Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 10, 1855, Image 3

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    / tittit ,f 1311,50.
How I love that old family Bible !
HOW I love to turn over leaf after teat',
and read its sacred truths, so simply mid
plainly told. Even now when age has
furrowed my brow, and time silVered niy
`locks, I love to read of, the creation, the
call of Abraliazir, of Jacob and Esau ; the
beautiful story of the good Joseph and
his unkind brethren. in fact, from Gen
esis to Revelation, it is filled with truths
simple enough for ,the child, ain'ileep
enough for the greatest scholar.
Bow frevently have the tears coursed
down my time-worn cheeks when read
ing the • story of the Cross ;' , and when
my children have gathered around me at
eventide, how forcibly did they remind
me of Him whuonee took little children
in his arms, atidiiiaid, "Sutfer little chil
dren to come unto me, and forbid them
not; for of such is.the kingdom of bea-
The Bible s not like other books, the
more I read it, the better I love it. 1
become tired of reading every hook I ever
saw, except the Bible. There seems al
ways to be flowing from it a pure stream
of truth. It is like a rough piece of
metal; the more it is used, the brighter
its pages become. Could the thousands
of Bibles, which lie covered with dust
upon your shelves speak, what would be
their account? Much perhaps like the
following : 'For many a long mouth have
I lain-hero perfeetly unnoticed, till the
dust is so thick upon my back., that you
can easily write your name in it. No
one has even looked within my covering;
but here, in a corner, have I lain foe days
and months."
Dear children, read your Bible, lay its
truths upon your hearty- and practice
them in your lives. Don't /et it tell you
that you haveut opened it /'or a month
aye, for a day ; but read it at least every
morning. and evening. Meditate upOra. it
during the hours of the day, and take my
word for it, the present generation of men
and women will be holier and purer than
the one that preceded it.
Don't forget children, each and ail,
to 7:cads/our Bibles.
STOP THAT BOY.—Stop that boy !
A cigar in his mouth, a swagger in his
walk, impudence in his face, a care-for
nothing-ness in his manner. Judging
from his demeanor he is older than his
father, wisey than. his teacber, more 0 -5-
°red than the Mayor of. the ttiWn,
and higher than the President. Stop
- him! he is going too fast. He don't see
himself as others see him. 'lle don't
kdow his speed. Stop him ere tobacco
shatters hi 3 nerves; ere pride ruin his
character; ere the loafer master tie man;
ere good ambition or manly strength
give way to low pursuits and brutish,
aims. Stop all such boys! They ark
legion, - the shame of their thAnilies, the
disgrace of their towns, and the sad and
solemn reproaches of theuisselves.
AND mAcutNE ;sirov,
: Elie subscriber has the satbdketion of In
gps c, wining his old friends and patron.: that
nliPestablishnient Is again in actin u one
rAti! u , 110 W haudinga haring been erected since the late
dma.strous tire and the whole establishment put In cum•
plow working order. Orders are therefore respectfully
solicited for work In his lino, whleli will be done with
promptness and in the best manner.
and repaired. All lauds of Maeldnery In Paper MI
UTlst Mills and Factories repairod at kilturt notlee. Mill
Spindles dressed and turned.
such as Bevil Gear Four !torso Power, Horizontal Clear
Four (terse and Two Horse Powers, Ploughs, Corn Shel
ters and Crushers, S:e. Patterns wade to order. Iron and
Brass CASTINGS executed to order, if not on hand. at
tko filvlrtePt 'loniee, such as Cranks and Mill Gearing,
.Spur and Bevil Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, Bluer
Castings, Cutters, Point She:irs, Wagon and Colleh BOY
tlk, Spindles. Car \Violets. Car Chairs, ke. Ito has also
.cot hand Al largo supply of Philadolphla and Troy COOK•
rso STOVCS. midis constamtly—ntaking-Cookitig-Stores
of various improved pal terns for coal or waad, tole plate
tovog, Grates, Ste. Repairing dons to all Linda of Ma.
.ehinery. All P.111(1qof aid 'rota, Brass and Copper taken
do exchange fin. work,
ENT CORN SHELLER, decidedly the boat and cheap.
AS DOW du use. Farmers tine requested to call and ex
amine it at the Carlisle Foundry and Maelane Shop, or
at Saxton's Hardware Store. Yo , r sale at reasonable
lirices by
AI 1.
WALL . PAPETI—Jutit received a
splendid' stock of 'Paper Hanging's, 'Window
Shadca and Pirehoard Prints, enihrnelnir ail the newest
ituttitirk approved styles. 'Thelleolgns are neat and
•eintrite, and the prlces such no •eannot fall ie glee sails
flietion. • We invite our friends and the public gerferral
iy to call aild exerrdne our assurtunint before purchasing
elsowliero. If. SAXTON, •
marele2l east 111a1n Street, Carlisle
if lcDicinea,
.1. 6: SI C
AN MAKE I/ AP U P S I I N IA I I I- "I S 'I S. ?
'•lieason's whole pleasure, all the joys of se 11 SO,
Lie in three words—llealth, Peace, and Competence
But Irlien we have pains, affliction or anguish of dis
eases, is not our pleasure ' our joy, and our happfness
thereby destroyed '( Why lot our sick fellow-being :tut
for r Dues not Christ say: With the same measure ye
mete, it stud! he measured to v iu again?"—'tat. 7,
'`Who is is a W 181) man and. endowed with knowledge a
mong you, let him show out of a good conversation his
works with meekness and wisdom."--James 3, 13.
SURGERY AA D .111“)1CINE.—Doctor. I'. C.
DElt, Surgeon and Physician, who is Bota no Ist R ead
Physiologist, and Is Graduate of our hest Alediral Cone
,gms, and has made himself acnuainted with all the vari
ous systems of Metlieal Science. and w ith the recent
discoveries and , inaprov ements in the various depart-
Monts of the Healing Arts. faithfully attends to orders
for Surgical and Medical Aid. anti whose medicines are
:ill made or emnposed strictly in accordance with the
.flcieneos of Pathology Botany, ilydropathy and Phys
a i
ology;"nd whose medicines are all composollof
smile roots, Matas,:lnd hvdropathy, good in all diseases, •
and to whom the aftlictedare invited to apply ti woly.,
his Character by Respectable Neighbors, &c.
Copy of a letter from the flew. C. It. Lelnbach to Mr.
11. /J. Etter, of the it Springs. Ito:yr:vied t•lr
low me to introduce to your friendly notice, Dr. CARP-
I/Ea of New York. I base known Dr. Par Avteett
years, he has dinte business for me with sobriety, hot,
eaty mid with neetirucy; therefore 1 Au believe him to
tie perfimtly sober, honest and trustworthy. Any fa cl a ns
you may see proper to confer on him, will be highly ap
preciated by his friends, 111111 by none more
highly than your sincere frioncl and humble Nor%ant.
Lanclisburg. Pa., July 15111, 1851
Copy of a letter front George Spahr, Egg., County
'Treasurer.-1 do certify that the medical advice of Dr.
I'. C. Cardder has surpassed any other which I have
hitherto had i 11 the cure of bel ere fever in wy
woald therefore recommend him to such persons.nho
may be attlictod with aforesaid disease or otherwise.
Bloomfield, August 2.oth, 1851.
Mt. CARL/Lira ibeing well acquainted with the re
cent French discoveries, with then' lieN, sad sate modes
of treatment, and the speedy and certain remedies and
cures lm' Dyspepsia, Liter l umplatil to, DyNelltOry,,l:llol
I . n. Morton. ' Jlia all CelllplailitS of the Bolt Ott nod :st,./111-
nal ; o opener numedies itir tile prevention and cure ol
' .Isiour Coolers. itemediv, tor ail the deteets and di,
eases of tile Generative organs and reproduet iv e tleunie
Illy /11 men and women; Remedies tor insanity; certam
and timely cures tor ati Consuoqitions. I nipoieme.
• h y . in silt then' 1“1 . 111,;
,1/1./pie,•l ins and Alive delleani
Lleee l'ealudna, 0111.1inne 11,111 Inc lined mime xeliince
not Isle-led Ili dreintllll . l kt , Ot 11 5 5
all 11l ClenlleSS and 4,1 Marlin, of .11,ea,.
New 1 estamen a. ' IL 1, 1 , /r Ilea1111:4
.stituttrilait.-1.111:e. It', :t., to li, and w ith
Pi/on ille.ll.s. "1 . 1 . 01 e all Llllsn/5, Judd lest Lnd. I,lllel/ Is
sod Thessalonians, •r,tl. - 1111•1,10. , l'it Ire In, 1,-
.1515 1.1 . , 1.4 till lie sltellld nay out tor bea/ln.
LI/Ori . l• Leretn and
.‘ es 11/ele.ll•et IJ, mai there
Is that s%l( wore lnau IS Meet, 1 / 1 1L It teadettl. '
Pro% erbs, 11, 1.1.
The dlaerililL nnldirilleS and their directiom. will be
Seel, to :Led lit any 1111•0‘,11,11 lit mall or eNjort.,,s.
:Vddress Dr. 1%. 1:,11i111tadt, tarlis,o.l timberland coun
ty, Pa., paid, and the his ;;;1 a 1 way s accontpan2,'lng
Lite letter, 111111 tlitrorder,te,tellter With tt
the, leeltitgs :111,1 the 5) hi, , (.4,1", of the Ihe
alllicteol Li...lnset). It is leis system of )1 eineal s.cience
ILr itoaus aint Llle Illtale. Ire, Curil•
der eutplojs that, allow to niedlci,ler. elit/rely 'Waste or
e 'ail nhod and iij dropatli,
good ill AI deieases. inn poison.. and which coil make
speedy and curtain reined... , aim cures for - al/ Wanner
of :110.11eml• and all Ulan/lel "I dis use , and n Licit sal ,
pass all other medical itteaus p•iitit, ut goodie,,, Ise
joint a 1 hounds oft:min.:ll . mM. 01 . 1.11;1: South slut er
Street, East lisle near and bole, tLr ereshyterlan (laurel,
to. lastimolihns liattu hainterous perselis of
the iliztiost respertahility 111, this and the adjoining
. e.ii11111,,, lane 311/1101111 , e51,101e . k . 11l the getalueiu, of
Dr. Cactlifer s eliJraetor, amyl tam he sera/ at hie mime.
N. 11. 'loo anlicted eat/ eueel , e superior I)l,3We:tints and
the direct/MIS /kW their Ilse 113 the 1,114 I'oollll of mail air
ox pres.. f interviews br (1..... ired. nr rifilTs requested,
Dr. It ill endeavour to itecommodate appilealits a, tar
to he Call. Li,.lit,, .01ispeaks the Lug/hill a n d the (st
man I..tmlla n es, etc. Jell. 17, 115.5
11.Pl)ILT_VN1 " 1. ' 0
combination of ingredients 11l these Fills is the re
sult of a long and extensive practiee; they are mild in
their operation, and curtain of restoring nature to its
proper channel. In every instance have these l'ills pro
ved successful. They in variably upon those obstructions
in \Ville/1 Females are liable, and bring nature into its
proper channek tobureby health is restored and the pale
and deathly changed to a healthy one. Nu
female st al l enj. , y good hoot lii unless she is regular; and
whenever au obstruction takes place, whether from ex
posure, Oda Of ally Other causudihe general health im
mediately Inigins to decline, alit the want of such It Fen,-
ed) has been the cause or sit Itiatty i t husumpthit,, , unplug
paing haaales. 'lts ladies whose health will not rermit
ofl/1/ (hose pills will prove a ttl
noble acqui•ition, as they will prevent . Frog - mum).—
Ileashiche. pain In the Atli,. palpitation of the heart, loa
thing of nippd, mill di [lmbed sleep du most al wivvii 11l ise
Beta she iit ten upthin of hat tire; and witentA or that Is
the Case. the pills will Int:tidally remedy all thert eN its,
Nt/I• are the less silica,'[ ti, 111 the cure of Leucorrleca, p
common]) callel the - II Th.Pme pills should net
cr Lr [alien dal pre,zo.alls 3, As they would he Sure 111
cause a Lek, arrivg,.. NI arra lite.) )illiady :old
free from any thing initirmi. to .Pr health. Fuliand
explicit direell..ll , areelepan,., each but,
The, 151115 :UT put up in Nittate Nat hoXes. Perseus
reslalt he It here there is tho ageita . estalltished, by curly
Sins' Olte Dollar in a letter. pre-pall, to 1)r. C. I. I. II,
11 MP. 267, Bleecker street, New York, can have them
sent to I heir reSIONAI 1 t; by
ST( 1V ES ! TO VES ! ! STOVES!!!-
.10/IN D. GURU AS would Dille-tie the puhule that
he the, now on hand at his et,tablletnnent, on
110 at doom to Marlon Ilan, the largest and inotd. cum-
plots assorteu•nt of 0111 K, OFFICE ,t_PA It-
LOR wrovEs to found in this county,
which will be solo/ at the lowest prices for.
4.4,ei , ;if cash or approved credit. Ills stock (soloists of
a large assortment of now and highly ap
' . proved PATENT COOKING STOVES, finished
in the most complete manner, and calculated for either
waist or coal, or both. All the old standard patterns
which have stood the test of oxperlenco, may bu fbund
at his establishment. Also, a great variety of the most
approved and beautiful PARLOR OFFICE STOVES, In
cluding a number of new styles, possessing very supe
rior advantages over those heretolOro in Use. Fiunilles
and housekeepers are respectfully invited to glye him a
rail before purchasing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to
any part of the country and put up at the shortest no
tice. lie continues to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET
IRON WARE, and Copper Work. and has constantly on
hand or will make to order every article required by
housykeepers or others in this line. Ills stork of Tin
and Copper Ware embraces II VIVY kind of household and
kitchen, utensil, warranted elitist to the best maulAw
tured. Persons in want of :u•ticics in his lino may al
ways be. sure of beiug accommodated to their eat - Ist:set lon
by giving him a call. fuovi.-1114
111? kli I , " FOR WINTER!
'he subseriber:tt his old stand on' North Hanover sh,
Carlisle/ T -0m sign..of the "Mammoth Red Coffee Pot," de
sires to call the attention of tho public to his huge as
ortmettt of STOVES, Of the newest and most fashiona
ble styles, from the best manufactories in the
country, and at all prices from $3 to $l3.
; Atrium; hi . B PAILLOit & CIIAMDEIt STOVES
are the Mirror Stove, the Arctic,Revere, Star,
POTAIIn, Union and :Etna Air ight, together
L"-with other patterns which he has of all sizes
for parlors or chambers.nnd calculated ter burning either
wood or coal. Also, the Atna, tilebe, Astor, Albany,
Pitt-top and Rtinibox or Poor Man's, with other COOK
ING. STOVES, comprising the latest hopmventeuts in
kitchen stoves, and intended for either wood or coal.—
Alsb, thin Dining Iteliwi Cooking Stove—a new arid ele
gant article ,to which he invites the particular atteit
thin of families. Ins cooling stoves range in price from
$lO to 25, wjth the fixtures complete. Also, Nine Plate
Stoves of various patterns and illilercut prices.
Also,'ENA)110,1;111) AND TINNED 11 AIN for Cook
tug Stores, Mass Kettles. ,tc.: Also, every article in the
lino of Tin and Copper Ware. The public are respect
fully call as •hu is confident with his large
stoch,,variety and cheapness, of being able to give en
tire stab:radical( to every purchaser. Canaria' Fee.
, 0 et. 25,, 1851. 3 :ORRIS.
Va3itiou tis)vlluit'Lv.4
JOHN P. LYNE—Wholesale and Be
tail dealer in Aineriean,, o English 'and acrinan
Paints, 3lechanics builders
and thu public generally, who re in want of ilardware
any kin. tlrU invited to call in and
examinw iy unusually lai'g stork nu
: at very lois
pries. ...Ist stop in; it will only detain )on aver)
hew /Ili 11 IlteS. to be convinced that what, ONTrybogy says
—that Lyn's is decidedly the place to get good goods at
law prices—must he true. I.l'N US Hardware Mare,
West Side North Ilanmer street.
1 t Eti Ait it
N. v A L
1.5t1 A R WAREI 14 I -
If EN 11
oul,scritAtr having returned from ho .ity ivould call the
attention of his friends and the I umic to the
large and as ell mile.:terlar.hortiociit of are a lath he
has just receh ed, consisting in part of BUILDING NI A
nalls,serews, hinges. locks,, putty.
paints, oils„Ae. edge tools: Sates and planes ~,
every description. with Ides, ;lisps, hammers, an.Mls. Ar.
.1 general assortment .11 11)1%)1A I.1(4 1 , -
I)LiiiiSliiiit r, together with morocco, lining and hit:d
ing skins, s l oe 11111,a(1. wax, ja•gs, lasts, llarlleSS 111”1111t-
Salldietll.l . S. AM.
C 1).% CIE Tit \IM I : , .( l-1 . :111V10,1 enamelled. fig
ured a u nt eniliossed,) patent and enamelled leather,
axles. spa hugs. tints spokes. felloes. blunt to. a t•.
(2abiten, linkers trill find a large assert rout of earn-
Isla , s. inaleeza ny sad alma VVIIVerS. Humid) ;lg. reset tor,
hair cloth, curled hair, ,1/4e.
Th.. of Inns is large and Si ell selected, compris
ing all the I,IIIIIN 111 general use. as hammered and rolled
iron „r till sizes. flat. Let . find Land iKaf. round. squat,.
and nvtl ir o n. In.rse-shoe iron and nail nals. tti t If 11 I/I rg
lot o f east and spring 6tevl, English and Allllllll'll 11 !di.-
ter steel. de.
.11,,,,s,heilierV and . KSI!:11,0Ut. Cananenrinff, AVM fled it
Li/ their ad, Waage Call and eNalaine our cutlery, brit
tania and plated i a 1. , pans, kettles, cedar evaru, Laskets.
In addition to the above we have rereived n splendid
assorttnent of 11 PAPER, timid og. the stuck com
plete. and at such prlccs as cannot fail to give sati s ih e .
don. We Invite all friends to call, knowing it will be to
their Own advantasie. Remember the old stand, East
11kit 1-treet. Carlisle, Pa.
Oct. 12. e'•;slt. HENRY SAXTON.
r, ES 11 ARItI 1 . AL OF 11 A R 11-
„ „ „
11 - A it elm subset-nem has ing returned from
the rite has just opened for the Fall trade a large and
trek and domestic dm are.
embracing everjthing usually rgoilot in that line of bll
siiwss• The act,nti..irldelids and the public generally
is respect direeted to t ;I,asll.lllellt 1.11 hall, as
suring thou, th a t good,of 1.11 ki sold her cash
at a ter) small advaiiee pri c es. li e
member t 01.1 steel. I..ast Main stn et Cat I l'a.
Aug 110, 1'.4. 11. sAVION.
ki El,.‘llA I:LN
1111;111.V CU:\
C0,11'01 . '4) F 1,111)
For disease of Ile: li,adder :tell I, isloss, s. :secret I, , hosises.
:din sere., %, rakes ..ssss, And all tiEss ases sot Else :ext.'
organs. whether Its %tam or Female, Irons St hatever
eau, tie) may ha% e Ssrl s .:lll:ll.4,l,3liti nn 111,1CIPI . LA IP.,
long ssstaioling. •
1! ~‘I Isar oaltr:icte.) the tern)! le disease e bis li,
onee seated iii [lie s , s stem, e iss sure 1, ;:ss tbs. il Iron, n un
F• ellel HU, II CO another, ithaerviiid.g the cula.llt till -Is
:tad sapping the very site! 111,10.- '1 14. e. Is, sit 111,t
)sair,es! In lhil ))Nolan 11411114,5, Si Ills ,LII t. 111/ 1,121'y nil:,
111 a l ICS Ili, tillS. /Ind II Lill' 1 , 1)41', s, ll II ;_laried !also.
hoods. too „ell ealeula ,s 1 is, deneise tile )oung, and
those liot argLia.llll‘al ,‘ (li Ilielr t-rirk, Veil ea Is net Is,
III" I . ,11..: . 111 111 tilt' 5k.1..t'11 , 111 VI ll rowed}' its I bl., i'll , k,
Th., h II:11/. EX‘l'lltq lilts 111 l hits bt•ll11 ))1,/it..11t1“ . 11 b)
1.111/1...1il pllyflill:IIIF Clip greatest I . OIIIVIIy over all,' n.--
It IN /I Hie //l•IIII• leteteetl,l 11/eahilia 11l Its Last t•. :Intl I PI . ,
11111., PIA li, CI, lli•l/i.11,/1/1412riq ,o/ ti1t...U.2A1 II all 11l
!Mates ever.,,' partis , le et Ilse rabl: and 1, liNOrlias , , la,- ~1
Ina!, are:1,11111 LIII-011be I sills), unlike oilier remeklbss, does
not dry op the sliseast , In !tie Lbs.!.
t7onslitutissiell ISsidlit,,, brought n i t by 5,.11:,,b,,,,, i i
Milts! terrib,o diseat:u. apish I/Ill: brought, shoots: ls of
Lisp Imam. rare Lo lIIIt ILIAC.) gIIIYPS, Ulla. , blastiErg the
brilliant loves id parehts. and 1,14; feting, in t to , bust the
glorious ambition to man) it noble south, van be ,tiErst
by this Infitllible tteined). .11,d as a inetlieine apish
nlust Genets!. Cs pr) laid) :Fonts the ,i,liply delis ats• to the
confined and despairing in V:dikl. llii Plillal Is to 11l PAU,'
actitig botta its IC ~urn ziial lael'elht.oe.
For Purlf)ing the Mood, removing all diseases arising
front excess of Mercury, exposure and imprudence in
life, chronic constitutional disease, arising from an
impure state of the Bleed, and the only reliable and
effectual known remedy for the runt of Scrofula, Salt
Rheum, Scahl Head, Ulcerations of the Throat and
Legs, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Totter.
Pimples on the Face, and all :lily Eruptions of the
This article Is now prescribed by .some of the m os t
distinguished phi %Hans iu the country,and has pros ed
more efficient in practice than any preparation of uiarsa
parilla yet'offered to the public. :ever al eases of cce , n.
dare Syphilis, Mercurial and Scrofulous diseases hose
ehtireft r101)11..led in the incurable earls of nut
Instit Minns which had ter many years i v,i,ted every
mode it treatment that could fies iNed. Then. 1,1,1•,
furnish striking examples of the salutary ile to of this
medicines In at resting some of the most Inv eterote
diseases, after the glands were destroy id, and the bones
ahead) affected.
NOTICE...--Lettersfr , m responsible Physicians and Pm.
lessors of slit end pedival Colleges, arid certificates o.
imres bo found accompanying both
PsicM. Fluid Extract of Itueint. $1 per istttle, or 1 for Vt.
" Sarsaparilla, "
equal in strength to 10110 gallon of Sy ruy of I:Ars:Tornio.
Purport , ' and sold by IL T. 11E011 , 11.D. Chemist, :101l
Chestnut Street, noar the Girard llons,, l'hila,h,lphin.
To be had of Druggists and Dealers everywhere.
All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent, receive
immediate attention.
July 245,
rir 0 0 T H WASH.—Beautiful 'Whit
Teeth Ilealth:if - Imes and a Sweet llreath—All wh
are desirous of obtaining these benefits should use ZER
article combines so many meritorious qualities that it
has now become n standard favorite with the citizens o.
New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore. Dentists pro
scribe It in their practice most successfully, and from
every source the must nattering laudations are awarded
Inflamed and bleeding gums are Immediately benefit
ted by its use; Its action upon them is 'mild, soothing
and effective. It cleanses the teeth so till , n/Ughly, that
they are made to rival pearl In whiteness, and diffuses
through the mouth such a delightful freshness that the
breath is rendered exquisitely see set. It disinfects those
impurities which tend to produce decay, and. as a eon
sequence, when these pro removed the teeth must al
ways remain sound. 'toad the following from Dr. J. A.
Mr F. 7.erman—Sir: Having used and'recommended
your Tooth Wesh in my practice for FOlllll t I ati, 1 find it
till) most effectual iluntrificu in use, and therefore recoup.
mend it to the public.
Dr. J. A. CARMAN. Dontil,
• Harrisburg, Pa.
Read the following testimony:
3lit. ZERMAN—Deans. 4 lr : I have fully tested the merits
Of your valuable Tooth Wash and can, without hesita
tion. recommend It as the hos t that has come under my
notice during an experience as Dentist of more than six
teen years. It cleanses the Teeth: soothes and hardens
irritated Gums, and Imparts a delicious fragrauee to the
Breath. Front the mouths of those who Make use of it,
however, it will rertalfilV speak for itself.
GEO. P. SCUIVELV. Surgeon Dentist,
270, South Tenth st., Philadelphia.
It is used and recommended by all the eminent Dent
ists in 'Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other
cities where it has been introduced. Ali should !Oyu it
Art). Prepared only by 'Francis Zermatt, Druggist and
Chemist. Philadelphia., and sold Ishoboodo and retail by
Flamttel Elliott. J.' Dorsheimor, Mechanicsburg,
J. Herron, Nevis'lle, J. C. Williams, Shippensburg, and
by nil Druggists at only 25 cents per bottlo.
"he linlistriber baring in the last few years framed
upwards Ma Modred and forty Corn Shollona for Hen
ry Rhonda, wishes in inform tho Farmers rlCumberland
taunt , / that ho Is prepared to frame them anew. 1 will
take-O!orn or Wn et In pay for Framing, and will In
:sure the marlilties to run well. My shop is at tho
North end of West street.
Aug 29.-2 m. *JOSEPH IyEAvra.
•7 • •
Gelssner's celebrated IdpsTavi.
I • 11.1,7i have been long and widely known as hivariably
certain in removing any stoppage, irregularity, or sup.
pression of the menses.
the Female Hospitals in Vienna, Paris.tind Berlin
they have entirely superseded the use of all other reme
dies; because, whore a cum is Ittairmide by ? medivinal
agencies, they are certain of success. Their astonishing
efficacy would be almost inerNilitio, if not Vou c hed 6
by induLitable testimony. in numerfms instances; pr, :
ducing returns of the monthly period after all hope turv - , \
beenm alidoned.
every case, from whatever rause the asfruction
111113* ItriSO, ns ILISO to !prevent pregnancy where the
health will not 'admit of inoreaso of family. they are
always efficient; for which rease.ll they must not he us e d
during pregnancy, though alway mild , healthy, safe
and certain In their effects.
'Married Indies will find particular hiStrurtions in the
directions, in' which are stated in Vtirif.llS symptoms by
w bleb the 1 . /IMPS of the suppression may he determined.
Price, One Dollar per Box, containing explicit three.
IL:.(:. Each box will he signed by Dr. IL. 1. GENrNER.
Principal Oilier: 1•27,i..; Liberty Str .1. New-York City
Responsible agents will be :ippon ted for their sale as
FOOT) it, prlletklll.lo. 111 the me: II time, all orders me to
be addressed to Dr. It. G. (I LISSNI:ll, 127,4 Lihorty.Street.
New-y, rh City, Or to box 24 501 N. Y. l'T,st ()fib 1., and a
box mill be sent by return mall. as the'y are put up in
sealed en nelipes :Ind ran be sent m ith the ettleleet Jul. umy to any part if the United Rates.
As various' not only inethallie Lot Injurlons rs in
pounds purporting to •I'i u.ti.t. PILL." under alt kinds
or names ns `•lra Fn.yui PILLS."
”I'ElllOl , ll'.U. are attempted to 11.
palmed oft upon the crodul; us or unwary. it is onlu
necessary fie• ladies 1.1 loe 1111 their guard against the at
tempted imposition. and in all cases a here I here Is no
:utthori•zed :wont Mr the sale of ••Dn. (Ws:sm.:Ws MEN-
Sllll'.ll. I.O." tO order direct from him by mail, by
t rn of which a Lox will he sent.
July 25,'55.
j'Ulkli . J. B. 31ARCUISTS CELE
s'epted., mat lor low
~r I,fl hole Maudlin:
This mei him, has net er
been introduced l,y empty pulls. and inisropresontalions.
nor is it intended that Its 111,SeItt popularity shall I e
:III) 111141111111 Ma its merits and the appro. ,
hatlon pc the public
I feel it a duty Incumbent upPai myself to deviant
tothlicly the great iplesslirg Dr. Merrill , ls Uterine l a•
thollcon has proved to me. For two years my health
ea, miser:111o; I was almost truths to ttnik. Ph A
t-1311S 311,1101111Ved my tune falling 01 the womb, exten
.itd ulcerations. commenting with fluor idhus. The
pains. Irritation. i.rostration, ate. rendered life a harden.
o this miserable condition, Dr. F. I'. Neu land reeom
mended Dr. Marchlsi's rterine ratholteon. After tah
ing four bottle,. I IBM myselt In perfect health. Grad
t mle for my restoration matte , me ardently &sire that
all my alilm unfortunate. may find sure relief truth
this inestimable nip-divine.
No, 11l West-st., Utica, N. Y.
The atPove statement I know to be true.
F. P. NEIVI.A NI). M. I)., Utica. N.Y.
I have no hesltat kill In saying, 1/r. Marchisi's Uterine
Callioniaiii Is invaltudde In uterine diseases genertilly
I have used it in Fluor Allan:, Anienorillitn. Prolapsus
Uteri. and eam.s of extensity tileerntlon of tho I
nd os uteri. It Is worthy of the notice of the Fa c ulty.
C. ()MUCK. M. D., Baltimore. Md. all interested (•till and obtain a pamphlet (free)
containing ample pr(s,f, from the must respectaid
sources • of the beneficial results of its use: toiMthe'-'
with letters from hiirbly experienced w
[lase plod it in their practice. and spill from fierr own
)1 /sl' rvations.
4'4)'11..1. KIRFFEn, Drugi is t, Fonlll llnnorer atrcet,
sole Agent for Carlisle. l'a.
J. 11. MARCITISI & Cn., Peoprietem.
Central 11,1,91, :1 , 14 Brenda ay, N. Y.
January 24, 1,,,5;,.41in
a particle of Mercury In it. An Infallible remedy for
Scrofula, King's Evil. Itheunuctism,llbstinateCutancona
Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face. Itlotches,
Chronic Sore Eyes, Icing Worm or 'Fetter, Scald
licad, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints,
Stuhorn Ulcer', Syphilitic Disorders. Lumbago, Spinal
Complaints and all diseases arising from act injudicious
use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the
trlTltis great alterative medicine and Purifier of the
Bkani, is now used by ChoUs4llldB of grateful patients in
all parts of the United States, who testify daily to the
remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all medi
cines, "CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE." Neuralgia,
Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Li verlds
ease, Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sores. Affections of the Kidneys
Diseases of thu Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and
A cling of the BOWS and Joints, are very speodily put
to Right by using this great and Inestimable remedy.
For all diseases of the Mood, nothing has yet la-en
found to compare to it. It cleanses the system of all im
purities, arts gently and efficiently on the bh mind Rid
nays, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stom
ach, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the
Constitution, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the
115C..S.Ces Or youth. in its pristine vigor and strength.
l'or the Ladles it is incomparably better than all the
cosmetics ever used. A few doses of CAltTlaCti
MIXVIALIK will remove ell sallownem of complexion, bring
the roses mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the
stop, and improve the general health In a remarkable de
gree beyond all the medicines ever heard of.
The large number of certlticates which we have rewir
ed from from persons from all parts of the United States,
is the hest evidence that there is no humbug about R.
The press, hotel-keepers, magistrates, physicians, and
piddle men, well known to the community, all add their
testimony to the wonderful effects of this dREAT MOOD
Call on the ACIENT. and get a Circular and Almanac.
and read the wonderful cures thin truly greatest of all
Nhalicines has performed.
Pone genuine unless signed BENNET(' & BEERS,Pro.
printers, No. 3, Pearl street, Richmond, Va. to whom all
orders for supplies and tummies must be addo , ssed.
And for sale by S. Elliott, S. W. Haverstick. Carlisle;
Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; .1. Herron, Newvilie; .1. C.
Altic, Shlppensburg, and by dealers In medicines every
assortment of Crushed, Billed and Puivaristsl
'Agars of best quality, as also Soft Crushed, Clarified
and other qualittos miislatitly on ivind, sititallo for
proserving and all other putliosos—gontintlly nt Ou'
'Also tt constant supply of the On,lmst Calms. Toms,
Spices owl other articles In variety always nn 'hand,—
t ent lon Is Invited to our stodi befory buy In yx elsowhoro.
Otr/Isle. tdy 26 ) ' 66 . J. IV. EllY.
It St:11111S pre-01111111.0 11r it.
nrrtice powers 111 all the I I •
uses I . llr w 111441 11 is fuel , lll.
.1011111 1 ,1. Usti:llly valleit FE
1.1 LE ( . 101 1'1..1 I NTS. uI
hear are ProlarKus Uteri. ot
the N 1 ,11111/: Fluor
111 , 11.. or bites: ritroille Ito
animation and of
Im NVonill; I neldenlal Ilene
or ; Painful
I rreeular )1411-
rll/11i1 11/. Milli all their
m rtio ing rril., i(:1I,•rr
rI V ; E li, 0031.1 3 LAINT, Dyipepg.
14 Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous debility, Met,. ,
tne Aldneys, and all diseases arising from a din. rice ,
Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, hlll/11 d plm
fulness of blood to the head, acidity of the stoical .
nausea, heartburn, disgust thr food, fulness or weight
the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or Putters g
the pit of the stomach, swimming of the heed, burrie
and difficult bytiathing, fluttering at the heart, elokin
or suffocating sensations when inn lying 1 , 0. t e. Lan
ness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, to er aaa
dull pain in the bend, deficiency of persphatinn, fdo,k•
ness of the skin and eyes, pain in the side ,•_• Lw.k, sirs
limbs, &c .: sudden' flushes of heat, burniturin the tics.
constant Imaginings of ern, and great depressk a (.1 spa,
lts,lean be effectually cured by lie,
hitATED (11;11MAN MITERS, prepared I,y ba. C.
JACKSON, N 0.120 Arch Street, Philadidphin.
Their power over the above diseases is not excelled,
equalled, by any other preparation in the United ;talw
no the cures nttest, in many cases after skilful 1,1 ys
clans had failed.
These bitters are worthy the attentibn el invalids.-
Possessing great irtues in the rectification of disfi
of the Liver and lessor glands. exereising the ii,of
seacebing powers 111 WelthllPSS and IlitlTtlol F tli the d
gestivo organs, they are withal safe, cot Lain and plus
J. D. Spring. Laceyvillm Pa:. April r,, ISfsb says. "
can got you sumo good certificates tbr your German Bit
tern in this vicinity if you wish them. A holy purcha
I tip smut, of it this week, says that it is by Mr the I es.
medicine she elver knew, having done her and hvi
daughter much good, &e.
S. It Lawson, Itenfard's Stbre, Somerset co, lha., aug
15, Iltrtll. says, “1
-ant tallith attached to your tlermai
hitters, having used tut, bottles of, it, %millet' 1 procure
from S. Kurt 4 your agent at Somerset, and found tires'
relief from it In disease of the Liver. I find It hi •
great effeet on my lungs. strengthening and Ina igcratit
them, which, as I ant a public speaker, Is a great help ti
Dr. Giles, Newton llaitillton, Pa., said: "
have used Inv self half a dozen bottles of your German
!litter:: for Liter l'omplaint and diseases of a uert ut
character. resulting from the abuse of niereury. 1 W t
poisoned and ILI( spasms front the use of th
tter artiole. The German Bitters Is the first artic!
Dian whirl: I olitainett any relief. I hurt, also gip en tt
article to many ilys:allties. with the tut St Saint:lo it
suits. 1 thick :is tuna}lllOn' kitties will cure
.1. ('. Young. Esq.. if Dauphin. lit.. iv, ites May f.. 'ft
"I was athlete:l with Deneral Debility. Intestinal e:•I
nrssand Path:gloss.which I used ninny liirr.,•l
routed lrs with o ut n.lier. lat last used your Ilrotland
Derma!: Ifitt ors. 1 took a few bottles a:a.m.lin g t o d
reetions, and was completely cured. 1 have nut Leell
healthy fn ton )iairs as I hate been since I tool: tot
MUMS. which is alnollt Otte year ago."
These hitters are I area t.,,F.TUI.E. always strengt
oiling the ststem and never prostrating It.
cold dealer% in mndi. , i,d• and ,d , Byer
where, and by Samuel Elliott. S. Ny. Ilaverstick and
eaIIiTIMITI. I %trlisle ; k Co_ )loohatilistviri
Snyder a: Diehl, New burl:, and by Dealers in Medici-,
tents. by means of the
thirty-skth F.ilition. a it
one hundred engravings, shot
lug lite Diseases and .M
Ga•matiuus of the fielterilti•Ill, in eiery Anti an
f4.rm: to which
Treatise on the Disezums of k
male, ihtendeil tar the us.,
females onlr.tnee page he.)
lug of the highest hilp,rtan
to married people, or those co
oiarrtagv. Ily, M. oi M. I)., Iltadtia
of the University of Pennsyk Member 44 the Ito
al College of :"Ilrgel , llS, 1,1141011.1111 d 11 1, 1111Illry 31V1111,,
of the Philadelphia Medical society. The various torn
of Secret diseases, Seminal eakiless. Diseases of tl
Prostrate (Claud, Impotency, Solitary habits or youth. al
taithfully described. iind all the receipts given in 'Mil
language. The chapters On self abuse and Semini
Weakness is mortlty of particular attention, and shoal
he read by every Ono. Young men who lone been ni
fortunate in elnariletihkg disease, previous to placir
yourselves under the care of any doctor, no matter oh,
his preteusious may be, get a copy of thi s t ru ly , u l uu t,
Son Captains and persons going to sea should posse
Pr. Young's Treatke on Marriage, the Poeket
us, or Every one Ills own Physician.
• A4,vij, hot no father he ashamed to present a ropy or tl
2Esetdarins to his child. It may save him (men an ear
grave. Let DO young man or Woman enter into the
rre,t, obligations of married lite without reading the paae
et .F.witlatains. Let 110 0110 1;110 . 01111g from a l m , hilt
coughaslsun in the side. restless nights. nervous teeth'
anal the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and gilt
up by their physician. be another 1110.111011 t Wloll'll4 co
puffing t h e Aiseulaplus. natal the married or the
about to Lo married any impediment, road this tru
useful hook, as it ha, been the means noting tho
amok of unfortunate creatures front the very jaws
death,. Upwards of a MILLION pies of this veleta :at
work lion been mold in this rountry and Europe since 1
3S, wheal, the trot edition was issued.
ttn- Any person y,u , lint TWENTY-FIVE cents ..
01..4,4 In letter, will receive ropy of this hook 1
mail; or five ...Tics WIN he sent for $l. Athlrei:N
W 11.1.1.\ M YOUNG, No. Ii pruce st root, l'hiholelphi
l'ost paid.
enty years practice in the city of Philadelphia tn
tainly entitles Hr. Young' to the confidence of the rtt
dctod, and he may be c9nstalted on any of the dkedee
deccribed In hic olliTereu t publications. athis office. 15',
Spruce ntritet, rn ory day ioitweon U and :t o'clock. Sun
days excepted) and per,tis at any distance can c.aniult
Dr. Yount; by letter, POST Pun,
lA. E—S E I.) —S LIRE! —S o e-
1..) lOCR UWN BENEFIT!!! A Medi
duo adapted to general use, groatly superior to other ,
and %Uhl') the means of exert'
lee PILLS hr twenty-live eental No extortion In
ealoniel—no mineral poison rrhateNer.
ToYrMATAII'S HEALTH PILLS fully merit thereat
reputation they have aequirod. They are called for from
all ',arta of the land, because tier AMC ALL ?liar Ma
IVII TIIHY WILL 110—They purify the hlootl.they
clause the System of Humors, they care Dyspepsia arta
Indigestion. they create nn Appetite, they Clll . ll Sick
Headache, Disziness and Low Spirits, they arrest Fevers.
they iiroinoto a healthy artion of the Liver, they are u
sure cure fin - Ootivtize.f.s and Ilabitual Constipation,
they are highly efflearletts in Female Omtplaints, they
strengthen and give tore to the System. They are it.
best Family Nlethei no hnew•n.
It Is an obvious Inquiry, how one medicine ern surest
many different complaints. Thay.e Pills, however, are sc
compounded of curative materials that persons have on
ly to Till! TILEM Anil the answer will be found In am
otored body and an invigorated constitution.
Each !lox contains 100 fills, at the astonishingly low
price , of :15 mils. Every individual should have thern•
For sale he the Drup-ists and norekerpors generally
F. A. l'Atttort!geneml Agent, Stonington, et.,
C. L. &idling. of .Mochanlesburg, Cumberland
county; Pa., annonnces to those afilitted with Tuave:y.
Won& Cancers, Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, ties
ult. Evii nod all diseases that have been usually
treated with Caustic or linith,ho can remove them with
out cUttlng;burning 01. pain; neither Chloroform ut
Ether is administered to tho patient. It is no medal
on what part of the body they may be, ho can remove
them with perfect safety, and in et remarkably ahort
time. No Mineral of Vegetable poison is applied, and m
moony required until a rule is perkwted. •
Prolapses Uteri, Female Complaints, Chronic, Venn
ma t an d all other diseases treated with positive FUeI4ISR
Full particulars can be obtained by addreitaing In sillier
English or German, pest paid. Patients can be exceta
mediae,' with Heard en reasonable terms.
Mechanicsburg is one cf tdo prottlest and healthy
towns in this or any otter, eltate. It is It miles from
ilarrishorg, on the ennthettand VaHoy EaII hood, and
accessible from all parts of the Union. The Doctor will
visit eases in :toy part of the state when desired.
tyry,..Kind reader if you know any edlllctral follow cres
turf, delay not to toll them of this tnxttnierst•
scriber is now opening a largo and general amid
moat of LADlESDitlill , li GOODS. conch:Ulm, cif Mull and
Colored i 4 ilks. chain 1/3mm.r.... Mono de 'trines, Preach
and Emrlish Lawns, also a vneral variety of par,ls for
hoNll 'Wait'. a assortment of Liviles and Childrens
limilerv, Gloves lfinndimrchiol also EnglLsh and other
STRAW BONNETS, Iltinnot Ribbgns, )3.13.n0t Lawns,
With tho uaual variaty of Spring Goods
lIGN at moder T
NEftate prt
GEO W. /11.