Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 19, 1855, Image 5

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On WEDNESDAY, the 17th day of October. 1855, the
undersigned agent: of T. C. `Miller, jr., will War at pub"
lie sale, on the day above mentioned, at the store of
Henry Snyder, in Mifflin township, abont three miles
from Doubling Gap Springa, the fhllowlng property con
nonEs Ash) SIXTY PERCIIES, situated in Mifflin
township, on the road leading from Newville to Doub
ling Gap Spring, and adjoining property of' George
Iloover,.ltobrt Min, D. Barrack, the heirs of Wm.-M.
Biddle, Esq.: dee'd., and others, and lying about two
miles east of M'Crea's Mill, and 0110 mile west of the
This property was surveyed In April last, anddivided
into lots as follows:
Tract No. 1 contains eighty-one acres,
• twenty porehes and Includes the
,•• cleared land and Improvements. It
has a two-story LOG TIOUSE. Bank
itAr4 Barn, a good Saw Mill, a numbei of
""."': Fruit Trees and a sufficient quantity
of Tiffiber Laud for rails and firewood.
No. 2 . contnins -thirty-nine acres. forty .
Porches. mostly TIMBER LAND of a good quality of
Chestnut and Rock Oak.
No. 3 contains twenty-throe acres covered
with Chestnut and • other TIMBER of good size for
No. 4 contains twenty ono acres of about
the sameny of TINBEit as the last two mentioned
Lots. ,
Tits,pret)ert 1011 be sold as a whole or in lots as pur
chasers may desire; or It may be divided into smaller
lots if desired. . .
None of It is on the steep of the MouOtaln, and all of
easy access from any quarter.
Farmers and others wishing to procure Timber Land
will do well to attend on Tuesday previous to the day
of sale at Mr. Snyder's Store, as arrangements will be
made to meet them there, and show them the land; or
by calling •personally at any time on Mr. I). W. M'Cul
lough, in Dickinson, or ou D. F. Miller. Esq., the Sur
veyor, at Newvllle, every information will he given.
Salo to commence at 11 o'clock on said day, when
terms will be make known by
Agent flir T. C. Miller.
Set. 19, '55
On FRIDAY, Ortolan' 12th, 1855, the subscriber will
offer at public sale on the premises', in South Middleton
township, Cumberland county, about three utiles south
of Carlisle, on the road leading from the Walnut-Bottom
road to Paxton's Mill, A VALUABLE FARM of lime
, stone land containing 100 acres and 72 perches, basing
'thereon erected a good Two-story Weather-Boarded
HOUSE, Log Barn new Wagon Shed,
and other Out-buildings. This Wart
is under excellent cultivation, and
!•.!•• Arm, well fenced. There is an orchard of
choice fruit on the premises, and a
well of excellent water at the door. Also. A LOT of
Ground, adjoining the above tract, containing 1 acre
and 112 perches, with a one-story LOG 110 USE and a
Stab a thereon. Also, a tract of
containing 42 acres and 104 perches, situated on the
Baltimore Turnpike, about two miles south of Holly
Iron Works, and five miles from the above descilbed
farm. This tract is well covered with chestnut and
other timber in a thriving condition, and will be'sold
tbgether or in lets to suit purchasers.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock P. M., when the terms,
which will be easy, will bo made known by
Carlisle, Sept.:ld., '55. ANDREW K. SEARIOIIT.
li r •- - STEAM SAW MILL,
L ittoki And liArge Tract of first rate
••• •' rzay. TIMBER LAND at PUBLIC SALE.
:V= Will be sold atpublic sale, on the prem.
Ises, on' 1111311SDAY, thb lot day of No.
vember next. at 10 o'clock, A.M. a Steam Saw 31111 and
of Timber Land, situate in Dickinson and South Mid
dleton townships, Cumberland county. This is a very
desirable property and persons wishing to pun basowill
find it bet 4 recommended by making inquiry and ex
amining it on or before the day of sale. The title is in
Also, will be sold at the same time and place. SIX
MULES, one four herio Wagon, a ono horse Wagon.
oars, &c. Also, Timber Wheels, Log Chains, and all
'the Tools and Fixtures connected with the Mill, inclu
ding a first rate Circular Saw. Also, a lot of LUMBER,
BOARDS and SCANTLING. Terms made known on
day of sale by
• Jft;ir•Chatnbersburg Whig and Lacaster Examiner copy
and scud bills to this office.
LT On THURSDAY, the 11th day of October, 1855.
./y virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas,ls
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberand
county, and to no directed I will expose at public von
due or outcry, at the court house in the borough of Car.
lisle at 10 o'clock A. M. the following described Real
Estate via' I
A Lot of Ground situated in the borough of
Now Cumberland, Cumberland county, containing one
iburth of an sere more or less, bounded on the north by
thu Railroad, on the East by a lot of Jacob M. Bald°.
Ws% on the South by a sixteen feet alley. on the West
by , a lot of Philip Fitton, having thereon erect
ed a two story Frame PLANING MILL and
SAKI FACTORY, together with tho buildings,
Steam Engine, Boilers, Fixtures and apparatus
. moo belonging and-appertaining, Ac. Seized and ta
ken- in execution-as the property of Si 11. Steovor and
Also, a Lot of Ground, situate in Church
town, Cumberland County, containing 36 foot in front
and 153 foot in depth, more or less, bounded on the
North by High Wed, on the West by a sixteon foot al
ley, on the South by a twelve feet alloy, and on the
East by a let of 'Henry Spares, having thereon eroctod
ally° story frame . Weather-boarded HOUSE, FRAME
STABLE and other out houses. Seized and taken In
execution as the property of George Reisman.
Also, a Lot of Ground, situate in South kid
dleton township. bounded by lands of William Moore,
Richard Craighead, Robert Graham's heirs, now James
Coyle, containing ONE ACRE AND A HALF, more or
less, having a LOG HOUSE and Log Stable thereon e
rected. ' Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Margaret Moore, dec'd. with notice to Lafayette and
William S. Moore, and lion. Samuel Woodburn, Guar
dian of Margaret Moore and hands Moore.
Also, a Tract. of Land, situate in West Penns
bora township, Cumberland county, containing ONE
bounded on the north by lands of David on the
oast by lauds of Sites and William Kerr, on the
south by the public road, and on tho west by lands of
Rev. Robort McCachron, having thereon erected a two
story STONE HOUSE and a one story Stone Kitchen,
*Brick Dun, Corn Crib, Wagon Shod; Asi. Seised and
taken in execution as the property of WWI McKeehan.
Also, a Lot of Ground situate in the bor.
ough of ciplisle, Cumberland county, containing One
andn Quarter Acres, more or less, bounded on the East
by the Grave-Yard Lane, North by tho English (have
Yard, South by Samuel Hepburn, Esq. and West by J.
Eby. Seised and taken In executlon o u the proper.
ty of Itober S. Alcorn.
Also. by virtue of a writ of rendition' expo.
nae, homed out of the Orphans Court of Cumberland
Co l luthAnd to me directed, I will expose by public von
due or outcry, at the same .time and place, a Lot of
Ground, situate In the borough of Shippensburg, Cum
herland.County, containing 04. feet in front and 257 in
(hipthiinore or leis, bounded on the north by Main atrt.
oh the west by the 71ev. Joseph Blethirrel, on the south
by ack alley, On the atilt by Jeremiah'. (boyar, having
Afiereolt erected a' two story Frame Weatherboarded
•110011E1 and Log Kitchen, is one story Stone Muse and,
other out houses. • Seised and taken in execution asthe
roperty of Catherine Duncan, late. Catharine Davis,
witOW and Adminktratrix of laimuel Davis, dee'd. and
a u to be sold )3 ,1 , 118 .
, , • JOSEPH MODARMOND, Sheriff. '
Sheriff's Office, Cerlisle,:liept. 19, 1855. .
Lim; decd.4lodeo 151 hereby given that Lettere
ministration on the Estate or Rudolph Hertzler,
late of. Monroe township, Cumberland county, deceased;
have been granted by the 'Register of udd county to the
subscriber, residing in the same township. pollens
knowing themselves Indebted to said estate ore requir
ed to make lmtneilate payment,and those haring claims
to present them for settlement to •
soptliipd •• • CHRISTIAN METZLER, Ad'mr,
•sr 4tg, r G v t 0:4
. tp ;:
e State Agricultural Soclet2i at Harrisburg, on the
25th, 26th, 27th and 28th of September, 1855.
The Cumberland Valley Railroad 0 tupany will issue
round-trip Tickets during the continuance of the Exhi
bition, at the following rates, viz:—
From Chambersburg to Harrisburg, and back, 150
Scotland to Harrisburg and back, 1 37%
" Shippensburg " 125
" Oakville " . I 12 1 4,
" NUNYViIIe " It 100 .
" Alterton " . 571::
" Good !lope " ti . A
87 1,7,,
" Carlisle o 75 .
" Middlesex o o 02.!;';
" Kingston . a . f: Si)
" Mocha . nicsburg " 371/
" Shiremanstown " 44 "43
Trains will run as follows:-
Ist Train. 2‘.1 Train. Extra Train
Leave Chamberburg 5.15 n.m. 4.31 p.m. from Carlisle
Scotland 5.24 4.42
Ern ipponsburg 5.48 5.04
Oakville 6.02 5.18 •
Newville 6.10 5.35
Alterton 6.29 5.45
" Good Hope 6.34' 5.50
" Carlisle 6.57 6,13 - 0.40 a. m.
" Middlesex 7.04 6.20 0.47
" Kingston 7.12 6.28 10.04 •
" Mechanics'g 7.35 645 10.17
" Shiremans'n 7.30 6.51 10.23
Regular trains will leave Harrisburg daily, at 8.30
A. N., 1.00 P. M.
An Extra train will leave Harrisburg every day
during the continuance of the Exhibition, at 7.15 P. 31.,
flr Chambersburg and intermediate stations, and on the
27th and 28th au additional Extra train will leave for
Carlisle and intermediate - stations at 4% o'clock I'. 51.
Tickets good fhr return passage until the 20th inst., and
positively no longer.
Arrangements will be made for the sale of Tickets at
all the stations on the road, and any person entering
the cars without a ticket will be charged full fare.
and other articles for exhibition nt the Fair, will ho
transported its the ears of the company free of charge,
except in case the art ides transported, are sold or pur
chased at the Fair, when the regular freights will be
charged. All articles carried free must be entirely at
the risk of the owner—loaded and unloaded at his own
expense and under his charge—as the railroad company
will assume no care or responsibility of such property.
Persons wishing articles transported on the above con
ditions, must give notice to the Company's Agents, at
least , three days baore the Exhibition opens, in order
that the cars May be provided at the points required.
Atli' All Fares. except those ,paid for exetirtion tickets
to Harrisburg, will be charged at the regular rates.
A. F. SMITH, Supt.
Sept. 19, ';,5.
N- O'tICE.----At a stated ' Orphans'
Court began on Tuesday, the 14th day of August,
A. D. 1455. and holden at Carlisle In and for Cumberland
County. heibre the Iron. .1 A NIES 11. tIItAIIAM, i'rest.
Judge :int! Samuel Woodburn and John ltupp, Eggs.
Assoetate Judges, the following proceedings were had
to wit:
In the platter of the writ of partition and vninntion,
of the Real Estate of John Piper deed. late of Monroe
twp.,.the said inquisition hoeing been returned by the
She riff and confirmed:
_ .. , . ..
Now to wit, 15 of August, 1855„rule on the heirs and
artii3,l intercitel t) appsar at the next stated Orphans'
.ot-t, an I to :•1 ,r r ,rit+, t • tit( o, otherwise show (Muse
why the Court should not order the property to be sold.
Notice to be served personally on the parties residing'
within forty miles and by publication In ono Newspaper
on those residing beyond forty miles.
Cam. In testimony whereof I have set my hand
iti . nnd seal of said Court at Carlisle the four.
eenth day of August A. D.. 1855.
.100 N 51.0111.00, Clerk 0. C.
Sept. 12-It.
NOTICE.—To Stephen Keepers,
Charles Swartz and Catharine his wife, David Pen
well, and Sinall his wife, Lewis G. Swain and Ann !E
-liza his wife, Oliver A. Keepers, Mary Ann, minor child
of William Keepers; decd. and. Margaret Goff, wife of
Kenny Goff, her mother, Lewis Keepers, who has for
his guardian John D. Gorgass, Henry Getty, minor
child of Jane Alice Getty dec'd., and his father William
Getty and William W. Ku Tors, minor son of John U.
Keepers, deed. and Elizabeth Keepers his mother,
heirs and legal representatives of Mary A. Keeper, late
of Carlisle, deed.
frith° matter of the partition and valuation ,of the
Real Estate of Mary A. Keepers into of the borough of
Carlisle, deed.; now to w,it August tith, 1855, on ap•
plicatlon of Stephen Keepers one of the heirs of the the
cedent, setting out that the Sheriff has made his return
to the writ of partition and valuation with the finding
of the inquest annexed, rule granted upon the parties
interested to appear at the next-stated Orphan's Court
and accept or refuse the said Real Estate at the value.
Lion, or to show cause why the said Real Estate should
not be sold. DT THE COURT.
Jour Gm°, Clerk 0. C.
Tile parties interested are hereby required to take no
tice of the foregoing rule and appear at the next stated
Orphan's Court of Cumberland county, on the oth day
of November next, and accept or refuse the said Real
Estate at the valuation, or show cause why the same
should not be sold. The said Real Estate consists of
a house and Lot of Ground situate la the said borough
fronting on the north on Main street, bounded on the
south by an alley, on the east by property of Mary
Greason and on the west by property of Fred' Watts,
Sept 12, W.—lt.
Exhibit of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Car
lisle School District, for the year eliding Juno 1
Dalancn in Treasury Juno 1,1851 i.•
including uncollected Taxes
since paid in, $1729 41
State APprt priation for 1854, 338 80
Rent received for Hail, 133 25
Tuition foes from the non-resident- •
scholars, 35 76
Tax assessed for 1854, including an
omission in former year, *5450 00
Loan for building new school hou
ses, 1500 00
Building two now school houses, $2303 00
Repairing, masonry, fencing and
ont.houses, 307 49
Interest and lusuranco, 280 05
Rents, 131 34
Wood and Coal, 181 16
School Furniture and Painting, 88 89
Incidental expenses,
Messenger and Printing,'
Balone° in tho Tirsury,
*Of this stun s7'ls was outstanding at the close of the
Showing tho Indobteduess of tho District and tho pub•
lie property held by the Board of Directors.
Amount duo for purehae, of real °Auto and
building purposes, $4,158 83
'Educntlon Iledl—a 'school rooms, 2,600 00
Old College property, 0 school rooms, 2,500 00
llouse'andlot on Pomfret street, 2 rooms, , 1,000 00
House and lot on Pitt stroet, 2 TOO/U K 1,400 00
Houses and lot on louthor street, 3 rooms, . 3000 00
School furniture, maps, stoves, and necessary
fixtures, eathatiled at 1,000 00
Whc;la amount of property, $12,000 00
By order of the Board.
septti ANDREW BLAlft, Free.
VrtATE NT SKIRTS,: Ste.—Just open ,
od another Involoo of White and Colored Patent
s, blosguoto nets, with a variety of other seasons
blo goods. July 18. QHO. W.
_L od, A further supply of French Comte of 0/31'3 II
sus. Also Mirrow Llnou Fringes [Or trimming Drogues
juno2o Clito. W. lIITNED.
gulaqzu 31611V4
That 'very valuable and well known BUSINESS
STAND situate on the corner of North Hanover and
Lonnie' . Streets, In the borough of earitslo now owned
and occupied by Jacob Fetter, containing 30 feet front
on Hannover street and '240 feet on Louther
. street.—
The improvements on Ilannover steeet nro a large
THIIIIE STORY HOUSE, with a large brick back
tioishod In the most elegant manner. containing 11
/rim:n§ including the store room, besides pantries
jl:y • and convenient closet arrangements. The STOR
ROOM is 33 feet In depth, fitted up hi the best
lo.sslble manner and one of the most desirable and long
rstabllshed business locations In our town.
There is a large two story brick building fronting on
',outlier street. with u shop attached, now occupied as
a eabinet maker shop. Also a stable on the foot. of this
lot, and other necessary out buildings. The property
is in excellent order having been recently fitted up by
the present occupant For terms Ac. enquire of
sept 5 Real Estate Agent and Scrivener.
On FRIDAY, the 2801 day of September, 1855.
Tn puavuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cum
berland county, to me directed, 1 will expose at , public
sale, on the premises at 12 o'clock M. all the thllowing
Heal Estate, late the property of Thomas. Swerengin
decd. viz: A Tract of Land situated in Hampden twp.
Cumberland county, adjoining lands of John Earnest.
William Logan. John Dill, Peter Dill, Peter Fes . sler and
others. containing
and ninety perches. This tract is of ft tine quality. In a
good neighborhood being about six
...;4,7 e 1; 6 miles westwardly of liarrisburg—on
r•-,• I the State Road leading from a Harris
burg to Sterrett's (lap and on the road
~ i2iTntop;-ypT, , ,.. leading from Rupp's mill to the North
• mountain, and about twd miles North
of said mill. being under good fences in a high state of
cultivation, nearly all of which has been recently limed.
it is well supplied with water, there being two never
failing pumps near the main buildings, and running
water in nearly all the fields. Thu sante has been di
vided into tracts each tract having an abundahce of
running water as follows:
No. 1 contains 12:, acres and 24 porches having there
on erected a two story weather-boarded HOUSE and
BANE BARN, spring house, wagon shed, and other ne-
cessary buildings, and all of which are substantially
built. There is also an excellent ORCHARD of choice
fruit on this tract. &c. About twenty-tire acres of the
above tract is well tlinheml.
'2 contains 4S acres _ 46 perches
: having thereon
erected a two story Lilt: lIIWS I.: and WO HAHN, ;thin
an excellent ORO! About ono third of this tract
is well timbered with a never foiling spring of running.
water at the door.
No. 8 c.intaltis 5-1 acres 2.0 perches about the one half
of which le well timbered.
The fbregoing described Real Estate la of n charnete
rarely offered tbr sale and presents ;:rent inducements
to purchasers. and rho same will be sold as above divid
ed, or in the whole as may be desirable to purehamers.—
Persens.leSiriliff to examine the property can do do by
calling on the whitlow who resides on the premises, or
on the subscriber. Ter ms made known on the day of
sale by ISENJANIIN }Mit.
Si-pt. 5, '55. A dmi Ist ra tor.
trn,rork Advocate, copy, mark price and send bill to
this ',thee.
s.yrunDAY, the "9th of September. inst.
Will lin sold at public sale, on the premises,
house and lot of ground, situate in itiatinson top.
Cumberland county, late the property of John Chisnell.
deceased, about three quarters of a mile South of Cen
treville, on the state road lending from Neoville to
liettysbum, containing about EOUlt ACRES of first
rate limestone land. having thereon erected a one and
a half story log weather-Boarded HOUSE AND KITCH
EN. a Log llama, Spring House, Smoke House. good
House, together with a choice assortment of apple. peach
and plum tree's now bearing. Also a never f aillna
spring of water near the dwelling, making it one of the
most desirable situations for a private residence. Sale
to commence at It, o'clock of staid day when attendance
will Iw given and terms made known by
Sept. 5'56 JOHN T. GREEN.
Executor of John Chisnel, deed.
On MONDAY the 6th of October,
In pursuance of an order of the Orphnns Court of Cum
berland County, I will expose at public sale, on the
premisesot 10 o'clock, A. M, a small FARM, of limo.
stone land In excellent order,
situate In Monroe township, on the road lending from
Miller's Mill to Mechnnksburg, and nd
,,v,..,.. -,.• ' joining lands of David Nelswanger, Hu
l:'''- ' .- dolph Miller, Frederick °ants and Hon
:'", 4 1 / ., •,: ry Encks. It is all well fenced and in a
.:".4,„ ..2 ~ ' . high state of cultivation except one a
-=''s."'"- ere whi€h is In wood. There are erected
on the premises a large, well finished two story stone
HOUSE with Stone Kitchen attached, a good FRAME
BARN, new hog house and other out buildings. Also
nu ORCHARD of choice fruit and an excellent well of
never failing water near the house. The terms of sale
are toe per cent. of the purchase money on day of sale
when the property Is stricken down.'one half the bai
mince (um the Ist day of April 18$9. when possession and
'ic e d will be given, the balance in ono year without in
tug 29 • Administrator.
On SATURDAY, tho 22d otSeptumber,
pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Cum
berland county . , will Le sold at public sale, on the prom.
lees, at /0 OCIOrk, A. M. the following described Itcal
Estate, late the property of George Noggle dec'd. viz:
A Tract of Land, situate In Dickinson twp. bounded by
lands of Christian THU, Alexander McKlnstry, Solomon
Brindle and William Harper, containing
more or lose, of limestone lend, of which about eighty
six acres are cleared and the residue
--^•^s is excellent timber land,having there
.l on erected n 11.013 110 USE and Barn,
a Tenant Millie and Stable, with oth
or necessary out-buildings. There is
n well 01 water on the premises and an ORCWAIID of
choice fruit trees
At the same time andplace will be sold a Tract of
fltilh name
situate in the sae township, containing VW
- TEEN ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of
John Kissinger and others.
'he above described Real Estate will be sold on the
following terms, via : Five per rent of the purchase mo
ney to be paid on the day of male. half of the balance
on the Ist of April next, when possession will be given
and a deed made to the purchaser, and the balance lu
two equal annual payments thereafter, without inter
est, to be secured upon the property by judgment bonds
ling 29 ROBERT 111. HAYS,
Appointed by the Court to make sale.
$8,187 22
On SATURDAY, the 20th of October,
By virtuo of an order of the Orphans Court of Cumber
land County, to me directed I will expose to public
sale on the premises, in Dickinson township, at 10 o'-
clock. A. M. a certain
1101.185 and I.OT OF GROUND
[illsituate in said township, bounded by
lands of Christopher Johnson's heirs,
• 4.- • • Dr. Wm. Meteor and others, containing
TWO . ORES neat measure late the property of Rlisa
both Shenk, doc'd. This property is delightfully situ
ated as a residence and the title is indisputable.
Terms—Five por rent, of the purchase money to be
paid on the contirmattn of the sale. Ono half the bal
ance on the Ist of Apr il. 1850, andthe other half on the
lst of April. 1057, without interest. The two latter
payments to be secured by recogalbmace lu the Orphans
aug2o Administrator.
90 69
4114 58
7,540 51
$640 71
Nalloy,Dimpbth and Pino GrOVO
Nut or Mae Coal,
Lykone Valley, Pittston and Shamokin Stove Coal,
Also, best, uality Blacksmith Coal.
Also, LUMBER of all Una:sand beet Cypress Shingle*,
all otwhicli vall be sold unusually low. blonds call
and judge fer'yoursolses.
aug 20 tt 8. M. HOOVER.
The subscribers barn been appointed Agouti' In
Carl sle for the tale of A. COOK'S OUTTA PERCIIA
PENS. These pon• are prored to be superior to any Pen
heretofore manniketurod and will not corrode with ink.
Call and try them, GROVE & ASKEW,
sept 6 pd4t Naha Street, Carlisle.
31etif 'T:state
Meal (.:state Safes.
The subscriber, Executor of Ueurge Murray, sr. doted.
will sell at public Hale, at the Court Douse in the tort'
of Carlisle, on SATE IiDAY, the •29th of September. at
1 o'clock,,y. M. the Mllowing valuable Real Estate, all
in the Dotinigh and situated as described below, viz;
1. The old .MANSION i'ROPERTY, with the im
pr.)voments thereon. on the corner of West Street and
Dickinson Alley, 100 feet on the former and tiO feet on
the hitter.
2. Also, a TOWN LOT(6O feet in front and 240 in
depth, situate on the south side of West Pomfret ntreet
and running back to Chapel Alley, north of the Sece
der Church.
3. Also, a LOT, containing ONE ACHE niorn or less
In the roar of South College, between t burch Alley and
Pomfret Street.. -
. _
4. Also. TWO TOWN LOTS, each f 0 feet in
by 240 in depth, situate on the South mde of :Nooli
street. and running back ;to Locust Alley between Pitt
and %Vest streets.
This property will be sold in ,vhole or in parts. The
terms made known on the day of sale. yor further in
formation call on the subscriber.
I.),UBLIC SALE.—WiII be soldat pit).
lie sale. on the prellllSe9, on SATURDAY the 18th
day of October, 14.55, a HOUSE and I.OT
,'ay,' OF GROUND, situate partly Mifflin and
10••51 "
11 4 : partly hi Frankford townships, adjoining
lands of Henry Minn, .sautes Kennedy
•t• not others, and belonging to the estate
samuel Utley, dec'ett. the lot contains
about THREE AcRES, having thereon erected a LOG
IiOUsE and horn, a spring of running water, and al:1-
'1..4 of fruit trees. this property is within two miles
of the borough of Neu title, and is worthy the attention
of a man of moderate means wanting a home.
The property is sold under an order of the Orphans
Court of Cumberland county, directed to
Guardian of the minor children o. said decedent, to sell
their interests in the same, and under .t Power of Attor
ney from the partiee legally entitled and of full age, to
the said .11.1 m , frf is. to sell their interests. Sale to coin
menu. at 1.0 o'clock, A. M. and terms made known by
sept. 3 JOH \ ORRIS, Guardian.
W EDNESDAY, the 19th of Septembert, 1555
In pursuame of :in order of the orphan's Court of
Cumberland county, I will expose at public sale on the
premises, at 11 o'clock, A. M., in North Middleton twp.
ab, l it late mile north of the Carnalogulunet Creek at
Wiese's Bridge. and adjmtrning George Gutshall, Philip
Zeigler, George Keel and others. on which Martin II ert
Ih ed and died, A FARM of slate land in good order,
TWO iirsDRED Asv Fociav ACRES
more or less, all of Wilk', is cleared anti fenced except
about twenty acres which Is In World. There are erect ,
e 4 T .Aed upon the premises two good Loo HOUSES and
Ilay-(louse, Stone Granary, and :ikon goad
SAW-MILL upon a stream of water which runs
thr , uxli the premises. There Is great part of the land
which is excellent meadow and produces well. and It is
n good market farm helm , about 4 miles from Carlisle.
'Fills farm will be t old in parts or altogaither as will
best suit purchasers and bring the best price. the same
having been divided Into three parts of a 1 acres 7 per
ches; I:11 acres 106 perches and :33 ac.os tin parches, a
pl o t of which will 1,0 exhibited ou the day of sale.
I will sell at t he• same time and .place, 52
acres 60 perches of MOUATAIN LAND situate about one
mile front the limn: the laud has beenAlivided into two
tricts and will be sold separately. it has elegant 'lo
thither upon it and is very valuable Mr rail timber.
TERMS: Fire per cent of the purchase money to be
paid when the sale is confirmed; one third is to remain
On the Will the interest of which is to be paid to the
widow for life and the principal at her death to the
heirs—one third on the Ist of April 15Gn, and the bal
ance in two anual payments without interest, to be se
cured on the land. The landlords share of the grain in
the ground to go to the purchaser. Any further infor
mation will be given by Muses Brost ou the premises,
or dos. Wert adjoining.
Aug. 22 'M. SAMUEL WERT.
Lancaster Examiner and York Republican will
and send bill to this office.
WILL bo told at public sale on thu prenesca
On FRIDAY the 21st day of September 1535.
nt 1 o'clock P M. All the' following described reel
estate situated in Vrankford township Cumberla. d
county lately belonging to Joseph lleffiellnger of tic
sail township dee'd. A tract of land adjo•ning lands
of John Burket, William 31cCratt and others, contain
ing about thirty acres inure or
-kee--.•••:-.: The improvements am a Good Two
• • Story Weatherbonrded HOUSE, Doub
f•Pii7 1 2, le Log Barn, a good carpenter shop,
• an ORCHARD of Choice fruit Ac.—
7--;." • • -4 ., • There Is a never falling spring of we
ter near the House. This desirable property is situa
ted three miles North of the borough of Newville and
at that distance term the Cumberland Valley Rail
road. Persons wishing to examine the promises can
do so by calling on Henry lleitielinger, who resides
Also a Tract of MOUNTAIN LAND. adjoining lands
of Samuel Arnauld, Peter Myers and others, containing
about EIGHTEEN ACRES more or loss. The interests
of Joseph lietiletinger and John D. lieffletinger, minor
sons of the decedent, in the aborye real estate, will be
sold under an order of sale from the Orphans Court of
Cumberland County, directed to John Oiler, their Guar
dian. The heirs of full ago will unite in the sale to dia.
pose of their interests. The widow's interest in the
purchase money remains in the property. Terms made
known on the day of sale by
ang22. Guardian of Joseph A; J. D. Hetiletinger.
- -
The undersigned, AdminiFtrator with the will an
nexed ofJohn Itail, late of Newton township, Cumber
laud county, deceased, will offer nt public sale, on the
premises, on SATURDAY. the 2RI day of September,
1835, that excellent LIMESTONE FARM, in a high
state of cultivation, Into the property of said deceased,
situate in said townshlNAhns, miles west of Newvillo,
on the mad lending front Newvillo to Shlppeusburg,
and one - hail mile east of Oakville. on the Cumberland
Valley Rail Road, adjoining lands of Robert Mickey,
John Hoover, Rev. Alex. Sharp, and others, containing
and FIFTY-SEVEN PERCHES, strict measure; having there
on erected a large two story STONE
',- ---' DWELLING HOUSE, and a t TONE
t 0.... KITCHEN attached, a Well of never
~.., t;
i . e i. - 7, failing water near the door, a huge
2 .
... stone bank Darn, an excellent Cider
Press, Corn Cribs and Wagon Shed,
with other necessary oubbuildlngs. Also, a largo two
story TENANT HOUSE, with a Stable and other HOCCE.
sary out-buildings.
Thoro is on this farm a largo and excellent Apple Or
chard, with choice grafted fruit; 11150, Peach, Plum and
Cherry trees. Twenty acres or more of the above de
scribed farm is covered with some of the best and most
thriving young timber. There are also Locust treason
the same sufficient to make several hundred ',must
posts; also, a quantity of young and thriving laves.—
As the property in located so near Oakville, on the C.V.
It. It., where a extensive business is done is the for
warding business, the purchaser of the same may con
sider that ho has the market almost at the them which,
renders the farm very desirable, and owing to its ' being',,
situation in the very centreof the valleyonay be ranked
amongliie fittest and most productive thuestaue tams
in the same.
Any person or persons wishing to 'view the above de
scribed farm, can have an opportunity of doing ao. by
calling on the undersigned, wha resides ono. quarter of
a mile north of the samo. or ou Samuel Hail, who re
sides on the promises, either of whom, will bo pleased
to show it.
Salo to commence at 1 o'cletk,l".sl.,,when tome will
be tondo known by
WILLIAM SMITH,, An with the will annexed.
eubecribur would respootftd)y Inform tboo.dtooos
pfCarlielo and vicinity that bets now prepared to fur
nivh the OItStIINE TREVORYON COAL, of various
elves, a eampleof which was fbralehed to a number of
Miaow; threeyears slum by Mr. E. Holfunstvin. end
which gave such perfect satialtuAlon.
Also beet conlitice of Lylcens Valley and Sttonb.4ln
of the dideerentr Linda, constantly co hand, at the new
Coal Yen" near the gas storks.
8014.6 '54 JACOB. 8111t031.
Mae( estaie Safes
- On FRIDAY, October. roth
By order of . the Orphans Court of Cumlwriand county,
in 0 proreeling iu partition amongst the heirs of Mat.
thew Clay, deed. I will expose 'to piddle sale. on the
at4l M., A FARM, to Flankferd
township, bounded by lands of Alin'. agizolier' II beim
John t Iri, :John Waggoner and the heirs Clay,
containing about
of good Alate and Free Stone land. abort 110 arms of
whi, his dearod and under geed fence and euitivnt , a,
and the residue is tine timber. Th• im-
,e ~ , .,..e t provements are a large S'i*O.N I , : 1101."..
li t. • with kitchen attached, large Hank fain .
f; ;I: 1/ . . Spring ;louse. Cider
. PreNs, a good Apple
J.. • ••.-1` Orchard and other fruit trees , t e running
••_ . .i
.•- —•-_
water through the piece- This is a very
desirable and eenvenient Farm and within about live
tulles of Carlisle,
The terms of sale will ho: Five per cent of the pur
ehase moony to be paid when the sale Is contlrntetL the
resi.lne of one half n the Ist of April. 1856, when pr 9-
4eSSIOI) will he given, and the ha h ip two annual
payments without Interest,•to be scoured on the land.
Che landlord's share of the groin is reserved.
On SATURDAY, the 29th of September,
ity virtue of an order of the iirphans' Court I will
sell at the Court House in ( arlisle, :it '2 o'clock, P. M.,
.I`.FRAME IIi)USE, with :pout ONE ACRE of - ground
Attached, late the property of John Lephart.
This property Iles about f ur miles west of
ti the State Road, near Plainfield And is now la
the is,upaney of Joseph Conner.
Persons Wishing to puramse ran examine the pry p
erty botoro the day of sale: Tents will.° made known
Sept. 5, '55
(-) Il AN ' S Ult T SALE.
On SATURDAY, the 29th of September,
la pursuance of IlliThider of the Orphans Court of
Oumberland County, to me directed, I will expose t,
public sale. on the premises, at 11: o'clock, M. all the
dlowing described Real Estate, late the property if
Aamuel Newcomer. of Upper Allen twp. dec'd.
No. I. A Tract of Land, situate In East l'enushor
township. Cumberland county, adjoining lands of
tor Barnhart :tad others, containing
This tract is of n lino quality, in a
good neighborhood. under good fences.
in a high state of cultivation, and an
exeellont spring of water running Hirt.'
it. The improvements are substanti it
and numerous, consisting of a comm. , .
dions two story STONE; HOUSE, largo
DANK HAHN, with a never-tailing well of water in the
',aril, a Spring House, Wagon Shed, Ac. Also an OP,
This desirable .4`Roperty is situated within
!Ivo allies of Harrisburg. to which place there is a god
rad. Persons desiring to examine the property can
111 cn by calling on Samuel Newomer, who resides on
the premises.
ttid 121 Porches.
- Also. Three Lots of \IOI NTAIN LAND
4 , with Chesnut and Oak Timber, situated in
4, East l'imi ro nibo township, about one mile
4••••tri .., f r o m the above farm—one lot containing
30 acres :Ind 126 perches, the others about
21 acres each.
One Trait of TIMBER LAND, in Upper Allen
township, cunt:111117)(1w One Acre and eighty-five perch•
tiire.:ming described real estate is 01 a charm-tor
rarely offered for sale and presents great inducements
to purchasers. Terms made known on day orsal.i.
au42l Ainnintstrater.
117) Lancaster Volksfreund and Harrisburg Telegraph
.7opy It. mark price and charge this office,
Will be sold at public sale, on the premises. on SAT :
IliDAY,the 13th day of October, next. at 12 e'elo,k,
noon, a chub.° FARM, situate in Nei:lnt:on township.
Cumberland eriunty, on the Pine llond.ulidway &Alveoli
Carlisle and Shippeusburg, Into the property of George
Wielder. deceased,
all cleared. The laud is in a gond
state of cultivati..u, is of n good qua I.
• _
Insh ity and the greater part has been
ife. 1.4:17,5; ed. There is a first-rate lienretonc
quarry on the farm. The htiprove•
taunts are a new and convenient
new and neat, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and other eut•
Luildlngs. all of which are new. There is fl well of goc d
water with a pump near the door. A lso on the gum a
thriving young ORCHARD of well selected fruit trees
This farm is near the Yellow Brooches Creek. and ad:
joins the other - farm Of Geo-go Widder, doc'd. and ad
pins lands of Wm .31ains, Abraham Kurtz, Win.
ver and others.
Also. at the FIRM time and place will be sold a quan
thy of excellent T1:1111Eit LAM) lu the said vicinity
srnno of which hex thereon good Chesnut, Pine and otii
er timber.
Persons wishing to flew said lands can do so and
have all necessary Information by application to the
undersigned, who reside in the Immediate vicinity.—
Terms will be made known on day of SAO
131LIBLIC SALE.—WiII be sold at
lic.nlo on the premises In Mifflin township, 7 ' . i•
On TUESDAY the,lBth day of September 1855.
A FARM of Goon Seta Lsan containing
all of which is cleared and fenced except about six acres
which is In timber. The improve.
r th ;inents are two good HOUSES and two
Barns and all necessary buildings.—
, There is good meadow land and an
• .1. 2 . 4 i'oo• ORCHARD on the premises and
there Is plenty If running water. This property is about
2 miles North West of Novrvlllc and adjoins Martin Mil
ler.Juhn Itchiest's Heirs, George Knettle and John
Noise and was formally the Mansion Farm of Henry
Knettle deed. and now belongs to his Grand childien,
as whose property It will be sold.
There will also bo sold at the same time and place,
shout 46 acres of firstrate Wont-land distant from the
farm abOut 2 miles. This. land will be divided and sold
In lots about la agree each, a draft or plot of which will
be exhibited on the day of sale.
The terms of sale which will be assy will be made
known on the any by JOHN WALLACE,
Agents for the Heirs.
Aug. 2215.
1/10It SALE.—Tho largo Urick House and Lot
situated on Louther Street one door east of the German
Reform Church. The house contains
I —"").„ nlno large rooms, besides two finished
7 - ; attic chambers. lago kitchen and sum.
go, t'art"i mer kitchen. The lot has 60feet front
0 .`.4;!'-'''''• on Louther street by NO feet bark to
a wide alley, and 120 trot on North
Street by 240 feet to the wuno alley, containing in all
about an acre of ground. There is also a good tenant
house anti a stable GO feet long on the premises. The
property would suit admirably for either a gentelmares
private residence, a boarding school or flictory estatilibla
went, For terms Lc. enquire of
Real Estate Agent, Owlish/
s SALE.—The subscribes offers at prf•
vat° sale a rid unlit° house and half lot
ofground situated Us North Hanover
street. The lroprorenients a two sitoto , westher.boarded
lionee, washbowl°, bakehouse, a cistern, &c., &c,. The
lot is 30 foot In front, and 210 to depth, and contains a
variety of excellent fruit truce,. Terms 0 : 0 7. APPO to
Agent/ 01 , 81 A khodee,tett.
Juno 13
\VALL PAPE.R.—Justi vecitivea .4
splondld stook of: Paper .itanstags, Window
Shades and Firoboardi Prints, embracing lathe newest
and most approved' Alin& Tiltudesigns are 'neat and
uhaate, and the prises mob a* cannot fall to give 'WWI
faetlon. We Invite ear "friends and the public general
ly to oall and saturnine onr assortment before purehastas
el eowho ro. 11. SAXTON,
march2l ' • -East Vain Steel. CarliAl•
WOOLLEN YARN —A tot of every
Superior Heavy and Itven Woollen Yarn Just
received, much better than the My yarn, all oolours.
novo 011A8. 0011.11 Y.: