~~,'.t~ 2Arirnlintal. ; V,7"t{c.. It,. eiC t .1 For the ilerald Prbfits of Farming: Some. , have; questioned Nether , more than a bare living can be made by farni ing. 'The avenues to market bcing'open ed to the rich lands' of the west, by hail road Rail road and canal the price of produce is necessarily affected in the old States by the supply for the foreign market. Nev ertheless three fourths of our populhtitm live by Agriculture, nod the industrious intelligent farmer, who owns a huhdred acres of land, can nut only suPport his family comfortably, hut gradually accu mulate; sufficient to purchase other lands, where Providence gives health and usual success. Tu do this however will require economy, management, and availing him :-elf of the knowledge and improvements of recent years. In the periodicals de voted to this branch, we have occasion)) , exhibits of great yells of specimenllarms, and consequently immense profits.' :but these if true are isolated cases, and the results of the labors of one in a thousand. There is however a very great advance and change in the grain States, in the mode of cultivation, and in 'labor saving machines, which every good farmer will to a certain extent avail himself of, or be left to mope in the corner. The differ ence between the successful farmer and the o_ne who makes nothing, is not merely in industry and economy, but in the in telligence which lays hold of all resources that can be turned to a profitable account. If ho is satisfied on trial, that by purchas ing manure he will get more from -his land in the average-of a eertiiin nuffitei of years than the cost and expense/6f the manure, he will not hesitate to dd:so.— If better seed can be had than what he has on hand, and he finds on calculation that it will enable hint to sell his grain for more than le difference, he will not sow his indifferent seed. So with regard to cattle, and labir saving machines—we' . cannot stand still in this age of iniiirove melt but must float on with the tide.— In the reports we have of the large yields of certain farms a good deal is at tributed to the cultivation of root crops and other matters very much neglected by our farmers. P. 1). T. More who 'has a farm near Albany of 185 acres give his experience some years ago as follows—he in favor of deep ploughing, not less than, eight inches, and often deeper—he finds it best to apply manure as a top dressing, after the grain is harrowed in, at. the rate of from twenty to twenty-five loads spread evenly over the surface.- His best mode - of improving his land, washy plow-, ing under clover aided by 250 lbs Ades : . ter to the ttere., • He makes., from thirty head of cattle and .six hersesotbont 300 load's of manure, which he likes to have pretty, well rotted before putting on the-. land, and the manure heap he:covers", with earth, to prevent the escape of gas.: es. Limo he' has applied as a top dress ing—plaster.he-uses on his clover; guano he finds' to' dear for common purposes. He tilled 144 sores in 1851-10 in wheat 35 in .rye; 27 in corn, 32 in buck Wheat, 90 in potatoes, 19 in broom corn, 1 in sowed corn, 2in melons, and 1 in straW berries, and asparagus. The reason of so small it'portion of wheat, was, because of its, continued failure in that region. His g,Toss . ree3ipts were $4 852' 51, and expon. ses $2 4.74 35, leaving net profits $2 678- 16:;', 'Mr. More has more than a thousand apple-trees, beside peach, pear, -,pluni and i quince trees, the whoie_noiv covering acres, which orchards are cultivated be tween thelrees. . Would it not be the interest' of of ; some of our farmers' to give more-attention to Horticulture, and em- • ploy.one ,hand, exclusively for that pnr poSe ?' -111 r, More that year sold 363 bun ches of asparagus for $69, sweet corn $257, melons 148;• raspberries $3l, pota: . toes'Sloo : ,'. And „some '•of these extra things! owing to the season-Wero'a faihire r .' One of our farmers 'within four Miles of , Carlisle told.me,he had a yield year, before 1a5tA.1,69 quarts of Strawberies which I suppose averaged 17 coati a quart:. .The best poaches are; selling' f readily,, in', sterets at thirty-seven and.a half eents''a pock, while pretty good, ones ,Will only coMunindpieuty' cents a' pock in the mar. : ket, ;Common pear-sell. for about 75,CentS a bUghel when, the Scekel and .3.3artlet' would command twice that sum and set ,te'seei On: Most, Of the fitrins peach' teds t!th-little hard .werthless fruit,not wOrthl peach true of • I f lre hest fruit co-Is ;Owl ten cents and occupies 11) more space then dud; which iff ~r b j` ' WE . 's good for nothing. The parrot, rutti-ha bect,and pumpkins as food for cattle ;ill be of great value this year when we WC no clover hay, and if sold would have 'elded a handsome profit to the cultiva 'r. There are many things which a irewci observer would make somet4ng It of, which are . not dreampt of by the 'eat body of fitriners, and every little ;11s when you come to sum up for the .ar. Ousincs9 'IEFF.EIt Office iri Nort •ce. 01lice hours. 11111 re phrtiCtliarly frutu 7 to 9 olc Awl froill 7. to 7 o'clock, I'. JNI. i.A.R,I).__DocTc) Li S. P. ZEI( 'rLEIt J recently front Lim:aster city, offers his rrtifeNdion raires to the citizens of Carlisle and vi,intiiin • various branches. Office and residence the' house inerly occupied as timer's IlardiN seen i•t• tel he ca.. be etinsuit..,l undlliours ueu n,,t pr•Ai•ssi.nally ,u.•.;.,• , ‘:(1. Calls t..• Lite country attended te. nit .leeate. Carlisle, May JO. 1`,55-:int 111. C. E. BLIT .\ lEN TIIA L, 110- MOPATIIIC PI I YSICIAN. and rosid,nre Letit her street, one tt..oe 1%1 , 1 the ttoreittn It rood lir. ISrumentlinl ro , peettally °tiers 11 servireN to the eiti , :e.it of l'nrlisle and from a rlkt:ine, , :aboring under chronic may consult by letter. Office hour.. from :'nd to 4 1..11.t ' (ill 141.—Notir-e is liereli . ) , Lrivoi tiva l have, this (LI fed NI • r n IlrOftr.twirrlt `,l ro. 11. I'ent,se end Thos. 1l Es;it , . Ali 111t,ii• s. " r • • mm ;In :pg. tat,l)l)(.1 .•c the ahoy,. tinder tit • ttrta I. 11th 1`155. NV. :11. 1:11)D1 1....\;•t\• at Law 1 I'. 11U.\11t •:\.tturney at Law 'III'S All etitrubt t uiw wit , IR. : prmptly attended to. ItALTILIA C. It II E \I, A aortic) T at I. v.v. o'llve In Main :•_ , tro..t, .•,t trusted to him nil Lr promptly ut ..led to. 1 , 4.1 r, 7. t N. EN, /Itt, wn ey at law, has • st•ttlerl in 11.mlioni,,Mir,s, f. , r f All hind.writiatr. nit I , tigittes, at... promptly Sttrndwl t,.. 0i11..e .4§po :o I Pr. le.tig.%; SIT RNA:YIN() in :,11 tts (1111t lit immieht•s promptly attenilitil to. • 1 B. COLE Attorney at liftw, will at J r tend promptly to all business entrust ed him. n. e In the room formerly occupied by William Irvine • L., North Hanover street, Carlisle. April 20, 1859. D R ,. c. 1,0 () At TS S.Eg; Himr,ver ooKt door to Lilo Post DEE tivf,lllll lie absent from Carlisle the lust ten days o:each month. log. 1, 'fit. • G EO. W. NEIDICII Li DENTIST carefully attends to all "" operations upon the teeth and adjacent . trts.thaVdisease or irregularity may reqUire. Ile Will 'so insert Artificial Teeth of every description, such WI Single and Mock teeth, and teeth with "Cofftin . e•us Gums," and will 0.11,4111 A Aftificial Palates, 01.- orators, Regulating Pieces, and every appliancn used In he Dental Art. —Operating room at 'the residence of De.' Samuel Elliott, West High street, Carlisle. EORG- - M, Z. BRETZ, D. , s., DENTlST.—ltespectfully ~• tendons his professionni coerces ttithe ""• 01 •••• public. Artillefil to inserted:lEom simile tooth, to nn eat Ire se 00 the latest, find .most 3 proved principles, s'4 l . l le, thocls , , , and oCon. tinnous 011111 Teeth." in:eases the Mouth-and 'Jr rerminri t les earetur.v t , eated. OFFICE at.the residence 1 his brother, on N'orth Pic:, Street, Carlisle. [ jon 10 QCRIVENEII AND CONVEYAN CFIt.-.t. late Register of Cumbei tandscounty, will carefully attend to the transaction o' all such businer.s ‘.4 may be entrusted to him, such as the writing a Deeds, Moutmtges contracts, &e. • lie will Also devote his attendee • o the procuring of Land War rants, Pent:loos, .'t c. as , well n 4 the purchase and sale ,f Real Estate, ilex.: e, uy.„.ofilee on %Vest, lligh Street, termerly occupied, i•y W. l'enrost c;sq. near the Methodist Church. r N. ROSENSTEEL, House, Sigh; Fancy and .Ornamental Painter. Irvin 's (formerly Harper's) Itow,mear Ilitner's Dry Goo& Ftore. He will Wend promptly to all Elm abovo den!riptlonsof paint mg, at reasonable prices. The various kinds of graining 'Wooled to, such as mahogany, oak, Ivalnut, In the improved styles. N. 13RANDT, Manufacturer of Mineral NVztterg, French Mead, Bottled Ale,Porter and Cider, North Bald - Street, near the lan Road Bridge, Oarlisle I)AIATIMORE LIP Flue Factory filled awl Ground Alum ,Salt; con• stantly on halal and for sale. ' CA,ItIC, OIESB Flour, Grain, and Lumber Comunhit.ion Spear's Wharf. Also, CPIMBNT . and CALCINFD ri,AsTgit. 'Agency al the N. A. nild Itoseadale Co. • Baltimore, Jan. 2:?. ? 181,5.• QAV Yauß ow) \I P'I~AL Cash J paid for Old) METAL,. such as Copper . ,lirass and !nal, at Chu Carlisle Foundry and Mat•lline '1 VEACIIERS WANT.El)•—Teaeliers L' who can teach the Latin and Greek languages, to •erher with the usual branches of an English &Inca ion. to take charge of Maio High H'hool of South Wnrd, cork, Penn'a. Nor further particulars' address A. B. York, Porin'a. July 25,'55.-3t T EONARD &.E .VEItETT, LA• DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE,. Council mire, Town: Will locate Land Warrants, and enter hind on timo, loan money on Real Estate security, and pay titxslr ilOn•residents. Having n large experience in the selecting and pur chasing of public land, and acquainted with the most favorable points for investment in western lows, we flatter ourselves that wo can locate land warranbeto the best advantage upon timber, praire, bottom, or upland, near county seats: adjacent to the line of propM4ed rail roads; and upon land watered by never failing streams as the or taste of parties may direct. • Persona intrnating 'Money or warrants 'to our, care for loan, will find our terms liberal, we refer to Ifon. A. 0, lige, Westminster, Carroll Co., TM Helb )lupp, Strasbu rgh, Shenandoah Cum n uel Arbogast, Esq., Crab bottom, II ighland CR. Tn. Ok • tIPEIt ..:1?IIOSPIIATE.: OF., LIME:, - • AN TItIPROVED ARTICLE... :• - I'luisubscriber Informs Dealers and Farmera that ho has ifruatlY improved tiny quality' of Ids: SUPER PllOB.-: MATE Ole-,LIME, and. new confidently recommonds the article inanufactured by hill], ns NePtlllon to any In! .the atarliet.f.Tthi hn inrifea I Omit: mainline andlry it. A Ise Af. ElitiVl A N - AND 'lli CAN ti If ANC, 01LS,, iI.iNDLE, SOAP, At the loive,t market:roteLf.. ANIL L. lanl EILOY, . j S111 . 1 . 1 . '• , .01 111 Thi W...‘ll.rwit4 No. 0 110 , 1 10 - 'olllll.Whats% 1.1011 lcvo ,ktl July ;',filvlll-0:3 Ar4-5i.:41.30.4 ea:L TRAM SAW .MILL, Ilea : 7.7 : N 51 4.. . 4 .•., : , i v si i i , i i,T;T b i , , ,, ,,, i i i . ,, l p l u ta b i e jt lan d count y: :main ue to s.up h a ill liitiatill ply Lumber of all kinds. at the sleet.. _., notice, and toi terms lower Om eau . o 0 Lad 'elsewhere. All orders directed to E. I 1.. k b K 1.1.1, l'i'- pertms , i, or W,r. D. scrmouit, .1 r., Carlisle, will be prompt ly at tended to. ' Fel, 2 2-ly ' . - . din,l AS F.I'ITING AND 11,U3113- e INii.—Tho undersigned would inform the ' ell 17.V11S Of I 'arlisle that he has made arrange inputs to mdIAS Firri NG and PLUMuiINi at :Mum. no t ire, and 111 , eensenrlde terms. He has engaged the he , - itl S of r rote hand item Philadelphia, and bas sue plied Wil.elr with an ex lewd\ e :es.ortmeid of I' NT UP ES. whieh mill enable him‘ to till all orders praupily. All set' I, wilt Is. warranted. Ili. sloel; or iias Fistin es mill he Imind in the Come ..randy opposite Ids Tiauitr:: estaldisinnent uu North Hanover sirett. whet a he 111' . .te , a tall. . , '11: , ;N1NO, Is ills() prepAtd fOrubill, Or make to ado.. every ,Irtlrle of N used by hom•elteeperh nod otbers. lie will also aft errti to Sl'lllllNti. 1101.7$1.:-flOOP1 BUJ, ILINCI and PLI'31111N(1. Thankful for the patronage with Irlyith br Inoalrratly ivn favored. he re:ipectrully solicits a continuance o; the same. Carlisle, June 14, '54 71,1 R.O 3.1 C.ALIFOLINIA.-0. , VON HUE LEN respectfully informs the eitirpalF of Car -1 islo nu l I i , •tii ity, that he hati ju~a rnturn ~ j ed f• ion ('atit,rula, and is proparod tdcSo enln ilI kind:, of m m and nested a ilk lino of bus.,,esN. Ito Ii (11114(3 S Oil Mind a large assortment of relilymiatle Guns, Pistols. Locks, (inn Trimmings, &e., all 01 which he will sell wheleFalii cc retail. Ile also to repairing limn., eloelis. rooks, ke: engraves on bras copiem :Ind iron. lie lames that by striet attotition ua :iaidnoss, and a desire to please. lielvlllnierit and roeci‘e patromw, VII hind, of Fire Arms made to order. Carlisle : April Di, 1854-1 y QAT/I)LE _IN I) 11.111NU . 'S 31A1c , 1 Im.i. Thu tac.,4olher motion,. to carry on the al•••vo linsini•ss. in all its N110.01. 1 / 4 1.1,111V111,. I 11 N 01 ill II:III til 1.1 . arum, Oil list:. I, 0 d. ,,, r' Nt.l'lll it laantard's nal., e m whore ho intt•nds ke dog on baud a •tenoral asstirtniont in his lino , ootisi••• lig •ii :01 Lint, id lashioilahlo 5.11.)- DLES, Itri•ll,, Martingalos, Cirihs. Ciroioglosaial Halters, also TIIUN KS, \.....:,... ‘' '' ''' to 1% t . lil r and 'add to • ' ,'''' '\l \ \ 1 . 1' . ' '' ' I ".I'lll . ' . AMA , ' .. . g '. • ':' , ,4 . , Mall , „;'.,‘, ~ t\i 1 . L , 14: p 1 , ; . t 0 1 , 1 . 1 e 1 , .. t h 5 t ,, 11 k l) N ll i li . :•t. , ,iiii ~1 , 111 , \\. ~,:,.,i,i„.'...\,..l„.'„r‘,.:.',..e"vt(i. r l,lllisielgil„ill'„it::tiln.- . .s••tito, dorablo and pkaSII lit Sallall . Will ft , ~ • •lt 1 ., . V 111 :Ohl ,•., t ',wit:. Ito lal. • no•••••la• t los— 11.1. -Ross. It• alit,. Gollais and ti hips In afr illeil . N arie , l es an d (..nn rd. ,, ,t ly ' he'll, i'•. 1,11,, the Vetter,' A Nil Oita.' ti•••• of his oitst••••o•rs. that ho isinkos tl••• neal••••.• and i•it, Soars., in all lb. Iti variety of brodth, that is made in tho vonlitry. Ho •11••••• inakes all hinds of lilatrasses to •••••lor. N ix: Straw. Ilusk, Curled Hair and Spring, Ifni mows, All Ow above jut kilos will be made of the best material and workman:drip:and with the utmost den patch. "i , i ~ Iy.N. osBoRN. 4111„ ( I! cy I I . '' - oke 4 r,r--• - , ,,,,,_t --;- . 11A1._ ;re. I . .._ , ' . - .. — r-...t_ r,,- .; .,:; , , 1F , • . , .....1., .1: ..... ,;,,,--r ., :j,..... . . .. ' . n A T'E'N T 514114P-r-4-IAPPENING - t YANKEE FEED CUTTERS, manunutoet•d for ALDRICH & SARGENT, No. 410 Market street, Philada This cutter is superior to any now In use, for strcwrth durability, and simpllalty of construction: it ono, fas.. er. and is-the only selfsharpenim; Tilly, straw and - Cititt Stalk Cutter over made.. It has but ONG STItAIGIIT EN TEE. which any person can grind and sr:L*ll.ll.or, but in ordinary rase. is ground In the marhine:Yl-Thol4-. sandy have already been sold, :Ind the dethinnEisi daily increasing. In mos,t cases an examination Is, sutlicieut to convince one of Its superiority. No one after a short trial would part with it for any other. All sizes of-the :thole constantly on hand and for sale by T. P. LYNE, °ail Solo Agent for Cumberland county. HERE IS WIIAT YOU NEED AT PRESENT —The subscriber respectful ly Informs the ladles and gentlemen 'or 'Carlislu and vicinity that be has ItEtw Ent hood at. his, Hair Dressing and ,tiloling Room on West street. an elogr uit assorttnet Of LADIES BRAIDS and Gentheneu'it !)'ICS, and can ,furnish to oilier at, §hortest, notice every -kind of Hair Work of the best qualify. He also begs leave to hr .rut his friends and costa _niers Hutt he keeps constan , ly oh hand supply of toe "tithentansagner," au tidied able Wash for the hair, niatittfict.urcd by ltinisplf. The txcellonce of this Tonic is testiged to by all Of his eno., ammo who have used it to he one of the btfkt.artlelei known fur cleansing the hair of dandruff.- Re alsotnan uthetures n Itestorative,'known as the "Corashee num." fir giving new growth to the hair on hold' heads. .11111)10 testimony exists of the efficacy of this excellent liestoratii•c. While time Sheznansagner clears the, hair of dandruff null prevents It from coming out, tin' Co ca.ifeen 11 m soppllys anew growth 'to those who have had the Jpi,f, , nt poe to lose their hair. The public in ,vired to roll, examine and purchase these Invaluable a Wiles, its he Is' yonfiden t they will render satisfaction. SHAVING,' ir.trit m asstml. anti 'CUTTING, and M.kIIPOONING attended to In the best styli' so usual. at 1114 old rooms on West Main Streit. near 3larlon !fall, Carliste, Dec. 27, ISli.t. ' , W.711. BURGESS i•MMMANtc. C A RDNER rItETIIE ALLEN AND EAST C U MUTUAL FMB IN :iItIiANCE COMPANY of Cuinberiand county, incorpo rated by en act of Assembly, is now fully.orgatdred;and in operation under the -rnahaarment o thoa follewhig commissioners, viz: ' Daniel Bailey, Willinrri R a 6 rgas, 4.t4th:Celt6ekitth Moicheir Brenneman, Christian Stayman','JolitO: Dun lap, Jarob Coover, Lewis flyer, lfenry J.ogan, Benja min H. - M n sser, Jacob S Sluinea, Josepli .IVickershaul, Alexander Catheart. , • ' , . ,The rates of insurance are as low and favorable as , any Compaujr of the kind .in the. State. Persons wishing to lairoamtnembers are invited to mike - application to the agents of the company, who are - wllllug to wait upon them at eflay time. IIENJ. It. MUSSER, Presideat ItENRYLOGAN, Vice President. • , Luivis , llYEß, Bearetary. MICEIAEL` C6CKLIN, Treasurer:. AGENTS. - ;,.,;4 CIiIiTBERLAND COUNTY.—liticlolnh Martin, N:Yhun., borland; C. B. Barnm, Ringatown• Henry Zearing, .Shiremanatown Charles 8011, Car f Br. a. , Mil, ChurolitoWn ; 'Graham"; 'West PouusborotiOli j a.mc s lie Puycol, Froultforil; Mo(.10 Griffith, South illotout Samuel Coower, lOnkituln liaverstkk,• IlledutnJ lestror4 ; John Sharriek, Lishtirn; David Caovar, hordslown. ••• •,„ • d I .COUNTY.—.Tohn., Diflshiirg,;l"o4r IVolfyril l „S r . Pick iYi4 st 4 t hp I:4 11 . 1 ' 011g . 110,1111s,41 , ;) v.t pirp p,iirw 01 by 411.1N.q.10ti t Ity ,v.zir- Job Priitting promptly exequied . , , , . Thsct`llc itc~iu , MONROE MORRIS masa, iY /: ~/ 1~~ c, Jupuraucc. NM= X101111:8, JEWELRY, S:114V.E11• WA ILL and FAA CV CloobB.--A tied Illif?.01t. wrutt the lincet quality, fur miu at the lueen6 cash pricc::. tit. SI ill. C: ELTON ft s out h s e „ a i d about tcl :teen Pine anti Union nod. Ode. Philadelphia The it,sortinieit einbrares large and He lect etnelf Nile RaNitre. clue elry cr 55 ate U11114111:144 With iilll::•liVer‘ II) i - 1 01 1(416,10ritS, Ladles, ke.--JeL gentle, Mitts :Lint 1:1111 . ;:1 . 1 a euperier quality, deserting, the exantination of (twee who ttchite Lu procure the Lest goods tit the low cet caen . pek e ,. ill C IO , Dating' a practical knowledge 01 the I,ueiuees,aud all available laeili; los for Iniporiing anti Nlitoulittant. hog, the: ,, L1,1: 4 ,11.e1 . (I.JI Li) I it ot- purchasers ; ho lieviog that he van supply them Lai tends as lai(Jrablo as ;toy other eslabilshtneht w either of t.ho Atlantic Ali hinds ul Dialimmli: ;111,1 Pearl Jet+ elry and Silver 1114 man 11101111. d tli Order. eithiu a ilia:Amiable time. ell%) 111141 AlNer )Viarii faithfully iat, 3,111,1: 11 1:1111N 11E!. Nit—.s.l South 241 St. a lest, doers ahutu the :hi :St..ll:tr het. 11 t•Nt Akio. %; o,ln the south 4t:lintow Of the Store, ntay be seen Ow !humps Ith•d Chtek, which coinuintitts t lw admiration ot die scientific aim curious. tt..ef 01. 2S. 's4—.lyr. 4,11).1 I.N 'S Ell -A fall supply of Llie abeto celebrated Churn, now t,i, nand et all the ilitlerent si4CS, teolll 4 gallant; tit 50. It let:civet' the hest premium at the late l'ennayliallitt Siete lair, the last pi emitter ai the Franklin Institute and Deitln'are and 31arylaffil State laira t and ramous 1111114 S at Itttteren t ',laces. It e 111141:11111(1,retier hotter from a given aIIIOIIII t el cream, and in leas time than any eitUlli i4t the that het. Inr aale eholemle and retail A LI. 101:1:.1S k CU., al al IVarell. , ata• corner or 7th 111 tt Market, IT Dec. 1.),1654-1.1 II,)EEVE L. KNIGIIT, (Successor to Hartley Ir. Knight.) BEDDINti AN I) CARPET M.: No. 140 south ;Seetani 'street. live doors. itla.)e :Trio t. street, Plilladdlohin. N$ here lie keeps ef.ll - on hand a lull assortment. of every artiele in his Bile 02 business. Feathers, Feather Beds. Patent, s:,.,ring 11atti esseN. Mpestr . y, lapeedry , 'three VI), Ingrain, liag /Usti 11 , •Inp l al petlngs, 0/1 (10111,, Canton .M:4l ti nus, Atatddngs k ban. and 61;iir Druggets, Hearth Isllgs,D.ol - .)1atr.,..1,11.1u and Piano CON ors. 10 !l Lich he in‘ nes the attention td purchases s. 40e.t...4 1)01.4.1JAII I), _Premium Artiste in Bair Inventor of the Celebrated Gossamer Ventilating q: uud blastie Band Toupees. Instructions to enable hanks and hentlenien to measure their heads 1, ith at. curavy. Fo Wu,s, inches.—No. 1. The round of the head; No. Y. t rom torehead over the head to the neck; t rota ear to ear over the top; NO. 4. From car to ear round the httehead. Total - loos and ins L Faun forehead to 1.ac6..u. , Jar 111,1; No. I:. 1.11"1•1 . 11 a ‘ , 11,111 a, far as requir 1,1; ;:sitar the roon td 111,. hoad. • It. DULi..lltia has ale ays ready for side n splendid stuck of igs, Toupees, Ladies' 11 igs. hall 11 1 rihuts, Drank, Curls, ,Le., beautitult) man Whet axed aud as cheap as :my establishment in the Cii on. - Dolhirds lierbanium Extractor Lustrous liair Tonic, prepared front South American Herbs and Roots, the most successful article ever (cud used for ',reselling tite hair scum falling out or changing color. restoring and preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant state. Among other reasons why Dullard's hair cutting saloon main tains its immense popularity is the Met that his Tunic is applied to every head of hair cut. at his establishment, consequently it is kept inbutter preservation than un der any known application. it being thus practically tested by thousands, oilers the greatest guarantee of its Weary. Sold wholesale and IM:Al/it:Ws Old Establishment 177 Chestnut street opposite the State House, l'hiladelpins. It. Dollard has at, least discovered the ne plus ulcrit of ILAID. I)YE, and announces It fur sale with perfect •con fidence in its surpassing every thing of the kind new in use. It colors the hair either black or.broWn, (as may be desired) and Is used without injury to the hair or skin either by stain or otherwise, can be washed oil in ten minutes after application, a Ithout detracting Prow its efficacy. Persons vi.siting the city are invitett to give him a call. • Letters adtlressiul to R. DOLLARD, 1 i Chestnut Ili. , Philadelphia, will receive attention. Jan. 25-ly 14 EATHER ?.• LEATHER ! nun, ilE.\l)ltY d: CO. Au. •29, .North Third :Area, MOROCCO Clirriers and 'import erg of I.ItENCII CALF and lit:alert: in laud and Oak Sole Leatlivr and hip. "[AY AN 1) STRAW CUTTERS, CORN SUELLIRIS.—A large assortment of stn proved Ilay, Straw and Fodder VuttcrA • now on hand.— Also, double nod single corn shelters tir either band or horse power. of the eery latest manufacture,' including the premium andler at the late PennsylvtudaState Fah. For sale by PASCES ALL iNIORRIS C^. AgricultuOal Warehansolind Seed Store d corner of nd Market ; Philadelphia. ' • •, llce. 6, 1854—tt .pIIILA. Surgeons' Bandage itNsriruni ItE3IOVED to No. 4,'lltli 4113" street, -- Allith' itilrO Aiscro Market. B. C. EVERETT'S gatent 0 raduAting Pressure TRUSS, forth° cure of Rupture; Shoulder, Ilraces, Supporters, EktAtig Stockings, Susrenrary, Ilemorrlioidal, And Ituniiag'eS fo , deformities. ' Jtini: 11.-Iy. ~ . . .LTOW.LVIID ASSOCIATION PIILIADELMITA. • LAIN/HP.I NT AN NOUNCEM ENT To all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases, sat SEMINAL.W EAR N ESS; • LAI POTENCE, :4101SOititnl. uLEET, 4ke t • The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia,, in view of the awful destruction of hinnan lira and befilti caused by' Seitual diseases, and the'deceptions which at. practised upon the unfortunate victims of such disease: by Quacks, have directed their consulting Surgeon, as a CIIA It ITABLE ACT • worthy of their. came, to give M EDICA ADVICIt GRATIS, to all persona thus af flicted, (Male or letnale,) who apply by lAter,(post-pitid z ) with a deseriptinu of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of 1111,, Ac.,) and In extra:no pine ty'and suffering FURNISII MEDICINES FREE OF CIIAIBUE. The I toward Association is a•bone• Went Institution, estblish:Ai by special endow:no:4,F r the relief of the sick and distressed, aillieted. with — .Virulent den& diseases," and Its funds can 1 0 used for no other • purpose. It hue now a surplus of .111,1 us,' which the Dircetors have voted to advertise tl e above notice. It is needless to add that the Assecittloa commands the highest Medical skill of the age. Address, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. R. CALTIODN,, Consult- In; Surgeon, Howard Associnlion,BLßAdelphla, Pa. By order of the Directors,. : EZRA. I). ILEA ItTWELL 4 President. :Till U. iIEO. FABECHILD, Secretary. 1 jr ltIlNC: fiIIIUSShS. C Ie rni a9 ltuptnre,uceqsfill) treatedandomfortinsur y use iff the elegant French Trusses, imported by the subscriber, and made to order expressly, fur his sales,, All suffering with Rupture will to gratified to learn that the occasion now °lterate pfocuro a Trtise combin ing extreme lightness, with ease, durability and correct construction, in lieu of the, cumbrous and uncouißwta. hie article usually sold.' 'AueXtensit eat:6o4olOn always on hand, adapted to every variety of Rupture 1 adults and children, and for sale at a range orprlcc to suit all. Cost of Single Trusses, $2,13, $4 and $5; •Dotibtoi' $4, $5, $5,48 and $lO. . Pomona at a distance can.have a Truss sent to any ad dress by remitting the amount, sending inatuntreareund the hips, and stating side affected. -, ;. , For Sale Wholesale and Retail by the imPortei. '.„ CAL +ll 11. 111 ,. .Eur,0,' . ' : 'S. W. eor. of Twelftli'tt RAN Bts.,'FbilatielPhia: Depot for Dr,"Battning's Improved 1 . '14°4 1 10y, Iliaeo; Chest Expanders and' fifector'Bracesi';ratent ShOulder • Braces; Suspensory Bandages; 'Spiral' hurt' and Sup.; 'ports..{.allies' Rooms, with cfanpetentl " atly attendants. -'• ,' . 4 , ' , '' • . 'sprint: : dapt6 A GRICULTURAL IMPLEAIE'NTS.i ,PENNOCK'A ,c'ELEPßAT.o);wpm.vethiquqH 1 also, for , sowlrig, cords 11114 guana, limuser'S rtirtablp 31111-613 Y) ost in OrtllldayN - • rloisO l'enVinfS atfd Whrestior'k..l,lmoantl Guano • Frirtuitlues, .I?4inlers SANT and ; Foddor y,ittit' , Gialit'eo`ra and' t'ob t 1111pli111,0 tit . 141 I h I .t.l* tier or gahhii‘t, anti itvtail 1,3 4, • t P %SCUM 1.„ 1();:lITS CO., Avr1(.1111‘11 1V,;(..1ti,11, lot (tor 7(11 ;Ind -1131.10:t 1 1 1111,1,14.11 , 1.1 a. 101y':;, ".Y~' , µY,u?Cy^~.'e ~.,i. - ..r..::2 rTG'lk , Y'2Bn7 ~^,.:~:i~a.r,. •~,t: ~ _.. nq': 7t;~.5:"~ . S . v.R,^ YT.t: . Y 3„ 4~FeTl'~"`.;£l~J'iA:::"4.~ ~tr^_— lIIIMINI .1?4,t,q0c431)i4...: :: : t y.V.bprqtj9ll,. :;l wHITE:i-EALT,•,ACADEMY;thiee , , wiles west oil .. Harrisburg. Tile ., ninth of this popular and flourishing Institution ivill emu memo on Monday, tlio,7th- of May next, under the most ilivorable auspices. During the present year such luiprovementsmnd additions have been umile,as Its hi-, creasing patronage demanded. 'I he,Prineipai will be'as sisted by a full corps of competent and experienced' teachers, and special attention will be paid to the health and conifial of the Students. , * • . • Boarding, es, :Ind 3lusle, per Session, (5 inontlis) $60,00 Instruction in Latin and Urtik, each,..looo' ,•, French and German , - ' 5.00 . The attention of parents 411 d guardi r ni1;1 Is earnestly invited to this Institution: , Circulars will be furnished 51111 . 1111y r information will be, given, on applientiou : either personal or by letter to . , . • , ",,,,: D. DEZ4.T.:OEIt, Pritieifia.V, ,;-'. ',. • • . Ilarilshtar , 1).4„:0,':' Mnr 7 14,18 I)LAINFIELD CLASBJCAL-- E3l Y, near Cailislo. Pa. The Lith SesNlenlvilleum=, 1110000 011 TUESOAX, May let, 1855. Number. of Stu-' dente limitedsud cOnstant efforts ,used fur their moral and intellectual improvement.. ' feriae, i 165 per session.. eirculiirs with references and full Information furnish. ed, by It. K: BURNS,' Principal and Proprietor, Plainfield—Cumberind co. Pa. April IS-1555 o &pv 4 '1 0 3131ERC1AL' COLLEGE, No. 127 BALTIMORE IiTREET, BALTIMORE, Md. lostifution presents superic.r facilities to .young men desirous of obtaining a practical business educe tiuti. 'llte course of study embraces Double Entry Book- licephig, as 'practically applied to .the management of, 31ercatithalatni., Mauutacturing nod bteaminut l'elllllllllShip antb Mercantile Cuommatfetts : —landhar !matures on COIIIIIIOI jai —upc•ii the sub ject of Bilk of Exchange, Prouth,ory Nolen, Ccutracts, l'artherships, tic., Ac. Ibe exercises arm strictly. .practical, being deducted' from a. tout lillSlll42F fransactians, and so CI mpletely combine practice u fth theory that students, on rr mph!, tion the course, are in every respect competent to conduct, orescielttlile principles, any set of Double Entry hooks. lite students have access to a Commercial Lt brury procured expressly for their accommcdaiion. Usual M 23011 of time to complete the whole course, from $ to 10 weeks. For particulars Ai rite and receive a circular by mall thug ',51-ore 11 -1 11ESI1 DUGS, AtElliell\ .LHS, &C. ,tc.-1 have just received hunt Philadelphia and. i Cl 4: )ark very °ltem:lye additions to lay former stock,embrating ucail) CI cry artleiti. of 'Vledicizio now use, together Ivithi Jr • • l'aiuts,olls, Varnishes, lurpeu .Perlu.;, mi • mery, boups, litatiouary;Fine lug Taclile,Bruslica 01 almost every descriii lo., ...kit an endless larlety of other articles, mhich .I. • am determined to sell the mix LOWEbT prices. All Physicians, Cvuutry 31erchurits, Pcdmis and oth, ers, are respectfully requested Out to piss the OLD ST.XND, at, they nifty rest assured that every article will be sold of a goodquality, and upon rpastaitil,le tertaW.7 - 1:14.1V.11, Main street, ezirllsle May 3O IR - UG B'l' DRUGS 1 DRUGS'! -Fre s h SUPPLY l. 1 liaTe just received afresh stuck of Medicines, taints, Wass, Oil, hick, having •-e... 48 beau purchased uith. great care at the best city ' houses, .1 eauctintideutiy recommend. to Families, Physicians, country .Merchants and Dealeis, as be. lug fresh and pure. JJKLtiff-.—Puteut 31eilkines Fine Chemicals, Instru ' mints. pure Essential ()Bs, and ENtiatts, Spices, ground cud whole,,,Essenees, Perfumery, A:e. ,Cott Liver tal—u rra u ted genuine. • I, • LYL-STC} Nitidders, Sumac, Alum, Lit _and Cam 1)001180111 itriel, Copperas, Ice liyo, PAINTS—A% etherill h brother's Pure Lead, Chrome Green and Yellow, taint and, Varnish Brushes, Jersey induw Glass Linseed Gil, Turpentine, Copul and coach Varnish, and ;led la-ad. All of which will be sold at the very lowest market price. Also, a [rests and splendid assortment of FANCY GOODS, Fruits, Confectionary, and Innumerable other articles calculated fur use and taltalnent, all of which are tittered at the lowest cdiii pikes, at the chiral) Dritg; Book and Fancy Store of the subscriber on North Igla• over street. S. V' 11AVE1tST.ICK, I:IItUG'S AND CONFECTIONARY. JF the undersigned has just returned. hum wiim a fresh supply of 1/ItilillsautiCONFECTlONAltY.—:'- The former in connection 'with his stock MI hand will Make his assortment tili/ruga, lileilleines and Chemicals complete. Ilisassortmeut. of CIiNFLUTIUNAItIi is alstk line; consisting of pure sugar white. and transparent Candy Toys; Candy, common, assorted, anti line bandies 01 every variety; also ieriiits, ,Nuts, and every thing belonging to that department of trade. lle would .call speeiai attention•lu his supply'. of FANCY :iIITICLES fvr the liolidays, and general use, among winch raybs finind the good, the tasteful, and the useful. Allqite invited to call whether they wish to pusciii.se or • , • A. J. lilEll.llli. Curlh le, Arc,r ,54 41.1ecticittcs, TAMES AI'OLINTOOK, M.. 1) —Late ti Professor of Anatomy and Surgery In the Philidely pplx Cullegi of Medicine, and Acting Profussor of Mid: w I fery ; ono of tiro Consulting Physicians of the Philr' adelplaia Hospital, ; late member of the Na• •tlonal Medico! Association .• member , of the phis Medical Socloty pineniber of the Aledioo-Chirurgf cal College of l'hiladelphia; formerly Prosidout and Professor otAnatouly and Surgery in Onstleton Media . cal College, Vermont; and alto, late I'rofossor of An; atomy and l'hysiology in.ilerkshiro Medical Institu. Hon, Pittsfield, Mass., &c., kc., • • Has latelpinfroduced In a popular form, several.ofhlit write prescriptions Mr- the , principardiscases of this climate, .Tim name of each article, will Imply the,4lls eaSe for which it Is Intended td be used. DR. MCCLINTOCK'S PECTOKAL'SYRLIT, $l. D.K.MCCLINTUCK..BCOLt) AND COL'OIIOII.XTVRE7LFoiCoIthi; Coughs, &c.,'l'ricii:2s cts: • 1/a. CoVall BEM:: nit, - : Price GU cts. - Da. l'lceuX'reCa'S'Toina'Attsuivertva trims—For Pti rifylug the VOW.' Price $l. ' ' • ' Dn. MLVLaziToct'ti' liytp3p:llC Ellxir 7 -FBr giving tune to the Stein:tell; rellerlng•palns'after . eating, 'heartburn; and iillAdlsagreoahltraymPtomattelsltig Mini Indigestion. , rd,cLlZlTOcefi urely Y - setab.lo,l43lW,.dy for Internal ; Use; , PT; GO eta. Da. Mothireroca'a ItfusnXstio FaXial • t—For IthefinUP Ham, SWeillugs, &c. Prlce GO eta. - • Da. MCCLINTOCK'S ANODTNS MlxTvu.s..-IFor Pettus, Tootri• ache, Headache, Neuralgia, &c. Price GO Dit:AlcCitittoeit's Arita; asp Attila SsitelElO;--A ( *hap cure for all Intermitteuts: Prlco $l. ..‘ • Da. Mo(axterocat's DtfiaaltalaCcoudia. AND CuoiZaAM ccxrivx—A Safolemedy. , •• . Do. 11.1CCIMOCK'S .VOSTABLIi , PIIII,OA.TIVE, Pats.-FOr ' Coitiveness, Ileadache, - .tc: cts. „, • Da; McCureIocies;.ANTI.PUJOUS Y11.1.8-^FOr IrregUlaritir In the Functions of the Liter Mid Dowidt-tba best.-1.4r. or Pill made. Price :4 cts. a box. , ' 4 ' 'For gale by Dr. J. McCLINTOC-lio at bis Modirs. 11) 0 01 1 N. W. Corner and FILBERT Streets, P141114%1• phis, and. all Druggist& lo.mggisto and,„Dealcrs. In Ale+ clues who wish tot,he Agoras, will . rolottso 'Address W.. 'hicalntdck, furtilatting•tdrerotte k 'sumo •of Post OM* county and State. . - r xr;.! . 'OOl.-For tab by {9i BittnuelCarllale; 1. 11. Criswell, Shippenslnig;.lbuminger&Co:;.'Lliauff . man, Mechanicsburg; Joseph Herron, Newville B. AnDaernitin, Andorsonburgf Haines kfiertig, . ((min 4. 0: N'ew sitarriot:l9, SliNfer, .NewPort;'ll. FAltirdiier m York priing 'A; .1; X S. lifa(m., 'Chanibersburg;' 11..lifentser:,')Vhypesbo r?.; (14,iriv Ttergiib Ir r and'.,ll. Joine& Cle„ lierriSburg: . ' DII;Mii,EINTOCK Can he ~.einailted,' without,' cht!rge, dally,at his Depot. fli t , ' • ' , r 111 111 A , S ,1 1 , 1;Nt: 1 ;.. 1) .-t i 4N(/.10P:' 44 :- . •.tif f ::t hb • bust ialko mn , f lot 1. ad and lb, side et the foundry awd Madam, (111.1tUNtill. MUNE =I