cm tu o r -- - - MR. PEPPER'S WIFE I=l 'Mrs. Pepper, I labor undeeNthe impression that it is high time you were getting breakfast. A 4 my former housekeeper understood all' my wishes with regard to these things, I found it unnecessary to givetry orders respectin them; but with you it is different. As you hare never got a meal in this house, of course yon know nothing of the regulations of the household. 'ln the first place you will make a fire in the kitchen, put on, the kettle, &e, ; then you will make a fire in hero That done,'you -will cook the breakfast and bring it - in hero, as I have always been accustomed to taking mine in bed, wild do not consider it necessary to depart from that custom on -your account; but idiould you prefer it you can eat yours in the, kitchen, as it is perfectly iminaterial to This occurred the morning after Mrs. Pep per went to housekeeping. Mrs Pepper was a sensible woman—she made no reply to Mr. Pepper's commands; but as soon as her toilet was finished, she left -the room, and sitting down in the kitchen sho thus ruminated: 'Make the kitchen fire! Yes; 11l do that.—. Then make fire in the bedroom! I'll see to that, too. Then take the breakfast to his bed side! Just see if I do!' And then Mrs. Pep per sat and thought deeply for a few minutes, mien, apparently having arrived at a satis factory c uclusion, she proceeded to business. •Ilaving got a nice fire kindled in the kitchen, the carried some coal into Mr. P.'s apartment, n:el rifled up his stove, having first fISCeI tnined ;I:at there was not a spark cf fire in it. That duty performed, she next prepared the break f ,st. of which she partook with great relish; and after matters and things were all to r'ghtA iu the kitchen, she went down town on a s!,pping excursion. Meanwhile Mr. Pepper began to grow impa tient. lle 'labored under the impression' that the atmosphere of -his room did not grow warm very fast, and he began to feel un p!;astintly hungry. Peeping out from behind Cie bed curtains, he saw how affairs were with regard to the stove. Something like a saspieion of the real state of affairs began to dawn upon his mind. Ile listened for a few minutes, but all was still about the house. Hastily dressing himself, he proceeded to investigate the affair. Ile soon comprehended the whole of it, and was very wrathful at first; but comforted himself with the reflection that he had the power to punish Mrs. P., and he felt bound to Cla it, too. After some search he found the remains of the 'breatitast, of which he partook with a gusto, and then set down to wait for Mrs. P. She was n long time in cowing, and he had ample time to nurse his wrath. While sitting there, he thus soliloquised: 'That ever I, Philander Pepper, should be so ti•ented, and, by a woman, too is not to be l.elieved I can't believe it, no, nor I won't either. But she chant escape, that's certain; if . she shouldey reputation for dignity would t.e forever gone! for havn't I told Solomon Simpleton all along how I was going to make my wife stand round, and how I was going to make her get up and . make the fire every morning, and let me lie abed, and how I was cuing to shut her up; and feed her on bread mid water, if she dared to say she would't ilu it!' cosy little arrangement, Mr. Pepper,' 3ahLa soft voicc•behind him. Mr. P. started up, and there stood Mrs. P. right behind his chair, laughing just as hard is she could. Mr. Pepper put on a severe ,00k. 'Sit down in a chair, madam,' he said, point, ng to the one lie had just vacated, 'while I lave a little conversation with you.' 'Now I should bo pleased to know lid not obey my orders this morning, and n•here you have been all the forenoon?' 'Where I have been this forenoon, Mr. Pep )er,- .I.,,have not the least objection to tell you; . have been down town doing a little shopping have . pui7ohased some lovely napkins; just pole ht them,' said she, holding them up de nirrely for his inspection; 'I only paid a dol. ar apiece for them—extremely cheap, don't you think so?' she added. Mr• Pepper was astonished; bow she dared .o turn the conversation' in this way was a uystery to him. Suddenly his bottled wrath )roko loose. Turning fiercely upon her, be 'Betsy Jane, you disgust me; you seem to nuke light of this ,matter; but it is more lerious than you imagine, as you will find to tour cost presently. If not instantly mg my pardon in a submissive manner, I shall 'pert my authority to bring you to a proper ions() of your misconduct, by imprisoning you ti one of 'my chambers until you are willing promise strict obedience to my wi,b es t, At tIM . close of this very eloquent and ;lig. Pepper dree himself up to tell ii itht, out. motioned liiimdf before P. re-l- to revivo eNl,l•(".'iom, and penitence; he had no doubt that she would fall clown at his feet and say— 'Dear Philander, won't you please forgive me this time, and I'll never do so any more!' And he was going to say, 'Betsy Jane, you'd 7 i : ter n t;' but in-tead of doing all this, what do you think she did? Laughed him right in the face!' Mr Pepper was awful wrathy. He spoke up in a voice of thunder, and said: •INlrs. Pepper ; walk right up stairs this vert• mninte„ and den=t let the grags grow under your feet while your going neither. You have begun your antics in a good season, Mr.. Pep per, but I'll have you to know that it won't pay to continue them 104 length of time with me, Mrs. Pepper,..,Again I command you t, walk up stairs.' 'Well, really, Mr. P., it is not at all neees vary for you to speak so loud—l am' not, s a deaf as all that comes to; but as for walking. up stairs I have not the least injection to doing so, if you will wait until I have reeve - ed from my fatigue; but I can't think of doing so before.' 'But you must, Mrs P ' 'Then all I've got to say is this, you'll have to carry me, for,l won't walk!' Mr. Pepper looked at his wife for a mo ment with the greatest astonishment; but as he began to laugh at hint again, ho thought t I himself— 'She thinks I won't do it, and hopes to get off in that way: but it won't do; up stairs she's get to go. if I do have to carry her, so here gsoes,' and taking the form of his lady in h's alma, he soon had the satisfaction of see ing her safely lodged in her prison, and care fully locking her in, he stationed a little red headed youth on the front (door steps to attend tO callers and also see that Mrs P. did not escape; and then Le betook himself to a res taurant for • his dinner, and after dispatching that, he hurried off to his office, and was soon engrossed in business.• - •'About the middle of the afternoon, our young sentinel rushed into the office, and said, never stopping to take breath: `llr. Pepper had better run home just as Gast as he can, fur that woman what's shut up be making an awful ra .ket, and she be tearing around there, and rattling things the distres singest kind, and if she beant splitting up something or other, then 1 don't know what splitting be" Without waiting to hear more,. Mr. P. seized Iris hat, and hurried off home at a most undig- nified pace. • Opening the hall door, ho stole up stairs.ns carefully as possible, and applying his eyes to the ;ieyhole, he beheld n sight which made him fairly boil VS hit rage. 'Mrs. Pepper was sitting in front of the fire place, reading „his love letters. The one she was engaged in perusing at that particular moment was fr , TIVI Miss Polly Primr se, who it appeared had once looked favorably on tl e suit of Mr. Pepper; but a more dashing lover appearing on the scene, Miss Polly sent him a letter of dismissal, promising her undying friendship, and accompanying the same with a lock of her hair, and some walnut meats. But it was not the love letters alone that made Mr. P. so outrageous Ile hall been somewhat of a traveler in his day, and had collected a great many curiosit'es in. his ran:- bles, which he had deposited in a cupboard in the very room where he had confined Mrs. P., and she had got at them. She had split up an elegant writing-desk with his Indian battle-axe, in order to haven fire, as the day was rather chilly. In one corner of the fire-place was Mr. I"s best beaver filled up with love letters. On a small table, close to Mrs. P., was a beautiful flat China dish, filled with bear's oil, in which she had sunk Mr. P.'s best satin cravat, and having fired one end of it, af forded her sufficient 'light for her labors—for Mr. P. bad closed the blinds, for tho.better security of the culprit. On some coals in front of the fire was Mr P.'s silver christening bowl, in which Mrs. I'. was popping corn, which she ever and anon stirred with the fiddle-bow, meanwhile °con siOnallfpunching up the fire with th© fiddle, for Mr. P. had, with commendable foresight, -removed the shovel and tongs. Mr. P..condest,endod to peep through the key hole until he had obtained a pretty correct ilea of what 'was going on within. Never was a Pepper so fired as ho. Ho shook the door, it was securely fastetted within, and resisted all his (Aloes to open it. lie order ell Mrs. Pepper to open or take tbo conse quences; but as she did not open it, it is to be presumed that slit) preferred the oonse quences. Mr, Pepper darted down stairs like a madman. 'I must put a stop to this;' ho thought, 'or I shall not bare a rag of clothes to my back,' Procuring a ladder, he began to mount to ,the , bed-room; but Mrs. P. was not to be taken .so easily. She knew that ho had left the door 'unlodked for she had examined it as soon as lke had left; hat she hod no idea of telling him have the benefit. of her fire; so, hnytlie so zing :-everal lnr,zc ho!th's of coloVc. 1111 . 311W.ce „ few minutes had the satisfaction of seeing it entirely extinguished. That duty performed, she left the apartment, and locking the the door, 'she stationed herself in a convenient position to hear everything that transpired ivithin. In few moments Mr. P. was safe in the apartment, and ns soon as he had closed the window, lre•stood bolt upright, in the middle of the room, and said, in a deep voice— 'Jezebel, come forth!' No ansicer. Jade, do you think to escape?' Still no response. Mr. P. beg'ns to feel uneasy awl, hastily commences to search the room; but had not proceeded far when he ho heard a slight titter somewhere in the vi cinity of the door He liStens a moment and it is repeated: Darting to the door, he at tempted to open it, but he finds himself ft prisoner. There is ono more chance, he thinks, and hurries to the window;. but alas for Mr. Pepper! his NR,Ifo has just removed the ladder d he cannot escape. Ilc sits down on a chair, and looks ruefully around him, and presently he arises and picks up a few fragments of a letter which is lying on the carpet, and finds its from l'olly Prim rose. Ile wonder s What she has done with the lock of hair, At this moment his eye falls upon his -da guerreotype, which is 13 it.g on the table be fore him—mechanically taking it up, he opens it, and sees—what? nothing but his own face. All the rest of him being rubbed off, and around his lovely ' , biz is the missing curl, and the walnut meats arc carefully stowed in the corner of the case. 11Ir. Pepper fairly blub bered alowl. 'Gym thought Ilr9. l'opprtr, 'when you find your level, let you wit, and not till them t little wholesmatt distipline b , wdl do cant good, sin] I'm fully prep:ll-ea to adminis ter it ' flow long Mrq. Pepper kept her liege' lot. I in durance vile deponent anith not, and na to what passed between them when he was re lea,td from ciptivity we ore not and• better in formed, but of this we are SUIT, Mr. Pepper might have to en seen a morning or two after wank, to put his head into the bedrem, and heard sav in a thee n •lketsv June, I've made the kitchen fire, and put on the tea kettle; won't you please to gct up and get breakfast.' • NEN' Mt. 1%.1 4 V: Y FOR. A FoliTli NE. —We over hyoid a poor unfortunate get the following :-.oAdollager, the other d ty , from his Letter half “You good for•a.othing fellow," ....Jolt] bile would you have been if I had not mnr• vied you! Whose was the baking hiver, iOB • tie pig trough, whose the frying pan, and the lirmped bucket, but mine when you mat ried me!" WHAT Anstmu InEns sotnetimea get into th 3 heads of crazy people! There is a patient in the asylum at Utica,who has been employed for two years in getting up a steamboat whose engine shall be . worhed with Epsom salts. An other gentleman in en adjoining room proposes to put elliptic springs under"Niagarm to ease the water when it jumps " Ml_ It is, with bnehtlors na with old wood ; it is herd to get lien started, but when they do take Hanle they burn prodigious- Surniturc. ) 013 E la IL SMILEY - , CABINET MAKElrand UNDERTAKER • - • North Hanover street, next door to II lass's 110101. • • would respectfully inia-in the citizens of Carlisle and the public generally. that be has now on hand a large and elegant :issortment of F lt- INlTUllE,enuslsting iu rift of 11 a r.lrol .es, Ca rd and eth er Tables, Sofas. Itureaus, Iled,teadq, plain and fancy Sewing Stands, Ar., manufactured of the best material and quality warranted. Also a general assortment of CHAIRS nt the lowest prices. Vriwrixs limns made to order, and repairing promptly attended to. COFFINS 1113t10 nt the shortest notice: and har ing a splendid hearse he will attend funerals in town or country. Ard- Itomend.or thu stand—noxt door to 11. Glass's llot.d. R. B. SMI LEY. __ _ ri XTENSIVE FURNITUE R ROOM. L A --JAMES R. \IA.:A V Elt would roimerfeully call 4 _ ,..) ---...-th,. at tonw.,, ~f Muse-keepers and the public U to hisextensive stock of elegant FR R NITUE, Including Sofas, Wardrabes,Centre and 'fables, I • . - Dressing and , Plain Bureaus, and every other article in his branch of business- AIN , / nosy on hand, the largest assortment of (II AI tt S in Carlisle, at the lowest priers. AOFFINS made at the short, ..1. est notice and a Ifearse provided fier funerals. Ile 4.1 solicits a call At his establishment; on North Ilan- 1 over streq, near illasse's Until. ==l=ll , , ,- t it - i - , ~, , ici a u s. lc OR NE It of H_ an a , • . 9,t , :,,, , over and sts. CP O " WC. v.).:41 a. BLISUV—The undersign' ed has always on hand a largo stock of superior Cabinet Ware, In all the different styles, which ho he prepared to sell at the lowest prices. Ito invites attention particu larly to the PATWIT SKIING BOTTOM, a most useful article, which entirely obviates all obJectlons. The bottom' can bo attached to old Bedsteads. They have given enure katikfaction to all who have them In use. tha- COFFINS made to order at the shortest notice. ATE 1 Y ST() R E & N ENV GOODS un tlorsignetl ix now' 01)(111111g hl the story room of William I,e , metr4l, on the corner of I fanover mot Loother streets, to tho of Coolish). a bin.;” and general assort .rnent. of S AND FANCY I)I1V (1001)5, ouabrae• Jog almost every hind and variety of gooks intuited to this nuirhet, t , ,ot her with /111 now.rtotent. of 111UWV, 111E5. Ills sLoel: ha% log ht.eit nearly all purylinsell within lho lost two tenons will' have the ft , to n 1 , 111'.; , II lis well nh of Lll.. Int. ,i,..•'doe hn of maw . % 11.. trill 1.0 h i , . 1 y to v.hil t hiv n't tsit in., I ‘• ,•, t • DRY c o D AP PIN ESS ! II A PPI NESS ! AT CAN MAKI , . IIA l'l'V ? "Reason's wh"lk pleasure, all the joys ry sense, Lie In three Norris—health, Pelle°, /ma Competence (l'epea Bit when we hare pains, ailliet ion or anguish ~r tlis. Utters, le not our nleastire, our j y, and thereby destroyed? Why let nor loch fallow-Let m toif ? Pors not Cl.mbit : - 11 fill t lie .sauie nieasnra mete, It shall be measured to you t.;;;io;"_....m, t t. 7 ••who Is « wise luau and eadnWed a ith I, u. nriod4r a. mow, you. let Lim Slt , o out of a good totiver,,atlort ltl worts wlth !nee:. ness and wiNi , an."—.!tunes 3,13. • ( * Et; Elti • .‘XU 11 I , :WINE. Itoto,r. I'. .10.3,0 and • Pllysi,ian, who Is Ilt.tnkt l'hyalei•tgod, and is (lratinati, ~1 .11r, gos, and has made itli till the 'Or' MIS ssstQiii , ut 31,•,1ieal t 4 eiettem aml tt Olt the e,•et.t (11seoveries attd imp o•% tammis in the tat 1 , 11, depart ments of lit., llo.ding . Arh , fi.itirfallyattends I • for Nwvital 111111 11• dleal A ld. and NoilnSV me urines 111. all mid,' or .•111p stet et)" in 111,111 - 11:1111 . 0 trith it It, tany. II) dropathy and I 113 si 01.m3 ; and tt Imse medicine, are all 1,1111/1.1 , •111 14 0 1i,1,-- 5011111 rots. pi into. ;6111 hydrohatlly, rood la all di , - at ,, a; and to wipett the alltictoti toe invitud to apply timely. . • ltrs Chatateter by Ilespeetable Neighbors. Copy of a letter from the Cry. C. 11. Ishi to 31 H. 11. I.:tier.of . the Walla Sprlott:s. low 100 to lotroilltjo )our friendly !toffee. lir. I:1i of Not York. I 11,0.0 known ter sixti on years, lie has done lassintss her lice With soh,-jots., 1. 0 .1)- e,ty :1471 With noeuraey; therefore I d e heli e , o him t o ho polfeotly sober, heeest and tract worthy. An:i nit 4 , 1, y o u may 0 , 0 prnpo t to o.nret en him. will Lc hi_hh al. by his etiiner,us friehdis. and by !non , Ine to highly than y 0.411. sincere Friend and 11111,1o . For5nut. C. 11. ,IF.NBACII. 1..1 , 111.1.1 , 111'.::. July Copy of a letter llrein 1 r , rgi 1 4 p.ttir, tint . % Tre:ootror.—.l .1. certl: that Ow inedi. al :I , llh i• I 1. 31 , 11,r lies k111.1..1,....1 ;my I Ler %%lei, 11 I 1,.1,1• ha , l ill the ell', It e r ,. leser ht r:411;11,) - 1 sy.tiM rt.,tminontl Lin) to ti.ul6 lool'ukl may bo sk tth ;if .res. t Bloomfield, .liirtzst ?nth, rAftl)l)Elt Icing trdll ar in.:lilted 11 lilt the re- Cont fri•111•11 1ii , 1 , 11 . 1.110,, N ith 111 , 11' lit•N 31111 Illitt•• Or tn.:1(.1111'11(r. told the 5111.0,1 y need 1•1 . 1 . taill 11'1114 di. 1; alit! eel,. fn- le, Leiser taeneplaitete... le)e.yeetta..., ul e eee era .)I , .rleele. all o . lllolilltt , 111111 :LI - i t.: superior lemeletlees for the pi 051.1,11011 situ I 4.i e h , drrt. Ilectualies reran the. tlefeets and ell, ease, the. el...leer:ally elrgelleie and repreelliellNe tee et) in leen ated In-anity: eerealee 31111 f 11110:y I art's 1 . . q. all 1 ,, 111.1111,14100 , 1111 , 1.14 r.. t• :-Ir•r• flit,. 'l,lllll A lana•s; 1 , 1011,11 111:0,1.1, 111101 tilt ir Mints: Sumacs-ot,. and other delicate tamale e. tepatints. AII ceinedics Imamate ham the 1111,..7 11-4 any and Ilydrapatlly re ink tied, 4! tat It. • I icdi all 1111111111 T 01 •14.1.111', 111111 all 111111011. r Of .1.1- , 11/, 1.11 °IL 1- , r that tamem Mali the 1,1111111111111.--1.111.1`, 111, 111 :.; 111111 11:1 111011 11101111 m. ••I'l , lVl. aU thily•, List that .111,11 i gut.!.-Ist. Tilessalenians..f, 11, - Thei.d.di 111 1., 10- 1%:11e of lah Ing lip it hat lit. tild lay tat mfr 111 .11111. Ibr "here t< that ,ca t tend 11 and 11,11 111,10,1'1h and tilt.", Is that tx ii liludeluth mwe that/ i., titer/, but it tend,. th. ' Pra, erlis, -11, :21. dill; relit Medicines and their directions ++ill is' sent ta th..a Ilti •ttal in :my dicectinn by tail! 1. 1 - espies, Addles , . Dr. I'. C. Ca: lisle." mid ~land atm ty, past paid, and t he 71'1' alv.ans cra n p a y. 3 the letter. a ail 110. 111111-r. tO,Olll, h.t 11 , 11 the h•l'hlW , .111C1 the s, ,t evliel.h,jets .0 the Zlffli.qesrt ihdoe.e.i. It :his system pt science the lical.s and the nindes at rat, nul l . 'lllllll 111' 1 d der cittpla N that 111111,/ 01 IlledhilleS • rnt irely made .1- ..7 it helt,.llle and Ilydrnplith), J I, lied it hi,d, cut n , :pretty i,, - certain remedies nett ''urn's tar *.till tutu t•ue•r 1.1 sit hitess and 111 I muuu,r and birh s„„ rm s ell ether eiediral 1111,111 S it. 'Fella 1.1 izoadness, yollll.l all I,IIIIIIS erg - I,IITM heel. liP F ICE fitinMer Street. E:0 , 1 Side near mai balm,' the Presbyter - taut:hunt, Testimonials frain numerous porsmis or the hit.iliest respectability in this and the :Mini r. counties, give authentic it idence at th e va..i iir s, lit Dr. ('-ardtler s eharacter. anal can le , era tit his Mt', 0. N. 11. The alllleteit ran rolls.° superior intalteines and the dirertiot, for their use I the hitt ;Morn of mail or I`NI:1 , •••::. If uteri ions i.t, desfred, or tilts r eg .... n t e d, Dr. 1' trill vedearettr to err, tom , date appllcatt s as Itr as le` , 311. The Doetnr spent,. the I.uElislt and the (icis. man I.angtta..cs. etc. I Jen. 17, 11.55 I ) ( )I\l . :‘ NT (► FE )1 .1 I,ES ! ('iil.l ;.• I. .% 'S cmitt itustl',n of ingredients in these I ills Is I lie re r•stilt of a loim and exiettslro prart : they are mild in their operatimi, and .3.1 taill of restotit,g nature 1 , . its per in, channel. In et ery Instance tan. these Pills pt sttroessful. They inritrlahlt open those obstruct', Vs to II litchi Females are lial le. and hi log nature into Its proper clutititel. %thereby health Is T.. st , red and the polo and deathly rotintenance rlyingeti to a healthy one. female Can enjoy giant health unless she is regular: di whenever 11/1 Otadllltdloll tithe!, phut-, m !tether from ex posure, void or any other cause, the teneral health Im mediately t,, decline. and the t. ant ol mutt a relit I'll) Leon It.: Ca 11... Of SII many consumpti o ns tuuuug 1 . 0311:11,1. Ti, ladies adIOSI. 11/31101 Will lint rermit ..f nn increase of their Multi), these pills will prove a ta l ttl , le acquisition, its they it 111 prat ru t pre ' ttiatto • I lead:n.llo, pain In the Side, n:dplta I .d th e h ear t, I, a nion of f„,'. and di turbid sleep do 111,141, front she in terrtiptimt of maitre; :Ind it Ilene% et- that Is the ease. the pills nil' Mimi:tidy r e seed.. all th e , Nor are tile I, is lane:Viol:ON lu tl,e euro ul Lr ocorrlma, commonly called the .• Whites." l'hese .4.,,, 5 1,1 or be talon dot hog pregnancy. :Is Inc. moll he su re to cam , a tills. arriuge. II arranted sorely ll'. ;mil free trout anything us to lifd r hezilth. I'lll directions ma-mop:my earn box. Tliosi. pills 1,13. [Olt up 1.1 FA Han. Unit lusts. I'lTsollB l'I•ddI II:: tt 11l n' there is to, agency established. I y mud, sing our holler in n letter, pro paid. to hr. C. 1.. Cut , NI is. No '21.7, Ildevelter street, N l'orls, ran Itat e thorn Sent t. , their respective tolttressit I,y mail, II ECEIV El) A T 'FII E FAN ey ILI' GROCERY 6TUJIE of the eulrwill IT, )1 Hon nail, A new supply or 'rrt,ll, wm or Croehers.. Soda, loafer, Me NI,. and : 4 1;,:r0r Buiseult, I'nri nn. Coro Stondt. 4a.0, Pearl hurley, Extract of t'odeo. nine Flour. Baking l'om der, ,t 4 A new let of mnperior Talde Pickles. 'fiimato Ketchup, French Mustard. l'ay 11 nin..Ve. .1. S. EBY. __ .. . GROCER I f Sj.j i 1 .tN I) r.t it! rry 'i o iu:. 'nu, subscriber would respectfully inform his friends 411111 the public generally, that. lie has just returned flout the city with a large and varied :e..s irtment of fillin'Elill:S, iII..ASS and QUEENS-11 AIM c fr 41.1. i r Nil. ii'e., 1'.., which he 0ir,..,, fur sale on tle IMl'''':''i most relsonablo torimi, iit his Nov Store e l 11; owner of North Ibinover street and the Pill. ,.,„,., 1 ... Ile S.i nai.. directly opposite the Carlisle lie. --"' posit Hank: ills stuck embrases everything usually. In allrovery and Variety store. The public are invited to call and examine his stoeb before purchasing elsei. here, us lie reels eimiiilent he can sell the best goods at the lowest 'lims. . el A. SA LT.-5000 Sacks G. A. jr. SALT, for sale ley ARR, Hour * 4l Orion Commisy,lon iterrhaiits, Spear's wharf, Balt Intim°, Doc • VVI 1 4.1 0 c, t r T i I A I b o r 'v Lorin g g aribitts ontingninhing. firm An excellent art Mc. neat, cheap and convenient. For Bale nt novl-1354 sAxToN's. - I Q . ; 7', lAM NOWT RECTUVINO (lele my spring stock of PAPER II AMI [NOS ‘thleh is the krizest smut m cr opened In Curlisle„ to which I inVits the early a tjAMI h , lll of the as I futon, selling at prices which cannot MU to please the closest purchaser, march2,ti =I I )YSTEI"rI(.IS-I.lloße A lk yon who hay° been nllllrtod f ywirs with thh bothorsoma anti who hart. hrtol using ervry Nostrum hot' Ire tho pnLHr without, rolirt; Ale ap to you try " It'h•lntr's nt I Ily,p,q,tt," ye, ml , t. Ity r.i,till,t it, rat r.h. Him. \Vim t t . li V‘.ll 111.04 V 1,1 tiro ,t 1•• • 11,1 A I ' l :i 1. I h ...It Illaicinco, I= .1. I/. 11A1,111:11T JOHN P. LYNI. pl)flalclpl)in. A,. GOTTLD, [Successor to A. Fiot. No. lnd Chestnut z•t.„ jswfinit's Building Philrdel ad• ex t , •!..ive and Doakm iu 111 riett tstrunie n t n uI of ery de,(1.1 tt 1:,rl us' ,0 maul tl•r the .ale of Ballet. Paris & rt. .dent Ilrithse to and mh er I'IANOS, Wool' s m o w d r pim.o., i , •11 , 10111 4 , :%ial litula•- ',I et :llneir :ll lode ile•iileid cif the eiditary "ill lie supplied L, nlOll or ''•r„ Ise W I I 11111,10 11;.,y 1.:11 ill 1 , 1 ,- 11. I Of till , V•iited 1,,•1 side-I% lug nil u Ly fiil.l.llll , it h Call id ' Nll,l, t n“,,t 11l ( rune Id•t. CII E Al' 11' A 'l'l 'II I; -'• A NI / .11.11 1• I. Ic . Iva. ii.l.;- A 1,1. rll.l 111"1.111., r 1 1).• - 1 1:1 ~' (1,11.1. in 11 nt• tl :mil ,li ~ v '.,-, ,- I t ,. 4 , llllllser ..,; ,N , .1t11 ~. 1,1 . - it e, t . I t tt •r t t I:11,IV. I I 11:11 , 1.•!j1.1:1. 1. , !: , .....1.. . I.eNel' NI lit, ll.'s. furl .il•Mt•iii • •11. I , .. e'l..sii;,,,. .- dc , A i, . f :..... ;• 1( ` 1,111 e. l' t•tt-ttt • to. A. g.VV-frat k.... - . Sik Cr. •• .11•01• IS. !• iii!!••1, jee 1' : . ..1t1.1•.ii,r1,1.t tier. 11, Xll `1..• (;..1•1 , 11. I !... • .' 11.01.1 I! ht.:, 1% Ito I. I.IL. : ljt 111 tl ,1 • 3, 1.• r• ST \ll-1111 11%1.11Y. 1)t1. L Ind s it stk, 1.. 1.. s :11,1 1..1 . .1 VICI 11..111 :111.1111t -I1 FILEING'S PATENT. (•Il sAF•rs I:2•;, I. 1 , 4 , •• C• • j 'l /I . (1 1 / 1 11 f . . 1 _ E r vti • t ,• (• i .! .„ , 114 1 4 h.. •O. , I o r• Ak r s. ,V;7 41 H 1111 1 • I/1 I !11... !•/: F 45.41 the .11/0 d l.: . "• • L i • ~^%Tti iltat $ th,. %slum -lion Ez. in 's i• Irr rid „1. I,', a !.(I kr the 1..:t tl.irlr Lt. II:11 It NI :SIR! th,ir Tl re , : 1,r.• m, ti/ In 12.000 at r 14,11 n, t I 111 . 1 0 1:1:1/ ride It rl ' , rt ., . The I 111 . !1•• n- , nee I anuf,,..tal,eal lay the Fl/6, airs are lit oirly fritvray• In 1 , 1• rum', e•,/ I lit in 11130 rt • 11 . 11 •upr rur to t lr•.ra 111. h tiara a• 1.1,11 sit .o•r,n lr 111,1 Is 3 pre Is m f . th,•ir I I Ills' • Trilairte ~ t Jll, l l, l litient. New Ya Al , l nt I; rent I IrainStela larva str.•et. at the 10, tare L,-t alp p.ite the titrurd Ilott,e; turd - 5t.,11 111,V 't Ails 111 Lilo Fire at Fift.h‘aull Cheautit. alt . jr Ilc t .Iv I In 'ffvlikiell thrao Sar s CAM° I ti.” I.11•1%,1thl,;e I C11.131140N, w I•rt• tn.. rt• (Lb, ft o I. I.\1•1:1 I. • t• Ire.; S irr u,), LOCK ): • ! ‘VA I.NI ••tr•••••• ebillod Iron Safe, uitb l'os,•lt•r Pitt , I ••••••••• -rat•tureitt oxpronsly for Banks, 1:1 - ohrts, 113 .•••• , 1 • tilers requiring •••••••trity ft-ton r. , z1•••••'. Dal t:, 1 Ault.. I oors. le on hand and made, , itrl.r. the .t r loltrated i.r!ot at urer, pri•-••••. "Sare , ,'"•sa'aanalderl," nr.ul • It,: 1••••• I - et •••.Ittr nin4.ols,ll:•‘•• I•••••n tt.keil in pal t :relit for f I ert ing'•• fur sale :IL hull U.IT C 1 ! ! ATCI I !-,I 01 N _,_ 1)()N l manuf.urer ati.l inventor of` AYE• TS.QI' A It I.: UPII iuirr Wool) BOX yi.l9f Ii Ez± o. hoe North 1 , 1 t IITII Street. (above linee) I'll I LAI , I'lll .k . Match,, havi :IC 1,0( . 0 me an indispensable al tele Iu lomsol.eepimr. the snbs'e:ll or alter a wreat sacrifwe of (I 01. 'llld money, is enabled to oiler to the IMI,II, nu ar tide at own combining Utility and CIIIOIIOICSS. Ti.e ttr d ,r knowing 010 danger appimltentled on sre Quit 0 , (ho tlintsey Inatinor In which Matelles are vet eratly parked it. paper. hat , by the aid of Nets Steam :11101117 et . Ilk nton Inrentl , ll.stitteeette.l In tretting up it !..1I•L'I1' SQUARE I.; Slott!) Ito:\ too, i. far preferable, in as much that It oceuplett no no t c n I iii lhnn the old round %wood box, null rentair s of It nyi/ lIIIIIdred per rent more Matches. a hi, I, rliilgtt. eonsldernble Advantage; It Is entirely new. au.d se. err muisturo and spontaneous c , mbustion, dispele all dangeron transportation by means of ll alb cad, l;teatu boat er any other rondo of Puna eynnee. TI,•••• Matelust4 .are pact.,tl /to ilvrt ono Zr.s or more nary .iitpited to any port 01 the Nt it 1. perfevt S.tret,. They nilr the nn a tlersirnLlo artiell• tor Ile no. ion, nnrl 010 tient nod sr ,rtern tuarhet. lh.rt 11:11e ever been hi. uell ti. call an t•,:t1111,“•,l Th,••ti• mat, are 11 1;I:AVIT11 te le r nrerle to an:. (Ur.; Ikeret-ft•re olTt•yrd to t 1..• 100 Nortla L'Ut.:llll 11,1:n.ra. D,•r'r 4, 1,54. lIIIENCII IN'ciollin , less t l u re a ounces. 1 r the cure of Ilen,la r but,tntr at•klnol ItACl.dby ti, 114: lII'St medhvtl anti:Wit 11, Id Phil. mlOllll3, incomparably superior to any t titer in use.— u s wiii gradlcd to lenru that the occasion 11041 oiler+ G. procure not only the Itb,,litst and no st ens), but as but:ll.le a Truss as any other, in licit of the cumbrous and uneontl.rtable article - usually roll. 1 hero is no Or Iculty attending the titling, and ILIUM the pad I bleat ad It it ill retain Its position a ithout ritanc.e. Persons at a distance ur.tble to call ou the Lul scribe:, can pa I'V Iho Tt uss all I, any address 1c rentitt fits 11 , 11:1 , fur the single Truss, or ten for the double— a Ith measure round the hips and statire side affected It %till i t ,x,.hat4.t•il to cult 11 not bttlitg, by returittur at once, uoboiletl. For eaio only by the Importer, Cornor Twelfth and I :An et h. Philadelphia 44.0- regtOring the benefit of 51.4 Mullen' Sup porters, on log to the derangement of the internal IM trans, Inducing titlling of the NYomh. l'ronl,lmenary Dyspeptic, Nervnus and Spinal Weahnt•s!4, are InMrtort , that 11 competent 111111 perieneed lilt hill I. in n t tend:met, at tho !Zooms, (Mgt apart for their exclustt. usol No. 114 T1V1.11.1"4 . 11 et., Ist door lelow 11ttee. .luly Alt .1T IS !—just nt t. A, -. ) r DISCOYI:NY IN MI•;DICINV.—A few milts Or the lI.It lona I Treatment, %%At Itott t ,:%led Fie, Siiermator , hes. or leral weakness, vier% out del,illty, low tiTh ion, lentil tide. IV 1`,1% lti,ii, Of I )10 limps and Lark. indisporaion and wily for study cud Int gr. dullress of uppreliersku i 0,4 of memory. avorsi,n to society, lovo of selittta. ti. toidity, self distrust. dizainess, headache. Inroluttary discharges, I airs Iu the side, iffert ion of the eyes, vim pies ou the fareesexual and ether Infirmities 111 man. From the French cif Dr. 11. DeLatieey: The Important - fact that these alarming (.ounit:tilts may easily he removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, Is In thisernall tract clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and successful treatment. as 101,1,teit by the Author, fully ceptnpued,l. Inv/ma of whirl every ono i s sn „Li o d to cure himself perfectly and at the least postale rest, avoiding thereby all the advertised nostrums of the day. Meth to sny address, gratis and post free. In n Pealed e!lv elope, by rood tti ( post paid) two postage stamps to 1)r. It. foehaneey, 17 fdspowstrd street, York. Morel§ 1-ly A C; ItICITIATItAI, AND 11011TI ixerIATUAT, q.—Snperc-r Unlraillna Hay 3 and 4 pronre.l: Tlnprorod Horse 110e4.CitItiva tm,, C.l^t ft , ll(;:trdeit Hardin F.lnflnes. Tubulai Iron So:. (In. : , nriiths. roy:11411 n Rivu• to I 1;:t I; Lawn 110.1.:0 Shivirg, Gor.lrn 1 , 7 - 1, Tlon.9.lanting ntlwr To ,l, •lq't hato 11:. .. • .• 0 May =3ll - C.0.E1.1 tt. NEEDLE's