M El 3Atintiturat. U.. I _,L.,.,........___„ , :vitif..q.,,5;4t, 1c;173:7:7.,...,mi,,...5t,..,5: p !s'.r.l- ; : t ,'14 0,Zi.',,M3,,. ~...,-,-v-4.`..-I:',lt f1.\ •, ,,iM: 6 '.8 i:43 \ k,, ••'''Vf47;il , )`...o. •`:*''.-.1. ."07' , .. 1 '''''' ''').--, IA \I . , .". s .' ,•7 4 ?t x • \,‘ ®} A \I. Att,es.:4,t, std mi', , ) ,„„ 4- r. - ',,.. 11,..', , ~r v, ,,,,,,,,,,..t v, , 4„,, ,, ,,,.„...,,,,v,,,,,p. 0 ., A a ---,--t,,,-4,,i, , _ -..: , ..t.47....,„,...44,- -4;------ Railroad Statistics. if there be any man in the country who has not'made up his mind to believe in the utility of liAlroads to an agricul tural district at a distance from market, we think the subjoined table which seems t have been prepared with great care and a,:ouracy, will relie'e, him from all furtin r hesitation or doubt It is so long since we cut it from one our'Western exchange papers that we have forgotton to whom the credit for it should be given ; but it will not be the less, interesting either for its age or our bmorance of its origin.— The object, or the table was to show the compart Ivo value of a ton of wheat and ono of corn at , •iven distances from mar ket, as affected by tiro cost of transporta tion by railroad and over the ordinary : MEE ‘S ii i. q - :)1!) - )0 19 4 120 4.) 1)0 4!) 00 48 75 4 50 48 45 48 30 49 15 48 00 47 85 47 70 17 53 17 40 47 2.5 47 10 46 95 11, b 0 411 65 4G 50 40 35 40 !0 •11; 05 1590 43 75 43 60 45 45 15 30 4 ) 13 45 00 44 95 41 70 IBM It is thus made evident that a ton of corn; if carried 170 miles to market by the ordinary meamt of transportation by wag on, will not produce one cent more than it has actually cost the grower, its whole value being absorbed by its conveyance to market ; while if transported the same distance by railroad the nett procbeds of its sale would be more than $22. The transportation of a ton of wheat, by the same calculation, would exhaust its value at the distance of 330 miles if Made, in wagon, while by the railroad it would be worth more than $4l beyond the cost of getting it to market. These are stubborn and striking facts, which no ingenuity of reasoning can overthrow. They are suf ficieatly plain to be understood by every farmer, no matter what his distance from market may be, and they will no doubt have their influence in determining his deCission when called upon to subscribe to the stock of a railroad company pas— sing within convenient reach of his own granule?. This however, is but one view of the practical benefits to be derived from the. extension of railroads to the States and Territorie3 of the Union . that have no natigable streams leading to the t reat marts of the country. In ,ft politi cal point of view it might be readily shown that the advantages would be still greater of multiplying such means of intercom- Munication ; but they are too obvious not to strike the attention of statesmen with out a word further from us. Improved Varieties of Wheat from France There have lately been imported three varieties of wheat. The Hungarian wheat ; the Neapolitian white wheat and the early Noe wheat. As the two latter have the property of ripening , some days before our common varieties of wheat, if - they otherwise succeed in this climate, a great point will be accomplished.' A 'single week gained in the ripening will often waive the crops from injury of the indePondent of the advantage gain ed In the Market, The summer wheat 'ii originally from the valley of Anjen; a sOuthern province of Ranee and is a very nmarkable variety of winter wheat.-- 'The par is strong and full,-,of a rod color, Ordinary rain! MEI ME %I heat 2! 75 241 24; 21 7o 24 73 _ ) 1)0 IS 73 IS 73 17 2) 15 73 14 21 1:2 75 11 25 9 75 27 55 0 2 0o 22 50 22 15 22 10 22 05 21 90 HIE 21 'JO 21 45 21 30 21 15 21 00 2080 20 70 20 55 20 40 20 23 20 10 10 95 16 80 . lud is very much esteemed by farmers.— The straw is very white, and grows high er than that of ordinary wheat, while it is larger and sweeter. The Noe wheat was introduced by Mr. 1)e Noe, and is commonly known un ber the name of blue wheat, and owin r ,..to its hardy.and protective nature, is gradually superseed ing the 'Summer wheat in the central part of France. It is much sought after on account- of its precocity fur a iMeslin or soiling crop. It would succeed well as a March wheat if sown early. , i3usines..-3 Q'L.aroo. B. t„.„ co Ilanover mice boors. inter partirularly frt.an 7 to 'd A. M., and 115111 to 7 t,'clielt. P. M. . • 1,V1.1.1).-1)0C1'011 S. 1 ) . Z i rumntly froiwi.:inea,:t., , r - eit , .., Offers hi, Profession u: norrires t•• tilt' eitiZl..llg 4,i (7:111b.le 11111 i • oinity in all radon: branches. I inn, to in tlio 'noise rained : J . 111.1•11j.ka As Force. , /111.1.111,1• rt• NOI4II 11.1111/Vl,r „hero he i,ns .a 1 at all hours ,Olen not %I. to Illy country promptly to. 1;•-..1 of aerate. C. E. 131,U.N11 , ..Y.111.11 , , 110- )I'.\ TIM' I'll SI CI A 7.% . and residence ..” ipnit e 1 st, °et, nne dont. f.:l of till , Gentian He .1"111,1 iiilllnt•lltho I ITSpeCtrillii) Offen: iliS 1 , 1 - 61 . , , 1011/11 sorb , es to OW elll..en: td Carlisle mia i• q.". e-Veri. ,, ,us frau a (Ibtart ,,, laborine under ehronie mAy by letter. Utliee 1101.11 . 5. from 7 to :tat 2 4 , 14 P. )I. septti,'s4tt X ()TlCE.—Nttiee is hereby given 4 _l th.i 1 11:1N 0. this It.n•.:uclrt•iatod 1111.11 1111' In Ole [lf 1:1) 11. ;11111 S. M. 1.11-1111 , ,, in future ;s'ill Ile 'Monied ❑!,.n'e 1.1,1e1 •!u• fine '•lhn u l.r h I'emuimr:. •• I,!. I.lth 1 55, IV. )1. 1111)1)1.1 . 1..\L Ly nt law. I 111:.\ I :ttortlev at Law. I; • All Itst - ttess entrust.. eat ititn Mill ion• pr ouptly stt entletl 8) , 7- 11 ! I C. It 11 Attornent Li 3 t'qiro Carll.!(.. m.tro..tea to lino promptly at eflat!,i Eli. • Fob. 7. .;M. N. 6ItE EN , Ittornoy ::t. la Nv, has • ~ ...._ ,•itli:ki in Moellutil ,, l.or,x, jr , , tile invtici , of his prott•ssioi). All kinds of 1,..;:il tl ritio..t, l',.hiretions, I 'mirt liNiiiess, kr.. impiiiptly att4.ll.ltql t. , . Oillve ()pp, sitt• Dr. borix'... re,idelict, SI:RYE:I'IM] In till its dille root torlinelies prt.iiiptly'lltleittled to. ' • 'I B. COLE Attorney at Law, will at ior tend prompt Iy to all Imsinessentrusted to him.— Mor in the rll , lllll fmmietly oomplerl Joy N illtaw Im Me, North llanover strevt„Carlisle. 20, 11{. ( El ). \V. f 24* ' DENTI , I' ,t!,full; attend,. t., all , ;ueratl ois 1.111 , 11 the teeth aiel wijaveht parts that 41 1 , 0:1St? or irreittilmity may lle will ,11 , 9 insert Art ..r ileseriptien. such :LS 111.1 . k 11'011. and teall with " II :11111 I, ill c.Plistruct Artificial Palates, tII, t uraters, Ihrrulating Here., and every NTH:ince used 111 t Ite.rleiital Art. room at the residence of lir. Samuel Elllutt. NN est 111411 street. Carlisle. V.:011(1 If) Z. 1111ETZ, 1). I). S., Il ENTlST.—liespertfully tenders his professionni services to thy pudic. Artificial teeth inserted, front tooth, to an entire sot. on the latest and most provel Snell as Single. Illoak. snit 4'o-m -utinous i Teeth." Iliseases of the Mouth and Jr earefully treaffal. ut the nr,iflente of his brother, on North I'M Street. Carlisle. 1 jan Itl CItIV EN ER AND CONVEYAN. CER.—A. L. SPONSI,Eit late Register of Cumber- Mod vonety. will carefully attend to the transaction of all sorb business as may be entrusted to him, such as the writing of Deeds, Mortgages Contracts, hr. Ile will als , , devote his attention •o the procuring of Land War i•aeti Pensions. &c. as well as the purchase and sale of Deal Estate, negotiations, of loans, AC. t „,0111N3 on West High Street. formerly occupied, I y W. M. Denrost Esq. near the th•thudist Chu•ril. N. 110 S ENsT House . , Fa !IVY and Ornamental Painter. Irvin's (formerly limper's) itow, near Illtner's Dry thssis Store., Ile will attend promptly to all the abovci descriptlons'of paint ing, at reasonable (wives. The various kiwis of graining :Mended to, swell as mahogany, oak, walnut, in the iinproved std I - 1 W. BRANDT, .Manufacturer of j. Mineral Waterg, French Mend. Bottled Ale, Porter and Cider. * North East' Street, near the flail Road Bridge, Carlisle AL H. FRANCISCUS, - MANUFACTUTER OF COTTON LAPS Middiag, Tit, Yarn, Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarns, ',AMP, CANDLK AND FLUID WICKS. svilloh Ito offers to sell at the Lowest Cash Prices at No 4t Market Strout Ithove Suomd, North side, Philadolphh .) A TIMORE CARD.-SvizT._ all Fine• Factory filled and Oround Alum salt, con• 'tautly on hand awl for sale. CARR. GIESE 4: CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Commission Merchants, Spear's Wharf. Alan, CEMENT and CALCINED PLASTER. Agency d the N. A. and Itosendale Co. Baltimore. Jan. 22,-11455. 42AyE YOUR OLD METAL—.Cash 0 paid for OLD METAL, surlt ns Coher, Brass and ron, at the Carlisle Foundry and %rhino ehop. FRANK. GARDNFM 11EAC ERS NV ANTEM—Teachers u•ho can teach the Latin and Greek languages, to !ether with tho usual branches of an English Linea lon. to take ehargo of Maio High :eboa of Ninth Ward, York, Ponn'a. For further particulars addVikoi A. It. York, Penn'a. July 25,'55.-:1t LEONA I) & EVERETT, 19.:ALERS IN REAL ESTATE, • • Connell Illufe, lowa. Will locate Land Warrants, and outer land on time, 10:1n money on Real Ebtato security, and pay taxes for noiresidents: ilavino a large experience In the selecting and pur l:rising of public land, and acquainted with the most ;11vorable points for Investment in western lows, we latter ourselves that we can locate land warrants to the beet advantage upon timber, pralre, bottom, or upland. leer county seats: adjacent to the line of proposed rail roads; :Ind upon land watered by never failing streams its the judgement or taste of parties may direct. Persons intrustlng money or warrants to our care for loan, will find our terms liberal, we refer to lien. A. Ll. Ege, Westminster, Carroll CO., Md. Geo. F. Strasburgh, Shenandoah Co., Va. Emanuel Arbogast, Esq., Crabbottomdlighland Co. Va. TIRESERVING SUGAR.---A general assortment of Crushed, kilned and Pulverised Sugars of be nuality,.as so Soft. Crushed Clarified and other qualities coasts tly on band, suitable for preserving and all other p ,Poses—gonorally at OLD Palm. Also a constant supply of tliv, ehoiceat Coffees, Teas, Spices and other articles in variety always on hand.— latent ion is invited to our stock botbro buying elsewhere. Carlisle, July 25,'05. - J. W. EBY. fhi~ccllnncous, - ---,,, STEAM SAW MILL, near .. . ::..r 6 t 4 N i..... 3 l'Emertown, Cu u.— mberland conty Ad. II :, lit umal ply Lumber of all landti, at the shortest "'"''"'l'36,%-notiee, and on terms lower toan calll 1,I: had I:1St:11101Th All orders directed to E. II MiltEl.l., Pa pelttom It, or WM. D. SElmuum,Jr.,Carlisle, will be prompt ly attooded to. • ler h. :22-ly. ( - I_AS. PITTING ANI) PLUMB e- would inform the IZent , of Carlisle that he has nettle arrange nettitsto doGAS FIVPINO and PLUM IliNti at short no tice, and on reClScillehle tel'lllB. Ile has engaged the ser tiees of it first rate hand from Philadelphia. and has sup plied himself with an extensit it assortment of FIXT CR ES, which will enable hint to till all orders promptly. All work trill be warranted. It is steel( of (ins Fixtures will Ice felled in the room extuttly opposite hits Tinning est al lishment on North Hanover street, AV het it he invites a eall. TINNING, SPOUTING. &e.---711e is also prepared to, furnish, or make to 01110% every article nf TEN IS AltE used by housekeepers and others. lie Will nisi. attend to SPOUTING. HOUSE-ROOVING, BEM, HANGING, anti PLUMIII • Thankful for the patronage N 1 MI which he hasalreatly been favored, he respeotrully solicits a continuance of the same. Carlisle, June 14, 'M E 11 0 M CALI FOIINIA.—C. VON respetiftcy informs the citizens of Car lisle and that he bas just California, and is prepared tooth citte all Mods of wort; vonneeted wit his in e el . ] • 111 I 11:111,1 Ills a large ti.i...ort ment i t mad)-made (inns. Pistols. Lochs. Keys. ti un Trimmings'. ite., ult OT lie xi ill sell wholesale or retail. Ile also attends" to repairing I inils„clool.s. halo, At.; emouves Tirass. copper and iron. Ile hopes that 1.3 street attention to hu"1""s• and a desire to please, lieu ill met it and receit 0 loathe. pat rimnize. - All liinuols of Fire Aims made to Order. t'arlishi, April 211, 1,54-1 y QAI)DLE AND ITARNESS MAN- I\ll. The t. , earry gill the I.tiriness. In all its 1.1 , 11. 1 ..".• in Ni rth 113n er t ive 11 , . , .r• N. rtli ~f " h'n' heeling 1.11 I,,tiel a gelivrai ill ilk i.f All hid , of m ittl 1,11 , 10 )litrtint:ales, Girths, ilalters.atse , N NI , Ili' als , tll7lll- c 1111,t I~ ;~ It .I, ~' ,~ ;:. iti, , roVe , l t s' !I S p It I N I. ever llsi.ll Ii this romary. I%)lltitZ :5 Irti) , l• stunt._ atlralole ati,l ,t(1,11/$ will di, NIVII to ran :tsl , l si 11111111f.14.11111, 0.11:IrS 111111 %%11,111% In nil 1111.11. V111..11.- 110 , 1. :Ind Clll - 111111 , 1111y I.eljev, h•om the vener , ;l Apr. i.n. Lion of his custmers. that he 111:11.1', 1110 reale s t 1111(1 I,•st. gears, in all tlu•ir t:irlety nl I,r e dth, that is made in the country. Ile nice 111:11,4`S 911 hinds of latulsses to order. viz ; - 'trair.)lusk. Curl. )1 Ilair and Spring liit rasscs. All the a 1..% e articles will ie 1:1141g. of the le*t material anal workmanship. and m ith the tit st des patch. NVIII. 0: 4 1101l N. ' .. 4,.'41 1 --) kT NET SELF-miABITNING . 1' ANK EE ' FEED - CUTTERS, mantina,ile—,l for ALDRICII & SAllri ENT. No. 410 Market street., rhilada Thi• cutter is unt.orlor to any now in use, fl.r strenuth durability. /111,1 simpli.dty of construction : it cuts fast oi, and kilo" Mlly self slurp nine Hay. Straw and torn Stalk Cutter ever made. It has but oNE STRAIWIT KNIFE. which any person eau grind and set with P:ttil., lint in ordinary ease, Is ground In the machine. Thou snds hate already lien silld, and the demand Is dail increasing. In most cases an examination is sufficient to convince one of its .nrerlorlty. No Une after a short trial would part Nt ith It for any other. All sizes of the above constantly on hand and for sale by 3. I'. TXNE, Sole Acent for Cutttherlami munty. ME ...,000 a supply u, Shetnansagner," an admi rable Wash for the 11111 r, 111311utnettinA by himself. The excellence of this Took Is testiged to by all of his en, looters who have used it to ho one of the Lest articles known for idealising the link of dandruff. lie also man ufactures a flair Restorative, known as the neerashee num," for ON log new growth to the hair on Laid heads. Ample testimony exists of the efficacy or this excellent Restorative. ...Wilk the Shemensagner'clears the hair of dandruff ma prevents it from coming out, the Co rashernum supplies a new growth to those who have lord the misfortune to lose their hair. The nubile Is In vited to call, examine and purehase these Invaluable articles. as he is confident they will render satisfaction. Sll A VINO, HAIR DRESS! and currisu, B , o sII AM POON attended to in the best style as usual, at his old rooms on West :Slain Street. near 7% Torino Hall. Calisle, Dec. '27, 15f4. BUBOES:3 Inourcmcc. F SUR IRE INA ENC —T HE ALLEN „ . 1 AND EAST 1'ENNS1101:0 .311'TUAI, FIRE IN :AIR ANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpo rated by all act of Assembly, is now fully organized, and in oporation under the management of the followin g commissioners, viz: Daniel Bailey, 'William It. ()twos, :Michael Coeklin, Melehoir Brenneman, Christian asylum', John C. DIM' lap, JIMA, 11. Coover, Lewis llyer, Ilenry Logan, Benja min 11. Musser. Jacob bluuann, Joseph Wickersham, Aloxander Cathcart. Tho rates of tnsurnnco aro as low and favorable as any Company of tho kind in the State. Persons wishing to become uimnbm•s are invited to malio application to the agonts of the company, who are willing to nail upon them at any time, BENJ. H. MOSSER,,Prosidont. HENRY LOGAN, Vico President. LEWIS MEE, Secretary MICHAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer. IRE= CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—Rudolph Martin, N. Cum. berland; Herman, Kingstown' Henry Zearlng, Shiremanstown ; Charles belt Carlisle ; Dr. .1. Ahl, Chlirchtown ; Samuel Graham, West Pennsboreueb ; .Tames Me Dowel, Frankford; Mode Griffith, South Mtd. (Beton; Samuel Coover, Benjamin Ilaverstlch, Mechan icsburg; John Sherrick; Lisburn; David Cooref, Shop: herdlit•OW k • • • YORK COUNTY.—John Bowman, Dlllsburg; Peter Wolford,'Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Washington; W. S. picking. Dover; .1. W. Craft, Paradise. IjABRISIIIIIiO.-11onser ,Lochnum. \ • Members of the company having policies Wilt to ex pire can have, them renewed by malting appllcatiorito any of the agenta. / f th OF JULY. -FIREWORKS I -I- Just received and for rale at MONTZA'S Confoo ollnery Store ; North Hanover Street. Ju27 MI %11E% JEELRY SILVER NIT A w l A. and ' W FANCY tlOOl/ 6. 7 A line assert.' Mein. of the finest quality, for sale at the lowest cash prices, at 11 in. C:.1..1.11u1N. 11.12,A1Y1.1, South :Anoint otract 101 Ween Pinu and Luton, west side, Philadelphia he assort:unit embraces a large and soled stork Fine:ll atches, Jew eirylll-iver 11 at e, Al late 11 are, plidet with line silver, in ,`..1)..0n5, Forks, Ladles, ac.—Jet goods, Flllls and fancy articles 01 u superior quality, deserving the examination of those who desire to procure the hest y t goods at the lowest cash prices. - , vnr . llav log a ' practical knowledge of ;• the business,nud MI available tuelli ties for Importing end Manutlictut ing,,the subscriber confridentl) invites purchasers, be lint ing that he can supply them on terms as favorable as any other establishment in either tri the Atlantic Cities: • All kinds of Dialllolll.lA, Mid Pearl Jewelry and ilvut Ware nottivfactured to miler. within a reasonable time. 11,9_11:itches, jewelry and silver ro pan IA: M M. P. ELTuN 11 EA 11, 0.'2 0 4 ;. l outh 11d lit. a few doors aim% e the 2.11 , :t. Mar ket, West 1-,ide. „ the south window of the Store, new be seen the fitmous.liird It, Nlllllll COIIIIIIIIIIiiS the mh,uirotiuu Of t h e scientific and curie us. (Sept. 20, QPA ' S 'I" OSPII ER IC Cll URNS 0-A full . sup tly of the :(Love celebrated Churn, now off nand of all the different sizes, bout 4 gallons- to 50. It received the trot premium at the late rennsylvania State Fair, the first premium at the Irani:lip Institute :tad Imhof:ire and Alar)land state Faits, and sarinus others at dineren t places. It NI tll male more and bekter butter front a Oren amount of cream, and In less time limn any churn in the market. For Sale wholesale and retail by If:if-A.11.1U MU ERIS .t 7 , I!INROE 310ISRIS ultural \V ti elloitse and ...,oett .Ilse. corner Of i th n!,(1 Mllll,l. 1654--tr ) E IGIIT, (Successor to _1,211 } liaotey c Knight,' It EDDiNt; AND l'A !WET „ Nit. Us "Muth Second Street, live tlettrs abie :Spruce street. l'hilittlelphia. where to heeps coin Stalltl II:111d at flat assortment of et ory iirt tele in his line oi ittisines.. Feathers, Feather Beds. Patent Mattress,. Velvet. Tapestry, Tapestry, BIAISSI•IS, 1111(.1. Hy. 111141%1111, Vellt.thll. List, Intl: 211111 111`1,1i1 Carpeting, Cl' Cloths, tatter 3lattings, Owe:tait :vanish .11:tiling!. Fitter find Stair Drit,rgets. Dearth limns. Door Mats.'fahle anti Piano Covers. To whiell he invites the attellt,ioll puram,ers. 1 4,,,t,•54 (11, 1{1), _Premium Arnste in halt Ins,entor of the re 11.1 t o t i Gt:t•satiter Ventilating allot ELV-lit . Band 1 ot! twos. 1 to,t rtoll o os to enabl e •oal ih•httemeh wern•ure their heads Isith au e Lira , I. t I, 11'11,t, I ntilt , .—No. 1. Tito roomd of the head; No G. hitIII t-reload of et the head to the week; No. 3 1 mint t•or to t.tir 1,1." the tt.l , , NO. 4. I out cur to eat rautt , l the lon head.. La, ;11,1 le:i4ly 11. r Rile a spit.ndld ..1 LaltiVS . igs. halt NS ij.“, rizfrN. Cud., Sr.. beautifully ninnufacturtstltind as , ello.:11)11. n 1 1 .7, u•tahllnliment 111 the Union. - Hauls Ile'rbanitun rxtraeb r Lustrous Hair Tonic. prepared trent youth Ainerican Ilerbs await Hoots, the nowt successtul article es or produced Mr preserving the hair from out Or ehanOina color, restoring and preserving it In a healthy and luxuriant state. unn; other reasons whl hellard's hair cutting sahxdi main tains its inantriam• peplalarity Is the that that his Tonkin appall:a to every head et hair cut at hat , ena.ry neat ly it IN kept in better pa eser. :ohm than un der nay knao, la appliation. It being thus pun ilcally tested by thousands, offers the greatest guarantee of its etheaer, $l , lll. retail at his lilt Establishment 177 Chestnut street ems.site tin. mete Ilem,e, Philadelptue. It. Dollard has at least discovered the ne plus ulna 112111 t ME, and annetttllCPS it for sale with perfect cone fidence ha its surpassing ev yr) thing of the kind now in use. It, celms the hair either black or brown. tp, may ho desired) and is used without injury to the hair or skin eithpr by stain or otherwise, can be washed off in ten minutes after application. NI ithput detracting from its ellicavy. Persons visiting the city are invited to give him a rail. .. _ F,A'lllEl.l.—Fritz 4: I.le'ildry, Store, 1 - j 119 North :1,1 st. Phllabelphia. Moroevo Alanufaetin cis, Cu rriors, lulls i.t.ers, Commission and Goneral Leato or business. WllOl, ESALE AND RETAIL-31anufaeiory 15 Min lis allstreet. ;sem 7-ly HERE IS 11'11AI' NEED A'r ritESENT -The subscriber respectful .e infants the holies and ,eittleinen of Carlisle and Moly that he has now on tttd at his lair Dressing tint Shaving Bolan on West treet. au elegant assort toot )1 LADIES BRAIDS out ;entliiinen's WllS.and ran urnish to order at shortest inlet , every kind of late Work of the best quality. le also begs /Wave to in- ,rte his (Heil& and gusto. tiers that ho keeps eonstan. ' 11)\,1plabelyl)ia Tou. , .0111 s Incitto,—No. 1, Vl , lll f rrhead t No. '2. raverG rrhend as far lIS ,1; tr% ee the cret,ll the head. Lytton.: addressed to 11. DOLLA111), 17; Clestnnt st . biladelphitt, will receive attention. Jan. 25—ly T . E A 1711 ER ! I,E AT 11E lt ! FRITZ. HENDRY S: CO. 11 No. '29. North 'fliird Strout, Plaladelphla, MOROCCO MANUFACTURERS, Curriers and Import i• of FRENCH CALF and Dealers In Red and Oak Solo lAndlivr and hip. I_ TAY AN 1) STRAW CUTTERS, coRN SIIELIERS.—A lartre assortment of hit pr,ved Hay. Straw and Fodder Cutter , . now on hand.— Also, double and single ern shelters for either hand or ti , ,rse I ow er. of the very latest taanufneture, including the premium stiller at the late Pentoolvania State Fnii. For sale 12. PASCHALL MORRIS Agrienit..tral Warehouse nud Seed Storeecorner of 7th nil Market, Philadelphia. Der. Ci.lS:ri—tf . 010 , p RE ILA. Surgeons' Bandage INSTITUTE MOVED' to No. 4, ut 11 tl 7 S , ll. Si Nt II store O,4We Marloot. B. C. EVERT:I9"S htt..iit rail tutting Pressure Th for the cure of It ot•ture; Shoulder 111%,..41, Supporters. Elastic Storkin,s,„ t.tit•peuent y, Hemorrhoidal, mid Bandages to deforotit 11-Iy. lio AIL], XSSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCIOIENT To MI pors,,miettillicted with St.xual tliFt , :igol. Fug WE NESS, IMPOTENCE, UUNORRII. LEET. PII LIS, ttr., Sc The How AHD ASSOCIATION of P1)1111 , 1014) 13 , la view of the awful destruct ion'of human life and healtt caused by `)usual diseases. and the deceptions %Odell at. practised upon the untbrt Amato victims of such disease' by Quarks, have directed their i , onsulting i 4 m-geon, as r. CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE CIE ATIS. to all persons thus at: Ilicted,(M3tle or Female.) who apply by letter, (postpaid.) with n descriptien of their condition. (age. occupation, (malits of life..tc..) and in extreme poverty and suffering to FURNISH 311-WINES lEEE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institution, established by special endowment, for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted w ith " Virulent and Epi demic diseases," and Its funds can be used for no other purpose. It bus now a surplus of 111V11119, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It Is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age. Address, (post-pald,) Dr. fl Et). H. CALHOUN, Consult ing Surgeon, tioaard Association Philadelphia, Pa. • Dy order of the Directors, EZRA D. IfEARTWELL, President. GEO. FAItECITILD, Secretary. april 11, yFRENCH TItUSSES.-r--Ilornia or Rupture slum:WWI, - treated, and mm fort insured, use of the elegant French Trusses,. imported by the subscriber. and made to order expressly for his sales.. All suffering with Rupture will be gratified to learn that the occasion note offers to procure a Press mobile log extreme lightness, with ease. durability and correct construction, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomforta ble article usually sold. An extensive essurtmen always on hand, adapted to every variety,of Rupture in adults and children, and for alio at a range of price to suit all. Cost of Single Trusses,'s2, $3, $4 and IV; Double, $4, $5, $6, $8 and $lO. . . Persons at redistance tali have a Truss sent to any ad dress by remitting the amount, sending measure around the hips, and stating side affected. For Sale Wholesale and Retail by the 'lnverter. • CALEB It. liitt:DLES, • S. N. ror. of Twelfth 6. Saco Ste. Philadelphia. Depot Mr Dr. Faneing's improvt d Puterj body Prayer , Chest Rxranders and Erector Br 4 CeB: rillOt Slollider Braces; Bo s l sllo, sfrY ralltloest Spinal bops and Sup ,ports. Ladies' Bums, with competent - lady utter dru,ts. . april 11, • • AEMOVED.-E. NEWLAND& CO'S wholettale and retail WORM° MASS AND HD t FRAME 'MANUFACTORY, No.l:2o , Altelli street, opposite the Theater, Philadelphia. . ' 11 N. A CO. received the only Mae Medal, awarded the * Crylital Palace exhibitien, N. Y., 18 63, In the Unit States, for GUt, Decorated, Mantel and Pier Glasses. 'bucation. WHITE BALL ACADEMY, three mites wog. of Harrisburg, The ninth Session Wails popular and flourishing Institution will vow menet, 011 Monday, the 7th a May next, under. the most Ilivorable auspices, During the present year such improvements and additions have Men made as its in creasing patronage demanded. The Principal will Le as sisted by a full corps of competent and experienced Leachers, and special attention will he paid to the health and courtOrt 01 the Studeuts. Boarding. Washing and Tuition in the English Branch es, and Vocal Music, per Session, 1,5 mouths) WOO instruction in Latin and (heel:, each, • lo ou "" French anti German L.On The attention of parents and guardians is earnestly invited to this Institution. Circulars will be furnished and any information w ill be given, on application,either personal or by letter to B. PENLINGEIt, Principal, Harrisburg, Pa. 31ar. H, 1855 • DLAINFIEIM CLASSICAL ACAD x • EMY, near CarHsi°, Pa. The Lith :Sessien com.. menet, on TUESDAY. May Ist, 1555. Number of ,Stu dents limited,and constant efft.i to UFl...d fur their moral and intellectual Improvement. 'fai or session. Circulars with relerences' and full infoauutton furniblw ed, by It. K. Principal and Prop lam., Plaint:old. Lund osland cu. P April 18-1855 . c ommERCIAL COLLEGE, LTI Mon E cTitIET, ItALi tMORE, Md. istit Lion presents superior Lteilities to yota.g men desirous of obtaining n pru•tirnl business tluca. tion. Tile VOWS° of Study einbritres maim, Entry n oo k. Keeping, as practically applied to the mat:agement cl Mercantile, hank, 31anufaduritm and t•tetiMoat Bucks —husiness Pmmtanship and 31ertantile l maptitatimis —familiar LVallfeS 1,11 011111111`1'1.1111 1,1%\ —hp 11 the sill, ject of Hills pi' Exchange, Promishory Notes, Contracts, Partnerships. The eiiOreittes aro strictly practical. keing ' deducted from actual talsillesN transavtions, anti no centpleiely combine practice with theory that students..elt etinple- Lion 14 - the course, nett in every respert, ci nipetent to ronduct,,itt scientitiv principles.ttny set 1.1 1)4 , 111,1e Entry nook, The st tnientet hale access to al 'ontnittreial 1.1• bran, procured exprestily for their arcontint &Lion. stud length of tlino to euntplete the ct lisle course, front S to 10 tt vet:. For particulars writu'and receive a circular by mall april 11 Drug b - tore I, 1 111..:S11 D RI; .11E1)1 CIA &C. Se.-1 have just received froth Philadelphia and New 'lurk ,cry' ezteusnu addtuut .n to thy •ett,.. kalif er stud., embracing newly ei cry article Medicine lieW lu Use, tei.etliel . with ;;Afl'nluts,ollS, %am 'sties, urpentine, Perfu nfery, Soaps, stationary, Flee Cutlery ing Tat:lsle. Crushes of aiufost every demi-4f fn n, an endfess :met) of other articles, f% Lich nut determined to sell at the VERY 1.0 Lel prices. All Physicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars and oth ers, are respectfully requested not to pass the OLD STAND, as they May rest assured that clef) article will bu sold of a good q fifthly , and upflu re.tsuhal,le tot WS. May :3,0 • 1)11,UU 8 1 1)1111US ! Dlt I:GS 1 fresh z....t.:1 , i , 1,1! 1 hate Just received :i fresh stock of ift)li:dicing's, Paints. 't..iass. oil, &C., NI lilt 11, haring Leen purchased with great care at the la.st city houses, I eauconlidently recommend to .1! mollies, , Physicians, country Merchants and Dealers, as be lug fresh arid pure. ultUtis-:—Patent Medicine* Flue Chemicals, Instru ments, pure Essential lilts, Herbs and Extracts, Spices, ground and whole, EsSelitte, Perfumery, se. Cud Id cur Oh—warranted genuine. - DIE-tat:l4 6--ludigoes, Ai:Wilt:l's, Sumac, Alum, Log and Cam ‘t 00(6, Oil \ alio', inpperas, Lac bye. I'AINTr..-- \lotherill t brother's Lure Lead, Chrome Breen and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window ti hiss, 'Linseed I.lil Turpentine, Copal and cues Varnish, and I.ed brad. Arl of which IN ill he sold at the trey lowest market .price. Aistioi trash and splonillil as , ortuient of FANCY Li tailiS, Fruits, Contectionary, Mal innumerable other articles calculated li..r use and ornattient, all of whi. h are enured at the hilyest cash prices, at the cheap Drug, Book and Fancy Store of the Fill,Writer nu North Ilan over street. S. %." iIAVERS'IICh. W)RUGS AND CONFECTIONARY. file undersigned has just returned from Phila. e.tu a fresh supply of Mt LAI:, :Uhl CONFECTIONARY.— The fernier itt connection with his stock on hand Pill make his assortment of Drugs, Medicines and complete. His ass.rttnetit of CON FEt.TiON Ala is also hue; consisttng of pure sugar white and transparent Candy Tolis: tautly. Cl.llittiell, assorted, and hue taudies ut es cry variety; also Fruits, ;tuts, and every thing belonging to th.it department'of trade. lie NV(11.1111 call special :Mention to his supply of FANCY ARTICLLS fir the Holidays, and generai-use, among a filch ugly j,e found the good, the tastettil, and the useful. All are invited to call whether they a ish to pusein.se or not 11. J. lithiFtlt. Carlisle, flee r . 54 ltlcctionce, JAMES NI'CI.4INTOCK, 31.1)., — Late Professor of Anatomy end Surgery in the Philadel phia Col legt of Medicine, and Acting Pndesser of Mid- Hers ; line of the Consulting Physicians of the Phil adelphia Ho s pital, Itimd e y; lute member lit the :Na tinal Iletilcal Assoeitition; member of the Philadel phia Medical Soviet) • minter of the ,Aledico-Chirurgi cal College of Plillatl ' elphia; formerly President , and Prolessor of Anatole) . 'and ;I‘urgery in ('astieten Medi cal College, Vermont ; find tile!, late Prefetwor of An atomy and Ph) slob , * in Berkshire Aledical Institu tion, Pittsfield, Muss., Lei, .to, Has lately introduced hi n pepularform, several of hit vorlte prescriptions Sr the principal disamses of this climate. The name of each article will imply the dis ease Sir which it is intended to be used. Da. McCiittritek's Paquitat STRUT, $l. PR. MCCIANToCK'SCOI.II AND COUGILMIXTURE—POV Colds, Coughs, Ac.; Price •.:5 etc. Ito. AIicCIANTOCK'st ASTUMA AND /100PEVO COUGH I(EnE ul b 0 cts. Int. McCuaroca's Tosco ALTERNATIVE Smut For PU rifying the Bleed. Price $l. MeCuatomes Dyspeptic Elitch- 7 For giving tone to the stein:wit, relieving pains after eating, heartburn, and nil disagreeable sympteuts arising frost Indigestion. Price $l. IM..MCCLINTOCK'S AltErtl.t 1O DIIXTURF A Purely To getablo Remedy Mr internal use. Price 10 etc. Dn. AleCtatirtak's litirmtvie LINIMENT—For 11110U0i. eISUI, - Sprains, Swellings. Le. 'Price 60 etc. - • DR. MCCLINTOCK'S ANODYNE 311ETutm—For PA In 6; ToOth ache, Headache, Neuralgia, Le. Price 50 rte. 1/0, :VICCLINTOCK'S FEVER AND AUVICSPECIIIO-.-A certain cure for all Intermlttouts. Price $l. INICCLINTOCIVEI MAMMA CORMAL AND.CHOLIMAPREt VENTIVE—A Safe Remedy. MCOLINTOOK'S VEGETARIX PURGATIVE Pius-For Costiveness, Headache, Lc. Price:ls etc. Dn. MUCLINTOCOS'ANTI-RIGIOUS PMTS.—For irregularity in the Functions of the Liver and Boweht---thu best Liv er made. -Price 25 cis. a hex. For sale by Dr. .1. Mee 11.1 NTOCK, at his Modieul Depot, N. W. earner NINTH and FILBERT Streets, Philadel phia, and all Druggists. 1).-thi•gists and Dealers in Ale vines who wish to be Agents,'will please address Dr. McClintock, furnishing reference, Ili ne Of Post Office, county and State. 111).',.Ver sale by W. A. Eolso, Samuel Elliott, Carlisle; J. 11. Criswell, Shipponsburg; timmluger& man, Mechanicsburg; Joseph Herren, Newville; J. B. Zinunormatt '"Andersenburg; Haines Ferllg , miners. town; A. C. 'Mink, Now lilooMliviti; Harriet AL Singer, Newport; 11. ff. Ourtintsr, York Springs:' A. 3. Aliller and J. S. Nixon, Chandwrsburg; 11, Mentzer, Waynesbore4 George Bergner and D. It. Jones lc Co., Harrisburg. DR. MoCLINTOCK can be consulted, without charge, daily, from 10 to 19 o'clock, A. M., at his Depot. Vecomber 0, 105t—ly.' • rtHRASIIING—NACHINES- of the host make constantly . on hand and fir oak at the Car lo Poundry and Diacbiso Shop, . FRANS. GAUZIER. E1.1.1u11, Main street„ El