5E= )eolko. The Idle Children. There were oneo three children, who - Anstemi of going to school, as they should have done, stood loitering about grumb ling thnt, learning was such a stupid "Let's set off to tht wood and play with the little animals there—they never go to school-" "We are very sorry, but really we've just now no time," replica the animals. The beetle hummed: "That wouhtbe fin'e if .re were to idle with you children; I must build a fre'sh bridge of grass; ,the old oac is not safe. The children crept soft past the ant-hi .1, and as for the bee, they ran away from her as though she had been a venomous ISE The little mouse cried in a shrill voice, gathering up corn and seeds for the u inter "And I," said the little white dove, "am carrying dry sticks for my nest," The hare only nodded to them. "1 cant play with you for the whole world," said he. • "I've•got 'such a dirty face, and I must go and wash it." The little straw-berry blossom said, "I must make use of this tine day, and ripen my fruit, that it may be ready when the old beggar man comes to look for it." Then came the young cud,: strutting through the wood. "Dear Nlonsieur Chanticleer, you surely have nothing to do you can come and play a while with "Pardon," cried he, with great gravity. "I've noble guests at my house to-duy, and have to set out a feast for and bowing very stilliy away he went. Thou the children accosted the little stream that was running along su merrily: ''Do, dear little stream come and play with us."' But the stream asked, quite astonished, "What do you mean children ? in deed ! I don C know what to do, I am so busy,and yet you ask Inc to play with you! I can't stop either night or day. Men, beasts, gardens, woods, meadows, valleys, mountains fields, i must give them ail water to drink and wash all the dishes and clothes besides ! I turn the mill, - saw planks, spin wool, carry along boat.s upon my back, put out fire and much beside. 1 stop and play with idle children, in deed:" And away the stream flowed as fast as ever it could. The children were growing quite dis heartened & thought they must give up all hope of finding playfellows in the woods, when they saw a finch sitting on 1,1 branch, singing and eating by turns.— they called out to him their invitation. "Stars and garters !" exclaimed the finch, greatly surprised, "can I believe my ears ? You children seem to we un der great mistake. I.'ve no time to play not II Here I've been chasing flies all day', and now my young ones want me to sing them to sleep. I'm singing to them the praise of labor. How con you think so badly of ? Now you turn back a gain lazy childre and don't disturb the industrious folks in he woods." Thus taught by the animals, the children turned back to school very wil lingly, finding that play is alone the re ward of industry 2nd.work. TIA It ER S 00 K 11. E RE " TiIitESJA !NO MACIIINI;Sl 'rim subscribers desire to inform limners and public genet ally that they 11(PNY hq ve on hand and aro ennstan lying uftcturi T h rash i lig Machines wit h Plerpunt.'s Patent Slitaker, which arc generally acknowledged to be the hest articles new In use. Also a variety of Clover llulhxs,Cum Shelters and Straw Cutters. They also lttenn to the repAlring of Agricultural Mach eery in the bust wanner and 1)11 re:thffixable terms. ManiCae tory on North Hannover Street, directly opposite the 'rasidenco of Iteorgo Matagar, Esq. tri Augast S'ls._. ABRIMS , & PLANK. you, . S u Interest or the wholo of the Wrightsville Foundry fur Sale,::—sit mar) in WrhOttsvile, York county, Pennsylvania, well 1111141t0,1, 111111110111,4 tt good lousiness, 0110 of the Lett 10:.:ttious In tho ;fate for n Foundry. Thu proprietors, not livin4 In the place, estinot giro that attention to tho bu.iness that It otutEt to hat o—propose now to sill :on Interest or the 0111)10 of the establisinotent on 0-040 'foetus. Apply to, or address Win. W. Wookl,'Manelloster, York esonty. Pit; r , r Dluitlllll %Volt; 1:14 Pratt, :•ztroet, Ihtitintore. Md. August ......__ , . Ty,A.o II REIS' IVAN'l'll'lP.—Teachers „, h p can tench the Latin and Grottic languages, to i-,,kbsr kith t ILO W'ual branchos of au Eitgllgh Etlut,a -tl,3n. 0 ta!ta charga tt(M:ito i Ilittit Sthool of South IVara, York, I.`ttitt'a , Fur Weller particulars adatrusa A t . IL ISLAM, . July 25, 's','x.-st IpPPINESS ! HAPPINESS !! wianT CAN MAKE US HAPPY? = Lie in three words—Health, l'eace, and Competence. (N') But when we have pains, affliction or anguish of dis eases, is not our pleasure, otu• joy, and our happiness thereby destroyed t Why let our sick fellow-being silt= for? tides not Christ say: ••With the same measure . )e mete, it shall be measured to you again? . '—M i tt. 7, :S.— ••Wlat is a wise man and endowed with knowledge a mong you, let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness and wisdom."—James 3, 13. SURUI•IitY AND MEBICINE.—Doctor. I'. C. CARD DER, Surgeon and. Physivian, who is Botanist find Physiologist, and is raduate of our hest Medieal Colle ges, and has made himself acquainted with all the vari ous liystoms of Medical Sciem e, find with the recent discoveries and improvements in thec various depart ments of the Ilealing Arts, faithfully attends-.to orders fir Surgical and Medical Ald. and whose toed/Wes are all made or composed strictly in accordanre with tile Science.; of Pathology. fotallY, and ology ; and wh o se medicines are :ill rum pesod of NI 111 , 1, some roots, plants, and hydropathy, good in all diseases, and to whom the afflicted are invited to apply timely. Ills Character by Respectable Neighbors, Ac. Copy of a letter rrant the floc. 11. heinbach to Mr. II 11. Pat or. of the Warm :Springs. Respected /ski—Al low toe t 0 iutu od ere to your traindly notiee, 1/r. C.van of Now York. I have known 111% C. for sixteen ears, he lias done business Zr WO II ith sobriety, hon esty inid tt Ith accuracy; therefore I do Iwltu 0 lino to ba perfootly.sobrr, honest and trustworthy. Any lilVol . o you 11111 y 000 proper to confer on him, will be :w -ore/dated by his LIIIIIIOrOIIO and by 110110 ntnre highly than your sincere Itdeud and hinuldo servant. C. 11. LIEN BACH. handisburg, July 15th, 1551.. Copy lir a letter from George Spahr, Esq., County Treasurer.—l du vertlfy that the niedival advice of P. C. Cardder has surpassed any, other whit b I hate hitherto had in the eure of set ern lever in my fa :oily.- 1 it oold therefore recommend him to such persons w he may de afflicted with aforesaid disease or it herwise. ti EOltlli SPA tilt. Ill,,,m0154,1(1. August, 201,11, ISSI. Da_ C.11:1)1)1,1t. ‘%Oll 1101 11:1111 tell %VI 111 the fe et:lll laS,orerieS, a All their Ilea luul sall , Melte , Of 111,1 111011 1., 1111,1 the Speed) :1111.1 ef`11:1/11 remeilli a 1111 , 1 eurea for DySllvie,la, I.ller (01111118111 LS, 1 lymtliter.), Clod 0111 31011.11 , 11.111.1 all COIIII,IIIIII LS 01 Ihe 110111 rls 11101 :^11;l0rlr 11e111e , 110 ,, for file preVelllloll 4111(1 C lIIC e 1 A,1:111t . 1 fliera. llellietlllll., fop all Lila &forts and dis cam, of Lite ik•iieratiN l/r4:l 11:, :11111 111 1 1 , 1E11101 1I e Illy 111 Weil And tn 11011; Rellleillet , for I 1,4111/ty ; rerl:1111 Mei timely .•Ortfs for all l'on,lnapli.ols. I injaamtice. ility. SA, ual Abuses, t olercal tiwir and ~ther complaints. All 1111.00 rvaltalios etimmile trout the 1410..1 11.,1at• scion,a• 11l aany and lit ,J c,,inhintal, i liut lie poiseli.,— -lira] all manlier I/I sieknc aunt /111 manlier of disease. New Tosidniviit. -It is for livaling thatilirist Ino ,-adsidritail.-I.tike, 10..t1 and N 1 WI rrw unmllteLa,. "PrOVe.:l)i list I lint 1, hi 4 .11 is good. .--Ist. Tlit.ssalottiatis, 5. 21. - Tlloreiori , 10 us Imo ware of lay jug tip what we should lay 0111 lit for there n that s..atteretli and y ol iarroit , etli. and tier„ is that m11.1.1141(10111 1111,111 than is Inert, hut it trailetli." Proverbs, 1 I. 24. . . - The tlilfermit medicines and their directions will be sent to the :dill •ted lu any direction it until or express. Address Dr. P. C. l'unitherland coun t, Pa.. pint pall. and I/II! fee $1 :LI w:l3 accompanying lite w ilit the order, together ti ii It it der...mitt-et m the feelings anti the symptoms of the complaints ill Ills ittllieted inclosed. It is this system of ledi.tal t-ttlence Um Books ILIIII. the 1110111 IS id elan! eels. which Dr. l ud der employs that allow of Mitirely made of composed of NVlntlestene hoots. and I lydrepatii) , go o d in all uu 110IS011 ), and a bleb tilt make speedy :tint certain mitt tliter of sickness and all manner of disease, and wiieh A 111". pass all Miler medical It. p tut of girolilleSs. Iran. yond all lictudids of comparison. ill' loll' Sottlji 1111110% er street. East side node and below the Presbyterian Church arilste, Pa. l'estimottlals front numerous persons of the Ill.:hest respeetzildlity in this and the adjoining etattities. give authentic evident,' ~r the goodness of Ur. l'itrtitler A character, anti twit he been at his ofbee. IL The :1111 - leLnd eau reet t• suporior mosileinos and the tlirootions 1114.1 r use IL) th,t• tirt return of mail or ..xpres.K. if Interviews Ito desired, or visits 1 . 1.11up,t,d, Dr. I. will onokavour 1,0 a:co:000AM , ajrpllrsnts Its lar Ti..' li,st,ir 500ib.s the Ent:list' and Llie tier (huhl I.ailplng.,. .11:0.17. taco POIIT AN 3' TO F E )1A LES ! • D. CIiEI..SI:3I.IN'S t ~e cmnbination of ingredients in these I ills Is the Ft, stilt of a long and extensive practice; they are mild in their operation, and certain of restoring nature to its proper channel. In every Instance have these Pills pro ved successful. They invariably 011011 these nbstruetinus to which Females are liable, anti bring nature into Its proper channel, whereby health IS restored and ths vale a m nd deathly countenance cha,ed to a healthy onti: female can enjoy good health unless she Is regular; and whenever an obstruction takes place, whether from ex posure, cold or any other eILUSO, the general health im mediately begins to decline, and the want td such a rem edy has been the cause MR) many c .nsumptions among young females. To ladies whose health will not rermit or an increase of their these pills will prose a vat title nryulsitintt, as they sitprevent prognancy.— ' Ilett.laeho, pain in the side, palpitathnt of the heart. Ilia ' thine of food, and di Limbed sleep de 111.24 aNttys mise from site interruption of nature until u6ouea or that is the Vase. the pills will in%:triably remedy .nil thert ishis. Nor are the less alliettel ,, vis Inn the elan' .1 . Le WOllllll,l, cnunuonly called the -Whites." These pills should nev. er be taken during pregnancy, its they Ntotthl be Ware Inn rain, n nil:warm:4e, 11:tn.:tilted pttrolv 1 eizetable. and I free front anything injurious ty Hid or health. Fulland explicit directiims Neeompatty each 'flu's pills arc put up in square flat boxes. Persons reading where there.ts uo agility established. by uurlo- I sing clue Dollar in a letter. pr -paid, to hr. Curbsi.- No. 257, Bleocker street. Nen York, Call have 00111 sent to their respective addressii e by mail. . _ QTO VES ! STOVES!! Sl'l )\' !Il— k j dUIIN D. GOllibAS would inform the public thou he has now on hand at his establishment, on Main St., next, door to Marion liall. OM largest and most rem dote aNsortment of'COOK. 01 , 110 E • Lilt STOVES to be found iu this ru uuty, hick will be sold at the low est prices !Or ,ach Or approved credit. the stock consists of ";tilits a large assortment of new and highly lip crN proved PATENT cool: IN STO ES, li noshed iu the intrA, complete manner, and calculated for either wmid or coal. or both. All the old standard pat terns which have stood the test of ex peni..twe, may be found at hi: establishment- Also, a great variety of the nest approved :Ma beautiful PARLOR OFFICt: STOk ES, in cluding a number of new .stylvs, poowessing very Flipe ri.r ads: ntegm.; over those hanettdoro use. Families and housekeepers ;ire respectfully invited to give him a roll before purchasing eisewinare. Stoves delivered to girt of the country and put up at the shortest no tice. Ile continues to 'do all kinds of TIN AND Ern' IWO: WARR, and Copper Work. and has cluistantly on hand; or will inake to order every article required hy 110110 C.I“`PINO'S Or ()Owns inthis line. Ills stuck of and Copper Ware embraces every. hind of household and kitcholl ntensil, warranted equal to the best mantilite- Weed. Persons in want of articles in his line may al ways Ile sure of being arconunedatea to their satisfaction IT giving him a call. )ItEPARE F().l{, ! AA .p.Althim AND couNINII STOVES. The subscriber at kb: old stand int North 1 lantiVer Carlisle, the sign of the -.Ntanunah Red Coffee P 4," do: s ires to roll the attention of the public to his large s ortmont of d'l'OV ES, of the neive4t and most fashiona ble styles, from the hest manufactories in the country, nd at all prices from A mong his PA EMIR ti (MA:MISER STOVES I are the Xirror Stove, the Arctic. Revere. Star, Persian, Union and ~ E tna Air Tight, together ,4 with 01114. r pact one which he has of all F L;es fur tractors or chambers.and e:druiated for burning either wood or mil: Also. the :Etna., (Hobe, Astor, Albany,- Flat-top and Damns*: or Poor Motes; with other COok- INO ST., IV ES, comprising . the latest improVements ht kitchen stoves, mid intended for either wood or coal.-- Also, the Dining Doom Cooking ove—n new and ele gant article, to which he invites the partieular atten tion of mullion. lIIc molting stoves range in price from ill/ to 25, with the fixtures complete. Also, Nino Plate Stove , 4.ftpvarimr , patterna and different prices,. Also, ENAMELLED AND TINNED I% ADE for Cook ing Stoves, Ih;no Kettles. &v. Also. every article hi the line of Tin and Copper Ware. The public insl respect fully invited to call as he is confident with his huge stoat', variety and cheapness, of being able to }live en tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and see. Oct 25, Ibo 4. MORRIS. t i W. W. WOLF CO York, l',oun'a,i ..ilicbicium StOUC & Q:ill-Wal:C. q),lutt94 fintbw arc, Tol-IN P. LYNE—Wholesale and Re ty tall dealer in ,Auterican, English and German I tARDWA 11 E, Oils, 1 tints, &c., sz. Mechanics, builders and the public generally, who are In want of Hardware 4.'c ', 1 ,, c , r0 . . , ~ ,• . .„, of any . kind, are invited to call in and ... examine my unusually larg stopic—u. - t _ V ' ':goods, is hi.h 1 ant selling at very low lune, .111N1,tipsill; it will only detain :volt a very' 1 .,,,"„1,,,,t, to 1,,,, con•it,zcd that what everybody sass —that Lyn's is decidedly the place to get good gmAls :it law prices—must be true. LYN E'S Hardware :Store. West Fide North I lanover street. .11d the ptil.lie generally to the ~.....nrtinent of Ilartlwarelvhich he Las jtist,receivisi, cmisisting in. part of lit' I 1.D1,;\ I) 31 A .l lt l A I.S. nails. screws. hinges, locks, bolts, glass, putty, tints. 011 s, ,kt,. tools; saws and planes m every det.criptimi, with tiles. rasps, hammers, anvils, genlaul assortment tit SI 10101 A ANI) N:\U hLEhS '41)1 11..5. together with tuururru. titling and btnd iug Aline thread, was. pegs, lasts, harness mount. sathlk trees. .t 0. 'ri:lotiNii—eanvass (plain, enamelled, tig iir.'d and einkesseti.) patent and enamelled leather, :mks. sprint.s, huh:, spokes. fellow. shafts, ke., .I.c. Cakinet 11al,ers will r0..1 a brim :kssortmetit of yarn -111:11Inng:1 Ily :I I Id W:11111.11t vttnrs, moulding, rosettes, hair li. curled hair. &c. Tim steel, nl iron is large and wall selected, conmrls itm all the 1,111.1 s lit general use. as 'minium - m.l and rolled irnit of all sires. 11:11: 1,11111.1 11'011, 111111111. square :111.1 no al Iron, hewn shoe iron 111111 111111 rods, I, ith II large int Ix clot anti spring steel. English and American Mis ter s teel. 11,.u..11 , 6eepers and Tlmse about commeneing tt ill Ceti it to their ad to call and examine slur eutlery, brit t:ntiu and plated tune pans, kettles. cedar Ivare, Ittsisets. In addition to the, Glove we have reeeived a splendid ncanrdinent nr %% 1`.11 . 1•Il. !liaising, the stir k plete, and :it siteli pt ions :Is Villlll. o t rail to give satlscao tinit. We invite all friends torill. knowing it will Leto their oiut ;1.11;1110de. Iteuienider the old stand. East Street, l'a. Oct. Id. II EN N V SA XT , )N. F it Esii 111111'1 O1"I) - w hat itvg returned fisint the iipenist ir the lilt trade a larze unit wi 11 selected ,t,•ch lit liireign :11111 ‘1”111.41, 11:11.4h{ are. 0111ii171 Cllll' thing found in t Intl line of ht silies,.• The atlrutitai tit trienils 8,1 the is respectfully itiris tisi Li , the ii,airtinent on liand. :Is ,uring them that "I all kinds „ill lie silit gory giii awe nu 111:111licalt•I 111,1's 1.1'1,.5. 1111e1111.4 , r tint ast Jlain t•trect. Ira. .111. t. :in. Is:.-1. . 11. S.lN'ft IN. ,•7 - -_, -- - 11. 11 I )Nl' .\. li I.:,—Alainnioth ‘l ,, ftz. :-.. i .rh, g Arr L,.,t at I.l'N E . : 4 on Nort It 11an ,;,. ~,L: 2, 3. .t et' '..q.reei, W here Ow iml.lit. art. I,ring sup i a., ,‘ t‘ itu every vaulty if Hardware. Paints. oils l • A.. at tlie t. 0% 1.,1 i tell 1 . :,1 , '1,. Call ill, We 11111 :1,1.011 1110thlie 11 l'W /11. tee. Mid) iciites. ).I.l)'S 6 12 1 N cuN . Fl-.1 - ill i.vrit.tvT For disease ill tilt, Bladder arid lxbiney s, sect et biseases. t•dricittres. Si 1 . .111.11..,.0 . 05. 411.1 at tlll . Organs, Is briber in Mate or Female, trout analyser ea Um! they May 1111,1. e no maLiur of hone 1..11;.; 1 I lln hale o . tolotilit . ted the terrible disease U !Itch. once 110 t 11.• ,y,lo•111. 11 111 our Hy go it. , li 11..111 goolit.lntlnii to meatier, II nslintilliolinz the ratllal It 111 lull and saying the Ivry 111.11 tnunls ni hlc, do nut ti ant )0111 ... 0 . 1. it, 1111• hands of Quarks, who start up every day ill n city like this. and ell the papers %%all oaring fals hoods, too bell ealentatt•.l to !Meets e the rung. and those not :mot:tinted with then. tricks. lon cannot be too careitil 1.1 tile selectbill ill a retired) ill Cases. 'file 1 . 11111.1 Lxtra.t Ituchit has been pnnunnn rot by nlllllll,lll telly debits to tile greatest remedy ever ktem m— it is a mediums , magi:idly pleasant 111 its taste, and %cry innocent in•tio11,11.110 • 1. o. 1, 111:11 tiler it,Bllllll - es cry ',titbit. rut the rank nut' poissmetis Shrill' ,, ! uux WV:1111111 sIllso . 11,1 . ; 1111 ii, unlike triter 112111..1111,, nut airy up t h e di,uu, in the 1,10011. Coll,litUtbolial lleUlitly. Ititaillt on by self-al:use, a mbst terrible disease. which has brought thousands or the isuntan race to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes ill parents, and blighting In the bust the glorious munition ill many a noble youth. can i.e cured by this Intalliblu Remedy. And as a medicine blileh utast lament e% Cr) body, from the simply deltrate to the confined aud despairing ins alit!. no equal is to be found acting both as a Lure and pretentivu. lIEL)IIIULD'S LY CoNCENTRATED (70)1POL' FLUID rIX'fIiACT SA it:,A P.t It I LLA, For Purifying the Mood. retie ing all diseases arising, Irate excess ot Mereury, alai imprudence It. lite. chronic emistitutionat direase, arising trout 1111 impure state of the Blood, and the fully reliable and ellectual know n remcily for the : tire at, Scrotula. Rheum, Scald I Icerationt et the Thr6al atm Legs, Pains :tint Fu elliugs ut l il t h uues,'Potter. Pimples on the face, nud all Seal) Eruptluun Or till This artiele presci ih ed some of the inert distinguished physi: iitlu in the cotintry.end has pan rd nut re rineiotlt nu lll,ll iire t hail any prepai at ion ot ral',n piltilla yet otteied to the publie. Sell . l.tl VAS,: nl rery II- Mercurial and scridulotir disease,, Lit I. entirely i . 1.111% tined lit tilll 11/1'111,11 , 11 . V 4.1111, ui I 111 . IhiLllc 11:111 many years twisted et ery mode of tleatinent that could tie des ired. ' I here ruses furutsh striking example:- Ot t hey mini:try etleets of this medicines In arrestibg. , ....toz of the aunt tin eterate disease', litter the gland:. 11 eta navy Id, and the bones already aliened. , • .. Nurfer..—bettersfrom responsilile Physicians and Pro fessors of several )letlical Colleges. and certiticateT.ed cures fray patients 1%111 he found accompanying both Prep:tuitions. Pluck:, Fluid Extract , of Itucitu, ;I per bottle, or 6 for .• equal In strength to 0110 gallon of Sy'rtty of Sarsaparilla. Prepared lifid sold by 11. T. II EIMIM•11, Chemist, '263 Chestnut Street, 110111' the blouse, Philadelphia. T,, be had of Druggists and I/ealers everywhere. All letter:, directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive immediate attention. July '25, 'M. ril 0 o'r it \VAS I I .--Illeatitiful wilt I'e th titatthy I; Mil , nud a Sweet liroatii—All ilit• tieAr,,tis of obtaining thi,e bullet:Ls nlwuld use 7,1•:It- NIA N't-; A:•11. This doll, ions article effitibities su tunny Ilierit"110111, 1111111Itieti that it ha, iiIPIV )1t , e1.1111.• tt Ft:11111:1M I.lVOrit l .3 will, the citizens n. New Y,.r1.. Philadelphia auti ltaltlntttrr. Deliti,ts pre scrik, it Itt their practice and loan every source the uumt flattering laittlittioim are zmarcied It Inflamed and bleeding gums are inintedlitttily benefit ted In Its use; its :Lethal upon them Is mild, soothing and Oft...tire. It cleanses the teeth so thoroughly, that they arit made to rival pearl lit whiteness, and diffuses through the mouth such a delightful freshness that the breath is rendered exquisitely sweet. It disinfects those impurities which tend to produce devay, and. its a con sequence, when . theso are removed the teeth must al- MIN'S stmain sound. Read the fhlluwßtg front Dr. .1. A. Carman: Mr V. Zerman— Sir: Racing used and reennuneniled Your Teeth Waidi In my prartive inr some time, 1 find it the lined ell', etual thintrillee in usii,aild thereforii mount mend it to the public Read the following testimony: Mu. 7:t.hu:cs--lire Sir: 1 have fully tested the merits of y,.ar val noble Tooth Wash, and can, without hesita tion, reCOMIIII.IId it :is the best that has mine under my notice during lin OX)/01 . 1011m,10: DitilfiSf Of 110011 than six teen years. It cleanses the Teeth. icaithes and hat dons irritate.l bums, and imparts a delicious fragrapee to the Breath. Frain the mouths of those who make use of it, however, it will certainly spetili tin• itself. (Ito. I'. :':einv tax, Surgeon Dentist, South Tenth st., Philadelphia. It is used and recommended by all the eminent Dent ists in New York:, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and tither cities where it has been introduced. All should give It it trial. nit,- Prepared. iwily I.y Francis Zerman. Druggist and ('demist. Philadelphia, and sold wholes:tie and ret Ail by e „„ me i Eni utt ,e"nsii,, xlombeimor, '3fightildestilirg; 1.. Herron, Newvllle, C, Williams, ShippenAuris, and ,hy all Drug,;ists at only 25 cents per bottle. • la — Job Printing promptly executed Fifl ARii I VAT. ! lIENVIt SA vrox. The ed from the elty would e:111 the Dr. J. A. CA.IINIAN, Do»tlst, 11arrlaburg, Pa nicbicias, • OS T IMPORTANT TO TUE LADIES.Dr. Geltianer'g celebrated LIENS 11M. mi.t.h. have been • long and widely known as invariably certain in removing any stoppage, Irregularity, or sula pression of the menses. In the Female Hospitals lit Vienna, l'arls,and t my have entirely superseded the tn.,• of all other CCM, 'dies; because, where II cure he attainable by medicinal 11.g:uncles. they are certain of success: Their astonishing efficacy would be almost incredible, If net t ouchod for by indubitable testimony, in numerous instarn es pro duel ne• rot tuns of the monthly period after ‘ all hope had been rtbantismed. 111 every case. from w utterer cause 0 ,strUclicii kinky aline. as also to prevent pregnancy where the health will not admit as., of fluidly, they are dwa3 s ettivient: for w 6h k they mutt mot t e used kitik ing pregnancy, t h e ay mild, healthy, safe and certain in their Ohs .Married ladies will tile niaxinxtructions In il k .) directions. in which are In various symptoms by Ichich the causes of the suppression luny ho determined. Price, 1 hie Dollar per (lox, containing explicit direc tions. Each hex will be signed by Dr. It. 11. CtEn , SNEtt. Principkil (tiller, 1'271 1; Liberty Street. Nem-York City‘ Responsible agents will be appointed for their sale as MOM as practiralde , I n the aurae time. all orders al r to be addressed to I'+•. It. (1, (1 Liss:Nl:kb L•'St.; ty t rect. Ni•w-Yuri( City or to Jane 2450 N. 'I. l ost flltl, e. nod it boy, will lit , scut by •etarn mail, as they are put (111 lit sealed ell nein! es and 'all Ike sent with like sttictest pnb racy to any part of th United States. ioN To LADIES As various not ;oily ineltectito Tut injurious r,lll - purporting, to It •'FFM.7I.I: 1.11. I," uMiernil6iuds names as ••I Pmts.," ••Sussit Pitts," .I;katot s Pitts," ••I•Fanuarti, Pitts," Sr. are to to palmed oil upon the credulous or tint it is only. necessary for ladies to be on fluidr guard against the at ton.pted imposition. and in an rat, ,t here tilol4 , k no nut horlotod agent for the sale of -Int. iii 1,•:\ 31t,s, sTexti. ts," to order diroot from hint by mail, In re turn of whirl' a box will be sent. July 25, flit- .1. 8.. rATiltiLlcoN. plit THE RI:1,11,F CCM:ur ;• ,, l FFERIN(i 1:L31.11,L5. It stands pre-eminent fl' its rural lye powers in all the dis eases ktr 0 Well It is reettint. ue•nded. usually called Ittr- NI.S LE I'lol 1'1..1 !Nit , . of • those are Prot:wens Uteri. or lallhtc of the IN omit; Flour A Itais. or 11 !tiles; Chronie I to flail] cital iccii and 1 Irvrat is cii I ht• \\'nail•: Incidental 11 i•Ila r ritait•. or Fl ending: A. I rretzulai 11ro slruatiun• tle., with all their iiiestotpaits lug ry il'• (Cancer extteptii.l Ito matter how se sure o r o f } t oss long staioliiiß. This uw•dirlrtr lute net er been introthired by empty pulls. ;toil nitsri presetittil it rt our is it Ili Lunde!! that its pre-rut pt i.olarity shun Lc sustained liv any illetlioni hot its into its and the apt.' o• Isitientof the public • N(1'1'1(1.; •ni uNI•iIitiTNATE 1 , 1*N1.11.1:. I feel it a duty ineunihent Litton myself to iteelare tiottlit ty the great blessing lir. Uterine I a. tholitt a bias proved to Vie. For t)t'it's Icc . :11111 :IS miserable; I was :1111)1,1 %mai le tc. wntk. 1 si itri.licallica•d toy rckSi . falling °I the xt c.icilt. Sit rt•nnneui•ltig withillic.r allcils. 'I lie pains. irrltat kin. latostration......e.. rendered Elea I stolen. - In t Its miserable rendition. lir. F. '\rvt laud re, iit Illeiccled 1)r. )larelliSi's l'atlittlietto. fitter tak ing tour bottles I tind my elf in jotrleet health. 010'- oot° for nq restoration mnkrx the ardently hat till my sex. alike nottot omit, Ina) find sure ;viler tit 111 this iliestitlialcle II I.I.IZ.NIIETII A. tiIt:NYLAND, No. 19 I\ l •.at-st., Utica., N. Y. 'riot above statement I know to be tattle. F. N ENV LAND, M. lb. Utica. N. Y. . . . I have no hesitation In ea) Ing. Ur. )11trchi•I's Uterine Catholietin Is Invaluable In uterine diseases ;tenon' Ily I lllit, 111.01 it ill Fir All Os, Amenorrhovi. ilrnlapstis Uteri. and in cast's ui rixteusi e uleeratien of the Itylna, uJ os uteri. It is worthymf the untie,. of the Faculty. JOIIN C. M. I)., Ilaltintore. Md. Let all Interetert. 0.1 elqain a pamphlet et) eontaining ample prolll, trout tne 111( Ice l .. ••• • St II iletietitial results of its use: tl.gt.tlll.r , Ni it 11 letters from highly experienced Phy•ielatts, xi) have used It in their practice, and speak from their 051 n observations. 1::.) I\ IFIFF:11., Drtwuist, South Ilanover street, sole Agent for Carlisle. Pit. ,1. It. MARCIIISI CI).. Proprietors. Central Depot, :kl-1 Ii1.041lIN‘:1), N. Y. January 21, Its„-tut SPANISII M I XTI:IIF,. TIIE (lIIEAT PURIFIER OF TIIE It1.0(111.—Not it particle of ;Mercury in it. An luiLllii le rola 4ly for Scrofula, King's Evil, hiammat ism, obstinate Color ms ns. Pimples or Pustules 4,11 the Valeta s, Ihdls, Chronic Sore Eyes, King Worm or Titter. Seald !lead, Enlargemunt and Pain of the Bones and Stutorn Ulcers, Syphilitio Disorders, Lunitago. Spinal Complaints and all dl s ivi.es at Wog fl - 1111) +w it~udh•hnts use lit Mercury, Imprudence in I,lfe, or Impurity of thu Blood. 1,6-This great alterative 1110111'111Q /11111 I'lllllll'l' of the Blood. is now used by thousand , of grateful patients In all parts of the United States, vvlw testify daily to the risnarl,alile cures performed by the greatest of all 'testi elites. -I`..k I Vl' lIIt'S SP.IN IS 1 31 I N't Neuralgia, Ithelmint ism, Scrofula, Erinntions on the Sl,lnel.iverll 4 - IMIIO, levers, Vieers. old Sores . . .111,01i/11s 11f 1111 , hid 11015 11 1 ,,5,es of the T 111.11111., Fl'lll,llll C(1111111:11111S. and A:little of the 110111's 111111 .11 , 1111 S. are very speedily put to flight bv using this great and Inestimable remedy. Fir all distsises of rho lilu,d, within.: has vet been found to compare It, It. It cleanses the system all im purities. acts gentl:. and ettlelently tot the I.b.er and Mil ne S, strengthens the digestion, gives tone to the ; , tonl. itch, undies the skhl clear 111111 1111111111 y, 111111 11114E1S the CllllFllllllloll,lsllfeeblotl by (1114/11/1 , or Molten 11/IWII 11/(1•11S1.1.1.1 01 youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladies It is Intsmiparably bet ter than all the cosmetics over used. A few doses (,C CART SIX'S S1111\1:11 MIXTVII.E 1/ 11l IVIIIII I / 1 3 all 11:11111W111.11,1 of comply x km, brhig the roses mantling to the cheeh. glue elasticity...to its step, antiluiprnve tau, Iftllolll.lllllllllll 111 111 emarloiltle ile. gros leyend all theAnedicines over heard of. 'flie large number of certificates whlch we have receiv ed from from persons from all parts of this United :mallet', is the Ui( evidence that there IF 111 , I[llllolllg nbidA l It • The pre 14, hotel.lteepers,...magit.trates. physicians , and public num. well known to the conontiolly, Jai 100 their testimony to the wonderful effects of this lilt LIA'l 1:1,001) I'l' lIIFI halt. Call on dhe .AGLIST, and get a Circular and Almanac, and read the wonderful cures this truly greatest of all Meillehtes has performed. Foos geottineuulet , B signed 111 NNWrr no. 'rletors, No. a, Pearl sliest, MA111%01141, Ytt. to the In all oilers for supplies and agencles must Is. addressed. And for sate by S. .P.lllott, S. \V. 1 inverstick. Carlisle; Ira Day. Mechanicsburg; .1. 11. Ilervidi, Newville; J.C. ;Otte. Shippensburg, and 13 dealers in nnallefues et ery• where. mimlut largo hivoiee 1, la nwn's...W(l loy's l'ammut, Cant.m, 1:11tIntl. Ped al Wahl and Ihunitaldo `trap Hats, now upouing and belling uncommonly low at 113 cheap sumo of • :May, lt„,:l}b (MA'S. 0011,111. WOOLLEN YARN —A lot Of very Superior Heavy and Even 'Woollen Yarn just reecived, ninch better than the city yarn. all coloors„ 110V8 , CHAS, OGii•W% incbines. II V E It COMPLAINT, .Dyspepsu J Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous debility, Diem, so the Aulneys, and all diseases arising from a disorde re Liver or :tonutch, such as Constipation. inward lila. fulness of blood to the bead, acidity of the ',Ammo s nausea, heartburn, disgust ILir lied, fulness or weight ii the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or fluttering a the pit of the Ht. 01111411, M . :Wind:lg Of the head, horde and diflicult breathing, fluttering at the heat t, ehukiu or suit. wating sensations when in a lying foot ure, din, Less of vision, dots or webs liethre the sight, fever an. dull pain In the head, delisieney of perspil 1101°11,3 chest 111,5, or the skin and eyes, pain in the sole, hark, chi,' limbs. ke.. sudden flushes of heat, burning Ili the heit eonstan t iinakiiiings of (A 11, and great depression or sl II Its. can he ellectually cured by int. 111111FLAVI's CEL I, !IRATE() It ER 31AN BirrEits, prepared by lit.. C. ). .1 iicssos, No. Eh) Arch Street. Philailelphla. . . . I,IIM 111 . .. , rV1 . the alitrVit diseases is not excelled. equalled. by ally other preparation in the l'ilitetlShiu, as the VIIITS attest, in many eases after skilful pl Ham: had failed. These NUN'S are worthy the at tentl ,, n of in volith - Possessing groat %lanes in thu rettiTtaticn of dist,“,e or the la 111111 lesser glands, exereisilig this m. searching pincers Lt weakness and alluetiotis of tte organs, they are withal site, certain and . ant. TESTEMONY FROM PENNSIA.V.INIA. .1. D. Spring, Laceyvillii. Pa., April (1, say, r:ue got you some plod certificates for your German Pit• t a this vieinity if you ti isle them. lady iittrrattrtc . ing SOMA` of it this V. 14. k., stirs that it Is by tar tide test ineilieitie she Vs la' Luca',_ baying dove her aid h , r daughter inucb good:A e, S. It. lin tt son !laniard's Store, Somerset co. Pa., a `5:l, any , . — I am noich attached to your (Kadin,n ilit ter - a, ha% hug tun hit ties of it. tt Idyll I procure Frion S. Kurtz. 3 our agent at Somerset. and thiltail relief Ir mt It iu di,,rase nt the 1,11 cr. 1 tlnil it hi great effect on nn' Ittugs. stcenatheiling and ten igurattrt theut, IVilllll. /Is I am n public Sia•ah..l . . Is a groat help to Dr. Illleq. N'' ton lintnilton. May. 19:11, t•nitt hat° uto.ol tu, self half a duzru lo.ttitts of your lien !Lori Billet . ° Int . Lit or l'nunplaint. and tlist•a•es f o 1, d'art. tor. rt••ltllltnf fn.nt tin , al use of tutu, nry. I in inol.motl 31111 lib stanuntt frt•to the tt , t.nt IL. latter article. The tituottan I.l . lters Lustlli, yst lirtit I lantn whji•li inc relief. 1 have gIN tut a In many tea. sill It flu• ttny4 salutary tt sults. I thud, .t many ill re Lot ties Will etiri.lll.," nut:. ol" iNI*III I , MIIN (I.'a: \ , 4 ntuit (I,niend 14.ldlity. I lit est Ina) \C eat and Nlllllll I Ined tnally differec rennalh'S i 511141111.4 1 1 01444 lat hurt used your 114iolland (Inamin Hitters. I toy It a few 1adt1,... ti, reel i , .11 4 44. /1,141 us Hs etanpletely cured. I liars . it tares. llnalthy i..• 11 year , hr I hare 11.1^t 141111 1 1 144 4 4 k 311 Itittors. t 1 hi, h is 111411111 44110 oar Thee llit er, ate EN] rn t t t t“1 - 1 tart.. :On ays strant.l t In . 1 , 14911 11114 i urter pr. st Tat Inc: it. S-1 , 1 Ily dealer , 111 111,11 inn and n here. al d dy Samuel Ellkt t, S. AV. Ilaver,dick and I Nl', Canllman. Cal : lnsini,cr A Sinolor Newlan - 4, I.y maters iu Aledi,as 1)()("roit \ sELF—PRIV.ITELY 11' ki 4 7 , :. 'Pa 4., hy means of th e I ',APR'S. hr F.vt ul\N 1 . 111 ;sIUI 1 ` , 4 thirty.sixth htlition., It )1114. 1111.111,1 4.1.1:rw.11,:5. • hov PriN :de hi•ease- and 1 a miltions of the t;etlerati, st, in. in It cry shale 1'4)111S to IN hLlr is added Treatise on the Diseast s of 1• mles, intended for the us. females , see page WO} ing of the lib,liest tml ort.rm to married people, or tIllit)i) templating marriage. Ily. 11 NI. 50t,..:, 1;111411)A of the 1:11iVer,11.) of Pell on) Italia. lq4 mher of the I it al .. g . of z. , iirgeons, I. ,1141)411. )1111i honorary of the l'hilatielphia 114,1 teal society. 'l' he A/Vlllr lul u of Spirit diseases. Seminal 11 ealmess, 1/I:eases of it Prostrate Wand, I mpoteney. solitary habits ut y fidthl,illy (i1.1 • 11111`11, and all the receipts gly I implai language. The t•liapters on self ahuse and :emiet 11 ealmess is wot thy of particular attention. and sin el is. read by every one. 1, "wig men ti hn have lieu 14111111)1LO 111 contracting disease, peer lotus tA4 jlariu utter (Alme vale of any dm•tor, no matter uht wor k. • .- , 00 11111 y kJ, get anpy of this truly ' Sea Cala nr4l rrsons multi rcsre Dr. loom , Trvati,e M arriage. the - l'oc'ket -.V.yetlllll Us, or 1.% vry ont, Ills OW 11 Pil) 111,11111. /In Let. no father he ashamed to present a copy of id us to his child. It may save him fri in an 0:11 grave. Let no young man or ‘,otillin enter into the . clad Mitigations id man iod lift without readilt,•,2,ll••poe et .F.setilapins, Lot no one suffering ii null Sack nit cough. pain in the side, nestle-s nights. nervous fiadia nod the ii hole train of Dys;aifitie sensations, an d g p it tip by their phy.ielati, I u ;Mettler Illtillielit nlllllllll, to stilling the .F..setil:ll/111S. Ilnco the married or the ittsint to he marriad ally impediment, read this inn useful Hook. its It has been the means of saving the sands of Ind; irtimato i•reat tures from the very jaws del( IL Upwards of aM I 1.1.11)N ismies of this eclehrati „„ s h in this isitudry and Europe sines w hen the first edition was issued. ;l i e - Any porsiin sending 111 liiiNTY-F1 VII rents elo•sid In a letter. i‘ ill rants our copy of this tooth I twill: or oril•s w ill is scat tor jl. Address I W I LLI A M yt,t•Nt;, No. I:•2 Sprtietistreet.Philatielplii ' Pied p Its eat.% year. int:tette° in the - city of Philadelphia r., t iinit -ti1.1.•• lir. 1 nun;; In Lie confidence td the i • dried, and lii• may be consulted en anj• of the disea, s ilesorilied in hi. ifilferimt pa lineations. at his "Mee. i•lpi nee street. et ory day lietiveen It and Iltielock, Fen days e•us•lited parole at any distance can consii:t Dr. Venn roar x5lll. k F E—S E 1)1"—S ;RE —S o t! L 2. TILING FUJI runt OWN BENLIITII 'A 31-,11 illiAlintd to .;.:•nrt-..,1 it;,l`. greatly superior to other, and within the means of every individual. lw PILLS t i er twenty-five etkllt.sl No extortion to price—no Calemel—no mineral poison whatever. Ito. 'Few socl o II EALTII PILLS fully merit thrgwat reputation they hartoiNuir ,, l. They . are 4..a11ed for from all parts of the hind, because THEY ARE ALL TIIAT Tttttt WAIM to LE- W lIAT TIIEY WILL IM—Thej - purify the Hood. they ihnso who S stein of ifuntors, they mire Dynpersia end they create an Appetite, they ettre Sack llamlatho,llirzinos,land Low Spirits, they arrust Newt e, they promote it healthy whit i‘t . the Llior, they tin' i t sure cure for trostireness and Habitual Corstipatioc, tiny - are hiquly etlicaelw: in Female Complaints. th-ey str.;m:then :and give tone to the System. They are tool Family Medicine known. It is au obvious inquiry, how rote medicine ran cure 9( many di ffe rent complatnts. These Pills. however. are to c „ , ,,,p,-,unded of curative materials that twrsons hate tro- Iy to no; THEM and the answer will IK.I found, En a rx , titorerl body and am invis:orated eonstitution. p,,,x contains 104 l'ills, at the •astenishinglv price of 25 cents. Every individual should have Nod. by the Druniub to :Ind Storekeepers generally F. A. Po.fmn, general Agent, Eteningtoti. Ct. I‘llllA C OF SCIENCE.--.1.)r. C. of .Nle , hatil, • slmr Cumberland r.onity: Pa., announce.; to th0....e .911lict,t1 with Tumors. %Vt:. Cancers, Polypus, Lupus, ula. liimr's 11.:111.1 all disoasos that have been usually tr.5.364111t1i ttstb. or ean thelt out euttlinr, burning or pain; neither Cltiorofbrin rr Ether ha admioist-red to tho pliant, It Is no matter on what p a rt of tho hotly they Ina:: bo, lir can reintoor them with pte..feet sandy.. ant In a remarkably 0 4 ,- r ! Hato. No Mineral of Vlt;Z(43lllepttihtln In applied, money regnireti until a onto pi.rftwted• ProLuouts llturl, Fomalo Complaints, Chroule, Vores m a a n d all other diseases treated with positive fateo, , s. l artirtilat's can be obtained by adthrti fair In el th.sr E llg y r :I : or I:ortivin. post, paid. Patients can ho act:v.m moduted with ~n reas.otable Loons. iv ono t.f Uto prettio.st and bwiltby tnww , In tills or any *ditto ditto. It is 8 nille4 frian Harrisburg, on tho Citteibe.tidnd Valley hail lload,•an.l from all parts of the Union. Thu lb,-tor will 0 f .1t,..1,;0; in :any purl of tatC‘ whin desired, reader if you know any afflicted Pillow , cool tut e, delay nut, to Lull them of this treatment' . . . ' • 1' it W -A r.) - ) l l 4 o l o j dlt l l ) b A tt, l r ) lc l4l o i f :L l`apo j r lll9ll: : ll y r il e lt e,Mil.N:Veil(l4( ” C 511,‘103 and Fireloard Prints, end - Taring all tlur voue...t and mast appro ed styles. Tito designs aro neat and chaste, and the, prices sorb as . r.:lnnot fall to Oro p•ati , .- Iliotion. IV° int du car friends and the ,puidte , r ,,, m ,,,,1.. ly to call raid exawine our assortwont Nth, purehasing elsewhere. 11. SXTON. marclV2l , Bad Main titacet, Owlish, M