6 Tittle pfalkii. Susan Taylor and the Rose. . Susan Taylor was a very 'discontented girl; she was never pleased with any thing always looking out 'for what is disa greable, and not for what was pleasant in anything. She was going away from home, and her grandmother asked her if she would have a rose to stick in theews- QM of her dress So, being fond of-flow ers, she told her she would like one.— Away went her grandmother, with her cane in her hand ; into her little garden, and gathered the finest rose that grew there. There were two buds growing on the same stem with the rose, and the leaves were as fresh and as green as the leaves of a rose-bush could . be. You may suppose that Susan was not a little sur prised when her grandmother nipped off the rose the two buds, and the green eaves with her scissors, and offered Susan Taylor the stem alone all covered with thorns. "0, Grandmother this is not a rose.— DO' you think that I will stick that° ugly stem in my dress, without a single flower or leaf upon it: No: that I never will. You do not deserve to have roses growing in your garden, if you spoil them in this way." "Perhaps not," mildly replied her grandmother ; "but there are other peo ple in the world beside me, who spoil their roses." "Then," said Susan, "They must be very silly people." "I think so, too," replied her grand mother. "And now I will tell you the name of one of them;- it is Susan Tay lor!" She reddened to her very ears, while her grandmother said, "it has pleased God, Susan, to mark your life with many blessings, - mingled with 'a few cares; and you arc continually neglecting your bles sings and remembering your cares. If, then, you thus wilfully despise your coin forts, and repine over your troubles, what is this but throwing away the flowers and green leaves of your life, and sticking the thorns in your bosom?". Who is like' Susan Taylor ? The Boys of To-day An admirably written paragraph has been going the rounds lately setting forth the responsibilities which the boys of to day are soon to take upon their hands,— It is indeed a thought full of interest, that in a few short years, all the governments of the world, all the wealth, all the armies and navies, all the material interests of this world, will have passed into , „ the hands of the boys of the present hour. The idea is suggested not to inflame the vanity or feed the self-complacency of youth, for there is no heed of that, but to lead-them to reflect seriously and ear nestly on the great responsibilities awai ting them. Boys with such a future be.- fore them, should strive- to be found ca pable and worthy of their destiny. The more enlightened and virtuous the boy can render himself, the better prepar ed he will be for that great future, and the more ho will shine r and be honored among his fellows. The signs of the times indicate that the ignorant and the vicious will be less and less regarded as the world grows older and wiser. Only the virtuous, the large-hearted the pure and the enlightened, will be of much ac count in - the coming time. Boys, do you bear that • GREEN GROCERY STORE... RARENESS & MULLIN Destro to inform the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity that they have just received from the city - and are now opening In the room adjoining Rentz & Brother's Store, a very annplote assortment of groceries, such as PRIME COFFEE, SUGAR, TEAS, MOLASSES, and all the various kinds of SPIELS and DRIED MEAT such as limns, Dried ilrof,liologna Sausages, Ac. by tho piece or pound. Also Ikrrlngs, Mack. erel,Shad, Cod Fiela and a great varloty of articles not neoessary to enumerate. In addition to the above, we will receive our regular supplies of .PRESII VFOETABLES as soon as they appear in tho city markets, to all of which we invite the attention of the public, as we in tend to sell at tht vory lowest prices for Cash or Coun try Produce. MA.RKNESS & MULLIN. CA.RPETING.—An 'entire new assort ment, of Carpetinttjust received. Vonition and cotton, boning very cheap by any 9 '65. CHARLES 001[LBY. see- Job Printing primptly executed Storo nub Sliopo, "OR Ti - 101A1)AYS 1 Ai aeons, ( - 100DS (11 . 14 BOONS. &e. S. V. HAVERSTIOK has just received from the city and is VOW opening asplendid display of FANCY 000IrS, suitable for the approaching Holiday Season, to which he desires to call the attention of his friends and the public. Ins assortment in this linc cannot be surpassed in novelty and elegance, and both in quality and price of the articles ' can nut tall to please purchasers. It would he impossible to enumerate his HOLIDAY FANCY 1;00D s, tvhirh comprise evory variety of fam-y Lit Ho of the most exquisite shape such as Paipor litche Elsgant alabaster and prwrrlai 1111:-stars and trays. Fanry. vory, pu . arl acid shell card rases, F=WaME=il =lll Port lontiai..s, nl evory• ariety Ciold pens :ind pence's, Fancy' paper weighlq, Papeteries, and a arge variety of holies' Fancy station cry, I= Ladies' riding whlirs, elegantly finished, Ladies' fine cutlery, • Perfume baskets and bags, 11roOles of every - kind n/1 . the Itoussers Perfumes of the various hinds, insfrunientg, of all hinds and at all prices, to.rether with an ion univrably enriytc of rt Hos elYiran t ly ituiahed and suitably fir holliday presents, to which he invites special attention. Also, an 020,01151V0 :UHL VlPplnt Coll etion of lIIThiDAY GIFT IF OK , comprising the various English and American ANNUALS for IZ+:l5, richly mnbelished and II ustrated I'OETII 'AL WORKS, kith CHILDREN'S I'lCToltl AI. BtIoKS, fur ehildrpn of all )Iges, than which 114;thilig can he Moro appropriate or idolising as holiday gifts. 1 lisassortment :if School Books :old Seined Stationry Is also complete. and comprises every thing used in OA loge and the : ,, rhoeh, lie also desires L. el!! !he pa: ticuLtrat tendon of Families to his elegant .1"-•••••• cf LAMPS, from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising f'VerY sty if' or Parlor, Chamber and Study Limit), fur burnidg either lard spurn or ethereal nil, tOg t. i `r with ' , hover Vases. Fancy Screens. Av. His ass,rtinunt in this line Is un equaled in the borough. Also, FRUITS, FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—PRE SERV El) FRUITS, Av., In every variety ;Bid at all priees, all of which are pure and Crush, such as t•all he confidently recommended to Iris friends and the little folks. ills stock embrases every thing In the line of Fancy with many other articles useful to housekeepers w Bich the ptiblle are especially int tel to Hell 4t1141 see during the t o ;ltday s .— Remember the old Stand, nearly nppoute the Bank on N crl Ilanoser street. dec 1;1 1554 S. W. II .1 V EI:STICK. EAT ATER. (."11( /N . ! tOI{ noLin.tys.—Kitiss 01,1. BALL is now and will continue to he supplied with the i!reat• VA novelties tip to the el , se or the seas" ll ) , '"lfi'fl , i "I= In part CoNFECtioN A 111 ES 4 ir ,nrio ies. such as Fine-Candy Toys. del lj Cakes. Bon Bons, titunCordial. Lemon. Chocolate and Fruit Drops; Rose, 1 anilla, and Burnt Almonds, French and exploding Secrets. Also all the common varieties, all of u Idyll Will be sold w hole sale and retail at low rates. We have.•jUst revel red FRUITS AND NUTS of the latest importations such as Oranges, (.onions, Raisins. Figs, Pruens,Citroh,Currants, soft and paper shelled Almonds, Filberts, Cocoa, Cream and Il round Nuts. In vonnection With the 40.441 4• the largest assortment of TOYS AND FANCY UOoDSof every kind from all parts of Europe, man uthetured ot`w o od. glass y china. papier melte, tin and India rubber, zink, to., such as Fine Wax, kid and jointed (mils, sowing and Card Baskets, Work and Pane) Boxes, Flower Vases. Motto Cups. Tea Setts. Music Boxes. Port Monales, Battle Doors, brace Hoops. Masks, Drums, Ones Trumpets. Dominoes. Lot to and other games, Ac. Fancy Soaps and (lair Oils of every variety. In vonlieetlon with due als,te adarge Stock of FA MILI' ROCERIES, such as pulverised, crushed and brown Sugars, of every grade, Coffee, Molasses. Starch, ()mon and Black Teas, Spires, Butter, soda, Sugar, Water and other Crackers, cheese, Ac. Thu subscriber ret urns his sincere thanks to a gener ous public fur the patronage heretofore bostewed on him, and hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a continuance of the same, I'. MONYEtt. Dec,r 7, 1554. - ROOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS.- We have just received from Philadelphia, a largo assortment of new and Si' LENDI I) ANN GALS, and BOOKS for the Holidays, which having Leen purchased below the usual wholesale rates, we are enabled to sail at greatly reduced prices Thoy have now in store a splendid stock of Annuals, Oift Books, • Illustrated Poets. Standard Works, Bibles, all sizes, Prayer Books, liymn Books, Sunday School Books, Tract Woks, Juveniles, Ac., All of which are NEW BOOKS, fresh from the publishers, splendidly hound and emiadished and got up expressly for the Chrlstmass Holidays. Also FANCY STATIO:s; KY and Fancy articles generally, In groat variety. The pub lic aro invited to call and examine samples now ready for inspection. 46—Remember, the place to buy books, cheap, is at PIPER'S, Main street. floor 15;4 ATI I Elt.—Fritz & 1I en dry, Store, 211 North ad st. Philadelphia. %moron Manufactui era, Curriers, Importers, Commission and General Loath or business. WHOLESALE AND RETAlL—Manufactory IS Mai hs Olstreet. 4 Scp. 7—ly 1) EMOVA.II:I=-BESSON & SON, 1, beg leave to inform you that they have rerno•- ed FAMILY MOUBNINO Snarl: from No. fit South Second Street, to the now building No. 2.06 ClieFnltt Street, (live doors ahoy° Eighth, - South ,side) where they will offer an increased stock at r lured prices. tru_New Spring Goods daily opening. 1 EA T 11E ! LE AT II Elt ! FRITZ, HENDRY CO. 7k . 0. tti , . North Third Street, Philadelphia, MOROCCO MANUFACTURERS, Curriors and Import ers of FRENCH CALF ShUNS, and bolder% in Rod and Oak Solo Lordlier and Hip. Feb —ly ( 1 M k.JUUS STERN, No. 144, North Third Street, Philadelphia, WholeFale Dealer in Fancy Dress Trimmings and Millinery Goods, and 31anufact.urer of Fa:lol , 4lHk Bonnets, keeps constantly on hand n very extensive assortment. of Links, lillaxut, Laces, Embroideries, Flowers, Bonnet Frames, Gimps, Fringes. besides a great variety of other Fancy Goods. lie solicits a call front Country Merchants visiting the City, and assures them that they will be sure to find any article above mentioned at the lowest prices. ruarchl4-2m V, MILLINERY GOODS-1855- FOit SPRING SALES,' -,-/ JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 45, South Second Street, Philadelphia. Have just opened their Spring Importations of SILKS, BONNET RIBBONS, FIAIVERS, LACES, CRAPES, Ac. &c. Including a general assortment of MILLINERY ARTI CLES, of the most fashionable styles. The above Goods hem been Impeded eqpressly for our Spring sales and comprise the largest, and bast assortment in our lino to be found In the market. marchl4-3m SSUMMER, HATS.—Just received at the Store of ROBERT' DICK, a large assortment or 's, 'Youth's and Children's SUM NINA JUTS, con elating of Panama, Leghorn, French Straw, Canton and other varieties, part of which are colored. and black-- some quito low in prioo. ' . lADIES DRESS GOODS.—Just _j openit,...ril MN() assortment of - Spring and Srunnner bress Goods, e.inststing; et Plain and= Figured paroles, Plain a n d Figured tillit TISSIMF, pant re do Lanes, l'lntn Linvit, Figured Swirs ZstuglitlP, Orglititiki.", ScUtAl'fitiug. Lams, a n d a groat variety of other F oo ds nt ns low pikes as ran be found any where In the town. I ding tith, '(4. GM). W. MITER. 1 4:ftlItie:ttt ,jeilstU4 ijarbwarc,' OLIN Y. LYNE—Wholesale and Be 40 tail dealer in American, English and Herman j HARDWARE, Oils, Paints, Ac.. A. Mechanics, builders and the pUblic generally i ryll i o are in ‘lttuAt to , H i l l uitl n w a . t i u; d e ' . 4,., '''" r e ) , f x.t i t i r7irt l' :); n t ' l ( l ' lti n s l n ' all ‘ V •* ' „-- goods. w k leh i in selling at. very low prices. .lust stop in; it wal. s only &Mitt you a very few minutes to he con N ineed ti what. everybody says l i t ' n ' •g " stork of —that Lytt's is docidettly_tbfit place to get good goods at law prices—must be trio. 1,, NE'S I lard, are H. I'o, West Side North Hanover street. 4.1 A Ftl. -- ,- --- - - ---± 7 ' , . , ' -- - .2 .,...', - , 1! BE Sil .A 11,111 VA 1, ! isr- k --....1_ , VA R V 1` lil:N 1 . ll SANT4 iN. The subs,rther lttp lug tetimord from the eit t l ntmltl " 11 I h' attention ~r his b , ~nd the I n d tie Vollel ;WY t.ll the large :Ind well !Asleet.li /ISSM . t.IIIIIIIt .if I lardWlll , , ili , il he has just recoiled, et nsbting in part of ltPl Litt NI; )/-%- TERIALS. nails, sere,‘ 5, hinges. toils, bolts glass. put ty. paints, oils. &r. Tot )1,5,--ed g e t ,,,,b. : ,,,,,,n and planes e., every description. It it It tiles, rasps, hammers. anvils, A.c. A gencral}assortment of tqloEMAKElitt AND t.tAlt- PLElttt. llt.till,tt. togetber with lithrileeo. 'lido , : and 111111- )m:skulls Atm thread, wn.x. pegs, lasts, liante,s nitnin l ing. saddletrees. Ae. 911131.)11:+47—eatirass enamelled, Pt: 01111 ,, SS(.1.) p: tout and enamelled leather axles. spidiis, hubs. spokes. felines. shalt , . rubihel :11:11:ers will find a large assortment of varn islies. mahogany 4111i1 %valuta vetivers, moulding. rosettes hair cleft. rurlod hair. stael, of Iron is larize and ivoll sideeted, rarnfirls hip' all the Mints in general usr.a• Intininifred and ridivil irnn of all sizes. flit. lenr and hand iren, 1,111111: • , luau and OV:1111,11.1111r41.-Sht, inlllllll4l lids• a itil a 1:11.1f0 int of east and spring steel, English ittal .luu•riesn steel..i.e. Ihdisol:e•Ters and those alp of enioniencipix will tied It in tludr ,IlleantALT .3tir brit, lapia and plated mare pans. Little:, cedar ware. daekots. In addition to the mince wo have I . l`Cel ed n aplondid assortment of \VALI. PAPEII. imMitir the stook com plete. :Ind at midi prl.•es as cannot Mil to Oro sat tint.. We invite all friends to ...di. 1 , 11' ,, 111g it will bet. thrirmn II arl,antiezo. llemendier the Mil stadia. East 111;1i Street. Carlisle, Pa. . . Oct.. 12, 11r.NI:Y SANTOS. 111 . '' 4 11 ABRIV.NL OF 11AI:1)- 1; 4 \C.I it E.—'llnt stulttteril •rt Intvlntz returned front 111 , rite 1... juttt t•ponttti 11 r thtt Fall tt. t nitt t t I:trot : t rill ttel.•t ht.! ...I..c'tt to; forttizn il.titn•slit• Ifttrittv arc. entlota t Ind t•verythilitz u>unlll Ittlind in that tint. or Tto• tit tent trictols:nol t 11,11.1 it• ttet.t.rtilly is rt,totetfull direct ..i1 to ti. Liitt. nn 1.11.11. :ttt tturtizia tin t., that ft', it.. of all kind, ti ill It, fir t• - tsit at t tert 21,1Va111 , un ionnnf,, nri,••••:. titular lho oft! utattll. I.::‘,t Vain tttl.rt•ttt. Auc sit. laki. li. ttt,ANTIIN. Alt 1 ) \V .\ 7? ~„t t I, \ s ,rth4 lLurt . er ht•re tLr 1.111,11,• aro with rt,•rc I k. nil. at the 10 1 / 4 x PILO ES. Cali ill, WO 11101.111te It OW /11111.0. B 1 ei)icincs III.: I 01 .13( ) I,li' S l; EN I l'lt E -I'.l,ltAlli)N.S.--11E1.111101.1).6 11111111,V CON r..:N t RATE') 0.1)11'01 . 7.C1) F1,1:11) EXTI: ACI . 111 . 1111:. For (ikons,. of the Bladder and i, h *, , io.ret I)lsea%os. Strieturos, eril(o.4ses. and 011 ,li.o.asen Of tho Sox 001 u., whetlior iu )101e or Female. from u Itatovot os.lo4ot hey urny 110 Veor iginotell . ,3l,tl uu mutter IiOW nee:. standing. 11 you leave .a.ntraet...l the to rrihle disease (MeV Net'tell in the S Stele, will surely doom from ~ u .• genernitien to +mother, undermining the eonstitutien and Nlpping the ory vital fluids of fife, in net trust ywor s elt hi the hands of Qtlaeks. who start tip every day in a city Ilise this, and till the papers with glaring fals, hoods, tent well calculated to deeelve the young, and those not aequainted a ith their tricks. 1".11 cannot be too'careful in the seleetinn of a remedy in these eases. The Fllll4 traet Ituchu has been primouneed by eminent physicians the greatest remedy ever known.— it is a misfivitio perfectly phasar.t ill its taste, and very Innocent in its voles, and yet se thorough that it anni hilates every particle of the r u ck and poisonous virus of this dreadful lilSeal , l3; alld, Unlike other remedies, dews not dry up the disease in the Wood. Constitutional Debility, brought on by selfahuse, most terrible disease, which has brought thousands of the human race to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting In the bud the glorious ambition of ninny a noble youth, can be cured by this Infallible Remedy. And as a medicine which must benefit everybody, from the simply delicate, to the confined and despairing invalid• no equal is to betfound acting both as a Cure end preventive. II ELM BOLTrS lIIMILY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SAIR:;APARILLA, Fur PUrifying the Blood, removing all diSCILSPS arising from excess of Mercury, exposure and imprudence In life, chronic constitutional disease, arising from no impure state uf the Blood, and the only rellnble and effectual known remedy for the cum of Scrofula, Fait Rheum. Scald !lead, Uleerntions of the Throat and Les. Palos and Swellings of the Bones, Totter, Pimples on the Fare, and all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. This article is now prescribed by some of the most tli•tinguislied physicians 11l the country,andi has proved turr etheient lu prietice than any preparation f.r t^:irSll parilla yet otl , red to the public. Several cast's nY cecon dary Sy philk, Mercurial and Scrofulous diseat.es have entirely recovered in the lueund ail wards of our Public Institutions it Mai had for ninny years resisted every nude of treatment that could be devised. Therm cases furnish striking examples of the salutary effects of this medicines in arresting EIIIIIII3 of the toast inveterate diseases, after tam glands were destroyld, and the buttes already affected. NOTlCE.—Lctters from responsible Physicians and Pro fessors of seam) Medical Colleges. and certificates of (ares frnin patients will bo found accompanying both Proinnutions. Paters, Fluid Ilxtraet of Iluehn, $1 per bottle, or 6 for $5. " Sarsaparilla, equal In strength to one gallou or Syruy of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and Fold by it. T. it Ebstot,D, Chemist, 263 Chestnut Street, near the Girtni. House, Philadelphia. To bo lord of Druggists and Deniers everywhere. All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive immediate attention July 25, '55 r i 0. 0 T II WASll.—Beautiful 'W hit Teeth healthy (Rns slid it Sweet Breath—All wh aco desirous of obtaining these benefits should use ZNit- Ai AN'S CELEBRATED, TOOTH WASH. This delicious article combines so many meritorious qualities that it has now become a standard-favorite with the citizens o. Now York. Philadelphia and Baltimore. Dentists prz..- scribe it in their practice most successfully, And front every source the most flattering laudations are awarded' _ .. . and Inflained n bleeding gumS are immediately benefit. tcd by its use; its action upon them is mild, soothing and efTeetlyo. It cleanses the tooth so thoroughly, that they are made to rival pearl In whiteness, and diffuses through the mouth such a delightful freshnom that the breath is rendered exquisitely sweet. It disinfects those Impurities which tend to produce domy, and. as a con sequence, when those are removed the tooth must al ways remain sound. Read the following from Dr. J. A. Carman; Mr F. 7.orman—Sir: Having used and recommended your Tooth Nash in my practice for some time, X find it the meet effectual Dentrltlce iri use t and therefore recom mend It to the public. Dr. J. A. CARMAN, Dentist, Ilarrisburg, Dead the following testimony: Mn. ZERMAN-:-Deor Sir: I have fully tested the merits of your valuable Tooth Wash, anti can, without hesita tion, recommend it as the best that has come unclormy . notice during an experience as Dentist of more than Six teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and hardens irritated Gums, and imports a delicious fragrance to the Breath. From the mouths of those who mako.use of it, however, it will certainly speak for itself. • Ccxo. I. Sontvitv, Surgeon Dentist, 279, South Tenth st., Philadelphia. It is used and recommended by all the eminent Dent ists in NOW Teri:, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other cities where it has been introduced. All should give it a trial. If) Prepared only by Francis Zeman, Drnggist and Chemist, Philll.l6lphi/4., and sold wholus3lii itnt retail by :irnuel Elliott, Dorshohner, Mechiiniohntr, J. Herron, Neyvville, J. O. iihippenshurg, And by all Ilyngitists at only 25 cents poc bottle, SEV^AII kinds,of Printing done cheap Riebichies, A T 0S T IMPORTANT TO T 11 1 ,74 Gelssner's celebrated MENteram, Pii.ts have been long and AVIIIO/y known as invariably Certain In removing any stoppage, Irregularity, or sup pression of the 111011S011, In the Female Hospitals In Vienna, rads, and they Late entirely superseded the use of all other renm dies: beet toe. where a tuna , is attainable by medieinal agencies, they are certain of Success. Their astonishing 0111e111•V 11011111 bu 11111104 incredible. If not vouched air by indubitable testimony, lu numerous instances pro during ref turns of the 1111.,1111dy purled alter all l o pe had leen abandoned. , in cry case, front whatever cause the obstruction roar arise. as also to in drat pregnancy where rite health trill tot :11111111 of Met-ease always tifileient: Ni11111111`11!..11 1111`y 11111 St 111 t 1.11 111,11 1111filtr. 111,•11:11e y. though ninny mild, healthy, still, and certain in their effects. )1: - rival:Idles will find particular instructions In the direrticns, In %Odin MT sailed lu Nlirb , us roptoms by which the causes iir the sttpprr:•;ion may be ,ktenaim.d. Priet!, One Dollar . - per Ilia, continuing explicit direc tions. Each box will be shrtivdtly Ur. C. G, GEISSXEII. l'rilicipa . l Unice, P 2.714 Liberty St reel, New• York City. Responsibly to,tents will be ,Ippolided for their Fab. as 0... n as practivably. 111 Ihe 111e011 that , . all orders 11111 to be addressed 101 Dr. R. li. 111:155NE11.1 • 27 , 4 Literly treat, .Now-York Pity. or t.) box '2456 N. Y. lq..st Ilfli o, and n box w 11l 14. seal by return Joan, as they are put up in sealed ~ 1 1 elA , ritt'S. :11111 1 . 1111 1 , 1. ',at IN Rh the sttletest pri vacy to any part Id' the United States. CAUTION TO LA As 1 . :11.1 , ms nut ' , lily . ineffective Lot injurinits entn poundy hitt to Is under all I,llillS ~ r ',:uses ns "II :4)S PILLS." “SII.VEII ••( iC41.1)1.N PILLS," b• PITIIIDICA I. A. are at tempted to lie !mim e d If upon the ereittil.lig unwary, it is tinki iteeessary for ladles to It in I heir ;nm' tipintt the at tior.titea intpesillnn, anti in all eases where there is no anthorizeil :, vent for the sale of ••Dtt. 1 to °tater divert from hlm liy ulail, by re -1.11111 of which a box - trill be Sent. .I,llv tt:i. 111. J. li. 1‘1Alt(111til'S BRATED CATIII‘I,Icos, cult THE E1:1.1E1 CCI:E OF sUFFEEINci FEN1.112..5. It for its rorativii power, In nil the it which it is re,,m railed FE- M LE coNirhAtyrs. of 1'r0.t.,1,•:,iF Uteri. or Falling of the Wlqah: Fluor Aihtis. or Whites: rim.hie thtutiliathin awl I lecrathoi of the kt otnh: I n.hleeital or Fli.iiitiroz Suppr , ,sed. Irrool:tr ylrn struation. ,te., with all their oils, I lifer iiii matter how se lot. Ii sv 11.11' Si:MI.111:g. This hits Sr been introduced by empty puffs, and misrepresent iti' its, nor is it iutendeu that it., present phpularity shall Lc sustained by ahy medium but its merits aid the appru 1. :di. in of the 'midi,' NoTirE Tilt: usvoicruNATE rEmAI.E. I feel it a duty ineumbent upon myself to ileeinre publicly the great blc>.l n Ili. Xlarchisi's Uterine Ca tholicon has proved to me. For Ow xi are my health wits mbo•rable ; I wee nlnmst unable to wall:. Ph) si clans rrolwimeed thy vaso Cdlinu it the womb. exten sive ulcerations, eldlallelleing with fluor [dims. The irritat ion. Frestration. rendered lifee burden. In this miserable eau tiltiun, Dr. F. P. Newland reran mended lir. Marchisi's Uterine Catholicon. After tak ing four bottles I find myself In perfect health. Grati tmle for toy restoration makes me ardently- desire that all my sex, alike tint. ulnae. may find sure relief fruni this inestimable medicine. ELizABETH A. NLIVLAND, No. 111 West-et., Utica, N. Y. The above Intel - m.lli 1 know to be true. . i k F. I'. NEWLAND, M. 1).. Iltra, N. Y. I have no he. ltation In saying, Br. Marehisrs Uterine Cat helicon Is Invaluable in uterine diseases generally I have used it in Fluor &Pu:. Amettorrlnea, Pmlnpsus Uteri, and In cases of extensive ulceration of the vagina nd os uteri. it Is worthy of the notice of the Faculty. JOHN C. ORRICK, M. I)., Baltimore, Md. Let all interested call and obtain a pamphlet (free) containing ample proof, from the most respectable sources, of the beneficial results of its use; togethe r , with letters from highly experienced PhySicians. wit have used it in their practice, and speak from their own observations. tr.o-13. J. liirrrtn, Druggist., South. Hanover street, solo Agent for Carlisle, i'a. J. B. MABCILISI & CO., Proprietors, Central Depot, 364 Broadway, N. Y. January 24,1855-6 m ci,ARTER'S .SPANISII MIXTURE. 'L./ THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD.—Not a particle of Mercury In it. An infallible remedy for crofula, King's Ey Rheumatism, Obstinate Cut/111°0118 Eruptions, Pimples or Pustultsa on tho Paco, Diotches, Boils, l'hionic Soria Eyes, Ring Wotui or 'fetter, Seald Mend, Enlargement and Pain of the ]pones and Joints, Stuisirn inns. Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, spinal Complaints and nil diseaxes arising from an Injudicloun use of Niercury, Imprudence In Llfo, y or impurity of the Blond. go)..Thls great alterative medicine and Purifier of the Blood, is now used by thous:wilds of grateful patients In all parts of the United States. *he testifl, daily to the remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all MlNH clues, "CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE." Neundgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, J.:No/them on the Skin Liverins ease, Fevers. Ulcers, Old Soros, Affections of thei kidneys Diseases of the Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and Arliing of the Bones and Joints, aro very speedily put to flight by using tills great and Inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the blood, nothing, has yet been found to compare to it. ft dentists the system of an On. purities, acts gently and efficiently ott the Liver and Kid neys, strengthens the digestion, gives tone to the Stom ach, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution, enfeebled by disease or broken down by the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladles It Is ittremparably batter than all the cosmetics ever used. A few doses of CAUSIR'B SPA :115U Mirrour will remove all sallowness of complexion, bring the roses mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and improve the general health in a remarkable de give beyond all the medicines ever heardnf. The large number of certificates which we have receiv ed from from persons from all parts of the United States, is the best evidence that there is no Humbug about it. The press, hotel-keepers, rnagistmtea, physicians, and public woo, well known to the community, all add their testimony to the wonderful effects of this Y PURIFIER. QtII on the Atmr, and get a Circular and Almanac, and read the wonderful cures this truly greatest clan Medicines has performed. Fen° genuine unless signed BENNETT & DEEMS, Pro prietors, No. 3, Pearl street, Itichtuond, Va. to 'whore all orders for supplies and agent:lee must be addremod, And for mie by S. S. 9, Ilaverstlek, Otrlisle; Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; J. U. Herron, Nee/vine; J. C. Shippeusburg, and by dealers in met:Urines every. where. • 13 - , 11111 A. Surgeons' Bandage , INSTITIITN RI:MOVED to N. 4.. nth i met, sfiztli store atn.in Market. D. C. 'EVERETT'S Putout Graduating Pressure TRUSS, fc,r the cure of Rupture; Shoulder Ibluers Supporters, r.lastic St.,.rkings, busponsaiy, Ileruerrhultlal, and liankhges Id defdrinit lex. ' Jan. 11-Iy. OUS. 1)E BE(kBS.----Just received L miiither lot or Cheap Du Logf.P4, Delaiheß and rox nuf lit Cloths. [uovlo, Q. W. lIILNER. iticbicilles. f I V ER COMPLAINT, Dyspepsit j Jaundice, Chronic of Nerveus' debility., hieSe tau gidneys, and all 'diseases arising from a disorders Liver or Stomach. such as ConStipatlon, inward plus fulness of blood to the head, acidity of the stonta‘ nausea, heartburn, disgust for Ikud, fulness or Iveleht i. She stomach, sour eructations, sinking or fiuttering 'the pit 01' the.,atcandch, swimming of the head, barrio and difficult , breathing, fluttering at the heart. chok n or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, oln nos of V101(111, dots or Webs before the night, fever um dull pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration. )01 lom ne ,, of the skin and oyes, paib iu the side, kick. chose Al., sudden Hushes of heat, Lurnit.tf In the test eonstant Imaginings of evil, and great depression of Its. can he effectually. 1•11rOd by , Pa. 11001 ItitATED GERMAN iu TT 1, its, prepared Ly Dr.. JA008111.5, No. P.O Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the aLove diseases Is 11 , 4 Pa for ed, tialled, by any other preparation in the I nited Ft: rnr as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful pi YR:' 01:1115 End fulled. ' These bitters aro worthy the attention of l'iii:sesslng great vii tut , in the rei ttheatiou of , of the Liver and lesser glands. exefciAnn the •earebing powers In weaktnws and affections of the d gestivo (Irgaus, they are withal's:lle, certain and plies ant. TESTIMONY 1110111 PENNSYLVANIA. .7. D. Spring. LaciiyAille. Pa., April P, 1554. gnvs. can get you some waif', certificate), iirr your Germ a n hit ters In this vicinity if you wish them A lady punka, ing sonic of it this week, says that it Is Ly flu the Le).t medicine she over knew, having done her and her daughter 11111(.11 good. Ay. S. 1.. Laws,,n, Doitnrd'rc Story, Scatterset co, Pa.. au;;. 15, Isf.3, nnt much zittitelicil to your lieriatui .13ittpv. hiai lug us..l two isittlrF of it. whi,), I !worm. froth S. Kurtz. your %gyp:. at :. ,, inorset, anti f o und gr,..nt rtlior from It in .lisi•aQo find it he zrelit elk( tnnmylungs. strengthening arc] in vigorat it g . there, 11 hitch, ne I UM ft pith u e Slruli:Pr, is a great help to Pr. Giles. Newton Ilansiltort. Pn.. May. 1951. said: ‘• har t s used myself . hair n dnr.ru .1-t ties of s our tiortnau hit tes e fi r Lis er Complaint and Instals, of a tiers! Chitriet. • i% 11 t Itin;;fr,lll the 11l use Of nitiletlT.V. 1 WI 11/I"* . teit Ns WI Sr.ISIII 4 rpan the use Of t it latter article. The liermair ilitters Is the first nrtirl lawn whip h I obtained any relief. I base also given ti tide lit many plies • o sth the JUL st ;solitary is ~t ilt.:. I think as tunny mot, bottles sill ewe me. - .1. r. V; sing, Esq., et Dauphin. Pa., 51 rites :Slav 5. 1 5 . "1 suits tdtlirtell M ;tit General Detillity. I uess and eliStiVelleSs. li,r 1011 , 11 I Used many dilferer remedies Ns ithout relief. I ;it, List used your Ikon:sof iermasollitters. I took rs few bottles , aceording to d reet ions. anti was eonlitletely cured. I lease oot ',I'll! Ihy for toi, y ears AS I 1111 Vii Isom since 1 tot k you Bitters, will, it is at , I,t one year ago. - These Bitters are t.s7lttl:l; rEiil.lAlll./".. 8151 nys sttcegl eutiiC the t.• stem and never priiStrittitlV: it. dt'aiet , ill 111 , 41 it Fi4rvi , vvpors r•vc, v 1 rr . and 1 , y . :^: 111111 0 1 I air tt. S. IV. Ha, -and I IV. )ii Snvdor A: Mehl. N4.1 , 1.ur r z. and l'y in 3ledo int 2enorally. Nov. 2'2. 110 )(7011 YOUR Y t‘ELE—PIi VATELY cents. by means of the 14 ICI :ESCULA S, 1,1" Elet thle 1119 ()W\' The thirty-sixth Edition, o it one hundred engravingS. sto•% ing Privativinseases and Ma formations ,f the Cenernti r System, in every shape ao form: to uhich Is added 'fre:ttLo on the Di,eases of P malt's, intended ior the use females only, (Nef, Vigo tag of the hiAcsl impertan to married people, or those co II M. YUUNO, M. h., mina of the Uncversity of Pennsylvania, Meintor ui the Ito al College of Surgeons. London, and Honorary Mena:. ~f the Philadelphia Medical society. The various turn of Secret diseases, C , etainal IVeakness, Diseases of tt Prostrate Gland, Impotency,selitary habits of youth,ai faithfully described, and all the receipts Oven in Om language. The chapters oh self abuse and I,:clutn i Weak flees is worthy. of particular attention, and ghoul be read by every one. Young men - whu have been ui fortunate In centnicting disease, previous to ,vourselves under the care ot any doctor, uo matter winhis his pretensions May be, get a copy of this truly valuat, work. Sea Captains and persons going to sort should posse Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, tho Pocket &sculls' us, or Every ono His Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of ti zEsculaplus to his child. /t way save him (nun an ear. grave. Let no young Than or woman enter into the .1 crut obligations of married life without reading the pee et Ssculapius. Lot po one suffering from abtuknie cough, pain In the shit?, restless nights, nervous feelin and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and girt up by their physician, be another moment without co suiting the aisculaplus. Have the married or the about to be married any impediment, road this tru useful /look, as It has been the means of saving tho 3.tuds of unibrtunato creatures from the very jaws death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of thLscelebrat. work has been sold in this country and Europe shire 1 3S, when the first edition was issued. gh- Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents e closed in a letter, will re,eive ono copy of this book I mall; or floe copies will be sent for $l. Address I WILLIAM YOUISG, No. 15:,!, Sprueustrtvt, Philadelphi IVA paid. Twenty years practice in the city of Phil.tdelphia ee r taluly entitles Dr. Young to the confidence of the vt dcted, and he may be consulted on any of the aillittaSt3 described in lAA diirerellt IlllidiellthffiN, at his ulilee. If,: Spruce street, every day betw•eeu 9 and So'clock, Sun days exceptedjand persons at any distance can consult Dr. Young by letter, POST 0 AFE—SPEI3I)Y—SUit.E!—S o m e• THING FOR. YOUR OWN DEA LEITII I A Medi Cluj adapted to general use, greatly superior to other, it'd within the means of every individual. 100 PILLS for twouty-llt•a Milts! No extortion to price—no adOLIICI-410 uiluotxal pOl6Oll whatever. DLL TOWNSENIA HEAL:I:II PILLS fully merit thegreat reputation they il:Cl4l:ll , lUiretl. They are allied for Iron: all pats of the hind, because TILZT ARA JILL THAT UM CLALII ro HE. IVIIAT TIIEY WILL DO—They purify the hlood,they dense tho System of Ilutmrs, they cur() Dyspepsia ana lud haistion, Choy erento an Appetite, they <lnv ileh if oadarffie, Lf sainess and Low Vpirlts, they arrest . they promote a healthy action of the Liver, they ar , a sure cure r (Asitivo nose and Ilablttuti Conatipttior. they art highly efficacious in Female (7r.onplaluts„ they strengthen and give tllll9 t 91119 System. They are best Faintly 31,01,111.13 known, It is au Obvious inquiry, how one medicine ran CUM Iv molly diffeteut complaints. These Fills, however, art eumpoundedlif eitrativo matulials thatlmmune have or • ly to TRY TiIR:11 and the answer will bo found in a rv , stored body and an invigorated constitution. Each Box contains 100 Pills. at the astonishingly Too price of Z 5 emits Every Individual should have them , For tale by the Drurt•ists and Storekeepers vpmorally F. A. PALMER, gelsora Agent, Ftonington, Ct. AMIRACLE,' OF SCIENCE.-Dr. Q L. !idling, of ,Ifectetnicsburg, Cumberland county; Pa., announces to thoit3 afflicted with Tutersta iVens. Cancers, Potypus, Lupus, ?doles or Marks, Sex di ula- King's Mill and all diseases that have been uattally treated with Caustic or linifthhe can remove them with out cutting, burning or pain; neither Chlorotorm 011 Ether is administered to the patient. It Is no rutty on what Fart of the body they may bo, ho can remove them with perfect safety, and. In a remarkably short time. No Mineral of Vegetable polson is ttpplied, and nt money mulled until a cure is perfected. Prdapsus Uteri, Female Complaints, Chronic, Vine real and all other diseases treated with positive atteceew Full particultue can ho obtained I . tysuldnewing in either English or German, pest paid. Patients can be amain modeted with Board on reasonable terms. Merhanksburg Is one Cf the prettiest and healthy twos to this or any abet elate. It is 8 miles Aron, IfarrlKburn. on the thindausand 'Way Rail Read, mad accessible from all puts of the Union. The Doctor will visit cams hi any part of the State when desired. ila.Rinti reader if ynu know any afflicted ftllntr ere* tare, delay not to tell them of this treatment.. 'VALL PAPER.—just received a splendid stock or Paper Ilanglnws, Window Similfri and Firebnaril Prints, embracing all the newest and ia'Xit approved stylcs, The designs aro neat and rhtiste, and the prices such as cnnuot fill to give mtle. faction, We Invite our Mends soul the public general ly to call and examine our assortment heibro purchasing elsewhere. 11. FA XTON, rorett2/ t East Main Street. Carlisle M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers