Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 22, 1855, Image 1

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The 0.11C1.1b14; ibiILALD is published weekly on a large
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111D11111!:, and none disi)mtnivien until all arrearages
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lit I. VubSeri lierS living out of Cumberland county
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some rimponsible person living In Cumberland mina
. These terms will .be rigidly adhered to in :ill cases.
Advertisements ‘1 ill he charged $l.OO per "square el
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Advertisements inserted before :Marriages and Deaths,
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The C•vanskr. JUTS PRINTING OFFICE !e the
.irgest and most complete establishment in the county.
ore.. good Presses. and a general Var,lety of material
lilted for Plain and Fancy work 01 e\ cry kind, enableb
is to do Job Printing at the shertest, notice and on the
,st reasoutiblo teems. Persons in want of Bills. Blablis
ady thing in the Jobbing line, o ill find it theirin
erest to t;ire us a call. fiVery Variety of ISLAS is eon
tautly ou hand..
do- All letters on business must be post-paid to se
um attention.
tieneraf d tncaf Chformation.
President,-I , SIANKLIN
1., vresideoL--vie Iiu•tol, U. 11. ATCIIESON.
Re•rrelary of St ate—\V o. L. 3IALcv.
he.•rctaiy of Imerlor—liolina
Se , retu•y of Treasury—.lAmEs 1; et
Z,erretar!, of llai—.l...FFEitt,.s
Alo,ter 11ener.11—.1 km ES ('.UII•Ie E 1.4
A I 1.. q. tivy li oiler:ol—C \ LEW (!thii !Nu.
Cuiel Justice of United Slates—lt. 11. T.ksr.r
- -
Uovernor—.l.lMES I'OLLOCK.
oe:•eittry of State—ANDREW G. cutaiN.
burveyor P.
A 11.1 i for t; I teral —E. BAN KS.
Judges td the auprento Court—E. ttus, S. 111..cett,
CV. B. Lem. RIO, U. W. WOOLOS ARD, .1; C. KNOX.
co uivr-sr OFFICERS.
Pusiderrt .I.ONs 11. (NAHA:kt.
Afsoklat,e ud,os—Liou. (Nip, tAturuel Wood
Altormv—Wm..l. Shearer
tol.ti ,, n ,, Lary—: , auiel h. NL.el
Re,..praer, &c.—‘lotin M. i l regg.
he r _r„istor—NN Bikini Lytle.
ierl •11 ia
4nuriii—in.h li op .sieDernionil; Deputy, ;fames
rN. id ner.
t.;,.utity Treasurer—N. W. Woods.
Coroner—Joseph U. '1 honipsoh .
County Cum n i ',so, uers—J Olt 11 Bubb, Jaines Armstrong,
George AI. iitaILLLII. Clerk to Couinti,siuners, 11 illiani
Directors of the Pour—George Shearer, George
dle, Julio C. Brown. uperititendeut of Pour House—
J useph Luluch.
Chief Burgess—Col. AELMSTRONG NOBLE.
Assistant Burgess—&unuel
Town. Council—it. C. 11 oudward„ (President) Henry
Myers, John (Jaskolll, Peter Monyer, F. Gardner, R. A.
Sturgeon, Alictutul 611 eater, Jelin riunapson, LtuVid Sipe.
Clerk to Council—William NVetzel.
Constables—Joseph Stewart align Con Stable; Robert
McCartney, Ward Constable.
First Presbyterian Church, northwest angle of Centre
squaro. ltev. CONWAY P. 111A0, Pastor.—services every
Sunday nail-aim; at 11 o'clock, A. M., and. I . !,'cloch,
P. U.
Second Presbyterian Church, corner of South Hanover
and Pomfret streets. 11ev. Mr. EAtt.s, Pastor. services
commence at 11 o'clock, A. M., aud 7 o'clock, P. M.
St. Johns Church, ki-rut. Episcopal) northeast angle of
Centre Sgptire. Rev. J.wea 11. Mukss, Rector. Services
1! at- 11 o'clock, A.M., iind'a o'clock, P. M.
Englisti Lutheran Church, Bedfind betweeu Main and
letattltir-"steeets. Jacou Fay, Pastor. Services
at 11-b'el9ck, A. M., and 7;,i 2 o'clock, P. M.
Cerium' lletlirmed Church, Loather, between Hanover
and Pitt streets. 11ev. A. 11. lifiC3lEit, Pastor. Services
at 10!,ii o'clock, A. Ili, nod lS P. M.
Methodist C.Church,(first Laarge) , Order of Mainiind
Pitt streets. Rev. S. L. M. CONeElt, Pastor. Service-t+at
11 o'clock, A. M., and 7, 1 4:i o'clock, P. M.
Methodist E. Church (second Charge) Rev. J. M.
Jogs, PaStor. Services to College Chapel, at 11 o'clock,
A. M., and b o'clock, I'. M.
Roman. Catholic Church, thailfret, near East street.—
/WV. J Ants liAltiLkITT, Pastor. Services en the 2nd Sun
day of each month.
Herman Lutheran Church, corner of Pomfret and
lledthril streets. Ituv. 1. P. itiaschold, Pastor. service at
10, 1 4; A. M.
44 - .. When changes in the above are necessary the pro
per persons are requested to notify us.
Rev. Charles Collins, President and Professor of Moral
now. Herman M. Johnson, Professor of Philosophy
and English Literature.
James W. Marshall, Professor of Ancient Languages.
Rev. Otis 11. Tiffany, Prolowa of Mathematics.
William C. Wilson, Lecturer on Natural Science and
Curator of the 31useum.
Alexandor Schein, Professor of Hebrew and Modern
Benjamin Arbogast, Tutor in Languages.
Samuel IL llillwan, Principal of the liraunnar School.
William A. Suively, Assistant iu the llrainuiar School
CARLISLE DEPOSIT DANK.—Prusidont, Richard Parker;
Ca .Win. M. Beaton; Clerks, Henry A. Sturgeon,
Joseph o.lloßer. Directors, Richard Parker, Henry Sax-
Ada, John S: Sterrett, John Zug, Henry Logan, Robert
Moore, Samuel Wherry, Jelin Sanderson, Hugh Stuart.
Frederick Watts; Secretary and Treasurer, Edward M,
Diddle; Suporintondant, A. F. Smith. Passenger trains
twice a day Eastward, leaving Carlislo at 7.18 o'clock,
A.M. and 6.lB4o'cleck, P. N. Two trains every day West
ward, leaving Carlisle at 0 o'clock, A. 31. and 2.20, I'. N.
erick Watts; Secretary, Lemuel Todd; Treasurer, Win.
31. Bedew ; Directors, F. Watts, Richard Parker, Lemuel
odd, Wm. N. Deetem, Edward M. Diddle, Dr. .W. W.
'do, Franklin Gardner, Henry Glass.
. ,Viirt.,CORNER. of Ilan
• •,,'""!• ' over nod Louther sts.
P WA 'tral. (4121 , 18 LE.—The undersign
od has always ou hand a largg stock of superior Cabinet
Ware, in all the different styles, which ho is prepared to
sell at Um lowest prices. Ile invites attention particu
larly to the PATENT Sefinvo liorrou dicontAn, a most
useful %Abdo, which entirely obviates alLpbJections.—
The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have
given entire satisibction to nil who have then in use.
• Aas. (101+11NB blade to order at the shortest notice.
saVAPER, PAPER.—Porsona wanting
WALL,' PAPER, will find an extonstco stock fur
o vCry CHEM' Cit .r R. DICK'S.
Carltslo', April 4, 18;.h.7.
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THURSDAY, Augost 16
The steamships America and Lebanon ar
rived at New York yesterday. Accounts frftm
Portsmouth, Ye., give a melancholy picture
of the Condition of that city. About hOOO
persons have fled from it. The whole sur
rounding country is overrun with - fugitives,
who fill barns, kitchens, churches, .school hou
ses and dwellings. The town looks quite,'de
serted, entire streets having only one or two
families remaining, districts depopulated, ho
tels and stores closed, business
nod society disrupted.
At Bedford, yesterday, an application for a
writ of babes corpus in the case of Paqsmore
Williamson, was argued before the Supreme
Court of the State by Charles Gilpin and
.William M. Meredith, but after consultation
among the Judges, all of whom were present,
the Court- finally adjourned until October,
without corning Urn decision. A meeting was
held at the Merchants' Exchange, in Phila.
:yesterday, to devise means to alleviate the
distress caused by the epidemic at Norfolk
and Portsmouth. A large committee was ap
la to collect money. :. - ii(;00 was subscrib
ed un, A similar meeting was held
yesterday, at the Exchange in Baltimore; and
also .one at the New York Corn Exchange, at
which a committee of fifteen was appoiined to
collect money. In Kansas territory the Su
preme Coutt has decided the actions, of the
mob legislature legal and valid. The seat of
government for the territory has been pernm
neatly located at Lecompten,on the Kansas
river, about 60 miles from Westport, by a
vote of the Legislature. The enormous snake
which has been fig-wing for some time past
in Silver Luke, N. Y., hits been captured—so
it is said. He was 39 feet long His set vices
have been engaged by Barnum, which of
course attests the truth of the story. St.
Louis papers mention that the steamer Kate
Swinney, one of the boats chartered by the
government to carry stores up the Mis,ouri
rivet, struck a snag on her return trip from
Fort St. Pierre, while passing the foot of Ver
million, 800 miles at eve Council Bluffs, anti
tore away nearly the whole bottom of her, hull
so that she sunk in thirty feet water in abont
five minutes. So sudden was the wreck that
nothing could be saved except the lives of the
officers and crew, who made their escape in
the boats, and by, means of them reached St.
Joseph, Mo., six hundred miles distatit. The
Norfolk Beacon complains that the fugitives
from that city are most inhospitably treated
by all the neighboring towns, being kept off
for fear of the fever. Monday last was obser
ved in Norfolk as a day of public penitence
and.prayer to the Almighty that he.would iu
mercy stay the dreadful scourge with which tL
portion of 'the city is afflicted. .
SATURDAY, August 18
The Corn Exchange of New York, has sent
$2,000 to the Norfolk suffierers by yellow fe
ver. In Portsmouth, on Thursday, there
were fifteen new cases of yellow fever, and
twelve deaths. The fever at Norfolk is in
creasing. In Baltimore, $5,00t) has been
raised for the sufferers. Five deaths and
three new cases of yellow fellow fever occurr
ed at Richmond on Thursday. The . South
Carolina Know Nothing State Council has
abolished the CatholiC test, and allows Tiny
native•-to join the order who renounces all
civil allegiance to any foreign potentate. A
duel between Messrs. Faulkner and Boteler,
two members of the last Congress, has been
prevented by the arrest of the principals.
MONDAY, August 20
The yellow fever continues its ravages in
Norfolk and Portsmouth, the number of cases
per day increasing even while the number of
population is rapidly diminished 11 flight.—
More than three•fourths of the stores in Nor
folk aro closed, The Howard Association is
doing heroic service. There were 29 now
cases of the fever in Norfolk on Friday. The
deaths at Portsmouth average eight per day,
in a population of 2000. Miss . Lucy Andrews,
of Syracuse, New York, has arrived at Nor
folk, and offered her services as nurse. The
deaths in the city of Now York last week num
bered 638—an increase of 71 over the previ
ous week. The deaths in, Philadelphia last
week numbered 280, of which number 196
Imo children, 109 being under one year old.
The Hon. Abbott Lawrence, of Massachusetts,
expired in Boston, on Saturday morning ut
eleven o'clock, in the 63d year of his ago, of
congestion of the liver. The yellow fever in
New Orleans is at a stand. The deaths in the
Hospital for the past week were 138,. and the
number of eases cured 132, The majority
for Winston, the Democratic candidate for Go
veruor in Alabama, is over 11,000 votes.
TuEspny, August 2L
A large Democratic meeting to sympathise
with the sufferers by the Louisville riot, was
held on Saturday evening at Milwauldo. Yes
terday afternoon the merchants' of Boston
met in ,Faneuil Hall, and resolved to Close
their places of business on the day of the fu-
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1111. E y.—The New York Tribune has a letter
dated Fo•t Leavenworth, August sth, giving
an account of the reports that had reached
there in relation to the ravages of the cholera
at Fort Riley. The writer says:
Major Ogden, (commanding officer at the
flirt,) dispatched a messenger on Weilne , day
last, stating that his men were dying off by
dozens daily; that he and all the other officers
Were almost Worn out by their exertions in
taking care of the sick. And in addition to
this calamity seven of the newly erected .
buildings had been struck by lightning and
almost demolished, killing eleven men.
Yesterday another messenger arrived with
dispatches to Sumner at Fort I.ea VCll
worth stating that Major Ogd n was attacked
with the disease, which was assuming its most
fatal charaeter—pr,ving fatal in many in
stances in thirty minutes. Mr. Danton, of
this city, brothci of Major Ogden, left
here at six o'clock last evening fur Fort ltiley,
taking with hint Dr. Phillip . Scone forty"
miles on the road they met Sergeant Long
with dispatches containing news of the death
of Major Ogden and many others --The wile,
four children and servant girl of Mn.j Woods
died within one hour from the time the first
wtp attacked. Mr. P. found Sergeant Long
at the road side perfectly exhausted, having
ridden thy wn three horses, alter .being up
several duiys and nights taking care of the
sick. Serg. L. represents affairs at the Fort
iu the worst conditioMimaginable. None were
found willing to bury the dead. Dr. Simmons
and all the ladies et. the garrison had fled.—
The chaplain was the only Officer left alive,
and the soldiers scattered in every direction.
Mr. Sawyer, who has charge of the f üblic
works at Fort Riley, wits having much trouble
with the bands employed hs• the government,
who had broken into the store rooms, seized
the liquors, and were, at the time of the mes
senger's leaving, endeavoring to get hold of
the government funds. A detachment of troop..
left Fort Leavenworth to-day, and hope t
reach Riley in time to prevent further outrage
by the Mob.
FRIDAY, August 17
taking has been started,in England under ro
pectable auspices, callea the British Slag
Company, with the' view of carrying out a
method patented by Dr. W. 11. Smith, of
Philadelphia, which has lately attracted con
siderable attention, for converting the slag or
refuse of iron works into an indestructible
material capable of being applied to various
common uses for which stone or marble is at
present employed. The amount of refuse in
the manufacture of iron is in the average pro
portion of 2 tons to 1 ton of metal, and this
product has hitherto been not only valuless
but a serious and accumulating cause of an
noyance. By the new process it is alleged to
be . made available for paving, flagging, tiling
and all general building purposes, while at
the same time it will receive polish and color,
so as to fit it for the more choice requirements
of orda mental design. It is computed that
0,000,000 or 8,000,000 tons of iron slag aro
thrown aside as refuse in England every year,
and if the i ivention should realize the promise
held forth a regards its inexpensiveness, the
supply of the new material would consequent
ly roach any e tent of demand. The remu
neration of the patentee is stated to have been
made entirely dependent on the success of the
enterprise, and to test the questions of cast
and consumption it is proposed to confine the
first outlay for works to a moderate sum, not
exceeding 5,000 or £lO,OOO. The capital of
the company is fixed at £120,000, in £5 share,
gan at St. Petersburg expresses the opinion
that the Allies, by their inactivity and want of
enterprise, have allowed the opportunity to
slip by When Sebastopol might have''been
taken. It now says the city is impregnable;
that it can replace ono hundred dismounted
guns in a night, or can exchange 60,000 fa
tigued troops against 50,000 fresh troops;
that the Allied cannot,swith double the force
they can dispose of, cut off the mimmunica
tion by Porekop ; that the Russian army,
fighting for, its country and its sovereign, is
animated by a better spirit than is the hetero
geneous mass of French, English, Turks.
Egyptians and &Minion& contending for au
abstract idea and a confused interpretation of
the duties of civilization. -There is some force
in these remarks, and the Allies themselves
appear to be impressed with the same idea,
for the preparation of defences they are
making at Kainiesoli lookevery like. a' pro
tection in the event of being compelled'to ro
neral of Abbott Lawrence. A fire nt Lewis
iston,Me., on Friday, destroyed property to
the amount of t 100.000, including twenty-six
dwellings, and the greater portion of the busi
ness establishments. The news from Mexico,
as we find it in full in the New Orleans pa
pers, entirely falsifies the late telegraphic
despatches, and shows that the operator omit
ted all the items except those which tavored
the rebels. iNo conducta of specie had been
captured, nor was there any fear of such an
event. The government troops, instead of
being beaten by the rebel s , have beaten them.
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The correspondent of the St. Louis Demo
crat, writinglrom Shawnee. says:
"Miring my al e . nce last week, a bill making
negro stealing a capital offence, was pass:A
by the Council, and is now in the hands of a
House Committee. When it is recollected that
in such cases the evidence of negroes is ad
mitted, this act will excite wide spremlaston
ishment. The liv4 of no. citizens are safe
against the hate of any slavehulder who
chooses to instruct his negroes to commit per
jury. Unless extraordinary pains are taken
in trials for such cases, this act may yet lead
to many cold-blooded official murders."
A Westport, pIo.) correspondent of the
Now York Post gives the following report of a
speech of Geneial Stringfellow in that town:
-General Stringfellow being called out, said
he was at ti loss to know on what topic the
people desired him to treat. They certainly
did not want him to congratulate them on the
removal of Reeder. lie did not consider that
a subject of congratulation; they had fought
awl mastered the present governor, and did
not want to do the work over. Ile did not know
the new governor, but Pierce yes a coward,
and had not the nerve to appoint it man who
would do the South justice. For instmee, he
hail appointed a Southern man to govern Ne
nska, where slavery could net naturally go,
while in Kansas, which is of the South, he has
given us a northern man. Men who come
here from the Northern States, professing to
stand on the principles of the Kansus-Ne
braskrt bill, were asking to,make the territory
a den of thieves and a harbor of abolitionism.
The idea of a national democratic party in
Kansas. he said, was ridiculous. Every na
tional democrat is an abolitionist in disguise
—such a one might not steal a nigger himself,
but would pat those on the 'Melt who do—nine
ut of ten men in the north are abolitionists.
We want no more importations from Pennsyl
vania; we have enough of the Pennsylvania
pilailar sovereignty men, if this is the way
they proctice the doctrine.
Ile further said that if they wanted to be
congratulated upon the election of the present
legistature, he could do that. The work had
been done thoroughly and well. lie had never
seen a legislature embracing more talent, or
one whose laWs were more indicative of wis
dom—their legislation would be sustained—he
could pledge himself that the Supreme Court
of the territory were alt right. The legisla
ture would paisslasie..tnaking criminal the ex
pression of abolition sentiments.
He bad been astonished that people of Jack •
son county (Westport is in Jackson) allowed
the head quarters of abolitionism to be planted
on_ their sail (Kansas City;) they were sus
pected of being unsound for letting northern
emigrants cross their county ou their way to
Kansas; all northern men were alike, and it
was the duty of our people to prevent any
northern man from setting foot within our
boundaries. What was wanted was more
hemp, or honest men would not be able to re
main here in peace. For himself, if northern
men were to hold Kansas he should seek a
home further south.
A great many other characteristic specimens
of Mr. Stringfellow I have neither time nor
inclination to repeat. Put•ticularly ho was
severe upon Pennsylvanians, saying that the
Pennsylvanians who had come here in search
of d—d fools would yet go away with fleas in
their ears. Stringfellow, as a speaker, is ad
mirably calculated to accomplish his olject
with the people among whom ho lives, which
is nothing more nor less than bloodshed and
final disunion:
had another row out in Kansas. It appears a
man from Cincinnati named Kelly, said to be
an abolitionist, undertook to lecture a Miss
ourian named Thomason upon the impropriety
of holding slaves, which resulted in a tight,
Kelly being severely whipped. Immediately
a publio meeting was called, at-which resolu
tions were passed declaratorPnf an intenelon
to rid the territory of all abolitionists. A
committee was appointed to warn Kelly to•
leave the territory Within an hour, but when
the committee went to wait. upon hint ho was
!ICI to be found.
row Boston brings us intelligence of the death
e l the Bon. Abbott Lawrence, an event which
the recent accounts of his feeble health and
failing strength have rendered every day more
probable. "lie hied at 11 o'clock on Saturday
morning. His disease is reported to have
been congestion of the liver. As a well known
member of an enterprising, wealthy and mu
nificent family, his loss will be deeply felt
in his own ,State and will attract attention
throughout the country, through which ho was
extensively known as one of the chief sup
porters of the great manufacturing interest,
and in a lesser degree as a publie man.
CuoLnnA.—A letter from Fletningsburg,
Ky., dated the 18th,istates that up to that
time there had been 48 deaths from clolern,
in the town and its" immediate vicinity. Most
of the victims were Slaves, bat sorne belonged
to the most: respectable class of,-citizens.—
About twenty families only remained in the
place, the, rest having left. Tho cholera is
raging in various ports of Fleming county
At. a regular meeting of St. Johns Lodge,
No. 260, A. Y, Masons, at their Lodge ltootu
on Thursday evening 16th inst., the secretary
reported a communication from brother J. A.
Sterry, the gcntlunanly manager of the troupe
of "Continentals" so favorable known in this
community informing hint of the death of their
colleague, brother W. It. FRISBIE. The lodge
ordered the following minutes to be put un
Resolved, That we not only admired brother
Frisbie ns a men whose voice unrivaled for
its depth and richness of tone failed not to
thrill the auditor with delight, but we had the
best grounds to entertain for him a high re•
gard as a man; and as late a member of this
Lodge, we bald him in brotherly centitlence
and estecrit and it is therefore With Much re
gret that we have received the intelligence of
,his early death.
NO. 51.
Resolved, That n copy of this minute be
communicated to the Widow of our lamented
brother, and to his living colleagues, itrothers
Sterry, Franklin, Smith and Huntington.
Rewired, That this minute also be published
in the papers of this borough
• J. M. ALLEN, Sec.!'
The steamship Lebanon arrived at New York
on Wednesday, with news from Europe two
days later. A report was gaining ground that
General Simpson, commander of the English
army at Sebastopol, was about to resign on
account of ill health, and be succeeded by
Lord Hardinge, but another report says that
l'elissier has arranged the forces-ft iii
upon the Russian works; Ganrobert to com
mand the right column, Simpson the left, awl ,
Pelissier the reserve. lienera i lutuit
oyski, a distinguished Pole, / gas arrived in
Loudon by special invitatia4 of the British
government, to consult, it is 'supposed, oil the
Polish question. The French works at r-3,bas
topol are so close to the abuttis of the Malakoff
that a man may throw a stone into it. There
seems to be a doubt about the death of Gene
ral Todleben, the Russian engineer, and some
accounts state that he is reeov..ring from his
wounds. An earthquake occurred at Lyons
on the afternoon ut .luly which was also
felt at Valence, on the Rhine. At Lyons,
some houses were damaged, but no lives lost.
The America also arrived on Wednesday at
Halifax from Liverpool, bringing news tour
days later than the Leb on's advices. She
brings a report that the bom rdment of Sebas
topol had been recommence , awl that pre
parations were making fur a general assault.
Sullenly', the Circassian chief, is not dead yet,
but hes again descended from the mountains
and threatened the Russians. Offers for the
French lomremounted to 3,600,000,000 francs.
Spain is said to have consented to send a con
tingent force to the Crimea, but the reportis
doubtful. In China the receurrlllierses rf the
iusurgenis were but temporary check.
JAIL.—The Gazette of the 15th, gives. the fol
lowing account of the escape of Herman Fink,
confined in the Willia.msp‘ort Jail, on last
Thursday night.
' His escape from jail was a most desperate
feat, in no wise owing to any look of precau
tion on the part of Sheriff Bubb. He was
heavily ironed and strictly confined in the
northwest corner of the jail. He had re
peatedly expressed an intention to kill .him
self rather than go to the penitentiary, lie
sawed off the chain which obtained his legs
with a knife borrowed from one of the otLer
prisoners in the jail. With a piece of stove
grating as his only instrument, he succeeded
in digging a hole through the wall of the jail,
and getting out into the yard. With the slate
from accross the bottom of hie beadstead, he
built a kind of platform on which he reached
from one window to the other on the outside
of the jail wall and succeeded in climbing upon
the roof.
alking along the jail roof, he attempted
to descend the lightning rod, as is supposed.
at the eastern end of the jail, and finding
descent impracticable, either fell or jumped
to the ground from the roof of the building.—
Ile must have fallen with great violence upon
the brick pavement.. The bricks were broken
and driven into the ground, and marks-•of
blood found where he fell, and upon the gate
where he went out, He escaped without
other clothes than his shirt and pantaloons,
and with irons upon his legs. Ho probably
had confederates about to help him away, .tus
no clue has since been obtained of him. It ill
a hard matter to keep in confinement a man
who evidently had so little regard for his own
life. His escape was truly wonderful. •
two brdthers Mask, who were gharged with
the murder of Miss Smith, in Marshall county,
Mississippi, has just terminated at Holly
Springs. They were found guilty, and 'one is
sentenced to be hung, the other to fifteen
years' imprisonment in the Penitentiary:—
Justice for once, it appears, has been meted
out to murderers.
glish, German,, and other foreign settlers, in
Canada, have recently issued a circular, ad
dressed to adopted citizens in tho United
States, inviting them to Canada, in order that
they may rid themselves from the influence of ,
the Know• Nothing societies, which they asseit
is directly pointed against them in their busi-f,
nese, political and religious matters.
In New Hampshire, Vermont and
Maine there will be a large crop of applt 8,
although it is what is called the "aoa•beuring
Ile— Gideon M. York, member of tholla*t
Peuusylvanin Legislature from Nurtlieniber
land county, died at Sunbury ft few dayselnee.
2A female in Page county, Vs.. is !aid
to have lately given birth to five children. •