Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 24, 1855, Image 7

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From Harper's Magaz/m, for October.
'ln the first. settling of the New England
States, bears were quite numerous, and they
still exist in great abundance in the northern
parts of Maine; but we hear very little said of
tbem in the chronicles of the times. It would
seem that amusements of the chase, and hav
ing their attention so exclusively occupied by
more savage foe, the Indian, they must have
slaughtered the bear without deeming the ex
ploit worthy of any pai•tieular mention. It is
somewhat curious that the most interesting
anecdote we have left us, resulted from the
fact that the economic attempt was made to
break the animal to useful domestic purposes
—an idea that would never have occurred ex
cept to a worthy and natural progenitor of the
thrifty Yankee,
'lt seems that one Zebulon Stanhope, a
farmer residing near New London, trained a
couple of bears to plow and do other labors of
the field and road. On one occasion he started
'to town' with a sleigh-load of wheat, .but
some of the harness breaking, the farmer set
about reparing the damage, when one of the
bears seized him by the leg and sorely wound
ed it. The bears then simultaneously ran off,
leaving the farmer to reach his house alone;
which he did with difficulty after four hours'
labor. Two or three days were spent in use
less search, and bears and sled were given up
as lost; when, iipou the third day at noon, a
noise was heard in the road, and, to the as
tonishment of the Stanhopes, they beheld the
two bears,drawing the sled into the barn, and
instead of the wheat, four large bears and
three cubs. -The door was' suddenly closed,
and the strangers were shot with a long gun
thrust through the crevices of the building.
'Captain Wild, always remarkably attentive
to his guests, but for the moment absorbed in
tucking away iunumeraable pieces of broiled
venison under his capricious vest, having
'loaded up,' he chimed in' as follows: 'Your
character•of the bear is all very well; he is
not only the knowingest animal in the woods,
but he has a nice sense of honor, and will for
give au injury rather than take revenge on the
wrong person. Oh, you may doubt the truth
of what I say, but it is a fact nevertheless!—
You all know Moses and Aaron Giggin, twin
brothers, who looks so much alike that their
father never knew them apart except when
they were together. One day they were out
among the dewberry hills, hunting bear, when
Aaron chased an 'old ho' up what ho thought
was a ravine, but it turned out to be 'a wash,'
and instead of opening into the low lands, just
closed up with a chunk of a precipice sixty
feet high. The bear' couldn't climb up the
steep bank, so he made a 'book track,' and the
'twin' had to take to his heels to get out of the
way. Down 'the wash' the two ran, making
excellent time, but the bear had the heels, and
was about to give his enemy a hug, when the
unfortunate victim hollowed out, 'Oh, Moses,
if you have any love for your brother, put in,
and divide this fight!' Moses heard the oall,
and, in coming to the rescue, literally rolled
down the sides of the embankment; at the
same instant the bear came up with every
hair on end, and his ears crowded down close
to his head. First, ho made a feint at Aaron,
then a pass at Moses; but getting confused,
by not knowing them apart, he concluded he
would not take the responsibility of jumping on
the wrong man, and so he let 'em both off; and
that,' said the Captain, drainning off his tum
bler of claret and assuming a knowing look,
'is what I call proper self-respoot, and an evi•
denoe of gentlemanly consideration worthy of
all praise; and now,' concluded the speaker,
'let Jim Wiolter_tell us how his head got so
Jim Wicker was a comical-looking fellow,
with a very young face, but by reason of hav
ing no hair, ho looked very old from his eye
brows all the way round to the, back of his
neck: , lie was very sensitive about the defect,
and was somewhat celebrated, from a fight he
bad with a traveling agriculturist, who upon
being asked by Jim, 'What would cause his
hair to grow on his shining poll, was advised
to oover over the top of his head with guano,
and plant it down in crab grass.' But Jim
wouldn't quarrel with Captain Wild, for that
gentleman was not only the host of the Fairy
Queen, but also had the key of all 'the refresh
monts',Jo his possession; so without hesitation
he enlightened his auditory after this fashion:
'You see the liar always did keep rayther
scarce 'hout my soalp, and I was always rub
bin' in ono thing and another to fotch it out,
fur I was saran the roots wasn't dead, though
thar was little to be seen above the ground.—
I'd hoard of bar's-grease, and bought a gallon
in bottles; but I believe it was nothing but
hog's-lard apd mutton taller; so I thought I
would halo' the genuine article, and I got old
Dan to go out and kilt something for my
especial . benefit. Dan told me it was in th o
spring, and that the bar was In bad health
4inii out of season; but I believed ho was try
ing to quiz me, and wouldn't take no for an
answer➢ A short hunt fotched a critter at bay,
and Da ' k, by a shot in the vitals, 'saved the
varmint; but the bar was in a bad condition;
for he looked as seedy as an old Canada thistle,
and he had hardly ilo etfaugh in him to keep
his jints from squeaking, but what he did have
I got, and used; and strangers,' said Jim, look
ing sorrowfully round on the company, 'in two
days, what little har I had commenced fast
falling off, and in a week I was as bald as a
gun-barrel. Dan was right; the varmint was
a , shedding himself, and had nothin in him but
har shedding ile, and the consequence is, [can't
in the dark tell my head from a dry gourd, if
I depend on feelin'.'
'Bar meat,' said old Dan at the conclusion
of Wicker's story, 'is best, in course, in the
fall; in the spring the varmint is just out of
his nap, and the first thing he does is to get
clear of his old coat, so he eats ynrbs as makes !
the liar all fall off, so that in the fall he comes
out as black as a coal, and as shiny as glazed
powder. Cotch a bar. then,' when he has a
cornfield to hide, in, and his spar ribs tastes
like rostin' ears. Nothin' n bar loves more
than green corn, except young pig. I have
seen the varmint break off the ears, strip off
the husk, and eat the corn as handy asl could
do. A bar will sometimes gather up a pile of
ears, and carry them to an eating place, and
chew 'em up at his leisure. If he is a little
bar, he will break down the stalks to gather
them ; if he is a tall bar. he tears the ears off
without so much trouble. The fact is, bars
are knowing animals, and if they could. talk
would give us many ideas of the wood we don't
dreem of—' And in his abrupt way, he con
cluded : 'l've seen a bar climbing over Vir
ginny fence with an armful of rostin' ears,
and never tripping a step.'
This last remark called forth Uncle Tim,
who never allowed any one to 'see' more than
he did or could, and cordially asseiiting to all
that he heard, with an equivocal expression
that would throw a doubt over truth itself, he
related an incident that came under his person
al observattorb and was looked at with his own
eyes. think,' said he, 'twas two years ago
just after the crop was laid by, that I was out
a 'still huntin',' when I got down on 'little
Caney,' just back of Bill Shaddiok's pre-emp
tion, that 1 heer'd a terrible scrimmage, and
I crept'up, and looked over a fallen tree, and
what should I see but—but two 'old he's' a
fightiu' over a pumpkin and some roster' ears?
They stood up and came the scientific twain',
rigler, occasionally tucking each other aside .
of the head, and giving black eyes and bloody!'
noses ; then they clenched and had it rough
and tumble, worse nor any leetion fight - 1.044
aced down at 'dyers's. I tuck sides ov course
and gyrated round a-praying that the dttle
fellow would whip. Thar the two had. it,
round and round, and over and under, when
I cried out, 'Turn him over, little and
get his foot in your mouth.' " 'No you don't',
the fellow sung out.'
'Who sang out, Uncle Tim ?' inquired Cap
tain Wild, some of the boys at the same time
whistling. •
'The bar sung out,' said Uncle Tim, not the
least confused, at the same time assuming a
'ferocious look.' The bar, you see, didn't
say the words, but just cocked his ear, when
the little un' did get the walloper's fist be.
tweeu his grinders ; and slob a fuss ! the dirt
flew about from the extra licks, and I believe
they would ha' disappeared in a hole of their
own diggin', if I hadn't put in my say so, and
jus% tuck the big fellow in the gizzard with
old •llarkaway,' that had a good Bullet inside,
and four buck-shot chambered eatihug as peas
in a pod. The bars in the excitement didn't
hear the gun net. smell me ; the old un' thought
he'd got a severe dig in his breadbasket from
his antagonist, and fout the harder, but the
little un' felt him give up, and got a new hold
and struck the old amazin', then very deliber
ately tuck up the rostin' ears in his left arm,
and putting the pumpkin on his head, he
walked off, olomb over a high fence, and die
appeared in the swamp.'
'And that is a fact, is it ?' asked several
listeners, without conceali6 their incredu
said Uncle Tim, helping himself to
the contents of a stone jug near by, 'saran it's
a fact ; I've gqt the big bar skin at home, un
der my bed now; and I showed. Zack Taylor
the very next morning the place whar the bar
got over the finite ;in °wee it's a fact. I
A Torou Sri:qtr.—The Louisville Democrat
is responsible for the folloying:— , We• were
told this morning a rather tough story about
a field of wheat up in the country. The stalks
wore wedged so closely together that the
wonder was how they manged to grow at all..
The owner, just before cutting, was standing
on a stump, in the outer edge of his field look
ing over the vast expanse, when the wind blew
his hat on the
. top of the wheat. Ho wanted
hie hat of course, and to get it must needs go
into the field. He made an effort to get down
without breaking much, vhen he found to his
utter amazement, that the growth was so thick
and heavy he could crawl on the top of the
crop, with no more yielding beneath him than
if he were on a spring mattrass or a heavy
feather bed. And he crawled till ho got his
hat, and then back again—perhaps walked
bank; we are not certain on this point.'
QLlPVitiZaitli' , ,Q . el3Bll - t9. ;
riu9incos turbo.
EAR. S. B. 'KIEFFER Office in North
stroot two,doors from Weise St Campbell's
store. wilco hoursonorepartleularly from 7 to U o'clock,
A.' M., and from 5 to 7 O'cloek, P. 111.
‘.) recently from Lancaster city, offers his Profession
ua ,ervires to the citizens of Carlishl and vicinity In all
Its various branches. Office and residence In the house
f 'rawly occupied as Senor's hardware Store, North
Ilanover Street, where ho can be consulted at all hours
when not professionally engaged. Calls to the country
promptly attended to. 111,„.Charges moderate.
Carlisle, .May 18, 1855-;lin
§ MIEOPAT!IIC PHYSICIAN. Office and residence
on Duuther street, one door east of the german Re
formed Church. Dr. Blumenthal respectfully offers his
professional Nery lees to the citizens of Carlisle and Xi
cinity. •
.10:r . r Persons from a Oitance laboring under ehroule
diseases may consult by letter. 011ie e hours, from 7 to
9 A. M., and 2 to .k I'. M. sept(l,'l,ltt
OTlCE.—Notice is bern r by given
11 that 1 have, this day, associated with me In the
practice of my profession, Witt. 11: Penrose and Thos. M,
Biddle Esp% . All business, in future will be attended
Why the above under the firm of "Illont.t: PaNitosF,''
Feb. 14th 1865. W. M. BIDDLE, At'ty nt Law
P. II UMRIC EL Attorney at Law.
‘_}.—oinco iu Beetetu s Itou. All business entrust•
NI to bin( will be promptly attended to.
WILLIAM C. It EM, Attorney
at Law. (Mice in Main Strevt, Carpi 10, Pa.—
At-if—Business entrusted to him will be .promptly at
tended to. Feb, 7. '55.
N G-PLEE`N Attorney at lawFints
A AL • nettled in Mecl;filcsburg, for the practice of his
proiession. . All kinds of Legal Writing, Collections,
Court business, &c., promptly attended to. 011 ice oppo
site Dr. Long's reshience. SUR VI:VINO in all its diffe
rent branches promptly attended to.
(1 i B. COLE Attorney at Law, will at
tend promptly to all laisineXentrustoil to him.—
(Alice le the nsen immierly peoupied by \\Dilate 'lrvine,
Esq., North Iratiover street. Carlisle.
April Ile, 1852.
1.e.L00 1 ES
next door to the Punt
ti be absent fr,an Carlisle the last ten days
of each month. A ip4. I, 'b.",
11(.EU. W. NEI1)1( 1 11
DENTIST ,irefully attends to all
operations upon the teeth and adjacent
parts that duease or irregularity tatty require. Ito u ill
also insert Artificial Tea), of e , ,ery description, such as
Pivot, Single and Illock teeth. amid teeth tiith t•Coutin
nous 111115... a rid will coAstruet Artificial -Palates. Oh~
t urators. negUlatillg rieCeS, and every appliance used In
the Dental Art. —Operating ilium at the reSidellen of
Dr Samuel Elliott, West High street, Carlisle.
DR. GE 0 11.0 E Z. t 1T174
• , DENTIST. OFFICE at the residenve of
" 6161114* hishrother, on North l'itt Street, Car
Li_ W. BRANDT, Manufacturer of
kfi • Mineral Watera, French Mead,
Bottled Ala, Porter and Cider,
North East' Street, near the Rail Road C arl
CElt.—A. 1.. SIN I!SI,EIt, la , e Register of Cumber
laud county, will carefully attend to the transaction of
all such busint , ss as may be entrusted to hint, such as
the writing, of Deeds,. Mortgages Contracts, Ac. Ile a lll
also devote hls . itttentlon , o the pro,urtor of !And Wan
rants„Pensions, ,(:c. as well as the purehnse and sale
of Real Estate, negctlathois, ofloanS, no. tt„90111co on
West High street, formerly occupied,.• y W. M. Penrose
Esq. near the Methodist Church.
rill N. ROSENSTEEL, House, Sign,
11 Fancy and Ornamental Painter, Irvin's (formerly
Harper's) stow, near littner's Dry Goods Store. lie will
attend promptly to all the• above descriptions of paint
ing, at reasonable prices. The various kinds of graining
attended to, such as mahogany, oak, walnut, &c., in the
improved styles.
Fino Factory tilled and Ground Alum Salt, con.
stautly on hand and for sato.
Flour, Grain and Lumher Commission Merchants,
Spear's Wharf.
of the N. A. and Rosenciale Co.
Baltimore, Jan. 22, 1856.
The subscriber wimld respectfully inform his friends and
the public generally, that he has just returned from the
city with a large and varied assortment of
FISH, &r., AL., which ho offers for sale on th, • 1' I" r -ii
most reasonable terms, At his New Store. ' % I ....'
ER I E .."- s ' g ' NE A g
corner of North Hanover street and the Pub 1 .d, : t .
lic Square, directly opposite the Carlisle De.
posit Bunk. Ills stuck omirrases everything usually
in a Grocery and Variety store.
The public are invited to call and examine his stock
before purchasing elsewhere, as ho feels confident he can
sell the best goods at the lowest prices.
Desiro to inform the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity
that they havojust received from the city and are now
opening in the room adjoining Bentz & Brother's Store.
a very rompleto assortment of Groceries. such as
and all the various kinds of SPICES and DRIED MEAT
such as Hams, Dried Beef, Bologna Sausages, Ac. by the
piece or pound. Also Herrings, Mack
erel, Shad, Cod Fish and a great variety
of articles not necessary to enumerate. In addition to
the above, wo will receive our regular supplies of
as soon as they appear in the city markets, to all of
which we invite the attention of the public., as we in , .
tend to sell at ted very lowest prices for Cash or Coun
BOOTS AND SHOES. • The subscrib
er has now on hand a very extensive and well se
ected stock of 110`0 - t S and S II 0 F. S,
which he will sell at unusually low pric
es.• PurchastaLfrom wholesale dealers,
at low rates, ho can offer such induCe
ments to purchasers as will make It their utmost to vis
it his establishment. He has every article in the Boot
and Shoe line—for Ladies' or Oentlemens' wear—Be
therefore deems it unnecessary to particularko.
tlfxr. Persons desiring good and cheap goods aro invit
ed to give him A call.
I E S Tho subscriber has Just
added to his formers ock a general selection of CHOICE
GROCERIES, as well as all the other variety of articles
Nusually kept in a Grocery Store, embracing Rio
CO'ffeo-4easted and green—at 12% and 14 cents
_ Bper lb., Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Pulverized
Sugars, of tine qualities; Chocolates, Spices, Dairy
:alt, and a variety of Fancy articles, all of which are o.
fured at the lowest cash prices. Wo are.thankful for tho
fbrmer support given us, and invite a further call from
our friends and customers. J. W. EBY.
Marion Hall, Carlisle. .
assortment of Crushed, Sifted and Pulverised
ugars of best quality,.as also soft Crushed,'Clarifled
and' other qualities Constantly on hand, suitable for
preserving and all other purposes—gunetully at OLD
Also a constant supply of the choicest Coffees, Teas,
Spices and.other artiOt In variety always on hand.—
attent loh la Invited to our stock before !Juin g elsewhere.
Carlisle, July 21, ' J. W. EBY.
STORE, W. D. A. NAUGLE, would respectfull :
'announce to the citizens o ,
r.... , • 'Carlisle and vicinity tin
J . . .. ~, he has opened a large ant
.It a 1 '''....._- '' , beautiful stock of CLOCKS.
:le Z ~,, --....._ . WATCHES ' & .1 EW ELItY.
~, k -Ni5.„. ..( , 9 li.....:;''''' on the N. E. corner of the
•"''..'.'.''',....,..',..: 8 4 ./14' 1 ' ',-: Public Square, In the ream
..i *":-,... ",,, , R I.Ail . formerly occupied by Satin
''''' , "; . ' 44 -''' -. ." . ' . . '''' Elliot, one door East of U.
W. Ifitner's dry.itood store. The stock consisti4 of
every article in the trade, viz: GOLD AND SILVER
W.CIVII ES of every style and quality, gt.ld fob, neck.
vest and chatlains chains, gold lockets, breast pi us, eat
rings, &c., &c. All goods warranted to be what they are
sold for.
42" Particular attezition paid to REPAI HIM of cow
Watches, Jewelry, Sc. All work warranted according
to quality. The suhscriher Batters himself that he can
give entire satisfaction to all that favors hint with their
custom. W.l). A. Is: A LIG LL.
Carlile, July IStlt
A , TC I I E S s ! E S :
I have now on hand and fo r.
r hale at
‘,lO Stand on main street, opposite Marion Hall, an
entirely new and elegant stock of
Gold Loser 'Watches, hunt Ing.and open ease, Silver do,
Silver ',opine and Quarter Watches. a large variety.
Gold Anchors for !Allies and t leadsmen.
Medallions, a Splendid assortment for ladles and gents.
ilreast Pius of every pattern. and all prices, •
Gold Chains for vest and fob, gold curb chains,
Finger Rings. Cuff-phis. Stmts. Sleeve Buttons,
Crosses. Drop and lloop Ear-Illngs, a large variety,
Silver nod Hated Forks. Table and Tea Spoons, linttor
Knives. &o. at various styles and prices,
Gold and Silver Thimbles.
Gold, Silver and Common Spectacles, a large assortment
to suit all gee, and to a Lich we Invite particular
attention. •
Vort Moonaies, a large assortment at every price,
Gold Pens, atilt, hest make at various Prices.
Fancy Boxes. Port Folios, A ceordeons. Spectacle cases,
Ladies Card Cases, silver and pearl, at various prices,
Bracelets, gold and co omon; NI atch Chains ditto.
Also a large variety of articles In the Jewelry line,
which I will sell at the lowest prices. All articles war
ranted to he what they are sold for.
ttivi,„Particular attention paid to the REPAIRING OF
WATCHES and all work warranted. Returning thanks
to toy old friends and customers for Ramer mtronage,
I respectfully solicit a continuance of their favms.
J unello TIB 1:11 AS CON LY N.
- t
, ,L0,...7;!,,,„.N(7r
N. il A NTCH ,t en. hare opened and now of.
feu for sale at their More on West High Street,
one door west of the !Mini formerly kept by C. St 1.1101,
at Plltire 01,, stark of Read) Mad, Cll.Thing
Fait MEN A N \YEA It.
Also, ('loth'. Vost.ings, rt Lich will It.
wool° up in the style nod tem, -
Shirt.i, Shirt rolliirs, Glares, Ewspitioleri, Fiat ,
find Stooks. A.c. of the neom
sty h 4 and hest initnufnutwro ki , pt nonstnntly on hand
l'onfolt.tit of their ability to pletow, they reelect fully so
kit th,• puhlie patronage,
J opening a large assortment of Spring. and Sunone
(Innis, consisting of Plain and FiCllreli Daellele
Plaill and Figured Sill: Tissues. Mirage de Laines,
rkused swiss Muslin., llrg:thdieslsz,,,t,h Glut
Lams, and II great variety of tither gee& at ns low print.
at. Call be found any where In the town.
May Utlx,'ss. II KO. W. MTN ER.
W il. 11. 'ERA •UT, desires to inf; rm his oil friend
that he has removed to his mew estaldkhment o n lido
cut, the Railroad Depot, and is HOW opening ;
c pti large and elegant assortment of the t'A LI. STY ld
~„1.1 of HATS, just received foam Philadelphia, whici
' 4 the gentlemen of Carlisle are requested to sell an.
exathine. Ile has also a large assortment of Fe.
and Slouch Iles oc his own manufacture, got up in tin
best A) le and at various prices, the excellence and finis}
m which he will warruit. Ills stock he is confident on.
ly needs to be examined to be approved. Also, a Inn:.
supply of Men's,' Boy's and Children's CAP:', of field
and Fur, and of every variety of style and price just
eolved from Philadelphia. Let all who want a lint
Cap giVe him n call, as they may ho sure of being suit
ed to their own satisfaction.
]).TENT SKIRTS, &c.—Just open
ed another invoke of White nod Colored Peter
Skirts. Monqueto nets, with n variety of other StllSollti
ble goods. July 18. GEO. W. HITNEL
IjEATHER.—Fritz & Hendry, Store
2.:1 North :Id M.. Philadelphia. Morocen)lnnufnetip
ern. Currier:, Importers, Cominissiun and General Lest'
er lousiness.
WHOLESALE AND RETAlL—Manufactory 15 M.
hs allstreet. $ ep. 7-ly
FRESH ritl' IT at all seasons.—The f uheriber hr
list opened tt, few dozen Hermetical self sealing Fli1;1.
la.N*, for precers log Fruits. Tomatoes. liven Corn. A,
for a whole year in a fresh state---requir e no i•olderini
and may be used year after year and are easily (Tenet
and closed without the aid of a limier. Cull and exam
en them. DEO. W. 111 Th liat.
Juno 13. lob.
ev.k , I am just receiving my Fa
• 4 1:4HANCiiiCt stock of l'A Mit lIANGINH:
W e % which surpass In style, quail(
and price any that have evr
been exhibeted In Carlisle. I respectfully solicit a cal
from persons In want of Paper Hangings orally &seri;
Hon, as I am confident by assortment far surpasses anj
In the Borough; and In style and prices has but few 11
vals In the city. I only ask of the public to call and ex
amine my assortmant before purchasing, as I am cent
dent my chaste designs cannotlail to please the nice
West aide of North Hanover Street,
1855. S O METHI,NG F. NEW ! 155
For preserving fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Any one,
says the Philadelphia Inquirer, will be struck at the
shuplicity and admirable adaptation to the end propos
ed. An intelligent child can seal them. For hale by
qmolosale or retail by P. MONYER,
june'2o North Hanover Street, Carlisle.
The subscriber is just receiving another supply ot
pring and Summer Bonnetsconsisting of Englishlitrew
chip, Braid. ttatin Straws, Neopoiltain, and Ben Braid.
also a new supply of very choice Colored and White
Bonnet Ribbons varying in price from 123 to 60 cents
per yard.
Also a large assortment of Childrens and Misses Straw
and Braid Fiats. GEO. W. lIITNER.
May 16.-7)5
- Co., 276 Market Street,
and Philadelphia. Cars leave both places East and West.
twice every Week. Tueadays and Fridays. All huskies,' '
entrusted to Ilinghatn, Davis & Co., will ho attended t •
with promptness, whether in sales, produce or freight. •
A. 11. BABNITZ, North street, Baltimore, has ale
entered into this arrangement, and will attend prompt
ly to all business entrusted to him.
wt,. /w 1 ,t"• LATE PUBLICATION
The White Veil, a Bridal Gift, by Mrs. Hide, a splendid
ly illustrated gift book,
Longfellow, Byron, Maim, Mrs. Romans and other pc. •
°Goal works, boantlfully embellished.
Irving's Sketch Book, plain,•
Jerusalem and its Sacred Localities, by liov. W. H. U.
donholmer, Rector of St. Peters, Philad'a.
Pickoring's Greek Lexicon. Homer in the original,
Miranda Elliott, a new and Interesting story.
May and December, by Mrs. Hubback.
Ellen Norbury. by Emerson Bennett.
(111C(ILeo, ' hy Julia Kavanagh.
Robert Graham, by Mrs. ursh.
Harper's, Graham's and Godoy's Magazines for May,
With numerous other new publications just rec'd at
way 2 MEWS Cheap Book Store.
Stores atth Situps.
I)I1cit cIp1)IR.
E. GOULD, [Successor to A. not.
ty No. 104 Chestnut :•t., i 4 waim's
pida, extensive M tis tL,I u and beater in :iluskad
I ustroments of
Exclusii e agent ti,r the sale of Millet, Davis St Co.
Patent Suspension Bridge _Eolian and oilier HANCE:,
Gilbert's Boudoir 3felodeons, Martin's tluitaes
norps. \•belles. t , beet Music. N unit• Honks.
Residents of the country will be supplied by mail Of
others ise with music the'y may wish, as low as If par-
Vila Nell ill person: Having one of the hogett slots in
the United :lutes. I feel vonfident of eailisfying all who
may favor me with a call or ardor.
ii..:llers in )lusiv stippli,d uu 010 moat 111 ernl te? IDS
['MILOS to Wt. SOCOllli.halla Pima* fur side.
lllay 20,1553-1 i
v) \ 1101,EF LE rind ItETA IL, it the "I I. fin
dolphin Watch and Jewell y toie,
4 t) N Panther lei North Necouti etreet..( r
nel• of Qip
uro. Philadelph (1
ia. ( ld
Lever Watches, full jewelled, ( lir
at eases, - j.:20 CO
• - ()old ',Alpine, 10 earat eases, (0
• jewels, 0 CO
"" 1 Fill er ',tiler, full jewelled. 12 (0
7 60
1 0
1 (0
r• 00
Surwrior quartiers,
hold Spo,tacle,
Fire Silver Sid.etasles,
Gold Bracelets.
Ladies• Cold I'om Ps.
Silvor Toa Sprome• 7.0 t.
Gold Pros, I,llh Pr0,.11 nod Filler Holder. - 1 ct.
Mid More'. 1111;us :373: 2 routs to Watch (antes
I,lnlll. 1 A rent Potent ISiki, Lonot 25; other ortichs
In urnp o rtlun. All got,di: wor; anted to be %%hot they xre
;old for
Cln hand. s , re nom and SH‘er Lovers and Levine&
still lower than the aLo
ON FIRE PRIGF SAFI:S. with naffs Patent
Powder Proof Locks, a filth weie
an artier] separate Medals at the
World's Fair, London, Liysl, and
also at the \l oars Fair. :• etc
York, 1853 and '64. The snl scri
bers :ire the sole manufacturers
and proprietors hit this State ef
the above unequalled Sales and
Locks. The reputation Of au
en tiim , t• Herrin:ft: Safe" is wiirle
and for the last thicteeta
Ilyears the mercantile
have witnessed and borne testi
tnnny to their aevea r %11.1 . Cf, fire proof qualities. )1( PC
t it/11112.MS) 14 these Stiles have been tmtually sold. nit d
over TWO 111:NMUM have parsed tel throut:h
acciliontal fires. The Mildly are assured that all Sates
ut:untfartureel by the subscribers are not only guaran
teed to he fully equal. but in many respects even supe
rior to those which have been en severely tried by tire.
Few will forget tin it services In the hurtling of the
"Tribune est abl ishmen t." Nets York, 11111 i nt the °rent
r WJ.I
Fire in Strawberry street, at the large lire last July,
A opp , site the Girard House; nod still more recently
In flaw Fire nt Fifth and Chesnut sts., in the city ct
Phlldelphia. in which these Safes came forth the ac
knowledged Cutmelos, when ninny Other securities
failed. " FARR EL S CO..
:14 I.Nt^l' Street . , Phillidelphla.
Chilled Iron Safes. with Powder Proof Locks. mans,-
factured expressly for Banks, Brokers, Jewellers. and
others requiring security from rogues. Bank Vaults,
Doors..te. on hand and made to order. All the meat
'; celebrated Locks for sale at manufacturers' prices.
s oerni d hxnd S111111111Mders" am! "Iron
. Chests" of other makeru. Imre been taken in part pay
ment for Herring's for sale ut half price. apill
DussEu ! v.uxantizlwturcr and Inrentor uf FE-
\o. 106 North FOURTH Stret:t (above 'Race) I'IIILADEL
-7' VW A. Matches haring become au indispensable article
in housekeeping, the subt.eriber alter a great Fltrrifle e of
time and money. is enabled to offer to the Public en ars
' Ha.) at once combining Utility and Cheapness. lice
ventor knowing the danger apprehended on account of
the ilimsey Manner In which Matches aro generally
packed in-paper, has by the aid of :New Steam Machinery
of his own invention, succeeded in gettine up a SA FEI
far preli,rable, inns 1111101 that It occupies no more min
hen the old round wood box, and contains at least
Two Hundred per Cent more Matches, which to Shines
;is considerable advantage; It is entirely new. and secure
"against moisture and spontaneous combustion, dispels
all danger on transportatbm by means of Railroad, titelun
boat or any other mode of Conveyance. "
These Matches are packed so that one gross or mere
may be shipped to any part of the World avith perfect
Pa fety . They are the most desirable article fur lion*
Consumption. and the Southern and western market
that have over been Invented.
, tt , D,SALEItS and SHIPPERS, will do well to call an
,Wax/mine for themseis ea.
t ll:V.:Mese matches, are WARRANTED to be superior
to anything heretofore offered to the Public.
-106 North FOURTH St. Philad'a.
Phila. Deer 4, 1854
I H I RENCH TRUSSES, Weighing less
than '2 1 ,4 ounces, forpo cure of Ilernimor itupturo
acknowledged - by the highest medical authoritlesot
adelphia, incomparably superior to any other in UM-
Sufferers will ho grdtitied to learn that the occasion now
offers to procure not only the highest and most easy, but
as durable a Truss us any other, In lieu of the cumbrous
and uncomfortable article usually sold. There Is no di&
lenity attending the fitting, and whim the pad is locat
ed it will.,retain its position without change.
Persons at a distance unable to call on the subscriber,
can have the Truss sent to any address, by remitting:
rilvo dollars Rr the single Truss, or ten for the double—
'with measure round the hips. and stating side affected.
eZlt will be exchanged to suit If not fitting, by returning
at once, unsoiled. For sale only by the Importer,
;-! Corner Twelfth and Race streets, Philadelphia,
Air LADIES, requiring the benefit of 'Mechanical Sup
porters, owing to the derangement of the Ifiternal Or
inducing falling of the Womb. Vocal, Pulmonary,
Dyspeptic, Nervous and SplnallVealtneas, are informed,
that a competent and experienced Laos yin be in
tendanco at the Rooms. (sot apart for blfilr exclualvg'
use) No. 114 TWELETU St., 181 door Blow Race. id
July 2f, '54.
GRATIS!—Just Publi4ed—A rim',
Rational Treatient, without Medicine, Sperrnatortitteal
or local weaknes , nervous debillty,low spir/ts,lassitndw.l
weakness of the limbs and back, Indisposition and !beak,
'parity for, study and labor, dullness of apprn'hOblllenli .
loss of memory, aversion to spcioty, love of solitudy. 'ti
midity, self distrust, dlreiness, headache, Immo icry"
discharges, pains In the side, affeetlon of the eyes, pim
ples nn the torn, sexual and other Infirmities in man.
From the French of Dr. R. DeLancey :
The Important fact that these Manning .entnplil.nia`
Il t,
may easily ho removed WITHOUT 11FDICINIt, I, l l# itFfr
tract clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new' 1
hlehly successini treatment, as adopted to , t, e Ant p
fully explained', by means of which eYety'cinn i 4,4 till, ii
to cure himSolf perfectly and at the least PM: 'llllp, 0 1 4 i
s,voldlng thereby all the advertlhed"nlinenlittibi
t. it., 4„‘ o
Sent to any address, gratis ant!' *ie ilt : ne:.”?,,'l!,P/41951,1
envelops, by remitting' (post paid) twVl r iiiikeßellitfßAn
to Dr. B. IMLancey,l7 Lisp...tug street ! XfMlf• . 1. ,li
March I—ly
TTENTION Ditrget'C'*=Thale
fIIL or you who have beert afilleteddrotryetax
bothersome dinenoe, and glimAhmt , been using almost,
every Nostrum before the public without rbibit,,i4
to you try " Kieffer's Antillyspeptin" and you will FOOn
be couvlnced of Ito great superiority ever every other
prepitritition. eWe could give you many certificates corch
orating our aosertions, but n single trial Is worth more
tlnin'all. This remedy Is prepared and cold at the Drug
Storelof D. 3. KEIFFER, Senth ilittiover street, a tai*
doortemoutb of-ths ecurt In"-se, Carlisle.