ME [MINIM PHYSICAL MORALITY. The word of God, in specific language or in implied direction, commands a life of temper ance in food and_beverage, a strict restraint upon the licentious appetites, regular industry and labor, cleanliness of person and apparel and observance of fr uent days of rest. -I`llo general moral sense o mankind has g o en to these rules an indepera ut sanction.4Now, although the result of su h physical morality is not the solo object of its injunction, in scrip ture, nor are all the consequences clearly fore• seen, where unaided moral sense enjoins it; yet the sure tendency of such observances is to brio; the entire body to that state where all its parts of blood and bone and muscle, of sensitive nerve and organic functions, are fit ted in their separate and mutual action to give the frame its highest powers of strength and -endurance, and fitness for all the peculiar purposes of existence; and in the mere physi cal consciousness of this healthful existence, there is a physical happiness. It is not mere ly the absence of paTil and uneasiness, but a positive feeling of buoyancy and exbileratit n. AV just in proportion as those laws are not observed, thereds'a corresponding loss of their physical reArds, and a gradual slaking into poverty and disease. Even as we walk the streets we meet the illustrations of each ex treme. Hero behold a patriarch, whose stock of vigor three score'and ten years seem hard ly to have impaired. His erect form, his un dimmed sense, are so umpj , certificates of good conduct; or, rather, so many jewels and or ders of rmbility with which nature has honor ed him for fidelity to her laws. His fair com plexion shows that his bided has never been corrupted ; his pure breath, that he has never yielded his digestive apparatus for a vinter's cesspool; his exact language and keen appre hension, that his brain had never been stupi fled by the poisons of the distiller or tobacco nist. Xnjoying his powers to the highest, he has preserved the power of enjoying them.— Despite the moral of the school boy's story, he has oaten his cake amid still kept it. As he drains the cup of life, there are no lees at the bottom. His organs will reach the goal of ex istence together. Painlessly as a candle burns down in its socket, so will he expire; and a little imagination would convert him into an other Enoch, transplanted front earth to a bet ter world without the sting of death.,. Mysteries on Every Side Thit. world is full of mysteries. The chain= her in which the infant opens its eyes is a uni verse of mysteries. The father's voice, the mother's smile, reveal to it slowly the myste'- rions world of affections. The child solves many of these mysteries ; but as the circle of knowledge is enlarged, its vision is always bounded by a veil of mystery. The sun that wakens it at morning, and again at night looks in at itsyndows to bid it farewell ; the tree that sha - deits home, and in whose bran ches the birds c me and sing before the dews are dry, the clouds with shining edges that move across the sky, calm and stately like the chariot of an angel, are all mysteries. Nay, to the grown up, man there is not a thing on which the hand touches, or on which the eye rests, which is not enveloped in mystery. The flow er that springs at your feet—who has revealed the wonderful secret of its organization? its roots shoot down, and leaf and flower rise up and expand into the infinite abyss of mystery. Wo are like emigrants travelling through an unknown wilderness ; they stop at night by flowing stream, they feed their horses, sot up their tent, and build a fire, and as the flames rise up, all within the circle of a few rods is distinct and clear 'in its light, But beyond and bounding this, are rocks dimly seen, and trees with vague outline dimly stoop forward to a blaze ; and beyond the branches waters murmur over their beds ; and wild, unknown animals how' in their dark realms of night and silence. Such is the light of man's knowledge, and so it is, bounded by the infi nite realms of mystery. NewseArges. —Jude Longstreet, whose views any subject are sensible, practical and worth treasuring up, thus sets forth the ye - lue of a newspaper: "Small is the sum that is required to pat ronize a newspaper ; and most amply reinu• iierated - is the patron. I care not how hum ble and unpretending the gazette he takes, it is impossible to fill,a sheet fifty•two times a year without putting into it, something that is worth the subscription price. Every parent whose eon is off from home should furnish him with a paper. I well remember what a differ ence there was between those of my school mates who had and those who had not access to newspapers. Other things being equal, the first were always decidedly superior to the last in debate and composition at least. The reason is plain : they had command of more fads. Youths will peruse newspapers with delight when they will read nothing else." -• THE BIBLE. The Bible is. the treasure of the poor, the solace of the sick, and the support of the dy ing ; and while other books may amuse and instruct in a leisure hour, it is the peculiar triumph of that book to create light in the midst of darkness, to alleviate the sorrow which admits of no other alleviation, to direct a beampf:hope to Of -l ikart . which no other topic of consolation con reach ; While guilt, despair, and death vanish at the touch of its holy inspil admit. There is something in the spirit and diction ,of the Bible, which is found peculiarly adapted to arrest the attention of the plainest and most uncultivated minds.- 7 The simple structure of its . s&itences, combin ed with the lofty spirit-of poetry—its familiar allusions to the scenes of'nature, and the transactions of common life—the delightful intermixture of narration with-the doctrinal and preceptive part4- . -rtilid the piVusion of miraculous facts, which convert it into a sort of clicha ted ground=its constant adxeVtance to the Deity, whose perfections it eci a ders al most visible--unite in bestowing upon it an interest which attaches to no other perfor mance, and which, after assidious and repeat ed perusal, invests it with much of the charm , of noventy ; like the great orb of the day, at which we arc wont to gaze with unabated as tonishment from infancy to old age. What other book besides the Bible could be beard in public assemblies fr,tu year to year, with an attention that never tires,, and an interest that never'el,,ys ? With few exceptions, let a por tion of the sacred volume be recited in a rak ed multitude. a n d though it has been heard a thousand timvs, a universal stillness ensues, every ,eye is fixed, and every ear is awake and attentive. F , ',..lect ilyou can, any other compo sition. aml I,t it be rendered equally familial t.) the miml. Itml see whether it will produce Lie elle‹ t DEvit, Itiwir rote ONcE.—The Nca• Vorlc corretTondent of the Congregationa/i4 MEM —Dr. • IL, v,ho is pastor of an orthodox church, had boon for sonic time annoyed by ' the forwardness of a lily brother to 'speak' whenever an opportunity was offered, to the frequent exclusion of those whose reMarks lead a greater tendency to edification. This had been carried so far that the pastor, when• ever he stated that 'an opportunity would now be afforded for any brother to offer an exhor tation,' had always a secret dread of the lo quacious member. On one special occasion the latter prefaced a prosy, incoherent har angue, with an account of a pi-evions contro versy he bad been carrying on with tlle croat adversary. 'My friends,' said he 'the devil and I have been fighting for more than twenty minutes ; he told me not to speak to-night, but I determined I would; he said some of the rest could speak better than I, but still I felt that I could not keep silent; he even whispered that I spoke too often, -and that nobody wanted to bear me ; but I was not to be put down that way, and now that I have gained the victory I must tell you all that is in my heart. Then followed thestedious har angue aforesaid, As they were coming out of the session room the good pastor inclined his head so that his mouth approached the ear of the militant member, and whispered: 'Brother 1 think the Devil was " A Bin Sronv.—An old gentleman who had a neighbor rather addicted to large stories, after listening one day to several that taxed his credulity, boasted that- ho himself could tell a bigger one still; and he proceeded to relate the following: Said he—one day I was quite at the farther end of my farm, more than half a mile from any house, when at once I saw a dark heavy cloud rising in the west. Soon I saw the tor rents of rain descending at a distance, and rapidly approaching the place where I stood with my horse laid. wagon. Determined—if possible—to escape the storm, I instantly leaped into the wagon, and started my team towards home. By constant. application of the whip to my horses, I barely escaped being overtaken by the rapidly approaching torrent. But so tremendously did it pour down, that my little dog, who was close behind me, actu ally had to swim all the way! ILLINOIS BANIiING.-A man bad a draft on ono of the banks of Illinois for three thousand dollars; for which ho demanded specie. The bank officers invited the applicant to come be hind the counter, which invitation was ac cepted, when the door of the' Vank safe-was opened, and the officer addressed the following language to his visitor: " Say, stranger, look in that further Corner of this safe, and you will see a small'pilt 'of gold. Now, that pile is the least possible sum that the law will al. low us to keep on hand,,a wasting, whilo area banking institution; and if you think I am going to break one of our Stale laws to pay you'in specie, you don't know who I am.— Younevor wronged me, and I have no ill-will against you, but take care how you run on our hank, or I will bring out our revolvers." Tho stranger took bills for his draft. 1.1.~5~` I!QSQ~r~ Surnitu rc. 1 -I, OBMIT B. _SMILEY, CABINET 31 AIC CR and :ODE RNA KIM ro .3,orta r lianovr street, next door to Glass's noted. Ile would respectfat inform the .eltineas dr Carlisle and e public generally, that ho has now on hand a large al. splegantiussortmentof FUR NITU consisting in part of IVardrobus,Card and f otln er l'ablos, Sas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and Mle). Sewing 6tatids, iminuilictured of the best material and q uality warranted. Also a general assortment of CU/tilt:4 at the lowest prices. VENITLIN MENDS wade to order, and repairing promptly attended to. tlo COFFINS made at the shortest notice; and ha v ug a splendid hearse he will attend funerals in town or country' ./.16- Remember the stand—next 1100 r to It. Glass's Bided • It. B. S3tll,Wl•. E I XTENSIVE Ft TltN IT EIRE IV 031. —.I.I:IIES 11. WEAVER would resnerfeully call ilthe at tenthlll 1 , 1 . I lousu-keepurs and the public /.. 1'.....; .'"..• to his extensive stock of elegant FUR N ITU lit, including Sofas, Walirobes, Centre and Tables. - Oressing and Hain Bureaus. and every other article 111 his branch of buslncss• Also now On hand, the largest assortment of CHAIRS in Carlislo, at ) the lowestlirices. AUF FlNS mile at the short- est. notice and a !Nurse provided for funerals. lie 4, ;: solicits a call at his establishment, on North Ilan- 1 over streel, near lllacse's Hotel. 4ii - rurniture hired out by the month or sear. Stores 11(16 Sijoils. FALL STYLE OF' Il.A'.l'S for IS:3 E111:1; t: KELLEN, r..spectfiilly anilottnces t ' tin old l'atr.rts nurl theittiltlic izcziertt(l) that he , has tut, rod the F.k tit.;:s;Tl,l.l.l! P, 11 AT'S, urett one of the hest. estaltii. - ' l ' - 'ttiletits in Philadelphia, to which lie invites spool 1 attcottrat. Ile,thts also constantly on hand lar,to anti varke ts , rtililit• of his rub ntnunnlaclwe as w ell as city k 11,11, and sttitshie ( J r the .:riot,, prising. r) Larioty cr. ytulc kit nud Silk 11:1I,F, fin ished in thr 1;0,1 style. tiog...thcr Nvitti it foil itssttcttnetit 4.',11'S tit every Amts , still de,elipll4 , ll. and at et'vr, prime. no part iitlitt•S the rind en. ;1,0t11,. ht. as , ..rtment, ‘rltioli in style, rill slid finish. 1,1111101. I,(• siirriNs,,l I,y lipy iP market.. and hich hr k In , pia nit PI 01.111 •tootl .tit Nttrt It littnitl strcet, t 1 1 .1,11 1111111, ,' S ❑llll SPller Al,l, STY 1,1.; O 1." 1 Al's i v ('Al'`. w 11. •flti , t t.. ~Id ro•nirlvr•rt 1.. •••t 1 1, 11 , 11111I'lit MI Stl . oll. licar tho l(;1111.trad Ovirot. 311 , ! it fVI 1:11 . ,!.' cl , •_,110..1 , •..1 . 11111•lit or tilt' l'.\ STYLE 5 . t.. , •:a I s;th, 11:11.51, L'A tip in the pricvs. thr ( . 5.0'11011,0 ;Ind filliSh NI h iIL• Ult. ilis 5t.1,4, ly (kr ire t" :Tlll , l, NI. .11,, r n , ,upply ( th curl ariety St. 111,1 price jt,t ,•11.1.11 1 . 1 , 111 Philatielpill:i. 1,1 /111 411111 S1:1 , 1t. a Iht zi‘‘. him 3 Vail, 3, t.11,y may he sure their n sat iscActinu. . . the h elinv,s , i lid the sv lepton,of 1110 Co/rll:li,Lt, 4 I 414. ~.4 afflicted int•ln,44l It is Ibis squirm 7 - I' _NI, 4414•411 :4 4 4 /eat.. ( lil IN -A, .t; 1" \ '4' ' ' '' A-N 1) Ql . I ': EN ' ' the r .. ~ .1,- ~a tn.. modes ..f rote only, ,lit. h Dr. 4 44.r44 / Ni . .\ Ill'.-- 4 4 141 114•11-441(4:4•1444144 and young. 14 il h rho, d... r ,4milloys that •:1.1144n of Medicine, Liittrely made ,4 1 also m 11.. ar ,. ~,1,,,tin,:i.,, 1 ,, ,m11.4144441,44415cener0. are lot it Compesed ot N 1 lodestone Brats. Plants. and 11 . ,Iti,patli ed to cell at II .11.! . .t:11 - t. F.llllll' nil( iCl.A:\' a nd ~x ,end I n a n ,[,,,•,,, s., iii, 101,1,01, 1 .,,,1 ,hh h 4 1 ,M Mal, and ii,. hi , t • !1 1 2:Mi I a' ,l, rtitlent 01 Chi 110.(n.i, , ,,j,1i (2,/, • [ . iis .. ' , H .- L;( 1 1,1y ajitt rerniin remrdles and vut 4 s 144 r - all marli.' Ware and other art i 4-1444; in the lieusekeeping line. such 1 of siehness and all itiaii , .er id disease. - and s.hielt stir as Fr•oich and Ete....11.11 tea sets. heavy landed:lnd plint, ; pass all ether inedieal nie.ins I:: isint of goodness. le. White (intuit , . , •ilded and bite plain. Pinner sets et es- w a nd all L 444411141, 01 voinpaiinon. I IFFICI: .4,11.111 1144144., or cry variety :41441 prier. 1444 , IS and pitchers, tureens. .144.11- I .trees, old.• near and Belot, the 1'144 4-1.3 terlanClltirch, e .., A,. t;14.....-,..1r.--eetitre tails' and niintel l i m n '' , 1 I':,, lisle. l'a• Te , tint otu onials frnt person , - 44ns nersn, 441 Canoe , ibras and 44144• r 141141[4 , ,great larit . table nut bar' the 111,-hest it .portaLlil I S Ili this ;mkt the ridjoininv tittniders. aehlets. Re. Fruit and ' , reserve dishes, in la- 1 eolinties. give 0 utlfriitlr evideis4.44 of th.. g4.4.41244.4,s 141 i 4.1 . ). Ced,r-teare-- t itt , S. 1.11441iet4, v11444'4144. howls. ' , Utterlir . Canider s eliaracn., and ran 1., ,444.1, at 111, o th er. !vi iii , 3444 I 44 114- s4 :neat 144141:4 - 4.4, X.e. Itrindies--ss‘ . 44eping. I N. IT The till', red can reeet‘ 0 superior noslivities nod white wash, .erll'.l.ine', )1311.t Wet 2+llo, hrli.lll,. darter... i tile direetions for their us,• by the Inst. return 4 f mail or hisealts, 4,•,. Y1aa . 1,....t. clothes awl travellin.,z h.,,.1,0t, ex pros , . If inters lei, he dished, or visits requested. AIS ii -h. ire 3e , ortilielit of Tolgieee awl : 4 44j...ary:. Carl Dr. C. will elittlell "Lir to :ICCOMIIIL ,1,41. t, appli, ants ins tar, ve s, it , are 1..i1d ._4l 4•144414444 brands of : 4 44V:4r. aad try the as he van. The Doetot speaks the English and the tier 'EH neip"44, 11eza1in5.:4 , ti11.44144;414, and other Coln) varieties. man Laaguages, etc. ' den 17. I` SO nod ),,o bill lind th-in of tribune:tell:o , le quality. M s , half Sistoi•!: an.1(..,a0100n Segars, with .41,441,40 ~.n all and 441144,4 iiiv 1.41.414,444. ._ .... I nut just revelling sir .I'll4ll . . .4MCINC4Sf. ',. -- :,,.... -- ._44t. ek 441 1'.1.1%1t iI.tN(4iNC:44:, ~. ....4. -- .. ,:/..4: , iif: iildril surpass ill styli'. quality ....". 2 - 22, ? 2, -4''' --' aniil prie.• tiny that haile ever been ,4,0 1 111„ . q,.1 . In ('arlisle. I o..pertfully solicit a ..311 trout persons in leant of l'aper Ilailifings rat' any di...erlie tier], as I tun ronfltlent by assort Merit fur surpasses any in the ltordiErii; and in Clyde and priees has trait few ri val, in the eity. i 011ly ash of the nubile to can and e x• amine my assortutatit before ptirelinslinr. 1 . 4 I atil rOllll. I dent any ,haste designs cannot fail to please the most fastidious.. .1011 S P...1.1'NE.. West siiloof Neill* Ilanos Cr Street; ._ .. .. ~ I ;11)1 ES ! please ea 11 at ItA 11'1,1 N;-:' _Ed w),,,i,,,,i,,i11a it,taii ::lior. sToiii:,( Tl ,,, f ,i t ,ti,,, Lail ii,M,I Depot, it . y,,,, 11:1111 (loot! revue). Ilororeo Boots i.a. Tan ~ a .a.ed 0ait.,..:. detest, Fine r i a,,o, Ni,,,,,,,, ,Ipnay 'Ands, lama, Lustre lialt44rS 4 :001l Cloth Sine,. 'l4'reiirli Ilororeo 11,4, liooll ItaltraS Z`lippers, rhildreit's Itims, Carli4l44..)lay 1::l I )(...)( YI'S A NI) 1 4 11C)1 . :S. Tlic subset - 11)- i er has now . 1111 11:11141 a very extensive and will se. erred stock of hit it 1' S and SIlt) E S. , • which he will sell at liniisualry lots' !irk- . es. l'urelnised front svliolesaie tterders. - 'at low rotes• hi. ean offer suchintlitre- ' ; '4".k4 . i. in,„„ .1441444411445erS M 44 iVill Make it their interest. P , s h it his ostaldislitnt it, lie has every article in the Moat and Shoe lines-for I.:idles' or Itentliationss Wear---he therefore deems it illalleresSilry to part.litlitiriZe. 44) .4 ' Per Solis tiesiring, good and cheap go o d, a ro hivit• ed to live Illm a call. .so :, 13IN 11A )1, I)AV IS & Co., '27 Marknt Street, AGENTS FOIL ,JAC011„,IIIIEE‘1, CABLIM.E. and Philadelphia. Cars leave both places East 11111 i Rest, t who , every 'Week. Tuezulays and Fridays. All business entrusted to Bingham. Itavis Co., will be attended to ith promptness. whether in sales, produce or frelght. A. 11. BA It NITZ, North street, Baltimore, has also entered into this arrangement, and will attend prompt ly to all business entrusted to him. Mt / NEW BOOKS! 3IAO AZI NES AND Rallts „; , PUBLICATION S Thu White Coll, a Bridal Gift, by Mrs. Dale, a splendid ly illustrated gift book. Longfellow, Byron, Moore, Mrs. Hymns and other po etical works, bountifully embellished. Irving's Sketch Book, plain, Jerusalem anti its Sacred Localities, by Rev. W. 11. 0- denlielmer, Rector of St:, Peters, Philad'a. Pickering's Greek 14SICOn. llomor in the original,' Miranda Elliott, a now and Interesting story. 31,ty and December, by Mrs, llubback. Ellen Norbury,ly Emerson Bennett. Grace Lee, by Julia Kavanagh. Robert Graham, by Mrs. Intuit. Harper's, Graham's and tiodoy's 3ftwarinra for May, With numerous other now publications just reed at may'2. PIPER'S Cheap Book Store. , GRo cErtiEsl rrEAs, COFFEE- Thu subscriber has just Wed to his former x ock a general selection of CHOICE GROCERIES, as well as all the other variety of articles usually kept in a Gro:ory Store. embracing Rio t - fXr; Coffee—roasted and geevu—at 1113-6 and 14 cents per lb., Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Pulverised Sugars, of fine qualities; Chocolates, Splees,lialry Salt, and a variety of Fancy articles, all of which tees o. fared at the lowest cash prices. We are thankful for the former support given us, and lova° a further call from our friends and customers. • J. W. ERY. Marion Hall, Carlisle. )44/IMnit FRESH SHAD.—A few of prima No. 1 SHAD. just received at WILLIAMS' FAMILY GROCERY. april 11. IPPPINESS lIAPPINESS !! WILAT CAN MANE US IIAI'I'Y?• —Reason's whole pleasui'e, all the joys of sense, Liu in thee° words—Health, Peace; and Competence put when we have pains. affliction or anguish of dis eases, is not our pietism r, our joy, and our happiness thereby destrayed: 1111 y let our sick fellow-being Christ say : -With 'the scone measute ye met-, it shall be measured to you again r'- , -.Mat. 7, '2.- -1f ho is a WISO man and endowed with knowled-,e to 111 , 311 g, you, let him show out of a good conversation hi, works withlneekness and wistioni.”—.lames 3,13. SUIItIERV AND .114;DICIN.E.—Doctor. I'. C. CA It D DER, Surgeon and Physician, wlio it Botanist anti Physiologist, and is Uraduate of Our best Medical Cone- • ges, and has made himself acquaintrd with all Um taxi tots systems of Medical Motive, anti with the reeve! discoveries and improvements in the varsuis depart melds of the Melling Arts. tiiithfully attends to order. 14 Surgical and Medical Aid,and e hose medicine, 'an all made or csmiposod strictly in :111,,Eda DUO with I,h, Seitqwes of" Path,logk, Botany, 113 - drop:it hy and ology ; and whose medicines ale ell emeieemtt of whom_ some rums, omits. and hydropathy, good in all diteases. and to whom the {tinkled are imited to apply timely. , Ills Character by Respectable ,Neighbors, C)py of a letter from the lice. C. 11. Leitibaell to 'Ali 11. 11. Etler. of the ‘larin liespected..,il--Al low me to Introduce Li, your friendly notice, Dr. ulto.. unit eV." York.. I tire hilosen Dr. for sixt e en year , ., lie Img dom. business berme atilt ehty aceuraey . : therefore I.ite hits Ilt iiWiest and f rusts. erthy. re r, you may set proper to center on him, is ill be 111,1ily .Ip pre.ilat ed by his numerous friends, and by tome ino re libz lily than pun. sincere friend and humLlr m•rvant I. , ndisburg, Pa., .11try PAIL l'oopy of : t totter from 6etorzo Spahr, 1.501., f'toorot, Trootsurer.--1 do. 000•rtif:,. [hilt tito noctlwal toolvire too tor. Caroidor has Nilrpa , ,ffil any Miler \t h.%•. lit l Ito I.dol in the curt of stovetto froocr ill my famil, 1 00.0t0i.1 him too stoodh• J tt lit, May ht. :till ictotl totito"., August PR. l'AISlifiER with the re' rent 111,1 , V1.11 , .5. with tu. it ere 1,1'14 Ult 3101 the ,r 4, hirer era alp! all I Oa. .101; : 4 111 , ••; . 1.1 . 1:1•111..dit••• h r the idol elli 311,1 runt ~Y .l.i;dlL 1 h 11 • 1:1 • fee all t :,1„1 , 05 I; , •!:iliVe I irr.r1 , 111.1iN , •1 7 1 4 ,1 , lit) ill 111 , 11 Anil 011tt.11: NellledieN I. I . 11,4 : and t tit , •l3 cure. I • . htist , .ll , derral il , s , " 1 1'1 0.,,, 1u1's :1 1 .1 4 , 11, , T.h.1ieat,. harale 1. , tnl ,ait.ts. the., r. tananate t st 1,(1111 . 1 II: ,•,,nll 1,..1,11. — Heal ail III:11111,T :1,,1 ill II::41111,' of s. 'fi , •st•Niovnt. "It is thy twalii,N: that Chrlst NI. :II lo• :•.aillaritall.--I.Lth, I and pith thifizs. L , Jd fit,t that I N I, Ist. Th. ss•al, '''l Iva', 11' 1 1 its Ni ing lip it hat N. ~ should lay f ut .11)1 tficie is that scat and 11, and t is that Nvithlfiltluth that] is , int.a. , t, but it tvii.l,qh. 1•r..5..r.1.,. 11. 71. •11tr an.l their .11rortir 1,111 L. s.ent t.. 111 e :1111i . te.l In any Adder=, Pr. I'. C. t). Ihl., 1) ,, ,t paid. and the ke ni5,:iy,3,,,1111,31)3.1h the let tor. mit h the order. ther m it n :‘i i'()ltT.‘Nl".l( ) PEM.A JL DR. - s 11,.• comlinati.n ingredients rt stilt ola loo,; mid extensil e pros 11, they are must Li their operatimt. and Certain c I restoring, nature to Its pi 'per channel. Its us ery lust:l/we have these PHIS pro. vest sneressful. invarblbly "pets th, , Isdritetirns to se Islets bat ore Into Its pr, , por, ellaniiel, ti herehlr health Is retqC , reti :oat the flak and tee tidy eelintetantii• L e chimed to a heal; by one. Ne fen/ale rats enjoy gust health sinless she is regular; and n hone, or an obstruction takes place, idiether trio, os pa.ure, cold or any other cans,', the gerierel health im mediately begins to deeline, aunt the , tint of sorb it /etre edy has (wen the cause of St , plans eopSttlllptlettSztlaolit . oulltt feialeS. TO ladies otiose *heal t trill not rel'init of an increase of their family, these pills si ill prove a sal nal lr. aeqUisitlon. :is they will present preLmaney........ Ileadaelm, pain in the side. palpitation or the heart. loa thing of f0 , .(1, and i 11111'1A ,11 , 1, t ala•ats arise trout She h.t.•rt tiption of nature; and ,rhereser that is the rase. the pills will it/variably remedy all thert evils. Nor are the less aftimeions in the rote Leiworrlaca. commonly railed the /. 11 bites." The,e pills shrub! nev er be taken during as ~. 111, 1 be stare to valise a miscarriage. Warranted pur.dv Ittetable. and free fr a il anything Injuriens to libt or health. 6 idiot direr tions at'C.lllllll . l earl, but, Me... 0 pills an' putt tip In sqllar fiat LoNtf., When' OWN' is z,ll:,:ef,4'y eel At] laird, by rneh~ ,1,1 1)1111a rii in truer, id .,, p.11 , 1/r. 1,. CH rst.- m ix, No. 207. Illeecker streel. New York. Call have them Seta to their respective addressive isv /nail. $. «i ~.7 T UST 11 EC E ED AT THE FA )1 - e, ILT tiltitCFltY STOKE of - the subscriber, 3la• Hon no, A new supply of fresh Water ('rockers, Soda. butter, Plc .;`, it , nod Sugar ltuisimit; Padua. Corn titling!. TllllOOl, : •4 11t.'0. Pearl IturieS, tract of Coffee, Rive Flour, Fultitur Pprder, ,tc., A new let of suporior Table Oil, Pickles, Tomato Ketchup, French :Mustard. Pay ' Rum. ,tre. W. EBY. W. :;,111:IMON GROCER--- -- 62 '. ) A k TEIV GROCERY lES.. • • •• • • • . • AND A A 11l b 1 I=i On The snbscriber would respectfully Inform his friends and the public generally, that ho has Just returned from the city with a large.and varied „assortment of 0 IiOCEIti ES, GLASS 111111 QU f:EN S-W Alt I:. ' l4 k" i Pl5ll, &c., &.. which he offers for Salodii tilt me iV„ 'nest reasonable terms , at his Now Store. e A ,!i;..d corner of North Hanover street and the Put, , , ~,, i.,i,, Ile :lquare, directly opposite the Carlisle De. posit Bank. Ills steel: endirases everything usually In a Groeory :Ind Variety store. The public are Invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing' elsewhere, as ho feels confident he can sell the best goods at the lowest prices. . . (A. SALT.-5000 Sacks G. A 4. SALT, for solo by CAItR, GEISE 4: Co. Flour & Ornin Commission Morrinnits, Spear's whar' Bo!Munro, Doc 5 WE call the attention of the public t PORTAIILK GAMOW' OR FIRE ENOINE, watering gardens or extinguishing fires. An excellei Article, nest. cheap and convenient. For Rile at MEM 1 Qr- r AM NOW RECEIVIN( Jimmy(j l e springotook of PAPER If %NOM— irhlch o largest rind moot vorlmt nosoriMent ev opened In earllolo. to which 1 Invite tho early nttonti of the public, ns I Intend soiling nt prices which raun kill to y k l l rso the closest purchaser, maze "8 TTENTION DYSPEPTICS—Thor of you who have been afflicted for years with th thersoma disease, and who have been using rani( every Nostrum before the public without relief; we si to you try Kieffer's Anti Dyspeptic" And you wink* be convinced of its great superiority over every ott preparation. We could give you MaYq certificates coo orating our assertions, but a mingle trial Is worth no than all. This remedy Is prepared and sold at the Dr Store of 11. i. It'Ellid4:ll, South Ilanover street, a k doors south of the Court House, Carlisle. +Natalia,. C. IL. I.ILNI:M Goir,i,t, :TAW: 1. D. HALBERT SA XTON'S RIM Salida dptjttt (l'opt-) c )t _,. i E. G 0 LTL . D, [Successor' to A. Fief. le No. 1,C4 Chestnut St., Swaim's IttiliditT. .1' hiladt 1 phia. extensive M ogle Vublisher. and Denlo:r in Mu,i,r.l I o s tru men t s of et err' description, . Exclusile agent for the sale of linnet. Devit,t:. Ce. I'm t eot :•tispehsion Bridgo 21.:olian 117111 oiher 1.1.AM1: -- I;lll , ert's lint kir l'hoos, lie!, Ili. , llS s MIIIIIII a (111171,1. harps. Violii.S. 7.111,7 )lush. 1111 , 1,_11/77.10.: AA% I‘l,itlt.ll7S , I Ult. I , lily trill 1 / 1 . 1.111.117tql 11 nmil or otherwise a ill! innate they may ii I , h. us low ns if por chased in pets, n, Hal ilia' one of the lore - est steci , s In the United mates. 1 feel confident of , sotier) lug all wIJ 0 may fit eon tee with n cull or enter. liealcrs in 3111,4. supplied on tin Mobt, iii er:4lterw.E to Jyt. FT ,, n'll.litti).l I•irurr. .1 II 14: A l' IV A 'I( 'II 1.,' 8 AN I) JEW EL ; II Y. IV I lll14S•lk1,1 , .: _tuld_llil'A lb, at t lu, - .. MA . . ( 14 clelphia ll'irt..ll and .11.‘‘ i•i t y ;.. II ; r N tun lwr !111 N , ,rtli r.ort , lul : trot. ,(1 ncr . f ihuirry. I . llllll,lelphip. 1,01 .....1 . Lott.i. Wattlig.g. full ;•.‘‘ ,Ilvil. I' , (3 , 4. • ... itt eaSI.S. - ... i- .. ...(? I , 1 \ • , 6 • 'v . , 1i , .1,1 I.lldue. I'; , urAt ease, , , ''-t... , 4 '..,' :Al v et' " il' w el , " , .. ... 4 4 4.141 " ''' / . ..'l, Silver Livver, full jovell,,l, . , .•. -.... Surorliq• ierS, Piny : 4 010' : . 'III , CIhCIVS, (illl,l Lolly,' 11..1d l'o.neilK, PI.I)S, pithl . l3llCii antl Gold l'hzoc' , Cul , 140.1,t,1: s vents. Potont fairer . .7ei in uroportiun. All goods niii•litniCli to I N ohm, soil for. • sTArrrEE k ILIA; Li. V. On hand. 4 . : ,, 1d and ; 4 tlrer Lo,rs and 1.4 pines .still lower than the I c. t tit to iii ER RING : s I , 2AT.ENT, (ALA:N . II , I _ 1 ~N Fl l(1: I'Rork'': , .ll.TS. Ilith II:i Is r;:l(r.t, Pr., der i'r,of Loll, s. v, hi r h v g ~.. r : F a ci "."".." 4,i...4.??7 . '‘,,;,, , I , '•1 ~ 'paste Medal, at t 1.,.` ''". -s-, •-• t-- - 4 , , ,, , 0,1; W. :1.1 , 1 . :. 11 . • I 4 /I/ 11 , r 1 ,, : , 1. :‘ Ld j ' ii: . 1) ~,coa f , ~, ~,) . s. . ' l'‘..' • • - • "• • • f 1 :. , :4., ~ ~.,,,„, 3 \ ~,.),, i•:,.1 ~,,,1 ..I. Th,,,,,,), , ,,,- 1 ',.,lAmpiD 'Ol L.': - s ~r e t ht. kole na,nothrtuo is ! T . .:''''.-', 9 ,'i ''.l2:4 1 .- fated prp' h.t. , r, lo i hips State . f i. -•:•.. ~...:1 ~,,:i 1110 31,11 , . tit:v.01:111i d ..'afc, l AA ,y ';: .• ,:',' ; .1i.,!{.1' Lochs. Ihe roputati,n (11 tho L •. I ":,......A ~.. - g , •1111i11.. "ilerriPtfh :',11t.. • i ,, ,, , :h.1 :IL . , rw , r.. Idwile, and for the lant thirto , II 1 ......0 ... 4 , ..' .1;s . . I ..,,,. , a ,..,,,,.._ . ~t...1s Ow Igiervalltro. o nitouLity ilave Witnesst , t and L, rno molly to th,jr strrn ?o t) an 12.0'n f tie Sat., Lai r 1.1.1 , 11 n& 1 id' I.d over Iwo ni:snatn hale ionq , ell trinnli hat] tic tin( 14. h 111,... The a,su,(l ant 311 `I s 111:011tIttettkriA 1 y the skit its are not Ids n t, , d b , I o luny isqual, t kit In Iniun . .:.,a nil (4- ri4pr t , • }III II LINO lo.n SO ll*, hied lc Few ((111 tow , I tn. it ten Ives in 11, I kit (I Ike -Tril 111... . s , allislin, I. • '... xi S, 16. rt:tl at the I.rt : t Fite in Aunt 1 erry st rect. at the lar.:e lire last . 1.,. 1 1 the Citaitl lit use: 81111 Still 111,11. I,e , 1 :,r in Its 111, at Fifth 411!11 ('11.51 , 111 its. It 1110 r.t :f Phildelphia, in xi iiieli these Faits fame Bath t 1.. :h -i. nt.xx1411x,....d Lt. iAll'ltN, to I,ot in/thy ttller set 111 i. it s failed. FA It 11 t 1. A ( (t. d, lues Fin? 17 , b 1,...N1i Li Ci: :11.{h11 S. :.4 %V.% ltl'i I'l' 'street. 1. Path 'l.l, in. Chilled In xi n Safes. xslth l'o der 1'8x.1 .x1,8. s. n t.rtit fltet ut ell es pressly ti. i . Hula s , il it ,,,, ~,‘,., , 1, ~, nt ii others retitth Inv: set.nrity frt Di rogues. 1 1 111. I.: I. 1.101•, D. 4 . t s. At., li t hand and made to order. All the alt it ceietrriterl Li el, for sale at 11:111'1.1fic1111t.fs . pi it , s. Seett.,l bathl - Fares," "l , alitninntlers'` anti - Ir. n Ch e st s - of ether 111111,01 K. huts Fern (111., 11 lit pat t II - liient 11'r Tierl'illg'S 6.1 tale at half price. 0 it! 1: 1 A A:1'cl! l- 1 ! !—,l 0 . 11 N manutacturer aka ins eta. I of . ...A r A'rEN T trt pt (2s. J No. Pm North ha It'r 1 I l - treet litho; 1; her I 1 . h: Laving Lce. 1111 an itulisiL article In bous,Loving, hit sul seriLer alter 0 ghat shentlee r f (lull• and tat our. L eta( led to liar to the Pull an t r tiele at once C01111 , 111ini: 1 tilitu Illni t Ilt . :11 , 111:NS. ILC :n venter I: nom Inc the dailtutr apprehend(ii on ace, mkt (•I the ((tanner in a hi. II Alatches are gem ally packed in paper. hits by the aid Ot :•t1../1111 \tarJ,in..y or lik own ill 1 , 11t101:.5UCC4.0,1( in get line up arAt 1.1 Y PA'rENT PING LIT 11 . 00.1) BOX: this I (it is tar preferable. iu as Much that it act uptes nn tacit, rot m Lan the eld leutid Nvet.(l ion. aril ('(11:(1111 ut hest ner, ii unfired per Cent more Matebes. tr bk 11 to C 114 pees advantage; it is en tirt ly ritzy. and set 1t: I atrainst moisture and spontamous et nil ustit n, dirrt ls all dato,:erott transportat Pt( 1 y means of t rare toil or nil) • thee rude..t 11V Thee Mateltes are packed so that ant {cress t r auto May I, shipped to any jail of the NAIL hi a ilk I oft I f-ty. They are the ntest desirable article, P inn t'((nsumptin. 411111 the l'ourbern ntd wistern Dral Let that hate ever Leen invented. LtlltS and :•1111'l't.U.S, ;NM do well to call an eXtt 1111 he 11. r Ibmilowix (.5. tr.) .Thi , e matches, are VC AMt ANTED to I.e. ruT• ribr to :my thing heretofore tiered to Ow ruNk, Dec'r 4. 1:.45 14 1 11.1..AC11 TRUSSES, )Vti , itinv )c-s ' tiv.;;:21.,.i I,llllCeq. tier tI. ettr. of 11et.171,,44 Lupt,....., akin ledp,l hy the highest medical authorities of 11. il ade 101 l la. incomparably sup rior to any other in me.— tiutfervrs alit la. gratified to learn that the of ration n, w otTets to prier i.ot wily the 14 he Ft and UP ft t 11,y. iln ... 11S lillrabil. a Truss as any other. in lien of the cum le I us :red one( nifortable artili , usually ;old. '1 here is no rill lenity attending the .t!tting, and when the fad is list ed It m ill retain its pesltion with ut el.anpe. l'ersons at a distance unable to call on the Vubgrrit er, can have the Truss sent to any whirl ss,l , .y . remitting five dollars for the single Truss. or ten tor tilM deathly— with measure round the hips, and stating side effected. ]t will be exchanged to suit if not fitting, by retui tnt.g at once, unsoiled. For Fall(' only by the hypo ter. cornor Twelfth and .raee f.treets, Haul, IT hia, Rl.tnlrw, requiring the lament of Fup porters, owing to the derangement of the Internal or gans. iudnringlailing•er the Womb. Weal, 1'111111"nm y. Dyspeptic. Nervous and Fpival Weahness, are info med that a competent and experienced. I.Any will be in at tendance at the Dooms, (sot apart far their exclusive UM') No. 114 TIVELVTII Ft., Ist door bolow race. July '54. GRATII. !—Just Published—A tt w DISCOTERY IX MEDICINE—A few words UT the Rath nal Treatment, without Medicine, Sperms tr,r , Ilea, or t o ry al weakness, neous debility, low iipirits,hosit 'Me. wea • 110 SS 'of the limbs and tack, hulfsporition and' Pal pacliy fur Study and labor. dullness of appreh, mien, loss of memOry, nvorsion 'to society, love ot solitue., ti midity, self distrust. dizziness, headache. Involuntary discharges. pains In the side. affection of the ever, pim ples on the face-sexual and other infirmities in man. From the French of Dr. 11. DeLancey: -' ' -----, . . . The important fact that these alartniug compb tuts may easily be removed WIIIIOUT atriums. Is In thls small tract .clearly demonstrated. and the entirely now and big ly suceessful treatment. as adopted by the 'Autbrr, full explained, by 111(11118 of which every one le enotied to re himself perfectly and at the le.tst possible cc st, arc ding thereby all the advertised nostrums of the do • :At to any address, gratis and post free. in a sealed e velope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps o Dr. lb DeLancey, 17 Lispw"srd street, York. March I—ly A GRICULTURAL AND HORTI CULTURAL TOOLS,—Superior Unloading IMY orks, 3 and 4 pronged ; Improved Horse ItockelAtivAl tors, Cad Iron Garden "tonere, Garden Engines, Tubular Iron Scythe smiths, English Lawn Rakes, English Elva ttd Bark fawn Sesthea Grass Hooks, fledge nears. Ladles' Garden Shears, Weeding Forks, Transplanting Trowels. with, other tine Horticultural Tools, per late ar rivals from Europa , PASCHALL MORRIS .4 CO., „ A grlculhn ral Ware Boutin and teed Stora, Ii ay 30 tf Cvinarof fth and Markvt tts. Plana 0 May 20. 1863-11 .101 IN DO:\ NI'LLY -306 North it)Ultl'il Philntra c.tlxit - NvEr i.rtz OM 7 ( I (
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers