Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 11, 1855, Image 8

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tforfisfe Vrobtice Mtarftet.
C lisle,. Wednesday Morning, July 11
FLOUR Superfine, per bbl
do Extra, do
do Family do
WIJITE WHEAT per bushel
It 11)
MONDAY EVEN ' i:s:O, July
Fi.orn AND Mum..—The limr market thi
rant-Ling was quiet, and very little disposition
to purchase. A sale of 200 Mils. 11Oward st
l,rands nt 9,7;1, more than which buyers are
not disposed to give. Some, however, ask
more We art>rtiCt aware of any transactions
in City 4 :\l*.' Holders arc asking $0 87.1
per Uhl, without finding buyers. Rye Flour--
The supply is very light and .lemanl moder
ate. We quote nominally at $7 50 per bbl,
but very choice brands might bring a trifle
GuAlN.—Wheat—The market to-day was
quiet, And very little offering. About 1,400
t nshels offered on 'change, nnd small sales of
good prime red at 2 00 n $2 05 ; white at 2 05
$2.12 her bushel• A 81 - kle of 300 bushels
mix' d at $215. Sales yesterday of 2,000
bushels Western red, not heretofore reported
at $1 93. We may remark that the tendency
of white is downward. Some inferior lots arc
selling nt 18 to 25 cents per-bushel less than
the above quotations. Corn—The market is
dull, and prices depr.ssed. About 7,000 bush
els offered to-day, and small sales of white nt
$1 02, yellow at 90 a 98 cents per bushel, as
to quality.
r I lt E stibscrilwrs in Ereilibmn, ('lies
ter t,,tve cll.t . tilll,l a ri e :lut t i u1:11:4 , :nut
sel Elt AND 11E114,11. patented 11111
nil. sth 1 , 53. !lye ilutidnr,l of the' 5 1.,v. ors here 5..1.1
last sons ott. and when 11. , •ii Made !ZIVI. II lis ers.ll satis•
ravtl,a. it great 'loather of eirtiheates on hut to that
ufTeet. The prier with t w rafters.
The Vesper 4111.1 Mini rr e..intdiled has a 111 , 411 character
reeeiviwz peel:dams at a 'lumber or County Fairs, as
well a, it the late ;;late Fair' hi, $llO with two eut
tars. 'ro luol at W. 11 . . DINO F.'S \lantifaet-ry. York
or by :oltlee , ,,ing, early the ,abserib,s nt I.:n.11,10111)
Cl•gtrr calmly. they will be delivered at any ~ t at lob oil
the Cumberland Valley hall 11,41111. the jai rehase pay lug
the fret 1111. N El LDS,
april 11 7,5
.1( 1; SS 14: Y'B l'Ell !
The molorsktned respectfully Informs the Farmers of
this alai the adjointhr eonnties, that he Istolinnes
Inannfaeture more extensirely than ever. 11, 11 ki , sey's
eolehratod ItEAPEIt A NI) Ioll'iNt; NIACIIIN E. now
so gonerallc i n use. at his shop three gnat - ter,: of a mile
north of lianover. Fanners wishing to ongiplo 3 itl . 3
or, or a Reaper and Mower combined, fn• the next sea•
Bon, eau harp their orders filled with j)r. onptness
sending' on immediately. The prices of these Ina-
ChilleS aro as t'allows:
For a lie3lakr, $lOO
For a lil.3lWr and )lower, from - • $10:1 to 125
Ir 9. Address the through this Hanover Ford ()Mee.
York aounts, CONRAD M 01.11..
1,1.:N(1)0 H.TAN1.".1 . 0 FAIC E e
aro' now prepared to furnis.l) IL IL IIIIItS1"S Patent
.NEM'. EXCAVATOR'S to farmers, Immediately on
receipt Of their ord.,. Whieli IR Ivarranted to anßwer
wolf for clean' Rtables, or gathering inanxre in barn.
y%r.lx. and t"."1.1 Rata, machine with a very flight altor.
atom is alßo warrated anaw.rlaj ter for elevating ho,S'
in Baru): than any other !look or l'ork In 11 , 40.
Prig .1,10,00 por marhine, For further particulars.
Address 11. IL 111111 ST, New Cumberland, Agent for Cum.
buriand County, aril 11
Alorrs PATENT m E R,S '
Bo!I.t itS,—T hoi.o piIS4OAS nn inlvante•le over nll
others in being math, with an out Shin Iron c•amtlg, which
greatly 'economises fuel and prevents less ttr heat. They
nro ma d, of various sines, (rain lg to 12n y nllut, . They
are lortaltle, sod may he but in this kitvhon for holm,
hola u Alb or out of titters ennynnient to the hare, pip
pens, &n., for boiling NA for st Per A mb, by
PASCUAL!. Mitlt a
k4ricultural Warehouse and S rvl Ft•tre, N. eorner
Market streets, Philvi-lphin. 1400.1.-1
ENV SPit t NG GO() DS . -1' hp F.111)-
11 sr•rllwr Is now (Ts ,Inc a largo 11111 i reneral assort
nwat of LADIESIiItE.-li OD4 c mrlstiu :of Mack and
'C.d , ra 1 Silks, Baro4e4, Mous du I tines, ['Fetich
and F:11,01sh Lawns, also a goat:ld variety of c.,sais tar
boys a fall a,sortinclrt of Ladlos and Childrons
II ta) , rv.l:l9vvs EncllAl and (dh r
S MAW lIONN ET:A. Bonnet 1111,1 na g onu •t Lawns,
with tho usual varloty of Spring GaAs at modernly pri
ao ON101(1111 W. lIITNEIt.
$ 9,50
Nos. 21 and 23 South Sixth Street,
A9131.73 . 1.TU1 INI1 1 1.1.:MI:NT eFACToILY, Bristol,
5,13:1, k:ao Acres) neAr
E ()PEN B I 131, II]."
AAents wanted to scll a ri!nv work, entitled
Popery Anal Christianity. Or the lilessitws
311 .•11 eh awn In the history or christilh
it v, ir,nn Ihe little of our Saviour tit the present itat', by
V - 1,31.1.1,1i W. 31illier. With a view of the latost itovelop
at 'tits of 10 110:3'1'11.1'fl - to the BIBLE, exhits
I t. 1.1 i o various parts ao . tho world, and exp tie of the
Of I It, ialinartlinto anal the
.tire Vinloratian of the Virgil Mar by nOV.J.
IL D.. tut' ot .The •Clitirch and Start,,,'
v Th., alit h•.• of this work, 1)r. Berg. t. arkia•iwle,lged
tt ho in ' , it alit,, writer on It' N ill tit coun
try th s. wh t hairreal his discussions with Arch.
4e.11 .p II a tlies.will nerd nottssitratice of this hart. •
\ ti I, will find this the tit act b a nk publish
-1: it Is a ittr2, 12 het. volume, of f hundred Hard
thirty pa 41.,. attest rated With numcr , aus enV,ratin;;+:-
h.•tntiiully and substantially bound, and 5_.1 , 1 at $l
per e Ty.
•item copies sent by mail, plot psi I to nuy part
oC tha Itoit, t l Statos, lu reMpt of the above price.
Need f ern copy. and jut ze t; r yoursoiros. Address
J. W. BRADLEY, Puitlishor.
.1u no 2.U. -Pi N. Fourth street, Phila
Excuse for Burt:dug Atamphone, HUM,
I 'l otios, kr•. The subs Tiber is now prepared to soil
t tot tty Illlas for using Bongolo or Atmospheric liar.
'rho above is on of the most bointlful no well no the
cll S artificial light thnt has ever been offered
th • pobli , . It lo p.•rfoetly n1.1011.1.1:18, no trouble w hat
°rot% mod the (toner:Wm is no larger Than an ordinary
Gan Meter.
For further tau - m . oton apply to HoiTtnan.
rkby, 173 Fitters. No. 13 South Seventh Street, be.
tweett Market and Chesnut. Philadelphia, where the
1114 elm be ...en in prio , irzti onerati4tn. County Rights
will be 4,111 at gush rates as wilt enell/10 any porS , ,vi to
in Ow a hatiti gal no pr.lit on their invoqtaneut. For fur
tier ptrtirnlnre re.pertint; the filas. or nozotinti m for
County s , address AV. C. WITTEns,
Sole Agent for the State of Poona.
apply persona& to him at No. 13 S. Soventh St..
ST ATI k KR)" ST, mn, North West corner of Vtli
Arch Stroets, tttc LT Itltut tISS tF
it ! —Peet.l , 3l, JAI vortlic, lisrellaneous Standard and
l'roszi tat ion Ito, ths, very cheap.'
S %Vhitl Ruled Lotter Paper at 1,5.) per Roam
I, , ttor and Nato Envelopes in groat rxtriot v.
ivzs Furnlsli* , l af very moderate rale,
u••Is Writton and finffravol.
I illof is (mil other Stoel Pints.
Sap%rior Mot :Vafern :123 on n Wheat. for 25 contn %
Inkstands, PenLniven. l'nper
Pine Turkey Moreno Porte Monnities,
Port F.lHum. Oard t'usos,
Willi it very taro. ati.l choke n. , oirtinetit of
TOY B t "KS, ES, DissEcTEl) picruitEs,
Albums, Sorap Books find Engrarl Furs.
may 2-ly I'. TIIONISON.
1,1 H. SMITH, 1)()t l' :111 NNAIE,
PocKET a ) , ) K and Dlt Eiz"il NG CASE
N.W. corner 4th nntl Chetinut stritots
40" always on baud a larze and Tnrioa assortment of
Port Monnoioo, Work Mixes.
Pooket {molts,
Monitors ror.os t Trarollinz Boos,
Not, II 44ors, ItarkLrnintik , ,n Boards,
P ,rt Ch; o f
P i"ilo P , kot 1 1 , m crr.rlum 11%-its
Dros.i•l2 CI rm. Ca.,. AC.
Euzikh, Frell,ll n,ll,ler
-111, k now I; fine s eLet Cutlery, haters, llazor
Ina trill 'ens.
-nr) I all.l
uprl I'. 11. I.". )11T11,
earner 4th awl Che.liut
N. Il —')11 z.:l a Nuip..d.r
I 1 I I. irt of tit t• ototr:,
1113 . nmdw.n 1111-.1 ..r
1 R N(! II Till' SS 1.:5.-I . lom n 10.
I{o , ol • •—•1•0n s tr • 0 •1
hr a •• • °lt Ti u•..•= '1 . 1 , 1 hy
s WI I rn t
T•ri tz with Cu at ate Ise ur ttitig , l 1,r , 1
t tt t • t=l , it In 01 0101, I 0•
I •xt n tI rhtu.w, with ease.dur.thilitl . 004
oi Ant .t I ut t ,0 303'00. MO 0 0.•.311f 31.1
L'^ trti •1.. 11,,11 ill V A I` t , 314‘, assortmon On 3N,
o It 01.1 zntapt,ol to ovory variety iii Rupture In adults
1.1111.1r00. and Fir sAies at rfluzr of prier to suit all.
C , t. of Ssin..Tlt• Trusses, $2, $3, $ I and S'r, thiubte, I.
..; , 10.
1 . 13, 013 at a 1n , t3043` ran have a Truss cent to any Int
ttnrz Ihr W 11911,1 t sondin,r, moasure aroung
the hip , :1,1 Oath' yid” arfeet,l.
1' ,r ;41.11, and Itot.til by tho
(' LEI( 11. NE1.11 1 1.1...5.
S. W. erw. ofTwolfth Itru, Stu
It ••nt for 11r. 11.111.11/1/..'s lati,ve,l l'atsnt 110.1 c ltrare;
e`.l , /,t 1.:s1/1.1 , 1-rs ant a. lira ./.s: Palont Sh alltlor
Its wog; : 4 1/9/0/1.: /ry Ban ta.n.s: 'spinal pr,r,
ports. Ltli • t' Bu 'ins, with /. aup , t,tt. l.tdj att../nlants.
April 11.
p i() - VP, N EIV LAND C(l'S
rot•kil 1,0 GLASS A% I/ 1/1e
TI: 't ANI NII kl/1 . 01111',•ti0.12.ti A ItCll street
opp'' shy Tho I'hila4l.•ll/11ia.
I. N. .(• ri..•ei,vil tho "Illy fn' lwar.lo.l
t h , crvst,iil':~larrhit unitvd
zzt t 4711 t, 1), , 0r t-a Mantel and Pier MasseF.
t • . v.:lli...wry PER (IF eirroN
NV,L,Liinx. Tie Yarn, earpt.l l'ilt toll Val .
wlll-11 he atier , l to son :0 the Lowest l'ilres at N.
Markot, Street alrwe Serowl,lrth si4o,l4lll;o,•iphin
'Pin - very extensive Allll cheap clothing ea
t ildbiliment. in Philadelphia; may be found at No. 411
Market street kept by Itoekhill Wilson. This has
the name of a very erekilltalde house. and the goods par
eh.‘sed lml a sa.p.trior grade. The proprietors are well
known and are eouimended for their honesty. npril‘t•
n0,..s Ind elm tpties:. They can giYe yon a heavy a.sort
ae•nt tv s+bert f.nlil. and aro prepared to furnish you
with all tho late-d spring and summer styles.
so or to.v . ~ts front celebrated importing houses con
etant ly arriving.
c j 1 I , ', It A Ts.—:l. large invoice
_7l toon's and boy's Panama. Canton, Rutland, Ped
al Braid 11.1141 Dunstable ; , ,t raw Hots. nuts opening and
itit, , ,tutoonly low at U.; cheap Fli,ro of
May, R, CUA 'S. 0011,11 Y.
ration,' :t very great ~ x elteinont by't hely largo and
,if NE\V 4„liPtilS, just opened tinning
which will be f o un d,
civrits, kStil M EitS, ESTINI
Cotton and I.Sr.on teat anti panto stuff., folios 'Dress
.14 in rorirty, c0n.1,4 fog of Plaid awl Styllood
! 4, 11,1C'4, thu beet brlitol:s of itip, , k Silks. nar 4 o.lro
11 . 11V.0 110 Lollies. (Italy's. (lronadioes.
Lowin4, Alfrivhat4. Striped
an 1 Plain dros , , otosllty4. Chintzes. Printsof all , jnalil les
and, a trinnend 'IN stork of film, Floonels, Tioklovs,
M winos, ',loons of our 01511 Importation.
I)o,ss trimming:, Hosiery, Glares, anti it
(WI supply of
Tr on (•F. t, 23. for bonnets and 371,1 C6.1101'
yara G,r Itihlums, Huts, Caps,oll 1314115. Window Slunks
and un iwitunuo variety of goods in our line, all to be
at prices that duty competition,
ttprit 11. itxxTz 11110.
gir• Job Printing promptly executed.
48\31.1 art
Stores non bljops.
f; ALT, STYI,II 01? 11ATs for 1854. —
L BO 11.0 E KELLER respectfully announces to his
Old Patrons and the public generally that he has just re
.441-viv,t:d the FALL STYLE 1W 11 ENTLEMEN'S
TiA IS, Man Iliac:Wmd at one, of the best establish
aaents in Philadelphia, to which - ,he Wilkes special
He has also constantly on hand a largo and varied as
sortment of his own manufacture ati Fell as city Mad , '
flats and Caps, suitable for the season, cemprising every
variety of Russia. Mayer, I%fideskin and lints. fin
ished in the latest style, together with a full assortment
of CAPS of every shape and description, and at every
price. lie particularly invites the public to call and ex
amine his exoeunive +eis“rtment, wb HI ill style, mate
rid and finish. cannot Lr surpassed by any in market,
and which he is able to put at prices hover than ever.
Remember his old stand on North Hanover street, be
tween limner's and Soviets store's.
wm. 11. TuouT, desires to inform his old friends
that he has removed to his licw ectuldishment ou 11 1,th
street, near the Railroad Repot, and is now opening„
/ID large and elegant assortment of the FALL STYLE
II just received from Philadelphia. which
the gentlemen of Carlisle are requastod to :toll and
DXIIIIIIIII.. lii has also a large assortment of Silk, Fur
and Slouch Hats et, his own inautEiteture, got up in the
Lest style and at various prices, the excellence and finish
m which he will warrant. Ills stock he is Lontident oin
ly needs to do examined to he approved. Also, a large
or Mon 's. lloy's c...k I'S,
:u it Fur. and of et cry vailety of sty In clod prh, jI3St.
relied from Philadelphia. Let all who went a that or
Cap give him a valL'as they may he sure of being suit
ed to their own satisfaction.
.1.„) E N
.11tE—t)Itt hotimetwria.ra and pountr, wflL thus
nls who are ex peel Ing t. , i , liirtiarkeopers are inch
,a 1 to call at HALM:IVY'S ItA MI LY and ex
:intim, his elezan t assort molt 'ld ua,t I lass and It towns
ware and other articles In ilium housolompling line, such
as French and English te i l sots, hem y handed and plain,
White Granite, gilded and Hue plai t, Dinner s. is of t'N
ory variety and price, bowls mid pitithers. t (HMl
es, table and mantel lamps,
Candelabras and lamps, great vi city, tilde awl bar
tumblers, goblets. &c.. Fruit and preSerse dishes, in va
riety. Cedar-ware—tubs, buckets, churns. latsi Is. hotter
pri sits and ladles, meal huchets..te. Brushes—sweeping, -
whito wash, serubbing, Mind and shoe brushes, dusters,
brooms, kr. 'Market, clothes and travelling baskets.
Also n elyolou :ass , ,rtment of Tobacco and Beni a.
ya who are f m , l of choir,. brands of f! , r.,:ars 'and try the
Prlncipes, ltegalias,Stotranotils and otherCubn varieties,
and you win find them of unimpeaeltalle quality. Also
half Spviii , ll and Common Se„tars, w lilt choice snuff and
rhyming tobarro. ,
- pA 1 It 71 . 1 E M I 1.1,1( 1N
Jun reeeivim; my Fall
stock of PAPER A NI: I NW- ,
111 - 4 %Mai surpass In style, quality
and price any that havP r, et
been ealtibetel in respectfully sidleit a call
from persons In want of Paper Ilanginoi "(any it...clip
don. as I am rnntidout by assortment far surpass.. an,
hi 11 , 111/11411; and In style and prices has but few ri•
vats in the city. I only ask of the pull le t o 'all and es
imi lie Illy ass , /rtman; beton+ purr/nudely, as I am-'oral
lent my thirsty designs cannot fail to please the 11111-St
.10111 N I'. NE.,
West slde of North Ilanever i'treet,
for many years It has been the c bjee ofdeepost study'
with chemists a n d others, to pr. d uce a Hunt that, ap
plied to the hair, would cause it-to wave and curl'oiunl
In beauty to the natural curl. Tif E KEIJI-IA:1;10N is
the only article ever offered to ttw old that will effect
this most desirable object. Rut three or four applion c
firmware necessary to curl It as unu has t o de sired,
al/it for any length of time. From the many tertim. mints
or I Iwse. who tune used U. the sul , soriber (1 4 / 4 lii not h, si
tate h, //arrant the I • trolleriom to giro satjsficti•,o, nod
prove as all cases.
The reeeipe for in:thing with full directions for use,
Let sent on the receipt of and lb`Har, is Ist paid. life
ingredients will not cost over 12 rents.
Direct to D. A. EIZENIONT,
April 1N„ 7,5 NTNrren. Trumbull Co.. 0.
AMES ! please call at RAWLINS'
and Detail F 1101; pposite the
Hail Vl,lll DOpit. iryou %%ant
l;• , . Fri•nell Nl4.r, IN4I Ito f.TS I. r
Fivw F7..1 , 11a , .• , .•.L•uny1.1ndt3
170 , .1 Cl.lll
Ert•ltch Tit•Q
l'arli•le "'lay
).,h lUy BI\ IO I E )..----( ; (~ ) r2".4•
)f;,- 111....qt•tonter, th:it Li , Hyena ;;,1
I',lll.ry tuts 1i.,. 1'0111..3ra 3.: the r 0 ,4,1 f , 1-1114•:1.
: , etier, Its :1 linribsare 1.1141-1.. 01,
\..rth II 1114,1, •lti cl ‘llw, Ili. I.lla4ii•
1rr111....1114•1iin 111 tti Lert.t..r, re in his ) , ;11.1114,! 41.1.,r1111.411t
31 it h 11 , - i i 1•1, I A , 4'4 , 1:1, 41.1011:: th 14,1 ,11,11:11,1 I 1 I
P.llll Itre:01. lie 11 itl Inhe 1.1;11-11 111[1: ih and
1011.1, f• 31.13 11.1 y f 1.4,111 the Corry twut I , llqtr. A l:trl,•t .
„f, k e pi roan Gu LLly 4111 Land `41111.1{1..-1 nt
.Inri Te.t
t , o the pttl,lie fir the pnlmun::e beret , fore evelVl`.l. he
respect full) n contlttuntire of their fusi,rs.
/ tn. 9 '3h.
1> OUTS AN I) SII(_)ES. 'The subseril.)-
Pt has 110 W 1 , 11 1111111111 curs' es (1111,1 i Vll tutu well so
oolod Arch of II s nut s if t t I:
which lit, Win bell at unusually low prig
eV. PnrillaSed fruit a liill e Sale dealers,
at low rates, /to can Wier snob indite, • • -.'r •
nionts to purchasers as will iinike it their interest to yis
lt his establishment. ii hits every article iu the ltoot
and Shoe - lino—for Lailios' tee ilontlrnions'
thoroforo dooms it iiiinooessary to p trticulari7.o.
o. Persona dosiring good and cheap goods are invit
ed toi giro hint a cal/.
GR 0 - r rlA S, )1.1.11:
added t, hi' f inner ,l,c1; n ceunr . tl selectinu of l'11111(1.:
I ES, as oalfss all lite other variety fart ivies
aqually litml in a llrceery St to, einlaarimz
$ !11.1 Freon--at; :Iml 11 cent,
' : Orlo.ths, Clarified, llrueMml anti cri:ml
II spire.. D a i r y
Salt, anti a variety ~1 ['miry articles, all lls hi-II are m
fated 81 the litwi of l';1,11 prices. NVe are thaphful fm the
former support alivou u, awl Invito a further call fr.lll
Mir ii h•mb' And ellSt,',llltlTX. J. 11'. I.:ItY,
(IIINE;;.-MANNY'S latest patent ruml•lned
justablo !loaner and )Inver. with Wood's 1111111,V11111CIlt
Will he offered to the (moors of Eastern l'ennsyhtinin.
10. the Ithrvext of 1835, on usual tormq, 1.17.: 8125, C \sn
tr vane. Customers would do well to send in nod'
early, iii proyoaenvo will I , t, given to first orders.
ftddr..,s, .1. WINEIIIIENNEII
aptil I I 2mo. Ilarrisburg, Pft,
F 7 L.le-C RIO A 0 E FOR SALE.-
lick-rata Family Carriage i;11 . 0110 or two 11411:es, It
strongly built of the hest uutkrizilti, and will bu Feld low
for cash. Apply to
marela-3u) WM. 1). SEY3IOIIIt
J YNT CORN S111:1.1.1:11, tho Lest and cheap
of.{ now in use. Farmer:~ aro to tall and ox•
;11111110 It at the Car Halo Fauntlry and ; 4 1)..}.. or
at it 3 , :i..011'N Itarth‘itre Store. For sale at reas.mable
prl Fes ley t,
. .
WOOLLEN YARN —A lot of very
;tsrieri , e. Heavy and E'en Yarn just
received, u,ilC't better than the city yarn, all roh.urs.
AV E • YOl.l R 01 ? D AlErf A L—. Cash
p 1.r'01.1) \II:TAI,. Slieh itB COPliVr,ilrafiS inn]
Iron, nt the Carlisle Foundry and Machine Sla,p.
vn A N A HON Ell
I 111
.ll4\ PAPE ItS !—Afte l the I t ;t ~f
of July the Pally Papern will bo delivery,' by the
l'Airler who &nitro them, nt rate of :11 roots
per tai nt ` i; pay able iu ntl‘ a - ice ur , •II tlelix pry. A strict
compl.aum (lcsired. A. 31. PIPER,
JoniN 111F.1.1 MS, of Carlisle.
- dish., Juno 13.
I offer myself as arindldato for the office of County
Treasurer, and respectfully solicit your suffrages at the
ensuing general election. .lACOII RILEi 51.
arlisle, thine 6, 1555.
LAN."D COUNTY.—The undersigned respectfully
dMo s himself ns n enmildate for the office 14 FE,
and solicits your sulfernes, at (lie emuing Election,
no 'WM. 'RILEY.
rr() VOl.'EltS OF- Cl;3ll3Flt
i_ LAND NTl".—Frucot l'ilizeNs: I oiler my.
smi as a cuodidate for the Ilffien of sit ~t . cuin.
6erland county, and pledge ist) self if elected to discharge
the duties of the Aire to the Lent of Toy judgment and
Carlisle. May 23, 1565.
kJ SESSlli,NS.—Wurnsis : The Hon. JAMEB
President Judge of the Several Courts of Common
Pleas, of the retinues of euniberland, re) ttini .11w14.
at la. and .lustiee of the Set aural Ciitirt,ii 4.r lot er and Tee.
miner and General Jell Delivery in said counties; and
Hem. Stunned W , sall urn and Ruhr, Jud ge s
of the 0 ! .,•C and Tertithier and General Jail
D e liv e ry, how the t rinl of all Cavital and other oft - enders
in the 44. 141 t:44iirity 44f Cumberland, by their prerepts
to hie direct. d dated the '24t h of 'May. 1555. have ordered
l•liweial churl of t,uarter Sessions of th e l'euee', to le
holden at Carlisle_ in and for the County er
bout, on Thur•day the 21st day if ,lone, A. D., I bis, nt
. the Crin t House, is ittinensing at lit o'clock A.
Said day, and that IP live thereof be given by the
of s a id 1 , 41 rt by 14111411entiOn in the newspapers of said
borough for three suer:es:Ave seeks
OT .—T h e public are hereby Cllll
- against pay log any money to John Bear
1, n either .1. thinint, or Jones and Duellers nn not
fir 14..1i, they may have min•lntsed from hint durine
the time he one in their e i o pi o m e w,. li e has m t 1 cep
ettgaeisl I.‘ h u m sisne the tie nth 0
.11141011'y f1:1,0 no agents tonzatted 111 the Stuto
thew hi the : 4 tate of l'eoo,N Isanin.
I IT IC ti thy ( . ..tirt t.f Conpnifil
1.10, s I . 11111t•erint:ii t. nn
: 1 011111.11 ',II' 1111 1 /1 11 1,. 46.1,1, 1111,1 1•1-. II 11,
1:1e1::141111•1 . and friollll. .1:1111 1:11111 1 1 1 , IS. .11 h/•
:• 1 .1•11:• 1 , . S.lllll l 1. N..‘,1”1 1•:.1. Vil•
-1,1 11••:1 - 1111 Slll . :111,rne. :: , 111111.1111 1141/1 1 4 ,11 4
111, i•l.' 11-• .11. No, :11,1 pr. , . , 1 111:111 1 1: 111 t• 1
1 1,1111 , . 11141 111 , ...AO 1111 1111,11.• , 1. t 1 , 1 , 111 1 .1 11
.lid. • 1111 . 1: : 5, 11. IIl• 5:1111 .1. ^
,4 1.. I,• :11 . 14 . :tr• I 11 Hi , l•-•
1:1 :11110 111 1, 11 (: 1 1111. 1:1•1111 11101:rill i1:1) 14 - .1.11 . 01511 t•\ 1
1 41 1111` , .'1'1111111.• •••11111.1:i111,1.
& 111:01VN
My the Court,
itheßs my hand and Real of Bald Court at Carlisle,
the 15th day of May A. l)., 1555.
JOHN M. 01:1:(10, Clerk.
OT1( t an ( 19.11 a ns' Court bo
il gtAn on Mo lIA tho lt:ti day of April, 151.5.
and hoiden at rarli , lo. 111 and CI. Cumberland ( ounty.
before the lion. James 11. nl'lollllll. President Judge.and
Samuel tV, , odburn and John Num , IScgs. Associate.lud
goes, the fellow in;; pr, , ceedititts welt , had, to ti it ;
In the matter M the writ ~f partition and valuation
on the real estate of El lea both :..honk. Into of Dick Mr,
tow liship. deceased, the same having been returned 1,3
.I ,, m , ph >leiter I, Iligh of l umberland enunt3
duly executed, etc.
1 - ou• to a it, 21Ith of !hit-ember, ISt 4, Ingnisithm con
tirttu•d, and little on the heirs and pvrties In interest tt
appinr at the nest stated Uri bans Court and tal,. to
eel use to tab.., ..therm ise to show vs 1100 aby the Court
should not tinier the property to Fold. Notice to I e
served personally on the parties it siding within fort.
miles. and by put3leation in one newspaper on Unit,r
resitting Ley toot milth.. Court.
Anil now . , 21st April, Iftrf:,, this Hutu has tug laid
over sine. , the return flay w till tit lily netiuu thernon
the Court, on motion of Mr. Mill. r, award. n new little
uhm the Partf.'s, return:tide at the next stated Orphan,
Curt. Ity the Court.
[I.. S.i In testimony e hereof I hare hereunto set in)
hand and the seal of the said ( ourt, at Carlisle, the 21s1
day of Amil, A. li. Is
JOIIN M. OltEoo, Clerk 0. C.
the Heirs and Legal
• Ilepre.entati, es of .1411 IN late of Mcorve
ton ahip, CuMberland (Manly 414•4144n0.41. Take noth e
that by A h tue of a writ of Partition and Valuation is
,lAC'd (Mt id the, t lrphans Court of Cumberland county.
and to direct, 41, I ulll 114,1A1 an inq treat to divide
sc rt "r value the A real estate of said dOCenFlql, 011 the
Pr'inines , on WEDNE:'I).%Y, the llth day of July, A D.
at In Wch ck, A. M. when and where you may n'44
tend if you think proper. JOSEPP McD. , llol4):', D,
SheiitT, !Mice, Carlisle, } Sheriff.
Juno 111th 1555.
JON & I.l'l 111..11. per .1. 11..1. nes
Iron 1% evict.. IlArrk.l.tirg, June
nt% '2.3 .11e 4 1-.l'll ...he? id.
FAT it.: ( )1.',1()IIN HEED. tlece . i:cd.
4 --S.,tin. I. 111.1 . 1.1 y 01 ell that Lt(
tro .1, the tstntr 4•1 bn late rf Bile , is, de
ha\ e fees i..w d l.) CUM . eriand
C. u. tr. to the aid Aelihee, rusidint...* in Nem s f'tini-
I ~ 1 , 1 .1 e. l'a. All ccs•.l, .1.11./1\ 111,1 (h. II FOlN't`ti
fed t.. iid 11 1-t3t, 31, 13 , 0111131 to I , llk, i nn rdiat,
1131 Went 111 1 1tt h tte haling claims L., i-oesent them for
t.. &CI -TT ( Ail' I',
'tine A. ni'r.
, A11,181,E 11EN )Sl'l' 1i A N K
I. Isnite reladi ed at t lII' 1 with f.,r
ant l sitgth of it, t .at e r few iron-ills, and inter. St paid
al the rate Of it fiElt crvr. per anr.uni find tin ,
principal paid ha. I. at any t :Mir mat wit:. witheut
notice. 1 11... ph al if,t, ipt the tin no
ed iii tile certificate, tittles, retten,ql fn :mother
peried ii, hit h ea.) the letters is p.,.1.11 up un
til the Bute of the renee eit, Pank pens at ^ t'clock, A.
N. and (dos., at I, P. M.
11". ilfifirfim. Cushier. upitki
- -
~ SS ESS:II 1.:N1.'. N4)tice is Itert..
pit t . that aul li , ,,, , itsclit cf Fullt l'Elt CENT.
ha, I .'en Ind on din Newhall ht. tes 111 'ln. Cunil t•rhtoil
\:,11.•r \lnitial l'l , lo - ti ii eon:Filly, 11thh li were in h IT,
.' . ll 111 11th (lay of !ilarch last. Titc wont ers of said
t', inviny lily lierel,y rolitireil hi ray ihi..ll: pro rata h.
till. lintlinrl7..(l Cwlleet. vs or Triqt,itirr he l'onipaiiv .
within thirty days, in wt.,•!wthii 11. ‘N 1111 i ht. Ity-Laml• twit
nisi - ter of taiill Con.pstt.:,. by . i.ler of t twi It , aid.
itirly..! I'OIIN 'l'. tiIIEEN, Pecey.
" L t 4 SESS3II'',NT —The members cf
the :totl Peistuchuro Mutual Fire
amen Cuittpatt!., UN' I.ClViry 111,tifsell thilt...ll tax of Fill;11
('1:11 ('r.Vl'. lots 1 t ett all premium to tos tine oil
the 24111 tar of last. anti that n t'ulleeter will call
Ott theta fur oho purpom4 of collect inl4 iintootitately.
aprlB-eor I,FAVIS See'ry.
pON N ),N NETS . •
1) The sitl.seril•er is juit rept ivlng :mother snip!). of
Sprint; and : , tititiner Iluitortsootolstitts t , i Eitrlisit Straw
ehlp, Urnitl. i•it tin Strang, Net - 4H litalo, tool Belt !trail.
also n new supply of very Owlet, Colored and IVltitc
Bonnet Itil,butts var) log In 'oleo from 11:3 2 to 50 cents
per pull.
Aim) a largo afisortment of ChlldiCll9 and INTIrsoF Straw
11101 Braid Flats. CEO. LIIT.NEIL
Mon' 16. '.55
iIIEA 1 ) •GOO I >ti.-1' he stihseriber is
n frysli lot of•tn!amonnlie her
heW me,ite tho itailrx ad t)lfler.ln Main Stre4,
Carli•dit. I%h/di will Lr Silit at the ieWeSt prier,
npril 11. -It. )1A PGA SNAII)I;II.AFS.
AllhE.—Abe tindersignedluo -
enlarged and fitted up the Stere:rootn fertnerly oe•
en pied as the rest Unice, (Immediately opposite the Ofliee
of fho American Volunteer, in Soui h If:mover :Ftreet,
lung opood n largo and renernl itsteirtmeot of
comprising a great variety of fancy and staple French.
British and- demeatle gi oda, a general assortment of
Leghorn. Straw. Neapolitan and Gimp lionnvts,
Illoenters of various kinds and quality, lientlemon.
V nth and Children's Panama. I °gluon% and straw
hats, white and colored Carpet Chain. lrocerles
al' of which will be sold at the lowest prle.s.
How often it happens, that the wife lingers from
Crto year in that pitiable condition as not eyed ,
Cr one day to feel the happy and exhilarating influ•
IlEmo incident to the enjoyment of health.
But a few years ago in the flush of health and youth,
and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in
explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, sallow, debili
tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung,
spirits depressed, countenance beaming the impress
of suffering,. and nn utter physical am( mental pros
tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and
plainest rules of health ns connected with the mar
riage state, the violation of which entails disease,
suffering and misery, not. only to the but often
KING'S EVIL, and °Thur. and .
worse Otsesses, as si
And must this continue? Must thii be? Is there no
renr•dy ? No relief? No hope?'
The remedy hi by knowing the causes end avoiding
them, arid knottinz the remedies, and benefiting by them
These are pointed out in
One hundredth Edition, (5oo,000), 18•nn , pp. 250
A standard work of established reputation. found eructed
in the (miltlogie4 of the great trade males I Now York,
Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the principal
000ksellers In the United States. It was t 1 et published
n 1847, since which thus
have been gold, of which there were upwards,of
attesting the high estimation In whiall it is holi as a re•
liable popular Medical
the author having devoted his exclusive atter !inn to the
treatment of complaints peculiar to females, in respect to
which he it 4 yearly consulted by thousands both in person
and by letter.
hero every woman can discover, by comparioi. her awe
Gymptoma with those described, the nature, .haractor,
muses of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints.
Tho wifo about becoming a mother tins often nee.' of
instruction and advice. of tho utmost importance to het
futuro health, In respect to which her sensitiveness for-
bids consulting a medical gentleman, will End such in
•fruction and advice, and also explain many symptoms
which otherwise woulA occasion anxiety or alarm to all
the peculiarities incident to her situation are described.
Flow many aro suffering from obstructions or irregular
Mies peculiar to tho female system, which undermine 1124
health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and fat
which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice.
Many suffering from prolapses uteri (falling of the womb),
or from fluor caw (weakness, debility, Sc ) Many are
In constant agony for many months preceding conene
meat Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries,
and slow and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives are
hatarded during such time, will each find In its pages.the
means of prevention, amelioratiou,and relief.
It is of course Impracticable to convey fully the Tariorti
subjects treated of, as they are of • nature strictly In
tended for the married or those contemplating marriage.
Reader, are you a husband or a father? a wife or a
mother? Rave you the-sincere welfare of those you love
at heart? Prove your nincerity, and toad no limo In
learning übitt rauselt Interfere with their health and hap
pitkem not less than Jour own. It will avoid to you and
yours, as it Las to thousands, Many a day of pain and
ansiely, followed lv bleeple,A nights Incapacitating the
mind for its ordinary avocation, those
means for atten,latwe, medicines snit nit% ert;beil
nostrums whirh ottleroi,e a mild PrOVIIO 1 , 4" ti,rlininh
years, the itoire.itiei of age and the proper a!ueatioa or
your chill,,n
In eonketitteneo of the :Ink oral popolw: itygof the work,
as ovlnenrea by itr egtrwerdinary gwio, canner imlnsi
Lions !MVO been r. tempted, we well on lew.b,llerr sr 00
the public, by buitationA or title page, ht.,,urtous
and surreptitious infringements of cop)rtglit, nnd Whet
leviers unit deceptions, It hal, been found necehwary,
therefore, to
to buy no book unles4 the wot:da "11r. A. M. MA VnIC.F-Al7,
129 Lihorty Strout, N. Y.," is on {and tho entry to the
(lerk'a (Miro on the book of) the title rag. ; t et h e y
only of re‘poctablo and honorable do.ders, or bend by
mail, and addro.,, to lir. A M. Maurice:to.
ire Upon receipt of One Dollar "THE MAR
PANION" is sent Omani free) to any part of tit!
United States, the Canadas and British Provinces.
Al.! letters must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr.
A. M. MAURICEAU, box 1224, New-York City.
Publishing °dice, No. 129 Liberty Street, Now-
I_1() AV It I) AS S 0 lATI ON ,
T. ail 1"t•N ,11,•154.•:1, Ella! WI
SI:NI I. \\ I .% IvN F.:•:•;, IJL VoTli:\ GoNOllltillE.A,
'lbe !DAV All D ASSial vrioN nip:idol:FPl Su
view of (Le awhll .I.,truction of human a n d head 11,
cam, a by AI c\ Ma the S which aro
priictiNeit n the unfortunate I ictim, of Fiat la ttheriSefi
Le Q11:1C10, halt directed their constiltin; Fury. ii, mi
CI la RITA .41("I' worthy Of their name, to give
MEDICAL Apvter: vi all Pallc'l's Ibus at -
Hirt reinale.l who apply by hater, (pc Fa.pabl,)
wlth n,learipthll of thoir condition. Digo, Occupation,
habit: , of Ilfe, and iu ex (pane pave; ty :ml sutfering
to 11;11N 1 1-1 I 31 I:PICINI'S EItEE OF 4 1 1.3
Tho liuuard Assoriat too is a henovolort lostitution,"
o•stahlislied splanal endowment, for do relief of the
fief. rod distressed, afflicted with I'toulenl nod 1:pl•
donale diseases." and Its fonds can lae flied for no other
Furl' „ ". it tuts 110 w It smith's of Meal , s, Ullll,ll tho
VOWIt t 0 advorl h o tho n, ti r e. it
is needless to add that the .Issevlation q tomards the
highest Medical skill of
the ap•-
Address, (p"st-ifalll,l hr. (11:1 t. It. CALHOUN, Consult
ing Surgeon, Ilomarel Association Plalladelphla, I'a.
By older of the lilret tor t :,
EZI: A D. 111:AIITIVE1.L, President.
apt 11 li. F.titi:(', Bveretary.
jfi, 111'j GS AN 1) CON FFA:T j( )N - A 11
/The untie:signed hne just whirred film
with a fresh supply of 1 , 1:11I8 and C(+NFI
The fernier in C..11111'01011 with 11111
mak. Ills assort wont of lirtigs. )tetilei ries and t booth: di;
~,•midete. 111 s assortineot of cif:\ iNAhy “ho
fillet coo:4E4llm of pore sugar Whit, of d transparent
Candy' T")s: illld Cam lies
of OVPI'y 11111141 . ; :11$1 , Fruits. Nflts. ITY thirst
I,o,,ogifig to that defan ttnent of f s E de. Be ae tthi rail
Fpecl , kl attention to Ifh; supply of I'.lNCl' .11.1101.18
for the •linlitlnye. and general use, among , wholi tray to
found the good, the tnsieful. nod the useful. Ad an!
invited to oall nholher i llo'y Am lit, to putfs h. so er t e t.
li. J. 1:1ht LIT. •
Carlloo. Pee,r .61
- P_ll'l+;l{.—Persons wanting,
WALI, l'A will find tin extern:lye stork r
lion very OIL Ii nt R. MCK'S.
etirlislo, April 4, 1555.
A&3 All kinds of Flintily* done bem