6 (~~tr~rSXr rx-nlb, I' - I iO. ..,,c4 , ::,.,.. C.A.ILLISLE, PA. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 81. 1855 TH: LARGEST AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER 40 11101121,ANU COUNTY Terms —Two Dollars a year, or One Dollar and Fifty Cents. if !mid punctually in Advance $1 75 if paid wit,iu the peat. THANKSGIVING DAY. Pennylvania i —ln the home end by the nutlior4 oftbA,Comtnonwealth of Pennsylva nia. JAAns PoLLoctc, Governor of said Coin. moutrealth. A PROCLAMATION. Flow CITIZENS I—A public recognition of the existence of God,. as the Creator of all things end the Giver of 'every good and per oect gift,' with an humble acknowled...cment cif our constant dependence upon the provi fence of Him, 'who rules in the army of Hea ven and among the children of men,: is alike the duty and the privilege of a free and Chris tian.people. . 'He has crowned the past year with his goodness and caused our paths to drop with fatness.' lie has blessed our country with peace. The union of the States 2 —our free in stitutions—our civil and religious privileges— right of conscience and treedom of -worship. have been continued and preserved. The great interests of education, morality and re ligion have been encouraged and promoted— science and art advanced—industry rewarded —and the moral and physical condition of the people improved. The goodness of Cod has signally blessed our Commonwealth. War with its desolations —famine and pestilence with their horrors, have not been permitted to come near us ; and whi!st the, ravages of disease and death have afflicted the citizens of other Stoles, we have enjoyed the blessings of health and un usual prosperity. The seasons, in their an• nun! round, have come and gone,—'seed tint( and harvest' have not failed,—smiling plentu cheers the husbiindman ; and, surrounded bt the abundant fruits of autumn, he rejoices it the rich rewards of his toil. 'The pastures are clothed with flocks—the valleys also are covered-over with corn—they shout for joy— they also sing.' Acknowledging with gratefu' hearts these manifold blessings of a beneficent Providence, we should 'offer unto God thanks giving, and pay our vows unto the Most High.' Under this solemn conviction of the impor. tance and propriety of this duty, and in con formity with the wishes of many gdod citizens. I, JAMES POLLOCK, Governor of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby appoint Thursday, the 22d day of November next, a, day of general Thanksgiving and Praise throughout this state; and earnestly implore the people that, setting aside all worldly pur suits on that day, they unite in offering thanks to Almighty God for his past goodness and mercy, and beseech him fur a continuance of his blessing s. Given under my bond and the Great Seal of the Shute at Harrisburg, this 22d day of Oc tober, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty five, and of the Com monwealth the eightieth. By the Governor. A. G. CURTIN, See. of the Commonwealth. THE LONE STAR. The Editor of the Chambersburg Whig, who has been closely examining the elect ion returns of the various counties of the State, informs us that Cumberland coun ty is the only, single, sole, solitary dis trict in the whole Commonwealth, in which an old line, unadulterated "Vir g•in Whig" has been elected ! Col. Wm. M. Henderson, the Whig candidate for Commissioner of Cumberland county, it seems has won this signal distinction. It is true, Col. H. was not elected by the Whigs exclusively, for our democratic friends who were this fall taken with a sudden liking for the Whigs, such as they have not shown in previous contests, very kindly lent some "aid and comfort" in the election of Col. Henderson. He is an old fashioned, veteran Whig, an es timable gentleman and practical business man. As a .Commissioner he will exer cise a vigilant care over the interests o the county. gm. AN ENGLISHMAN representini ; himself to be Sir Walter Percy Beau , mont, and claiming connection with many of the nobility of England, has been hon. oriag eharnbersburg with his noble pros ems° for the last three or four months. ,Ele succeeded in swindling several per 1-Ons, and induced a merchant to nevem pany him to New York, where he was t reogive £lO,OOO from Lady Percy. 1. is needless to say that when he arrive tbere ho slipped off, and has not sine been heard of. ' THE LIQUOR LAW The Lveaster Express is of opinion that the re\training liquor law passed by the last Legislature will not be repealed. 'A h 3 house may pass a repeal bill, but the Express says it cannot pass the Sen ate. The vote in the Senate on the pas sage of the law was 15 yeas to 14 nays. Of the new Senators elected this fall, but one, Mr. Wilkins is known to be op posed to the law. while four of the new Senators are said to be committed to its support. The Express counts upon 17 votes against repeal in a full Senate and is therefore very confident that no bill repealing the law can pass that body, but it may be mistaken. Will Mr. Wherry, Senator from this district, stand by the law ? He voted for it, but the last demo cratic convention of Cumberland county passed a resolution instructing their can didates for Assembly, in the event of their election, to vote for the repeal of the law. Whether he will act in obedience to such instructions remains to be seen. By the time' the Legislature meets the law will have been in operation in many counties three months., If he is satisfied that its effects are beneficial he may vote against its repeal. Time will tell. 01110 ELEC4TION. Full returns of the Ohio election give the following result of the vote for Gov ernor:—Chase, Republican, 146,106; Democrat, 130,887; Trimble, American, 24,287. Chase's plurality over Medill 15.21 g. iie majority for the rest of the Republican State ticket is between 34,000 and 35,000. The ag gregate vote east was 302,405, Medill's Vote this year is 16,546 less than was cast for him in the year 1853 for the same office (chile the aggregate vote cast is 18,590 greater. MAssActiusorTs —1 very exciti n g electoral canvass is now proceeding in the old Bay State. Apparently the. im mense American party, which swept the State like a whirlwind last fall, is 'now completely broken up. Upon its ruins has arisen a powerful organization, boar ing the name of the Republican party, headed by Senators Sumner and Wilson, Ex-Governor Boatmen, and some influen tial Whigs. In this is, of course, com prehended all the old Free Soil party, which formerly numbered about 32,000 votes, hod a goodly number of Whigs. Tho nomination of Julius. Rockwell, an old Whig member of Congress, as the Re publican candidate for Governor, and the earliest support given to the party by the Boston Atlas, seem to show that the Whigs have joined the movement in con siderable numbers. A strong effort has been made to re-organize the old Whig party of the .State, and in this movement Rufus Choate, Robert C. Winthrop. and other old Whig leaders, have joined. Mr. Winthrop'sveeession is of much im portance, as,he has been a powerful man with the Whigs of the. State. Whether he still retains his influence, can hardly be guessed in the present confused condi. tion of politics. A separate candidate for Governor has been nominated, and a rather conservative platform adopted by the Whigs; but this will not be as to help them in Massachusetts, Under pres ent circumstances, as the State is tho roughly anti-slavery. A large portion of the American party still maintain a dis tinct organization, and, being dissatisfied with the course of the 'Republican party, they have re-nominated Governor Gar diner. OPEN ORGANIZATION..--The Pitts burg Times urges the open organization of the American party. The Times says, " in the beginning secresy was pro bably necessary and unquestionably po litic, as in no other way could so large a party haire. been so rapidly built up; but the necessity for attachment to these forms has passed, and we arc glad to see steps talcen — for.. their abolition. , , Their existence has been a source of great dis comfort to many members of the party, who only submitted to' them because of the good the party promised to accom plish. guliltieS -t.'s)trotibili OUR NEXT LIWISZATIIRE. The Ohambersburg 11 , 144 points out some features of the new Legislature., of Pennsylvania as worthy of notice. There is not a single old Senator , re-elected--a result that has rarely before occurred. Another remarkable fact iy that the whole eastern and southern part of the State has not chosen one anti-Pierce_Senator, while the north, heretofore reliably Demo cratic, has displaced two Pierce men, and sent Republicans in their steal In the Ilouse the same singular change is pre sented. Of the eastern counties,' where the old Whig strength used' to be, but two counties have elected a solid anti- Pierce phis and Lebanon— ams, Lancaster, CheA- While ,ter anO. teeAledly Whig count ies, and - all the doubtful. counties, have gone either partially or entirely Demo cratic. In the interior and north, the Democratic ranks are terribly riddled. In Perry, Centre, Armstrong, Juniata, Tioga, Bradford,, Susquehanna, Jefferson, Mercer, Venango, and Potter, formerly good for an aggregate ,Qemocrat-' is majority of 5000, I . )emocratic tickets are defeated, and nearly 4000 majority' given to NtenoLsoN. THE CRISIS AT RAND A London correspondent of the Na tional Intelli , eneer states that, the ex pectation is general in England and Eu rope that there will be a g,rand blow up in the next Congress, a dissolution of the Union in two years, and that England will take the South Under her protection. You must always no away froin home to hear news about home Onto.—The recent election in Ohio settled one thing which was not at first apparent. It scen►s that the Legislature in Ohio holds only biennial sessions, and the last session was held in the winter of 1853-4. It was very largely Democratic. At the last election a new Legislature was chosen, and the majority is over whelmingly Republican. It meet. in the approaching winter of 1855-6. Senator H'ade's term as the representative of Ohio in the United States Senate expires on the 4th of March, 1857, and thus it will devolve upon the Legislature just chosen to elect his successor. NEw Von ti POLITICS.—The New York State central committee of the opponents of the prohibitory liquor law, appointed by the State Convention of the 19th, has issued an address, calling upon all their• friends and the liquor dealers throughout the Commonwealth, to vote the Soft Shell Democratic ticket for State officers. If this recommendation is acted upon it will, probably decide the contest in favor of the democrats—that is if the liquor in terest proves itself as powerful in New York as recently in Pennsylvania. A Divisiorr OF TEXA:-A writer front western Texas says the German, French, Swiss, Hungarian, and other European settlers in northwestern Texas are to a man in favor of forming a new State out of the western portion of that State, and to a man they are oppoSed to slavery. Free Soiligm at that cud of the Union would change some people's ideas of the necessity and policy of annexing more Mexiean territory. DIA N KSOIVI NG ,DA .—Tho Gover= flora of Pennsylvania and Ohio have des ignated the 22. d, and the Governors of MassaehUsetts and , New York the 29th of November,, as ,thanksgiving day in their, respective States. Maryland and Virgin ia will be a week in advance of them, as they will observe the I.sth- of November.: North Carolina had her thanksgiving on . Thursday last: EXPENSIVE AMUSEMENT.- An arti; ele in the Dublin University Magazine states that the present war with Russia costs England and 'her allies a guar ter of a million sterling per day ! Ite - The Know Nothing Stste Con vention of Nortl Carolina have formerly resolved to abandon all sooresy whateverr IPA a SitiOliird VVILL7AIIISON. Tim Passmore Williamsonvase wasagain before the U. S. District Court in Phila delphia, on Friday last, on a motion made by his Counsel to file a petition in relation to his case. An able argument was made by the Hon. W. M Meredith, and on Monday, as we learn by the city papers, Judge Kano made an order in the case of Williamson, refusing the leave asked for by counsel, because he is still in contempt, and by the petition he seeks to present does not purge himself. Td the end, however, that he may purge himself, the Judge also ordered that whenever Williamson shall declare, un der oath or affirmation, that he is willing to answer melt. interrOgatOr;eB as may be addressed to him by the COurt touching matters heretofore inquired into by the Habeas Corpus, that the Marsahl shall bring him before the Judge in Court or Chambers, to abide the further action of the Court. This seems to open a door for the set tlement of the difficulty of which we think Mr. Williamson should at once avail himself It will probab,y allow, of a fuller and clearer statement of his course than that wade - 1n his first return to the writ, and lead to his release from con finement, while hew will be sustained and his own character for integrity and vera city be in no degree compromised. SiwErtE '---The Easton Argus, a staunch Democratic paper, which sup ported Hunter and the whole tichct,,'says, " we notice that an effort is made in cer tain quarters to construe the late 'Dem ocratic triumph iii Pennsylvania into an endoreement of the present National A dmipi:itration. It must require a pe ml.iar pair of spectacles to see any such meaning in the result, and we pronounce it pure unadulterated nonsense. In this seciion of the State, where the largest majorities Nero given' for the Democratic candidates, no one thought of 3.k. Pierce or his administration,, and no one cared the snap of a finger about either. The victory might with as much reason be claimed as an endorcement of the course of Louis Napoleon," - FOREIGN I3rmiquATloN.-4-During the week past, 6555 foreign immigrants ar rived at the port of New York, on board vessels from British and German ports, bringing with them in cash money to the a nouns of 8245,075, or an average of thirty-eight dollars for every man, woman and child. The real amount of cash means is thought to be much larger, as it is said to be a well aeertained fact that the German immigrants do not report all they bring with them. IleZ" . It is rumored in political circles at Washington*, that the President and Gov. Wise of Virginia, are 'at logger heads, arising from Wise's opposition to the pr .tensions of. Pierce for a second . term. DAM Y'S GENUINE VAIN EXTRACTOR yin sul.tinu tl xtiu and lull:toutlion from the severest burns or scalds, to , 46 to o n ly minutes—and that it will heal the wounds without a sear; and effectually cure Never .tiores—Piles—Salt Illieutn—lntlatninatory and Inflamed Eyee—Cuts--Wcunds —Brulses 7 -old arid Inveterate bores—Scald Ilt Corns and * linttlinis—Erysitielna—Sprainie—: welling.— Felons—Chilblains—Bites of l nseete—Swelled and Iwo ken Breast—Sore Nipples—Bruptlous—anti all other inflammatory and cutaneous diseases, where the parts athnted can lie reached. . . . Don't be incredulous about the many diseases named to cured by only ono thing—but reflect that the (ow, but positive properties which the Dailey salve alone containa, and as heretofore enumerated—one to four— eau reach not only the aforii-uteutioned diseases, but many more nut enumerated. Query.—Do not regular bred physiciansprescribe cal* nod inwardly sor scores of different diseases! Each box of (icsiviss.liatix's PAIR EXTRACT*n ban up on it a Steel Plate Engraved Lithe' with the signatures of C. V. CIACKENirIit 4.. CO., proprietors. and HENRY bALLEV, manufacturer. Ali - others aro counterfeit. 1'0(.0 26 coots per box. All orderel should be addressed to C. V. Clickener.: & &0., al llarclay street, New r1.,.F0r sale by all Druggists throughout the 'United States. . Dr. , liMAC Tuoktisou's much celebrated tYE WATER. "Its merits stand unrivalled." This old, tried and Invaltythie remedy for all diseases of the oyes, after hating stood the tester over Fifty Years, and *be demand for it Is still increasing, is now, and has been for the past two years, offeredihr sale in an entire new dress. Each bottle will have a Stool Plate'Engraved Envelope. with a portrait of the 'inventor, Dr. Isaac Thompsoni Now London Conn., and a fao simile Of his signature, together whin a file simile ol the signature of the present pr..prieter, John 1,. Thompson, No Idl and 163 Elver Street, Troy, New York, and none other can be genuine 1 The proprietor has been compelled to make MIS change in the style of the wrapper!owing to the largo quantity of counterfeit which for the, past few years has 144q444 paimed'upon the community, and espetiallynt the west. Purchasers are particularly requested to buy none but the above described, and es the red table berctofbre used has been called wetly lbund in that foul the proprietor does not 11041tata to pronounce couuto , selt. For WO by all the respectable druggists In thelln!tod States and Canada. (Town ant) Cottitto 31Tatters. HOUSE AND' BARN • BURNED.—We learn that imleptructive fire occurred in-Dickin son township, on Sunday morning last, by which the dwelling house of Jacob Lippard : ten ant on tee farm of George Spangle; deceased, together with his barn, crops and part of his stock wde burned to the ground. The fire originated' from a stcve-pipe in the house, and an excel dingly \high wind prorailin . g,, the fire rapidly spread over the house and soon corn inunicated to the barn, which was but a little distance from the house. The whole of the last crop was stored in the barn and is conse quently totally lost. So rapidly did the fire spread that but little of tho household furni ture could be removed. The exact amount of loss we hose not heard, but it must be heavy.. We have not learned whether there was any insurance or not. THE AORICULTITHAL learn that the. receipts of the Agricultural Fair amounted to about snoo. This with the fund previously on hand from annual sub scriptions of members, &c. will enable the society to pay off nt least three fourths of the expenses incurred in the purchase of ground, erection of buildings and other lusters.. The permanence and prosperity of the society may therfore be regarded as n fixed fact. PLANT TREES !—Now is the time, 10- marks, a contemporary, to plant Trees, and every owner of a fnern or lot should take ad vantage of it. Trees planted in the Fall aro said io thrive better thou those planted in the Spring—they become firmly rooted in the ground dining the winter, and lose no (line, as it were, by transplanting. Especial atten tion sh lul l be paid by farmers to the selection of the choicest kind of fruit- Good fruit is as cheap to raise as bail, and always commands the highest price in market. Attention +honk' also he paid tc, the planting of shade and or namental trees, both in' town end country -- There are quite too many houses in Cumberland barren 1 till ornament of this kind. A bowie embowered amid vines and shrubbery, and surrounded by trees, is at all times a beauti ful sight, and proclaims in language more eloquent than words, that it is the abode of taste, intelligence and thrift. Direct , rs of public schools should make it a point to see (brit where trees are wanting around School Houses they are at once set out. The scholars will cheerfully attend to this duty if encouraged or requested by tbs proper authorities.' Vines and shrubbery should also be planted, and the school house made as attractive us possible. It requires little labor to do all this, and when once done every stranger who pisses will carry with him a good report of the neighborhood whet() these pleasing attractions are presented. Roos.—The Emperor of France hos mode strong remonstrations et Rome advising the Pope to secularism the administration, and to accept the code Napoleon, which for about ton years has already been at a former time the law of the country, and therefore is no novel ty in Italy, The Pope declined to nccept the advice, and Napoleotis answer to Pio IX, on the refusal is said to have been couched in rather strong and ominous langung,e. [Lotter from Hon. J. Minor Botta, of Virginia.] litcualosv, July eth, MM.—Mem-a, lI'N. S. ItxEtte & co,, EN7B,—ConSiderntiollA of duty to the afflicted alone prompt trio to scud you this voluntary testluninlal to the great value of .C/thißles FYANInII Bliartat;' for 04 altuoNt Incurable disease. FCROFTI.A. Without being disposed or deeming it necessary to go Into the particulars of the case, I can say that the as tonishing results that have been produced by the use of that medicine On a niember of my own family. and under my own obaerration and superintendence, after the skill of the best physicians had been exhausted and all the usual Joniedies bad fulled, fully justify me in re commending its use to all who may be suffering from that dreadful malady, do not mean to say that It Is adapted to all conqi totions. ()r that it will afford tho Santo roller in all easese; for, of course. I can know nothing about that— hut front what I hare seen of the effects. I would hot hesitate to use it. In any and every case of - ts7crofula, persona for whtim I fit an interest, or over whom I could exercise influence or control. Respectfully yours, JNO. M. BOTTS. July 35,'55 lloolland's German Bitters, prepared and sold by rr. Jackson, at the German 'Medical Store, 120 Arch street, Philadelphia, daily Increase in their well deserved cele brity, for the cure of all diseases arising from derange ment of the liver. Mlles° Bitters have, indeed. proved a blessing to the afflicted, who show their gratitude by the most Bettering testimonials, This medicine hap established for itself a name that competitors, however wily their schemes, or seductive their protnisos, cannel reach. It gained the public confidence by thelunnem. benefits that have been derived from it, and will eve maintain its position. , See advertisement. ' WM. 11. C4RRYL, IMPORTER AND JOEBER, WIIOLES4LE D E ALER IN ° CURTAIN MATERIALS, FURNITURE COVERINGS, &a., &0., &o•, WITIT ECRU'S' ASSolurnoN OF TRIMMINGS TO SISTOG ! , NEW MASONIC TEMPLE, Cu►uTRUT STRUT, ABOTE eva,zita, ~ • Slitarriages.• On the 25th inst., by the Itov..lacob Fry, iIIr.OEORG B. BNITIt, to Mtn MARGARET NELL, both of Carlin) On the 27th ult., by tho Rev. •A. 11. Kremer, N • JOBEDII EQIUMIART, to Minh SARAN ELLEN WAi,. GONER, both of Fnmhford twp., thle county. ()tithe 25th ult ., by the acme, F,! ' DANIEL PARLF toMP4 ARABELLA W1RE11413,b0121 orDlet Intim 'mi. tuts county. t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers