Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 22, 1855, Image 4

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ot • c , t W.
5 ,4 ; ..5-vbt A
A •4
,c•i; (gfr„.itv,l3.
0413EitIGISLE, FA.
r cotiNTr
Terms Two Donors asynar. or One Dollar and
Fifty Cents. if paid po..etnallo in Adeance
tit polo' within (he year.
Whig 'County Convention.
At n illeeting of members of the Whht Standing COO
'tattoo of CiiinLi‘riand count y, cob - roped in pm 511210( 4
of prOVl ,l 'o ,, nntiro at the 11 ,, 1'.r )1,10 /1:i
ill C.lrliSle. 011 Fat urally the - 2St I/ of .lair, the 1 , •!! „ )t
Pesoluthoi %%las adopted.
Ih.‘ol.ved.. That the wi i of Comberland county Lc
re iuesteil to assembio st the'a• usual times mid pim•
of holding riviotrato decants in the sat oral .
tow u•liips of the Cenrat y int S "U I). t
Ist of Scptlillll.r tto eleet tiro s rroor oto'h ot
said wards. horouzlis and toN,ritshirs. 'who shall meet 11,
~flt, l ithn. in the Cottri ihaise in the is•roir2.h ctu.
theildol So;.tomber.. to (tt , t,i,'fite
tl-.Let hi.
ty nl the e11 , 11.111Z, !.. , :I`lll.l'tll rinrti.m Pllll h. adopt :41.11
me tsures as shall be deemed twoi,,T.ory.
I , rt!: Pp.i . Soer'y
EotTonTAL -Harris
-1:0177 .I),MOrirl ion has bec - qir r!, , ed
into the Rtfriot, Mr. Zt:ltu,Ert, Editor of
the former sheet, havicr sohl
Lip e~iah
-li.elin to Mr. Hurt:lNS, the publisher
of the latter. The joint cone"rn bill
bear the name of the Un and Patriot.
The laq No. of the Union contains a
strong, article against the r euYUV al of Coy
The Richmond (Ya.) Edquirer has a
ltß_ article on the present aspect of the
slavery discussion, in which it says that
the refusal to admit Ictusas into the U
nion as a slave State must make Meson
and Dixon's line the boundaries of foreign
States, 'and in v'rew of that result asks
the. Legislature to take steps immediately
to have the State put in a condition of
defence, " ('"'.VS
are nundred thousand tightinp• men
in Virginia, and that one-tenth, or twenty
thousand, ought at once to be drafted in
to the militia and carefully drilled by the
graduates at the military school. 'l I
with railroads to move the trecTs, it
thinks will make Virginia impregnable.
The Union, very fortunately,is not easily
dissolved. It has passed through many
a severe trial trintnidiantV heretofore
and will do it again, despite treason.
fanaticism, ultraism, and all other. isms.
It exists in the hearts of the people—the
sound conservative, truly patriotic peo
ple—who constitute an overwhelinning
tErThe Allegheny County Whig Com
mittee have passed a series of resolutions
declaring the present slavery extension
issue of so much importance as to over
ride all former distinctions. They there
fore pledge themselves individually to A:-
jive exertions to promote the success of
the new Republican party organization,
and choose the following delegates to time
Whig State Convention, instructed to en
deavor to induce that body to unite in
the Republican movement :---Edward
Campbell, Jr, N. K. Snodgrass, Hugh
Fergus, It. C. Walker, Dr. James Car
others, Janes C Lewis, and Dr. James
Dickson. •
have settled the follotiti•ing ticket :—Asso.
elate Judge, JOhn - Rieman! Senate Wil
liam IL Welsh ; Assembly, Isaac Beek,
Sainuel Maneer, James Ramsey; Treasu
rer Alex. Wents ; Commissioner, A:
Blackford; Director, Killian Small; Aud
itor, Anthon Dissenbcrg.
FR AN IC.LI N.' CO U N Y. —The Americans
have nominated Cnpt F. S. Shinbaugh
and James Lowe .for Assembly, and a full
ticket for county officers. Tile Whik s
ha . ve - called a nominating Convention on
the 15th of September.
; , 11:1'1IEN
(lull Ill::
S - mating of the confused condition of
parties and politics now existing in thef i
country, the Philadelphia American re
marks that it day . be ; . 4lttributed to the
dranayagne politicictp, who are perpetu
qeating causes of political distur
bance,' when but for their mischievous
activity peace and l 'Prt*perity might pre
vail. The American adds with great
force and truth :
If the ristory of the repot lie during
11154 quarter of a century or more be studious•
ly examined, it will he Feely t h at the majoritY,
if riot ail, of the principal questions which
have become the occasion of violent rind pro
tracted controversy among the States or the
people, have been manufactured and l recipita•
led upon the public by a class of persons who
having'imide politics a profession or tratle,are
forced to invent material for their employ•
meld as the condition of prerenting the fail=
are of their vocation, with i ‘ ts„intluence and
prefiti, No matter has »tore signally served
their purpose and been more constan ly used
by them than shivery. It has been MI oX
haustless mine of disputation and contest for
the politicians, and they feel .if it were once
finally removed out of the Strenst of cententient,
they would, perhaps, be reduced to lament
with Othello the loss of their occupation -
Wence they have never honestly desired to see
it settled e,slietitsivtAy.• Their piiiitei-sed com
promises of it have Lien but temporary ill:-
pensions of conflict. An interval et apparent
od,lostment and conciliation lifts hardly super
Vellel On else!' fierce and desperate embroil
inept of the wivi.rse fidithins, before the con
'dog 'agitatoPs have contrived seine fresh pre
text for tltaw2sing the is,au again into the tip ld
itiithrettew,ing theTrobitterea strife. A noire
palpablevproiii ni what we charge could mit
pui.ihly have kcieu furnished thou the intro
duction into Congrei-4. less than n year ago.
of the Nehiasha hill. That measure
wc. elect ly uncalled for by nu necessity.—
The North and nth a`,ilie disapproved of and
deprecated it. 'file leeislation of 1830 had
seem off every reasoimitle right demanded
the latter., and pubic feelityg in tins !seCti , ll
had gradually lieciime t e ignc , l ir, that which
however offensive in itself, it was deemed ex
pe,ii,ot to suffer pi.tiently fur the sake of the
lo'iloliged peace it was supposed to garantee.
lint the demagogues could not afford to abide
the pacification. • They sate that tbe.y must
have some one great element of political strife
that would convulse the enuntry ft-em the con
tre to the extremities, in order to save them
and necordinglY, Mr. Douglas, who
was , cheating for the Presidency. and a herd
of 'equally unscrupulous partizans, who were
seeking similar advancement, cone 'tied the
project which has produced a state of seetion
al eNcitement nod oppnsition more portentous
data any which has preceded it. j f
The truth is:—.n a il this is the idea we wish
particularly to convey at this time—tlint the
United States are n- prey to factious turbu
lence internally ; that false occasions for an
intense party spirit and . embittered party
struggles ore creatO by ; the . class which liter
ooy orponas for its trupdrtande; It' not its vory
existence, upon continon) and fierce popular
agitation and civil discord: that there is no
thing in their condition which imperatively
the endless recurrence of these dis
torl,ntlee , ; nod that were public affairs nl
lowed to tithe their courtie naturally, without
impertimint interturenci• !rum any (platter. We
Siltnll l ki move along in our career peacefully
and proiiiperims'y to the end of time. , In a
word, the verse of this country is an .cvces.ri
of government. There never was a
which was better adapted in all its essential
eonditions, civil, social, ant material, to pur
sue the even tenor of it. way, free front all se
riots interriptions of its trnnquility provided
a set of meddling knaves would only let it alone.
The machinery (.1 • civil order and movement
is admirably contrived for the` harmonious
and efficient execution of all its appropriate
function a, but its Operailoll 19
tl l y be
ing deranged in the have ind icted.
A superabundance of legislators and legisla
tion is the source of trouble. Jf the 'fii'ii en
could he rid of that bane to its peace—if
elections of representative s were not eternally
occurring—if Congress were not convening
every year, and kept sitting six. or eight
months out of every second twelve--and if the
distribution of 'patronage by administrations
was not made the reward of pantizan serylee
and obsequiousness—then parties would de
sist from their incessonCstrife; the spirit by
which they are animated would he deprived
of much or its acrimony and venality ; the oc
cupation of the mere demagogue would be
abolished, and the people might he secured
against those fatal causes which render their
government a source of vexation and coMbet
instead of it system Nvhich ought to fulfil its
legitimate uses so quietly and smoothly, that
its action would be as insensible us the
healthy motion of the bluoil in our veins, or
the. serene course of the planets within their
appointed orbits.
Whig County Committee of Lebanon
county, held separate meetings last Sat
urday, and appointed five men frotneach
body to unite in a call for a joint county
Convention of all persons opposed to Lo
cofocoism, to settle a county ticket. The
joint Committee, so appointed, have is
sued a card calling on the Whigs and Amer
icans of the county to meet in their res
pective election districts, on Saturday the
25th inst., to choose three delegates for
each district, who are to assemble in coun
ty Convention, in the Court Ilouse,in the
borough of Lebanon, on Manley the 27th
instant, to nominate a fusion ticket, op
posed to Loeofocoism, to be supported at
the ensuing election.
dt:el-,14.331it Is).t:intLY,
(r,oloit tint) (fountti 3litltters.
iugs of the American party took place in their
vni•ione councils on Saturday evening
The following persons were in nomination for
the various offices:
Jolin Diller, of Newville.
Jaynes Kelso, of Southampton. '
J. Bomberger, of Shippem-burg.,
W. B. Mullen, ,f SmAli-Middleton.
R. Anderson, of Churclitown.
E. Zug., of Aleelmniesburg.
J. B. Coover, Upper Allen.
Robert Moore; of North Middleton.
J. T. Green, of Dickinson,
James 'McDowell, of Frani:ford.
Robert 'McCartney, of Carlisle.
William Riley, " "
11 it?iitm Crqz!er, "
C. 13, Underwood, of Shepherditown.
John G.linms, of Carlisle,
izwoh Ithven). " "
;times Loudon,
I'etpl•-:11/41yer - " "
Cal'anaugh, of bieldwion.
County Coninisioner.
James Orr, of Hampden.
Daniel :Statist, of Upper Allen.
Silver Spring%
l'ln•iatioit Eberly, Penns.Loro
ed,r of (lre Poor.
J. 100 1) Ifemminger, of D'ehio.ion
henry Paul, ut N. )11‘1.11cton
Yez•terdny the Executive Committee met in
thim borough to determine the result of the
when it was found that only one
Ptr-ott tate the let leid the ret i nisite number
t.) .4e,:ar.! his nout . ..teto.oll on the ticl:et.
I'l is wit!.; 11,,ht , rt Moore, 61 , N‘,1111 .:\ll,l.lleton,
Thy 'repat IL3t he iliT1111(-4
the nomination. but we have no official infor
matb,n of the fact_ A ..ccoti , l balloting will
now . cake place iu tau Cuuneils for ;L choice,
re•olt of which tvi l I,v tnade hnue,i at the
rotonlittee meeting on Tue•dly next. Two of
cand',,l,tes for Treay.iirer, 1111evm and
Monyer,lVe underst;itol hove decline , l. leaving
OW Contest I:42tWQCII Wil
For Sheriff Mes,rs. :\let.'.:krt»ey and
Riley polled the Id ! rhe,At number of votes.
ar.j";"•We have since le:u•ned that Me-srs. Orr
Iletilmittger were cho,9en for Con»nission
nr and Director Of the Poor.
DEMocitANc TicK v.c.—The f,diowing
yva. put in nominution by the democrat
ie. County (•nnvention on Mondav last. -
Atidersen, ,)r Silver Spring;
Harper, of Dichinbon.
Bherqr---.13c0b .13c.wtott, or...h.sEs.
Treasurer—Adam Senscronti, of Cnrlisle.
Com m.s. , ,,icfrier—John GlPim, of S. Mid.lieton
Jhrer*:r ihr Cormsin, of
Nett h M kid iv ton.
luidur—lsaac ringwalt, of Cnrl6le.
Coroner—J. WonderlielL of N . Middleton
The t'onvention we believe was entirely free
front all taint or Know Nothingiqm. his said
nrverthelcss that two of the nominees were
once in the Order. A reolution was prissvd
against the jog law,". which their own Sen
ator, I‘lr. Wherry, helped to pass.
ter:.eit ten dollar bill on the Bank of Mont
gornery County, has been put in circulation
within a day or two in this comity. The
notes, although badly executed, whtlh not
closely examined`are well calculated to de
ceive. On Friday and Saturday last, several
had been otlered to our store keepers, one
of which was changed. The counterfeit is,
however easily detected. By examining 'the
large capitals in the words “Tats B.tsr. or
IiINIGII3fEIIY COUNTY." in the body of the
spurirnis note, it will be 'noticed that the let
ters are very - irregular in size. The notes are
of the letter 11, and are dated January Gth,
1855. The vignette op the left end of the
note represents a canal, and that on the right
reaper and female. In the centre the God
dess of Liberty is seated on a rock.
On Sunday morning last, a man giving his
name as Win. Springer was arrested by officer
McCartney, charged with pas Sing one of these
notes at Ilalbert's store. About $7O of the
cotnterfeit money was found in his possession.
lie was committed to jail for trial in August.
NEW BANIC..—In addition to the old
and well established Carlisle Deposit B an k,
a new Banking7house is to be soon opened in
our borough. An association of capitalists
has been organized under the name of Kerr,
Breneman & Co. and Mr. henry A. Sturgeon
has been appointed as Cashier The new Bank
will open in a room in. Trout's now building
on Main street:
election was held in Shippcnsburg on Tuesday
last for members of Council. Joseph C. Wil
liams was the American candidate and John
McCurdy his opponent, both good men. Mr.
McCurdy was elected by a majority of 45.
COOL WEATIIEIL—The weather is re
markably cool for the season.
THE CONTiV . NTALS.—The vacancy in
the Continental Troup caused by the death of
Mr. Frisbie, has been tilled we learn by the
choice of Mr. John J. Watson, of New York,
said to be an accomplished musician. The
Clltinentals intend visiting Carlisle to give a
Concert seine time in September.
(Letter fin Ifon..T. Minor Botts, of Vii zinla.]
itteittnNto, July \VM.
".,,c,,,, s ide r atto& of linty to the aftlietett alone
peettipt tac to setel you this voluhlary te.itituttliittl to
the gt eat Vnillt , of — ..IItTER'S : 4 1 , \NISH .MlxTutu:,"fnr that
iu,ttruble disvam.. Scr,optu.A.
MlLltunt, Luin;.! diaposl lor Seem i ng it Itt.N. , snr,y to go
luta the particulars of the vase, 1 Kay that the 110-
tonishilin results that hove been produeett-Ity the um ,
of 1.1.1 t a,ilaw• tat a tovittYor of I .IY own family. and
1111111' toy Otvit ohservatiou and superitittattlettee. after
tlae shill of tht; luatt 1111v:40100 had helni 11,1
all tiv! Omni tentetiieS hail ttiltal, fully j tt , t ify tar fn ru.
cononvinifiltc its use to all who may he s tittering froth
that dreadful malady.
I Io
not mean (o say that it is to all eollSti
tntions, Or that it trill nli nt the in 011
~loose: tic. of vow:so. 1 ran know itr.thiutt that
!tut Iron at hat 1 Inca seen mf cia Alerts, 1 001.0111 not
US , sit. in :toy and every trace of Stac•fula.
rors,ns. try solldin let an fulurest, or over whom I
...tilt! exert-Ise Influence or etottrul,
Respectfully vows,
.Jttly .INO. M. BOTTS,
(11.:L The relaxing licalls of suallaer leave 1(ellia€1 them
a 1.,i1g tail 61 . evils, The uui vet saLni Lhasa are
criteral 1.1....1(1111y. and its ,lira (•«(.lottNt., I«‘\ (less rt .
(1(1,41, 1 . ((r the,l• 14 . 1! rnn 11.1,1111111.11•1 a sprrdc 111111
unLlitiux (•111'... ill tit.' Stlllre of 11 , 4:111 , r , (lot P 1.11) Dit
ty'', prepai . 6l liy Dr. )1. .1.%.( . 11,1)N. l'hiladrlpliia. It
is, mr,ll,ll(e st t 01.NV111,-,11. 1 111r -1111-
hppeon-hOe. It sins to real( the fonlitaiti 110:111 1(1
t hi( difficulty In the digestive c.rganizatirn. :mil 111111 s
h. rell((ve the s«riel ion , . and the 1,11,,t1 of the .4 , ii•tints
Still. nr ti)e raise its tank pror(rtie.
vys ci rnr L. the mrml , ta n. cof the ((Dann( 11 and pro
(lo for se( - reti(•(l ,23 , trir 1,111(11 tli , (olves
the ,(1111i. its (s.r(li(o, s(si11:1«g and :1)11.1:1111'.•
till , lloo iliip;irt..zenet al reg. illar l, .‘ ;111(1 , iren:_ali to the
(1 ,1 i. , (1 nt the secretive,ll::lllS. and !WPn ~ to furl * lf the
: 4 ti , •11 i=rear t,,w it ,•,:p,sti , i• of it.
it j 4 o,nifirilio..l by Ow t•%bl4‘ti,e• 'II all
ii:l4 ii , pli.olllllity of NN
it- F. , r sal,. by 1/1 . ..1ae1..(iti, 1:20
1t7.;37 J'ln• isn railit:try word of Ccritttittrul
%, hi, h nrrrr Gil- hi t p..,,,,, 04.110ni.311..1. I,l' 3 1 , 11111-
n ) . Itnit it 011% ~pvjlod If‘ l it rinks' to
-to OM 1114. lot ti‘ 2.1
Ire , . I •3;t 03 . 1,;11;v. tiro 01,1•••0. tind f ht.
purr. i•• \Ail, ~•10),,,t,.,1
111 Ch,-:lttit ,rtterof
AI avriaars.
1 ) 11 tho 1 , 01 y rev. .1301.1, Th• 'SAM
I •,1. V.t; V. to ‘Ji-- \JAL:I'IIA 1). :Stl.lll'. 1 , 41) of On
10' ho. C11101,1'1.0,1 P.
In t leartlel.l Pa. on l'hur,..tlnr tl. 1 1' tle of remit
t,.llt rr. )11. 41. W f“rmerly 1 , / ILis Inni.llo2
11.• .1111.11 ) ear nf 111-. :14t•
!,it nrlav 11 in.t. in 1111. , Imrnie- 4 1. )Ir. .I.V.NIES
I.:: 4 TIING iu tle•t. , ol year. er Ins lig,
.51 I,anc.e.u.r. (11:10. C. 1111111.% infint dan, of In'
.1 ,nle, nua Capri', .1. VoCull, 15 month,.
.3 STE .11 - ('illl`.—Calve to the
v•kll,. • ji,ni••••.•e•••,• s••rok mid•ilet.‘n ...nip
cm,teonint 0 ,:n• tt.tort.t.t ttapt on
.h,ly , COW With white ttlY. SI)1111,,,1 to
'kid. The nor to rtoitte,tea to pro%t. ioo.p
orty. - pip twit tat,. her away, or tille 10 , 1 /oe
Jralt with art,l,llllr. to I;01,
avd. MATIIV.V; Tilt , :syps.o7c.
r 1 1
orcroN ),\ L.
ch,• Coal C-mpany nrr nnw 111 . 11,11,41
1,1 , 1, t it :11.1 t ieinit y n llh Nit 1,1.111,-
,1,..t C,11.1111 , 0101 Choir
',V 11. 'M'IN :A 41.1 .t.t.con
t...11,11:,14 0- rut 1.1 ,, CL1! ,. the V,1.1 - 1 4, 11 , 11Y •
;'1.4. till `AV , ' and Lii•le Ilmti.r,. V. o ro o ,o tt orot it to :tit, ito,otapt•rlor to tut) t,tht , t• to at f",.r
it It lillll , 1 1 : "I'111.•
1111..1,1 .:11 . 1iNli• Iv. - u) , l in
(hi- , that ,tivort , r voal. a omil.lo
Etas To tit to I' Ifolf,t%titto, Tr ot t
fl 1 nit flit' Inter :out gate mu. it
11. ‘ ,..,rt ~ 0.01 i'.l,,p - tny 'Pre
WI 1.1 br dd nt oil Ow rrenl',€.l
Uu F1211).\ day of Svptvmtwr 1:•55
nt I i i r lock 31. An the fellow iuG lit'getibutt IT:11
hit 11:11....1 in tol`.l/I•11 . 11. Cuti
t” Joseph 1111 , Ith•ting,t. 14 the
1 , 1114 township'tl. tract of laittl mtjt, fling bu,l,
of Jedw Rur6et, %t ititunn Met'rao ;tint taiwrs,
lug tibmit thirty cwrt.:+. more
1". The imialwonents are 11. AI lieu
I a St...r.C - livathettagtrtital Duttt,
I 9 fr is 1.;.t: Barn, tr gotai ctrpenter slp.
an ORCHARD of I 'hoive fruit
flora is a 'lover titling >priti¢ often.
ter near the Houle. This th•slrable proparty i.s situn•
tot three miles ortil tit this St.w% mid
at that distant.° fpati the l'unthetlatnl Vallev
Persons whiting I examine the promises eau
"” Ity r.tlli ag oil Iltairy Itutlirliupar, Who resides
Also a Traet miwsT.t IN LANG, adjoloim: lands
of Sdnutel Peter 7tlyers tool other:. eontaining
a)•nut EIt;IITEEN ACRES niore,nr less. The interest,
ofjou•pit Ileffletinger and John' h. liellletitn:or, minor
sons of Ow In the :Raw real, n 111 he•
cold under an order of sale from the 4 lrpltails l'otud of
Cumberland County. diree•ted to John Inter. their I'n:n•-
'linu. The heirq of full tip. , will unite Iu the milk., to di,.-
pose of their Interests. The Interest in the
purehace looney retuning In the propody. Terms wade
known on the day of sale by
111:1 , 111,FING}111:
1.1111,11' & ROSANNA WOLF
ainr.`.2'2 Guardian of Joseph k J.l). Ileßlctingcr.
- UREA C SALE.—WiII be sold tit pub
."lie wQ4 ,41 Or !wends° s Mifflin WU iiitif,
Ott 'MN/AY the 15th day of t:toptember 1555. -
A FARM of (: 00e si,‘TE LAND col - auditing
all of which is cloarod and fenced except about six nero
'which is 'in'titidwr. The improve
i; , - nients are t wogood HOUSES and two
fi l l,t - tt ` ams all ne,..ssary
1 , 1 4 l .l 'There Is Food tnead•tw land and an
t.,t" . :t:t it& !LAM) on the premises and
there is I,:wity of orator. This Property is about
mil's North Wert of Nuwville and adjoins Martin Mil.
ler,John lisinest's /Mrs, (Anew° Knottle and John
Nets , ' and wax titonally the Mansion Farm of Ito ry
0110 tie dee'd. and nine belongs to his Grand children,
aS , 51108 u property it will to sold.
There will also bo, sold at the wile time and place.
about 41 HMS of tlrst rata Wood-land distant from the
loin 451 , 01W2 mttet, This land will be divided inid RAW
In WtS about 1.5 acres each, a draft or plot of which will
bo exhibited on the day of sale. •
Thu terms of Salo which will bit easy will bo nunlo
known on tho day by .1011 N WALLACE,
it KWH. IV A WS,
Aug. 22'55. Agenta for the !Mir.
NOTICE.—An election for TfIIR-
Tiov, mitEcTons lbr the Calabarlaud Vomo . j.
'Mutual Protection Company will ho lichl at the ottleo
of said Company, In Dickinson township, Cumbsrland
county, Pa,, on 510,NDAY, the 811 day of Beptenther
next, to serve the ensuiug year.
1 J. T. 011111 M,
.814tVit 16,1855. . Secretary.
SerAll kinds of Printing done cheap
New 3bi)Lrtiscuieuts.
I will sell at public' sale, at the Court House. in .tin
loolottax of Carlisle, On SAT UIiDA Nr, the h , d - Septent
Imr neat, at Di o'clock, A. M., a Niariame Limestwo
farts, late the property of Cie°. A. Loon, Esq.. deeeas,d
situate- in Sontit Middleton twp.„ CumlJerland ' , mot y.
on the Walnut Bottom nntd, two and one-half
froth said borough, containing
more or less: ninety.ono of whirl, are cleared and in t.
high state of roll:ay:0;nm. and the residue covered eitl
timber cif the hest quality.. 'Me improve
r-: -- := moots art -a to, story ma du i o th ,
Bum Wagon Shed. Con, Crib and other ne
- 'rest , ,ry out-Loildings. There are two tv,,p . ,
of eater near the house• and rt turf' for Orchard of ne,.,
two hundred trees of varloto, kinds fruit,all of t‘hfeh
are Learinff.
Also:LI/ 1 , 111 1.4 Sitllaii` tot/fl7"\orth rlde and i n the
fl rough of Cartisle. cor.ll.4nin4 thi.oo and elinif aeres
merit o4i. less, inn wool date etz!tic.ll I Ni . and under
goal realm Terms' make known on the day of sale by
Real Estate .lgent and r'crivener.
Aux 1 L 5
AT ITI:LIC g:111 , 1,
\1 ill n the le t,ittises, on t...AT
'I or. ne , t. at 12 n'eloc;:.
in 14 ,. kii , 54,1)
the propel ty of tteotze
11 hider a
•c(f lip t 1(4 TTIteIIES
Tlie hind is in :t goon)
1 3, (11i'qn. I
zrt..tter 1,11 - t
is a
the t;tent.
Went U..' It urw and 1 , 111,1111•11 t
111111 . K 1 , It.l):ti,
urrr and u , ctt. 11 . 11 . 41 , 1) grid !her
Ha t,f , N hip lr are cAv-d
1.1111111 Lear the a.• , • 011. f.!:1.: 0
t yount; 1/IJ . II.‘IIIP .1 te , t tech tti
iw:lr ai-d a I
i.,ihs the ~tike e farm et" t;tenere 11 hider. ti. CO. met tt.t
I.lntls el 11 tut. 3!:tin,, tatt:ini nt. zhri
tut .1,,1
at the t-tittle tine. and itlttee 11111 kei t !
tity ”t' excelioliT 1,..,7,1) in tin.
1.1 e hlrh !ie thrr4.,ll
Pin,inninn Al 1 6 11111 V tin A linAv Said di` =n ;in/
lino in ;nil n•s•nirl, in 1-I.lmition ).y n, in v, th,.
Iti n nknrnsiv•,,•nt. in I, n•-init . ill tile ilallienl : 3l,
111.tain,(1N1 it on ill,' ni , :ths
I'.ll II) 111. ml Tit.,
11L1 t,
on the I=th (13y cf r.
utt,t0.:•ii.,:u..,1, I NI, 11(.4% ,1 4 11, 'lf. 414..11. A. 1.1
,1.1) at 1 , 116.'i , ,11 4 •. Cl.. prentiNt., 111 I*2 . a
Ti;.t(11)1 , IA ,itu.ilt• is n uttiau.p, u
PrAttldin n 11411 - k‘. i 1:,0-ury natl. abort. two
141)4 4 4 , 14 • ut),lt.d I :autle• Al
trett Uo - i,1z , 716,,••••r :7: - .,1011ur, it Is,
pi, 13 .1,•111u 11.
tthl , h 11J ;Jr,-
4.1: • 1 I ed
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ul.l/ii,:ltit 11. ‘t tut-I.t- :it 11
1 . 1 . 311 , !. ,
),, N.ri t , .. f
.•lit at, ,111,11 DT , fans , A I . li
tI1111.1!`;_: N Ord OW; •), a . .t Ire
I, r , bardi e fruit.
SA TlTili.ll.
v. by Ow Exi‘eliti is. Ili. ,
1:!. :ill that 1 . 1.`11,1in 1A4.1.0 :0 i...ACT
LAND. in tl, n,htp iir
on t fli.2 le L.,'
Cri•oh. 3/lill.
hour Led .-t;ivlsler, It
It vise, Benjamin limilritnin
covrt NlNti lIJI
• -
imprnvA•rdents 3r , a twol
Mmy 1 4 `14 1: 11ri1:•• nA
Vi a In :-ToN d 4.0.
Cal - 1 . 1 a.;•• It111,•••Sp;
dnd 11,..e;...f1111111:1; Spring
tit v., \ 114 AI 3 , ; ,, 11 ; - 1,,1 and :0.1 •••111 , 1-
yar r ut-huiidiop,. alh d .11••••,. :In ilrobard
ch ,, i , e nit. :arm the
litoo-tAmo. wilb al nett a 1 rul
and lb.- 1....n1aidd...r n•4i,
ith vjtl-111U , Ilt ni.ll 0. LI
001 -, ; t, /1 fl Ir n :II F ,
!111 Ili. .nit
.11:-. .11 :u.• .41A.- v.ll e . I•vrtin
T/Llt 1 . (1!.. 1 1 , 1 TAO , 1..V.51 , . naty in , t
f I . r l -144 1111'4.1 1 ,1 1 ,I,d 14, 1 ,4
. 1.11 t4llll/14, .4 A. I.) 1:!; lit:I/ 1.0,11,1 n itil
w itl I e wad- Lino,s n •:11,1 0: 0 s Iv
I; l'‘ 01. F.
p, 11.11i2'
An~u-t IG. 7*
.I't' LE
't ,M‘ th,
,•1‘ tot. C•Niral
Mla .•11v1 - ot i iILA , :ix
”n the •2A ~ t
exf.•ll,mt 1.1:%11..r . 10:', 1. F.1}.)1, it. a 1001
th, I '4IA
kinte in kanl t,•%, (hr., toii.. ,••t..;
f , .:111 NIIVI tWO 11,
lint! 0111.1/Illf 3.! glf un tic., l'tittilwrnii:d
adj• 1m:11, 1,2
A4lll Itc cr, 0 1..Vva. .Alter , „
ON I: 111:N DI: F.ll AND INTY-ful ACI:k.S,
and PIrIV-rttiVi . : PIT CHI:,. CI in IP I'ISAII 1 . : 1/31, ink OM ,
un erai fed a 1 MO ,t(11) Z . l ON E
.1, 5 ,...
A i r., "12" n DWELLING IfOUSI:. :.);t1 a :T. >t:
j 3,-i
,_.. t....` I . itt:itEN attached.. a it ell. of aotr
1 f ifiL " 14 4t i laihag water near the dt , ,.•r. a lari..c
.a.l TT . . '
._ ntt.lll , Laub P.:LII, till v: , .et•iilllt. CiatT
Pri,.!, Corti Cribs and VI ;t:411 SIII ti.
Vhh ollwr tika;,,saty f,at•t,uiliblyg.4. A 1,,,, a ,large tao
,i , wy TENANT 1Iol:SE, ‘‘ittl A Z'tit/V :11:d (..tho - 111.1...5.
:.ary vat,t.ttikivi2.,.. .
'I here is oti this farm a larg . e and v....Tile:it Apr.e (1r
chard, with c/ioire grafteii ft tilt: also, Peach, Plum mid
Cherry trues. Twenty acres Cr Molr f al ore
set ihed tart» is oiveri.,l with some of the Lust and Math/
[tailing 3 VI, re Arc itss. Locust ttees n
tile same sutlivient to malie several hundred Locust
posts; also, a .litanitty :am
Al the property is 1 , 1 at,d so I.t.Ar uitaiih. c.» the C.l'.
It. It., %% belt , all in the p,t
tvau•dh g Losiness. the putvliaser of the saute »my e.ti
sider that lie has the notiket almost al the door, Ivbith
_renders thl tinna.very Ilesirahle. and owing to Its Icing
situation in the veiy ....sit re et t Is s ttiy.limyl'matlost
;Luton) the finest unit most productive limestone farms
in the same,
Any person or persons wishing to clew the above de
seribiid Emu, can have an opportunity of tiring se, by
ealllngym the undersigned, who residis en a-quarter of
a mile north of the same. or on Samuel Ilan, who re-
Ades en the premises, either of whom will he pleased
In chow It.
t 4 ide to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when terms will
he made known by _
WILLIAM SMITH,,'3;.—ts Ailnir with t 3 1 ,1 1, U) annexed
itottorot 4., next ,„ r4tIST.:P7
door to no roFt.oilit,,.
s ) .witt iko ~bseill fro n t Carlisle the NA three days
each month. [Aug.l,'6s
AT 11.4RR151311131,
Roy. Ilxvtlas R. WAvoi, A. M,. ViincSYal.
Who third 111111t1111 SCFSIOII of this Institution of Lcarte•
ing'for'„).oung Ladies. will commence on MoNute, Ste ,
rkunkit tho It has been the elm avid object of the
[ainelpal and those associated with lilni,tef whn , there
are f:lx,) to imbue tile nth d. with these principles of
knowledge that develop tin u ..Iht and produce reflectlen.
'Moir anibitiim lint been Thoroughness,
Durlug the vacation, the college premises bare been
thoroughly refitted and enlarged. In ce nuectirn with
ether improvements. (las,
and washing, apparatus, (hot
and cold witter)hato been introduced, whereby
ego is made to possess alb the comfort and convenletives
(lieu agreedlile home.
For further partictears, or for circulars address the
y1 . 111(101 at Harrisburg. Aug. 15.