iii= ME fatkø. 'hey , shall net 33litili far their Father. Twe men °uttered into agreement to *eh mie of their neighbors: Ev,eryilthig 'Seas plumed. They were to enter his ,house at nidnight, break open his chests And drawers, andcarry off all the silver and gold. they could find. • "He is rich and we are poor," said `they to each other, by way of encour agement in the evil they were about to erform. "He will never miss a little gold while its possession will make us happy. Besides, what right haS ono man to all this world's good ?" Thus they talked together. ' One of these u►en had a wife and children, but the other had none in the world to care for but himself. The man who had children went home and joined his father agreeing upon a place of meeting with the other at the darkest hour of the coin- ing night "Dear father said one of the children, climbing upon his knee, "I am so glad you have come home." The presence of the child troubled the man, and he tried to push him away; but his arms clung tightly about his neck, and laid his face against his cheek, and he said in a sweet gentle voice. - '•I love you father !" Involuntarily the man drew the inno ent iui 1 lovin; 011.3 to his b.iiont and kissd hint. There were two alder children in the man's dwelling, a boy and a girl. They were pour, and these children worked daily to keep up the supply of bread, made deficient more through idleness in the. father than from lack of employment. These children came home soon 'after their father's return and brought him their earnings for the day. • "0, father," said the boy "such a dreadful thing has happened ! Henry Lee's father was arrested to-day for rob bing; they took him out of our shop when Henry was there, and carried him off to prison. I was so sad when I saw Henry weeping. And he hung his head. for shame of his own father ! Only think of that." "Ashamed of his father," thought he. ''And will my children hang their heads, also, in shame ? No, no: tlitt shall never be!" At the hour of midnight, the man who had no children to throw around him a sphere of better influence, was sitting at the place of rendezvous for him whose children had saved him. But he waited long, in vain. Then he said: "1 will do the deed myself, and take the entire `reward." And he did according to his 'word— When the other man went forth to his labor on the next day, he learned that his accomplice had been taken in au act of robbery, and was already in prison. "Thank Heaven for virtuous children !" said he with fervor. "They have saved me. Never will Ido an act that will cause them to blush for their father." i.loricufturai - CARLISLE FOUNDRY •44 r!" . was AND MACHE P IN SIIC,, Xfit, Al, the subscriber has the satisfaction of hr rrlatg'ftdU forming his old friends and patrons that ---•••• • his establishment Is again lu active ope ra 'la, new buildings having been erected siuce tho late dici,:frous tire and the whole establishment put in coin. ,pletts•working order. Orders are therefore respectfully HOlicltod' for work in his tins, which will be done with promptness and in the best manner. STEAM ENGINES BUILT TO OIiDEJI • And repaired: AU kinds of Machinery in Paper Mille, `Grist Mills and Factories repaired at short notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned. HOUSE POWERS and THRESHING MACHINES such as Bevil Gear Fourllorse Power, Eforicontal Gear 'our Horse and Tyro Horse Powers, Ploughs, Corn Shot.; lets and Crushers, Ao. Fetterult made to order. Iron and Brass CASTINUS executed to order, if not on hand, ut HiOthartest notice, such as Cranks and Mill Gearing,' Spur and Bevil Wheels. Gudgeons for Saw Mills, Plow' Castings, Cutters, Milt Shears, Wagon and Coach Box es, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car Chairs, &C, lie has also on baud a largo supply of Philadelphia and Troy COOK ING STOVES, ands constantly making Cooking Stoves of VArique improved patterns for 'coal dr wood, tina plate Revolt, Grates. Ac. Itopairing done to,all kinds of MlL cbittory. All kinds of old Iron,'.'Brans aud'Coppir titled]) oxcliango for work. isay9 CORN SIIIMLERS • • CORN artztuna.7 bsexiberlug hallo last few years framed upwards of n hundred and forty Corn 81D:diem for Hen: ry Meads, wishes to Inform the Fa rmers ofettuaborlanti *quay that be Is prepared to frame them .1 will take Cora or Weak in pay for' Framing, and will Ih4 pars the waritlues to run well. My shop Is at .the Noel end of West, street. , .ang :• ; . • JOSEPH wnAvaLzi F 11 gry tag we executed LTAPPINESS 1 HAPPINESS 11 WHAM OAN MAKE' US 114PiIre w4OlO plintsurui tliu:Juys,ot smug, Liu i/uutaii iiud Oi.imputtnice: (Popo.) But:Whoa wu liaVu polio, allllcliou or axigulsu ul Ws. 0.1000 1 le !Llt our pluasuco, our joy, 11011 our ilatilpllloli . . , destroyilt our A.( Illt/11,1-Lota.y. 1,00 ,1)1.T0 not. say , : "1Y ILL 1.111.5 a. 41110 0101101.11 0.1011.1, IL 1111111 km uuussUrol to yuu ,ls• wiSO tuad alit! 00041100 wiiai auoaluugu along you, jut 111.0 0110W..t/LIL ut a good ,01/0010.11...11 1111 11'01,1, Wttli 1110111101010 dud 1111/0. 11 1. —• 1 1 1111118 1 1 2 10 . lilolCtl6Li. A. 41) .41,1)1C1.. , ..:...—y1ue1.ur. v. 1. aUrgeUll 'OOll 1$ bu Is isoLauira 1100 L'ay/ItiluAl:4, 1111,1 lel LI l'lldll.l Le ul 000 bust .uuuhai gus,aud ails Iliad,) 1111110141! tuaitiai;aLou a ILL 11.1.1 1100 Vai 1- 0111. 0.1.:111,115 to .0.001011 1010,1cU, and 11 /Lll 1/10 ruts 11 L 116.101.2 1 11,19 .11111 In 1110 V 11 1 11011 :, LluplIrL k111.01:1 uI 1110 110011 1/6 Art's, :11101100 LL/ el Ours fur Surgical and Audit:al Ala. add wuusu mouicities are all 01:1,1/1 ur i.../01110Sell 6.11 . 111L1y Ili 11,1110111/0U 11111 Lllu oe.Plllllology, 13010113 . , /1S000plit11.) 11 110 All),1• ulogy; dud w 11...013 Illtill/1/1/I.le aro 111 1 1, 0 ,01),,NOLI 111 11.1110 00010, lamas, aut.l ilydrupatily, good, 1.1 11/1 11100n,01,, 0011 11.1 WllOlll 1110 atuluteu are 11111 100 10 apply Copy of a luttor from thu liuv. C. U. Lealmam to 311.. IL Li. door, ul luu tt :Ana oprioa. Atehpocl l .ll ./21 . .--11- ItoW 100 to introoure to your k 11W of :Now t ork. 1 havu Kilo.. fir. 1... SVAlli, Ito Idly (1.10 buoiuuoo for Ow ray and WILLI aveurary ; I,llOrelorta / 1.10 bollosv 41151 10 1)4/ pOrieuLly huber, llUitOSt :111d trtl,tWorttly. .k oil may. 6.0 o r to cuoiur oil ono, /.11 Do w o ol.) up orurfatod oy 11 . 101/Ltzl, iiwl by 115.10 ItiviC aigllly Chau your siocore. Irleua aoo litoalOO L. IL 1.1117,...,L5At 11. Laudisburg, Pa., July 15th, 1061. Copy ul a letter from littor,w apuhr, lasq., Count) rrua.survr.---1 du curia* that. Lau uhamal am.a leo tu Dr. r. t., Lard.,ler /JAN uuy UtDue 1145% DALLIOrIt, 11:1,1 w tau curls ol bI!VVIV lever au my soul 1,11,1;1V/vrt/ rot:muumuu Dam to 1.1C1.1 jtorbuilz, sae way aw aatiamod with afurosultitlase,•.a.o ur uauurttabe. taa,t.atta.als a:WA silt. Bloutntieltl, A uguNt 2Uth, 1851. ' • - DIG. wull uequniuillU ‘ ' vitit the ru eout P retain Iliti/e lieu, and sale Metier , lie lIUa lllul 1, awl 1410 0030,11 aud uer‘ala rulatauea aud ellfuei 101 . 11)0)1,):11,, Llvur l.NilliStll/11L0s Uy sel,lel), 5 / 101 ela.uloebUi, Lou oil i.:0111.1311/11. , A. , Ul tale 11011 U. 411•11 istipol . lol' touttlua ler the pre% eiliJoi/ re .10101,10 LA1,01.11 . 11. Ili/ Lire tleleetb :LeallllY ., of 1110 Oill,ertilL/10 Urge iv, awl rupuat .4,, I l ec., usso , ss toy lAA Me 111114.1 uutueti; j 401 Wile .uld 11 du•iy cure. or 11.11 COU.,IOII,LwiIS, filly. z•uxuai ,thuaus,ituleruat Isiots...o....frails I leruAS. ,S.lilisriss,sl.ll. MILL 1,11151 LIAO Wale 11,111,11 t•totIlirs.11•11 , . A u 1110,7 eeiaimLe 111081 110Ist, NC/ 0.1114., Us •isstutsQ /iy 1:01,11141113..1. 1/sl, iv/ "110.11 Ai, 1.1/11L111Cr 0l reelllleo.4 led iil 1.11 . 11:0e , 0. Vs' ••11. 1. fur s sst I Iss, .e. .. d 0111 1110 .75.1../1:11 . / I).—/sUitO, 10, 0,, to..s , I. ILLS 00111 ere eti Liold lasil 114.11 11.11. a 1a al ia LaVal.• 6 I,ki -Ist. l'hossuiuittiths, a, 21. '• 1 bol vivre, let 1.1:, ..are ul lug up eithat. Nu na zuld 1.1.) hit lucre is that a..,ll.ttsillah, :Intl 501 1.1,1 v..tz , e,1,1,111.0 11.1 V 1/I.IL II 141.11.1J/i/tal wars L 114.1 la 01001, 1.0.1,101.1.... eroVerlis, i, 21. IUO dillero..t iiiattiettieft uud their ilitectiuus will us 011111 Lk/ ill ILO) 1/) 111,11. pi. 0 ApFULIN. .11.1LICIII5n Ur. r. t. i....t.IkULIAW.i.,CAIII:,IU,UII(II4,IC/iltia %VII II ty; I's., pool, paid, maid iiie lee jl erra,coiilpasi) ill s 1105 letter, Wltu 410 hrtier, tugu,ner 15110 u Ilvb , ripLioil o. the Lilo coulie...LlAti, 01 tile AlallllULsd 1011 used. ls LilllletysLutu LUU .00010 atut Llle 'nude. of cure only, 0 11:11 turd tier euipluys [but. :WOW 1,1 ulthlieiuus entire,y /mind ul L'V.lllIVneU 01 11 huge:wine 110018, 1'1411L15, 1100 //).11'.1/../.11), 61/0U in all ifi..sua.se.s, kuu pulauul, uud 500100 14:1. luano ”peed) :111,1 1,1 Lasts rouloLLlus 10110 Guru, lur • •all 10151A,511 111 SienllONS 11114411 11121111/er 01 illbeaSU, and »11011 sur pass 1111 tither uiudlcal hie:ALIN 11. p.uut ul gu.,douca l Hu )011c1 all bull ids 111 OUllpsei,Jll. Or l• /l.a. I". 1111,11 1/11110 Vet LloeL, hunt ,00u 111.10' di/al/Wow thuVreso.) 11 Lil Garlasie, 111. •l'en.iutunille Irons nuniereut. pet : sons ‘.” Luc W~unat respeetiihillty ill this 11.1.1 the cuthitios, give uutituatie evidence of the guoti..ess 111 Or. s_4lthive to character, aid CLIII be seen at his - - Ni;. I'ue ill/i/etOd 0441 rOetllVe sllpOrlof uleJlnuvy end the ilireellUilS for LUCIA' llSo tue 111,i ftgAtro of 111411 of expreiiii. If interviews Liu desired, or Anus roil ucnted, Or. C. will etiLtuttrour Cu aceutituleilatu Illr at he eau. Thu Victor speaks the atugh,it nud tee Lier- Lallgtl.lgoS, OLC. J ou. Li, litha 1M PORTANT TO FEMALES! Clir.E.Sr.A.I.Ve PILLS; combination of Ingredients in these a ills is tile re sult of a lung and extensive practice; they are mild in weir operation, and mrtaln of restoring nature to its proper channel. In every instance have these eillsprts ved successful. They Invariably open those obstructions to which Females are liabie, and bring nature into its proper channel, whereby health is restored :And the pale cud deathly countenance changed to a healthy ono. Au female can enjoy good health unless she is regular; and whenever on obstruction takes place, whether from ex posure, cold or any other cause, the general health im mediately begins to decline, and the want ut such a rum ed) has buon the cause of so many eolltiUmptions among young females. To ladles whose health will not rerudt of aui increase of their family, these pills will prove a tat uable aeyutsitlon, as they will pl'uvent pregnancy.— Headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the loam, loa thing of food, and di turbed sloop do most always arise from she Interruption of nature; and whenever that is the rise, the pills will invariably remedy all thort evils. \or are the less efficacious in the cure of Lemon-lima, commonly culled the “Whites." These pills should net , er be taken during, prOgllttli u tY, as they would he sure to cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely Vegetable, and free from au.) thing iniurious tolltd ur health. Fullend explicit directions accompany each box. These pills arc put up la square list boxes. Persons residing whore there Is nu agency established. by end, sing One Dollar lu a letter, prolguil, to Dr. C. f.. ix, No. 207 . , Illeoclier street, Now York, can leave them aunt to their respective addroasivo by LITOVES ! STOVES!! STOVES !!!- Ly JOHN D. HOIVIAS would inform the public that he has now on hand at his establishment, on Main :it., next door to Marion Hall,tho largest and most cum- pieta assortmone of COOK, OFF/CE A PAR ay.,. Llili SToVES to be found In this county, )4 ; ,y which will be sold at the lowest prices fur text cash or approved credit. , His stock consists of a large assortment of now and highly ap .)roved PATENT COOKINO STOVES, finished 1...0 ,St complete manner, and calculated fin. either wood or coal, or both. All the old standard patterns which have stood the Last of experience, may is) found at his establishment. Also a great variety of the most apposed and beautiful PAilimit OFFICE STOVES, in cluding a Imaor of now styles, possessing very supe rior advantages over thou herotolbro in use. Families and housekeepers aro respectfully invited to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to any part of the country and put up at the shortest no tice. Ile continuos to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, and Copper Work, and line constantly nu hand or will make to order every article requirod by housekeepers or others, in this lino. ills stock of Tin and Copper Ware embracos every kind of household and kitchen utensil, warranted egad to tho boot manufacs turod. Persons In want of articles in Ida line may al ways be sure of being ac.conunodatod to their satisfaction by giving him a call. inovl-1884 FRANKLIN OARDNER Illebicinco. lIIs Character by ItuNpectable s oigb~~rs, etc Stout' & Qiin-warc. REPARE FOR WINTER! ,:rAuLon AND COOKING STOVES. he subscriber at his old etaud Oft North Hanover eh, Carlisle, the sign of the "Mammoth Rod Coffee Pot," do- B iros to call the attention of the public to his largo as. (Among of STOVES, of the newest and Most fashions.- p. blo styloe, front the host manufactories in the country, and at all prieeeftnnt $3 to elb. +-. Among his PARLOR A CIIAMIIER STOVES ,are the Mirror Stove, the Arctic, Rev ere , m ar ; e dift, Persian, Uniop and ./Etna Air Tight, together r -- with other patterns which. ho has of all sizes for parlors or chambors,and calculated forburning either wood or coal. Also, the Atha, Globe, Astor, Albany, Flat-top and Bandbox or Poor Man's, with other COOK ING STOVES, comprising the latest improvements in kitchen stoves, and intond..(l for either wonder coal:— Also, the Dining Room COoking Stove—a now and elo• gent article, to'which he invites the particular atten tion of families.. 11th cooking stoves range in price finm go to 36, with the fixtures complote.• Also, Nino Plate ,Stoves of various patterns and different prices. Also, ENAMET;LED AND TINNED WARE for Cook ing Stoves, Brass Kettles. &e. Also, every articlein the line of Tin and Copper Wen. The public are respect fully, invited to call as he is confident with his large etmac, variety and cheapness, of being able to giyu on tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and see. Oct. 1.844. ?d.'3lOllRlOO ..41 .I.oit•llD*TntLo;',' tjarbware, cIiOHN • . . •N .. 1.): I..l7EWholesale and Re . tail dealer In American, English and Gorman HARDWARE, Oils, Paints, &e., .t. Mechanics, builders and the public generally; who itre in want of Ilardwinv .. , 0 ,i , . o o x f l a tz n k e it i i n d ) , , a u re n i u is s i u l , t d id i y to iar cll g a tt i o n and eko gz . C;'-''' o. _ goods, which lam selling at very low prices. .1 um, stop in; it 'will only detain you a very few minutes to be convinced that what everybody says —that I..y . n's is decidedly the place to got good goods at law prices—must he true. I,I'.NE'S Hord wore fit. ro, West Side North ilannver street. 1 1 R 11 A n vA r, 0 WA REa • - • lorcezr------ it ti AX TI nsl. The subscriber having returnettfrom the tity would call the attention of his friends anti the public generally to the targe and well selected assortment of Hardware a latch he buns just received, consisting iu part of BUILDING MA- E Itl A LS, nails. screws, hinges. lucks, b„ Its, glass. putty, paints. oils. Se. TOULS----edge tools; saws and planes 0.. every less iptlon, with tiles. rasps, hammers. anvils, &c. A. omn] assortment of Sill IP:MAK EltS AND SAI-- Dixics TooLS. together with an10)Cell. lining and Wild ing, skins. shoe thread, wax, pegfclasts. harness mount ing, saddletrees. &e. (70ACII TRI MMI NO—ea lIVIISS (plain. enamelled.' fig ured and embossed.) patent and enamelled leather. axles, springs, hubs, spokes, felloes. shoats, Cabinet Makers will find a large assortment of varn ishes. mahogany and walnut veneers. nand llng, rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair. Ax. The stock of Iron Is large .and well selected, compris ing all the kinds iu general use,ns hammered and rolled Iron of ell slurs. fiat. bar and band iron, round. square and oval iron.horse-shoe iron and nail rods, with a large lot of east and spring steel. English and American blis ter steel. &c. housekeepers and those about commencing will fled It to their advantage to call and examine our cutlery.brit tania and plated ware pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets. in addition to the above we have received a splendid assortment of %VALI, PAPER, making the stoek com plete, and at such prices as cannot fall to give satisfac tion. We Invite atl friends to call. knowing it willbe to their own advantami. Remember this old stand. East 1101 Street. Carlisle, Pa. Oct. 1. , etis3. HENRY SAXTON. It FS II ARRIVAL OF II .A. R - W A ft E.—The subscriber having returned from the city has just opened for the Fall trade a large and selected ctnrh Of foreign ;old domestic Hardt, are, embra ring everything usuallt found in that line of ho stiles,. The atteutiou of triends and the public generally is respectfully directed to the assortment on Mimi. as suring them that goods of all hinds mu ill he sole) for rash at a very small advance WI 11111111111:leiU MI'S prices. lie imonher the old stand, Fast Main Street. Carlisle. Pa. Aug it, 1%4;54. 11. SAXTON. E B 0 MY S tIL. C; EN U. ,iioUNI) FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU, For tli,e.tre, 01 LILL. I:lathier anti aiduey 5, :Nero 1/theasell. t tires, ti ealsias.ses. and all tlOwabet, of the sex mt.l organs, w bottler In .111110 ur ,k entitle, troth whate‘er cause they may have ori6inated,:tid no matter of how lung staiming. If you have contrheted the terrible disease whit 111. mice seated w the s) stem, tt alt surely gu duttu Dade Will generation to another, undermining the constitution and sapping the ‘ery vital nuids el Itle , do not trust unreel nr ,be hands of Quacks, w hu start up entry day in a city title this, and Mt the papers with giaring late, Loo oell caletbatekt to decelle Lilo ,yottog, and those itot aekiLlattatal with their Liviis. tau eanatot Lo too caret ui I.n tile selection it'd eaa•Lly in these cites. Thu Fluid hXtract titia.' has been protioUnced by eminent pity siciatis the greatest remedy . etur known.— it is a medicine perfectly pleasant nn its taste, anti %cry ittimeent JO Its actlull. and yet no thorough that it an lit hitates every particle of the runic and frotriOlobllN t iris of am, dr...dud disease: and, Unlike other remedies, does hot dry up the disease hr the 1,1,0. Coluditutbdial lielallty, brought on by self-abuse, it Most. tOrettbe disease. n hitch has brought thollSlttilltt 01 toe human race to boil wily graves, thus blasting the Leith:sot litmus et partalt" uitd blighting in the bud the glorious ailleltloa tit luauy a noble youth, Call bu cured by this inlill ll Lie hentedy. A aid ass tuetiteine which must lament everybody, troll the simply delicate to the contined :toil despairing invalid. no equal Is to he touud acting both as a Litre awl preventive. IIELMDOLD'S IllGilLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EX f ItACT bA ItS.IYAIttLL A, For Purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising from ()scum of Mercury, exposure and imprudence lu life, chronic constitutional disease, arising from an impure state of the Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, twit Rheum, Scald Bead, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Pains and Swellings of the Runes, Totter, Pimples on the Face, and all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, This article is now prescribed by sonic of the most distinguished physicians in thecountry, and has proved more eiticient iu practiru than any preparation 01 Sars.ti parilla not offered to the public. Several cases of moon , dory :syphilis, Mercurial and Scrofulous diseases have entirely recovered In the incurable wards Mum' Public Institutions which had for many years resisted ever) !node of treat aunt that could tie der isea. These cases furnish striking examples of the salutary elluets of this medicines in arresting some of the most Inveterate diseases, alter the glands were destroyid, and thu bones already allected. .7s orics.—Lottors from responsible Physicians and Pro fessors of several Medical Colleges, and certificates o. cures limn patients will be found accompanying both Preparations. Palma, Fluid Extract of !Maim $1 per bottle, or 6 for $5. • " Sarsaparilla, " equal In strength to one gallon of Syruy of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and sold by 11. T. 11h1.31ULD, Chemist, k 3 Chestnut Street, near the Girard House, Plilladeilthia. To be had of Druggists and Dealers every where. All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive immediate attention. July 25, '55. r O U T H WASH.—Beautiful Whit Teeth Ilealthy Dews and a Street Brwtth=All wh are desirous of obtaining these heziefits should use ZER- N'S CELEBRATED Teem WASH. This delicious article combines so nutny meritorious qualities that It has now become a standard favorite with the citizens o. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Dentists pro scribe It In their practice most successfully, and from every source the most flattering laudations are awarded It. Inflamed end bleeding gums are immediately benefit ted by its use; Its action upon them is mild, soothing and effective. It CIMIFUS the tooth so thoroughly,, that they are made to rival pearl In whiteness. and dillnses through the mouth such a delightful freshness that the breath is rendered exquisitely sweet. It disinfects those impuritit's which teed to produro-docay, and. as a con sequence, when these - are removed' the tooth must al ways remain sound. Road the following from Dr. .1. A. Carman: Mr F. Zerman—Sir: Having used and recommended your Tooth Wash In my practice for some time, I find it the most effectual Dentrltice In use,and therefore rucom mend It tb the public. Dr. J. A. CartuAN, Dentist, Harrisburg, 1%. Read the following testimony: Mn. ZEIINAII—boar Sir: I have fully tested the merits of your valuable Tooth 'Wash, and can, without hesita tion, recommend it as the best that has,come under my notice during au experience as Dentist of mere than six teen yobs. It cleanse/3 the Teeth, soothes and hardens irritated Gums ' and Imparts a delicious fragrance to the Breath. Groin the mouths of those who make use of it, however, it will certainly speak fur Itself._ ' (Ito. Somvatv, Surgeon Dentist, WU, South Tenth st., Philadelphia. • It is used and recommended by all the eminent Dent ists In Now York, Philadelphia. Ihtltimoro, and other cities where It has been introduced. All should give it a trial. 41k.k.4 Prepared only by Fmneis Zoirnan, Druggist au'd Munnlst, Philadelphia, and sold 'wholesale and ridall by iianniol Elliott, Carlisle, 3, Dorelaohner, Mechanicsburg, 4. liormni Newoillo, 3. o.* IVilllstns, Shlppousbutg, utitl by all Druggipts at only 245 cents por bottle, VA.TgNT SKIRTS, &0.--Just open ed another Invoke of Irlitte.ana Colored Patent rts, Mosqueto neta, mith a vzriety of other semen& ble goods. ' jolly 18. ONO. W. lIITNER. :I:AMER.—Fritz & Hendry, Store, 4 , 2tl North ati at. Pbilatteirldn. Morocco Manakil tet ma, Currlvra,ltnportemeounnisabin and tlonoral la.atb or businom . _. , . 'WHOLESALE AND llSTAlL—Mannfactory 15 Ma he allstroot, Sep.--7-ly . • .ttl COICIRCS; I L , LADIES. —Ur . ( lelxxner's eNeLtTd mrs'.T - O lI 1 .! Lave 1/0011 long and widely known as invariably certain in removing any stoppage, irregularity, or sup pression of the menses. In the Feniahe Hospitals in Vlot ia, Parls.and 116rlin, they have entirely superseded the use of all other rente dies; because, Where a cure is attainable by medicinal :wench s, they are curtain of success. Their astonishing efficacy'would be almost int•redible. If not couched for by Indubitable testimony, in numerous instanves pn dueing returns or the monthly curled after althepu had been abandoned. In every case, front 'yiliatexerUnso the obstruction may arise as also- to prevent pregnancy where the health will not ndtuit Of increase of family, they ale always anima; for which reason they must not be used during pregnancy. though alway mild, healthy, sa fe and certain in their eirvets. Married ladles will find particular Instructions In the directions, In which HIV stated in various symptoms by which the MUM'S of tine suppression runty lie detvrthined. Price, One Dollar per liox, containing explicit direr.. tions. Each box will be signed by Dr. It. 0. GEIOONER. Principal Orrice, 1273.. j Liberty Street. New-York City Responsible agents mill be appointed for their sale as Wen in. practicable. In the 11lettll time, all orders are to be addressed to Dr. It. 0. tiIdSSNE/1.127Y. Liberty Street. New-York City, or to box 2450 N. Y. P;st Wine, and a box will bo sent by return mil, as they are put up In sealed envelopes. and can be sent m ith the sttietest pri ency to any part of the United States. CAUTION TO LADIES As various not only Ineffective but Injurious coin pohnds purporting to be "Dolma: P 11.124" under all kinds of names as "inoN Pius," "Sti.vsa Plus," —G01.1,1.7.4 "I'Entomem. Pmts." &c. are attempted to i.e palmed off upon the credulous or unwary, it is only necessary for ladies to be on their guard against the at tempted imposition, and in all eases where there is no authorized agent for the sale of —lM.ltstssmAt's M Es- STE r Inn order direct from him by mall, by re turn of which a box will be sent. July 25, '55. . J. B. MARCHISI'S GELI4]— BRATED cAmouros, Fon. TILE ItELIEF TEE OF SUFFERIN6 FEMALES. It stands prmemitient for its curative powers In all the,'ilb eases for whirl' It Is recom mended, usually rail FE MALE ( V IM I'L: I vim of these are lindapsus Uteri. or Falling if the Want.; Fluor Mims. or Vl bites: Clirsol le I il tlamination and Ulceration id the Womb; Incidental I lime, rhage. or Flooding; Painful Suppressed. k Irreaular 3len struatiom At., with all their acrompanyinit evils. (('almer excepted.) no matter how se sere or of how lonic standing_ This medicine has never been Introduced bv empty putts. and in Isrepresen tat inns, nor is it intended Mil Its present popularity shall be sustained by any onedium but its merits and the appro bation of the public NOTICE To THE UNFORTUNATE FEMALE. I feel It a duty Incumbent upon myself to declare publicly the great blessing Pr. Marcliisi's Uterine Ca tholleym has proved to me. For two years my health was miserable; I was almost unable to walk. Physi cians pronounced my case falling octhe womb, exten sive ulcerations, commencing with fluor albus. The pains. irritation. prostration, &c., rendered liti•a burden. hi this miserable condition,Dr. F. P. '.'ewland recom mended lie. rilarchisPii Uterine Cathelleon, After take lug four tattles I Mid myself in perfect health. Grati tude for my restoration makes me ardently desire that all icy sox, alike untie %unite, may find sure relief from this hiestinuible medi. has. ELIZABETH A. NEWLAND, No. 19 West-.t., Utica, N. Y. The above statement I know to be true. F D D F. P. NEWLAN. M. .. Utica, N. Y. I have no hesitation In saying, Dr. Marchisrs Uterine atholicon is invaluable In uterine diseases generally have used It in Fluor Album, Atnenorrlv4 Prohipsus "teri, and In cases of extensive ulceration of the vagina nd os uteri. It is worthy of the notice of the Faculty. 301 IN C. ORRICK, M. D., Baltimore, Md Let all interested call and obtain a pamphlet (free containing ample proof, from the must respertabl) sources, of the beneficial results of its use: togetheo with letters from highly experienced Physicians, whr base used it in their practice, and speak from their own observations. iri7 - 11. J. KIEFFER, Druggist, South Hanover street, sole Agent for Carlisle. Pa. J. D. )1A13C111131 & CO., Proprietors, Central Depot, 204 13roadway, N. Y. January 24, 1855-fan VARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE. 'LI TUE GREAT PURIFIER .01.* THE a particle of Mercury in it. An infallible remedy for s cro ful a , King's Evil, ilhemnatism,eistinnte Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm ur Tetter, Scald Ilead, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints. Stole urn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disoniers, Lund ago, Spinal Complaints and all diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood. ' tivO'his great alterative medicine and Purifier of the Illtsai, is now used by thousands of grateful patients in all parts of the United States, who testify daily to the remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all 'llea cities. •-VA RT Eit'S SPA X 151 MIXTURE." Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Scrofula. Eruptions on the Skin, Liverbis ease. Fevers, Ulcet, lit Sores, Affections of the Kidneys Diseases of the Tfißat. Female Complaints. Pains and A citing of the Bones and Joints, are very speedily put to flight by using this great and Inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the Ithxxl, nothing has yet been found to compare to it. It cleanses the system of all hn purities, seta gently and efficiently on the JAI-errant Kid neys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stom ach, makes the stein clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladies it is Incomparably better than all the cosmetics ever used, A few doses of CAUTER'S Srarrani Thyroid: will remove all sallowness ofeomplexion, bring the roses nutntling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and improve the general health In a remarkable de gree beyond all the medicines ever heard of. The large number of certifirates which we barn receiv ed from from persons from all parts of the United States, 'ls the best evidence that there is no Humbug about it. The press, hotel-keepers, magistrates, physiehms, stud public men, 'well known to - the community, all add their testimony to the wonderful effects of this GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. • . Call on the Aor.NT, and get a Circular and Almanac. and read the wonderful cures this truly greatest of all Medicines has performed. Fono genuine unless signed RENNET' & llKERS,Pro prietors, No S, Pearl street, Richmond, Va, to whom all orders for stipplles and agencies must be addressed. • And for sale by B. Elliott, B. W. Haverstick, Ceriittle; Tra bay, Alecharicsbura; J. IL Herron, Keirallle; J. C. Attic, Bhlppensburg, and by dealers in medicines every where: • TRON .—The subscriber has IL the aatlethctlen to anonnco to the public that his large and extensive Ware House Is completed, and Is tilled With ono of tho largest and best arrtment of HAMMERED AND ROLLED .1110 N---7-- over offered-In this place. These in NV mit wiaild do I,‘ el to Cll.ll nod *oxanoino Wrote purebtoing alsowhoto. member the Old stand, trust Malnistrout. 50pt.1.11, '65. SAXTON: '3ltebicines. LI V. .1.4: Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous debility, Diem:seri toe fildneys, and all diseases arising from a die, rdrsu Liver or stomach, such as Constipation. inward plu fulness of blood to the head, acidity of the st,,noo I nausea, heartburn, disgust for food, fulness or weight the stomach, spur eructations, sinking or fluttering a the pit of the stomach, swimndng of the' bead, hurtle and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, cin.kin or suilocatipg sensations when In a lying pustule, urn ness of vision, dots or webs •before the sir.h.t, fever nil., dull pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration, )eliou ness of the skin and eyes, pain iu the side, Lack, cin'sl limbs, .te., sudden IlusheS of heat, burning In the keel COMitallt of evil, and great depressi , ii of epi Its. can he effectually cured by La, Hum CI. 1.1 IIItATED utaDIAN lIPIVERS, prepared by Pa. C. 3. JACK.ON, No. I2U Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not. excelled. equalled, by any other preparation In the United Mate: as the cures attest, In many eases after skilful phys clans had haled. These hitters are worthy the attention of In vends.- Possessing great virtues In the rectification of dleet Of the Liver lind lesser goods, exercising the MO' searching powers in weakness and tilfeetlioop of the d gestive. organs, ;.hey are withal safe, curtain and plcr: , ant. TESTIMONY PROM PENNSYLVANIA D. Spring, Laceyville, Pa., April G, 1115,4, says, " can get you sonte good certificates for your German Bit tern in this vicinity if you wish them. A lady pun has lug some of it this week, says that it is by far the I est medicine she ever knew, having done her and het daughter much good. &c. S. B. Lawson, Benfard's Store, Somerset co, Pa., aug. 18, 18:41. says, "I ant 'much attached to your tiorman Bitters, having used two 'bottles of it, which I procure from S. Kurtz. your agent at Somerset, and found great relief from it in disease of the Liver. I find it hcs great effect on my lungs, strengthetring and Inv Moretti) them, which, as I um a public speaker, is a great help t. Me," Dr. Giles, Newton Hamilton, Pa., Mny, 1951. said: have used myself half a dozen bottles of your German 'littera for Liver Complaint and diseases of a hers character, resulting from the abuse of mercury. 1 v.. poisoned and afflicted w ith spasms from the UFO of tb hitter article. The German Bitters is the Met artfci Dom which 1 obtained any relief. 1 have also given ti article to ninny dyspeptics, with the most salutary n sults. I think as many more bottles will cure me." .1. C. Young. Esq., of Dauphin. ht., writes May 5.'5 . "1 was afflicted with General Debility. Intestinal 6I eel ness and Costiveness, for which I used nuiny difTeret remedies w ithout relief. lat last used your licotland German Bitters. I took it few bottles according to d rections, and was completely cured. 1 have not beet.. healthy for ten years as I have been since 1 tool: ym Bitters, which its about one year ago." These Bitters are ENTIRELY 'V EIM:1 MILE, alwaysrengt • ening the system and never prostrating It. Sold by dealers In medicine and storekeepers ever' where. and I,y Samuel Elliott, S. W. I veratlck and 1 W. l'aullman. Carlisle: Emlnger & Co., Merlainirithuri Snyder k Diehl, Newburg, and by Dealers in 31edieD.I. generally. Nov. 2. 1.554-1 y I) °Clint YOUR SIILF -NU V AT ELY COllO4. by means of the rtlet 11:8dLLA1'IUS, or Eves One 1118 N PIII . BICIAN Thu thirty-sixth Edition, tt It one hundred engravings, silo log Private Diseases had Mit formations of the tionerati. Bystem, in every shape ao form: to Which is added Treatise on the Diseases 01 1. unties, intended her the us,, females only, (see page lay) ing of the highest Oppurtan to married people, or those en - - la . . . g°. N Yot u, .I. ii., uradua of the University of Pennsylvania, Member ot the 1.0 al Uollego of surgeons, London, and honorary Memb. of the Philadelphia Medical society. The various torn of Secret diseases, Seminal Itealitiess, Diseases of a Prostrate (I hind, Imp4eney, solitary habits 01 youth, or faithfully described. and all the receipts given in plat language. The chapters on self abuse and Scullin Weakness is worthy of particular attention, and shoul beyond by every ono. Young mob who have been ui fortunate In contracting disease, previous to placiu yourselves under the care of any doctor, no matter w hr his pretensions may be, gut a copy of thin truly valuab work. Sea Captains and persons going to sea should posse Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the Pocket Asculat us, or Every eneilis own Physician. %.• Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of tl Xsculaplus to his child. It may save him from an ear grave. Let no young man or woman, enter Into the f cret obligations of married life without reading the poc et Xsettlapius. Let no one suffering front a hackuic cough, pain in the side, restless nights, nervous Mellu and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and givg up by their physician, be another moment without co suiting the Alsculaplus. Have the married or the about to be married any impediment, read this tru useful Book,. tog it has been the means of saving tho Sands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of thiscelebraL work has been sold in this country and Europe since 1 3S, when the first edition was Issued. .44.1- Any person bending TWENTY-FIVE cents e closed In a letter, will receive one copy Of this book mail; or live copies will be sent for $l. Address r WI LLI AM YOUNG, No. 162 Spruce street, Philadelphl lost paid. Twenty years practice In Cho city of Philadcipllia c(r tainly entitles Dr. Young to the confidence of the 1:1 doted, and ho may be consulted on any of the disease a described in his different publications, at his office. Iff '- Spruce street, every day between If and 3o'clock, Sun days excepted) and persons at any distance can consult Dr. Young by letter, soar PAW. f l a A FE—SP E E D Y—S URE !—S o rn e• Tur:siu FOR YOUR OWN IIENEFIT!II A 11Iedi duo adaptod to general use, greatly superior to others. and within the moans of every 100 PILLS for twenty-tire cents! No extortion ID price—no Calomel—no mineral poison whatever:, DR. TowsaMm's HEALTH Pll.Lkfully merit the great reputation they Intro acquired. They aro called for aom all parts of the laud, because TUUY ARE ALL TIL? TIM CLAIM TO UN. WHAT TiIEY WILL DC)--They purify the blood, they dense the System. of /tumors, they cure Dyspepsia and indigestion, they create an Appetite. they cure Sick lieldache, Dizziness and Low Spirits, they arrest Fevers, they promote a healthy eviler' of the Liver, they are IS sure cute for Costiveness and Habitual CN;nstipation : they are highly efficacious in Fn,naie I‘mplaints, they strengthen and give tone to the System. They are best Fatally ,Medicine known. It is an obvious inquiry, how one medicine can cure at many different complaint& These Pills, however, are so compounded of curative materials that persons have or. ly to TRY Tit/Maud the answer will be found in a fo stered body and an invigorated constitution. Each Box contains 100 et the astonishingly 100. price of 25 cants . livery individual should have them For sale by the Druggists and Storekeeper* generally F. A. PALMER, general Agent, StoningtenXt. . • AMIRA.OLE OF SCIENCE.—Dr. C. L. Kelling, of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county; Pa., announces to those &filleted with Tunrws, Wens. Cancers, Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, Sc ula. King's Evil and all diseases that have been usually treated with Caustic or Knife, he can remove them with. out cutting, burning or pain; neither Chloroform or Ether is administered to the patient. It is no matter on what part of the body they , may he, he can remote them with perfect safety, and In a remarkably short time. No Mineral of Vegetable poison Is applied, and nc money required until a inure is perfected. Prolapsua Uteri, Female cAnnplaints, Chronic, Tone reed and all other diseases treated with positive etteress Full particulars can be obtained by addressing in either English or German, post paid. Patients can be Amon modvtod with hoard on reasonable terms. • Mechanicsburg is one of the prettiest and healthy teems in this or any othe, elate• it Is 8 wiles how Harrisburg, on the Cumbesutnd Valley Rail Road, and accessible from aU parts of the Union. The Dotter 100 visit, 6,81.1 H in any part of tho State when &aired. In.nut touter i,f Irma know any *Meted follow area turn, delay not to toll them orthla treatment- NW SPRING GOODS.—Tho sub scriber Is now onenhig largennd general assort ment of LADIESDMS GOODS, oculcisttng of Black and Colored Silks, Challl Ilareges, Mous do tallies, French and English Lawn% also a gelrrtti variety of galas for boss wear, a full assortment of. Ladles and thlldnens I letierv, Gloves liandLorohiels, also Eiagibb. ,and ktturt STRAW - BONNETS, Bonnet Ribbons, B, nnot Lawns, with the usual 'variety of SpriGER a E aW.m MT rate poi es ER. M L 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers