Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 03, 1855, Image 5

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    .-- .- ` .
~ ~1!a~~IL11tIPDI1!~.
Richard Middleton, a British soldier.' once
dtentleddivine service with the rest of his re
ciment, in it Ohilrch inlllasgovr. Instead of
gulling out a Bible to find the parson's text,
le spread a pack of cards before him. This
)ehaviout • was observed by the clergyman,
.nd the. sergeant of thO company to which he
eloinged. The letter ordered him to put ur
'is cards, and en his refti - sIIT conducted him
,fter service before the Mayor and preferred
f. , rmal complaint of Richard's indecent be
Well, soldier,' said the Mayor, wliat ex
use have you to offer ? If you can make anpology,
pology, it is well ; if not, you shall be severe
y punished.'
'Since your honor is so good,' replied Rich
.rd, 'as to permit me to speak for myself, an't
'lease your worship, I have been eight days
n the march; with the bare allowance of six
,ence per day, and 'consequently could not
lave a Bible, or any other good book.'
On saying this, Richard drew out his pack
.f cards and presenting one of the aces to the
Mayor, continued his address to the magic
rate, as follows:
• When I . see an ace, may it please your
lonor, it reminds the that there is only one
god ; and when I look upon a two or a three
!pot, the former puts me in mind of the Filth
ir and Son, and the latter, of the, Father, Son
holy Ghost; a four, of the four Evange
ists, Matthew, Mask, Luke and John ; a five,
if the live virgins who were ordered to trim
'heir lamps, (there were ten, indeed,) but five,
pour worship may remember, were wise, and
live were foolish; a six, that in six days God
created beaver* and earth ; a seven, that on
the seventh day he rested from all Olathe had
made; an eight, of the eight righteous per
sons who were saved from the deluge, viz :
Noah, and his wife, and three sons, and their
wives ; a nine, of the lepers 'cleanSed by our
Saviour, (there were ten, but only one offered
his tribute of thanks,) and a ten, of. the ten
c , !mnandments.'
Richard then took the knave, placed it be
side him, and passed on to the queen,- on
which be observed as follows:
'This queen• reminds me of the Queen of
Sheba, who came from the uttermost parts of
the earth to hear the wisdom of 'onion, as
her companion, the king, does of the great
King of Heaven, and of King George the See
Well,' returned the Mayor, 'you have
given me a good description of all the cards
except the knave.'
' If your honor will not be angry with me,'
returned Richard, 'l:can give you the same
satisfaction on that as on any in the pack.'
the Mayor.
Well;' returned the soldier, ' the greatest
knave I know is the sergeant who brought me
before you.' •
I dotet know,' replied the Mayor, ' wheth
er he the greatest knave or not, but lam
sure he is the greatest fool.'
The' soldier then, continued, as follows:
6 When I count the number of dots in a pack
of cards there, are . three hundred and sixty-five
—so many days are there in a year. There
are fifty-two cards in a pack—so many weeks
are there in a year When I reckon how
many , tricks Otero are in a pack, I find twelve
—so many months in a year. So that a pack
of oardais both Bible and almanac, and prayer
book to me.' •
The Mayor called his servants, ordered
them to entertain , the Soldier well, gave him a
piece of money, and said he was the cleverest
felloW he ever heard of in all his life.
A P.m STICEAM.—A good story is told of a
Philadelphia judge, well known for his love of
jokes. Ile had advertised a farm for sale,
with e fine stream of water running through
it. A few days afterwards a gentleman called
on him to Speak about it.
Well, Judge,' said he,' I have been over
that farm you., advertised for sale the other
day, and find all right except the fine stream
of water you mentioned.'
...It\runs through the piece of woods in the
lower part of the meadow,' said the Judge.
' , What ! that little brook! Why, it doesn't
bold more than a spoonful. lam sure if you
wool!1, &alai a hoWl of water into it, it would
oveyiloW., Yoxillon't call that a fine stream,
do yOul t
WEI; , if it wore much finer you couldn't see
it at all,' said the'Judge blandly.
We ,neyer heard wbethar the gentleman
b ou ghf t h e ffnrm , 1)11!, we rather setimet 'he,
didn't. -
0 01,11guleh of mind has driven thousands
to suicide ; 'enguish of body, none. This
proves that the health of the mind is of ;far
greater bensiqtonce than the health of th e
body, although both of them are deserving of
much more attention than either of them re
'xcerlionesq is thOest ocPolloy.
A Dutchman Puzzled.
A journeyrrian Printer lately set out on foot
for the interior of Ohio, a distance of five burr-,
dred miles, with an old brass rule' . and $8
cash in big. pocket. He soon found himself in
Pennsylvania, and being weary, called at the
inn of a Dutch Man, whom he found quietly
smoking ,his pipe, w.henthe following dialogue
ensued : • Vell, Misthor Valking Sthick, vat
you rant ?' • Refreshments and repose.'—
• Supper and lodgings, I reckon?' Yes, sir,
supper and lodging.' Pe you a Yankee ped
Int. mit chewelry in your pack to cheat to gals?'
' No, sir, no Yankee ped'ar:" A zinging tea
cher too lazy to work A shenteel shoeina
ker, vat stelmys till Saturday night, and lays
in to poiTh ofer Sunday?' No, sir, or I
should have mended my boots before this
But I am not longer disposed to submit to this
inquisition. Can you give me supper and
lodging?' Torekly. But vat pe you? A
pook- achent takin' honest beeble's money for
a little larnin' that only makes them lazy?'—
' Try again, your worship ?' LAdentist,
p'reaking beeble's thaws at a d - OThar a schrag,
and running-off mit old Samboaci's daughter?'
• No, sir, no tooth puller.' Kernolojus den,
feelin' de young folks' head, like so many cab
bitch, and cbargin' 25 cents for dellin' dere
fortune like a blamed Yankee?" No, no
phrenologist neither, your excellency.' Veil,
ten, vat do tuyful are you ? Shoost tell, and
you shall have sonic of to pest sassages for
supper, and stchay all night vree gradis, mit
out chargin' . you, mit a chili o' vishky to sthart
un pefore prea.kfast." Very well, your honor,
to terminate the colloquy without further ch.-
' eurnloeutioa, I am an humble disciple of Faust
professor of the art preservative of all
arts—a typographer, at your service, sir '—
• Votsch dot'." • A printer, sir; a man that
prints books rind newspapers.' 'A man vot
brints teilooshbabera! Oh! yaw, yaw! Py
Chupiter ! aye ! aye ! Dat ish it--a Man vot
brints nooslibabers—yaw, yaw ! Valk up,
yolk up, Misther Brinier! Chaems, take to
iheittleman's pack of. Schott, pring some
junks to de vire. A man vot brints uoosh
babers! I visit I may be shot if I didn't tick
dat you rash a Know Notting.
It has often been remarked in families that
a teaspoonful of salt is a certain cure in cases
of disordered stomach, but it is not so general
ly known that in one violent internal aching
termed eholic, take a teaspoonful of salt and
a pint of cold water—drink it and go to bed—
it is one of the speediest remedies known,—:
The same will revive a person almost dead
from reciving a very heavy fall S:c. In an op
polectic fit, no time should be lost in pouring
down salt and water, if sufficient sensibility
remains to allow of swallowing : if not, the
head must be sponged with cold water till the
senses return, when salt will completely re
store the patient from the lethargy. In a fit,
the feet should be plaCed in warm water with
mustard added; and the legs briskly rubbed,
' all bandages removed from the neck, and a
cool apartment procured if possible. In ma
many cases of severe bleeding of the, and when
all other remedies failed, Dr. Rush found that
twMeaspoonsful of salt completely stayed the
Wall In case of a bite from a mad dog,
wash the bite with a strong brine for an hour,
then bind on some salt with a rag. In tooth ,
ache, warm salt and water held to the part,
and renewed two or three times, will relieve
in most cases. If the gums be affected wash
the mouth with brine ; If the teeth be covered
with tartar, wash them twice a day with salt
and water. In swelled neck, wash the part
part with brine, and drink it twice aday until
cured. ' Salt will expel worms if used in food
to a moderate degree, and aide digestion: but
salt meat is injurious if used much. When
placed - on Oa feet, in the form of a dry poul
tice, salt has been known to break up fever
and ague when in its most violent stages.
world of woo is contained In these few words
to the poor artizen and mechanic! 'l'll call
around and pay,' says the rich man to avoid
the trouble of going to the desk to get the
neogeary funds, and the poor mechanic is
oblidged to go home, to disappoint his work
iron and all who depend upon him fot- their
due. It is an easy mater to work—the only
real glory in thin life is an independent idea
of being able to sustain 'yourself by the- labor
of your own hands, and it may bo easily im
agined what crushing force there is in "I'll
call around and pay" to the laboring man who
depends upon that pay for subsistence. If
those who could ,would pay at Once, it would
place hundreds and thousands in a condition
to d`o likewise, and' •provent much misery Ind
distrees. •
Dar Moderation, decorum and neatness die
kieguistivtbagentleitan; hocis at all tithes aft-
Ode, diffident,apd studious to please. Intel
ligent and polit4,,lds behaviour is pleasant and
graceful. Appear only to be a gentlemati and
its shadow will bring upon you contempt; be
a gentleman and its honors will remain even
-after yea are dead.
i ° 11 .8 1 1:1 1 1 1 1' n 1 -13 11ND S 11 1 1. I ` if i l E rl i t 7 2.:. CABINE'
y sy
ortn IL tooror !Arcot, nuxt door to ',,....,"11..V ... .. 1P :,::
tiltots's Itotol.l-01r.Viri.:7,
Re would respectfully inform the
citizen! , of Carlisle and the public generally, that he
has now on hand a large and Megan t assortment ot it-
MTV 4:. consisting in part. of II ardrobes,Card and oth
er Tables, Sofas. Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy
'Sowing' Stands, Re., ntanullictured a the best material
and quality warranted.
Also a general assortment of CIIAIRS at the lowest
prices. l'EtctriAN Iltians made to order, and repairing
promptly attended to.
tvir COFFINS made at the shortest notice; and hav
lug a splendid hearse he will attend funerals in town or
nit^ Remember the stand—next door to 11. Class's
II—JAMES It.. WEAVER would reseecfeully call
: ..... t,lie attention Of Ilouse-keepers and the public
to hiso , :tensive stock of elegant FUIIN nun E,
Including Sofio{ Wardrobes. Centre and Tables,
l/ressing and Plater-bureaus, and every other
article in his branch of bit4iness- Also now on hand,
the largest assortment of CHAIRS In Carlisle, at •
the lowest prices. AOFFINS made at the short
est notice and a Hearse provided for funerals. lie
solicits a call at his establishment, on North Han
over stree4, near Glasse's Hotel.
Ar.4-Furniture hired out by the month nr year.
URN ER of -Han
over 111111 Louther sts
'A It I; E.—The undersign
..:ge steels of superior
Ware, In all the different styles. which he is prepared to
sell at the lowest prlees. Ile in% Res attention particu
larly to the PAT SPKINU BOTTOM IF:D:47KAP. a most
useful article, which entirely oIA late': all ohjections.—
The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have
given entire satisfaction to all who have them in use.
4L') COFFINS made to order at the shortest not lee.
?'' , lns.
oEuitor: RELLiin re,p,truny ..,m,,,;; - .r Is
wa nitro,. and the public generally that he lliii, jllll .-
„Llv A
olved the FALL STYLI.; CIF' litiiNTlitint P.
V HATS, manufacturril at one .4 the hest mitillin
inents In Philadelphia, t, which he invites al lent
lie has also constantly on hand a lar:te and card- ar•
sortment of his own WI. :Is well as city 'n
atS and (laitS. suitable tor the setemn.eomprisitm . o
variety of II Ussia. Iteal'er. )1::It•skill and flats, fin
ished ill the latest st) In, together r. i tli a full ass::: tillelit
(!.t l'S nr every sham. and des:ill:tit:li, at em
price. 110 partionlarly invites the pulite to call and es-.
amine his exoensie 0 ass , ,rtmont. whit h in Pi Cie, mate
riel and finish. ealllnd bo f+1111:11sSed sue In market.
and which lie is able to met at price:. Intl Or than et er.
Remember his :11,1 stand .4, North liano‘or sl reef, be
tween 11:Vhs , c;:: anti S1.1101••S
‘vM. 11. PZOUT, deSil'S to inform his lid h ;end,.
that he Los removed to his miv estaldishlnent ,41 11 iOl
street. near the Itailroad Depot. and Is 111. w ,poring a
it a
large and eletrant ,LOStlrtlnellt I,r the FA 1.1. S'l Y LE
G , OF 1 I ATS. just received Item l'hlladelphia, li bleb
the geatlemon of Carlisle are requested to tell and
examine. lie also It—largrr-assortment of Silk. lor
and Sl,num hats ~ e his 09 ii niannh.ethr, got up In the
Last style and at various prices, the excidlence and 111.1sli
of which be will warrant. Ills stock he is confident on
ly needs to be examined to le approved. AlFo, a large
supply of Men's, Boy's and Children's CAPS, of Cloth
and Fur, and of every i arlety of style and prit , just re
ceived from Philadelphia. Let all who want a Hat or
Cap give him a call. as they may Le sure of being suit
ed to their own satisfaction.
W A It E—Old housekeepers and young. uilh thee
also who are expecting to 14.00tne housekeepers. are iurit
0/ to cell at ILA LIIHRTS EA3lll,l* n(nliltY and ex
amine his elegant assortment .IClana,ii lasgand Queens
ware and other articles in the housekeeping nllO, snail
as French and English ten sets, heavy banded and plain,
White Granite, gilded and blue plain. Dinner sets of ev
ery variety and price, bowls and pitchers, tureens, dish
es, Are. Muss-ware—c•untre table and mantel lamps,
Candelabras and other lamps, great verity, table and bar
tumblers. goblets, &c. Fruit and preserve dishes. in va
riety. Cedar-ware—tube, buckets, churns. bowls, butter
printsand ladles, meal buckets, &c. Brushes—sweeping,
white wash, scrubbing, hand and shoe brushes, dusters,
brooms, kc, Market, clothes and travelling baskets.
Also a choice loose-Naa of Tobacco and Sugars. Call
ye who are JIM of choice brands of Sugars and try the
Principes, Begatllas, Reif:monis and other Cuba varieties,
and you will find them of unimpeachable quality. Also
half Spanish and Common Segars, with choice snuff and
;of-- &
Coco., 276 Market street,reet,
and Philadelphia. Cars leave both places East and West.
twice every Week. Tuesdays and Fridays. All business
entrusted to Ilinghttot. Paris Co., will be attended to
with promptness, whether in sales, produce or freight.
A. IL BARNITZ, North street, Balthnom has also
entered into this arrangement. and will attend prompt
ly to all business entrusted to him. Jfar 3u,-3m.
Ri f '
The White Veil, a Bridal Gift, by Mrs. Halo, a splendid
ly illustrated gift book.
Longfellow, Byron, Moore, Mrs, Haitians and other po.
Mica' work's, beautifully embellished.
Irving 's Sketch Book, plain,
Jerusalem and Its Sacred Localities, by Bey. W. IL 0-
denbelmer, Rector of St. Peters, Phriad'a.
Plckering's Greek Lexicon. Romer In the original,
Miranda Elliott, a new and interesting story.
May and Beeember,by Mrs. Hubback.
Ellen Norbury, by Emerson Bennett.
Grace Leo, by Julia Kavanagh.
Robert Graham, by Mrs. numb.
ilitrpor's,Graham'lS and Godey's Magatines for May,
With numerous other new, publications Just reed at
may 2 PIPER'S Cheap Book Store.
.N 55 SOMETHI,NG 9S el
sxlR-TitiAT smy-sjA H MT A NN T S AND .1.11
For preserving fresh Frulta and Vegetables. Any ono.
rays the Philadelphia Inquirer, will be struck at the
slanplicity and admirable adaptation to the end propos.
ud. An intelligent child can •seal them. For sale by
gaolesale or retail by F. MONYEIt,
june2o 'North Ifanover Street, Carlisle,
.my spring stock of l'APit E HANGINGS
w rich sOe largest and most varied assortment ever
opened in Carlisle, to which I invite the early attention
of the public, as I intend selling afpricos which cannot
tall to please the Cheicst purchaser.
march.2BJOHN P. LYNX.
CHEAP GOODS. The subscriber is
now opening a fresh lot of seasonable goods, nt the
new location, opposite the Railroad Office, in Main street,
Carlisle, which will bo sold at the lowest price.
april il, 4t. MARGARET SNODGRASS..
The subscriber is just recoiling another supply of
pring and Summer Bonnets consisting of English Straw
chip, Braid. satin Straws, Neopolltaln, and Ben Braid.
also a now supply of very choice Colored and White
Bonnet Ribbons varying in price from 12% to 50 cents
per yard. ,
Also a large assortment of Childrons and Misses Straw
and Braid Flats. GEO. W. lIITNER.
May 10.'55
iI F
" ris
YRESII FRUIT et all seaso—The subscriber bag
ust opened a few doyen Hermetical self sealing FRUIT
CANS, for preserving Fruits, Tomatoes, Oreen Corn, &c.,
for a whole year In a fresh state—requlre no Foldering
and may be used year after year and arc easily opened
and closed without the std of a Under. Call and exam.
en them. OEO. W. 111TNElt.
Juno 13. '65. • .
Eitorc9 nub Gjjopti,
_l._ I STORE, W. D. A. NALMI,E, would respectfully
. . . .... announce to the eltizens of
I'''. ll . A Carlisle aed i leinity that
.., :'-, ho lilis opened a large and
1 )
f .i . ,.ii l a 1
... - ...._ beautiful stock of 'CLOCKS.
m ~, . 7 .., : ',.........,„„ WATCIIES & 31...WELItY.
zi , : f. , 9 3 "AS . , '`‘.,,,, on the N. E. corner Of the
A 8 4, ,,(A:i . luldie Square, in the Pont
~..: 7 A 5 .... /. 4 - 07 4 r. - fortnerlv orcupiedlly 811111
-. . - ' , 7-.* l- .:1—...i . : , q's - - - '.
1.1111.4, 'one than': Vast . (,1 U.':
W. Illtner's dry good store.. Tile stock consisting ul
every article In the trade, viz: U 01.1) AND SILVER
AVATCIIES of every style and quality. gild fol.. neck.
vest and chatlains chains. gold lockets, hrcast pins. ear
rings, .tc., ,t.c. All goods warranted to be With they , are
sold for. . .
it•i) • Partionlar attontlon paid to 11EPA I (told
Vatehrs, Jewelry. Ai% All work warranted in,ording
„quality. The suhsrrilLor flatters blinselt th.ll he run
',iv° entire satistiwtion to all that fkvors hint with their
-Liston". W. IL A. N
l'arlisle, July lqh '55,
to l AV A Tilt' ES 1 . CLOCKS '`
..., • r have no* 011 hand and tn• sale at
lay old St,wu uu AMU ~.7"treet, apposite Marion Hall, an
entireh• now and elegalit rand,: of
Hold Lever Watelles, hunting and open ease. Silver. do.
Silver 1.11,10 e and Quarter Watches. a large igtriety.
linhi A nehors for 141(11QS111111 tlentlenwn.
Medallfons. a Npielididussortmer.t for 14ies and cents
Breast l'ins of °very pattern. and all prices.
hold t'llaitie fur vest and (W.. gold curb
finger• Mugs, Studs. Sleet n Iluttous.
Urasses Dreii flllll 111/011 Ear-ll lags. a large
Silver and forted Forks, Tnhle and Tea Sp , 4.11 s lititter
K Is I ves. ,Ir styles and pit, es,
(101 l awl stlt er
Viold, Silver :til Common Spectacles. a large tirsoi tinent
to ',tilt all ges. and to which ssc incite i.artieulai
Port Monnalos. a large acsortnient at every price,
bald Pen, of the 1,1,4 make at varitAni pt revs.
Valley Dux°, Part Fa!bus. A earrileans. :pees In it. eares ;
Card news. silver and pearl. at I art, 115 prices,
liraceiets, gahl a; ls:ttvit l halos tilt to.
Als ,, a laiTt , t arietv it articles in the ;lest airy lint ,
whielt I will sell at the lowest piers. All at ticles al'
routed to be is bat they are said far.
ft ".Partieular attention paid to the It
and ali Nvorlf warranted. lirturningtlianUn
to itt,, old fri,q,tis and eastonoa, , fnr fifllllo.l. pat
I 1,11.,t fully mAlicit a ro itlin lIILTICao ill their 6n. 1 0 .
j 11111. 2 ,1 Tlit)Mok (1):`, I.VN.
( 1 1,( Yr II IN CI ('1,()1'11 ENG •
'N. 11.% Vrt'ff Co. Line 41,tont ard n,nt f
for for sale nt their ht. re on r•.I I I
our do-r ttr , t of the 110'0.1 I Arid 1•y C. :=t. ugh.
:111 until e nr , n• ',finds of Evath Mfolo
DIN \MN AN 11l IVEdh.
Also. Cloth's. Cassinfervil and Ail-0111;s. will Ise
mail., tip In li, 1 . 1.. t 11. d on ro:o., nal L lin
anil t I the /4
St) 1. , nd Lest mantllavtitre kept oa.nstantly (in I , rmtl.
Conioictit. i f thin altility to plvase, they respe-Ituily to-
ICH the 1•111410 1,:lt
ilir o VST 11 EC El VED AT 1 . 111.: FANI
f I I.V 1l I:(IC Ilit V tiTOlt E of the suLscriber, n Mo
n Moll.
A no W supply of fresh Water rrool:ers.
Soall. hutter. Pk ;sic and Sugar I:olio-ult.
Farina, Corn titoroh. Toploen. `age. Pearl norley.
I.4.troet of Coffee. It ice Flour. Baking Powder, 4:c.,
A new let of superior 'FAAe till,
l'lrlt les. Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard. Pay
Ruin. &C. .1. IV. EBY.
'I in; suhseriber would respectfully Inferm his friend!. and
the public ;Timer:lily. that he has just returned &Gm the
city with it lart:e and varied assortment t.l
I il:OCEit lES, it I,A.`: , s /And gli EENS-AV ARI c 'Ee
l i
Ft 11, &e., .t.. which he offers fia. sale on tht .i "°"):;:
inet.t reasonable terms. at his New Sion I% j, •
corner of North !lane ver street and the Pul no ; t : 01.
Ile Squttre, directly opposite the Carlisle lie:
posit Bank. Ills steel: em brass's everything usually
In a Grocery and Variety store.
ThOll . MA in it 14 to CBll and examine his stock
before purrhaslo~ eke w here, as he feel% Chtlfiden t he can
sell the best goods at the lowest oleos.
.1. T. VA 1,11):ItT.
okra to Inform the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity
that they have just received from the city m a t are now
opening In the room adjoining Bentz & Brother's Store,
a very complete assortment of Groceries. such :19
ritnit: COFFEE, SUGAR. TEAs, moLAesEs,
and all the various kinds of SPICES and DIG ED MEAT
such as Hams, Dried Beef. Bologna Sausages. fie. by the
piece or pound. Also herrings, Mack
.) ere!. Shad, Cod Fish and a great variety
of articles not necessary to enumerate. In addition to
the above, we will receive our replier supplies of
;lc 1 , 0.11 RA they appear in the city markets, to all of
\VIM% we invite the attention of the put tic. tu, Ne in
tend to eel! tot tht very • lowest price•s for Cash or Coun
try Produce. HARKNESS k MULLIN.
P,.* P
I am just receiving my Fall
11011BANCINGS'e... , :: stock of PAPER lIANGIMIS,
/ o ltra • which surpass in style. quality
and price any that have tit er
been exhibeted In Carlisle. I respectfully solicit a call
from persons In want or Paper Hangings of any descrip
tion, as I am confident by assortinent tie snrpasses any
In the Borough; and in style and prices has but few ri
vals in the city. I only ask of the public to call and ex
amine my assortmant before purchasing. tis I am confi
dent toy chaste designs cannot Mil to please the most
Mstidlous. JOHN P. UNE.,
NVest sideof North llnttover Street
- pool's AND SHOES. The subserib-
Lir AT has nnw nn hand a very extensive and well so
ected stock Of It (I 0 'l' S and S II 0 E E.
which he will sell at unusually low pric
es. Purchased from wholesale dealers,
at low rates, he OW offer' such Induce
ments to purchasers as will wake it their interest to vis
it his establishment. lie has every article in the Iltxd.
and Shoe line—for Ladies' or Ountlemens' wear—he
therefore deems it unnecessary to particularize.
Aiti3- Persons desiring good and cheap goods are invit
ed to glVe him a call
-LA I ESI , The subseriber laim just
added to Ids former stork n general selection of CHOICE
GROCERIES, as well as all the other variety of articles
Store, embracing 1110
green—at I'l~j and 1d come
per lb., Orleans, Clarliied,Crushoil and Pulverised
Sugars, of tine qualities; Chocolates, Spices,Dniry
Salt, and a variety of Fancy articles, all of which are o.
lured at the lowest cash prices. We are thankful for the
former support given us, and Invite a further call from
our friends and customers. , J. W. EBY.
Marlon Hall, Carlisle.
..4 opening a large assortment of Spring and Summer
I .
I rocs Goods, consisting of Plain and Plgured Barages,
Plain and Figured Silk Themes. Mirage de Mines, Min
Lawns, Figured swiss Mutant's, Organdies. Scotch Mag.
hams, and a groat variety of other goods at as low prices
as can be found any where In the town.
May Uth, 'ti.s ' 014 W lIITNER.
rtpATENT ,SKIRTS, &o: --just open-
, open
ed another invace of :Whit° and. Colored Paton
. k e, Mosquoto veto, with a variety of other scanona
hie goods, , July IS. OEO. IP. IfirlElt.
I. ed, a further sumily of French Comte of exha al
ces. Alao narrow Linen Fringes for trimming Basquel ,
Juno2o , , OEO. W. 111Tbitit.
TEATHR.—Fritr& Hendry, Store,
LA 20 North 3d at. Philadelphia, Morocco Manufartui
ors, Cu rriord, Importers ; Commission and ()morel Leatt
or business.
' WHOLESALE AND DETAlL—Manufactory 15 Mal
he Mistreat. - Sep. 7-ly
xtErFanoy Printing well executed.
JE. GOULD, [Successor to A. not.
No. 11;4 Chestnut, St., Swninfg Butldiug.
010. extensive Music Publisher, and Dealer in Musical
Instiumelits of every description.
Exellasive agent fi , r the Hale of Mallet. mat Is et. Co.
Patent Suspension lirldts.4olian nud oilier PIANOS- ,
llillort's Boudoir l'iarms, Melodeons, Martin s tiullors
linrps, Violins. Sheet Music, Music Ilmbs,
nesidet.ts.f the eouutry will be supplied by iusil or
otherwise, sr it is IllUSk they may wish. as l us if pur
-chased In pertin. liar Ing one of the largest strafe. itt
the United States. I feel confident of satisfying:ill 'l%llO
may favor me with a Call or order.
Dealers In Muck supplied on the most 111 end tot min/
Names to let. Second-baud Plumes for sale.
Mfty 1 21.1. IST:3-1:
Ii 1", %V HOLES :ALE arid IiI.T.AI 1.. at the •°11:1:ii
.0,, delphia IVateli 'and Jewels y i..t110,
Number 01; North Second 1 treet.. i r
issir of 'Quarry. Philadelphia. .1 . 1(10
it . :l y
. 1 Lever N\ ateltes, lull jeWelleo, I:ii ear
,C(l .-- 1 at CaseS, - $2O 00
• ..:,
.4..' (3 0 ) , 11.1•0110.18 earat eaxsA,' 24 40
i'ir_-',- •••• ssi. ' l ' Silver " jewels, ii 00
''.9 • (
ik. FEILZU :, ill or Imvor, full jem ellcd, 12 00
Superior Quartic•rs, - - - - 7 . 10
1110.1 Spootacles , . - - . 7 ors
Floe Silver :.'pectiiele,i, • 1 t 0
- (101.1 Itrat•(•l,t,.. • - - - ' 3 .(1
Ladios . Gold Pvt. ils. - - - • 1 ('0
Silver TO3 Spoons. 1,./ . . . - - h 10
Gold Pens. with Pencil and Silver Holder. - ] no
tlnld Finger Lingo )73', rents to SS: IVnt,.llGlatf.(s
123, 2 , veitt.. Patent lauu•t ether ;flitch s
in proportion. All goutls v,art ant ed to lie wbrit they aro
mild for.
Op band, sulmi. Grail 11111/ Filler Levers and Levine/.
sill 1,,n41. than the al , eve prhes.
ream. the mercantile enninitinbty
haVo WittleSl•ed 11.11 d borne testi
inen, by their NECIII 1'111.1V; fill. p1(41 yuaiitics. Ydle
than et these Bates have been actually sold. and
, nor I'A° 111:Nrdal. lniNe passed triumphantly tbrra.u.l
ttres. The public :Ire :1,4111 . 1 d that all Sidva
inanulindlired by the subscribers are nut ably gliaiati
tee.) to I. I Wily equal. but in nutty respects:l.lml Slip: ,
Leen en severely tried Me.
Felt will ferget their services in the I mning oh tte
"Triltune estahlisliment." New York. and at the Great
Vire in ;Strawberry street, at the latr.e tire last duly,
opposite the tlirard house: and still more re“•11tly
tic the Fin , at Fifth and Chesnut Os.. in the pity 1 f
Phiidelphia, in which thew Pairs ramie foith the ac
knowledged Can: ON, when many other i.ecurities
failed. FA lilt F. L k CO..
lenN Ferr AND DAN); Lore M.thti , s.
8.1 NY ALN Stll.o. Philadelphia.
Chilled Troy Safes, with Powder Proof Lochs. manu
factured eNpressly for itanbs, Brokers. Jew.l4ers. nrd
others requiring security from rogues. Dank 'Vaults,
Doors..te. on band and made to order. All the nit st
eelohritted Lochs for sale at manufacturers' pikes. c
second hand `• Sates," "t , alamanders" and. " Tien
Chests - of other makers. hare been taken in part pay
ment for herring's for sale at half price. alt
'PON N El.LY;limtufacturer anti inveo tor of SA I E
-1 1 c.i.TENTr 4 QUA liE U Ph it/ 11l It t ;01) box mAlvilLs
No, lon North FOURTH Street (above Ihtee)Plll4All..l.-
PI il .t. 313teiwg haring become au Indhpensable art We
In housekeeping, the subscriber after a great sarritre of
time and nomey, Is enabled to oiler to tin. Public an ar
ticle at one,, cumbinitig Utility and ( heapness. The in
ventor knowing the danger apprehended on act cunt ol
the tiSmsey manner in which Matches are generagy
packed in paper, has by the aid of New Steam Niarbitt ry
of his own Invention, succeeded In getting. up a SAI VI Y
PATENT st) vAR E UPIII6I.IT WOoll BOX; this boa is
tier preferable. in as ninth that It occupies no more room
ban the old round wood box, and contains at lenq
Two Hundred per Cent more Matt hes, which to Shippers
Is considerable advantage: it IS rlairely new. and Fe, ere
against moisture and spontaneous combustion, dispels
all danger on transport/01m by nteans of Ilalhoad, Steam
boat or any other mode of Conveyance.
.Tlnew Matches are packed so that one gross or mere
may be shipped to any part of the World with perfect
safety. They are the ana.t deshable article for
Commniiithti. and the Southern and western marker
that 11:1000VOr been invented.
1)k:A. Ltiltti and SIMPERS, Will do well to call an
exarolio , for them:eh eg.
9,..Theso matches. are WARRANTED to be superior
to anything heretofore offered to the public.
• Phila. Deer 4, 1854.
ENCII TRUSSES, Wei,..,rlling less
w*.! Iwo .2.1 2 : ounces, fir the cure of Jimmie or If upture
; r iowledgud by the highest Inedloal untiforitlesot
adelphl.l, Wet - imp/trebly superior to any other in use,—
Sufferers will be gratified to learn that the occasion now
offers to procure not only the highest and most easy, Lut
as durable a 'fines as any other, in lieu of Occult') tons
and uncomfortable article usually sold. There Is no dif•
lenity attending the fitting, and when the pad Is Meat \
ed It will retain its position without chance.
Persons at a distance unable to call on the subscril er,
can have the Truss sent to any address, by remitting
five dollars for the single Truss, or ten for the double—.
ith measure round the hips. and stating side affected.
It will be exchanged to suit if not fitting, by returning
at once, unsoiled. For sale only by t h e linnerter.
Horner Twelfth and Dace streets, Philadelphia.
Pre - Lturer, requiring the benefit of Mechanical Sup
porters, owing to the derangement of the Internal Or
gans, inducing falling of the Womb. 'Vocal, Pulmonary,
Dyspeptic. Nervous and Spinal Weakness, are Informed
that it competent and experienced LADY will lie In atr
tendance at the Rooms. (set apart for their exclusive
use) No. 114 TWELFTH St., Ist door below Etta).
July 211, 'l4.
GRATIS!—Just Published—A now
DISCOVERY IN 211,FWICINE.—A few words on the
Rational Treatment; without Medicine, Sporniator)hcae
Or local weakness nervous debility, low spirlts,lassitude,
Weakness of the limbs and back, indisposition and I, ra
pacity for Andy and labor, dullness of apprehension,
loss of memory. aversion to society, love of solituda U.
fluidity, sat' distrust. dizziness. headache. involuntary
discharges, pains In the side, affection of the eyes, pins
ides on the face, sexual and other infirmities In /1121E1.
From the French of Dr. 13. DeLancey
; The Important fact that these alarming compl, into
may easily ho removed WITHOUT lIKDICIIVE. IS In Miasmal/
tract clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and
highly succeisful- treatment, as adopted by the Author,
rally explained. by means of which every one is entitled
4o cure himself perfectly and at the least passible , ecentir
avoiding thereby all the advertised nostrums at the
Sent to any address, gratis and pest Dee. in a sealed •
envelope, by remitting (post paid) twopostage stamps
to Dr. D. beLancey,l7 Lispward street, York.
March .
4- TTENTION DYSPEPTICS---Thoseor you who haveboon afflicted for yenrs with thin
bot iersotne disease, and who have been using Almost .
over) , Nostrum before the public without relief, we AV'
to you try " Kieffer's AntiDyspeptio" and you wilinooll
be convinced of Its great superiority' over every other
preparation, • We could give yru many orrtlflestep onroto
orating our 'lnsertion& but a single trial in worth more
than all. This remedy in prepared and sold at the Dray
Store of IL J. WEIFFER, Smith Hanover street, aAy -
doors south of the Ot urt I, , t•yee, Carlisle.
WI: SAFES. with IlaTs Fateht
l'“w(ler l'reg,l hocks, NI Lich ‘tie
11 , :ltd.,' separate Medals et the
IVerhi s Fair. Luellen. lsol. end
eke et the It s Fair, >ew
Tort:, Ist.:: a n d '.:S. The subs,'
Ler:4 are the t•Ole 141:111111:11
tied prprieters ie this. :stene if
the elwve ttnequalied Sates end
The reputethei ~f the
gehulhe "I terrine 4 Safe" Is 1, rid
ilk ide, and liar the last thiriLeu
-100 North FOURTH St. Pliiind'a