Nay Murrtis • • ARRISBURG FEMALE' SEMI _ L. NAIIY.-:,This flourishing Institution will reopen the FIRST MONDAY in - SEPTEMMR, with a full d able corps of teachers. Pupils will be revolved tit y period and charged only from time of entranco;-- , talogues giving fall particulars van bo obtained at 0 Store of A. M. Piper or at the Telegraph 'Ace. For further Information address the Prloclpal, Harrisburg, Aug. 8'55 y 7 Mrs. A. LECONTIiI N ORDINANCEIN REFERENCE TOPVEIGIITS, MEASURES, &c.— tN,CTION 1. Bo it ordained and enacted by the Town remil of the Borough of Carlisle, a tait is hereby or . bred and enacted by the authority of the seine, that re Clerk o. the Market shall always keep for the use of °Corporation, exact standard weights and ineasurils, rd shall regulate annually the scales, weights and etsures within the Borough of Carlisle, according to I standard of the Commonwealth; and it shall be 0 duty of the said clerk, at least once in every year, go to the stores, houses, stalls, and shires of the unt rs, venders, or proprietors of beams. and try and ad et Inc cause to be adjusted) all beams, srales, weights nl measures,and seal the saute with the initials of his rt Or surname, and the current year, 'for which trial adjustment he shall demand and receive the fob ring fees, to wit:—,Per the trial and balancing. of cry set of scales, ton cents; of every patent balance, 'city cants; of every sot of coal or hay scales, two llrtr each; and.of every yard measure, six cents: for cry bushel" measure, fwenty cents; tor every half rshel measure, fifteen cents; for every peck and half sk measure, ten cents; for every quarter-peek meas e, six and a fourth cents; Of every gallon. half-gallon quart measure, fttUr cents each; of every pint Or ts, three cents each; of every weight, twenty-eight mots or more, twelve and a half emits; of- every right less than twenty-eight pounds, four cents each; ul :in additional charge for leant, labor, or other outbi ds for adjusting said beams. scales, weights .and ensures, at the current value of labor and materials mistier", and no more. And if tlielsaid makers, von. rs, or proprietors of beams, scales, weights and coca s, or any of thorn, shall find it inconvenient to have ern adjusted or sealed, or for any other Cause, the id beam y scales, weights and measures shall not ve been adjusted and sealed when said clerk attends. ry shall be required to bring the same to his. Mee ^ brre using them, and have them adjusted and sealed; r hieli lie shall receive the same fees as if done at the ruses, stalls, stores or Mikes of said tualiers. venders. proprietors: Provided, That for the sealing of suelt .4111,, scales, - weights and measures, as have been aled the previous year, he shall dentinal and receive my one-half the before mentioned fees. Si.eriON 2. The clerk is hereby required to stamp or aLse to be stamped with the word •• condemned" all rh false beams ' scales, weights and measures, as he rind within the said borough that cannot well be Ijosted and shall be paid the same fees ,or every cal re. adjustment as Is provided for In section St:crioN 3. All the provisions of the ordinances. or nets of ordinances regulating the inspection of weights. ..ties. beams and measures, used for the purpose of boy . tg and selling, shall he extended to all such weights. beams and measures as are used firr the purpose eharging fur freight, tonnage. transport mien. emu tr. other charges, where such charges are regu-' tad by weight or measure. • See Ellett' 1. In case any maker, vender, or proprietor 'returns. scales, weights or measures within the bar ugh of Carlisle, shall neglect or refuse to comply with or' requisitions which the clerk is authorized to make ml direct in regard to the regulation Ad weights runt rem:lmes; or shall sell by thlse banns, scales, weights r measures, such person or persons so Offending shall, tr entli /led every offence, forfeit and pay the sum of e dollars, which may be sued for and recovered as he penalties are recoverable. ;.r. - rtrix 5. Any person who shall, in any way, alter ar) measure, so that the capacity thereof is diminished, err the salute shall have been adjusted and Settled, re hall, in buying or selling, use any measure so altered; aol any person who shall alter any scales, heron or veight seas to impair the adjustment thereof. after he same shall have been adjusted and sealed; and any ;eels, vender or weigher who shall have in his posses ' bra any scale, beam, weight or lova:runs, sir altered Ile shall on conviction before env Jostle., of the .ro,u mrfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars. mot if the convicted refuse or neglect to satisfy such .dell ore, with costs. immediately, or produce goods end .•11.1 t t els sufficient where. rn to levy the said forfeit togteher with costs, then the said Justice of the ee'rre shall commit the offender for the space of thirty .fats. Ono moiety of the furfcitnres in mono)• te•roio4 and becoming duo for ony offence mtain4 this ar,•, shell he paid to the Itorouzli Treasurer, fur Lr use of saltkßorough, and the other moiety to the ~,,,m or persons who shall prosecute end sue for the Si:,•, joN 7. The clerk fibnll, once in each year, give mum. , by publication in two newspapers published in the Ilavugh, to all persons interef,ted, to have their wci ts, measures, &e., regulated etc.:oral:l4 to the pro vi.ion4 of this ordinance: and shall in said advertise ment state where his olilco is held. Emieted find passed by thn Town Council of the Dor , oimh of Carlislt, In the Celine!! Chamber, on 'Monday, MI, ;huh day of July, A. D., 1815. ARMSTRONG NOBLE, Chief Burgess. ' Attest—WM. 11. WETZEL, Secretary'. CArlisle, Aug. S., 1855. $1000! 81000 i! AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, , Cut out and preserve tho fob lowing card. It Is particularly important to 6TRANNERS AND TRAVELLERS, to prevent their being misled end deceived by the Icing boasts, false promises, and spurious roc's., mendations (from the dead and unknown) of Foreign and Native Quacks, of whom there or more in Phila delphia than elsewhere, because of the clemency of the sof the State. Citizens know and avoid them. [laving tried ono to twenty dollars worth of Quack Mixtures, Extracts, Invigorating Elixirs, Cordials, Bit ters, kr., without effect—having been deceived by mis rem t se •.• Mod anti exaggerated accounts of Self-Abuse. Secret Db,ntses and their consequences, published in Advertkoments, Books, Sm., and misled by false re ceipts ;Led wrong advice contained therein, purposely to increase sufferings, andaiarm anti frighten 'the un thinking, the more easily to extort large fees, (which is more evident, boing sold for loss than cost of printing and advertlsingi—having paid five to one hundred dol lars L) Foreign and Native Quacks WITHOUT BEING CURED, h lying Suffered much and long—though the time lost cannot be recalled, nor the money recovered you paid and were defrauded of, yet you Call be cured, however had, long standing or alllicting-yeur case, by Dr. Leila'. • "Be wise, betimes; Delays aro dangerous." "Time is Money; Time saved is Nancy earned." I'OUND MEN DR OTIIERS, Single,,marrled, nr contemplating marriage, suffering from Self-Abuse or its. consequences, or suffering from any other causes, defects, or doseasos, and LAT/11 , :S, whatever their diseases or situations, may honorably rely and confide in Dr. Leidy's skill' and success. Ac eoluntodntionsi if required. with kind and efficient at tentiance„at Dn. LEIDY',9,PRIVATE OSPITA - rn sr trIIVISV J • -••• '•• TILLITII IS NIMIITY' ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS is waged tho following cannot bo contradlctod, namely; that DR. N. B. LEIDY, N 0.114 North FOURTU Street, above Raeo, Is the only regular •Physielan residing In PhiWel phis, graduate of the University of Pennsylvania; of 1833, (twenty-two years) exclusively engaged in the treatment of Secret or Delicate Diseases of both sexes; s o u:Amigo and its consequences; Organic 'Weakness .and Inability; Nervousness; Irregularities and other diven‘ng ,or situations of Females; and which he will cure in lass time and less restraint, snore effectually, than any oth ON er, under-forfolt of E THOUSAND DOLLARS. Dr. LEIDY has more patients. and cures them too, than all adVertising Doctors, so called or otherwise ' In Philadelphia combined, and proudly refers' to Profes sors and respectable Physicians, many of whom consult him In critical eases, and respectable ()Wrens, Mer chants and Hotel Proprietora, as to his known skill, rw putation and uu DlS paralleled euecess. TANT PATIENTS rail have necessary advice and medicine sent them by mall or Otherwise, to Any part of the United States, giving a description of their MOH (enclosing It reason. able foe) by letter to Da. N. D. LEIDY, No. 114 North FOURTH Street, above Saco N. B.—Letters of Inquiry or Information omor, ((m -ow, from patients) to receive attention, must contain ONE DOLLR, in consideration of time and trouble an swering anti A laurmatlou given. • August 15; 1855. AND WILL PREVAIL! diem Mmertisements. ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE . . Cumberland Co. Agricultural Society, To be held on their own grounds at Carlisle on 'WEDNESDAY, TIIUItSDAY and FRIDAY the 17, 16th aud 19th of October, 1855 REGULATIONS. 1. The grounds will be provided with convenient and secure buildings and enclosures for the reception and display of stock, of agrlcultpral and horticultural Im plements, anti of manufaefured goods. Competition is invited from allAurrtz,r — Of Pennsylvania and the adjoin ing States. lay and straw will belurnished in proper quantities, at cost mite. 2. The Exhibitionffill open on Wednesday. October, 17, at 9 o'clock, A.M., before which time all anllll.llB and artieles intended for competition must be mn the grounds and duly recorded at the business °Mee. The Society will not be responsible for the omission of the Judges to examine objects which are not recorded as aforesaid. 3. Upon entering their animals, exhibitors. who are not members of the Society. 1011 be subjected to a charge of one dollar. On all articles INTENDED con COM PETITION a similar charge will be Malik', but articles NOT intended for competition, may bo entered gratuitously. 11 objects must be described and entered as soon as taken within the enclosure, and must have cards at tached either to them or near their plaro on the show ground; which cards Will be furnished I' ) the entering clerk. and will contain the number corresponding to that In his book, the name of the object, exhibited. and the mane of the exhibitor. Members of the Society are not sun jest to this charge. 4. Every exhibitor, upon his contribution being duly entercd,.will receive a season ticket admitting himself to the grounds during the, whole time of the Exhibi thin. iL in all rases of equality of merit in articles exhibit ed by two or more parties, the inventor and the manu facturer shall be preferred to the vendor. a. The Judges will report meritorious °Worts exhibit ed and not mentioned In the premium list, to the Com mittee of Arrangement, who may award such premiums as they think proper. 7. The Judges are authorised to withold premiums winin objects :Ire not entitled to distinction. and when but one of a class. for which a premium is offered. Is exhibited, they Will Make such award as they think it merits. 8. No object entered van be removed from the ground before the dose of the Exhibition. and no premium will he paid on objects removed in violation of this rule. No animal or article can take .more than one pre mium. 10. Members of the Society will enjoy all the privi leges of admission acciirdi'al to exhibitors, and will not lie subjected to any payment on entering their objects for exhibition. 11. Thu report , : of thy Judges. and the award of pre miums will by road from the stand on the Third day of the Ex hibliton at 1 o'clock, I'. M., and immediately after paid by (leo. W. Shp:fifer. Treasurer. 12. Price of single admission to the Exhibition. on fart or in vehicle, 25 cents. For vehicle including driver, 50 cents. LIST OF PREMIUMS ME! Best thorough-bred Stallion, 0 00 ' Next best do. 3 tot Best Stud Horse adapted to the field and road, 3 00 Next best do. do. 2 (to Best- thoroughd wed Brood Mare; , - 4 011 Nest best do. ' do. 2 110 Best Mare adapted to the field and road, 2 it Next best do, do. 1 011 last ligir of Matched Horses, 3 00 Next best do. 2 00 Best single harness Horse, Mare or Golding, 2 on Next best do. do. 1 00 Best saddle Horse, Mare or Gelding, 2 oo Next best do. do. 1 no Best Gorse Dolt between two and four years old, 2 011 Next best do. do. 1 oo .. Best Piney or Mare Colt, do. 2 tat Next best do, do. 1 Co Best Horse Colt between one and two years old. lan Next best do. do. Oil Best Miley or Mare Colt, do. 1 On Next beat do. do 00 Best pair of Horses for film and road, 3 00 Bost . I: ark,./.00 • Next best do. 1 00 Best pair of Mules, 3 00 Next hest do. 2 00 =EMI Best Bull over three years old, 3 00 Next best On. do, l 00 Best Bull between two and three, 2 00 Next best do. ' do. —1 00 Best Cow over four yearsald, 2 - OU Next best do. d o . • 1 00 Best Cow between two and four, 2 00 • Next best do. do. • 1 00 Best Better between one and three years old, 1 00 Next best do. do. 75 ... . Best yoke of Oxon, 2 00 Next best do.. .. 1 fle Best fat Ox or Steer. - 2 00 MM2 Bust Buck over a year old, , 1 00 Next best do. do. 75 Best do. under a year old, 7b TWO best Ewes over a year old, 1 00 Two nest best do. 75 EMI Best Hoar over a year old, 1 50 ' . Next best dn. do. 1 00 Bost !Soar over six months and under ono year old, 1 00 Next best do. do. do. 75 Host Sow over ono year old, 1 50 Next best do. do. 1 00 Hest Sow over six months and under one year old, 1 00 Next hest do. do. do. 75 Hest Sow and litter not less than Ore pigs, 2 us Next best do. do. 1 00 MEM Best fowls nf'any breed under two years a Cock and two lions, 1 00 Next best do. 75 Best pair of fowls of any breed,76 Nest (rest do. 50 Best single fowl of any breed, 50 Best pair of turkies, 1 00 Next best do. Best pair of gees, Next best do. Best pair of ducks, Next best do. Best display of fandtry, AGRICULTUICAL IMPLEMENTS AND 111ACIIINEItli. Bost Plow, the merits thereof to bo decided by Wel, 2 OA Next best do. 1 00 itbst Subsoil Plow,l tQ , Host Hillside. " 1 00 , Host large Harrow, 1 00 , , Next best Ml Burt Cultivator,l 1 00 , , Next best i 50 Bost Clod Crusher. 1 00 " Lime mid Manure Spreadea,, , 100 " Groin and Seed Drill, 1 00 " Hand Drill, ' . 50 . " Power Corn Planter, ' 1 00 Assortment of bust Shovels and ndes, 100 ,4 lines, 70 ~ < 4 Manure F t l i i, ' 75 fies't Liquid Manure Distribu , 100 For tiny now 111141 VeOllOllllNll ; pure, ..- 1 00 Best Draining. Pipes of Tiles," I!: . , 100 " Machine for maklud do; i . ' 100 " Mowing Machine, '': PI 200 " Mowing and Reaping lif I[4 no combined, 200 Next best .. y 160 Best Reaping Machine, • ,-. r 4 1 00 :,." Sulf-Adjusting flay iii Istor 'Mid Blocks, 1 00 " Horse Bake, 4 4 - . 50 Assortment of' beet Grain i k illng, , 1 00 " train, Grass Scythes, 50 ~ " Ifay , 14, 'SO it " Band SMen, 00 Best Portable Steam Engl . kti for Agricultural Pur i At pones, . 500 Best Portable Saw Mill, ~ ,ff , 4 00 " . " Grist Mill; 7 500 ".. ' " Cider Pres - . 1 00 " " . Hay Press 100 " Power Straw and St ilk Cutter, - 150 " Band " 100 " Power Corn and Cob Crusher, 1 00 • .' ~ " Corn Sheller, . . 100 't Hand " " . 1 00 " Power Thrashing Machine, _ 2 00, " Endl6l; floor Blinn rower, '. / IGO _ 4, Elniut Machin°, 1 00 --.,.._ p \ , . 1 ' • g - fillt.i . L.lsitti.. .t l s)LtlaaL -4 " Threshing MachinO; " Steaming Apparatus for firm uso, ." !lay and Cattle Weighing Seale, "- 'Weighing Machines for general farm • pur poses, • Assortments of best largo and small Scales and 'Weights, hest Root Cutter, ' Wheat Fan; Power Churn, " hand " Clever Huller, " Cheese Press Assmtment of best liftik Pans and Strainers, • " Groin Measures, " Axes and Cutting Tools, Best Beo Hive, •` Farm Wagon, " " Cart; Assortment of best Willow Baskets, " Farm •' " Horse Shoes, " Cedar Ware, Best Wagon harness for thrill purposes, ---, ('cut ' " harness for working-oxen, " Plow Dears. • Display of Light Ifarness, Next best Best I,Vagon and Carriage Whips, '• Yoke fuy working Oxen, • Display of Agricultural Implements, Next best Assortment of best American Cutlery. •' Hollow Ware. " Thin-meted Iron, " " Porcelain Ware, " Glass Ware, ~ " Ware, Best Display of Cottage I•'urniure, Cooking St.,,Ne, • " Washing. Mullin°, Assortment of best Pumps for wells, Best Windmill, " Iron or other ornaments for grounds. " Designs for cottages and out-buildings, • L•on Fence, " Wire Fence, Display of pleasure Carriages, Next be.t Best solo. harnes4, - upper and belling Leather, Best valfsklus, dressed Display of best Trunks, These will be under the eliar,:e of n Oommittee of Ladies, who will nuard suitable premiums fur the Hest Tilltel work, Zephyr 6' croebut 64 Bend " or Acorn work, " Plain Needled (11 k. " Ornamoritai Need!,work and Embroidery, " i'nlr knit Stookll,:4, Bed Quilt, Display of best NV•c: Fruit, " Flowers. Itest preserves (pre,erved during, the preFent yenrT; prior to the presant }Tar, Three leat; es w lint Bread. Best Five lbs. fresh Butter, 1 00 Se,•ond 75 Third bent ' 50 Best firkin or jar of salted or preserved Butter, not less than '2,011.5., 1 00 Next best firkin or jar do, Best let, of la u d, not lees than 10 lbs., 1 00 - Next hest •• Itest Ilnm, (unskinned) cured and cooked by ex. Whiter, that t'heese, not less than 10 lbs., Next bent ,to. Best simple bushel of Red Wheat, Next best Best White Wheatr Next best " Best sample bushel of Bye Next best Best sample bushel of White Flint Corn, Next best " list sample bushel of Yellow Flint Corn, Next best " Best sample of tieurd Seed Corn, Next best Best s u pple Mixed Corn, Next best Best sample bushel of oats, Best sample half bushel •,1' Totaeoq. White Men cers', I , ,,xite, Fox's soc,ning. Forth tidd. each. 50 Best bushel ‘.l':-.F.we.:t 1.01:0 ,es, raised lu this State, 00 Rest half bushel Sut•ar lieets, (.0 " Long lied Beet, 2;. gl .. )111 twat NV nit zoi. 00 lent Orange Carrot, 60 it gg Ifliito Belgian, 60 it 411 'v01.,. purple top Huta Ilaga, 60 di White— 20 4, Drtualtoml or Flat Dutdi Cabbage, six, beads, 25 Savory " II 20 44 Pb: Putnpl:ins, ' GO ' 44 Ntarrow'Squash, 25 4, Display N't.gotables by market gardener, I 00 " ]lox Honey, —.• 75 " 100. Flour, '-' 1 00 " 100 lb& Corn ,Ifeel, .70 " Display of Agricultural Produce generally 1.00 Next best do. - 50 A suitable premium will be given for any new variety of Grain or Produce of improved quality. A statement, of the mode and manner of Making and prc,er% ing the different kinds of Butter will be required of the competitors. -The preserved or salted Butter, must have Been put up at least two mouths previous to the Exhibition. Best collection of hardy Evergreen (conifer:to) 1:t pots, eiNon-hause Plants, Deniems of baskets and bouquets of cut Flowers, " Basket.: of Indigenous Flowers, oval and round, " collection of Dahlia cut Flowers, 24 varieties, " and largest collection of do. " collection of Hoses, cut dowers, 20 varieties, 12 " • ‘• of Urapes, Isabella, 12 bunches, Cantu La, " " " • Vitrietios " Foreign, raised In cold house • Specimens " 'Hamburg, " " ti " new American seedling Apple, Pears, " 12 specimens of Apples, 12 Pears, Collection of Apples, three specimens, Pears " half peck Quinces, PlMtehtS• " Cranberries, Pennsylvania growth, " 0 Melons, (water), " Nutmeg variety, " 0 Egg Plants, " Peek Tomatoes, MI For the trial of PLOWB and etowian, will take place, on tie last day of the 'Exhibition, the 10th . October, at 9 o'clock, A. I. The Plows intended for trial must be at the Exhibition during tho whole time. Premiums will be awarded to the Lest plowmen: Best, Next best, Beat Plowboy under 17, Next best do, PREMIUM FOR CLOP. 11(6st field of Wheat, not less tlion 3 Acres, " nye, 6 , 6. Cots, " Corn, " Potatoes, 0 - 1 acre, 100 4 .lot of Sugar loots, " I { "' 100 ' " Huta Dago, " 1„.,4 " 1 01, " " Carrots, " ' 0 " Parsnips, 44 f 4) 44 100 1 00 " " Flat or Fluid Turniiis, not less 4 sere r . 100 4.7,- A careful Nato: willground always on the to take care of the Stock and articles exhibited: .. CO3I3IITTEE OP AItIiNNOEMP.NTS, (iEO. W. SIItIAITEIt, Int. W. W.1)A1..E. HOBERT 31001119. CO. U. BUCILER, PRESIDENT, • ROW:11T MOOR]; Skald:T..lkt%. 1.555. SOMETHING NEW ! 9 55 ximicies irATF.yr ' Alit-TIGHT SELF-SI:ALM CANS AND JARS; For preserving fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Any one,, says the Philadelphia Inquirer, irtil be struck at the simplicity and admirable adaptation to the end propos ed. An intelligent child can seal thous. For sale by qmoicsale or retail by • .P. MONYEIt, June2.o North Hanover Street, Carll4o. Ic l 4 LASTIC BELTS.—Just received a Li lot of Black and ColorodSLlk and Worsted Elasticßo ts, byGEO. W. lIITNEIL El= I= ECCIEIEEE= 1= 1 00 2 00 1 00 "Jtaef Qsstate Safes QIIERIFYS SALES.—By virtue of sundry writs hf Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court Of .Cinnown - Pleas Cumberland county, find Incto directed, P will expose by public v endue or out my, at the Court !louse in the borough of Carlisle. on IiSDAY the •-i3d day of August, 1155, at 10 o'clock, A. M. the following described heal Estate, via : 1 00 A Tract of land situate in Franhford town ship Cumberland county containing four !PITS more or less boundod on the North by Daniel Hullo• East by KullteSouth by Daniel Rulle, West by .liln Wa thereovereeted a one wad a half story log holm. log Stable an, well of water. Orchard &c.-- eized and taken in CXV, ution as the property of ALvrin- AO MAHN with notice tO 0111111t8 in poSSCSriOn. Also, n lot of ground situate in the borough of Shlppensburg, containing one fourth of an here more or less. hounded on the West by Queen sfreet, on the North by a lot of the heirs of }Award bird ilec'd. on the East by a thortemi Mot alley, ou the South by a lot tho heirs of wri g ht oee'd.having. tlwreon 01,cted. a one story log llouse. Seized and taiten lu exevut ion OS the property of DAYin I:lloMerai.N. Also the entire interest of John McFeelr In a lot of situate in the Itorough of Carlisle' Cumberland rounty, rentalnlng CO feet In front ntid '2.10 feet in depth mole or less. bu«nded (ill the east by Ilsm over street, on the Politic by the lion. James 11. Graham ou thin West by an alley and North by atralley. hat hut thereon erected, two two story stone homes and. a lary.o two story bail( building and two and a hair story stile Houses. and a two story fianie bujldi ng and hap, Sta . bles and other out houses MEM ME Iril Also the entire interest Of John MeFeely in a lot of ground situate in the 'Borough it rnru,k. con taining :al fret in front and 'Jo feet in depth mote or less, honi t d,d on th, North by ?Into street the Suut h by 1111:01ey. on the East by Thin us 111•11 , . nn the Wll4 by Andrew [Amore., in hareem of a taw qb)ry efiftim.rloor , lectllno. and , tierk nut houses Seized 'o a! and taken in exarn nas the property of Jun:: !debiliy -and all to lie sold Sheriffs 411114.4, Carlisle 1 . .141SE1'11. ?14.1)_.!{ I)\1) Aug. Ist, 154.4. .1 .. Slioril ATA - 1,1,T ABLE "TOWN 1)1101'E 11T1 , 7 Fon S A I.ll.—Tho larg.. 11r14.1: 11444 pm 4 1 41,1 1,44 t situated ou I...mtlwr Street tono door cast of I,lml:emu:to A..,;),.„,, , „„n.,,. The house contair .. ~,,X. : ."1 MM.. 1:11.0,.. rooms, I...sides tWO fllll , llll i1yt0,,. 4 , r, at ti, chambers Imre mid sun.- ,3 1 p f l! r Vl , ' " 3 ' ,-............:- out 1.1.11t11,.r strtmt by 2do filet 1.m.14. 144 a wide alley, Ilthi 120 fopt, nn North Street fort to the 5:1111r alley. eoittalilliez 111 ell tti.t.llt. till :tell* or grunt. There in :11,0 a t;in al truant house and a .tablo ra met. long eu the , es. Tito propmty would stilt admirably f n • either ii private reAllema, a lioardimr s.•hold ur ilietory estaldhli molt. For tet•nts Se. enquire of ME 11MM=IMI The sndscritmes will offer at pudlie sale on I-ATI . lI DAY. the Sth of Septem b er, at 2 n'elerk. I'. M. on Ito pre•in i,es. a small Farm. late the preperty of lames Me %Ulster. dee'd. situate in llirhitt.uu towindilio on t h e turnpike. lit,j miles nmst of Cariddo, adjoining lands of lames M. Itaiston. David lAtie an.dotherk., rovrAiNiso rirry ACIZES, T 11.11! or Tht , lan4 IS Itnl ,. a.Tie finality. a large it covere.l altli tUnl,cr, ,Thy Improve litent•: ari• a BRICK 1 oo Barn liint.lo, ilh .11 , p. AIOX:111- .ler's spring. runs v, ithin two roils el J ill.. house. Persons vie,, • lif a:t ti t s property tio so pre N hits to Us,: t "ON" - sale ho on the premises. Terms a ill t.e undo known On said tiny by • Aug, 1. 1555 ATALUABLE LDIESTON E FA It 31 FOIL - SALE. The :iut.sellber utters fur ,aie. the Farm on wht , :h he flee lives. situate In Seth Mhl,tl,-- Vn t.,anship, two mite:, vont h of t%trlisle, at the 11,1,1 of Bonny Isnmk. . i.'itNTAININri SI XTY ACHES, more or tirA•rate llinemone land, ail of width is in 0 high I-Lite of cultivation; except stead t o, tunes of line NI:0.0110nd. There Is a fine meadow on the witidi Is well tolOteti for Intel, gardening. enntimignt to the enrllso market. The improvements aro a good two story DWELLING JIOUSE, well finished and in good order, with a ~e;,34 Bank Mann and other out•l , uililings. The Eon, y " - ''' . "." . ltroult spring of uover v , eter.i. rElit at the doer. and runs through the faun. a young Mid thriving Orchard of choke. fruit. Persons desirous to VZII/111.110 th,t tdacu , ore regue.tett to call on the m.,:na sex. 111),„. Also, for sale, : nbout live acres of MOUNTAIN Melt Is (N.-ored with good Cheomut thither, The nbovo properties, If not s old 1. 0 t1 1 . 0 y the I st,day of Zieptetnbor twit, oti that day be ex posed to puldly nuke. on the pronb , es, at I'2 o'clo.d , . whelk toting will be made knoivu by 1;ETEI: BACHMAN, jy4 -21 n. DAVID SMITH. FIAR3I. AT PUBLIC SALE. —On 1 TUESDAY, the 21st day of Aunist, 1,:.5, Ti, Fti riser Ibe r will sell at piddle sale. on the promises, the Farm late the proporty of Coon:0 Weidle, deYd.. sit mitt d in Went Pennsboro town,hip, one mile east it Nen silk, adjoining the State Road and lards of IL Woods, ,l;et er Mink') and others eontainlng •lo Acres, part lime, tm) and the halanee black slate land, all limed. The im provements are a we:abet...hoarded HOUSE, LOG BARN. Wash.llouso, all of them - new buildimzs, a well of „lie 4, ni ii i: 4 . , 4 never failinp: water at the door. an 11,1 ,10 2- r Apple,' Orchard W ith all kinds of ....a .. obolee Intl, Re. The property will fin sold sold wjthotti reserve. Any pert•on a ishing to 4.X OMITIO thy prOperty can do so by calling; on Mrs. Wohllo On t hoikrovulstis, or .tilnry Leman; agent, on tho adjoin tug ' CATUAIZINE DM:, ventrix ,-A,.... ...„,..,.,- TOWN PROPERTY FOR -r)..; • • v. riV• q .. SA 1a...--lite Slabscrilwr oilers at pri -1,,-,, ~' il . .:1, ~ vntesale vrolulbl‘• ilollf 4 l. :I nd halflot ,1: ot;' ' ' - 'i• - .... ofgreunti t ) it uated In North Hanel or — T street.. The intproyementa in two staly weather.beardt d House, washbowl), bakehouse, n cistern, &e.. &v. The lot is 30 feet in front. and 241) in depth, and contains in varbly of excellent fruit trees. Torras easy. Apply to 3AColl Willi. Agent for S, F. I inentblen. Junol3 - I TA Al 3 Lill TOWN PROPERTY I FOR SALE—WiII be sold at private sa l e , i t ver y valuable Ti tIYN PROPERTY, the late residence of t;uo. A. Lyon. Esq., deed. The property comprises two full town lots, caeh 60 feet in front end 240 feet In depth, situate' On north side of East Main street, icing a nte , t desirable locality, either for business or n private resb deuce, The Inipmvetnents are n large • we story SToNE LIQUeE, with an of- Bee attached. a large three story 03.;. ,A BRICK MACK RUILDINo, n S mo k e fit V.: House, twolarge cistern s. (one of theta with elegant tittering upparatus,) an lee house and oth er necessary out. Windings. There Is an elegant. GAR DEN connected with the house, and the finest and be , t selection of fruit trees in the borough. Also rasberries, c. For terms toil..further particulars enquire of - • A. L. SPONSLER, 3 00 1 LO 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 May Ile. R ea l Estate Agent, Carlisle. TO OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE, I . and business mon gonerallY. — The Repository and Whig. published at Chambersburg,, Pa., is now in its SIXTV-HECON) , YRAR, R11 . (1111IN, tbr anew than baud centu ry, enjoyed the LARGEST CIRCULATION of any paper lu its Section of the State. It Is printed on a mainuth Sheet, in tkitarto form, and contains woohly forty-eight rid trams of original and solveted reading matter ' and advertisements. It in utraqualled by any of Its local contemporaries in the extent and 'variety of its corres pondence, both home and forelgn.jtnd original contri butions, Price, $2 per annum dye copies for $9 ; ten for sls—in advance. •• , It iscertranly the very best Advertising Medium in Pennsylvania, out of the cities, not 'only because Of its eirehlation, but rasa because of the substantial and thrif ty chatacter of its patrons. As a medium for offering. REAL., ESTATE for male it Is especially desirable, as it caches a largo 'class of Real Estate ownersrand dealers and business men generally. than any other local paper. -Terms moderate. Advertisements rany be sent directly to the PubliSher, or through any paper In which this ad vertisement is inserted. Address Juno 20 A. L. SP.INSLER. Real Estate .k4ent, rIL ii DAVID RALSTON • JAMES LINDSAY, Executbrs ALEX. N. McgLURE. Chamboyebueg, Pa. • • lefe.s EAM. ••• lemma. U.M.BE It 1 - , AN 1) VALI, EY R,,,`R.- lJ CIiANCIE OF 1.01110 i! On awl after 110 N DAY. August. Ctli, 1555, Pni.Fenger Trains will rim as follows: (Stuidityii u%cepted: FOR 11..A.11.1.0511URG i' .1,4 Tr3lo, 2&t . Train. ' 11..,31. 4.:;0, P. M. 5.43 .. -" . '5.00, ~ Leave Cliamlwrsburg ippon sburg, " Nowville. 6 ' 14.elimiksbUrg, At I.l2wrisburg, 7 6 . . 0 2 2 .1 ; y /\i c 8 0 : 7 . 30, 7,65, 7.15 . POll CIIAMBERSBUIta. . Ist-Tr:dn. 2d rain: ..8.1.10. A. Ii .1.031, P. XI 0.03, 6 , 1,24). " 0410, " 2 21, " 1(6.15, " 11.47, " 3.15, 11.15, " 3.48, " TRAINS ua VII Harrisburg for Philadelphia at 1.12 and 8.10 als , t at 7.: , 0 and via I:r,l . tim WA. • Leave llarrisbnrg for Pittsburg at 0.20 A.M.; 12.38,n, and 4. I'. 11. Leave Harrisburg for Baltini9re, at - 1.30, and F.:10 A. ;51.; at IP. If. and Wl, Train York at 7 I'. Cara of Panphin and iztv , lnehanna Bait Road Imre liar rislairz at G, A. M. a (.1 2, P. I. for Aul Urn, Putt:t rifle, L'eading..l r. At all tnt iaw; "here Tickets are sold, Fares are TEN cENTS rr.S'S than when paid in the Cars. A. F. 'M Fri!, suvutintomient. hail 11,0 (Wien. flia:utten.hurz, } A ligt.tA Lpace Ilarrigburg, • ochamiesburg t " Sl:ippon:4mm, At Ch:unl•crsburg, Summer ,worts pER,Ity (vv. WA ti. 3,1 SPRINGS, PEN N: 4 l' INA NI A, Will he open fer visitors from the nth day ofJune. • 11. 11. El."11;:II, Proprietor. This most iI iral.te waterier liter Is situat , nl on the Links of Silkirtllllll . s Creek, which flows at the base of pis , 2,ah ' ,4 1110 e hundred feet aim% e the lev el el the creek. in front of the dwellin^k. This stream airerd 4 plea , ure to the iruest,...s there are Nat.: upon it to Inss op and down. :in.o a hea Lanni Islwel In It. well ith lar;4o forest trees; the walks up aim down the creek ore delightful, while there isplealture forto.a.. u hi, desire to Ihti in the strelllS The springs are numer on, and ette tint be quilku.stel ill:bathing: there are bath house.: separale fur heti., :mid eyntlenien, also tarn phutre p fOr inch, With 4111 abundance of pure spring at er. • Th.., is an eNte , .sive view of vieli and rare scenery of :int.:ins and vane:. 0,1., in; li, naut pica Ltr e,lue ill 1,.• t In• attraetiom , of the NVurni iniriegs I there are 111/1111.1141, Sllinlner Math , . making it very piesaut tier drives. llortw/and vt la , kept this season to hire.. ille, jog. taken pales in ne , itiing it selectron of fn t , role servants, 1 feel eontident. they will givegenoral set ktai ti n, to the eni sts. 'Phone shill he no painssparvil lu supplying my toll,, with the luxii ries of the market:, ' AEI pei,,ant leaving l'hiliidelphia or ltaltimore. in the morn train to liumautieio. on the Central liailrvad, foul teen miles north-,, est ~f Bart isburg, then takiiir a roaell which in alvays in readin, will arrive at the springs about .t ~' elort, the fire king but $4OO through to the sp , nts. All e‘ininruni,aitiolis intended for the springs slit - odd beaddiessial Itunean mai P,,st Mice. id. the springs. and v, ill iirrhe daily after the Oft h of Jinn?. fees , irs f. to engage r001:1S. to. NI ill please address burg P ad. ()thee, prior to the 11th of Juno, Persons in the cities wishing information eull (earn it by calling i tt the refferenees hereunto attached. A Baud of Iltuie has been engaged. ipiarding per Wrik, Children half prier, Servants In. It-wiling per day, 110rees per Week. II:1.1/111g per dozen EFE ENCES PIP I. 11Z.I.Pfl it —(Fears Prlttra. 27 Vino Street. Sit r.l Wm. Ryan. 111 Norih, Forth Strta t Elitt ant Tams, 125 Ntallt Elevetzth Street : Edivar..l tzt ie fol. 1 I Deratur Street ; Vredritl; Soarer, Sixth Street Le- Cla•stattl; Edward Wayne, Es.i. Penrosylvttoht 118.111,; 11. Green. Fifth Street belew Cerium ] ; Dn. IsB. South ER Not: C. Patten:mt., Egg.. 4S S attli `tenet: Ilertrter.;;S7 Murttut Street. C , .;;;.m.t. A. 1.. I 4 pon;..ler, ; 11. helkr,Mr.J.P. 1,; - no. I. A. 6turp.on. P.t.--John 6ib..•rt..1. J. Warfleld, Judo Fisht r, II 1:7' , 1:ti1t . ;.-0. linrpot t. Esq.. Dr. J. P. Keller, P. K.. 11oyd„1. E. Eby. 11. linehlt.r, II UTINIoR E.-- Ithn. S. Stov.ot.l. Ilorjandn Crane. Quin, John C. Holland, John 3.lurphy, G. W. Fher.. wo , "1. Poo , ,rderS Otht . e. Jn 13, Toni -4.jarbs. - XTOTICE TO CONSUMERS. • COALI cOAT.!I COAL!a Hite subscril,or would respectfully intornt his !lends and the public, that be is now receiving 1000 tons of that Nor . % superior RED ASII C'OAL, 'from- the Luke Fidler. mines of Boyd, Rosser k Co.. the only Tied .14,h Coal bronglit from cite Shamokin Basin, introduced and known in Carlisle a , the IllitenslineenaL It Is entirely free f..0t0 slate anti all ether Impurities. anti is perfectly adopted to all 11)Vithailleal and 11(an.,tla Vurpofes. Its readiness to Isul to . eettd,rs it particularly desirable f r small stove:, w Idle its iutensity•of tient and great dura- Wilt% in burning makes it equally to for large ones. lie would also the :Mont Hu of fitemets and others to a suneeiar article of CHESNUT CI4. from the same toittes. for t•t1.3111 and !hie parr ses For sale ()Illy In Carlisle by NT - EW COAL YARD Al' THE EAST ENT , OF CARLISLE The sub .Tiber would respectfully cull th oattention of Linieburnors 11111,1 the eitiZen , o f C ar li s l e at the sur. roundlue. eountry generally, to his NEW COAL YARD at the eastern nod of life Wrough, and immediately op. posit,. the Oas Storks, whore he will keep constantly ten hand a large supply of superior LYKItNS VALLEY COAL, of the vltri.mi sines, together with such other Coal as stay to desired. all 7)2. 7 Ns - M(4111e ph , dges himself to sell at the lowest possible prices. Tho best quality I.I3II:3IURNERS 11.ACESSLITIIS COAL always on band. All residence in East afro or P. Nlonyer, rill be 1 -1 k 11,\Sc y CO 1-1 Volley ( 9.1,.br0 Esly for thud usu. tim '31E1117.0N.- - 2,000 onskern! 1•nlley Nut Coal, n superior drticie i•eroic g and fur solo by aunt. ,A.) 1.1)L.L. IES3IITIF.S. COAL. - 5,000 j Bust. •Is 1160:smith's Con, a first rate article re eeleitit: ant. `or sale by Juno, t. I ANCA WEIt COLLIERY. TO COAL DEALRRS. Wd bug wave ' , introduce ourselves to your acquain• toned as eYteu e Miners and Shippers of murk: Asll ANTllit,t L Ii COAL, at Lancaster Colliery, Nor, thumberiand Cot, y, where we hare very extenslyti improvements an ti Breaker, whieli Mr capacity to pre- ~ pars and clean Cott: 'tuna be surpassed. Our sizes of Coal are :IS follows: Lump, for smelt,. purposes. • SteXlllbOatt for we:, lug anti titeambosts, , • • Broken, Egg and il, se. for Family use and steam, Nut and I'ea, for Li, burners anti steam. Our Limehurners' Coat a very superior quality, to which we would espeeittity mil Lim attention of &Merit ' anti conslllllM. Our point of shipping 114 Si l lbury,whervanangements are made to lead boats with. ut any delay, Orden' ad. .dressed to us at Shamokin,: Swiltury or Luncas4o/) Mill. receive prompt attention. aprlS COOL RAN, PRAM; & Oo.'"••• ' C4triiratik. Lancaster. Hen). Reinhold, Liutcattt4r ; t: • . • O. W. Peale, Shamokin, If. baumpardner, do. maN[OUS. BEGES.—Just received , another lold Cheap Do Boos. DeUlnas and Par t, :I Cloths. [nuvls) 0. W. UITNER. /B BM - 1 50 - 4 0 G. W. HILTON at the yard, or at hie le storwt ,of 11. Saxton tended to. JACOB SIIROM. )00 Tons Lykon's smeni,d, prop:wed ei• 1111 i for mil° by MURRAY, Agt. W. D. MUURRAY, Agt W. D. MURRAY, Agt