Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 05, 1855, Image 1

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    E. BEATTY,
The bAnidst.o Ilumum is published neekly on it large
sheet, oolltailling COILTY COLUMNS, and furnished to sub
scribers at the rate of $l.lO if paid strictly in advance;
,$1.75 if paid wititilb,the year; or $2 In all earns wining
mtyment is doloyed until utter the expiration of the
year. No subscriptions received for a less period than
, six months, and none discontinued until all arrearages
are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Papers
sent to subscribers living out of Cumberland county
must be paid Mr in alliance, or the payment assumed
by some responsible person living in Cumberland coun
ty. Thom) tunas will be rigidly adlae•al to in all eases.
Advertisomunts 'will be charged $l.OO per square of
twelve lines for three ihsertlons. and 25 cents for each
subsequent insertion, All advertisetueuts td less than
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ages ior errore in advertisements, Obituary notices nut
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largest and most complete establishment in the counts..
Throe 10 d Presses, and a general variety of,material
suited for Phan and Fancy work of every kind, enables
us to do Job Printing at the shortest notice and en the
must reasonable terms. Persons in want of nills.lllanks
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terest to give . us a call. Every '.aricty of ULAN con
stantly on hand.
&a- All letters on business must he post-paid to se
cure attention.
fjeacraf tt, Coca 3aformat.ion.
Vice Presideut—(do thtto), 1). 11. ATCIIESON.
SOCrettl:) of State—Wm. 1.. )I.kitcY.
Secretary of thwilor--.11.)13Eir McCi.ELLAND. of Treasury'—.l.oll.,S I I E.
Secretary of I\'ar—.lt:Frith,K , N I) kvhs.
Seeretaly of Savy—.l t.. C. Polon s.
.11.,ter Couvral--..l.tmEs
Atton , v Ocher:II—CALE:II Cc HuNG. •
Chief .1 ustiee of Unite," ; 4 110).e.--.11. 11. TANEY
GOVernOr—JAMES PuLr.oc•R.
SUcrulary of G. CURTIN.
Survoy „ r Bit.twi.EY.
Auditur BANK s.
Treasurer—ELl Surtit.
Judgos of Lilo Supremo Court—E. LEWIS, J. S. SLACX
W. B. Lownu:, G. 11 • . WooDwAnD, J. C. li.Nox. ”
President Judge—lion..LtuEs H. GRAHAM.
Azsociato J int.;cs—iluta.J,Ma Rupp, Samuel Wood
District Attorney Wm. J. 'Shearer.
Protlionotary—vaniel IN. Noel!.
Recorder, .Le.—John .11. Gregg.
Regaster—)\illiaan Lytle.
itiAn Sheriff—Joseph McDermond; Deputy, James
County Treasurer—N. W. Woods.
Corouer—Joseph C. Thompson.
County Conaints.sioners—rJ oh al Robb, James Armstrong,
George .11, Graham. tolCommissloners, 1% illizun
Directors of the Poor—George Sheaffer, George 13rim
die, John C. Brown. Superintendent of Poor House—
Joseph Lubach.
,Chief illlrgeS.Si. ARMSTRONG Nous..
^J liurgestr—Euku ael Gould,
; !Own Wain:ll—lL C. Woodward, (President) Henry
'Myers; John ltutsliall, Peter Monyor, K Gardner, 11. A.
hturg,eue,haul 611eafer, Jolla l'hotapaou, bavld :Ape.
Cuff t. 6tewart High Couithiblo; Hobert
dlceurtuoy, Ward Constable.
First Presbyterlan Church, northwest angle of Centre
•L'a,luare. Rev. CoN" P. %VINO, Pastor.—Services every
:3uuday morning at 11 o'clock, A. 31., and 7;,,1 o'clock,
P. N. •
Second Presbyterlan Church, corner of South Hanover
and Pomfret streets. Rev. Mr. Eaus,l'atster, Services
commence at 11 o'clock, A. 31., and 7 o'clock, P. N.
St... Johns Church, (Prot. Episcopal) northeast angle of
Centre Square. Rev. JAcou 11, 'Mass, Rector. Services
at 11 u'elak, A.M., and 3 o'clock, I'. AL
English Lutheran Church, Bedford between Main and
Loather streets. they. JACOLI Ear Pastor, Services
at 11. o'clock, A. M., and 7!„i
German Reformed Church, Loather, between Hanover
and I'ltL streets. Rev. A. IL lAin.)lElt, !'slur. Services
at laki o'clock, A. M., and d% P. M.
Methodist E. Church, tlirot Lharge) corner of Main and
Pitt streets. Bev. S. L. M. CUSSES, Pastor. Services at
11 o'clock, A. M., and 7j, o'clock, P. M.
Methodist E. Church, va•cond Charge) Rev. J. M.
JO:4ES, Pastor. Services iu College Chapel, at 1.1. o'clock,
A. N., and 5 o'clock, P. 51.
Roman Catholic Church, Pomfret, near East street.—
Rev. JAMES BARRETT, Pastor. Services on OW 2nd Sun
day of each month.
Herman Lutheran Church, corner of Pomfret and
Redford streets. Rev. 1. I'. Aaschuld, Pastor. service at'
10% A. M.
pO- When changes in the above are aecesaary the pro-
per persons are requested to notify us.
Rev. Charles Colllus, Prestdont and : Professor of Moral
Roy. Herman M. Johnson, Professor of Philosophy
4hd Literature..
James W. Marshall, Professor of Ancient Languages.
Rev. Otis IL 'Many, Professor of Mathematics.
• William U. Wilsou, Lecturer on Natural Science and
Curator of the Museum.
Alexauder Schein, Professor of 'Library and 31odern
11enjaiiiiii Arbogast, Tutor In Languages.
B:lnitial D. Hillman, Principal of tho,tir.innuait School.
William A. Strive Assistant In the Grammar School
Cashier, Wm. M. Heetout; Clerks, !Dairy .4, Sturgeon,
Joseph Directoradtichard Parker, Henry Sax
ton, john lA. Sterrett, John Zug, Henry hogan, Hobert
Moore, Samuel Wherry, John Sanderson, - Hugh Stuart.
..01.1mukaLAND VALLEY RAIL Dora, COMPANY.--President,
liederiek Watts ' • Secretary and Treasurer, Edward M.
fiddle; Superlntendant, A. N. Smith. Passenger trains
twice a day Eastward, leaving Carlisle at 7.18 o'clock,
and 41.18.o'clecit;P: M. Two trains every day West
„ward, leaving Carlisle. at U o'clock, A. M. and 2.'2.9, P. M.
'” Ommisim GAB Ai•ID WATER COMYNY.—President, Fred
erick Watts; Secretary, Lemuel Todd; Treasurer, Win.
Iseeoin; Directors, I'. Watts, Richard Parker, Lemuel
. odd, Win. M. Dectem, Adward N. Biddle, Dr. W. W.
ele, Franklin Oardner, lienry•Olass.
of:TV : OWN ORNER of Ilan
Afjl29:i. over and Loonier eta.
• elk' WIL "Vo oAitusl.E.—Tbuendoreign
,ed has always on hand a largo stock of superior Cabinet
'Ware, lh an the afiTeront stylos, which ho prepared to
adi e t th e lowest prices. Bo Invites attention portico
lailV to the PATENT PrRINU Borrow BEDSTEAD, a. west
metal which ()unruly obviates all ohjortlons:
, The,. hottoin raiu,be attaclushto nld Bedsteads,. Thug havo
get oR entire satisfaction to all who have therm In uSe..
• ,fjcir COFFINS ttooto,to.order at thealiorteld none°.
41.4ASTIC BELTS,----Just received' a
iot of , Mick' ttitillOolored Oil WOrstktt none
by.. • , EQ. W .111TNglt
111rOUS: DE; 13EGES.=-4ust receirved•
onatlior DA of Cheap Do Does, Dolahlemaud Par
'motto (Dotho. Om:0 . /161, 0. W. 1118NEL
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Whig County Convention:
In pursuance of the call of the Whig County
Committee the following delegates met in Con.
vention at the Court House in Carlisle, on
Monday the 3d inst.
Carlisle, E. Ward—Augustus A. Line, Ste
phen Keepers.
Carlisle, W. Ward—Wm. M. Penrose, Wm.
' Dickinson—Thomas' Paxton, John Lee.
HopewellD S. Burp+ha, John Robinson.
Lower Allen—W. D. Shoop.
Upper Allen—Dr. T. L. Cathcart.
Newton—Samuel M. Sharp, Geo. Harlan.
Newville—Copt. John Bricker, Jos. Laugh
Irampden---Thos. B. Bryson, Henry Rupp•
Shippensburg---John McCurdy, IL P. Mc-
South Middleton—Joseph W. Patton, Robert
The Convention was organized by appointing
TIIOS. B. BRYSON, of llampden, President,
and It. I'. McClure, of Shippensburg and Dr
Cathcart of UpperrAllen, Secretaries
Before proceeding to nominate a ticket the
following preamble and resolution were adopt
ed, and signed by all the delegates, to wit:
WHEREAS, this Convention has assembled as
the representatives of the Whig Party of Cum
berland County, and with the purpose of pro
moting the political views of that party, there
Resolved, That before this Convention will take
any action on the subject for which it has conven
ed, it is expedient and proper,that we declare to
each other, that we are severally members of
the Whig Party and pledge' our honor as men
and representatives that we belong to no other
political organization. And as a testimony
thereof we sign our names hereto and direct
that the same be published.
Wm. Skiles, ' Joseph W. Patton,
Joseph Laughlin, Stephen Keepers;
John M'Curdy, Thomas Paxton,
John Lee, Henry Rupp,
Samuel M. Sharp, John Brieker,
W. M. L'enrose, A. A. Line,
JOVlOtibertson, Thomas B. Bryson,
R. P. * M'Clure,. T. L. Cathcart,
W.,D. Shoop, D. S. Runsha,
Geoge Harlan; It. Given.
On motion it was
Resoldd, That the Convention proceed to
nominate a Whig County Ticket.
The yeas and nays baying been called were
as follows:
Yeas—Messrs. Bricker, Bryson, Given, Cath
cart, Keepers, Line, Velure, APCurdy, Pen
rose, Patton, Paxton, Rurp and Skiles..
Ways—Messrs. Harlan, Laughlin, Lee, Ro
binson, Renshaw, Sharp and Shoop.
The Convention then proceeded to ballot for
candidates, when the following gentlemen wero
FREDERICK WATTS, Esq., Carlisle,
HENRY RUPP, Hampden.
Director of the . Poor.
GEORGE LEE, Dickinson
JONI! DUNFEE, Newrille
On motion. fecsc/red, That this Convention
deems it inexpedient to nominate a Whig can
didate for the. office of Sheriff.
Messrs. E. Beatty of Carlisle, was appointed
Senatorial Delegate, and Messrs. Thomas Pax
ton and Thomas L. Cathcart Representative
Delegates to the Whig State Convention, to be
held at Harrisburg on - the 11th September.
The following nonied gentleman were ap
pointed as a Whig County Committee:
Carlisle, East Ward—William Bentz,
West Ward:—Thomas B. Thompson,
Dickinson—Thomas Lee, - jr.
Hopewell—D. S. Runsim,
Lower Allen--- 2 -M. P. Dill, -
Upper Allen—Win. M. Eckles,
Newtog—Henry Kendig,
Nowville—Michael Zeigler, •
Hampden—George Rupp,
Shippensburg Bor.Dr. W. D. E. Hayes.
If Tp.—Philip Koontz,
South Middleton— r Josoph.W. Patton.
North Middleton—Parker Henderson,
Southami , ton—William
Monroe—David Coble,
East Pcnusbore—Jacob G. Rupp, ,
West Pennsboro—Levi Trego,
'Silver Spring-John Coyle,'
Mechanicsburg'—Benj. Eberly,
New Cumberland---Charles Oyster.
,Messrs. Penrose; Brickar„Line, Rupp and
Patton the Committee appointed reported the
following„preamble and resolutiOns which wore
adopted; •-
':WilEntAs ti crisis in tho pdifticat history of
Iktprt fur fl)t
the. county has been reached and amid the
strife of warring elements it is necessary to
re-affirm and vindicate the-essential principles
of the Whig party. Therefore
Resolved, By the Whigs of Cumberland
County in County Convention Osembled:
First, That the existence of the Federal
Union is the palladium of our prosperity and
liberty, and that in view of its inestimable
value we would shun all sectionalism nad
selemly protest against any course which
would merge the Whig party into disunionists
either North or South.
Second, "That all men have a natural and
indefeasible right tt) worship Almighty God
according to the dictates of their own con
sciences, that no hutnan authority can in any
way whatever control or interfere with the
right of conscience and that no preference
should e'er be given by law to any religious
establishments or modes of worship."
Third, That while we believe the time has
come for a rn.lical change in the naturalization
laws, we•believe also that the principle should
be fairly, openly and honestly avowed and the
organization to effect the end should be a fair,
open and honest organization.
l'ourth, That we have no affinity with
modern Democracy and that the present Na
tional Administration by its imbecility, by its
approval of the repeal of the Missouri Com
promise, by the removal of Governor Reeder
and by its almost innumerable short comings
in every thing magnanimous or statesmanlike,
has merited and should receive the condemna
tion of every good citizen.
Pph, That having for many years con
tended for the principles and measures of the
Whig party, which we believe to be eminently
_national, conservative and patriotic, and being
as ardently attached to them as ever, we can
not consent to abandon the standard under
which we have so long battled; and therefore
we pledge ourselves one to the other to give
the ticket this day nominated our most cordial
and zealous support.
Sixa, Thnt the bust interests of the State
would be promoted by the bale of the Public
On motion it was
Resolved, That the proceedings of this Con
vention be signed by the officers and published
in the Carlisle Herald and the Shippenshurg
{ Secretaries.
Narrow Escape of the Pozactiger3.—One of the
most inexcusable note of recklessness that we
ever heard of, took place on the Albany and
Boston railroad, on Tuesday afternoon. As
the 4 30 train got 'within a few miles of Chat
ham, a train on the Hudson and Berkshire
'railroad was discovered going towards Chatham
also." A challenging signal wne immediately
given from the Albany engine to the Hudson
to catch them if they could. The train from
-Albany consisted of engine, one' or two bag
gage cars, and three coaches heavily loaded
with passengers. The one from Hudson had
two coaches with a few passengers, conse
quently it was light and gained upon the other,
about tire seconds to the mile. Both engines
were 'wide open,' and doing their best. After
running about three miles side by side, the
Hudson and Berkshire track takes a curve
round a rock and a stream, and crosses the
Western railroad track nearly at right angles
—the engineer of the Albany train calculated
that the Hutt on train would lose three seconds
in going round the rock, while the engineer of
the Hudson train imagined he could gain still
more, as his train was now under full head
way. Having gained fifteen seconds, and got
even with the Albany train, the Hudson engi
neer thought ho could get over the crossing
ahead. The calculations were very close, and
would have done, for horse•boat captains, but
was criminal in railroad engineers.
Instead .of gaining, the Albany engine lost
two seconds, and struck the other train in the
centre of a passenger car, cutting it in two,
and cal rying the entire Albany train through
the car. As the Albany trunk struck the other,
the engine was misplaced, and struck the
sleepers instead of the rails, and just after
passing through the car, jumped around cross
wise of the track, considerably wrecked. \Had
the engine of the Albany train gained a \few
seconds instead of loosing, the Hudson trkin
would have struck the Albany cars in the
centre, and the loss of life -and limb that
would then have ensued can be easily imagin
ed. The car from Hudson had but three pas
sengers, who escaped miraculously—the con
ductor being the (Ally one hurt, and Ile not
very seriously. Whether the Western Rail
road Company will reward the engineers for
their close calculations, or discharge them for
their recklessness, we do not know. The mat
ter is before the board of directors for investi
gation.—Albany Knickerbocker.
BOUNTY LAND wAttßANrs,—Tho total number
of applications received at the Interior Depart
ment in Washington, for bounty land Warrants
under the last goniiial aot of Congress, up to
the close of August,' was 209,800, of which
109,960 were acknow)edged, 25,682 allowed,
and 23,088, warrants or certificates issued,
Nine hundred and eighty of the claims exam
ined tire for soldiern of revolution, or their
widows, , of which number five hundred and
twenty-two have been allowed; sixty-three to
the soldiers' thernselices,' now living, and four
hundred and fiffy•ninn tethe witiovs of revo
lutionary men. ,
. -
. . .
*4 'e if v r'i f t f • . !, P ?3 tj
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A frightful railroad accident occurred near
embongton, New Jersey, on the Camden and
y Railroad, on Wednesday forenoon, by
which twenty-one or two persons were killed,
and a much larger number severely injured.
The Philadelphia Ledger, of Thursday, has
the following account of this terrible catits-
trophe :
"'The train of oars wlijch left Philadelphia,
for New York, at ten o'clock, consisting of
five passenger cars, baggage car and locomo
tive, had renehed Burlim 4 ton just before 11
o'cl nck. It then stopped, waiting for the ar
rival ot' the 8 o'clock New York train, from
Jersey city, which posses at this place. After
waiting for from five to ten minutes, and the
New Pork tr,do not appearing, the Philadel
phia train went fn.rward slowly, watching for
the approach of the downward train. It had
gone ,orward about a mile and d quarter when
the New York train came in sight. The whis
tle for the breaks and to re' rse the engine.
was b own, and the Philadelphia train com
menced backing, ninil soon got under rapid
headway for Burlington again. Li this re
verse movement, the passenger cars, usually
placed behind and coining after the locomo
tive, were now in front, and pushed forward
by the locomotive. The engineer being with
the locomotive, of course had not the advan
tage of seeing what was ahead of the back
ward going train. Ile had run but a quarter
of n mile, and a mile from Burlington, when
the first passenger car came in collision with
a light pleasure wagon, driven by Dr. Bonne
gan, of Columbus, N. J., who attempted to
cross the track in front of the cars.
The wagon contained Dr, Hennepin, his
wife, and two children. The former, it is said,
is hard of hearing, and by this infirmity caus
ed an accident nearly similar , but not so fatal,
near Beverly, about a year ago. The doctor
had seen the cars pass as he was driving down
the road, and supposing all safe, neglected to
keep a proper lookout. The first passenger
car struck the two horses in the wagon, just
as they were crossing the track, killed them
instantly, and threw one thirty feet on one
side of the treck,.and the other forty yards on
the other side. .The wagon was turned round
and upset, none of its inmates being injured,
except in slight bruises. The front car, A,
after striking the horses, ran forward, and off
the track, ahoct one hundred yards, and over
a small embankment. The second car. 13,
was thrown directly Across the track. The
third car, C, Went through car It and stopped
diagonally across the road, the fourth car, D,
followed and ran into oar C. The fifth pas
senger car and the baggage car stopped with
out leaving the track. The two latter were
not injured, hut three of the other passenger
cars were knocked to pieces, and many of
their occupants wore killed, wounded, and
' It is impossible to describe the horrible
scene that ensued. The cars were pined upon
each other, and numbers of human beings
were lying among the ruins—some dead, some
dying, some shrieking from pain. Those sav
ed in the train, and the passengers on the
down train, aided by citizens of Burlington,
who were quickly informed of the terrible
accident, went to work to rescue the wounded
and dying from the ruins. As soon as taken
out they wtre conveyed to Burlington, where
many private houses, as well as Agnew's and
Kelly's taverns, were thrown open to the ad
mission of the wounded, while the Lyceum
was appropriated for the reception of the
dead. Sumo had been crushed to death in
stantly, leaving scarcely a trace to recognize
them by ; some had been torn limb from limb
by the splinters, benches and floors, and their
remains scattered in every direction. Ninny
wore suffering from crushed limbs, broken
backs, and injured and lacerated bodies. The
scene was a heart sickeningone ; but amid all
its terrors, there were noble instances of resig
nation. n self-sacrificing spirit from the suffer
ers, which honored human nature.
It was nearly an hour before all the dead
and wounded were extricated and placed in
the hands of persons ready to aid them,—
Eleven dead LAidies were taken out of the
ruins, and - Others were so badly injured that
they died as soon as they got to the hotel at
Burlington. It is supposed that from fifty to
sixty persons have been wounded, some seri
ously, and others slightly.
The Ledger • makes a list of killed twenty
one—the North American has it twenty. two
Among the list are Mr. George W. Ridgway,
oil merchant; Alexander Kelley, Queeusware
do. ; Baron do St. Andre, French Consul ;
Edward P. Bacon; Spring Garden ; 'Wilson
Kent, of the firm of Dyott & Co. ; Mrs. -Cle
ment Barclay, Catharine Bigelow, and George
Ingersoll, son of Lieut. Harry Ingersoll, all
of Philadelphia. Among the injured are Dr.
Andrew Porter, of Harrisburg, and a number
of Philadelphians.. , .
Two NEw STATES.—It is believed that bel
fore the close of the next Congress, both Kan-
eas and Hianesota will apply for admission
into the Union. 'The late census of the latter
territory, shows that she has already nearly
the requisite population, and the inhabitants
of both are rapidly increasing. Mintiesota
will, of course, come in as a free State, but
how it will be With Kansas remains to be amt.
Twenty-One Persons Killed
The Russians Repulsed with a Loss of
Four Thoustind Men.
TlAttrAx, Aug 29th —The Cithard nmer
Canada arrived here at 4 o'clock this nornin •
with Liverpool dates to 18th inst.. {lnd one
week later than previous ndvices. The Canada
left Halifax at 7 o'clock for Boston. The
NO. 1.
news by this arrival is quite stirring and im
portant, though not decisive.
The city and fortifications of Swcahorg were
bornbariled. by the allied fleet on the .11th inst.,
with tdrihle effect ' The place was literally
de .roved.
By the arrival of a steamer, intelligence has
been received from the Baltic fleet, embracing
a continuous account- of the' operations at
Sweaborg from the 9th to the Ilth instant.—
The destruction of property and loss sustained
by the Russians was itnmense. The allies
suffered only , trifling losses. On the I3th,
after the bombardment, the fleets returned to
The Russian fleet at Sweitborg was not de
stroyed, but the damage done the place was
MOSt disastrous. An immense conflagration
was caused by the bombardment, which raged
for forty five hours, destroying storehouses,
magazines, arsenals, &c. The various powder
magazines in the place blew up, together with
other military stores, projectiles, &c.
The despatches of the French and English
Admirals do not say anything about the Rus
sian ships at Swenborg. Plus adios lost no
lives in the engagement, and only two officers
and thirty men belonging to the English fleet
were wounded. The French escaped with
about the same number of womided. Saes.-
borg, however, did not surrender, notwith
sbinding the terrible blow the allies claim to
have inflicted upon it.
Very important news from the Crimea had
been received at London. Early on the morn
ing of the Ifith the Russian army under
Gen. Liprandi attacked the line of the Allies
on the Tchernaya The Russians were 60,000
strong, and the battle lasted for three hours,
proving ii most sanguinary contest. The Sar
dinians fought must bravely with the Allies,
and repelled the Russians with terrible loss.
Four or five thousand Russians were killed nod
400 were taken prisoners. The loss of the
Allies was but small. The Russians were in
complete retreat when the French reserve
came up.
Omer Paella had received orders to return
to the Crimea instead of going to Asia.
A St. Petersburg dispatch says that Gorts
chakoff has received orders to sink the lillti
biau fleet if Sebastopol falls.
The London Morning Post, the ministerial
paper, s,ys that it, Iris reason to expect stir
ring, and, hitherto, unexpected news from the
Crimea. This is supposed to refer to the great
secret expedition. . .
The latest accounts from Asia Minor says
that Kars has been completely invested by the
Russians, and the first parallel opened; and
that all communicatiuns with Erzeroum has
been stopped. Turkey is sending reinforce
ments to the aid of Kasr. •
Wednesday, the 15th, being the fele of Napo
leon, was a holiiday on Bourse. The festival
was celebrated at the theatres, with illumlua
tions, &a.. and the commutation of the senten
ces of 2,000 prisoners.
Immense preparations were made for the
reception of Queen Victoria, whom the Empe
ror wont to meet at Boulonge on Tuesday.—
The Empress would not bo present at the re
Ex-President Fillmore was introduced to the
Emperor by Minister Mason.
It is reported that the commissariat of the
Southern Russian Provinces has declared that
it is impossible to provision more men than
are now in the Crimea, consminentlf no
further reinforeemenks will be sent there at
Negotiations continue between London, Paris
and Vienna - respecting Austria's continued'oc-,
cupation' of the Principalities.
The London papers say that the negotiations
have arrived at the point of a . triple treaty,
binding. France, England and Austria not con
clude an arrangement separately, with Russia.
Her 'Majesty Queen Victoria, escorted by
six ships of war, crossed the British channel
to_Boulogne on the 17th, on her long contem
plated visit to France.
Breadstuffs.—Flour js at a decline of
6d per bbl. Sales of Western Canal at 39s a
40s; Ohio 42a435, zinc! Baltimore and Philadel
pnia 405 a 425. Wheat is a triflo lower, with
but a small speculative demand. Corn is dull
at a decline of 12s 6d; quotations nominal.—
White Corn 43s a-445; Yellow 375 a 37s 6d.
The weather has been favorable, and the ac
counts from the agricultural districts encour
aging. •
TO KEEP MILK SIVF;ET.-A. Boyd, a corres
pondent of the Bcientffic American, states that
he •has practiced a peculiar method, with
much success, of preserving milk sweet in the
pans. It simply consists in placing apiece of
new hammered iron or three twelye 7 penny •
nails in each tin pan, then pouring the warm
milk on'thom. lie believes that •• electricity
has something to do with .produoing,•the re
sult. .110 has tried many experiments ,before
ho hit, upon this one, which ho. found, to pre
serve the milk'svidet for a - longer:oEo 4 than
any other•pinit tried by'him. • :It Is • wbt'th • .a
trial by our larders And dairymen.: