Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 01, 1855, Image 6

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- "y I
St# 24 , s ' )V,
/ . 5' 4 4: 1 7e,j ' f1pr,. 3 c ,:;6 1
• 4 :' cc”,
Econ. - 11de Cultivation
\Ve have repeatedly seated OUVVIT
the intent or writing upon the best mode
of cultivating various crops, and almost
as often hate W had our actual . attention
turned to and written upon some other
topic. The reason is this : No one, ex
cept the favored few who have all the
means at command needful in carrying
out their plans of faria , ? perationa : can do
half as well as they 1:n o‘Vrlfo'W"'llO
Labor is dear, at least when mensored by
their nu - sins. and they cannot, ;Ilford to
hir it Toll a el.lll ttlat a pu:•se of g old
is 0:11: an itu.:ll• beyond his utmost re , o•h,
and v.di dd u n nu good but to excite
feelloc;s-whi , •ll ‘vithin his reach, be
cause ;Loy ;sty c,Ltiparcit with
what ho is rcaliv \ions kit uoaldo to
do. Poverty is a icfrillie hurdoo. and no
wh is it fo!t. 111 , ,rt to di 0'111_,:1,2'
cn( t'; r ii r
Wo:1 1, 1 I. Pq
to t ,}1••;c !..:o.r• • hd
( h:olii I
lii 1,',;~~I1,11, ;-
and pl.i\v !I t.c1,1 li
the entire if ti,ed na. t f,J,cr
tf,o,e iiv it it It. tr ‘.-
ftil to the soil, and ;It Ict.. t ii III011;sy
will 17 , 6 wasted on then].
say to such farmers, in the seccaid
place, you can do more than than you
have done in the
,preparation of yaimus
compost:3. There ore very few farmers
who) eamint,dotible and treble the o i nanti•
ty :to , ' value of tho:-e , neee. , sary means o f
restoring- vigor to w,;rn-uui. and I , n !Tell
soil.;. fly dimi: ishin , the extent of sur
face under cultivation, and by i.roper in
dustry in preparing composts, thei o is
scarcely a farm in the country that can
not be made, produce its sixty, and seven
ty, and eighty bushels of corn to the acre.
And even though one acre only is
brought up to this desirable condition, a
saris,; of years will mince to bring the
whu'e farm to a 141 state of cultivation.
If only sina!l fields ale made thus produc
tive, the hopes and courage of the fa rner
will be thereby excited, and he will stand
manfully among men, and tell of his suc
cess as well as they.
We would not advise fanners of limi . -
ted means to buy guano nor phosphates
at anything tike their present prices.—
Pay your poorer neighbor his six or eight
shillings a day (if you eanhot exchange
work with him )to help you to vollect
leaves front the forest, mud from the
meadow, carting the latter only after it is
tolerably dry, peat or marl front the bog;
ud if you call buy barn-yard manures,
mix them with turfs, sods, roma, weeds,
dirty straw spoilt hay, chips that are unfit,
to burn; and if we are conveniently sit
uated for it, get sea-weeds from the sea'
shore, Oyster- shells, old bones, horns, St.e.
Dead animals a7e of great value. The
offal! from a slaughter house, worthless
scraps of hides, bones, etc. slic,uld be used
only with large quandties of common
soil or of sonic other solvent. Not one in
a hundred turns to the best account the
contents of priv es, hog-pens, soapsuds,
and ()tier le.
us for will von
you ,At' ,everel,, ne:.: tin,;
these mr.des of improving trnnr :zlnths ':' It
may lie Only such 'neglect that kt eps yen
ill piverty ; and though you enter upon
the work with i.vany painful doubts in re
lation to . e , result, we will assure you
againstloss from any such operations, if
conducted with tolerable discretion.
'No* is the time to commence this sys
tam: of operation for the next year. On
,every leisure day, let the time be ()emu
.pied in these preparatory labors. Every
hour thus. spent is worth something, and
will tend to fill your purse at the time of
'Almost all farmers sadly neglect their
barn-yard manures. Were these proper
ly oared for, their value, as a whole,
would be more thou doubled,
Having thus suggested the means by
which manures may be provided, the next
inquiry is, how aru r t where shall they be
used ? Perhaps we are unable to give
the information that many would desire.
Perhaps you have an • enclosure that
for many years produced large crops, and
you just look on and watch your op
portuoity to take from it the 3nost you
could get, returning nothing to it. It
may bo that it is so situated that it is al
most able to take care of ifielf, like much
of the interval on the Connecticut, which
is annually enriched by being overflowed.
If this is so, we should labor to hasten
this' process 'of improvement, and should
Jo all in our power to . get this soil back
to the condition of a fertile field. Whe - n
this is to take the next prom:
lot, leaving the more desperate cases
to the last. When you plough your
;I:lyed•gronnds, till in without stint a san
dy eompost. This uct - d not bo a costly
job, but generally is practicable for th.•
prore.- , t farmer. if you have a bon , y
meadow, a illormprh , will 1, a
part the pro", , ;, tio,•es...3ary to re
it, while the material thus thrown ~ut
cx . a,ql'; what some other soil mica needs.
Componsations are not found onl . ; in the
.structures of animals, hut they ~eur in
almost every farm the world over .
I,,um n(1:1 n
0. -- :ukatior.
11\ F E 1 , s E I-
N.\ 1,4• I las I Instil. Int i inn i.lll till tine first
di din: 410 )1:11,11. •.1 3 110, .Itl.l nnu wedi msbuilding
in. I innit 11111:0. dirvrtion and
.•i• Kenn,' .-nonnuel Tlnninnu•iinn.
li•niatn i• 1 n• ;:nil retired.—
t i• t 'if lie l'n u n, .pal limit the ~111'SI! Ilf its
.1111.1.1 in I.e t minder:li
Tinii iiii•t ienneeni teach , ilt unnipinn.)ii.l.
in nil be i/I 1 • /:12, 4, • .1• . 4 . 1 1 r./1 1 / 1 4 1... Lim dirt...0..11.0
the I'loo :}..ti. 'n :tore 6.1 he Hire.?
:4.11i , r.
1 , .q. 1.,,,,1. ~,,t,i1,4. 1.; ,, i awl 1,,.;1it, per ~,,siwi
~1 I 1n..,1,.. $lO (It
hill;., ~, -,,,,, ~ 0,,,..„ i,, , , ,„,:i.,,,, ~. ~,.,
it 0,,
~ ••
1., ,•,, ~ 4 ,
• II I .. , ••I u ”f Instnim,ut. 1
.1. I , l'.
I rt,ii.,ll,
0, — .)( ) 1, A('.\l)l:)iy.
• srvil n 111`11111111 1 11 ,1:1
11.'1 I' . :II I\ I) in 1 1 nl. It 1, 1, , 1 .1 al :-1/..11,
•. 1: I Ile- Mi,lll,L I 111,1 ,tatitql 1.11
,1: : Ir , w which place thrm I,
LILY !VS. I :l2l:l,:Sitilatt•ti in Ilse emintry it is
1,11111, ea All 311111 I,lllplat.l,ltis LOWII,
[lie htiii•iw.s are lar:e, airy and emilln , . , linua. capable o f
ino 'll,se who cannel.
ae, ,, in...l.ALtal in the institution can ebtain good
warding in t lie tetigliktrhood at $1 50 per week.
Txt:ms.—,3,o per eesalmi of five months payable gnar
ly hi ad% ance . Washing SO eta per dor.; light and tool
extra. For further particulars address.
W. 11. 11'000S; Principal.
principAls address will be Easton Pa. until the
Ist ttf .Ipril :titer which time 1 4 hatIc lisp. Ilunti»gdon
Pa. Mareh bah.
WiliTE :11,14 ACA 1.) , three
svt , t Th,. ninth
.if this t. l .ular anti nourishing institution will coin
Inellee on Monday'. the ith ttl' May next, under lite
most Etym.:llde auspices. During the present year such
improvements and additions have been made as its In
creasing patronage demanded. The Principal will be as.
-tisted by a full corps of competent and experienced
teachers, and special attention will be paid to the health
voinfort of the Students.
Boarding, tWashing and Tuition In the English Branch
es, and N'oral Nitwit:. per Sens{ in. (5 months) $:1000
Instruction in Latin and Greek. each, - t.
o If'
French and liernutti • • Gun
The attenthei ..f parents and glimallans IN oArnestly
,to-it,d tf. this I ustitUthM. l'ireillars will he furnished
ml ally Inform:ad m be given, On app:lcation, either
',ors Mal or by letter to
D. DEN LINO Eli, Principal,
Nlar.•l4, Ilarrlslairg, Pa.
KM V, near Carlisle. Pa. The frith Sessivn e ill com-
Merle.) 911 To ESDAY, May Ist, 1855. Number of Stu
dents limited,and constant efforts used for their moral
and intellectual improvement. Terms, $65 per stISS/011.
Circulars with references and full information furnish
eel, by lt. K. BURNS,
Principal and Proprietor,
April 1811855. Plainfield. Cumberland co. Pa
CN 0 1‘1 1•4 \ 1 11 .11 .11. 1 T 1 1 N e ll l i lt j E k S4II F U T. If A l" T j .T 1 1 4 M 11 0 1 11. 6 1. : ,
This Institution presents superior facilities to young
men desirous of obtaining a practical business educe-
The course of study embraces Double Entry Book-
Nocping, as practically applied to the management of
Mercantile, Bank, Manufacturing and Steamboat nooks
~..-.llusiness Penmanship and Mercantile Computatbms
—familiar Lectures on Commercial Law—upon the sub
ject of Bills of Exchange, ,Promissory Notes, Contracts,
Partnerships, &c., &c.
The exercises are strictly practical, being deducted
from actual business transactions, and so completely
combine practice with theory that students, on comple
tion of the course. are In every respect competent to
c.uulact,ou scientific principles, any set of Double Entry
Books. The students have access to ml Commercial Li
brary procured e:•lpressly for their a-co:inundation.
Usual length of time to complete the whole course,
from S to I() weeks.
particulars write and receive a circular by mail
II (1N 11ER (/1..1'11E A( ;
F. r cur , of rutLrhoum. 0,11)1n,,),
r Le.) II .i..t.lturu~ , r
rho ~t
;.s , • Lips. Pimpl., on the a.. 1
• nit and : . 'or”.; on Children, and all disc:Asps ..r 11,..
This ointment o til care the Saltrheum 'not Hunts, or
Chapped bands. quicker and snret than any other meth
vines of the It Ind berme t h e public.
'Po substantiate the above, I can give hundreds of eon
tlficates, but I consider it no use, as (any person can do
the same, if they have friends, for even a worthless :tr.
tide) I rely solely on the merits of thoOlntment fur the
public patronage.
N. 11.—A single box of this Ointrtec:t will keep soy
Blitekunitles, Farmer's, Sailor's, or l le .hanie'shands,let
them chap or crack ever so bad, sou .1( end in good work.
leg order all winter. Prepared and sold by
Al0:11101: Tkantim,
.lau s ratuck, Conn.
Sold also by the principal Druggcsts,tmd Country Mar.
chants. Price g 5 cents per box.
Nor. 10, 185aily
—A full supply of the above celebrated Churn, now
en hand of all the different sizes, from 4 gallons to MI.
It received the first premium at the Into Pennsylvania
Slate Fair, thu first premium at the Franklin Institute
and Delaware and Maryland Stato Fairs, and Tartans
ethers at different places. It will make more and better
butter from a given amount of cream, and in less time
than any churn In the markot. For sale wholesale and
retail by - PASCHALL MORRIS & CO.,
Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, eorner.of 7th
and Market, Philadelphia. Dec. 0, 1854—ti
1. best make'conatautly . on hand and for sato at the
Carllslo Foundry and Maclatno Shop.
DAILY PAPERS !=After the Ist of
of July thu Daily Papers will bo doliverod by Um
Carrier to those who desire them, at the rate of 31 cents
per Dionth, payable In advaueo Or on (Watery. A strict
compliance is desired, A. Di. Agt.
51114 . ' 1.- i -li i (A)
S. B. KT EWER Office in North
I_,PitaimyST street t doors front Weise Camphcll's
SLW. 011ie° hours, more particularly frent 7 toil o'clock,
A. il.. nod from 5 . , ti, 7 o'clock. P. M.
it Il f•ceil tly 'role l.anca,ter city, offors his Profession
s sirs ices to the cititens of Carlisle and ri, inity in all
. s t•a•i•n , iwanches. (hike :not ss-idol !ce in the 11005.5 ,
, rsso rly oor nited n. s , oner's e Hi re. North
tlnn„ter nII,I, hr Vial I I. 1,11 , 1111 VII nt Hll hoary
H 111 , 11 11.4 IS 011 ) !H,HHI. C H IIS in the rnuul r)'
prompt 1 . 1 :1;1,1 1,1 t, . fst - i bari,es
T C I:. 131,1' 11.',V1.' 11 A 1„ 111 )-
1 r AITAPAT 1 I 1"11 . 5•Iit'1.1 Ittr,r o 5 , 55 ,t
on w Loather t /VHIIIIIII Po.
Is. Dr. I.linnenthel rospoel!ltilly t hers. hiss'
rrnr7.ei 5..0 5,5 t o s to the cithanss of I artiste :Ind
ttzr- fr , i`t lahorlint ender ehronir
diseases mat sons It lw letter. otllce hours, front 7 to
A. M.. loot 2 to .1 I'
T tee is hereby Ltiven
that 1 Inc,. this
day. associated with me hi the
practi!, , 111 0.1% to. )1. Penrose and Thi.s,
I adi, fht ure'w ill be attended
toby the st‘ ,co under Ale firth 7;f I'l.sshosr.. •
Feb. 1“la 1516. \. `•l. 11:D1/1,1:, At'ly nt Law.
if - 1
P. iltj.\1111( 1 11, Attorney at I.IIW.
ilvet,m's Row. All bumness entrind
ea to nim promptly attended to.
a r t. t , 0
hill] wwiii in" li6.liipt.ty at
tended 7. 5.
k. •
N. 1.; ,RE EN, A thin) e h
yat .w, has
..,Z ,,tti,..1 in m(...hmii,•5i,,,,,. I'n . Ike prao i, .• Of Ili! ,
WI i• -,1 , 11. ‘ll ki,,,;, 4 Looml \ ritin , z, I tdloction,
1%4111'1 busin,,,, Av.. prlmptly at it.11,1.•i1t, , .:1•.,• mkpo
,i(.• ~r. 1,..n..n. 10,itil.two. zq'll \ I.\ I \; in :tll it4,lllle
rent branch, prt , ulpth attcntleti C.
(1 B. (111.1.: Atti,ra c v a t Law, will at
ttrall rat raptly t !trait •-• rattrra-t itVt. Iran.-
t r d . tt m tlit• n , .iu f rtrarly t tlittotl It) N 1 Wain 11111,,
pill '2l/.
(;1•;(). NI.;11:It'll
- th.. t... ....I
I,lllill, 11.• will
I. 0•
k iliNt•rt d iii 1,1. :15
1 10111 it, 01 lit I.Pl11.•
d.s, 11l v. , ” t t 1'311t4.• t .1-
t 111,1t,r, ‘' .111.111111 i, 1151,1 in
lit.• Urinal art - i TI.: - .ll.titp . 1,“.111 :it the re N iclew,
lit. S.iiiittcl •1t,11.•,t. High ,•tft et.
G EoRGE Z. BRET Z , 1).
, r .f.,...--
.a ..- , ..t. , (i. 1 , D. S. I) i:\l I:q.—lienivectt ully
altri v.t i t;. senders his professional son Ices to the
I. pull h•. Artificial tt tAli inserted, front
a singtie tooth, to an entire sot, on the Intent and most
a proved principles. Itch Its Single. EMelt, and 'l:op
timums Gum 'ltteili." hisemes ot the Nitruth and 11.-
re:rut:lrides cal-14'01y treated. 1 Writ 'E at tile resident e
ot his hrot MT, MI North 1 • Itt Street, I'arllsle. Hail 10
17 MIS will perform
eperations oral the
Teeth that are for their pa els Iteul. such ) us
ir will restore the loss of
them by Inserting .'srtit o Teeth, from a single. tooth
to a full sett. .e-n- °Mee ma Pitt street, a few doors
south of the Railroad hotel. Dr. 1.. is absent from Car
lisle the last ten days of every month.
-0 CElt.--A. L. SPONSLEII, hi , o Register of Cumber
laud county, mill carefully attend to the transaction of
all such butanes , as 111:13 be la - twisted to him, such as
the writing of Deeds, :'lortgagett Contraets. /Se. lle w ail
aka der oto hi s attention the procuring of Land War
nn.ts. Pensions. Ac. as well as the ttr , ltase and sale
of Real Est..., new ,ciatim,a. .c. in
West Iligh Street. formerly eceupied, y W. M. Peuresk
Esq. near the Nlethodlst Ch orris.
J ,
N. 11,0 S L'NSTE E 14, House, Sign,
_ Fancy and Ornamental Painter. Irvin's (formerly
!lamer's) Row, near ilitnor's Dry tio.rals Store. Ile will
attend promptly to all the abo,o descriptions of paint
ing, at reasonable prices. The various kinds of graining
attended to, such as mahogany, oak, walnut, So., In the
Improved styles.
1 W. BRANDT, Manufacturer of
VI Mineral Water.:, French Mead,
Bottled Ale, Pnrter rind Cider
North East Street, near the Rail Hoed Bridge, Cider,
JoliN 11. imitoAs would Inform the public that
he has now on hand at his oat, nu Main St.,
next door to Merlon Hall, the largest and most cum
pieta assortment of COOK, ()Filc)s & FAR—
M-Loll STOVES to be found in this county,
which will be sold. at the lowest prices fur
41t';'',.. 7 , cash or approved credit. Ills stock consists of
L . , • large assortment of new and highly ale
proved PATENT COOKING STOVES, finished
In the most Complete manner, and calculated for either
wood or coal. or both. All the old standard patterns
which hare stood the test of experience, may be found
at his establishment. Also, a great variety of the most
approved and beautiful PA hhult OFFICE STOVES, in
cluding a number of new styles, possessing Vrry supe
rior advantages over those heretofore in use. FRlffilles
and housekeepas nw respectfully invited to give him a
rail before purchasing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to
any part of the rountry and put up at the sho r t,t,
the. Ile ,ntil.fic, I i ,I , all hinds of TI N ANlis 11 EET
(' , ll;pt•r . ll - ntia o,oit (11 I
h.. ,I .•,,ry ,„
fen• psi- h t
I• •: l' rail Val 4.1 )1 ,, (1 , 411 . 1 , 1
it cht•il it I , tl. t•Tial tho ! • to
cc,in wull: i.f:zrt , cle. was nl
way, Le ,11, t`ing, :11,1 , 111111.11.114•li
' lulu a call
The subscribor at his old stand on North Hanover at.,
Carlisle, the sign of the "Mammoth lied Coffee Pot," Se
lma to call the attention of the public to his large as
sortment of STOVES, of the newest and most &Moue
s blo styles, from the beat manufactories In the
country, and at all prices from $3 to $l5.
are the Mirror Stove, the Arctic... Revere, Star,
•,... ‘ ,... : ;,j Persian, Union and .Etna Air Tight, togotber
' with °Maur patterns which ho has of all sisos
for parlors or chambers,and calculated for burning either
wood or coal. Also, the /Etna, Globe, Astor, Albany,
Plat -top and Bandbox or Poor Man's, with other COOK
-INO STOVES, comprising the latest improvements In
kitchen stoves, and intended for either wood or coal.—
article, to which e invites the particular atten
tionthe Dining Iton Cooking Stove—a now and ele
of families. Ills king stoves range in price from
$lO to 25, with the fist res complete. Also, Nine Plato
Stoves of various patterns id different prices.
ing Stoves, Brass Kettles, Am Also, every article in tiro
lino of Tin and Copper Ware. ...rho public are respect
fully invited to call as itu is confident with his large
stoat, variety and cheapness, of being able to give en
tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and see.
Oat. 25,1664 N. MORRIS.
~ll , C , hN o l Gl L lTD l, m c SA u h e , De ese s A o i tr v it , , T o
11V-AIREI Nllnrtley j4PuVE L 0. K. 148 South Second Strict, five doors
above Spruce 'street, Philadelphia, where ho keeps con
stantly on hand a fall assortment of every article In his
line of I,IIfiIIICSS. Feathers, Feather Beds, Patent F - ,wing
, Mattresses, Velvet, Tapestry, Tapestry, Brusselserhree
Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Carpetings,
011 Cloths, Canton Matthias, Cocoa and Spanish Id:Afloat'
Floor and *lair Druggets, Dearth Rugs. Door liTato,Tahle
add Piano Covers. To which he invites the atkention of
purchasers. PucCfek
F .
.QT. EA M SAW - INI IL L , near
tr. , : OM R. ..3 Pn r ert. , Wn Otimberlaml county.—
• V -VA li ASKEW, A SF:Y . 3IOER continuo to slip
-41 sigiituid4 ply 1 ,,,,,,b 0r o f all kinds, .t. th., shortcst
- Pr" , --- 4, ""-- `,14-- notice. and an terna: limey than eau I , e
Mid t•lnen hare. All order,: die out ed to E. II 4:IK YU, PR
pectow 11. or NN M. D. :•!;1_1•311 , 1!!t..3 r., Carlisle, a ill I.e prompt
ly atte n ded to.
Fel, 2:.:-1 y
L ( .NS ANI)
, 1 N oudersitmed mould ink.rof the
IE I,I eill..ens of Carlisle that 1,1 , tins tondo arraw.2.e
meld s do I i\l; nil l' 1.1" I Nil at vtiot t
ti. e. and on tel Ills. lie has engaged the ser
il, af 'at.' hand iron, Ililnilrll 11a. and has slip
idled 6hulell Is 111. extensis \
I . It M 111,11 will, him to i', II all orders rofortly.
All e net. will li'oars!, led. Ills st, ,1, ~f G: • s Fix e
Pill h. lout din t h.. 1.01 , 111 exactly
(.1 street. here lie it:vitae
a cull. Avv.
TINNING. I , Pt 1 11'1 Ile is also 'prepared to
or Maio! to order, every artielo. of N E
'IFNI by housekeepers and otlifTs. 11 , will also nt tend
to Isla tri I MI, 1 1011.1SE-1101)FINtl, 111..1,1, lIANIIINti,
find 1.1.1 .1 .1 Itl
Thankful for Ole patrnonae with which hr lily:already
I , ren favored, he I espectfully soli , its a eontinuanco of
tire : , 111,11).
June 14, '1,4
1, 1 it 0 )1 CA1,11 , I)11NIA.-C. VON
J 11P.11.1:N rel.pretfully infora ins the ritizom of Cur
, lisle and Y it init.). that he has just ret tun-
VV , ,
~....,....-...j. el from Califorli la., MAI. i!- . 1.11,Z111 , 4 t...eX.,
.i . e: Nao ail kind! , 1.1 \viol, votinerbll ,t ith his
A! , t .iio, i a i 11 1
. 1.
..i . ,.1 .. .. i ? A l I: ., i t l: f lf ~ ,5 , . 0 , i I f 1 . .. f 1 l i. :::: , : i i 1 ,. N . , , 1 i 1 , ) . :; 1 :! 11 1
i 1i1 , 1 ,. ' , , i
I uns. l'i.h , ls. Lorl.s. lio)s lint\ Tiitnn,,,4..,c,.. all "I
otall 10. will SOH N , 11 , 40 , 11i0 r•I'1 , 1:t11. lit , also att. - Mk
t , . 1 , ii , J: i ;1111s. ch , l•l , S. 111110 , , &e: i'llgrllN,4 111 1 , 1 . 11,...
cvigwr mill 11011. Ilv Ittw, that by strict attriltioo to
1,s. :Ind n desire to picas:. he will merit :tod r,e,IN e
poi lb 1.31,v :rze.
it 1 , All finds . I lire Aim:- made to order.
l' April '.2t , . 1'f,.1-11.
I I:‘(;• 11.- 5.,11,.. ril . er ei idioms to iorr3 ill Ills.
It:..11• I 11 , i111 .. ..,.11: all it , itri. , llr. I•ritit L.,. in N. - 11111am
~ i•r stn. , I. ( allkle tAII ilts,,, :\ I I lie ~1 1...P1.1111! . 1. ,•1.191 , 1
.1111.1 , 11 , :hit, iI, F •.,-1.i . .g oil hood , a rimer:ll :os.e t nil , t
in his hoe.•tiii•ii. iil all I.ii.its 4 - I 10- • 10 I° i 0 :it 1 0° AP -
Pq, 1 . S, 1 ti . i 11 ,• .. •'‘ 00tt 0 0. ::.L , , 0 ii the . .
C '.... ,
'...----..7'...-.-71, ' ." - ' .O '', ,°•°` 01, 11 II 00 OIA ii.i.als'flit NI,S
k :l,i f e , ',. ~‘„.O t`rai eline 11,1 ..,..111• c-T-i - --., - .1-- )
lip l , ll ' i t i, 1a , ..: , . tI I .10 " 0 11.111-
.. Z.1. - I r e , . r ... c. ...-, ,
' '. I 1
f ie 111:t 11‘1:, t } 1 . 1 i: 111 t .,. '''. % 3 .1
11111 A \ 1 1 0; i ~1\ :- , i ~.. :-‘,..:,,, . ,er used in Oils
0: 1 A country. and 11, "• v isiilog 11 1111,',
',, ' 'IIX ~1/1, . 11111, 1 .1 0 111,1 pleaSallt, ••
, ill till Si 1•11 t' , C}lll and see them. Ile
:dz. , mailufai toms Harness. Bridles,
Collars and \ ;daps in all their vas ie
ties. and coolidelitly 111 . 191,VS from the general al prol 11 ) -
thin at his coil, tuners that lie makes the neatest mid
hest gears. in all their variety of Ineilth, that is made to
the e, lliltry. lie also makes all kinds of ' Alatrnsises to
order, viz' • straw. Husk. Curled Hair nnil Spring f , l:it•
rim: es. All Um 111050 art Ivies 11111 be made of the I eat
material and workmanship, and with the utmost des
patch., IVM. (WWII:N.
, \
. -1, -..,:s m .. nom
,-.4.F-4, 4--
..4. ,
._ x c
J 4-4 , • i .
t••....1 , :v.r.,...,_____<„..._ . , , ,
A 1.111; SARGENT. No. 410 Market street, rhiladit
'fhb is superior to any now in user f 4 strength
durabEity, and simpliaity of construction; it cuts tast
er. and is-the DO I) self sharpening Ilay, Straw and Corn
Stalk Cutter ever made. It h:to but ONE STRAIGHT
KNIFE. winch any person can.grind and set a ith oase,
but In ordinary case, Is ground in the machine. Thou
sands have already lawn sold, and the demand is daily
increasing. In most cases an examination is sufficient
to “invinee one of its .Fuperiorlty. 50 one after n short
trial would part with it ti.r any other. All sizes of the
above constantly on band and for sale by
1. P. INNE,
Solo Agent for Cumberland county.
lers that ho keeps constan
tly on hand a supply of the ••Shemansagner," an adnd
rabic Wash for the hair, manufactured by himself. The
excellence of this Tonic in to:deed to by all of bin cus
tomers aho 'hove used it to 1,0 one of the best articles
known f”r cleansing the hair of dandruff• lie also man
uthetures a flair Restorative. known as the "Corashee-
Mill," for ell log new growth to the hair on bald
Ample testimony exists of the efficacy of this excellent
itesturati , e. 'll bile the Sliemansagner clears the hair
of 11n win& and prevents it from coming Itot, the Co-
reshi,lllllll supplies n HOW growth to these who have
Lad the tn!..l , tt ulle to It se their hair, The 1.\1131i: is in
1,e.1 t4g .31! ~ammo ntl.l
Ittil, ,:e:I tL,s ‘,lll ?oh.:,,tti,;
••I'i 1\ ; :•!;TriNt:,
II 1.• z , .•,..1.•.t h;
1 t Si Yail • 1.t..n. \lArl.ql
11'1. IIVECI::-S
SUM ANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, Incorpo
rated by au act iif Assembly, le now fully organised, and
In operation under the management of the following
commiesionere, ' •
Daniel Bailey, William It. Oorgas, Michael Cbcklin,
Me'choir Brenneman, Christian Stayman, John C. Dun
lap, Jamb 11. Cooyer, Lewis Byer, henry Logan, Benja
min 11. Musser, Jacob Mumma, Joseph Wickersham,
Alexander Cathcart.
The rates of Insurance aro as low and favorable as any
Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to
become members are Invited to - make application to the
agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon
them at any time.
lISNJ. 11. MOSSER, President.
'LEERY LOGAN, Vice President.
LEWIS lIYER, Secretary.
CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—ltudolph Martin, N. Cum
berland; 0. B. J 1 mum, Hingstown; Henry 7.earing,'
Shiremanstown ; Charles Bell, Carlisle ; Dr. .1. All,
Churchtown ; nome! Graham, West Pennsborough ;
James Me Dowel, Frunkford; ?dodo Griffith, South Mid
dleton; Samuel Coover, Benjamin Ifaveratick, - Meehan.
icsburg ; JohnSherrick, Lisburn; David Coover, Shop
hordstown. •
YORK. COUNTY.—jOhn Bowman, ' Dillsburg;TPeter
\collard. Franklin; John Smith, Esry., NVashington; W.
S. Picking. Dover; J. W. Omit. Paradise. •
'HARM Slll;gll,—llotiser fi Luebuittn.
. blomborti of the company having policies about to Ali-
Oro can have them renewed by making application to
any of the ngonts.
Just te..olved. and for sale at ISIONYER'S Coffee
qinery Store, North Hanoter :ftreet.' ju'Zi
-The subscriber respectful.
ildbrins the Indies and
mtletnen of Carlisle and
'chitty that he has now on
and at his Halr Dressing
nd Shay log Room on ‘rest,
:met. an elegant assortmet
ontlemeu's,ll'lCS.and ran
trnish to order at shortest
iotlce every kind of hair
Vork of the best quality.
He also begs leave to In-
Inn his friends and custo-
~XTArreill,, , s, JEWELRY, SILV E . ,
ment of the finest Tuttlih.,, for Flan at the lowett c.
prices, at 'Wm. 0, ELT( iNIILAIrti t no. Ibi .rout It I•eco
root hetween Pine aid U pion, tit th side, I htizoielpl
The ass.rtlacht ciiihreces it larre itt,ll Felt c't
Ile Watches. Jewelry :hit or ll ate. 'it are, pit
w lilt line SilVer. ju Biti.ol,S, l•
Sans ur..l Wiley articles ula snot.. kr finality, tit ,ei
the eNnitilliation of t10,.t0 who in sire tt, pn , w t IL,. 1 . ,
, ^ h i, pit ie y h.
LSSt the 1 , 111.1; 1 :ess. V S:i t
I leh for Importing and Ilan much
intr. the suhscril - cr ,motitlently iui itc , j to
lit, hut tutu he tlmin .on troll s ns Sat.
un any other eSttil lish u,ei,t ill eithe. o. the :Who
I:it ins:
All Mull , . ncnian.otitl/ and Pearl Jewel:3'
are 111111.1 A lal,lllrl 11 1,11 unlyr, within a I'm le Lie
r,...).;),Vi !itches. jovelly and. silver 1. 1 :111(1
paired: NVNI. 1./Nll.l 1. I),
U. :Id St. a low (intro al ole the '..,l
hot. West
• r 0) .111 010 1 , 1 , 11t11 Whidow of the Store, linty le :e
til0f:11111 , IIS Itird.tleel„l% hieh colon:ands the tetwiletir
et the t , ietetife• met w iooo. (i LS, 'tel-1)r
-1 111'10111' ED SUPER . PliOSlji A
ui 1.1111..-1' rola City l heniical .4:: L nion Will
1....110 after tne niust. int lave ell al Livieti IL II /I N el p supst it
It spared A oh) dl ite LUllure, nitide otter the iiiioisli /
Licl , , all/1 nmst super inr, Lela/14 lower - thin. ti nat.
anti fully equal. Ibe latent:6n iit Diialip read Larne
i, pal Li. uhirly ealkd hi rr nil' lain'. Attie ! I eru% tun ti
anii, L. hirbe 01 $lllOll tillafaiLit;h. for hide-by
:*2... 4 i.ut1i 11 hares, 3d deur u 1.4..% e Chestnut it. !'Lila.
si-i,t.7. 1 5,../.
C.111.1..i:U.i.\ ' S
l'A 1 11:.1), 1: V EYlll,.i!
'II:\ (, 11 I.:\ Ack,.-1 be stil.siTiLt.i. Iviiniu rah LI
~.— , 4 an pal Lies l'ell11113111.: it LtehilUl/le I nil s
Li/ l /111.hil:, h I.LLi./.1/A1 L.L. NI .ii..wst.. A.Nil % L2 ,, :1 E
r .11..1 I IS. 6
1/0• I vjallallial [Lis in Latec to cov. 1.130%11, Intl /I
111,1, I.Ne
1•AO:1.1,1112k 1,1.11111i./.b ULU Mole Ltai. aljw pn n a t e O ne ,
II h.t.1.11L1 Ulu il , llll,
3(01 Sb 1..Lt1 l Uhl l:211..1:11,12 aut/Lltd
its : upvi 1 , 1 it) aif tatter lui tl.o Mae
l ii 115.11 1 , 1 012.815', 31'41 Cl'. Ul'e
.1 . 11.1 blArtati.h Leillg at :1 tlllll , el.
to e ttall 1.11.
1.1,0., I : 0 ' ~A1,11,1': Is. ssig mathslit
I.' L I.:11.11• L , 111,L 111 10 tjtilll :1 t(1•11,1,: it 1/.1
Li/J.1 .-- 11 /41•11.,/,1 1 L. gilt /.14. A1 , 0,1' 1 , 111, ,
',his l•aali ti 1.11 1.1./L. r 1 .1 It. 11.
11.11...0 S.
11,, L.% Lt.,11111t1111.1/1+ : ti the I
.. It E. 1.51.4 LI,. LI LIU. 14 llle 1.0
.s.t ..t k I IL t•, e" , LI ,
.Lied I 1 , 1.1.111 t 1:44 P. psis..
1„•,.. 1,1 it :ti.,l X Slit' ~, 4:
Y 1111 611.41) 111:11sr,11ud - 111 , tr n4,11,1:111.1
llarl, L'arktr, 11,1. Pies
11 111. 11. Pita. linl_i.Rlh, 11,1.11. bl.l
NVe have introduced this Seasci.lo;e iiOW sizes. tti that
all perils may alai, ihuwsalcus ut this glen{ 111,Iirut
weir at a vary wudsrutu CeJii. 11 eMO ii prepared to
turn I:41 uu uppmvtui. tt, %%Zinn u sing/01104n, 4.•1 11wlur&
1 , 141. llie
1 Pt.a tatau Ceinplete, $
du do
4 Jo forbtici. r:t.4l:.
du- do
:4 Extra Eadiutur, (mail ;:urs zald FriaAll_
Plates,) . •
3 do do do St,
5 do du dO - •107
do do 1:13
Vhis No. 7 is the largest and most potverhalTurnace
nude in this country, nod is admirably adapted for
Churches and other largo class buildings.
11 a efaitiffile to Fell the apparatus at the rune price
as a hen introduced, tau years ago. Although the
present high price of Mon Miff increased their cost 25 per
emit no sng to their recut wviLl.t, still ma are enabled by
the great incresise us sales to furnish the art it to at the
lust est pi.Ssinie iiiire. One !nun di) alone. Niesst.s. N or
nick &Leine:mut,. halo vim trotted to I tat' fsh Us ith aft(
tuns of k mullet's this teason, se that a e are a ow p, onion
vu to furnish thee, n heirs:de and vetail. It e sup.: uaend
the C ruction el in firliaceb, n lieu reffpiree, nett War
tent them in all cares.
.Nt COON ING EANOE.-IVe hove also
the most complete t uoking Bata!, that has yet Ivan to
triaitired, to ulna. N u chi/ the :Melanie of all who may
ish t,. se, Oil, the meat perfect and desirable cooking ap
paratus et er invented.
only Agents in ennsy ivania fur the manufacture and
dale of this tentilater, which is acknowledged to he the
only pertect Ventitinter ever made for eorrecting the
draught In smoky chininies, and for ventilating build
lugs of all kinds. As tneru are a great many imitations
it this valuable article now oilered fur sale, parties will
he careful to examine that it has the Emerson Badge at,
have th., lel-gest stop roost complete ussertment sf Hot
lle4i-tots and Ventilators to be found in the United
buttes. Parties %I Li. w ish to purchase either for privet°
use or a hulesale, ail] find it gresttiy to their ado: utage
to examine their stork.
:A-VI I. AND I 'MN 31 ANT1.1:!..--We have always on
hand an extensive assortment of•these beautilld man
tles, in exact linitatatpuf a. ,y ptian,Spaidsmilai nay and
other rare Inarhie , .
OPEN Anthracite and Bituminous
Cent. Also, an entire new pattern of the low dean
Grato, Made from the English Patterns, and entirely
new in this country .
SOLE AGENTS for the English Encaustic Flooring
Tile. thirnkirk Chimney Tops anti Terra Cot ni Ornaments,
such as Garden Vases, dc.
Persons about building would do well to examine our
stock beam() purchasing elsewhere. hitters, ii lather
purchasing or not, are cotdially welcomed to our Well.
sire Wurerooms, and where au should Le happy to fur
nish any information respecting any of our goods that
only be desired. A book on Warming and 'Ventilating
can he hail gratuitously at our store, either personally
or by letter. S. A. liAltitit.ON,
Warming and Ventilating Warehouse,
116 %Valuta st., below Sixth,
May :11-7m] PlitiAmt ran.
)i U.\ It 0, Pro:ilium Artiste its flair
1%1, 3 tat 1.1.1: lin. Tellitees. instrin•tions to coal !e
hadi,s and lit,alcuaru to measure Owlr heads wish :le
-0.1. NV 1. The round of the hied; Ni.
r• hiraveil over the lived to the n . n it;
From ear to ear over the 'top; No. 4. Inan ear to ear
round the fereheall.
Toupees and . sostips, inches,—No. 1. From forehead to
back as far as bald: No. Overforehead aster us requir
ed: No. 3. Over the crown of the head.
It. DOLLARD has always ready flu' sale a splendid
stock of (lents' 'Wigs, Toupees, Ladles' Wigs. half Wigs,
Yrlzets, braids, Curls, dc. beautifully mantacturedaud
as cheap es any . establishment In the Union.
Dollard' lierlbanituu Extractor Lustrous flair Tonic,
prepared from South American Herbs and Boots, the
most successful article ever produced for preserving toe
hair from falling out or changing color, restoring and
preserving It in a healthy and luxuriant state. Among
other reasons why Dollard's hair cutting saloon realm
tame its immense popularity is the fact that his Tonkis
applied to every bead of bar cut at hie establishmrai,
consequently it is kept In better preservation than an-
der any known application. It being thus practically
tested by thousands, offers the greatest guarantee of Its
Sold wholesale and retail at his Old Establishment 117
Chestnut etroet opposite the State house, Philadelphia.
It. Dollard has at least Allsoorered the no plus ultra of
HAM. DYE, and announces it for sale with perfitct con
fidence In its surpassing every Mingo( the kind now in
ass. colors tho hair either black Or-brown, (as leey
be desired) and is used without injury to the hair or
skin either by stain or otherwise, can be Washed off iu
ten minutes after application, without detracting from
its efficacy. Persons visiting the clty aro invited to give
him a call.
Letters addressed to It. DOLLARD, 177 Chestnut st.,.
, Philadelphia, will receive attention. Jan. 25—i f,
B ONNETS AND 131 — J00:1101S.— ,
A very large assortment of the latest styles ,
English Deristable and split straw. Neapolitan, A
Hair, Lace, Leghorn and Florence Braid Bonnets, :/'
'Misses and Children's Bloomers of varbailS . Kinds/
titres , / Braids and Gimps Artificial Flowers,
Bonnet. linings and ltibt;ons, fie.. all of which
old cheap at the store of the subscriber, South 11
street. Balm= 1) .
searlisle, Aprll 25, ' . r