6 .a,tlritattural. Anecdote for Farmers. We have seldom read anything more sensible or apropos than -the., following remarks and anecdotes from that excel - lout cotentporary, the Maine Ili rnier, il lustrating the importance of the proper care of stock : We.may send . to England for Dilatant oows, or to Spain, and Germany for the choicest sheep ; we may search the world over for cattle that please the eye ; but unless they receive the best care and lib eral feeding, they will most assuredly de ttl'riorate and eventually become as worth less and unworthy of propagation as any of the skeleton breeds that haunt our rich but neglected pasture lands.—We remem ber an anecdote in point, and will relate it by way of illustration : 0 A farmer having purchased a cow from a country abounding in the richest pas turage, upon taking her to his own tuft rior pastures; fund that she fell short of the yield which he was informed she was accustome 1 to give.—lie complained to the gentleman of whom he had purchased, that thi cow was not the one 'he bargain ed for, or, in other wordsf that she was not what she 'was cracked up to be.' 'Why,'. said the seller, sold" you my cow, but did not sell you my pasture too.' The above. which we cut from an ex change, reminds us of a reply which a shrewd old farmer, whom we knew many years ago, made to-one of his neighbors. The latter had obtained some pigs from a man residing several miles off, and who because intelligent, particularly surpassed his neighbors in raising. Shortly after, meeting the old gentleman referred to, he says: 'Well, Mr. Sweetser, I'M going to beat you raising hogs this year. I've got some of J. M--'s breed." "A-a-h," bawled out the old man, "you'd better get the breed of his hog trough !" . , lowa A correspondent of the Buffalo Commer cial Advertiser speaks as follows of this young and growing State : ' , lowa with its 50,000 square miles of territory was a perfect wilderness twenty-five years ago, and in 1840 con tained only 43,112 inhabitants. Ten years later its population was over 165, 214—an increase of three hundred and forty-seven per cent.. Five years ago it had 824,680 acres of improved land, and the value of farms was $16;657,567. In this young State, there are to-day fifty thousand horses, a large number of mulch cows ) and nearly as many working oxen, 'a hun,red and ,scventy thousand sheep and five hundred thousand swine; and the value of, live stock cannot be much Short of five millions of dollars. It now yiulds annually upwards of two millions bushels of Indian corn. loYia will cer tainly be the New Yo'rk of the west in agricultural point. She has 4000 square Miles Of territory more than the- Empire State, and now only four orfivp persons to the square mile, while Nev York has nearly seventy. lowa has a million and a half acres of - good land unimproved. When al, her agricultural sources are de v •loped, when she ships her hundred mil li al buthe4s of corn annually, by one or more of her 'Pacific railroads,' to China and the Islands along the route, then will the IThicon feel enriched by the lowa link in the chain of western commonwealths." Bishop Leo, of lowa says that such is the great depth and extraordinary tertili ty of the soil, and such its ready proxim ity to, market, that lowa connot fail of being one of the leading agricultural States in the Union. Already it, is giv, lag homes to emigrants at the rate of 100,000,a year. • ::S9AItOITY of HOItSEEI IN EuttopE.—.--h. 'correspondent of the Spirit of the Times, Writing frog Paris under date of May 31st remarks on the state of the London horse market as .!follows : i"LBdies' saddle horses are ,not to be had, neither are ear, riage horses, which will surprise you.— In thirteen days' search' I could not find a:decent pair for salil at any price. if this war lasts another year; the Europe ans Will be importing horses from AthcH ca, and it would(be'well worth the Litton ' tion Of 'oUr farmers and breeders . . to raise large , horses, fit to draw a heavy carriage, .or, earry.a heavy .man. Good saddle hor- ses for gentlemen are3till to be found by paying for them;' . a, first rate one stands you $300." A Utica, N. Y. pa per states that a gentleman .is now in that city purchasing carriage and saddle horses fur the Paris Market.— Wool Grower a n al stock Register. Surniturc. °BERT B. 53.1.114.E1, - CABINET ]lAiilattunl UN DEBT AKER N 1,111.4 Miniver street, next door to y gloss s llutel. LW would respectfully Inform the citizens of Carlisle and the public generally, that be has now on_ hand a large and elegant assortment Ft: slruit E.i,,..iscing hi p:r•t .1 Niardrobes,Card and oth er •I'ables, Sofas, Itureaus, Bedsteads, plain inn! fano,. Sewing Stands..tc., manunietured of the hest material and quality warranted. Also a general assortment of CI L IIIt9 at lowest prices. VE:Nrratx IliaNns made to ("Mee, and repairing promptly attended hi, itir COFFINS made at The shortest notice: and bar lug a splendid hep.rse he will attend funerals w town or tulle try. AP Remember the stand—next thor to 11. Glass's Hotel. It. 11. SMILEY. ; 1 4 X. 'PENSIVE FURNITL I I:E ROO3l. It. WEAVER would resnecleully call the attention of llouse-keepers and the public to his ostensive Anil; of cle_mit FUIINITCIIE, Sofas, %Wardrobes Ventre and 'fables. • Dressing and Plain Bureaus. and every other article in his branch of business. Also now on Mind, the largest ahsmtment of CH Al Its In Carlisle. at .. the l o west prices. ADFFI N 8 ,1404. at the short est untie° and a Hearse providielf for funerals. He solicits a call at his establishment, on North Han es cr street. near li lasso's Hotel. /lb-Furniture hired out by the month or year. ( )0 It N F over d A T t o of t ' h Ilan er ate WCRLlSLE.—Thernder , ign always on hand a large stock of superior rallinet Ware. in all the different styles. which he is prepared to ‘ell at the towmit prices. fly invites attention partici*. tilt to the I'iTI7NT Brawn BOTTOM BKI, , TEID. moat ireful article, which entirely farViatT.llll Ajvvtinlis.- 1.. hnttnm can he at Melted to old lletiOatt.t. They have ;Ives entire to all who hat' them in use. tro•• on , FI NS made to order at the shortest Hod,. JACOB FETTER. -- -% -4 2 :5 1 V Nos. 21 and 23 South Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA V. 11 , 11'1./114:NT I,9UF WTORT, Bristol, Pn. (liiorsris (m) Acres) Illoomsdnie. war Bristol, 1..1 • I),RIMEAUTKRAG.A., AND OTHER TURNIP SEEDS.—AIso superiorfeed Buckwheat, improved Turnip Drills..tc. For Rah, by - PASCUAL!, 3101tRIS A. CO. Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, corner 7th nd Market streets. Philada. July 18. '55 EoNARD & EVERETT, 4 DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE, Council Bluffs. lowa. Will locate Land Warrants, !mil enter land on time. loan money on Real Estate security, and pay taxes for nun-redden Is. Ilaring a large experience In the selecting and pur elo.ing of public land, and acquainted with the most nivomble points for investment in western lowa, We natter ourselves that we can locate land warrants to the best advantage IIIP.II timber, praire. bottom, or upland. 110:1r county seats: adjacent to the Ilno of proposed rail roads; and upon land watered by never failing streams ns the judgement or taste of parties may direct. Persons intrusting money or warrants to our care for loam will find our terms liberal, we refer to Ito 4 n, A. 0. Ege, Westminster, Carroll Co., Geo. P. Hupp, Esq., Strasburgh, Shenandoah Co., Va. Emanuel Arbogast, Esq., Crabbot tom, Highland Co. Va. MILLINERY GOODS-1855- FOR FALL SALES! .101 IN STONE & SONS, N 0.45, South . Second Street, Philuttylphin. Iltivo just opened their Fall Importations of BONNET SILKS, RIBBONS, VELVETS, FA NCY4EATII ERS, FLOWERS, LACES, ac. Including a general assortment of MILLINERY ARTI CLES, of the most fashionable styles. The above tioods have boon imported expressly for our FALL sales and comprise the largest and best assortment in our line to be found in the market. septl9 13IIILIPS, STRYKER & JENINGS, IIIIOLI:bALE DEALERS IN FItENCII and AMERICAN ARYB 0OOD8! )ovoirr ExcLusivnhy AT AUCTION. Nos. 1 and 3, Bank Street, below harlot,. between Sec ond and Third, PIIILADELPIIIA. VA. To Cash or short thud Buyers, we will soil at a very small advance on Auction cost. Philadelphia, Sept. 19 ,VGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. . j .. PENNOCK'S CELEBRATED WHEAT-DRILL— Adapted also for sowing oats, grass seeds and guano. Krtusor's Portable Cider Mill—the best In the market. Balliday's latent Windmill— . Power's and Thresher's, Lime - and Guano . 6 Spreader's, Daniel's tiny, Straw and Fodder utter. Little Giant Corp and Cob Mill, Spain's Atmospheric Churn. The above Superior Implements with all others, for the use of the farmer or gardnor, for sale'Wholesale and Retail by PASCUA-LI., MORRIS, .4 CO., Agricultural -Warehouse and Seed, Store; corner 7th And Market' treets, Philadelphia. ' July 25 !U.. " H. FRANCISCUS, • MANUFACTUTER OF COTTON LAPS tad infr, Tie Yarn, Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarns, LAMF, CANDLE AND FLUID Welt he offers to Nell at the Lowest Cash Prices at Nr, tarkot Strout above Soi:onti, North shio, Philattolphin . . . . . -GOAL , , 4000 TONS .LY KENS ~, . INIK : ' Valloy; Dauphin and Plno Groyo 4 , ,.-.:14 '. A t'• Nut or Limo Coal, Lykona Valley, Pittston'and Shamokin Stoyo'Coal; Also, best quality 'Blacksmith Coal, ' '• ' - ': 'Also, LUMBER ofOM& and host Cypress Shingles, tf n all of which will h Sold unusually low. Friends call and judge for yotl , fit3lrox aiig 20 tf,.• ea cORN SI-1141LLERS;---XAkti im's PAT ' ENT . CORN, SIIELiIIR, decidedly the . host' and' olicali now h no. Farmers tiro, fequmated, to call and ex• amino it at the Carllslie YOundki and ilthchlneshop. or at Saxten'ti rot aale feakonable pricen by - • Aug. 2 sltri,tip4l.:Agw4l4ol_ ZAS FITTING AND PLU 41.8 -NA NA 'lNtt—/-.The undersigned would inform the " ' of Carlisle that ho has made arrange ments to uouas Frerimi and at short no tice, anti 011 reasonable terms. lie has engaged the ser vices of a Drat rate hand frviu Philadelphia, and has sup plied uimself with an extensive assortment of which will enable him to 1111 all orders promptly. All work will be warranted. Ills stock of ties Fixtures will be found in the room exactly opposite his Tinning establishment on North 1111110Ver street, when• he invites a call. fINNING, SPOUTINO, Ac.—lie• Is ale. , prepared ttt furnish, or make to order, every article of .1 AK 1. used by housekeepers and others. lie will also attend to SIAitITI NO, iIIOUSE-ItOOFING, BELL 11. t ill\li, and PLUM Thankful I'm• the patronage with which he has;dready been favored, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. Carlisle, Juno 14, '54 1 -1 , 4 R 0 3/ CALIFORNIA:-C. VON -.1 Illlll,liN respectfully informs the citizens of Car lisle . -...., -- ‘s ; 1 0 ed from California, and is prepared Loose ... cute all kinds of work connected with his I , ', line of business. Ile has al w:i3 s ou. hand •,'' a lay.° assortment of ready-madu Rides, thins, Pistols, Locks, Keys. Ulm Trimmings, Ac., all of which lie will sell wholesale or retail. lie also attends to repairing Guns,. clocks. locks, Ac; engraves on brass. copper and iron. Ile hopes that by strict attention to business, and a desire to pleasO, he willmei it and receive public patronage. 44." r• All kinds of Fire Armsrmade to order. Carlisle, April el), 155.1....1y : . QADDLI4: AND IIARNESS MAK k j IN(I. The subscriber contlnuPs to enrry en the 'above business.ln all its various branches, in Nell Han over street. Carlisle. two doors North of Leonard's corner where he intends keeping on Wind a general assortment In his line, consisting of all kinds of fashionable SAD DLES, Bridles, Martingales (firths, Circlngles and Halters, also 'ACNE S, traveling and saddle vis h .;• 7 , 1 71 , 1, bags. Ile also man- c ufactures the most „1., •. k I \ 6 \' 11\11 Collars and Whips in all their %ark ties, and confidently believes from the reneral appml,a -tlon of his customers, that he makes the neatest and hest gears, In all their variety of bredth, that is made in the country. 114 , also makes all kinds of latrtsse.. to order, viz: Straw, Ilusk. Curled Hair ,and Spring Mat ras.Pa. All the above articles will be made of the hest material and workmanship, and with the utmost des patch. W M. OSBORN. • I) A T Ir,•N . T SELIe-buAII PENING YANKEE FEE ru D CUTTERS, anutatt.--n1 fur . d: SARGENT, No. 410 Market street, Maeda This cutter is superior to any now in use, for strength durability, and simpllaity of construction ; It cuts fast er, and IsAlto only fielfsharpening Hay, Straw and Corn Stalk Cutter ever made. It has but ONE STRAIGHT which any person can grind and set with ens.. but in ordinary ease, is ground in the machine. , Thou sand+ have already been sold, and the demand is daily incr sasing. In Mat cases an examination is sufficient to c stivince ono of its superiority. No one after a short trial would part with it for any other. All sizes of the above constantly on hand and for sale by J. P. LINE, Solo Agent for Cumberland county. HERE 15 WHAT lOU NEED AT PRESENT -The subscriber respectful informs the ladies and Women of Carlisle and !lofty that be has now on and at his Hair Dressing ad Shaving Room on West ;reset. an elegant stssortmet LADIES BRAIDS and sntiomon's WIGS, and can rnish to order at shortest Ake every kind of lisir 'mit of the host quality. He also begs leave to in rm his friends and custo les that ho keeps constan lhemansagner,' an misfit factured by lAimself.. The tiged to by n 1 of his cus .lB 000 of the best articles adrandruff. Ho also man ufactures a flair Restorative, known as the "Corashee num," ter giving now growth to the hair on bald Loads. Ample testimony exists of the efficacy of this excellent Restorative. While the Shemanertguer clears the hair of dandruff anal prevents it from coming out, the ell rasheenum supplies a new growth to those who have had the misfortune to tole their hair. 'rho public is In vited to call, examine and pm-these these 'invaluable articles, es he Is confidant they will render lttisfaction. SHAVING, HAIR DRESSING, and CUTTING, and SHAMPOONING attended to In the bust style as usual, at his old rooms on West Main Street,near Marion HMI. Carlisle, Doe. 27, 1854-' - WM. BURGESS ME 17 1. 1110, INSURANCE:- LIE ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBORO MUTUAL FIRE IN- L RANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpo rated by an act of Assembly, is now fully organized, and in oporatlon under the management of the fallowing connalsFioners, viz: Daniel Bailey, William It. Gorges. Michael Cockiln, Melehoir Brennonian, Christian Stayman, John C. Dun lap, Jacob 11. (loom . , Lewis flyer, Henry Logan, Benja min IL Musser, Jamb Mumma, Joseph Wickorshazu, 'Alexander Cathcart. Thu rates of insurance aro as low and favorable as any Company of the kind in the State. Parsons wishing to become members are invited to make application to the agents of the company, who aro willing to. wait upon them nE anY time. . • UENJ. U. UNSER, President. lIENItY LOGAN, Vice President. LEWIS UM, Beerotary. MICKA.EL COCKLIN, Treasurer. • I . . CUMBERLAND CDUNTY:— . -Itudolph Martin, N. Cum berland; C. B. Herman, Kingstown; Henry Bearing, Shiremanstown ;. Charles 8011, Carlisle ; Dr. .L Ahl, Cloifehtown ; Samuel Graham,' West Pennaborough ; James Me Dowel, Wrankford; Mode Griffith, South Mid dleton; Samuel Coover, Benjamin Itaverstiek, Mechan icsburg ;; John, Shortick, Lisbprn; David Coover, Shop herdidown, YORK dOUNTYI—John Bownan,,Dllisimeg; Peter Wolford, Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Washington; W. a S. lbleking,'Dover ; .T, W, Craft. Paradise.. . -1 I lIARRISBUIBL—Iiouser it Loam/tn. . —...• Memhors of'tho company baying policies about to ox-, Ore can 4avp thetrlitemmed. by; making apidication to ny of the aq'ontii • 4 .:, SAVE YOUR 01,11 --; 'METAL.Cash . , o th pai for METAh, such as Copper. Brass and Tren t at the Carihdo Foundry and Machine Shop, ' FRANK. GARDNER EL M. HOOVER w --..1 1 1' . AM' NOW RECEIVING in . y r p L ig 'stock of PARER. HANGINGS ' w9lt liftVi K. lat:ge:t and li most ' varied asSortMent over I fi opened In Carlisle. to which I invite the early attention or the puliiic, , as I Intend solllng atTyl/es r/1411 cappot tall to please the ClAeSt purchiwor. !ratrobs2sl '• . ' '- .' .• - JOHN l': LINO. 11%, OARDNEW Illistellancous, MONROE MORRIS approved SPANISH S P It I N 6 SADDLES ever used in this country. and those wishing a hand- Soule. durable and pleasant saddle will do well to call and thent.lle 11131=1 lusuratice. MEM P 1)ilt0 tip NV 4II .tnl l lj-L V " 78111 E ": % . tih\lAll :Ili' t meat of the Moist quality, tin sale at th e. . tom elit cash prices, at 11 No: tb-tScalth Initanni ram between line and Union, weal; side, Philadelphia The assortnient embraces' a Mega; and select stuck Fine ‘t :itches, Jewelry i,tit er Ware, AlLatit 11 me, platet With flue silver, in lTeens, Yorks, Ladles, &e.—Jet tin ids, Fans and titney articles ii a sue erior quUlity, deserNin k , the exanntattimi of these who re to procure the best goods at the lowest cash prices. • J. Haying a practical kiwi+. ledge . of * 1 he business, and all available larili ties for Importing and Manufactui log, the subscriber centibleiitl) lit lies purcliabers, Its• list log that he can supply them Ott terms as ta‘uruhle its any ether esiablilihnient in either ot the A tin nth: Cates: All kinds of Diamonds and Pond den elry and %%tire man v Mermaid Diorder, within a rimsonahlo time. 119 ,\latches, jewelry and slimmr wnre :tl. F. I.LTm.\III:Ait, No. 254 South 2d St: ft few 'lours aLut e t hi. 2.1 St. 311 tr: kot, ust tz!),.ln the south window of the Starp may' be seen lhu famous Bird Clock, which coutmands the admiration of the scientific and curious. o.ept. 4 —1)1.. ATMOSPHERIC CH UR.N S full supply of the above celebrated t hum, now on band of all tile different sizes, from 4 gallons to ;Ai. It received the Mot premium at the late i•eimsylvania $t ate Fair, the first premium at, the Flailklin Imitltute and Whitt are find 3ftiryland 'otate and various others at diderent ',likens. It will make t. or • ktikki teller butter from a given amount of MIMI, 111 h•ss tune any ..burn in the market. For sale whi.lesale retail by PA:( HALL IOJtItIF et Agrltsult ral 11 - art:house mad Li;ed Store, corner of 7th uria Morhet, Philadelphia. Dee. U , ISL4—tf p.E.EvE 1.. KNIGHT, (6uccessor to ,Hartley S Knightoi NU AND CARPET A hEIIOUSE No, IRS Stfuth -Second Street, tiro doors• above spruce street, Philadelphia, where he keeps con stantly on hand a full user rtinet t of et cry article in his line of business. Featherh, l eatber Beds, Patent S ; ring, iiirittressee, 1 elvet. Tapestry, Tapestry, Brussels. late Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Carpetings. Oil Cloths, Canton Mattings, Cocoa aud swinish 3lattlngs Floor and Stair Pruggets, Ilearth bugs. boor Mats, 'beide and Piano Col ens. To 14 likb he ins Ate+, this attunticn of purchasers. 40et,'54 1()1.1,ABI), Premium Artiste in Elm itlventor ut theCulehruted Gyssamer 1 entilutinp. ‘,1,. and Mastic Band Toupees. instructions to enable Ladies and Gentlemen to niennure their heads Ni earn •y. 4n: t 1 ros, nehes.—No. 1. The round of the head; No. 2. From forehead over the head to the heel.; min ear to ear of er the top; No. 4. prom eta to eat mum! the P,leliend. T.. m ove and scalps, Inches.—No. I. Frtmi f.rehead an hark as far as bald; No. OVVrft.relload as far as req it ed: No. S. Os or the crown of the head. DOI,LA la/ has altvays ready for sale a spiel did st, ck of iients' t 1 b4s, Toupees, Ladles' Nt igs. hall Nt } rizi ts, Braids. ('uric, ,ice„ beautlfull) man ufact urea and as rheap as any establishment Iu the Pollards Ilerbanfuw Extrirtor Lustrous Hair Tonic, prepared from South American lierbs and Hoots, the most successful article over produced for presenlns, tic hair from tilling out or changing color. restoring and preserving it In a healthy and luxuriant state. Among other reasons why Dollard'a hair cutting saloon undo. talus its immense popularity Is the But that his Tonic is applied to eery head of hair cut at his establishment, consequently it Is kept in better presets allots than un der auy 'known application. It being thus practically tested by thousands, oilers the greatest guaranteci of itcc, efficacy. Sold wholesale and retail at his Old Establishment 177 Chestnut street opposite the State Home, Philadelphia. IL Dollard has at least disc% ered the cc plus ultra HAIR I)'k and announces it ffir sale with perfect con fidence in its surpassing every thing of the hind non in use. It colors the hair either black or brow o. (as may be desired) and used without injury to the hair or skin either by stall'. or otherwise, ran be washed off-in ten minutes after application. without detracting from its efficacy. Personsvisiting the city are invited to give Lim a call. Letters addressed to R. DOLLARD, 177 Chestnut hilluielphiti, will receive /anal ti 01). Jan. I4 E AT HER ! LE ATII E ! FRITZ. lIENDEY N 9. 29, North Third Street, Philadelphia, MOROCCOMAND (71.7 R Eft S, Corriere and import ers of NitENCII CALF INS, and Dealers in Red and Oak :Foie Leather rind Kip. Fel,2B—ly II AY AND STRAW CUTTERS, colts SIIELLERS.—A large nssortno nt of lin proved Hay. Straw and Fodder Cutters, now on haud.— Also, double and single.corn spellers for either band or horse power. of the very latest manufacture, Including the premium shelter at the late Pennsyhania State Fah. For sale by PASCHALL Mull 11 1$ & Agricultural 'Warehouse and Seed Store, corner m 7th nd Market, Philadelphia. Per. 6, 1864—tf pllll,A. Surgeons'• Bandage INSTITUTE REMO'S ED to tith Ptreot, six th store abovo Market. li, C. EVERETT'S Patent Ornduating Pressure TRUSS, for the curo of Rupturo; SlMulder Braces, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Sumpensary, Hemorrhoidal, and Bandages Iv deformities. Jan. 11-Iy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION) PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT To all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases, sty. SEMINAL WEA EbS,' IM ti POTENCE, ONORltlff i , • UI.EET, SYPHILIS,Sc., Thu HOWARD tBtiOCIATION of Philadelphia, in view of the awful destruction of human life and healtl CaUlieti by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which al. practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by quacks, have directed their consulting S.urgeou, as & CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to .glije MEDICAL ADVICE ORATIS, to all persons thus af aided, (Male or Female,) who apply by letter, (post-paid,) with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in extreme poverty and suffering to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association Is a benevolent Institution, established by special endowment, Mr the relict of the sick and distressed, afflicted with '• Virulent and Epi demic diseases," and Its funds can be used for nu other purpose. It has now a surplus of 111C11118, which the Directors have voted to advertise the ttlii;ve notice. It is needless to add that the Association commands ,the highest 31eilleal skill of the ago. Add ress , (post•pa id, I 1)r. GEO. It. CALHOUN, Consult ing Surgeon, Hue aril Association Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors,' EZItA D. HEABTIVELL, Prosldonti opal 11. GEO. FARECHILD, Secretary. ..4 tr RENCH TRUSSES.—Hernia or ' Rupture attccesifully treated, and comfort insured, y use of the elegant French Trusses, imported 'ley the sub Scriber, and made to order expressly for his Wes. All suffering with Rupture will be gratified , to learn that the occasion now offers to procure a Truss combin ing extreme lightness, with mute, durability and correct construction; In lieu of the cumbrous and nncomfortas blo article usually sold. An extensive assortmen always on hand, adapted to every variety of Rupture in adults and children, and for sale at a,range of price to suit all. Cast of Single Trusses, $2,43, $4 and $5; Double $4, $5, $6, $8 and $lO. , Persons ht a distance can have a Truss sent to any ad dretis by remitting the amount. sending measure around the hike, and stating side affected. Noy dale Wholesale and Retail b time importer. • CALEB li, NBEDLES, • S. W. cor, of Twelfth & Race Sts., Philadelphia. Depot for Dr, Illumines improved Patent liody Brace; Chest RxPanders and I;nector Braces; Patent Shoulder Braces; Suspensory Bandages; Spinal Props and Sup; ports. Ladies Rooms, with competent lady attendants. „ ~, ~ , • . april 11, LW GOODS:—Tho'sabscribai has ust rocolvea a him° assortment of hry floods, suitable to tho approaching season, which will ,lie sold very cheap. N.,SNODGRA:3I3. SUMMER HATS.—Just .received at the' Stare tit 'II.OSERT Mk, a large assortnteht poi's, Youth's and Children's SUMMER HATS; con Fisting of Panama, Leghorn French Straw,Canton'ati other varieties, part of which are colored, and black—: onto qntto low, IA Klee. inay aucation. I)LAINFIELD . CLASSICAL ACAD E31;17, near Carlisle, Pu. The Lit Seaslon will corn- Luellen on Ttilittll:AS, Nay i it, •1.g554 • MinilAir', U 1 Stu dents limited,npd coindant, ,efforts used nirAbuir n.Oral and intelloctual iniproveinont. Tows. SCS per seci,iOn. Circulars with references and fa iiiibrinatiuti furnish ad, bylt. K. 13U1.'5, • Principal and Proprietor . , • unil,ciltillli en. Pa. April 18-1555 CW 6 t I COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, removed to the new and spacious hull, No. tin and tot ItALI.I3IWLE haltimni e. Md. 0. K. l it.sum.m.lis, Principal and Lecturer upon Mercan tile t. 4 cielice. E. h. Loma, in charge of 'Writing Department. O. W. KEMP. nmnii2for lu Mercatitile taktilationa and Associate in Ilonkidieeping Lepartment. J. 11. 'lvaidulr in hook Keeping. T. II 11.1.IAMS, Lecturer on l t n nierelal Law. Three )lure have tat yet elapsed since the establie.h mem of this institution, during tthich time tii.m tads of eight hundred students hat e r heen in atter:mime. 0 , 1 ,- re:willing nuarl) etcry Moto in the Unit tti•OEIZ whom are nutiii.eri• in lialtimore and elFem het e ociui y ing pn.tah.uet piiitiolih as husiness men aid tiettunt . aka. COURSE 'OF STUDY. • 1.11.11 K —'ll,e 1.1.05 the ut 11,014 ecn htlet,e to Lr, tamp. the puhlle thet tett xel,te 0f tutu tee'. Lei, it. t i 116 y e ler lie to ut.et other ImportarLt htatiota, tte elan- Uequaihttipeu %%Rh thithisgru,ebt ut Lusitiess 1,001. n or et ery"deheriptiete obt•ibteu al, he is Ly twu sci entitte llClll,ut.tule.) the et.tfine 01 titut.ll.l4 . iu 1111 e, di pat Unetit ih euduelitly pructieul ai,cl melt aduptt (I to the surioll, put t.uitr. 01 I.( uaut.rte etLU 'I utile, il,ludiug 110111 id mil, Part net ship, Nereuhtile, N•ithulutturiup, Cumulihsleu, Alppirg, LLinpouLd lt,inpany operations, dc. :-1111•.-1 he 13:Lel (•ttien under this 'mud ere five, eat.) 111,11 touvelul, cotehitiihg Input%) ul etc t olden 111111 beauty ut eousti uetion, thus enaLlii.g the minima to IA ite au elegant t ueiutlb 1111,1/li ou tell pietieu et the er.urse, CALCLI.ATIONS to all their various I eat it.git are taught 123 the lat.st uet unite .arti eui tiuuN inetht.d. holly lectures are delivered upon the l'eictue of Ao cOUnts. 31(.1 can tile LUsti.illn, tt 0., iheal, itto nrto n MIA' a stn of lectures 011 o.llllllOn let Law, Ore el the highest importance to all aspiring to occ Up) pro LUiLtflit position! , it: the I.llSilleki et tilnilloit3'. 111 e time necesrar) fur on industritus student to cvn.idete the rvuise, Curies to n 1 b to 32 N‘c•ii.b. lhere I ellog 110 110..110 , 1i, upplirnntn cue enter at any thee, and attend 1111:o 11111.1 el ening. Lauleinatii Ls tile held at stated pert as. and diplitilas no mut d to those gitidonte. I. or feints, etc., write and hate 11 elyi lar to ai tied I) until. ' L l)ct. 3.'53 Drug ,torc ItEz•:11 DliL(i6, te.-1 have just received from l•hiladelphia uod New lurk very extenbiNe oututioob to toy • .• r . former stuck, euibruclog newly el el) article •of Meta, Mu now in use, together %ith Paints, N arniblies, lurpeotine, kerm- Si-1k mery, soaps,r-tatlomiry, hoe Lutitry,l•ish lug raelau,Lruslms 0 - 0111111.0 st every cnon, ehtliess %allay 01 other as tieleb, which am determlued to sell at thu Vlllll Loa Lel prices. - All Physicians. Country 3ierchauts, Pedlars and oth ers, are_ respectfully requested out to puss the ol.1) STAND, as they may rvst aNsurtd that °sill arlisle Ns ill be sold 01 a gs.uu gturitty, aisu urvis t eassulasble \la) 80 ` EX : DIitAAS rebn LI 1 1 luau gust reetth ell at 11 esh 4t; ', ok of _ . Medicines, tntntb, tilass, Vil, ae., n hull, taming ~.,,, ~,......0 with great tare at the Lett city houses, I caucouhuently met inuienu to kandlies, .1.113 Moan., countr) Alert:balite law bealei., ae te a, a i es!, ailu pure. I,l.t.A.L—kuteut Itledli into, Fine ttetnicals. I nstru nada.. pure Lsbeutuat vhs, Herbs and Extineth, N,ievs, giutawl anti whole. I..seueea, Pei Winer), A.C. t \Jkl Leer 111.—sl In wnteu Leautne. DI k L—lutia4sa,s, Madders, Sumac, Alum, Log and lain \ wade, ill \ ILI tut, l cpp. ras, La. I,)s. ethet hruthsr a Fur. Lead, Chum° G resit and lellom, I tout and 1 tarnish lunettes, Jetsay indow Li lass, Linseed. Wit Tuna:tame ht. 1,10 and et at Nurnish, and Led Lead. All ul a Lich u ill Le sant at the vet') luu est market mkt. Also, a tresh and splendid assortment of F A F. C T. OIJOIn!, Fatah, Cuntet ttunary, unu innumerable other articles calculated Iwr Use and sdnamultt.awlol u Lich arc olkred at the lON Vet cash prices, at the k heap 111 ug, nook and I. auc,) store ut the sahscriLes on .S.sri It Ilan over titrLet. liA‘ll.l.S4 It. It. DRUGS AND CONI4:OIONA.B.Y. The undersigned has just returned trout Phila. akil a fresh soppy of I,A and LON lbt I to:\ Alt I furntur h. connection with his stork on Laud m ill make his assortment 01 Drugs, ltledleites and t !linen's complete. Ills aseurtnielAt of I A ON INM:IIW\ AIA it 460 /UM; cue sitting 01 pure sugar bite and transpatentc , Candy '1 s ; andy,, common, assorted, and hue tsuites ul e" ery ; also it nits, Nuts, and e'er) thlug belvliglug to that department of trade. lie would tall lipek:LOl attention to lits supply ot FANCY Ahlit.:LEti fur the !holidays., heal genet:at use, among ii Inch may be found the goi.O, the testi:tut, and the useful. All are lied to call whether they wish to puselii.se of MA. Dee,r .54 ,ittectiance, JAMES 51'CLINTOCK, M.l).,—Lute Professor of Anatomy and s-.urgery in the Philadel phia Collegt et Medicine, and Acting Professor of M id ifery; tale of the Consulting Physicians ot the Phil adelphia Hospital, Illockley; lute member .1 the Na " tielittl Medical Association; nieuiher of the itiludel. Pilia Medical l`meiety; member el the Metlicut MI-wai t:if College of iletuvrly President aid Pron.:mot - of Anatomy and tsurgery iu lasticten Metal cal college, erniont ; and also, late Protehser of n ut, ) and I'll 3 sidle;;)' liell.shire Medical institu tion Pittsfield, Nana., Ilan lately introduced la a popular fortn several ( - Whit vorite Iption , . for the la incliaiLdstaines et thin climate. The name 01 each to title will imply the die' ease for which it is intended to be used. JAL MMILINtneR's Parretti. name, $l. DK. MCCLINTOCK'S Coll, AND COWIN MIXTURE—For COWS, Coughs, die., Price 20 eLs. MCCLINTOCK'S AtiTIISIA AND /100P/NO COUGII RENE. pY. Price GU etc. Dit. MCCLINTOCK'S Tome ALTERNATIVE SYRUP—For Pu drying the Blood. Price $l. Da. McCtuvrocg's Dyspeptic Elixir--For giving tone to the stomach, relieving pains after eating, heartburn, and all disagrembleiymptoms from indigestion. 'rice 0. DR. McCustoca's Maxims—A Purely Te getable remedy ibr, Internal use. Price 00 eta. lL D,MCCIANTOCK'SIiIIbaIIATIO LIMN INT—Nur neaten- Motu, Sprains, Swellings. Price GO etc. Da.bloCLt aloe lea ANODYNE. XTURE—For Pain s, Tooth ache, Ileadecliv, Neuralgia, Ac. Price MI can. • Do. bilttlxxock's l'avau AND Amax S.Pitosio--A certain cure for all Intermitteuts. Price $l. MCCLINTOCKIS DI MUMMA CORDIAL AND CIIOLKRA PRE VENTIVE•-A Safe Remedy. DR. MCCLINToCK's VEGITAILLE PURGATIVE l'itts--For Costiveness, headache, ‘e. Price 25 etc. • DR.:llvel"svocit's•Arf l'ilts—For Irregularity In the Fuuctluna of Liver and Newels--:--the best Liv er Pill nuide.., Price 25 etc; a box. For sale by Dr. J. McCLIN TUCK, et his Medical Depot, N. W. Corner NINTII and FILBERT Streets, phis, and all Druggiats. L.-figgists and Dealers In bled einem who wish to be Agents, will please address Dr. McClintock, furnishing reference, name of Pest county and State. Itl.L.For sale by W. A. Kelso, Samuel Elliott, Carlisle; J, 11. Criswell, Shippensburg; Etuteinger Co., L. Knurl'. loan, Mechanicsburg; Joseph Herron, Not:1111e; .1. 11. Zimmerman,. Audersenburg; lialnes & Fertig, blillera , town; A. C. Mink, New Bloomfield; Ilarrlet 11, Singer, Newport; 11. if. Carthicr, Turk Springs; A, J. Miller and .1. S. Nixon, Chautborsburg; .11. Mentzer, ll'avneffbero.; George Bergner and D. It—Junes A Co„ Alarri'iLurg. DR. \IcI'I.IKTI X can be consulted, without - charge delly,from 10 to 12 o'clock, A. M., at his Depot. Durcw}tlSO,QGL4 ; . V' IMEREM Muhl wi,r6sL. B. J. 101,141.1 t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers