Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 22, 1855, Image 5
II Ncw eMurrtisLuitnt. .011.1.).11AN'S (JO)1j113 SALE. Ott WEI/N.4;61).1Y, the 19th of z•loptembert. l Sili. In'i' of an order of the 01 phan's Court of Cumberland county, 1 will expoiie at publie sale on the • premises, at II o'clork., A. M., in North Middleton (up. about one stile north of the One:dog:Monet Creel: at IYlese's Bri . dge. Pildilliitilll'llingbleorge it tirsbe.ll, Philip . Zeigler, peorge Ile hi :mil others, A 1,11 , 31 of s)ate.,buld in good feeler. vont:lining . 'l'll't, TIU.NLIIIIM, AND FOCItTY ACI:ES More Or les.i. all of wltlel, Is cleared and homed exeemt About twenty it's whielf is In wood. There are erect ed ti erect i'''ted tilt' iii•i 01 nnisos o glii.d 1,01: llod,1:9 and ili A it.\', Has-I.lutt,. Stone liranary. sod alsos good .1 , .. W-1111.1. upon it strewn ut' eater which runs throuxl, the premises...ll)w . .. i• vreJl punt ~r it land which is e,.,•.eienteneudow and imlliee: , well, mull it b, a good indrlset thin, t o about 4 tulles tron, Carlisle. This Omit it 111 he RIM in pal tS i rt. :illogot her as will best soli min ,•11.isors and brig; Ow 11,4 /trio.. t h e satii having born i/itldett into llireo parts of si ;Ivry,: 7 por elies; liil ,1,1•IiS Int; 'land], and 1,1 a‘-es tin port•laati, is plot, sitlllii•il ,silt be Willi hitett on the day of sale. I Will sell at the same tittle and plfi c e, 52 .." 00 1 ,,,,9,5iif :II illi,Vl'.ll N LAND situate :,1,,,nt. one from tilt' 1.11•111: the Lull hits Iii:.•011 illiil/1,1 iOA tvvi; and will by sold sprnatads. It li.:s ole;nitit L.11 ,, 5t- I. •iiiilii• 111,1111 it and IS Very valuable for roil timber. I.'. : Five per cent of the purelmse tummy to 111 pair. ~ 11,, .:ale i, ~,ittinned: our thiri Ih - t'i remit on LI, , I 1 II- interest. 111' wlti,ll is to lw paid in Ili, w m,,, , N, 1•(;• ;rail lint Twine/poi at her des 11l in 1111 h e i rs -7, N I,l on 1110 ISt id' April 1", - ;ii. not( 0 10 . 1 .' 1 anon 1;1 it tyln it paviilents il'iilitilit 111101,st. to 1, .• cured cm tit ft', I. 111111:l11(11Ortlii Sil.ito Of 1 1 1' i:1 ,131 • 1 i'• itt thS 41 . 0111(1 'i to the purchaser. Ati,:.•.1,20,, Oltl i gAN ' S C,(nfli r r 1N Olesuanve of an oiler Cowl of Cualborl;9l,l rounty, 1 c• - apc at ii,;`,11,• thn pretni,s. in North 31 1(11 , Aott twp. a" ~ u t two frfn Uu Fllll;.k.V. the 1-1: i ,lay of : ,, ,•p.e,a` r. 1, t:', 11:1 ' c1: , :1,:;A., li. A FAll: ` ,l of Slitte la ad, in go, - , , 1 o :lux', c ., 111:.1 , ,j.,,4 ONE lIliNl/1 . 11 , 11) AND ;' I .I..XTV-F1 l ' l.l AI'IZE: -1 . :11 , 111t :I'l lore , ~ f which ore w , o;11;.11:1. roll :lie t: . . i 11z cleared Ott wider 11,41. A:A ,•tli fon:, : 11,,. ~, ~, ,r; htis be en %v . :tit limed. The 1:11,,,...% , 4,..„,..„ m,.„ts aro a 1.: ,,, d ,I‘,, , lliots 1-14a1 ' ...;.: : ri1iV ,, ,,, ,, ,} ' ,,,,: tr and 1:::1::), 010'11 \NO 311 , 1 .;,.1,, , e 1:, r rti , ll,l l glr,i2t, pr , ve? , ,ento. ' l 'lll , f 3.111 '.., 31..1;1 t'.. , ...!.. ,,, ./ . ...',..4!...7.0,./ti01111113.. fruit ronliSlo and 01.3 . ,1..r.• net 1112 e<eolit , ,t,, , ,et. •fll •I'r. is iti•iiit 1.1 . Ii :ter ,•,1 tin peemi, , ,:. every 11,1 , 1 but 41111. lII\ 111...; V. a't r 111 it. T . 01101.1+ . 1! . ....3 , .. 311.1 1,1'.1 1 .0 1113.1.. 1.11.,‘ 1 , 31 ill (11V of , 111 , ' , v C'lo .n I , r 1 , 1 . tr•Ii.:11 t ftl,, 1111/1 . 3 . 1•111 11:311 ..1 . Sl3l , Ii A u , :lti;11,,to;11. , 1, ,,.. d. .111 ,:. 1:1'2 ,",-/. 111 l 11 1 .11 . 6111N11`,1 ' .111. 21... , ;, - 1. ",, :::, '.: , • , ;1 , 3 1 .11 , ani e )py :1:1 , 1 ~.11 1 1.111 1 , 011 , 6/11•3 1 z-1000:: AFFLIc rip AND I'NFOI;TrNA rE, cut, 1 .4., 4%, th„ , Inoietrni,t. it p W.:ill. 1,1.1, ,, rtaDt k5t.;.:12.3 To IVELLEIZS, to laalverit the boing thaTised the lying awl 11 , 1113 111 , 11:1111. 1 !IF , ti.nuthetll,l 1 .111 , 1 ' 11111.116,, til an.l Nat i Q,11.1;q, nr wham there are nerve 1n Phil h In en., where, Iwo.' in, 111 the clemency it fir .d tint State. ritii.en, ;Ina 11,1 , 111 01..111. II tent,' tole I one to t woody .1,11.1. rs brort Itof .12naott. lii‘titttorat 1 , 1; Eli'drs• Ttii-tis', 101 /tit v!ro ..— , llViilZ 1100111101,1' 011 hy :1 , 1 .1 ev,, rot I)lsft Lota , o It:onto , . It tl'oli-Itod Adeot.tb-tottroot.s,lbotl;s, At.. and mist , hy ,v -ct.ipt, a;,ln4 :t(ivi..o •SC:f Ln fit, l• • Sll:Prillgv. al1,1:11:11 . 1i1 31141 1111 tlll I11111;,i;I.C.I.'.1.1 Wore oastly to extort. larzo loos. ov bleb i • 1110 re eetdottt. hobo.; sold roll. Ires than eost of prlntio and advorttstort—tmibt; paid live to one hundred d a ims to it . ot , •iro att-1 ‘l' IllT >:t; GL:r. h :yin': sot To, I ottiolt and 4onz.--Iletugli the time he't canton •.. ilk' I. nor the motley reroverel 3-ott tin 1 e• •,., of. yet you ran Le eared h ‘oo, or toil. -oott•tio4 or ollidelong your ease, by In.. 1,:;:nr. oit Ito:Ames: Ito 'vs are tia:n.tterous, ' • "*l'int • to lilri...y : Hence en:attol." V )1; ill 1.1.'.:%; ilt.;10, ra irri..l. or 'ont , iiiiplating from 'telf..l.liii•ai or ltd r 111S12 , 01011.• , .. or suihiriiiir from arly othri thtfttrt,t, or (11)SIMSVS, Will: . Vl"' 111.11 . , 11F0:1,1l.:,i or situations, may hoi.orithiy in 1/r. I. -lily's skill and lairri , ,si r ialorriaio.lN, if rtsiiiirtal. with him' and olihiont at ton 110 , 0 :it D:t. LEIDY'S Pill N'ATI: AND %%ALL PIitiVAILI cannot bu com.t.t(ib:ted, iia•nely; that, 1) , .t. N. B. L1:ID 1 • . NT. 1.11 North Fiuirru St re,•t. abocc Ilan . T, rtt.:ltlir tiro Mato of thi Univer,ltv of Pennsylvania, of IN''" ttivont,.-two years, ricrlii4irep.' encored in the treatunint of Smirk. or Delivate a both sexes: and. its rnnsu i 00)1 ,, W,olttiess and : Norvotisness; livettnlarities and other diseases or situations ot Female:: and wliddi lit, will cure in less time :Intl less rostraint, more ellortaally, than any other. under iltrfeit ti oN Tl(Olis.i So DOLLARS. Dr. LEIDY llt pationts. :111,1 cures thorn too, thlll till :t Irertisitoz: Lmet or:4, su callit.l or othorwiso. iu rombitin I. and proudly rolors' r.,rs tad re•iru•tAldo many of whom consult lam In erlti .11 rcwoo , tll.le Th.- clrioti and 111 prietors, 114 to his louwu ri.- plltatioll wt,mrallelkl success. DIST.IN'E PATIENT:4 eau hara neee,:sary advice and naudieine sent them Itn.iilor ,01% to :Inv part of the i 7 Ili loti ` , LOte , , gi , de,oript j4lll of their cases jonol DILL It 1 . 1.3,.11- able fee) by letter to Da. N. 11. LEIDY, No. IL4 North FOURTH Street. ah ,ve Philadelphia. N. 11.—Lettors of inquiry or In ihrlllat iOll I/N:.Y. , `N - en* from pot ient.i) to reemvo :Attention. must vontain ON E is consideration of than and trouble a wean fuel information given. August 'FEMALE Nxitv.—Thls ilourishing Institut in 1'0.111.'1 Olt tn., VI Y in SEPTiDiIIER, Milli a lull and ablo .10,.1: of temhers. Pupils trill 1. , 41 11CiAl , 1 at any porioa.unl rhirg , ll cifily from limo of eht -- Catalogue:z full partivulms Can ha al.tAined at tho :=.t.flro of-1. Ji. Piper or at the Tob.iraph For fur , . syr int . oratation ikddross the Priueipal, Ifarrishurg, And. '55 Mrs. A. LECONTE.' AM. , .. CUMBERLAND Iri . k.L.LEY PL. IL— eIIANUE 0.10 ILOUI:S; . On. and attar MONDAY, August ilth, 1 , 155. Pa , senger I'llllllB . lV ill run Ilfl IbilOWS: (Sundays excepted: FOIL IMAM:4IIMM: Ist Train. 2d Train. • 'Lhave Cluunliersbure r 5.15, A. M 4.30,1.. M. . 4 Shippetisburg, 5.53 '' 5.00, " " Newville, 6.21, " 5.40, 4 , '' Carlisle, ~:. 7.02, 4 , 0.18, " 4 1 Neelituliesburg, 7.30, '' COO, " At uardsbu, g , 7.5.5, " 7.15, FOR ClIA31111111:311U110. Ist Traln. ' 2d Train: 8.30. A. 31 .1.00, P. 31 0.03, " " 0 , 10, "' " Leave Ilarrishurg, • " Car Shlpponsburg,. At Clitunbersburg, 1035, " 10.47, 11.13, " TRAINS- env() Ilarrlslntra. for l'hilololplila nt 1.12 and RlO A.M. also at,7,1,.,) 1... V. Mid 12.35 Noon, Via Colunibln. Loavo ltorrlal.urg, for pitryburg at 3.2 U A. 11.; 12.35 noon, and 4, P. M... Leave liarrisburtt for ILO thaore, at 1.30, and 8.30 A. M.: at IP. M. and Way' 'Pride re'''. York at 7 P. M. uehanna hall Road leave lbw , Caviar 'Dauphin and SEIArt r ishunt at 5, A. M. a Al 2, I'. M. fur Auburn, Putts villa, Iteeding, An•At aW , Stittbls where 'rickets aro sold, Fares aro TEN CENTS LESS than when paid In the Cars. A. F. SMITH, Superintendent. • Ihdi Read °Mee' Chainhersburg, • August Bth, 1855. par Job Printing promptly executed OF THE etl Cumberhnd . gricultural Society, To be held on 1 , ir oi n ground:4 at, Carlisle on W EDNESDAY, 11.1U11,911: Y rigid FRIDAY the 17, ISth , i. Tim grounds will be prey itit'd with convenient and secure buildings and enclosures for the reception and display of stack, of agricultural and horticultural int ph:intuits, ;,,,d ”r manufactured goods. Competition is int ;fed from till parts' of Pennsylvania and the adjoin ing tt'tates. flay and !raw a ill be furnished In proper ) quantities, at cost in i v.- 12. The Exhibition . Ti open on Wednesday. October 17. at 9 o'cloct,,.:l, ~ before whi , it thne MI anima.. :end articles littuir. Mr competition must be on rile grounds and duly • toortled at the business ollice. Tito f-lotiety will Md. be responsible s for the omission of the ,1 clinic to ,oaanlinu object s Which are not inContoil as :lilac V. 3. ."1 catering tlnal . alinnalS, exhibitors. oh 1 are Wit members of the fittcloty, still be !titbit , . tea to a ,•Ilittlia• oriole dollar. (11l all artiVIVS 1 , 11: 1'0:M -1'1.4111,N charge kill he made. but al tides Nl'' , intended for ,oilipetitioli, any he entered .111 obil•f.ti inlet 111, (11111 (.11t4•11 , 1 .14so'1i as taken tile ellelostire. and mint 11.1 ye cavil. at taelieil either to t tem or near their place 1111 the show ez II: will be he the ehteell4 an,l will c, aide the number vot .. ..espoieling te that in his '0.411 - .h • name of lite and th )1 embers of the Niviety not :1111tjo,:t tot .I. Every his eentrilietion le in duly entered. Ivlll rewire a •easn tieket hui:.l leg himself dio grounds ‘luring the whole 14 the 1i1x11114.. SAMUEL IYEIA r,. equality iif merit exlWilt 111100 part 11$. thr i 111,11 t• 1 1. 31111 the 111:111U f,Lvi ttl rr ,11.111 hr 11111.1 n ,t I.n the = 0.% llnt 111011ti0111,1 ill thu lirt•Illi11111 list. t . this C.,111- nii t I,•i• ..r A WllO 5114.111/I.CIIIiLIIIIS :IS 1111111: 7 . .11,11;, are Iplt,hl)] . l , ltli to Wit 11..111 prelniUMS ,rll,ll hut • ,kro not entire.l G dklinrl, nil ut hen hot ono of a ekt-4. whi It a premium is is they ,vlll make as they think it 01,1v , t entoro.l re111 ,, V,1 , fr.111 L;1.1.11,1 the 1 . 1 , ••• 311.1 110 ill I, ‘ • p ai.l nn ”1.1.4•1 s Intl .• lin viulatimi Inr LLi, rule. II \u animal IPr aril an take 1111. re th.lll ont• pro- the S..oh•ty will enjay all the privi ..l .id-de,l to e and ill lad lie td paylindit gat entrriiiit - their (duvets 11. The rop rts. r , l nrul lice :INVar.l or pre- Crow Lilt• Gaud MI thr Third day iFf t :0 I ~ '01%,•1,• inittivkli.ittly lifter 11 She;tllor. I . Ciil4lller. 12. Priee .11‘11,ion to the E•hil ition. on or in i•.hiclu. volts. For vehicle uding liriN or, Oil it liect they fr Un t 1,0.4 3 100 Re•t St 1.1 llorse adapte.l to the Grid and road, 3 Ott ti Mare V,:trt• aithptoil t t t. 11,• field and road, nn 1.4 , -1 do. do. lir, pair ~INat,hea 2 WI qinet. liartl.”. I lorso. Vero 101 l 1101,41!, or Goldin‘4, oo \t. ho,t do. do. 11" Best, II , rs. , botween two and lour years old, .1 ISrst II Ivy or )lair Colt, Next Iwo; I. d 1. ... 1 o'l 1'4,4 11 ,r, Colt between one and t tvo yearS ~Id. lon Next, be,t, do. do. MI Mod. Tilley or Ito— Celt, do. 1 00 Next 10 , t, do. do . 60 P.... 4 rah. of Horse, It.r farm and road, 8 no Vwd No xt. l,i•.t d'. i;eqt pair of I tth•i, Xv't Iwat 11° , 4 null over three years 1, t 1,0,t du Ito , l ISnll bot woon two and three, Next best do. Best. Cow 1,111 . four years ohs, NON t 1.11,t d dn. lloSt. I 'OW t :Ind four, N.• \ t I , ,•st do. • do. 1 l'al lia,t Iletrer b. green one and three years old, 1 00 Nest be.t do, do. 75 110,1 yoke of 1)x••11,2 (II) . NeXt, 1... t. d... 1 Oil Ile:4 fat Ox or Stool . . 2 00 Best 'MIA over a yteir 4,1 d, Next I.e,t tt , t. Best t 1 . ,. under a year .0,1, • ENV , 11 , er )1,. Ino T,s, , lieNt bet:t hi. o er a 3 ear .Id, =KEE 11,11. IF% er sh; mouth= and tinder nne year old, 1 (H, d,.. d,.. 1; ,, i SOW over on., vsar old. 1 ;',ll Nn'A tit). 11 0 ,4 k• • SIX 111 , 1'1015 andliailer mite year Old, 1 Oa No.. r.L do. I. .1.. Ite.t an I litter tt t lesh than five rigs, Nina i,o,t do 11,4 fowls of any breed mider two years a Cock and I o n llous, 1 00 e..t best do. le,le of cowls of any breed, 7. do. flu Best sited,. fowl of any breed, Ilt•st plir of turkies, Nt , O, 1. 0 4 p.tir of goes, 1,4 do. pair of ducks, !'"xt best ileA airplay of poultr) Best Plow, the merits thereof to be decided by tylal, 2 00 Nekt best .M. 1 00 Best Sule , oil Plow, 1 60 Best Hillside • 1 1 00 ' Best largo. ilarrow, , ] 00 Next best 60 Best Cultivator, 1 00 Next best o 50 Beet t'bel Crusher, 1 00 Lime and Manure Spreadea,' 1 00 " (brain and Seed Drill, 1 00 " iland Drill, 50 " rawer Corn Planter, 1 (11l Assortment of bent Shovels and Spades, 1 00 i{ '• 111108, co. 76 a " Manure Forks, 76 Best Liquid Manure Distributor, 1 00 For any new and oconomieal manure, 1 00 Bost Draining Pipes of Tiles, 1 00 Machine 11,r maldnd do. 1 MI " Mowing Machine, 2 00 ,-. " Mowing and Reaping Machine combined, 2 00 Next best 1 00 Bost Reaping Machine, 1 00 11 . Self-Adjnsting hay Elevator and Blocks, 1 00 " Horse Bake, 60 Assortment , of best Grain Cradles, 1 00 00. - ~ (l rain and Grass Scythes, AO II " 11:ty Forks, fe, a " bind blokes, 50 Best Portable Steam Engine for Agricultural put , 1080 s, 11 00 Best Portable Saw 61111, 4 00 1 Grist Mill, 5 00 , . 1 " Cider Press, 1 00 " " flay Press, 1 00 " Power Straw and Stalk Cutter, . ' 1 60 14 Mind .. • ...' " 1 90 " Power Corn and Cob Crusher, • 1 00 " " cotn Sheller, , 1 00 " Pond ‘l,y " . I 00 " Power Threshing Machine, .. 2 00, ' " Endless floor nom Power, ' ' • 1 60 " &hut Machine, 1 00 2.41, " 8.1), " 8.45, " Jim lloncrtisements. ANXUAL and Wth of Oeto')er, 185 Z RECIULATIONS I.lrT MEM =I MEI =ME =9 g tllll,lt3U i)[1331',1j4 " Threshint7 )laelne, 1 00 " Steaminu A mawatus Tor Dtrm uso, 2 On " llay aiol Cattle Weighing Seale, - " _ 150 IVeit;hien, )lachines for general thrna pnr -1 00 Ass , rtah•nt:: of best large and small Scales and 1 00 Best cutter, 2 00 •• Fan, 1 50 .• or Churn, 1 00 H. " ( hueHo Iss .r:iitent 01 bust ltllk Pang awl Strainers, 1 i.)O rain,,Measin es. . I 00 - " . Axes nnil Cutting ToOs, 1 00 11 , 5611.•, , Hive.l 00 •• Farm ,A:uon, _ . 2 00 1 00 k ssor unent .1 hest Willow litikots, 1 00 •. liorse Shoes, Cedar Ware. ,test w w zon Harness for farm purposes, 1 00, •" Oirt 6. 11,11111,S f.”. " Pl.sw t;,•31.4. 111!•play iof ite,t and rnrriage "Whips, Vnt:e Ix ii •• Iniplomentg, 5:0.1 Next 3 co ASS , ,I (t' best . 1111'H...3n CU t Ivry .. ~ '•jiiillom . Warr, 2 (hi •i u " Enitlioloti !run, 3 00 .i ~ " purer Lain \1 • :u r, 1 ho 44 4i Mhos. W. 1 1 .0, 1 110 •‘ .: ' r ill AV ZI IT, 1 NI ~st Ili,pl:l3' ~r riittage Furnita,,, 2 ..iii • ( . 1) , 0,:i1,tr u•hitit uwnt h..,CPuToi,s for wells, 11, , t 4• oromoonts for 2 00 1),,in0: for 1. 4.t.;040s and oot-latilLliogs, 2 to " 1 Gram. 1 00 " iro Fern o, 1 ou . , •• • ••••,t h•st ile.t , h. rn•.,,. Felting Leather, 1 CI. 1)1 , 1.1:t . ) Trunks I= Th•ct. trill hr tin:14••• thi• i•lnartn• of a Coniailtti•o nl algida NtliCll.l4l inaaaittms tar IL -1:,•,t. 'fun , I •• Z•••rhyr h••t. " • a •I•rt w o rk, urunnu•nt it \ and •• " 1.,:t 1k •tx Fruit. •• •• •• I 1.1 4, r'S 0.1 1 i ri•)•:, the present t• i• , the presabt }car, •• Three lr.its t•: lo•ut, !;read. Bost I. Irc,ll Butter, I, 0 •• 7 .1110 , 1 I • • ••t •• 5 t!rkilt Ntlted or preserTed Butter, 014 I , 11.11. Ne‘t 1.••• I. 10 hill 1 1 1 .11.1 1 drr, p•.t le,, than 10 lbs., %est I ~t. •• 7 it... 4 limn, otaskPanett, cured and cooked by ex hildt-r. p.,...1 (.1,..,.... e . lod 1,-...: than h) II ~., 1 on i.', nn 4 i t 1 1111 :S 1111 f NVllvat, \ Ilv.t NN hitt. Wheat, . •• 50 I • .t sttuiple bushel of Ilye, 50 \•••.t 1., , t 11, , ,t santile btultul of 1111 b• Flit' I Corn, LO \ ~s t 1..,,, :2., 1t,..( ,tutpl•• bluliel of VAIII., Flibt Cern, II \,.t 1 ...“. lb,t ,c.l,ple of (bolted •=ec t l (2,1 1 , 5, 'tis t ,rep'. e Ali..tql Corn, •21, It. ..t saw ilk 1•11,liel , f Oats, 50 I;•••t ~t•iii,l•• Irtlf bu:114.1 of 1'0tnt0..... AVlllte ..11••r- I on 2 on Jul 1 nn eel,. F.. x Ito. t,' N Sf.' , ltiUr. F1a.:11:4.M. t`../1. r.ll , :t im..11,,1.,r.-A-L-t ',.. , t. it...,. raised iu this State, ho 11.-4 14411 1.44.11..1 , ttgar Deets, fill I,,mg bud Re. t. SJ " " I!ang..l Nl' tirtzel. 50 " o tle.enee carrot, :.t , White Itelfitin, :.k1 " " Yellow pnrple. top Buta Bap, An it\\*ldle 'Drumhead or Flat Dutch Ca1.1.34e, s i x h i . a d s , Sallery " Six Pumpkins, - :41 44 ''...larrow Sp - iasli. :.:5 Display V(.4etables by market gardener, 1 00 1;11X 11011l•y, ...' ~/ 111. Flour. 1 PO " 101 l 11, C'..rvi Moal. 7.) .. Di:i.lay ..1 .Igrkultural Pmlure Lrenerally I lq , Next 1.4-4 .In. 3 00 MI I hl 2 0o 1 Oo 2 Oil .1 saitvlde pr,mi um will Le given for any luny variety of 1.11,111) or imp. q uality. A 5tc..1.0111 Moto ,11.1 . 111.11111111 r of makiruz and 0...0n in.,: kinds of Butter will be requi,...l o f the vompetibee, The preserved or salted Butt must hare put up at least two mouths previous tks the Eyhil les on. EEO ==l collc..t ion of 11.tnly Ia erpreen (coniferae) In p gmen•houso Plants, •• 11,1• , os or la.kots and bouquets of cut 'Flowers, •• 11 3 ,4 0 4, "f inji zvlows Flowers, oval and round, •• n o ne• •tinn I},lll la rt:t Flom erat.rl t arioties, and 131 geNl 1,11,, I i,•11 1.1 . 118. •• cot Ilo‘t ors. 2(1 varictic , , •• of grapes, 1:11151111, 19 lotoOkes. ~ •• l•ataalt.• ~ •• Varlet ies " Foreign, raist4l In cola house, " ; , iporilutoas " ll:uul•urg " 11(.11 .\11tcri , •1111 seedling Aple, Pears, = UM :- 7 12, specimens 1.4 .I,pples, . . Pe.irs. 1 C...011,4110n of .1 4 pplt.s, three specimens, " Pears " hall peek Quinces, ' 14 .• Tenches.. ii " Cranberries, Pennsylvania growth, '" 0 3lelons, (water), Nutmeg variety, .. " A F.r,g rialitK, " Peck ToillatoeF, i' A MOWING :,,lATCII. 1 00 EEE For the trial of Mows and MOVING, will take place on the Lot day id the ENltibition, the nth at o'elo,!:. A. M. The Plows Intended for trial must be at the Exhibition (luring the whole time. Premiums will be awarded to the best plowmen: Best, 3 00 Next best. 1 50 Hest Plowboy under 17, 1 00 Next best do. iG • PIIE3IIOI FOR CROP. Best field of Wheat, not less than 3 acres, 2 00 " " 'Rye,— .• ~, .1 00 44 st O a t, 4S• / 114) S, Corn, " , SS Sow " " Potatoes, " 1 acre, 1 0e " lot of Sugar beets, " 1! o 1 00. n •• Rota Raga, " I 7 •• " l' 0 100 " " Carrots, •` 1 0 100 " . " l'HF:1111104, " 1 101 " " Flat or Field Turnips,not less 34 acre, 100 .4-76 - • A careful 1 , 01 ' ..10E will be always on the ground to take care of the Stock and articles exhibited. COMI"TTER OP • "" INGENIENTS, O. W. sup IFFER, • Di,. $l. W.DA.!,E, I P.O. HAMMIER, PRESIDENT, itoilEirr MOORE, SECRETARY. A j S;fA itot l i ` ,l l 0? , ?, m,, 2 N e ( T ,ti t e ‘.. 11‘81h1/041reSbyl clean that that)l l adorn Testamentary ou the Estato of James Arm strong, Into of the borough of Carlisle, Cumberland ratio ty, Sore:wed, bay() boon granted by the Register of said county to the subset-liters, residing In the seine borough. All persona knowing thentsolvos indebted to stild'Eatate nro tvittosted to ina!to Immediate payment. and thoso haring anima to kosont Om for settlement to J. N. ARNISTRONO, • --. 0 August 15, 180—Ow J. RHOADS, Executo Executors. ==ll3 Osta(c i Bofes Q . III:RIF SALE S. —By viltue Of •tIIIIIEY Avrlts of Venditieni Expoints issued out of the t'ourt or l mummi etunl,,,vl;lll(l county. end to me directed. 1 will expose by public vendee or out,. cry 31 the Court noose in the Lorough el' C:trli , le. 4, 4 iturSDAY the '23tl tiny of August. Issf., at lU o'elorlt, .1. M. the tollou lug described Relit t: fate. tZ : 2 00 1 00 1 00 A Tract of land mituate in Fri'nkfurd •town tthipt timberland county I . ontnibin{: I tur n-rt's rt ,, r Ins,: 14 , 111141. qt on I 1:. North Iy 4 )l4anb , l Kull o. Feat b); Dan,:el Kul he. Smith by intr,gl KulL r, 11 vat. I.y .1, I, n I..tvin.2 111,`r, l.reft,.(l n our 11,i a lialt l, l l lTy St:11111) null well ,if ( . ..hard Selz ti taken in cx..cq , b,n au. !In. in , 1, Kt ,. y . .:_ , 1 . :11.t.'1'111- AS 11 I,IIN 1 4111 11,111, , f. ill •. ,11tio,"1 lot of ground situate in the borough of II,: ,fa n :ten) aloe" or 1 ss 1,41,101 1M the i.t.reet. Nor,li I , y a 14 ,d 1.11.• MN! 4,•*(1, on the East l v a fotirt,,,,, lan I alley. on the liy n Lint the heirs el er, Lvl a one •,I.ry 14 , :f 11.4 , 4 e. : 4 4/.,1 and taken iii ,Ne,ut ion ii,, , i,o•rty of 1) \ LEM MB Also the entire interc't of John in a lot of 1r1 . ..111111 Sitlloo In lit , . 141r.11 . :11 ( rent it: frint :ttnl t 240 fret. iu ilaptit nn tin: oast over street. tin Ilia Ls the 11,11...1ame, 11. tiroh•lni on the Wvst in: an ; L in, A na N:sals 10 - an alley. having, t tant.tory q11.111 . 1b , liSeS:1 1 111 n Inv: , fists Si anti tiro and :I 11.tif :•tnint t st •I'N' .1114 ;4tlt hies anti 141101 . OW liili;os ME • • Alsn the entire intere.A of .I , llln :%iel'etly in 1, 1.1 .4 ri n d ,itnn:” in tho c ar n.l,•, ron tainin e•'.l fr4 , nt :1, , 1 21 1 ' , in I,llli la tit roe( tin at , tiOtiy.t,li hy Nl,• , laatv+ (way. ll,v NlOO 1..t1 tlivro,ka viv.•!,,l Inn wt,th,•,l.:tr :11 , 41 i•I 11'4' MO, S l• 11 I t:1 . 0•11 in 1.• 010 1101 , 01 I:1.1 nn.t all sold by We. 1 00 1 00 111113 . . . ;ill,. ! .1. , SEPII: 51,.1).1% ,,, A I) Ail:. ME Mil \T A Li - . ) k 1 ; 1,1 ; 4 T( )wN 1'!1(1'1':11'!'1' ).. 1 1,E._11,,. L•t, situtit,•,t ",, I...nither Sn—ot Germ , . ch,•),.. 1,11 , t,tr V.f,h 4 - 4, fit t•11:11111 ,0, 1 , In r „it , i.t a tt Mt, • liit 1.311th , r Ltrtiet I. :it , t,. It 311, - . 3,1 1.23 N,o t tlt Strut; liyl2lt. 1131. t, (Ito <: m , , iii ti Iti 311 rilit.ttt 111, 114•1'• ,11 „ 1,1 ns riti , t.,14. 1,11 1,-t tot l!tt I.ll'lll', 1`1 ,, . Snit. :1.11:1i . 11". , ! , r t•il ht, ..,•i-t..•ll;tem's 1.1—.3' , re-1 1• ii 11 11 •11• 11.2. • • f111 . 1...ry 1,4.0'11 , 11 11. •' L. It, 1. 1, 'l' iNSI,I.III, att.:ls 11,0 1..1 it.. MEM A LI, F.lll M T P. Et "n't‘ t,lTer ttt pnl li^ t•tilt• ru r 4 .vri `.1 . , the ttf Fopti•1111,01., . It. 1":11111. tt , ,. t .11 I 113tt, 111, 1 tirttpll , o. 1.1 Ottri land", , f .!alll4 , P.:11-..m. DA, id Linv 31111 t 111 'lts, 1.7. , ,T.\ IN Nt; 1,11-1'1" ny.r.• or Tbl• lard b• a 7 , 0 , 1 q"anty, n p 4.111 .11 01 !.1 c..Vi•ro•l Il I lit I•er. 111.` I , lll+l,ir. 111, 10: K 11:1,11.,11.t IthAck,lllil 1, 01,1 , M.•%;t11- N:1111i, ts-„ r, ,h Ow 11 '"" TV I I ‘ t.., • call .1 , 11, th, I , lll;4rvutii. • eln r•aid tbt . , by • Vl,ll I.STON tll . 4 I,! f)S.II - , .lu,. I. \ eculi.ts• V.'s 1.11. \ 131,1'; 1.1)1 /N 1.1 Fll )1 T) her •at, rt.? . . 11 1/ , lit ,i111,11,1'.1 .S 4 11th t 1,1. , I• 1 at Ow brad SIXTY tat re or lut,4, ••ititatta,tolintv , t4 , •.e iu a 11•_71t state of rtutitalittin : cla uttt tt , t•lta• 3.1 - e. al :int, The, h a fa t• Ito I,i 1.,. 0 lilt Is 1: a ill :111:tpteti i• a• trUt•i; Lt tug ,•unt iolil t•• tiu• lafll>r utavi- et. 113' 1111V.,%.,301,111,. 3r.' 3 coed leu ,Ulry LOA \f taNll4 ;,a gil.r. `. ,1 1j. 1 3, aid spring of never failitg valter. is right at ki••• r. 3131 rllll, 1i11,1.1311 the farm. l a n, a . ...mug and thri% i.; ihn•hanl ha . fruit. Pars,lis Vint,. Ole to 431.'5t131 tong) on the pm Also• 11. r kilo, five neros of MOUNTAIN 1.. k it, v. 1.1.1. i. Ctr , 1 , 1 . 1.11 with g.. 0.1 Che . ..tri lit timber. Tim 31....1 e n„t .lay St•pteilik.r Peat. Oil Ulna 11:11' 1.0 tt , j. 11141, tilk. 011 tilt' V 111111,1,4, iit 12 wieloe:i. M., w he.. I,rme, v. ill Made I.IIOIVII jA 2:11 1 / 1.% It \I Al' Pl'l3 S.\ , -Ori TITSI)AY. the '2.14t dayof Atzgu-t. '{hr stl. ~ .r it rt uul Ni it ,alt . 111 tilt , preillb.t . S. the iiniterty :1: Itt` ii, % ., •.t t 4 r IA 11.111;1. I. 1 :, 111 f the State lawla it. it tii.dn, later " , !hdell 1111.1 t . . , 11t,i1111/ . ; 11l .lerea, putt “::1 thy halallee al::: i• lined. 'the tat !.: :101..11f. :L \real 1.1:4/ 11.‘11N. , 111 i" new l , uil.inte. a a ell 14' t 1,4 ‘t. , ;"'• r 1 , 41.4 t \ hard 'With I lii Vrj r .i,z--1 11.1,1 IEIIO. A:4% ' thm prOpelly %% ill lo• sold wit hoth v. Any person wishin.; to es :1111111v tlut proper: V van to ,o I.y ctlliu, vii 1L v. l%eidle MI till, prellliSeS, or holly Lemau, :agent. wt the adjoin ill.: Inuit. july. 11.Q.4) CATHARINE AV Exonitrix AT ()NV \ l'Ii( ).1)E liTlr Fl )11 .. ;:! .; . .- -7. m .., S. . -- - .t .ll.ll.—The snl ,;rite g r °els at pri 'AA 'total tatostlea ltvitle lieu, rnd halflct ~- , ''','i•bw:_r ,:, • d -'• • 11 , N hII. • - ~_ ••1.. won m.nate. .1 .01 f ~,,,k , e r st reel. I lie to, prov etnen ts II tWO Ktrqy hither-t: , a r d e d 'louse. ‘‘asilhow.e, I ekelutuse, a'eistern, k,.. k.. 'rho lot is 30 feet in front. and 1411 in de:4 It. and eet.tains a variety of excellent fruit trves. Tem/. easy. Aprly to JAPOII WOLF , .tune 13. Agent for S, F. Itaenslen. ATALUABLE 'I'O\VN PROPEETY I Fin: LE.—Will Lo sold at private sale. a verc v:kluable TowN PRoPmmohe $,l Coo, A. Lyon. Esq.. deed. The pri , perty comprises two full t ova lots. melt 130 feet in front and tlin feet in d e pth, situate on north side of East Main street, lasing a most desirable locality, either for lsusiness or a private resi dence. The improvements are a large • 0 , two story STONE ItOUSE, with tin of , ii)t. lice attached, a large three story I% 11 MUCK BACK 'BUILDING, a :mole House. wolargecisterns, (one nf thim with elegant- oitering apparatus.) an lee house and oth er necessary out-buildings. There is an elegant II All- DEN connected with the house, and this finest and bist selection of fruit trees in the borough. Also rasherries, ' e. For terms and further particulars enquire of .1. L. SPoN:q.Elt. May 30. 'Teal Estate Agent. Carlisle. Fl l O OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE, and business men generally. The Repository and Whig. Pnblished at Chambyrsburg, Pa., Is now in its slx . rr-SECnNI , vesn. and has, for more than half a Centu ry, enjoyed the LAROEST CIRCULATION of any paper in Its section of the State. It Is printed on a nutmoth Sheet, in quarto form, and contains weekly forty-ehibt columns of original and seleeted reading matter, and advertisements. It In unequalled by any of its local ox•ntemporaries In the extent and variety of its corms pendency, both home and foreign, and original contri butions. Price, V 2 per annunt : five copies for ; ten for .SIS—In advance. - It la certainly tho very best Advertising '3!edluin in Pennsylvania, out of tho cities. not only twangy , of l•s eiroulation. but also because of the substantial and thrif ty- character of its patrons. As a medium for off e rh g BEAT. ESTATE for sale it Iv especially desirablo, as it ov!hos n largo class of Real Estate ow 1113114 and defile' a and business neon generally. than any other local paper. Terms moderate. A dvortisoments may ho sent diroctly to the Publisher, or through any paper in ninth this nth vortisomont hi inserted. Address Juno 20 P . ETER LANTNIAN, DAVi 6)111 IL ALEX. H. MeCLURE • Chatuborsb ,AN ORDrN NOE IN R E ENCE TO WEICIIITS, MEASURES, &c.— . I. Ito It ordained and 1680 too 62„ . the Town of the Ilorotig.l.l of C:crliA. and it is lieieby • dai ed mi nun rL id by the nutlrority - or the .11:0. that the 2ilarlii:t hil.lll kotrel;:i . tho Ilse of 01111 Ciirprata io. osaet loot tiloasures, and s::allce;elate 1111 ,oils anti ,vI L , /h. yr Carlisle eer •r.iino, to tiiii 1081a0..1 or tlt.i ( 2 ( iiiiviv i llws` ( " lll ; " (1 it the dot., iit tout saki elerlt,„at least oi,re In c n ry year. I, • 010 atorC9, liouyro VL.llln, 0,1111 I.,111.•0,; 1f eau emiers, or profirietors i.f 6031110, 111111 .. try and ad just' (.n• mute 11.0 W v' 110:4 all beams. :.eme, 38.1 , I. 4 asuros..tti I seal the with the lust en' 5..11%1a.110, 1111.1 thu current year, for whi I. ti it :idjiistniolit lie sh.ill 811)1 rcwei ve the I , I- . e.nire,r fees, to wit :—Vor the trial anft e. ery nut or Ocala,, to» t'tlll to; of every paten t emits; of ,vary sot of coal or hay $lllll5, 1110 41 : 11:". ` ”r ovvr ' y v'ord nieastiro. six rents: f r meaguro, twenty f , r every bah cioasitre. itrtoon Lair -1111,1,111,.. every' quarter-peel: 1/11`11:- ail! six :111.1 a 1 . .1111111 : , IroVere gailiiii. lialf•c(a'n n ao.l.itiart 1;`11 . COW: 1,0 . '11: I I . 111 re 111? It I 11..4. throe roots; ii; every n eight. I sei.iti - ri4it 11 .41 "IS lir Mid a 11...1f ,'ruts: (ivt ry elt4ht les: tlimi f 111 . 4 , 1) I : :1311 :11l 3d.111.1,11:11 11,1t1. miler, fir nthrr niate ri ils lor icijustiitc. said lieatn-i, ti e d at,411.• elirrout vain° .•r labor titateria's 41 1 ..11 ISII , I. 11110 WI 1114,0, .1 tid if the slid mat:els. . d " r " , "r 1":(11: 1 ki "I'S or );( , .1111S. WeiVAIIS 11111 i 111(11 -, UN , . or MIT them, shall find it ilicouietifiett to 11,110 them a.tjuste.l or 001101, or for :Inv of tier eauso, 11 o 0,i•1 11, 3101e5, weic - 1114.- :out ulra<ulss slivii t No Issitt ivti s oo eft and ".1,011 said ..lev‘ attervii, t li•iy shall ly r brie{ the satun to Ids. R 1•0 borim• 1! , 1110: It.'w. 1.1%1,0.1 :Ind v01t,.!; Will rorolie the h 4 ills. stores or litho,: of nail ‘ollitelr, ni propr l; or , :: Pro, id oil Tira it.. sv:,!l:l , r iir :...111114. 4111, :11111 111 , !a! , 11'eS. .1S 1111'0 1!..1 11 ,•31,11 Ilit• pri.V y,•;tr. hot T,ltail :Mit I ( . 0.,/ , , 111 l• halt ti reeg. ~tr•rrt.2. 'rho rnquiroil to stator) r i.) he rn ,t. : l_ ,:r i r t .„ l: 2,. • ,: jthi 1.1, ortt ••colotein noir n 1 ko 14. . leea , tires. I,lls Nu,l tt ithln that r:tt•ilot I and Nirt;l th • SA:I•I' d f-r in ration t ti r.t. Sr,ere,\ All t prts of tlo• r LH, .•C••nlirin L. , rof.ritkit tit, ..1 ari¢hl r purp,••• 11 , - :11_.• •11:111 t I "11l t.'11:111, 411, :Mil 11 , ,,•11rt. .1•••• 11 Om 1.11.• pill pi • I 011111',1114r frer27l l , t t: t)C hor ci rvgt it .1 .•. Ni,•12.1,t 4. In r.r an; nvikor. von.lor. t , r prop, • , i•ilfht , Mt.:MIPS tt'ItIIIIt thll Iw - •ll I sit ill IIP•fm••• m t , 1 . ; II ro III), Whi •Il th• I•;F nd ~• C.,• ..r 1.11 to• r or .•t..11 nod I, cry rh•U :mkt ply sit it . 1,14•!, , n , d r and reo.,ler,l • I, art. r,•,!..11•r414.,, •••• 1•••,••11 W. in iti.y 1-ay. niter •ny m•• •.p . it 11,1•6 .0 I. th.• 11:1Ve arljt • •l.•.2 5.,11.. .t. • r •• .nll.l :Ll:y Nyli , shill .I'l , ,• • lw•un • r Lia to illkiNtir 111 • , I , ij11,:.111•11t thert' aft. r • +,u , -1,111 i•• t•.• :..i.:usti••l • nil :Intl t,;4.r. Vl,l ••r sjmil - , • , 11 :14 •••• 1.0,111 . . V.I.:4111, •Ir s•• 311.••riA : s of r 50,11.1 •ri on!, tiou 1 , 11 ., 11 pc y t 11. t Flllll 4 1'1011 d~ ~ l.n nr:.141 tl t . “ 1 .1% i• II 1 9,;•it 110 , , with 4• , .•1:•, imtnrtliat . lc. iiroduot , c s I s‘licre,n y :: . 11.1 7I tt .t!I et :he 't Jll,l'o'. I i ht . the Ofielider 1 . 19 r the tlqt ,, this One Tut,iety of t1;1) f; , • f;•it lire. , in in .I.•••rtiiii.z ;II .1 ,11111 Z dun .1; . 1` , 11.1. t,I I, laid ot h, ta.• •.iit awl. the 1411,v n:. , irh I, I ~, p•n—Es s%hz, !Mail pmseehte ail I ,ete h.r t ite 7. 'flu. Jerk Gyve iu (m , var. st utl I,y in t‘vuuec.%pal,. 1,0 1i,11,1 ,1111 I 1 , 1 in T.1 • 11 . ,te.i. to ),,,•• ci:1)14 "ret‘rili,,,. t~ the thi .1 , 11,1:111.,•: simll iii sai,l :olvv:xist ,1• hvro .411, .• E11'1 , •; i`t l . .111.1 11y th.` TI . NS n (%•nn,ll f tlw 1 011,. , h 4. 1 thy 1!„„d:! Iltt• tla% "1".1n1r, A. 1/. I • A I:NISTPO7\ .1;1.0--P Z4i,.%o4ary. ottf iljurbs. .sch 7 0 'l' 1 C. E"l' BIERS.O 4 1 Cu.% LI C,1.11.". I.V.!!! sul , seriber ra—mi,, idly lo4nln Lis fri,mils inil tho That In , is in,n - Inrit '.hat II El) ASII 1.. trout the: Lathe mittlos, sser S. Co., t h e 4 , 111 y Ited-`,ll oal renni ti o , Shamokin litein, 3utrodurrd nut .nitro it, Cat '.1 , .` , its the Ileirmistirn , Cmil. it is entirely , 11.1 , from ~.11, t i :tad all , thor lialuirities.:lll,l is DerliTtly Molded to all mnulianival t Ignite. 11 , 11d,rs, ~ 1 1,111 WIC,N , intern - it , : ',lit, in I.urnititc makes it equally 5 , J1,11. larim oars. tie ...mild , ~ f I.lrillers a it Cil Es\ l '['front the Sallie tittle" r•Lealit aunt lior puri , ,,es. ally in Ca, M.', by .luly EIV COAL Y.AICI)! E.u , T E.NI, 0.1111.151.1 The r u mll,l r , •spe , tfully - ,%,11 th eattenticn Limd nru.t: , :t,.1 the ~1 tho sur r,,nn.Un.: :.,:en . vrally, 1,. his NEW Co.\ I, yAiti) at the eastern (.1.41 of Ow I...rouLrh, and immediately op wheitt Ito ‘Oll {,eop , or.tantly cn haml a lar,:e supply of superior 11.1 - I‘E,NS 11.1.EY C0.t1,, Of the 1-111,1 tis to , zellier with st:ol9thet Co:111s 111,1 V he lit ,it ca. :1:1 Of 11 hit Il he ple4l, himself to sell at the l o west priers. The hoot quality. 1.131E111.:ItN1:itS; 4 slrrils COAL wny, 101 l at the yard.-or at 1.11:1 r,sidellve lu Eat strort. or at the st.troe; of 11. Saxton or P. Mmyttr, trill be promptly attended junti t t t i lA MI141" 00:114.-500 Tons Lylzen's „ , k nn and SerVOINI, prep:ln:it eN• F ss 3 ~ r ) uhc, IU“ ill!, .111(1 it r 1,11). 1)% 2t) I tit W. B. Agt. • mEI3I.7II.NERS' COAL. - 2,000 uus Lyken's Valley Nut 4:7,a), a superior re. eh a and for sale by TILL '1.1(831111 A I'S • COL. 5,000 Bust is Itlitelismith's Coal, a first rate article re ccioieg sale by y AN CA "-; TE It CO LTA ERNI. A - TO COAL DEALERS, We I'e leavt introduce ourselves to your acqunit tance as oxtot. e Miners and Shippers of Wllll Al fullANTlllt COA 1, at Lanraster - thtimberlaml Co_ y, where we hall, very ex leech e improvements all I IItOOkOV, which for P3OI ty to pre pare and eIVOJI (703 'lllllot be surpassed. Our strus of Caul are as .follows: Lump. tpr smelt: purposes, Steandsiat, for su, lug and steer:Nl:its. Broken, and - Family use and steam, Nufand l'ea, for TA 'l;tirners'and steam. Our Liu ehurners' Coa zu very superior quality, to Whiell WO would especialq 'all the attention of dealers rind consumers. 1 Ourspoint of shipping is St Ifiury,wherearrammtnentS; are made to load !nuts witL tut any delay. Orders ad' dressed to us at Shatnoklu, 5, 'miry or Lanc:oter, will receive prompt at ten lion. aprih COOl RAN, PEA & 00. J. J. Cochran: tancastor. Bon, itch3hold, C. W. l'calc. Shamokin, It. Lluingarduer, do. I®lOllS. 1) E 13EGES.---Just received anothur lot of Cheap Do Doges. Do!atom and rar inotta Cloths. Lnovl 0. W. JUTNNII. S H illt i ) S eli t e ‘ :* * SCHO . I) Ff r.fcblonro Mt el ae a t. ll *3' 1). " a cr Aug* 8 'Bs—pd. a lingMMl JAcon «•. Agt V. B. 31tiltRAY, Agt