Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 12, 1855, Image 3

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miles best of ilarrishurg. The ninth Sesidon
of this popular and- - flourishing Institution will cum
mimeo un '3londay. the ith of ;My next, under the
most favorahlo auspices. During the present year NIIVII
Improvements end additions have hrm} made as its in
creasing patrona;:o demanded. 'f he Principal will he as
sisted by a „Nil eorjos of competent and experienced
teachers, and speatal will he paid to the health
and comfort of the Students.
Boarding, Washing and 'euition in the English Branch
es, and Vocal Music, per Session. L.", win the) $OO.OO
Instruction Jo Latin and Grtalk, Evoli, • 10 00
French and German fLon
The r attenthat of patients and guardians Is earnestly
invited to this Institution. Cl6'lll l / 1 , 11111 be furnished
and any inf rute.tion wall he given ; nu application, either
personal ur by hitter to
t• D. DENIANI;EIt, Principal,
Ma.r.'l4, 1555..
- Harrisburg, Pa.
-- - -- -
EMY, near Crlis/ , e, Pa.T.M.. 3 .3tb,5e , ...1en will mom
mence on' TUESDAY. May 14,15:3!).-Ntanther of Stu
dents limited,and 4 .onstaint ell , Jalv \ -- ‘3sed bw their moral
and intellectual haprovement. Tel'ins, $13.5 Per session.
Circulars NV it il 0310 re nee9 and ftt/1 Inthrma t ion furnish
ed. by 11. K. BURNS,
Principal and Proprietor,
Plainfield. Cumberland co. Pa.
April IS-1 SZ,S
histituti“n presolOs superior (11,1111.0 s to pawl;
man desirous of obtaining a Prootical huainetts
. Tito course of study embraces Double Entry Ilimk
litteping, O.S practacally applied to the management of
Mercantile ; Laud , 31anumetut Mit 40/11 :AMID/ boll( .130OkS
—IIIISitIOSS POllll/allSillp 01111 Ntl . l . .trai Comp lathais
Lectures on (;011111101TOO W-11) , ..11 the sot -
jeCt of Bills of tiaituauge, Promissory Stites, Colt Cruets,
The exercises too strictly practitatl, I.elng &dotted
from actual business transa-tions, and ,/ 1 . 1/1/11,11 • Iltiy
cum bitie practice With I beery t but students. IM ttomple
tion of the. course, tie it t ivory respect competent to
cenduct, Ott tiviel,tilic priticiples.tin) set tit humble Entry
Books. The students bate tun Commercial Li
brary procured expressly ter their. fl t.l,l,nl { W l tUt
1:8/1:11 lOIOZt II 01 11.10 to complete the v.hele course,
from S to 11l wee.h.s.
Fur pa-rticuiar, write :Ind receive a circular 1.3 - Mail.
:will 11
F REs 11 DU II S, DI CIN ES, &c.
Mut' just received front Philadelphia and
:se.v. VO/ly 0011:1113 add/LIWIti to my
• farmer stork, em bract ug hearty es cry article
Medieitie 1101 V /II I.lSe, together with
Valets, tnls, Varnishes, Turpettlaue,:rortu ,
t Soaps, Stationary. Ville Cutlery, kisla•
• h' lachle, 'trusties 01 aiIIIUSL every descrip•
100, 1....a..1,1 oodles. , ariety vi' ether articles, Which 1
atm determined to sell at Tito Vollt Lowest prices.
All Physici Lountry alerchauLs. Ind'ars and oth•
ers, are respectfully requested net to pam the ULI)
STAND, as they may rest assured that every article still
-be sold of a good quality, and upon reasonable terms.
1: 1. 1, 1 Orr, •
Main street, Carlisle
May 30
RUGS! 1)1.1, UGrS ! Dlt UGS ! Fresh
51.1Di'Ll l t have just received a fresh stoelti of
. Medic/lies, Pairits, IiIIISS, ltli, .tr., 1t hiCil, lia‘ lug .
--!,..„,..,- ueeti puretised• with great ears at the best city
V 01 , houses, I ,falioltilidulitly reeouttnund to rainities,
i'llysierilis,cuautry .3lereliauts and Dealers, at; be-
111(1.;(4.$-1'Ment 31edicitm,s, Film Chemicals, liistru
ments, pure .ilertc, and 1 ~lracw,
grutmti sch7dc, i'crfurnery, & c.
b„..„DY 6-ST digoes AlluitterS, 61111/11C, Alum, Log
2.1.11 d. OM/ 11'uoa:4, tal 1 oriel, eyppura,,, Lac Lye.
I'AINTS-11 etherill . Brothers Pure Lead, Chrome
Croon and Yu:ow, valet. and Varnish Brushes ' Jersey
Window rims:., Linseed 1)11, Turpentine, Copal and coach
arnish, and hed bead. .111 of which will be sold at the
very lowest market price.
Also, a fresh and splendid assortment nf FANCY
1.1001),S, Fruits. Confectionary, awl Innumerable other
artiel4 (=fem.' Led for use end ornament, all of which
are offered at the lowest cash prices, at the cheap Drug,
Book and Fancy Slum of the subscriber on North Dith
erer street. a. tit 11AVE1LST1CK.
The uintersigned has just returned from Phila.
h.... a fresh supply of nlilltl.S a nd 11..).N FEL:Tit/NAIL Y.—
The former in c.muection with his stock on hand will
make his assortment of Drugs, Medizines and Chemicals
complete. Ills assortment of CO,. , ;FAY.LIUNAItY is also
fine; consisting of pure sugar white and transparent
Candy Toys; uundy, common, assorted, and line ciunihts
of every varlet ,•; else Fruits, Ruts, and every thing
belonging is that department of trade. lle would call
spechil attention to his supply of FANCY ARTICLF..S
for the Holidays, and general use, among winch 11.116'. he
fund the good, the tasteful, and the useful. All 'arc
Invitud to call wnether they wish to punch .so or not.
Carlisle, Pec.r ..5,i
Prefesser ot Anatomy and Su r_mery in the Philadel
phia College. of 31edielne, and Acting Professor of Al id
wifery; nite.of the enD.SUltillg PhySieb us of the Phil
adelphia ilesm tat, Blocieley; late member of the 'Na
tional Medical A sseelatb in; member of the Philadel
phia Aledical ,Seciety; MOW bur of the l'iledico-Cliirurgh
cal Coilego sf Philadelphia; formerly President and
Professor or Anatomy and Surgery lis Castleton Medi
cal College '
Vermont; and else, late Professor of An
atomy and Physiehvy ie Berkshire 31edical institu
tion, Pit &shell; Mass. ' Anm.
has lately r aced ill a popular fermis, several of his
corne prescriptions fur the principal diseases of this
climate. Tbu Daur of each article will haply the clis
•ease for while!' It. is Intended to imu used.
Nimmetems AWE'S l'Ectommit STRUT, $l.
Da. AloCti N'..N)Cli'S COLD AND Commie Mixtuaz—For
Ceugh_s; jam., Price 26 Ms.
.DY. .1...e/e0 50 etc.
rifying the Blood. Prim $l.
Da. alcOusereoCet Dyspeptic Elixir—For glrirg tone
to the stomach, relieving pains after eating,, hesithurn,
and all disagreeable symptoms arising front indigestion.
Price $l.
Da. McCe.nerocn's itztEumstic Mixrua.E—A Purely 'Ve
getable Remedy for internal use. Price 50 etc.
Da. tsliaitaaToes'.s ReitmunAtic Lt'veznese—For Mumma-
Risen, Sprains, Price 50 etc.
Da. iilcCeninsemcla As ODYNE 311.11'uRE--For Paina,Tooth
ache, Lleadaclso, Neuralgia, .4c. Price 50 ets.
Du. MeCiAxteea's FIXER AND AiElie SPD:IIP/4.1--A. certain
.cure far all intermit ., ttents. Prim $l.
TENTIVE---A . 4111 Remedy.
'COEitIVEIIeFE, ilemedaehe, ter.. Puce 25 cis.
DR. MCCLINEOCE'taNTI-1111.1.0 ue Plus—For irregularity
An the Functions of the Liver and llowelo—the best Liv
er l'lll made. Price 25 ete. a boa-
F or solo by Dr. J: 3 IcOLINTOCIi, at his :Medical Depot,
N.M. Corner NINTII and Fll.lllafP Streets, Philmidel-
This, and nil Druseghts. D.-14 4 0. 3 u ari d 0t..41„1,, In
cities who' wish to be Agents, will ;ileac. address Dr..
fiirmilbising. references, name , tif Post Office,
ceunty and State.
ti.. For Sale liy W. A. Kelso, !Ismael Elliott. Carlisle;
.3. 11. Crlswtil,'Shtppotmburg; Eaumlnger & Co., L. Kauff
man, Ilimicheinscsimeg; Joseph Herron, Nowville; .1, D.
Zinimerman nsl
i 'AerenLurg; ironies & Flung, Millers.
t o wn; A.ll Klink,' Nary Bloomfield; Harrltt M. Singer,
port; tlazniner, York Springs;. A.l. Miller and
J. S. Nixon;
chombersburg; it. 'Mentzer, 'Waynesboro.;
GeorgCliersctier owl D. It...lonee Co. liailiShurg.
Dlt. McCl,l3lll'ooli. can be consulted,. without charges,
daily, front 10*j 12 o'clock, A. M., at•isis Depot.
December (1,11151--.7.1y.
best make vonatanily on hand and foesalo at the
'Car Isle Featiary and IllaehlueShop.
' , BANK. 0 k IiDNER.
JouN GOMIAS would inform the public that
he has now on hand nt his establishment, on Main St.,
next door to Marion Hall, the largest and most com
plete assortment of COOK,OFFICE k PAE
AN ladt sToViis to be founl in this county,
which will be sold at the lowest prices Mr
13) cash or approved credit. His stock consists of
, a large assortment of new and highly ap
•-•....m0 proved PATENT COOKING STOVEB, finished
Outlet most complete 111A11110r, and calculated tie either
wood or coal, or both. All the old standant patterns
which have stood the test of experience, may be liquid
at his establishment. Also, a great variety of the most
approved and beautiful PARLOR OFFICE 'STOVES, in
cluding a number of new styles, possessing very supe
rior advantages over those heretofore in use. Families
and housekeepers are respectfully invited to give him a
tall before purchasing elsewhere. Stoves deliver'd to
any part of the country and put up at tho shortest no
tice. Ito continues to doall kinds of TIN AND SHEET
MON WAItE, and Copper Work, and has constantly on
band or will make to order every article , requieed by
housekeepers or others •in this lino. Ills stock of Tin
and Copper Ware embraces every kind of household and
_kitchen Utensil, warranted equal to the best manufac
tured. prisons in want of articles In his line may al
ways be sure of being accommodated to their satisfaction
by giving him a calf, f novl-185-1
The Subscriber at hiti old stand on North Hanover tit.,
Carlisle, the sign of the "Miuninoth lied Coffee Pot," do
51res to callthe attention of the^ piddle to his large ass
ortment of STOP ES, of the newest and most Iltehlona-
F 1 styles, from the best manufactories In the
' country, and at all prices Prom to $l5.
are the Mirror Stove. the Arctic, Revere, Star,
; . Persian, Union anda.tua Air Tight, together
with other patterns , Which he has of all sizes
for parlors or chambers, and calculated for burning either
wood or coal. Also x the Mein Astor, Albany,
Plat-top and BandboX or poor Man's, with other COOK
ING STOVES, comprising the latest improvements in
kitchen stoves, and intended for either wood or coal.—
Also, the Dining Room Cooking StovW—a now and ele
gant arttele.'to which he invites the particular atten
tiotrottimillies. ills eisibinglitoves - range in price from -
SIM to 25, with the fixtures complete. Also, Nine Plato
Stove of I'AtiOUR patterintand different 1 n -keg.
Also, ENAM EbbED AND TINNED 11 ARE for Cook
ing Stoves., Ilniss Kettles, '.tc. Also, every article in oho
line of Tin mid Copper Ware. The, public are respect
fully invited to rail as ho Is confident with -his large
stock, variety, anti cheapness, of being able -to give en
tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and see.
Oct. 25, 1t54. , MIMS.
••heasou's whole pleasure, all the joys ul sense,
Lie in three words—Health, Peace, and Competence.
But when we have pales, ailliction,dr anguish of dis
eases, is not our pleasure, our joy, and our happiness
thereby destroyed! Why let our sick fellow-being suf.
fir? Lech nut Christ say : ith the mine measure ye
mete, it shall be measured to you again?"—Mat.
-Who is a wise mart and endowed with knew ledge a
mong you, let him show tint of a good conversation his
works with 1 / 1 1Celilli'SS and wisdom."-3:1111CS 3. 13.
SIOII,GhttY AAP MCDlCi.Vl...—Dortor. P. U. CA RD
1411i, Surgeon and Physician, who is Itohn~i~.t nod
Physiologist, and is Graduate of our bust Medical CI .11k,
gee, and nos outdo himself ttoinaluted with all the
ous 03 stems of Medical Science, and with the recent
discoveries and improvements in the v'arious depart
ments of the Healing Arts. faithfully attuuds,yo ardcrs
tin• Surgical and Medical Aid. and whose wahines are
all made or composed strictly in act...rhino% with the
Sciences ot• Path.dogy, Botany. itydropathy 0101 Physi-
Mogy; and whose medieinus are all composod ut whole
smite roots, piantii. and hydropathy, good in all diseases,
and to whom the athicted 110 invited to apply timely.
Ilis Character by liospoetablo Neigbbors.Av
Copy of a letter front the Ilev. C. 11. Leitibueli to 31 r.
11. the Warm Springs. Respected :or :—Al
low ino to inn...duce to your rvioudi s notw,.. Dr.
la.* of :Now lock. I have known Dr. C. for sixteen
years, hu 11:1, done bushiest.; for mu with sobriety, hon
esty and with item ftey ; therefore I do believe II iu to
penes tly sober. honest and trustworthy. Any fitvors
you may sue proper to colder on him, Will be h kid) ap
preciated by his a itunosi is friends. and by none more
highly, than your sincer.,friend and bumble sort ant.
/ C. 11. LIEN BACH.
Landisburg, Pa.. Julydfitb, 1 tts
Copt of a letter from George Spahr, Esq., County
Treasurer.—l do certify that the medical advice of Dr.
C. t tirdiler has surpassed an) other which I hate
hitherto had in the curd of so cl're fever in my tawny.—
I would thetethre recommend him to such persons who
may he afflicted with alioresaid disease or other, isc.
Bloomfield, August. ISSI.
Dia. CAI:I/Dr:it Clueing well acquainted with the re'
cent Ermien oo.coverles, with their new and sale
Lai LrLtatlllellt, :Laid the speedy and certain remedies and
cures for Dyspepsia, eA ver t maimed tits, Dysentery, Chat
era Mlorlotts :ill,: the Dustin, null
icr the prevencion 11,111 ellrea , f
Asiatic Cur tall the dUillet,S anal dis
eases of tile I,,'lleraLlN lIS Gild eeatt,
111 . 111 Mel: anti 11,0111.'11; noun:dies 1i11• insanity; certain
and it ably , lire. DU' all ta/1/5 01111.0011 S, Impotence, ;,ter
day. asexual .a bMeS.Veliereill ltl,easel, in ail their 101.1115:
:'Lliqtret ,, /ttlls 111111 Caller alltleate All
neee realea/e, eul.l sale It' al tile utmt uulau selellee
&atilt) a kiwi. no 05,111.a
--I:eau all Illaplier ill Manlier la . likeaSe.
.Stel, I. "II 10 I t irtlallllg that Christ ,antiono
detb he I 10, 33 to 3;, and n ith com
mon means. -Pro, ail things, hold fast that is hiell is
good. Thessaloinatis, a, 1. "Merely', let
Its 11,-
11urc It la) I,lg Lilt What, We should lay out for health.
tor there Is that ,attuivth and yet inereaseth. and there
is that withlnoileth niore than is dlt.let, but it, teudebli."
Proverlis, 11, 111,
'll.le different medicines and their directions will lie
sent to :teal in any direction by until or express.
Address 1)1'. P..C. CAUDll4.ll,carlisle,buntberland coun
ty, Pa., post paid, :and the tee 4;1 always aretallpail) iug
the letter, with the order, together with a description ti.
the hailing!, and the 53 mplainis of the complaints an the
aattlieted inclosed. It is tails system of Medical zcience
the nooks a aid the modes of cure only, which Dr. Card.
der amploys that allot, 01 medicines eutirel) made or
composed lit Wholesome hunts, plants, and Ilydropathy,
good in all diseases, (no poison), and which can make
speedy and certain remedies and cures for "all manner
of shoiness and all manner of disease," and which sur
pass all other medical moans If: point of good net4s, be.
yond all bounds tit COlll ;Plan. OFFICI: South Hanover
street, Ea.stside near alll below the Presbyterian Church
Carlisle, Pa. Testinionialaa html numerous persons of
the highest respectability in this and the ankjoining
comities, give authentic evidence of the good liaise 111
Dr. Cardders character, and can be seen at Ills (Mice.
N. B. The alltieted Call receive superior medicines and
the directions for their use by the first return of mail air
express. If interviews too desired, or visits rotinested,
Dr. C. will endeavour to accommodate applicants as liar
as he can. The Doctor speaks the English and the bier-
Mall Languages, etc. Jan. 17, 18.155
/tie combination of ingredients in these sills is the re
sult of a long and extensive practice; they are mild In
their operatiom.and (Armin of restoring nature to Its
proper ehannel. in evecy instauce have these Pills pro
ved successful. They invariably open those utistruetions
to which Females are liable, and bring nature into its
proper channel, whereby health Is restored and the pale
and deathly countemn :e changed to a healthy uue. A o
female can enjoy good health unless she Is regular; and
whenever an obstruct-ea tikes place, whether from ex
posure, cold or any tate.: cause, the general health im
mediately begins to thdine, and the want of such a rem
edy has beau the cause ofso many consumptions among
young feuntles. To ladies whose health will not remit.
of an increase bf their family, these pills will prove a val
uable acquisition, as they will prevent pregnancy.—
ileadaelie, pain in the side. palpitation of the heart. Ica
thing of lod, and di turbed sleep do nand always arise
from she interimptien of nature; and whinier that is
the lase. the pills will invariably remedy all theft evils.
Nor aro the lest - alllcacioun iu the cure of LOleorrhom,
commonly called the -Whites." These pills should lon
er Ise taken during pregnancy, as they would be sure to
cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely Vegetable. and
free from anything hilarious to lici or health. Fulland
explicit directions ay.:Quip:my:l..loi box.
These pills are put up in square fiat boxes. Persons
residing where there is no itgency established, by enclo
sing Ina , Mier in a letter. pre-paid, to Dr. C. L. CIILEsI.-
AIAN, No. 1h.7, Illeeeker strolit, New York, tan have them
sent to their respecti o addres,ive by mail.
Stour. 1 / 4 t Cttin-warc.
.% - ,tlliti'63tt .(1):'v11110).4-
JOIIN P. LYNE—Wholesale and Re
tail iiealor Im American, English and hernil;
li Alt li WA RE. Oils, Paints, .I:e., ,t;. 11leehanies. builders
and Ilia public generally, who are in want of hardware
~ ..A •.0 orally kind, are Invited to call In and
oxatilnu my unusually larg stock or
goods, which I am selling at \ cry low
_ l v a
pm oz,. .1 ust stop in; it will only detain you a very
few minutes to lii con% hived that what enorylasl says
—that Lyn's is decidedly the place to ge l giant grids at
law pricey--must be true. LYNEIS hardware ;-t,,re,
ES I I A lilt
sul.,,rit el — liming returned from the city - would tall 117 e
al 101111 On Of 1 k friends and the publle generallt ft', the
hi rge and well seleeted,issortittent id I lard Ware %Odell he
has just reCi•IVV(I. ( . 1111SiSting ill part of HUI 1.1)I NO 31 A-
I ALS. Ilaik.siOWS. hinges. locks, bolts. glass, potty,
paints. oils, Ar. TOOLS,—edge saws and planes 0.
e v er y description - , anal files, rasps. halllllierS. an, its.
A general ~, t atrtutent of S1101.N1.11iElts!
Tottl.S. together with morocco, lining and Lind
ing skins, shoo thread, wax, pegs. lasts, harness mount
ing. Saddletrees, Ac.
'll{olll:Cfl—eativass (plain. enamelled. fig
ured :nut embessed.) patent and enamelled leather.
axles. spriuus, hubs, spokes. fellues, sha,LS, Ac.
Cabinet ,Nlakt rs will find a large assortment 01 varn
it6rs,niahop•euty sad walnut senners, Moulding. rosettes,
hair el , al', curled hair. Ac.
The stock of Iron is large
. and wv II selected, compris
ing all the kinds in general use. as hammered and rolled
iron of all sizes. tint. lair and hand iron. round. 51111:11e
aun t t.s ai from horse-shoo iron and nail rods, snit a large
let it 11.. t rind spring steel, English and American ldis
ter steel, Ac.
it,,sn. e keepers and thew :shout romineneing will lied it
to their :ids antage to rail and examine oar entlery. brit.
t:111111:11.1 plated %vans pans. kettles, cedar scare, dasks ts :
In addition to the we line.' revolved a F 4 1 , 11 . 1111i4
:1, , e11.111 0 1it of WALL l'.ll l Elt. making the stork emu-
H e t, and nt snell 'irk,. as cannot tali to
0 .11. We ills It, all ,•all, knowing It is ill lie to
their ow n ails a Wage. Itemender the old stand, East
Mich St reel. Carlisle, Pa.
4 1tF 1i
VA], OP II All I)_
Nv A It E.—Tho su hserilmr haring returned frem
the rite has just opened for the Fall trade a 1:irt.',...411‘,1
Well Selected .Cork of foreign m i d dep,..i it Il:udaere.
enthro ring VVerything. onustlr found in that line of Mt
sies•• The att entrant of mends mid the milli,' gereraliy
Is restmetfully dirveleJ ' l,O liana.
that gtwkl• 411 Ai hind. s, f..e
lit :1 sery small ads:alter out 111111111 r. tore!, priers. ite
mentlM: the old stand, East :Main Pa.
1 , 54. 11. sAx-roN.
ll_ n 1)1V.1.11 E.— Manumit
Si,rhoz Aurittil tit 1,1 NE'S on North Han
mreet, I,lmm Ilit. public Ire being
eVory ‘iWiety ilartiware, Paints, I ilk
c&. at the %SI! PRICES. Call in, We Call urcnw
11101130 11 OW more.
U EL :111301, 1/' S GEN L; 1N E PE E
For disease of the Bladder otiod hidilt;.is, secret Diseases,
Strict urea, \lealtuesses, and all diseases of the sexual
, Orzuos, whether L 1 Male or Foln.tle, Irian 'Anatol tir
Ca used hey 11111) hale urlgiaatedollad no matter or 11011
king Standing.
If you have contracted the terrible disease o bleb.
unto seated In the will surely go down from env
generation CO another, Undermining the eunstitation
and sapping the very vital Hinds of hie, de led trust
yoursed in the hands of qUaeks, who start up every day
i❑ a city like this, and fill the papers with glaring fake-
Minds, two wen calculated to deceive the young, and
these not acquainted with their tricks. 1:ou caninit be
too earetul u the selection of a remedy in these eases.
The Fluid Extiitet limdiu has boon pronounced by
eminent physicians the greatest rented) ever know n.—
t is a medicine perfectly pleasant in it's taste, and very
inin went in its action,utat yet so thorough that it min*
!Wines ever) particle of the rank and poisonous vin us°,.
this dreadful disease; and, %intik° other remedies, does
not dry up the disease ill the blood.
Constitutional Debility, brought on by self•abuse, a
most terrible disease, which has brought thousands of
the human race to untimely graves, thus blasting the
brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the bud the
glorious - ambition of many a noble youth, can be cured
by this lundlible Remedy. And as a medicine which
must benent everybody, from the simply delicate to the
confined and despairing no equal is to be found
acting both as a i_ure and preVentive.
For Purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising
frown excess of mercury, eNpusure and imprlidenne ill
life. elm „ate cemditinional disease, arising from an
impure state of the Blood, and the only reliable and
eflectind hien , n remedy tor the cure Ili i.,'CrOlUia,
Rheum, Scald Dead, Lleerations of the 'I haunt and
Legs. faits and Sc, ellings of the Bones, 'fetter.
Pimples on the Face, and all Scaly Eruptions of the
This article is now preserilrl by some of the most
distinguished physicians In the cone( ry • and has preyed
more ellielent In practice than any preparath u c 1 SarNit -
Ilariihi yet olicren I. the public. eta! cases u 1 (WWI.
dart'' sy itch his. Mercurial and Sermon us diseases have
entirely rcconotc , l in the incurable mards of our Public
Institutions w bleb had for many tears resisted cavity
mode op:Opium that could be devisea. These eases
furnish striking examples of the sal u idry effects of this
medicines in arresting some of the must hooter:lto
diseases, biter the glands were destroy Id, and. the
already allected.
OTleit.—Lettersfrom responsible Physicians and Pro
fessors of SO eral Medical Colleges, and certificates of
cures from lettients mill be found accompanying ladh
Pmer.:3, Fluid Ezaract of Duchu, $1 per bottle, or (3 for $5.
""73 " . " Sarsaparilla, o 61 6 ,
equaltin strength to one gallon of Syrup of Sarsaparilla.
Prepared - and sold by 11.'1. 111,11 MOLD, Chemist, 2(itl
Chestnut Street, near the Girard )ouse, Philadelphia.
To Ice had of Druggists and Dealers everywhere.
All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive
immediate attention.
July 'A 'NI.
TI - 1 0 OTH WASlL—Beautiful Whit
Teeth healthy (leafs and a Sweet Breath—All wh
sirwdesirons of obtaining these benefits should use
all WASH. This dellelous
article combines so umuy meritet lens qualities that. it
has now become a standard favorite with the Citittllll4 o.
Now York. Philadelphia and Baltimore. Dentists pon
scribe it in their practice best stweeSsfully, and from
every source the moot nattering laudations are awarded
Inflatned andhlooding gums aro immediately benefit.
ted by its uoo; its action upon theta is wild, soothing
and effective. It cleafibes the tooth 80 thoroughly, that
they 'are made to rival pearl in whiteness, anti (Mimes
through thelontith such a delightful freshness that the
breath is reudenxi Viulsitely sweet. It disinfects those
impurities which tend to produce decay, and. as a con.
sequence, when these aro removed the
: teeth must al
ways remain sound, 'lead the Ibllowingfrom Dr. J. A.
Carnet :
Mr F. Zertnan—Slr: Having used and recommended
your Tooth - Wash in my practice for some time, I fled it
the most effectual Dmitrilice luuse,and thartffore recom
mend It to the public.
Dr. J. A. CAOMAN. DolltiSt,
• • llarriahurg, Pa.
Read the following testimony:
MIL ZERSIAN—bear Sir: I have fully tested the merits
of.your valuable Tooth Wash, and can, without hesita
tion, memo:nem! it as the best MB come under my
notice during an experience as Dentist of more than six
teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and hardens
irritated bunts,
and imparts A delleioum feagranco to the
Breath. - Prom the mouths of those who make use of it,
however, it will cortnlnly speak for itself.
Eo. SeilivETX, Surgeon Dentist,
::179, South Tenth . st., Philadelphia.
It is used and 'recommended by oil the eminent Dent
ists in New 179. i
r)i, Philadelithr,r, !Intl other
cities whenit; has.beenntrodliced. All should Ore it
411) - irropared only by Fianeifi Verman, Druggist and
Chemist Phlladolpbia, and sold wholosale and rot All by
Samuel . Elllott,'Ciplialo, J. llorsbehner. Meehantesburg,
J. norm, Nowville, J. C. Winianw, Shlpponsburg, and
by all Drugglsts at 0n1y . 21 cents lwr bottle,
Ai&-All kinds of Printing done cheap
ijarbw arc.
I LAM PIS.—I)r. tifllSSlleieN celebrated 311:NsTinci.
It.t.s have been lung and widely known as illNitrinbly
certain in removing :my stoppage, icregtilarity, Or sup
rression Of the menses.
In the Female. llespitels in Vienna, Paris, and Perlin
they have etitit'ely superseded the use HI all (dimp refill'
dies; bIIIIIM 4 . uli rem 0111'1, is attainable by medil•imt
at:click!, they are certain ~f success.
ellicacv wonlit I.e almost
by iwiubitili,h , testimolly• iu 1111111V11,1 1s install, es 1,11
„ I, 1,1.1'y 1111:tt ever gam, the i , l , iitruot los
may arise. as also to pre% ent pieglianoy 0 here itu
health trill ni t admit of inerease r.l huuilc , I hey are
n tics} s efficient.: 'for whioli reason they must 1,111, Le need
during prugrancy, th,•n•th Airily mild, healthy. sic
and certain in Ill.:11'141,1N.
married ladios vill tiittt lrtrth•ular instructions in ti
liipctions. in which aro stated in 'various symptoms
w hi c h thy call.crr, vi (be suppression may it, tlctormineci
['rice, One Doll:u• per Jinx, containing explicit dime•
Los will he signed by Dr. 11. G. GeleeN :n,
Pilneipal I.fterty ttlreet, New-York City
Itespeesilde agents will be appointed for their sale as
soon as peavtivahle. In the mean time, all orders are ti,
he addressed to Dr. It. li, t I.iherty reel.
Nett-I'i rlt City, or to Les 24 s 1 N. V. Fist and
l.flx wilt Ire Sift I,y return Man, as they are put tip 111
FOallll ~ T lll.ll.peti, ,flu LI. Fent with the sttietest pit
rue) 110 ally part 1.11)10 I: ailed `sates.
gnrious not only nellertilr Igit injurious: com
p/gin& purporting to Int. "Ft.ttigift ['fig.'s" under +ill kinds
nT names ns 1 ta'as -dicta l'ii.i.s," “thil 10EN
1 . 11.1 S," ••I'Entomcki, I.e. are uttettiptosi to Igt
icitintol IT upon the credulous t/r tiotwitr:i, it is only
norcssitry for holitts to Lc un thrir guard ngninst tho ut
tempto/1 imposition. and in all VIM.s l% here there is no
lkiltlwrivud agent lii dm snit! of -IM. ilritn-N1
' , Till AL 1.," to order dirvrt from him I y mail. by re
Orli of e hi..h a box w ill Le trout.
-1111. .1. B. 1)1Alt(111SI'S (T,I,F,—
ititATl:l) c.vrii,,Licwc. H: THE
It , lands I , re.etninent for its
curatil p•,Set.III ali 010
roses 6n• which it is recom-
Ink,alckl. Itsuall) kl IE
-11 I'I.AINTs. tit
thew l'rk hipsus I eel. /. 1 .
Fallium of rho NV.4111, ; Fluor
111.11,. 'or Chrovie I
the lloinh: I n,i4ontal I leuurr.
rhiL7e. Painful
5uppr0.......1, A Irret:ulnr 11:11•
st.ruath , ll. with till their
!loemnplilyina el ilq. (C:tneer
oxeopte.l., no matter 111,v se
, err sir i d . 1,1, dig Ildi 1%7.
Loon introduced by empty pulls. 111" d 1111,11.1irt'Sell tilt 1111 , S.
cur IS it it`, 1,11..:1•11t lty shell I e
sustained by any medium I ut its merits and the mkprke
hation of the puthc
I Gel it. it ditty invutilLent 111. 0 .11 me self to declare
puldiely the great Idessitkg Dr. Marchisi's Uterine l'it
tholicon Lns jam, rd to rue. For ten year!, my health
nun miser:tide; I kvits almost kitukhle to walk.
Hans ikronotineed my case falling ill the womb. rxlou
slt ulcerations, eomtnoucimht 51111 fluor Mims. 'rhe
pains. 111ft:dim'. prostration. ,le.. rendered Urea tandem.
In this ntis,rithlt• c,?1,.1iti.11. Dr. F. P. Newland reemn
mended Dr. 'Alark•hisi s t;terinkk Catitolifork. After tat•
inv. four Isdtles I find In)self in perfect health.
(tide for my restoration wakes Inv arklentl:v thokire that
all Illy sox, alike tinforttikkate, nfity find slide relief from
this inestimable iikekliehm.
;No. 1p . 1% Utica, N. Y
The above statement 1 know to be true.
F. I'. NEW LAN!'. M. I).. Utica. N.Y
I !MVO no hesitation in sa3 lug, Dr. 31arehlsIs Uterine
Cathoneon is Invaluable In uterine diseases generally
I have used it in Fluor Allots, Atue•unrrharn, Prolapsing
Uteri.. and In eases of extenslt o ulceration of the vagina
nd Os uteri. It Is worth• of the notice of the Faculty.
JOIIN C. OlatiCK, N. ?Id.
Let all Interested call and obtain tt pamphlet (free)
containing ample pt, of, from the most respedabl o
sources. of th, beneficial results of its use: togethe r ,
with letters from highly experienced Physicians, wit
have used It in their practice, and speak from their own
HIEFFFR. Drug.glst, South Hanover street,
solo Agent for Carlisle. Pa.
J. It. 31ARCHISI k CO., Proprietors,
Central Depot, 304 Broadway, N. Y.
January 24, IFIZ-iint
a particle of Mercury in It: An infallible remedy fur
Scrofula, King's Evil, Itheinnatiem, Obsti este Cutaneous
Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules eel the Face, Witches,
Bolls, Chronic Sore Eyes. Ring Worm or 'fetter, scald
Iheal. Enlargement and flip of the Bones and Joints,
Reborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lund ago, Spinal
Complaints and all diseases arhinq from an injudieleus
use Of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity pf the
trA.This great alterative medicine and Purifier of the
Blod, is now Med Ify thousands of grateful patients in
all islets of the United States, Wile testify daily to the
remarkable cams performed by the greatest of all medi
cines, "CA lerElt's SPANISII MIXtUltll." Neuralgia,
Rheumatism Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Liveride
ease, Fee ere', ' Ulcers, Old Sores. Affections of the Kidneys
Diseases of the Thrnat, Female Complaints, Pains and
Aching of the Bones and Joints, are very speedily put
to Right by using this great and inestimable remedy. .
For nil diseases of thelilood, nettling has yet been
found to compere to it. It cleanses, the system of nil Mr
purities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liverand Kid
neys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stole
self, makes the skin clone mid healthy, and restores the
Censtituthei, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the
excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength.
For the Ladles It' is incomparably better than all the
cesmetim over used. A few deses of CARTER'S tiPANltill
MIXTVRE 0 111 remove all sallowness of complexion, bring
the roses mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the
step, and improve the ',amend health in . reniarliable de
gree beyond all the medicines ever Miami of.
The halm number of certificates which we have nicety
ed from *rim pemetift hint all parts of the United States,
Is the best evidence that there is no Humbug ebuut
The press, hotel-keepers, magistrates, physicians, and
public mem well known to the community', all add their
teat It Tway to the wonderful effects of this tiIt.EAT BLOOD
I'U RI FI Eli.
Call on the AGENT, and get a 6lrcular and Almanac,
and read the wonderful cures this truly greatest of all
!Medicines has performed.
Fenn genuine unless signed BENNETT d BEERS, Pm
prietorti, No. 11, Pearl street, Richmond, Va. tai whom all
order* for supplies and agencies must be addressed.
And for salohy S. Elliott, S. W. Ilaverstiek. Carlisle ;
Jilt Day, Mechanicsburg; .1. 11. Herron, Nowville; ,
Attic, Shippenshurg, and by dealers in medicines every
pitr,SER-VING SVGA —A- getieral
assortment of Crushed, Sifted and l'ulteilscti
I..mwars of best quality, as also Solt Crushed, Clarified
and other tin:11111os constantly on hand, suitable for
prosorving and all other purimaes—gouerally at Ow
Also a constant supply of tho choicest Coffees, Teas,
Spices and other articles in variety alwayA on hand.—
at t out ion is Invited to our stock bolero buying elsewhere.
Carlisle, July 25,'55. ' J. W. EllY.
Jaundice, Chronic or Nervouri
tit. Aidneys, and till diseases arlsins front a Lik , rd
Liver or lltontach, such its Constipstlen, Inward loll]
4 fulness of 1,10,41 to the head. city of the at into s
nausettAheartburn, disgust for fund. fulness or weight f
the stomach. sour eructations, sinking (..r Putt crii.g,s
, ..,
the, pit of the stomach, swimming' of the head. littri le
and difficult breathing. fluttering at the ',wait. chub ti
or Sllirocaillig io.lllBlll.i.illS NOIOII in il Icing posture.. in
lffis , of vision, dots or ivebs bellap the sight. l'eN yr z in
,„, dull ...' , the . .d. 6'' ' .. '' , ILI , oiii xi
,•ott the heal, fi
ad, deciency of ett.piratlon, ye t ,.
111.8, os the Itkitt and eyes, pain Ili the Mlle. I :10i. eil , l
Slldlloll Ilushos of heat, burning in the 1., :1
eon:dont imaginings of evil, and great deli essien of :lit
can ho effectually eared by I a, Hoot tANn's k
LiItATED tirlltAlAN BITTERS, prepared by Lit. C. ).
J ACK,oN. No. Igtt Arch Street, Philadelphia.
ptu or over the above diseases is tint excelled,
equalled. by any other preparation in the United :hate::
as the cures attest, In many eases after skilful I.l'}it
clans had fatted.
Litters are worthy the attention ()I Inva
Possessing great virtues in the rectification of disk; Fe
Of fin, LiN t.. 1. and lesser glands. exereising the ii
searching pavers In wealcness and alfectione.of the (1
gestive organs, they are withal safe, certain :mei s
au t.
.1. 1). Spring, Larcyt ills, l's.. Ain ii 6, lt-r4, says.
can get you stmui ge,ll VegtilteitteS )1•11r tlernien Bit
tees in this s icit4ty if you wish them. A lady pun he-
tut: snuu+ of It tlit i S week, says that it is by tar the lest
medicine she ever Vnew, hating done her at 51 het
(laughter much geed, 3e.
S. It. Lawson. Itenfartl's Stare, Fenierset co, J'a.. aug.
15, says. "1 am much grtlitelied to sear
hitters. 12115 big used tlti) bottles of it. whirls I plocute
front S. hurts, your agent at Senierset, and hattal crest
ruliof frill, it In disease .4 . the 11.15 er. 1 111.(1 it le s
great etfeet en toy lungs. strengthening nod ins kern tit
thorn. 55 high. as 1 mu a public spralicr, Is a gnat help h,
Dr. Giles. `:en ton Ilarniltnn. )Izty. 1951. "aid:
has.. used inyenlf half a 111 1 7.011 ightleS id' your I,ernkon
Bit fere for Lis cr "l'oltiplaiLt and dietatere I a lien, 1
1 1 ,1111.111)! 1,111 till. :Omen of met curt'. 1 14:
and afflicted both spasms Irmo the tree /If 11,
hitter article. The liertnan nit tyre Is the fret firth
font sehj, ti I .A4:1111111 relief. I hat e oleo giN en It
trtiole t. , mane ii)ed . .ent s, with the hoed Folmar:, I.
sults. I think as want' ite re bottles will ruts 1110."
.1. t Yeurig. Esq.. of Dauphin. l'a., writes hay fs, '5
"I Desseral IteLllitr. iffiest insti e:.l
110,, :Old ('..St itrne.e. for w Ills Is I used tutus Iliffercr
reote as itheist relief lat last used our Ibisnat s sl
Dermas, Bitters. I toils a few lossttlg.itecortling to
reetissns. :ma is as retnislistel3 cured. I hate net leen s
healthy fer ten years as I have been since I tack yes
Bit ter,. w tieh Inabsent one ear age. —
Ititts's are ;nisi vis srr issi.r. always rtrengt
en I iss , the oN Stein and net or prnyt.rating It.
a old by stealers in tnedirisse :and sterekeepers ever
is here. and by Samuel . Ilan erstark and I
cautinusts. Esninuer hastiest urs
Snyder As Diehl, NeWlsurg, and by Venters its Medi, Int
Nev. 23. IRs4—ly
y.'h M. VOL:N , i, 31. D.. hi ad ua
of toe University of Pen tis,sl‘ anti, Nem her of the Pt,
al College of Surgeons, London. and Honorary 31emb.
of the Philadelphia Medical society. The various torn
of .Secret diseases, Seminal Weakness, Diseases of tl
Prostrate Gland. Impotency. solitary habits of youth. at
faithfully described, and all the receipts rhen in plat
language. The chapters on p e lf Abin,,, and Semi t:
11 eak ness is worthy of particular attention, and AR ul
bm read by over) , one. - Young men who Dace teen 1.11
fortunate in contracting disease, prMiOUR to plavit,
yourselves under the care of any ihictor, nu matter Is bi
his pretensions may ho, get a copy of this truly veinal.
Sea Captains and porsons going to sea should isssve
Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the Pocket
us, or Ivory one Ms own Physician.
kir Let no father bo ashmeed to present a copy of t
.4:sculapius to his child. It may save him from an ear
grit e. Lot no young man or W0111:111 enter into the t
clot obligations of married life without reading the pee
et .Esculaphas. Let no one suffering from a ImOni•
cough, pain in the side, restless nights, nen'ons teth'
and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations. 21111 i girt
up by their physician, be another moment without co
suiting the A:still:mitts. Have the married or the
about to be married any impediment, read this tru
useful Book, as it has been the means of saving the
minds of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws
death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of this celebrat
work has been Sliehj 11l this country and Europe since .1 ,
when the first - edition was issued.
/hi- Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents I.
closed in a letter. will receive sue ropy of this book I
mall; or five ...pies will be sent liar $l. Address I
WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 152 :Sprint) street, I'llll4lde/ phi
Post paid.
Twenty years practim In thn city of Philadelphia el' r•
taint). entitles Dr. Young to the confidence of the ut
detect. and he may be ‘•ensulted on any of the diFea r e, ti
described in his different publications, at his ookr. 1J:
Spruce street, every day between tt and 3o . elocli, su n
days excepted) and persons at any distance can consult
Young by letter. POST rai n .
i A F E—S PE E D 17—S U ltE !—S o 1n e-
TiiiNa FOIL YOUR OWN 111.NIA11111 A Medi
6110 :MILLI/tell to general use, greatly hunerior to other,
aml.within the means of every Indlcld 11:11.
IUU 1'11.1.3 for twenty - -live (lints! No extortion to
Valomel—no mineral pidSoll whatover.
Da. TowssiiNn's HEALTH PILLS fully moult thegreat
reputation they' hare acquired. Tlicy are callod Mr from
all parts of the laud, Luc:rust, Tlitir AILS ALL SII.VC Tina'
CrAIX to 11E.
WHAT TI117.1" WILL DO—They purify the hlood,they
dm UM the System of Humors., they veto Dyspepsi a an d
lilige. , thet, they create nn Appetite. they cure rqck
Headache, Dizzin - ess and Low Spirits. they arrest Fevers,
they promote a healthy action of the Liver, they are a
sure cure for Costiveness and Habitual ("motivation.
they are highly offietuious In i'ouutio Complaints, they
strengthen and give t nee t the System. They are It.
best Family Medicine known.
It is an obvious inquiry, how one medicine can cure FR
many different complaints. Those Pins, hou - ever, are so
compounded of curative materials that perrams have ot •
ly to TRY TIMyI and the answer will le round in a m
stored body and an invigorated constitution.
Kaeh Boa contains 100 Pills, at the astonishingly In%
price of 25 cents. • Every individual should have them-
For sale by the Druggists and Sturokeepers generally
F. A. PAtusn, general Agent, Stonineon, Ct,
C. L. balling, of tlechaniesburg, Cumberland
county; Pa., announces to those afflicted with Tinu".e.
tViis. Cancers, Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Niarks, Scc .-f
ilia. King's Evil and all diseases that have been usually
tri‘ated with Caustic or if of fa, he can remove them with
out cutting, burning or pain; neither Cbleroferm of
Ether is administered to the patient. It is no matter
on what part of the body they may be, he can remove
them with perfect Kifety, and in a remarkably siKrt
time. No Mineral of Vegetablo poison is applied, and tic
money required until a cure is perfected;
Prottpsuit Uteri, Fentalo Complaints, Chrenit, Yens
real and all other diseases treated witkpositive site:eras
Full particulars can be obtained by addressing In either
English or tiernium, post paid. Patients can bo sector
nioduted with Board on reasonable terms.
Ninchantrsburg is ono cf thn prettiest and healthy
towns In this or any otlim .Mato. It Is A miles from
Harrisburg, on the eutitbo4i.ind Valley hail Bond, and
nrcessilde from ,111 parts of the Union. Thu Doctor will
visit rases in any part of I ho Atate when desired,
140)..K.1nd Nader if you know any afflicted fellow cies
turn, delay not to toll thorn. of this treatment•
scriber is now rTening a large and general assort.'
ment of LADLE:II - MESS GOOD:% concisting of Black and
Colorer' Challl Baregas, Ofeus do lalnee, French
and English Lawns, also a general variety etgoods fir
boys wear, a run 'assortment of Ladits and thildrenp
Hosiery, Gloves liandlierehielb, also RuglIFL Old other
STRAW BONNETS, Bennet Ribbons. Bonnet Lawns,
with the usual variety of Spring Goods at moderate mi
ns. • G.NORGE W. 111TNEit.
Y SELF—Nd v .Ti. Ly
rents. by means of the Pi Ci
PI I'S, r Evet
One 111 S 9'llN PHYSICIAN
The thirty-sixth Ldittin. %, it
IMO blind rod onglarin ho
ing Private Diseases nod
lbrmations of the llenerati.
li , ystetn, ever) she! i• a.,
forte: to whial is added
Treatise on tho Diseases of I.
males, Intended for the use
femnlex only, (see page 190)
Ili} ul• the importan
to married people, or these ee)