NLU Sbucrtiscuttut. FALL STYLE OF HA., :1855.-= GEORGE KElibElt reslicctfully announces to his old Patrons and the public generally that he has just re ceived the PALL STYLE OF OENThEMEN'S HATS, tunnufactured at one of the best establish nients J o Philadelphia, to which he invites special attention. lie has also constantly on hand a large and varied as. sortment of his own manufacture as well as city made HateandCaps, suitable for the season, comprising every variety of Russia, Beaver Moleskin and silk Hats, fin- Jithed the , liitetrt style, iogether , with full assohment of CAPS or every ::hope and destiripthm. and at, every price. lie particular/y invites the pal l le to call and ex amine his exoensive assortment, which in style, mate ritl and finish', cannot Iswairpassed by at In market, and 'which he Is ably to pbt at prices lower than ever. Remember his old stand on North lIHMOVer street, be !wean Humor's and loner's stores. po PLA It LOT PROP F. RTY AT PRIVATE SALE. That valuable piece of ground situate hi South Hanover street, in the borough of Carlisle, known as the POPLAR LOT. Said lot contains abg►tt ono 'acre and a Outlier Of ground and from its des rablo and advantageous loca tion is admirably udapted for building purposes. Toe lot will be sold entire. or in lots to suit pur• cbaSers. For terms and further particulars enquire of A. 1.. tNSI,EIt, Real Estate Agent and Scrivener. oct. 'il, '55 FOR RENT.—The subscriber I ,„.... ,l':,: , Were for rent the snnt E-Tuu of now In ilitii 1..W.', the occupancy of George W. Hither. Esq., 11 I 0 ;W: the best business stand in Carlisle.- -e....=-4L possession to be given on the let day of ROBERT IItVfNE. April next. Carlisle, Oct. 31, '65 ESTATE OF JOHN COY LE, dee d. —Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of John Coyle, late of liogues town, Cumberland county, deceased. have been duly 14-ranted by the Register of said county to the subscri ber, residing In New ripe, in said county, All persons indebred to said Estate will make payment and those having debut :tgainst it will present them for settle ment to KIM' COYLE, Oct. 21, 1555-11 w Administrator. HOUSE FOR SALE .OR RENT. The subscriber offers for sale or rent, that tar g and con venihnt two story BRICK 110CSE with back building. situated on the corner of Bedford and 'mother streets, in Carlisle. The house is new and in gf ,,, d con dition, with it Cistern, Bake Oren, Susie House, a good garden and some choice fruit trees. 1•'or particulars roll on JOHN SELLERS. oct. 17, 'M. A MARVEIWOUS REMEDY, FOR A ATARVELLOUO LAGEI lIOLLOAVAI"S OINTMENT _ THE Olt AND EXTERNAL REMEDY, By the aid of a microscope, we see millions of lit tie openings on the surface of our bodies. Through these this Ointment, when rubbed on the skin. is carried to any organ or inward part. D:FCIISCH of the Kidneys. disorders of 'the Liver, affections of the heart., Indiana tiou of the Lungs, Asthmas, Coughs and Colds. are I)) Its means effectually oared. El cry housewito knows that salt passes freely through hone or meat of any thickness. This healing Ointment far more readily penetrates through any bone or fleshy part of the living body, curing than most dangerous inward cumplaints, that cannot be reached by other means. ERYSIPELAS, -SALT RHEUM AND SCORBUTIC 11U21011:3 No remedy has over done se much for the cure of dis eases of the Shin - whatever form they may assume, as the Ointment. No case of Salt Rheum, Scurvy, sore Heads. Scrofula or Erysipelas, can long withstand its nfluence. The inventor lies travelled over many parts of the globe, visiting the principal le.spitals, dispensing this (hutment, giving advice us to its application. and has thus been the means of restoring countless numbers to htvtith. SORE LEOS, SORE BREASTS, WOUNDS AND ULCERS Some of the most scie n tific surg eons now rely solely on the use of this wonderful Oi ntment. when having to cOpe with the worst cases of sores. woundS, ulcers. glandular swellings, end tumors. Professor Holloway hes. by command of the Allied tiovurnments, dispatch , ed to the hospitals of the East. largo shipments of this Ointment, to be used under the directions of the Medi cal Staff, in the worst ctues of wounds. It will cure any ulcer, glandular swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joints, even of 20 year's standing. PILES AND FISTULAS. These and other similardistressing complaints can be effectually cured if the Ointment be well rubbed In over the parts affected and by otherwise following the print ed directions around each pot. . BOTH THE OINTMENT AND PILLS SHOULD BE USED IN THE FOLLOWING C.ttlEd: Burdens ' - Piles Sprains Burns Rheumatism Scalds Chopped Hands. Balt Rheum Swelling (]lands Chilblains Skin Diseases Stiff Joints Fistulas Sore Legs " Ulcers (lout Sore Breasts Venerinl Sores Lumbago Sore (loads Wounds of all Mercurial Erup- Sore Throats kinds Mous Sores of op kinds - *,* Sold at tho Manufactories of Professor HOLLOWAY, iilaiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggests and Dealers of Medi cines throughout the United States, and the civilized world. in Pots, at 25 cents. 62% :outs, and $1 each. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. 11. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disarder'aro ailliced to each Pot. oct. 31, '65. • "lIANG ON !"—Everywhere the cry Is, "WE LIRE Fr." Read from New Hope : The worthy Postmaster, has Just sold enough to have the people find It out. Wm. Crook, Esq., of the house of Wm. & Charles Crook, largo manutltetiirms oY Now Hope, writes us Prof, C. Do Grath & Co., Philadelphia—Gents: We ob tained from our ,P. M., some " Electric 011" made by Prof. C. Dtofirath, of Philadelphia. Its Worts on mo and my family have lean such, that I am constrained to write you. It cured tho worst Headache and Nen. weight In twenty minutes; Inflammatory Ithonmatism In six hours. Every family ought to havo it. Samuel 0. Stockton, of this Waco, had a trial of it on condition that If it cured him he was to pay for it, If not, ho *mot not to pay. The nest day ho called at the P, 0. and vdd up; said ho know nothing in the world like "De Oroth's Electric OW" Wo use h for everything. I would not hesitate to warrant It all the time. The people will hang on to It. ' Yours, truly, ' Wm. CROOK. Nothing can surpass the enthusiasm and tenacity of those who use this 011. Mrs. E, Jones, 402 North Sec ond street, says it relieved her of an injury received by a fall from a wagon, and her son is using it for Rheum atism. More than 5000 have now recommended it. it will often'cure Ina few ' minutes. Woe of the sevorist • Mud, and Is tho only medicine in the , world that will ,gin to do this, It cures the worst Burn In ono day. Beware of ell pretended Electric Oil. unless coming di reel from the Central (Mice, 39 South Eighth street.— The name of "Do Grath & C 0.," Molt be 'Written with it pen'. to cotinterfelt which Is forgery! This 011 is not poc opal all offered, therefore, is known to be Imitation and worthies, DE GRATH & CO., 89 South Eighth street. t„ , ,,,Y0r sale in Carlisle, wholesale and retail, at S. W. iltyvtureteS and B. J. KIEFFER'S Drug Stares. October 24' 1855. ) xq,„.Fnney Printing cheaply done. New '3 buLi:tisctiteuto. QTORE• FOR ' R SALE!----v Ly The Dry Goads store and fixtures of John Coyle, deed. In IrogestOwn,Cumberlaud county, oil] be offered at private Sale by the Administrator on easy terms— The stock is In good order and will amount to about Tho dwelling and store rooms will be rented to the purchaser. They aro both two story and nearly new, having a good gardon, every variety of fruit and grape. stabling tend water ou the lot and every con venience complete. Possession given immediately, the store will ho closed till 20th inst., alter which time the subscriber will he there a fo'w weeks. mt. 24, '55. scow COYLE, Aduir's. ... • .... 0 E:t ...---•• ..4. . M r=4 . ~t. • 't P 4 t st-f ' . :! 4 i, ' , -._ ....- i"4 :::,i. i ;"0 . 1 7 • 1 61' . . td F; '`',.'h'_ ;: i i i . ?? l 4 : l, : t';'''/It i ' '''it :;•• 44 • 11 1 F. \ `e • 4."`,'• ; :' I=s W - , e1 4. &'''''.7 7 +( 1?1 ..-•• , c... i-, ~. i. 'P. ,-..!.... i5 4 . , ...x.-<• .. :14. 4 4 . 4.1 . ‘V JS ` -•,,. ,—••7 A - • Z.N. - SI I ? .21 ,:',4N —. -• , ;::... ... t ... .....--.-rg-, •,7 .. ''' , , , ;!0:r4 , 0 1 .• • •,,, tV W,:•:• - r,pe. , e - -- ' - ' 0.....--, 1, -..• rt-••;•• •• =ii ,-'- Qll , ', AME N' S SAVING FUND, 0 Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania In 1855 OFFICE. 55 WALNUT STREET One door above Second Street, Philadelphia, Receives Deposits in Sums of Ono Dollar and upwards, from all ' , lasses of the commtinity. and allows interest at the rate of tiro per rent per annum. Moneys paid back on demand. Psi- - Office open daily from 9-until b o'clock, and on Monday and Saturday until 9 o'clock in the evening. This institution will be foun'd n convenient and safe plart..f th.preit for FartnOrs and others doing business In Philadelphia. Deposits are paid On demand without any previous notice Wing. squired. MANAGERS. Edmund A. Souiler, lion. Job It. Tyson, Stilwell S. Bishop, Oriwge Itoldin, ,lamas P. Pond, Robert Morris, .1..1tu MeCuulet., Edward L. Clark, Jacob Sheet,., - Capt. J;:lui Oallagher, Joseph NI. Cowell, John J . ...4, .10Qeph 11,, 11. ere, li ',hard li. :qotesbilry, E.tward 11. Trotter, IN Whim Shippen, jr. Franklie M 1,41, Wm.. I'. Junks, Th- aims Cooper, lidmr E, Pettit, President—FßAN Khi N FELL. Treasurer—CHAS. M. NIOILRIS. Secretary—JA NIES S. PRINOLF. 9 0 „The Charter Prot Ides that no ma nager, oflicer or ;meta shall, directly or indirectly, - borrow any money in the Society. I. 1et17,1555-ly ACADEMY.—Near p Pa.—The Nineteenth Session (five 'mind's, will COMMOIIea November :411. A now build ing has been erected containing Uyintumium, Music Room. &e. ith increased facilities for , Instruction and ample scromllloll:LtiOnS, this l nsti tution presents greet In ducements to parents who desire the physical and inental improt sues nt l)f . their Maks. Terms per Session, SC,S 00. For circulars, with full hifermation, address It. K. Prin,dpal and l'iopriet , w, October 10, 1555. Plainfield, Cumberland co., Pa. TOYS! TOYS! • TOYS!!- TI LLEIL, I M POR TE Ls received his Fall Assortment. of . P. 1.1 1 .6 AND NANCY LIOODS, 0 • forming a greater variety than (our before offered 141/(1 at Meer rates than even the low prices of last seaseu Fancy Baskets, 21/0 patterns, plain and embroidered.— Co Mg boils. China Polls. Kid Dolls, 11 ax Dods, Accor demo:, liarmonicit Trumpets, Ac. Toys of Wood. China, Ulass, over bum patterns, by the dozen or gross in lots to snit. Also Cases of Toy tit, Vt . , 10 and 20 per ease. with au endless variety of newest styles of FANCY GOoDS, tier latest packets, ani for sale at the lowest rates in the city. W.*TILLER., Importer. Oct. 10. No, 1, Commerce st. Phila. FANCY GOODS!— 1*; NEWEST T LES : . . , ,F.6. ‘ „ 16 In endless variety, now S ope Y ning l and offered elrl I In lots t. suit and at lowest mires. Work Boxes and Baskets. China and Rise Goods, Ai:toaster Articles, Bohemiad Glass Toilet Bottles, Mir rors, inkstands, 'lea Sets, Rich l'aper Boxes, Imaulut7 eal Toys, Puppets,W:(l.ll , LEß, Importer. Oct.lo, 'la. Nu. 1, Commerce at. WOOD'S ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS—Ridge Avenue, PIIILAVA. Tito attention of the public is Invited to the exteinilve manufactory and ware-room of the subscriber, aim ha prepared to furnish, at the shortest notice, 11W\ Ott of every description for CEMLTEItIES, PUBLIC PRIVATE HU ILDlNtiti, also VERA:\ DAUS, 11ALCON -lEs, FOUNTAINS, SEVIELS, t lIA I Its, LIONS, DOGS, and other ornamental Iron Work of a derurutivu character, all of width Is exer•ded uith the express vie of pleasing the taste, while they combine all the requisites of beauty and substantial construLtion. Purchasers may rely on having all articles carefully bored and shiptled to their plum of destination. A book of designs a ill be sent to those who wish to make a selection. . ROBEI.T WOOD. Oct, 10, CORN SHELLERS, STRAW CUTTERS. A largo assortment of Superior Corn anglers, luau& log Heading's Patent, capable of shelling 'll.lOO bushels of Corn por day. Also Pennock's hand and power Shel lfire, with various other patents of various prices. hay, Straw and leOdder Cutters of the most approved con struction nud in great varlety. Sausage Choppers and Stuffers. Double Michigan, Subsoil, Eas.;le, and liar Share Plows, Super or Ox Yokes and Bows, Drain lane, Farmers Hollers, Corn and Cob Mills, Lime and Guano Spreaders, Fie., for sale Wholesale and Retail by PASCHALL MOMS & Co., Agecultural Ware! miss and Seed Store. N. E. Cur. 7th and Market sts., Oct 10,'50 ItOOK AGENTS WANTED. I Agents wanted In every Town and County in toe United States, to canvass for the most popular His. torlcal and other valuable and saleable books published- The worlcs are particularly adapted to the wants of the people, being beautifully illustrated with fine noel and Wood engravings, stud bound in the most substatithti Manner. Agents now canvassing for us, find It a pleasant and prollitablo employment. Our list also includes the best works of T. S. ARTHUR. Over 100,000 volumes have been sold the past year, and their sale Is still Wo have just added sever. al NEW net KB to our list by this must popular author, and shall add others the ensuing fall mud, winter. We think we have the best list for agents In The country. .fiend for It and Judge for yourselves. For full particulars and list, Address J. W., BRADLEY, Publiahor, Oct 10 48 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. OcronEn. 20, 1850 DE S•I. D R •A T U 111 Bt. JACOIIB, No! $Bl, Poplar Strout, Philadolphln,• a now manufacturing n WRVI:INO PEN, composed of metals which not being lI able to corrosion will be found, as durable as 8 or 10 stool pens. ' ltosonibling the quill' more than the gold pen In elasticity, they wlll be pre- Awed as not Injuring the color of lied 'lnk or collecting any of that sediment about them which stool pans In variably do; they will be found an invaluable'lmprovv-. moot. Ono trlal will trove the faat that They are more economical than and superior to any pen In use. Price 12, 18 and 26 touts per dozen, or ;4,25, $1,60 and $2,00 per gross. #or sole in Mechanicsburg by J. DOItSII - and in eallalo only by oct. 17, '65. A. Al. PIPER, Main street, VAILS 1 NAILS I=-1 um now pfe i,i paled to sapply country Merchants , With at manufacturers prices. Ll. SAXTON. gir Job Printing promptly exeouted. lildite'Avenue below Spring liarden St, Phlln 1 4.1ilaiii . ri'"'Q&)40 . 10),; • • " • Cblfilleet . QC.IIII6DAMI AIIOIt4TIC SIINAPS. bU VIE CITIZENS OF PENNS V LVANIA.*-- J. bog leave to call 'the attention of 'the citizens of Pennsyhaula to .the above article, manufactured by my sell exclusively, at my factory in 6chiedam, hol land, expressly fur medical purposes. It is made from the best Barley that can be selected in Europe and the essence of aromatic Italian herr) ' ol acknowledged and extraordinary medicinal pm porti co; and it has long since acquired a higher conchal, n loth in r.urope and America, titan any other dietetic beve rage, 111 GRAVEL, OMIT, Hint fenEUMATIBM; In obstructit no tne Bladder and Kidneys, and debility of the urinary functions, its effects are prompt, decided and in varibly reliald A lid It is nut only a remedy Mr these 111810- dies. but, In all cases in which they are prod need Ly drinking bad water, wild' is almost universally, the cause of them, it operates as it sure preN (naive. The distressing elleet upon the Sttumaeh, Bowels, 4111 , 1 of travelers. new residents, and all per Oms Un accustomed to them, produced by the waters of nearly all of our great inland rivers, like the Ohio, Mississippi and Alabama, arum the large quantity of decayed vege table nuttier contained in them, in ii„state of solutiOn, is well known; as is also that of the milers of limestone regions, lu producing (Heusi., CVLVILI, and stone in the BLADDER. The .utomicrie SCIIIJiPAM Sel I 1 , .A1.•PC., is au absolute corrective 01,1111 these injurious properties of bad water. undo bsequently lIVOVOLIiti the disease which they occasion. 1t Is also found to be a cure :old prevem Hee Of lever and Ague. a couipliditt caused by the con joint Atlas of vegetable malaria In the atmosphere, and vegetable putrescence,: art the water ut those districts in which it pi ineipally prevails. Tho Aromatic Schiedam schilappt is consequently in great demand by persons traveling. nr about bp settle in those parts 01' the come , try especially ; as well as by many in every eminnunity. --Avitere it has become linOWll, on account of Its various otiie remedial properties. ' ylu than three thousand ph; siclaus, among whom are nut tiered the greatest names belonging to the tlicul ty of int dicine in this country, have certified, over their own siguatill es, to the valuable medicinal properties-of ! such an article, as the set erect tests have proved the ' 'Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps to be and have accepted it as a most desirable addition to the MATERIA tmA. Put tip in quart or pint bottles, enveloped in yellow paper with toy name on the lsntle, cork and seal. For sale by all respectable Druggists and tirteers. I,IInILP/I WOLFE, IS, 20 and 22 Beaver street, Now York. 2 South Front street, niladelpina. I hog leave to rail the attention of the public to the ellmr Mg letters from physicians: minv.lsi. Y. May 2. 1523. "Ma. Unotra NVntrr—Dear his : I cannot - speak highly of the purity of your aeltiedam Schnapps. IL is decidedly superior to any thlur of the kind in the mar ket. it is perfectly free ,rut the adntixture of fusil oil, or of any of those arttylic ntilt which prod tun sue) ; a mischievous and impartible elie,t upon the I.l,ii stlt ta I.m, and Nriiirl t Sery tew aleohollr Wed Button, are With. tit Cholla 'hying largely implegnated with it. 1 have porn .sly inspeeted the various proeess ot distilatiou pm... Wed at zwitiedant, hunt I; nett that Wl is Lakuri .to ,opilratt. the 11,,xiotis eleutenln !Nom the pate ttleolialv v it.d your Z;eilllaps is a its a 11,el,hS• . a medicinal agent, for chronic and reuai .tifectlouS;l: ; biyre successfully prescribed it. and recomend ot i tis fiti.4,reable cordial and harmless stimulant, and-shall ealatlnue to do'so: its e:I as to W.o it as a st.ur& or putiOle.liol ton theilliral itir,stiga• tiolkS tad o.Xpttritittnitti.. .1 . 11111'5 .41,11,211. C.risulting Anal) tlcii ( 11,•inist." Dr. (•liai:t s A. Leas, 'of Dealt!), Haiti rites as Iblious in relation to the a; ue of :kelitiapps as a ruined) * in throttle catarrhal to, fi.• letter Is dated July 27, 1 81, 3: -1 take pleat laPaPUre lu bearing highly sr, ditable testins , ny t , its ellicacy as a rallietlial agnlit in the di . Jta . you reo.uiend It. Haring a nattual teteletioy t , . the 11111 , ollh t , 1111 . 14_ , 5, With a h;ight degree or miiiluiation. I regard It as one the most important remedies in cltrettle catarrhal affections, particular y those vf the gelato urinary apparatus. With much res pect your obedient servant, rITAHLES A. LEAS, M. D. .P1111.4.24)1.1•11/.4. u1y.„1.5, 115:1. Udolphe Wolfe, "Se Vetiver st. I....l:Virar sir: Last 111.41Au1l the writer recriNl4ll, through your agent in this city. a lottle 01 cur Aromatic licdtiedittn Schnapps, suit sinew thnt period has prescribettthe &zone in certain forms o f urinary v. - mud:llMR; also In eases Of debility in aged persons. So ihr, the sclinapps has been of much I•enent to those using It . 4 . 4 la conclusion, where a diuretic and stimulant Is required, I Should use the Ar omatic Schiedam schnapps. 'rhanking you for your kindness, 1 nut reSpectlnily yours,. A. D. GUAM /NEE, M. D., 180, B..Elglith The sultjoined letter from D. Paine, of Mal4ester, N. 11., relates to nue of the most valuahlemedicinal prup erties possessed by the Aromatic belucapps, and, boo that it sets as a specific in n Very painful disease—the (Ira% el : "Ma. WoLFE:—Perinit utu toiddresayou a few lines. which you are at liberty to use if you think proper. in respect lii your medicine, called &Medan* Schnapps.-- I have had a very obstinate ease of gravel and stone, of some Bre years' standing, causing very acute }stn in every at tempt to urinate. _Alter using many remedies without much relief, I Was Induced to try a bottle of your medivitA In the course of three days It proved effectual. disluglug large pieces dr shale. saute of trhieli was as huge as a Mal {VW fat pea. 1 continued the cor dial according to directions. and the patient continued to gain, and Is fast recovering. 1 think a diedicino of so much value in so distressing a cumplalut, should be known to the public, and the world at largo. And 1 tor one. must give it My approbation and signature. TILOS. PAINE, M. From Dr. John S. 'Leese, Chemist, Baltimore, Md. Sept. 15, "lan : "A number of oar physicians are ordering the article, and Foveral have already prescribed lt. Personate whom I have sold It speak very highly of Its qualities. A llentlenten of my own personal acquaintance, having suffered greatly with an affection of the kidneys and Madder' took two bottles and subsequently passed a stone of considerable size, and was greatly relieved. It will no douht go into general Ueo,' 33ftittl 3totices. ; . § , I TOTICE, IS HEREBY GIVEN that application will lie made to the next Legislature of Penuckylvania, to alter the Charter of the CA1t1.161.1: llEpuSl2 BANK, located in the borough of Carlisle,Xuni berland county, so as to confer upon the said Bank the rights and privileges of a Bank of Issue. one to change its name to the CA I:LI; 4 LE BANK. Also to Increase the capital of said Bank (which is at present sixty thou sand dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same under its present charter to one hundred thousand dollario to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. By order of the Board of Directors. WM. M. BEETEM, Cashier. Carlisle, June 25. 1555.-Cm AT ()TICE' IS HEREBY GIVEN, that en application will be made to the next Leg 'cloture of the State 'of Ponricyl ratan. fir the passnell ohm to incorporate a'linnk of Deposit% with .e capitol of-Fury TuousANn Donne, with authority to Increase the FlllllO to t /no Hundred Thousand Dollars. 'lobe cal. led Gni' MECHANICSBURG DEPOSITE DANE, and to bo located In Tholsirongh of Ideehaniceburg, The object of said Dank is to invreace tlio general business facilities of the MARC in the vicinity of its locatiOn. Daniel Vrlchf Jacob Coovor, • • ." • • John illtrah i Sr. ' Benjamin Eberly, John itelgol; • . John Brandt, Henry G. Rupp, George Singloor, John Houser, Elias Grabill, John Cocordr; David Andrew I. KtUtihnon,' Solomon Mechanicsburg; Juno 20, 1866-Orn CARLISLE , DEPOSIT. 13 A N K . 9PECIAL DEPOSITS will be received at this flank 'for any length of time over four months, and Interest iwrilA at the rate :of YOUIh•PEIt (IpT. Nit annum, .and the. principal paid back at any time after maturity Arians* notice. interest. ceages after the expiration, of the time specified in the certificate, unless renewed 'for another given period, hi which case thu interest is paid up un til the time of the renewal. Bank opens at if o'clock, A. M. find closes at 2 Mj • • • ' " "B. Vali - CPI s .President. W. lixtreil, Cashier. apr2G VMBROIDERIES. Tho cheapest Whim Undoraleeves, Ruffling', /to &c., in l'ennaylvanla, Just rocelvett at the cheap store of net. 17, '55. CHARLES OGILOY. Dnj 000bs,. 11EAT ATTRAR.ACTION! 000DSI NEW GOODS!! I be subscriber having just returned from the citieb of New York. and Philadelphia is now opening a very extensive assortment of FALL. AND wINTEtt mops, Consisting bf elegant Whiter Shawls, splendid Silks. Oish an ears and he Lulus, French Merin. . qud para. melte,. ult.:runt Needle Worked Cediars rind antiles iiiiMons and 'Pritinninss in great variety. ( t as. simeres,,Cinssinotts, Vestings, Flannels, Jeans aLts4 Ito siery. a led of new Varpettlngs. Also a full t d____ ditniplete assortment of Ittnit'S A:\ i) SHOES. All persons ha st ant or ,ind cheap goods tiro 11M set fully Invited to call and esmoin this stunk before purchasing elsewhere. At the Old Stand PlestliNlain CHARLES N. B. A uto•k of well mode clothing on hood—which will 1.0 sold at colt uct. 17, 1 1 11 U E ECONOMY Consists in buying such goods as ono really needs. and buying them vliero 110. y are sold at the len est prices. We have received and are note opening an LMIIIiNSE QUANTITY of new, cheap and splendid ve , do. ouch no the genuine thdd Medal bilks. French Merinoes. of all the eolers, Thilwt Clotho. Alpachas. plain and printed lions de Lain*. Calicoes in abundance, and nll the other hinds that are now worn of • D R ESS GOODS; Also, Embroideries, Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Ilfisiery small wares, Gum Shoes, Carpet Bags. (I Caps, Bon nets, Bonnet Ribbons, an extensive supply of MEN'S WE.III, such as Cloths. Satinetts, Cas:lnores, KelltUrky .terms. VelitillV,S, 61.1(111S. 1 1 / 4 1% 'Picking's. tiinghams. flannels. and agoneral supply of Goods iu our line. e Weil we in vite every haly to examine and satisfy themsel V. 15.1 flat we are selling goods at such prices as will sati , fy the elitist buyers. BENTZ S.: oct. CUMBERLA.ND VALLEY It. R.- CIIANOE OF Hot:RS! On and after MONDAY, October 22d, 11 , ,,:,5.1'asseuirer Trains elO run an follows: i . : , undays excepted: FOR HARRISBURG : itd. Train. 211 Train. Lease Chamhersburt, A. M 1.10, P. M. " Shippensburg„ 11.17 " 9.-in, 2.12, " " CarliN4v, 1P " 3.57. " •• Nle , •luttlicsburg t At Ilarri•burg, 11.25. " 4.L, " Yk.nt _ 1,4 'rmin. 2d Tain: .l^rvc If arrlsburg, 8.30. A. 31 •1.00, I'. NI •• Merlimittrsburg, 0.03', '• I.a•+ '• ft•• liu•li4lu, 9.43, " 2.11, " '• Newvillo, 10.19, " 2.47, " •• :-.lllppelislAirll4 1u.d.9 " IL ( 'ha ti henldtirA 11.15, " TRAINS ..avvibirrisl , urr fur Pliliadt.lphla at 1.12. an (I R.lO A.NI ids' at 7 P. NI. and 12.36 Noun, vla Columbia. A.:LA r Ilarrishurgf r rittstatrg nt 3.20 A.'..41.; 12.3 f, noun nOl.l 4. P. .I. Niv. , Mtn isl urg, 5.r Tlalthnure. at 3, and F. 30 A. 74 nt 1 M. ar. of Raul. nod Fusquannua Rail Road leave liar rislqtrg at, F, A. M. a.. 4.11.20, I'. M. for A ul , urn, Potts- Reading, Av. 167 . .“. 4111 Stations where Tiokets are sold, Fares are TIEN than when paid in the Cals. A. V. SMITH, EuperlDtendont. Rail Road Office, Charabershurg, } M 5 tuber 17,15. Rug (fstittfe Safes I STEAM SAW MILL, And-LargeTract of first rntc TIMBER LAND nt 'PUBLIC an 'MM. Will he sold at public sale. en the preta '"" iscs, on T111.111:•DAY, the I rt dnr of No luttilwr next. nt 10 o'clock. a Steam Saw ISill and . . NINE, HUNDRED AND lIIIRTY-TIIREE ACIUKS of Timber Land, situate In Dickinson and South - Mid• dieton townships, Cumberland county. Ibis Is a very desirable property and persons wishing to purdoweu ill find it test recommended by pinking inquiry and ex• amining it on or befose the day of sale. The title is In disputable. Also ' will be sold at the same dine and place, SIX MULES. one tour horse Wagon, a one horse Wagon. (bears, fir. Also. Timber Wheels. Log Chains. and all the Tools-and Fixtures connected with the >111:, iuclu ding a first rate Circular Nan. Also, a lot of BOARDS and SCANTLINU. Terms made known on day of sale by noptl9 HASKELL & sErmouit. frZ- -- Chamlx , rsburg Whig and Lacastcr Examiner copy nod soid bills to this I , ARM FOR SALE. —A farm A... 1 of valuable limestone land, situate In to I bath.. South Nliddletun township. Cumberland : county. one mile south-west of Carlisle containing 2CO ACHES. mat IllerISUIC.— The improvements are a good WO HOUSE, and kiteb• en. large stone DANK BARN, frame Witgon Mod 411)1 Corn Cribs. 511101.3 Ileum., Hog and Poultry Ituuses, . good (Jet 1 of choice fruit of various kinds, and . well of never failing water near. About 200 acres m cleared and Inn high Stilt° of cultivation. The Lalan, Is &,vered with first rate timber. Possesskti given I. the brat of April next. Terms easy. Oct. 3,'15 JOHN fiIIAHAM, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALV - w —The subscriber offers nt private sale lot ground, situate In Newville, Cumberland tin: ty, whereon Is greeted a two story BRICK 110 USE, wit Back 1%11(1111g. Wash Ilouse,Cisterti alrunder the nth roof. and alien of excellent water in the yard. Also Stable,. Carrbgre.bouso, Corn Crib end other improv. ments. The buildings are all now. comfortable and col lenient. Thu property is situated on Maine street. e. tending hack to Church alley and adjoins properties James lie nnedy and Heirs of John Davids.m, deed.- Further information can be had by applying to the rer dent. Sept. 2.6, J. M. DAVIDSON. I_4 P STA TE of RU D OLP 11 1-1 E - LEH, dec'd.—Notice Is hereby giVen that Late ot Administration on the Estate of Rudolph Berta . Into of Monroe township, Cumberland county, decease have been granted by the Register of said county toil subscriber. residing In the same township. All persol knowing'themsels es indebted to said estate are rata' oil to make imtnediatO payment,and those haying cinli_ to present Thom for settlement to saptlOpd CHRISTIAN lIERTZLER, TO THE LADIES, , Q. : ,,,,,,, • , mob J. C. HUTT, l'- . 7..."1,..C 4; i ~.. Ts prepared to MAKE DRESSES. •MA• •, !!:,,,,,,. TLES. &e. at the shortest notice and on tl most reasonable tonna. Several girls went. to learn the business. Apply at No. 8, Alexander!' 11€ South Pltt street. Sept. 88,. ..o. .. ...•• - - HARDWARE I—The larp , ' ~..,. • ~- „ . ,-_ est and inost varrlod assortment of Ilar , 1 2;.;._ vt. s .it.?. t y.; waro In o county, and Belling at,tl lowest prices, at ' ' J. P. LYNE'S. ' Hanover St.. earliol., ARMERS LOOK HERE! • THRESHING o subscribers desire to intbnn limners and FM • generally that they now !moon hand and are conettu iTtnauttfaettiring,Threaldnar Machines with, Plorpotr , Patent Shaker, which are generally acknowledged to the beet articles now in use. Also a variety of (30% Hullers. Corn Shelton, and Straw Cutters. They al eaten( to the repairing of Agricultural Machinery the best manner, and on reasonable torrna. Manta, tory on North Hannover Street* directly opposite t: reFidenro of Hoorgellotsgar, Esq. - August 8 '66. AIIIHMS & PLANE, T UST RECEIVED AT THE FAD (p GROCERY STORE of the subscriber, ri riou Call. A now supply of fresh Water Crackers, Soda. Rutter, Pie hrie and Sugar Iluiscult, Farina, Corn Starch, Tapioca, Sago. Pearl Mirky, Extract of Coffee, Rive Flour. linking Powder, A new lot of superior Tal le Oil. • Plaice, Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard, r • • Rum. &c. J. W. EBY 3ieut:(6((iiitlice. • VALUABLE . REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. 1 he subscribers, Executors of Christian Wolf, der'd. offer at private said the foliowing property, vie: A 'MAC r LAND, situate In Southampton township, Franklin entintY f On the. : Roxbury rend, about two miles west of Shippetfthurg, bounded by lands of Al fred M,syre, Dade Ns:t:o.llnd others, It is now oreU plea Iv Wulf uud ein.tidne oNE. HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES. of whi,li 110 are good litm , woo land and about 30 neees g0...i ,iato laud. About tb acres of sold mini. is eovered - wd:• •ele , lid timber and timbalunee is in in, em client of euitilation. The improveunn.ts are 0 /It rpe ' or., ,or-I,4,itrded LOU !MUSE. Frameh:\hN. Wa l ton Shed, a Spring liousn. "and all other neeet•sary out-bulldings, all of which are new. The tarot is well watered by running water and there is also a neccr lading well. Also a young Orebard or choke fruit. -A!.. all that certain valuable TRACT (IF LAls D. situ ate in the township of South Middleton, Cumberland county, on the banks of the Yellow Breeehes Creek, about one mile sotth-east of Boiling Swings, bounded by lands of Jacob Siricklor, %%else, Benjamin Kauffman and others, CONTAINING 1134.A.CRES. The improvements are a large two story tiToNE HOUSE, with a base ment, a large sToN HAHN, a geLd Carriage House, Spring 1101.1se, ti it h an excellent and never failing opting lof water, 'Wood House agun Shut and all ether necoAvary out-buildings, al; In good order. Also, an Orchard of doge() fruit. This laluable farm in all of the best limestone, with about lOU nerve hi a high onto of cultivation. and the remainder In good ilnitur. leo, it good TENANT 11..111: 4 E, cith nut-buildlegs, and alemt three acres of land, whivh will.Le sold separately or with the thrm to suit purchasers. Also, .e certain TRACT t./F MOUNTAIN LAND, bituete in said t..wnship, about three miles froin the abat e scribed containing A 01E3. being sell cot creel sith youln: c11,4111.1t untl Nut timber. 'menus WM be 101201.1 knewn on appliration to the subscribes, ADAM WULF V I . I g II 1. II net her 3 ISsr—t.f k: 1 X.E C, TOR'S SALE OF A VALUABLE LIMESTONE FARM. be sold at Public Sale on the prethises on THURSDAY. Ist November, 1555. at 10 o'clock That very fine Limestone Farm. bell n:zing to the Estate of Thomas brie, doe'd.. situated near Kingston in Not th Middlieban township. I...timberland 'malty. Pa.. an, ut tire miles East of Carlisle. o n the Cumberland \alley. Railroad. and one half lulls South of Harrisburg and Cariislo Turnpike road, et IN TAIN ING A BOUT 2:30 ACRES part of whleh is first rate timber land. The Improve :. ments are a commodious Double Two.i,„. t , Id. "").: story BRICK lIOI7SE and outlbulld .lruil,',„ ~,,' logs. A large BRICK BANK BARS I II; I.E, li .- 7. 7 ; and CornaCribs, &c., all of which are .., '''" --"" bullt in modern style, with every c, a venleace, and are now in the best order. The Farm would divide well Into two parts. and will he so sold if pnrehitsers desire. It is well situated, being convenient to market and la a good nolghborho,4l. Teruo: will I.e easy and to suit purchasers, and will be made known on day of sale by :1.1 ,4 " J. 45, " RICHARD PARKER, ItORERT c.IiTEItltlT. goptl9 Exr'i; of Thee. Crio, dee'd t,',l,..l.anchstor Examiner rope. VALUA B.LE CORNET PROP'TY AT PIcIVATE SALE. That very valuable and well known BUSINESS STAND situate on the corner of :Nrrth Hanover and lauthur r‘treetA, lu the borough of CarliSle now owned and ....eluded I.y Jacob Fetter, , containing :30 feet frtmt on liannover street and ?An feet on ',outlier street.— Th o improvements on Ilunnurer 1 , 10(4,t, are a large 11111E1.: ;-,TilitY 1111 ESE, with a large Mirk bark build. log finished in the most elegant manner. containiim 11 amens uding the store room, besides pantries and oonvellient closet arrangements. The STORE dOO3l Is 33 feet in depth, fitted up In the hest possible manner and ono of the most desirable and long established business locations in our town. There is n large two story brie!, building fronting on Louther street, with n ship attached, now occupied ns a mhinot maker shop. Also is stable on the foot of the lot, and other necessary out buildings. The property is in excellent order having been recently fitted up by the present occupant For terms &e. enquire of Sept 6 *. TALUABLE TOWN PROPE4TY FOR SA LE.—Tbo 'aro Iltiek House and Lot situated on ',outlier Street one door east of the German Reform Church. The house contain,. t .._ di , :. ' '..), nine large rooms, besides two finished tr",-,.. ~E , attic chambers. lage kitchen audsum suc ,Afk mei. kitchen, / The lot has fill fewt front ' , - , - 1 6 1 -.Ta' ' on Loutber street by 240 foot back to ‘ , ll/0 nllcy, and. 120 feet on Sortie Street by :WI feet to the same alloy, containing' in all alsoit an nere of ground. There is also a good tenant homte and a ktable CO feet long on the premises. Tha property would suit admirably for either a gentelman's private re.idenee, a boarding school or factory eitablithi meat. For terms ke. enquire of CM $1000! $1000! ! `` AFFLICTED Np AND UNFoirruNATE, Cut out and preserve the fol lowing card. It is particularly important to STU tNn EDS AND Tit ‘vl.l.l.Elis, to preren t their bel in; misled and deceived 1y the lying boasts, false promises. and spurious mem.. inendni bins (fn.m the dead and unknown) of Foreign - , and Native Qtuteks. of whom there are more In delphia than elsewhere, becrn , e of the clemency of the laws of the State. Citisens, know and avoid them. llavlng tried one to twenty dollars worth of Quark Mixtures, Lxtracts. Invigorating Elixirs. Cordials, bit ters. eie., without effect—lutv ing been deceived by nib represented and exaggerated accounts of self-Abuse, Secret Discuses and their consequences, published .n MWortliMments, itoolts. &e., and misled by Wee te mints and wrong advice contained therein, purposely to increase stifferinpi, and alarm and frightet, the Ur.- hinking. the more easily to extort large fees, kahich is more evident, being sold for less than cost of printing and advertising)—having paid live to one hundred dol lars to Foreign and Native Quacks WITHOUT BEING CURED, having suffered much end long—though the time lr st cannot be recalled, nor the money recovered you paid and were defrauded of yet you can be cured, howevt r bad, long standing or afflicting your case, by Dr. LEIDY. " Be wise. betimes; Delays are dangerous." /t Time Is Money; Time saved is Money earned." YOUNG MEN OR OTHERS, Single, married. or contemplating marriage, suffering from Self-Abuse of its consequences, or suffering from any other causes, defects, or deseasos, and LADIES, whatever their diseases or situations, may honorably rely and confide in Dr, Leidy's skill and success Ao. commedations. If required. with kind and efficient all Oedema. at Int. LEIDY'S PRIVATE HOSPITAL. TRUTH IS MIGHTY AND WILL PREVAIL! ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS is waged the following cannot be contradicted, namely; that Dn. N. B. LEIDY, No. 114 North FOURTH Street, above race; Is the only regular Physician residing In Philadel phia, tiraduato of the University of Pennsylvania, of 1833, (twenty-two years) exclusively engaged In the treatment of Secret or Delicate Diseases of both sexes; Solf.Ahuso anti its consequences; Organic Weaknotte and ; Nervousness; Irregularities and other diseaeos or situations of Females; and which be will cure in less time and less restraint, more effectually, than any other, under forfeit of • ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. Dr. LFIDY has more patients. and cures them toN than ell advertising Doctors, so called or otherwise, id Philadelphia combined, and proudly refers to Pro ' res: sore and 'respectable Physicians, many of whom consult him in critical cases, a nd respectable Citizens. Hon. chants And Hotel Proprietors, as to his known skill, re.- putation - and unparalleled success. ' DISTANT PATIENTS " can have necessary advice and medicine rant them by mall or otherwise, to 'any part of 'the United Sister, giving a description of their cases (enclosing a reason able fee) by letter to • Ds: N. D. LEIDY, •No.'ll4, , North FOURTH Street, above !taco, Philadelphia. N.ll.L—T,etters of . lngniry or Information ostv,.(ex copt from lettings) to receive at tention, must 'contain ONE DOLL.t it, in eonsltlenglon of time and trot:kW:On e-wee-lug and information given Augiiiit lb, Iti6s. . M =5:l EORGE WoLF, Ex peutnrs, A. L. SPONSLEIL ltnal Ilstate Agent and Si riToner A. L. SPONSLER, Ili Estate Agent, Carlisle
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers