Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 24, 1855, Image 3

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tittir Alla.
The Animal called a Boy.
"A vEnv uncertain, mysterious, inex
plieable creation is a boy—who can de
fine him?" 'I will try. A boy is the
spirit- of mischief embodied. A perfect
teetotuni, spinning around like a jenny,
or,tumbling heels over head. He inva
riably goes through the process 'of leap
over every chair in his reach: makes
drum heads of the doors; turns the tin
pans into symbols; takes the best knives
out to dig worms for bait and loses thfm;
hunts up the molasses cask, and leaves
the molasses running; is boon companion
to the sugar barrel; searches up all the
pie and preserves Jeft from supper, an — R
eats them; goes to the apples every ten
minutes; hides his old cap in order to
wear his best one; cuts his boots accident
ally if he wants a
,inew pair; tears his
clothes for fun; junips into the 'puddles
for sport, and for ditto tracks your car
pet, marks your furniture, pinches the
baby, worries the nurse, ties fire crackers
to the kitten's tail, drops his schoolbooks
into the gutter while he fishes with a pin,
pockets his schoolmaster's "specs," and
finally turns a sober household upside
down, if he cuts his little finger.
He is a provoking and provokable tor
ment, especially to his sisters. lie don't
pretend to du much. until he is r twelve.
Then begins the rage fur frock coats,
blue eyes, curly hair, white dresses, im
perfect rhymes and dickies. At four
teen he is too big to split wood or go at'-
ter water: and at the tune those inter
esting udices ought to be performed con
trives to be invisible-i—whether concealed
in the , garret, with some old worm eaten
novel fur company, ensconced on the
wood pile learning legerdemain, or bound
off on some expedition that proves more
deplorable than eXplurable. At fifteen
he has a tolerahle'experience ut' the world;
but at sixteen to twenty .we may clear
the track when lie's in sight.—lie knows
mere than Washington; expresses his
Opinion With the decision of Ben Frank
lin; makes up his mind that he was burn
to rule the world, and new-lay the track
of creation; thinks Providence is near
sighted; understands theology and the
science of the pronoun 1: informs his
father that General Jackson fought the
memorable battle of New Orleans; asks
his minister if he don't consider the Bi
ble a little too orthodox? In other words
he knows more than lie will ever again.
Just hail ono of these spimens as "buy"
at sixteen and how wrathy he gets. If
he does not answer you precisely as the
urchin did; who angrily exclaimed, "don't
call me a
. boy, I've smoked these twu
years!" ho will give you a withering look
that is meant to annihilate you, turn on
his b:del, 4nd with a curl on his lip, mut
ter disdainfully, "who do you calla buy?"
ana oh! the emphasis!
But jesting aside, an honest, blunt,
merry, mischievous boy is Something to
be proud of, whether as brother or son;
for in•all his scrapes a good heart gets
the better of him, and leads him soon to
repentance, and be sure he will remem
berlis fault—at least five minutes.
the subscriber has the satisfaction of in
:r IMAM forming his old friends and patrons that
his ostablishmont Is again in active opo-
u, buildings having been crostini slues the late
duri.drous tire and the whole establishment put in com
plete working order. Orders are therefore respectfully
solicited for work In his line, which will be douo with
promptness and in the best manner.
and repaired. All kinds of Machinery. in Paper Mills,
Grist Mills and Factories repaired at short notice. Mill
Spindles dressed and turned.
Such - as Bevil Gear Pour Horst) Power, Horizontal Gear
Four Horse and Two Horse Powers, Ploughs, Corn Shah
lure and Orusitora, Ac. Patterns made to order,. Iron and
Doss CASTINGS executed to order, it not on hand, at
the short&d notice, such as Cranks and MIN Gearing,
Spar end Bevil Wheols, Gudgeons for Saw Mille, Plow
c a stings, Cutters, Point Shears, Wagon and Coach Box
es,'Spindies. Car Wheels; Car Chairs, .te. He has also
od hand a large supply. of Philadelphia and Troy COOK
ING' STOVES, and Is constantly making Cooking Rolfes
of -various improved patterns for coal or wood, ten Plato
Stoves, Orates, &a.. Repairing done to all kinds pf
chiuery: All kinds of old Iron, Brass and Copper takon
in exchange for work. .
riORN SU ELLERS..-- , -X A HDEit' s PAT
IN't CoitN Surdg.trt, decidedly best and cheap:.
est new in ass. Farmers are requestud
amide% at the Carlisle Foundry and Machine Shop, or
at Sexton's Hardware Store: For sale at reasonable
vticog by
Aug: 2
"Ituason's whole pleasuro, all the joys of sense,
Lie In thruo words—llealth, Peace, and Competence'.
But when wo have pains, affliction or anguish of dis
eases, is not our pleasure,
our joy, and our happiness
thdroby destroyed r Why lot our sick fellow-being suf
fer,/ Does not Christ say : "With the same meaSure ye
mete, It shall be measured to yuu again ("—Slat. 7,.2.
-Who is a wise man and endowed ivith knowledge a.
Wong you, lot him show out, of a good conversation his
works with meekness aid wisdom. - -.hiines 3, 13.
SU BO EBY AND M D 101 N 11:—Doctor. P. C. CA RD
DER, Surgeon and Pnysiviau, who is Botanist and
Physiologist; and is GradiratOit , our best Medical Colle
ges, and has made himself' nevialtited with :ill the vari
ous' systems of Medical Schince, and with the reoeut
discoveries and improvements in the various depart
mimes of the Healing Arts. thithfully attends to oi-ders
for SurOval and Medical Aid. and whose medicines are
all wade or composed strictly in accordance with the
Sciences of Pathology, Botany, Hydropathy and Physi
ology; and iv hose medicines are all composod of whole
some roots, plants, and 112,dropathy, good in all diseases,
and to whom the afflicted are Invited to apply timely.
His Character by Respectable Neighbors, &c.
Copy of a letter than the Rev. C. 11. Leinbach to Mr.
11. It. Etter, at the Warm z'prings. Respected
low 010 lA , lutroduce to your !moony notice, Dr. (tutu
et New mit. 1 have known Dr. C. Mr sixteen
years, he has done business for me with sobriety, hon
esty and with accuracy; therefore 1 do belime him to
he perioatly sober, honest and trustworthy. Ally favors
you may nee proper to comer on him, will be highly ap
preciated by his numerous friends, and by mine more
highly flout your sincere Irked and humble servant.
C. U.
Laudisburg, Pa., July 15th, 1151.
Copy , of a litter from tlrOorge Spahr, Esq., County
Trcasurer.-1 do certify that the medical advice of Dr.
C. C. (2:udder has surpassed any other which I have
hitherto had in the cure ul severe lever In my tinnily.-
1 would recommend his to such persons who
may be afflicted with aforesaid disease or otherwise.
Bloomfield, August 20th, 1851.
1P". L.Aii.valaii.ininng 101 l al7tillaillted with the ro .
eon/ rellell 01,001 cries, V. 111/ total 1151, and Oasis 1110des
01 LreAluit.,lll, Add /lie speed) ,laid eerlalls realedles alid
drub /or Lk) spopi/IL, Li, uysentoo. L viol
era ..Ilut . l/lis .L..“ 011 Loldp.alulb 01 the itut% etc avid
a. 11; ...... , 111,01101 . I.kt/ilea/es /01 Llal Mid curt ut
A el.l L 1: lonueLlice lOr all /Le delve Le alld a/b
-eano, or tile s,eller.l/I%e leprodoeus,
II) 11l Wed and it ; I•ukdedles for ails:1111L) ; Cella/Li
.5.1.1 timely cures Sr , . all LOitmllwi,Loo.. mar
niLy. /1,11 edern.ii Olkwast, ill a.. Olen . lordss;
aLd oilier de.leate le 11 i.lts ow/1...Lin,. Sit
Islet l! rt....110,110k, ,lILLILIIe 11001 LUC; 111.051. 1100.1• 1:10111 . 0 Oi
O•.LtL•t) /1111.1 ti),11 , ...111LL11) cu.uwutu, LbuL Ito 11•.1Sll.)—•
•• I 1,11 111.11,1e1 5, hit . .. 1,, .11111 .111 . .11111011.1 ,1111,1 he.
ea Laluela4. I L /Or Lllllllllrlll 1,111.10/1:
LIOID llle •,1‘11.1.1 i12111. — /Jll.e ? 1 10 04, 111111 £Ol/1-
molt ' - Prove all inings, o,
hold last Lu.LL 1l IAILI/ le
.L'lLtussuioulatin, LIVIVALure let 110 [m
u:ire 11l 1a) lag up it ouC, arc en. old IL) 001 our 11e,111,11,
ior [neve le L UAL ~,,LLLoreLLI 1111.1 easel 11, aid tours
, LILLE. 0.1411D-uLIoLU More Llutu Lt. LtluoL,L/L IL LuaLIOLIA.
the alllereisk uledirillee alld their directions will be
sent lo toe alas:Led in :la) tlooesioss U) wall or e.sirresiN :
address!, a/t. 1,1 1.01 ~,,, CarllS•se, Ceases:la:SOO tasUlle
l'a., pooL paid, uud lile leo $l. al 'Va.'s Sleisselisailylllg
Lao letter, idle order, 1.00..ier a Ito a des.el apt lull U•
Lisa [doings and tale Sqllnia.sus, 01 I {IC ut the
milietea I.lelueUd. IL 1 Wls s•., oselo ol .41,1.11 .7seleiles3
tale 0.0,1,0 and LUC Medea UI earu 0111), WlllOll lsr. Card
der ouipi..ys that aim. 01 sliedielOoo 011L/rely Matte Ur
of 11 Uoleb.oill, {so st.s., VS/Hass, Wel ii.o/ . 4.ktuy,
Steal 11l all alerSiatle,,(lle pousoll), end Wu/Cll Cad Illane
speed) mot certain rueleaseS sled CUM, for inaither
stditheiss asld all 1111l.tilt I . Os tithe-see, :slid ensuls sur
pass all ether niedleal 0100110 /ts poulL UI gOolluesn, Le
, alluuaudsafcudly a uauu. the IC r. Si LI.I slailoVer
sd.reel, I.lost bide near auk! LW 10 l'reso.syLOrlaii I..llUteri
S'a. 11,111 IsUslirroliss persons UI
the Ill a lle6L respeeladadly 11l this mud the acutiluing
4tTe authentic evidence UI the glll/1/ ilt,b UL
Or. Cardder s lalstrarier, Alta can Lse seen at Ills 01/1100.
h. 1110 aillielo.l cal 1'4,01
the direetionS ler their Übe 11 the lir:it rettirii ui Mai) ur
e.threz., 11 alltervie•Vri tie ur
Or. C. Will 00150211.11 . to .11.210111111todiltO tlpplit,tlll, 1w tar
.10 110 eau. 171., lhie ' Lur npu.lisd '4llO hitigthul Lind 1.110 tier.
alail L2ulg tlA c ces, etc. ( .. ..1011. 17, 1855
combination of ingredients Iu there rills 6 the ro
sint of a long and extensive practice; they are mild in
their operation, and certain of restoring nature to its
proper Challlll4l. In every instance have these Pills pro
ved successiul. They invariably open those obstructions
to which Females are liable, and bring nature Into its
proper channel, whereby health Is restored mid, the pale
and deathly countenance changed to a healthy one. INe
lumen, eau enjoy good bealthffiuless she is regular; and
whenever ad obstruction takes piece, whether from ex
posure, cold or any other cause, the general health im
mediately begins to decline, and the want of such a rem
edy has been the cause vise many consumptions among
young females. To ladies whose health will not rerunt
of au increase of their family', these pills will prove a veil
uable acquisition, as they will prevent kugnancy.—
Headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, loa
thing of food, and di turbod sleep do most always arise
from she interruption el ; and whenever that is
the care ; the puns will invariably remedy all thert sliis.
\or are the less efficacious In the cure of Leucurrhma,
commonly called the -Whites." These pills should /101 ,
er be taken during pregnancy, as they nould be sure to
cause a miscarriage. Darranted purely I egetable, nod
free front any thiug iniurious to Hid or health. Fuihaud
explicit directions accompany each box.
These pills arc put up hi square lint boxes. Persons
residing where there is no agency established. by undo
slug .lnu Dollar in a letter, pro-paid, to Dr. C. L CIIEESE
MAN, No. 267, Bleeder street, New York, cau base them
sent to their respective addresslvo by
elan St, (gin -wart.
Ly JUAN D. GURU AS would inform the public that
im has now on hand at his establishment, on Main St.,
next deer to Marlon hull, the largest and most com
plete assortment of COOK, OFFICE A PAR
art Sfu VES to be fuund in this county,
Yca n which will be sold at the lowest prices for
C„;i'lsywn cash or approved credit. Ills stock consists of
t large assortment of new and highly ttp
ss ;roved PATENT COOKING - STOVES, finished
in ttm complete manner and calculated for either
wood or coal, or both. All the old standard patterns
which have stood the test of experience, may be found
at his establishment. Also, a great variety of the most
approved and beautiful PA itl.ult OFFICE STOVES, in
cluding a number of new- styles, possessing very supe
rior advantages over those heretolure in use. Families
and housekeepers are respectfully invited to give him a
call before purchasing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to
auy part of the country and put up at the shortest TM.
tiCO. lie continues to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET
IRON IVARE, and Copper IVork, anti has constantly on
hand or will make to order every article' required by
housekeepers, or others in this line. ills stock of Tin
and Copper Ware embraces every kind of household and
kitchen, utensil, warranted equal to the best manufac
tured.. Perseus in smut of articles In, his line may, al
wayg be sure of being accemmodated to their satisfaction
bk giving him a call. .
The subscriber at his old stand on North Hanover st.,
Carlisle, the sign of Lilo ''.sl.niumoth lied Coffee, Pot," dee
s ires to call the attontiou of tho, public to his large as
sortment of STOVES, of the newest and most fashiona
blo styles, from the best manufactories in the
country, and at all prices from $3 to $l5.
t lfw are limo Mirror Stovo, the Arctic, ltevore, Star,
t _d lan, Union and ..Etnn Air 'fight, together
utherpattorne which ho hum of all Rhos
fur paiaoia or Cluuntars, and calcuiatod for burning' either
wood or . coal. • Alta), the /Etna, (Kobe,' Astor, Albany,
Fiot-top and Sandbox or Poor Mau's, with other COOK
ING STOVES, minprishiit the latest 'improvements in
kitchen stoves, and intended for either wood or coal.—
the Dining Room Cooking Stove---a new and ele
gantartiole to which he' invites 'Om particular atten
tion of faidlios. Ills cooking stoves range in Price from
$lO to 25, with the fixtures coMpluto.' 'Also, Nine Plate
Stoves of various patterns and different prices. „ '
lng Stoves, climes Kettles, Ac. Also, every article in the
lino of Tin acid Copper Wave r 'The public are respect
fully Write,' to tall as. lie is 'confident With his large
stock, variety ,and cheapnesq, of bolus abla to hiven e,
tlrs6lit Isfact variety,,
to every purchaser. Call Mid see.
(Oct. 25, 1854; • M. NORMS.
4. GARDNE/t)
3.011 N I'. LYNE—Wholesale and Re
tail dealer in American, English and GOMM)
ItARDWARE, Oils, Paints, &c., &. Mechanics, builders
v4241411(3 public generally,
who are in want of Hardware
...„ ..qany kind, are hivited to call in and
: • apla examino my 'unusually 1111 steel, OT
. k.... :3 . 4 . 4 ..., goods, which I am selling lig very low
Prices. d to,i, stop In; it will only detain yd i a I cry
few minutes to be convinced that what everybody sa)s
—that hyn's is decidedly the place to gut good goods at
law prices—must be trim. JANE'S 11:MiNVOre T•tOre,
West Side North Hanover Area.
•-"•-•! 11WS11 kintiv
ofit - -
sitbseriner ing returned from the city would call the
attention of his friends and the publierotttrally to the
large and well selected assortment of hard scare which he
has just received, consisting hi part of BUILDiMi MA
TERIALS, nails, screws, hinges, locks. bolts, glass, putty,
paints. oils, ke. TOOLS—edge tools; saws and planes o.
every description, with files, rasps, hammers. anvils. &e.
A general assortment of :Wok:MAE ERS AND S.A D.
TOOLS. together with morocco, Ihdug and bind
ing skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lusts, harness mount
ing, saddletrees, &c.
COACII NO—canvass (plain, enamelled, fig
ured and embossed.) 1 . ):Adllt nod enamelled leather,
axles. springs, hubs, spokes, felloes, shalts, ke., kc•
Cabinet 3lal,ers w ill find a large assortment of varn
ishes, mahogany and walnut VelleCrN,llloffidillg, rosettes,
hair cloth. curled hair, Ac.
The stock lit Iron Is large and well selected, compris
ing all the kinds in general hammered and rolled
iron of all, fiat„ bar and band iron, round, },111,11.0
a old Os al iron, horse-shoe iron and nail rods, with II large
lot of cast and spring steel. English and American blis
ter steel,
Ifonsekeepers and those about commencing will tied It
to their ail :wing, to all and examine our cutlery. !mit-
CAHN and plated. ware pans. kettles, cedar ware, baskets.
A e.
In addition to the above we have received a splendid
assortment of WALL PAPER, making the stock MM.
photo, and at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfac
tion. We invite all friends to call, knowing it will be to
their own advantage. Remember the old stand, East
High Street, Carlisle, Ps.
Oct. 12. e55:1 HENRI' SAXTON.
li EuHAI h PA lilt
IV A II E.—The subscriber havtieg returned from
tile eit) hasdust opened for the fall trade a large ' and
'Nell selected stork of foreign and doine,tie Hardware,
cirig e% cry thing user. rl} rolllld in that lure 01 bu
siness. The fittent fon of triendf.and, the public gvect:Lll3
is rem/et:1,11111.y direuted Lu the hand, as
surlug them that good, ot all kinds tr 111 be seid , for each
at a l er) small au) alley on manuiaeturerh he-
Melill,' the old Lust Munk e trect, ( an
Aug Su, it. f:f A A.l
HEL .\ll3Ol, 1Y GEN LINE E-
Yl real
For di casts,, ~1 tate 13111ddei 3ad isidneyn. :Were, 5,1,:tm.5.
bit 1. Iklieh, is Saks sets,sand slat tlikotsek tat the :7. t•N Iln,
Organs, as !tether 111 .‘tale or teetale, Irani k hates er
ealtse the) Ina) hind se iglisated,nad nu that Lea 01 huts
long standing.
It eau base contracted the terrible disease is Welt,
01100 seated In thti 55 stew, ss ill surel) gal duwu Iron) I,lle
genera titan La, atialiter, Unaerailoilk the eontalt tatisia
and Napping the very %Hal hunt,. et link du b u t trust
flit/rhea tan tile q flacks, as he start up tier) (lay
11l a tat) like Litt, Mal has She papers a ash Oaring nits,
hoods, LOU calethatea Las deceit a Lilo )tnisk, and
Laltele taut availlail/Led 11 Itla their Lrldlo. Lam cantata las
to,/ carol all Its Llle Malta:Lion all a reniedy in these rases.
The Field i.xtraa law ha h., hcell pruuuuUctd b)'
vitiation!. pixy side tan the greatest reined) user kliosu t.—
lt Is
a mean We Iterlectly pleasant in its taste, salad se],
'lnnocent in Its Stud )51 80 Stilt It antis.
taint es attar) 4 , .0 Lade 01 the rusk and tat Id
this areatiitt/ 111,,lhe; lallaise other reit/edict., does
not dr., up the disease lu the lautal.
LaeolilLy, laroll,;LIL OD by keil-aleise, a
must territau disease. ss tit. It 11. as l•rtaiL;111. tlit•Ukaittis all
Slit) titillate rum Las tialtlllitqy grates, a n ts hi:skiing the
brilliant atipOS tai partaltN, salad blighting il/ the bald tile
gloriuus anitntiutt ti nut.) a noble )linth, call ba ruled
Sty this itiltillthla IssaUtal,. Gull tar a 1/led/Cale alien
must lainelit ever) bed), nein the simply delicate to the
euiihned and sit:ski/Aping inland, no equal as Las be toutitt
acting lanai AS a ,Ueu ataoi pre s eittll
For Purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising
from exceks of Mercury, exposure and imprudence In
'tithe, chronic constitutional disease, arising limo au
h x ,,impure slate of the Blood, and the only reliable and
ritilfectual known remedy fur the cure of Scrofula, Salt
miltheum, Scald Head, Ulcerations of the Throat and
aiLegs, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Totter,
kiaPimples on the FIICO, and all Scaly Eruptions of the
This article Is now prescribed by some of the most
distinguished physicians in the country,and has proved
more efficient in practice than any preparation td Sarsa
parilla yet offered to the public. several cases of cticon
dory Syphilis, Mercurial and Scrofulous diseases have
entirely recut tired in the incurable wards of our Public
Institutions which had for tunny years resisted et ery
mode of treatment that could be devised. '1 hese cases
furnish striking examples of the salutary ellects of this
medicines in arresting some of the most inveterate
diseases, after the glands were destroyld, and the bones
already /abided.
NOTlCE.—Letters from responsible Physicians and Pro•
fessurs of several Medical Colleges, and certificates o.
cures from patients will be found accompanying both
Pita:Ls, El uld Extract of Ilticllu, $1 per bottle, or 6 fur $.5
Sartaquirilla, " " " "
equal In strength to one gallon of Syruy of Sarsaparilla.
Prepared and sold by 11.'1'. 111.:1.A101.1), Clitanist, 2b,
Chestnut Street, near the birard House, Philadelphia.
To be had or Druggists and Deniers every n here.
All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive
July 25, '55
r(10 0 T H WASH.—Beautiful IV hit
Teeth Healthy Gums and a Sweet Breath—All wh
are desirous of obtaining these benefits should use Mt-
article combines so many meritorious qualities that It
has now become a standard favorite with the citizens o.
New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Dentists pre
scribe it in their practice most successfully, and from
every source the most tiatteang laudations are awarded
Inflamed and bleeding gums are immediately benefit
"ted by its use; its action upon them is mild, soothing
and effective. It cleanses the teeth so thoroughly, that
they are made to rival pearl in whiteness, and diditses
through the mouth such a delightful freshness that the
breath is ret adored exquisitely' sweet. Jtdisinfectsthese
impurities which tend to produce decay, and, as a con
lieqUelleN, when these aro removed the tooth must al
ways remain sound. Rehd the following from Dr. J. A.
La man:
Mr P. Turman—Sir: Haying used and recommended
your Tooth Wash in my practice for some limo, I find It
the moat effectual Dentrilice in use, and therefore recom
mend it to the public.
Dr. J. A. CARMAN, Dentist,
Ilarrisburg, Pa.
Read the following. testimony:
Ma. ZERMAN—Doar Sir: I have fully tested the merits
of your valuable Tooth Wash, and can, without hesita
tion; recommend It as the bei;t, that has come under my
notice during an experience as Dentist of more than six
teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and hardens
irritated Owns timid Imparts a delicious fragrance to the
Breath. From the mouths of those who make use of It,
however, it will certainly speak for itself.
Soinvai, Surgeon Dentist,
279, South.Tonth At., Philadelphia,
It Is used and recommended by all the eminent Pont
hits in Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other
eitlem where It has 'keit Intnalueed. All should give it
a trial.
' •i:W* Prepand only by fYanris Zerman, Druggist and
Chemist, Philadelphia '
and sold wholesale and retail . by
Santual earlisio Dorsheimer, iildrhanirsburg,
J. Itorron ; Norrillo, J. C. Willizyus, Shippousburg, and
by all Druggists at only 25 cents par Ix ttlo:
.1:11e subscriber having In the last few years framed
upwards of a hundred and forty Corn §hellers'for • llon,-
Ithcaols, wishes to inform the Fnriners of Cumberland
county ()Intim Is prepared to frame tliom anew. 'twill
take Corn or 'Wood in p'ay for 'Framing, and will in
sure the' machines to run, Well, , • 31y ,shop is at the
North end of West .street,' '
trug JOSEPH WEAVER. Job Printing promptly executed
fjarku t arc,
imuustlinto at tontion
11 LArfIES.-Dr: fleissner!S celebrated MENaratt.
mu.s have been long and widely known as invariably
certain in removing any stoppage, irregularity, or sup
pression of the menses..
•Iu the Female Hospitals in Vienna, Paris, and
they have entirely superseded the Use of all other reme
dies; because, whore a cure is attainable by medicinal
agencies, they are curtain of success. Their astonishing
efficacy would be abihost incredible, if not wmched for
b y Indubitable testimony, In numerous instances pro.
dining returns of the monthly' period after all hope had
been abandoned.
In every case, from whatever cause the obstruction
may arise, as also to prevent pregnancy where . the
health will not admit or luctease of family, thoy are
always ( Ancient; for which reason they mnst not be used
during pregnancy, though 'tinily mild, healthy, safe
and certain in t h eir effects,
Nlarrled ladies will find particular Instruct:lons in tht,
directions, in a Weil are stated in various sy mptcans by
V 1 ilia] the causes of the suppression luny be determined
Price, One Dollar per Itox, containing explicit direr
Each box will be signed by Dr. B. (1. 0 EISP.NtII
Prinripal Othee, Liberty Street, Nem -YerlCCity'
agents will be :tppointeol fOr their sale as
seen as practivalle. In the mean time all orders are to
he addressed to Dr. It. O.IIEIS,NER, 127 , , erty Street,
New-York City, or to box 24fot N. 1. fast Office, and a
boa will be sent by return mail, as they are put up in
sealed envelopes. and ran -be sent with the sttietest pri
vacy to any part the United States.
As various not only ineffective but injurious (tom
pi unds purporting to be 'TEtirm.r. PILLS" under all Moils
of names as t •lmix," \UR PILLS." "GOLDEN
PILLS," "PEsPthicm. to." &e. are attempted to lie
palmed off upon the credulcutt or unwary, it Is only
necessary for ladies to be on their guard against the at
tempted imposition, and In nil cased where there is no
nut 11 , • 17.vd agent for the sale of t7rt 4 sNrn's NEN
sT111: 11. PILLS." to in ikr direct from hint by until, by re
turn of which a box it ill be sent.
.1 lily 55. '55.
- 111. .J. B. MAB('fllSI'S CELE
CUItE OF ;,1.1.11,10.Nti FEMALES.
It stands pre-enilneu t for its
curative itiitvers in all the 'Ik
e:V..OS for IN hilt It is rect ;a
mended, usually called FE
1311'1,A I VI'S. 01
these are Prtilitpsus Uteri, Cr
Falling of the Illtintli;
Allins, or NI hit,: Clitainie In
flammation anil Ulcer:it it
the II milli. Incidental I lean ti
rhage, or Plodding;
t-ittliptiesstiti..l. Irregular Alen
stritatitin, S r., kith all their
ftecompanying et ils, it - lancet
excepted., no matter burr se
vere or of how Mug standing.
'lbis medyl Le has never
Leen in trothwed dy empty pulls. anti misrepresentations,
nor is it intended that its present popularity shall Le
sustained by any medium but its merits and the amine
tation of the puldie
I feel It a duty incumbent upon 14sell to declare
publicly the great blessing Dr. Niarchisrs Uterine t a
tholicon has proved to me. For two years my health
ens miserable; I %las almost unable to walk. I'lnyci
ctans pronounced my ease killing of the womb, exten
sile ulcerations, commencing with fluor alLus. The
pains. Irritation. Fro:44llth,', te., rendered 'Hn burden.
In this miserable condition, Dr. F. I'. Ne, hand recoil'
mended Dr. Marchisl's Uterine Catindleon. After tak
ing four bottles I find myself in perfect h, dth. Grati
tude for uu restoration makes me ardently desire that
all Illy sea, alike uuforlnuatt., may find sure relief trim
Gas inestimable medicine.
No. 19 West-st., Utica, N. Y.
The above statement I know to be true.
F, I'. NEWLAND, M. IL, Utica, N.
I have no hesitation in saying, Dr. Marchisrs Uterine
Catheliron is invaluable in uterine disomms generally
I have used It in Fluor Allots, Amenert hirx. Prolapsus
Uteri, and in cases of extensive ulceration of the Vagina
nd es uteri. It is is urthy of theNietire or the Faculty.
.101 IN ORRICE, M. D., Baltimore. Md.
Lot all interested call and obtain a pamphlet (free
containing ample proof, from the most respertabl)
sources, of the beneficial results of it, use: togethee
with letters from highly experienced Ph) sicians, whr
have used It int heir practice. and speak from their UNV
itjEr'il. J. KIEFFER. Druggist, South Hanover street,
solo Agent for Carlisle, Pa.
J. B. MAIICIIISI A CO.. Proprietors,
Central Depot, 304 Broadway, N. Y.
January 24,1855-Cm
n particle of Mercury in it, Au Iu alllblo comedy for
Scrofula, King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous
Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules tm the Fare, !Hoteliers,
Rolls, Chronic &me Eyes, Bing Worm or Tenter, Scald
Bend, Enlargement and Pala of the Hones and Joints,
Stuborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal
Complaints and all diSOllBO.4 arising from an Injudicious
use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the
Gly_This great alterative medichie and Purifier of the
Blood, Is now used by thousands a grateful patients in
all parts of the United States, who testify daily to the
remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all melt.
clues, "CA wrEws SPANISH MIXTURE." Neuralgia.
Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Liverhis-
Casey Foyers, Ulcers, Sores, Affections of the _Kidneys
Diseang of the Throat, Female Complaints, Pains 111111
Aching of tho Bones and Joints, are very speedily put
to flight by using this great end Inestimable remedy. '
For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been
found to compare to it. it cleanses the system of all Im
purities, acts gently anti efficiently on the Liveranti Kid
neys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stom
ach, makes the akin clear and healthy, and restonal the
Constitution, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the
excesses of youth, to its pristine vh;or and strength.
For the Ladies it is incomparably, better than all the
cosmetics over used. A few doses of CUITEleti SPANISH
MIXTURE will remove all sallowness of complexion, bring
the roses Mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the
step, and improve the general health in a remarkable de
gree beyond all the medicines ever beard of. '
The large number of certibeates which we have receiv
ed from from persons from all parts of the United , Stales,
is the hest evidence that there is, no Humbug about it.
The press, hotebkeepent, maglattntesi physicians, and
public men, well nown to the community nil odd their
testimony to the wonderful e fleets of this ditEAT BLOOD
QM an the Anrwr, and get a Circular , and himahftc,
and read the wonderful cures this ,truly greatest elan
Medicines line performed , ' ' • . •
Folio genuine unless signed DENNIITT d ItEERS,Pro-
Printers, No. 3, Pearl street, illrinoial, tn. to whim t ill
orders for supplies and agencies must , bo addressed. •
And fur gale by S. Elliott, S. W. tracerstielt: Carlisle ;
Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; .1. 11, Noreen, Norville; • C,
Altic, filtippensburg, and hy dealers in medicines ovary-
TRON 1 IRON.—The subscriber has
twi tatisfactien to nuounce to the public that lids
large and extensive War o lions° is completed, and is
tiled with 0110 of the largest and best assortment of
'11AAIMEll t ,1:1) AND noi.LLe. IRON
over catered lu this place. 'Moro in want would do vol
to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Re
member the old stand, Nast Main street.
Sept.l6,'ss.'s IllENllY SAXTON'.
V E li, COMPLAINT, , llyspetisi:
i 4 Jaundicci, Chronic or Ndrvous -lAm iled
the Kidneys, and 'all diseases arising 'frion a disordrso
Liver or :stomach, such as Constipation, inward plu
fulness of blood to the head, acidity, of the stoma, I
nausea, heartburn, disgust for food, fulness or weight
the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or fluttering a
the pit of the stomach, swimming of the head, hurrio
and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, chokin
or sollocating sensations when in a lying posture, out
ness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fever an,
dull pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration, ) elO,
'less of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, back, chosi
limbs, kc., sudden Hushes of heat, burning In the Best
constant linaginings of evil, and great depression 01 eid,
Its, can be effectually cured by Dm floor LAN C 1.1.1
Blt A TED GERMAN BITTERS, prepared by la`.
\o. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Their power over the above diseases is not excelled.
equalled. by any other preparation in the United :late,
as the cures attest, in many cases after Skilful phya
clans hail failed.
These bitters are worthy the attention of invalids.-
Possessing great virtues in the rectification of dim ast
of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the nine
searching provers in weakness and affections or the d
gestive organs, they are withal safe, certain and pkes
_ - -
J. lb Spring, Lareyville, Pa., April 11, 1554, says. "
can get you some good certificates for your German Bit
tors In this vicinity If you wish them. A lady purchas
ng Some of it this week. says that It is by far the best
medirine she ever knew, having done her and her
daughter much good, &v.
S. 11. Lawson, Benfard's Store, SeMerset co, Pa., aug.
15, I SW, spy s. "1 am much attached to your OurMati
Bitter has ing used two bottles of it, which I procure
from S. Kurtz, your agent at Somerset, and fliund great
relief from it In disease ~f the Liver. find it hes
great effort on my lungs, strengthening and invigoratir
them, which, as I am a public speaker, is a great help to
Dr. Giles. Newton Hamilton, Pa., May. 19:.1, said:..
have used myself half a dozen bottles of your Gei man
Bitter° for Liver Complaint and diseases of a nervot
character. resulting filet\ the abuse of mercury. Iwi
dsomA and afflicted with spasms from the use of th
ter article. The (ferman hitters is the first art!, i
tam which I obtained :my relief. 1 halal also given O.
article to many d3sveptics. with the most s alutary n
sults. 1 think as many more bottles will cure me."
;1. Young s Esq.. of Dauphin, Pa.. wtites May 5. '5
"1 was afflicted with General Debility, Intestinal Weal
nosy Clistieektess, for vt bleb 1 used many differet
remedies without relief. lat last used year Maitland
Uerman Miters. I tote bottle! , Greet ding Io d
rections. and was completely cured. 1 have not I orn
healthy Ihr ten years as I bane been since I tot I, yt i l
hitters. IA blob is abtmt one,year age.''
These Bitters are ENTIR ELY VEil ETA PLE. at ways streugt
ening the system and never prostrating it.
Sold hr tie:dors in medicine turd storekeepers ever'
where, and by Samuel Elll, tt. S. \V. Hal erstiek and 1
W. Cautiman. Carlisle; Eminger & Ca., Aleei tt u t i e sbu ri ,
Snyder & Diehl, Newburg, and by Dealers in lledleict
Nov. 2:2. 11+51-1y
cents, by means of the POCI
..ESCULAPII.7S, or live[
The thirty-sixth Edition, tilt
ate hundred engravings, shot
ing Prilztte his Pases and Ma
of the vieLerati,
System, in every shale! no
V , 11.11: P it hid, is added
Treatise ou the Diseases et' k
males, intended lit the uso
females only, (see page IPti)
lug or the ulghest helm:tan
to married people, Or thrst, CO
N. NU, 31. D., tat adua
of the University of PentlS;ivaula, Member of the ho
al College of Surgeons, London, and honorary Memb,
of the Philadelphia Medical society. The various torn
of Seeret diseases, Seminal t 5 eakness, Diseases of tt
Prostratti Oland, Impotency,solitary habits of
faithfully described, and all the receipts given ip plot
iall7,unge. The chapters on self iiom! and Semini
Weakness is worthy of particular attention, and shout
be road by every one. Young men who has., bee ti ut
fortunate in contracting disease, previous to plaein
yourselves under the rare at any doctor, no Matter who
his pretensions ;nay be, gut a copy of this truly valuab
Sea Captains and persons going to sba should posse
Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the Pocket Jimmie'
us, or Every one Ills own Physician.
Gu Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of tl
iEsculapins to his child. It may save him from an ear
grave. bet no young man or'wounin enter into the E
cret obligations of married life without reading the poc
et .Esculapium. Let no ono suffering from a hark nit
cough, pain the side, restless nights, nervous feelin
and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and givi
up by their physician, ho another moment without co
suiting the .Esculaplus. Dave the married or the
shoat to ho married any impediment, read this tru
useful Buck, as it has Leen the means of saving tho
sands of unfortunate creatures from the very Jaws
death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of thlgeelebrat.
work has been sold in this country and Europe since
3S, when the first edition was issued.
/re' Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents o
closed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book
mail: or live copies will be sent for $l. Address I
1V(1.1.1A M YOUNG, No. 1.52 Spruce street, Philadelplal
Post paid.
Twenty roars practice in the city of Philadelphia r.
tainly entities Dr. Young to the confidence of the vi
detod. and Lill may be consulted on any of the disease s
described in his different publications, at his office. 1.5:.
Spruce street, every day between 9 and 3o'clbek, Sun
days excepted) and persons at any distance can consult
Dr. Young by letter, POST PAW.
( i g li—S PEE bY —S URE !—S o e
eine adapted to general ut,e, greatly superior to (hem
and within the means of every individual.
10 PILLS lOr twenty-five (nuts! No extortion in
prlce—uo Calomel—no mineral poison whatever.
Dn. TIMNSAND'S 11 EA I,TII PILLS fully muril thogroat
reputation they havearquired. They are called for hom
all parts of the laud, bLICAILSO Text AA.% ALL rust MAY
GLUM ro It. •
WHAT THEY WILL DO—They purify the blood, they
dense the Systoin of Humors, they cure Dyspepsia and
Indigestion, they create an Appetite, they cum sick
I loadarlie, Disables); end Low Spirits, they arrest Fevers,
they promote a healthy . action of the Liver, they are a
snro cure for Costivenes and habitual-Constipation,
they are highly enicacieus In Female Complaints, they
strengthen and give tone to the System. They are .4b.
best Family Medicine known.
It is an obvious inquiry, how ono medicine can curekc
,dilferout complaints. Those Pills, however, are so
compounded of curative materials that persons have on.
Ij to Titt"f111:111 and the answer will be found id s re
stored body and an invigorated constitution.
Each Box contains NU Pills, at the astonishingly lea ,
price of 2.5 cents. Every individual should have them.
For sale by the Druggists and storekeepers generally
F.' A. I'.4.tmsa, general Agent, Stoniugton,
C. 1.. Ku!ling, of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland
county; l'a., announces to those afflicted with,
Wons. Cancers, Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Jiarks, Set
ula. Nall and all diseasos that hare boon usually
treated with Caustic or linifo, ho can remoyo thou With ,
out cutting; burning or pain; nolther Chloroform of
Ethor is odministored .to the patlout . ft is no mattes
ou what part of tho body they may ho, hu can remove
them with perfect safoty, and Inc. i'etuarkably. ahort
limo. 'No Minutia of Vegetable poison is applied : , anti DC
;noway required until f 5 cure Is perfectod.
.Prolapsus Merl, Fomalo Complaints, Chronic, Vence
real and all other diseases treated with positive axioms&
Full particulars can be obtained by addressing In either
ithglish Or Gorman, post paid. Patients 'can be accent
inodated with Board on ruasonable terms.
Mechanicsburg is ono the prettiest andlioalthy
fawns in this or any othe, State. It is 8 miles from
11/wrist/nut, on the Curehonand Valley Rail Road, and
accessible from all parts of the Union. The Doctor will
visit ewes in any part of the State when desired: -
_filed reader If you know any afflicted fellow eras
t urn, delay not to toll them of this treatment' . •
N - I?,\V • SPRING GOODS.—:—The, 'Ertl&
s6ibor la now opening a largo Emd wenbral asiort."
wont of I.A.DIESDRE . SS GOODS, coneisting of Black and
Colored Sillks, Chain Range*, MOUP do' lianas; I , ‘rimett
and English Lawns, also n general withay of goods for
boy* we a full assortment. of What and Chlldrena
nostory '
Gloves Ilandkerchiofe,. also Cogilfal and other
STRAW iao,NNrrs, Bonnet itlhbens, Bonnet Lawns,
with thu usual varlets of Sluing Goods at moderate prt%
. GEQUOG W. liallin.