Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 17, 1855, Image 6

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Planting Trees
As the planting season is again ap
proaching and will no doubt catch many
unprepared, who have been lamenting
all the past summer over their scarcity
of fruit or shade or both, we would en
courage them at once to make arrange
ments, by selectin: , out at leivre the va
rieties of trees they want, plowing and
preparing their ground, choosing a prop
er site, preparing stakes &c. There is so
much to be said about these different
matters that we have no space in a work
like the Farm Journal, where a variety of
subjects claim attention, to enter upon it
at much length. Every t n having plan - -
ing to be d mc, should- purchase a matter
of positive necessity and for permanent
use, some one or wore of the o•urks ex-
tint, on Fruit and Ornao.ental Trees.
I kiwning, li:u•ry, or Thomas's fluit Looks,
should be in the hands Of every farmer;
and for information respectitig ornamen
tn trees awl shrubbery, there is'rio trea
tise so cheap and desirable as N echan's
Ll:mid Book, price severity five cents.<
Whether fall or sprimg planting be pre-
ferable, is a matter of opinion; for apple,
pear, cherry and plum trees, and for de
ciduous ornamental trees, we greatly pre-
for the fall, for several reasons. First it
is a more leisure season,, and more thou
can be spared to plant properly ; second
the trees beCome settled and established,
the roots make some development of
growth even in the winter, and are ready
for the earliest advance of spring. They
consequently grow inure than if trans
planted in the spring i third, they do not
suffer so much -from drought and have
more strength to withstand the draw
backs of sudden changes of temperature,
often fatal to young trees ; fourth, a bet
ter assortment can generally be .obtained
at the nurseries than in the spring. In
fall planting it is highly important that
the trees should be well staked, to pre
,them being blown about by high
winds; a few stones placed around the
tree will also assist in keeping it steady.
A map of every newly planted orchard
should be made, with the position and
name of erch tree. Every variety should
also be denhted by a zinc label, as de
scribed in one of our back numbers, and
attatehed to the trr by a copper wire.—
respect to exposures and location, it
should be rembered that on
tions, and w th northern slopes here is
danger of injury frgin late spring frosts.
Trees should not be planted in sod,' but
mellow ground, previously giowed and
subsoilec, and as an orchard cannot be
thoroughly plowed after trees are planted,
it •is important that this should pc well
done previously. INgthing but the Don
elc Michigan Plow would answer our pur
pose if we had an orchard to plant, and
no depth less than at least ten inches.—
Th yellow sub-soil, rich to inorganic ma
terials. which hag never been disturbed,
should be brought up to the light of day
and the fertilizing influences of the at
mosphere. t'hu routs of the trees can
teen extend themselves. in search of mois
ture,.or food and the thrift and vigor of
the orchard will be greatly promosed.
lu.) OBERT 8... S3l EL EY, cmitNET
II MAKER and 111,NDERTA li Flit A,ty;-f 1 0. , -,-;:,
rwi Hanovor'streetV noxt dour to 74'''.7 1 :tnn4
6 lass'fi Iloto. _ - - .
ite,wouht respectfully inform the
citizens , of (trhlsie. and the public generally,' that ho
has uuw on hand a large and elegant assortmontof
Nl3.llalil,c insisting in part of Wardrolies.Card and I tit
er Valdes ' Silas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy
Sewing Stands, mzuniiictured of the best material
and quality warranted.
Ake a general assortment of MAIM at the lowest
prices. NMNITIAN Maxus made to order, and repairlUg
promptly attended to.
Ili, UOPTIINS made at the shortest notice; and hay
ing a splendid hoarse ho will attend funerals in town or
country. . .
Q Remember the etand—next door to H. (7lass • tz
~tv• !, , ' • R. 11. FM I LEV.
,L-JANIEES It. WEAVER would tusneefoully
the attention or Ilouse-kcepers and the public
tii his extensive stock of eiciont NU RN IT LIRE,
Ineludidg Sorts, Wardrobes:Cent re and 'rubles,
Sff D1'01;6114; and Bureaus, and every other
arttelo'lA: his branch of business- " Also new on hand,
lar4et'aNtat•tinunt of CHAIRS In Carlisle, at
the ilorid indees. ABITINS made at the short
est' notice and it Marge 'provided for funerols.. Ile
solicits n call at his establishment, on:gurth lion
over street. near tilahme'a; Rotel. •
xrir nittiru hired out by the mouth or :year.
vti; .411 of Han
1.1 and Leutber sts
• C PS ps,v ItLitilli.—Thetindersign
ed has always on hand n largo 'spick Of stipeiler Cabinet
Ware; in all the differentstyli•s, which ho io prepared to
sell at the lowest•prins. Tie invites attention parlicti
hirly t•I the I'.ttlNT t3 , , , E1N(1 . BOTTOM BEDSTEAD, a most:
useful article. which entirely obviates all eltiectlons.
The bottle) ran he attached to old Bedsteads. They have
given entire satisfaction tp all who have them in use.
made to order at the sio•rtest notice.
!JACOB . , FiwEr.
Folk g.
On a winter's evening, nearly one hun
dred yca - s ago, the tea board was laid
out, and the window curtains closely
drawn, in the humble parlor of a small
house in the town of Greenock, in the
west of ..:•eittland. A tidy, active matron
was bustling about; slicing-the bread and
butter; a blazing lire gleamed and roar,d
in the grate, and curled around the blink
sides of the kettle which reposed in the
midst of it; and the tire crackled and the
water b.tiled with a faintly popling sound,
and a stream-of white vapor came whiz out of the spout. of the V 0,4 'CI with a
merry hiss.—Now the matron aforesaid
saw nothim , extraordinary in all this;
kettles had boiled and fires had burned,
front the beginning, and probably would'
do so to the end of the chapter.
As the matron sooped to pour -the
boiling liquid into the tea pot, her son
James, a boy o twe!ve summers, sat on
a low bench in front of the lire, his el
hows restin: , on his knees, whilst his
hands, placed toiler his chin, supported
his head. The boy was intently gazing
at the tire, the kettle, and the steam;
swallowing tle , m with his eves, absorbed
iit deep thottz.hts, anti lost in contempla--
tion. The hoy looked at the tire, and the
[mallet- lookod at, the boy. 'Was there
ever sic' an idle nerd'-weel in this wad',
as (Air Jamie was the question which
almost unconsciously she proposed to her
A Mrs. B stepped in at this
moment, when, turning to her visitor•,
Jamie's mother said, 'Mrs. B,
did you ever see the likes o' our Jan e?
Look at him ! he'll sit there fur hot 6,
staring cct the.kettle and the sti•am, : 11
you wad think his end would come o't 0'
his heed !'
And the truth to tell, there was so' e.
thing peculiar in the glance of the boy s
eve; there was mind—active, speaking
mind—looking through it. Ile seemed
as one who gazed on a wondrous vision,
and whose every sense was bound up in
the display of gorgeous pageantry
floating before him. He sat watching
the escaping steam until the thin vapor
ous column had appeared to cast itself
upward in fantastic, changing shapr;
sometimes the subtle fluid, gathering in
force and quantity, would gently raise
one side of the lid of the kettle, emit a
white puff and then let the metal fall with
a low clanking sound. There was power
and strength in that watery cloud; as the
dreaming boy saw this, an unbidden
thought came into his mind, and he knew
the fierce struggle was symbolical of
tellect warring with the elements of Provi
And still he gazed, and saw in his day
dreams ships sailing without wind or sails,
wagons propelled o'er deserts wild by some
power unseen to
.mOrtal eye.-4amie,
Jamie,' exclaimed his mother, 'sit by
your tea. Tf I find ye staring at the fire
ye'll feel the %richt o' my hued.'
The boy rose meekly, and did as he
was toll. His name was James Watt,
afterwards Sit James. He was honored
by the title of Knighthood, being the
first who applied the power of steam to
any us.!ful purpose. The above anecdote.
is literally true.—Watt was born in 173 G.
This incident occurred when' he was in
his twelfth year. He was the son of a
poor tradesman in Greenock, and proba
bly never had read a book—the spelling
hook and the Bible excepted.—Monte
j WARE—OId housekeepers and young, with thos
dso who aro expecting to become housekeepers. aro halt.
od to call at II AMIN:lir:3 FAMILY GROCERY and 11X
:111/3111 , his elegant assort meld of CI na, Glass and Queen s
ware and other articles in the housekeeping lino, such
as French and English tea sets, heavy banded and Plain,
White lir:mite, gilded and blue plain Dinner sets nf.ev
toy variety`'end price . ; bowls and pitchers, tureons, dish-
Ac. Glass-ware-centre table and mantel lamps,
Candelabras end other lamps, great varity, - table and bar
tuntblers..Weideta, &r. Fruit and preserve dishes, In va
riety. Codar-ware—tubs; Inickets, churns. bowls.butter
prints and ladles, meal buckets, kr. Brushes—sweeping,
white wash; serubbing„ hand and shoo brushes, dusters,
brooms, &a. Market, clothes and travelling. baskets. -
Also a choice assortment-of Tobacco and Segars. Call
ye who are fond of choice brands of Segars and try the
Prineipes, Rogan:is, t 4 telianonis and other Cuba varieties,
and you will-find them of unimpeachable quality. Also
half Spanish and Common Sogaro, with choice snuff and
chewing tobacco.
48 . 3ii:1-'3U ..14).Lt-wigWo
Lsu.—rho andel signed would Informal the
.11.6 of I,ltllllllo that he luui uaide
lilt "Et s. pt. 1 , 1'111.M. and l'idi' l llllM l at thou L tat
tue, aeon on ILA:4011111W tet•mu, lie has eugairdd the se.
oi it hint :ate hand how Philadelphia. and has sup
plied hotinell %s ILL all ektelishe IA
\NIB enable hull to 1111 all oldest , prouiptl.)
111 a ik be umlaut( d Ills murk of lids lisditits
till quid in Leo lan exactly a pposiLt his
s dal dinietit oil :sot th 11 MU% er 'ILI" t, us hem he illNltt
I .11
lINN (;, \ (.. At. Ile by a lto to
111111 , 11 I • u u tl.e toardor. every ar ti t g r of LI Nt 1 / 4 1\ I,V II Ist 1)1 I", titleern. li. n 111 .1 ,Clo ud
L II %14, 1(0)1 IN", DLL' , " " (.1
toil I'l.l \
, . .
'fhahidui fi.r the flatr.anttol with which he liasalrefol .
beef) litvoleti, reil , e , .tfully sei hit, eolitintofitee of
the same. „,
Carlisle, June 14, '54.
111.:11.EN respectfully informs the citizens 01 ear-
Hsi,. awl vkinity. that he has ju:l return
ilfrom,Calili.rnia, and is prepared t,.eNe
s. Nit /llll6lldS of win k connected witlehis
s „
(W. • N 11110 1,11,1111 . .5. lII' S till 112111.1
I large assortment ..f leady-made
ii Itle
tuns, Pistols. Locks, tin Trimmings, e:c., all of
which lie soil is it cede tie retail. lie also att otitis
to reptiring buns, clocks lochs, Act tiograses on liras,.
0111111'1' and iron. lie hopes that by strict attention to
busine , s, and a desire to please. he will merit and I eceive
puhlic patronage.
I,^o. All kinds c.f Fire Arms made to order.
..Q, 11)1)1.1. I.N I) IT A RNESS 111i
-4,...9 is(i. 'l•h, 511151'111 , 14' elllitilitlOS to IItIITY , at the
1111,50 1 / 1 1Sillei.S. 111 all its A iII'IMIS 111 . 11111'llehl. ill Nl/Iqll.l hull
o er street. l'arlislo.t ti o .lo..ra N ti rth of Lonna:ars .. ,, rlll l f
where Ile 111t1 . 1148 keeping' 141 11;11111 a Vet - Wid aii. l lri wont
in Iris line, rnutituisting nut all hinds of fashionahlo ts.Ali
-1/1,1.:5t Itritlios, lilartingali.s. itirtils,
y . Ciroin,:losattil Ilallors. also TlZl'lslts,
n \\) travel Inv anti sailille . "7 . 1 . .1 - ' , l - ‘I7"N
.-• I .. I ' d
..' l . ')\\\\ l' bar.. Ile nig , . litan
k•. ' ' • li::11.t tires the In. •st. M 1
I ' I ' ' :I'.-
... 1 .. 1 • :1 : 1 :::' ,' .• 's
••• 1 : : 1 'i t : : S .: I k' i l i :•. .' : ; tho s e .
I .' :. : I 4 .1
'). ‘',' i r i i l .
.: used
I .
.: : :•1 :':
: .
Nt ill 41, {leil 1./ rail :11111 slle Hillis. Ile
111 :11 , . It11111111:1 , 1111 1 s Ilill'lle,, 13,1,11,....
Coin:), mill Nt hip , in all thoit. Valle
ii,.. nod or tifitiontl3 hollovos t'i' in the ~eljen,,l ii;1111 . 1.1 , 11-
ti"li ..f his. i lisit.ntors. that 1., finale, the notitt si Anil
ls•st ,ivat.... in all their sat iris tit Itroittli. that is made in
the o , tints'. lle aln , inal.os all kinds it \ int 111 , 41, ill
, I'ller. IL!: :l'i I . :11%. 1111 , 1‘. Clirieli flair and :spring ltit
r.isso.. .111 the al,, i o grt 11 1,. I, ill 14r wade of the best
material Will is 111 . 1,1114 . 11511111 and ii ith the utmost dos
oat ill. \I 11.111 , 151 ill N.
~ ;.-...
••• , :rm -- gq, - 5,71',5p../.. - .., p,.;:—. 4. , .-_, I , 1
~...„,,........... L. ‘, , s'\
...: t...„,„ 11 ......
.....„ , , ,
i; , ,: - .., , , , r , * ,lll ~.
'is. , " i;. - :1•
sr - 4, 11.. I!
, st. -,1; y
~ 1 --
i , ;1 •• 1,
. - is 1.- - .1 •,. -•'"
. . ....
".%•••••---' , .., , ,- -1 "-•t — ;,..-,:.;_- - ''''''#&-:;—..,...._ .!,,!' t 'I:
'*'4.?_ . Gr ---- ` - .- --Z- - .- ''' l —'-7- -,1 q , C1 H., 1 ,.__
—'" *...W.404 L* — -- 7 - . 7'. : .:1'—'' .. --7,
r) A 'l' 1 1 ; N SELF-NLAP. I )E:CING
1_ YANK EE - FEET) I'UTTER:;, inatitt.h,“^ . :(l fur
SARGENT, \,,.410 Marks t str.,et. rhilada
maim: is superior to :my now in use, fir rotrOlgt
lamhility. and Nfllipll.•ity Of construction : I 1 cuts fast
er, and is-the only set fsharpening I lay, Straw and Corn
stalk Cutter ever made. It has but UV If STRAW UT
whnif any person call grind and set with emm,
hut in ordinary ease. is ground in the machimt. Thou
.ands have already liven sold, find the demand is daily.
increasing. In most rases an examination is sufficient
to convince one of its superiority. No one after a short
trial would part with it for any other. All sizes of the
ahoy(' constantly on hand and for sale by
J. I. !NNE,
°eq . ' Sole Agent for Cumberland county.
,ters that lie keeps conFtan
tly on hand a supply of too ••Shentansagner," tut MIRO
-1111,11! Wash for t h e hair, numufaxtured by himself. The
excellence of thin Tonic in toti...otl to by all of hl , cus
tomers w Ito hey,' used It to'be no, of tile bent articles
known ti ,r dello:log the hair of dandruff. also man
ufitrtures tt Hair Restorative, known as the -Corashee
num," fir git hug new growth to the hair on 1131 d 111.11(1S.
Ample testimony exists of the efficacy of this excellent
Restorative. While the Shemansagner clears the hair
of dandrulT and prevents it front canting out, the CO.
rasheenum supplies a new growth to those who have
had the misfortune to lose their hair. The public Is In•
tiled to call. examine a n d purchase these in, alma&
articles. as he is confident they trill render satisfaction.
111111 DRESSING. and currixo. and
till A MPOONING attended to In the best style as usual.
at his old rooms on WeSI, 3laln :;treet.ttear :Marion Hall.
Carlisle, lieu'. 27;1854. WM. BURGESS
-,citi:\Nt/M: CoMPANY oor Cumberland c.onnt.y, incorpoo-
I laud toy an net Astomothly. iv now Italy orzanlzi.ol, and
ito operation untloor the mannge,iniont of Otto following
conunissinners, viz
Daniel Bailey, 'William R. norgaa, Michael Cocklin.
Meichoir Brousionan, Christian Stayinam, John C. Dun
lip, Jacob IL Coover, Lewis flyer, Healy Logan, limkja-
Min IL 3liisser, Jacob Mumma, *Joseph 11'ickersham,
Alexander Cathcart.
The runny of insurance an, tni low and rayoratplo as any
Oompany of the kind in the 6tate, Persons wishing to
hecome members are halted to make applleatiem•to the
agents of the company,. who are willing to wait upon
them at any time
BENJ, iI. 313SSEIt, Presidont.
'HEM' LOGAN, Vico rrogltleut.
LEWIS lIYER, Sucrutary .
M ICI LAIL COCKLIN, • Treamuror.
CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—Budylpli Martin, N. Cum
bminua; C. E. Homan, Kingstown; floury Zi•aring,
Shiremanstown ' • Charles ISO], CarBAN ; lir. J. Alit,
CBurchtown ;. Sarnuol li sham, Rost. Ponntihorouttli ;
limos Mr Dowt•LEralikf.rd; Hndu 0 rirfith,
11144.11; Samuel Coni•er. Benjamin fraverstiek, :slechati.
lesburg ; John Sherrlelc, Bliaburn; David Cuovor, Shop
YORK COUNTY.—John Bowman, Diilsburg; Potcr
IVolfbrd, Franklin; Jahn Smith, Esq.,' Washington; 11%
8. Picking, Hover; .1. W. Oran, Paradise.
Lochman,' •
Members of the company basing about to ex
pire can have thorn renewed by making application to
ny of the egentif..
paid for OLD METAL, Aueh ee Copper, Brake and
troll, at the Carnal° Found* , and ~4~rhluo shop.,
. t ;
. .
Wadding, Tie Yurn, Carpet Chain, Cotton 'Payne, '
bleb )1130n - ere to , Nifil at the Lowest Cog,' Prices nt, No.
CA Market Street above Second, North side, Philadelphia
li E. IS NV 11.'1'
subscriber respectful.
ly inforjes the ladies l,nd
fentletaen of Carlisle and
•Icinity that he has now On
land at his Ilair Dressing
Ind Shaving Room on West
trod. an elegant assortmet
lentlemen's WD/S,and can
urnish to order at shortest
,otice every hind of flair
lirk of the best quality.
Ile also begs leave to in
•run his friends and custo.
I)i1U Jdpl)ia...
u Tc HE s I‘l, lat L V -
V A ‘v AM , and n'ANCY Uttlilntait:-A A tine asset
erit of the finest, quality, lam sale ut he lowest rash
plates, at it tal. L: LAD'a", No. 114 tOUt4 1 , .01,01111
.7,110011.010 Cell 1 lee and Litton, west slue, tqatiantankhan
'l ile assgra anent endgames a huge atidt held t steal.
tine tt atones, dew dry t:tilver \i'att e, Alltata it am e, platef
t% Mil lute ~ i t or, 10 ;1100104. k 01 . kh, Latult,,tte.--tiet
I - alit:Milli:olQ. articles tg a superior tonally. deserting
the i.XiilolloAlk.ll 01 111000 w lie unsure 10110. i. ale 1.10• list
h u
lo1., 111: : 1 O
praetlrul h l], t
ledgel,U ul
the business...atm till tf‘tlll4ll.lo 010111
t tin• impelling awl
the sul serlher rout Wet.' ;t es purrlusun,
ily.% illy hat lie cal. I...tippQ, them ch teuus an lat•
etlier estaLliealuoit 111 either t•t Use .I.l.lauLlt
Litids of Diamonds mut Pearl Jvmelryand tilccl
1\ al, 111,11:%1:1V1111,1 tmoctl.'t~• 1110 lilt It t'ta.s..t.tttlt' 1.111. v.
jt,l‘ t•ir)' i lid , AI% er wart, luttlitull) tt
Plait cIl NI 1•. 1. Ui t r.t 11 LA 1),
.4 0.2)I Sttith t!d a low ducal, al ove
-• - tf t.... 111 the solidi window of the Store. may be seen
the talitoil, Bird t et 11/111alilis
01 I lie m•lent lilt allot 1 . 1111 4 .115. (.4pt. • bl-1)r.
‘I'A ' S 1(.1S1•11 1 , , It IC CI CIiNS
---A lull mirply .4 the abet e . - etltatett I linen, 11,,,V
t,l ail t nttlilterent .Izet , lft ut 4 ttalte4s to On.
It reeta, ed the i., ut line uliuul lit the .ate renti,2, Is anti
:slate lair, the last pitattittut at the 4r:111401n 11,LitUlt.
l‘ll , l 1)1.1a,a0: latal elate tall n. al,tl pal oats
others it thdcreul 1..1. It 1, ill ll.ake tale and Lotter
uttor new a 0%011 nuu , uut 1.1 t vertu, al,tl it; it-NS tithe
I lull 113 rhuru to 1110 111111 Let. suer- N liviet•aleillld
relate 1u I'.te 11.11.1. MORRIS
Agri, tilt oral Walt+. use Mill teed cure. cal 1ter,01,7141'
and 3larket, rhilatituittia. lieu. b. ISo4—lt
.11 f; L. KN !Gil T, (Sucees:,or to
Hartley AND tAltl'E'l
v..,..1.11,1L:5h.. No. 14 , uth Stl vet,
Sl.l live cl tee t. I 1111ailv11 111.1, tt here lie keeps run
hand, a lull a55...2111,0t ..1 e. el') article in Ins
ill husiiu-ss. I , ent het:, I eather bsds. Patt•lit r', , Elll},
?.al I 1 1.1 w.sels. hie,
1.1;,' I ei.ethio. List. nag .tiol I leuip l as pet
lb,. 1 :111t..1i
1.1. , ..rai1d 1,1•11 . .zue1, lleart LI hugs 11,01 NI:11 ,•
all , l Plano (..lul.. 1 , , lie 111,11.1, [Liu alAvlitl4
pui chasers. 4,1;5.1
_L1)1,1...1.1i 11, l'reihium .11 - ti:ite iu halt
til,ent,,rui \ iiat 11sF
1.1.,11t . bind
LAW.. Li, 11.1.:iNUI, tint 11 lit llt'.
r %1 hen.—M.. 1. •1 L,• r 'wild of Ow. bend; No.
2. 11,1.,1 to win• 4141, ..t.. 3.
v.' 1. , . 1•:11 tp, list L. p • ,Nt , 4. 41,11. sill Lt. cos
lliv I. Jul/. tl.i.
1. 1 . 7. ill ft rait•tid t..
I all. Nil . 11, /% 101e1it . .,14”..1ui toitill
I, pit
It. 0 , 4.1-1,1 , tins all% .)Trod) J r sale a slietallu
st,h. , l 1.11 ‘1
r I tints. I ,Illtllllll . liatittiltlvlllictl 41,11
t heap :1 , 1111) f•Altil , ll , llliit lit lit lilt t Isli.ll.
r Lustrous Hair ToUit.
prep:tilt' ten 11l rr , utll Athellelth Heel t• nod IN( lAN, the
un st es,l 111 al Veit' et el' Tor I uses 11,14 Lila
ut or arid
i•si.i %nig It hi ;I heititli, stair. Awoug
11) loethlrtrn rutting 111111k
t:1h, Ite It . , IS the ht. t that ills IS
applied t. ca er) 44 hair 1 ut lit lit, tstaLllsliiiielit,
it is helot dial] Wi
lk!' ally kin 11, 11 ppi Witt 11 , 11. it I,ing thus pr.
tt sled 1.11,1 gitiiiarittli 01 Its
ehlea , N.
N,lit ssholesal!, and retail at his Old Ental,llshment 17;
t'llebthut MTret eipe.slte the State lietiSe. 1 hiladdiplita.
JZ. Ddliarti hits at least diecin ere(' the ie plus ul.iu 111
II.11I: 1,1 i., 111A41 /1111100110, tt bd . stilt. alts pet leck oat
intense tin Itn S111.11S,111:., et t.l S' thing of tits kind Lea in
use. It edidiN the hair either black tic nrom is. las
Ise desired) 111111 IS used tt tthept injury to the hull
shin either i., stain or ethers% Ice, rah i,u s‘aslisti till in
ten Mill lite, alter 1111111I1 . 11tb/14. ttith,.ut detracting from
Its ulticar). Persons visiting the city are nit lied to give
11111111 call.
Lettere uddressed to R. DOLLARD, 177 Chestnut et,
Philadelphia, unl EUCCIN e uttentn,n. Jan,
I : liAllIEE! LE Al 11 E
I , ItITZ, 11ENDh 1 & 1 .4
4 .
No. 29, North 'lined Street, Phil a delphia,
1101t0l.t.ti !IANUt. At 1.1 , 111.1i5, L'orilers and Import
ers (it Ft:ENt II CALF SKINS. and beaters in lied and
oak Sole Leather and Kip. keb2h—ly
CORN till ELLERK—A large assurtment ut hu
p. kI%uaHUY Straw and Odder Cutters, ium uu hand.—
Also. thuible and shu;le corn spellers tor either hand or
horse you er, Of the very latest tuanulueture, including
the pi cull= Olt ller at the late l'euus) It malt state kali.
kw* tale by PA:AHALL 31111{1,16 d:
Agricultural Warehouse and :Iced ;:ture, cernur ul ith
lid Market, Philadelphia. Lee. 1,, It,:ci—tl
01111.11. Surgeons' 13andzwe
I ssTriTT E EL' )1 ED to No. 4, alb
steet, sixth store aluive 31arket. 11. C.
EVERETT'S Patent Graduating Pressure TIC C: 4 : 4 , for the
cure, of litirtui Zilioulder Braces, I•upporters. Elastic
Stoelt Inas. muipetthary, Ilemorrholdatl, and bandages 10
deformities. Jun. 11-Iy.
To ail persons afflicted oith : , exual diseases, su
ULLET, SY Plll 1.16,
The HOWARD ASSGCI ATION of Philadelphia, to
vim% of the awful destruction of human lite and healt.
donned by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions uhich at.
practised ilium the anfiirtanmtc victims disease:
by Quacks, have directed their consulting t.urgeon. as
CIIARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give
MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all persons thus at
tiirted.(Male or Female,) who apply by letter, (post-paid,)
with a description of their rut int ion, (age, occupation,
habits of life, &c..) and itt extreme poverty and suffering
'the Hutt ard .Is,,,,ciation is a benevolent Institution,
established by special end./Wment, li,r the relief of the
sick and distressed, afflicted tt lib " Virulent And Epi
demic diseases." and its funds can be mod tin• no othe,r
purpose. It has now a rut plus of means, which the
litreaors have voted to advertise the abet t• not tee. It
in Ill'elUeSr, to add that the Asstudation commends the
highest ledical skill of the age. •
Address, (post•paid.) Dr. ti CALHOUN, Consult
ing iiiirgeon, Howard Association phtiadmio l t 3 , L a .
By order of the Directors,
liZitA I). HEARTIVELL, President.
nprllli. . GE O. PA hi:CHILD, Secret:ire.
E N 11 TRUSSES.—flernia or
Rupture successfully treated. and comfort insured,
,y use of the elegant French Trusses, imported by the
subscriber, and made to order expressly for his sales.
All suffering with Rupture will be gratified to learn
that the occasion now offers to procure a Truss combin
ing extreme lightness, u Rh ease, durability and correct
construction. In lieu of th 6 cumbrous and uncomforta
ble article usually sold. An extensive assortmen always
on him!, adapted to every variety of Rupture in adults
and children. and for sale at a range of price to milt all.
Cost of Single Trusses, $2, $3, $4 and $5; Double, $4,
$5, $O, $8 and $lO. .
Persons at a distance coil have a frusta sent to any ad
dress lay remitting the amount. standing measure around
he hips: and stating Side affected.
For Sale Whoicsalo and Retail by the importer.
S. W. nor. of Twelfth k. Rare Sta., Philadelphia.
Depot flat Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body Brace;
Chest Expanders and Erector Braces; Patent Shoulder
Braces; Suspensory Bandages; Spinal Peopi; land Sup
ports. Ladies' Boon* with competent lady attendants,
april 11.
A - A *L.
Adopted aThi for siiiring,,infP. grasi seedir and', . 1 ;r e.
guano. ii,rmiser's Portable Cider Mill—the hest fry,
In the Cuarket. lialliday's patent Wlndualll.—,
I torso Power's and Thresher's, Mine and (inane
Spreader's,, panicps ' Day, Straw 'and :Vedder ACuter.
Little (Rant Corn and Cob Mill. spown Atmnsphuric
Churn. 'unborn Superior Implements with all oiliCrs,
for The 114 of the limner or, , gardner for solo 'Wholesale
and WWI by
Agricultural 'Warehouse find Seed Store, corner 7th
and Market streots, Philadelphia. July 25,'5'5.
-1,3117, near Carlisle, Pa. The 16th Se}•sirn a ill ef,,n.-
mence on TUESDAY, :tluy Ist, 1556. of f:tu
dents Ihnited,and constant efforts used fur their metal
turd intellectual improvement. :refills. st,fi per sCi4iC.ll.
Circulars with references and fill informutionflurliblii
oil, by It. li. 1f1;1..M.,
Principal and l•nprieter.
April 18-1855
vennit eel to the new owl spachLus Ilnll, No. tin in.d
lip. BALT Lailtimore.
E. t titanit.t N. Principal and Lecturt r upon I\lerein
' the ;Alone.
E. K. Loinit, In charge of \\ riling Deportment.
W. 1‘1.31r,- Instructor in Met eantile Caltulations and
Associate .1, keeping beportutent.
J. M. V011.1.1/.8. Teacher in In ot. Keeping.
T. 1.t0e.. Li el,lll er m, l 1 , 11.11,11. M Law.
Three )tints hat* nut yet elapsed since the
meat of thi. iesUhttiuo. dt11 . 11.14 uhitlt Owe upt,ntds Cf,
tight hundred student, hale Leen in utlt hen:Lev.
resenting 711 , arly eNety hnite lit the t nii,n., at. t.i.g
whom are numhern kit taltittiot e dnd elsem het t act up) -
log' prominent po-itivtib ut. 1 inii.ths uimt anti o eit
lauth NE PA I Nia.—'a i.l I h.( :I al tie n.‘ c(n
titn aa a la ;.:staii, flat. i.t.a Ltaa ra.t. u. i
hnu teen ) itlN i t, 4 0.a1..1) It 11 10..6 nen K 1 tl . . t
ing - hunin and ether intiaortitiat statit•tas. load an t.", tt
sil 1“.111:l1111:111(, sill. tLc n.nt aEt nit 1 . 1 ill
1,04.1. s of curry alenaltptia.ll. alassisttia at, Lu is tno
Stllitl, acrottiatat, ) tone I.t tiainn.g 1n tillt IU,
11.1111,1 a is amiatto,to prnelia na and meal :alai lid to
the pill stilts irl t t 11.11. t it:ding
lintly.dnal. lattuolshil, :Utile:althe a
t lanalt•sion. I,M•hanse, I atatihat :tat all.l
it ir.t:i.tniaatind Latiapan) opera( 64.
MANat4lll.l.—Tli, axes vises ut.der this Lead etc
cast' ~rl.l 011 i. /10 , 111111 g lal,s(411) I I trXel 11th , I1
Mitt ht'lntlt) ol raataida W [ion, tlaus a :al all tic sttaat . i.t.
tia eici_ant 1 LISII.VS, 1.21111.1 lir t li' I. 01 the
.0111,ECALf I . I.A'ciONS in till t z.III.US
I ir,l Lrl• llllll.llt It 14. 1 A 1tt1.111..4k . 111.11
IN 11,4111 d.
lily let tor, are doi IA yr.! ul on the Slicl,c 1f
1 .11 41111,. MVIC:1114110 t UAt tic tit it
c.lth It I•ttllt'S I.i ,conic, 1 11 I t 11111.1,1111 Lao. the
tii up) pit u.u.vnt
Irt ,Ito I, 114 tht• l U,11,t1.• .'1 11.11 111.14).
4111,4: Leell-,111%) OF studeut to
, the if li'f. it to hcre
I %Ili tilt, 11:1.1. I Zl4 1111 tilt•;
..11.1 1.. tll 11a3 .11,1 dill(. EN:111.11, OA. cc ate
L, Id tit AZ14.11 1 , 01 11:11s alga tat-t 1 to 11111t0
4.1 4clins, Lie., N. lite a 4.4.1 hale II 5 . 11,11-
I.ll' firnitloti I.) wall. 14)/ t. :1,
1-Jllll3 btLYCC •
I 4 111 , ..: 4 11 .1. , 1t l 1116, :‘,II.LAL 1.,vi.6, &c.
Sc.-1 hate pat . !. a cf.c. ‘ f.f.t hew/ itai.auttatl..:, :04
, Nett tun. Si)c f.,..Ls 1111., 1.11.11.,t...A.: Lt. my
-' ' • , torulor ni... 0,0...0f...0h+ 1.1 . 141&.) ,t t'l) al title
I r . ' l Ul . M .-11411.0 Lots 1/1 Len, Li a.,f. Li.. I 1,11./.1
.... T v Vali. tt, , alt, 1., a aahl.e., / Lilt,. Lift, It-Mi
t ii , um.), ;.,,,q, z Lila, k ~1 11A. 1. Ul lel ).1 1,11-
...........- 1..1.. . de..1,.. t... 1......:...:, 1.1 L.0..,4eL i. 14./.) ‘4.,:t 11p
.,.. till elialtee 1111411., t , 4 itlit,l 1./11,11e, 1,1.4.1. i
1111 ttelt.llllll.c..l I' enii :IL 1145 \..1.1 lAA, t., 4 Itillle.
All Pla)tlciatiat, 1,..111.11.) 3.1111i:11.LS. I'vt.lilile itlid 1.,1.1.1•
el', are I'vele, illiii . l itt,l,o,ltu 1,1 lu I , :lee . Mt 1..1.1)
I:\\L. at taw., If t , .. at,,, utt al that eNt.Q 11111511' still
it tot.' all at La, Uti ti1ti41.1...) : 111,1 111,014 Intiettlait it 1.1 . 114. h.
Nay 30. cl .. ..llttala 'NIA tvt. 1:11 .1,10
1.),1AL Li 6 : lilt ULi 6 : I,lttu 6 : k I et, h
.ii. &I'LI : Matt Joel Et...1N.,. 1‘ litril .ell t h
11 liikr,
v p
Mullflllen, /1111..1e, '.l a te, uu, AC., 5. Illtil, logs i
i g li
Le I, ut cliztscit w nit ,t tut cant at the Lett n ' '.il
full:4, 1 A.1.1.0. , 111.Ut.1tL. I ee.. l / 1 14.111“ L., 1:W.11k ~•
ela)St:l/31.... et. 111.1.13 . 1 .0,1144.1.1, Illos /A tilt 1 t., i.e 11•-
It. r , . 1‘,... kfi..(, Intl e.
1.1,Lk.11.- 4 .11,10, %all. hats, Fine i. lit m14.,15, 11,tiu
-lurot.r.. lull, 1.nee1,1.111, k.lte, Darla- matt EAi:Wit, :...1.1ti0.,
r ot 111.51 -1.0 %.1..A.... 4 eht.1.1 . 1!, 1 et lut..ery. Ac.
Utat Later kAs - 1,111:ilglet1 bca.tatife.
11 1.: like :7-11.0 aptct, :,,aftith lb, Sumac, Alum, Leg
auto tam \I eeOc. (Al % 114 1111, It ppoi at, Las LQ e.
lAA L , , 1 5... %t allot 111 A Lmtilf r s 1 tare 1...,,,u, Chu', roc
GI roo 111111 114/.11, I Illitt. /Uhl 1 /.1 1.1,11 Lifeline, tit:l,l4
)1 111111. ,, kilitee, .I.llieltlil Vil, 1 U1'1..1101,41. I. 01 , 11. 141,U ri ltt Li
\ at 'Atli, mat /feta, Lulu. Alt 5,1 is Lida It 1.1 Le eOll.l la ILO
ley lists net luau Let price.
Amu, a 111,1,11 alll.l NAL-wild USSUltment of F A N 1' Y
Ul-10/./L . ., 11'111145, Lout, taulatr), LUAU 11.1/I.lll.elaie lalar
artif let, culutalatial tut* use ul.d olualaut, Ma ul 111.1/111
1111, ullerfal at talc lull net each pricer, it.. Lim 1.141,1/1 brug,
1.360 k and I ewe) :turf ul the ~ul scraei tai .No lit .1.11114-
over street.. S. u . HA.% /Alb . / a .11..
k L b (UN YE-a1 (
g j uht returued Irvin
iresh so pp,3 oh /At Lt.: hold L,th.‘ 1.1.C1 Is A Au.
The torthei hi, Cullilealtrll I% 110 his stock en 14111,..1 trill
make his assorthielit ot and . l..l.leu,lthhill
eolllllji. te. 111,:115Surt.111elit u 1 CU.51.1..,C11();\ Al,I is h,isu
brie; consisting et pure sugar tt hitk and [rah/spilt:tit
Candy 'ley.; 1_ id),M C1,1111111.,11, and tune Laihdied
Cl es ety variety; also I , ruits, Nuts, ahtt ei ery thitig
belonging to that depai of trade. lie N 1 taild nail
mileenti attention to his supply et AItIICLLS
tot' tile holidays, mid gee tail use, atnualg which may he
femai . the the tastettil, and the thsehil. All are
inn act! to rail whether they tt ish to or hot.
B. J. hi h.t•
Carlisle. Leer
AM E 6 ULLN Ulai,
CP Professor of Anatomy and surgery in the Philadel-
CulMgt in Medicine, imp Acting, Itotessor Ut Mitt.
nery ; one ot the Consulting Physimans in the Phil
- adelpilia Hospital, ; tutu nannber in the Au
tomat Medical Asseenition; 110.1111,er 111 the
plait Medical
.11101111 Vl' 01 the Melliel.A.h/11140-
cal College of I laiiiitelphia; torenHy Irtsident mid
Protessor of A n tutu) and 1- uncyey 11. L attletbn
eat college. lof main ; Dito l'ribirssor in An
;new). and Ph.iisiology lu Berl...Lice .0 wind Institu
tion.' Ac.
lilts lino) introduced in a popular fin in, several of hit
v4ite prescriptions tor the pi menial diseusea 01 tilt
climate. The name of each article,. u ill napby the Olt
oic wilkh it is intended to Lu used.
Mit.LlNTucis's RUT, $l.
Dit.MeCciNnicn'aCoLD AND LOLOIi MIXTURE—For Col ." :1;>
Coughs, AC., Price :25 cts. .
Dl. Price 50 ets.
Wynn: the Blood. Price $l. ,
310.'cia1ecx's Dyspeptic Ellxir—,Tor giving toile
to the stomach, relieving luaus utter vatilig, heartburn,:
SIDI nil iliNtgremble syMptolus arising from indigestion.
price $l.
MeCcisToeWii ItnEumcric 111 bictuar:--A _Purely re
„cetable Remedy Mr internal ire, Mice .50 eta,
tism, Spraltia, Swellings, le. Mice Gu cis, •
' Dit.SICCLISTuCtre ANODth: XTLItI. or l'ainS, Tooth
ache, Headache, Neuralgia, be, Price tin eta: 1.2
MCCLINTOCK's E.EV.LII AND Atitt.til•EClflC--A certain
cure for all Internattents. Price $l.
DlAtilt IKEA COILLIAL AND CllOlll4 0171.
VENTIVE---A Safe Remedy.
Pit, NteouNTock's vEIiETABLE PVROATIVE' Pitta--Fat
CuStIVOIIeSS, Headache, ke,' Prbie:2s etc.
1/11. MCCLINTOCK'S ANTI-111LIOUS,1.11.14.—For irregularity'
in the Yunctions of the Liver and llowela—the best I.lvit
er Pill 11)11110. Prlvo i 1 eta. a box.
For tale by Dr..). NieCLINTOCR, nt lila Medical Depot *
N. W. Corner NINTH apt! I'lLlll.lef Sti eels, Plaltidil ,
phia, and all Druggists. I,..nggists and Deakin' in Med
eines who wish to be 'AgetilailWill pleats, tidcitesa
furnishing refereitet, Mune (1 Pt tit (flied'
county anti State.
tiyi . ..yer tale by W. A. Heise, Santuvi 'l4.lllott,Carlitlel
J. It. Criswell,- Shippensburgso.,l2”, haulf;
nun, 3lecluttactiburg; Joseph Nem villi 4;
Zimmerman, A miviivorildi rg; Haines
town; A. C. Klink, New' Ifilcombeld Herod
Newport; It. F. thirdner, Vt r 1; Spi legs; A.. 1. 31111 yr
J. B. Nixon, Chain lierstiurg; It. Mentzer, Witt Ist , Nlol
(leorgo Bergner and D. It..iouet k Co., iial ris , +ur
can, be consulted, ;ivithout &legit
d:dly,ftl n 10 to hg n'aoa, his 1.)1•1113.'
December 0, 1.04-Iy.