Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 29, 1855, Image 7
11 Irtlutroui. `Popping the Question.' . Popping the question, which has heretofore proved suck a ' bashful youths iu the pursuit of matrimony under difficulties, is likely, after a while, to bo rendered as easy as 'rolling off a log.' All sorts of methods have from time to time been resorted to, to get around this difficult point of courtship—ad vertising in the newspaper, corresponding by letter negotiating through an agent, but an improvement has been made upon these plans lately, as witness the following: • A few nights back a • small party of ladies and gentleman were laughing over the sup. posed awkwardness attending a declaration of love, when a gentleman remarked that if he ever offered himself he would do it in a col lected and. business-like manner. 'For in stance,' he continued addressing himself to a lady present, 'I would say, Miss S—; have been two years looking for a wife. lam in the rece4t of about a thousand dollars a year from my business, which is daily on the increase. Of all the ladies of my acquaint tadmiro you the most, indeed I love you, and would gladly make you my wife ' 'You flatter me by your preference,' good humored ly replied Miss S—, to the surplice of all present; refer you to my father.' Brnvo!' exclaimed the gentlemen. 'Well, I declare' said the b ladies in chorus. The lady and gentleman, good reader; were married soon after. to Wasn't that a modest way of ‘comming the point,' and a lady-like method of taking a wail at his word? A STUBBOIiIsi JURY,—The Portland Trait acript tells a good story of l M .. liv ing in WaAlington county, Maine, who had a great aptitude, for serving as a juror.— When thus serving, he had a very; great anxi ety that his opinion should be largely consult ml in making up a verdict. Some years ago while upon a case, after many hours! trial to agree, but failing, ho marsLaled the delin quent jury from the room to their seats in the court, where the impertinent crowd awaited the result-of the trial. 'llave you agreed upon a verdict ?' inquir ed the clerk. - Col, M—arose, turned-a withered glance upon his brother jurors, and excloime.l: 'May it please the court, we have, not ; I have done the best I could do, but here are eleven of the most contrary devils I ever had any dealings with.' EmEnv.—A young widow was asked why she was going to get married so soon after the death of her husband. .ob, la,' said she, do it to prevent fretting myself to death on neemfirt of dear ToM.' D%."3"'A led came in great,liii'lyWinto a Drug store the other morning, and half out of breath exclaimed: . 'Mother thent me down to the hothecary pop to get a thimble full of pallcgoric. Bobs as thick as the dickenth, and not exthepecked to live from one end to the other.' An' old farmer, standing on the corner, was terribly out of humor, because ho had lost all his wheat by the Weevel for more than two successive years. Ile was advised by a by stander to sow Mediterranean wheat hereaf ter, as that escaped the ravages of the insect. Ile replied indignantly ; 'No sir, I'll be darn ed if Ido I can stand it as long as the Wee vel can, andl e'"Girls•never marry a man until you Lave seen him eat. Let the candidate for Your hand pass through the ordeal of eating eoft boiled eggs. If he can do it and leave The table spread, the, napkin, and his shirt unspotted, take him Try him, next with a Tare rib. If ho accomplishes this feat with out putting out his own eyes, or pitching the Imes into your lap, name the day at once; he will do to tie to. ;The new Russian Minister to the Uni ted States is called Somonsoff, (saw my nose off.) An Attached of the same legation at IN"r.shington, Blowmanosoff, (blowr my nose offd besides which we have Col. Kutmanosoff, (mgt my nose, off,) of the Imperial Guard ; 'lffoirsbal rolmanosoff, (pull my nose off;) General Nozbegono, (nose begone,) and many others. kerWm. C. Quirk, K. N. candidate for constable of the first justice's court in Now ,Orleans, ehalenges his Democratic competitor, John. W. Mader, to a public) discussion of the various issues between them, 'either oratori cally, anecdotically, vocally, instrumentally, .or 'Dawkter, dawkter,' Said an exquisit the other day, wantyou to tell me what 1 can Put into my head to make it right.' 'lt wants nothing but brains,' said the phy sician. Beware of a Man that never laughs. In a sermon delivered by Rev. Dr. Bellows, of New York, before the Western Unitarian Conference, is the following paragraph: For my own part, I say it in all eolemni I have lived to be come sincerely suspicious of the piety of those who do hot love pleasure in any form. I cannot trust the man that never laughs; that is- always sedate; that has no apparent outlets for those natural springs of sportiveness and gaity that are prennial in the.human soul. I know that nature takes her revenge on such violence. • I expect to find secret vices, malignant sins or horrid crinms springing up in this hot-bed of confined air and imprisoned space; and, therefore, it gives me a sincere moral gratifiaction anywhere, and in any community, to see innocent plea sures and popular amusement resisting the religious bigotry that frowns so unwisely upon them. Anything is better than that dank, dead, unhappy social life--a prey to ennui and morbid excitement, which results from unmitigated puritanism, whose second crop is is usually unbridled license and infamous fol- SOMETHING FOR' THE LADIES.-TUC London Gazette contains some inforgiation for the ladies in regard to the manner of placing their lips when they desire to look amiable, digni fled, Cc. It says that when a lady would compose her mouth to a bland and serene character, she should just before entering the room, say Bosom, and and keep the expression into which the mouth subsides, until the de sited effect upon the Company is evident. If o n the otht hand, she wishes to assume a dis tinguisl and somewhat noble bearing. not suggestive of sweetness, she should say Ileush. the result of which is infallible. If she would make her mouth small and pretty, she must say Flip: if the mouth be already small, and needs enlarging, she must say Cabbage.— Ladies, ivhen having their deguerreotypes taken, may observe these rules with some ad- van tn ge rtcro.,_:A good old Quaker lady, after listen ng to the extravagant yarns of a storekeeper is long as her patience would allow said to dun ; 'Friend H , whit; a pity it is that t is a sin to lie, when it seems so necessary n thy business.' 'Papa, why don't you give the telegraph wire .a dose of gin ?' , 'Why, my child ?' . 'Because the papers says they are out of or der, and mother always takes gin when she is out of order.' te4..Nature is slckingly immodest. 'Till children are taught_.'what is what.' they would as soon run round with nothing on their arms and legs, as they would in breech es and petticoats. Blushing is an• artificial comodity, and came into the market with knowledge and matitua:makers. The Hoosiers on the Wabash turn their 'agy shakes' to some account ; they climb into the top of a 'shellbark'• just as the , chill comes on, and by the time the 'personal earth_ quake' leaves them, there's not a hickory nut left on the tree. - I‘l - ENV GOODS ! NEWT GOODS—! J._' THE LATEST SriaNa sTYLEs! lUM TIONV reeviving fr o m New York and Philadelphia an.imaten, st.wk of new, desirable nail Cheap which I would cAll the attention of all my old friends and custoute•s, ;Is well 11.4 t.ho roadie generally. !laving purehased most of my .roois from the 'largest Inmorang hoUSeS ill Now York, I am enabled to give better bar gains than can be had at any other house in thecounty. tiur assortment 111 NEW STYLE DRESS GOODS is largo, complete and beautiful. Another lot of those elegant and cheap BLACK SILKS, embroidered hand kerchiefs, sleeves, collars, rattles, edgine, and i nsor f. ings,m stork that for extent and cheapness defies all competition. Muslins, ginghams, calicoes, do bores, de laines, tickings, cheeks, a tremendous assortment.— Gloves and Hosiery cheaper than over•. Cloths, raesi nn•rce. cords, cotton:otos, A:c. a full assortment Rua very low In price. CARPETINOS AND MATTINT,s. An entire new stock of throe ply. Ingraln, cation and venitian carpeting, bought very cheap and will he scald very low. Also white tud colored, Mattings. ROOTS AND SIIOIX A large supply of buttes out gentlemen's boots, shoes and gaiters. Intending to give up the Grocery depart ment, I will dispose of what I have on hand in that lino, at low prices. Ali , ) some well 11111110 Clot hh.g en hand, which sell for less than rest as] want to close It out.. Como ono and all to the Old Stand on East. Main street. and select your Goods from the largest and cheapest stock ever brought to Carlisle. CHARLES 00 apr4 111111-17 NE W AND SEASON OOD Ath,11...„1- ho undersigucdhav ing enlarged and fitted up the Stow-room formerly oe . eupled as the Post (Mice, immediately opposite the office of the AmeriCan Volunteer, -In South Hanover Street, has opened a large and general assortment of NEW AND ,SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, comprising a great variety of fitney and staple French, British and domestic gods, a general assortment of Ladies' Leghorn, Straw, Neapolitan am! Gimp Bonnets, Bloomers of various kinds and quality, Gentlemen, Youth and Children's Panama, Leghorn and Straw hats, white and colored Carpet Chain. Groceries &c., &c. all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. May 16, '66 HOBERT DICK. USTATE OF ESTIIER RIDER, DE-. joEnsEn.—Nnuco is hereby given that Letters of Administration On the Estate of Esther Rider, late of South 'Middleton twp., Cumberland County, deceased, have boon granted by the Register of said county to the Subscriber residing in the sonic township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate aro res (inked to maim itninediatopayment , and those having claims to present them for settlement to FREDERICK RIDER. Jund 27 'BG Adm'r MISS A. H. UNDERWOOD will re topouu her BCIIOOI., on Monday, Sep. 81, at her mother's rosidenco on Pitt street. • August B 'BB—pd. hoArt i~ ;~ Surititurc. O.SBERT B. SMILEY, CABINET mA KEIL and UNDERTAKER,...w .. m., , ,,,:•, , ... , um) Ila inner Arcot, mist door t.) s 'l'''.! , ‘.'..;;t: . P,,,i .--- - „ 7.,, uhissN.,Auh ~,, . lie w.dild respectfully Inform the citizen, of Carlisle and the public generally, that he has now on hand a large and elegant assortment of N rrUit I.:, consisting in part of Wardrobes, Card and oth -6,..1%,bice, sans, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy . Sewing Stands, &c., manufactured of the best material and quality warranted. Also a general assortment of CHAIRS at the lowest prices. V ENI TI N BLINDS Made to order, and repairing promptly attended to. COVVINS made at the shortest notice; and hay ing a splendid hearse he will attend funerals In town ur country. kra- Remember the stand—next door to 11. Glass's llotel. It. B. SMILEY. EXTENSIVE FURNITURE ROOM. —JAMES R. WEAVER Would resoecfeully call the attention of louse-keepers and the public to his ex tonsive stock of elegant FERN IT it It E, I,,,thmi n g sofas, IVardrobes„Centre and Tables. ' 1 dre:sing and Plain Bureaus, and every other article to his branch of business- Also now on hand, the largest ii.sortment of CHAIRS In Carlisle, at the lowest priers. AOFFINS made at the short -4.7, est notice and a learse provided for funerals. Ile so licits n call at his establishment, on North Han over streel. near 11 lasso's it,y-Fu'rniture hired out by the month or year. Stores FALL STYLE OF 11A.I. :18ii • FAIN ELLEIt respoutfully anstnutwes t pie old Patrons anti the generally that ha has in% 41 . •.ei%el S - TYLE (:ENT LENII: • tifilettaivd at one of the best estahli nellts In Phtladelphia, to which he invites speck ' =TM Ile has also constantly on hand a large !mil VIIHJ sort: lent of his so, n manufacture as well as city • a Hai., and Caps, suitable for the SellStlll. 1,1111,11,411 g IN r.) varisty of Ilassist, Beaver, Moleskin and Ilats. fin islne•l in the latest style, together with a full ,tssisrtment of - CXES of every shape and desmiption, and at every prism. Ile Firth:Maths invites the !whine to call and ex amine his exssensis sts:ortment, whirls in style, !Mite. rill sold finish, cannot he surpasses! by ! my, in market. and. n Well he to put at pries. , lowtr 01:111 ever. Ilemetillser his old stand ea North Ilanover street, Ism tweets tinnier s .11Id st,res. I. j li‘ 1,1, ,S'I'TE!; OF 11A7'S & ('Al's. Nv)l. 11. Till dosifes to inform his old friends that he La. rolim,ml to his 111,1, estaidlisilment kill 11 illll •11 - I,l'l, ilmir liciado and 11 ' ,1 oli o liii l l- 1 fir! o legailt a , sortini - nt of the - tii Il.\'fr. just roceis ed nom Ilk 11 the prontionien arlisle are requosted U. aril and 0501111 nm 110 has ids , a larie assortalont of `ilk, Fur Anil slouch 11.11., lie Ilk oivic 1111111111111 . 1 llee. isot of in the Lest sty to and at various prices. thv ev - ollonco :tin{ finish 01 , hiclt he kill warrant. ills stork lie is contalent on - Iy ins./is to lie c Ile 11111.1 . 11, .‘lllll. 11 1111• c,• supply Itay's and Chihli on ' s ti.k Fur, and c-I t•si•ry ‘Allety 111 - ,LVII . and price just re oelved front Philadelphia. Lot all who v. - ant a Hat or Call Lri‘o 111 m a call. RS hey may Lo stire of tieing suit ed to their e,VII sat isfact CII INA , GLASS AN]) (21:EEXS NV.% housekeepers anti yrdingi ith also wini are e ti. Leisdne housekeepers. aril in t it ed to call ut ILt LICE/Cl - S FAMILY and on amine his ido.tai.t• I eliiiitt.tillissund Queens- teary and other artiel,a in tlw housekeeping line, mi. as Froneli and English tea twts. heat y banded and plain, White Granite. gilded and hi no plain. Dinner sets of C, - ery variety and price, Is Is and pitchers, tureens, dish es. Sc. Wass-ware—vont ro table and mantel lamps. Candetabras and ether lamp...great varity, table and bar t unthiers, goblet , . Ac. Fruit and preserve dishes. in va riety. Cedar-ware-stubs, churns, butt Is. butter print:; and lad les. meal buckets. Av. brushes—SWeeplir. white wash, scrubhing, hand awl shoe bruslut dusters. brooms. Ate. :tlarket. clothes travelling. baskets. Aka a clu.kelas,trtment Tel.:teen and Segars. Call ye who are fond s at choke hrands of : , czars and try the Principe., Reg:lnas. Stennonis and other Culla tariettes. awl you trill find them of uninipvachalau qujklity. Also half Spanish and Common Segars, with choice snuff atid chewing tobacco. 11 1 011 TM?. MILLION 401 P .0“ , I am juil receiving my Fall •iremcoicsv. ~ ~.,, ... GI • w Web surpass In style, quality t, fir • • , and price any that have ever been exhibeted In Carlisle. I respectfully solicit a call frontlferSons in avant, of Paper Ilangings of any desert!)• Lion, aS'I am confident by assortment Mr surpasses any. fn the Borough; and :Ili style and prices has but few ri. 'vats in the city. I only ask of the public to call and (;!C- Mill.' my assortmant before purchasing, as I am confi dent my chaste designs cannot fail to please thtmnest fastidious. Jolts P. LYNE., West side of North Hanover z4treet. 11 /1.1)1ES! please tall at RAWLINS' A whoima. and Retail sitoe sToitli, opposite the Rail Road Depot, if you want Good French Morocco hoots for , $1 00 Tan-colored Gaiters. foxed. f•T Fine Freud' Aloroceo .l cony Linda, 7i, Linen Lustre Gaiters - 02 Good Cloth Shoes, 50 French Morocco Ties, - 87 Good Madras Slippers, 2; . , Children's Roans, 12 'Carlisle. May 2!". _.,_. . 1 on 1 i.. . :, \ ' llol' ' S The sub,:erib -(1:-1:;:-n.fl‘v—o-til.i)ia'''''od a . ver ' ; e • Ntert , lv ..and ' N - vell ho- I ected stock of B 0 0 T S and S II OE S. , ..,;I which he will sell at unusually low pric- if es. Pinwhased front xtholesale dealers, ' at low rates, Itteean offer such induce- ',., moots to purchasers as will make it their interest to vis it hls .'htlla,lllllollt. Ito has every artielo 4n tbo Boot anti Slew litn , —for Ladies' or Gentlemettst wear—he tle•ref w , deems it unnecessary to particularize. it ~.",- l'er , ons desiring. good and cheap goods Itre invit. ed to give hint a call. . . 13INGHAM, DAVIS & Co., 27(1 Market Street, P4Undulphin, AGENTS FOR .JACOB nimm, CARLISLE, and Philadelphin. Caro leave both places East and Wesit, to Ire every Week, Tueadays and Fridays. All business entrusted to Bingham, Davis Co., will be attended to with promptness, whether In sales, produce or freight. A. 11. BA ItNITY.,:North street, Baltimore, has also entered into this atrangement, and will attend prompt ly to all business entrusted to him. May3o,-3m. eive r v o NEW m l A i o Op ri U s ! . , &NO LATE PUBLICATIONS 'the White Veil, a Bridal Gift, by Mrs. Hale, a splendid ly illustrated gift book. Longfellow, Byron, Moore. Mrs. Ilemans" and other po etical works, beautifully embellished. Irving's Ztketell Book, plain, Jerusalem and its Sacred Localities, by Bev. W. /I. O deubeimer,•Bector of St. Peters, 'Philad'a. Pickering's Greek Lexicon. Homer In the original, Miranda Elliott, a neW and interesting story. May and Decembei, by :Mrs. llubback. Ellen Norbury, by Emerson Bennett. Grace Lee, by Jolla Kavanagh. Robert Graham, by Mrs. Gursh. If:triter's, Graham's and Godey's Magazines for May, With numerous other new publications just reed at may 2 PIPEIPS Cheap Book filers. (Gl s COFFEE— RI The subscriber has just a dd e d t o I l ls former stock a general selection of CIIOIOE GROCERIES, as well as ail the other variety of articles kept in a Grocery Store, embracing Rio ,-, , ,,c 4poffeo—roastod and green — at 1234 and 14 cents per lb., Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Pulverized (Sugars, of fine qualities; Chocolates, Spices,Ball' Salt, and a variety of Palley articles, all of which aro o. fored at the lowest cash prices. Wo aro thankful forth° former support given us, and invite a further call an] our friends and customers. J. W. EBY. Marlon Hail, Carlisle. 301 ; : ete ts FRESH. SHAD.—A few barrels of - prim No.l SHAD, Just received at WILLIAMS' FAMILY OROONRY. spill 11. LW AV ATOLL AND JE W ELRY .. ....VV STORE, W. D. A. NAttILE, would reFpectfull3 announce to the citizens in • - ...' Carlisle and vicinity . than t e i , , , -, 2 . ~..,... 11 , , , ,z, 76 , 4 ,, , ,, ,, , , , , , , i ; f , , , f It T, z i e w v i t. (. 7l ., (l . , (41) 2 F : • f ' C' :: ::-.WATCHES . & JEWELRY, < ~Zi... ~.. S 9 3 .17. N., Z, '........ 7 ".. On the N. E. corner 01 the ;T . ,3 4 .410 , •;:' Public Square, in the room ‘ 4 '7 4 a . :,;,- - = 1 ,7 6 5 ,;$.1":0 ~,. formerly oe , upled tn. Sate'l 77.- - t: c' !: • ,-- -, •2 Ellit , t, one - door En . st .of • Ill: W. Ititner's dry good store. The stock -consisting of every article in the trade, viz: (101. D AND SI 1,1 El, WATCHES of every style and quality, gild fob, neck. vest and chatlains chains. gold lockets. breast plus, ear rings. Ac., Ac. All goods warranted to be what they aro ~.. sold tie. • Part ivnlar attention paid to ItEl'AiliTIVO of (kit \Vetches. Jewelry, Am. All work warranted areor.liog to qualily. ' 'rho subscriber flatterg himself that he eau give entire satistautlon to all that favors him with their W. D. A. NAUGLE. tlorlisle..luly ltitll WATCHES ! CLOCKS ! FANCY JEW ELRY, e t have IICINV 011 hand and tor sale at 111 . 1 Vld tat.usti re. .Hats Street, opposite Jlmiott Call, an 1111111 . ely 111:11 1 lld elegant stack Of )% ATCII ES, .1 I.NVELIS Y. 31 ED.ILIONS. Gold ',nor Watches. bunting and open case. Sliver do. Silver Levine and Quarter NVatches, a large %as iety. bold ,Inehors tor Ladies sittd Gentlemen. Medallions, Is splendid sissoettnent lists ladles and gents. Breast. Pins of every pattern. and all prices. Cold Chains ter vest and t'ols. gold else!, ehals.s. • Finger Rings: Cull-pins, Studs. Sleeve Buttes,. Crosses. Drop and !loop Ear.l:ing. , . a. large vaeict v, Silver and Pint ed Forks, Table 111111 Tea Sp,ll.llF. Lotter 1111111,4.. 1 / 4 C. Of Vlll'lllll' , styles tend prices, (Sold I . 'llll r T 111111 1 ,11.5. (lull, Silver 111111 Colllllltill Spectaeles. a large st,sertmeut to stilt all. gesi, and to 11 hil'll ue 1111 111 part isqlllll attention. Port NI i,n nn ieo. a large assortment at every price. Gold fens, "(the best make at l sirloin. prices, Finley Roves. Port Polies. Aecordssons. pectaele eaves. Ladies Card Cases. silver and pearl. It 1;11'11,11 , 1.11 , ,5, 111:o9`Iet a. 10111 111111 1 ,, 1111111011: 111111 . 11 11:111IS ditto. Also a large variety of article , in the .11,11(.1ry 111, Wllllll sell at the lowe,t. prices , . All al the) , s :sr ran tea to Le NI hat they Ore S (1111 sot.. ",'zsqus. r..l4u•tirulnrattetttion paid to Clio It I.: l'.llß !.( i i (IV \V.VIVII I S :1111.1 all %vial: than), to friend: and rosti , nairs (.4r f I resiiiiiitlully solicit a eonti t heir fay( rs. I 4,, n 2 r) ,"7- —SPItING ANi) ST. I I IIIIEN 1 am (Jou. roit cAsil! eow retcei‘ hi,: a lar,ro assortioola of :-1(((os .f the [nest fashion:ll.le 'atel o. ellent maho. fresh from the Lest 111:11111,:jet,ijOs %,Ill(211 I will sill oatrenti . ly Cash. LOOK AT TILE I'LICES! W. SHELDON .storco, aub 51)op.o. 1, tnly. , "fatt-eolored GaiterF, illa,to. $1.25; I, its s7h , 1:2:1; I.wk La,ting 1;1111i,, !oak, 1.25; French 7., Er,.l,eh Boot:, double witat, 1.'25: Parts Itool • 1,25: Mull ., MOttlt.T./ IP.IIII. ditto /..q; Kid Ties, 50 Oh; watt 'lles. 1.31: :soutugs and Albldtis 1.15.6 c. Extra llne Frottch Calf Pods. it beautiful article, IV:W.111;r Sle 1.5 o: Call l'ioutress Gaiter,. 1;25; Cloth s It; Ptitcat Leather INf.,rll izlioes, 1,75; .luilirit te...i.:"; le.alier Congress ()alters as 11. , ‘t nF n..!.. ,, 0; rah ot Pump Tie,. tine Cloth (tatters with potent tip, !tel.- Isert's A No. 1, potent leather tibue-t.. p Lett , ced Cole u'ress (lttitt;i•s. enantulled, patent leather. ter) low prices. Also Carpet nod Velvet slippers. ihdiNt Boots. Opera Ports and Mock:— Ctdoretl Gaiters, patent tips. S 7 CIF: flllO 1.11 11....1; CIIILIPILINI-4 Highland "Hoots. }:ttrehas, Exo•lsh , rs e nil Itooatn, for '2O vents; Calf, singlo 0nh..1. 7 cent, :NIE 2 N't4 Kip itopts in great variety, FOllle as I,:w as VI. Stout lkopin , :sl.lll.l !Awes IVoatEN's Kid Iltiblaitti, double 1,115,1.75 init7,27 - : ;‘..1100. tees, C 51117; Ileasy Kip 11(.,.ts Linnen Gaite,t 77; I lalf Slippors 34 , Y ll' y Rip 11"ots, Pitta Calf 11, ,, t5. Itrcintus u , If,ve :Is 7 . 5 o.iters, patetrt h.,,ther Moi ritent bat her.lidlien ti, e.,\r. CAILPET Hod. of every do`Tirtioll-01Illotii. Union, Brus Sole% Avlvid from s(h To z". 2 iko,Also socoral thousand dollars ,vortli of 11011 TS AND SHOES AT WHOLESALE. Country Merrhant9 awl other dialers are iIIN ited to call. All wlw wish W buy good shoes and NI MI`V will call at Porter's rid stand, Malta street, hear Road .Depot, April 18th . 1;5. M, RAWLINS. CLOTHING I CLOTHING r , N. II ANTCH A; Co. have opened and now of • for for Nilo at their Store nn West Mich :•:•4 reel, onivhier west of the hotel formerly kept by C. zo , :tough, an entire new Atoek of Beady Made,Clothing FOIL MEN AND BOYS M EAR. Alsn, Cloths, Cassiinered anti Vestinas, Which will be matt, up best style astd on reasonable terms.—, Shirt Collars. Moves. Hosiery, Suspcilders, Satin and Summer Stocks, Ihintikercitiefs. A. of the newcst styli' , 341 . 4 best manufacture kept constantly oat ltanol. l'onlidsitt of their ability to pleaso, they respectfully so. Pit the public patronage. uST RECEIVED AT THE .1. ,. .U1- t r , ILI GROCERY STORE of the subscriber, n Ma. rum llall, A new supply of fresh Water Crackerc, ' Soda. I:utter, Nic Su;:ar Bolt:cult. Parilm, Corn Starch. Tapioca : Sago. Pearl Parley, l:Ntract of Coffee, Itirs Flour, Baking Vowder, A new lit of superior Table Oil, Pickles, Tomato Ketchup, French Mustard, tray hum. &c. .1. W. EBY. EW GROC ER Y ERIESi9 AND VAMP:TY STORE. The subscriber w0i7171 respectfully Inform Ittsfriendsall the }midic generally. that he 11.1 , iliSt ret urned from the city with a lance. turd varied assortment . of GOCERIES, GLASS and QUEENS-WARE FiSll, which he offers for sale on th, most reasonable terms, at his Now Store molter of North ilanover street and the Nil lie Square, directly opposite the Carlisle he. posit Bank. His stock entbrases everything usually lu a Grocery and Variety store The public Oro Invited to Viii and examine his steel, before iittrehaslng elsewhere, as lie feels' centhlelit he can sell the best'goods at the lowest prices. ,I. I). ( - 411,11:14'N G ROCERY STOVE. HAR k. KNESS MULLIN - Csirc to inform the citirens of Carlisle nml vicinity that they have just received from the city and are now opening in.tho room adjoining Bentz .t Brother's Store. a very complete assortment nf artworks. such 118 PRIME COEPEE, SUGAR, TEAS. MOLASSES, and all the various kinds of SPICES and DRIED MEAT such tie Hams, Pried Beef. Bologna SollgagOS. Sc. by the piece or pound. Also herrings. Mack. erel.slllol, Cod Fish and a great variety of artickvi not necessary to enumerate. In addition to the above, we will receive Our regultir suppilet; pf FRESH VEGETABLES as soon as they appear In tho city nonhets, to all of which wo Invlto the attention of the }addle. as we in tend to sell at thi very lowest prlecs for Cash or Coun try Produ,:o. HARKNESS it IitULLIN. T o ADZES DRESS GOODS—Just opening a largo assortment of Spring/mud Summer Dress floods, consisting of Plain and Figured Mirages, Plain and Figured Silk Tissues, !Wage do Laines, Plain Lawns, Figured Swiss Muslins, Organdies. Scotch Ging hams, and a great variety of other goods at as low prices as can bo found auy where the town. May Uth, OEO. W. ItIiTNEIL cnORN SHELLERS.---XANDER? s PAT ENT CORN SHELLER; decidedly the best and cheap es ow in uso. Fervors nro, requested to call and ex• amino it at the Carlisle Foundry and Machine Shop, or at Saxton's Hardware Store. For solo at reasonable prices by Aug. 2 SUMAIER HATS.--Just received at tho Store of ROBERT DICK, it large assortment or Men's, Youth's and Children's SU3I3IEIL HATS, con sisting of Panama, Leghorn, French Straw, Canton and other varieties, part of which are colored and,black— some quite low in price. mast 14:mgara i f NE. GO LjED. , [Successor to A. 1 ,- i( t. c o. 114 Clu stuut St.. t..:waim's ]tuihting, Phllrairt phia..oxtrusiN r Music Publh.her. and Dealer in :q in hal Instruments of every ticsrripi iou. lix, lusivo zusrnt for the s:il, . f Millet. Patis tg Co. Pateiil : 4 1ispenFitol 111 . itlge inljjan and , :jiler PLAM.!: (ill bert's Potu.kir Pianos, Mehdo us. 3hutill F FilliFills Itarps'. Vklins. :shrO. llusic. :11ush. 11. t i' . &e• 'ResitMutt.. of the (amid ry NOB be supplied I.y refill or otherwi,e with music they may NVISII, :Is lour its it pur e!ii‘st`ii lu pet see. !Ito lug anh f the lamest sit tits to the United r tat,es. 1 feel cettlitleitt satisfyiti all who fluty rot Or mo tcith a call or t met. lie:tiers in 'Mush. supplied nu most 111 eral to Eris Pianos to let, i . .eeonflituld for Nile. Slay 30.1`.,..-1, t r illE :Vl' IV ATC 11 ES AI 1 ) ,1 I. AV 1.11. %I L ; la. \ litilit';;\ LE : n ut lILTAII.. llt I /it " ILE: ili'lpliiil Wattli iivd I. ell y I. tt i..• I\ niiiliiA. 91; North t•rwort! :-.1..t.ept...1. iii , i. i } QUM! V. I 1 llfltiVii10::. C. C lerrfi s •N • Le V 01` IVritiit:s.,full jtiwcilil.l'i .:it, \ \l • •, / iit casi•s,. - : - - i'-'l' I 0 ~ • ...; i,oz, (:0111 1.0111110. If , ititiit viises. l''.-1 I 0 -: . 67 ..-- , ' t. , l:+.' ‘,, I-lii,, 11. , cis. II cis. 1. 10 •I. 4:4 ' ir ls "•'• 'iii er 1.1.1 . 0', full juu t•Ilt d. 12 t(1 Superkr ivrs, “c!,I Piur Silt hrlll Pee., Gt,ld, Pens. xl it It it and Po 1.1., Goldllgor Itincn :r7 r; routs to :•:.•‘; Pnt.h ti}; .‘f s 12 1 , oollt• . I attl.t r • it oodowtion. All •,,,orls sv:lrt aided to ls• 1,1 r.t rLry ; , 1 • sold. tor. STA HA I 1,1 Oa barn]. s ,, rno 11,,k1 and Sii V (.1. Lever, and irtlrto , till I.,:er than (11, al rye l ,riven. Ti EENINI; i t I fo, 111:1: •'L 1,1,11• ''': rs •; , ..,..., c , I I :: ‘ .1:, 1 1 e l ' 111 I , t : ' , ' I ; I 1 . 1 ' 41 ' 1: :11 . 4.1 ‘ 1 ‘ /1 ' ... i( %I Ii 11 r - , -•`- , : ' 1 . , ', 44,;,. ,-,, 41 w,,,1.1., ra.r. 1...H.1.w..".,:,i, 1I:41 I. t. r' ; ''''l'4, .'1 i[ f rk.j, :d , " a t t In, 111,! Ids Fnir, !. (Nw ~ 11 . 441 -11 4 11 iiti/ 1 . ,,,k. 1! , :,:t ;11111 '', I. 'I Ile IL111,1•1!• 147 . 1. , 7 ; , ----- .4:', ; r , ; ,, ‘ t 4 '11 ; 111 14.1.. sire th.. sf.,ln man nfitt dull I'S ''... c riri!!!!'"Vri it!i:. 4 a!,t . pr, I.ri-t , 4s in this 1.11tt4. I I iii.'. , : 4 . ';• :'' i - 'Fel tll4l ItioriVll 111114.11:1114'41 FII:C/4 ST 41 ; 1 . ,T1 . •• r -- ' --- 4 - 1. 1 , 1 .1 1.4 ba. Thi. ~.1 . 1:.ti,,, i f 41., , ' !"' ' Ii i ll! : 1 ' !'" I , •41 nine "Ilcruinr, • s ';'l, - !s n , I 1.1 il . l , ,- , ij..:....... 1 (V: il ,, j" -IA, i 11... lida ~. V Iv it a , ' , ,u , t lin fi.ur.ntitilu ..,.11,21 ut.lty haw , NI itnessed and I,rne trash WWI) t 11.4 1. ' NI VI I: I .131.1Nt- :du 1111°1 tlulltii!.. thnii 12.01'0 of flik fr Sat, hay., , ICI i• :V • 11/311 , PI 1,1 C 11 ,,, buy° pnrccd trillrEl haul 13 flirt 1 ,, ,11, it,, r, , . 111,. 1 , 0 , 1ie 0,1 o. in.thulactureti Iv the aubsrliL ii uir Ltt ;, - .1:,;1.1- t 4.44441 Iti 10 'ldly 1.4(11111.1111 111 that.) . retret is 441 44! `bp 4 1'1. 4 1' 1.41 1144 4.44 %%111 4 h haN r , l • s” "a 1 111, 41 I I4V t'orvet their sort 1.1, in the 1 1.1114: (1 II 1 4 61441114' 1,041111 , 141111 4 11 t ,“ It. Volt.. :11,1 nt t I Ire 1.1 r t nnaerry tee t. at the lat.;. tie t Jtt't t tile the it:irm a 11. ut-e: and still mert. rl 4 T sly Fire at. 1. i1;11 11i -t ut, rt in IL.- rity r f l'hihh•lphia, in v. bieh these s can,. fatly thy::; I; , \I 1401 nu: r.y t.ther s F.11t1:1 IVAI.:11"1! :street, I'hi!nde;ll. Chilled Iron 9:dl•e. ss itla - I`ma der l'astiof L.•el s. i, afia faisttlaa•d eNpris•sly Rauh., hyphen:, rs. and nt hers trquleine seem it' team r0;.,11 , .... rank \ atilt as i Lost e. e. nn hand made tia it der. All the eel.J'rah•d Lochs ter sale at same Whet urea ,. prices. St••••• 1 4 ,1 hsvd ' :s!amatnler t• ' 111111. • 11, n ciw,it - of .4 her teal s. hr4.‘ t• 14 n talKvn in pi] C 1 ,413 - nii•nt fits Het riam's for tittle ait half pries•'.ll.ll . I A ATCI.I 1.'.:7 1 . 1..`1 1 .11 1 .1.1 ES 1 . 1 .—,11 (JUN ly bliNsEl.i.v.unolufz“.tuter Lind MI enti rvt I-A} E. 'l. x i•ATIvNT: - .V/U A lib V l'h Ili lIT 1% IR I/ BOX 01A1 t lit.S NO. H; N/1111 1 I It'll TII •il ..1, (id 1,‘, , Illur I tH4,A 1:1A, I'IIIA. 3latehrs, It3IIIIl! her, mt All Illilltielillllble meth he iu housekeeping. the sill Sel'il , Cl* utter a pi ant l.114.1l:C1, i t time and money. Is enabled to oiler to the l'ublie ,in i,r -t inks lit 1,11‘.0 nlnibliiiit...: Utility lit t livairmess. - "Idle M. v ol itar knowing the Mt vger :11.1.1•11elodt.11 111 ;-le ,, ill t I I OW Ililllk'Y III:Miler In II Mat 3latehia, are i,triCially purled In paper, has Ly the alt) I•I New Strain 'Ma' Mr. i y id Ids own liivention,sureemled in gettimi ups IA rl 1 I'ATENT StlUAltlr, I: I'IIIIIIIT \VW] , PON; this I i x is finliren raid.', in no milell that It orrupits no no to rt i in ban the old round Aro, il la.x. and .t atains at It Mt Two i in:Mr.:if per rout moreMatehes, w libli to r-hlri OF IS considerable advantage; it Is entirely 111.W.11111.11A111.3 IllZahlit moisture and spontaneous et nitia-th n, ilitiads n'll danger on transportation by nulls of litsilioad.litviiii. mast or any ether Ineile or roils eyauce. These Mat, hes die parked st, that one grass or MCI 0 n,ay ; Lo shipped to any part of the World with peliert safety. They are the most deslralle ortiele li r In, ,nonsomptiou, and the t-out hems and tvestezn Lnntkcl that base ever been invented. 11+1ft and PPERS, will do well to coil en eX/I.llllTer for themsolvt.s. are 11"AltItAN'11:11 to I , e ruperior to anything iierutoroiiiol6ll:4l to the I'o4 JOIE\ DONN EI.LY toe, th tSI. I hif &Ara. 1)0, , r 4, 1854. FRENCH WeighingTINTSSES, Wei“bin kss num. 212 tamers. for the cure of llri ole er itptt re act: ledged by the hip hest medical alltlllll RIO. of ULU adolphia, incomparably superior to any other in me,— Sufferers w ill be gratified to learn that the et:casit a new offers to procure net only the highest and nwst easy. I ut durable a Truss as any ether. in lien or tus Mid uurraufurtuble article usually sold. Tittle is no dif lenity attending the fitting, and 'when the pad is Int at ed it will retain its ptAtion nith, ut thanve. Persons at tt distance unable to 9.11 on the suiscriher. van bail, the 'truce sent to ; coy address, by omitting five dollars for the single 'truss, ur ten ler the double— with measure n.und the hips. and stating sidi , Ltfected. It will 1.41 exchanged to suit If not t tting. ht. returning at once, unsoiled. For sale only by the trope rter. C.51,1.:11 11. NEEI'LES, ctleAff 1,1 e lt 11111 Ara^ 1.1P1.48, requiring the beneill of Nerbanicni inp porters, owing to the liellingenient of the Internal V.'r gnus, inducing falling of the Womb. Veva). l'ulmothi", Dyspeptic, Nervous and Spinal Weakta<ss, nm illUntitrd that a emnpetent and oxperkenced LADY will be in at• tondanee at the Poems. (set apart for their .extluf,ive use) No. 114 TWELFTH Ft., let door l.olen'r July 26, '64. RATIS !—Just Published—A U - 6 - 1; 1k...1" DISCOVERY IN EMCINE.—A few words or the ittittonni Treatment, without Medicine, epermator ben, or local irenkness,nervour debility. low spirits,lassitude, weakness of the limbs and back. Rnsl osit ion and 1 , o pacity for study and labor, tinliness of apprebensh r, loss of memory, ncemion to society, love of solituet ,I*- toblity. self distrust. dizziness. headache. involuttary diseharges, 1 aim , in the Fhb', meet Inn or the pie. , on the fare, sexual nod other Infrinities in man. Froin the Frentli , of Dr. D. DeLancey: The:important fart flint. these Maiming romplt rota luny easily be removediVlTHOUT an mem. Is In thlstynll traet 'clearly demonstrated, and the actin ly now at d hlehly suceessftrentment, no adopted by the ALIN r, fedly explalned.byhmatis of Avlilvla every one Is eiml ?rd to mire himself perfectly and nt the least possible evst, 'avoiding thereby all the advertised nestrutos at the day." Pent to any mbiross, gratis and post fim. Ina 'malt.] mivolopo, by remitting (post paid) two postage stallim to Dr. 11. DeLancoy,l7 Lisp‘ , ..trti street, York. March l—ly ATTENTION DYSPEPTICS—Those of you who havebeen afflicted for wars with this bothersonan disease; nod who have been using alined every 'Nostrum before the public without relief, we SAY to you try " KlefTer's Antlitysperit le" and you will Ff OU ho convinced of its trreat supeitority over every other ' preparation. t We could giVe you v-rv.y errtfflrates comb cratin our asstns but a stale trial is wOrth mem , than al g l. 'flits remedy is prepare p d and sold at the Drag Store of 8..1. 1:111111:11, &nth Itanover street, a few doors south of the Ci.urt I. --se, Carlisle. F. GARDNER pi r ilabelplya. .~'~ ~. ~. ~~~, o"~i ; S PATENT, ClIA:\111- 1:i)41 , vith Ha' s, kV I: )x.%::}s 1.411, 'T. 1:11 s =I II ME 1 s 0 .1 • 11 1 i) r 111 1