Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 08, 1855, Image 4

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    ty, • 4
( arla X Pr~xX t'.
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1.1 7 (.;1"..'1' 8, 1 ',155
WEDN - e:S").IV
CU \I u: r,AN;) COUN IV
Ttaap:—Ta , D,,llars a yr , : Or. (in; 1) ,, 1?ar and
1;:t79 (". ,L'. e'iorliq .Idrance
$l. 73 pa;" tite
IVIii;;• Coliny Conveation.
7 .4" s .
I:, ;.ohli 11 f II tr•!•:t
1:0.z ~a,
1•I I 1
1.!1 ,, 1t , t! ! , 1,11 i
\ ,
i i',.q.
.ye rn by tel.
Lou . l,viil , .
of persons have 1,, o u and roan,,
Ivuunded in the blnuilv conte..4,
The 'Harrisburg Tehgraph, which may
he presumed to lie the organ of the State
Administration, proposes a grand union
of the Whig, American and Anti-Ne
braska corers of the State in order to pre
vent the tritimph of the Ilenwervy in
the coming fall election. After speak
ing of the alliances which the :Democrats
have formed to secure the election . of
Arnold Plutuer as Canal Commissioner,
and how important in the present junc
ture of affairs that he shall be defeated,
the Tele t , r(lplt say
" This, in our opinion, can only ho fleCoM
plished Ly meeting fusi,n with fusion,—by
uni•ior; the conservi,t:‘e 11hig, American an.:
Anti-;\:...braska tercel against the bowl , I
mocraey and their proscriptive sillies. A.ter
conultation with gentlemen of standing n huln
we know to bolotT, re.pectieely, to the 0.1)
Line Whig rinks, to the American Oral-nin
th:l, oil to the Anti "Y. , A.r.isl.a or Ise public:::.
movement, we feel authorized to sugge,t :111
infOrnaal 11/01'1 ng Of such :13 are oppo
the present Nati4 l otal Admit istration at 111 r
rishurg on ThurAtAy the . 9fli if August (in
stant,) for the purpose of consulting, as to the
propriety of coiling a Union Convention, at a
subsequent day, to numil.itito a candidate for
Canal Connaloner. Let fifty or a hnodred
of our prominent eitizens, from the different
sections of the State, representing all the eie
ments of opposition to the National Adminis
tration, assemble at llarri,buri, suggest
programme, and call a Contention,—nod our
word fur it, an outrugod people will do the
The Telegraph adds that it should
prefer the candidate thus nominated to
be of Whig antecedents, but if he is in
favor of the ret,u.ation of the Missouri
C,Anpromisc, of freedom in Kansas and
Is.,rebrasl:a, and of Americans ruling A
he„ will be considered Whig
enough to receive its cordial support.
It s very evident that if the Demo
crats RIO to be defeated this fall sonic
concessions must be 'made on the part of
each section of their opponents. This
Fusion . nropositiOn is therefore entitled
to candid consideration.
REACTION IN Missouni.—A law and
order meeting was-held lately by the citi
ions of Ray county Mo., at which while
; denouncing "abolitionism in its true
meaning," Alley. declared in favor of, a
biding by the laws of the State of Missou
ri and the United States, as being suf
ficienk to guard their rights andproperty,
opposed "to all mobs to drive men either
to religious or political
,measures." A
resmutien was also adopted to support no
man for public office who had in any way
- proved himself in favor of mobs. The re
seems to be a reactionary movement 'Lk
'ing place in Missouri, of which this meet
ing is thus far the most favorable indi
cation we . have seen.
11.1'L F\
1.1111,;1 - 11,2
A portion of the Southern press have
lately been speculating with some earnest
ness upon the chances of the next Presi
dential election. • With a keenness which
is characteristic, says the 21 7- ortit _A Met'''.
ma, they have already perceived, what
has escaped the n'tlention ()I' most persons
f 4 COtkill II:It the present condition
of political affairs is •Iteli n s to render it
that a President may he elected
t) , the I. , :t(•n , ion of sinvory.
this. WllO/I ' , llieru are two par
tie, in the Lehi with their candidate , , one
or tip! other IntlA ; but
wi:h lIIICC strong parties, e.n.h able to (
r) a nuinhcr of S,Htes. and havin , ,f an ex
cin.-ive candidate urik o w „, the,„
1:(1 cicutiim I} . l I'e.i,lo.
Itnlrtitc; llnu of lief)
ciotr ioli'Hriy; of pooofits , Cet;-,4“--eX
tol: , io fl (TV. thcV 111.1.11 d
idt. n
it , 10. il
to olt::11t.t. :1
I.N'nto 1%Iii(11
I( 1111o1V-:\
:tw Nvill cat I) all
.\ I Wiscon-
I ?IT; Ina, 1 Ili I u
tip. or tjtee 1!1‘ doubt
it is not id.,1,. , 1,10 of thew
dl!tt.. T 1
No:11111 : : p: trty, it vi:rry.
:Xt. \V •Jc;:•cy, .NcW T,•1:-
II( r,cc, :111a 14tittioihinn, al..' the fri" . , :iretit
Irould li•ft for th.ii
OU 11 ady serve to prevept 11n election,
It may he said these are mere giu
but soiuc estimate of the sort is neeessary
in,ordcr to judL , :e of t lie proteddlitics.—
n the event of the three parties helm , in
;,uch a posturo, no election would he held
by the people, and upon the' House of
1-tepresentatiyes would then devolve the
choice. In that body there is an anti-Ne
braska majority in the delegation from ev
ery fr*ce state except California, so if that
majority were to agree upon caucus eandi
-tlate they Nyould of cour:w be elected.
It thu.i ai,pears that the storm peptlar
i:hl: , 2.ll":it , :i which ,••Ivcrt, ov:r the _•.oll:itr.\
evt'n it it :-11.01 1 .,! t. 10:0
uro the "f :I,
i:•souri Coin
prontis,:, 11;v or( ctol one l'ighly
purpin,o, io unijority fur
t lie.(.lection of l're:-,ident in a certain con-
I Ingeney.
The Americans of Philadelphia, jud
ging from the tone of their papers there,
don't seem to have been very fortunate
iii their nominations; and the system of
general halkting, the papers say, has re
sulted in more intrigue and corruption
than any system ever before introduced.
The Df.morrats there once tried the sante
plan of nominating, and abandoned it on
account of its impracticability and corrup
tion. The Philadelphid Sun, the oldest
American paper of the city, stews to be
heartily disgusted with the character of
many of the men who have succeeded in
obtaining nonii!a lions, and attributes The
unfortunate sidections to the system that
was Adopted in nominating.
The Sun goes on to picture the results
of the late ballotings, stating the distrac
t racted state of the party produced by the
bad nominations made, and says that the
better portion of the party "aver that
there is nothing in the' laws or regulations
of the party compelling -them to vote fur
'natural fools.'" We trust other sections
may learn wisdom f'rom the experience
of Philadelphia.
ma.„Grahams Magazine for August, is
illustrated h n well-execuictl engraving of
" Washington crossing the Alleghany River,"
and a colored plate of the pnshions. There
are besides a lumber of engraved designs of
minor articles of female dais, all which will,
no doubt; be duly appreciatCd by the thou
sands of lady readers of that popular work:—
The letter- press of the number is quite cred
itable to.tho magazine and its editor. Phila
delphia:•A. 11. See. $3 a year.
_ ...'yyy' ~rjLlll ryrotl(~~I __
' ~ r W~'4)`~~a r~ ,~'r 67 Vl~il e ~ff .c
The election in this State took place
on the 2d inst. and was for members of
Congress and State Legislature only.—
The result shows that the twelfth sec
tion of the' Philadelphia platform was
not suffic.ient to put ;innr throwA, Tlw
followiwr, which is the latest despatch. re
ports tits. cle , ..tion of G Deinocrata awl 2
Atow . ieans :
11.11INGTo , (N. ('.) ,k J./I.ll'-
111111 4 11 . VS ;lint 11. \I •I IS in
the -t Di•lrict
1: 1, ( 111 :: 11'c m) in Ihe :-«'(.1 1, 1: 11: Wilislolv
t 1I(in) in the thin!; Ilifthch ml in
Om r. (1 1, -n.) in the
; Thool4l, II • Chi , ;..11131) (11L:11 r the
• • :,„•I (1. (K. N I in the
m.(l i in tht ,
Tiro h,•!ivlc.i to IU
\V.\ .-non,T,,N. Co.--A
ic!..olt. in
levy an:l tic rc:ult
hi r, -.4044a4 , Arit r, —'l'!,e frill:
t Trl,r(-0(. , 1.0w
try, 'Flo. Ev.,tv N , 111H.:
•r_B. Ihm.,•er - I. r'Hin the
..r i.t.61-2: that
hok • hirt
thy.; :Ind
1.1 , 11,, it IL. Atc: 6 1 , , P. res t ,,t
in T ,t;,:
L.... 1• , pir•ti,n in I:en
\ (I• ,• 1,0'4 t
1.1% 1 , .\ 111 , 11 , ;,r. i• 1 I. it
'l'l r.• rc t•in 11,e tint
LI v. .1,1 , t..
TllO t,locks of
nt preV:ll):4
tiro 1
111, , wns tufixn
an 1 1.11U1: • Vetel ti.
1.11.11 tlrt rat in the
Ull? 11. W I:1. uh t,,Nvu
0:11111.11. ot'm contemplated
ntinct; h the ( fhe, s 11,1 *Fifties 011.1 Conr-
It I . netcrpap,•r:4. The returns from the utlitr
11111 tihn. tit the State indicate the bucees of
the Anwrit:in ticket. {?
1: ! :',IY" Later de , patebes any that Gentry is
teak , ' in T•liessce. The bloody work at
Liotisvilic stir continues
DEItIOCIt:AtIC [xnrc:xazlo v.
The removal of Gov. Reeder excites
deep :Ind general indignation throughout
the Northern ;•!Itotes, the feeling exten
ding even to those whe have hitherto said
little,or nothing respecting the Kansas
ontr:Te. Ihe I larrisbur , liemoorntic
Cniun zh:nuunoes the act une, t uivocully
in : I n t aticlo t ;:ure len th,, the tune of
which m3\• be imagined front the open-
"A blow which will recoil with terrible cf
feot has be. .11 , truck by the Nathinal Adminis
tration. 1':1,1 tiler it was impulse of a gab:: -
nizva imbecility, ill judging counselors. malice
or disapFintment, we little care, A gross
and ihgrant wrimg. Ims,howerer been perpetra
tv.i, a wr , ng Whieli, ere long, trill bring
shatio. and reproach upon those who were its
instigators Mid doers. The hour lots pa ,, e(l
(Shen a specious tale will deceive the people.
No puerile charge of lamb speculations can bur
fel at, instant lipminst the storm of wrath which
will be ItronFed. A high minded, honuralAe,
fearless and determined man has been wanton
ly mid basely strichen llowp, because he I IS•
tqq.ted :HIT would rimbcate the rights of free•
nn n figmbist a horde of lawless and law break
ing ruffians."
The Easton Arius, published at Reed
er's former him - it:Jells us that his removal
has elicited the strongest expressions , of
indignation there. But the Argus be
sides speaking its own sentiments, clearly
and fiercely tells sumo unpleasant truths
respecting the President. We quote :
"Immediately after the first election held in
Kansas, one after another of the Missouri in
vaders called upon the President and filed their
complaints against the Governor, charging him
with neglect of his official duties, illegal spec
ulations in lands, &c. We state upon authori
ty that cannot be disputed that President
l'icree at that time told a friend, "I am satis
fied that Governor Reeder possesses firmness,
honesty and capacity, and a man who has
these three qualities, don't often get wrong "
We happen to know, too, that our Chief Magis
trate gave Gov. Reeder repeated personal as•
surances that he approved of his course, and
would have acted precisely as ho did in the
same position."
The - :,Laneaster Intelligences also joins
in the dentumiation'of Gov. Reeder's re
moval. •
Scott Harrison, son of the for
mer President of the same mune, htiS
been nominated as a candidate for Gov
ernor of Ohio by those who are disconten
ted 'with the nomination of Chase. Mr.
Harrison was a member of the last Con
gress, and is also a member elect to the
next one. -
North Carolina.
mil: Sty 11.1' I".vl'i'
ic ' ky Elvel
ITount anb Tounto 3lititfers
C. v. E. B.—Another change his been
made in the arrival awl departure of 'trains on
the Rail Road. See advertisement.
Ni:w OnErsTANcE.—A new. ordinance
in rellerenee to weights. rind measures has been
prii,se,l by Council, which gill tie found in to
day's' piper, The rippointtnent of Wood
('order Ly ;re Council, ‘N e think would be rip
proved by the
goii.g to the
or the Big ;-ipring Literii,ry 1n titutc.
v.hieb ye-telili4nu l kill continue
until an adelre,s niM be de
I.vereil.b:,' .1. N. :',l,ielure, E t , l'hambers-
—.l 1)( , (1
we 0,1 dill inltinted) to ft
(vistr:ti I the Amerier,ri party, tact
,11 ..,cenwll to
k. LII CoT
Icv,e s rci rc tontive from each township
of the meeting we 1ef.r.41 u•os to
n•e(iNt , ?Id 11,11 - I,iithtion9 ft.]. Fr.on
the !Is r.‘ loin( es thus toade up the loco'
titc;c (2111:ice of catitlidates who
me to he settlol on !Lc ticl:ct. the can
wly , !-e earl , : arc iii our r fir( to/'Sher-
: V. ere In.t in n'ininatinn on
iii.r ti, L ;i.ilirr with a `.i4nitirt.
11,1 WWII,/ !lt take Serious Of
itit.toi it their nano , liopptititi , l to ""turd up" as
the rh. ic , t.r As rommissioiwr, tc
X1;,1 hot 11-Irn nmilus but tindertand
th:.t ;11,,ut. \vrrc propc,l-(2.1fol
1—(11:1.!1• hit , : three h.t. Connili,sioner.
oincil win ti,:ert on Satur.lay a week
neNt to as,:i the result an,l the ticket
v.iil then he made public
1. N( W, )1 proceed
ings of a , rnec.ting: of the Eng.ine and
no -o Cc inpany are puY,i,hed in the Ilarrishurg.
rini„f tlinnk:i
fYtsolve That the cotal)Any gratefully re
cognize the kindttes:-,;na hospitality of the
fire departanetit and ellizens generally of ear
upon the occasion of their recent visit;
and that they feel indebted to the ladies espg
(flatly, particularly to Meg. Eby, Mrs (orgm
told Miss lf tor their beautiful boquets.
Sitadir nchnowledgenTits are nib& by the
Chambersburg Firemen. Kee extract the fol
lowing curd fromthe Chamlibretio papers,
signed by a joint committee of "Ord two corn
The undersigned, on the part of the Fire
Companies of Chamberburg, return our sin
cere and heartfelt thituko.''.to 'fair fellow Fire
men of Carlisle, for the gener6i3,S and. hand
t:ortte manner ni which tlic• received and enter
taln A us, to the occasion of our ciett , On
S our , ' cc 1,1,t..
T 1 .1* .?ol'..rtors* or the Cumberland
c, tol e ut y, n. ct i: of the rnion, Mr. Alli
s, of tl,e t io, .i 11 CI., 4101 to Col, Noble (Thicf
trshat .1 the lay, our thanks are especially
Cole 1 . .. r their lictlrin i ; of to promote our
comfort arid phasure,"and for the ninny eci
dene,s V . 11.1 Will nod esteem of which thy
wade us the recipients.
In gonclusiou, the undersigned. would e ‘ s,, ,
pre: , s, on behalf of the C.ompanie9 they repre
sent, the hope tint they may be enabled to
rec..iprocate at an early , lay the kind attention
4.f their fellow Firemen of Carlisle, and that
t h e intimacy which has developed itself between
us may continue to exist, and be equally
agkeeable to each.
R 1 IT AND Pt son 1) Elt.--WO would
suggest that our UV' Constable be either
relieved from day duty acid put on night
duty instead, or else that Night Watchmen be
appointed by the Couneil for the preservation
of the public peace. Disturbances of the peace
at night are becoming so common on our
streets lately, ns to require some effectual
APPOINTMENT.—Mr. Moses Morret,
of, a very competent gentleman,
has been afiretrrted clerk in the Carlisle De
posit Bank, in place of Mr. Sturgeon, re-
CAmpiNa OCT.—The troops at the
garrison we learn have gone into encampment
on the parade ground 'oiitside the garrison
On the 21th ult., by tho Um% A. IL Kremnr, Mr
of Oleithismi twp., this Co.
On the 4th of 3nly, at hist residence, in Bradford,
Conn. of hemorrhage of the I u wigs, MU. W. B. FRISBIE,
Basso of the Continental Vocalists, '
thi the 4th inst. Mr. JOSHrit EPPLEY t f East Penns
born tow nOlip, aged 22 years.
i'.l A CIIERS .WANTED.---Ten elle rs
N all o - can teach the Latin and Greek Innaintoo , „ tv:
got ler with 00 usual bra mhos of an English I:ducat
timi.t. tako charge of Maio High Aohnol of South Ward,
York, l'onu'a.. For rk, further particulars address l
A. It. 111.Ailt,
July "_5,'55.-3t. York, l'onn'a.
- IPOY WANTED.—A boy wanted from
ju 'lB to '2O years of ago, at the store of
tiugl-55. . U. W. THTNER.
g expres-
13 c a tits.
New Sthertistpunt
11SS A. if. UNI)11..111,W0()T.) will re
open her SCHOOL. on Monday, Sep. :M., at her
re,:idenee. on Pitt street, •
A az.n,t
A Alt 1813 JUG- FEMALE
Al:V.—This lig.tuglshlag Institution will roopon
nu tho 1 , 1 ItST 111,81il"l'EMBEll. with a full
and all gg roll sof tea rtrils will he ieeeht.ed a t
any Tog arid eltarrgal ouly from Litho Ictitrango,—
c,t g dg,,: g g,s. Inv pitietilarg ran lip oFtinhteti at
the St.lre ot A. 70... Ilioggr ggr al i Igo Teligaraph atli.o.
rggr further i n' . a ....Alan talart.., the P. rug•lgg:th
ll.trrisl.or. r. '7,5 'Alga:. A. I,I.CONTE.
L! Ii 1 I'k I 1''F.1111) . .--Titriel , 2ll the
it , ii•rrt `ll,, Pi
imp! :mil pi lvfi
1:i• iif r.tet, nl!•.I!l•l loft lity wd
LI. lii:`,3iiii:l:lVl_2l).
FR`() TILE N't E 01' Ct . .IITEIZ,-
\ f'.II"NTV Ci 11J1ri' myrelf
vt , int,,r raithi , late h,r !Mk, tilt, of :•1[1 , :h11
ohl nn ( , n,htter Wr qrr ;i' • I f4 , r 11 :(701,11-
tin,' 1.1 vOtir - nlirt“. , `. I n,ll he tlllllllfOl 7Or p•ur
N.,te, at 11:••
!"7„ . e'T .V( lIEI A N E
ili 1.,,t nt 11u•'4,1,, .1 1. 11-,l"erz ..n.
'1: r.-! , \ V.ll, 1 lu. n.'•. lc. A. M.
• '
.•!!!1[•••11.1,.!!! tilf! I,u! Ilf•
,!!••4! ! • ,1 , .•10. Lf r 7.t Ii •,1,1
.111 z. •• (a:11 , 1 , 1'111. S..,•Cy
I,IS 1,1:: jen is l ion! _
n t••. 1 i" II I f 010
4 ,1.4,1..; :IA Artti, 1,1 if
I ;tot
- Lee:.l .111 1 1 1:1-t. he ;:
;Ito ...kV, pit :IC, 1...1,
A u. ':..1 T. I'l.
R )1 El: LOOK- E
• ;1%1 1111111.1,11 d
:%!• Ltu • •h
11 , 111 . 0•1 . 1 . 1 :71 , t•"01. , 1 : 4 4110. I IIlt:
"? 1 l•
1" . ‘1. •
.:nil 11,111, Vl,ll/.1
II r!N 1 I fr.-it,
(1 1;X IN 1) 1{ ILLS 1.'()1t
A(;v...\!\ vi.O.TI I:.
I 111 , 11.111 Ill.:Ill:Y
-.,. I:1LP .1 .1 I lu, MA , Llllll . 1,111:101 , -
I)n,ii L.Ty /1.•1•••%01"
c• r tH. , O ill It''
and %.1)1.••1 ti•r. .1.12 , .rtat.t
1':.:..1.1 ' nt:t.i.• t
itiali3l.ttli it, ,q,i,r1,0 It) ..ler 1.10,4 u La
• re tetneetthet. i.t.:tre. I.t. Its tin
rtl.ttit . I tt.. !writ ,I t tntnuthn. :d.
The eJ, ret,:tilatint.: I Lu uctrhiuc It: sow :my e .t qu.o
lit t ..trztitt Itt the to re. 4i 11.-1 htt out, tr
ee—s with whit h it th.tiil•utet. the sued, tti.ontinet
.1111:11V tt eit ; LIIIOSOII eetnielin_ or, wet, no en the Is
sumtuce. t' tit. The easy tlrath:ltt. 1 ,ite.T. per
r,• It. Ir., th II: 3117 (4.110 r neettittir nett hit,, 114•0 ill [tot'.
Tha 1 111 { 1,1* Ai ).vps lease tO litiOl 111 t he he eters el
l'utatet eQuetttr,',ol4,l, he is :lilt ht.rhett
ttfooturr to I:ell Mil .. .above drill. All ordi rs
pr, , ruptly at teuded to and full satl,f..etiun
Caning upon, or writing ti, meat Cali*. end In solfl
orders early.
A trzu4t '55 J. A1l2IISTRON(1.
1 1 011' SALE.—An Interest' oi - lhe
wholo,r this Wrlghtssille Foundry inr Sale,—wit
tutted in WriOtti:s Ile, Y,rk votinty, Pennsylvania, ss ell
dui:;, a good 01/0 the heat
vi the State t". r a F.1111a,. The te . lll , ;:ietf,rs,
, t Us in. , is the i•Pi eatinot vivo that ationtion to
iv.- Lo '-.
the it holt` I (.11 co,y
I , 1 . “.1 I , P•'.
in. IV II • ‘; i s •‘'
- t.•r.
1.3 t PI II: ,t 1 eet.,
0-1- 1- al l
1 - ,A1,1,Ey iz.
,/ (PP Iltil I::
tln and aft q• 7•TON 11AV, A 110;cist ttlt,
%Nill run a,' e
1411 t
taittt. 7 l 'halm
5.1 A. i 1 p. M
Lo tve Clinnll,4l,l,ltrv•
•• Shippeuslirg,
N vit
At Ilarrie-htte,.7.
IA Train. 2d train:
•1. , 0 7 I'. M
.4 2.2 r,
111.15, 2.14, '•
10.41, "
11.15, " 3.41,
Loivy rrkhurz,
" 31,11:tniesburg,
" N.m% lIIn.
SI kipimiisl•urg,
At Chanti•vrblittrg,
ll•trri.latr n r for Plt11111140phi:I at 1.12 and S.lO A. 7 ,1
44 6. 0 :i t 7.50 I. )1, mid via I'••tuuthla.
Itarrlslmr,.; l'itt•lmrg at l';.•.:(1 A.M. ; 1;!..tt5 noon ,
nail 4. Ir. M.
Learo Itarrislairg. for Baltimore. at L:m. am t
at 1 P. L. nit.l NVitv Trillt . fur lori, ;r At,
Car, of liaupl:in awl 1;.:n? 1, aye Ilar
-6,1 ttr, , • rtt i, A. M. it r. 31. I.r A
.46.-At all Statimr. tt here Ticl.MN ale 5.1,1, faro: ave
1.1:8 thsio tt him f e tid iu tho
A. F. SMITH, zzuperliadoilent.
hail l:o.t I 'll'co. Chtiatersburg,l
c. NEEm,Es,
S. D", 'lm , lllll Mid
intport,T nP fine P., , t1 , 11 c ,, lntlling'extrente
1141itiltws, ea, , tl ztivl ituto.llity unit C411 . 1.,, , t ecnstrue.
liernhl or rupture,: pa tieut4 eau Fe suite by remit
ting amounts :—Setellutt lln ll l l, l* of ine round the
hips, and stating side atleeted.
Cost of Singh, Truss, ;5; $O ,
$l, and
Instructietia as to wear, and' how to eifeet a curs,
'idiom possible, sent with the Truss.
Also lee sale, in wlixtt variety,
For the cure of Pridapsus Uteri; Spinal Preps and Sup
ped;ts, Patent •Chonider - Braces. Chest Expanders and
Erecter Braces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and
and Weak Lungs; English Elastic Abdominal lielts,
Suspensories, Syringes—untie and female.
An, -Ladles' Rooms, with Lady attendants.
Council Illnßn, RAM
Will 1 ,- .cate Lana 'Warrants, and enter hand on time,
loan money en Real Estato seem Hy, and pay taxes Rs
Hitviug a large experience In' the selecting and Tarr
chasing of public land, and arituninted with the most
thrombi° fer investment In western lowa, we
Hatter ourselves that we can locate land warrants to the
host advantage upon timber, praim, bottom, or upland,
near county seals: adjacent to the line of proposed rail
muds; and upon land watered by never thiling streams
as the judgment Or taste of 'girlies muy direct.
Persous intrul•ting moi!oy er warrants to our care for
loan, will find our terms liberal, we retbr In
lien. A. G. Eire, Westminster, Carroll Co.,!`fil.
tied. C. Ilium, Esq., ritsburgh,Shemindoith Co.. V.
Emanuel Arbogast, _Esq.. Crabbottoni, Highland Co. Va.
Job Printing promptly. executed
HENRY NV11,1,1,..1S
W. IV. 111.1.1'
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