~l'cw -~lu~r cntctttr. WATCHES ! CLOCKS ! FANCY JEWELRY, Ac. I have now on hand `and for sale at my Old Stand on Main Street, opposite Marion Ilall, an entirely new and elegant stock of W ATCLI ES, EW ELRY, ME DA LIONS. &c. - Gold Lever Watches, hunting and open case, Silver do. Silver Lepine and Quarter Watches, a large variety. Gold Anchors for Ladies and Gentlemen. Medallions, a splendid assortment for ladles and gents. Breast Pins of every pattern, and all prices, Gold Chains for vest and fob, gold curb chains, r, Finger Rings, Cuff-pins, Studs. Sleeve Buttons, Crosses. Drop 211111 !loop Ear ii legs, a large variety, Silver and Plated Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives. Ac. of various styles and prices, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Gold, Silver and Cointnon Spectacles, a large assortment to suit all ges, and to which we invite particular attention. Port Monnaies, a large assortment at every price, Gold Pens, of the best make at various prices, Fancy Boxes, Port Folios, Aceordenns. Spectacle Cases, Ladles Card Cases, silver and pearl, at various prices, Bracelets. gold and common; Watch Chains ditto. Also a largo variety of articles , In the Jewelry lino, which I will sell at the lowest prices. All articles war ranted to be what they are sold for. . _ o.n.,,Partleular attenlion paid to the REPAIRING OF WATCH S and all work,Aarranted. Returning thanks to me old friends and custtanjrs fir former patroua'go, I respectfully solicit a continuance of their favors. june2o THOMAS CON LYS. • ESTATE OF ESTHER lIIDER, DE MASED.—Notico is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Esther Rider. late (it South Middleton twp., Cumberland Countyoleceased, have been granted by the Register of Said county to the subs riber residing in the same township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are re quiredlo make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to FREDERICK RIDER. Adner. juno 27, '55 Ai AN KNOW TIIYSELF! KNOW - IX-DOE IS POWER. Your head is the type of your mind. Self knowledge is the essence of all knowledge. Worth always harnv'nizes with itself. All the known phenontenalif the universe may he referred to three general principles, viz ; Mat ter, Motion and Spirit. Dn. C. IL II ffiakl, Practical Phrenologist. has taken a Phreno.Medical office on South Hanover street, Carlisle, Pa., where he is prepared to make piiifessionel examina thins with verbal and written descriptions of human character, talents and disposition, ns phrenologibally and physically developed, including directions to the most FillltAble...ooClllllololls, selections of partners 111 business. or genial C supof ms fir life, or h nc it choose a hus band or wife; together will' advice as to the proper regu lation of thetemperaments, propensities, appetites and habits. In sickness bow to gain health again when lost by exposit' to bad habits. lie will made 'limas it' char. actor s (list pers ins having a Chili cut 10,111 this won derful sAenee without n teacher. To teach learners those organic conditions which indicate character Is the first object of this great b os h on mind and matter, and in order to render it accessible to all it condenses facts and comfit' its rather than elaborates anzuments, be , .'ause to expound Phrenology is its highest proof. It states laws and results and leaves tlnan upon their naked rum its: embodies recent discoveries and crowds into the fewest possible pages and words just it hit learners need 'to know, and : hence requires to be studied rather than merely read. "Short yet clear," is its motto. Its numer ous illustrative engravings; give the results of very ex tensive professional observation and ex pt. rirnre. To re cord character is Its second object. lii fact it is just what every body want. Pride $2. For examinatbm and Chart marked $2. Verbal examinations 23 cents. Carlisle, June 13, 1555. 1)11:APING AND MOWING MA 'Lea NES.—The subscribers are now executing or der for the following Reaping and Mowing Machines, believed to be the largest assortment to be found at any one establishment in the United States: Atkins' Reaper and Self Raker freight added, McCormick's Combined Reaper and, ower, Iltirral's Reaper and Mower, Ketchum's iteap..r and Mower, Ketchum's Mower, 2 Knives, Allen's Mower. 2 Knives, Ilussey's Itsaper and Mower, with front eal'ila,te and side delivery, Manny's Combined Reaper, and Mower depending en Territory, Samples us the above in store or examination. PA Sell ALL MORRIS A: CO.. Agricultural Ware House and seed store, May 30 tf Corner ith and Market sts. I,ISTATE OF MARGARET mcDow. JELL, dee'd.—Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Mrs. Margaret McDowell, late of Frankford township, Cumberland county, dee'd. have been granted by the Register of said county. t, the subscribers, residing in the same township. All per sms knowing themselves indebted to said estate are're , quirod to makeimmediale payment, and those having claims to present them fur settlement to JOHN McDOWELL, J. L. McDOWELL, Executors. June 23 IMPORTANT TO LOVERS OF FRESH FRUIT at all seasons.—The übscriber has Just opened a few dozen Hermetical self sealing FRUIT CANS, for preserving Fruits, Tomatoes, Green Cern. Ac., fur a whole year in a fresh state—require no oldering and may be used year after year and arc easily opened and closed without the aid of a tinner. Call and exam en them. . GEO. W. IHTNER. June 13. '55. SCHOOL TEACHERS WANTED.-- ; rmum TEACIIEIiS (1 male and '2 females)wanted to take charge of the public schools of the borough of NEWVILI.E. Thu Beard of Directors will meet appli cants at the public 1:ehool House In said Borough on TUESDAY the 26th Inst., when the County Superin tendant will be present to conduct the examinations.— To competent teachers liberal salaries will be paid. By order of the Board. JOSEPH 11. HERRON, Newrllle Juno nth, '55. Secretary. FAMILY COAL.-SUO Tons Lyken's Valley Coal, broken and Screened, prepared o pressly for family uso, receiving and for sale by f r: Juno. 20 Om W. R. MURRAY, Agt. 1 - IMEBUItNEI{S' COAL. 2,000 14 Tons Lykon's Valley Nut Coal, a superior article rocoiving and for salo by Juno. 20 Cm W. 11. MURRAY, Agt. QILIc. FRINGES.—Just opened a 1,3 tow pieces of knotted and crimped black Silk Fringes alko colored Silk Friliges black Silk Lace and other Juno 20 ME= FRENCH CORSETS.—Just receiv ed, a further supply of French Corsets of extra si zes. Also narrow Linen Fringes for trimming Basques. june2o GEO. W. 111rNER. BLA.CKSMITIPS COAL. - 5,000 Bushels Blacksmith's Coal, a first rate article re celoing and for sale by June, 20 Out r 0 OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE; and business men generally. The RepositeiT and published at Chamborsburg, Pa., is now In its SIXTY-SKUND YEAR, and has, for more than half a centu ry, enjoyed the LA RC EST CIRCULATION of any paper In Its section of the State. It is printed on a manual' Shoot, In quarto form, and contains weekly forty-eight columns of original and selected reading matter, and advertisements. It is unequalled by any of Its local contemporaries In the extent and variety of Its corres pondence, both home and foreign. and original contri butions. Prlce,.s2 per annum : five copies for $9 ; ton for sls—ln 'advance. ~ It Is certainly the vefy beat Advertising Medium In Pennsylvania, out of the citias.'not 'only because of Its circulation, but also because of the substantial and thrif ty character of its patrons. As a medium for offering REAL ESTATE for sale it Is especially desirable, as it roaches a large class of Real Estate Owners and dealers and business men generally, than any other local paper. Terms moderate. Advertisements may be sent directly to the Publisher, air through any paper In which this ad. vertisement Is inserted. Address ALEX. If. McCLURE. Chatubersbueg, Pa. itmo 20 'rho subscriber would respectfully call lb eattention of Litneburnet's and the citizens of Carlisle and the sur rounding country generally, to his NEW COAL YARD at tlfe eastern end of the horough, and immediately up post to thel las Works, it hero ho .111 keep constantly on hand a largo supply of superith° LYK ENS VALLEY COAL, .of the various sizes, together milli such other Coal as may he desired. all of a hieh h e pl e d ges hi mse lf to sell at the lowest possible prices. The I.est. quality I.I3II.3IURNERS k 111-3rhtiNIITIIS COAL always on hand. All orders left at the yard. or at las residenee Lt .tiast street. or at the stores of 11. Saxton or I'. Monyer, will lie promptly attended to. juntrilf .lAC )13 \I. FOR MEN ANb BUYS WEAR. Also, Cloths, Cassimered and Vestlngs, to hich Sill la mada up In the best style and on reasonable terms.— Shirts, Shirt Collars, Moses. Hosiery, Suspenders, Satin and - Sum - tiler Storks, Handkerchiefs, Ay. of the newest styles and best manufacture kept constantly on havid. Confident of their ability to please, thoy respectfully so licit the public patronage. $155 155 135 115 185 r; —SPRING . AND SUMMER u• snoEs!—Cll EA P FOR CASH 1 I um now receiving n large assortment of • Shoes of the most fashionable styles and ex• client make. fresh from the best manufactories, which 1 will sell extremely low for Cash. Tan-colored aalters, of Willis's make, a hand- FOLIO article, only 5i.25 • flue Jenny hinds, resettes, from 87 to 1,25: black Lasting Gaiters, Willis' make, 1.25; French Morocco Bust: his, !tingle *idol' 75 Cents: French Morocco Boots, dtuthle soled, 1,25; Paris Boots 1,25; Men's Morocco B , llOfm. home made, 1,25; hoots ditto 1,31 ; Kid Ties, 50 cis; Polka limas 1,31 ; Cush man Ties, 1,31 ; Son Lags and Al tents 1,25, A:e. MEN'S Kip Boots In great variety, some as low as s2; Stout Brogans $1,00; Calfskin shoes $1,50. WomEN's Kid Buskins, double soled, 75 to $1,25; Shoe tees, Calf 75; Heavy Kip Boots Liunou Gaiters 75; Half Gaiters 12; Slippers 37. Boys' heavy Kip Boots, Sine Calf Boots, Brogans as low as 75 rents; patent Congress (loiters, patent leather Monroes, patent loather Jullien ties, to. Canrsr Boos of (were doscription-011Cloth. Union, Brus sels. Velvet from 50c to $2 OM.Also several thousand dollars worth of BOOTS AND SHOES AT WHOLESALE. Country Merchants and other dealers are Invited to call. All who wish to buy gotal shoes and save looney will call at Porter's old stand, Main street, near Rail Road Depot. April 18th '55. 11- M, RAWLINS. CALL AND SEE •OUR SPRING AND SUMMER CLCTIIINO.—The subscribers have just received rrom the cities, at the OLD STAND, in North Hanover street, one of the most vie gant assortments of Spring and Summer clothing ever offered to the people of Cumberland county. The prices of the Clothing at this Ilouse have been reduced to such a low standard, that it is now within the power of all who wish to wear good clothes,lo secure them. Their stock consists of the best and most desirable Dress anti Frock COATS, Habit Cloth do. Litman Drillingdo. Tweeds kc.; superfine Black Cussimere PANTS and Fancy do.; Silk and Satin VESTS, and a fine variety Valencia anti other vests; with a great variety of Boy's Clothing. con sisting of Jack Coats, Polka Jackets, Monkey Jackets, Vests and Round Jackets, made of Tweed, [Annum Dril ling, Cloth Alpaca, Casslinere, Doeskin, Ce, Also, Shirts ptocks. Handkerchiefs, kc., all of which are offered at the lowest possible cash price and as cheap as any other Clothing Store in the Union O. W. lIITNEIL Alan a splendid assortment of goods In the piece. lanoline French and English Cloths and Cassimers of (w -ary bun and shade Sattin, Silk, and Valencia vestings, &athlete", &e., all of which will be made to order at the shortest notice and in the neatest and best manner.— All garments are warranted to fit. The Willa are res pectively invited to call and examlno the superior as sortment of clothing at this establishment. April 18,'55. ...ARNOLD & LIVINGSTON. W. IL MURRAY, Agt NEW BOOKS! MAGAZINES AND ;11 1 11Mil , LATE PUBLICATIONS Thu White Veil, a WWI Gift, by Mrs. Halo, a splendid ly illustrated gift book. Longfellow, Byron, Moore,Mrs. Ilemans and other po etical works, beautifuly embellished. Irving's Sketch Book, plain; Jerusalem and its Sacred Localities, by Rev. W. IL 0- denheimer, Rector of St, Peters, Phtlad'a. Pickering's Greek Lexicon. Homer In the original, " Miranda Elliott, a now and interesting story. May and Derembor, by Mrs. Ilubback. Ellen Norbury, by Emerson Bennett. Grace Lee, by Julia Ravaintgh. Robert Graham, by Mrs. Hursh. Harper's, Graham's anti Graley's Magazines for May, With nnmerous other now publications just reed at utay2 PIPER'S Cheap Book SLorD. Illiscellancous, ECOND ANNUAL FAIR OF TIIE 0 BIG SPRING LIThatABY INSTITUTE, for the promotion and encouragement of Agrleulutural, Horti cultural and the Mechanical and Useful Arts, will be opened IN . LITERADS lIAI4,,"_NEWVILLE, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 7,th 1555. To this Exhibition, Farmers, Manufacturers, Mechan ics, Artists, Inventors and all others desiring to display the results of their labor, skill, ingenuity and taste, are cordially invited to contribute. The success of their first exhibition warrants the expectation that the second will not be inferior to any ever held in this, or any of the adjoining counties. The Managers, there fore, feel, that in inviting contributions from this and the adjoining counties to their second, annual exhibi tion' they are offering to the producer of excellent articles a valuable epportunity of making known to the country their novelty it Ild utility, the superior style of their workmanship. and their adaptation to the, per poses for %%Welt they may be intended. Materials. Ma chinery and Manufactures, iv Well have elicited vino- niendation nt similar displays elsewhere. may here find new admirers and a new market. The managers would respectfully solicit the Ladies to contribute. specimens of elegant handiwork, which heretofore have termed so attractive anti important a feature of ,these displays. The Board of Managers will make every effort to dis play whatever goods may 4c reccited to the very best tidvantage. Competent judges will be selected to ex amine them. anti premiums awaeded to articles of su perior merit in the several classes. The Mil tvik be opened fur the reception of goods on Thursday, A tuThst :id: and on Tuesday, At:ust 7th. the 'Exhibition will be opened to visitors and continue open Ft V 1 DAYS. No article deposited after Monday evening. August Oth. can be entered upon the judges' list for competitor or premium, except such as the managers shall be satisfied were despatched from a distance in tinu:•but from ttnaveidable detention failed, to reach the hall by the day specified. .111IIN DILLER, Presldeuti- W. It. LINN. Corresp.,ndlng .Sect AllD. 1,. Financial `ect. • J. 11. llERRON,Trvasurer. Nem - N.lllc. Juno 11th 1855. EIV COAL YARD I AT THE EAST END OF ('AIILTSLI M I Q ,r BINGIIA I M M, DAVIS & 27,arbut ,tree(, r rhiladolphia, AtIENTS 5011 JACOB 11111: EM, CARLISLE, and Philadelphia. Cars leave Lot It places East and West, tin ire every Week. Tueadays anti Fridays. All husinoss entrusted to Bingham. Das is & Co., Ai ill he attended CO With fdndlllpt lied , . Whether in sales, .produee d.r freight, A. 11. BA liN PIZ, North street, lialtimore. has also entered into this arrangement, and It ill attend prompt ly to all IlUSilleSei entrusted to him. May.to,--Inn. ICLOTHING ! CLOTHLNG . N. II ANTCII tt Co. have opened and now of for for sale at their Store on West High Street. one door west of the I formerly kept by C. t , tough, an entire new stock of Ready Made :hulling LOOK AT THE PRICES! EN'I I.EMF.N'S Extra Flue Frond' Calf Boots. a lwautlful article, only $4,f,0; Calf Walking Shoes 1,60.; Calf Congress Gaiters. 2,25; Cloth Moutereys 2.0(1; Patent Leather Oxford Shoes, 1,75; Juillen Ties 2.:,0; patent leather Congress Gaiters as low as 2,0 U; also patent Pump Ties, fine Cloth Gaiters with patent tips, Hen kert's A No. 1, patent leather glove-top but t,ned Con gress Gaiters. enamelled, patent leather, Ac. at very low prices. Also Carpet and Velvet Slippers. Misats' Polka Boots, Opera Bents and Jenny !Ands ; Colored (loiters, patent tips, 87 ets: lino Kid Boots at 78 cents. CHILDREN'S Highland Boots, Eurokas, Excelslors and A ultle-ties. Ituanb fur 20 cents ; Calf, single soled, for 25 cents. tknairsU A)33lfta4 Iticbichics. LICIIIEDAM AROMATIC SIINAPS, TO THE CITIZENS OF PIiNNSYIAANIA.- I beg learn to call tho attention of the citizens of Pennsylvania to the above article, manufactured by my self exclusively, at my factory in Schiedam, Hol land, expressly fir medical purposes. It is made from the best Barley that can be selected in Europe and the essence of aromatic Italian berry, of acknowledged and extraordinary medicinal properties; and it has long since acquired a higher reputation, both in Europe and America, than any other dietetic beve rage, In GRAVEL, Goer, and RHEUMATISM; In of structions of tno Bladder a n d Kidney's, and debility of the uribary turin MOS, its effects are prompt, decided and reliable. And it is not only a remedy for these mala dies. but. in all cases in which they are produced by drinking Ind water, which is Mould 1144 verbally, the cause of them, it operates as a sure preventive. The distressing oiled upon the Stomach, Bowels. pod Illaddar,dif travelers, new residents, and all persons um aectAtilmed to them, produced by the waters of nearly all of our great Inland rivers, like the Ohio. Mississippi and Algaina, from the large quantity of decayed veils' tattle matter courttned in them, in a state of solution, is well known as Is also that of the waters of limestone regions. In producing (MAvI:L. CVLCULL and stone in the ISLA - nom. The ARUM Ave scitiEDA M SCHNAPPS is an absolute eorrectiv - rof all these injurious properties of bad eat e r. and cf osequently prevents the disease which they occasion.. It Is also found to be a cure and pre% en tire of Fever and Agne, a complaint caused .Ity the con joint effects of vegetable malaria in thCatowsphore, and vegetal de putrescences in the water of those districts In which it pi incipally prevails. The Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps is consequently in great demand by persons traveling, or about to settle in those parts of the Cu .11 n .try especially ; to troll as by malty in every connouttlty where It lots become known, on account of its various other remedial properties. More (hail three thousand physi4trins. among whom are numbered the greatest flaunts belonging to the facul ty of medicine in this country, have certified, over their own signs torts, to the Valuable medicinal properties of such no article. an the severest tests have - prov ed the Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps to le mid have accepted it as a Most I losirablo addition to the M VUERIA MEM, - k. Put up in qu:u•t or pint bottles, enveloped in yellow paper With Illy name on the bottle, cork and seal. For sale by all respectable Drtugvlsts and (Irt,ers. WOLFE, 18, 20 and 22 Beaver street, New York. • 25 south Front street, Philadelphia. heg kayo to eall the attention of the puhlle to the following letters from physidans: LthonironY.N. Y. May 2. 1S2:1 "Mit. IVotttr-1 mar Sis : I rgtilitid speak too highly of the purity of your t'cliitslain Schnapps. It is de,idettiv superior to all) thing ~ithe hind in the mar ket, it is perfectly free ,cont the admixture of fusil oil, or of ally of these arnylie which produce such a inischiertiot and irreparable effect upon the con stit ut ion. and ul t ich I cry few alcoholic distilled li q u o rs are without—most of them being largely impregtuttod with it. I have pers , avly iliSpe ,, ted distil:Ohm practice,' at Schiedam, and Looma that un usual care Is tahen to scparato the noxious elements from the pme alcohol, and your Schnaps Is a striking proof offits;incimsi. As a medicinal agent for chronic and r e nal affections. I have successfulir prescril ed it, and reromend it as all agiVallio cordial and hsrmiess stimulant. and shall continue to do so: as well as to use It as a s urn of pure ale.thoi for chemical investiga tions tint experiments. Yours obedient. 151A11 Consulting Analytical Chemist." Dr. Chador. A. Leas. Commissioner of Health, Italti• more, writes n„s follows In relation to the value of Schnapps a. a remedy in chronic cabarrhal complaints, Av. The letter is dated July 27, take peat pleasure in bearing highly creditable testimony to Its efficacy as a remedial agent In the - fib gt3so for which you recomend it. Having a natural tendency to the MUCOUS Feurfitees, uit h a slight degree of stimulailon. I regard It as one of the most important remedies in chronic catarrhal affections. particularly those of the genito urinary apparatus. With much res pect your obedient servant, CHARLES A. LEAS, M. D. .PIIII.IDELPIII 1, July 15, 185:1. "Mr. Ildoipho Wolfe, No 2'2 Bearer at. N. Y.—hear sic Last season the writer retselred. through your agent in this city. a bottle of your Ananatie Sehiedaut Schnapps, 111111 Sine° that period has prescribed the sure in certain forms of urinary complaints; also in cases of debility In aged perstanr. 54 . . far, the Schnapps has been of tititch beneht to those using it. • • * In conclusion, where a dinretie and stimulant Is required, I sho uld use the Ar. omatic Schiedam Schnapps. Than king you for your kindness, I ant respectfully yours, A. D. eII.ALONER, M. D., ISO S. Eighth st. The subjoined letter from Dr. Pablo, of Manchester, N. 11.. relates to one of the most vain:it:lt:medicinal prop erties possessed by the Aromatic Schnapps. and shows that it :tots as a specific In a very painful disease—the Gral el : Wotss:—Pormit me to address you a few lines. which you are at liberty to use if you think proper, in respect to your medicine, called Schiedam Schnapps.— I have had a very obstinate case of gravel and stone, of some five years' standing, causing very acute pain in every attempt to urinate. After using many remedies without touch relief, 1 was induced to try a bottle of your medicine. In the coMse of three days it proved effectual, disleging large pieces of stone, some of nhieh was as large as a marrow tat pea. I continued the cor dial according to directions. and the patient continued to gain, and is fast recovering. I think a medicine of so much value in so distressing a complaint, should be known to the public, and the world at large. And I ter one. must give it my approbation and signature. T111):3. AI. D." From Dr. John S. Rcese,Chemist, lialtintereOld. Sept. IS, 1552: 'A number of our physicians are ordering the article, and several have already prescribed It. Persons to whom I have sold It smtak very highly of its qualities. A Gentlemen of my own personal acquaintance, having suffered greatly with an affection of the kidneys and bladder' took two bottles and subsequently passed a stone of considerable size, and was greatly.relleved. It will no doubt go into general use," 0.. - CARLISLE FOUNDRY •14 AND MACHINE SHOP, ,Qv.. . , j The subscriber has the satisfaction of in. 111 stson patrons forming his old friends and patn:: that •-,-.4172 lu .4- 7 : his efitabfish mead. is again in active opo- -r u, new buihkings having boon erected since the late that trees fire and the whole establishment put In coin. plete working order. Orders are therefore respectfully senate,' for work In his line, which will be done with promptness and in the best manner. STEAM ENGINES BUI1,1"r0 OItDER and repaired. All kinds of Machinery in Paper Mills, Grist Mills anti Factories repaired at short notice. Mill Spindles dressed and turned. HORSE POWERS and TIWESIIING MACHINES such as Bevil Gear Four Horse Power, Horisonhil Gear Four liorso and Two Horse Powers, Ploughs, Corn Shel ters and Crushers, I.:c. Patterns made to order. Iron and Brass CASTINGS executed to order, it not on hand. at the shortest notice, such as Cranks and Mill Gearing, Spur and Bevil Wheels, Gudgeons for Saw Mills, flow Castings, Cutters, Point Shears,' Wagon and Coach Box es, Spindles. C a r Wheels, Car Chairs, Ac. He has also on hand a large supply of Philadelphia and Troy COOK ING STOVES, and Is constantly making Cooking Stoves of various improved patterns for coal or wood, ten plate Stoves, Grates, Ae. Repairing done to all kinds of Ma chinery. All kinds of old Iron, Brass anti Copper taken . In exchange for work. maytt FRANKLIN GARDNER. .Ij A NCASTER COLLIERY. TO COAL DEALERS. We beg leave to Introduce ourselves to your acquain tance as extensive Miners and Shippers of WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, at Lancaster Colliery, Nor •thumberland County, where we have very extensive Improvements and a Breaker, which for capacity to pre pare and clean Ciini cannot be surpassed. Our sizes of Coal are as follows: • Lump, Mr smelting purposes, Steamboat. for smelting and steamboats, Broken. Egg and Stove, for Family use and steam, Nut and Na, for Limehurners and steam. Our Limeburners' Coal Is a very superior quality, to whirls we would especially call the attention of dealers and consumers. Our point of shipping Is Sunbury;where arrangements ere made to load hunts without any delay, , Orders ad dressed to us at Shamokin, Sunbury or Lancaster, will recn% prompt attention. aprlH COCHRAN. PEA,LE & Co. Cochran. Lancaster. Beni. Reinhold, Lancaster. C. W. Pezde, Shamokin, 11. Baumgardner, do. Meal 05state SQfcs ATA LUA BLE I.I.3IESTONE PARINI AT PRIVATE SALE.—That very valuable stone Farm, late the property of Geo. A. Lyon Eq. dee'd situate 2 1 ,1'," miles South of Carlisle, on the IValnut Rot tom Road - in South Middleton township. COlk into hug Ito HUNDRED AND ELEVEN ACRES, more or less, of which in net aro in a FIAT!: or CII7IVATIoN d 22 the residue covered with thnber of the Loot quality. improvement+ are good Iron story lilt SE, ~),, : lill;LE LOG BARN, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and other necessary out buildings. There are taa wells of excellent natev near the house. and a thriving OIRIIA RD of ever ,one hundred trees < f various kinds of Fruit. all of whirl, are learing. For terms and further particulars enquire (,1' June 13, '55. A. 1.. SPONSLER. 11( i 1 1 q;- : , 4 „ . " 1 • 4 . . 1 ,t ( 1 ) .1 \ ;,-- r.N :r};! ) ,,;, - 2, -- r:, - .: : .; 1 : I f;: x .,:s , 1 : ( ) 1 . 1 :i". .) ~.L. A, , tr aground situated in North lianoser .....—..— street. The iin pr:•v eMents a two stn: yWt at hers: n: tied House, washhouse, Istkelmuse, a cistern, Av., /v. the lot is :in feet in front, and 240 in depth, and contains a variety of excellent fruit tires. Terms VTISV. Apply to .IAC(IIt WULF, Junol3. Agent for ti, F. Cavt.s!en. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY Dill SA I.E.—Will I.e sold at private sale, a vely Talualde TOWN PROPERTY, the late residence . I (fen. A. Lyon. Esq.. deed. The property COM prit.es two full town lots, each CO feet In rs ant and '2,10 feet in di pf Is, situate on north side of Fast Main street, being a m. st desiralde locality, either 11 , r business or a prii ate reti denee. The improvements are a larf:e ' , lf/. -41 W. "--)..., -- 2 two storl , , - STON E 1111UFE. , ith an 0f re1...) :11, -- flee Iltt3alleti, is large three story 1.6 --- . ki . BRICK BACK BF t LTA m t• d ;. a noe LI-- •-. _ 11 , 11FP. iWo large eisterns • oil, of I Mtn with elegant filtering apparel ns.) an fee house and .411- 'er neeestary out Imildings. There is an elegant CAR DEN M 11111,00.1 IN ith t h e how, • and the finest and I • st select i“n of fruit trees its the borough. Also rasters in s, Ac. For terms and further particulars enquire of Mac BO; A. L. !=i'lrN SLER, OT OF GROUND FOH, SALE. - A w ill Ii mild at prat nt e sale n Ict of gronnd. fi rrn- Illy belonging to Cohort Nla tan dee'd. Ht woe in Iho harOu hof Carlisle. en the nor th side ,f Stoel's near the Seceder Church, adjoining lot. lately the 1.1( p ea). orJohn Agnew dee'd. lon•ton Mo ds a nd I thei c. The abovi. 1,1 for ',Or on reasonable terms. Apply to J. S. COLWELL, Attornoy itl fnet tbr the ,A% ner. Nay 30 11151,.—1tn. FrOIVN LI /I'S AT PRIA'ATE SALT. The Ent writer alit sell at lit - hate sale 1111:EL I - ..itTS of gritted In this honiugh. I. art' then. sit esti it an the santh skit , of :Sart h sti Vet , .1,4 f f l'it t. ard iii to taining each Co feet in front I y '2.10 drop. 'I he i Chi rls an the north west earlier of Pitt street and 1.4, Oct Alley . Szlivn will 1%. made an moderate tern,,..J A CUlt DUET, Citrlinle, dune Ctli Agt., ''.l the maser. lAND FOR SALE OR BARTER.- i I will Sell or Batter. it _tract of land In Milos e hiiviiship, Iteilf r 1 calmly. l'iiiina. rant:tilling SIX II l'N iII:VD Ai SI XT I' Fl V E Aelt Et.i. It is •ituate three mil, fpitii the town of Clean Vile. ten mins si nth of Ile, h mut. and eighteen mirth of Maori ck Mil—the Inds, plane Fit unto an the 'Chesapeake Mill this ('anal and rot' tig n ous to the Baltimore and thin Pails ad, atTi•riling at ail time, it,. excellent market K.ir 11111111.er, produce. A.....1it.il furnishing 'supplies et planter, salt and I: riiterles at N cry little aliovo city prlees. Al.Olll Li," hundred nu ten if the land Is eleared, fifteen or %odd, is natural meadow land, the balm., is under toleradie cultic allot,. The .4 II is of medium quality, piirt slate. part red sintlii›. 1.4 Clint, kr.. The improvements are a two story 111 ,i Link HOUSE. leg kItCIII.II an d log darn. and a !II good saw mill—this property would divide very very well Into three farm giNing to each a poi thin of cleared land. with a good zring, in nsuitable pin, o far buildings, or ft would a'lt'ogether make an extensile stork farm for which It Is well adapted. teillg well sea tiered and having a large quantity of 11:411111 IV land yet to clear. The terms will_bo made easy twain pun lian er. May S. TWO SPLENDID FARMS FOR LE:—The subscriber will s,•Il nt privotesale thu two fellow log described farms, to N : No. I—ls situated north-west of Carlisle:, roljedolort the inhabited part of said Boroughs' itztli, UN 1: lICNUItLI) AN b FORTS' ACRES or first ruts SLOW' Land, hat ittg thereon erected a ore lar g e I L ) N K BARN, a large HAY HOUSE, a couui.rtnble ('Alu , : TABLE, &e. Also, a comfortable DWF and other out-buildiugs. The land is in u bi_th state of cairn anion and all under ps d post and call fence. It Is bounded On the north t y the heirs of Samuel Alexander, deed., on the east by hir Noble, Wm. P. Seymour and others:Virthe unit . 1,11 Nloore, David Grier, Ac., and on the south by t 'public road leading from Carlisle to Waggoner's bridge. No. Y.—ls situated in North Middleton too nship, miles front Carlisle, on the Harrisburg and ( arlis.o turnpike road. about 13:, miles front Middlesex Mills, bounded as follows: on the north by the Conodyguir.et Creek, on the west by Irvine's heirs, jut the East by J. Noble and Jesse 'Zeigler, and on the south by Abraham Hetrick nod the Harrishurg turnpike road, ~nratr,h,g. TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE ACE LS, about 100 acres of Limestone and the residue is the k elate. :thtutt lot) acres of title tract cleared, under geed fen, C. and In a good state of cultivation, the balance: is very heavy timber. A large portion of the farm is mead, w land. The improvements are a large STONE 111‘ Elc LINO HOUSE a large LOU AND FRAME BARN, a Stone Spring House and other out-buildings, an Apple Orchard and a lun.7erguantity of other fruit trees. No. it sonar tract of laud about mile west of No 1., on the Baker road leading from I arlisle to llart. goner's bridge, containing TwENTy-mx ACRES of first rate limestone land. ls.unded by said road on the north, by John Noble on the south, by Brown's heirs on the east, and by Baker on oho west. The subscril er a all also sell a number of GUT IAITS to suit purehasers.- The above described property oil] le sold CM reasonable Aerate.. ARMSTRONG NOBLE, Carlisle, January-10, 1854. LUAB LE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE.—The sulscrjl'r will Fell the property he now Owns and calm _ pies, formerly owned by the Rev. T. V irr a Moore, situated en South Hanover set trf Carlisle. adyining the property of Mr • _ Wm. Graham, near the Walnut lint tom t.oau, I.ollSi:ding of a TOWN LOT AN!) A HALF 90 by 240 feet, upon which are erected a goes! two story FRAME MUSE, Wood Hotte and Stable together w other out-bu il ding, There is also good ;nick cemented Cistern, capable of inkling fortydive hogsheads of water. The property is lat gos.d repair. Also, for sale, a full TOWN LOT adjsltilug the above, 60 by :210 feet. Any ono wanting such property will do well to call and examine. nov22—Out BEN EDICT LAW, CIAiiPETENG.—An entire new assort k.,,lxnent of Carpeting just received. Imperial, ingrain, Venation and cotton, selling very cheap hy May '55. ell ARLES OM Mil% I?AI4TIMOItE CARP.-.--Sai. Fine Factory filled and Gmund Alum Salt, n stantly un band and for sale. CA Itlt, GIESE .1: CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Commission Merchants, Spear's Wharf. Also, CEMENT and CALCINED PLASTER. Agency of the N. A. and Resendale Co. Baltimore, Jan. '22, 1556. • ItATS !-SPRING STYLES reeciv t and for sale at KELLER'S Old Stand on th Hanover street. A beautiful assortment of tient!smelt's White Otter Rats,' tho fashion:ollo 6tylo fur summer, now cm hand. Call and sea them Mat• 16, '55 IHAVE received my Spring supply of O.kIIDEN SEEDS from Mr. Landreth. All seeds sold by me are warrented FRESH 111.1 d GENUINF.. Carlisle, April 4, ISIIS. S. ELLIOTT. ])ONNETS, RIBONS AND FLOW- Elif4.—tA very extensive, and new stnek of Bonnets It 11 bons and A rtitleials, now opening et the cheap ker.° et May. ell A'S. OU I UV. rrIIItASIIING M,ACII IN ES -of the best mako eonstant4,,Aoi hand and for 811A0 at the CarlNle Foundry and :Stachine Shop. FRANK. GARDNER. =I ''BY TELEGRAPH• ---------- STILL LATER FROM EUROPE Allied Los over Five Thousand Nc,W YORK, Julrll, 10 o'clock, 1:M. —lty the steamer 1111 tie just arrived, we. h a advices from England a week later than by the America The Most important news from the Crimea is that Lord Raglan is dangeroudy ill and aslcs to he recalled. The total allied loss in the action of the 18th is ascertained to be over hOOO men inclutling 03 officers. The army is nevertheless reported to be in good spirits and prepa'ring for another assault.— No further battles have occurred on land or Ansf rift cnntinue4 to iliAn'nd her nrrny Gen, l'ellis:er lelrgrnphs frean the Crimea on the 2litli, '•tlii re is nothing new. We are pushing our approaches against Malakoff. Rumors were eirettla'ted in Paris as to the causes of the defeat, 0110 of which attributes errors to the British Commander. The Eng lish on their side sny they took Redan but could not hold it because the French failed to si.ence Malakt ff. THE Of:TRACE ON Gov REEDER —A corres pondent of the New Journal of Commerce gives more completely the fact- , of this affray then we have before seen. It appears that the Governor was sitting alone in his °thee, his Secretary, Mr. Lowry, being sick an I confined to his room it the time, when the well known (lim. Stringfellow entered. Ile was courteous ly received, but soon raised an exciting dis pute in relation tx.) the governor's course, which at length became so vi'dent as to tittiact tevvrarpersons standing in front of the door; and he on the spot gave the Governor a verbal challenge, which was immediately declined, the Governor saying that he was no subscriber to the dulling code. At this time the Governor was carelessly sitting with his chair balanced upon the two hind legs. Stringfellow ad %aimed, and by ., putting his hand upon his haudt , ,upon his Shoulder, pushed hint over, et the same time falling upon hint, and scratch ing hint deeply in the cheek with his nails.= The Governor kicked him off, and rose to hie feet, both gentlemen drawing their pistols, when Stringfellow was sliced by Attorney General Is:nicks and Mr. Halderman, and the Governor dropped the muzzle of his weapon, saying that be scorned to attack a in in who was prevented fr. m defending himself. By the Interference of the two gentlemen, the matter was calmed down. Stringfvf ow, wbu thus begins by attempting to intimidate the Governor of Kansas Teri itory, and failing in that personally assaults him, is a tesnlent of ‘Veston, Mo., and makes no pretence of living in the Territory. It is generally beliveil tl.at the Missourians have d.rcovered that they wid be unable to manage two-thirds of the Legis lature, and thus avoid the Governor's veto; and therefore the conduct of their acknowb edge leader. During the late affair the Gover nor had twice good opportunity to shoot String fellow,nnd the friends of order, and his friends, are very thankful that he refrained; for had any injury, even the slightest, occurred to Stringfellow, in two hours a crowd would have been raised on the border, against which resistance would have been useless, and no one can imagine what would have been the ulti mate consequence. ICOBEIPP DI( 'K, Cal-tisk, Pa DERRY CO'Y. WARM SPRINGS, PENNSYLVANIA, -1- Will be open for vlsiters from the tth day ofJune 11. 11. ETTER, Proprietor. Tile most desirable watering place is situat-ii on the tanks of Sherman's Creek, which !leas at the lase of Pisgah Mountain, some five hundred feet above the lev el of the c7eek, in front of the dwellings. This stream affords pleasure to the guests, as there are louts upon it to pass up and down, also a beautiful Island in It, well shaded with large forest trees: the walks up and down the creek are delightful, while there is pleasure for those who desire to fish in the strews The springs are nuttier and cannot be surpassed for bathing: there are bath houses separate for ladles and gentlemen. also large plunge pools fur each,• with an abundance of pure spring water. There Is an extonsl . to view of rich and rare scenery of mountains and valleys, taint; the most pictures lite In the state. Among the attractions of the IVarm springs there are numernus shady and romantic summer roads, making it very plesant Mr drives. Horses and vehicles will he kept this season to hire. Having taken pains In making a selection of first. rate servants, t feel confident, they will give ger oral sat isfaction to the guests. There shall be ino pains spared tu sup d ) lint my table with the luxuries of the markets. All pers.9 us leaying Philadelphia or Baltimere. In the morning train Lo Duturtunon, on the Central Itailroad, fourteen miles north-west of flarrisburg, then taking coach *Shish Is always in readiness, will arri% e at the springs :Lout 4 o'clock, the fitre being but $4 00 through to the Springs. All communications intended for the sPrings should beaddressed Duncatmon Post (Mice, for the springs, and they will arrive dally after the fifth of June. Persons wishing to engage radius. Scif will please addre,;sl, 4l ,ll l ,- burg Post Office, prior to th?l WI of June. Persons itt the cities wishing Information con lure it by ealling on the fefferences hereunto attached. A Baud of Music. has been engaged. Boarding per week, Children half price, Servants do. hoarding per day, Horses per week. Washing per dozen, Pon.AnntrinA —George Prince, 27 Vino Street. orpo site hogati Square ; Wm. Ryan, DI North Forth St:vet I Edward Thins, U. North Eleventh Strout : Edward Side lel, 14 Decatur Street; „Fredrick Seeger, Sixth Street t.e.. I.lw Chestnut; Edward Wayne, Es 1, Pennsylvania Bank; John 11. Green. Fifth Street below Gorman ; Joslnh Pa : v bison, IRS South Second Street: 0,.5. Paureast. Esq., 48 South Fourth Street; John llortzler,Bs7 Market Street. CAtulet.a.—A. L. SpOnsler, Esq.; H. Keller, Mr. J. D. Lyn..., H. A. Sturgeon, Esq. PA.---J•11111HHISOI1 A. J. W4rfleld, Jilago narriite, Esq., Dr. J. 1. Keller, P. , K. Boyd, J. It. Eby, 11. Buehler, P. Gunn, John C. Holland, John Murphy, G. It'. Sher- Ilkt.Timoar.-1110.1. S. Steward. Boom!. Crane, Dr. J. wood, Juna I:I, •36. ARRIVAL OF TII,E BALTIC! Tll/33 DISASTROUS ,BATTI.EI LORD RAGLAN RESIGNS! ILEFERENcEs 63 t 9 00 -150 4 00 1111