Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 11, 1855, Image 1

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    E. BEATTY,
The CARLISLE HERALD is published weekly on a large
...sheet, containing FUOTY COLUMNS, and furnished to sub
s •ribers at the rate of $1.50 if paid ktrirtly in 11.11V:Inee;
j:; . 1.1.1 if paid within the year; or .4 , 2 in all eases when
?aymout is delayed until after the expiration of the
year. No subscriptions roryived for a less period than
six months. and ueuc discontinued until all arrearagen
are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Papers
I 80 lit to subsoriloors living out of Cumberland county
must he paid for in advailey, 'Au; the payment assumed
,)), some responsible person thing In Cumberland mull-
L)% TllOBO terms will be rigidly adhered to In all cases.
Advertisements will be charged $l.OO per square of
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3 Months. 6 Month.; 1 6 Months
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. 5.00 8.00 12.00
3.00 12.00 16.00
12.00 20.00 30.00
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Advertisements inserted before Marriages and Deaths,
8 cents per line for first insertion, and 4 cents per line
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The CARLIt , LE lleiui.n .1011 PRINTING OFFICE is the
and'Utost complete establishment in the county.
Throe go Ri Presses, and a general variety of material
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terest torgive:Us a call. Every variety of BLANKS con
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4.4,- All letters on business must be post-paid to se
cure attention.
6mM d Coca 3liformation.
Vice Presitteut—(ie facto), 1). lt. ATCIIESON.
Soe rotary of State—Wm. 1.. M AEC V.
Secretary of Interior—Rom:la MCCLELLAND.
Secretary of Treasury--JAsirs tit:TIMES.
Serrotary of War--JEFFERSoN DAVIS.
Secretary of Navy—JAs. U. Donets.
Post Master 'lleneral—J AMES CAM p
Attorney General—CAL CU, lIINO.
Chief Justice of United States—lt. 13. TANEY.
wornor—JANlEs rota.ocit.
6,eretary of Stole—Amotmv G. CunTui.
Surveyor Goner:Ll—J. I'.
tieneral—E. BANKS.
Treasurer—Eu SLIFER.
J u7l,4es Of the Supremo Court—E. Lewis, J. S. BLACK,
Prosldent Judge---4lon.4.tliEs 11. Gumirat.
A,s,ciatu4es—llun. John. Iturv, Sainuol Wood
.) an.
./i4teict Att,wney—Wra. J. Shearer.
Se.—John M. Uregg.
Iligu Shelia—Jost:pa MeDermond; Deputy, James
W id nor.
County Treasurer—N. W. 'Woods.
Coroiker—.losti)ll C.
C .unty CummiA.,ioner,,—John B.,lll,,Jaines Armstrong,
Jo , rg:e M. Graham. Clerk to Commissioners, M Whim
Dirertnrs of the Pour—lieorge She:lifer, George Brill
lie, John C. Brown. Superintendent of Veer /louse
Chief ihrrgess—Col. Anmsrito: , :o NOLLE
Assistant liurgvss—i,:tinticl
n tAni C. 11 ond ward, k President) I
yi•rs, John Gob:hall, Peter Mony et., F. Gardner, U. A.
it tir„.to nt, .qiena-d :shearer, John d hompson, David zsdre.
Clerk to Council Wetzel.
Constables—Joseph Ste,‘ art tliBll Constable; Robert
IleCartney, Ward Constable.
PreAbyterirtn i'hureli. north, est ..ogle of Centre
in Ire. Rev. Ct.nin.NY C. %I Ivy, l'a , t,.-- . .-er‘ires every
, 11j tio.,ruLug at. 11 o'clock, ,
. .
hn Progbyterittu Chuthhhh.earnor of South Hallo% er
n 1 I..hatn et streets No paste at present, but pulpit
.I,••irio-Wytorial appoilanlelits. :her) ices ennunenee
t 1 I ~..•1•a•k. A. 31., and ; P. 31.
't..bhlhns Chihrhdh, (Prot. thh.rthenst angle h.! .
.• LI t• 5.11131 . 0. Gee. ‘[..,11 B. Moss, hector. Fen ices
t I I o'clock, .1.31., And .1 ~'clod., P. 31.
1.... dish Lutheran Church. Itedf hrhl between )fain and
ou nor streets. Pastor. Services
t I I ..clods. A. M., and 7 1 .: o'clock, P. 31.
hicr,nan lielhruted Ch unit, Lnuther, between Hanover
n 1 Pitt streets. Rev. A. 11. liar.mrat, faster. Services
t I it 2 o'elock, A. M., and ,s l -.; P. M.
31-t .dirt E.Chur.•ll. (first:Charge) corner of Main and
'it t ,treets. Rev. 5. L. M. Coeds, Pastor. tiers ices at
a',•l alt. A. 31., and 7I ,';o'clock, I'. M.
I.:ll,Loilist K. (*II (second Charge) Rev. J. M.
Past hr. Sol rice; in College Chapel, at 11 ti clock.
M., and 5 o'clock, P. M.
Ii en VI Catholic POlllfret, near East street.—
erh ices by Rev. Mr. eVery..W2e..nil Sunday.,
—dlernimu LittlterAn Church, vireo .111 l'ondi et and
telford streets. her. 1. I'. Nasehold, Pastor. service at
Ur t. M.
eir'Whou changes in the above are necessary the pro
er I,,,rti.JIIS are requested to notify us.
Lev. Charles Collins, President and Professor of Moral
Rey. Herman M. Johiumn., Professor of Philosophy
James W. )larsiialL Professor of A nelitnt lAnguages.
!Mt. ink 11. 'rainy, Prd'es , ,or ot Mathematics.
NI Whim Mom Lecturer un :sutural 6eience and
Lunt tr 14 the )1 llbelllll.
Alexander tiehwn, Prufessn . of Ilebrow and Modern
Benjamin Arbogast, Tutor In Languages.
I). Itillumm Principal of the I/rannnar School.
11'illl:uu A. Sithely, Assistant In thotiratumar School
C tattal.S I)Ei' , l:4lT 13 ‘NK.—ProArlent, Richard Parker;
:vdtier, Win. AI. llceteni; Clerks, Ilenry A. Sturgeon,
,sopli fl •ffer. Dlreeters,lti4iturd l'arltor, Henry Sax
el, John S. Sterrett, John 'Ltt.,;, Ilenry Ituiert
t,i,rre,,Sainitel Wherry, John Sanderson, Hugh Stuart.
rederlck Watts; Secretary and Treasurer, Edward 31.
iddle ; Superlidendant, A. F. Sanlth. Pashenger trains
A iar a day Eastward, leaving Carlisle at 7.18 o'clock,
. 31. and ‘1.15; t'eloek, P. AI, Two t ridne every day West
arl, leaving Carlisle at tl o'clock, A. 31. and 'l2O, 31.
C taiJaht: GAS AND WATER CONlPNY.—PreSidellt, Fred
iek Watts; Secretary, lonnuol Todd; Treasurer, Win.
itootent ;, Directrs, V. IVatts, Richard Parker, Lornuel
Win. 31. Ileeteni, Edward 31. Diddle, Dr. W. W.
ale, Franklin tlardnur, henry Glass.
ii'r r. POSTNIE.—Mstaan On all letters of ono-huh
'e wei4ht ter un d er, 3 cents pro-paid. or b cents tan
,: (except to Cant-rola and Oro ; 4on, which aro t 1 Colas
p 11(1, or In vents unpaid.)
li O6iPAVEA.—Posidt,4 o ou the
i nty, Flux. Withlit the Stato 13 cents per your. To
Jr - via of the United States. 2 coots.
,t.iv trauslontlutpurs.ttudur 3 ounces in
eight, 1 tout pre-paid or 2 cents unpaid.
Iyry douription of Book and Job Printing apucted
Ci.t.hort,fat notioo nod on roasonablotorms.
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EE ft AEI AND' El, 1 , 1'.0'... Iri.:o Y.
Fir the Herald.
Mn•, Erwront—Thinking that the followit g
remarks may interest some of your readers I
take the liberty of sending them to you. for
The Rev. Wm. Hays. Paster of the Middle-
Spring Church near Shippensburg, delivered
by invitation in Harrisburg, on Wednesday
the 27th tilt., a lecture beforelhe-young ladies
of Mrs Le Conte's. Female Seminary and
citizens of Harrisburg, on "Woman's high rind
responsib'e mission and her consequent befitt
ing education." The lecture seas distinguished
by just and node sentiments al propriltely
and often beautifully expressed and delivered
with animation and eloquence. -The Rev
Lecturer gave to woman a high position and
showed that Providence had placed her in her
noble sphere fur the most impor tint and beni
ficent purpose , s—that man from his earliest
infancy, through all the stages of his existence
and in the highest spheres of human life felt
the influence of woman and that to her lie was
indebted for his noblest as' irations and by her
excited to the greatest achievementk .Ile
gathered from the history of-the - world and
especially our own country both the proofs
and the illustrations of his position. In pas
sing he paid a just tribute of praise to the
niotl ers. the wives and sisters of our rev o lu
tionftry heroes, and expressed his talk(' that
under Providence we were as much huh) '
to the influence of the former as to the tel
riotism and valor of the latter, that, in ,("" ",`
these would not have existed butlor th
nt in
With such views of woman's high and re
sponsible mission be urged the necessity of a
befitting education—an education which mine
ed the powers of the mind and led to n proper
development of each faculty, which laid the
foundation fur future usefulness in solid acqui
sitions and did not overleap theta for that
which merely adorns. But while he urged
the first as the most important, fie expressed
his hope that out-fern:l'e schools would unite
with these acquisitions all the real accomplidi
moats that adorn the female character blended
however with the pure and gen'al influence..
of our holy religion, as be considered such an
education the pioneer in our advancing civili
Lt conclusion ho congratulated the young
ladies of the Seminary Mt the advantages they
enjoyed, advantages lie NW a S persuaded not
surpassed in any female institution of learning
in the country and the proof they had given
of their• improvement of these advantages in
their examination. lie expred the hope
that their future lives, both in usefulness and
happiness, would realize the fond hopes of
their parents and friet.ds mil that their exis
tence here would he hut the introduction to a
bles.ed inn n o•tiditc herefilter •
The audience highly appreciated the effort
of the Rev. gentleman. Ile was listen , il to
pith pr,l-utol attention through the vi hole of
his address-, and there was not one hut re
sponded most cordially to the truth and appro
priateness of his sentiments.
We were glad to hear Mr. 11. say that the
examination of Mrs Let'onte's school far sur
pa...ed his expectations, Ile remarked that
although he dial heard of Mrs. Lveiinte's
school, he had not dteamed of the existence of
such an institution till he visited the seat of
g overnment, bud bee me tie q ,,,,int,d per
sonally with the mode and the extent of the
instruction given, and that he'should feel it Co
he a duty nhieh he owed to the cause of female
education to extend its patronage by every
'loans in hi 3
Harrisburg, July 10th, 1855
Mn EDITOR.—There aro, doubtless, in many
families of our Commonwealth, Manuscript
Letters, Papers, and Public Documents, Printed
Pamphlets, and Books of old dates, containin . g,
much that illustrates the character and habits
of the early settlers of our country;—dis
closing names hitherto unknown to fame, that
deserve to be held in remembrance;—events
that form important links the chain of our
history, yet unpublii-lied, or hut little known;
—not Pacts and Incidents that will increase
in interest with the lapse of time. These
Manusct•ipts and Books, of, little value to the
possessor, but of great va l ue to the public,
are fast disappearing. At every house-cleans
ing, and every removal, many of them are
destroyed, to get rid of the trouble of finding
a place for them.
is the proper Berository for all such works.
They will there be accessible to every indi
vidual who may come to the Seat of Govern
ment, rind hove the curiosity to look at them,
end they will be safely kept for the perusal
and examination Of future Historians and An
tiquarians. As the State Librarhin, I would,
therefore, respectfully request, all your sub
scribers who may read this note, to examine
their Libraries, Chests and Cases, and those
ptirts of their dwellings where such articles
are nsually kept, and if they find Manu
script, or Pamphlet, or Book of thq Mud we
have named, that they would be willing to
part with, to send them by moil, or otherwise,
ad tressed to the "State Librarian, Harrisburg.
Pa " Every work of this description will be
thankfully acknowledged, put into permanent
2 Vllliei fur ft)t Cirrlts.
MNESDAY, JULY 11, 1855,
form, and preserved with the utmost care in
the Lil rnry.
Authors and Publishers are invited to de
posit copies of their• works in the State Li
brnry. They, will remain here for the perusal
of fatty e generations, and as the permanent
record of their industry. learning and genius
11 . 11. It De W I TT. State Librartan.
Harrisburg, June• 27 1835.
A party of seven men, on the road from
,Fort Union to Fort Sharpy, has been attacked
by Llu•ee hundred armed Sioux, and one man
killed. The rest escaped. The Sioux arc
congregated in great numbers around Fort
Pierre McCrea, uho shot Malcolm Clark, at
Leavenworth, is Fail to have been committed_
to jail on the charge of murder, hail beim; re
fused. A violent personal recontre has oc
curred in Kansas between Mr. Stringfellow
and Governor Reeder, in which the latter is
said to have been badly beaten. Prepara
tions have been made to•cclebrate this day in
different parts of Canada.
The steamship America arrived at Halifax
with very important int i elligence Pram Europe.
The steamer Lexington, from St Louis for
Louisville, having 80 souls on board, and a
cargo of 2,iol7ales hemp, exploded her boiler: ,
on Saturday last at three o'clock, A. M., four
mil,s below Rome, on the Ohio, and, the
wreck taking fire, was immediately burned to
the water's edge. The steamer D A. Given
corm promptly to the as istance of the passen
gers, and succeeded in saving many. Twenty
five lives are believed to have been lost.—
Some twenty or thirty were injured. and a
in mg them captain Ttwrp. who is badly seal
dod. The ladies and children all escaped un
injured. The Lexington was an old -boat --
The city councils met yesterday. The City
Councils met yesterday. In the Select eoun
cil the new Fire Department hill received its
quietus promptly. Both branches met in
joint convention and elected the Comnfissien
eta of Highways. City Propurty, etc, The
Know Nothing State Council met at Rending
on the 3,1, and rejected the shivery plank of
the Philadelphia platform In its stead a
a resolution W:10 imerted demanding the res
toration of the Missouri Compromise. 'An
delegates seceded and adopted the Philadel
phis platform. Tin, president and faculty of
?atolls() o College have resigned, and th e i r re .,
ignations have horn accepted bY tl.e Trustee 4.
Difference of opinion on slavery is the cause.
A serious riot occurred at C 'lambus, Ohio,
011 t h e doh, in which fl 1 , 1' 0 005,1011 of Germa n
Tutners had it ‘iolent conflict with a 010 b
Fir , nrinq were freely used, and cue t owl;
man sued, and many others badly wounded.
The police lime arrested twenty four Turners.
The Democratic State.Coiiventi.on cf Pennsyl
vania, met on the doh, ttt Harrisburg, and
nominated Arnold Plumer tor Canal Gointnizis-
A destructive thunder storm occurred at
Hamilton, Canada, on Wednesday nigl t of
lost week, by which the streets, cellars, gar
dens and low grounds were flooded. The t r
rents descending from an adjacent mountain
swept down huge pies of stone, earth, Co ,
and these clicking up the sewers, diverted the
floods from their proper channels. In this
way a large garden was buried beneath de
bris to the depth of three feet. The founds
flops of several buildings weakened so that it
wits found necessary to prop them up, and all
the streets were covered with stones, trees,
&e. The arrivals of foreign emigrants at New
York during the past six months have fallen
MI half, as complied with the arrivals during
the same months of last year. The imports
of foreign dry goods at Now York during the
past week show a falling elf of about one
million of dollars, as ecmpared with the cor
responding week of last year. The measure
molt of grain at Philadelphia during the quar
ter ending June 30, 1855, was 602,802 bush
eh corn, against 362,731 for the same quarter
of last year; 204.749 bushels . wheat against
153,086 last year, 58,657 bushels rye against
10,637 last year, and of oats 166,594 against
88,716 last Y 1.111% The shipments of coal on
the Schuylkill navigation for the week 'are
24.983. The trade Uf the selson thus far is
447,809 tons, against 383,232 for the corres•
pending period of last year. .
Porrneitsie Com.uon.—At the time of
the opening of this institution in our city,
nearly two years ego, we alluded to the im
portant position it seemed destined to assume
among the educational establishments of the
country. We infqrvd this fact that;' while
common schools and literary colleges bad
here attained a ripo development, little or
nothing had been done for industrial education
—that education which contbinls practice and
science, and which is so. eminently adapted to
the American mind and to American necessi
ties. The Polytechnic College has grown up
out of the demands of the times. Its plan of
I%ErN•sau.%r, July 4.
FuiDAY, July 6
SAruttpAy. J u ly 7
ins:ruetion wa's adopted by a hrghly in'elligent
Board of Trustees, atter one of their number
had visited the industrial Colleges of—Europe,
and after the 'systems employed there had t cen
carefully compared with those of this country.
The plan includes a school of engineering, of
mechanics, of chemistry and of mines. The
deparlmeta of chemistry was first opened,
then those of engineering and mechanics, and
efforts are now making to place the school of
mines on an equally liberal foundation. lit
furtherance of these efforts, the College has
recently been provided with one of the choiceA
and best selected cabinets of minerals ever
imported into this country. The collection
was brought together in Europe by the labor
of years, and without regard to cost, and is
especially valuable in its new position, became
of its adaptedness to the purposes of instruc
tion. While so much is being done by the
establishment of lyceums, institutes and free
lectures, to diffuse knowledge among the mas
ses, of both sexes, it is gratifying to the
friends of education to know that our Indus
trial College, in which young men are profes
sionally educated. in the applied sciences, is
receiving that encouragement and support to
which it is so justly entitled.—Leduer.
I Frightful Snake Story.
The following incident was related to us
the other day by one whose veracity is on
questioned, and who was an eye witness of
the fact. It is more alipalling than any WO
recollect to have ever read in the history of
these reptiles:
Some time last summer the inhabitants of
Manchester, Mississippi, gave a barbacue,
'MIMI was attended by most of the beauty
and tlishion of the town and surrounding
country. It happened that among the guests
there was a young lady, Miss M., recently
from one of the eastern cities, who was on ;
a visit to her relations in the neighborhood
of the town.
Miss M. was a gay and extremely fashion
able young lady, and withal possessed an
uncommon share of spirit and courage, ex
cept in a matter of snakes, and of those she
had so great dread that she scarcely dared
to walk anywhere, except in the most fre
quented places, for fear of encountering
them. Every effort was used, but without
avail, to rid her of her childish fears. They
haunted her continually, until at last it be
came the settled conviction of her mind
that ti he was lest hod to fall a victim to the
fangs of a rattlesnake. The sequel will
show how 80011 het, terriblu presentiment
was fulfilled.
Towards the close of the day, while scores
of the fairy feet were ki•eping time in the
dance to the mostc, and the whole compa
ny were in the full tide of enjoyment,
scream was heard from Miss M., followed
la themost agonizing cries for hel'. The
crowd gathered round her instantly, and
in)teld her standing the perfect image of
aleintir, with her hands grasping a portion
of her dress with all the tenacity of a vice.
It was sometime herone she omit(' be ren
dered sufficiently calm to tell the muse or
her alarm ; anal then they gathered from
her broken exclamation that she wits grasp
ing the head of a snake :among the totals ad
her dress, and feared to let go her hold for
fear of receiving the fatal blow. This in
telligenee caused many to shrink from her,
but most of' the ladies, for their honor be it
told, determined not to leave her in her
direful extremity.
They lueought her not to relax her hold,
as safety itepended upon it, until some one
could be found with courage enough to
seize anal remove the terrible animal.—
There were none of the ladies, however to
perform the act, anal the situation of Miss
M. was becoming more anal more critical
every moment. It was evident that her
strength was failing fast, and that she could
not maintain her hold many minutes lon
A hasty consultation among the calmest
of the ladies was held, when it was deter
mined that Mr. Tisun, who was ,present,
should be called to their assistance. Ile
was • quickly on the spot, and Icing a man
Of MICOIIIIIIOTI COOrage, he was not many
minutes within the circle of half fainting
females, until he caught the tail of the
snake and wonndit tound.his hand to make
sure of his hold. •
He then told Miss M. that she must let
go at the moment he jerked it away; and
to make the act as instantaneous as possi
ble, he would pronounce the words one,
two, throe, and at that moment he pro
nounced the last word, she must let go Iter
hold, and be doubted not he could with
draw the snake, before it would have time
to strike. All stood in breathless horror,
awaiting the act of life or death, and at the
moment the word three was pronounced;
the doctor_jerked out the largest an most
diabolical looking bustle that was over seen
in• Mississippi. The
_tvltele afThir was then
explained. The fastenings of the machine
had become loose
.during dancing, and it
had shifted its position in such a way that
it dangled about the lady's limbs, and in
duced the belief that it was a snake With an
enormous heart.
'filo doctor kll right down in his tracks
and fainted—he did.—lllississippi Journal.
fr 7" A boy at a crossing having begged
something of a gentleman, the latter told
him that he would give. him something when
be came back. The boy replied :
Your hgnorWould be surprised if you
know hoW much money I lose y giving
credit in that way."
Three Days Later from Europe.
Reorted Lobs of 4,000 Men.
The steamship . 'Hermann arrived at New
York on the sth,,bi'inging Liverpool dates up
to the 20th ult., and the- steamship America,
which arrived at Halifax on the afternoon of
the sth, brings dates to the 23,1. Ult.
The news from the sent of .war is scanty;
but most imp mant. The French and Eng
lish troops, on the 18th, attacked the Roden
anal Malakoff farts, and were repulsed by the
11u-shorts with great slaughter.
The details have 11 , 4 transpired, and the
d , spetches published are fragmentary and in
complete. Private advices fix the loss at no
fewer than 4,000 men in killed and wool deal,
including General C.unpbell and seventy-six
other Oicers.
NO. 45.
The ;fides have male an unsuceepsfal at
tempt to storm Sebastopol. The most sinister
rotoors prevailed in regard to the transaction.
liv some accounts the English loss is set down
at four th,usand men, but the report is be
lieved to be much exscggerated. The follow
ing are the only official notifications of the
'•L ranmure regrets to have to'nnnoun
ce that he has received information that the
English troops attacked the Redan and the
French the Malakoff Towers, at dtiodight on
the morning of rite 18th, without the success
which has hitherto attended our efforts. Both
the French and ourseives.havo suffered con
-iderably. The names of the officers who
have' fallen will be forwarded immediately,
but it will be impassible to receive' complete
returns of all the casualties before the 30th
lust. (June) nt the earliest."
The Moniteur announces that the govern
ment has received two despatches from Gen.
Pelissier, the first, dated lith, informs of
operations concerted between the General and
his allies, and that-thy Turks and Chasseurs
made it reconnoi,ante tow:Hs Aitodar, Gen
eral llosquet occupy frig the Telinernaya.—
The next day, at daybreak. the French, and
Friglisb were to attack The Malakoff Ton - en.—
The second despatch dated the 18th, annodn
ces that the attack had failed, and that, ad+
though the troops hail showed the greatest,
ardor, and had gained a footing in the Mala
koff Tower, General Pelissier was obliged tit
, rder their retirement into the parallel This
was effected with eider, and without molesta
tion by the enemy.
I'riv. te accounts, published in the London
itandard say the loss of the British irr killed
weunded amounts to no less than seventy.
Imong the killed are Gen. Sir. J. Campbell,
Col. Yea and , Col. Sand forth. From the ob
,tinacy and courage with which the combat
NUS maintained by the British at the Redan.
4nd the necessity of eventually I , etiring from
the attack, the slaughter on all sides has been
immense, and if the infortnation be correct,
the loss in killed and wounded of the British
alone amounts to very little short of 41100
The greater portion of the loss was experi
enced in a ravine, where a powerful and un
expected battery was opened on the troops
There is reason to fear that the loss has Lt en
very great, but Lord j'almerston said last
night no additional information had arrived.
The Allies lust terribly by the Rus•ians spring
ing it mine, and during the confus:un thy re
captured the :%lamelon Tosctr
Previous advices were to the 17th, statin47
that there had been smart firing on both sideff ,
but N‘ithout any tesult of importance.
despalch from BUCII:IFT , t, tit Vienna,
confirms that nn expe , liti4m h,u+ heel) utnier
taken again , t Perekiip l'e !issier is exceed
ingly savage against II e telegraphic messags
N ipeleon sends him. lie is reported to "'have
recently rep!ied th3t, when lin) thing occurs.
he %%11l let the linuies or know, but that he
has no time to act as :t tHegraph operator.—
Thns, accor ting to rumor, accounts fit- the re
cent absence ut news its the Nloniteur.
The A ustti 1 ilitltry %titular contains
an intefesting letter ir,on Se‘itstt.i,,,l, un
der date of May 13. The following is a stun-
In spite of all th9.-etiorts, nhich the en
emy have made, oTaii'''bulwarks stititil as List'
as ever. Long before the bombardment
began the journals or the West informed us
th,i't our walls and forts were speedily to be
put to a new proof. This made as to re
double our precautions, and we boi'e more
firmly the truly murderous fire which threat
ened :all nth destruction. Nevertheless.
thousands were devoted to death, and it
made one shudder to see the Elborns (the
steamboat) pass every two hours during the
honabardment from the south to the north
with so man 3 wounded that she could scarce
ly carry them. While standing in Bastion
No. 4—the bastion which suffered most of
all—l forgot tho' danger to which I was ex
posy(' in Admiration of the cool and stoi
cal conduct of our sailors. They fell and,
expired without a cry, though racked_with
the most fearful agonies.
The southern side of our town has suf
fered most severely and is hardly to be rec
ognized. Five hundred houses have been
totally destroyed, and grass is growing on
their ruins. The beautiful theatre no lore
gar exists. Though the upper districts of
the town are not so Much damaged, yet
there is not a single house to be seen whicji
does not bear manifest traces of the bom
bardment. The streets are everywhere
Plowed up by shot, and the pavements is
totally destroyed, while at every center
stand whole pyramids of the enemy's can
non balls and exploded shells, which 'tvere
daily collected before the opening of the
lire. In many streets live or six such pyra
mids are to be seen, each of them from
eight feet to ten feet high. Nevertheless,
business is continued, and booths are o
pened for the sale of goods. Prices, how
ever, are enormously raised, and sugar costs
one silver rouble (25.) per pound. The
supply of meat is more than abundant, but
bread is exceedingly scarce.. The streets
are tilled with peOple, and crowds - Of chil
dren run to and fro, assisting at the •con
struction •of barricades and pelting each
otht3r with balls of clay.
Scenes Within Sevastopol.