Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 31, 1855, Image 7
311iorrIta1Itothi. WOtDERFUL JUGGLING. We carnet the following from an article in tho'CiaY 6 tt;descriptive of travels in I3ritish India., The scene of the occurrence is laid in Madras. 'Mit the most wonderful peifformance that WO,saW - thiirtiortiing Was a feat of , pure jug gling, of which I have never been able to find any solutioM - ' One of the old men came for tiqed upon the gravelled and hard trodden avenue, lending with him a - woman: He made her kneel down, tied her arms behind her, andblindeolded her eyes. Then twinging a great bag net made with open meshes of rope, le,put it over the woman, and laced up the Mouth, fastening it with knotted intertwining etirdi in'such a way that it seemed an impos sibilityifor her to extricate herself from it The man then took u closely-woven wicker basket, that toward the top, lifted the woman in the net from the ground, and plaCedhtfr'in it, though it was not without the Exertion of some force that ho could crowd her through the narrow mouth. •Having succeeded in getting her into the basket, in which, fron4ts small size, she was necessarily in a most cramped position; he Put the : colder upon it, and threw over it a wide strip of cotton cloth, hiding it complete ly. In a,moment• placing his hands under the cloth, he drew out the net quite untied and disentangled. He then took a long, straight, sharp sword, muttered some wordtk to'himi3elf while he sprinkled the dust upon his forehead; he then pulled off and threw aside the covering, and plunged the sword saddenly into the basket. Prepared as in some degree we were for this, and knowing that it was only a deception, it was yet im possible to see it without a cold creeping of horror. The quiet and energy with which be repeated his strokes driving the sword through the basket, while the other, jugglers looked on, apparently as much interested as ourselves, were very dramatic and effective. Stopping after he had riddled the basket, he again scattered dust upon its top, lifted the lid, took up the basket froM the ground, showed it to us empty, and then threw it away. At the sanie moment we saw the wo tlmn appebaching us from a clump of trees at , a distance of at least 50 or 00 feet. MODERN DISCOVERY DISCOVERY In the course of a len,ofthy and able article In the New York Tribune we find the follow ing summing urPof the achievinents of discov ery within the last quarter of , a century : "Within the last twenty-five years all the principal features of the geograpby of our vast interior regions have been accurately determined ; the great fields of Central Asia have been traversed in various directions, from Bokahara and the Oxus to the Chinese ; the bhlf known river systems of. South Amer ; ica have been explored and surveyed; the icy continent around the Southern Pole has been discovered ; the North western pas sage; the ignis fatties of nearly two centuries, is, at last found ; the dead sea is stripped of its 'fabulous terrors ; the course of the Niger ism() longer a myth, and the sublime secret of the Nile•is ‘ almost wrested from its keeping. The Mountains of the Moon, sought for titre' two thousand years, have been beheld by a Caucasian eye; an English steamer has ascend- Chadda to the the frontiers of the great King dom-Of Bornou ; Lieohardt and Stuart have penetrated the wilderness of Australia ; the Rqssians have descended from Irkoutsk to the mouth of the Amoor ; the antiquated walls of Chinese prejudice have been cracked and are fast tumbling down, and the canvas screens which surround Japan have been cut by the ,sharp edge of American enterprise. Such aro the principal results of modern exploration.-- What quarter of a century, since the form of the earth and the boundaries of its land and water were known, can exhibit such a list of sohievmente ?" I 8 TO SUN MILTAIIITED.- Sir David Brews ter,makes the following remarks relative to the Sun ;, s , , Sic Strong haifbeeti'the belief that the Sun' cannot be a habitable world, that a scientific gentlemen Was pronouticed'by his medical at tendant to be insane, because be had sent a paper to the royal society, in which ho main tained: that the light of the sun proceeds from ai,dense and universal aurora:Which may af lard ample light to the,inhabitants of the aut.- ffiCtt beneath, and yet at such a distance aloft stdpbt tqbe i rralt,t!leat ; that there may be water and dry land there, hills and da es, rain and,fair, weather, and that as the light .and nest io n /lust be'eternal, the Min may easily be conceived td be by far the most blissful hob. -station of the whole system. In less than tea years after ,this apparantly eFtravagant notion tionsiderad a proof of insanity it was , dialattlined by Sir William,'Dorschel•as a ra. ti nal and probable opinion, which might be eeittni . iblo er . om Lie own observation on the structure of the sun. • ~ , Fever and• Ague in Indiana. The following shivering paragraph appears in , ,''Welove. no dou4 - thereis more sickness in judijitia;:thiS;fall than•ever before—not of n fatal charatifer, it is•frue, but distressing-and eXpensi'Ve.' , The - Chill.g have come, like locusts in Utah, devouring the accumulated health of many summers 'Those who have boasted themßlyes chill-prodf have shaken like a cow nrd entering a battle, and many a robust con stitution has felt its clammy coldness over , spreading them like a November drizzle.-- 1 rom every quarter of the State we hear the gruntings of • the baok-aching, side-racked patients, and the combined fevers of all the afflicted would initike a heat sufficient to set up a young volcano ' The - Ittuisville Courier says: 'We learn from our exchanges that the supply of quinine is exhausted in three of the principal towns on the Wabash,•lndiana. Terre Haute run short first, and then made a run on Vincennes, and exhausted the stock there. Vinc'ennes drew on Evansville, and cleaned that city out. The editor of the Evansville Journal, in speaking of the demand for quinine, sass: 'Our quinine market was pretty dry yester day. Vincennes has 'made a demand for the article, which cleaned out the establishtnents here. We will be all right to day, and in the mean time the(P üblic can have ,, shake 'Shaking is fashionable this season. Some persons have bccOmo so skillful at it by prac tice that they cat; shake tllail Columbia' itnd .Yankee Doodle:" MEE DIMENSIONS OF HEAVEN -''And be measur ed the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs The length, end the breadth, and the height of it are equal."--Rev. 21; lb. Twelve thousand furlongs, 7.920,000 feet , which, being cubed, is 496,793,088,000.000,. 000,000 cubic feet. Half of this we will re serve for the Throne of God'and the Courts of Heaven, and half the balance for streets, leav• ing a remainder of 12.1,198,272,000,000,000,• 000 cubic feet. Divide this by 4,086, the cu bical feet in a room 1 6 feet square, and there will be 30,321,8 , 13,750;000,000 rooms. We will now suppose the world always (lid and always will contain 900,000,000 inhabit ants, and that n generation lasts 333 years, making 2,700.000,000 every century, and that the world will stand 100,000 years, making in all 270,000,00,000,000 inhabitants. Then suppose there were 100 worlds equal to this, in number of inhabitants and duration of years, making n total of 27,000,000,000,000,'.00 per , sons. Then there would •bo a room 16 feet high for each person, and yet there would be room. 'ONE or TILE nos.—The Lynn News is res ponsible for the following: A friend of ours was arguing in favor of buying large pigs in the spring, declaring it much better than to buy small ones, as they oat but little more.— A neighbor differed from him in opinion, whereupon he told a story which took down, , his opponent, and all bearers decided that small pigs eat some. Said he : "Last giving I bought a small pig from a drover, and ho was good for eating, but would not grow much. He got so, after a week or two, that ho would oat a bucketfull at a time. and then, like Oliver Twist, called for "more" Well, one morning I carried out a water buck- et full of dopgh, and after it had swallowed it all, I picked up the pig and put him in the same bucket I had fed him from, and the little cuss didn't fill it half u,p !" HOW MEN SHOULD TREAT WOMEN,-A Per siert poet gives the following instruction on this important point :—'•When thou art mar ried, seek to please thy wife ; but listen not to all that she says. From man's right side a rib was taken to form the woman, and never was there seen a rib quite straight. It breaks but bends not. Since, then, it is plain that crooked is a wotnans temper. forgive her faits, and blame, her not • nor let her anger thee, nor correction use, as it is vain ,to straighten what is drOokeA.!" CuANo OF BEDS.—An Edinburgh paper . speaking of Gough, the Temperance lecturer, and the many marvels which he has accent: plished during the, two past years, states that among other things,' he has travelled 19,837 miles per rail and coach. Hie correepondened amounts to 3;600 letters. One fact we cannot withhold, for h telis'of fatigue nigh incalou lable;.he has slept in upwards of 300 differen t bbds. :Talk of, Heroulte—this eternal, change; of beds would alone would have 'used him up.'' FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE.--ahe 2thaho mab bo perfeotly glured without pain by the Franey iipeoifio.—Mercary. We wonder if tbe speo!tio is bard t take— uot wo win try it 4thwith:—:Ex. If cured it will be alder, indeed.—Trans. 10derly, gentlemen, 'tie a sore subject.— Ledger., !Yes, and requiring 40tude to hear.—Courier. Wale earrqing the matter quite. as far as 80quette will bear.—Nail. glr:ill. , l6U ROSES 'ANp CABB&GE Continued fro'm second page that he was not ashamed to compare with any in the nation,,aud even his grandmother .said 'that he land shown his sense in selecting for n wife a woman who . coul4 ;do, something, and not one of those dressed-up dolls who seem to tiiink that the great object of life is to show themselves.' The moral of our story was thus expressed by Charley himself to a young riend, shortly after his marriage, in a conversation on the subject of matrimony:— `ln the first place, Tom, it is idle for a man under fifty, who is really a full developed man in all respect, to imagine that he is proof against the shaft of Cupid. I tell pu, - my dear boy, a man may arm himself with as much philosophy and reason as he pleases , and it won't avail him; he' must be an excep tion to the law of :human nature, and greatly defective in some way'ln head or heart if he does not fall in love at sonic) time or other, Secondly it is tiorgood sense to marry for per sonal beauty and grace alone, nor merely for domestic qualifications, but for both united; it takes both together, with a good heart, to make a perfect wife, one whom we can admire with our intellects, and adorn with our whole heart, one for whom a man is willing to en• counter all hardships, to face. any danger, to rise early and retire late, to labor, and if. neces sary,te die. And, finally, never flatter your self that you can marry any girl you choose if she.happetis not to be wealthy or moving in high life, or that all poor girls are 'willing to sell themselves to rich husbands; I tell you it ig not so.' STI LL THANKFUL—The Mobile Tribune of the Ist inst., is very thankful under damp cir cumstances. It says: .1% hat a p easaat thing it is to have a plenty of n good thing! It has rained fur the past three weeks every day, and the windows of heaven are still open. THE LONDON TIMES ON KING BomnA.--The Timer winds up n description of the Neapolitan tyrant .ar follows: •Let the Meanest man in this kingdom— Rteeped though he may be in pov'erty even to the lips—utHicted by the afflictions which can try humanity—all Job'B miseries upon him without Job's patience—fall down upon his knees and thank God that he is not King of Naples' enttliness 4.1.ar5.. tAlt. S. B. KI.ERFER, Office in North Hanover street two doors Cron) tVelse Sr. Campbell's store. 0 iil CO hours, more particularly from 7 to U o'clock, A. M., and from 3 to 7 o'clock, P. M. I:CA-M(OLIS F•outh Hanover structt, ""` noxt door to the Potd. • 0111 co. I li:01111 be absent from Carlisle the last ten days of each mouth. [Aug. 1, '65 • TAR. OEO. W. NEIDICH a "k;- _ty DENTIST carefully attends to all mesa "peratinns upon.the teeth and adjacent part, that disease or irregularity may require. lie will ales insert Artificial Teeth of every description, such as Pivet, Single and Block teoth e and teeth with " Coutin liens Hums;' and.will construct Artificial Palates, Ot Writers. Regulatlng„Pleces, and every appliance used In the Molted Art. —Operating room at the residence of Ur. Samuel Elliott, West Digit street, Carlisle. DR. GEORGE Z. BRETZ, 11DENTIST. OFFICE at tho residence of ••asica hishrothor, ou North Pitt Street, Car lisle. OTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that I hay o, this. day, associated with me In the practice of my profession. Wm. 61. Penrose and Thos. 61. Esqrs. All business, In future will be attondOd Why the above under the firm of "Balm k l'Esnoss." Feb. lith 1856. • W. M. bIDDLE, At'ty at Law f' 1 P. ITUAIRICII, Attorney at Law. ki • —Office In lloototn'e Row. All buelneel entrusb od to him will he promptly attended to. 'WILLIAM C. R . HEIDI, Attorney at Law. Wilco in Main Strout, Carlisle, I,t. 4 - 0 -Business entrusted to him will be promptly at tended to. Fob, 7.'55. N. GltE EN, Attorney at law, has • f T tued In 11e-haniesbor,z, for the practice of his profession. All kinds of Legal Writing, Collections, Court business, promptly attended to. office oppos site lir. Long's residence, 13111tVEYINO in all Its ditto. rent branches promptly attended to. (i B. COLE Attorn©y at Law, will at tend promptly to all i buslnessentrusted to him. 01 ro in the room formerly )oeuplod by William Irvine Esq., North lianover stroo Carlisle., April 20, 1852. W. 13.11A.NDT; Manufacturer of G• Mineral %tem, Feeneh Mead, • Bottled,Ale, Porter and Cider, North Hasflitreet, near tho Rail Road Whip), C arl SCRIVENER, AND CONVEYAN CEIL—A. L. SPONSLEIL late Rogistor of Cumber imad county, will carefully attend to tho transaction of till such busimais as nmy the entrusted to him, such as the writing of Doods, Alortgagos • ICou t el p, lie will, dlso devote lila attention lathe procuring of Land Wars Cants, Pensions, .to. as well as tlio purchase and sale Of Real Estate, negotiations, Ofloans, a:c. 9,:Office on West High Street. formerly occupied, I y W. M. l'onrost noar the Church. • rjr,.. N. ROSENSTEHL, House, Sign, ; Fancy and Ornandmtal Painter, irvlri's (fortnorl arpor's) now, uoar Hither's 1.111 Goods Store: lie Wild attend promptly to all the above descriptlons of pain • lint, at reumonable prices.' , The various kinds of graining i T i tondod to, such an mahogany , oak; walnut, hc, In the mrovod stylus. . . XIIRASITIN'Or. 11AQIIIN§ ; of the, beat !Italie constantly on !bind 'and for sale at the. ar Isle Foundry, and Machine Shan.. " ' VRANK GARDNER. FRENCH ‘CORSETS::—Jiisi. reoeiv ed, n further supply of French Corsets of extra el see. Alen narrow Linen Fringes for trimming Basques juue2o UEO. EIMER. ttalr.lV(. 000 I WATCHES !. CLOCKS FANCY JEWELRY, &c. " 7101V.on'hand and for sallow my laid Z 4 tallli mt , min Street, opposite Marion Hall, an entirely new anal elegant. stock of ATci I .; EW BLit Y, M EPA LIONS, fir. Gold Lever Watches. hunting and open ease. Silver do. Silver Lepino and Quarter Watches, at large variety. Gold A nehOrs for Ladles and Gentlemen. Medallions. a splendid assortmer.t for ladles and gents Breast Pins of every pattern, and all prices, Gold Chains for vest and fob, gold curb chains, Finger Rings, Cuff-pins, Studs, Sleeve Buttons. CrosSes. Drop and lloop Ear-Rings. a large variety. Silver and Plated .FArks, Table mad Tea Spoons, Butte Knives, dm. of various styles and prices, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Gold. Silver and Ca MMOn Spectacles. a large assortmen " to suit all ges, and to which we invite porticula attention: fart M oll uldes• aiarge assortment at every price, Gold Pens, octill• best make at various mires, Fancy Ilex.. P,rt Folios, A ecordeons. Speetaek cases. Ladies Cdrd Cases, silver and pearl. at v arions prices, Bracelets, gold and common; Watch Chains ditto. Also a large variety of articles in the Jewelry line which I will sell ut MO lowest prices. All articles Mlle ranted to be what they are sold for. tkp...Particular attention paid to the ItEPAIIIINO ATCII ES and all work warranted. hamming thanks to my old friends and customers for former patronage. I respectfully solicit ra continuance of their favor.. june2.o THI IM AS /N IN N. 'L' CLOT NG ! CLOT H N ' • 0 ) IrANTCII k Co. hard opened and now of IF for fi'r mlfrat their Store nn Myst High Street. one Mr weslM.l the !rote] formerly . kept by C. Stuugb. an entire ne.e - stock of Itea4 Made klotbing DIP MEN Aso ISM'S WEAIt. Also, Cloths. ('assimered and i'et.tines, w hid) will be mad“ up in the best style awl oh reasonable terms Shirts. Shirt I 'ollars. Moves, Suspenders, t , atin and Summer Stcks. liandkerehiefs, &r. of the newest styles and Pest manufacture kept constantly on hand. Confident of their ability to please. they respectfully she kit the public patrohage. STYLE OF HATS (k: CAI'S. 11 WM. 11. TiowT. desires to Inform his old friends that lie has retuoved to Lie nedv establishment oil lllgb street, near the Railroad Depot, arrtt is now opening largo and elegant assortment of the FA LI, sTY I. 01 , II ATS. just received from Philadelphia. tt hid the gentlemen of Carllslente rpunosted to :tell ant i examine. Ile has also a large assolinient of Silk. Fu and Slouch Hato to his own mantitaut ore, got up in the Lest 4't le and at various prices. the excellence and Itnitl or 11 he trill warrant. His stoel, he is eonlident iY 'Wed . , 111 in to to approved. Also. n larg, supply of Men's, lloy's and Children's CAPS, of CI, tl and Fur. and of every' vtiriety of style and privy just re• eelved from Philadelphia. Let all w lit, want a Hilt of Cap give him a call. as they may he sure of Leing out t• al ti. 111011' etc,, Sat iSfaCtii.ll. I OR THE MILLION •%; PA .41,0 ••• I am Jilt rereil ing lay • abiltti'lliKillOS stock of l':1 II ANI ••• WO which surpas, in style. tinalit Ai SO ,„, • And price .any that have eve, Loon exhllsited in Carlisle. I respectfully solicit a call f l ou t persoi%in want of Paper Hangings of any descrip tion. as I am confident by assortment far surpasses any u the Borough: and in style and prices has but few ri vals Billie city. I only ask of the nubile to call and ex amine my ass' rtmant before tie I nu, co, 11. Ali , ut my elitists designs cannot full to please the most insthll, , us. .IMIN P. LVNE.. West side of North Hanover Street, -ARIES 1 EW oli °CERA ' AND VARIETY STORE. rho subscriber would4espeetfully inform bit f r i e nds and the public generallyfihat he has just returned from the city with a large and varied assortment of ~ li IiOCEIII ES, (MASS and QULEN ;,ts An F. I I FISH, Ite..A., which he oilers for sale on the 1 II I,:1 most reasonable terms, at his New S tem 1 %. ii, corner of Nortli Hanover street :and the l'ul O,, .',.:, lie Square. directly opposite the Carlisle De. posit Bank. Ills stock ombrasea everything usually In a Orocery and Variety store. • The public are Invited to call and examine his.steek before purchasing elsewhere, as h.‘ feels emir, dent he can sell the beat goods at the lowest prices. .. . REEN GROCERY STORE. HARKNESS ,t; MULLIN Desire to li?form the citizens of Carlisle and Trinity that they have just received from the city and are now opening En the room adjoining Bentz k. Brother's Store. a very complete assortment of Uroceries. such as PRIME COFFEE, SUO'Alt, TEAS, 91OL.ASSES, and all the various kinds of SPICES and DBIELI MEAT such-as Hams, Dried Beef. Bologna Sausages. kc. by the piece or pound. Also Herrings. Iklack• )lllletft erel, Shad, Cod Fish and a great varlet v of artistes not necessary to enumerate. In addition .the above, we will receive our regular supplies of FRESH TEM:TABLES as soon ,as they appear ih the city markets, to 'which NV(' inclle the attention of the NMI,. as we h tOl4l to Sell at Ow vary lowest prices, for Cash or Coat try Produce. HARKNESS & MULLIN. BOOTS AND SHOES. The subscrib-. er lots now on hand a very extensive and well s, 'ected stock of II 0 0 T 5 and S Il 0 I.; S. which he will sell at unusually low pric es. Purchased front wholesale dealers, et low rates. he can offer such induce ments to purchasers as trill make it their interest to vi it his establishment, lie has every article in the Ile and Shoe line—Pr Ladles' or Gcntlemens' wear—l therefore deems It unnecessary to particularise. ii-V. Persons desiring good and chilap goods aro Inv' ed to give him a call. - t J t pa BING HAM, DAVIS & ir*.F.l-zz Co., !276 Market Street, Philadelphia, AnENTS FOB' JACOB RIMENI, CALISLE. and Philadelphia. Cars leave both places East a nd w e , twice every Week. Tucadays and Fridays. All Mishit , entrusted to Bingham. Davis t Co.. will be attended with promptness, whether in sales. produce or freight A. 11. BA it NITZ, North street, Baltinwre, has al. entered Into this Arrangement. and will attend prmnp ly to all business entrusted to him. May:l(l.-3n, ,;GRo •x••= 0 COFFEE CERI ES The subscriber has Ju added to his former s ock a general selection of Cl r ROOF:RIES, ns'ivell as all the other variety of mile; iausually kept in is Orocory.Store, embracing ",}K Voftea— masted and gram—at 1'4;1 and 14 cur per lb., Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Puiverir Sugars, of fine qualities; Chocolates, Spicer, Dni Salt, and a variety of Fancy articles, all of which are fared at the lowest cash prices. We are thankful for t. , farmer support given us, and invite n further call fr. our Monde and customers. J. W. EBV. . Marion flail, Carlisle. pRESERVING SUGAIt.—A gellera assortment of Crushed, Sifted and Fulveris 'ttgars of best quality, as also Soft Crushed, Cleat and other qualities constantly on hand, suitable I „ preservin g and all other purposes—generally, at. 0 PniCllB. p I Also a constant supply of the choiceet Coffees, Tel. apices and other artiele4 la variety always on hand.. Attention Is invited to our stockbetbre buying elsewloo ': ' Carlisle, July 25,'65. . , • J. IV.' }MY. 0 — - lIINA, • GLASS AND QUEEN lik../ WARE—OId litiusekeepers mid young, with tl, tlse wIM are expecting to lewornolunisokeepera, are NI d to call at •ITALIICIIVB FAMILY CROCEItY and , mins•his elegant nisortment °MIAOW, Glass and Queei are and other articles in the' housekeeping line, sm as French anal, Itnglish tea sets, heavy banded and plat , White Granite, gilded and blue plain Dinner sets of i ery variety and price, bowls and pitchers, tureens, db es, &e. Glass-ware—hutre• table and mantel lam, Candelabras and other lamps, great rarity. table and I tumblers, aohloth,.kc... Fruit rind preserve dishes, in . riety. 'Cedar-ware—tubs, buckets, churns, bowls, butt prlntsand ladles, meal buckets, kc. Broshes—sweepi. white wash, , scrubblog, hand and shoe brushes, duste ' brooms, &e. Market, clothes and travelling baskets. Also 4.ehoteu assortment of Tobacco and Segars. t yo who aro fund of cholco brands of StuntrstuiWtey t Prlnclites, Regent's, Stelinnonls slid I itherean varlet I • iind you will 'aid them of unkopettetethle quality. A. half Spanl,':h and Common Segall:, olth chhlce snuff at • chewing tobacco. . Stores tutb $1)01)9. I E. GOULD, [Successor Fiot. •y No. 16.4 Chestnut St., Swaim's Building, Philadel pith, extensive Music Publisher, and Dealer in 111 usbn.l instruments nf every. description. Exclusive agent flo the sale of Ballet. Davis S Co. Patent ;suspension Bridge :1 2 .011an and oilier PIA NOS.— ilbert's linudoir Pianos, Melodeons, 31artin'h Uuituvs Harps. Violins. Sheet 'Music. Music Books. &c. Residents , ir the enuetry will be supplied by 1211111 01 11011 tr, ise with music they may wish, as low is it pur chatted in person. 113Ning one of the largest storks in the , U tilted States. I feel confident of satisfying all who may flit or 1110 is iLb a ran or order. liealers in Music !supplied on the most lil oral twins Pianos to let. Second-hand l'ianus fur sale. 111:g '20,1853-1! rlll - EAP AV ATCIIES AK]) Jl'.l\ EL• ‘j RY, W1101.1.:; , Ari: and li LTAIL, at the "I hi' a- St. ) ( delphia Watch and l evel y S tote_, N umber fill NiTtli Second Street; ,4 r ,;• ;- - j-, lll \ nor of Quarry, l'llll!tdelphia. (kid •....../ • Lever ~.31 atches. full jewelled, lti cur .' ,A. • • , itt cases. - - - $2O 00 rk.i. 4: . Gold Leplue, IS carat eases, 24 CO . " • ' .'", • Silver - jewels. 0 00' , 0 IF: 'ON: V i i...C - Silver Lover, full jewelled, ]2 00 7 10 7 00 1 to 3 .0 1 i 0 0 i'o Superior Quartiers, Gold Spretncics. - Flue Silver :Im-twins, 00111 linterlets. Ladles' Gold Pencils, Silver 'lra (told Pens. with Peneil and Fthrr Bolder. - 1 t 0 tiold Finger Itings re its to .7, 1 1 n.: II tiffti(thii.Fes Olin. 12 , 2 rents. Patent 21'.: other art trig ill proportion. All goods mlimant ad to be wheat they are sold fr. STAUFFER & HARLEY. On hand. some ( - hod and Bilcer Levers and Leplnes • st ill lower than the abot e uric( s. f ERRING'S PATENT, CH A M PI ON FIRE PROOF CIAFLS. with Hall's Patent _ Powder Proof Locks, it high a el e warded separate Medals at the iorld . s Fair. London. It.nt, and leo at the World's Fair. etc 'ark, IS;,:( and '64. The sul scri ers are the sole !tumulit, tun nd proprietors in this :into of it :dime unequalled Stiles and ladss. The reputation of the -Ilerring's safe - is %volt,' •Ide. nail fn• the i:tat thirteen.. NIES the mercantile community gave iv it IleSSed lilld IMMO testi mony to their lvrytit r kiLINO fire proof qualities. .3icre thin 1'2.000 of these Sates have been actually sold. (Ind over nvo NPIIKT , have pissed triumphantly Ow mph aeq(lental tires. The public are assured that all Sates manittivtui , -(1 by the subscribers are not mit) gum:a:- teed to be fully equal. hut In many respect Sup, rim' to those w hich have been so severely tried by fit r o I%eav soli forget their services in the burning of tie "Trilninee(- 7 tifilblishment." New York. and at the Ilreat Fire hr Strawberry street. at the large tire last July, opposite the (limed House: and still more recently In the Fire at Fifth And Chesnut sts., in the city nt Phildelplila. in which these SIMI: came forth the ac= knowledge(' CHAMPION. when many other securities failed. FARREL A: CO_ • • Itycv Sure ANT BANK LOCK MAK VIM 34 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. Chilled Iron Safes, with Powder Proof Locts, manu factured expressly for 'Banks. brokers, Jewellers. and others requiring security from rogues. Dank Vaults, Doers. ,tc. on, hand and made to order. All the most celebrated Locks for sale at untnufaeturers' prices. Second hand "Safes," "Salamanders" and "Iron Chests - ..f other makers. hale been token in part pay ment for Herring's for sale ut half price. 80.11 II J. I)ONNSLLT. Wt C r ' d S i n j r .(f)4IAII,'NE eXTENT SQUARE UPlatillT ‘Vtffin BON MATCHES No. NO North FOURTH Street (above Ilace)1111 LAPEL PULA. Matches having become an Indispensable article In housekeeping, the subscriber after a great sacrifice of time and money, is enabled to offer to the Public an ar ticle at onceeombining Utility and Cheapness. The in ventor knowing the danger apprehended on account of the thmsey manner In which Matches are generally packed in paper, has by the aid of New Steam Machinery of his own Invention, succeeded in getting up a SA F.1.1.Y PATENT SQUARE WOOD .110 X; this box Is far preferable, in as much that it occupies no more rem hail the old round n cod box, and contain!, at lutst Two Hundred per Cent there Matches, which to Shippers; Is considerable advantage; ft is entirely new. and secure against moisture and spontaneous combustion, dispels all danger on transportation by means of:Railroad, Steam boat or any other mode of Conveyance. 113=M'il These Matches are packed so that one gross or mere may bo shipped to any port of the World with perfect safety. They are the most desirable article for llonw, Consumption. and the Southern and western market that have ever been invented. O .A LERS and SHIPPERS, will do well to call an OXIIIIIIne for themselves. Cr., these maybes. Are WARRANTED to be Fuperior to anything heretofore ~ITered to thn Plllln. Dec'r 4, 1854 _ F RENCH TRUSSES, Weighing less than ounces, for the cure of Hernia or Ituptnre acknowledged by the highest, medical authoritiesof adelphia, Incomparably superior to any other in IlFo. SulTerurs will be gratified to learn that the occasion now Oilers to procure not only the highest and Iciest easy, but as durable a Truss as any other. in lieu of tho cumbrous and uncomfortable article usually sold. There is no dlf. lenity attending the fitting, nod when the pad is locat ed It will retain its position without change. Persons at a distance unable to call on the subscriber, can have the Truss - sent to any address, by remitting flee dollars for the single Truss, or ten for the double— with measure round the hips. and stating side affected. It will be exchanged to suit if not fitting, by returning at once, unsoiled. For sale only by the Importer. CALEB H. NEEDLES, Corner Twelfth and Rare streets. Philadelphia. flee- LAMS, requiting the benefit of 3lecimpical Sup porters, owing to the derangomentof the Internal 03. gans, Inducing falling of the Womb. Vocal, Pulm4nary, Dyspeptic, Nervous and Spinal Weakness, are intbrnied that a competent and experienced LADY will be in ae. tendance at the Rooms, (set apart for their exclusive use) No. 114 TWELFTH. St., Ist dour beloiv Race. July 2d, W. SHELDON GRATIS !—Just ncw DISGOVIIRY IN MEDICINE.---4 few words or the Rational Treatment, without Medicine, Spernintor, hear or local weakness, nervous debility.lour spirlts.lassitude, weakness of the limbs and back. indisposition and tun*. pacity for study and labor. dullness of apprehenslen, toss o f memory. aversion to society, love of ' , elan& ti mhkity, self distrust. dizziness. headache. Involnulary di tares, pains In the shlo. affection of the eyes. pim ples on the face, sexual and other Infirmities in man. Froth the French of Dr. D. DeLaucey: • •.. The important fact that these ainiming eompb tilt may wildly lie removed WITIIOUS TiVIDICINE. Is In this small tract clearly demonstrated, and the'entirvly new and ,highly successful treatment.: as adopted by the Anther, fully explained. by moans of which every one Is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at thy least posilble cyst, voldlng thereby all the advertised nostrums, of tha day. • ;lent to any address, gratis and post free. In a sealed envelope, by remitting (last. paid) two ,postage stanipe to Dr. li. PeLaneey,l.7 Llspo-ard street, York. March l-ly ATTENTIONDYSPEPTICS..-Tlio of you who havobeon 'aided for years With thts hothersomo diseake. and Who have been using almost overt' Nostrum heforo the public without relief, we say to you try " K leases Antirysieptie", and you wlllsomt v be convinced of Its groat supotinrity over every other preparation: cWe could give you many certitl este,. en' ph orating our Assertions. but zt single trial Is worth Inure thou nil. 'Ebbs remedy is prepared and sold at tin' Drug store of 8..1, It ElFFitit, Broth liartover street, a full 'doors south of tho Curt IT'-se, Carlisle. l()ikl JOHN DONNELLY -106 North FOURTH St. Phikora. ill