Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 18, 1855, Image 5

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    " Threshing Machine,
" Roaming' App:Lratns for firm use,
" Ilay and Wek:hing Bealo. .
" Weighing Machines for general farm pur
A so.niments of boot large and small „Scaler. aud
Best - I:not Cutter,
Whitt Fan,
" Puwur Churn,
" 01 ,, ver
.• (lr•iin 11• ^ isnrca.
'• A MIS :Liid Cutting Tools,
Farm W o zon,
td I.esl
•• Fann
‘• Hers.. 4
" Cedm•
hest AValLn thr !arm purpnscs,
" ihrucss f,•r worblug
" (loafs.
Dieplay of Light 1:11111 , S,
\V:Lrtm and rnrein :e Whips,
•• Yoke f, , r
1,i., 1 ,133 of Agricultural 'lmplements,
\ ext. beet
. .
A•s..rtarent of 1,...5t American Cutlery.
•' 11•dlnw \Vitro,
Enameled Iron.
" Porcelain NA:tre,
1/6:1 day of Cid,tage Furniure,
Cooking Store.
A 'mint .1 best Pumps for wells.
•• Iron.or other ornaments for grounds,
Designs for coftages and nut-lmildings,
Irurr Fence,
'• Wire Fence,
'. iti plat ~f pleasure Carriar:es,
Ne.%l be,t o
Dest , ele, harness, upper and belting Loather,
D.-4t ealfskiiis. dressed
1 1...p1.ty of hest Trunk's,
These will IR) under 'the charge of :1 rOnlnlittel , of
1,71 los, who will award suitable premiums for the
host Tuftel work,
" Crochet,
head "
trod or Acorn work,
" Plain Needlework.
" Orminvnital Needlework and Embroidery,
Pair knit 6t wkings,
" lied Quilt,
of best IS'ax
.• • " Flowers,
i.est prosarves (proservikl tiring the present YliftA
'• preserved prior to the presant year,
'• loaves whoa Bread.
Best Biro lbs. fresh Butter,
lseoond Lost ••
Third hest " t "
Bost firkin or jar of salted or preserved Butter,
not less than •20 be..
Next best firkin or jar de.
host p.,t of Lard, not lees than 10 lbs.,
Next hest ••
hest Haw. (unsklnne,l , cured and cooked by ex
hi biter,
Best Cheese. nut less than 10 lbs.,
Next best do.
Ilest-Slitople bushel of Bed Wheat,
Nett best
White Wbeat,
Ott bust "
Best sample bushel of Ryo,
Next best
Best sample Bushel of White Flint Corn,
Next hest
Best sample bushel of Yellow Flint Corn,
Next best
Best sample of ilourd Seed Corn,
Next best
Best sample Mixed Corn,
Next best "
Best sample bushel of Oats,
Best sample half bushel nf Potatoes, White Mer
eers, Fuxlte, Fox's Seedling. Forthfold, each,
Bost bushel of Sweet Potatoes, raised in this State,
Best half bushel Sugar Beets,
Long Bed Beet,
Mangei W urtzel.
Long Orange Carrot,
'White Belgian,
•' Yellow purple top Ituta Balm,
" Drumhead or Flat Dutch,Cabbage, six heads,
•• Six Pumpkins,
" DLu•roW Squash,
" Display Vegetables by market gardener,
•' Box Honey,
bbl. Flour,
100 lbs. Corn Meal,
ilisplay of Agricultural Produce generally
bost do.
A suitable premium will be given for any now variety
t.f drain or Produce of improved quality.
A statemont of the mode and manner of making and
preserving the different kinds of Butter will he required
of the competitors. The preserved or salted flutter.
must have been put up at least two months previous to
the Exhibition.
Best collection of hardy Evergreen (conifer* In pots,
reen-house Plants,
" Designs of baskets and bouquets of cut Flowers, •
" Baskets of indigenous Flowers, oval and round, •
collection of Dahlia cut Flowers, 24 varieties,
and largest collection of do.
" collection of Roses, cut flowers, 26 varieties,
" of Drapes, Isabella,'l2 bunches,
" Catawba, " "
" Varieties " Foreign, raised in cold house,
" Specimens " Hamburg, " ..
" now American seedling Apple,
" Pears,
" 12 specimens of Apples,
12 " Pears,
" Collection of Apples, three specimens,
half pock Quinces,
" Cranberries, Pennsylvania growth,
" 6 Melons, (water),
di " Nutmeg variety,
" 0 Egg Planta,
" Pock Tomatom,
For the trial of PLOW'S and mowizro, will take place on
the last day of the Exhibition, the 21st September, at I)
o'clock, A. M. The Plows intended for trial must be at
the Exhibition during the whole time. Premiums will
he awarded to the best plowniem
Next best,
Bust Plowboy under 17,
Next best do,
Best Bold of Wheat, not lose than 8 acres, 2 00
66 '' Rye , li it 100
61 16 O a t , 16 66 100
" " COM, " II ,2 00
6, Potatoes, tl ~,
i l ac re, 1 00
' " lot of Boger beets, " i 1 00
". " flute Raga, '' 41 100
,a . , * 1 Carrots, d 4 100
'' "
" Parsnips, " g, :
/4 100
" " Flat or Field Turnips, not less % acre, 100
tar A careful roues will be always on the ground to
tako cut of the Stock and articles exhibitod.
Dlt, W. W. DALE,
rturtEE Itnum male and 2 fomalos)wanted
to take charge of the public schools of the borough of
DIEWVILLE. The board of Directors will meet appli.
cants at the public School House In said Borough on
TUICiDAY tho 20th inst., when the County Superin
tendent will be present to conduct the examinations.—
To computont teachers liberal salaries will ho paid. By
order of the Boald. JOSEPH 11. imititor4,
Newville June Rh. '55. Hemet ary.
1"? bistST.llo BE—Ju;t received. a
3,,t of Black :ma Cbirni !ills and Wor.:tot
New outiti.o(tlictitc;
- -
1 . 1 STtllt W.J). A. NA biIILE, would 1 1 1 1 1.11,1 tally
:uuunnne to the citizens et
thrift:le and Aivitlity that
, 40 e.T 2 - he Ito ft opened n lark and
beautiful stark O
dt of CCKS,
. ' 0 2 ELEV.
9 3 ou the N. i. 1 . 01 . 1110 r or the
4 Stour... In the 11 , 1111
•-• r,4 ' ;:tBt fornterl occupied by
Elli• t. ehe door East of (t.
W. Ilittler's dry goLd store. The mock consisting of
every article iu the trade, Illlt.ll AND SHAM'.
•VIVIIES of every style 1111.1 quality, ptd ti. 6. ited..
vest a n d ,•11ntI11inq chains gold locl,ets. breast 1 ins. ear
Hogs, &v. All oarranhat to he what ....•
sold ibr.
1 Oil
2 Oil
1 )11
C;} - - Ittirtleoltot ratontion paid to It EPA I LIN(i , ;01.1
Watches. .letvelry. &e. All wort, -weer:toted necoeille,
to quelit v. The stil,geriber thitt.ers himself that. he fete
give entire ' , Misr:tett:et t.n ;tll that, fav,.1.8 hint with their
ettstow. W. It. A. I'IILE.
Carlkle..llllv I`.th '55.
NT 01' 1 ( 1, I'> l'() 8( 'llOO 1).111 E('
•vons._.Ti„ midor,i g ned mill mitt, the Iri
rect,ds ~f the several di,tri, is fur purptsv of ~ x aini
ming Tua,41,91,. (1:1s
Mt•elviiiii•shurg. August 4. At I p.
\Vest l'ounsboro', A xueust 7. at 9 u', , ldek. it. in.
New l'imillecland. Angus! 1:4 it 1 o'clock. p. ni
East l'ennsboro', Aup nit 14. lit In o'clock. a. to.
Upper Allen. A tornst Li, at In o'cl,ch. a. in.
Lower Allen. A togtist IS. at 1 I , 'el.Tk, p. m.
11:imp:len. August li, at I o. (qutii•
Filter spring, Angtist in.
A ugus.t '2O, at 9 holt, a. in.
Smith 111.1.11,0,01, Ait . zust 21, at 9 'clock, a. tn.
Mon roe, August '22. at 9 o'clock, a. 111.
Dit'hil/SOll, tiffust .21, at II 0'0.4.. a. 111.
Newton, August 97, at II o'clock, a. tn.
August 2S. at 10 o'clock—a.m.
AIL:. '29, it 10 o'clock, a. in
Slilppensburg, tp.. August at 1 o'clock. p. 111.
ilarow,tll. A ti2u4t :it, at lii , ieltelt, a. tn.
Milli in. September 1, at 10 o'clock. a.m.
Frank ford. SeptimiLer a, nt 10 o'clock. a. In.
The Directors will appoint the It of meeting.
If aceontrundations,.an he had. the nteetiug should he
held in a school-house, Where we (•art have the use of a
blaclolsetrd: I lioy mill also provide it sufficient guar illy
of paper. pens :not ink.
Pullet utility is of greet impottance.
Dy insl nothen. frem the Department. the examina
limn: are to 1, puLlir. The eitizeu,s are thereture re
spe.-tfnlly ini itod tai it end.
jnly ly. DANIEL SHELIA', Ce'ty. Supt.
CllOOl, TAN FOR 1 55.—Notice
7is hereto, en that he Treasui or of thu School die
riot of Carlisle. will attend in the Commissioners' of
fire, at the Ciltint.. Court house, ru SATURDAY
11. IFsd, bet e. een the hours ofit and 12 and 2 and
ii'cloek of said day, fix the putpo se of receiving the
Soles') taxes assessed fir the pi esebt se tool year, up to
which lime a deduction e f ti‘ e per cent. e ill he mmie
I. iriprempt papnent. after w high date and up to the lii
I h September next. a deduction or three per cent.
Persons 111,1 NVl,lllllg to attend at the Court Mime.
Can pay their taxes in the meantime Ily the
Treasurer. It is earnestly requested that tax. payers
will be prompt in making payment on or before the time
speeilied—they will thus save the Five per cent. and
enable the Directors to Meet an the current Pa ponFeS of
keeping up the echo its, which otherwise they cannot do
as the Treasury is now exhausted. All übpaid taxi R
will too forced b y warrant. ,I. EBY.
Carlisle, julylB. '55, Treasurer.
1 00
1 (I I
AT• eek?,-_ -- :-' l- = ~,_;..- - .._-- - ....-,-. -, •
"Matti- - = - .r. Cl• Ei....t r.,,0:
".."11 , •••,..;:r ilt --".•= -' ' ' '. t.
~.y- , 1•4 1 47,440 . Pv-",,,:w.---4-__4'.`
- " ,,, :w.- --4 -__ 4 ' . ` - ..x•TkvSNIC74'' \l ~..
- "NC .'44 - ----•-•- ' -- N
• i GRADE _ :7 --
4-- e '---.-4- A 4'- 7
,-.4 ,\
. 4
TURNIP SEEDS.—AIso superior seed littekuliest,
Improved Turnip Drills.. &r. For sale by
Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Stare, corner 7th
and Market streots, Philada. July 18.'55
LW A T C ki ES - 1
ry-- I have now on hand and for sale at
my Old'Stand on Nllill street, opposite Marion Mall, an
entirely new and elegant stock of
Gold Lever Watches, hunting and open case, Silver do.
Silver 'Amine and Quarter Watches, a large variety.
Gold Anchors for Ladles and Gentlemen.
Medallions, a splendid assortment for ladies and gents.
Breast Pins of every pattern, and all prices,
Bold Chains Gtr vest and fob. gold curb chains,
Finger Rings, Culf•pino. Studs. Sleeve Buttons,
Crosses. Drop and !loop Ear• Rings, a large variety.
Silver and Plated Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, liutter
Knives, die. of various styles and prices,
Gold and Silver Thimbles,
Gold. Silver and Common Spectacles, a large assortment
- Co suit all ges, and to which we invite particular
Port Monnales. a large assortment at every price,
Gold Pens, of the best make at various prices,
Fancy Boxes, Port. Folios, Accordenus, Spectacle cases,
Ladles Card Cases, silver and pearl, at various prices,
Bracelets. gold and common: Watch Chains ditto.
Also a large variety of articles in the Jewelry lino,
which I will sell at the lowest prices. All articles war
ranted to be what they are sold for.
rm,Particular attention paid to the REPAIRING OF
WATCHES and all work warranted. Returning thanks
to my old friends and customers for former patronage,
I respectfully solicit a continuance of their favors.
1 00
promotion "and encouragement of Agriculutural, Horti
cultural and the Mechanical and Useful Arts, will be
AUGUST 7,th 1865.
To this Exhibition, Farmers, Manufacturers, Meehan.
les, Artists, inventors and all others desiring to display
the results of their labor, skill, ingenuity and taste ' are
cordially invited to contribute. The success of their
first exhibition warrants the expectation that the
second will not be Inferior to any ever held in thig. or
any of the adjoining amities. The Managers, there
fore, feel, that in inviting contribOtions from this end
the adjoining counties to their second annual exhibl
tion, they are offering to the producer of excellent
articles a valuable bmx.rtunity of making known to the
country their novelty and utility, the superior style of
their workmanship, and their adaptation to the pur
poses for which they may be intended. Materials, Ma
chinery and Manufactures, which have elicited corn.
reimdation at similar displays elsewhere, may hero find
now admirers and a now market. • The managers would
respectfully solicit the Ladles to contribute specimens
of elegant handiwork, which heretofore have termed so
attractive and Important a feature of these displays..
The Ward of Managers will make every effort to dis
play whatever goods may be received to the very best
advantage. Competent judges will be selected to ex
amine them, and premiums awarded to articles of su
perior merit In the several. classes.
The Hall will be opened for the reception of goods on
Thursday, August 2d; and on Tuesday, August 7th; the
Exhibition will be opened to visitors and continuo open
rive. DAYS.
No article deposited after Monday evening. August
6th, can be entered upon the judges' list for compotiton
or premium, except such as the managers shall be
satisfied wore despatched from a distanceln time but
from unavoidable detention failed to roach the Hall by
the day specified.
JOHN DILLER, President,
W. It. LINN, Corresponding Sect.
D,MIL, Financial Sect.
J. IL HERRON, Treasurer.
Nowville, June 6th 1855.
8 00
1 80
1 00
A,. ,/ PANY MAN.—This Loan of Twenty-fivo thousand
dollars Is not yet all taken: the Company still wants
Ten Thr us trid dollareto emnplete their works for which
volopany bands secured by mortgage will be
I Merest payable half yearly at the Carlisle Depmilt
Bank. FR El) K. WAI TS, Pi t.
Carl isW v 10.1K15.
Jcib. Printiug promptly executed
_ _42
±tlr ii:iui'S,
To THE c ['mi.:Ns or PENN: 4 I LVANI.I.
1 her loath to call the attontinn- of Chu rii i/.t•OF of
Pen naylN in fa , the above art tele, mriiS ofact urcd I,y
lily self tr.:eked% ely. al my I . : L.101y In Seldil 1.14111,
es prrssly ror nu•.dirnl purposes.
It in made f nt the hest Parley that can 1 e Fel4trd
in 1; 1 , Ft , a nd the essence Of aromnlie Italian Luny • of
aelirensh ,, P., ,,, l and extraordinary medieirad properties:
and it Ire , loief.dace ao,inired ,1 lii_her ropitt,tirm. 11 , 011
1.4. ;ti.o A1114;11E11, [hall any 0:11tr dieterso i.eo
111 I ;.tt T. a 11 , 1 It of of
tur 1;11oldor cl 01t,e),. ttc.l il,ll;ity of Illy ttril,:try
Itmetim., it. f• 1, 111, 1,1 ,1 11114_ 111 1 1 1 1111,1 ;11111 ir.tnl 11.1 y
.111,1 it I , in.! a rviiiL•ly 1; , 1 111 tilt-
F , hul is all rrx ill Ix 111,1 i I Iley are pr“thiee,ll.t
truth I :la %%111 , Ii is alalit yt 111/IVOlSilli . t., this
111 111 , 11 i. it , psratre :is :1 stile ve.
ellect upon the Pito, e ls, and
Bladder, nt trave:ers. new residents, and ;tit pered.v. lii
a,i c u s t,aned hi iho.ul. !.reduced hy , the 1141:111v
811 of car great. Inland ritrls.libe the Ode, ississipid
and Aldlunta. frniti the lar„c quantity of dc.,52.e.1
tante !natter c-ottainval in them. in a state Itf!,;111111111, in
i t i t'd IottIts11; :IS It. alsn that it the waters of liinc s lnne
re.ihays in producing iiivri'vv v.. Ci 1.111.1. and shale in the
Ittuvnidt. 'lite St 'll 11,11.1:11
nt all these injitrinni. 111,1..11i,, of
1,111 water. and Cl 1t141.111111111y prevents t lovdte.ease alll4ll
n eci ts i
on. II is also 11.unil to he a 'lire and pre% en.
rive .rl.evi.l. 811 , 1 :iglu'. a complaint 1 ansdil by the 1 . 1
J. n ellect) , 11 iegetaldeattalaritt in the atm, sphere. and
lecntaide !eaterl,,,lllWl in t iit• water of thnsc districts in
Melt it in ittelp,l3y-sprevails. .Isaitinttie S1'1111,1:Ital
SC1111:111111. is 111,1t , t•i1/1111111y hi great demand by persons
traveLitic. er shell! It, settle in these parts of the coun
try especially ; Ilti 11111/ :Is l's ninny in every 'llllllO unity
In h ere it ha , Isq..illlll 111111%1111, 101 l allTollllt. of Its t 291.1kis
tIIII,III . 1,111141181 IllAtpertfr,
!lore than three tlinusanti phi sielans amnng ovllom
atie nurviderval the greatest 11:1111,1 1.1.11114:1111.! tic I'llo 111111-
t y •illt` in 1111 , youtitry. 11:IN ,vrtited. titer their ,
1,%,11 1.i.211:1t.111 . 111 , . to the V:11113111t. Ing • t li t tju tt l pritit t .rt its „r
5,i , •11 nu 110.ieb., Its the SOvt.ll-41. tests have pro Ned the
Schindant Arian:vile :it.llllllltllS to he and 11AVO 111AA`Itted
it As a tin st desirable addition 1 . the yr!
Put tip in quart 1/11.1 beetles. envehlusi in veil . le.
pdpor it ill, my tatine nn 1110 1../11,1,
sale by all rivii d
nsalde Druggist) , and Reneers
1'1).11.1'11 l 401. 1 ,1".,
15, 21 , and 22 fearer New Vneli.
Stain' Front street, Philadelphia.
I I eg the ef lite 1:u1.11e t.. ti
fAlloming lel lees fr,im
1, non ATOr,Y.N. V. 'day !. 112 - ,
Punt Pit Pluir `le : 1 eallilt t •p 4,11, too
100,1 y of the parity of your Sellleautli r,.111181 , 1., It 1,
duelllo,llr sllloorior of the hind in the war
het. it Is perfectly free .r' in the admixture (.1 ft,il
or of a.) of ilr:l2. II • voillpolind! , o6lrh pr , 4111 , 0
such 11 1111, :trot h•ropartible elk, t itisiti . tln•
slit tit{on, mut „ hilt ten t * ,•ts heti, di-tilled
area 1111 WI, -no Nt. of them 1.1.111 g lare,el3* tiled
Ith it. I have porsolily 11190,1•10.1 1.11 . 0 Variolu , prere>s
ul practiced at Sehiedant. and hunts that ntt•
usdial vary is tal.tin to separate the ito‘i,itts elements
from the pule nlrohnl, a id your Schnaps is a stinting
proof of its stieetdis. As it medicinal sent for city. mie
and renal alleetions, I hare sttectissrullv prescril•<it it,
anti re -, nniend it as an (4,01;4 and liarndeis
stiniu t ant, mid shall continue to do st ; as ist•ll ,o•to
use it as n s iiiree of Wire tIICoI/01 for chemi , .tl t:llt,tiga
thOl, I.lld es pel
1:n \ll DECK,
Analytical Chemist,"
Dr. Charles A. bats. Commissioner of Health, Balti
more, writes a, follows lu relation to the I.IIIIV of
rchn.yq,. It. n reurvit In eltomie rata: rital eomplaitits.
J:e. The let ter it dated July 17, I. 6:;:
"I take a,teat 11111F111, hl bearing bbilly ereditabb
testinuitiy In Its officary as a remedial agent In the di•
maim! , for which you reefintend It. II•cv ind a natural
t e ndency to (hr mucous surftees• with a_ slight degree
at id inn elation. I regard it a. , one of the 1111,S t import:an t
remedies In chronic catarrhal affeetions, partienlarly
those of the genito urinary apparatus. With much res
pect your obedient sera:tilt,
" Pi111.0,7:/.1 , 111A, July 15, 155:1
"Mr. rd dpho Wolf•, No 22 Beaver st. N. V.—Dear
Last season the writer received. throu zit your agent In
this city, a battle "(your Aruwalic Seldednsu Sebitnig.h.
an,l since that period has prescribed tho same in certain
forms of urinary complaints: also lit eases of debility in
aged So far. the Schnapps hits liven of much
benefit to th , se using It " C In conclusion, where a
dluretir and stimulant Is required. I 811Vtlial use the An.
otnatic Schiedam Schnapps. Thauking you for your
kindness, 1 am respect fully yours.
A. D. CH AWNED., M. D., ISO S. EiAhth
The subjoined letter from lir. I'aine.l , f Manclicsler.
N: II- relates to One of thu t vedlittbio medicinal prop
erties p , ,,S.,sed by the Aromatic Selmapps. FhOltS
that it acts as a specific in a very painful disease—the
0 navel:
"Mn. Wour.:—Permit are to address you a fewltnes.
which. you are at liberty to use If you think proper. in
respect to your medicine, called Schiedam Schnapps.—
I have had a very obstinate case Of gravel and stone, of
some, five years' standing, causing very acute pain in
every attempt to urinate. After using many remedies
without much relief, I was Induced to try a bottle of
your medicine. In the ccairse of three days It proved
effectual, disloging large pieces of stone, some of which
was as large as a marrnwfat pea. I continued the cor
dial according to directions. and the patient continued
to gain, and is fast recovering. I think a medicine if so
much value In so distressing a complaint, should be
known to the publk, and the world at large. Anti I for
one. must give It my approbation and signature.
'111()S. PAINE, M. D."
From Dr. John S. Reese, Chemist, Baltimore, Md. R•pt
o. 1651:
"A number of our physicians are ordering the article,
and several have already prescribed it. Person sto whom
I have sold it speak very highly of ifs qualities. A
Gentlemen of my own personal acquaintance, having
suffered greatly with an affection of the kidneys and
bladder' took two bottles and Subsequently passed a stone
of considerable size, and was greatly relieved. It will
no doubt go Into general use,"
3iinft 3totices.
application will be made to the next Leg Waters
of Pennsylvania, to alter the Charter of the CARLISLE
DEPOS/T lIANIC, located In the borough of Carlisle, Cum•
borland county, so ns to confer upon the said Bank the
rights and privileges of n Bank of Issue. ane to change
Its name to the CARLISLE BANK. Also to increase
the capital of sold Bank (whielijs at present sixty thou
sand dollars, with the priviliike 7 of increasing the same
under Its present charter to ono hundred thousand
dollars) to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
By order of the Board of Directors.
WM. M. lIEE'fEM, Cashier.
Carlisle, June 25, 1855.-5 m ' •
that an application ill be made to the next Leg
ature of the State of Pennsylvania, for the passage of
a law to incorporate a Bank of Deposit°, with a capital
of Firrx TIIOUSAND DOLLARS, with authority to increase
the same to Ono Hundred Thousand Dollars. To be
be located in the borough of Mechanicsburg, Pa. The
object of said Bank is to increase the general business
1 fkcilities of the publlb In the vicinity of its location.
Daniel Urlch, ' Jacob Coover,
John Hursh, Sr. Benjamin Eberly,
John Iteigek John Brandt,
, - Homy O. Rupp, Gana Singiser,
John Rouser, Ellin; Grabill,
John Coover, David Miller,
Andrew I. Kauffman, Solomon P. Gorgas.
Mechanicsburg, June 20, ISM: 1m
SPECIAL DEPOSITS will be received at this Dank fur
any length of limo over four months, and interest paid
at the rate of FOUR PER CENT. per annum. and the
principal paid back at any time after maturity without
notice. Interest ceases after the expiration of the time
specified in the certificate, unless renewed for another
given period. in which case the interest is paid up un
til the time of the renewal. Rank opens at U o'clock, A.
111, and closes at 2 o'clock, P. Id.
P r ARKER, President..,
W. Ilrixru Cashier. '' . apr2s'
-1.1.11::=.---1 very exoersive,iind now stork f,f l'hnnels
Ml'oll,lolo A now opetling at tht•i•liv:l)l4.•
ilea - (Estate Bnres
T A 1,17 :\ 111 1 E 1,111 O I N.l. 11 .11^
SA I.E. Thu ~irer, for sale. the
hirm %rltirli to‘v lii os,.sit little n South
1,W11511i1.. 1, t 1 111111., :• 0 11111 i t (':11 . 11Nle. at tilt. hind
of Iloilo). 'Wool,.
i:oN TA N(; SIXTY .1('If
more Cl' loss. .4f first: rate land. ,kll of whir h
in : 1011 104.111
ores of fine arv.dlulo I. 'lion is a lii.o Ihe
111/11 • 1 . , which i s Wollll+llllll Inn 1. t aidoi ing. I, il•g
0111N1 . 1111 . 11t.1. , the market. ' -
'I I,t , :Ire it pot 11 tti .1, iy 1:1.1 ti
4 „ ! IU ft.:4r. "HI P.lll,lterhind fu W1 , 1.11 ' (13 gl,r. ,‘ I th - ::
11.,151, 1141111 1111,1 hui;tli,v)... li 1111 l
01.1i111! //,•Y, 1.11 'l,l. 1 , ,i 1:1 1,1
1110 (11.151 . . ;11)(1 ruin I hi , Intl) ihr Ilmo. .1144 k. n t
and L 6, it ing ( u ohm d ,'l 11, ice I 1 ui6. l'tll,ll, d, p.m Ils
. V/11111 ' 11, theta:l( 0. :11.' - t ,,
1 tip 'all I.n
r ti‘.. 111 , 1 VI N
1,:5N1', rchirh is h lic,1:11:1 p.r.
The oh, c properties. it n,t sold I el, re
the :- , l•ple[lll , er tI I that rt.) ll` I I
p, rd lit p iI.O /41;0. • n I Ito t 11 fielf c k )I.
I.lp n tc , rl:l , 1.1 ti.:ldt• 1.1161,11 It,'
:Pt ill
1 4 1 A IZ )1 A'l' I'llil,1(' SA LE. - (hi
TI:F1- , f/A V. thy Illst (lay of Au ,it. 1s!11,- 11.0
, til ,, ,ril.or ~ 11l s, II at 1 , 111 , Iii• S./1'..1 , 1 ii...1.14.11iitt • LI i•
Farin InIt• lItf• prl•pv,l . % eI 1:.,312‘. 11eiill... in .4.1. -o. 60 1, ;I
in tl,l h•nn,h. , , , ,, t111V11,11111.1,111 . Milt' Cll-I ,fl , , ~,,,1 , •.
rule-it , ing 11. Slats 11, nil iced hinds ~1 11. 11r, ,1, 1,1, v
)li, it'll and others 1 .4 113Ltillill:: .P. , .‘ , 1 . 1 . . 1,1 , t. lii, r`t' I ..
1111 , 1 the 1.;11:111Ce id:ll.'k Fintl• 131111. nil lieu li. 1 11, , Ul.-
11,1,11'1111'111, ire It is e:it her-1., 1 , 111 , 11
11,)1 1, 1r. Lill; 11-111 ,N, 11,510110w , 0. ~,1 14 13 1 : ", ,
:,,,, it( thelll 11.1" I.lliiltillg'S. n sell of i1i . 04 . ,.. , 4 ,,
,!,,,,,• t„,1; ,v. into at t in• 'l'':, an 1 c u p ,c,,,lt r.
.1 pple I In•linni 1, Oh . all Hods of 1.1.."' 1111^ h
,-1,,,i,••• 1, nit, 4,.. '11,,, I,ropoity will ---
I. sold x‘lth , it rest , r‘ p ,
amine the ran do NO by 0:1111 ng . i in ?the; 1t 4.1,i1e
n flitpre M 1,4 S. e 1 /len r) L4 . 11.:ui. uig I lit the 11 . 4 . j 1 n.
Ijj if I . :lfni
Illy. 11, 1 t p C'ATII Alt I NE V. El 1?1,11. Exectit, ix.
("I' OF Al( )1' N
11 , -.,A14 . :1'.% IN LAND the n 4, r :Ira by I lite , of
Lli.. Le nL.i ni,..f nn .14. t. 1,1••••••1 the
uth Way ..f Nias, IL A. II INloi, !Pamphlet Lai% I)
I. Peter 1...n1r. Executor of the loci t. iII and tlis1:1111('Iht
\ al.q.lire 11. !Titian. late el the its • I I.ina•t.•l
e‘l.,,s to 1.111 , 1 b. sale at 11,01'o-till 11. 11-1. in
tbe Caili-le. un TI . I.SLIA the S tli day • f
st 1 n'el...•k, I'. \I all ihr.t 1.111,1 'ia. t
'll\llll'.ll LAND t pir-v1.4.
..f 5,6.1 'till. •itat.ite In the te,.iinhite 1 S oils ) 1 1,1.11,
I at. Th....Ad 1,.. , 11.• in th, s• to tains til . tit
miles s•-nth of NI. not 11. Ilv rl s It r•• 1
t lit •i'\\s/ Is \ At 1:1
is l•ilsVli! oNr.
P-1111 thr 111211 it. '11.,‘ . 11.1 l't ty NI ill I,- 111 ei
ther entire • r ill I. Is US sr,, snit 'I. ti •
wade known nn (he 4laN
V A A 11., V., I,IM ESTI INE M
AT l'lt I \ ATE A I.E.L-Tliat very ‘11111:11111. I
.III• the priperti, . ti 1 • ,1
it will. 2. 1 :: miles oil the Wilin tit
Ih.! tt,ii
111 \ A\ I) ELEVEN Ail; or los,
ttht I, I 1 urrr. irt•in II IIII;11tTIVI V. t l tLIIV,III..\
the 01 i•frli nit 11 I iIIII , I, I.} ILI' II ,t
ialpr,Avalent.+:.rol tni Ql4.r) II
I . l.%ll t S l .lt i yott Shed. I. urn
are ,n 4 t. :v 4 . 3 .174 . ' 4 " ext ' . ' :ll:::; ' ,....;ate) neat the 11,11 , e.
Mill thrtutun 411{1'11k kit II 0N
,ari.•as kitals 14 Fruit. all 1.1 M hirli r
tent. curd farther part eDlittire of
Julie 13, A. 1,. SPONSI.I:it.
A -- , i
P -4 A, \ -, SALE.—The mild , " titer ”Ifei F ftt pi i
-I.i- . vale sale avo I iinlik house and halt I , t
(if ground situated In Si rill nano% er
st rest, 'the htitirovetnonts n tn 0 stilt y Weattier.h.arded
Wutse, ‘vashlentse. dakelinitse. 'a cistern. Le., .tic. Ihe
lot Is :A.l feet in front. and '2,10 In depth. and POIltalEF a
variety of ~,,a1,...t fruit trees. Terlus easy. Apply to
F. qt SA LE—win 14 , sold at private sale, n .•1-Y
valuta:le TOWN NUll'EltTY. the late residence of Ger,
A 1,!, en, Esq . doe: 1 The pc , pertv comprises ttto full
tent it 111, rail) ro t',,, : t In fr,,,, I and ?in hot in depth.
Si I .l ll lo' on IlOrth side of Vast Main street, being a most
desirahle Meailty, either f: r huslaers a r a vitiate r,:: I
_ ..„1,„0,..T11:. improvemota to ore a In rot
NL..?"`l tiro story STONE lifilh , l:, with lial of-
STA ~ Z „,.: , nee attached, a large three story
I'll •it It EWE RACK DUI I.DING, a 5an,.1,,.
, - , ..1.:.7 0 - '" I too, t Ito tare , cisterns. (one of them
wit h elegant fluent,: . aparat us. a an Ice honor. and Mit
er nooos4ttry out 1,11114114, '. There Is :In elegatit G A It-
DEN emit:vote:l with the I (MM., and the finest and lt,t,
selection of fruit trees In the Isovintli. Also rasLer: ies,
,tc. For terms and further particulars enquire of
May 30. A. L. SPUN SLED..
SALE.—The subscriber m 111 sell at private sale the
Leo following. deseritsni farms, to wit:
No. 1--Is situated north-west of Carlisle. adjoining
the inhabited part of said Borough. eoutaining ONE
HUNDRED AND FoliTY, ACRES of first rate Litne
st • Land, having thereon erected n new large BAN li
BARN, e large HAY HOUSE, a cora, rtable CA'n'LE
i r2 -, , N STABLE, tc. Also, n comfortable MELIA NO
HOUSE, and other out-buildings. The land is in
`"•:, high state of eultivatien and all under go, d
post and rail fence. It Is bounded on the nottli by the
heirs of Samuel Alexander, dee'd., on the east by John
Noble, Win. h. Seymour and others, on the west by dike.
Moore, David Wier, Ac., and on the south by the public
road leading from Carlisle to IVaggoner's bridge.
No. 2.—ls situated In North Middleton township, 414
miles from Carlisle, on the Harrisburg and Carliiih;
turnpike road, about 1,3, miles from Middlesex Mills,
bounded as follows: on the north by the Conodoguinet
Creek, on the west by Irvine's Reim on the Emit by
Noble and JCRS() Zeigler, and on the south by Abraham
Hetrick and the Harrisburg turnpike road, containing
100 acres of Limestone and the residue Is black slate,
about 100 acres of this tract cleared, under good fen, e,
and Inn good state of cultivation, the balance is very
heavy timber. A large portion of the farm' Is meadow
land. The improvements are a large STONE MEI,-
l o tra3 HOUSE n large LOG AND FRAME lIARN..n
stone Spring House and other out-buildings, an Apple
Orchard and is large quantity of other fruit trees.
No. B.—ls a small tract of land about 1 4 mile west of
No 1.; on the Baker road lending front Carlisle to Wag
goner's bridge. containing TWENTY-SIX ACRES of first
rate IhnOitone land. bounded by said rood on the meth,
by John Noble on the south, by Brown's heirs on the
east, and by Baker on the west. The subscriber will
also sell a number of OUT LOTS to suit purchasers.—
The above described property will be sold on reasonable
Carlbdo, January 10, 1854.
AT PRIVATE, SALE.—The subscriber will soil
the property he now owns and (4.3 . 11
. 0 1
',.. 1 - .2 0 71 pies, formerly owned by the Rev. T. V
, - 1 Moore situated on South Hanover art
,cli-r,•4 Carlisle, adjoining the property of Mr
..74. .„,-..... Wm. Graham, near the Walnut Bel..
tom itOad, consisting of a TOWN LOT AND A HALF
00 by 240 feet, upon which are erected a good two story
FRAME BRAISE, Wood Hone and Stablo, together with
other out-buildings. There Is also a good brick cemented
Cistern, capable of holding forty-eve hogsheads of water.
The property is in good repair.
Also, fir sale, a full TOWN LOT adjoining the above,
60 by 240 feet. Any ono wanting such property will do
wall to call and examine.
nov22-6m BENEDICT LAW.
itTPetioryint.h,od' candltOlml.und Alum Salt,.cou
s ntly on hand and for sale.
Flour, Grain and Lumber Commission Merchants,.
Spear's Wharf.
of the N. A. and Ito:mobile Co.
IhatiOlore, Jan. '22,1855.
Ant PETING.—A n entire 110 V assort
/went thigjtiqt
I lon and Colt.oll, belling %,•iy I,y
:\ o C11.11:1,1:: , . 0011,1;Y.
1).1\'I ; 4 ' )1 Fill. N.+
Ext, GL r
JAC4ilt 1‘
A gout for P. F. Gnenslen
Summer Re6Otis—:
Y C1)•Y. 11'A SI'IZINC;4
11 . .‘NFv1,\ ANT A.
win i..• rmlu th (I,y of June.
I. 11. I•r'
Thi, trt • ; Iraterhl „ n
t 1
,h1.1.111•r, s NI ill, 11 St, 1. la the
. 111 LI. Llln, s Lit t.l t• ha 111.111 1,, I jjj,,jj LI, 1,, 5 ,
4•I H :J. e• - ••••Il. In l'o.nt ..f 'he Thi s ~t , „,„
i to Lilo as 11.111. 1:0 I, Ills 111111,1 IT
1111 .11111 1101011, Jll,l :1 It, 10,'1j
f , l 11. /1 1 :11 , 2.1` fore,! 1.1• , •s: t 0 115 I, dr:, I
11 - ...• •I. •14,11ttIll j thou j Ti,
..1.•-ii 1,11 ill t. 11 ., 51,rtaas Th IT
1k0•. a.II I lII' it be 5t111.:1!,,,/ Ca:, e r. I .1!
ii nr p tin' IJll.llJ'e ,
With All Jaljujjjjjjj, jII jj
Tliot" Nit ov of lii
111 . \p)( Jn. .1,14 112 11lt. oil , •1 1 , 1 111,' ll:,iht/ 10,11ig 111.1,1 1,.11,1,1.11,• { 1
1 1 1 , 1 , 111, 1111 lier. ‘l. nt:tl 1 1111 0 ,1,
itt pi •.41 I r 11 1. fit.d “11 11.
I , tht 1.•
to makith,.; n if Er•st
r:1•• I n ill
t tit- _ - 11.11: I sls, :I.
•.ty 1•4 I :.• lII\ I tIo•
All in, PPS 1,0 Ir.z t 111 11,1
L. t.i .4, t!,.• f•,•,, t ,„1
•ttrle-ti nnlr, 11,111-,‘,••, tuL jrg
, 111•11 V III; 111,, - Pill t I j•
,prinX.4 a14.ul {,1•%•'14.h. tint- 1 tr^ t c`lVlrr'
.I° , l r Ihr sp slp
}. I r
ill) :Irt-r I !,ft! p„,, r
IN,t Igliro. pri r t.. 111.. of .1111 11 PI,
1,4 I li.•'Llh,tt II
. :01.1•1104, 1t.:4-41. 10 , 1. .1 f
1 II •
I NN :1 , 1,111,:
~u•:rr.i:r:v•i ~~
I , „,. t !`•0 rt It it • SCI.III :1, , 1a . rd
1. i. Il Ile, At t:,•,d. I redri , ,•: 1 4 1,111 :"Itf`l I
I.ol' I'la-.1.111 , IV, 11.1 a
,1' Ii I I I ;.iron,, ,'• Pr.
i !•. a I- , ,11.1, •••11 , , 1: 1'
:•• 1 , ,nr111 .1. It, 11,1- f•r 1. 4.1 Str....t
t.-- A. 1.. :-to •ap•;.•r, I : II 1,..!11 , .. ,1 1•
t , ll
)• —.l ',I. 1,0,4/ A.. 1 NN „hal •
11,1.3'1,1 !I 1'31.1,.11. I. 1.. I'l. 1,11 4 1 . . I . 11
it“ , .1 .1 lA, 11. PIO
Tlll R r .- - HMI. la I:lntin tt ••
l' .I• ha I'. II .11 1.11 mph: I, It
,• I 1.•,.1.
Lon( 4jurils
Nl:\' , (' ( A L Y .1, 1t I )
AT THE EAST END i•E rA121.1;.1.1
The r respeetfkilly th n
f 1 1,11,1 itritors and the oil l'ari,ll. and Ili, nu
,111111114 vomit ov renerally. to his NI'AV CtIA I, Y,.1?1)
at the ea,t , rtl /•1111 tlit• 1.,.r4 1101. :mil inurethately of.
the ie hi. Will 1• , .4•p 1.1 n n
113101 litri• supply of superior 1.1 . ;• 1 Vill.l
1.. 1.1 t Ito tat toils topi•t lior null sail, I th o r
C. run% tiosii•oit. i.l %yidh L hi• pil.11:11F blin , el;
ti , sell at, iii‘vi•st. prioec The hest iltutht.y
1,1 NI 1.:11r it k I, ICI,S I I ('(At,
al way. on hand. All orders left the yinct fir nt
rusidemni In Vast street. 41r nt the Mti rei. of 11. Paxton
or I'. NT..tlyer, NTill 110 promptly attend,• , ' tr,
1, 1 :1)11 IX COAL.-500 Tons Lykcn's
Ymlley ConL broken and Screen 041. preps red
pressly for faintly use, receit ing and foi kAIe by
u v. 20 Can' ItltAl, Agt.
T I tiltN EltS' CO A 1,. - 2,000
Taus Lyk en's Valley Nut n suswriot artiviv
rervivin,: and if pi- sal, by
.1 two. 10 Um
j ) iltB,l;,:mincs coal. a first rate artivie te
ceieing and for na!e by
A NCA STE C01,1,11 , ;111'.
, l To) cw, DEALERs.
eATO hltr , Rillee V , to yr ur
n,4 extensive Miners lalltITI•rli • f WHITT!
STII ICACITE COAL. at Lancaster Cdhorn NI , -
thumbed:mot County. Where WO lisle very extensive
improvements and 21 Dre,tker, for rapacity to pre
pare and dean Coal cannot be surpassed. (Jur vises et
Coal are as fellows:
Lump. for Finelling . .purpcses,
Steamboat, fnr smelt lug and stelinibonts,
Drokon. Eln: and Stove, for Family lIAO and steam,
Nut and Pea, tier Limelearneu and steam.
Our Lintelairners' Coal 14 a very superior quality. to
which Ivo would eaptesially call the attention of denial.*
and eot.outers.
Ott- point of shipping Ix Sunburyot here arrangements
are made to load boats without any delay, Orders ad
dressed too us at Shamokin, Sunbury or Lancaster, will
receive pro 1110 at tent lon.
itprlt, COCHRAN. PEALE & Co.
.1..1. Cochran. Lancaster. Benj. Iteinhold, Lancaster.
C. W. Peale. Shamokin, 11. Itauuntrdner. do.
the subscriber has the satisfaction ul in
, II t. la= forming his old friends and patrons that
- his establishment Is again In active opo
n, now buildings having been erected since the late
dist trouts tire and the whole otitablishment put in com
plete working order. Orders are therefore respectfully
solicited for work In his line, which will be done with
prompt urea and In the best manner.
and repaired. All Mads of Machinery in Paper Mills,
Grist Mills and Factories repaired at short notice. Mill
Spindles dressed and turned.
such as Born Gear Four Horse Power, Horizontal Gear
Four Horse and Two Horse Powers, Ploughs, Corn libel
loiS and Crushers, &c. Patterns made to order. Iron and
Brass CASTINGS executed to order, if not on hand, at
tIM shortest notice, such as Cranks and Mill Gearing,
Spur and Bevil heels, Gudgeons for Sow Mills, Plow
Castings, Cutters. Point Shears, Wagon and Coach Box
es, Spindles. Car Whoois. Car Chairs, &c. He has also
on hand a largo supply of Philadolphla and Tiny WOK
ING STOVES, and is constantly making Cooking Stoves
of various improved patterns for coal or wood, ten plate
Stoves, Grates, &c. Repairing done to all kinds of M.
ehluery. All kinds of old Iron, Brass and Copper taken
in exchange for work.
,IIINES.—Tho subscribers are now executing or
for the fojiowing Reaping and Mowing Machines,
believed to be the largest assortment to be found at any
one establishment In the United States:
Atkins' Reaper and Waif Baker freight added,
bleVorrnick , a Combined Reaper and Mower,
Bnrral's Reaper and Mower,
Kutebum's Reaper and Mower,
Ketchum's Mower,2 Knives,
Allen's Mower, 2 Knives,
Hussey's itsaper and Mower, with front
carriage and side delivery,
Manny's Combined Reaper, and Mower
depending ou Territory,
Samples os the above in store or examination.
Agricultural Ware House and seed store,
May 30 tf Corner 7th and Market sta. Phila.
I_FRESII FRUIT at all seasons.—The Aubseriber bar
just opened a few dozen 'Rennetteal self sealing FRUIT
CANS. for preserving Fruits, Tomatoes, (keen Corn, Am.,
for a whole year in a fresh :slate—require no Folderlnft
nod may Le used year after year and are etolly opeue
and without th,t aid of a tlmm. Call and exam
en 111,m .
. OEO. W. II tTNER. -
June 1:'. .
4 I ti
tn. lot \ r!1,
A(1.111 SIIROM
W. It. NII7ICRAY. Agt.