Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 15, 1855, Image 3

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miles west of Harrisburg.' The ninth Session
of this popular and flourishing Institution /will corn
atones on Monday, the 7th a May next, under the
most favorable auspices. 'During the present year such
Improvements and•additions have been made as its in
creasing patronage demanded. The Principal will be as
sisted by a • full corps of competent and experienced
teachers, and special attention will be paid to the health
aud , erunfort, of the Students. •
Boarding, Washing and Tuition in the English Branch
es, and Vocal Music, per SCSAOII, (5 months) $60,00
Instruction in Latin and Greek, each, - 10 00
French and tier - man • - 5.00
The attention of parents and guardians is earnestly
invited to this Institution. Circulars will be furnished
dud any information will be given, on application, either
personal or by letter to
D. DENLINGEIt, Principal,
Harrisburg, Pa.
Mar. 14, 1855
EMY, near Carlisle, Pa. The 18th Settsionwiilcom
menee 'on TUESDAY, May Ist, 1855. Number of Stu
dents ihuited,and constant efforts used for their moral
and intellectual improvement. Terms, SGS per session.
Circulars with references and fullinformation furnish
ad, by It. K. BURNS,
Principal and Proprietor,
Plainfield. Cumberland co. Pa
April 18-1855
This Institution presents superior facilities to young
men desirous of obtaining a practical business educa
The course of study embraces Double Entry Book-
Keeping, as practically applied to the management of
Mercilitlle, Bank, Manufheturing and Steamboat Books
—Business Penmanship and Mercantile Computations
—familiar Lectures on Commercial Law—upon the sub
ject of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Contracts,
Partneiships &c., &c.
The exercises are strictly practical, being deducted
from actual business transactions, tmd so completely
combine practice with theory that students, on comple
tion of the course, are in every respect competent to
conduct, on scientific principles, any set of Double Entry
Books. The students have access to a Commercial Li
brary procured expressly for their accommodation.
Usual length of time to complete the whole course,
from 8 to 10 weeks.
Fur particulars write and receive n circular by mail
april 11
El rug itoi..c
4c.--1 have just (received from Philadelphia and
New lyric very ostensive additions to my
I former dtuck, embracing nearly every article
Of Mudiciuu now in use, together with
Paints, oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perin..
mory, Soaps, Stationary, Flue Cutlery,Fish
.l I lug Tackle t h rushes of almost every deserlp..
km, „,„,„ endless variety of other articles, which 1
mil determined to sell at the VERY LOWEST prices.
All Physicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars and oth
ers, are respectfully requested not to pass the OLD
STAND, us Limy may rest assured that every article will
be sold of a good quality, and upon rea.sunahle terms.
Main street, Carlisle
May 30
:SUPPLY! I have just received a fresh stock of
Medicines, Paints, Wass, Oil, &c., which, having
boon purchased with great care at the best city
houses, .I. cancuntidently recommend to Families,
Physicians, country Merchants aud Dealers, as be
im treshaud pure. •
DUMAS—Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Instru
nonts, pure Essential Oils, Herbs and Extracts, Spices,
bound and whole, Essences, Perfumery, fie.
Cod Liver oil—warranted genuine.
_ i - ,„,. DYE-STUFFS---ludigoos, Madders, Sumac, Alum, Log
sod Cum Woods, Oil Vitriol, Copperas, Lac Dye.
PAINTS—W.OI4)ra' 4t. Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Meets .nd Fellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey
Window Ulass, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Copal and coach
Varnish, and ited Lead. All of which will be sold at the
very lowest market price.
Also, a fresh and splendid assortment of FANCY
* GOODS, Fruits, Confectionary, and innumerable other
articles calculated for use and ornament, all of which
aro offered at the lowest cash prices, at the cheap Drug,
Book and Fancy Store of the subscriber on North fan
lifer street. ' S. IY• HAVERSTICK.
The undersigned has Just returned from Phila.
HAI a fresh supply of DRUGS andCONFECTION
the former in connection with his stock ou hand will
stake his assortment of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals
complete. Ills assortment of CONFECTIONARY is also
One; consisting of pure sugar white and transparent
Candy Toys; Candy, common, assorted, and fine Candles
of every variety;
also Fruits, Nuts, and every thing
belonging to that department of trade. Ile would call
special attenthin to his supply of FANCY ARTICLES
for the holidays, and general use, among which may po
lound the good, the tasteful, and the useful.- All.are
tivited to call whether they wish to puscluse
KIEFFER. ar not.
Carlisle, Do ,r ',sl
Professor of Anatomy, and. Surgery in the Philintel.
his CuDeg( of Medicluo, and Acting Professor of Mid
'Very; Ono of the Consulting Physicians of thu Phil
delphla Hospital, Dlockley ; late member of the Na
tinal Medical Association; 'number of the Phil:Wei
ght 31edical t3ocioty; member of the Itiedico-Chirurgi
cl College of Philudolphis; formerly President and
Ppfessorof Anatomy and Surgery In Castioton Medi
c.; Cktilege, Vermont; and also, late Professor of An
shay and Physiology la Dorkshire Medical Institu
ton, Pittsfield, MASS. '
&c., &a.
its lately introduced In a popular ibrm several of hit
*ito proscriptions for the princip4 disoases of this
ell' to. Thu IMMO of each articio will imply the dis
oas or which it s intended used.
Collis. &e., Price 25 eta.
Dv.Prico 5U cts. .
rifyg the illooti Price $l.
DAlcCusrook's Dyspeptic Ellxir—For giving tone
to stomach, relieving pains after eating, heartburn;
an 1 disagreeable symptcflus arising from Indigestion.
DLN.triCtraroor's RHEUMATIC 3ILILTUTIE—S. Purely Ve•
got Itemody fur internal use. Price , 50 ets. 1
DlAcCusroos's RHEUMATIC ListateNv—For Mourns.
tlsnprains, Swellings, &c. Price 50 eta.
i t
loCtiareca'S ANODYNE MIXT unc.—For Pftlllll,-To . I
ach eadacite, Neuralgia, &c. l'rlco 50 cts.
I) !Cals . :et:la's Fovea AND AOUE SPECIFIC—A CO tato.
cures all intermittents. Prico $l. _ •
Oa —A Safe Remedy. ..
Cost uess, Headache, & c. Price 25 cts.
D eCtwrocr'slArcri-nntrous Pitts—For Irregularity
in t 'unctions of the Liver and Dowels—the best Lir-
or Pi ado.. price 25 cis'. a box.
No lo by D . J. McCLINTOCK , at his Medical Depot,
N. Wiorner z NTII and FILBERT Streets, Phlladel
stltia,ol all Drugglsta. It7eggists and Dealors In Died- '
ciao ho wish to be Agen;s, will please address Dr.
Idea ck, ftrinisbing reference, name of Yost Wm,
coon nd State.
r sale by W. A. Melee, Samuel Elliott, Carlisle; I
J. H. swell, Shlpponsburg; Emminger &Co., 1,. liauff-
Die m, whanicsburg; Joseph Herron, Newv1110; J. D.
Minos &Fortig, Millore-
Zim Dan, Audersonburg;
towu C. Klink, New Dloomfleld; Harriet AI. Singer,
Neop ; D. F, Hardnor, York Springs; A. J. 51111 or and
J. S. on,Chamborsburg; 1): lea nor, Waynesboro.;
Court, cruller and D. IL ./ones & Co., Harrisburg.
Dtt., .01.INTOOK can be consulted without charge,
daily, ut 10 to 12 o'clock, A. Di., at his Depot.,
Do , >or 0,1051-Iy.
i Inakei constantly on' band and for sale at the
- Ouodry and Machin° Shop.
. . ..
"Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of sense,
Lie in three words—Health, Peace, and Competence.
But when 'we have pains, affliction or anguish of dis
eases, is not our pleasure ' our joy, and our happiness
thereby destroyed? Why let ow sick fellow-being suf
fer ? Does not Christ say : "With the same measure ye
mete, it shall be measured to you , again?"—Mat.
"Who Is a wise man and endowed with knowledge a
mong you, lot him show out of a good conversation his
works with meekness and wisdom."—James 3, 13,
DER, Surgeon and 'Physician, who is Botanist and
Physiologist, and is Graduate of our best Medical WlC
gee, and has made himself acquainted with all the vari
ous systems of Medical Science, and with the recent
discoveries and improvements in the various depart
ments of the ilealing Arts. fflithfully attends to orders
for Surgical and Medical Aid, and whose medicines are,
all made or composed strictly in accordance with, the
Sciences of Pathology, Botany, Ilydrepathy and Physi
ology; and whose medicines are all composed of whole-
some roots, plants, and hydropathy, good in all diseases,
and to whom the afflicted are invited to apply timely.
Ills Character by Respectable Neighbors, &c.
Copy of a letter from the. Roy. C. If. Leinbach to Mr.
11. 11. Etter, of the Warm Springs. Respected Sir:—Al
low me to Introduce to your friendly notice, Dr. Cane-
Don of Now York. I have known Pr. C. for sixteen
years, be has done business fur me with sobriety, hon
esty and with accuracy; therefore I do believe him to
be perfectly sober, honest and trustworthy. Any favors
you may see proper to confer on him, will be highly ap
preciated by his numerous friends, and by none more
highly than your sincere friend and humble servant.
Landisburg, Pa., July loth, 1851.
Copy of a letter from George Spahr, Esq., County
Treasurer.-1 du certify that the medical advice of Dr.
P. C. Cardder has surpassed any other which 1 have
hitherto had in the cure of severe fever in my tangly.—
'" would therefore recommend him to such persons who
may be afflicted with aforesaid disease or otherwise.
Bloomfield, August 20th, DM.
lilt. CARDDER being well acquainted w ith the re
cent French discoveries, with their new and safe modes
of treatment, and the speedy and certain remedies and
cures for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Dysentery, Chol
era Morbus and all Complaints of the Bowels and Stom
ach; Superior Remedies for the prevention and cure of
Asiatic Cholera. Remedies for all the defects NO dis
eases of the Oenerative Organs and' econo
my in men and women; Remedies for Insanity; certain
and timely cures for all Consumptions, Impotence, Ster
ility. Sexual Abuses, Iredereal Diseases In all their forms;
Suppressions and other delicate female complaints. All
thee() remedies emanate from the most noble science of
Botany and ilydnmathy combined, t but no poison.)—
"Real all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.
New Testament. "It is for healing that Christ commen
(loth the Samaritan.—Luke, 10, 33 to 37, and with com
mon means. "Prove all things, hold fast that which is
Thessalonians, ft, ..:1; "Therefore let us
ware of layire , up what we shotild lay out Mr health.
for there is thittscattereth and yet in, T esseth, and there
is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tuudeth."
Proverbs, 11, 21.
The different medicines and their directions will be
sent to the afflicted in any direction by mail or express.
Address Dr. P. C. CAltDDlill, Carlisle, Cumberland coun
ty, Pa., post paid, and the fee $1 always accompanying
the letter, with the order, together with a description ot
the feelings and the symptoms of the complaints of the
afflicted inclosed. It Is this system of Medical Science
the Books and the modes of cure only,'which Dr. Gard
der employs that allow of 1110d1C111118 entirely made or
composed of Wholesome Roots, Plants, and ilydropathy,
good in all diseases, (no poison), and which can make
speedy and certain remedies and cures for "all manner
of sickness and all manner of disease," and which sur
pass all other medical means in point of goodness, be
yond all lxmods of comparison. OFFICR South Ilunover
street, East side near anti below the Presbyterian Church
Carlisle, Pa. Testimonials front numerous persons of
the highest respectability in this and the adjoining
counties, give authentic evidence of the goodness of
Dr. Curdder's character, and can be emu at his office.
N. 11.
,The afflicted can receive superior medicines and
the directions for their use by the first return of mail or
express. If Interviews be desired, or visits requested,
Dr. C. will endeavour to accommodate applicants as Mr
as he can. The Doctor speaks the English and the Ger.
matt Languages, etc. avu.170855
1. no combination of ingredients iu these Pills is the re.
suit of a long cud extensive practire; they are mild lu
their operation, and certain of restoring nature to its
proper channel. In every Instance have these Pills pro
ved successful. They Invariably open those obstructions
to which Females are liable, and bring nature into its
proper channel, whereby health is restored and the pale
and deathly countenance changed to a healthy one. No
female can enjoy good health unions she is regular; and
whenever an obstruction takes piece, whether from ex
posure, cold or any other cause, the general health im
mediately begins to decline, and the want of such a rent
edy has been the cause of so many emsumptions among
young females. To ladies whose health will not rennit
of an increase of their family, these pills will prove a val
uablo acquisition, as they will prevent pregnancy.—
Headache, pain in the side„palpitation of the heart, loa
thing )flood, and di turbed sleep do must always arise
front she interruption of nature; and whenever that is
the case, the pills will invariably remedy all thert evils.
Nor arelhe less efficacious in the core of Leucorrinea,
commonly called the "Whites." These pills should nev
er be taken during pregnancy, as they would be sure to
cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely Vegetable. and
free from anything Injurious to lilil or health. Fulland
explicit directions accompany each lox.
These pills arc put up in square lint boxes. Persons
residing where then) Is no agency established, by enelo-
King Ono Dollar in a letter, pre-paid, to Dr. C. L. CIaa:4IE
MAN, No. 267, Bleocker street, New York, can have them
sent to their respective addressive by mail.
Stour & Zin-warc.
S! SOV !! SOVES !!!-
10 JOHN D. Of/R(IAS would inform the public that
he has now on hand at Ids establishment, on Main St.,
noxt door to Marion IND, the largest and most com
plete assortment of COOK, OFFICE & PAK
_ Loll STOVES to be found in this county,
which will be Sold at the lowest prices for
vititg cash or approved credit. Ills stock consists of
a largo assortment of new and highly ap
proved PATENT COOKING STOVES, finished
in the most complete manner, and calculated fur either
wood or coal, or both. All the old standard patterns
which have stood the test of experience, may be found
at his establishment. Also, a great variety of the most
approved and beautiful PARLOR OFFICE STOVES., in
cluding a number of new styles, possessing very supe
rior advantages over those heretofore in use. Families
and housekeepers are respectfully invited to give him a
call before purchasing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to
any part of the country and put up at the shortest no
tice. Hu continues to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET
IRON WARE, and Copper Work, and has constantly on
ham*, or will make to order every article required by
housekeepers or others in this line. His • stock of Tin
all..CopPer Ware embraces every kind of lieusehold and
Mellen utensil, warranted equal to the best ninnutioe.
turfed Persons in want of articles in his line may fil
lings be sure of being accommodated to their satisfiudi n
by giving him a call. Inovl-1854
The subscriber at his old stand on North Hanover et.,
Carlisle, the sign of the "Mammoth lied Coffee rot," de
sires to call the attoutiou of the public to his largo as.
s ortmont of STOVES, of the newest and must fashiona
ble styles, from the best manufActories in the
country, and at all-prices from $3 to $l5.
its,iia Among his PARLOR. & CIIAMBER STOVES
It= =are the Mirror Stove, the Arctic. hovers, Star,
FiNj Persian, Union and Altua Alr Tight, together
--..any with other patterns which ho has of all sizes
for parlors or chambers, and calculated for burning either
wood or coal. Also, the :Etna, Globe, Astor, Albany,
Flattop and Bandbox or Poor Man's, with other CCOK
ING STOVES, comprising the latest Improvement)) in
kitchen stoves, and intended for dither wood or coal.—
Also, the Dining Mom Cooking Stove—a new and doe
gent article to which ho Invites the particular atten
tion of families. Ills cooking stoves range In price frmu
$lO to 25, with the fixtures cemplete. Also, Nino Plato
Stoves of various patterns and dlifeiont prices.
-Ing Stoves, Brass Kettles, &c., Also. every article in the
lino of Tin and Copper Ware. Tho public, ore respect.
fully invited to call no he is confident with his largo
stock, variety and cheapness, of being aLie to t ylio
tiro siGisfactinn to every purchaser. Call and see.
04.25, 14 M. MORRIS.
glittiVl4 , - appato4
JOHN P. LYNE—Wholegale and Re
tall dealer in,American, English and German
II ARDWARE, Oils, Fajitas, 4.7 e., ,54. Mechanics, builders
and the public generally, who are in want of Hardware
~s,of any kind, areinvited to call in and
'..1'.. • examine my unusually larg stock of
- goods. which lam selling at very IoW
prices. Just stop in; it will only detain yogi a very
tow minutes to he convinced that what everybody says
—that Lyn's is decidedly the plum to get good goods at
law prices—insist bu true. LYNE'S Hardware Store,
West Slyly North Hanover street.
i— , --- --------
.. .
1 - 1 la S . II A RR] VALI
- WAIR • •
subscriber having retti n rned from the city would call the
attention of his friends and the public generally to the
large and well Nelectedessortment of Hardware e hidh he
has just received, consisting:in part of lIVILIANO MA
TER] ALS, nails, screws, hinges. leeks, bolts, glass, putty,
paints, oils, &e. TOOLS,—edge tools; saws and planes n.
every description, with tiles, rasps, 'manners, anvils, &e.
A general assortment of SHOKMAKEIIS AM) SAI ,
DLEIIB TOOLS, together with morocco, lining anti bind
ing skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mount
ing, saddletreo, Ac.
COACH TlllllMlMl—canvass (plain, enamelled, fig-
UNA 811 d emliossed,) , patent and enamelled leather,
axles. springs, hubs, spokes, folloes, shaas, Sce.,
Cabinet Makers will fiord a large assortment of ,farn-
Ish es, mahogany and wain ut veneers, moulding, rosdttes,
hair cloth, curled hair. Ac.
• The stock of Iron is large and well selected, com Pri
s all the binds In general hammered and rolled
into, of all sizes. lint, bar and land Iron, round. square
and oval iron, horse-shoe iron and nail rods, with a large
lot of cast and spring steel, English anti merlcan hilt
tee steel. &e.
ilousekeepers'and those about commencing will fled it
to their advantage to call and examine our cutlery, brit
tank( and plated ware pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets,
In addition to the abIYVP We. have received a splendid
assortment, of WALL PAPER, making the stoat. "corn
plke, and at such prices as cannot fail to giro satisfac
tion. We invite all friends to call, knowing it will beta
their own advantage. Remember the old stand, East
High Street, Carlisle, Pa. '
Oct. 12, eSS3. HENRY SAXTON.
wA It Pl.—The subscriber having 'returned from
the city has just opened for the Fall trade a large and
well selected stock of foreign and domestic Hardware.
embracing everything usually found in that line of btt
siness• The attention of trtends and the public generally
is respectfully directed to the assortment on hand, as
suring them that goods of all kinds will be sold for rash
at a very small advance on manufacturers prices. Re
member the old stand, East Main Street, Carlisle, In.
Aug :30, 18: - .1. 11. SAXTON.
II ARP WA lt E Mammoth
sprin g Arrival at }NNE'S on North Ilar,
..",% 4 %,.:,,A L ,. , :0v0r Street, where the public are being
suppueu OILI/ every variety of Hardware, Paints, 011 e
c&. at the 100 Est CASH I.IIIOES. Call iu, we can tweet))
['iodate a ow More.
For diseas • of the Bladder and Kidneys, Sect et Diseases,
Strictures, :11Qlinesses, and all diseases of the Sill nal
Organs, whether in !klalo or Female, tr ,, nt ulnae% er
cause th,y limy have origluated,und uo matter ut how
long standing.
if you have contracted the terrible disease which,
once seated In the system, n 111 surely go down from one
generation to another, undermining the constitution
and sapping the I cry vital nuids of Zito, do not trust
yourself in the hands of Quacks, who start up every day
.1n a city like this, and till the papers with glaring false
hoods, too . w(ill calculated to deceive the young, and
those not acoainted with their tricks. You cannot be
too emend in the selection ,of a remedy In them cases.
The Hold Extract lltiehn has been pronounced by
eminent physiques the greatest remedy over known:—
It In a medicine perfectly pleasant In its ttute, and very
innoomt in its act iomand yet so thorough that it anni
hilates every particle of the rank and poisonous virus of
this di emitul 11intql);P • anti, unlike other remedies, does
not dry up the till,ense In the blood.
Conmituth l a IJoldlity, brou,:ht on by self abuse, a
most terrible disease, which has brought thousands of
the huntsu race to untimely graves, thus toasting the
brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the bud the
glorious ambition of many a noble youth, ran be cured
by this infallible Remedy. And as a medicine which
must benefit everybody, from the simply delicate to the
confined and despairing invalid, no equal is to be found
acting both as n Cure and preventive.
For Purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising
from excess of Mercury, exposure and imprudence in
life, chronic constitutional disease, arising from an
-Impure state of the Blood, and the only reliable and
effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Salt
Rheum, Scald ILad, Ulcerations of the Throat and
Legs, Pains 'and Swellings of the Bones, Totter,
Pimples on the Face, and all Scaly Eruptions of the
This article is now proscribed by some of the most
distinguished physicians In the country,aud has proved
mom melt cmel tin lir:lent - 0 than any preparation el Sarsa
parilla yet offered to the public. Several uses of cocoll
ditry Ssphills, Mercurial and Scrofulous discuses have
entirely recovered in the incurable cards °four Public
Institutions width had for many years resisted every
mode of treatment tint could bit devised. These eases
furnish striking examples of the salutary effects of this
medicines in arresting some of the meg. iovetentto
diseases, after the glands were destroyld, and the buses
already affected.
NOTlCE.—Letters from responsible Physicians and Pro
fessors of several Medical Colleges, and certificates of
cures from patients will be found accompanying both
Fitters, Fluid Extract of Buchu,,sl per lbottle,'`or 13 for $5.
•• Sarsaparilla, t' 16
equal in strength to ono gallon of ..Byrity of Sarsaparilla.
Prepared and sold by 11. T. HELMOLD, Chemist, 21.2.1
Chestnut Street, near the Girard IbAse, Philadelphia.
To be had of Druggists and Dealers everywhere.
All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive
immediate attention.
July 25,'55.
r 00 T H WASH.—Beautiful Whit
Teeth Healthy 0 u nut and a Sweet Breath—Ali wh
are desirous of obtaining,,these benefits should use %ER
article combines's° many meritorious qualities that it
has now bccome a standard favorite with the citizens o.
New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore. Dentists pro
scribe it In their practice most, successfully, and from
every some° the most flattering laudations are awarded
Inflamed and bleeding gums are inumediately benefit
ttxl by its use; Its action upon thorn is mild, soothing
and effective. It cleanses the teeth so thoroughly, that
they are nude to rival pearl in whiteness, and diffuses
through the mouth such A delightful freshness that the
breath is rendered exquisitely sweet. It disinfects those
impuritich which tend to produce decay, and, AS a con
sequence, when these are removed the teeth :oust al
ways remain sound. head the following from Dr. J. A.
Mr F. Zerman--Er; Haring used and recommended
your Tooth Wash In my practice for some time, I find it
the most effectual Dentrince In use, and therefore recom
mend It to the puUlto
Dr. J. A. Cxnumv, Dentist,
Ifarrisburg, Pa.
Road the following testimony:
Mn. 2n:tux—Dear Sir: I have fully tested the merits
Of your valuable Tooth Wash, and can, without hesita
tion, recommend It as the best, that has come under my
notice during an experience as Dentist of more than six
teen years. It cleanses the Teeth; soothes and hardens
irritated (lulus, and imparts a deiicious fragrance to the
'Breath. From the mouths of those who make use of it,
however, it will certainly speak for itself.
Om. P., SCIIIV MX, Surgeon Dentist,
27th, South Tenth
It Is used and recommended by ail the eminent Dent
ists in Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other
cities where it has been introduced. All should give It
a trial.
ta- Prepared only by rranels Zerman, Druggist and
Cberoist, Philadelphia, and Fold wholesale and retail by
Samuel Elliott, Carlisle, .1. Doodleknee, Mechanicsburg,
J. garret), Newyillo, J. C. Williams, Shipmmsburg, and
by all Druggists at only 26 cents per bottle.
JttEir Job Priuting l promptly exeouted
parbtu arc,
31tc icines.
LADIES.—Dr.• Geleener ' s celebrated 21.1misrian.
ruts lave been long anti widely known an Invariably
certain In removing anyesteppage, irregularity, or sup
pression of the mensetn(
In the Female Hospitals In Vienna, Paris, and Wenn,
they have entirely superseded the use of all ether reme
dies; because, where a cure is attainable by medicinal
agencies, tloV ere certain of success, Their astonishing
efficacy would be almost Incredible, if not vouched ffir
by indubitable testimony, in numerous instances pro
ducing returns of the monthly period after ell hope had
been abandkumd.
In every ease, from whatever ell IVO the of struction
may arise, as also to prevent pregnancy 'tiller!' the
health a ill not admit of increase of huffily, the are
always efficient; for which reason they moot not Le used
during pregnancy, though alway mild, healthy, safe
and certain in their effects.
Married holies will flnd particular instructi o n s h i the
directiohs. In whirl are stated In larlous symptoms by
which the causes of the suppression nuly he determined.
Price, Ono Dollar per Box, containing explicit direc
Each box will ho signed by Dr. R. G. OEISSNER.
Principal Wilco, .12.71.4 Lil'erty Street, New-York City*
Responsible agents will be appointed for their sale us
soon as practicable. In the mean time, all orders are to
ho addressed to Dr. R. 0. GEIBSNER, /273 e; Liberty Ftreet,
New-York City, or to box 1:456 N. Y. Post Oflbe. and a
box will he sent by return mail. as they are put up in
seal6d envelopes, and can he sent with the sttictent
pt i
yocy to any part of the United States.
As various not only Ineffective but injurious ccm
pounds purporting to be "FEMALE PI under ill binds
or wtmeg as "itoN rims," "SILVER PILLS." "GOLIO
PILLS," "PERIODICAL. Puts,'' fic. aro attempted to be
palmed off upon tho credulous or unwary. it is only
necessary for ladies to be on their guard against the at
tempted imposition, and In all cases where there is no
authorized agent for the sale of "Int. Omssmat's MEN
STRUAL PILLS," to order direct front him by mail, by re
turn of which a box will be sent.
July 2.5, ,
r i ll. J. B. MARCHI ' S CELE
It stands pre-eminent for Its
curative powers hi all the dis
eases for which it Is recim
mended, usually called FE—
these are Prolapsus Uteri, or
Fs fling of the Womb; Fluor
Al bus, or W bites: Chronic In
flammation :Ind Ulceration of
the Womb: Incidental etnor.
rhage, or Flooding; Painful
Suppressed. k Irregular Men
struation, ke., with all their
accompanying evils, t Cancer
excepted,) no matter how se
vere or of how long standing,
This medicine has never
Neil Introduced by empty puffs, and misrepresent:olol/A,
nor is It intended that its present popularity shall be
sustained by any medium but its merits and the appro
bation of the public
I feel it a duty Ineumhent upon myself to declare
publicly the great blessing Dr. Marchisi's Uterine Ca
tholic-on has proved to me. For two years my health
was miserable; I was almost unable to walk. l'hysi
clans pronounced my case falling of the womb, exten
sive ulcerations, commencing with fluor Mhos. The
udos. irritation, prostration, fia,rendcced liti!a burden.
In this miserable rendition. Dr. F. P. Cew la tat reccm
mended Pr. 31:trchisi's Uterine Catholicon. After tak
ing four bottles I find myself in perfect health. (3 rati
tude for my restoration makes me ardently desire that
all toy sex, alike unfortunate, may find sure relief flim
this inestimable medicine.
No. 19 West-st., Utica, Y. Y
The above statement I know to 110 true.
F. P. NEWLAND, 'AL 8., Utlru. N.Y
I have no hesitation in saying,. Dr. Marc Uterine
Catlinlkon is invaluable In uterine diseases generally
I have used it In Fluor Mims, Anienorrlmea, Prolapsus
Uteri, and In cases of extensive ulceration of the vagina
ad on uteri. It is worthy of the notice of tho Faculty.
JOHN C. ORRICK, M. D.. Baltimore, Md.
Let all interested call and obtain n pamphlet (free)
containing ample proof, from the moat respectable
sources, of the beneficial results of its use; together
with letters from highly experienced Physicians,
have used it In their practice, anti speak from their own
4Fn It , .1. lizErrna. Druggist, Smith Hanover street,
solo Agent for Carlisle. 'a.
J. 11. 31ARCUISI & CO., Proprietors,
Central Depot, 304 Broadway, N. Y.
January 240655-6 m
a particle of Mercury in it. An infallible remedy for
Scrofula, Ring's Ertl, itheumatistmObstinate Cutaneous
Erupthms, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches,
Boils, Chronic Sere Eyes, Ring Worm or Totter, Scald
Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints,
Stuborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal
Complaints and all diseases arising front an Injudicious
Use of Mercury, Imprudence In Life, or Impurity of the
at•NTids great alterative medicine and Purifier of the
Blood, is now used by thousands of grateful patients in
all parts of the United States, who testify daily to the
remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all medi
cines, "CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE." Neuralgia,
Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Shin, Liverhis
ease, Fevers. Ulcers, Old Sores, Affections of the Kidneys
Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and
Aclring of the Roues and Joints, are very speedily put
to flight by using this great and inestimable remedy.
For all diseases of the hilnctil, nothing has yet been
found to compare to it. It cleanses the system of all ini
purities, acts gently and efficiently on thoLiverand Kid
neys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stem
soh, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the
Constitution, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the
excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength.
For the Ladies It is incomparably better than all the
cosmetics ever used. A few doses of CARTER'S SPANIE , II
MIXTURE will remove all sallowness of complexion, bring
the rosefimantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the
step, and improve the general health In a remarkable de
woe beyond all the medicines ever heard of.
The large nunther Of certificates which we' have receiv
ed from from peneurs Dom nil parts of the 'United States,
is the best evidence that there is no Humbug about it.
The press, hotel-keepers, magistrates, physicians, and
public men, well known to the counnunity;rdi add their
testimony to the wonderful effects of this GREAT MOOD
Call on the AGENT, and got a Circuhir and Almanac,
and read the wonderful emus this truly greatest of all
'MedicMem has performed.
Pone genuine unless signed BENNETT & Pro
prlotors, No. 3, Pearl street, Itichrnond, Ye. to whom all
orders for supplies and agencies must be addressed.
And for sale by H. Elliott, B. W. Iteverstick. Carlisle;
Ira Day, lliecitanlesburg; J. It. Herron., NewvlDe: J. C.
Attic, Shlppensburg, and by dealers in medicines every.
SUMMER "LATS.—A large invoice
mon's and boy's Panama, Canton,. Rutland, Pad
a -
Wald and I/unstable Straw Hats, now opening and
selling uncommonly low at ttka cheap atom of ,
May, 0,'14' tlIA'F.t. ()Cal:11Y.
.WOOLLEN YARN.—A lot of very
Superior • Ileac? and 'Even Woollen Yernjust
received, much better than the city yarn, all colours.
Inpvg CHAS. 00.11.11 Y.
LI V :E. It, COMPLAINT, Dyspepsi.
Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous debility, Mos,: so
the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordere
Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, inward plus
fulness of blood to the head, acidity of the 'stoma,',
nausea, heartburn, difigust for food, fulness or weight h
the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or fluttering a
the pit of the stomach, swim/Mug of the head, Mini.,
and difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, chokiu
ur suffocating sensations when in a lying j osture, ton
miss of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fever am
dull pain in the head, dmicieney of perspiration, yellee
floss of the skin and eves, pain in the side, I ail, cho.l
limbs, &c,, sudden flushes of heat, burning it, the (Let
!eastalit imaginings of evil, and great depression of rpt.
its, can bo efficetualiv cured by ha. 1100n,m% 'q'ti UhLke
IMAM> 1.11301 A N. 111TTEllt•S, prepared by IM. C. )'.
.lAessox, No. 320 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Their power.over the above diseases is not excelled,
. . . ~
.1 11 :111cd, by any other preparation in the United Static
as the cures attest, in many eases after skilful phys
clans had failed.
These bitters are worthy the attention of in wilh!r.-
Possessing great virtues in the rectification of disci st
ttio Liver nod ieswr glands, exercising the n
searching inewers in meekness and affections of thu d
gestivo organs, they are tvithal safe, certain and plus
J. D. Spring, Lacey - 01e ' Pa., April 6, 1551, says. "-
, an get you some good rertifleates for your German Bit
tern In this - vicinity if you with them. A lady purelnui
iug some of it this week. says that It Is by fir the lest
1111.(liCilie shd ever know, having demo her and her
daughter much good,
S. If. Lawson, lienthrd's Store, Somerset co, Pa., aug.
15, 1153, says. "1 non 11111( . 11 attached to your German .
Bitters, having used two bottles of it, width 1. procure
from S. 1i art z, your agent at Somerset, and found great
relief from it in disease of the Liver. 1 find it ht
great effect on my lungs. strengthening and igoratlng
them, u hieh, as 1 am a public speaker, 15 a great help to
• "
Dr. Giles, Newton !Wanton. Pa., May, lltM, said: r•
have used half n dozen bottles of your German
Bittern Gtr lfser Complaint and diseases of a neriet '
character, resulting ft , m the abuse of mercury. wt
poisoned and afflicted with spasms from the use of th
latter article. The German Bitters is the first etrtiel
Dom which I obtained any relief. I have also given ti
article to many dysl.epties, with the west salutary rt
sults. I think as many more b o ttles will cure mt."
.1. C. Young, I•'sq., of Dauphin. Pa., write• May 6. '5:
•'I was afflicted with General Debility'. Int( slit al Weal
ness and Costiveness. for which I used many differet
remedies without relief. I at last used your Maitland
Getman Bitters. I took n few bottle's neer Ming to d
rf:etions, and was completely cured. I have not been
healthy for ten years as I have been since I took ym
[litters, which Is about tine year ago."
These Bitters are ENTIIII.I.Ir VEUETAIII.r. always strengb
nning the system and never prostrating it.
Sold by dealers la nnndir•ine and storekeepers over
where. and by. Samuel Elliott, S. W. Ilaverstirk and I
W. Cantithan, Eminger & Co., Merlitmiesbur
Snyder A: Diehl, Newburg, and by Dealers in Median(
New. 22, Itisl-ly
cents, by means of the POCt
The thirty - sixth Edition,
011 C hundred engravings ' .1 0 ,
lag Private Diseases and
formations of the Get o.uti
System, in every share ao
term: to which Is ac dad
Treatise on. the Diseases of
males, intended for the use
females only. (see page 100)
log of the highest imp rtan
to married people, or the see')
\Su. Yovau, M. mina
of the University of Penvsyleonia, 31ember of ti e Ito
n 1 College of Surgeons, Lonehm, and lloncrary Irembs
of the Phibulelphin Medical society. The vatricus fern
of Secret diseases, Seminal Weakness. Diseases of tt
Prostrate Gland.luipotency,solitary habits of ytuth,at
faithfully described, and all the receipts gist n fn plat
language. The chapters on elf al , use and :maim
Weahness is worthy of particular attention, anti shoul
lw rend by every one. Young inen who have teen ut
fortunate in contracting disease, previous to plain
yourselves under the care of any doctor. no matter On
his pretensions may be, get a copy of this truly value.)
Sea Captains and persons going to sea should posao
Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the Pocket ;Eseulal
us, or Every one Dili own Physician.
.i:Ct' Let no father be 110: 1 / 1 1141 to present a copy of
lEsculapius to his child., It may SAW him from au ear
grace. Let no young man or woman enter into the
crut obligations of married without reading the poe
et Alseulaplus. Let no ono suffering front a backnlt
Lough, pain in the side, restless nights, nervous feelin
and the whole train of 2 Dyspeptic sensations. and girt
up by their physician, be another moment without co
suiting tho A:scut:mins. Have the married or tho
about to be married any impediment. read this tee
useful Hook, as It has boon the means of saving the
;sands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws'
death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of thiscolebrat
work has been said in this country and Europe since 1
JS, when the find edition was issued.
Irk- Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents e
closed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book I
mail; or five copies will be sent for $l.. Address L
WILLIAM YOUNG, No. 162 Spruce stroet.Philadelphi
i'sst paid.
Twenty years practice In the city of Philadelphia cir
tainly entitles Dr. Young to the eonlidenco of the
and he luny Ito consulted on any of the disease s
dtwribed In hltcditTerent publications, at his omen.,
Spruce street, every day tad ween 9 and a o'clock, Sun
days excepted) and persons at any distance cau consult
Dr. Young by letter, POST PAID.
clue adapted to general use, greatly superior to others,
and within the menus Of every individual.
bin PILLS for twenty-tlve cents! No extortion ha
price—no Calomel—no mineral poison whatever.
ha. Tow:vsmin's IIEALTII PILLS fully merit thogrest
reputation 014 have acquired. 'Toy are called for from
all parts of the laud, because TULE Ann .tu, rata TIM
TIILY WILL DO--They purify tho blood,they
dense the - System of Humors, they curo DysinVia. and
indigestten, thug comte an Appetite, they cure Siclc
Ileadache, Ifir4iin.i.s and Low Spirits, they firmest Fevers,
they promote a. healthy iietion of the Liver, they are a
c ure cum, for CUStiV*lsl,ll , ri cud Itehltuat Oinatipation,
they are highly efllcacious In Fonude Complaints, they
strengthen and glee tone to the System. They are ;kJ
best Family Medicine known.
It is an obvious inquiry, how one medicine can cure FE:
many different complaints. .Then Title, however, are so
rouipoundol of curative materials . thatperovne hereon
ly to TEX THEM and the answer will he found In a ro•
stored body and an In% igonteff constitution.
contains 100 fills, at the nstenishingly lea/
price of 25 cents. Every individual should have them•
For Fah) by the Druggists and 1. - torekeepers generally
It. A. PALNKIL, general Ager.t, Stanington, Ct.
C. L. lioUing, of Ifectranlesburg., Cinnberland
county; Pa., I:mmlnm:us to thcoo afflicted with 'llinv‘rs.
Wens. (..Sucers, Polypus, Lupus, Mules or Marks, Set..t
Ws., King's Evil and all diseases that have been usually
treated with Caustic or Knife, ho can remove them with
out cutting, burning or pale; neither Chloroform or
Ether is admlnlstezed to the patient. It is no matter
on what part of the body they may be, ho can remove
them with perfect safety, and In a remarkably short
time. No Mineral of Vegetable poison Is applied, and tit
money required until a cure lsperfectcd.
prolapstut Uteri, Female Complaints, Chronic, Von
coal and all other diseases treated with positive suocese
Full particulars can ho obtained by addressing in either
English or German, past paid. Patients can accom
modsted with hoard on reasonable terms.
Mechanicsburg is one the prettiest and healthy
towns in this or airy othm stste. it Is A miles from
Ilarrisburg, on the emetic-tuna Valley Dail Road, and
accessible from all parts of the Union. The Doctor will.
visit cases In any part of the State when desired.
iy,_Klnd reader If you know any afflicted fellow cress
two, delay not to tell them of this treatment•
N isTA. p L k l n A did . P.tl2 3 k E o l f . t. r7 j eor lls iran t B l;:ceiv . ed a
Shnthls and Firoboard Vrinta, embracing alMie W n=
and most approved styles. The designs are neat and
chaste, !nut the prices such Its Cannot WI to gtvolatig•
fitetton. We invite our hiendsand the public:general
ly to call and examine our assortmenthelere purchasing
elsewhere. ' • ' IL SAXTON,
march2l Ent Alan Street,