Fll .1)c illarkets. (Carlisle Frotore .311arftet REPORTED FOR 'TILE HERALD C .rlisle, i'Vecinet?day Morning, Oct. 81 FLoun Superfine, per WA do RYE ' '' I!ITE WHEAT. per bushel do Extra, RED RYE COR V 0 ITS CLOVERSEED do TIMOTHY/3EIRD. dO WINTER BARLEY. do SPRING BARLEY. do PHIADELPHIA. MARKET. MoNimr EVENING, Oct. 29 FLOUR AND MEAL.—The Flour market con tinues scarce and firm, but 'the demand ie limited, and sales only reach 250 bbls standard superfine at *9, which is the uniform asking rate; and 800 half hbls Mount Vernon Mills Bakers' F ( fart'ht *9,25 Mc; pair. For home use the s Iles are also limited within the range of *9.10,55 per' hid for common to choice brands and extra; the latter fir fancy family Flour. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are quiet; 100 hbls of the latter sold at $4,50 per bbl. GRAlN—There is not so much Wheat offer ing to-day, and it ,is mostly,of poor quality: the demand is also less active, and about 10.- 000 bushels found buyers at 1,95a52,00 for reds, the latter for prim . ° Southern and Penn sylvania, including 2.000 bushels Tennessee at the rime rate, art] about 3000 bushels white, in lots, at 1,95a52,1* for inferior to got d lots. Rye continues unsettled and lower, and 1200 or 150f1 bushels Western have been sold in lots, mostly at 1,20010,21 delivered. Corn about stationary, with further small receipts nd sales at 95 cts fur old, and 051170 cts for new yellow, according to condition. Oats in moderate deniancl, and 4000 or 5000 bushels Southern have been sold at 42 eta afloat 'LEONARD & EVERP,'TT, DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE, Council Bluffs, lowa. Wlll loofa° Land Warrants, and maur land on time. lonn money on Real Estata security, and pay taxes for non-rimidouts. ' Having largo experionco In the selecting and pur chasing of public land, and acquainted with the most favorable points for investment in western lowa. we flatter ourselves that we can locate land warrants to the best advantage upon timber. prate°, bottom, or upland. near county seats: adjacent to the lino of proposed rail roads; and upon land watered by never failing streams 44 the judgement or taste of parties may direct. Persons intrusting money or warrants to our care for loan, will find our terms liberal, wo refer to Hon. :1_ G. Ego, Westmlostor, Carroll Co.. `!ii. Goo. F. llupp. Esq., Strasburgh, Shenandoah Co., Va. Eiu.wuol Arbogast, Esq., Crabbottom,lllghland Co. Ca MILLINERY GOODS-1855,-7- FOR FALL SALES! JOHN STONES SONS, Fo, South Second' Street, Philadelphia. Have Just opened their Fall Importations of BONNET SILKS, RIBBONS, VELVETS, FANCY FEATHERS, FLOWERS, LACES, kg, &e. Including a general assortment of Nlll,l.lNkillT ARTI CLES, of the most fashionable styles. The above Goods have been imported exgremih,- for our FALL sales and comprise the largest and bust assortment in our line to be found In the market. septth 1)IIILIPS, STRYKER & JENINGS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FRENCIL and AMERICAN DRY 000DS! BOUGHT EXCLUSIVELY AT AUCTION. Nos. 1 and 3, Bank Street, below Market. between Sec ond and Third, PHILADELPHIA. Cash or short thee Buyers we will sell at a very stint,' advance on Auction cost. Philadelphia. Sept. 19 A GRIEULTURAL IM M PLEENTS. I'E NOCK'S C MESA AT ED WIIE AT I) Adapted also for sowing oats, grass seeds and guano. fir.inser's Portable Cider Mill—the best In the market. Ihilliday's patent Windmill.— IlorSo Power's and Thresher's. Lime and Guano Spreader's, Daniel's iiny, Straw and Fodder Cutter. Little Want Corn and Col; Mill, Spain's Atmospheric Churn. Theabove Superior Implements with all ethers, filt• thn us,, of the firmer or gardner, fur sale Wholesale and Retail by PASCUA :MORRIS & CO., vrirtilturhl Warehouse and Seed Store. corny 7th and Marl:6t streets, Philadelphia. july A H. _FE ANCISCITS, 1[• MANUFACTUTEII OF COTTON LAPS, 4.1 . Tie Yarn, Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarns, LAW, CANDLE AND FLUID WICKS. bleb he offers to soil at the Lowest Cash Priers at No. 51areiut Street above Second. North side, Phlladelphla t e 4000 TONS LYKENS -100 A L i' AtValley, Dauphin and I'lllo Grove Nut or Lime (oal, Lykens Valley, Pittston and Shamokin Stove Coal, AIR), bust quality lilarksndth Coal, Also, LUMBOIt of all kinds and bust Cypress Shingles. all of which will ho sold unusually low. Friends call aninl judo for yourselves , • aug 21/ tf CORN SHELLERS.--XANDER'S PAT ENT Cony SIIRLLEB, decidedly the beat and cheap est now In use. Farmers are requested to eall and Ox• amine it at the Carlisle Foundry and 111nehine Shop. or at Saxton;a hardware Store. For male at reasonable prices by QUMMER HATS.—Just received at thu Store of ROBERT DIOR, a largo assortment 01 fun's, Youth's and Children's 81,1511 VIER HATS, con biking of Panama, Leghorn, Broach Straw, Canton and othut varieties, part of which are colored and blaelt some quite low in price. inny2 SEVE YOUR OLD METAL—.,Cash paid for OLD METAL, such as Coppek, Dram and Iron, at the Earlislo Foundry and Machine Shop.. FRANK. GARDNER Qr I AM. NOW , RECEIVING di my spring stock of PAPER lIANCIINGh viilC . ll ' s t o largest mid most varioil assortment ever e i ll plumed In Oirlisle, to which I invite the early attention of the public, as I intinul soiling at prices which cannot fall to please the dos.* purchaser. niarch2B Carlisle-41011:y L. Burkholder, Jno. Moore, Henry Myers, Jacob Steigleman. Dickinson—John T. Green, Christian Whet ley, David Demuth. East Pennsborough—John Brenton. Frankford—John Wallace. Hampden—Jacob Bricker Daniel Kohn. Hopewell—James M'Cqure. Lower ./Illen—Geo. A. Balsly. Mechanicsburg—John S. Hostetter. Dfijjtin—Jacob II ennui nger. New/on—Robert Kilgore, Isaac.K.oons. Silver Spring—Jacob Kast, Ahra'm Adams. Southampton—Christian Rebnek M'Cune. South Middleton—John W. Craighead. 'West Pennsborough—Benjamin M'K han , George M'Keelian. 48,50 8,75 6,00 2.10 2,00 1,00 80 35 6,75 8.25 1,00 1,00 TRAVERSE JURY-FIRST 11 7 EEK Carlisle—Jacob Duey, Georgia Wetzel, Sam uel Ensminger, Franklin GJr,iner, John Bentz, Jefferson Worthington, Thomas Conlyn, Willis Fount. Forbes, Martin Long. East Pcnnsborongh—Jacub S. Haldeman, 3tielmel Frankford—John Burl:art, William Gra , ham, John A. Bloser, William Sanderson. Hopewell—David Boover-John F. Eisen- Flower_ Hampden—James Martin. Lower .dllen—Bayley Mateor, Frederick Sheely, Henry Heitz. Mifflin—Samuel Meg iv:. Munroe—George Struck, Abraham Hartzler. North Middleton—Abraham Ditlow, Wm. M. Henderson, Daniel Hoffert. Newton--.J tines kyle, Christian Mellinger. Newellle—Willi an Nicholson. • New Cambertand—John C. Kirk. Silver Spring.—Gourad M'Quairle,John Nis ley, Willi un Glover, William Culbertson. Southampton—UAW! Mohler, Joseph Boni- • berw.r. shippensbarg—Philip Koontz, Joseph Mic fin. South illiddieton—Jacob Noffsinger, John Shealr;r, Benjamin priglithill, Adam - Wit 114111 Upper .illen—Zltchariall Smith, George Brandt. IVe.ll Perinsborough—llenry Donor, Robert Graham. ,' • T Rai ERSE JURY—SECOND WEEK. Carlicle—AlexiLtider F. Mock, George Cart, Henry S. Ritter, Jacob Shilling. DiCki 11.5071—John S. Monroe, John Morrison, John Lockhart, George K.issruger, David Black. East Pennsborough—William Banks, Goo Eppley, Chas. Atwood. • Frankfurd—Jits. Gillespie, Martin Mount Hampden—Julio K utz. Lower Sheely; Joseph Best. Mifflin—Jacob Bowman, Robert M'Cnlloch, Henry Snyder, Armstrong Black, William Patten. - Monroe—Ross Anderson, Christian Hannan, Jacob Morrett, !Mole! gberly. Mechanicsburg—Wm. Mell, Geo. Altick. Newellle—Wm. H. Woodburn, Jacob Zeig ler. North Middleton—Jonathan Holm, William I'. S Wimer, Geo. S.Clark, John Cornwall. Newton—John liilancls. New Cumberland—John Balsley, Southampton—Jas. Beaty, Daniel S. Croft'. South Middleton—Geo. D. Craighead, Jno. Plank, Geo. Spangler. Shipm.lburg--John Gish, S. D. Henderson. Uppei - ,lllen 7 Edward Evans, Wm. Lambert, iVilliain Eckels. IVest Penwiborough—lrvin M'Matins, Jo-' soph A. Pennington vs. Samuel W. Powell, M'Gregor's adner vs. Wm. Baird's adtn'r, Same vs. Same, W. 11. Irvine & wife vs. Catharine Sibbetts, Caroline 'Moser vs. M. I). Leckuy, 1 John Sanderson vs. C. V. Rail Road, John Mumper vs. Wm. M. Watts, Joseph Merkel vs. Dr. J. Zitzcr, Johnson S. Martin vs. David Martin, R. Woods, for use, vs. Jacob Bear. Saving Fund vs. A. IS. Zug & C. Long Mary Crawford vs. W. Ramp's trustee, Elizabeth Payne vs. Michael Ziegler, Ezra Bell vs. John Sherrick, Harvey 801 l vs. Same, H. W. Drawbaugh vs. Henry Kilheffer, Cocklin & Cathcart vs. Wilbaine & Home, Thos. Symington vs. Cumberland county, David Mahon vs. Richard Baker, Steiner & • Co. vs. George Cramer. George Ilendel vs.. Carson C. Moore, C. G. Stough vs. Samuel Greason, John Coleman vs. Jacob Hartman, D. Winchell & wife vs. 'Wilson Reed. John Kohlu vs. Rev. J. Fry. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.—The subscribec offers nt .•..wf vote sal° a valuable house and half lot Y. ofground situated in North Bancrrer street. Ie LW lo3 vements a two stet y weather-boarded li House, washbowl°, bakehouse; a cistern, hc., Jr°. T 1 lot is 30 feet IA front, and 240 In depth, and contains a variety of eitakilent fruit trees. Terns easy. Ap_p ly to JACOB WOLF, June 13. Agent for S, Gnenslon. ES2EIE=EER L. GAIIDNEII.I rOlv N PROPERTY I h AT PRIVATE SALE. P ie subscriber offers nt private sale, the following Two. porty, late the estate of.lames Armstrong, doe'd, viz: • No. 1. A house and lot of groutid, situate an Pomfret street, cast of Hanover, adjoining property of Ephraim Steel, The house is of stone, two stories high, with back building, now occupied by IL It Woody. No. 2. A two story brisk house, altuato ou tho corner of Pit end Pomfret strelsts. No. 3. A- two story brick house adjoining tbo above. No. 4. A frame woathpr•boardod house, fronting on Pitt stroet and adjoining Nos. 2 and 3. For further informatioii apply tostlio subscribers JOHN N. ARMSTRONG, JOGN RHOADS, Oct. 9, '59.--3t. Executors. - MEW GOODS.—The subscriber has 1.1 net received a largo assortment or Dry Mods, suitable to the approaching season, which will bo mold Very cheap. 51. SNODGRASS. JOHN P. LYNN JURY LIST FOR NOVEMBER COURT, 1855 GRAND JURY TRIAL LIST FOR NOVEMBER TERM, 1855 FIRST WEEK SECOND WEEK! T.lie,•r.lizrM, , Q:r4l. , . V.,. llfiitabefpf)itt. AVING FUND or Tim INSURANCE, ANNUITY it: TRUST COM 1"li. S. E. Corner Third and, Chesnut Streets, Phil'a. tl; 4 /. CAP vrA 5250,000. Stoney is reeelva on deposit daily. the aniount de posited le entered iu it Deposit 13.01: and givon to the . Dep6sitor, Or, if preferred, it certificate will he given. Ali sums large and small, are resel . iled. and the moonlit paid back on demand, without notice. I oterest is paid at the rate of FIVE Phil VENT., con- Mewling from the day of deposit, and coast int fourteen days previous to the withdrawal of the money. , „,,Cti the first day of.lanuarv, in each vear, the interest of"eaLli tlop2slt is paid to the depositor, or added to the p InefifirasltiVinay prefer. The Company have now upwards of 3,500 depositors In the city of Philadelphia alone. Any adltionalinformation will be given b_ addressing the Tea keiUltElt. DI It ECTOSS Stophon It. Crawfhrd. Presl. Wm. "1. (101 l win, Lawrence Johnson, Vico Pt. Paul B. 4 loddard. Ambrose 0. Thompson, (leo. Mc I lonsy, Benjamin W, Tingley., . JaMes, Devereux, .lamb h. Floranco, (lust. English. PUNY FISK. Soeretary and Treasurer, J. C Omit.sciii...konn. Teller and Intl:motor, Sept. 12 '45.--ly. I'VE PER CENT-SAVING FUND OF VIE NATIONAL SAFETY COMPANY, Wel t street, south,vost corner of Thl NI street, Pltilattel phht. !Lie Aperated by the Stnte of PetmsylVillllß In 10•41. par emit. Interest Is given, and the money Is nl trays paid back whenever it Is called for, without the fleet's,' ty of 1410 tig notice for it beforehand. People who have largo sum , : put their money in this Fund, nn account of the superior safety and con venience it affords, but any NUM, hirg,) or small, is re ceived. This Saving Fund has a vory large :mount of Mort gages, ilround Runts and other first rhos investments for the scrurity o f uepoNitors. The roles prevent any Dire: ter or .1111-er from using or hot-rowing the Illtmoy. The lii ro is open t.. receive and p.ty money every day, in the morning till 7 o'clock in Ow et ening, and on Monday awl Thursday evening, till it 1.,0p1e who have minpy to pot In. aro invited to call at the office for Itirthqr Information. 1 . : . 4 ' r 1.. BENIN President. It )11r. suvitit).lm. Sire President. W.‘l. J. REED, Secr,tary.. . . .oetobor 3, 1865. [I . OM(EOPATthe MEDICAL COL i,E,w ON I'hiNSSYLVANIA, LoCaton in Filbert :St; aboeo 11.5.ventli, The Lrcrt:nr.•a of the Regular Course, will commeure on the , mcond )[ouch] of Octobor,•and continue until the first of March ensuing. Amount of Erns for tl full Course of Lectures [in variably rash.] OW 00 Students who have attended two fdil courses In other M...dical Colleges, $0 00 Graduates of other Medical Colleges. atl 00 Matriculation Fee, paid only once, L 00 Pract ion I Anatomy, 10 oo Graduation Fee, 30 00 FACULTY.' LTER WI, LIAMSO:q. 31. D. ; Emeritus Professor of enn ieal Medicine. J P. D I)., Professor of Materla Modica and Therapeutics. Aix Ci S. sst t IL.. M. D., Professor of Itoin.eopathle Insti tut,s. Pat tiolo4y, and the l'eartiee of Mellelllo /lAA(' )I. NV ~nn. M. U.' Professor of Obstetrics ' Diseases of \Venturi iota Children, and Medical Jurispru dence. MArroew Scene, E. D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology. J tote Its %net-, M. D., Professor of Surgery. IVibm,tot A.O %TWINER, M. D.,Professor of Anatomy. WILLtAn A. Itr.rn, M. D., Profospor of Phy,ilology. AsA S. Coven, M. D., Doo - onstrntor of Anatomy. WILLIAM A. (I A !MINER, M. D., Donn. No. 120 North Tooth St. l'hilit JO'. 13.13USSEER, 27 S. Wharves, below Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Wholesale healer in Fomues AND DOMINTIC FRUIT, Nurs..te.. would call the attention of Country Merchants and others, to the following list of Goods, kept constantly on hand, all of which he offers for sago at the lowest market prices, in lots to suit purehasers, FlWlT.—ltaisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Citron, Tam arinds,'Prunes, Oranges, Lemons. Prose' ves. NUTS,--lAhnonds, Filberts, Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Pecan 6Nutsc - Ground Nuts, Shelled Almonds, Cocoa Nuts, Shelli4Dround Nuts, French Chestnuts. SCSORlES.—Chocolate, Sardines, Split Peas, Pine Apples Cheese, Syrups, Rose Water, Peach W.4ter, As sarted .4tracts. Lltuoriee, Hoek Candy, Duni Drops, tilac,!aroiti, Vermicelli, [loans, Green (linger, Salad Oil, Cana. y Seed. Hemp Seed, Pearl Barley, Preserved flin ger, Fig Paste, Jujube Paste, Ketchups and Sauces, Olives :ind Capers. Assorted Plckels, Jellies and Jems, Fire Works and Fire Crackers, Spiced Oysters and Lob sters, AT., kr.. Country Merchants aro requested to call and pur chase their goods at first hands and make:l great saving thereby. [Oct. D• 55 114111 H CHEAP CASH BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, North West corner of Uth an Arch Streets, Phtladolphla.—UßEAT DAIIOAINB IN TWIN I—Poetical, Juvenilia Miscellaneous Standard and Presentation Books, very cheap! STAPLE AND PA:NOY STATIONERY. Superior White Ruled Diner Paper at 1,00 per Ronal. Letter. and Note Envelopes in great variety. Weddings Furnished at vory moderate rates. Cards Written and Engraved. Gillett's and other Stool Pews. Superior Motto Wafers, 829 on a sheet, for, 25 coats. Inkstands. Penknives, Paper'Weights,' &a. • Fine Turkey Morocco Forte Monnelos, • Port Folins, Card Cases, Backgammon Boards, fic. • With a very large and choice assortment of TOY ROOKS, GAMES, DISSECTED PICTURES, Albums, Scrap Books and klngravlogs. may 2.Lly' P. TIE INISON. FANCY FURS FOR LADIES !- JOHN FARtHEA, Imparter, Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Fan cy Furl, No. 284 Mirka *above Eighth Street, ' PHILADELPHIA. flaying now completed my very largo and beautifitl assortment of all the different kinds of Fancy Furs, and fashioned into ail the different styles and fashions that Will ho worn during proient season by , Ladies and Children, and being detect:clued to soli my goods at SMALL PROPITB It will be to the. advantage of lad:es and others to give me a call before purchasing. Storelteepors acid/the trade will do well to call, as they will find one of th 6 largest and boat variety of stock to select from in the city.) Sept 19 '55.—i115. JOIIN • • T EATILER.L . ---Fritt & Hendry, Store', „ 29 North 3d tit. Philadelphia, Morocco Manufact or,, Carrlor!i, Importor4Oolinnifaston and General Loath or busincsx. . • WHOLESALE ,AND RETAIL-51,ivuluctory 15 Ms ha elstreet. '• Sop. 1-4 y. ]if)ifatiejpOta. . --------- _ (ENUTNE II(7)Nt-Y, - SOAP.—The purity, flagrance mild mooliient properties of this c+oap, renders it especially -,. '.14 it: ",..> l ': deserving. a place on 11 very .4s ... ' 1 ., : :-'... ..' A 4 44 toilet For chapped hands, .i• 4:4/q.......,"?` :. ':, •I , A d' 1111di various disease s of the - . * skin, it is unequaled. knelt ',IA: - .".••••=::-; V....,,A. , • 71. Mica is stamped NV 1. CON- • %VAN', lliS south Second ... '' it,....... ..:•"''‘,- .... streot, Philadelphia. No • --...v..... , ... ''. other is Gen piny. IMI ItO V El) CI [EMMA L OLIVE SOAP, warranted to wash in herd, soft, or salt water. 'Phis Soap has power ful cleansing properties, which readily remove WI. Paint, Dirt. &c., from every description of goods without Injury to them. For all domestic purposes it Is superior to any other )..ap In use. and 20 per cent. cheaper than the C.llllllO/I rosin soap. , Each lx r is stamped. NV I lAA A NI COS W AY. 'MR South S1,1'1111(1 strpet. Philaderphia, Manufacturer of Fancy and litapl•Surip. sperm, !dear- Int, and tallow candles, importer and dealer in sal soda, soda ash, rosin, tc. Orders by mall promPtly attended to• Sept, I')..th 1 4 1 H. SMITH, PORT MONNAIE, • I3OOK And DRESSING CASE I,lThinufacturer, N.W. evrper 4th and Chesnut streets I=2 it;TrAlways on hand a large and varied assortment of Port Motionles, Work Boxer,: Pocket Books, Calms, hankers Cases, Travelling Bags, Note Itolders, Ita.•kgammon Boards, Port Folios, Chess Men, =I Dressing Cases, (igur Cases, it e, Also a general assortment of English. French and Ge rman Faney tioods. tine pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and (lot,' p en s. .13ii-Wholesale serOnd and third Floors. aprlS F. 11. SMITH, N.W: cc , rinr 4th and Chesnut streets. N. ll.—On tho receipt of $1 s superior (told Pun will be sent to any trtrt of the country by mull—deseribing pen thus. medium, hard or sot t. ) 143 1U1'1:1).—E. Ni ENl' I, AN I) & CO' S'' - IL, whoie..lo and ratan LOOK 1.3,6 (I LASS AND PI& 1 7 Tr ICI; FRAME >I.tN PF.1("I'l Illy, Nii.ll2l; ARCH ntreet, , ilip,,iite thu Theittri. Philadelphia. I E. N. & Co. revel% rd t lie ()lily Prim. Modal, awarded at Chu l'rystal l'alliee exhibit iidi. N.Y., 1553, him the United , State,. for (lilt, Deeurated. )lantel and Pler tilasss. '', TRUSSES: T SSES! r. 11. NEEDLES, AND ItltAt.'l, ESTABLISHMENT, S, Con or Tnelft h and Race Streets. Importer of tine French TrUSNON, combining extreme lightness, ease and duraiditty with correct construc tion. Ilernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remit ting amounts :--Sending number of Inches round the hips, sod stating Skiff aileeted. Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $l, $5. Doublo—ss sit, itl; and $l9. Instructions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, Sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety, int. BANNING'S IMPROVED PATENT BODY BRACE. Fur the cure of Prdapsus Uteri; Spinal Pulps and Sup ports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and Erector Braeos, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and and Weal: Lungs; English Elastic Aldomittal Belts, Suspensories, Svringes—male and fmiale. (;',,;;Ladics: Rooms, with Lady attendants.; UP Ell PHOS PH ATE OF LIME. tN IMPROVED ARTICLE. n, subscriber informs Dealers and Farmers that he has ;:re tin proved the quality of Ws SUPER PHOS PHATE OF • LIME, and now confidently recommends the article Inaluslitetured by him, ac ,CPEIIIOIC to any In the market. - You are Invited to call. mounine and try It. Ale) PERUVIAN AND MEXICAN GUANO, OILS, CANDLES, SOAP, dc. At tho lowest market rates. .1 O. L. POMEROY, Successor to Thos. W. Morgan, No. 9 and 10 tiouth Wharves, Philadelphia. kV-Farmers can load on two privato alloys, and avoid the crowdod wart". July 25, '55. "Ijarhs. T REVORTON COAL. rub% OUTON COAL The Trevorton Coal Company are now prepared to fur nish the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity with an abun dant supply of the Genuine Trevorton Coal. through their dealer, W M. It. MUItRA Y and JACOB SIIIWM, whore consumers can procure the various sizes siz : Lump. Stettin Boat, Broken, Egg, Stove and Limo Burners. We ran reemuend It to all. as superior to any other coal for steam, domestic purposes, and lime burning. For the intbrunition of the citizens of CarlisbAwe would in form them, this is that superior coliTPa sample of which was sent by E. Relfenstine, Esq'r, of Trevorton, about the winter of 1852 nud gave so much satisfac tion. Tror•orton Coal Company Port Tri),orton, Union coon ty, Pa. Aw.r. 22, 105. REST FAMILY COALS! AT TILE SEW COAL VALID. Thu subscriber would respectfully infirm the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity that he is now prepared to fur nish the II ENUI NE TEE VOItTON COAL, of various sizes, a sample of which was furnished to a number of citizens three years since by Mr. E. ilelfenstein, and whirl' gave surh perfect satisfaction. Also best 'qualities of Lykuns Valley and Shamokin Also BLACKSMITH'S and LIMEDURSPR'S COAL of the different kinds, constantly on hand, at the new Coal Yard near the gas works. 6ept. 6 2 55 .11 ACOII $11.1t051. MOTICE OA T L O C L3ONSUMCOAL!!!ERS. lF C! COA Thu subscriber would respectfully Inform his friends and the public, that he is now receiving 1000 tons of that very superior RED ASII COAL. from the Luke Fidler, mines of Boyd, Rosser .t Co., the only Red Ash Coal brought from the Shamokin Basin, Introduced and known In Carlisle as the Ilelfenstine Coal. It is entirely free from slate and nil other Impurities. and Is perfectly adopted to all mechanical and domestic purposes. Its readiness to ignite. renders it particularly desirable for small stoves, while its intensity 4f bent and great dura bility In burning makes It equally so fl.r large ones. lie would also call the attention of Emitters and others to a superior arliele of CHESNUT COAL, from the same mines, for steam and line purposes, For wile only In Carlisle by July 25. 0. W. WILTON. 1:4 1 :1:WILY COAL.-500 Tons Lyken's _ Valley broken and Screenedrprepared gsly fo family use, receiving and for sale by nue. 20 tim W. B. Agt. 'COAL 2,000 ons Lyken's Valley Nut Coal, n superior article recelt. g and for sale by , Jut 1:10 8m W. B. MURRAY, Agt. 13 1 11 ‘ ta L- tl7.• i ll S llll i s T anl i tl'e S COal C a O fl A rst. l4 r . a . to artsl c , 1 0 . 0 0 rr rololog am 'or sale by • Ato, 201. t V. 11. MURRAY, Agt. ELASTIC 13ELTS' —J4st received a mot Wick and Colored Bilk andWorstoil Volts, by OEO. W. MINER. caltN . SIIEI:LERS ! ': ~. Cony SIVELLER . to subscriber haing in the indit few yearn !Burned upwards ore hundred end forty cornEholli3rs for flon ry Rhoads, 'wishes to lufirriti the Faranera of CupAerland county that he is Prepared to frame thew anoW. 1 will take Corn 'or Weed to pay for. Fratrileg; and will In tore the machines . to run well. 'dfy shop la at the North end of West,,streqt; , • , . ,' ' '—' Ittig 2).—tin. JOSEPIL WEAVER. T)ATENT SKIRTS, &e.—Just open.. 041 nucithoi• luvolco pf C9tofroa t'atent Moliquoto ntpts; svith a variety of other to'718(11111. We goods. July IS, OEO. W, 111T/MR. poeket Moinordndum Books I Ei Jtotices • CCOURT'Pia) GLA MATION.— i Whereas the Illieutable JAMES H. UnAiiAm, Prost deat Judge of the several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of, Cumberland, Perry and Juniata, and Punnsi infidel and JUstice of the several 'Courts of Oyer and :Permitter and General Jail 'Delivery In said coun ties, and iton. JOIE , : Rum , and SARI USL °ODIUM ti Judges of the Courtof Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery 14 the trial of all capital and other offenders, In the said county of Cumberland, by their precepts to mu directed, bearing date Muffin' day of August, 1655, hay. ordered the Court of oyur and 'rennin or end Gene ral ifeihyry to be hokum at c.AaLI,IJson 51.1.ii the I.:th of :111Vember, 1655, at 10 o'clock in the threnoon, to continue two weeks. NU'flCt 15 HEREBY OINEN to the Coroner, Jus tices of the Peace and Constables of the said county of Cumberland, that they aro by the said precept com manded to be then and there in theft proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations slid all other remembrances, to do those things which to their otlice appertain to be done, and all those that are bound by reirognizances, to prosecute against the Prisoners that are Or then shall be In the Jail of said county, are to be there to prosecute them as shell be just. J GSM% 5.1!DA1t5101), Smotivios OFFICE, CARLISLE, • Ellerin. Oct. 3,1655. • • A I.JDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the mat "Ltur of the estate of John Ilays, dee'd., , the under- A editor appointed by the Orphan's Court, to marsh:ill the assets of said estate to and among its creditors, a ill attend to the duties of his appointment on'lllL,.AUAl,theSeth lost, at 10 o'cloch, A. M., at his omen iti the borough of t'arlisle, on or before \ bleb day all int created till prebuilt tiniir claims. Oct. 3, '55. J. S. COLWELL, Auditor. VUDITO It's NOTI.CE.-1. he under ± Signed Auditor alopiluted Vsthe Court to marshal awl distribute the balance in the hands Gt . C. Tate' As- Ag ,,,,,, „f j„i i ,, H a riaeher among the erediters entitled, gives nutlet , that ho will attend to that duty at his ether iu Carlisle, on :ititurday the 20th or October, on or before which day, those having claims are notititur a present them. A: B. Sll.Altr, Aunt-MK •Jii, OTIC E. At a stated ' Orphans' _i_ Court began on Tuesday. the 14th day of August, .1. D. 1565. and holden at Carlfsle In and for Cumberland County, beilrre thu lion. JAMES it. MCADAM, Prest. Judge and Samuel Woodburn and John Rupp, Esqa.:` Associate Judges, o phe, following proceedings mere had to wit In the matter of the writ of partition and valuation, of the heal Notate of Juhtf - Piper decd. late of Monroe to p.. the said inquisition ha lug been returned by the ltheriti and confirmed: Now to silt, to of A ugus Sss„rule n the heirs and. artioa Interested to .spp.,ar at e stated Orphans' ourt, aid Lute or t tutu, otherwise shoe cause si by the Court should not order the property to be sold. Notice to be served personally on tho parties residing . 5, Milo s,rty utiles and by publication in one is. owsphper on Chow residing beyond forty miles. _ . Dv TIIE COURT ~ __ _ _ In testimony whereof I have set my hand sE and spl of said Court at Carlisle the 'bur ,—,t5......., eenth day or August A. 1).1865. n Ai ; J011) , I M. OREOO, Clerk 0. C. :ept. 12-4 t VOTIC E.—To Stephen Keepers, 11 Charles Swartt and Catharine his wife, David Pen s, eh. .-msan his wife, Lewis G. Swain and Ann K ID., ne, olive!. A. Keepers, Mary AIM minor child' of i linam Keepers; deed. and Margaret Golf, wile of Kenny GMT, her mother, Lewis Keepers, who has for his guardian John 1). Gorguss, Henry Getty, minor child of Jane Alice Getty deed., and his father William Getty and William W. Ku goers, minor son of John 11. Keepers, deed. and Eliz.abeth Keepers his neither, the heirs and legal representatives of Mary A. Keeper, late of Carlisle, dee'd. In the matter of the partition and valuation of the Real Estate of Mary A. Keepers late of the borough of dee'd.: now to w it: August 14th, on ap inkation of Stephen Keepers one of the heirs of the de cedent, setting out that the Sheriff btu; made his return to the writ of-partition cud valuation with the finding of the Inquest annexed, rule granted upon the parties interested to appear at the next stated Orphan's Court and accept or retuse the said Real Estate at the valua tion, or to show cause why the said Real Estate should not he sold. BY T.IIK COURT. JouN M. Ourno, Clerk 0. C. The,parties Interested are hereby required to take no tice of the foregoing rule and appear at the next stated Orphan's Court of Cumberland aunty, on the sth day of November next, and accept or refuse the, said Real Estate at the valuation, or show cause why the Namu should not be sold. The said Real Estate consists of a HOUSe and Lot of tirounal situate An the said borough fronting on the north on Main' street, bounded on the south by an alley, on the cast by property of Mary Greason and on the west by property of Fred' Watts, Esq. t,ept 1 -1 4 ST NNE of Dr. CHAS. W. DEHN, cleeensed.—Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration de bonis non en the estate of Dr. Chas. W. Dehn. late of Now Cumberland, Cumberland county deceased, have been duly granted by the Register of said county to the subscriber residing In Mechanics burg. Ali p e rsons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment and those having claims to present them for settlement to It0111•:IIT LSON, Administrator EMIE FSTATE OF JAMES ARM STRONG, docoasuo.—Notko Ia horoby given that Letters Testamentary on the Estate of James Arm strong, Into of the borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county to the subscribers, residing In the same borough. AU persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate linyment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to .3, N. ARMSTRONG, 3. RHOADS, "August,l,s, 1855-6 w Executers. T 4 ISTATE OF GEORGE C. RUPP, 12/ Med.—Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of lieurge C. Hupp, late of Lower' Allen township, Cumberland county, oeceased, have been granted icy the Register of Ned county, to the subseriber. residing In the same township. All per indebted to said estate are required to make imme diate payment, and those buying didlll}l against it to present them fur settlement to VI MEE "EL, Aug.]. V.. • Administrator. II, I STATE OF JAMES GREASON, 1 A. ADEC'll.—Letters Testamentary on the Estate of antes tirensett dev'tt late Of West Penns oro townshiP), Cumberland county, have been Issued to the subscribers resbling in the name township. All persons Indebted to the said estate will make payment and those having claims against it will present them for settlement to THOMAS UREASON, SAMUEL GREASON. Exec. July 18. '65 CUMBERLAND VALLEY BANK. WILLIAM Ern, , , M ntonent,Dittruotatart, Roster O. STXXXXTX, linsat SAXTON, ItIOLIAIRD WOODS, JOHN S.; STOUTS, lisxnr A. STUROLON, This Bank, doing business In the name of KER, ,t CO. le now fully prepared to doe gen- , oral Ranking Business with promptness and Bdelity. Money revolved on Deposit and paid back on demand ,/trEhout notice. Interest paid on Special Deposits,— ' Particular attention paid to the collection of Notes; Drafts, Chocks, /4c. In any, pars of the United States or• Canadas. lietnittances made to England, Ireland'or the Conti. nont. The faithful and confidential execution of all or, entrusted to them, may bu relied upon. They will at all times be pleased to giro any Information desired. , in'regard to money matters In general. tm.„ltanking Ileting In Trout's Building, Main Street," a few doors east of the Rail .toad Depot., Open for Mud neSa from .©'o'clock In the' morning until 4 o'clock In he evening. , 11. A. STURGEON, Cashier. • Carlisle, Sept. RI, VMS. r, N. ROSENSTEEL; Sign ;Fancy and Ornamental Painter, Im•ln's (formerly" Harper's) stow, near ilitner's Dry Dame store. Ile will attend promptly to all the' ataire" deserliAlons of rat tng, at reasonable prices, The various kinds of irraintrit Attended to, seal as mahogany, oak, walnut, die, hi ti huprov od tlyles. •