New '2tirltistintiit. , PORN, SILLi'LLERS • • 4oit i ,SiiELVERS . The subscriber Ita)ing tlie' last feiv . years franted upwards V(' a Itntietred,alitl fry, Corti' Shellitrs for Tilin ry Rhoads, wishes to IntWiii the ytirniew tifCumberlttud county that:he is,preinitedlo'franie theui anew. 1. take Corn ,or, Wood in, pay for Fratning,, itnd sun' the inaehities to run yell. l .:Nty sliop is at the North end of West street nag . 29.--2 th. RPHAN'S.COURT . 'SALE: On SATURDAY, the 28th of September, ' In pursuance of an order of the •Orphiths Court of CUmberland COunty,' to' me , directed, I will expose to public sale, on the premises, at -12 e'clenk, 11. all the following des,sVibed Real Estate, late the property of Sanniel Newcomer, of Upper Allen twp. deed. .* • No. I. A Tract of baud, situate. in East Pennsboro township,.oumberland County, adjoining hinds of Pe. ter Ilarnhart and others, containing -ON U SDIt ED and TIIIRTY-1:141T ACRES and 127 Perches. This tune( is of a fine quality, in a : . ..r:: ; good neighborhood, under good fences, ..4.7 ,j 7 , i in a high state of cultivation. and an Ati ` il 5 5 ~', excellent spring of water run nilk , .; thro . U' it U f 6 tS, it. The improvements are substantial 1. oNll'e, and numerous, consisting of a ‘menno : "" ft--. -" • Miens two story STCNE'IIOUSE. large BANE 'HAHN, with a„pnveriaSling well ~f W:, ;,er in Its yer,l,a . kipriu,f, nouse . ,')Vegen Shell, 14e. AI ,0 an.„(nl. C1L4121):.. TlM4 , .destrable Nproperfy is situ:led within five mites of ilairisbufg, to whielisplace there is IL Lil . glll r 0 3 ,1: ' PeirSriTlSqlbSi A rig' to. examine the; prepertv•ean d, 51 by calling on Samuel Noteomer. who reside, on the premises. Also, Three Lots of MOUNTAIN LAND ..yb a . t . • with Chesnut and (Yak Titnber, situated in FlLtit PCIIII.SbOrO tbIVIlCill .. 1.10,11t .1110 •• ' , fccint - OW above firm—one lot containing :in acres and 1211 perches, the others about 21 acres each. Also, One Tract of TIMBER LAND, in Upper Allen township, eentainining Ono Acre and eighty-fil e parch es., The foregoing described real estate is of :t character rarely offered for sale and presents great inducements to purchasers. Terms made knee n (el day of sale. DELTItICII STEINER, au.42) Administrator. (;'),.Lancaster VolltsfreUnd end rrisburg Telegraph ropy 4t. mark price told charge this trill,. _ P II A N' S COJJRT SALE. On MONDAY the 4th of October. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Cum -le-iand County. I will expose at public sale. on the premise, at 10 0:clock. A. M, a small FARM. of lime stone land in excellent order. containiaß •TWENTY-FIVE AC11.116 and 1.10 I...ERCIIES, situate in Monroe township, on the ' , ad leadine from Oivler's Mill to Mechanicslinrer. and ad joinine' lands of Da\ id Nekwattgor. u idolph Miller. Frederick ilanle and ry Rocks. It is all well fenced and in a ei? 5 :, 44044e4.40S state of cultivation except one :t -ore which is in wood. There are erected on.the premises a large; well finished two story stone with Stone Kitchen attm•hed, a good Vi s t.IIME BARN. new hog house and other out buildings. Also an (Mt:HARD Of choice fruit and . an excellent well .of nevei , failing water near the house. • The terms of sale afro ten per rented* the purchase money on day..of sale '01114 , 11 the property is Si ricken down. one dialf the W an., on the lit day of April 1856... when possession and deed will be given, the balance hi one year without in terest MICHAEL NV ENO ER. • aug Administrator- •VA ,L UABLE FARM AT ORPHANS COURT SALE. On SATURDAY, the '22d of September, • . • . In pursuance of an 'Order of the Oipha el, Court °Mim i...Hand county, will be sold at public sale, on the pnum- Ise.. Qt 1(1 o'clock, A.•M. the following-described Real Estate. late the property of Ocorg.e Noggle. des'd..vi7.: A Tr et nfland,•situate in Dickinson twp. bounded by lands of Christian TrittAlexander.McKtustry, Solcfmorl Brindle and 11 Whim Harper, containing, - NINETY-SIX ACRES. more or less, of Ihnestone. land, , of which about eighty six acres are cleared and the residue A,elte., ---.-- 1 is excellent timber lambhaving there fi,,,,,..t ~...„ on (Torte.' a 1.00.110115 t. and Barn, tu, i a Tenant House and Stable, with Mit. el ..--at-' -4' "rl. — or necessary out-buildings. There is -.......... a well m water on .the premises and tirt*ORCHARD of choice fruit trees At the same time and place will be sold a Tract of 5;4"....., . . MOUNTAIN LAND, .. ~,A..! f ituato in the same toWnship, rentnining FIE 'TEEN ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of 1.2 . i,,„,_,...,„. 1.,1nt Kissinger and others. The abOve described Real Estate. will be sold on the following terms, vie : Five per cunt of the purchase nue ney to bo'paid on the day of sale. Liar( id ,the balance on the Ist, of April next, when possession' will he.glven andli dee'd made to the • purchaser,• and the , balance in two equal annual payments thereafter, without integ, est, to be secured upon the property by judt,mont bonds rug 29 . •.. itoBERT M. HAYS, e • Appointed by the Court to make sale. eiItPHANS 'CO URT. SALE. On SATLIMAY. the '22.4.1 of Detober, By virtue elan order or Hie Orphans Court of Cumber land County, to me, directed, I will expose to public sale on the premises, in Dickinson township, at ley-, clock. A. 11. a certain ' • A . HOUSE and LOT OF GROUND 0;0!a I I •• 1 situate in said township, bounded by I lands of Christopher Johnson's heirs, Dr. Wm. Mateer and others, containing TWO ACA :S neat measure late the property of Eliza beth :31ienk, 'This property is .delightfully situ , Med as a residence and the' title is indisputable. Torms—datre portent of the purchase — money to be paid on the epidlrigition of the sale, One halfthe bal ance ou the Ist of April, 1850, and the other halfon the Ist Of April, '1857, ,without interest. The two latikr payments to be secured by reeognizahee in the Orphans Conft. HENRY SIIENK, . ttX Administrator. 0111 ) .11AN'S COURT SALE.. . ••• IN purguanne Of an ortlaki thti Orphan's Court otCurnWriand county, I •will 'expose at public sale 011 Oa-premises, in North Middleton twp. about two miles frau Carlislo •• • • O'n FltlDAYrBltb liitt day of Setitomtier, 1854, ' nt'flo'clocli:A;.,44 A F.Cluf Of, Slat°lnd ? Id good or der, contzdnlng ON.N. 11 U NiiitED AND SIXTY-FIVE AORES, about 'llOacruv'of.:.vathielt aro woodland, and the residue cleared and . undir past and ralittfoneo. Tin, most of it 44 ' bee bean ' The improve. rucnts%Are a gond dwellin lit )17S1 l, .0 ; . ur tte provenonts. This far H u laabout two # unies-fram Carlisle and the'reforo near an excellent market. There be plenty of Irate? on the premises; e'veTY•floid but one 'having water in it. The terms are easy and will be made known Mahe day ornate by that ttl.iscriber guardian (Attie liiluor chil dren of Simon Aughinhatigh deed. •' Aug. , LAVID AUGIIINDACGIL • • In•-•Kork Jtopublical; copy and solid blll to this °Rico. I,ALLOOMIS • South Honorer stteot, NS, most door. td. ho Post Offito. ..• 7 • • • kn,„{bill lio ab4Bnt from Carlisle Alto 'last ton days of ouch month, •-• • • •• • , [Aug. 1, 'ts 1 0 :",,,SOMETIII.N4','NEW.I 1 1 55 o.e/044, ARTHUR'S SAIkINt% T i .ot c noisbit SELF-SEALING CANVANn leer preservina4resh Fruits und Vegetables. Any one, sa v g .tho,pinlielelphia Inquirer, will leviltruelt at the arraanindrablo adiptatlon to. the end propos ed,'-.An bitelpstent child can seal them. For sale by yesplesaluperetan by • ' • I'. MON YEE, june°o r • Norty Ilanover iltreet,Carllsle. • --- :LL received ' • AlleniS4 !itOcki ) PaPerAfingings W inder ~ Flrib,OO,CIVISTrAlliPMIng all the newest and itiost 0114 The '4l4lgns are neat an'd olttede, and th 4 prices augh as . cannot fall to give eatis• faction. - 'No Invite our friends and the public general, ly to call and examine our assortment before purchasing. elsewhere. r• • . U. 'SA XTON, inareleg T.;East-Main Street, Carlisle WdOLLIIIN YAIL 4 N , 7A. '7 ' lot of very - Ren.y nuel'yoe 'Woollen Ynrn just roruTved, touch but ter then the cltfyn colours. .1101 , 8 - , (ARS; 001LBY. f 4 4. t • 4 -^ 3ical `lf:state.. Stifes. , . • 010VEDNESDAy,;the' , Ultlin'f ginVfninber t "1855. In pnrhOnWe 'of en 'ordet ..Of•the Conk. , of Cuntherland:county,d Will expose arpuldic sale on, the pre'mises, , aGII o'cleett,'A. , 3l.,lll Nritth ''Atiddleten-twp. About one mile north 'of :the Canedodnlnnet Creek at iflese's Bridge. and adjettrnit*Geordo Outsliall, lehele'r,•,averge•Keel innl others, on Which Marlin Wert Vved•anttdintl,A FARM of slate land• hi good order, Containing ' •'• • • • • • • ' '• ViVO HUNDRED AND , FOURTV, ACRES JOSEPH WEAVER more or logs'; all of which is cleared 'and^fiSnced:exc:opt about twenty acres which is in wood: There are erect,- ..,4. : ----, eti upon the premises two good LOGAIOUSES and 4s liAli N, ifarlinuse,'StonAll7l.llllty;lllldalSnn good SAAW3II Ll, upon a of water which nulls throug.,ll the .premises. There Is great port of the land Which is iA'rellent meadow and produces well, and it is a good Market form being about 4 Miles from Carlisle. This Etna will be sold in parts or altogether as will best suit purchasers and bring the hest price, the same having dlvithql into three - parts of 81 acres 7 per che,; 131 acre: 101 l perches nod iiii itere.; WI perches, a plot of which will lie exhibited on the.. day of sale. I will sell at the same time and place, 52 acres fen perches of AItiI'ATAIN LAND situate nista one mile from the farm: (Imbued has been divided into two filets imkt will he sold separately. It has elegant chest nut t hnber upon it and Is very valuable. tier rail timber. TERMS: Five per cent of the purehase money to 10 paiel when the sale is eonfirmed; one third is to rentaiti on the land the Interest of which is to lee paid tie the widow fir litie and the prineipal at her death to the lokirs-011P thin' On the ISt of April lsra,.:uui the at nure two annul payments without inhkrest, tee lee se cured on the lend, The landlords share of the grain in the ground to gee teethe puk•ehaser. Any fue ther Infor med ion will leek giros by lluses Deceit on the premises. or dees. Wert adjoining. 22 '55. s 't MU EL WERT. Lancaster Examiner and ;York Holm'diem]. will copy and Fend hill to this Mlire. FABM AND MOUNTAIN LAN-D -AT Pl'l3 LTC SA LE. . . . WILL be sold at paddle sale on the inamiNtbs On FRIDAY the 21st day of September 11.5:1 at l o'clock I'. il. All the followitut described real estate situated in Frani:Mr:l township Cumberland county lately belonging to Joseph lletiletinger of the said township der'd. .1 tract of hunt adjtoning lands or John Ilurket. Willhun Met srae and others. contain ing about thirty acres more or less.-- The inipr, cements are a tiot.d Two a a tAory IVeatherboartled 1101 . SE, ; le J i g Itarti, :t goad cs u •penter shop. an filtrll till) of (Melee fruit Sr.— '' .:rIiVNT'; ,4 4. 4 OI , There is a never failing spring of wa ter near the Illottse. This desirable liroporty is situa ted tln•ee miles Nertli of the 4,r:ugh or Newville and at that distance tram the l'imilsoland road. Persons to examine the premises. Van di, so hl• callittv; on Henry lleilletinger, who resides thereon. Also a Tract of 'MOUNTAIN LAND, adjoining binds Simmel A rnauld. Peter Nlyers and Other , . containing about EIGIITEEN ACRES more or The interests .of Joseph llotllefinger and John 1). Iletiletinger, minor sinus of the deCedent. In the atasie real estate, will be sold mitirr an order of sale from the Orphan s Court of Cumberland County, ditiq'ted to John (filer. their uar dian. Theheirs of full age will unite in the site to dis pose of their h iterezhr. The widows interest in the purchase money remaitlS in the property. Terms made known on the day of sate IT HENRY lii FFEMI No Ell, Pllll,l P I:OS:ANN A WOLF , JOHN 01 LEE. •n_^_2 ui of ,Insvph & J. D. Ilefilidlinzer 11 ABLE REAL I.r TA TE AT PUBLIC SALE. On TUESDAY, tho ISth day of September, 1 , 55, the undersigned. Executors of rhristlan Wolf. deed., mill sell at puble sale, on the premises. at 12 o'clock. M., et TRACT OF LAND; sit unto in Smithamplon township. Franklin county. on the Roxbury road. about two miles west of shippousburg, bounded by lands of Al fred Moore. Da yid Spenser and others. It is now occu pied by John Wolf and contains ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES. ,of which 1.10 are good limestone land and about 30 acres 'good slate land. About Iti acres of said laud is covered with splet.did timber and the balance is in an excellent •state of cultivation. rho improvements aro a large weather-ha:n•ded LOG ROUSE, Frame RANK BARN., Wagon Shod, a•Sprtng Ilonse, 'and all other necessary out-buildings, all of which are now. The farm is well watered by running water and them IS also a never failing well. Also a young Orchard of choice fruit. Aleo, on SATURDAY. the 22d of September. 1855; will be sold liy tin said. Executors, on•the premises, at 12 o'clock. 31., all that certain valuable TRACT (IF I.A ND. situate in the, township of South Middleton. Cumberland county, 'on the banks of • the Yellow Breeches Creek, about one 'mile south-east of Bolling Springs. bounded by hinds of Vlacoli.Strickler, William Weise, Benjamin Kauffman and bailers, . . . The improvements are a large two f;M...7'1 , story STI INF: HOUSE, with a base- . a k:i'lt,4 : z.Z7.,„ mint, a large STONE BA ItN. a good a sx: l•f a :4,a Carrla ga . !J o us t ., Spring !louse, with , . ' .... 1 an e;tiellent and never Palling spring —.------_,.* _. , A of water, 1100 d House:ll ;igen Hied and all tiler Ill'eCS sary ant ' -huildings. all lit g.ilitl girder Also. an Orchard or (;Ip.leti fruit. Thil valuable limn Is all of the best limestone, with slue 100 acres in a MO state if cul tivation. and the remainder i❑ good .timber. Also, a good TENANT HOUSE, with out-buildings, and about throe acres of land, which Will Ire sold separately or with the thrm to suit purchasers. Also. at the same time and place will la , sold a certain TRACT OF MOUNTAIN 1..AN0, situatejn said town ship, abitut three miles (1%.111 the above described farm containing 10!.. Acuxs, being well covered with young Chestnut :out oak timber. Terms Lu inattu 'known on each of said days by. ADAM WOLF. IiEOUGE , 4 Execdtors. August 15, ISss—t 42,W , Cluunbersburg Whig copy. AF KLIJABLE' FA 11.11. 1 . :. , AT PUBLIO SALE. . ~ Thu utidersigned.. Administrator with the will an nexed ~'John Bait late of Newton township, Cumber land county, deeea,ed, will offer at public Fide. on the premises, on SAT II it DA Y, the 22,4 day of Septetnber, .ISCM, that, excellent LIMESTONE FARM, in a high 01 Ito of cultivation, late ille.propinly of t4llll deceased, sltuatein said township, thi.e.e miles west of Newville, en tilt mad leading from New villa to Shippciothurg h and one-half .milo east of Oakville, on the Cumberland Valley Pail , Red, adjoining lands of ,itehert Mickey, John Ifoovor, itov. A lex, Sharp, and others, containing ONE 111INDRE1141.ND SIXTY-FOUR ACRES,, and FIrTY-1 , 1:VI:N l'Eltelli:S, strict measure; RaVillg there ' 011 ctrectoef a largo„two story STONE „ "2"...... ISYMILIN( P A, MUSA , ' and a SToiin 4 ,,„ 1,7- liaTcthit• s atizielial,'n Well of never' l a k ,, t orh failing . -water •near the:11Oor, a large 1 ...!. .. 41(w stony: bank Rabin bli ei4ont Older .77r -- i?ress,Xorft 4 X,rihs and 'Wagon Shed, with other necessary out-buildings. "Also, a largo two siory_UN ANT il 01/SA with a Stahl° aud,otherneees; spry out-buildings. ..'., The'io Is on thittfarnidt large and excellent Apple Or chard,•witltehoice graftod fruit: :(111130 I,Mach, Plum and Chary trues. Twenty nerertor more ' dl •tho abovis de w:Rd:ld term is covered wit:l6sam° of the best tufdenest thriving young timber. qiiere.ails also:Locust treei."on the same!sufllcient to ilialse. seVeritPAinsilred,locAuit posts ;'•alim, a quantity oillerouns.itud , ,Piriting trea,:-.5, As therprtMorty is locattstitscotear Oakillitt, on the' (kV. It. it:, - whero on extentOnbusinesiels done in tiie for• warding business, the putslunier.,,O.lll6 same may een.. Odor that Lo has the nutrk-ttnlmost. at,the doorwhteh rot:16511511m fond very dgrltidoWl.kovilte to:Ur:being situation in the very rentreAf the valley,thirthhirithked finqptrllttrfinest'and:tuoilt prdifuetlve liinestufie farms I naßt4snino,! , ' • • , k ',. :-.5r.."1.,- • - :1.,:.. .-. . ! -. - , Any person or personeWishink to view the above do seribed.farne, rah have hE.opportuultr of doing soy telling mettle undergibied, who resides omtiuorter of a mile , north 'Of theitatite, or on Samuel 1/01, Who re /31110a oh the premises, either of whom 1011 ho pleased to Sheri Ir.'4_. . ' . • I ' ” • . ".' . •,, , ',* ' Hilo to commence at 1 o'clock, P, Vii., what - terms bo made' iE WILLI 11 . 141t11T11, Ib,'s6—tsw Adtn'r with t will ntiOrd.., XU'X!ano' l. l.(l9o:— . -liii election li for, , Trim ...TEEN. itncerons for tho Cuinlierliind .Villey al lirotOcifeni_Cornpany will be bola ittlhkl , fnce Dr old - 0014'414, in , Dickinson township, anwii;iiihind .nn MONDAY, the. 311 day of •Eniden:kbet• next, tosirvo the emitting year. J. T. tIItI;.EN,. -' 4 ' - Augu '... st 16 ,1856.?:',„•-Semtary. 'IP: • CONTAINING II5E; ACRES %Ailt. - Utf-1401V, PRAY COM .Came to the ,„islilisvribur. Noah township . .91tmlrerlaiidro. (near Steri'elts Gap) on '2l 185:; A RED COW with whito lliee; supposed ,lie 5 years old. The ownor is requested to' prove prop ' ply charges and tike her away, or she will lie 'dealt wit li'aeNwillng to law ; Aug '2'!. :ityd 1 1 1.11EVORTON COAL. .TREVORTOTI COAL. to Trovorton Coal Company are now prepared to fur nish thatitizons of Carlisle: and vicinity with an td.nti da,t sutSply of the IlettuineTrovortonCoahthmugh their dealers WM. B. MURRAY and JACOB SIIIIO3I, where msumers can procure the various slue : Lump, team Boat, Broken. Egg, Stove and Lime Burners, We .!an recomend it to all, as superior to any other mai for domestic purposes, and lime burning. For tho informatioil of the citizens of Carlisle wo would in frm them, this Is that superior coal, a sample of which was :;ent• by E. I telfenstino, Emil., of Trev:.rt.,n, about the winter of and gave so much satisfac tion. Trovorton Coal Company Port Trolorton, Union cowl ty, Pa. Aug. 2'2, 1551.,. ENN'.A. FEMALE COLL E(V . E AT lIARItISBURd. Pa. !VON'. 111,VI:lt1.1' R. 1% . kI:V/I. .k. M. Print.ll)al. The, third annhal se, , ion of this I list it ution of Learn lug tior young Ladies:. vial voluntenta• on MONtilY. :Id. It 1111 i, 1 , 1,11 thenim 1111(.1 41100(1. 1.. t. the prim:ill:II :nut those associated Wit It hitn.tof n - hum there are 515,1 to iffiLlte the mind with theme prti,tptos of kilowlecte that. tleveltp thott , 4llt amd produce relleet lon. Their miltatik.., ha. bceu Thoronomess. Loring the %seat ion. the cellefie nreinheS have 14 , 1 , 11 therein:llly refitted and viiiinert n u 'tic impruvements, Gus. nud %, ash ing appal nt us, 'lint, Int the loge is ninth . tii :ill the colnfurt und of an aureolible home. For further particulars, Or for rirrulars address the Principal at liar' ishug. Aug. Th. _FP,IALP, SEMI NAIIY.—This lust ititti"n Mill reopen ou Iln• 31.11.\1).% in SF:I'I'IOII3ER, with a full and al,h• 4 , ITS PliFik Will 101 1,3,11'1.11 at any' period anti diarg,l only ft ilt tinn• entran,..— l'aia.logue: , giving ran particular, run b, obtaini•ki at tin , Story “f .V. at the Te!egrapll4 , lli,.. For flirt hor Informal ' 1131,i:1)111.g. .A Mr.. A. LEcoNTE. SIOUU SIOOU AFFLI("ri:b AND _=__, - --'. f Icing mit-1,1 :11101 ilet,ivett Is the IN Ing I , lla,ts. false I 01 . .11111.,,. 11111.1 re , t,tss inot.hffinms i tram tho nint und 1\ ache whom then , sirs mine in Phila. dpkin Id,ewnero, be`l,ll.lSo of the 010111elly nt the I,IWS 01 the Slate. till/Ants knnm and avoid Client. Ilaviin." tried tine to teeutc itviiarn worth ,11 . Heart' Extrarts. I tiviffin•ating Eli jr4, lilt. tiTS. &c., srithtint 'fig I , reti.derrisr,l by ais refiro,rit tea and exaggerated accounts or : 4 tferet Diseases and their consequences, plitilihhed lit Atlverti%entelit, , . &e.. and Illisit'll by 1.11.0 11 , i•eljpts and M mug ad, e CI altailll,l vin. Pin 1, , ,5e1y 1. , t increase sullerino, and alartu std frighten this Wl t 111111,111w-11w wore e t•,rt ter, move es ' , lent.. being sold fur les, than , print lint and advert isinttf--liavinv paid live to one Inultired lar, to F6reigii and Nati %.• Quarks, rritorr milm: CUE ED Laving Fulfered much and, loug—though the time lost cannot be recalled. nor the mono, maim ered you paid and were th.ri id; yet you can be cured, hint oter bed. ling standing fir afflicting your case. by 11r. Lidm. Be wise. betimes; Delays are du tiger,. "Time is 3hinev: Time saved is Mime) earned." 31 EN utt OTHERS, Single. married, Or eontlimplating marriage. mill . ..ring' from Sell-dlltiNo or its coneequences, or sulfuring from :my oilier catirios, defects, or descries, and I.A DI ES, wletteter their diseases or situations, may Inn orally rely and rontile in lir. Lolly's skill Mali SlleceSS. .tC connuodatpktis. if required. 1% ith kind and rill, lent At tOialArtee, At DE. pilivATE NTAL. ' TILUTII 11T Y AN Li WILL PREVAIL OS I: 'rill 11 - SAN I) 1101.1...% Ss waged thejellowing eassuat he contradicted, namely; that Da. N. D. LEIDY, No. 114 North Fotain Street, :Lim, Bare. Is the only Jugular Physician residing In Philadel phia, Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, of 1833, (twenty-two years) cxchutvely engaged In the treatment of Secret or Delicate Diseases of both sexes; Self-Abuse and its I.9IISIIIOIOIICOS ; Organic Weakness and : Nervousness; Irregularities and other diseases or situations of Females; Itlld which he will cure hi kiss time and less restraint, more effectually, than any other, under forfeit of • ONE THOUSAND DOLLAIK Dr. LEIDY has more patients. +aid cures than too, than all advertising Doctors, so called or otherwise, in Philadelphia combined, and proudly refers to Prof,. sors and respectable Pirysiciatis; many of whom Consult „hip' to (Tit cas es . and respecta b le Citizens, Mer chants and Hotel Proprietors. as to his known skill, re putation and unp•rrnlleled success, lEMNEMIEMI can have necessary advice and medicine sent them by mall or otherwise, to any part of OW United States, giving a description of their eases (enclosing a reason able fee) by Jotter to Da. N. B. LEIDY, No. 114 North FOURTH Street, above Race, Philadelphia. N. B.—Letters of Inquiry, or Information ONLY, (oX elpt from patlonts) to reenive attention, unist, eontain ONE DOLLAR, in eonsideration of time :Ind trouble an swering, and information given. August 15, 1M55 a ffs,, CU B E LAN 1) VALLEY R. R . CHANGE HOURS! On and after MONDAY. A unt, , t 6th, 1855, Passenger Trains will run as fidhrws: (Sundays excepted:* FOR 11111R1S111.11tO : l'st Train. 2il Train. 5.15, A. M. 4.30, I'. 31. 5.5:1 " 5.00, 6.24, ‘• 5.40, 7.02, n 6.18, " 7.30, " (.50, " 7.55, ". 7.15, " LCIITO Chambersburg ' " Bhipponsbvg, " Ness vine, . " Carlisle, Meilianictiburg, At Ihrrlsburg, FOR CHAMISEItSBURG. lat Train. 211 Train: 8.30. A. M •LOO, M OA, " 1.30, " 17•40, 2.21, " 10.15, " 2.44, " 111.47, " 3.15, " 11.15, " 3.45, " TRAIuNS Leavo Harrisburg, " Mocha II iesburg, " • Carlllo, Now v illo, ' 4 Sh I pputtsburg, At Chambersburg, envy Harrisburg for PlAbulelphia at 1.12 and 8.10 A.M. dlso at 7.60 P. M. and 1235 Noon, via Cialumbia. Lave Harrisburg for Pittsburg, at 3.20 A.M.; 12.35 noon, and 4, P. M. • 'xi Leave Harrisburg forltaltimore. at 1.20, and 5.30 A. M.; ' at 1 I.'. M. and Way Train for York at 7 I'. M. ' Care of Dauphin and Susquehanna Rail Road leave liar- 1 Viaburg at 5, A. M. It..d 2; P. M. for Auburn, Potts-' villa, Iteroling r &c, itd?"-At all Stations *here Tickets tire sold, Fares are TEN CENTS LESS than when paid lirthe Cars. A. F. SMITH, Superintendent. Rail Road Office, Ch:unborsburg,} • August 5t141.855. 1 4 1 STATE OF JAMES ARNI- M'4 STRONG, deceased.—Notlce hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the lteditte of . .latnes Arm' , strong, late: of the ,boretigh of Carlisle, Cumberland county, decoatoni, have been grauSell by the Register of said count" to the . subsCriberi;,"rpsiding,' In the same borough.': All persons kninving themselves indebted to , said state are requested tqlithti) immediate payment, and those'having claims to*prosent them for settlement !'to...J. rt. ARMSTRONO, J. RVOADS,_ Executors. August 1.5,1855-64 7SMOVED.-E. NVV.LAND.& CO'S .lih le and rettdl LOCKING CLASS AND PIC ' ILE 'FRAME MANUFACTOItY„No.IIO ABM street, °nitrite the Theater,. Philadelphia: ,•• At Co. 11)&00 the only:Prise Itle4al, Awarded the rrystal . l'Alace exhibition, N.S., 1158, in t ha Unit Statea, for Gilt, Decorated, Manterautt Pier Glasses. ' ke". Job Printing promptly executed MATHEW 111031 PSON I N VOI{T UN AT E, Cut out and proser% u thu I'ol - card. 1L to partietihriy hilportatit tk, SmANGI.II, t> o TR k protcnt their , . 31Rel (!strafe Sores .IiTALUABIJE , I.: , II\IIkgT.ONE PA11.1)1 • AT, pullue KALE. • I will sell at public 'sale, at, thii, Cirtirt blouse, In the borough of Carlisle, on SATtilibtA C. the nth of i!iel.tetu. her next, at, 10 o'elin'eli. A. M., a ladualin Litne,t one Fermi Ix to thin propertr of Goo, .t. Lyon. Esq.,, 5i11131.41,111 S.llllll Atiddletou twp,, Cumberlag.ii county, on the Walnut Bottom road, twin and one-hitlf lance from unlit borough. ontaining . • O,N.F. HUMMED AND ELI•:VEN Acilt . l.S, , more or less; ninety-one of n hich are vinare(' and lit a high state of cult hat lon, and 110 residue entered with A ~,...nt thither of thin hest, quallty. The Improve F 7 . - 0 :1 tnents are a two story HOUSE. double tilt'. , Barn, NVagnit, Shod. Corn Crib and on o , tio . •••—•------- pessary onblatilditys. There ate two Wells of water neardite house, and it thriving Orchard Of over two hundred trees of 1:11.1011S kinds of fruit. all of n hich are bearing. Akti an out lot situate 011 the North rule and in the Dwain:Li of Carlisle, containing t iris and nun-half :10•1.01, Merl' or 1i,., in a good state of enitixati.lll :11.d Hillier good fence. Terms make IlllfiWn on the day of sato by A. L. ,SPONSI.I:Ii; A rig. 15,'65. Peal Estate Agent + n 501 . 110..1101 . . - iIVALUABLE - FARM k_ Al' 1 . 1"112.1(' SALT:. IN ill le‘ sold at public sale. nu the nrn•llll,l , S, 1111 SA T UR DA Y. the lall day of ()Mid or, oval. 111 iti o'clock., noon, n choice FARM, situ:lto in Itickincon 'IOOwr,IIIII, Ottiiihorland round. 01l the l'itle 111 a.l.ttlidwa tot teem Carlisle and ShippensiAtrg. rite the lg - petty of liporpe NVidder, deroniced, t'll: . \"l . .t I NINO SIXTY ACHES, leo 1.1 , ,rn - ligS, all .leaned. Tin• land is ill :1 good A,, k1 . 1 --- .. .. .I . llr. —1., state iti 1.11111V:11joil. 1., of a ....,.• .1 ,iii,d -' 41 l ' %0:, , otr-4. its 111141 the greater part. 113 , If en ,iill -I'ol ..f:iiii ., . , A . -lei ed. Then. is a tiro-rite linirstnno _ ... 1] .. 1 _ 1.7 - 12 — _ . quarry on 1110. farm. '1110• iinturol v -1110.111.. arc it new and ....Tivoli lent BRICK IMF:I.I.INi; 11 1 11'SE. II.INK liAli‘. tunic .111(1 neat. Niattnn 511001. Porn Urn , and . 11,00. out - Iniiltlln"F. 311 of which aro new. There 11. :1 Weil orit'il.3l natter With 3 primp noar the flour. AI•40. nil the bin In a thriving ynlinn. 0 )110:11 AND of e.ll •••1••• tend fonit errs. ihis hint i• near the }'..lime Itre, 1i...: l' ,- ,•k-. and nil oins tlle ollivi• farm m.l CI ~,,,, N% tit ter. ,i,...*.i. ~,,i b l,l • oins land. of 11'm .)tams, AI ralunni Gant.:, Wm. :qui ye , mind other , . Al, - .. nt the- ann• li n e and tine gill 1.., Ida g i ta i i . ity of enseellent Ti NI liEli LA VI) in ti n , ~,n ; ,l in , nnity, • 13r of c 111.11 11:1, thervoll I.: , ~ ,I Ch.," ut. Pine and i til -1 tim her. l'ors.nos c i•hing In vi..c ,11.1 1a1..1 , rant .h. ..... and !Ivo all lierossary infniloatlon I.y al.; it at ....I. In the ItilleNk:111.11. ,hl, reside is 1.110 111111.31.30 1 it•holy.-- ',run. cid LeMode dlloWli till da . ', of •inno 11.11"ili lit-111'111. .111SE1'II II 11111IiIS. S•oelltorS. Ilizrt, I],[l>LlC ; 4, A I, I.'i.—NV ill I,c :,1,1 at. pu,b -ti,,d,...,, ii,,, t oeinise• in M i 1111 n 1... r•ldp. On 'l'll Et.'ll.l V the 13 , th day or 5,i,t,..1,...ri, , :,.-,. yi rA It >I of !loo n St Ist: LAND emitaillin v A w)tr ',NE ilt - Nnittl, ..1N1) TNVENTY .ICIIFS all of which is c lea ved and feretsl except arwolt six aeres w Lich 1., 133 Lind er. Tho imp..,,, A.,..,,,_:„.„ melds are t WII V.lllll 11 1 )1 . : .. 1:S and 1.1/ 1 1 11 ._ ; Kt I 1 1: 1 ‘ 1 .1 r .''. 1 i. rj . ...' 1. ,"1 1 1 1: .: 1 . 1 . 1 '' , ' , 1 ' 1.3. 1 laud I ' I l i " I ' f ' .. .12:71: ' ,1.1 -4 4 r i )11( 'II A ltl; ,1 the pr'etukt : •.:' ail i d there is Meld vof runitinv water. This prep.: ty is abollt :1 mile. North 11 est of NI,W% iill. HMI IllijOillS Martin Mil ho.a. I , Iteines t 's lien, Geerve K nettle and .b din !seise and wes fermally the Nlatedrn F,trni et Henry IX nettle dee'd. and 11101' 111,lilllgS 10 liiN Grand children, as whose pre u ert.% it.. ill be sold. '!'here 33 ill also Ile sold at the carne time and pace, about Iti neves of firstrate Wootbland distant than the hum about 2 miles. This land will be tin iced and sold in lot. about hi-acres, each, 33 draft ( r pb,t of which ti ill be exhibitetben the day of sale. The terms of sale which will he CAS)" null! be made 331100. n 011 the day by :lel-1. LOH N WALL A CE, Pit El VIX. WAITS. A ~4 22.:5:\ A g ent: fir thejleir.. LIMAy. FAEM 'Li / Al' Pi'llblC SALE. 11 The ,1. ribers will offer at public ~,b. rut t.:ATup . .. DAY. the "th Ilf SePtember, nt '2. o'cloct, I'. M. cn the premises, a small Faint, late the property e' Mc- Allister, dee'd, situate' in Dietinsan township, on the turnpike. 3 1 :I miles west of Carlisle, tel Joining lands of iatiles 31. litDston, David Line and others, . CONTAINING FIFTY ACRES. mem nr less The land is lintel:tone of a good quality, a largo portion of it cos ered with timber. The improve mints are a BRICE. HOUSE'. stela]] 4" Darn and Blacksmith shop. Alaxan. M":" ~... -- I s dot's spring runs within two rods of . ri , ve...& .. the luny,. Persohs wishing to view u ---- -I the property et do ao previous to the . ..... sale by calling on the premises. Terms it iii Le made known on said day by 1. 1R,55 ALI Al 3 1.1.31E5T0 NE FA / Foy F , A LE. The Subscriber offers for salt., the Farm nu which he now sntiate in s,,nti i Ml iii!o t,m township; two miles south of Carlisle, at the head of Bonny Brook. CONTAININtI SIXTY ACRES, more or less, of first-rite limestone laud. ail of. which is in a high Efate of cultivation; except al,out twelve noes of lion Ntoodhunt. Titer° I , a title 1110:1110W on the Willeh is well adapted for true]: inttalenitig, convonient to the Carlko market. The Improvements are a good two store IWCSN:,WI . II tin baled and In good order, with :t Bank harp and other outdmillings. The Bonny ift•ook spring of ;never failing water, Is right at the door. and runs through tin , farm. Also, a young and thriving I trehard of choice fruit, Persons desirous to ezamine the place, are requested to call on the prenti sea. Q 3 ?_ Also. for sale, abont five acres of MOVNTAIN LAND, Whleh is covered with gaml ( host nut tinil The above properties. iftwt som before sATuRDAv the Ist day of September next, will on that day be eV. 11.Sed I publie m1e..111 the premises, at 12 o'clock M., sr bon terms trill be made known by MEM -VA LU All L E TOWN PRO l'E 111 . I" FOR HALE.—Thu large Brick House rand Let situated um Leuther Street one door east of the German -. Reform Church. The house contains r /;ft.. ) 46,v , —/1,. nine large rooms, besides tao tinislom ei ;114 ,L k attic chambers. lage kitchen and ,tutp la It , mer kitithen. The lot ha, 00 feet front • I' : _on Louther street by . ..Nu feet bark to a w ide alley, and 120 feet on North Street by 240 feet to the MUM alley, containing in all about an acre or ground. There Is id , o a good tenant house and a stable - tat feet long on the proillis, The property would suit adudrably Mr either a gentelman't; private residence, a boarding school or factory establish meta. For terms k.. enquire of . A. L. SPONSLEIL Real Estate Agent, Carlisle MB A- - •-•‘• TOWN PROPERTY FOR ~..i.', T . 1 ., r p„,.; -: SAUL—The subscriber offers at pri el, • . ,1' veto sale a valuable house and half let y -1.1..- ' - •ofground situated in North Hanover -..... _ street. ,'Tlw improvements a two, story weather-boarded House, washhouse, bakehouse, a cistern, dc., &c. 'The lot is 30 feel In front, and 240 in 'depth, and contains a 'variety of excellent fruit trees. Terms easy. Apply to JACOB IMF; Agent for 0, F. ,Gnenslen. Junol3 TTALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR bo field at private sale, a very valuable TOWN PROPERTY, the late residence of (leo A. Lyon, Esq.. deed. Tho property comprises two fu; town Into, each 60 feet in front and 240 feet in deptl situate on north side of East Main street, being a nu, desirable locality, either, for business or a private ref fence. The improvements are a Lary i . ' two story STONE HOUSE, - with an b . flee attached, a large three s tor I. • ,• 4 1 • BRICK BACK BUILDINO, Semi. • . 2.0 .,.,„ 4 " House, two largo cisterns, (one of the, with elegant filtering apparatus,) an Ice house and ott er necessary out buildings. There is an elegant OA I BEN connected with the house, Enid the finest and bef selection of fruit trees in the borough. Also rosberrie• c. • Vor terms and further particulars enquire of A. L. Si'ONSLER, Real Estate Agent, Cavils! May 30, SECIIIIN O. (Orr nwiety of the e;irfelturs, ths;ns'y nilsll••••••,iiiiirr due 1;o . nn) :U3ill,lt. tiny Sh:111 hr pill to It, 111,11.41 1 ,h Tre, er s r the 11,e sit - sits! Ilktroh.2,ll. and the other ihs;is.l.y ts; the perKell sir h. .hall prci , echts• sm. for tho smile. 1 . .71:irti•41 1.1 the TrlV:ii Chun, it t , l the Bor mmh M the Chamber, the ;iOlll day ot - Jul , . A. 1... IS:6. .1 1 t\ir , TIZONI;Crilefliur;,.• , s. Attest—War. If. Wrr . ...t.t., (.'arlif.M. Aug. 8, 1 N () E TIC TO ('ON CO .AL: COAT. COAL:ll The sUltscriller ICOllld respectfully intiirin his .friends and Ow pul , lir. that ho is now re,-eivhog trial tons 11 that very superior 11.1114 ANII CAUL. from the Luke mines of Pit 41, HO Co., the only Red Ash (lust brought from tt o Fhnmokin ISasln , intmlueed and knowti in Carlisle as 1110 It is entii free fr,,, slat,. ante all impurities, is joi.i . friry adopted tol tin 11,Thallie:il alkol 111)1110A i 3 Its neatness to ignite, roinhirs it particularly desirable fir small stoves. NVIIIIP its ill tonsity of heat and groat dura bility in burning makes It equally so for He scull :kis. CAI the attention of lamer, tint 01101% t: , a superior artreli• of CIII.SNI:T Cs (Al,, front the 11,11 , 111411.%, for steam and line litirpuSes, For sale only in Carlisle by July 24, 'ss:—nt, DAVIT) RALSTON JAMES LINDSAY •ut, XTEIV COAL YAM) ! AT TllE EAST END Or CARLISLE. The subscriber would re,pert fully van .th eattentlen of Limeburtiors and the eltkens of Carlisle sod the Sur rouhding ~ untr.s, generally, to his NEW COAL YARD at the eastern end of the borough, and immediately cp. p,site the Oas Works, where he nlll keep constantly on hand a large supply of superior LYE ENS VALLEY 1":161,114 sloes, tOpililiT with such other Coni ns may be desired, all of whieli he pledges himself to sell at the lowest possible priers. The best quality . LI MEBUR:s:EItS 111.ACK51IITUS COAL always on hand. All orders left at the yam!. Or nit WA residence in East street, or at the stores of 11. Saxton or l',.. , Monyer, will ho promptly attended to. junetit f JACOB .SllllO3l. PETER lIACIIMAN, DAVID sMITIL • COAL.-500 Tons Lyken's Valley Coal, broken and Servened, prepared ex. vsly Sro tinnily us°, rcrrl ing and 111 r sale by . que. 30 thn V. 11. MURRAY. `AI I , IIII.TRNERS' COAL. —'?,000 oua Lykon's Valley Nut Coal, a fr.upertor article receit c and for &ate by dune tO Gm COAL.:--- 5,000 plSu i `iK Mae!militia's Coal, a. tirst rate article rt.... reieing utc 'br sale by • June, '2O k ANCA COLLIERY:. - TO COAL DEA b ALEritr. Ice beg leaver , 'lutrodueo ourselves to yolll' lleiftlaiTi= o.`aoll 0 Miners and Shippers rd ANTI ANTIIRAL h COAL, at Lancacier Comers. N (l .. tliutubcrland Cot. y, where Ivo havo very exteusi% o linprovonients an t, Breaker, \Vidal for capacity to pre part% and clean Con:. Nruint be surpassed. Our sizes of Coal are as follows I,tunp, for smeltt purpoFes, *Wands - at, for srr... int: and steam boa ts , • Broken, Etm and S to, tbr Family use and steam, Nut and Pos,for U dateners and stoam. Our Limehunters' Con. :a t•ery superior quality. to whieh WO would oopooiaLy all the attention of dealer* and consumers. Our point of:chipping Is St iburyotherearralmoments itre made to lend boats %vitt. ut any dolny. Orders Ad dressed to us at Shamokin, St. abut,. or LallrftStrr, 1011 receive prompt attention. aprlS COOL RAN, PEALE S: Co. , 3. Cochran, Lancaster. Patti. lteltilield, Lancabter. C. W. Peale. Shamokin, 11. hammtrarviner, do. OUS. D 1 EEGES.—Just received another lot of Cheap Do llogSs, DeNines and Par mato Cloths. [norllsl 0. W. lIITNER: _ A I tt tSI B IC k BELTS.--Just ustTecei * V t e s 'received a Hu ~,,, byo oflnc au. Colorednull W orsted..h. tit: ic .4 GEO. W. 'UTNE% A N 0111)IN'ANGE IN 11,14:41191t1i,'NCE L:l_ To, wE to.trO, INiisuicns. &1,- ( six:ll.N 1. 11, it on - Incited tied enacted- by the TC:WiI Council of - the Perntigii of Carlisle, and it is he,.elty co. , Ltined and oititeted by t h e itittillinrity of the sa u te. that :he (;lurk 0, the .Nlititi.nt SIIIIII 'tile ay! , I.inell the to, c , f 11,, Corp,rati.'n,, exttet standard weights and nitaliret:, toil shell re tulato annually tin: wales. NI eights at,.l ~,,e olr, — ; Within thu Itorottgh of Carlisle. :teem:ding to she standard ,if the Conti:inn wcaltil : and it. hfiall 14, the ditts- of the 'mould rlerlt, at least once in every year, to go to I fie - stores, hOuses, stalls, and enters of the ma ."ors, venders. or in:opt:lt:tem of bonne, :Lod try and ad . 014 (~r iniiirni., to he adjusted) all beams,sale,, Wei. 1.:5 nlinil Meninintrex,:tml seal the same with the :nit i::ls . : big Let or Stirmlllie. and the current year, it r which tilt.? dot' adjtudotelit he shall demand and rec,3l - ve the to , . lowing feet. to wit:—Not' the trial and balanch4: it every set of srales, tett cents: of every patent balat,, , , twenty . cents: of every net of coal or has scales, two d.illars each: and of every yard ineihmre. six rents; f , r rvery im.11(.1 moastlre, twenty eents; for evcr Ivor laishel measure. fifteen vents: fir every peel( and lotif pooh measure, ten vents; liar tiVerny qiiarler-peek. mein ' tire, six mot a fourth cents; or every gallon. lialfezittlon and quart ineasitue, rim]• colas moth; or v," . ,6. pin; or 1 ,, ,,,1nn, rents ea 1.11: of .very weight, I wenty-elziit p , nuttis or ]tare. twelve and it half vents: til ti i't' ti inkhn. loss atm, lii only-04,111 p. (lints, four rents rasa: nail al , etitlifi't , hal .it ,, rge flu. lea , l. labor, ~n. abet' Mitt, i ink riir in litiSt inl,l, 'alit ).inallif.i, i‘inithis. weii A lltni Mid ' measures. at the ••ilinrinint ruler or later and Inateria's finrlnhilleil. and Ilin more. And it the said nuilipl.,,, vt!ii, .I , S. ”I' po pi let or , of I , e.itils.,,thnn:, weight, and mn• it lin...loc any ot them, shall tint It inrant indent to Have t held adjusted or sealed.. or for tiny other cause, the t...,i,1 ininnilll . •iiinCiii.. Winiglit , ii aliiil Inniiii,iiines nail 1., t have beet: atkjusteti and sealed whet, said clerk attend., they shat, he ri'ininiriiii tin bring the same to Id, It tl I (fort , ',sing I hem. and have them adjusted and ~ .el. lees ; I , r whieli he shall riniin•jviii the mow fret , as it done lir the hnill,S. stills. shiers '.r iillkin, or said lit.tki•ins. Vrilliii is, or proprietors: Provided. That fur the sealing of en h I , ean. •. scat,',,. aul,zlits and inea,ures, ;is have 1., , u sealed the pollen- year. In• shall di 111:171,1 and r,iiiiii•,e only one-half the ladore , mentioned fete.. St.,•rtov 2. The clerk is burn,?.) nsitd red to stamp r r ,•ati , ,, , t , I.q. 0:,1,1111.1 , itil tif f a. rd , I,lllllionmor al suit tl . be a r Ise bear tat,. soali.s. woi.,:hts: aoil tio+aFairog. as he nay find e ithin the said 1,, , ,,ugh that cannot evil le adja , t, , ,l : and shall 10 , le,t , i• the Fame Iris ~,r et-, ;p t rutl or adjustment. as I. pun hied ler in seen it, trot. S)11 k h , 111 , , 4 tiro r p "r•.01111,111,` , 11•,1113! , 114.111-Iwct I die• 'II. • in 3 , 1.1 ox nu. 11 1.1..1111, and 11 1 4 4,11 r 'S nll. 11,41 O.r the p0 1 , ) .4 •.. , •111r_611 , I,r tri.,.low•lti. oI hog. )1:1'13 S11:1/ C11.1:1Ze, .1, Sr( ,miiy notlo.r. r r IT hill ti, it f. I r 11:1'11 111`141t,t ..r CAI reminl•iti , .usyvl;l.l?-the nut hortied n, tut:l rt - _,lrdi to , I Ito welAkt, shall stir h or 1•01,/iIS : 1 ir and t• 1 err yl Pt nrr f tt•'d. and ply ill.. I. "1 11,P surd lor and like I.;•uait its nre ft. Any ticr•oli who shall. in am •;y• any 111 , •astlre. SI. that lite caNtrit V thereof k aft rS the sante shall bare Lieu n ljuslt ii and smiled. r r itt Outlying or soillioz. list: any measure to niter ed :Ind any poyson N, to, shill :tit.l.l. any 51,111. q. beant er weight :-: as I' , itnpair the adjikdinetit atter Ito .ante hai c bee i adjusted:lntl sealed: and any ealer. (molar ei.itter wll.l 1.1):111 ha% e ii, lii'. ` 1 "" 1 ."3 . Stile, 15.:115. trri4it ,Ir 114 , 11Stlr, N., n:t, , .1.1,1 ax tif , r‘esnid. slash un r,.n tiuu Is's'. att:, tt,ti, I.: 11?rfrit mill pay the int:, of tett dollars (I Iv . !-e. 1 ,. 1 , 4•11 l'an 11.t.'d 11•61S11 1 r 114...riert •at l , tv h tortidt nee. NI ith sts, imi t tedt, i t pcodtb oits nrd !int Cols sufficient o levy Ole ..,id t, ricit ire t,,gt IWO!. with 1., as, t hvin the said Peace shall commit the otfiiittlor for the sp.t, o of titi: ty days. S. Thu vl,rk shall, cnn.o In rarh rwrr,ho loaf, I,y publi, at ion lit t‘‘c, ; n 1.1 1 ,11,1 in thi• to all rol,ms lu-sve 1114 , 34‘111 ,4 ,. a'•., 11 4 1:111111041 114 1 . 1 4 1'4,11 1 / 1 4 I.' 1111 4 ) 4 1 4 , ieiota of thin 1 , 111141:1, : :11141 4 4141 H in `44:1i 4 11141% 4 , 4 !:,,, 6 - molt slate tthrrr Iti% I,lllre in In•;k1. Eoaf NV. lt. MURRAY, Agt El G. inurox W. B. MURRAY, Agt .r 1 'IQ ,