Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 22, 1855, Image 6

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General Agricultural Intelligence
NEW YORIi, Aug. 8, 1855.
The past virJek has .been one of in
tense interest, not to fanners only hut
to every other class of persons. Wheat,
upon which millions must rely fur their
bread 'luring a twelve Month, had hung
. balanced upon a single issue, wet or dry
weather. Ten days ago not half the
wheat crop of the United states has been
gathered. Taking the census returns of
18511' as a guide, the four Slates, Penn-
4ylvania, Ohio, New York and Illinois
produced more wheat than all the `otlisei•
States and territories put together. Add
to those the States lying in the same
latitude, or north of thew, and we
ling that they produce just three-fourths
of the entire crop.
- If we now include Canada, and tak.i
into consideration the great increase of
shrface sown to why,at rti the neWer North
western States, such as Wis cons i n , l owa
and Minnesota, and leave out those por
tions of Ohio, Indiana, Illinoitt, south of
the parallel of 40° north latitude, we have
in the territory north of 40° more than
throe-fourths of the wheat crop - of the
present year.
Last week we stated that the crop south
of .10° had all been gathered before the
commencement of the rains . in good con
lition. This was generally true, though
we have. conversed with gentlemen di
rect from Southern Ohit;', Indiana and Il
linois who inform us owing to the scarci
ty of:help, the crops were still ungather
ed in several localities there.
In our last we put down one-third of
the crop as gathered before the rain in
the belt between 40° and 42° Further
intelligence confirms this statement.
The general and continuous rains pre
vailing up to the close of the week ending
July 28, nearly _ suspended the harvest.
over the greater part of the territory north
of 40°up to that date. Allowin! , for tire
portion gathered previous to the rain, and
in some localities during its general preva
lence, we have at least two.thirds of the
entire wheat crop in the fields on Monday
of last week.
Since our last report we have carefully
gathered and collected every item of in
telligence that it was possible to obtrin
from the different sections of this vast har
vest field.
We have numerous reports of "grown"
and "sprouted" wheat, of i,t,s,being "beat
down" and "lying rotting upon the
ground," but a careful sifting of these
reduces the stun total of injured wheat to
less than one-tenth of the entire crop—
probably less than one-twentieth. As
far as we. have heard, not one farmer in a
thousand, except in a few & rf the very
worst localities, will admit that he has
lost ten bushels out of a hundred, more
than lie usually fuses. We think wear()
safe in estimating that after the most lib
eral allowance fur injury, not, one-twen
tieth part of the wheat crop of the United
States has thus far been lost by the "wet
term." How then stands the present
prospect ?
Adding together the multitudinous re
ports of unusually productive crops, and
subtracting from these all adverse reports,
we cannot well estimate the entire yield
of 1855 at less than one third greater
than that of 1854. We think it will
prtilich nearer to one-half greater.
If this be a correct estimate, the price
of flour must ultimately fall below its
present figure The current price is no
criterion. 1t will he some time before
fariners, who have been accustomed to
"two dollars a bushel," will part with
their wheat at a less price than they have
than they have become in a measure used
to, unless driven to it by stern neces
sity. ' Dealers have still on hand- con
siderable quantities of old flossur, and they
are continuing to use every possible et'-
fort to keep up prices till they have clear
ed out their stocks on hand The rains
were a godsend t them, and they still
hope for foul weather at home, or unfit
vdrable reports from abroad, to assist then;
inselearing out without tuinOns loss.
`l.t would seem to be the best policy for
wheat raiser's to get ax Hoick of. their
•ntrin• into market as po ;sible while the
present high prices prevail, if they :cans
•. find purchasers ; and when a great de-:
pression takes place, to then hold on for
- a : future rise, if FlitCh should be the . elthnee
result orthe European war, of.' failure or
crops there, or Otte general destruction of
the corn crop,_ by early frosts or untoward
weather, or of art extensive prevalence of
the potato rot, which some are fearing.
Corn now enters so largely into the
consumption of the country thak its great
or small yield will have a powerful influ
once on the pric - sof wheat. At the pres
ent time there is, a prospect of a larger
vield of corn than bas ever been known
n this country. In the Sonthern States
housands of plantations have been chang
from cotton to corn the present season,
where not enough for home 'consumption
has heretofore been produced, and in the
farthest smith of these States this' drop
now so far forward as to be beyond the
reach of an ordinary casualty.
Some scattering reports represent corn
as ''late'' or "backward," but as still
"promising well ;" while, with the excep
t ion of these every section of the country
from Maine to Texas, fnruishes iine unva
rying series of of an —dummies
yield Of corm
The,sanne, or even more, may ae said
of the potato crop, but the "rot' may yet
materially thange the present inspect of
these reports.
S. K I i.:11 Office in North
,t met tuo frlm‘ IVelse.f Campbell's
M•ur•-, 111.04 T 7 to I I, el,wk.
.l. 31., aid from ;I to 7 iock, I'. M.
t;111.1).-1)O( ". OH S. I'.
1.31,91 -ter city. hi. Pliks-inn
3! n1•1,1 , •1' , t i 1.110 •I 1 Cal 11,1 , 111111 lirinity in all
in , in the
I'l•lter *, 1 1:11 . 11,%111 , ..q.1 , 1 I'. : 1 ,1.1•1.11
1 1.1 11.1 ll' I'l reel 11 11'11 lie (•:111 11. 0.11,1111 , 4 111 :111 11..111 ,
Ilon 1,1 111 , 11.,-Si , .: .1 Is I'll. OW , 1, 1110 CUL 111 1 y
11:11'.11, 111. 1,111•.
lit. C. E. L'l,l' NJ ETN 1,, fit
)1' 11' 1.113'51l 1.% N. 11111,e and re..1,11-tiee
I.mither r rr , t "I Ow
Cill:1 , 11. Dr. ~i 1.•1•1•• hh
serN ices to the eiti...ens Um lisle mitt
c i-P0r.,1719 tRI4I a lii , t:lnve I:0,411.11w under chasmic
11..ases in:ty I.mistilt by letter. 0111,:e hours. fr,ni 7 to
Anti 2 to 4 I'. 31.
\ I
'‘ ()TICE . —Notice is hereby oiven
~... that Tr'fat . t... thin day , anntniatial Ntith . my in Ow
pra. ti.n..d in) Wm. NI. Pent . 1111.1 Th.,. \l. , . I:,.irn. Ali 1.11 , 1111.n5. in futur . .. it ill ht. Itttyndo I
C ,I.:. Lb,' ttinkk 41 1111d1.1. lilt' lino ol
, Ilinnt.t. ~.; l'nnic..nt. -
Falt. 11th 11.‘,;5. 'it. M. BIDDLE. At.'t at Law.
I J.'. Attorney at Law.
iu nos,. .tn entrant
-1.4, 11011 o hl I,‘• attuhtivii U).
\T [1,1,11)1 C. It 1.11.1E)1 Attor .
' at Law. Crave in Mini Street. Carlisle. I'a.- 1 -
4.4-Pusiness entrusted to him mm iii he promptly at
tended In. Feh, 7. '..Z, .
V. N. G ILEEN, Attorney at law, has
i . settled in !ilerlinnicsldir;!. for the practice of his
prol o ssi.w. All kinds of Legal Writing, Colleet ions.
COUrt busiticss, &v.. promptly attonded to. 011143 oppo
site Dr. I,ona's residence. SW{ N . EYING in all its aide
rant liranelies promptly attended to.
( - 1 B. CO L E Attorney at Law, will at-
Ur tend promptly to all busiriessentrusteol to hilll.-
11fifre in the room formerly oe.mpied by William l
Esq., Smith 1 la nol er street, Carlisle.
.11,61 SU. lair.
IA It. It E( / 4 . 1 IV. NEI DI I I
n : ll4 ' ' Ly DENTIST carefully attends to all
operations upon the tect li and adjacent
parts that. dliwase or Irregularity luny lasi ulre. lin v 111
aim, I snort .IrtificiaKfeetli ery dewriptinti. such as
teeth With '• Cold in
ucu, i;n 11 ,...•' and will construct Ai titicial Palates. ob
t Pieces. and every appllanee used In
liiintal Art. room at the residence of
lir, Amindivi Nrvst High street. Carlisle.
C 1 • S. C ; 4 3011(1 iE Z. 11111•A'z , 1).
S•k"ir.,7 4 b,
D • ItliN'flST.—ltespectftilly .
. -1;cr..;71911, tenders his professional SPI I I, c( 1 134 to the
-- -- 1 - i public. Artificial teeth inserted, than
a single tooth, to 311 entire Fit. 4 , 11 the latest and itinFt
a proved principles. Such as Single. Mork. and —Con
tinuous (lulu Teeth." Ili , eases of the Mouth :mil Ir
regularities earettilly treat eil. OFFICE at the residence
al* his Leother, on North, Pitt Street, Carlisle. [ jan lo
CEIL—A. L. SPIANSLEIt, late Register Qf nilaw
tand county, will carefully attend to the transaction of
All such business as rutty Ice entrusted to hint, such as
the writing of Deeds, IlortgAiges Controls, 4.e. Ile mill
also tle‘ote Ills attention to the procuring of LAM! NVar
rants. Pensions, ke. as well as the purchase and sale
of Brat Estate, n..getitttilMS, 14111:111S, t% inn, on
est. High Street. trmerly occupied, ' y IV. 11. I'olin:A
Esq_ near the Ik4ltotlist ('has
t e - .
1 N. -Pt ()S EN Sl' E E House Si , rn
Pane) and firintmelital Painter. Ir% in's (frmerly
Iltirper'st how, near llititer's Dry tieods.Store. 110 will
attend promptly to all the above deseriptions of paint
ing, at reasonable prices. The carious L Inds of graining
attended to. suet' a.. mahogati:;„ c , ill Ito
1111111 , N:ell st:, les.
,rIV. MIA Nl)'l', .Nlan ufacturer of
e 'Mineral Water,:. Frl.llol , 11 Ale. Porter and Cider.
\otih Bast Sti•eet, near the Rail It(ad. Bridge, Carlisle
Wadding, Tle Yarn, Carpi.l Chain, Cotton Yarnx,
wltiell hr olfors to soil at tho Lowt , st ('ash Prlms at No.
116 )larkot Stroot aboro tumid. North :4(1(41401100011a
) Filo! Fltotory tilled and Ground Alum all, Con
stantly ou baud and for sole.
('ARR. & CO.,
Flour, C,r;iln and LumLer Commission Merchants,
!"Invar's Wharf.
of the N..A. and Hosendale to.
lioltimoro..lan. 22, Itif,s.
(,;;;;+_ AVE YOUR '0 L D • .31 ET A Cash
K:.lpurl Pe. Old/ NIETA L. such ns Copper, Dress and
Iron, et the Carlisle Foundry and Mnehl $111,1).
1 1):()NNE"I'S, 13()NN
'rho k:lll , ,eribN• is just receiving Itnother, ' 'supply et 111 ' 1 , 1 5111111111.1.1101/110 SeI , IIFISHIIg,Or Vnglish . Stralr
chip, Pral.l.satin Stnn‘s. Nvopolitnin. and lien ltrald.
also n 110 N% supply , of 'very choir.) C"lored and Nrbilo
Bonnet Itiblonis varying in 'alto fro!' 1 . 4.: LO cents
Also a bu•.rr assortment of Chlldrers nn4 Misses Straw
.nod lh•nld Flats. 111'.1'NE
Nny 10. N. 55
-)EitS.—A very extensive, and now stock of ISonne . 8
~ 0 11/1 nod Artiticials, now. opening et, tint ci n eip store of
'55. • CHAT. OaILIM
gBlrtiitzA*tt Is).mslOi;-
LAI/ S. IV MILL, near
Papertown, Ctunherland county.—
SEYMOUR continuo to sup
elltlMA n. !..T.. ply Lumber of all kinds, at the hhortest
notice, and on terms lower than can ho
had olh. e here. All orders directed to
pertow , ,, or Mai. Sm:morit,Jr.,Carlisle,wlll be prompt
ly attorded to,
(:1 AS ITITING AND I)14U , Al 13-
Es.“.—The u pdoisi g m.,l would inform the
of Carlisle that he has made arrange
tiets to Fl'l 'EI MI and 11.1.':IiltING at short no
tice. and on reason:ll , le terms. Ile has einianed the sor
t of a first rate hand front Philadelphia. and has sup
plied himself wit 11 an extenshe asst rtnieut of VI XT-
UltKI. , . tt hich still entille him to till all orders promptly.
All work o ill he warranted. Ills steel: of (ins F10,111'4,4
will he 11.111141 in the room exactly opposite his Tinning
establishment on Nei th Ilanos er street, where lie in' ices
a call.
NNING. &c.—lle Is also
„prepared to
furnish. or mike to order. every article of TIN NV A lit.
used hr liotigAceperri owl et hers. lie w ill mist , attend
to SPOCTI 131.1.1, II AM:I MI,
and I'l,l'll lii \U.
Timiikful for the plitrontwe with which lie hasidready
tren favored, he respectfully solicits a continuance of
the suave.
310NIA MoitlllF.
Carlisle, June 14, '54.
1 4 1 lt 0 Y 1 CA.I.IIFOI{NIA.-l'. VON
: . „4 II El LEN repi•rtittlly bilitrius 1 hit citii'etts.of ear
...., li,lo :A l ',toil v, that he has just rot urn
-',...:).,..,.. IA from ralitomOia, alit] is. prop:111A tio.xe
t ciao all Molls tit' work cortiketAvit ii it li his
4fy Itfie',.,
.., line of 111. has always oil 11:1111.1
• V:1 largo assort went of rently-tnatlit Mlles,
(king. l'i, hooks. lil , p, 11t111 T1 . 111111.111j:S. AO.. all of
whiolt Ito mill sill m holto.alo or retail. Ili' also attends
to rep:111111g 111111 s. flocks. ling, Cc: etig.ra rt., cot mars.
rorpor :111 , 111'On. 111 . IMO, that by st nil attest it.n to
loisine , s. and a desire t.. please. lie w ill Iwo it and receive
pan , pa troitage.
fit;; , • . All hinds of Fire Arms math, to toiler.
l'arlisl", April liti. 1154-1 y •1
Q A 1)1)1,1.; :\N I) II AEN P:',..'S .N A!-
...1 INt:. Tt.. , ..1.1,11,, ~, n o m ., t,. enro ,11 111. 1
111 , 1111 , lisines... in :ill its 111111.11,1.111111.1:1,1.111 \ 1101112111 -
. 1 1 , r street. Car;i...e. t ~, deers \ITI.II 14 1,, 11111‘1 . 1.• (1 , 11:r
,Ilere lie intenns I,r6ing ,I: Iniznl n as,) tiinell t
in It i> hlllll.l , 4l,isting .it :111 hinds , t findlietnil.le t-All
-111.1..5. Itri,ili.s. 7 I:ii 1 incal: ..Girllis,
----"--74 Fir'i.e-le , ina linlhes.::l,,'l'll,l, s.,
11:“eliinl, ninl sa,l.lle
1 :rWo,\k.,l I /11,. Ile alsto 11111. ri—..„, -. 4
1:,,,,, „„,,.•,,.„. ow „„,t .......„.... II ,q )
, I i.,, A
..„, :..,:. NI, ii . . 4 r .
ki:. l ,!lll"\i', : li'
~' 1 ..
. 5 '.
.. (1/1.1.! s . I ti•t: 1i . ,...1 111 116,
' ,'.. l llll, T s, 1 1 '111111 . 1. Mill lb/ ..,,,,, , a ~„,,.
~. 5,,,,„,...„,.:‘,,,,. „‘„, ,‘,..:k..... ~,,.,„
"in ci,o 1, en li; ellii alt.' 011•111. Ile
ni,l -1 11,11i11111/ 111, , 1ia,i,•<,... 14111, ‹.
l'..11.11 . • and Ak hip. in .ill I
and mini denll3 fr , on llin
pt i , rust, liter.. that hr ninheri lii, matt,t and,
I rat izeniq, iu nil I in.h. is mink in
III(' , ".liffiry. nll hinds
II lisk. lint
.kll the abiite art s N% ill 1114:11i1` • I the hest
material and ulth the Wt. ,t
1% t N.
... .
'' - .. i . } . ....,._ _
.7:.:C.":. .r 7
';---oit fit,
' \ \
7 L 4 " t
~ ri '1 tll,, ' - •
5,,, gi. I ,
1 . ,llr
~- •-i, -- . 4
. .: - , :1 1
1 ' ,.
, Y ' ' 'l
'' a 3 ii.g4lrr-.- \s'.."
I) ATENT SELF-z , iiii.P. I )INING
_ YANKEE FEED CI7I"PETIS. tnannott to —ti fer
aI.DIIICII ,( SA lill EN T, No, 410 tlarbet street, ritilatia
TIM cutter is superior to any now in use. for strength
durability. and SIIIIIIKIIIy Or construction : it cuts last
,:r. and Is-the only teltsberpetting Hay, Straw 1111(1 ell II
I''talh. Cutter ever mails. It lots but.ONE IsTlt .1101 IT
K:‘ I FE, wlttelt any petsen can grind and set with ease.
but in IX•liliitry ease, Is p-liIIIIII in 11111 III:Will/1P. 11011.
SIMI!. 111,51. 111 ready been sold, and the demand is daily
itrm-onting. 111 lIIIiSt CIII•eg /111 eXIIIIIIIIIItinII is Salriiell,llt
111 cunt I 111, one or it, sup e riority. No ruin aftera s,hont
tt ial would part will, it for any other. All sizes of the
al one constantly on hand and for tale by
tors that lie keeps constati
. "and l o t supply .. - - Shemansagner," all :Mini
rabh• Wash for the hair, manufacturcd by himself. The
ltX41,111 . 111•1 , of this Tonic is test ized t. 7 by all of his
boners who hese used it to Ile Imo of the best articles
linotin for cleansing the hair of tlaudrull. Ile also ut: u
a I lair Ilestorative. kut u ti as the ••Corasheo
-1111111." I;4' rising tmw growth to the hair (Olt bald heads.
Allll4 (ot:tilatioiy exists of the etlivey bi this excellent
Restorative. 11 Idle the Shetnansagner t•lears thelair
of dandruf end prevents it front coming out, the Co.
rasheenuin supplies It 110 , 1; Trott t.L to those oho hate
had the misfortune to lose their hair. The ptihi it to in
t ited to call. oxatnine and putchase these int :doable
art ides. 11, 110 is eonfident they will remb•r Nttistitetb.n.
S 11.1 11.111: DRESSING, and 01 - I"FINti, and
bIN I NG attended to in the best style as usual.
at his old is, on Rest 3liall Stroot. ticar Marion 1101.
lisle. Dee. 27. 1561. NVM. Itl'lttt ESS
A VT, l'ol PAN Y of l'nuil.erland comity, Incorp,
rnLvl )1y an io-t of Asseml,ly, now fully orgniazed. and
operation tu.der the management of the lid lowing
Daniel Bailey, IVilllatit It. Clon.7aa. )liclinel Cocklin,
Slelchoir Brenneman, Christian Mayittaii, John D un .
Jacob 11. Coover, Levis Ilycr, lieftry Lavan. th m j a .
min 11. Musser...lamb !thiamin, .Itre i 'Wickersham,
Alexiiiiiler Cathcart.
rates (4 int:On - 111re are as Ion• 411{1 favor:ll4o as any
Company 1,1 Ow kind in tho State. Persons wishing to
lwroine members are iii itlOt to make application to the
agents of the company, who aro willing to wait npon
them at any time.
11EN:l. If. 311)SSEIt, Prcddent.
HENRY LOO AN, Vice Proddent.
1,1.:1C1S I.I.YER, Secretary.
N 11 COUNTV,---iludolph 31artlii, N. Cinn
borlaml ; It. 1101'1113U. .11‘..nry Zearl
shy " i i i town ;, Clualcs . l'arll,4ll ; Dr. .I. Ali],
ehurcht.olvii ; Samuel 1111113 am, \Vest l'evinsboroutrli ;
.lanws 31r Dmvol. Frank fcr(l; :11(.1In tlt, Smith M
-11114011; F1111111(4 COOVI•I', PemJantln Ilaverst ieh,
111.1411%r ; .1111111 Liaill1111; 1/41Vla CVOVer,
yoRK c0m,;Ty..._,...10hn Dolman, DilLsburg ; Peter
Wol Lord,lln; John Smith. Esq., Washington; W.
h. I n ~ .7.llver: .7. W. Craft.
I LA It 111 '
Isi em b, rl; o f tlio votopony bovlolt puliciNt about to ex-
Oro run bovo Mom roomed by muting of plicatiou to
any of the agents,
--jr Just received and for sale at MONV.EII'S thenbre
trilUery Store, North ilanover Street. ju27
Sole Agent 11. r Cumberland eMints
1111,'ItE i \‘'ll.Al'
—The kulseriber reilnat ful
ly informs the Indio:- :Id
aintlemen earllsie and
lclalty that lie has II
land it his Hair Dre.•lng
ind : , linving Room on %) est
treet. an elegant :VS,Ortairt
.1' LADIES 1111 , )
urut -h Its Order ut shortest
otire evory kind of Ilnir
\ N'ork of the hest quality.
lie also begs leave to In-
.1111 Ills friends ant! custo
WARN. and FANCY GOODS.—A, hue assort
ineht of the finest quality, for sale at the lowest Cash
prices, at Wm. C:kiat.aN ILLAliti, No. Ib4 :South `.l , econd
ztraehotween Pine and Unto,,, west nate, hhiladelphla
The assort:dont embraces a largo and helert stink
Flue 11 etches, Jew city - er Ware, A Matti W are, platel
alllt taw ~liver, Initluaus, I , l , rkt,
alld fancy alllkles Id a superior quality, deserting
the examination-of those who desire brim:rare the bunt
goods at the lowest cash prices.
then lag tt practical knowledge of
the bwiness. and all available taelli
_ -
ties RH' Importing and Manufactur
ing, the subscriber Mnliidentl) tot itt'S putteltagors, be
lieving that lio pan supply them on terms as favorable
as any utlicr estaLik•liiiielit in eitiii2.l . id the Atlantic
All kinds of Diamonds and Pearl Jewelry and Silver
Ware nowt fitet tired to order. within a reasonable time.
ro.f.M Males, jewelry and silver ware faithfully re
mired: W M. P. IA foN ILIA I),
No. 254 South 'Jd St. a low doors abut, e to 2d St. :1.1,
het. 11 est Sid.
c.• in the south window of the More, may lie - seen
theta mono Itird Clock, which roiumands the admiration
of the scientific and curious. (k , ept. 2f , , '54-Iyr.
—A full supply of the alt Y'e coif:Milted Churn, now
on halal of all Sim difterelit sizes, Irian 4 gallons to GU.
It revel% ed the first pre', am :it the lute Fenusylrania
Slate Fair, the first prtrinium at the kranklin institute
and lid:mare and .Niaryland rilitte lairs. and various
milers at dillerent plates. It will make more and better
butter from a git en amount of cream, anti in less time
than any churti iu the market. lor sale w holt:sale And
retail by II Al.l. NlOllltiri R CO-
Wzirelieuse nod :Store, eertier tii th
Intl Market. I.llilaileitillia. Dec, 0,
) EEVE L. KNIGIIT, (titiceessor to
11,) Hartley .kt. 1i.n1414.) BEDDINti AND CA Illti..T
o A OEIII )l'st.: No. 14" South Screed Street, foe door s .
Sprat, street. Plitlaitelpitta, n here he keeps con
stantly on full aqsorttuent of eNTry article in his
Trire-of-busittess. Feathers, Feather Dells. Patent S„,ruty,
.Nlattiessev, Velvet. Tapestry, Tapestry, Brussels, 1 lace
Ply, Ingrain. enotian. List. Bag anti Iletup Carpetings,
Uil Cloths, Canton )lat (lugs, Cu-ttaand Spanish 3latttie r ts
Fl..t.r and Stair Ilruggets, Hearth Ilti,ts, Itoor 3lnts,Tal , lo
and Piano Covers. to it latch he tin itet. the attention u t
' purehasers. 1.t0rt'.714
l'retniuiti Artiste in Ilan
Vic 1.1:11,1 ilt,llllllT \ entilatitur
it t and Hustle 1151.11 Tcupccs. lust ructiolis to enable
Ladies and tlontleaten to ulen, I e their heads NI ill, at
ittlres.— No. 1. The narrid the head; No. forehead over the heart t thv 111'1 No. :L
4'1,111 ear to e:u• 1n or the t..p. No. 4. 1 ruin ear to ear
11 trod the
and scalp.. itirllrs.---No. 1. In 11 , 1 . 011 . 11.1 to
it:lek :IS tar an li•vr foreloml .t.• far as requir
r.l: N.,. .hoc the ert,‘, n i t tile head.
kl. ILLA III) 1111 S /ON:13 ready 1,1- Kale a Kplentlld
izs. ,tippl-4, I.4olies . ita I I N‘
1.13, 1.. Iftaitts. I,eautlitilly manta" tured and
:LS Cheap Au . ) e , tabilSllllll.ll% iu til••
Delimits Ilerhailitun Extractor I.ltstrous Hair Tonic,
prepared fnan smith American I and [hints, the
most successful article es er prialuce‘hMr presersing tars
hair from tailing out ter chniming rolur, eesn,rii,g turd
pieserNii.g it ita a healthy alai luxurinut state, Among
oilier reasons %thy hollartCh hair cutting saloon main
tains its inlinellSV piipularit) is the lit t'that his Tonic is
applied to UN cry heart I 1 hair rut at his establishment,
t,iisrqueliti) it is kept in better presersation than nu
clei an) I. nitro mm1;410.1.41. It being thus practically
tested lay timps.tutis, Mimi, tire greatest guarantee of its
sold u holesale anti retail at his Old Egtablisliment 177
Chestnut sleet opposite the State
it. I I 1:11 d has :It disio‘ered the lie plus uli:rit ut
HAIR 111111011111 es it G r sale a its t con.
Mien, in its surpasstiig I v , cry thing of the kind now in
use. it „ tors the Mile either black or I.ron ii, (as may
be desired and is used without injury to the hair or
skin either by stain or others ise. can i,e washed off hi
ten minutes lifter implication. N Ithuut detracting from
its ellicacy. soks visiting the city etre Mt ited to give
him a call.
Letters Mid ressnd to H. DOLLARD, 177 Chestnut Ft'.
Phi ilidelphill, 0 ill receite latentioi. .liiii. 2ii-1y
IF. A.l . 11 Mt.—Frit?. & llendry, Store,
A .2i, Sort li 3tl st.i'lillii telpli la. Morro Altinufact In
el , Cu rrivrs. l 111 poi ters,Coonoission and Gem:rill I, , iati•
er InD•int,F.
NV IIiii,ESALE AND DETAlL—Manufactory 15 Mai
ho allntreet. Si' , . 7-ly
MOROCCO MAN LIFACTURER: , , Currivt, nud Import.-
en: of FEENCII CALF SKINS, nod UenL•ra in Red nod
Oak Solo Lendimr and hip.
ITAY AN 1) S'l'ItANV CUllrEltS,
rg. CORN SIIELI.EIZS.—.I large assortment of lin
moved flay. Straw and Fodder Cutters, now on hand.—
Also. double :tint sitle corn Atelier, for either band or
hors, 1 ow er. of the• mourttfu•ture. Vurluding
the premium slit I ler at the Life Peillisylt anla State Fait,
For sale• 1n• ' PASCHALL
Azth nit ural ‘Vr...1., 11Se and Seed t‘t , re, unrnvr ui 7th
int Marl ,t. l'hihtplphia t Dee. n. ISr.4—tf
<si r 1)1 I I LA. Surg,eons' Bandage
m4TITUTE It 1010 V El 7 to No. 4. Iltil
SLIM t, storo above Market. 11. C.
VIZ Errs mi tutting Pressure 'lit USS. r the
eore of guidon,: Shoulder Braves, Saprortvis. Elastic
Sto,klag , . Stisponsary, Ilenwriladdal, and hand:taus ill
lielol . llll t .lan. 11-Iy.
11 °W -'‘lt
T., :111 111.11.11111 S aiiiictr d tt iLlt SOX tial diseases, su!
ULEF.T. SY LIS, &r.,
'l•he HOWARD ASSOCI.ITION of Philadelphia, i n
view d.f the awful destruction of life and hula]
1.:111,4Pd I , y Se.Nll;li 111,1'11,105. and till , tilMt.l/011118 a MAI al.
practise•ci Urn tie 111111,1 i ll Mat` cictlnc. of such disease
by Quael.s, Ve directed their consulting Surgeon. at; t
VII A ..\i"r worthy of their n:aue• c , tci give
M ADVICE GRATIS. to all peraons' thus of
ilieted.l Male or Female.) she apply by letter, (post-paid.)
with a deteriptien of their condition, (age, occupation,
habit], ot ,t,•..l:ucd in extreme poverty and sulfuring
The Ib , cc:u•d Assoeiation is a benevolent Institution,
established by special endowment. fn• the relief of nut
skis ;ma distressed. afflicted with ."
Virulent and Epi,
demir diseases, - and its fends eau be used for no other
pulp. se. It has noes n serples of means, uhidc the
Dire, tors have ceded to advertise the above naive. It
is needless to add that the Asseelation coldninntis the
highest Medleal skill of the age.
Address, 4144.5t-p4i.1.) Dr. CI f'.4l. R. C.II.IIOUN, Consult -
g S1117(.011. Ilmrard .11.socintion J'a.
117 44rdor 4.f the 14irectort., •
EZRA 10. lIPARTWELL, President
(IEO. - yARE('IIII.1), Ferretti ry.
al), il 1.1
lt II SSES.—IIern in or
_ Rupture sneressfitily treated. and vomfert insured.
by use of the elegant French Trusses, Imported by the
subscriber, end made to order expressly for his sales.
All suffering with Rupture will be gratified to learn
that the occasion now otters to procure a Truss combhi•
log extreme lightness. with ease, durability and correct
construction. in lienef the cumbrous and uncomforta-,
ble article usually sect An extensive assortmen always
on hand. adapted In-Ivory varlets of Rupture in 'adults
and children, and fer sale at a range of price to suit till.
Cost of Single TuusSes 4:2, $3, $1 and $5; Double, st,
$5. Sn, $8 and $lO.
Persons at a distance can lui a TrusA scut to any ad
dress by remitting the amount. s coding alCraiurn around
the hips, and stating side affecte(
For Salo Wholesale and Retail by the inn erten
CALEB 11. NEE111.55,
S. IV.. or. of Tw elltL A lii en Sts.. Philadelphia.
Drpot tiT Dr. Unnt ing's 7ni to ul Pate) t Jody 1 tat r:
Chost E.,inneers Lind l n der Dr: res: 1 n'eut ou'do!
Dracus; Stisperw( ry Ent:(!a; CS: Spitul Pr lied Sup.
ports. Ladles' Rt i
ens, with con pettnt Ltte,
nl ril 111.
I") 14:1)1 ON .111 I).—E. N EIV-I. A NI) & CO' 8
"Ilk whd, wilt. and retail L( OMNI; CLASS AND I IC.
opprsite the Ilteater. Ibiladeirbia.
E. N. & re. received the &Illy Prize IY«Itil RV Mitt 0
the Crystal 'Palace exhil.ith 11. N. Y., 1I r:s. st, lbe l'nit
States, for Gl!t, Pecorated, Minitel and PET Glasses.
miles west of Harrisburg. Thu ninth Session
of this popular and flourishing Institution will coin
mimeo on. Monday, the 7th ui May next, under the
must favorable auspices. Luring the Kuwait year such.
iniprovements and additions have been tnado colts
creasing patronage demanded. The Principal will bens
nisted by a full corps of conmetent and experienced.
teachers, and special attention will be paid to the health
and mulfort of the Students.
Boarding, Washing atid Tuition in the English Branch
and Vocal Music. por,Sessien, (5 months) $OO,OO
Instruction in Latin and 1.1 reek, patch, - 10 00
reneh and Oorman - - 5.00
,Attentkwu of parents and guar(llBn ianaonestly
Invited to this otitution. Ch-eulars will ho lurolshett
nod ally informatioir will be given, cu upplieation, either
pm•ruuul tir by letter to
Mar. 14, 1555
EMY, near Catiislo, Pa. The 16th Sessionvill
inenee ESDA Y. Slay Ist. 1555. Nun] for of
dents limitti.ntf constant efre'rts used for their
anti intellectual Improvement. Terms. $65 ler
Circulars with refvrences and full info' matiou "
ud, by It. K.
Principal and (n pt I
Cumherla • • a•
4 1 1 1
April IE-1l
_ - --
f - c
1 tits hist Itution presents sullrittl. ftwili ies to young
men deshuns ttl obtaining a peactical Int:dm:tat educa
tion. • " I
The g•ourse of study emltraces Double .Entry Book- •
Keeping. as pra"tieaily applied to the tmenteattnent of
Mercantile, hunk, Manutnetut Ina and Rvand.,out Bool:si
—litzstitells Penmanship and Mercantile Computations
—tt to iliac l.t,et tit us on Contmerrial tote. —Upon the sub
ject of Pills of Exchange, Promit4boty Notes, Contracts,
Part nerslttps, tie., .te.
The exercises are strictly practical — . being deducted
foal] actual business transactions, and so completely
conihine practice w Ith theory [hut students, en ~,uiplet
i(m or the course, are in every respect isoupetcut to
conduct. tin sciehtitic principles, any set of Double Entry
Hooks. The students have• tit sere to a Ciontliereitil Li
limc procured expressly for their aCeollinn ii I ion.
Usual length 01 time to complete flue Naoe course.
from Sin Ir, weeks.
FQr u.artionlal to a rite and rregiN e a circular 1 , 3 - mail
it 11
Drug .Itorc
1 1{1 , >: , 11 1.)1{1,65, MEDEUIN LB, &c
-.\c.--1 hay,. jUSt, ft•treiVltd trout I 'itflallelphlatll.l,l
-,. New 1 oil. very eXteilltal.o litlattlum, to lily.
• .p.- -.• ii,....Vittuk,embiathi t; twarlarivry 01 ftICO3 '
01 ,10,101110 110 W 111 use, Ofr„ether 5% /th
. Paiute, ;Ills, \ ariAshes, 't urrew fah,. l'ertu
E ail Inery, Soaps, Statlttitary, Fine t litkry, 11141-
f... - - !lig lacklo, 111 . 11sIies 0! tilint,t 0140 .10,erip-
Ino, ~ tt.ti 011 eittilvss hal•IL.Ly OI Other art toes, w Zilch i
lUD dell.viitlllo,l to Sell at Chu VLI:1 LOSEtti pre`..
All PhysieLtzts, tlouu try 31erchatits, l'ediarb and oth
ers. are rettitttctlllll) rlttillestett out ttn pass tile OLD
STAND, as U.%) May re,i. assured that L 5 ve), :Lax, lo ii 11l
111, sold 01 a good qualm L), alOl epee 1000.101 t to Lt.. 1.1.115.
May .
Dit cus I .DRUGS! DItUGS I Fresh
UPI IN: I ha\ 0 just received a mesh stork 01
_ tit Medicines, Paints, ti La s s, nil. le,, 0 hid,. 1,1,111 g
howl pureliased 0 ith great care at the hest riccity ,.„,,.s, i ranconfidentiy rianzuniend to 1. aithi,,
1..1.1.) SlUlal/S, country Merchants and bealias, as Le.
tug fresh anti pure.
1)1; ' IS---ratent I•ine Chemicals, Ilistru-
Ines' s, mini Essential uils„llorbs anti 2..xtracts, timees,
td and whole, Esseirces, l'ortunivry, &e.
Cod Li or iirranted genuine.
— I)V Sumac, Alum, Log
and. Cann ‘N node. Oil horperas, Lao 1,3 v.
idiom ill t brother's Fure Lead, Chrome
iireen and elloo Paint and aruish Brushes, Jersey
' , MISS, Li nset.d Uil. Turpentuie, unit contu
Varnish. and Ii ed Lim]. All of n hick Uhl be mAtt at the
eery not est market pt
Also, it trv,..h and splendid assortment of FA N C Y
lik,1011:,, Fruit s, Conte, tionary, and ion umeral do other
,irtacles calculated fir use • and orndluent. ail of which
are offered at the lowest each prices, nt the vheap Drug,
ltook and Fancy Store of the sal scril,er on Not th Han
over street. A V L
the nutlet:signed hos just returned tram
is tar a tresh supply of hlt LW. , and Co:, i t s ,ciloN
The harmer hi connection is lilt Ills stock on build a ill
intake iissortmeot to Drugs, Yledieines and I heulicals
complete. II a assortment. at FM. TION Ali 1 is also
tine; consisting of pure sugar a bite and transprunt
Candy Toys; t :nifty. cumutuu , ahymided. and hoe t audios
id es ery ; Fruits, Nuts, and es cry thing
belonging to Lhabdepartnient of trade. lie oall
special atterithin to his supply id FANCY A I;TICLLS
for the I hilldayS, and general us', 114 as ioay
found Law good. the tastehil, and the usen.l. .t.r are
invited CO CAI whether they wish to pueeh...c or sat.
It. .1. lit bi I. Elf.
Caldbde, Dec,r „5
ty Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the Philadel•
Oda Collegt of :tledivine, Mill Acting Piotess..r of Mid
ifory ; ono of the Consulting Physicians of the Phil
adelphia Hospital, ; late memher 01 the Na
tional Medicai As.ociation; 1110111,er of the Philadel
phia Medical Society; member of the Medico-thirurgi
cal College of Philadelphia: formerly President and
- p r oj e s,r of Anatomy and Surgery in Castleton Medi
cal College, Vermont; and gdso, late Profe,. ,, ,r of An
atomy and Physiology in Berkshire Medical Institu
tion, Pittsfield, Muss.,
Has lithely introduced in a pladar form, sevemil tit his
vorite prescriptions Mr the minciril diseases of tin:-
climate. The name of each artide will imply the dh,
ease fhr wach it is intended to to used.
Dn. MeAltistocK's PErronm. Brno, $l.
DR. MCCl.tNius Con AN D 1...01:611 MIXTUILE—For Colds,
Coughs, he., Price 25 cts.
pa, MreuSTect:'s A.911/14A AND 1100VING Cutout ELME
DT. Price to ots.
rifyim.t the Blood. Price jl. '
• Du. 31eEtixfocK's Dyspeptic Elixir—For giving 'tone
to the stomach, relieving' painsafter eating, heartburn,
and all dimg - reoaltle hpwptuws aching front indigestion.
Price ;11. •
getable lienmly Mr• internal use. ets.
Iht..Nit . (2l,l3;Ttle}'B ItIIEUMATIO LINIMCNT—Vor Rheum:v.
than, Sprains. Swellings, Ste. Price r,i)
Inc. )IrCIANTOCE'S ANODYNE 31ixTvitv.-I:9r Pains, Tooth•
Ile:el:mho, Neuralgia, &e. Price 50 rts,
Da. Mil!LiNrocK's 14;vrit AND All'i!ZipEruiv—A certain
cure for all hitermittents. Prier 31.
Da. MeCi.lNTers.'s Diurama , ..%Ceitium. AND . C1101,1:11A Pr H•
r, - .Nrlvt:—A Safe Beltway.
lit. 31eCi.wrocK's ylx.runs: PUIMAIIVE rii.Ls—Fer
CoFtivetiess, headache, &e. Price 2.5 cts.
- .
MCCI.INT9CK's ANTl.miavvt; Ptt.i.,—For irregularity
In the Vvtarlioilri of the Liver alld ihmels—thu best Liv
er Pill made. Price 95 ets. a box. •
For salt! by I 1r..). 3CLINT4 WIC at his Medical Depot,
N. W. COrlll`r N NTil nrd FILBERT Streets,
111111 Iln DruggbAs. b , Iggists and Dealers In 31,A
-61111,4 who a iSit to bo Agent:4i, will pitqle nclre.s
McClintock. furnishing rofvrtnictr, IMMO of port Nicer
county an.l SW 0.
11‘).,.F0r salt , by IV. A.*Y, Saintiol liAiuf.t, Call/Me;
J. 11. Criswell, Shipponhbut'g; Ettonimr,m•
man, Mot.hattit:shorg; lirrron. Nuwrillo; .f. It.
Zittroermalt, A utlvrtottltt:“ Haines .t; ft.rtig,
town ; .I.C. Klink. ;New Ithonieh.l.l; Ifarrlt‘t M. Silver.
Nowport; 11. F. Ilartlyter, York. Springs; A..T. Jaipur tad
s. Nixon , Citantbortiburg; It. Mowtzer, IrayneFlttro.;
Geet•ge Bergner IL :font s t Co.„
HR. MrIII.IN'COCK call 1,0 txnl tilted, witheet charge,
daily, from 10 to 1•2 ti clock, A. 31., ttt big Depot,.
lb,combitr t;, 4-Iy. •
of the
fi bu 4 nutheeetikantly nil band and tot: sale at the
Carliglo Fttauthry kud Mat:bitty tibc.p.
FRANK. (.1.1111)N1113.
I). I)I°.NI.USGEIG, Princ;pitl,
llarrisburg, Pa
Main ntn•ct,