131iilabelpljia WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE and FANCY (1001)8 —A fine amsort meet of the finest quality, for sale at the lowest rash prices, at Wm. Ct ELTON IlEADll‘;':fle. 184 South Second Stroot between Pine and Union, went side, Philadelphia The assortment embraces a largo and select stock Vine Watches, Jewelry Silo Were. Albak Ware. platef with flea silver, in ;Spoons, Fork n, Ledles..te.—Jet goodt:, Fans and fancy articles of n superior quality, deserving the examilmtion of flnoo 1010 tiVSirl , beet Kim at the lowest cash prices. ,S; • -" l ' laving a pactical knikylvtige of the business.and all a vailable fu ties for Importing and 51anullictur kg, the subscriber confidently invites purehnsers, be lieving that he can supply them on terms as favorable as any other establishment In either of the Atlantic Cities: , All kinds of Diainniuls • and Pearl, Jewelry and Silver nuinefitetured to order, within a reasonable time. n... Watches, jewelry nod silver ware Stithfully re paired: ;11 • 1i. EIifONILEAD, No. '284 South 2d St. a few doors above the 2d St.. Mar ket, West Side. o s y...in the south window of the Store, may be seen the famous Bird Clock, which commands the admiration of the scientific and curions. - -(Sept. 28, '64-Iyr.. IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHAT OF,,,LIME.—From City Chemical & Union Works, made after the most improved articles and Corp superior. Prepared Anhydrite Manure, made aftr the English ar ticle, and most superior. being much lower than `Guano, Ind fully equal. The attention of Dealers and Farmers • particularly called here fOr trial. Also, Perth inn ti u. o, in large or small quantities, for sale by JOHN- L. POMEROY, South Whartes,.3d door above Chestnut St. Nal 80pt.27, 1854 MILSON'S PATENT VENTILA "II'O./ FUltN.Ao4—The subscriber would call the of all parties. requiring a desirable Furnace N . B ,CELEBRATED WARMING -VW VENTILATING 4.-A7P• tation of this furnace is now known, having .cod during the past five years into about uildings and more than 8000 private dwellt ,gether with the immense Increase of sales the best evidence that can be adduced of over all other furnaces. liy the use el lace, you secure the following advantages iLATlON : —.The-boating surfaces being at a tempera till not dessecate the air. s.t. USE Os FUEL. URAIIILITY—Being Made entirely of Cast Iron, o rust, will require no repairs during a life easily managed,; nd will not exi,sethe build Lich it is placed to danger from tire, like the laces. e the testimonials of hundreds of the most . men to attest to the truth of the above state ment, all of whom pronounce it to be decidedly the best furnace yet invented FA* producing a pure and healthy atmosphere. We herewith annex the names of a few well known and eminent professors, who have used them and kindly furnished us their names and roferences Prof. John S. Hart, Prof. l'arkcr, Prof. Norton, Tres Win. 11. Allem-Prof. Parsons,Prof Dan:Lids, Prof. It. sil imam Prof. Ripley. NINE SIZES. We have lo4rodueed this season five now sizes, so that all parties may avail themselves of this great improve ment at a vory moderate cost. We are now prepared to furnish an apparatus to warm a single room, or the larg est building in the country. \u. 1' Portable Complete, do do 3 do do 4 do for brick work du ,do 3 Extra Radiator, (with Bars and French' Platoad 3 do do do Sb 5 du do do 107 6 do • do do 133 This No. 7 is the largest and most powerful Furnace made in this country, and Is admirably adapted for Churches and other larze class buildings. Wu continue to sell the apparatus itt the same price as when introduced, five years ago. Although the present high price of fron has increased their cost 25 per cent owing to their great weight, still we are enabled by the great increase of sales t I furnish the prticie at the lowest possible price. one foundry alone, 3lessrs. War nick a:Leibrandt., Imer,mtracted to furnish us with Soil tons of Furnaces this season. SO that we are now prepar ed to furnish thorn wholesale and retail. We superintend the erection of all Furnaces, when required, and war rant them In all cases. SIETROPOIATAN COOKING RANGE.—We have also the most complete Cooking Range that harryet boon in troduced. to which we call the-attention of all who may wish to secure the mist perfect and desirable cooking ap paratus over invented. ETERSON'S PATENT VENTILATOR.—We are the only Agents in Pennsylvania for the manufacture and dale of this Ventilator, which Is acknowledged to be the only perfect Ventalator ever Made for correcting the draught in smoky chimnies, and for ventilating build lugs of all kinds. As there are a great many Imitations of this valuable article now offered for sale, parties will be careful to examine that it has the Emerson Badge at tached. PATENT REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS.—Go have the largest nap most complete assortment sf llot AID llegiste r s and Ventilators to be tumid In the United States. Parties Who wish to purchase either for privotu use or wholesale, will find it greatly to their advantage to examine their stock. SLATE AND IRON MANTLES.—We have always on hvid an extensive assortment of these beautiful man exactihnitatitti of Egyptian, Spanish, Galway and other rare marbles. OPEN iORATES.—For Anthracite and Bituminous Coal. Ats),an entire new pattern of the low down Grate, made from the English Patterns, and entirely new iu this country. SOLE AGENTS for the English Encaustic Flooring Tile, OarnkirkChintuey Tops and Terra Cet to Ornaments, such its Gorden Vases, S:c. Persons about building would do well to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Visitors, whether purchasing or not, are cordially .weletmied to our exten sive Wartwoonts and where we should be happy to fur nish any inforMittion respecting any of our goods that may be desired. A book on IV:wining and Ventilating can be had gratuitously ut our store, either personally or by letter. S. A. HARRISON, Warming and Ventilating Warehouse, 116 Walnut st., below Sixth, PITILADELPIIIA. (fay :11-71n) OLLA111 ) , Premium Artiste in Hair Inventor of the Celebrated Gossamer Ventilating IVi and Elastic Band Toupees. Instructions to enable ) Ladies and Omitlemen to measure their heads with au- 1 curacy. Fun 'Wins, Inclies.—No. 1. Tho round of the bead; No. 2. From forehead over the head to the neck; No. 3. From ear to ear over the top; No. 4. From ear to ear round the forehead. Toupees and scalps, inches.—No. 'l. From forehead to back as fur as bald; No. 2. Over forehead as far as requirs ed; No. 3. Over the crown of the head. R. DOLLARD has always ready for sale a splendid stock of (lents' Wigs, Toupees, Ladies' Wigs. half Wigs, Friaoti, Braids, Curls,Ac., beautifully manufacturedand as cheap as any establishment in the Union. Pollards Iforbanium Extractor Lustrous Hair Tonic, prepared from iiontli American lierbs and Roots, the most successful article over produced for preserving tn. •h t 1 from falling out or changing color, restoring and. preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant state. Among other reasons why Dollard's' hair cutting saloon main tains its immense popularity Is the bet that his Tonkin applied to every head of hair cut at his establishment, consequently it is kept in better preservation than un der any. known application. It being thus practically tooted by thousands, offers the greatest guarantee of its. eflicacy. g o ld wholesale and retail at his Old Rstablisinnent 177 Chestnut street opposite the State House, Philadelphia. llt,. pollard has at least discovered the no plus idiot of 11)1:1R DYE., sod announces it fur sale with perfect con tidonce la its'aurpassing every thing of the kind now in wi. It odors the hair either black or brown, (as unity 1 ,, d,.i,ie4) and is used without injury to the hair or o'4 either by stain or otherwise. rant Ie washed off in t 40101111 1 OA aft , V arrliollt il , ll, NI; ti.ll , llt dt`i Mai lig from 1 ,/;i1.• vv, . Veystins visiting the city are invited to give bids call: Pt .cs addressed to IL DoLL.,fW, „„, 177 Chestnut st., plilil •ipliki. ,v i 1 I revel ye at b.l I t b.b al.. 00.,25-ly iv • NN EA' ,'i AND - lfLiio VI . k i,t, .----- very largo assortilomt of the hi est ' styles 11)1 , 1f Ounstable and split straw. Near,' its», 11,, 1,.,,, , , 1 ,,,,, h „,,, wi .l Florence Braid Bonnets, ( Mei , and I'llihirco' Woomera of various kinds, 'city lfraids and (limps. Arlitlebil Flowers, 3pnel linings find mbhons. &... till of which will be a4d.teap at line store of iliec:mliscrilicr South ilitufiver st;r4 ItIIIIIIRT lileiti til s lo, .11,ril ..25, itovc nub Zl)opee. 11 1 OR TILE 110 LIDA Y 8 1 FANCY GOODS, turr BOOKS, kc ke. S. W. HA VERSTICK has justlsweived front the city and Is now opening n splendid display of FANCY GOODS, suitable for the approaehl ng Ilididay Season, to which lie desires to call the attention of his friends and the public. Ills assortment in this line cannot be surpassed in novelty and elegance. anti Loth In quality and price of the tudicies. cannot fall to please purchasers. It would be impossible to enumerate his HOLIDAY FANCY CIOODS, which comprise every variety of fancy article of the Most exquisite shape such as Pallier Macho Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card niece, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Finley Work Boxes, with sewing instruments, Port %inflates, of every variety, Gold pens and pencels, Fancy paper weights, Papeterles, and a argo variety of ladles' Fancy station- Cry, Motto seals and wafers, Sill: and head purses, • Ladles' riding whips, elegantly ilnlshtp, Ladles' fine cutlery, Perfnme baskets and bags, Brushes of every land Sro the ltuus.Bel•s Perfitmet , of the various kinds, Musical Instruments, of all n is and 'at all prices, together tel an innumerable variety of articles elegant ly finished and suit:ilde for holliday presents, to which he invites special attention. Also, an ostensive and elegant collection of HOLIDAY RIFF BOOKS, comprising the various English and American ANNUA for 1555, richly embelished7l Tad ilustrated POETICAL 11'l)It1i S, with CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL BOOKS, for children of all ages. , thitn which nothing ..an he more appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. Ills misortment pf School Books and School Stationry is also complete, aml corn prises every thing used In College and the Schools. lie also desires to the particular attention of Families to his elegant o''.--,IIF LAMPS, 0111A - MMLES, from the extensive estabibAnnents of Cornelius, Archer and "then; of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor. Chamber ilnd Study Lamps. for burning either lard sperm or ethereal oil, together with Flower lases, Fancy Screens. Ac. His assortment in this line is un equaled in the borough. Also, FRUITS, FANCY CON FErf lONA ItY—NU'I'S—PRE SEIt VED Fiturrs„te., In every variety and at all prices,. all of which are pure and fresh, idyll as can be confidently recommended to his friends and the little folks. Ills stork embrases every thing in the line of Fancy Moods , witAunany other articles useful t r housekeepers which the piddle are especially invited to call and see during the holidays.— Remember the Old Stand, nearly opp,site the Bank on North Ilannver strew'. dcc 13 1: , 51. S. W. lIAVEIISTICK. Arl'liArll( )N? 110 FOR THE no LI DA VS.—MUSS K I NU LE'S Ohl) ❑ALL is now and will continue to lc supplied with the great est novelties up to the close of the season, emnprising In part CoN FECTION A ItIES of the choicest varieties. such as Fine Cattily Toys, JiLlly Cakes, Bon Botts, Gum Cordial. Lemon, Chocolate and gruit Drops, Rose, Vanilla, and Burnt' Almonds. French and exploding Secrets. Also all the common varieties, all of which trill he sold whole sale and retail at low rates. We have just received FRUITS AND NAYS of the latest importations such as Oranges, Lemons, Raisins. Figs, Proems, Citron, Curran ts, ma and paper shelled Almonds, Filberts, Cocoa, Cream and Ground Nuts. In connection with the above the, largest assortment of Tuys AND FANCY GOODS of every kind from all parts of Europe. manufactured of wood, glass, china, papier mache, tin and India rubber, rink, Ac., such as Fine Wax, kill zind_ joi Filed Dolls, sewing and Card Baskets, Work and Fancy Boxes, Flower Vases. Motto Cups, Tea Setts, Music Boxes. Port Monaies, Battle Doors, Grace Hoops, Masks. Drums, Guns Trumpets. Dominoes, Lotto and other games, ,tc. Fancy Soaps and (lair Oils of every. variety. In ronneetiOn with Mc' I above a large stock of FAS! ILI' GROCERIES, such as pulverised, crushed and brown Sugars, of every grade, Coffee, Molasses, Starch, Green and Black Teas, Spices, Butter, soda, Sugar, Water and other Crackers, cheese, $ 2,, 35 The subscriber returns hie sineere thanks to a gener als public r r the p ttronage heretofore bestowed on him, nd hopes, by n desire to please, to merit a continuance f the sauce, . _ . Carlisle, Dee, r 7, 1554 URS OR 131 ( 15 ) ' just I .‘ received l f E tu L h 1 ,1111 ) :I k a Y a B. largo assortment of new and SPLEN DID AN NU ALS, and 11T BOOKS for the Holidays, which having been purchased below the usual wholesale rat we are enabled to sell et greatly reduced prices They have now In store a splendid stock of Annuals, Gift Books, Illustrated Poets, Standard Works, Bibles, all sizes, Prayer Books, Hymn Books Sunday School Books, Tract Books, Juveniles, Ac., All of which arCNEW BOOKS. fresh from the publishers, splendidly bound and embelished and get up expressly for the Christmass s. Also FANCY STAT lON KY and Fancy articles generally, In great variety. The pal. Ile arc invited to call and examine samples now ready for I nsperthm. 4tritemember, the place to buy books, cheap, Is at PIPER'S, Main street. Dee'r n, 185.1 lEATHER.—Fritz & Hendry, Store, i 2O North :id st. Philadelphia. Morocco Manufnctui ors, Curriers,lmporters, Commission and General Leath or business. WHOLESALE AND RETAlL—Manilfactory 15 111 n, hs allstreet. Sep. 7—ly R E 3 10 VAL !-BESSON & SON, Leg leave t inform you that they have remov. ed the Pmr.tm:tenu FAMILY :11OUILININC) _SIORK from Vo. b e South Second Street, to the now Unfitting No jUt) Chesnut Street, (nye doors above Eighth, South ;side) where they will offer 1111 Increased stock at re lured prices. tir•l_NOw Spring hoods daily opening. LEITILEIt ! LEATIIEIt ! IWNDIZY it CO. No. 29, North Third t , trocit, Philude MOROCCO MA Nl' FACIT RERS, Currlers and Import ers of FRENCII CALF SKINS , and Dealers in Red am Oak Sole Loather and Kip. Fob2B--ly, , • JULI US STEIt N, No. 145, North Third Street, Philadelphia Wholesale Dealer in Fancy Dress Trimmings and Millinevy Goods, and Manufacturer of Fancy Silk Bonnets, keeps constantly on hand a very extensive assortment of Silks, Ribbons, Laces; Rmbrolderies, Flowers, Bonnet Frames, (limps, Fringes. besides a great+iuty of other Fancy floods. lie solicits call from Co Merchants visiting the City, and assures th be sure to Dud any article above od at the lowest prices. . Inarchl4-2m ,pOMILLINERY GOODS-1855- . FOR SPRINO SALES! JOHN STONE & SONS, No. 45, South Second Street, Philadelphia. (lave Just opened their Spring Importations of SILKS, BONNET RIBBONS, FLOWERS, LACES, CRAPES, &e. Including a . genernl . assortment of MILLINERY AIiTI• CLEF, of the most fashienublo styles. The above Omuls have been Imported elpreshiy fur our Spring sales and comprise tin largeA end Lest assortment In our lino to be found In the übu•ket. mareltl4-3m lIATS.—Just, received at k the Stork! of 120111;11T zt lo,t , ri moot or Nlett'N. Youth's owl Citildron'tt SI! .11:11 II ATS, eon sitd illg of l'atutnat I,ti , dlt Tit Ft oncli Straw, Canton and othrr farltdies. itttlt of a hi l t aro t ttlored and Mack— sooty quite low ill pi ice. :11113y:: 1 - ADIES I)BESS (. 1 2001)5..—tl tist .4 opening . a largo as, ort!aa of Spring and Suunnor In ,•.n (I.OS, (n)IISIAilll: of Plain and Figured Barages, l'lnln and Fipureil Silk Tit,sii(:'l4, Itarago .lo !mies, Plain 1.a0 . n0, Figured Swiss Moonlit:. nr;antlie , . Scotch Ging 113111h, fill.l at groat Viirloly or of fuel goods lit its lor prices a.:3 ,an la, found any whore in limo too - O. ; May St h,'(s. (ID), NV. lire 1111 . Usl3 Hotta Ottlatm JJOHN P. JAYNE—Wholesale and Re tall dealer in American, English and German II A ROW ARE, Oils, Paints, &c., it. Mechanics, builders and the public generally, who are in want of Ilardware of any kind, are invited to call in and examine my unusually larg stock of goods, which 1 am selling at very low prices. Just stop in; it will only &tido you a very few minutes to be convinced that what everybody says —that byn's is decidedly the place to get good goods at law prices—must. be true. LYNE'S Hardware Store, West Side North Hanover street. RESIT ARRIVAL Try tt i II ENYR SAXTON. The subscriber having returned from the city would call the attention of his friends and the public generally to the large and well selected assortment of Hardware which lie has just received, consisting In part of 111111.MM] MA TERIALS, nails. screws, hinges, locks, bolts. glass. putty, paints. oils. fic. TOOLS,—edge tools; saws and planes 0. every description, with files, rasps, hammers, anvils, &c. A general assortment of SHOEMAKERS AND SAD DLERS Tot HI,S, together with morocco, lining and biral- Mg skins. shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mount ing, saddletrees, &c. COACH .TRlMMlNO—canvass (plain, enamelled, fig ured and -embossed) patent and enamelled leather, axles, springs, hubs. spokes, felloes, shmts, Cabinet Makers will find a large assortment of varn ishes. mahogany and walnut veneers, moulding, rosettes, hair cloth, curled hair, The stock of Iron Is large and well selected, compris ing all the kinds In general use.as hammered and rolled iron of all sizes, fiat, bar and band iron, round, square and oval Iroti; horse-shoe iron and nail rods, with a large lot of east and spring steel, English and American blis ter steel. Sze. Ifousekeepers and these about commencing will tied it to their advantage to call and examine our cutlery. brit- Willa and plated ware pans, kettles, cedar ware, baskets, Sz.c. In addition to the above we have received a splendid assortment of WALL PAPER, making the stork com plete, and at such prices us cannot fall to give satisfac tion. 'Co invite nll friends to call. knowing It will be to their own advantage. Remember the old stand, East high Street, Carlisle, Pa. Oct. 12,13853. HENRY SAXTON. FRFqII ARRIVAL OF HA RT)- W A It E.—The subscriber having returned from the city has just opened for the Fall trade a large and well selected stock of foreign and domestic Hardware. embra ring everything usually found In that iillo Of bu siness• The at tention of friends and the public generally is respectfully dirmled to the assortment on band. as suring them that goods of all kinds will be sold for rash at a very small advance on manufacturers prices. Re member the old ,stand, East Main Street. Carlisle. Pa. Aug 30. 1854. • H. SAXTON. lIARDWARE.—Mannuoth Spring Arrival at LYN VS on North Ilan• ' over Street, where the public are being supplied witti every variety of Hardware, Paints, 011 s M. at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Call in, we can zircon' modato a ow more. rr 0 0 T II WASII.-ISeautiful We hit Teeth Healthy Gums and a Sweet Breath—All wh are desirous of obtaining these bonefitS should use %ER MAN'S CELEBRATED TOOTH WASH. This delicious article combines so many meritoi Mus qualities that it has now become n standard favorite with the ciAJArns o. New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore. Dentists pre scribe It in their practice most successfully, and from every source the most Battering laudations are awarded it. Inflamed and bleeding gums are immediately benefit ted by its use; its action upon thorn Is mild, soothing and effective. It cleanses the teeth so thoroughly. that they are made to rival pearl In whiteness. end diffuses through the mouth such n delightful freshness that the breath is rendered exquisitely sweet. It disinfects these impurities which tend to produce decay, and. as a eon se,quence, when these are removed the teeth must al riLys remain sound. Read tho following from Dr. J. A. Carmen: Mr F. Zerman--Slr: Hating used and reconunonded your Tooth Wash In my prank.° for some time, I find It the most effectual Weald - Mee In use, nod therefore rueont mend It to the public. P. Nf ON 1' Elt Read the following testimony: Zstousrt—Dear Sir: 1 have fully tested the merits of your valuable Tooth Wash, and can, without hesita tion, recommend it as the best that has come under my notice during an experience as Dentist of more than six teen years. It cleanses the Teeth, soothes and hardens irritated Gums, and imparts a delicious fragrance to the Breath. From the mouths of those who make use of it, however, It will certainly speak for itself. Oto. P., Sam*ELT, Surgeon Dentist, 270, South Tenth st., Philadelphia. It Is used and recommended by all the eminent Dent ists in Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other cities where it has been introduced. All should give it a trial. Jah^. Prepared only by Francis 2erman, Druggist and Cheniist, - Philadelpida, and au wholouile and retail by Samuel Ellintt, Carlisle, J. Dorshelmer, Mechanicsburg. J. liernm, Newvillu, J. C. Williams, Shlppensburg, and by all Druggists at only 25 Cents purl:kali°. EPILE I TSY Can be Cured. Lake's VEGETABLE COMPOUND, :Ur the cure of EN -I.l:Pril or FITS I Is performing more wonderful cures than any other medicine yet known or before the public.— PRICE FIVE DOLLARS A BOTTLE. The proprietor has In his possession numerous certifi cates, narrating the astonishing and miraculous cures effected by this medicine, and directs attention to the following only, to assure those who are so unforttinate to be afflicted with the terrible disease heretofore regard ed Incurable, that LAKE'S preparation ts ALMOST INFALI ME IN ITS LAME! From Mrs. liroolcs, widow of Mn}. Jas. Brooks, late oi Oanneaut, 0. • Colst:sally, Feb. 3, 1853. Mr. Z. Lxina—Sir: Please send MO another bottle of Fit Medicine, as I do not like to be without it on hand. When I commenced giving the medicine to my son Eds. gar, he had from one to three fits per day. lie has now taken the medicine over five months, and has had, I think, but two tits in that thus, said these very light.— Ills body and mind are very much improved; and by the blessing of (had, I feel that the medicine will restore his body said mind to their wonted activity. Ile is 25 years old, and has had tits over PI years, which have been very fmquent, and very destructive to his consti tution and mind. Hundreds of dollars' have been ox pointed for medicine to e ants Fos," but nothing has relieved him until ho used your medicine. Respectfully yours, POLLY BROOKS. From Judson Landon, County Superintendent of the Ashtabula County Infirmary. Klsosvms, Feb. 4, 1858. Mr. Z. Lmrt—Sir: Please send a few more bottles of your "Fit Medicine;" I may not need It, but think saf er to keep it on band. Your medicine handonewonders, I gave It to, Miss Jane Delano; she luta had fits fur. 26 years, brought on by having the mewls when but four years old, which could not be brought out to the surface After taking the medicine a few days, sus nay A FINE mow or lIIISAFELS, and has had no fits since. She had fits or symptoms almost daily. She and her ilither concur with me in saying that we believe the medicine has or will wok a perfect cure. I also • Me. the medicine to Miss Jane llundersea and Aris Carby, who have had fits almost daily, for a number of years. Their fits have ceased, and I belleVe the medicine will have the desired effect. Much money has been expended by the friends of the above patients , for doctoring, all to no purpose. The core was left for your medicine t" perform, and eau cheerfully recommend it as a valuable 'discovery.— Respectfully yours, • JUDSON LANDON, Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Infirmary. Prepared and Ovid at wholesale by Z.' Ling, Conneaut, Ohio. It:, F. WELblill, traypling Fold by Ft. W. I favorlitb.l:. Car Ttymiss. cmnnlrsburf.t; D.' W. Ilmsg. frarrisbilre. °Pt:. 5-lyt. TIAY A N 1) 'STRAW CU/7ERS, . CORN HIII.:1;1,11t8.—A large n.aortinent of lin proved Ilay„Straw 00 I , uthlor euttorn, now oil hand...-. Also, double and m. iglo corn either liana oi horse l over. of the very latest malinfactore, I urinal il, the premium uhellor at the Into Pivnitsyl VIII , II State Fah, For vain I,y PASCILAI.I;2MORIIIIA Agrkultnral NVarehouse and S.,ll:iti,ye; = cntlinr o 1 in ntt Marizt t, Plank Pen. 101— -t f ATOUS. BEGES.—JuHt received unnolher lot of Chenp Do Be,ses,Noes :ins! Par math Cloth.. [uovlsl G. W. 1111NElt. Parbwarc, Jltehicittes. Dr. J. A. CARAthN, Dentist, Harrisburg, Pa sttcliciltc DR. J r . B. MARCHISI'S CELE 1311ATEP CATIIOI.ICON, FOR TOE RELIEF CURE OF SUFFERING FEMALES. It stands pmeminent for its curative powers In all the dis eases for %illicit It is - reeeni menaett, usually called FE— MALE CI 011 1 1.A1 N'l'B. Of these are Prolapsus Uteri. or Falling of the Womb; Fluor AI bus, or W bites; Chronic I :i -nanimation and Ulceration of the Womb: Incidental Hemor rhage, or ; p an f u l Suppressed, & irregular Men struation, I:e., with all their accompanying evils, (Cancer excepted.) no matter how se vere or of how lung standing, This Medicine hits serer been Introduced by circuity puffs, and misrepresentat lona, nor is it intended that its present popularity shall be sustained by any medium but its merits and the appro. bat ion of the public NOTICE TO THE UNFORTUNATE FEMALE. I feel It a duty incumbent upon Myself to declare publicly the great blessing Dr. Marchisrs Uteri re Ca tholicon has proved to me. For two years in) health was miserable; I was almost unable to walk. clans pronounced my ease falling 01 the' eX ten sive ulcerations, conimencing uIUi fluor albus, pains, irritation. prostration, &e.. rendered Welt burden. In this miserable condition, Dr. F. P. Newland ren In mended Dr. MarchisFs Uterine Catholicon. After tak ing four bottles I find myself in perfeci health. • (trial tude for my restoration makes me ardently desire that till my sex, alike unfiirtunate, may find sun , relief from this inestimable medicine. • . •. . ELIZABETH A. NEWLAND, No. ISI West-st., Utica. N. Y The nLove statement i know to Le true. E. P. NEWLAND, M. 1., Utica. N. Y . . I have no hesitation In saying, Dr. Marchisi s 1 terDie l'atholiron is invaluable in uterine diseases generally . I have used It in Finer Minis, menorrlitea. Prolapses Uteri, and in eases of extensive ulreration Of the vagina nd is uteri. It is worthy of the notice of the Faculty. JOIIN C. ORRICK, M. Baltimore, Md. Let all interested call and obtain a pamphlet (free) containing ample proof, from the most respectabl e sources. or the beneficial results of its use: togethe r with letters from highly experienred Ph) sicians, wh have used It in their practice, and speak from their own ol•sers talon s. • Ltirll. J. KIEFFER, Druggist, South Hanover street, sole Agent for Carlisle, - J. 11. MARCUM ('O.. Proprietors, Central Depot, 354 Broadway, N. Y. January 24, 1555--(ltu r iiE It EATEST I)1 $('U EltY TIIE AoE—Farmers, Families and others, can par chase no remedy equal to Dr, 'I'OIIIAS' Venetian Lini ment, for sentery, Cmull, Chronic I.beumatisnm Quinstl, Sore Throat. Toothache, an Sickness, Cuts Burns, Swellings, Old Sores, 11usquito Bites. Insect Stings. Pains in the Lind s. Chest, Dark. Sr. 11 it dots not give relief, the money will he refunded—all that is asked, is a trial, anti ustait according to directions. 'lllO article is an English remedy. and urns used by 11 in. IV, K lug of England, and, certified to by him. as a cure for Itlmumatism, a hen everything else recommended by his ph) sicians had fails d. Over 10,000,000 of bottles hate loon sold in thri ULU ed States, oithout a singlo failure, and families have stated Unit it Willi worth $lO per bibtlo. they net er would be without it, hi city.. of Crimp. as it is as certain ns it is applied. It-cures Toothache In three minutrs; licailtitho In half an hour, And Cholera, when stink en, hi a few hours. It is perfectly Innocent to take in- - tr,rnally. and hag the nrtrannu•udatlon of ninny of the most eminent Physicians in the United States. Price, 25 and 511 cents. Dr. Tobias has also put ups Liniment for Horses. in plat bottles. which Is warranted—cheaper and better th in any other. for the cure of Colic, Galls, Swellings, old Sores, Cuts, Bruises. Scratches, Cracked Heel, Sc.— Price, - 50 cents. Dr. Tobias could fill a dozen newspapers with the err nitrates and letters received, relating to the wonderful cures accomp'ithed by his Liniment. I ut considers that wary:lntim.: It is sufficient, as any person who does no t obtain relief, need not pay Sr It. There tins been so much worthless medicine to Id to the public, that Dr. To bias wishes his article to rest on its 00n merits, and if he gives the value of the money received, then he asks the patronage of the public, not otherwise. Dlt. TOBIAS' Office, 240 GREENWICH Street, New York. For solo by A. Stnith, Seventh and Chestnut strects; Dyntt & Son, 132 N. Sorond street; T. 11. Callender. t S S. Third street. and by the Druggists throughout the United States. CARTER'S SPA NISH MIXTURE. TUE GREAT PURIFIER OF 'l'm imooD.—Not n. particle of Mercury In It. An infallible remedy Mr Scrofula, King's Evil, Itheumatism,ObstinateCutuneous Eruptiuns, Pimples or Pustules on the Fsce, Blotches, Dolls, Chronic Sum Eyes, Ding Worm or Teller, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the hones and Joints, Stuborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumlago, Spinal Complaints nail all dlse:Ltit,f; arising from tin Injudicious uvo of Mercury, Imprudence In Lifo, or Impurity of Om mood. it9—Thls great alterative medicine and Purifer of the Blood, is now used by thousands of grateful patients in all parts of the United States. nho testify daily to the remarkable cures performed by the greatest of all medi cines, “OARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE." Neuralgia, Rheutnatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Llverlds- Mse, Foyers, Ulcers, Old Sores, Affections of the Kidneys Diseases bf the Throat, Female Complaints, Pains and Aching of the Bones and Joints, are very speedily put to flight by using this groat and inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet been found to compare to it. It cleanses the system of all hn purities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kid neys, strengthens the Digestion, gives tone to the Stom ach, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the llonstßution, enfeebled by disease or broken down b 7 tho excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. For the Ladies it is incomparably better titan all the cosmetics over used: A few doses of CARTER'S SPARER! MIXTURE will remove all sallowness of complexion, bring the roses mantling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and improve the general health in a remarkable de gree beyond all the medicines over heard,of. The large mimber of certificates Which we have receiv ed front from persons from all parts of the United States, is the bestovidonce that there is no Humbug about it. The press, hotel-keepers, magistrates, physicians, and public' men, well known to the community, all add their testimony to the wonderful effects of this (IItEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Call on the Aosxr, and get a Circular and Almanac, and read the wonderful cures, this truly gregit est of all Medicines has performed. Fon° genuine unless signed BENNETT & BEERS, 'prlatm-s, No. :1, l'eari stivat..lllchniond, whom all orders fir supplies And agoneks'inufit tw addressed. A n d for s 3 l, by S. Elliott S. W. Ilaverstich, Carlisle ; ,11.3 pay, Nforhaiile,d , urg; .1. if Iterrmh. Norvillo;" .1 C. 'Alt I', Shlpponsintrg, and by dealers In imdleinerl every w)ivre., - Fll PSI-1' SRA 1),.-=-A fr.w bonnie of , prim° No.l rep vlrod at . 1111.1,1 AMS 111ZOVERV. april 11. 1)1 I, . S'ltr,;:roons' 1 flt)(1:1!2.e r NSTITCTE M.:MOVED to 4 ' ;111 • street, sixth I.torr Tilark.it. 11. C, FA' En mirs Patent I:rt.luatiin; rmssure 'I HUS i. I i tlto curs of 14414. t ors., tcvs, limultii:es lc+ acfurnAit les, 11-Iy, illcbicines. LI V. E K _COMPLAINT, Dyspepsia Jaundice, i.l!monk or Nervous debility, Muse no trio tildneys, and all diseases arising from a disorder° hi ver or Stomach, such as Constipation. In ward plus fulness of blood to the head, aridity of the stoma, I nausea, heartburn, disgust for frsod, fulness or weight. II the stomach, sour eructations, sniffing or butte:tug a the pit of the stomaeh, swimming of the head, hurrie rod difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart. chokln or suffocating s fusid ions when in a ly lug poi:tufo, din nese of vision, dots or wets before the si g ht , th. bar an , dull pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration, yellow 11.4 k of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, lark, clas s , limbs, he., sudden flushes of heat, burnirg in the Bent constant imaginings of evil, and great depression of spi. Its, can be effectually cured by Int. llooffi.ANYS (ALI !MATED GERMAN HITTERS, prepared by ha. C. D. JAcasua, No. 120 Arch Street. Philadelphia, 'their power over the /ibex(' diseases is not excelled, equalled, by any other faravaration in the United:tate: as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful pbys rinse bad failed. 'These bitters are worthy the attention of invalids.- POssessing great virtpes In he rectification of disease of the Meer and *est' glands, exercising . the mei searching powers in weakness atti ailectioLs of the d gestive organs, they are withal sale, certain and plus nut, TESTIMONY FROM PENNSYLVANIA. .1. I!: Spring, Laceyville, Pa.. April 6, i 4. says, oun get you some gobtl certificates ti r your German Bit ters in this vicinity if you o lob throb A lady purehae ing conic of it this week, says that It is by far the lest tontlich.e she ever knew, haling done her at d her daughter inuch good. ite. S. B. Lawson, Penfardrft Store, Somerset co, Pa., aug. 15, 1853, says, '•I am much attached to your (ferule)) Hitters, haying used two bottles of it, a hit h I mot ere from S. Kurtz, your agent at Somerset, and fund great relief from it in blisere of the Ibl or. 1 f. rd it la to •reat effect onMfyllittga, strengthen log and hal igme lie g them, which, us 1 am a puhlie• spieler, is a great help to me." Dr. Mies, Newton Hamilton, Pa.. May, 11151, said: " have used myself half a dozen bottles of your Gelman ilittere for Liver Complaint and diseases of it nervot • character, riisniting from the al use of mercury. Iwa poisoned nod afflicted with spasms from tIM me of th latter article. he ()email hitters is the first astir! Emm which I obtained any relief. I have also given tl article to many dysreptics. a ith the most salon:1-y a, cults. 1 think ,as many more is Wes will cure toe." J. C. Young: Esq., of Dauphin. writes May fe. '5 was afflicted with Generili Uehillt> inteatiVal Weal mess and Costiveness, I'r wide h I used many diffcrer remedies without relief. I at'last used your Ifoorand tjerlaail bitters. 1 took a few bottles according to d 'M ions, and Was completely cured. I have not oven e healthy for ten years as I hnre teen since I took yot !litters, which be about one year ago." Them, Bitters are ENTIRELY VD/F.TAU} . .. always strengt ening the system and never prct.trating it. Sold by dealers in medicine and storekeepers over tVbere, and by Samuel Elliott, S. W. Ilaverstlek and 1 W. Cauffman. Carlisle; Erninger & Co., Mechanicslurb Snyder & Diehl, Newburg, and by Dealers In Medicine generally. Nov. 22, 1854-Iy, lIOCTOIt • YOUR Jr .91:1114—PEIVATELY •.. cents, by means of the 1.001 ET 2ESCULAPIUS, or Eve' One IllS OWN PHYSICIAN The thirtpsix th Edition, wit one hundred engravinps ' ohm in q Private Diseases ea.d Ma formations of the Goner:al, System, in every shape no form: to which as adder Treatise on the Diseases/ males, intended for the i e femalee only, (see page IPt ) ink, of the highest importan to married people, or those co y. Was. I'S,Ltill, M. D.. Gradus ❑eylvaain. Member of the Bo al ciillege of Surgeons, London, and 111 nor-Ivry Month of the Philadelphia Medical society. The various bro of Secret diseases, Seminal 'Weakness. Diseases of tl Prostrate Gland, Impotency, solitary habits of youth. at faithfully der:el - RA.li, and all the receipts given in pini -language. The chapters on self abuse and Semlni Weakness la emally of particular attention, nail shout be lead by every one. Young men ll ho have been ut fortunate in contracting disease, previr-us to plaeir ) ourselves under the care of any doctor, no matter alit his pretensions may be, get acv py of thia truly valuta) work. Silt Captains and persons going to sea should tame • Dr. Youngs Treatise on Marriage. the Pocket it:mutat OF, or Every one Ills own Physician. Air). Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of tl iEsculaplus to his child. It may Htvohlm frcrp an ear grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the I' 'cret obligations of married life without reading thopoc et lEsculapirts. Let no one suffering (rent a Mickel , cough, pain in the side, restless nights, nervous fcelin and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, anti givi up by their physician, be another moment without co suiting the Nseulapins. Rave the married or the about to be married any Impediment, read this tru useful Dook, es it has been the means of saving the sands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of thlseelebrat work has been sold hi this muutty,and.E..' trope since 1- - 38, When the first edition was issued. tkii- Any persist. sending TIVENTY4IYE rents I. closed in a letter, will receive one rily of tbbi book I emil; or five copies will, be sent for $l. Addreis It WILLIAM YOU NO, No. 152 Spruce street, Philadelphi Post paid. Twenty years practice in the city of Philadelphia ci r tainly entitles Dr. Young to the confidence of the at dcted, and ho may be consulted on any of the disease s described in his different publications, at his office. 15, Spruce street. every day between U and 3 o'clock, Sun days excepted) and persons at any distance can consult Dr. Young by letter. posy pain. AFL—SPEEDY—SURE !—S o In TILINO FOR YOUR OWN BEN RFUrI:I A dl °di adapt id to general use. greatly r•nperlor to ahem. and witbizethe 1110.111 K of to.ory 100 PILLS tin., twonty-tivn rents! No extortion In price—no Caleinelno rnineral poison whatever. . TOWNSF:ND'H HEALTH PILLS fully merit thßgreal niwatatton they have acquired. They arc called for front all parts of the land, becalm, THLT AR& ALL THAT THEY CLAIM TO WHAT THEY WILL DO--LThey purify the bleed. they dense the System of Hunters, they cure Dyspepsia and indigestion, they create an Appetite,' they cure Sick licadacbe,lffssiness and Lew Spirits, they arrest Fevers, they• promote a healthy action of the liver. they are ti sure cure tie Costiveness and Habitual Constipation, they are highly efficacious hi Female Complaints, they strengthen and give tone to the System. They are 1k..! best Family Medicine known. It Is an obvious inquiry, hew one medicine c.in curese many different complaints. These Pills. however, alarm compounded of curative materials that persons have on ly to THY THEM. and the answer will bo found In a rr• stored body and an invigorated constitution. Each Box contains 100 rills, at the astonishingly lee , price of 25 cents.' Every Individual should have them- For sale by the Druggists and Storekeepers generally P. A. Pam* ioporal Agent, Stonington, Ct. /ORACLE OF SCIENCE.-Dr. 0. L Rolling, of Mechanicsburg. Cumberland . couny; Pa., announms to those . a ffl icted with TUM".I4 A i Wens. Cancers. Polypus, Lupus, ?doles or Marks, Pet ..4 ula. King's Evil and all diseases that hove been. usually treated with Caustic or Knife, he can remove them with out cutting, burning or pain; neither Chloroform of Ether is administered to the patient. It is no mattet on what part of the hotly they may be, he can retuove them with perfect safet.y.'anil in a remarkably shori time. *No Mineral of Vegetable liaison Is applied, and nc Money required until a cure Is perfetted. Pridapsus Uteri, Fentole Complaints, Chroni c , y.,,,,, real and all other diseases treated with p. salve sueeess Full rulleulurs eau). pl'4alned, 1,,;,; ittl(lrtliq•lui4 1111.e/tiler limillpth tie Herman. past paid. l'atlens can be nec•orn ino.lid,d kith 11,11,1 un re:e,,teible terms, , ,•. ~ . . .. . . loolinnio , lou.4 1 , ... one t' C,1.. 1.1 ttloNt alai ta:Attu towns lo tills ..r :my olla:,., t.....t.ti1e. 11. is S sidle,, fu al Ilartisl.oro...n the Ctool,otat Valley Uttil 1:0;a.l, apt ut:oo,t•lttl.l fri.to all 1131-1.; of the Union.' Tlii4l)totor AVM t.i.11 t..ts In :toy part of the : , t•itt. M 1.414 ,loArod., 119'..K kat rotator ifyou i:11 9 10 any allliMell fl , l iOW CIO I titro..lolaY la.l to toll (Item of Ibis troatmout• W. A 1 34 l'Al ).E 11.—,Ittst , received splendid ht." Of Paper hanging's. Window Shades rid Firelmarit Prints. cadantring ull the, nem eqf and most approved styles. Tho dosigns are neat "la 11131:t.(1, :11111 thd Prieeti such es cannot fall tdaiya sntlN• faction. Wo Invite Inv friends and the public general ly to call and examine our assortment I..fore purchasing elsewhere. 11: t- , AN.Ti. march:2l. East .Mater Street, Carlisle 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers