil. 3 elirm
11014; of the skin Unti . eyes„pain in the side, Iris k. riles;
limbs, &e., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the
constant imaginings of evil, and great depfessiou ni spir
Its. eau Ire eiteetallilY 'cured by Int. 110 m t.tx , f s I'LL!
MATED all AN 111T1'EItS, prepared by Da. C. .1,,
JACK:JON, NO. P.lo Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Their power over theattave diseases is nut excelled.
equalled. by any other preparation in the United kater
as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful phyw
clans had failed.
. _ .
These bitters ure`lvorthy the attention of Inval
Possessing great virtues in the rectifir•ation of die. ar.s
of the Liver and fusser glands, exercising the
searching powers i❑ weakness and affections firthe d
gestivo organs, they are withal safe, certain and ph r
aut. '
J. D. Spring. Laeeyville ' Va., April 1854, sasys, •t can get you some good certificates Mr your German Bit
tors in this vicinity if you wish theta. 'A holy put elms
Ing some of it this volt, says that It is by liar the I tat
medicine she ever knew, having done her and her
daughter much good, &r.
S. 11. Lawson, lienfard's Store, Somerset co. l'n., ring.
16. 1553. says. "I rim much attached to your iiernom
Bitters. having used tiro bottles of it, which I procure
from S. Kurtz, your agent at Somerset, and found great
relief from it in disease of thp Liver. I find it lit s
great effect on my lungs,'i4trengthoning and invigorat it g
them, which, as I ant a piddle speaker, is a great help to
Dr. Giles, Newton TlrtmlltomPa., May. 15 , 111, 't
luau used myself half a dozen bottles of your Getman
Bittere for Liver Complaint and diseases ot - a ntm(
character, resulting front the abuse of mercury. I 1 , 1
poisoned and afflicted with spasms from the use of th
latter article. The German Bitters is the first artie,
I:tom which I obtained any viler. I haN e also Shen 11
article to many dysvepeys. w Ith the most salutary n
suits. I think as 'navy awry bottles will cure me."
Esq., of Dauphin, Pm, writes Ma) 5. '5
"I. was afflicted nab (3,311..1a1 Debility, Intestinal Weal
ness and Costiveness. for n Well I used many differer
remedies without relief. nt last used your lbouand
Uerman Bitters. I took a few bottles according to d
sections, and was cumpletely cured. I base not Lo.ll
healthy for ten year, as I base been since I for k
Bitters, which is about one your ago."
The, Bitters ate f:NTIRM VI:OI:TADLE,aI ways i.trengt -
ening the system and never prostrating it.
Sold In dealers in medicine and storekeepers "ever
where, and by Samuel Elliott. S. W. Ilaserst irk and I
W. Ca udins n. Carlisle: Em Inger Co., Med or nitid urF
Sflyder :I.llvbilrg, and by Dealers in Mediei:,
Nov. 15.2.
11100:OR Milt
Air SELF- 7 1'1t1 VATELY
emits. by MAW , al' the PiA't
El /EN.:ii LAPIL or Eve,
One lIIK OM , IN
The thirty-Fixth kAith,n, n it
one hundred engraviues, she%
ing Private lib:Zee:es and
formations of the Genet 'lO
System, in every shake a..
nirm: to nhieh is add ,d
Treatise on the 4 Dh.easrs of I.
male., intended 'Mr the use
females only, pig(' ii3O)
tug Ur the highest import an
to married people, er those et,
ily. %1 31. Youmi, M. Li., wades
of tilt; University ol I . llllllby/VAIIIII. 31U111ber 01 the 10,
al o'3liege of Surgeons, London, and honorary Mcnib
of the Philadelphia :31mile:a society. The variitn tern
(if Secret diseases, &mina] Y 1 tiakness. Disea,es of tl
Prostrate 14 land, Impoteuny, solitary hi I iis .1 3 euth. in
(Wilfully described, and all the receipts giveu iu plai
language: The chniotdrs on self abuse II 1111 S 0111111:
Weakness is worthy of particular attention. and shunt
be read by every one. Youzur men iditi
fortunate In contracting disease, pro bus to pinch.
yourselves tinder the care ,if any doctor, 11. matter wht
hie pretensions may be, gut a copy of this truly vat tiab
work. _ .
Sea Captains and persons going to sea should posse
Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the locket •Esculai
Us or Every one Ills own Physiciah.
..ilta• Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of tl
lEsculapius to his child. It may save him from an ear,
Let no young man or woman enter into the
cret obligations of married life without reading the pee
of &untying. Let no euu sulfuring luau a toicimil•
cough, pain In the side, restless nights, nervous feellu
and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and give
up by their physician, Is, another moment without em
salting the _Esculaphis. Have the ,married or the
about to ho married any impodimmit, read this tru
useful Book, us it has been 'the 'Mims of saviDg tho
sands of unfortunate croaterias'from the very jaws
death. Upwartbi of a MILLION copies an this celebrst
work has been ,sold In this country and Europe since
38, when the first edition was issued.
in - - Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents e:
elesed in a letter, will receive one copy or this buck
mall; or five copies will be scut for, jl. Address L
WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce street, Philadelphi
Post paid.
Twenty years practice In the city of Philadelphia e, r
taltily entitles Dr. Young to the confidence at the ut
dried, and ho 'nay be consulted on any of the dismasc .
described In hie different publications, titbit; ofliw. 15.
Spruce street, ovary day between it and 3 o'eloch. Sun
days excepted) and persons at any distance can consult
l)r. Young by letter, roar PAID.
ern; adapted to general use, greatly superior Li) °them
and within the means of every individual.
100 PILLS for twenty-llva ,centst No oxtdrtien In
price—no Calemel—no mineral poison whatever.
Da.'s IIEALTII PILLS fully merit the great
reputation they have acquired. They are called for fiann
all parte of tho land, becuuno VET AAR ALL THAT
WIIAT TIENT WILL DO—They purify the blood, they
dense the Systern of Humors, they cum) Dyspep.sia and
Indigestion, they create au 11' , petite, they taro Vick
/Loader:lie, Dizziness and Low Spirits, they.arrest reVers.
they promote a healthy action of the Liter, titey urn 0
sum earn for Costiveness and .11Abitual Constipation,
they are highly efficacious In peurtie Ocimplanits,lbey
strengthen and give tone to,ilao , §y - stem. 'They aro Arz,..:
bust Family 3lodirine known.
It is au obvious inquiry, how ono medicine can curost
many different complaints. These Pills, however, aro
cempounded of cure CI VI3 materials that, persons limn on.
i' to TRY TIIKM and tile - answer will be tband In a co
dored body and au invigorated constitution. -
Each Ilex contains lOU Pills, at the astonishingly los,
Price of '25 cents. Every individual should have them.
For sale by the Drua4sta and Storekeepers generally
. PALgan, general Aged, atonlngton, Ct. L,
C 1.. Kenlogy. }lechanicaturg, Cumberland
county; ta.,annottacr.a to those atlikteu with Tem - , rt.
Wen& Canners, Polypus, hurt& Nl!ilea •or Midst, &a
ula jiing's Evil and all diseases that have been murals
troatedwith Cauttle Knife, he can reinove them with.
out cutting, burning or pain; neither Chlehlorm or
Ether it administered to' tlor patient; It it no matter
on what part of the body they may be,, he can remove
thorn with perfect salbty, and in a remarkably . short
time,, No Mineral of Vegetable poison Ls applied, and. nc
Money' repaired until a cure is perfected.
proitons Uteri, Female Complaints, Chronic, Vert
'real' Mid all other dist:tint .treated with positive inteeera
particulani can In obtained by addreming in either
English or Gerniari r petit paid. Patients can he amnia
modeted with heard on reasonable terms.
Itioetuinicihutt It' ono of the prottlest and liertirliy
SaWnii in WS or any other ..Itatu. It is S miles from
ilarrittiurg, en the Cumbrufand Ball Road, and
aecassiblo Ooin all, parts or the Union.. TIM Doctor will
to any-part of State wheitdotired,
rs4dor you know any afflicted fbiloq crew
tato; delay 'not to tail theta of' this trtattnent , ';
IVFAV SPRING GbOtia , --Tho 'sub
seribor Is now *ming a lane and genera? assort
ment or LAME:3I)MS G9QDS, consisting of ;Hack and
Oolored ehallt llareges, llotts de Lams, French
and English Lawns, also a gannral sarict7 9r td4 1b
boys wear, a Vail assortioant of Ladies and li r drrni
Hosiery, Gloves liandkorcblefa, also Euglitql- m, utile*
STRAA'"lit)SiNlrrg, Bonnet itildvas, Bcnnetciaivnto,
with tho wanal vapity ofSpring goods stonderate