Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 15, 1855, Image 4

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(!arligis 'Prrp'h.
0 -71 Wt ".
, •
TVMS 4Two Dollars a year, or Onr Dollar and
Fifty Cents, if paid pu , ,ctually„ in Advance
$1 75 if paid within theyear..
Whig County Convention.
At a meting of tneml , ers of the 11"hl tandin t Com
mittee of Camberland county. convened In pursuance
of pros - nets notke ;it the public house of John flannan
in Carlisle, on Saturday the 2,Fith of July, the following
res.d talon was adopted.
Resolved, That the whigs of ^ Cumberland county be
rei nested to assemble at their usual times Rini places
of holding de gate elections in the several wa.tds. her
oin:ln and townships of the Ceunty on e ATG II DAT the
1,1 of Septmber next le elect Iwo delegates frian each of
:aid wards. boroughs and townships. who shall meet In
convention, in the Court clause in the borough of Car
on :110NbAY the :id of September, to nominate
tilt et to lie supported by the With:sof Cumberland Pout -
ty ;it the enieti it g general electien and to adopt such
measures as shall be deemed nece,sary.
.I,)fiN PLnucti, Ferry
wt_r.Our agricultural readers win. find
an article, of importance to them in their
department of this weelt's Herald.
The following call for a Republican
Party in Pennsylvania appears in the pa
per& While the old Whig and Free
Soil sections are represented in the call,
the American party does not appear to
have entered into the movement.
The citizens of Pennsylvania, without regard
to former party distinctions, who are willing
to unite in a new organization to resist the
further spread of slavery and the increase of
the slave power, are requested to meet in
Mass Convention at Pittsburg, on Wednesday,
the sth day of September, 1855, at 11 o'clock,
A. M., to organize a Republican party in this
State. which shall give expression to the pop
ular will on the subjects involved in .the re
peal of the Missouri Compromise, and co-ope
rate with other organizations of a similar
-character in other States.
George Darsie, Allegheny county.
John W. Howe, Crawford county.
John S. Mann. Potter county,
John Allison, Beaver county.
John M. Kennedy, Philadelphia county.
Wm. B. Thomas, do,
Joseph, Markle, Westmoreland county.
Benjamin Frick, Northumberland county.
Martin Bell, Blair county.
11. 11: Frazier. Susquehanna county.
M. 11. Cobb, Tioga county.
Thaddeus Stevens, Lancaster county.
Alex K. McClure, Franklin county.
Alfred Matthias, Indiana county.
As we predicted.when the National
American Platform was promulgated, the
attempted conciliation of the South has
utterly failed and the Northern dough-fa
ces only "dirted themselves for noth
ing." Kentucky alone stands firm.—
Tennessee, which was Whig in 1552, is
irretrievably gone, and NI r. M. P. Gentry,
distinguished for his base treachery to
Gen.. Scott, has experienced merited ret
ribution. With North Carolina and
Tennessee gone it must be confessed
Sam's prospects in th South are "grow
ing, small by degr :es and beautifully
less." The only ln»e for him is in stan
ding firmly up or freedom.
3.lais State Convention of
Whigs and Americans met at Columbus,
Ohio, ou the 9th about ono hundred and
fifty delegates being present, and nomi
nated Ex-Gov. Allen•Triinble for G over
no:in opposition to Chase. . Gov. Medil
is the democratic candidate.
KANZAS.—The Washington Union of
ficially announces the appointment of Wil
son Shannon, of Ohio, as Governor of
Kansas, and says that Mr. Dawson's de
clintitiOn was received in Washington on
Friday. ,
REEDER run GovEitNon.—A corres
pondent of the Allentown Democrat, nom
inates A. H. 'Reeder for Governor o
this An article in -the Demo
iratic.Union. squints the same way.
The American party in Lancaster coun
ty has taken.dccided ground for open or-
ganization. The Executive committee
of the party, have ordered an open elec-
Lion in the different boroughs, wards and
townships, on Saturday the 1.8,th of Sep
tember, "at which all citizens the coun
ty favorable to the American cause are
invited to attend and participate in the
selection of candidates to be supported
by the• American party lit the coining
general election." The return judges
are to meet in Lancaster city the Monday
following, and add up the votes, and the
persons having the highest number of
votes shall be the candidates of the party
for the offices specified. No member of
the American party is permitted to elec.
th»leer for any office—the party being
determined to act upon the Americal.
principle that the party should seek the
man, and not the man the office.
The Americans of Chester county have
formally resolved on a temporary suspen
sion of their distinqtive proceedings as a
party, iiforder to vo-operate with the Re
publi,can- party. The Whi!rs of Cheslicr
assembled, in county meeting On the
ult., and declared it inexpedient to nomi
nate a distinct Whig ticket at this time.
They recomend a meeting: to be held on
the ISth inst. "of all the citizens of the
county who are opposed to .the repeal of
the Missouri Compromise, and to the ad
mission of any more slave states in the
Union, and determined to resist the fur
ther aggresion of the slave power, and
maintain the rights of the North against
the overhearing insolence of the South,"
to - unite as a Rtpublicam Party, in the
formation and support of a county ticket.
A resolution was also adopted condem
ning the practied of thrusting foreigners
into office soon after landing upon our
shores and declaring a lonycr praatt" , ,n
in this country, before exercising the
rights of citizenship, as essentially neces
sary for the safety of the country.
The Whigs of - Philadelphia met on
Tuesday evening of last week and elec
ted delegates to the general convention
which was to meet yesterday. general
determination was evinced to revive and
preserve the old Whig party. That its
strength is by no means insignificant is
sbown by the fact that at a delegate elec
tion in one ward 41S votes were polled
and at several others upwards of three
The Whigs of Mifflin county, at a meet
ing held last week in Lewistown, resol
ved that it was inexpedient to nominate a
The Whig Convention of Blair county
met in Hollidaysburg one day last week
and split in two—one party, said to be
K. Nrs: adjourning to the 10th of Sep
tember and the Whigs proper to the 28th
of August.
'We give on the first page the Louisville
Journal's version of the origin of these
deplorable riots. The accounts given by
the different papers are Very conflicting.
The Covrier and Democrat of that city
(anti -K. N.)both charge upon the Know
Nothings a persistent system of provoca
tion 4 - ,o violence i ,with a view to prevent
the Gemlvis fine Irish from voting, and
that the riots were produced by threats
and nets of-violence on the part of the
know nothings: The Journal charges
exactly the reverse. As the result of the
riots fourteen men were known to be
ed, six of whom are Americans, and thue
others who wore expected to die. The
' nnmber of the wounded is not knoWn.
About thirty have been heard of.
CUTTING LousE,—Wm.l3.lleed, Esq.
of Philadelphia, a well known Whig, is
out a caustic letter; addressed to lion,
A. G. Curtin, resigning his post as a
member of the Whig State Central Corn-.
mittee, lIiN main reason for this Course
is his bostilitito the know nothing or
ganization. lie alleges that most of the
members of the CoMmittee, have, joined
the new organization and he, as the fyipnd
of civil and religious liberty,Tan no lon
ger act with
Town nut) (Lem* 31'N:titers.
THE NEWVILLE FAnt,—During the
prOgresi of the Industrial Fair last week,
Newville was the centre of gaiety and excite.
ment. The streets were thronged with visi
tors and the Fair grounds presented an ani
mated scene. The Fair itself was fully suo•
ccssful and the receipts amounted, we under
stand, to between $l2OO rind $l5OO. The
display of articles in the various departments
was exceedingly novel and attractive, but as
our visit to the Fair was but brief and hasty ,
we cannot particularize. We were glad to no
tice several very creditable articles ft.( m the
skilful hands of Carlisle mechanics. The re
port of the Managers we presume will give
the details of the exhibition and do full jtuti
tioe to the various exhibitors. The arrange
ments of the Fair were excellent and we Con
gratulate the energetic and attentive mana
gers upon the complete success of their ef
Tni COUNTY FAin!--,—The exhibition
at Nelcville, we hope has- had the good effect
to rouse the spirit of our farmers and mechan
ics and induce them to commence in good
time to prepare articles of agricultural and
mechanical production for exhibition at the
County Fair which which takes place in Octo
ber. Let no one be deterred from sending
articles for exhibition by the fear that they
will not be geod enough to take a' premium.—
Whether they take a premium or not they w
be of interest to the public. We hope to see such
a display of stock, grain, domestic productS:
elegant butter, preserved fruits and every
other article nr pertaining to the Farm and
Dairy as shall truly exhibit the wealth, fertili
ty and thrifty husbandry of our noble county.
our mechanics also will find-it an admirable
opportunity to give the public occular demon
stration of their taste and skill, and they
should avail 'themselves of it with the coati
dmice that their prosperity in business will be
fully commensurate with the excellence of the
articles thus brought to notice. We call atten
tion to the matter now in order to prompt
them to early action.
The ladies, too, both of our borough and
county, we hope will not forget that a crowd
of spectators will be 100 ing with warm inter
est for a thousand fancy and useful articles,
the products of their busy needles and delicate
taste,. Let the "note of preparation" be
heard without delay and all be prepared to
contribute something attractive tr substantial
so that the display may be worthy of our
flourishing Valley.
wi. Ll sj . i k ui
a n deg i e i e .: lr s v, T art l et, l ls o n, ) en t sl t diiei ' l l e t d e ics h oc l nu a lsm r s v ilos e ns s i t o: l l 'The
of the Agricultural Society on Saturday last,
was attended by a considerable number of the
members, and passed off pleasantly to all. A
substantial dinner was provided in n grove
near town, and after dinner a number of
members participated in a free discussion of
agricultural 'Subjects. Among other topics in
troduced was a motion offered by Mr. George
the County to make a donation of two hundred
acres of the Poor •Ilouse Farm for the purpose
of securing tho location of the new Model
Farm School in this county. The motion was
advocated with his usual earnestness and force
tinned by Messrs. Stuart, Scheeler, Rea, Dale,
Shaffer, Bradley, Glenn and others, some of
them urging and others objectin g to the pro
position. .
We are glad the subject has been thus
brought up and trust it will continue to be
agitated until some definite result is attained,
What other counties and individuals are doing
to secure the location of this institution has
been heretofore noticed ,in our paper, and we
feel confident that if our Farmers give the
subject the proper degree of reflection they
will be prompted to co-operate in a vigorous
effort to secure the location of the School in
Cumberland county. Of what advantage it
would be they can form an idea from the no
count of an English Farm School which we
publish in another column. We have little
doubt but the proposition made at the Harvest
Home on Saturday would meet - With the appro
bation of the Farmers generally of the county,
and would suggest that a meeting for further
action on the subject bo held during the ap.
Trenching August court.
REAL ESTATE SALES.—The fine farm
of Mr. C. Beorbrower, In North Middleton
township, about a milo and a half from Car;
lisle, was sold last week for '514,000, being at
the rate of about $l4O an acre. Tho improve•
meats are of a superior kind• and greatly en
hanced the value of the place. The sale was
negotiated by Mr. A. L. Sponsler.
A farm of about one hundred acres belong
ing to Mr. Thomas Greason near Plainfield,
was purchased ,last week by Mr. Win. Hurley
at the rate of $BO an acre.
Several valuable farms will belound adver
tised in our paper today.
TEACHERS WANTED.—See, pllr adver
tieing columns.
these rare and beautiful flowers was in bloom
on Thurso evening evening last„At the residence of
Mrs.• John goble, in thiS borough, a lidy noted
for her taste and skill in the cultivation of
flowers. Its wondrous splendor attracted
throngs of spectators, and a talented friend
has made it the- subject of the happily-oon
ceived stanzas which we subjoin:
For flu, Herald.
To the Night-Blooming Venous.
Oh, miracle of Beauty, why dust thou
Quickened and nourished z;,,y the warmth and light,
Ilide from the Sun the lustre of thy brow,
And shOw
,thy Splendor only to the Night ? '
Foarest thou lest the garish glare of Day
Disclose SlllO fleck upon thy snowy cup?
Or, is it pride, when other flowers ore gay,
That makes thee hoard thy peerless beauty up?
Or, out of 'kind regard and modesty
Withdrawest thou, until the day is done,
That Lilies may not die of Jealousy,
Nor Ruses blush to see themselves outshone?
Or (lost thou choose for thy seleetest hour,.
The sTason nhon the Flans look down on Earth,
That they nay know by virtue o 1 thy power,
What Beauty In tills lowly Plaj.e has birth?
Like a fair Bride, who all the live-long day
Could not turret her eny and maiden ways,
When the Night annoy thou threwest veils away,
,And then the dusk grows lustrous with thy gaze.
But why so transient Tarry till the dawn
Thou dreadost tarrying and to he despised.
The Beauty that is often looked upon,
,ipt, thou thickest, to he lightly prized.
Then let me view thee without vain regret; ' , "l
And bathe me with the fragrance of thy breath;
Shine in thy rich array. while I ferget
How near approach thy Glory and thy Death!
(ih short-lived Splendor! most transcendent Bloom
The Beauty of thy Ill( wer is 11101.1+ to me,
Be';use thou tc ilt ho sought Mr In the Ulema,
And most bemMn of thy Fragility.
Carlisle, Aug. 13, 1855. S.
The attention of our readers is
directed to tho advertisement of the Pennsyl-
rania Female College at Harrisburg. It is
under the charge' of Rev. B. It. Waugh, a
gentleman of admirable qualifications, who is
assisted by an efliiiient corps of teachers.
In Tennessee the majority for. Johnson, the
Democratic candidate for Governor IS about
2000. The Congressional delegation is com
posed-of 5 Americans and 3 Democrats, and
there is an American majority of 2 on joint
ballot in the Legislature.
In Alabama, John A. Winston, Democrat,
is elected Governor by 6000 majority. The
Congressional delegation stands 6 Democrats
and two Americans, and the Legislature is
Democratic in both branches.
From North Carolina it is now definitely as
certained' that the Congressional delegation
will be composed of 3 Americans and 5 Dem-
ocrat 'I
In lioyuckji Charles S. Morehead, Ameri
can and Whig, is elected Governor by 8000
majority. The Congressional delegation
stands 6 Americans to 4 Democrats, and there
is an American majority in the Legislature.
ple of Wisconsin, says the New York Times,
are rapidly gaining a reputation for disregard
of law and contempt for legal tribunals. Not
long since they seized a prisoner from the
Sheriff, while on his way to jail, put a rope
around his neck, and strangled him. On
Wednesday last the act was repeated in Mil
waukie, with but slight change; and a More
barbarous act never disgraced a civilized com
munity. The prisoner was DI:11AR, charged
with the murder of the AIEYEIL family, and
found guilty of murder in the ffrst degree.—
The circumstances of the murder, which we
have published, were horrible, it is true, but
not more so than the manner of his death.
While being taken to jail, surrounded by
Military, a mob rushed at him ; the military .
gave way, and DEBAIL was struck to the ground
by a stone. The mob then fell upon him and
mangled him in a dreadful manner. A rope
was then tied to his heels, and he was dragged
through the streets the distance of half a
mile, when he was hung up by the heels to a
tree, where he remained for several hours. A
more barbarous act it has never been our un
pleasant duty to record. •
In Shipponsburg. on tho 25th ultimo, by Per. Joseph
Mahon, itev. D. D. CLARKE, to Miss EMS,LY, daughter
of David Mahon, Esq.
FOURTREN School Teachers are wanted to take
charge of the Schools of Nt rth 3liddleten township.—
&loads to continence on the lot of October next. The
Board of Directors will meet at Wass' Betel, in Carlisle,
on MoNnAv, the 110th of August, when the Count , / Su
perintendent will be present to examine those applying
for Schools.• A. P. NORTON,
August 15, 1835. Secretary.
NOTICE):—An olection for 'MIR
TEEN DIRECTORS for the Cumberland' Valley
Mutual Protection Company will be held at the ottlee
of said Company, In Dickinson township, Cumberland
county, Pa., on MONDAY, the 31 day of September
next r to serve the ensuing year.
August 15,1855. Secretary.•
STRON(I, tleceascd.—Notice Is hereby given that
Letters To,stamentary on the Estate of James Arm
strong, late of the borough of Carlisle, Cumberlaud
county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of
said county to the subseribers, residing In ow
borough. All persons knoUring themselves Indelded to
atticEsae ar reuested to make Immediate payment,
d those havng laims to present thorn for settWineut
Au g ust 15 , 1855-6 W Flsecuters.
opon her SCIIOOI., on Monday, Sep. W I at her
mother's residence on Pitt Stied.
August 8 'l5B--pd.
New 3by crtiscincuts.
DR. r.C.LOOAITS i ttoo ., • .
South Ilanover st.,'next .7 "" wir y
door to the Post Wilco.
be absent from Carlisle the last three days
'of each month. [Aug. 1, '65
Rev. Bsysntv 11. WAnau, A. N. Principal.
The thin], annual session of this Institution of Learn
ing for yofing Ladies, will commence on lfloan.ty,
TIMBER the 3d. It has been the aim and object of the
principal and ribose associated with bim,(of whom there
are six,) to imbue the mind with those principles of
knowledge that develop thought and produce reflection.
Their ambition has been Thoroughness.
During the vacation, the college premises hallo been
thoroughly refitted and enlarged. In connecticn with
other improvements, Gas, and washing apparatus, (hot
and cold water)iavu.been introduced, whereby the Col
lege Is made to Ileg*ICSS all the comfort and conveniences
of an agreei)ble home. .
For further particulars, or for circulars address tho
Principal at Ilarrisburg. Aug. 15.
1 will sell at public sale, at the Court !louse, in tho
borough of Carlisle, on SATU ii DAY, the oth of Septem
ber next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., a valuable Llmestono
Farm, late the property of lleo. A. Lyon, Esq., deceased,
situate in South Middleton twp., Cumberland county,
on the 'Walnut Bottom owl, Nu. and one-half miles
front said borough, containing
more or less; ninety-one of which are cleared and in a
high state of cultivation, and the residue covered with
timber of the best quality. The improve
ments are a two story HOUSE, double Log
7: Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib anti other ne
cessary out-buildings. 'there aro two Wells
of water near the house, find a thriving Orchard ()lover
two hundred trees of various kinds of fruit, all of which
are bearing.
Terms make known on the day of sale by
Aug. 15,'55. Real Estate Agent and Scrivener.
)A ill be sold at public sale. on the premises. on SAT-
UltitAY, the 13th day of October, next, at 12 o'clock,
noon, a choice FARM, situate In Dickinson township,
Cumberland county. on the Pine Roadmildway between
Carlisle and Shippensburg, late the property of George
Widder, demised,
all cleared. The 'land is in a good
A,_.„ state of cultivation, Is of a good quid
lii:si lty and the greater part has ben lino
LC ,
_Ate`' ed. th ere is a lust-rate Ihnotoue
quarry en the farm. Thu Improve
mews ale a new and convenient
new and neat, Wagon Ziilied, Corn Crib and ether out
buildings. all of which are new. --There Is a nett of good_
water.with ajounp near the door. Also on the tarm a
thr . bug young 014i11ARD of well selerted fruit trees.
Thi 'um is near the Yellow Breeches Creek. and ad
join. the other 'hum of Ibeorge t% hider, dee'd. and ad
joins lands of Wm . Mains, Abraham Kurtz, Wm. Shri
ver and others.
' Also, at the Mine time and place Will be sold a quan
tity of-excellent TIMBER LAND in the said vicinity,
s'llllo Of which has thereon good Chesnut, Pine and oth
er timber. .
Persons wishing to view said lands van do so iind
Lace mil neeesmry information by application to the
undersigned, who reside in the immediate
Terms s ill be made known on day of sale
JOSEPH ;lVlldifltS,
On TUESDAY, the 16th day of September, 11.15, the
undersigned, Executors of Christian IVolf, decd. ' will
sell at public sale, on the premises. at 12 o'clock. M., a
TRACT OF LAND, situate in Southattipton township,
Franklin county, on the Roxbury mad, about two I
1111104 west of Shippensburg, bounded by lands of Al
fred Moore, David Spenser and others. It is now occu
pied by John Wolf and contains
of which 110 are good limestone land and about TO acres
good slate land. About 15 acres of said land is covered
with spiel, did timber and the balance is in an excellent
state of cultivation. The itopmv mount!, are a large
weather-boarded LOG HOUSE, Frame DANK DARN,
Wagon Shed, a Spring House, and all other neces.,ary i
out-buildings, all of which aro new. The farm is-well
watered by running water. and there is also a never
failing' well. Also a young Orchard of choice halt.
Alen, on SATURDAY, the 22,1 of September, 1155,
will 1.,, sold by the said Executors, on the premises. at
12 o'clock, M.. all that certain valuable TRACT OF
LAND, situate in the township of South Middleton,
Cumberland county, on the banks of the Yellow
Breeches Creek, als,ut one mile south-east of Boiling
Springs, bounded by lands of Jacob Strickler, Ni Hindu
Weise, Billijalllill Kauffman and others.
..... The Improvements are a large two
Ali, -...'"),.. story SToNE 110 USE. m Rif a base
i4,7., , went, a largo STUN E BARN, a
w i t h
tr. ii ,t,V Carriage House, Spring Douse, with
of water, Si 014 1101151'. NV:lg‘ , ll :!;lied and all other neces
sary out-buildings, all In go. d order. Aloe, tut Ili - chard
of choice fruit. This valuable farm is all of the best
limestone, with about Dm acres in a high state of cul
tivation, and the remainder In geed timber. Ake, a
go4at TENANT HOU: , 11, with outdmildings, and about
three acres of Mud. 0111,11 will be sold separately or
with the farm to salt purchasers.
Also, at the same time and place will be sold a certain
'TRACT OF mouNrms LAND, Situate in said town
ship, about three miles from the above described farM
containing 1n34 Aces::: being well covered with young
chestnut and oak Ihni , er.
Terms will be made known on each of said days by
August 15, ISss—ts Executers.
ili, - Cliambersburg Whlg copy.
AT 11 1. 1J /113 I. FARM
The undersigned, Administrator with the will am
Hexed of John HMI, late of Newton township, Cumber
laud county, deeeased. - will offer at public Salo, on the
premises, on SATURDAY, the 2.2 d day of September,
11 4 55, that excellent LIMESTONE FARM, in a high
state of cultivation, late the property of said deceased,
situate in sold township, three miles west of News ille,
on the road leading from Newville to Shippensburg,
and omehalf mile east of Oakville, on the Cumberland
Valley Hail Road, adjoining lands of Hubert Mickey,
John Hoover, Rev. Alex, Sharp, and others, Containing
and Ftrinksuvrx PERCHES, strict measure; having there
on erected a large two story STONE
DWELLING HOUSE, and a :'rove
itercurx attached, a Well of never
1 si r rlyre,( failing water near the door, a largo
• stone bank Barn, an excellent Cider
Press, Corn Cribs and Wagon Shed,
with other necessary out•buildings. Also, a largo...two
story IMENANT 8011 SE, with a tl , :talde and uther,nool,,,..
sary out -building s: -"
There is on this farm a large and excellent Apple Or
chard, with choice grafted fruit; also, Peach, Plum and
Cherry trees. Twenty Ilexes or more of the above de
scribed tam 19 covered with some of the best and most
thriving young timber. There are also Locust trees on
the same HUHICIOIIA , to make several hundred Locust
posts; also, it quantity of young and thriving trees.— j
As the property is located so near Oakville, on the C.V.
lt, It., where an extensive business is dune iu the Mr-,
warding business, the purchaser of the saute may cones
cider that he hits the market almost at the door, which
renders the farm very desirable, and owing to its being;
situation in the very centre of the valley, may be ranked,
among the finest and most productive limestone farms
In the same.
Any person or persons wishing to view the above d0., -
cacr, CAtilivevo an opportunity of doing so, by,
lling on the undersigned, who resides One-quarter et
a mile north . of tho' same, or on,Falnuel Mil, who rt
sides on the premises, either of who'll will ho pleased
to show it. L!.
Susie to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when term!, will
be made known by
Aug,ls,'ls—ts Adm'r With the will annexed.
Ail kinds of printing done eheoi