Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 22, 1855, Image 8

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y ~1~ iilancctc:
(Earfisic, TiroOttce
C Wednesday .Xtorning, Aug. 22
Fhouit Superfine, per bbl
do Extifa, du
do Family do
WHITE IVHEAT per bithhel
:\loNnAv EvENiNo. Aug 20.
rhoutt AND MEAL- NO change in the flow
market Sales oik Saturday of i 0) bids
$8 ; 75. Sales this morningof 450 hlds Ilan
aril street at $8,75. No sales of City Mill
today, it being held above the views of buyer
who are offering $8,50, while buy e rs eenten
for ::$8,75 Sales site , early 'change of 121
1)111:i City .',8,50 per bbl, c ,0,11 • H
Flour--No sales to day, 11111.1er: ft , ldit ! r 7,50
*7,75 pvr WO. ('-rn transnctuun-
Country is livid nt ti-1.50, and city manutiu
tared at $4,75 per bid
(.',..'l.kts.-IChent—Mqrl;et Leovy About 22
00J bu,hels ofiered. We quote fair to go
white at 1..' 4 0051,i10, go o od to prime tlo nt 1,!
fiir to rnl reds ;It 1 . ,70:1";;;I,S0, nr
prime do. at sl.F•i I,Cl'1 , C1' bUSII( . I Mark
1.11,nt 6:00 I u. iiels olFcrv:..l to-da
.alts of %%hitt, t , 90:,', , 3 outs, yellow at 93a'
dales of GOO bush(
cents pt•i• pnshc•l. Eye=
new Alitryland nt 105 03. We quo(
Pennsylvnnia ut 112 n 115 per but4liel.
l)nts—n bout Gl,bo bushels offered o- day.
Sales of good new Maryland at 40 a4B cent
heated du. at 40 cents-50 cents Vas ollcr,
and refused l'or rt very prime lot of new Om
n 1 IP6 PATENT Ult.tlN SEM) 1 . 1..1
I ..r planting Wheat, 0. i)ats. 111,1i:111 fern. 'I illll4 I
seed, Rr. The ..perati mOl this machine has been hi
satisiiwtnry and successful W111.1 . 0%1.T 'nit - educed:.
tested. Notwithstanding tito groat eninputit lon in
manufacture and ‘:cried inventions of ties import:l
agricultimil implement, - Moore's Patent" continues
maintain its superiority over all others now known
t ut fanner.
Its principal points recommending it are, lst. Its r
mbility. 2d. Its perthet simplicity of eonsteucti o n.
The easy manner of regulating the machine to some a
desired quantity of grain to the ;tyre. 4111. The exa
tress with wine,' it distributes the seed, operating
qUally well on uneven or sliding grounds as on the
vet sarlace. nth. rho easy draught, being about '24
cent. less thou any other seeding machine now in 0
The undersigned begs leave to inform the limners
Cumberland county. that he is authoriAcd by the nr
unicturer to ecll the above drill. All orders o ilt
promptly attended to and full satisniction given,
caning upon, Cl' writing to meat Carlisle. t... 4 end lii y.
orders early.
scriber is now opening a large ilia general ass,
Limit of LADI Es Du 04/01)S, eoneist ing of Blaek n
Colored Silks; Chain Ilareges, It billies, Fret
and English Lawns, also a general variety Of goods
boys wear, a full assortment of Ladies and Cbildr.
hosiery, Cloves lboolkershiels. also English and ott
htnt A W BONNETS. Bonnet Ribbons. Bonnet haw
with the usual variety of Spring Grants at moderate
oes. CHORCE W. lIITN El,
I the sub:m.ll)er has the satislitctlon of
ti I tri'l num (mailing his old friends tont 1111t1,1:1i ti
ais estoblibliment is again iu active o,
r u, buildings having been erected slave the I:
dot trolls lire 1111(i the whole establishment put in ce
plete workint . order. Orders are therelbre levet:lto
solicited for work in his line, which will be uoue
promptness and in the best manner.
and repaired. All kinds of Machinery in Paper Mil
tirist Mills and Factories repaired at short notice. M
Spindles dressed and turned.
such as Bevil lieu• Four Horse Power, Horizontal G.
Four Horst) and Two Horse Powers, Ploughs, Corn Sh
hors and Crushers, &c. Patterns made to order. Iron a ,
Brass cAsTiNus executed to order, if nut on hand.
the shortest notice, such as Cranks and Mill Goarit
Spur and Bevil Wheels, Gudgeons fur Saw Mills, 1 , 1,
Cistings, Cutters, Point Shears, Wagon and Coach IP
es, Spindles, Car Wheels, Car Chairs, Sec. lie has al
on hand a lance supply of Philadelphia and Troy COO
IN I STOVES, and is constantly making Cooking Stu t
of yarlotts Alapnwed patterns for coal or wood. ten ph
SLI)VIM, Orates. &e. Repairing done to all kinds of
chillers. All kinds of old Iron, Brass and Copper tak
in exchange for work
m tyft
The yatbscriber Infonhs Dealers and Fanners that he I
grettic Improved the quality of Ids SUPER PIA
P ATE OP LIME. it nd now confidently reconunen
article manullictured by hhn, Its of to any
th nlarket. YOU are Incited to call, examine !Ind 1
CANDLES, SOAP, Ac. At the lowest market rates.
No. 9 and 10 Smith IVharves,
!.110.1!ariners can load on two private alloys, and art
the crowded Irarf. July :25, '55.
subscribers desire to' inform farmers and put
genoiallythat they now horeon hand and aro eonsta:
ly manufacturing 'threshing Madam's with Pierpon
Patent Shaker, which are generally nekomvledged to
the bust articles now in use. Also a 'variety of Clot
Hullers, Corn Shollors and Straw Cutters. They al
attemi to the remi.irlng of Agricultural Mach . nery
the host manner and on ronsonablo terms. Mann!!
tory on North llannovor Street, directly opposito t.
residence of lloorge Motzgar, Esq.
August A BRIMS .1: PLAN K.
FOR terest •or • ti.
whole of the Wrlghtslillo Foundry for Sale,-81
LIAO In ‘Yrightsvile, York comity, Pennsylvania, wt
and doing a good business, one of tho ba
locations 10 the State Mr a Foundry. The proprletot
oot In the Mace, cannot give that attention .1
the business that It ought to havo--propose 1151 , / to se
81 interest or the whole of the ostablishment On Cab
15(018. Apply to, or address Wm. W. IVolf, Muneheste
Yorkeounty, l'at or Edmund Wolf, Lai Pratt fare°
hulthutire ' !dd.
~.,„.‘pzust,6 '55 . W. W. WOLF St CO.
rmaxwiTulluTMF,DlCAL COL.:
um; oF pENNsvisANIA,
i.,;.,.11,1 in Filbert St. above E. youth, Philadelphia.
The lAcrna:' . .s of the Regular Course will
GU WO .second Monday of October, and continue until
the first of March ensiling.
Amount of Fees for a full Durso of Lectures [hi-
Tali:ll4Y cash. t`,loo 00
Students who have attended two fdll courses in
other OLdical Colleges. $0 00
Graduates of other Medical Colle es. 30 00
Matriculation Fee. paid wily once, 5 01
Praetic4l Anatomy, 10 00
lirailuati in Fee, 30 00
V A C U LT Y .
UTEI: WILLI IMSOS, M. D., Eineritus Profossor of Clin
ioni 'NII%IIII no.
.1 P. D sr:. D.„ Profsgsor of 3lateria Modica and
kt.v N E. :'ll I LI.. 11. 1).. Iftrairotivtihi I itstl
tut..s. Pat tud , .gr.:tntl tb.• Pravt.i-t• ai 31e1111.111.•
. .
H. IV %RD, NI. :r I,l' 01 , st et ries. 1 , i.eases
of NVlnnen and Children, and :11eilieiti .11trisprn-
3/ATT , IF.IV SEMPLE, :M. D., l'rofete.eir of Ohoi . iiktry and
JACIII MEIKt.t:V. M. 1)., Pro of Surgery.
11 . 11.1AAm A. 0 M. I) -I roft,:,,r of A ratouiy.
r,i ,m .1. I: r.:o. NI. D...Proles,,ir of logy.
AN.I Coreo, I. D., 1 1 .ituoii , t relor of ,1n
1V11,1,1 AII .1. O,II:DINER. :NI. D.
- No. 120 N.o-i li I 0. H. Phila.
'J'l{ Ct-:SES! Tlt USSES!
11. NEI.I,!.Es,
N 1:11.10E EST
S. NV. C 'l'wt•lftli and Ita' -:tp...ts.
lino Fron,•ll Tru,- extroim
Alit y ilia t'',rroc.t. construe-
11,-nlll .r rapt urrtl putt, tit , . ..111 h stilted by remit
thuz :tut tttlits:--Setttlitttr mitt.; rr (,r inches round thu
hips. Stating 411' ralWi.l•
: - AliAt• Truss, $2, ;, ;I, $5. Double— '2 s $6,
$.; and $lll.
p..ti . 0,11 4 )11g as to wear find iIOW to of a cure,
NVIIOII TiOSSI1•10 , oat Wit!. !IV ,
Also tor silo In tricat varioty.
Tilt. P INN INI l'S I Al :v ED r.vrEN'l' BODY PP, ACE.
Pon the cure or Pr.ilap,o, Uteri: Sidon] Props and Sup
ports. Patent Should , n Braens. Chest ENpanilrrs and
iirent on Brame:, adatd..l to nil with Stoop Shoulders and
!slid Weak 1;ns:11 , 1i Elastic A lelominal Belts,
Susrus irks, Svriiwns—nialo and ronialo.
111. s. oith Lally attendants.
_ - .4....c..7w...,,,,/,,
—l/44kr-:',--• S'l.7tilA4
.7 ---- ---•+„ %
- _7.7,._
RUTA 13A(L1, Am) ()TITER
TUNNIC P.t.ll:s.—.llso ttierior sec(' Burl:wheat,
Drills. For sale I , v
PASCII.II,I, Ml/11111F , .k Co.
Agricultural \Vareliouse and Seed Store. eorner 7th
and :111rItet streets. 1 1 1111ada. July
Nos. 21 and 2; South Sixth Street,
Sim) tineuNns (370 Acme) Bloomsdale, near Hatitol, Pa,
SE6:—No Excuse for !Willing Campllene. Fluid.
Caudies. &v. The subscriber Is note prepared to Fell
County lUibts t',,r using Bongole or Atmospheric Gas.
Tile :tiro, is into of the most beautiful us writ as the
artitirial light that Itas ever been circled to
tho public. It is purified) . nautu.tsd, to trouble ti hat
ever. and the lienerator Is no larger thou an ordinary
For further information apply to Hoffman. Leinan
Orselsby, liar Fitters, No. la :south Dao enth Stint. be
t seven Market and Chesnut, Philadelphia, where the
tins ran be seen 111 practical operation. County Rights
will be :gold at such rates MS e•ill person to
make a handsome pritlit on their investment. For fur
ther p trtieulars respeeting the tias. or nexotiation for
County ItiAlits. address W. C. wirrEits.
Sole Agent for the State of Pennll
Or :ipply perttomillo to him ut No. 13 S. Suventh
I -
STATION ENV STORE, North West rarner oriith
ad A Pit St rver , , DUMMY:4 IN
nevus Standard and
Pre,vnt.tant 11,R4;.:4, {c.Q ellwap!
. .
Superior Milt; Ruled Letter Paper at 1.50 per Ream
I, , eter and Nate raivelopes in great variety.
Weddings Furnished at very moderato rates.
Cards Wrltton and En.,:ravod.
(111Iott's :ttid other Steel Pens
Superior Mitt., Wafers. ;5•23 on a Wheat, for 25 cents.
Inkstandx. Poaknives. Piper Weights, &u.
Vino Turkey Nloromo Porte Monnaius,
Port Fl , llllli, Card enhCS. Backgammon Boards, .te.
With a very lar,te and 'lick assortment of
TOY 110'1liS, GA3I Es. nmsEcTED rirrujois,
Albums, Scrap Books and Engravings.
may 2-ly P. THOMSON
iricKET 11,10 K taut DRES: 4 INIt CASE
:Manufacturer, N.W. corner Ith and Chesnut streets
mitt% P.l 01111,
IriVAlways on hand a large mot varied assortment of
fort Mnnnaics, Work Ito X , `F.
PWk ihttk
1111111:011i Oases, Travelling Bags,
Note Holders, Backgammon linards,
Port Folios, Chess Men.
Portable Desks, pocket Dlemorandum hooks
Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, tic.
Also a genoral assortment of English, French ands) or
man Fancy floods, tine pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor
Strops and ()old Pens.
At'')-Wholesale second and third Floors.
:4,08 F, IL SMITH,
N.W. corner 4th and Chesnut streeis.
N. 11.—On the receipt of $1 a superior bold Pen will
110 Font to any part of the country by mail—doscribiug
pen thus. medium, hard or soft.
Council BlulTs, laa. •
locate Laud Warrants.• aril enter land on time,
lean money on Real Estate secntity, and pay taxes far
Having a largO oxperienco In the selecting and pnr
chasing of public land, and acquainted with the most
favorable points for investment In western lowa, we
Batter ourselves that we can locate land warrants to the
best advantage upon timber, praire, bottom, or upland,
near county seats: adjacent to the 11110 of proposed rail
rgids; and upon ,land watered by never flitting streams
as the Judgement, or, taste of parties may direct.
p e rsons intrnsting money or warrants to our care for
loan. st ill find our terms liberal, we refer to
' ALM. A. G. Ego. ;I'Ft:4o:Hester, Carr e ll Co., Md.
(lea: F. Hupp, En ? Straslnirgh,Shenandeah Co., Va.
EmanuePArbegast,'Esq., Cralbottom, Ilighland Co.
assartment orCrushed, Sifted and P.olveilsed
Suzacs of best quality. as also Soft Crushed, Clarified
and ether qualities constantly nu hand, witablo for
preserving end all other purposes—generally at Ota
Also a constant 8111 . 107 a the choicest' Coffees, Toas t
Spices nral other articles in variety always on band.
tton t ion is Invited to our stoat bolero buyln g olsowlicre,
Caritele, Juty 25, 'O. J. W. , MIL
1 4qtirAit . ottit Qs):lisr.ti;o3_,
rp EE A 11, N 1) Y E.—
IL • bits: LelazuNNes; Diu-ros,
OfIII.I,TS AND .11.11tIST6.
and Ltu• Diseaves Radically Cured
DP. LeltildiNNMlTers to those suffering from Deaf-
Lace been successful in nearly 3,000 eases of erintlrmed
di•ntness. Theta) remedies comprise different courses
fur diseases of the Internal, middle and external ear,
.riot H a re been pronounced by those celebrated !Lutists.
ors. Cramer, of Berlin, Ire rd, and Dolan. of Paris, Cur
.is, Pitcher and Yeltrfily. of London, its being the 3RMT
WONDERFUL and EFFEt"I'LIA ever• applied for dls-
OnSeti of Om internal and 1111lId10 ear. Dr. Len., ‘(Alt=
It A N'VS A CURE in every ease where the e:u• it. perteet
in formation. Ile 'has I.lghteolt certificates oi eurciA
front those who had been DEAF AN D M It, and whos e
ltearing is now eampletely restored and are 11101."
blejl to learn the Magna:: e. The nitrates of 2 ,7(1 1 per
sons who have been cured 6y Dr. Lela. may Lc scorn on
applkatloll. haricots, by sending a desc r iption of tire
ease, .tart have remedies sent to any part of the unitm
In case of MUCUS a , runinlations in the "Etistaehain
Tube and Tympanum, itillatuation of tine mem
brane, nervous affections. disease's of the membrane
tympani, called '•the drum," or when the disvaie eau
be traced to the effects of fevers or colds. the use or
quinine or mercurial medicines. gatherings hi the
in childhood: this molt BT.N.N 1 , 8 l'ltEr)l I
SENT. When the atalitbry is dry mot scaly. with little
or no secretion ; when the ibiafisessisacconipanicd ss itlt
noise in the ear, like failing water, chirping 0, insects.
ringing or bells. rustling of leaves. continual pulsations
and twitter, or when in stooping. a 05.15 , 4-
tiOn is felt as if it rush of blond to the head laid taken
place: is 111111 the ili'4lllll4 is less ar,•nle in dull!. cloudy
weather, or I. hen a cold has been tat I:11, till, met hod of
treating the 11101'11 , ' is intalllble.
Dr. Dalton is the only ()enlist in the 'United States
Nthe practices the new pidriless.' and stiocei.i fall method
in treat tor all the diseases to which the eye is subject.
Where ever}• other means have failed too !Turd relief', he
asks from such a fair and impartial trial.
MIN Y—The undersigned practioners in medi
cine ip the eity 01 New York, has net had fre q uent
to witn.,:s insactice of ins. Lida.umn and llpf•
tom in diseases of the Ear aml Eye. laying aside all
prolessionaiivalonsy, freely admit, I hat the enurut pur
..tied by them in treating diseases of thiqv del Fate
the unparalleled sueet , s tits ending it, is
w,dl worth the attention of Mr profe,titittil brethren
tlu•onghout the United States. reeling assured, Its we
us,, that Aural Surgery has not met pith that atten
tion vt hiell its importance tion.antl,. 'I heir• St stem at
treating disetents of the atid•lle Judi internal P ar ,
.',•l apors," pat ticularl in chronic se'rougsii•
()Vol rases. forms a nets- era in Ibe prat an of Aural
Biiro'ory : such rise. yielding. Ist almost evi•ry Mkt:ince
5.5 this new and powerful :went. I' Id. ',met tee tilts up
tutu w.tittii 11/1 , bens pray.
I issuer. tto ills nory
sAc Where Perli•A r. 1 .151.1115515
disrnsr~oftin til.l3nt, then sill MI re lilies , to resnrt
to an op,•rnt,sn.
AN Am-Isis oott4 0110111 , i/I , f
votool to Choir proroos-ion. too , •1111111.1111 tll.'ll.
(.11 .Well as Limy require titoir
New York, Myrust 10, IS4tl
Students wishing ti• 'writs! themselves in this branch
of medical science, will find no rtuoi'v of ;..icing
11111 class at the Lar :Ind Infirmary of Dr. Delaey
I.ellrann, [llion Hare.
Clint lies et cry Tuesday and Friday giterni,ns, from
1 to a Wolock. dining terms.
That'lr— - connultat ism fee; ;fill tee if paid when
.hi 'wiring is rest , otql to Its to iginal iienteness, or
het 3 11a1. )1 Call 133 heard to tout at a dlAitilett of Ib
t trio either ear.
Address hrs. nuGToN, Voion Place,
New York City.
N. 11.—A treatise on the . turn and treatment of
Deafness and Diseas t .s .4' the . ailh the tteatment
.:1" the Deaf and litunts—prive one I..alkir.
letters must he regist.Rmt the Post
master. Itegisterml letters ouly are at our risk; please
!wart his in mind.
Correspondents nest enclose postage for return an
swers. the now postage law• requiring prt-payineht ut
let tern. ap-11
10111' head is the type of your mind. Self-knowledge is
the essence of all knowledge, tt ort h always harmonizes
with itself. All the known phenomena of the univet...o
may iv referred to threogetteml principles, : M a tter.
Motion and Spirit.
Im. C. It. no talE, Practical Phrenologist, haS taken a
PhreimMedical ottiee on South Ilanever street, t: artiste.
Pa., %viten, he is prepared to maketirnfessionel examine
lions will verbal and. written descriptions- Of human
enaracter, talents and disposition; nit phrenelogibalty and
pits sieally developed, including directions' to th e mos t
suitable oreUrninng, select ifdlfi of partners in business,
or genial Coln pardons Mr brio, or how to eb..,ise a hus
band or : together with advice as to the proper regu
lation of the temperaments. propensities, appetites and
habits. In sickness how to gain health again when lost
by exposut eto Lad habits. lie will nutke ebarts of char
acter so Ilia persons having a chart Can learn this won
derful science without a teacher. To teach learners
those organic Condi:Wins which Indicate character is
the hist object of this great book On mind and matter.
mid In order to tender It accessible to all It condenses
Mn: and c onditions rather than elaborates arguments,
because to expound Phrenology is its highest proof. It
states laws and results and leas es them upon their naked
net its; einbodi,i cc! ent disco% eriCS and crowds into the
fewe s t possible pages ;old words just what learners need
to know, and 1110111:0 requires to be studied rather than
merely read. "Short yet clear," is its motto, minter
...llS illustrative engravings give the results of very ex
nnisice professional observation and experience.
cord character Is Its second aided. In fact it is just,
what every body Want. Price;2, For examination
mut - Chart marked s'2. Verbal examinations '25 cents.
Carlisle, June 1:4 1855.
vincEs minucED.
The subscriber has commenced this day, to sell off his
Stock of Summer Goods at greatly reduced prices.
Lawns at 4,6, 10 and 12 cents. •
llarage do Loins 6 1 „,:;, and IS:M.
Olughams 8. lo and 12.
liarages 15 and 20.
Elegamt :summer Silks and Tissues very low.
Also a lot of Boots :nut Shoes very cheap; coins one
and all mid secure bargains at the cheap store.
July .5,'55. CI I AS. 01111.111.
11)01.1.TANT - TO' LOVERS OF
LvitEsil FRUIT at MI seasons.—The tubscriber has
just opened a tow dozen Hermetical Nun' Fraling FRUIT
CANS, Mr preserving Fruits, Tomatoes, Green Corn, &c.,
Mr a whole year in a trash state—requiro no :Motoring
and may 100 used year after year and are easily opened
and closed without the aid of a tinner. Call and exam
en them. GEV. W. lIITNER.
Juno It. '65.
Adapted also for sowing oats, grass seeds and
guano. Kmuser's Portable Cider Mill—the best ..
in the market. lialliday's patent Windmill.—
force Power's and Thresher's, Limo and llunno
Spreader's, Daniel's Kay, Straw' and Fodder banter.
Little Want Corn and Cub Mill, Spain's Atmospheric
Churn. Theabove Superior Implements with all others,
Sr the use of the farmer or gardner, for sale Wholesale
and Retail by
Agricultural Warehouse and r: , eud Stony, corner 7th
and 51arket , streets, Philadelphia. july 25, '55.
CHEAP GOODS.—The subscriber is
now opening a fresh lot of season:ll4o' goods, at ho
no .V location, opposite tho Railroad Otlice, in Main street,
Carlisle, which will be sold at the lowest Price.
i )ATENT •SKIRTs, &c.—Just open..
ed another 111'1'00 of White and Colored Patent
StrtF, Menuoto note, with II variety of other etnsona
Ide geode. julylB. lEO. W. lIITNER.
CORSETS.—Just recciv
ed, a further supply of French Corsets of extra st
cos. Also narrow Lluun Fringes tier trinnulnk Basques.
junetin . 11F.O. W.
11) . 01 7; WANTED.—A boy wanted front
18 to 20 years of ago; at the Store of
augl.BB. G. W.
3;.!it 1.;/
V. D. v,411"1%
11'MM:A :%10WHO.. M. D.
C. A DEVEI,O.„ M. D.
IfultACV, 11 YArc. NI. D.
t:tiittakes ear !Vice.
kjlieitiition of intunerous friends I have Lean induced
Lo offer myr.elf,i!,to Cluidlditto fee tint Once a , h(,i•iit• of
Cumberland cotitiOund inedpi to;.i , yll if elected Wills
eliare the unties el said °nice m ith strict fidelity and
linparthdity.., C. B. UNDERWOOD.
bilepherilstown; August 8'55 • •
- - -•-
i_ LAND couNTY.—Fokw citizem: oiler xey,elf
:1:111 volunteer candidate for the elite of 811LBIFF,
Miould you mushier me outlined for ti a office, and en
titled to your suffrage, 1 mill he thankful for your
votes at the v 01111111; election.
North 3liddloton, AuguFt B'i,s
TILE -vombs coimA,L.IND co.
I entlelltell— ' llll,llol the INolleiltitil.)l ta.nic of my
filen& 1 ant Induced to appear 1,o:ore as u 1,81,11-
d:it() Ili tlii olliCe of r. ztial
thankful ft.r }our surisAt. ertfully Yours, ,
FEU., lAriziNS:—.l Oftur ItlySen . IIS n Calididate
Aug, 1. 1553. P liTElt MON VEIL
LAND el . — 1 ,111.6 w Ne.: I offer fly-
St.“ :IN n candidete ter the othee nt ; 4 11,1, L 11 , 1 , (um
herland seeety. and pledge myself. it 61( vied. to dis
rhar,,,o the Julien i.t the oll.ce to the I tht of my
iuthfit,ent. and :.I.ility.
Carl6ln, July 11, • W71.(907.11:11.
Fort E NTy EA I.lft_
.1, tIIN G. t111.1..1.A.Mt , ., (,1 Cal 11,1 e.
June 1:t,
'11) 'IIIE NOTE f' D CO'Y
T trTer myself as a candidate fid the t 11 re nP't
Treitruitr, aiul rt.t. i tet t t ully solicit tan Fulltapus at thr
ensuin g g etteitti .IA( tilt
Carl'-lc, .lune n. I F(tf.t.
r 1 () E (.11' EItSOF ( ' BEV
." LAND lUNTl'.—'l he undersi g ned respertfully
„cis himself tt, it C3mlio1:111.• frr title itnett ttf JAW. F.
;it'd st,li il= heir sullerti o s, at the enFtting tirno
Nltty IF4tIN. NN Ni.
9 1 1 E ( . 1'.1113F11-
_i_ LAND n.t•vrY.--F1.1.1.4.,, ( . 111%.1 N.: I ( .•r
,ti as 3 , 314-iitilll.• r the „fl,, IP/ if/. I: I / t't
tst • t 1.01.11 .4, 11111 .:11/11 ph elettird Its 1ti,141:11..:,'
thy I/1// the 'dhow to the beet o 1 iny jud g ment and
httl.l.l.'l' Nit (
tat-little. May 2:1, Itt'Bs.
Jio tic es
T 111: S \ V.:IN T I). —T e
1,01 Dir., 1.1-s of South .Ylithlioton
meet tit the School !louse \o. 1. 111.11111 g ps itkgs Ana
TUESDAY, ,I;y 01 Au:.:ll,t, at,•U h, A. N.
to revolve applieats.,tlN for tent him! the puhll.• selsoith• of
said tit:4ll,t stial Lo exstuAlie tee, here. 'I he lousily
th•iiutehtleht uill 1.1 . and LIM IL-
Vilvd Ln ittlmlt4. (.1 the ht nrU. r
ug a t, M. Uhl Seer'y
d - IARLISIaIi 1121N.K.—Notice is here_
by omen, that a :lit blend in the distribut of th
sililtal SO. i. of s.tid Lai Iforty anol a hall tents t e
earn share. tees ileelared hy.the btreetols said nu, ''
"ii the July last. 'I he hublets of saki stoek
can 111':119• the same at any time by calling ott the Presi
August S
1 {
STATE' 01' 0.1.1t1.; 1 , 4' C. I{Ul'P,
,iDee'd.—Nntic e js - hereby given that Letters of Ad
e.ocodration On the Estate 01 titcorge C. Hupp. late or
Lower Allen ton nship, Lutnterland county, areeas..44
have I 4`ol/ granted by the Legister of said county, to
the subserit er. resitliog in tile Male' township. Alt per
-.41s indebted to said et•httu tire requited to tottlit:
dittte, and these Itztv jug elttitms ttmtim:t it to
present them thr rettit.hteut. to LIcA 1 \tIJ.ICFL,
Aug. 1. '55. Atlantic istrat. )r.
meet Mit
ith EC-
Tons.—The ndersigned u ill tho i.
,ctors of the several districts for the purpose of exami
ning Teachos, on the milum tug days, viz:
Mechanicsburg', August 4, At p. w.
N 1 est l'enust , ort,', Migu,st 7, at 0 o'clock, a. in.
New Cumberland, .August la, at I o'clock, p.
host Penusburo', August 14, at 10 o'clock. a. in.
',per Allen, August Di. at 10 iieb,ck, a. In.
Lower Alien. August It,, at I o'clock, p. m.
lampden, August 17, at 1 o'clock, p. m.
Filer spring, Aagust Is. at 0 o'clo c k,
North itldicton, August 20, at 0 o'clock, A. in.
South yliddlctou, August 21, at 9 o'clock, a. in.
Monroe, August 22, at n o'clock, a. m.
Dickinson, August 24, at 0 o'clock, n. tn.
Newton, August 27, at Ii o'clock, a.
Southampton, August at 10 o'clock, n. in.
1-hippenshurg Dom', Aug. 29, at 10 o'clock, a. in.
Hiippetislawg tp.. August ;!0, at I o'clock, p.
Ilot 'ea ell, August :11, at 10 o'clock, it. in.
Septclul er I, at 10 o'clock. It. M.
1•'M104 rd..el•tellibt.t . 3, at hi o'clock, a. tn.
It., Direttors it ill gippoint the plant, of meeting.
It toecouuntahttlohs nun he had, the meeting should be
held in a school-house, where we Call Lava 11(.11 01
black-board; they will also provide a sufficient quantity
of papor, pens and ink.
Punctuality is of great importance.
fly instructions from the Department, tbe examiun
tions art, to be public. 'rho citizens aro therefore re
spectfully' invited to attend.
July 18. DAN lEL•SIIELLY, Coly. Supt.
whemaß the uoiiombh, .lan e s It. Pres!.
dent Judge of the several Courts of Common Pleas of
the counties of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata, and.
Penns) I vania, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer
and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in said cou
ties, and 1100.Jonil RUPP and SAMUEL iV 00D111.11N :Judges
of the Court of Oyer anti Terminer and General Jail
Delivery for the trial of all capital and other °Renders,
in the said county of Cumberland. by their precepts to
me directed, bearine• date the bth day of April,
have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gene
ral Jail Delhery to be holden at CARLISLE on 11.1 N.
DAY, the 27th of AUGUST, 1,553. ut 10 o'clock in the
forenoon, to continue one Week.
NOTICIi tIIVI.N to the Coroner, Jus
tices of the Peace and Constables of the said county of
Cumberland, that they are by the said precept coin
mended to be then and theta in theft proper persons,
with their rolls, records. Inquisitions, examinations
and all other remembrances, to do those things which
to their otllce appertain to be done, and all those that
are hound by recognizances, to prosecute against the
prisoners that are or then shall ho in the jail of said
county, are to be there to prosecute them as shall ho
just. "
July, 11th,1855.
,IDEC'D.—Lotte Testamentary on the Estato of
am% Cresson deed Into of West Penns •oro township,
Cumberland county, have been issued to the subscribers
residing in the same township. All persons indebted
to the said estate will tnako payment ttud those haying
claims agulust it will present them fur settlement to
July 18. 'st.
The subscriber is just receiving aunther supply in
R and l3unnner Bonnets consiAing of Englishßraw
chip, liraidonnin Straws, Iceepelitaini and Ben Braid.
also tt new supply of very choice Colored and White
Bonnet jiibbens varying in price from i 2 to 50 cents.
per yard.
Also a large aSsortment of Chihli - ens and Misses Straw,
d Braid Fiats. - GEO. W. lIITN.E.R.
May 16.
1:118.—A very oxtenalve, and now' stock of lionnois
ti nti and Artifinials, now opening at tha cLonp ttnre of
May, P, 'Pr , . CIIA'S. OGILISY. "
I beg leave to call the attention ta the citizens of
l'ennsylrallia to the above article, ianinactured . by
my self exclusively, at my factory in :z.. , ChiCtitllll, Hol
land, expressly fur medical purposes.
"It is Amide i'roni the Lest Bailey th . at ran 1•e seleitett:
in Europe and the eSEV.IICII of aromatic Italian berry, of
acknowledged and extraordinary. medicinal imp:rites;
and it has long since acquired a higher relnitati, n
in Europe and Anna lea, than any uthta• dietetic beve
In GaAvrt, COOT, and It IIElilIATIS31; iu obstitittitus
tne Bladder and liittney a, and debility of the urinary
itmetions, Its eth•cts are poi mpt, decided and ins aribly
reliable. And it is not only a remedy for those maitt
dlcs, Int, in all cases in' width they. are produced Ly
lit it•hing bad water, St Itch Is 111111.i.t, unis of sally, the
cause of them. it opvilltes , us a sure prevei.tis e. • •
Ihe dist scs:Ang ettect ttpeji the ;stomach, lam els, and
Bladder. of Revelers, new residents, anti all persons Ob.
`,,ecustomed Lo tluni, protitttcd by the waters of nearly
all of ~ .ur great Inland rivers, like the tihio, N issiFNippi
and nio,nimi, from the latue quantity of decayed ega
table matter contained in them, In a state of solution, is
well 1:10 , 0 ! 11; itS is also that of the waters of limestone
regions, in producing tinAvnt. CvLtaLt. and tA,ne in the
linima.a. The A 1:0A1 ATIC St.:l I I L , AM i :.‘;:il.l.'S is
an absolute corrective ot all these injurious properties of
bad Ovate r, and ecnsequently 'accents the disease which
they occasion. It is also found to run eau and previn
tite of Peres and Ague, a complaint caused . I , y the con
joint stems of vegetaLle malaria,,in the atmosphere, and
YoV.etai 10 r otre ' l " l,l "'s in the stater of those districts ill
It it'll it 11l ideipally prevails. Thu A ronottic l t hietiain
hnimi s Ii conse , immtly lu great demand live 1' 1..00011
that t•lttig. tilt lit In ti•ttie l.if
[Ty ; at; wellllll by many IL eteny community
where lr has become known, on account of its various
ot her remedial pr , perties..
)Woe than thine thousaml phy sichins, 111111;11w, whorl
are numb erect the greatest names belonging to the tam!.
ty oI medicine in this country, has acertitled, over their
'Si. n signatures, to the vvluahie M 141 1 ,41.111 priponliCS of
Sill II all article. as the octet cot tests hate pros ell the
Schiedam An , inetic line Ills to 1 e rind l otsii ticeeptiA
It at a UltSt, tie .11 able additton to the :0,111 ItlA )11:LICA.
ill, iu quart pint bottles. in yellow
paper with toy name on the but tie. cork and seal. hot
sale 1,3 all tLF a:rt.:Me linugg lots and (Immo s.
U 1 ,01, 1 .1 I
20, and 22 Ilea; en curet, York.
.25 South Front strt et, l'hiladelphia,
. I log leave to cull the attention of the public to the
111 unbar inlg let till. from physicians:
W3l. T. BROWN, Pies't
I,_„/Seccint. IMPOSITY will be received at this Bank for
any length of time over four months. and interest paid
at the rate of FOUR PER CENT. per annum, and the
principal paid back at any time after Imiturity without
notice— 'lnterest ETll$4OB after the expiration of the time
specified in the certificate; unless renewed for another
given period, in which MO the Interest is paid up Itm
01 the time of the renewal. Bank opens at ti o'clock, A.
M. and closes at 2 o'clock, P. M.
" It. PARKER, PresidiMt.
u of M sng stock TANGINGS
&LW; t ko largest
r and
and most var P ied APER
assor l ve
tment er
l l
opened In Carlisle, to whigh 1 invite the early attention
of the public, as 1 intend selling at prices uhirb eunnct
tail to please the ekscst purchaser
L ALM: ATOBY.N. Y. 31ay 2. 1522
It. DOI 1 . 01 rr—lhmr : I caiiiiut speak tro
i I ti:,' iil is It is
ile, idi dit supvt 11T 1..1 I 1111) tilt:11-, i i the 61111 iu the
t. it I , lierleill) ii et: a. Ili the u::• t Lust;
ui lit u: do se :uv)lie ei wpr UIIdS a hnL le . l.lltlee
nu. h a 1,111 , :Mkt tie COl
t•Lil ill it •11. and e 11 \Ply liiv ilk:010i, distilled liquors
:Ile et them living
IL I Lane per:4 , 1113 Ito.) tiiil tile vs; iutis vi use
ut dist i!,111. ttsit
11511.11 vale LS t:11,11 Ii• sq.:wall. tie iictsious tlt
t put.. 1111.1 your S. lumps is a striking
pi, .1 01 its As a 1114.1.W:hail agent for brook
uud rer...l nail.. 1 hal e i.uria•ssfully TINA it,
ai d I Inomi it as an agical.l.• armless
stimulant . lanai shall ia.nt ilia° to Mr so;will us to
aloe it aS Hitirce Of lOU e alechol 11 , r chemical iuoestibt
t..aitnti perinmuts. 'Yuma obutilmit.
Consulting Annlythal Chemist."
Pr. ("hark 3: A. Leas, Cdinnissisdier of Health. 13n11
mere; v.i It as 1.11 , in relation to
.! he N l ,lu e i f
Isclititspi.s as a reindly in chronic cat mild! romp:sluts,
Ac. 'll.e lett m'ls dated July 117.
..1 take gi eat- pleasttre iu hearing' highly creditable
tostiinen Its cllirae y as a reinedial elicit fu the di
sewt, yod remind'! it. petit e ; a natural
tendency to the untcnus surfaces, will n slight degree
of stimulation. I regard it as one of the as SI halliatimt
remedies in citron!, catarrhal atiertid,s • ps i d e i l l iti ly
those of the geld to urinary !illiuid LI:1.111th much res
pect your i.Ledietit servant,
eilAkr,Es A.:LEAS, M. D
"PIIII.ADLLPIIIA. July 15. 1853
• •
tdoipho Wolfe. No 22 heaver st. N. ]'.—Lent sir:
Last FiVaßtll iht , Writer received, throtmli your agent iu
this city, a bottle of your. Aromatic Sehiedatn Schnapps,
and since that 'wiled has prescribed the tame in certain
mrms of urinary - conipinints;, 111.50 In eases of aaiiityln
aged persons. So far, the Schnapps loin teen of much
benefit to therm using it * *ln conclusion, where a
and in is required. I should use the
,nuattc Schiedam Thanking you for your
ant respectfully yours,
A. L. (.11 A LON ER, M. D., ISO S. Eighth st.
The subjoined letter In m Dr. raine, of Manchester,
N. 11.. relates to one of the valuable medicinal la, p.
vrt tis p.•ssessed by the An untie .`'ehnapps• and shin% it
that It :tits as a S iieCifiC in a teiy, paint ul disease—the
net el:
-Ma. Wom:—Permit me to address you a few Buys.
it filch you arc at liberty to use if yt u think 'prof or, in
respect to your mediclue, rolled i . c.bieditin
I have hattit,,,very °Estivate care of gravel and sthrie, of
n. niti the yetits' standing, causing very acute rain hi
01 cry attempt to urinate. After using many remedies
inn ut much toilet; 1 min; induced to try a I.ottio t I
yt ur medh inc. lu the course of three days it proved
effectual; d g lug , large pieces of mono, CclOe of whi c h
ttas MI large a marrow tat pea. 1 eblltillUld the cot ,
dial ding to direal,ns. and the patient continued
to gain, awl is fast tecovetlug. 1 think a medicine of so
much taltic lit so 'distressing a etanplaint. should le
knOwn to the pitl ily. and the world at large. And 1 for
tuust give It my avrrehitti n turd sigtat
1110 S. PA INK 31. Ti."
Front Dr. John S. Reese, Chemist, taltinad c, Md.
If,l r,:°:
number of our Chysielans are ordering the article,
and sev, mil have already prescribed it. Verb, us to alum
I have ta Id it speak very highly of Its qualities. A
Centime!' of my On n perkonld ' acquaintance. having
suffered greatly with an affection of the kidneys and
bladder' tetdi Use bottles and subsequently pasted a btot o
of considerable sire, and was greatly relieved. It will
110 doubt go into general use,"
alartft Notices.
NOTICE IS 111111114.111 Y GIVEN that
application wUI be rondo to the next Legislature
Or Pell usylvAnin, to alter the Charter of tho Carats! E
Eseosir BANK, located in the borough of Carlisle, (tim
berlad county, so as to ronibr upon the said Bank the
rights and privilege: of a Ranh. of Issue, one to change
its naive to the CARLISLE (BANK. Also to increase
the eopital of said Bank I,w hich Is at present sixty thou
sand dollars, with the privilege of increasing the sauce
under its present
,tharter to one hundred thousabd
dollars) to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
By order of the hoard of Blrecters.
1131. 31. BEETE3I, Cashier.
Carlisle, Juno 25, 111.5.4:an
J.NI that an application will be made to the next Leg!.
ibiature of the Mato of Pennsylvania. tbr the paSsage of
a law to incorporate a Bank of Deposit.), with a capital
of FIrTY THOUSAND POLLADS, with authority to iIICEIiEO
thu same to One 11 undrc&Thousand Dollars. Tote cal
be located in the borough of Mechanicsburg, Pa. The
object of said Bank is to increase the general business
facilities of the public hi the vicinity of its location.
Daniel thick Jacob Coever,
John Mush, sr. Benjamin Eberly,.
John Iteigel, John Brandt,
Henry G. Rupp, George Ringirer,
John Houser, Elias Grabill,
Johu Coovt•r, David 31iller. •
Andrew I. Knuffinan, , Solomon I'. Gorges.
Idechanicsburg, June 2.01 . 1885-fro ' • •
AT. IlErrrm, Caphier